INSEAD 2011 Brochure

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MBA Programme 2011

One year to challenge your thinking,

change your outlook and choose your future.
1. Welcome to INSEAD’s MBA 01

2. Classes of 2009 02

3. The learning experience 04

4. Unique learning environment 06

5. Faculty and research 08

6. Curriculum 12

7. The INSEAD difference 14

8. Key facts of 2010 classes 16

9. Your career 18

10. Life at INSEAD 20

11. Alumni network 22

12. Two of the fifty 24

13. Financing your MBA 26

14. Scholarships 27

15. What should I do now? 28

16. Frequently asked questions 29

MBA Programme 2011 01

Welcome to
A life-changing experience: this is how many of the past participants
describe the INSEAD MBA programme. It is also intense, challenging,
exciting and takes place in what is probably the most diverse
environment you will ever experience.

So why INSEAD?
INSEAD has 145 faculty from more than As our graduates transition back to the
36 countries, who are an inspiring mix of professional world they benefit from another
thought leaders, change agents and innovators, major advantage of INSEAD: our powerful
many of whom have been globally recognised alumni network.
for their ground-breaking research and
contribution to business. Faculty are based With over 40,000 members worldwide, living
on both of our equal status campuses in and working in over 160 countries across all
Fontainebleau and Singapore, enabling them continents, there is a breadth and depth to
to give participants unique insights into the our network that is unmatched by any of
world of business in Europe and Asia. INSEAD’s peer schools.

Diversity is at the heart of the INSEAD An INSEAD MBA helps you to better understand
experience and each class is a fusion of more and expand your world and provides you with
than 70 nationalities with no dominant culture: a passport to help you successfully navigate the
this creates an environment that fosters an ever-changing landscape of international business.
enthusiasm for open-minded debate and an
I would like to thank you for considering
eagerness to engage in new ideas. This year
INSEAD for your MBA degree and look
we have hit yet another milestone: 34% of
forward to meeting you on campus.
our December 2010 MBA class are women.

The intense 10-month curriculum develops

successful, thoughtful leaders and entrepreneurs
with cross-cultural insights and creative
problem-solving skills - leaders who generate
value for their organisations and communities.

Recent MBA graduates have gone on to work Jake Cohen

for over 300 different companies in more Dean of the MBA Programme
than 50 countries around the world facilitated
by INSEAD’s relationship with the world’s
leading recruiters.
02 MBA Programme 2011

of 2009
The classes of 2009 were one
of our most diverse MBA student
groups ever, in terms of nationality,
experience, education, gender
and ambition.
The industries and professions they came from
were also many and varied, but so were their
post-MBA career choices. Many changed their
country of work, sector or functional area
completely, some changed all three, whilst
others utilised their MBA as a springboard into
positions in their own sector that they could
only dream of before embarking on their MBA.

83 %
changed their country of work,
sector or functional area

26 %
changed all three
MBA Programme 2011 03
04 MBA Programme 2011

The learning
Faculty from all corners of the world lead “To a large extent, teaching at INSEAD is based
discussions that will test, inspire and challenge on active research and involvement in doctoral
your ideas, knowledge and concepts. The goal seminars, and active involvement with senior
of professors at INSEAD is to bring out the best executives and executive education. This is a
in each of you so that you can learn from each powerful and synergistic combination of theory
other’s experiences. Their objective is to put and practice, and for me, the MBA classroom is
all these experiences together and provide a where it comes together best. I suspect that at
framework for you to take with you when you INSEAD learning occurs as much or more
leave the class. There is no single preferred outside the classroom as inside. Our participants
teaching method at INSEAD as faculty are free bring to campus globally diverse backgrounds
to choose the method they believe fits best with and work experience and bright and curious
the content of the session and may include case- minds. When combined with the structure of
studies, computer simulations and role-playing. our curriculum, it makes INSEAD an intense
and magnificent learning environment.”

Subramanian Rangan
Professor of Strategy and Management
The Shell Fellow in Business and the Environment
MBA Programme 2011 05

Group experience
Central to INSEAD’s MBA experience is
working together in groups. The primary
objective of group work is to develop
team building skills and collaborative working
styles. Within your group you will also have
the opportunity to explore different leadership
preferences and hone your skills as a leader
in a risk-free environment.

