Final Quiz - Cisco1
Final Quiz - Cisco1
Final Quiz - Cisco1
1. Follow all instructions carefully. Failure to do so will warrant a substantial deduction from your final score.
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APPLICATION: Perform the necessary operations. (50pts)
A. Refer to the topology. The routers’ Fast Ethernet interfaces are assigned the first usable address
while the servers are assigned the last usable address in each of their respective LAN’s. Provide the following
information. (20pts)
A. IP/Logical Address
C. Router
D. Application
F. Describe physical characteristics to transmit bits over a common media
G. Physical
H. Port/Process Number
J. Network Access
K. Methods for reliable frame exchange over a common media
L. Network
M. MAC/Physical Address
O. Frame
P. Services to segment, transfer and reassemble the data
Q. Segments
R. Network addressing and best path determination
S. Session
T. Packet
U. Switch
Multiple Choice : Choose the letter of the best answer. A) port addressing
1. The addressing scheme used in transport layer. B) physical addressing
A) port addressing C) logical addressing
B) physical addressing D) layer 4 addressing
C) logical addressing
D) layer 2 addressing 4. The process in which the data are divided into
smaller pieces.
2. The addressing scheme used in datalink layer. A) segmentation
A) port addressing B) multiplexing
B) physical addressing C) encapsulation
C) logical addressing D) compression
D) layer 1 addressing
5. The process in which different transmissions can
3. The addressing scheme used in network layer.
be interleaved on the network simultaneously. TCP/IP model into OSI model?
A) multiplexing A) Application, Presentation, Session
B) segmentation B) Data Link and Physical
C) encapsulation C) Application
D) encryption D) Transport
6. The basic elements of network. 13. This provides the physical connection to the
network at the PC or other host device.
A) Rules, Messages, Medium, Devices A) NIC
B) Sender, Receiver, Media, Protocol B) Media
C) Sender, Receiver, Channel C) Cable
D) End Device, Intermediary Device, Cable D) Channel
7. The basic characteristics for network. 14. A connector or outlet on a networking device
A) Fault tolerance, Scalability, QoS, Security where the media is connected to a host or other
B) Segmentation, Encapsulation, Forwarding networking device.
C) Encoding, Encapsulation, Compression A) Physical port
D) Segmentation, Multiplexing, Signaling B) Fast Ethernet port
C) RJ-45
8. The basic elements of communication. D) Cables
A) Sender, Receiver, Channel
B) End Device, Intermediary Device, Cable 15. Specialized ports on an internetworking device
C) Hardware, Software, Peopleware that connect to individual networks.
D) Rules, Message, Devices A) Interface
B) Port
9. Which is not an end device? C) NIC
A) Router D) Management
C) Smart Phone 16. These are the rules that govern
D) Tablet communications.
A) Protocols
10. Which is not an intermediary device? B) Syntaxs
A) Router C) Message
B) Switch D) OSI
C) Hub
D) Printer 17. Which is an example of reference model?
11. Which statement is true regarding layer name B) OSI
and their corresponding PDU? C) IOS
A) Application-Data, Transport-Segment, Network- D) ISO
Packet, Data Link-Frame
B) Application-Data, Transport-Packet, Network- 18. TCP/IP model is governed by ____.
Segment, Data Link-Frame A) IETF
C) Application-Data, Transport-Frame, Network- B) IANA
Packet, Data Link-Segment C) ISO
D) Application-Segment, Transport-Datagram, D) IEEE
Network-Frame, Data Link-Bits
19. Which are the layers of OSI model (in order) ?
12. What are the corresponding layers of layer 4 of A) Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport,
Session, Presentation, Application B) arp -a
B) Network Access, Internet, Transport, C) ping
Application D) ipconfig /displaydns
C) Physical, Data Link, Network Access, Transport,
Prsentation, Session, Application 27. A service protocol which used to resolved
D) Network Access, Internet, Transport, Session, resource names with the required numeric network
Presentation, Application address.
20. What are the corresponding layers of layer 1 of B) DHCP
TCP/IP model into OSI model? C) TFTP
A) Physical and Data Link D) SMB
B) Application, Presentation, and Session
C) Network Access
D) Physical and Network Access
28. The four processes of DHCP.
21. Which protocol does not belongs to the group? A) Discover, Offer, Request, and
A) IP Acknowledge/Negative Acknowledge
B) TCP B) Discover, Request, Offer, and Acknowledge
C) IPx C) Discover, Offer, Request, and Negative
D) AppleTalk Acknowledge
D) Offer, Discover, Request, and Acknowledge
22. Which protocol does not belongs to the group?
A) DNS 29. A protocol used for file and resources sharing.
23. Which are the Presentation layer functionlities?
A) Coding, Conversion, Compression, Encryption 30. A protocol which allows a user to remotely
B) Segmentation, Encapsulation, Decapsulation access another device securely.
C) Routing, Switching, Forwarding A) Telnet
D) Segmentation, Multiplexing, Reassembly B) SSH
24. Which are the two forms of software? D) TFTP
A) application and service
B) application and system 31. A PDU when Transport layer used UDP.
C) service and system A) datagram
D) system and daemon B) segment
C) packet
25. A table that maps ip addresses into mac D) data
A) ARP table 32. The size of TCP header.
B) MAC table A) 20 bytes
C) ROUTING table B) 8 bytes
D) TOPOLOGY table C) 1518 bytes
D) 22 bytes
26. A command use to query a domain name and
get the IP Address. 33. Which is not a features of UDP?
A) nslookup A) Connectionless
B) Fast B) Security
C) Low Overhead C) Address management
D) Error Checking D) Ownership
34. Which is not a features of TCP? 41. In networking, 0 represents the ___ and 1
A) Connectionless represents the ___.
B) Reliable A) host, network
C) Flow Control B) network address, broadcast address
D) Error Checking C) network, host
D) broadcast address, network address
35. It is simply the combination of the device’s IP
address and the source/destination port for the data, 42. Which is not a type of address?
separated by a colon. A) subnet mask
A) socket B) network
B) TCP/IP C) broadcast
C) interface port D) host
D) service port
43. The valid range of IP Address value is ___.
36. Port numbers are managed and assigned by A) 0-255
____. B) 1-255
A) IANA C) 0-256
B) IETF D) 1-256
D) ISO 44. Which is not a type of communication?
A) telecast
37. Segments are being reassembled in destination B) unicast
device using the ___. C) broadcast
A) Sequence Number D) multicast
B) Checksum
C) Acknowledgement 45. A service used to convert private addresses into
D) Window Size public addresses.
38. The amount of data that can be sent before B) ARP
requiring an acknowledgement. C) DNS
A) Window Size D) ISP
B) Flow Control
C) Sequence Number 46. A 32 bit value, expressed in dotted decimal
D) Fragment Offset notation, that specifies the number of network bits
and the number of host bits.
39. Which is not a characteristics of Network A) subnet mask
layer? B) ip address
A) Reliable C) network address
B) Connectionless D) prefix length
C) Best Effort
D) Media Independent 47. Given the binary value
11110000.00001111.00111100.1100011, what is the
40. Which is not a reason to separate hosts into dotted decimal value?
networks? A)
A) Performance B)