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Studi Epidemiologi Penyakit Viral Pada Ikan Kerapu (Epinephelus SP.) Sebagai Pola Dasar Peta Sebar Penyakit Ikan Di Sumatera Utara

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International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No.

11 November 2015

Studi Epidemiologi Penyakit Viral Pada Ikan Kerapu (Epinephelus sp.) Sebagai Pola Dasar
Peta Sebar Penyakit Ikan Di Sumatera Utara

Bambang Hendra Siswoyo, S.Pi, M.Si

The long term aim of this study is to make the prediction of the appearance of viral disease of sea
fish/epinephelus sp. as an early warning system. Meanwhile, for the short term aim, it is to analyze the
spread of virus infection in sea fish which is based on the influence of qualitative water quality parameter
caused by changeable weather as a study material for epidemiology of fish disease. The special target in this
study is to have an arranged map of the spreading fish disease of virus group which attack sea fish in North
Sumatera. This study was carried out in Laboratory of Fish Quarantine Hall Class I Polonia – Medan in
North Sumatera as a test laboratory of Biology molecular (PCR conventional) and the quality of test water.
The field study was carried out in the cultivation centers of sea fish in east coastal area in North Sumatera
and in the center of sea fish natural haul in the surrounding area. This study is a survey study and the
method used is Descriptive method and Sentinel Surveillance Method. The basic data of virus prevalence is
analyzed by finding out the association between virus infestations with the data obtained from water quality.
Keywords: Epidemiology, Viral, sea fish/epinephelus.sp

The activity of fish cultivation causes the manipulation efforts and modification not only for
circumstance, bio-reproduction, density, woof management, but also many more. This condition causes stress
towards the cultivated commodity which is susceptible to either infection or non infection disease. The
appearance of that disease is a biological risk that should be anticipated. The fish disease is a serious problem
which should be faced in developing fish cultivation. The lost of fish caused by fish disease can make the
death of fish and also decrease the quality of the fish itself. The death caused by the fish disease depends on
kinds of fish disease attack, fish condition and circumstance condition. If the circumstance condition
decreases so the death fish caused by epidemic disease is very high, but on the other hand, if the
circumstance condition is good the death fish caused by epidemic disease is lower. The lower and higher of
the death fish caused by an infection disease depends on the fish immunization condition. If the epidemic
disease happens in healthy fish it will not cause high death fish and on the contrary, it will make fish death
high if the condition of the fish is unhealthy (Spriyadi, 2007).
The biggest spreading of sea fish (epinephelus fuscoguttatus) is now in Malaysia with its seeds taken
from Indonesia. The supply from North Sumatera area can reach more than 20 million fish seeds per year
(Sisterkarolin, 2010). Epinephelus fuscoguttatus is one of the promised first rate fishes in Indonesia and now
it has been a potential and a big promised change market. The potency needs more quality cares from the
seed resulted by hatchery because the activity of seedbed is the starting of a set of fish activities. The high
qualified seed is one of the keys of the successful activity cultivation.
The handling of larger activity management and the handling of disease are very important by
implementing principle management of friendly circumstance in order to increase productivity area, to
reduce pollution, and to make sustainable cultivation area.

Epidemiology is the study about patterns (dynamic and distribution) and caused factors
(determinant) of disease of a population (Malole and Zenal, 2006). Determinant consists of three factors
usually called Ecology Venn Diagram as can be seen in the following picture 1

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Picture I. Ecology Venn diagram

Note: (1.Agent; 2. mother; 3. Circumstance; 4.disease)