When you arrive at INSEAD, you are assigned

to a study group. Your group will be made up
of fellow students from varied countries and
professional backgrounds to make it as diverse
as possible. You and your group will get to “In your first week, you are placed together
know each other very well during your time with four or five other classmates in a group,
at INSEAD as you work on various projects. and this group is yours for the next four months.
You will learn to work with people from All group work and group-generated grades
different backgrounds and cultures, who may come from this collaboration, so it is in your
not always see things the way you do - in fact, interest to create an effective team dynamic as
you will likely have diverging opinions and soon as possible. Taking into account the
perspectives. You will learn to share ideas, to personalities, the broad range of backgrounds
question, to challenge, to negotiate, to encourage, and experiences, this is a test in itself!”
to support and above all, to work together.
Victoria Tott
Class of July 2010
06 MBA Programme 2011

Unique learning

With a diverse mixture of gender, race, ethnicity,

age, work experience and interests at INSEAD you
will engage with the ‘world’ every day. A senior
faculty member at INSEAD summed it up like this:
“I thought I knew what diversity was before I joined
INSEAD, but once I got here, I realised I had never
experienced anything like it before. INSEAD is like
a small United Nations.”
MBA Programme 2011 07

Campus exchange “I chose INSEAD because the dual campus and

A unique and popular feature of an INSEAD everything that goes with it created a distinctive
MBA is our campus exchange programme. environment for learning. The atmosphere was
This is available to participants from Period 3 similar to working at a multinational company,
onwards and gives you the opportunity something that you would be hard-pressed to
to spend at least one period (eight weeks) find at any other school. My experience in the
at the other campus. Some students may also classroom was equally diverse and did not fit
choose to take advantage of the Wharton any certain mould. Classes were at times formal
exchange for one period. and lecture-based while at other times they
were open and participatory. What have I taken
The campus exchange is facilitated through away from the MBA experience? A very large
an online bidding process which takes place global network, including friends and alumni,
during Period 1, approximately 6 weeks that has created for me a support network that
after the programme starts, when you will be exists no matter where in the world I go. And
asked to indicate your campus preferences this makes living abroad much easier!”
for Period 3, Period 4 and Period 5. You can
also bid for the Wharton exchange during Ben Kamarck
this time. Approximately 70% of students take Class of July ’09
advantage of the campus exchange, spending American
time studying on both or sometimes all three
campuses during their time at INSEAD.
08 MBA Programme 2011

and research
MBA Programme 2011 09

The cornerstone of what makes Over the last 50 years, INSEAD has created a
community grounded in entrepreneurship, with
INSEAD different is our faculty. a ‘can do’ attitude in which 145 of some of the
No other business school has world’s best faculty thrive. INSEAD research and
a more diverse and engaged thought leadership is renowned for being both
faculty body than ours. rigorous and relevant.

INSEAD faculty are world leaders in key

business disciplines such as Leadership,
Strategy, Marketing, Entrepreneurship,
Organisational Behaviour and Finance.

They have also authored countless books and

research papers including international best
sellers such as : ‘The Momentum Effect’ by Jean-
Claude Larréché; ‘Dance With Chance, Making
Luck Work For You’ by Spyros Makridakis,
Robin Hogarth and Anil Gaba (pictured left);
‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ by W. Chan Kim and
Renée Mauborgne and ‘Humanitarian Logistics’
by Luk Van Wassenhove and Rolando Tomasini.

world-class faculty from
36 countries
10 MBA Programme 2011

“I am a social psychologist by training, and I do

experimental research on culture and negotiations.
Given the amazing diversity that you see every
day in the MBA classroom, INSEAD has always
been an ideal place for someone like me
to work. Students and faculty are constantly
challenging each other to think deeply about
important issues, to ask interesting questions,
and to always see the world through a complex,
multicultural lens.”

William Maddux
Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour
MBA Programme 2011 11

“For the past fifteen years, I have been studying

how firms develop their business portfolio by
developing, acquiring, and reshuffling their
resources. I share this knowledge in a holistic
MBA course which integrates strategic, financial,
organisational, and human perspectives to help
MBAs learn how to identify, price, and integrate
firms or specific resources through M&As,
alliances or other corporate development tools.”

