Astm A 884 PDF
Astm A 884 PDF
Astm A 884 PDF
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1.1 This specification covers plain and deformed steel wire Wire Size No. Wire Size Mandrel Diameter, Time to
MW or MD, No. in. [mm] Complete, s
and plain and deformed steel welded wire fabric with protec- mm W or D, in. (maximum)
tive epoxy coating. A Class A minimum coating thickness is 6.5 to 39 1 to 6 twice the diameter 15
required for wire and welded wire fabric intended for use as of the wire
being tested
reinforcement in concrete and masonry. A Class B minimum >39 >6 four times the 45
coating thickness is required for wire and welded wire fabric diameter of the
wire being tested
intended for use as reinforcement in earth. A Type 1 coating is
a designation of fusion-bonded epoxy coating that has been
designed to be sufficiently flexible to allow fabrication of the
coated wire or welded wire fabric. A Type 2 coating is a
A 82 Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Re-
designation of fusion-bonded epoxy coating that has not been
designed to be sufficiently flexible to allow fabrication of the
A 185 Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for
coated wire or welded wire fabric.
Concrete Reinforcement2
NOTE 1—The coating applicator is identified throughout this specifica- A 496 Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete
tion as the manufacturer. Reinforcement2
1.2 Other organic coatings may be used provided they meet A 497 Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, De-
the requirements of this specification. formed, for Concrete Reinforcement2
1.3 This specification is applicable for orders in either SI A 775/A 775M Specification for Epoxy-Coated Reinforc-
units (Specification A 884M) or in inch-pound units [Specifi- ing Steel Bars2
cation A 884]. A 934/A 934M Specification for Epoxy-Coated Prefabri-
1.4 The values stated in either SI or inch-pound units are to cated Steel Reinforcing Bars2
be regarded as standard. Within the text, the inch-pound units G 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of Film
are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel3
exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used inde- 2.2 NACE International Standard:
pendently of the other except as specifically noted in Table 1. RP-287-87 Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abra-
Combining values from the two systems may result in noncon- sive Blast-Cleaned Steel Surface Using a Replica Tape4
formance with this specification. 2.3 Society for Protective Coatings Specifications:
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Blast Cleaning5
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the SSPC-VIS 1 Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Painting Steel Surfaces5
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 2.4 Naval Facility Guide Specification:
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. NFGS 03201 Manufacture of Prefabricated Epoxy-Coated
Rebar for Oceans and Other Severe Environments6
2. Referenced Documents 2.5 American Concrete Institute Specification:
2.1 ASTM Standards:
1 2
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.04.
Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.02.
A01.05 on Steel Reinforcement. Available from NACE International, 1440 South Creek, Houston, TX 77084.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1999. Published January 2000. Originally Available from Society for Protective Coatings, 40 24th Street, Pittsburgh,
published as A 884/A 884M – 96. Last previous edition approved A 884/ PA 15222.
A 884M – 96ae1. 6
Available from NFESC, 560 Center Drive, Port Hueneme, CA 93043.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
A 884/A 884M
ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete7 steel welded wire fabric, deformed with Class A Type 2 coating for use as
concrete reinforcement and produced to Specification A 884/A 884M –
3. Terminology including written certifications for the powder coating and coated welded
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: wire fabric, and 1 L [1 qt] of patching material.
3.1.1 conversion coating, n—a preparation of the blast- 5. Materials
cleaned steel surface prior to coating application that is
5.1 Plain or deformed steel wire or welded wire fabric to be
designed to pretreat the metal to promote coating adhesion,
coated shall meet the requirements of one of the applicable
reduce metalcoating reactions, improve corrosion resistance,
Specifications A 82, A 185, A 496, or A 497 as specified by the
and increase blister resistance.
purchaser and shall be free of surface contaminants such as oil,
3.1.2 disbonding, n—loss of adhesion between the fusion-
grease, or paint when received at the manufacturer’s plant and
bonded epoxy coating and the steel reinforcement.
prior to cleaning and coating.