The dynamic of the existence disease depends on the level of incidence, intensity, the total number of
fish death, and the level of death, while distribution is connected to seasons and ecosystem. In a certain
disease, distribution is determined by natural barriers and commodity traffics. The combination among
determinant, dynamic and distribution cause one area becomes endemic, where the incident value and its
intensity are lower because the mother develops the immunity towards the agents. It the circumstance takes a
role as an influence, the agent has changing attitude (mutation) which causes virulence and leads to epidemic
with high scale number of death and level of death. Epidemics study can be carried out by several ways, they
are: by collecting field data (primer and secondary and laboratory inspection by using several inspection
methods (Malole, 2006).
Based on the three illustrations of circles above, as a general mechanism concept it causes disease
naturally. Philosophical strategy of basic management of the healthy fish should be focused on the efforts on
the repairing the three integrated components (Taukhid, 2006), namely: First, providing a good circumstance
and management. Second, choosing a healthy mother which is free from diseases; having enough food; and
having scale monitoring. Third, implementing the bio-security concept towards the pathogen.

The Quality of Water for Fish Cultivation

Generally, fish cultivation in Indonesia used floating net cages in the sea; however, traditional
cultivation is still being used in earthen dam. Generally in Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia use
cultivation system floating net cages. According to Chua and Teng (1978) the quality of waters optimally for
the growth of sea fish such as the temperature is between 24-31 C, salinity is between 30-33ppt, soluble
oxygen is 3,5 ppm and pH is 7,8-8,0
At the same time, Suprakto and Fahlivi (2007) report that he quality of waters at cultivation area with
its current speed is 15-30cm/second, temperature is 27-29˚C, salinity is 30-33 ppt, pH 80-8,2 oxygen 5
ppm and the depth is 5m. The quality of waters in the haul location is in North Tanimbar, with its
temperature is 27, 00-29, 62 ˚C, salinity is 34,259- 34,51ppt, soluble oxygen is 3,95 – 4,28 ml/nitrate is 1,00-
6,00 µg. at/l and phosphate around 0,80 -1,40 g a/l (Laksono and Wenno, 2003). Suitable ecology
parameter for the growth of sea fish the temperature is about 24 -31˚C, salinity is 30 -33 ppt, soluble oxygen
is ppm, pH is between 7,8-8,0 (Yoshimitsu et al.,1986).
Arthur (1966) states that the problem of sea fish cultivation disease in East Asia and South East Asia
have been identified by some cultivation factors, namely by: developing the circumstance (pollution and
poison caused by abundant platoon ) and improving management (acclimatization, handling the mortality
and mortality transportation in juvenile. The program of health management should fulfill several
requirements and should cover all cultivation activities. At the level of production, the requirements should
be fulfilled such as the choices of seed, nutrition, handle the waste, optimalize the quality of water, and
monitor occasionally (Reantoso et al, 2006).

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 11 November 2015

From many problems, the main cause of health problem is circumstance. For this case, we should
consider the level of preventing, monitoring and, overcoming. The successful method which is usually used
to decrease the health problem is by improving the quality of cultivation circumstance. The following are the
indicators which cause the bad circumstance of cultivation ponds:
 The high fluctuation of pH is ( 0 5),
 The transparency and the unneeded ponds’ water
 The appearance of foams and the bubbles or algae which are floating on water surface
 Waste distribution is on the bottom of the ponds
 There are blooming platoons
 There are leftovers foods or the leftover foods are consumed very fast.
High ammoniac concentration in the water makes the fish reserves osmosis by decreasing ion internal
concentration ammoniac as well as increases oxygen consumption by nets, destroys fish gills and decreases
the ability of blood for transformation. All this happens because there is ammoniac sublette concentration
that can increase the fish sensitivity of disease.
Ammoniac is produced by decreasing the protein to get energy and discharge through fish gills as the
exchangeable sodium as part of ion regulation system. The power of ammonia poison decreases along the
increasing of water salinity. The content of ammonia is 30 (thirty) % on sea water with empoison if it is
compared to fresh water with pH (Andrew et. al, 2003). Boyd (1982) also states that water, nitrogen,
ammonia (NH3) cause toxicity on fish and ionization ammonia (NH4) do not cause toxin for fish, except if
it is in high concentration that is above 0,3 ppm which can damage fish gills and as a result it make difficulty
for respiration.

Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus
Nowadays, the spreading of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus is Malaysia with its seeds taken from
Indonesia. The supplying is taken from North Sumatera which can reach about 15 (fifteen) millions fish
seeds per year (Sisterkarolin, 2008). Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus belongs to Perciformes ordo, Serranidae
family, Epinephelus genus and Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus species. This fish belongs to active fish eaten and
it is sensible to the change of fluctuate water quality ,needs indirectly shine light, live in coral reef, swim on
the bottom of water with its optimal temperature20 ˚C, and its average length maximum 90 cm.
The body of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus is full with small scales of fish in the cycloid shape. The name
of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus is usually given for Serranidea genus, namely: Epinephelus, Variola,
Plectropamus and Cromileptes. In Indonesia Epinephelus has 38 (thirty eight) species. Most of them are
Serranidea families which live in shallow waters with its sandy bottom provided with coral reef although
some kinds of the species can be found in deepen waters. Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus has dorsal fish fins
(back), anal fish fins (stomach), pectoral fish fins (chest), lateral line fish fins (scratch side) and caudal fish
fins (tail). Dorsal fish fins are long and almost cover all of its back where its hard fingers have the same
numbers with its soft fingers. The total number of its fingers is 13-15. Anal fish fins consist of 3 fingers. The
total number of its fish fins is 15-17 and its braches is 13-15. The fish fins cover of all its small body, shiny
with sicloid form. The basic color of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus is brown with its stomach is white and
black and white spots along its unstructured body.
The body shape of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus is long and tends to be compressed or rather round. The
thickness of its body is 2,6 – 2,9 from the standard of length, with its lateral line scale is 53-58. The total
length of the Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus’ body can reach 80 cm. The wide mouth with slanting position and
lower lip appears to the front. The upper and lower jaws completed with two rows, sharp and pointed, and
strong. The biggest teeth are located in front. The fish fins of its tail are rounded. A big nostril is located
above the mouth like a crescent moon (Abduh dkk, 2007).
The spreading of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus in Indonesia is very exotic. The biggest seedbeds are in
Bali and Lampung. Areas such as Aceh, Batam, and South Sulawesi are bunch area. North Sumatera has
become a successful area for enlarging measurement until 6-8 inches (Diskanla Sumut, 2008).
ISSN: 2411-5681 www.ijern.com

Kinds of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus can be seen the Picture below :

Picture 2 Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus

The Study Method

The Study Program was carried out by 3 (three) steps for 3 (three) years, each step has a different
study method, namely:
1. The first step ( 1st year) is to make an inventory of the study of virus attack status towards Epinephelus
Fuscoguttanus, either the cultivation or natural catch where it usually decreases immunity in parameter
condition of fluctuate quality caused by bad weather. At this step, the diagnosis is carried towards
sample fish by using conventional molecule biology test (PCR). The given analysis result has become
the basic data to determine the prevalence scores. This study method is carried out descriptively in
which the first step shows the factual description about the facts and behavior of fish population.
Furthermore, in this case, there will a comparison and an evaluation be carried out.
2. The second step (2 nd year) is to look for the possible association between virus infestation in the
Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus by using water parameter for each study location. At this level, the data
attached by virus are found in the previous step will be collected and analyzed for the cause and effect
and with its correlation.
3. The third step (3rd year) is to find out the correlation between the first and the second step by using
Sentinel Surveillance System, namely: the combination between the passive and active surveillances in
order to get general surveillance data in order to get the completed and detailed data about diseases
and production. This activity is obtained through the cooperation between the employees and the
researchers. This system is useful for monitoring, early detection of an outbreak of disease and

Taking the Sampling

In this study, the samples of Epinephelus Fuscoguttanus are random sampling which are based on the
observation of fish clinical symptom, anamneses, first data of water quality parameter, prevalence parameter
which are based on norms of taking the samples which referred to Amos (1985) in Lightner (1996)