Laurence Capron
Professor of Strategy
Research Director INSEAD-Wharton Alliance

Research passion, commitment for teaching

excellence, and an enthusiastic inter-disciplinary
approach to pedagogy led Professor Laurence
Capron to receive the Dean’s commendation
for Excellence in MBA Teaching and to win the
MBA Award for Best Teacher in 2008.
12 MBA Programme 2011

Curriculum The 10-month MBA programme includes

five periods, each lasting eight weeks. At the
conclusion of every period is an assessment
(exam, essay or project) and a short break.

The first half of the programme is built around

14 core courses, which provide you with a
solid understanding of the key management
disciplines including finance, accounting,
marketing, operations, strategy, leadership
and business ethics.

1 23 45
Period Period Period Period Period

Financial Corporate Elective Elective Elective

Accounting Financial
Policy Elective Elective Elective
Markets Marketing Elective Elective Elective
& Valuation Management Elective Elective
Leading Leading International
People Organisations Political Analysis
& Groups
Managerial Macroeconomics
Prices & Accounting in the Global
Process & Economy
Uncertainty, Operations
Data & Management

Business Ethics (P1-P3)

Career orientation Job search On and off campus recruitment

strategies Job search
January intake
Opportunity to take advantage
of the campus exchange
MBA Programme 2011 13

During the second half of the programme, a selection of more than 75 courses (offered
INSEAD offers you an unparalleled range across both campuses). While some students
of innovative electives, all taught from an prefer to concentrate on certain disciplines, such
international perspective. You can tailor the as entrepreneurship or strategy, others choose
programme to meet your specific needs and to take courses in a wider variety of subjects to
career objectives by choosing 11 electives from prepare for a career in general management.

Examples of electives:

Your First Hundred Days
Role play a management buyout in an
MBA team. After a preliminary session,
expect the unexpected – from phone calls
in the early hours to difficult journalists
and union reps!

Elective areas Mergers & Acquisitions, Alliances

& Corporate Strategy (MAACS)
— Accounting & Control Advanced strategy, exploration of modes
— Decision Sciences of corporate development including
mergers, acquisitions, strategic alliances,
— Economics & joint ventures and divestiture. Learn
Political Science frameworks and theories that will allow
for a structured approach to M&A issues
— Entrepreneurship from initiation to implementation.
& Family Enterprise
— Finance Market Driving Strategies
— Marketing Achieve and sustain market leadership
and profitable growth in competitive,
— Organisational Behaviour fast-changing global markets – all through
a simulated exercise.
— Strategy
— Technology & Operations Value Creation in Corporate
Management Restructuring (VCCR)
— Other (courses in areas such as Understand issues surrounding
Ethics and Communication). corporate restructuring and the financial
management of distressed corporations.
Answer what is, and what is not, value
creation. Analyse reasons for potential
success or failure of restructuring events
and finally, how these schemes impact
shareholder value.
14 MBA Programme 2011

The INSEAD difference

Setting the global business agenda Enriching the MBA programme

INSEAD has some of the world’s best faculty. While teaching has always been, and remains
They are all experts in their fields and are the number one priority for our faculty, we firmly
close to business; most have real-world, believe that teaching and research go hand-in-
practical, hands-on experience of working hand. That is why all INSEAD faculty both teach
with and consulting for global organisations. and conduct research. Global business practices
INSEAD is also one of the most prolific and are in a constant state of flux and research allows
successful creators of business cases amongst our faculty and students to be at the vanguard
the global schools and recently swept the of business management practices. Faculty
board by winning seven out of nine awards for research greatly enhances the INSEAD MBA
case studies in the prestigious European Case programme, enabling faculty to share the latest
Clearing House awards. business innovations with participants through
classroom debates and cases.
MBA Programme 2011 15

