Orifice Meter: How Does It Work?

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Orifice meter

An orifice meter is a conduit and a restriction to creat pressure drop. Orifice plates are flat plates
1/16   to   1/4   inch   thick.In order to use any of these devices for measurement it is necessary to
empirically calibrate them. That is, pass a known volume through the meter and note the reading
in order to provide a standard for measuring other quantities. Due to the ease of duplicating and
the simple construction, the thin sharp edged orifice has been adopted as a standard and
extensive calibration work has been done so that it is widely accepted as a standard means of
measuring fluids. Provided the standard mechanics of construction are followed no further
calibration is required. An orifice in a pipeline with a manometer for measuring the drop in
pressure (differential) as the fluid passes through the orifice. The minimum cross sectional area
of the jet is known as the “vena contracta.”

How does it work?

As the fluid approaches the orifice the pressure increases slightly and then drops suddenly as the
orifice is passed. It continues to drop until the “vena contracta” is reached and then gradually
increases until at approximately 5 to 8 diameters downstream a maximum pressure point is
reached that will be lower than the pressure upstream of the orifice. The decrease in pressure as
the fluid passes thru the orifice is a result of the increased velocity of the gas passing through the
reduced area of the orifice. When the velocity decreases as the fluid leaves the orifice the
pressure increases and tends to return to its original level. All of the pressure loss is not
recovered because of friction and turbulence losses in the stream. The pressure drop across the
orifice increases when the rate of flow increases.
When there is no flow there is no differential. The differential pressure is proportional to the
square of the velocity, it therefore follows that if all other factors remain constant, then the
differential is proportional to the square of the rate of flow.


Qv = 218.527*Cd*Ev*Y1*(d2)*[Tb/Pb]*[(Pf1*Zb*hw)/(Gr*Zf1*Tf)]0.5 (3-6)
Cd = Orifice plate coefficient of discharge
d = Orifice plate bore diameter calculated at flowing temperature (Tf) - in.
Gr = Real gas relative density (specify gravity)
hw = Orifice differential pressure in inches of water at 60 degF
Ev = Velocity of approach factor
Pb = Base pressure - psia
Pf1 = Flowing pressure (upstream tap - psia
Qv = Standard volume flow rate - SCF/hr.
Tb = Base temperature - degR
Tf = Flowing temperature - degR
Y2 = Expansion factor (downstream tap)
Zb = Compressibility at base conditions (Pb,Tb)
Zf1 = Compressibility (upstream flowing conditions - Pf1, Tf)

1.Concentric Square Edge Orifice Plate 

The concentric square edge orifice plates we offer are most commonly used devices for flow
measurement of clean liquids, gases and low velocity vapor flows. These plates have a sharp,
square edged hole bored in a flat thin plate with or without bevel at the outlet depending on size
& usage. They are widely used for restricting flows and dropping pressures.

2.Segmental Orifice Plate 

These segmental orifice plates we offer are most useful where there are substantial entrained
water or air and also if there are suspension in the fluids. This avoids build up in front of the
orifice plate. The orifice hole is placed at the bottom for gas service and top for liquids.

3.Eccentric Orifice Plate 

These eccentric orifice plates we offer are most useful where there are substantial entrained
water or air and also if there are suspension in the fluids. This avoids build up in front of the
orifice plate. The orifice hole is placed at the bottom for gas service and top for liquids.
4.Conical entrance orifice plates:-
These conical entrance orifice plates are used for low Reynolds number (generally below 10,000) and
give more constant or predictable discharge coefficient. At lower reynolds numbers, the discharge
coefficient of square edge orifice plate may change by as much as 30%. These are more usable for
viscous service.

5.Quadrant Edge Orifice Plate :-

These Quadrant Edge Orifice Plate are used for low

reynolds number and give more constant discharge
coefficient. At lower reynolds numbers, the discharge
coefficient of square edge orifice plate may change by 30%.

Advantage of Orifice Meter Measurement:-

Flow can be accurately determined without the need for actual fluid flow calibration. Well
established procedures convert the differential pressure into flow rate, using empirically derived
coefficients. These coefficients are based on accurately measurable dimensions of the orifice
plate and pipe diameters as in standards, combined with easily measurable characteristics of the
fluid, rather than on fluidflow calibrations.
With the exception of the orifice meter, almost all flow meters require a fluid flow calibration at
flow and temperature conditions closely approximating service operation in order to establish
In addition to not requiring direct fluid flow calibration, orifice meters are simple, rugged,
accepted, reliable and relatively inexpensive.
No moving parts!

 Permanent pressure loss
 Clogging
 Square root characteristic
 Changing characteristics
 High Accuracy required



  Instrumentation for process measurement and control by Norman A. Anderson
 Engineering Experiment Station bulletin Issue 77

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