Acetone (Merck) PDF
Acetone (Merck) PDF
Acetone (Merck) PDF
Company/undertaking identification
Company: Merck KGaA * 64271 Darmstadt * Germany * Phone: +49 6151 72-0
Emergency telephone No.: Please contact the regional Merck representation
in your country.
2. Composition/information on ingredients
Dimetyl ketone, 2-Propanone
CAS-No.: 67-64-1 EC-Index-No.: 606-001-00-8
M: 58.08 g/mol EC-No.: 200-662-2
Formula Hill: C3H6O
Chemical formula: CH3COCH3
3. Hazards identification
Highly flammable. Irritating to eyes. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Vapours
may cause drowsiness and dizziness.
Indications for the doctor: After swallowing of large amounts: Gastric lavage.
The Safety Data Sheets for catalog items are also available at Page 1 of 6
Merck Safety Data Sheet
According to EC Directive 91/155/EEC
5. Fire-fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media:
powder, foam.
Special risks:
Combustible. Vapours heavier than air. Forms explosive mixtures with air at ambient temperatures.
Development of hazardous combustion gases or vapours possible in the event of fire.
Other information:
Keep away sources of ignition. Prevent fire-fighting water from entering surface water or
groundwater. Cool container with spray water from a save distance. Contain escaping vapours with
Environmental-protection measures:
Do not allow to enter sewerage system; risk of explosion!
Tightly closed in a well-ventilated place, away from sources of ignition and heat. At +15˚C
to +25˚C.
The Safety Data Sheets for catalog items are also available at Page 2 of 6
Merck Safety Data Sheet
According to EC Directive 91/155/EEC
The Safety Data Sheets for catalog items are also available at Page 3 of 6
Merck Safety Data Sheet
According to EC Directive 91/155/EEC
Further data
The product should be handled with the care usual when dealing with chemicals.
The Safety Data Sheets for catalog items are also available at Page 4 of 6
Merck Safety Data Sheet
According to EC Directive 91/155/EEC
Ecotoxic effects:
Biological effects:
Fish toxicity: L.macrochirus LC50: 8300 mg/l /96 h.
Daphnia toxicity: Daphnia magna EC50: 12600-12700 mg/l /48 h.
Maximum permissible toxic concentration:
Algeal toxicity: Sc.quadricauda IC5: 7500 mg/l /8 d;
Bacterial toxicity: M.aeruginosa EC5: 530 mg/l /8 d; Ps.putida EC5: 1700 mg/l /16 h;
Protozoa: E.sulcatum EC5: 28 mg/l /72 h.
No ecological problems are to be expected when the product is handled and used with due care and
The Safety Data Sheets for catalog items are also available at Page 5 of 6
Merck Safety Data Sheet
According to EC Directive 91/155/EEC
The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge. It
characterizes the product with regard to the appropriate safety precautions. It does not
represent a guarantee of the properties of the product.
The Safety Data Sheets for catalog items are also available at Page 6 of 6