Examples of INSEAD faculty research that is Social Innovation Centre

resetting the global business agenda include: Social innovation at INSEAD is defined as
the introduction of new business models
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) and market based mechanisms that deliver
Created by INSEAD Professors W. Chan Kim sustainable economic, environmental and
and Renée Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy social prosperity and is taught at the INSEAD
focuses on making the competition irrelevant. Social Innovation Centre. This centre brings
Based upon around 150 cases spanning 100 together and enhances the academic expertise
years and more than 30 industries, it highlights of a diverse group of leading INSEAD research
‘Blue Ocean strategic moves’ such as Cirque teams in Corporate Social Responsibility and
du Soleil and Yellow Tail wines. In addition Ethics, Healthcare Management, Humanitarian
to retrospective case studies, it includes Research, Social Entrepreneurship and
theoretical approaches and practical tools Sustainability.
to create and capture ‘blue oceans’. Kim and
Mauborgne argue that tomorrow’s leading Rudolf and Valeria Maag International
companies will succeed not by battling Centre for Entrepreneurship (Maag ICE)
competitors, but by creating ‘blue oceans’ INSEAD has the largest and one of the
of uncontested market space ripe for most reputed entrepreneurship faculty in
growth.‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ the book, has the world. We offer the broadest range of
sold more than two million copies and is being entrepreneurship courses, rigorous and
published in a record-breaking 42 languages. rich research on building ‘business in a
global world’ and have one of the strongest
entrepreneurship alumni networks in the world.
The Maag centre is the catalyst for innovations
at INSEAD in entrepreneurship teaching,
research and outreach. We also support the
INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Initiative.
16 MBA Programme 2011

Key facts of 2010 classes

33 75
women on INSEAD MBA
programme in 2010

990 students
+ 2 intakes a year

200 703
scholarship recipients average GMAT score
MBA Programme 2011 17

10 29 month MBA

average age of participants

5.5 20
average years work experience English as a native language

Class diversity Asia /Asia Pacific Latin America

by nationality Benelux Middle East / Africa
Central / Nordic Countries
Eastern Europe North America
France Other Western Europe
Germany Southern Europe
India United Kingdom
18 MBA Programme 2011

Your career

Employment markets continued to be highly

Geographic location post graduation
impacted by the global recession in 2009.
Despite the challenges, 86% of INSEAD MBA Africa/Near/Middle East
Asia Pacific
graduates found employment within three
Central/Eastern Europe
months of graduation. Our international reach Latin America
continues to spread with graduates now joining North America
more than 370+ companies in 60 countries, our Northern Europe
highest number ever. 10 years ago, INSEAD Southern Europe
Western Europe
founded its Singapore campus, and our
development strategy in the region has
resulted in 22% of graduates taking jobs
in Asia Pacific.

44% of our graduates took industry positions

around the globe – with high numbers in the
consumer & luxury goods, healthcare and
high-tech/telecommunications industries. Sector split Consulting
Financial Services
Also for the first time, 4% of INSEAD MBA Advertising/Publishing
graduates took social impact positions Construction
immediately upon graduation, a testament Consumer & Luxury Goods
to the increasing opportunities for graduates Corporate Services
Energy & Petroleum
in the sector.
High-Tech /
Social media is playing an increasingly Telecommunications
important role in the job search, and we have Manufacturing
organised many practical sessions on using Media & Entertainment
Social Impact
social networks such as LinkedIn. Treks
Primary Industries
continued to provide a fantastic opportunity Transportation
for companies and participants to meet and Travel/Leisure Services
a wide range of sector treks were on offer
in 2009: investment banking, media and high-
tech, private equity, consumer & luxury goods,
real estate and energy. Further regional treks
took participants to Japan, Ghana, Korea, India,
Brazil and Switzerland.
MBA Programme 2011 19

“INSEAD’s work hard, play hard mentality enables “So much of the learning at INSEAD takes place
students to enjoy the perfect balance between beyond the classroom, whether it is an elective
schoolwork, job search, club activities, social in the BRIC countries, or on a two-week long
events and traveling. The only thing you give up real-time business simulation, or when we were
is sleeping… It also facilitates an atmosphere asked to implement what we have just learned
of cooperation rather than competition, which in class in the real world as we do in our
is often prevalent in other business schools. negotiations class. The other unique aspect
INSEADers are extremely driven and ambitious I found is the school’s geographical location –
individuals, yet they know how to have fun and with Europe and Southeast Asia at our doorstep,
acknowledge that sometimes you do not need we were so lucky to be exposed to so many new
to take yourself so seriously. cultures and traditions.