3.1.3 fusion-bonded epoxy coating, n—a product containing
5.2 Type 1 coatings shall meet the requirements of and shall
pigments, thermosetting epoxy resins, crosslinking agents, and
be qualified in accordance with Annex A1 of Specification
other additives. It is applied in the form of a powder on a clean,
A 775/A 775M. Type 2 coatings shall meet the requirements of
heated, metallic substrate and fuses to form a continuous
and shall be qualified in accordance with Annex A1 of
barrier coating.
Specification A 934/A 934M.
3.1.4 holiday, n—a discontinuity in a coating that is not
5.2.1 A written certification shall be furnished to the pur-
discernible to a person with normal or corrected vision.
chaser that properly identifies the designation of each batch of
3.1.5 patching material, n—a liquid, two-part epoxy coat-
powder coating used in the order, material quantity repre-
ing used to repair damaged or uncoated areas.
sented, date of manufacture, name and address of the powder
3.1.6 wetting agent, n—a material that lowers the surface
coating manufacturer, and a statement that the supplied powder
tension of water, allowing it to penetrate more effectively into
coating is the same composition as that qualified in accordance
small discontinuities in the coating, giving a more accurate
with 5.2.
indication of the holiday count.
5.2.2 The powder coating shall be stored in a temperature-
4. Ordering Information controlled environment following the written recommenda-
4.1 It shall be the responsibility of the purchaser to specify tions of the powder coating manufacturer until ready for use.
all requirements that are necessary for the coated wire and At this point, if the storage temperature is below the plant
welded wire fabric under this specification. Such requirements ambient temperature, the powder coating shall be given suffi-
to be considered include, but are not limited to, the following: cient time to reach approximate plant ambient temperature.
4.1.1 Wire or welded wire fabric specification and year of The powder coating shall be used within the powder coating
issue, manufacturer’s written recommended shelf life.
4.1.2 Wire size, 5.3 If specified in the order, a representative 0.2 kg [8 oz]
4.1.3 Wire spacing and sizes, if welded wire fabric, sample of the powder coating material shall be supplied to the
4.1.4 Length and width of sheets or rolls, purchaser from each batch. The sample shall be packaged in an
4.1.5 Quantity, and airtight container and identified by batch number.
4.1.6 Class and type of coating, 5.4 If specified in the order, patching material, compatible
4.1.7 Requirements for the epoxy powder coating and with the coating and inert in concrete, and recommended by the
provision of test data (5.3), coating manufacturer shall be supplied to the purchaser.
4.1.8 Requirements for patching material (5.4), 6. Surface Preparation
4.1.9 Quantity of patching material,
6.1 The surface of the steel wire or welded wire fabric to be
4.1.10 Specific requirements for test frequency (9.1),
coated shall be cleaned by abrasive blast cleaning to near-white
4.1.11 Additional specimens to be provided to the purchaser
metal in accordance with SSPC−SP10. The final surface
for testing from the coated wire or welded wire fabric being
condition shall be defined according to SSPC-VIS 1. Average
furnished (12.1),
blast profile maximum roughness depth readings of 40 to 100
4.1.12 Whether a report on tests performed on the coated
µm [1.5 to 4.0 mils] as determined by replica tape measure-
wire or welded wire fabric being furnished is required (15.2),
ments using NACE RP-287-87 shall be considered suitable as
an anchor pattern.
4.1.13 Manufacturer qualification and certification require-
ments (if any). NOTE 4—A suitable anchor pattern requires the use of grit in the
cleaning media.
NOTE 2—It is recommended that the manufacturing procedures and NOTE 5—The use of a profilometer type surface measurement instru-
processes be audited by an independent certification program for epoxy ment which measures the peak count as well as the maximum profile depth
coating applicators plants, such as that provided by the Navy Facility is recommended.
Guide Specification or equivalent.