The Procedure of the Study

The Measurement of Water Quality Parameter
The parameter measuring of water quality is directly carried out in each location with its certain station
center which is suitable for the needs with the assumption that the data accurately gained. The parameter
measured covers:
Parameter of Physics : air and water temperature
Parameter of Chemistry : soluble oxygen (DO), salinity; pH; ammonia and nitrite.
Rainfall : the previous year and it happened when the research was
carried out.
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 11 November 2015

The water and air temperature are measured by using thermometer. Salinity is measured by using hand
refractometer and soluble oxygen, pH, ammonia, nitrite which are measured by using multi parameter ion
specific (HANNA instruments-Italy). The rainfall data is obtained from Bureau of Meteorology Climatology
and Geophysics (BMKG) of the local place.

The Handling of Sampling

After the sample of fish are collected, then, they are packed by using plastic which is filled with
oxygen so that it can be lasted for about 8 (eight) hours. Then, it is kept in a different aquarium with each
sampling station with a given code (the aquarium measurement is 60 x 40 x 40 cm3 filled with water for 10
liters).Before the aquarium is used it should be disinfected.

Laboratory Examination
The fish samples which are obtained for each location is carried out PCR test which is determined the
status of virus attack so it can get its prevalence scores. PCR test is carried out by using PCR qualitative
production method Iq 2000. The organ target which is taken is eyes and brain for RNA virus and fish gills
for DNA virus. The examination procedures can be obtained by manual kit which is going to be bought. The
virus infestation in fish is determined by prevalence scores, that is, the percentage of the total number of
infected fish divided into the total number of examined fish. The formula used is according to Kabata (1985)
is as follows:

the total inf ected fish by virus

Pr evalence  x 100%
the total number of exa min ed fish

Furthermore, to know the association between water quality parameter (DO, temperature, salinity, pH,
ammonia, and nitrite) ,the virus prevalence score is used regression and correlation analysis as well as to
find determination coefficient in order to know the percentage of the existing extoparasite which is described
by water quality parameter factor through linear correlation. Statics data analysis uses Tool Data Analysis
Microsoft Excel.

Supporting Data
The supporting data is actually the components of Sentinel Reporting System, they are:
1. The report from the farmers/producers
2. The employees in Fishery Department
3. The report form of disease
4. The laboratory Diagnostic
5. The Management and data analysis
6. The Report and feedback
Then, the above data are analyzed descriptive comparative by using the obtained main data in order to
get a conclusion.

The Obtained Result

The result of Field Data

ISSN: 2411-5681 www.ijern.com

Table 1
The Average Data of Rainfall and Temperature in July 2013 in the Center of Taking the Sampling

The Average of Water

Area The Average of Rainfall (mm)
Langkat 305 24,2
Medan 312 24,1
Deli Serdang 157 25,1
Serdang Bedagai 25 27,2

Table 2
The Average Data of Rainfall and Temperature in August 2013 in the Center of Taking the Sampling

The Average of Water

Area The Average of Rainfall (mm)
Langkat 137 25,1
Medan 257 24,2
Deli Serdang 187 25,7
Serdang Bedagai 146 27,1


1. July 2013

2. August 2013

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 3 No. 11 November 2015

Table 3 Prevalence
The number of examined The number of infected
Year 2013 Prevalence
fish virus
July 8 5 62.5
August 8 5 62.5

The Conclusion
1. From the basic data obtained from the field research and laboratory test, it is found that prevalence
between July and August is the same, that is 2,5% in July.
2. The prevalence of bigger score than 50% shows that there is the influence of virus attack towards the
heavy fish. This is caused by the high rainfall which causes low temperature. Virus can make
incubation in a certain temperature 250 C.
3. To make sure that there is a correlation between virus attack and water parameter and
1. the analysis of the causes will carried out for the next study

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