I really enjoyed the strong emphasis on The key INSEAD takeaway for me is the sense of
teamwork. Throughout my year at INSEAD I confidence that I can achieve whatever I want to.
participated in approximately 15 different work I now have an internationally recognised,
groups, collaborating closely with more than 40 geographically mobile qualification that allows
other students from a variety of backgrounds me to pivot my career in almost any direction
and nationalities. What people often don’t I choose. I am only now realising how much more
realise is that the staff population is equally I can do because of my INSEAD MBA! And with
diverse, another factor which makes access to the world-wide INSEAD network, of
the INSEAD learning experience so unique.” which I am now a member, I am finding that it is
much easier to get advice from fellow alums, draw
Amir Segall on their experience, probe into new opportunities
Class of July ’09 and help push my career forward in ways that
Israeli I simply could not have done before.”
Pre-INSEAD: Team Leader, Shaldor LTD, Israel
Rachna Chowla
Post-INSEAD: Transversal Projects Manager, Class of December ’09
Shiseido, France British
Pre-INSEAD: General Practitioner, Medicine, UK
Post-INSEAD: Product Manager, Astra Zeneca, Italy
20 MBA Programme 2011

Life at

Life at INSEAD, whether inside or outside However you decide to spend your time, most
of the classroom, is stimulating and intense. likely, you will look back on your year at INSEAD
Although the pace of the programme is fast as the best year of your life.
and participants have a schedule that is full with
classes, group work and personal study time, life Partners and families
doesn’t stop when study is done for the day. Both INSEAD is a real melting pot of cultures and
campuses have a strong work hard, play hard languages so this is a great year for partners to
ethic and participants indulge in a wide variety meet new people, to broaden their horizons and
of extracurricular and social activities. even pick up a new language. With over 30%
of the MBA participants coming to INSEAD with
Life on campus is rich and varied. You could their partners, the partners have a very active life on
join one of the several career-oriented clubs campus. The INSEAD community is extremely child-
such as Consulting, Private Equity, Energy or friendly and both campuses offer play rooms for
Women in Business, and network in a sector or the babies and toddlers who are an integral part
industry in which you plan to pursue your career. of the community.With a free run of the campuses,
If you have a talent for sports, perhaps you will the children and their parents contribute to making
represent INSEAD in inter-school matches. MBA the INSEAD experience an unforgettable one.
participants also pursue an intense programme
of social and leisure activities off-campus.
MBA Programme 2011 21

“Bringing a newborn baby with me when

I began INSEAD’s programme was both
physically and mentally challenging. Looking
back, I do not feel that I would have survived
without the tremendous support that I
received both from my family and INSEAD’s
administration and the encouragement of my
classmates. It was also very helpful to have
an on-campus play room where I could feed
my son in comfort and meet with other MBA
students and partners who also had young
children. In fact, my son enjoyed his own ‘little
INSEAD’ experience by meeting and playing
with other babies from diverse backgrounds!”

Ayako Tokuyama
Class of July 2010
22 MBA Programme 2011

Alumni network

MBA Alumni

MBA Programme 2011 23

Our alumni live and work in over

160 countries across all continents.
The INSEAD Alumni Association
(IAA) brings together an active
network of 43 national associations.
The advice and encouragement
that flows between INSEAD alumni
is a very important tool in building
business throughout the world.

New York Caesarea, Israel
Abu Dhabi



Research Centre
Alumni Networks
(>100 Alumni)
Alumni Networks
(>10 Alumni)

MBA alumni in 118 countries,

all alumni in 160+
24 MBA Programme 2011

Two of the fifty

To celebrate INSEAD’s 50th Anniversary, during “INSEAD rounded out my skills and gave me
2010 we honored the ‘50 alumni who changed a great deal of confidence. Suddenly I was part
the world’. This diverse group of leaders from of a ‘pack’ of like-minded people who were
around the world shared how their experience now all in my global network.”
at INSEAD impacted their career, what motivates
them to achieve success and why strong “I look back on my decision to go to INSEAD
leadership is essential in business today. and see how it started this long journey of being
comfortable in the white spaces, building order
With over 20 years of investment and advisory into chaos, working with imperfect information
experience helping start-up businesses, Julie is the and building relationships wherever I go. I was
founder and CEO of Ariadne Capital, managing brought up to not be a quitter. I have always
partner of the Ariadne Capital Entrepreneurs been a real fighter and have always lived by
(ACE) Fund, founder of Entrepreneur Country, co- the mantra, ‘never give up; never accept no
founder of First Tuesday, BBC Online Dragon’s Den and never go away.’ ”
dragon and weekly columnist in London’s City A.M.
Julie’s passion and entrepreneurial flair
Born in the US, Julie was an English Literature major has earned her awards as Ernst & Young’s
and began her career in high-tech marketing ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’, the World Economic
and spent the early days of her career working Forum’s ‘Global Leader of Tomorrow’ and a
in both Boston and Paris. place in the Wall Street Journal’s ‘Top 30
Most Influential Women in Europe.’
Julie admits that INSEAD was a ‘big awakening’
and it was here that she started to understand Julie Meyer, MBA ’97D
where her strengths and weaknesses lay. American
Founder and CEO, Ariadne Capital Ltd
MBA Programme 2011 25