NOTE 3—A typical ordering description is as follows: 150 sheets, fabric 6.2 Multidirectional, high-pressure, dry air knives shall be
style 150 by 300 MD 45 by MD 26 [6 by 12 D 7by D 4] epoxy-coated used after blasting to remove dust, grit, and other foreign
matter from the steel surface. The air knives shall not deposit
oil on the steel reinforcement.
Available from the American Concrete Institute, 38800 International Way, P.O.
Box 9094, Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094. NOTE 6—Wire and welded wire fabric found to be salt contaminated
A 884/A 884M
from exposure to deicing salts or salt spray should be cleaned by acid 8.2.1 There shall not be more than an average of six
washing or other suitable methods to remove salt contaminants from the holidays per metre [two holidays per linear foot] on the coated
surface. wire (spool and individual lengths).
6.3 It is permissible for the manufacturer to use a chemical 8.2.2 In welded wire fabric, there shall not be more than an
wash or conversion of the blast-cleaned steel reinforcement average of 18 holidays per metre [6 holidays per linear foot]
surface, or both, to be used to enhance coating adhesion. This when the wire spacing is 100 mm [4 in.] or less, and there shall
pretreatment shall be applied after abrasive cleaning and before not be more than an average of 12 holidays per metre [4
coating, in accordance with the written application instructions holidays per linear foot] when the wire spacing is greater than
specified by the pretreatment manufacturer. 100 mm [4 in.]. When measuring the number of holidays, at
least 13 mm [0.5 in.] of wire shall be included on each side of
7. Coating Application the intersection being checked. Damage at cut ends shall not be
7.1 The powder coating shall be applied to the cleaned and counted. Voids (uncoated areas) at welded intersections shall
pretreated (if used) surface as soon as possible after surface be counted. If more than one void is present within 13 mm
treatments have been completed, and before visible oxidation [1⁄2in.] of the intersection area, it shall be counted as one void.
of the surface occurs discernible to a person with normal or 8.2.3 Holidays checks to determine acceptability of the wire
corrected vision. In no case shall application of the coating be or welded wire fabric shall be made at the manufacturer’s plant
delayed more than 3 h after cleaning. with a 671⁄2-V, 80 000–V, wet-sponge-type dc holiday detector.
7.2 The fusion-bonded epoxy powder coating shall be NOTE 8—Holiday detection is not intended for use at the job site.
applied in accordance with the written recommendations of the
8.3 Bend Test—Type 1 Coating Requirement Only:
manufacturer of the powder coating for initial steel surface
8.3.1 The flexibility of the coating shall be evaluated by
temperature range and post-application cure requirements.
bending production coated steel wire and welded wire fabric at
During continuous operations, the temperature of the surface
a uniform rate 180° (after rebound) around a mandrel of
immediately prior to coating shall be measured using infrared
specified size as prescribed in Table 1. The test specimens shall
guns or temperature-indicating crayons, or both, at least once
be between 20 and 30°C [68 and 86°F].
every 30 min.
8.3.2 No cracking or disbonding of the coating on the
NOTE 7—The use of infrared and temperature-indicating crayon mea- outside radius of bent wire or welded wire fabric shall be
surement of the reinforcement is recommended. visible to the unaided eye. Except as specified in 10.1, evidence
7.3 The coating shall be applied by electrostatic spray or of cracking or disbonding of the coating shall be considered
other suitable method. cause for rejection of the coated wire or fabric represented by
the bend test sample.