“INSEAD was a great insight into excellent “The INSEAD experience gave me the confidence
teamwork and camaraderie and prepared to examine issues from an economic and business
me for many real-life negotiations I would perspective which helped me considerably
encounter in my career.” when I was appointed to the boards of several
government linked companies such like DBS Bank
It was the diversity of the participants that struck (Development Bank of Singapore) and PSA
Alan when he arrived at INSEAD. “Their different (Port of Singapore Authority).”
backgrounds and cultures and the way they looked
at problems from a different angle gave me a good Alan’s experiences with these government
perspective of the different views to a problem. It linked organisations helped his transition into
also provided me with a global network of contacts.” the commercial world in July 2002, when he was
appointed the Group President of Singapore
Alan recalls the strategy games for Market Strategy Press Holdings (SPH).
and International Finance as a particularly exciting
part of his time at INSEAD.“We used to take different Alan Heng Loon Chan, MBA ’83D
roles and work all weekend simulating our plans Singaporean
and submitting our inputs on Sunday evenings”. CEO of Singapore Press Holdings
Chairman of the Corporate Governance
Alan went back to the Civil Service when he Council of Singapore
completed his MBA and remained there for 24
years, holding senior appointments such as Deputy
Secretary of the Foreign Ministry and Permanent
Secretary of the Transport Ministry.
26 MBA Programme 2011

your MBA
Admission to INSEAD is based Emerging Markets
on merit alone, and your financial
situation will not be taken into Syngenta is particularly committed to the dynamic
emerging market regions. Therefore, Syngenta
account when your application scholarships are for future leaders from emerging
for admission is considered. countries who require financial assistance.
The MBA Financing office will
strive to guide you on how to Innovation
meet your financing needs for the Eli Lilly and Company
programme. Ultimately, our goal The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage
is that no qualified candidates international diversity and innovative thinking at
INSEAD. The Eli Lilly scholarships are awarded to
walk away from INSEAD because candidates from Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern
they cannot afford it. Europe, Middle East, Central and South America,
Turkey and Canada.
There are a number of scholarships available
through INSEAD, amounting to €2.2 million L’Oréal
in 2010. In recent years, approximately 200
L’Oréal funds scholarships with the explicit
participants received these awards per year.
purpose of fostering creativity, diversity and
Scholarships are granted according to various
an entrepreneurial spirit. Students of any
criteria; the two basic categories of scholarships
nationality who demonstrate these qualities
are need-based and merit-based. Scholarships
may apply for this award.
are very important to INSEAD as an institution as
they allow us to continue to enhance our diversity
and to enroll outstanding candidates from a Academic Merit
variety of backgrounds. Some examples are: Louis and Evelyn Franck Endowed Award
for Excellence
Women Based on the quality of admission applications
Forté Foundation one award will be made per intake to one of the
most outstanding participants (as determined
The Forté Foundation’s mission is to substantially
by the school).
grow the number of women business owners and
leaders by increasing the flow of women into key
educational gateways and business networks. As part Entrepreneurship
of its association with the Forté Foundation, INSEAD Marguerre Endowed Scholarship(s)
awards two fellowships per year to outstanding for Entrepreneurial Talent
women admitted to the MBA programme. Alumnus Wolfgang Marguerre MBA ’72,
Chairman and Founder of Octopharma AG,
has endowed scholarships for candidates from
the new European Union countries and Russia
with proven entrepreneurial talent.
MBA Programme 2011 27


“I was admitted to the MBA programme at “As an entrepreneur, I self-funded the cost of
the height of the current financial crisis, which the MBA. While I believe that the INSEAD tuition
meant that my savings had taken a severe hit is an excellent investment in my future, the
and my startup company wasn’t in the best of scholarship I received significantly cushioned
shape to say the least. The fact that I couldn’t the financial burden. This is an important
find a single source of MBA loans willing consideration for students who plan to embark
to finance an Iraqi meant that a scholarship on an entrepreneurial career after INSEAD.
was my only hope for funding. Consequently, Entrepreneurship tends to be a lower-paying
receiving the Theo Vermaelen Scholarship was career track in the beginning compared to a
crucial for me to be able to attend INSEAD. corporate career, so it is important not to have
Furthermore, the fact that INSEAD has a too stringent obligations from student loans.
scholarship dedicated to Iraqis emphasised INSEAD’s generous scholarships help free
the school’s commitment to international up funds that allow students to pursue their
diversity, and its desire to bring Iraqis into ambitions and start out on their own.”
this community, which I hugely appreciate.”

Faris Al-Rifai Kristina Vetter

Class of July 2010 Class of July 2010
Iraqi German
INSEAD Theo Vermaelen Scholarship Recipient INSEAD Admiral Scholarship Recipient
28 MBA Programme 2011

What should I
do now?
If you would like to come and meet us If you want to apply
Pursuing an MBA is a life changing decision There are no hard and fast rules as to when is
and we strongly encourage you to visit INSEAD the right time to apply. Some applicants apply
where you can attend an informal information after five or more years of work experience,
session and receive a tour of campus (most whilst others after just two years of experience.
Fridays from 2pm in Fontainebleau and In general, applicants will have demonstrated
Mondays and Fridays from 2 pm in Singapore). solid achievements and dynamic career
Whenever possible, visitors will then be invited progression. Ultimately, you will know when
to attend an INSEAD class from 3:45pm to you are ready to take this next step in your
5:15pm. You can learn more about our professional and personal development.
on-campus visits at:
INSEAD admits two classes per year, each
comprising nearly 500 students; around 300
For more information or to schedule a visit, participants start on the Europe campus in
contact us at: Fontainebleau, France, and 200 participants
start on the Asia campus in Singapore.
[email protected]
The application to join the INSEAD MBA
You can also join us for in-house events which
programme can be found online at:
take place throughout the year. Here you will
be able to participate in a master class led by
a faculty member and also learn more about online.cfm
the programme from INSEAD marketing and
admission representatives and current students.
Admissions criteria
If you wish to attend an in-house event, you can
register on-line at: Academic capacity
Ability to contribute International
If you want to meet us close to you Leadership potential

If you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you.

Throughout the year, we host and attend
MBA events worldwide. Join us at one of these
events to learn more about the INSEAD MBA
programme and admissions process, and to
meet INSEAD alumni. Learn more at:
MBA Programme 2011 29

asked questions
What are the application deadlines? What is the difference between the
We operate a staged admissions process September and January intakes?
involving three rounds for both the September Both the September and January intakes are
and January intakes. You may apply at any identical academically, although the January
round, depending on when you have your intake includes an eight-week summer break,
complete application pack ready. While giving you the option to pursue an internship.
competition for each round is relatively equal,
the earlier you gain admission, the more time What is the language policy?
you have to secure financing and arrange English is the language of instruction at
logistics related to the programme. Whenever INSEAD. You need to be fluent in English to
you apply, please make sure that you submit apply to the programme. If English is your
a complete well-prepared application pack, native language, you must provide proof of an
including all supporting documents by intermediate ability in another language prior
the deadline. to commencing the programme. You must have
a basic knowledge of a third commercially
Deadlines useful language in order to graduate from the
September 2011 intake programme. For more information on the
(Class of July 2012) language policy, visit:
1st round: 29 September 2010
Why does INSEAD have a language policy?
2nd round: 01 December 2010
At INSEAD, we believe strongly in the
3rd round: 09 March 2011 importance of an international outlook.
The ability to communicate in more than one
January 2012 intake language will give you a competitive advantage
(Class of December 2012) in the global marketplace and enable you
to work effectively across multiple cultures.
1st round: 30 March 2011
What are the tuition fees?
2nd round: 15 June 2011 Tuition fees for the September 2010 and
January 2011 entries amount to €52,000.
3rd round: 03 August 2011
Do you have a non-discrimination policy?
INSEAD is committed to the value of diversity
as a source of learning and enrichment. In
keeping with this principle, INSEAD does not
discriminate against any person on the basis
of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation,
religion, age, national or ethnic origin, political
beliefs, marital status, or disability in the
admission to, treatment in, or employment
in its programmes and activities.
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Email: [email protected]

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Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 40 00
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