8. Requirements for Coated Wire or Welded Wire Fabric 8.4 Place of Testing—Testing of coated steel wire or welded
8.1 Coating Thickness: wire fabric shall be done at the manufacturer’s plant prior to
8.1.1 Class A—The coating thickness after curing shall be shipment.
175 to 425 µm [7 to 17 mils]. Thickness measurements below 8.5 Time of Testing—The requirements for coated wire or
125 µm [5 mils] shall be considered cause for rejection. The welded wire fabric shall be met at the manufacturer’s plant
upper coating thickness limit does not apply to repaired areas prior to shipment.
of damaged coating. 9. Number of Tests
8.1.2 Class B—The coating thickness after curing shall be a 9.1 The purchaser shall have the option to specify the
minimum of 450 µm [18 mils], for both plain and deformed sampling and test schedule for the number and frequency of
welded wire fabric used for earth reinforcement, such as in tests for coating thickness, flexibility, and continuity.
mechanically stabilized embankments. 9.2 If the number and frequency of tests are not specified by
8.1.3 For acceptance purposes, at least 90 % of all recorded the purchaser:
coating thickness measurements shall be within the specified 9.2.1 Tests for coating thickness and continuity shall be
limits. made on a minimum of 0.3 m [1 ft] of each size wire or welded
8.1.4 Measurements shall be made in accordance with Test wire fabric coated during each production hour.
Method G 12 following the instructions for calibration and use 9.2.2 Bend tests for Type 1 coating flexibility shall be
recommended by the thickness gage manufacturer. Pull-off or conducted on at least one wire of each size or one style of
fixed-probe gages shall be used. Pencil-type pull-off gages that fabric from each 2 h of production.
require the operator to observe the reading at the instant the
magnet is pulled from the surface shall not be used. 10. Retests
8.1.5 A single recorded coating thickness measurement is 10.1 If the specimen for coating thickness, continuity, or
the average of three individual readings obtained between three bend test (if applicable) fails to meet the specified require-
consecutive deformations on the deformed steel wire or de- ments, two retests on random specimens shall be conducted for
formed welded wire fabric. A minimum of five recorded each failed test. If the results of both retests meet the specified
measurements shall be obtained approximately evenly spaced requirements, the coated material represented by the specimens
along each side of the test specimen (a minimum of ten shall be accepted. Test specimens not found to meet the
recorded measurements per specimen). specified requirements shall not be used or sold as epoxy-
8.2 Coating Continuity: coated wire or welded wire fabric.
A 884/A 884M
11. Handling and Identification 13.2 All uncoated areas that result from hanging or support-
11.1 All systems for handling coated reinforcement shall ing coated wire or welded wire fabric shall be patched.
have padded contact areas. Bundling bands shall be padded, or 13.3 The maximum amount of repaired damaged coating
suitable banding shall be used to prevent damage to the shall not exceed 1 % of the surface area per 0.3 m [1 ft] of each
coating. Bundles of coated reinforcement shall be lifted with a wire. This limit shall not include cut ends.
strong back, spreader bar, multiple supports, or a platform 13.4 When coated wire or welded wire fabric are sheared,
bridge. The bundled reinforcement shall be transported with saw-cut, or cut by other means, the cut ends shall be coated
care and stored off the ground on protective cribbing. The with patching material. Coated wire or welded wire fabric shall
coated reinforcement shall not be dropped or dragged. not be flame cut.
11.2 If circumstances require storing coated wire or welded
wire fabric outdoors for more than two months, protective 13.5 Patching shall be done in accordance with the patching
storage measures shall be implemented to protect the coated material manufacturer’s written recommendations.
reinforcement from sunlight, salt spray, and weather exposure. NOTE 9—All visible damage incurred to the coating during shipping,
If the manufacturer stores coated wire or welded wire fabric handling and installation of the wire and welded wire fabric should be
outdoors without protective covering, the date on which the repaired with patching material.
coated reinforcement is placed outdoors shall be recorded on
its identification tag. Coated wire or welded wire fabric, 13.6 Repaired areas shall have a minimum coating thickness
whether individual pieces or bundles of pieces, or both, shall be of 175 µm [7 mils].
covered with opaque polyethylene sheeting or other suitable NOTE 10—This patching material coating thickness applies to both
opaque protective material. For stacked bundles, the protective Classes A and B coatings. The desired chemical resistance of the cured
covering shall be draped around the perimeter of the stack. The patching material can be obtained at this thickness, and recoating the
covering shall be secured adequately, and allow for air circu- repaired area is avoided.
lation around the coated reinforcement to minimize condensa-
tion under the covering. 14. Rejection
A 884/A 884M
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 This specification is a product standard. Requirements tive covering, it is recommended that the date on which the
for fusion-bonded epoxy-coated steel reinforcement from the coated reinforcement are placed outdoors be recorded on the
point of shipment to the job-site and subsequent practices at the identification tag on the bundled steel. Coated steel reinforce-
job-site are not delineated in this product standard. ment stored in corrosive environments may require protection
sooner. Coated steel reinforcement should be covered with
X1.2 The American Concrete Institute promulgates “Speci- opaque polyethylene sheeting or other suitable opaque protec-
fications for Structural Concrete” (ACI 301). Standard Speci- tive material. For stacked material, the protective covering
fications ACI 301 is intended to be used in its entirety in the should be draped around the perimeter of the stack. The
project specifications. An architect-engineer may cite Standard
covering should be secured adequately, and allow for air
Specifications ACI 301 in the project specifications for any
circulation around the coated reinforcement to minimize con-
cast-in-place concrete construction project. Standard Specifi-
densation under the covering.
cations ACI 301 include provisions for epoxy-coated steel
reinforcement. X1.3.8 When the extent of damaged coating exceeds 2 % of
the surface area of the coated steel reinforcement in any 0.3–m
X1.3 The project specifications should prescribe require- [1–ft] length, the coated wire or fabric should be rejected.
ments for the coated steel reinforcement from the point of X1.3.9 When the extent of the damaged coating does not
shipment to the job-site and subsequent practices at the jobsite. exceed 2 % of the surface area in any 0.3–m [1–ft] length, all
In the absence of these requirements in the project specifica- damaged coating discernible to a person with normal or
tions, the following guidelines for job-site practices are rec- corrected vision should be repaired with patching material.
ommended: X1.3.10 Placed coated steel reinforcement should be in-
X1.3.1 When handling coated steel reinforcement, care spected for damaged coating prior to placing concrete. Where
should be exercised to avoid bundle-to-bundle or wire-to-wire damage exists, it should be repaired with patching material
abrasion. complying with this specification.
X1.3.2 Equipment for handling coated steel reinforcement X1.3.11 Patching material should be applied in strict accor-
should have protected contact areas. dance with the written instructions furnished by the patching
X1.3.3 Coated steel reinforcement should be off-loaded as material manufacturer. Prior to application of the patching
close as possible to their points of placement or under the crane material, rust should be removed from the damaged areas by
so that the material can be hoisted to the area of placement to suitable means. The patching material should be allowed to
minimize rehandling. cure before placing concrete over the coated steel reinforce-
X1.3.4 Coated steel reinforcement should be stored off the ment.
ground on protective cribbing, and timbers placed between
bundles when stacking is necessary. Space the supports suffi- X1.3.12 When placing coated steel reinforcement, all wire
ciently close to prevent sags in the bundles. bar supports, spacers, and tying wire should be coated with
X1.3.5 Coated and uncoated steel reinforcement should be dielectric material, that is, an epoxy-coated or plastic-coated
stored separately. material compatible with concrete.
X1.3.6 Long-term storage should be minimized and work X1.3.13 After placing, walking on coated steel reinforce-
stoppages phased to suit construction progress. ment should be minimized. The placement of mobile equip-
X1.3.7 If circumstances require storing coated steel rein- ment should be planned to avoid damage to the coated
forcement outdoors for more than two months, protective material.
storage measures should be implemented to protect the mate- X1.3.14 When immersion-type vibrators are used to con-
rial from sunlight, salt spray and weather exposure. If the solidate concrete around epoxy-coated steel reinforcement, the
coated steel reinforcement are stored outdoors without protec- vibrators should be equipped with nonmetallic vibrator heads.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (