1 s2.0 S0021979723025316 Main
1 s2.0 S0021979723025316 Main
1 s2.0 S0021979723025316 Main
Lan Luo, Yukun Xing, Yue Fu, Le Li, Xinya Yang, Yumiao Xue, Jing Luo,
Huaiyu Bu, Fangfang Chen, Xiangyuan Ouyang
PII: S0021-9797(23)02531-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2023.12.189
Reference: YJCIS 33868
Please cite this article as: L. Luo, Y. Xing, Y. Fu, L. Li, X. Yang, Y. Xue, J. Luo, H. Bu, F. Chen, X. Ouyang,
Self-assembly of Copper Nanoclusters Using DNA Nanoribbon Templates for Sensitive Electrochemical
Detection of H2O2 in Live Cells, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/
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Live Cells
Lan Luo#a, Yukun Xing#a, Yue Fua, Le Lia, Xinya Yanga, Yumiao Xuea, Jing Luo b,
Huaiyu Bu b, Fangfang Chena*, Xiangyuan Ouyanga*
1 Abstract
2 The excessive secretion of H2O2 within cells is closely associated with cellular
3 dysfunction. Therefore, high sensitivity in situ detection of H2O2 released from living
4 cells was valuable in clinical diagnosis. In the present work, a novel electrochemical
5 cell sensing platform by synthesizing copper nanoclusters (CuNCs) at room
6 temperature based on DNA nanoribbon (DNR) as a template (DNR-CuNCs). The tight
7 and ordered arrangement of nanostructured assemblies of DNR-CuNCs conferred the
8 sensor with superior stability (45 days) and electrochemical performance. The MUC1
9 aptamer extending from the DNR template enabled the direct capture MCF-7 cells on
10 electrode surface, this facilitated real-time monitoring of H2O2 release from stimulated
11 MCF-7 cells. While the captured MCF-7 cells on the electrode surface significantly
12 amplified the current signal of H2O2 release compared with the traditional
13 electrochemical detection H2O2 released signal by MCF-7 cells in PBS solution. The
14 approach provides an effective strategy for the design of versatile sensors and achieving
15 monitored cell release of H2O2 in long time horizon (10 h). Thereby expanding the
16 possibilities for detecting biomolecules from live cells in clinical diagnosis and
17 biomedical applications.
1 1. Introduction
15 In recent years, metal nanoclusters (NCs) have attracted significant attention in the
16 fields of Electrochemical sensing [14, 15], Electrocatalysis, and Electrochemi-
17 luminescence, owing to their unique physical and chemical properties. Noble metals,
18 including Au, Ag, and Pt, are commonly used to construct NCs for multifunctional
19 modified electrodes, in which redox-active clusters act as electron conductors and
20 electron transfer mediators. However, the considerable expense of noble metals poses
21 a significant challenge to practical applications. A viable strategy for mitigating the
22 expenses associated with sensing applications involves the exploration of more
23 economically viable metal options. Copper (Cu), notable for its affordability and
24 widespread availability, has emerged as a promising substitute for noble metals like Au
25 and Ag. Simultaneously, there is a growing focus on utilizing copper nanoclusters
26 (CuNCs) due to their ability to achieve high yields under mild conditions. The appeal
27 of CuNCs is enhanced by their cost-effectiveness, water solubility, and well-defined
28 structures, making them highly interesting for electrochemical sensing ranging from
29 fundamental to analytical fields [16]. For instance, Lan et al. presented PtCu-rGO
30 bimetallic nanocomposite modified carbon fibers microelectrodes for detecting
31 hydrogen peroxide released from living cells [17]. Nevertheless, the incorporation of
32 noble metal materials is frequently required to attain enhanced catalytic activity,
33 thereby overcoming the sensitivity and detection range limitations observed in copper-
34 based electrochemical sensors [18-21]. Wang et al. projected a ligand-based strategy to
35 arrange the self-assembled CuNCs structure, and the assembled CuNCs nanoribbons
36 successfully showed excellent electrocatalytic properties for glucose, with detection
37 limits as low as 4.5 μM, but utilize ligands protected the synthesis process of CuNCs,
38 making the whole process troublesome and time-consuming [22]. In recent years,
39 CuNCs have received much attention due to their excellent physical and chemical
40 properties, their atomically precise structure and composition exhibit excellent catalytic
41 capabilities. However, challenges such as susceptibility to oxidation, difficulty in size
42 control, and irreversible aggregation of CuNCs during preparation have hindered its use
1 in sensing applications.
2 To address this issue, protective ligands such as DNA, amino acids, peptides, and
3 proteins have been introduced to improve the stability of CuNCs [23]. Since the
4 pioneering work of Rotaru et al, CuNCs have been synthesized on double-stranded
5 DNA (dsDNA) in solution [24]. Due to its programmable structure, controllable
6 transformation, easy synthesis and modification, and low cost, DNA holds promise as
7 a biological template for CuNCs fabrication. In addition, a "bottom-up" approach has
8 been reported for the synthesis of CuNCs using DNA nanoribbons as a template
9 structure [25]. This process is fast and simple, requiring only a few min of reaction time
10 at room temperature between Cu2+ and sodium ascorbate (SA). By utilizing DNA
11 template sequences, CuNCs can be stabilized and assembled onto the DNA nanoribbon
12 in an orderly manner (DNR-CuNCs), thus overcoming the problem of poor stability of
13 individual CuNCs. Compared to the synthesis of CuNCs using dsDNA or
14 polythymidine single-stranded templates, the DNA framework for assembling DNR
15 provides easy modification of base sequences, making DNA nanomaterials applicable
16 to a wider range of detection scenarios [26]. Additionally, most electrochemical sensors
17 for detecting hydrogen peroxide released by cells can only detect it in solution, lacking
18 the ability to capture cells on the electrode surface, resulting in lower sensitivity [27-
19 29]. Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop a cost-effective strategy that ensures
20 superior stability for the preparation of NCs sensitivity for constructing an
21 electrochemical detection platform.
41 2. Experimental section
1 2.1. Synthesis of DNR-CuNCs
2 The preparation of DNR was based on previously reported literature [25]. Initially,
3 1 μL of DNR-S1, DNR-S2, DNR-ST1, DNR-ST2, and DNR-ST3 with an initial
4 concentration of 100 μM was mixed with 95 μL of Tris buffer (20 mM Mg2+, 40 mM
5 Tris-HAc) with a pH of 7.5 and reacted for approximately 2 h in a PCR instrument to
6 prepare the DNR template. Subsequently, 0.4 μL of 100 mM CuSO4 solution was added
7 to 100 μL of the DNR solution, and reacted at room temperature for 5 min, followed by
8 the addition of 0.4 μL of 1000 mM SA solution to react for 10 min to form stable Cu
9 NCs (DNR-CuNCs). As a control, the CuNCs synthesized without the DNR template
10 were obtained instead of ultrapure water into the DNR solution while maintaining the
11 same buffer environment and other conditions.
13 The surface of the GCE (3 mm in diameter) was cleaned by polishing it evenly with
14 a wet suede cloth containing 0.05 μm alumina, followed by ultrasonication in ultrapure
15 water for 5 seconds. In this work, a three-electrode system was then constructed using
16 the GCE as the working electrode, Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode, and platinum
17 wire as the counter electrode, and all the tests were carried out at room temperature.
18 The GCE surface was modified by electropolymerizing Arg (10 mM in 0.1 M PBS,
19 pH=7.0) twice cycles at a voltage range of -1.6 V to 2.5 V and a scanning speed of 100
20 mV/s (as shown in Figure S1) [31]. Subsequently, dropping 10 μL of DNR-CuNCs
21 solution on the modified electrode, followed by electrostatic adsorption between p-Arg
22 and DNR-CuNCs at room temperature for 30 min and washing of the residual solution
23 on the electrode surface with 0.1 M PBS at pH 7.5. Finally, all the electrochemical tests
24 were performed in 0.1 M PBS buffer at pH 7.5 containing H2O2, with a scanning rate
25 of 100 mV/s and the cyclic scan ranging from -1.0 V~0 V.
27 Breast cancer cells (MCF-7) were cultured in a Petri dish with 5% CO2 and 95%
28 air at 37 °C. The number of cells was estimated using the platelet count method, and
29 the cell was adjusted and verified to contain 2×108 MCF-7 living cells in the culture
30 media, the cells were digested with trypsin and then diluted to 5 mL with 0.1 M PBS
31 (pH 7.5) for testing.
4 Fig. 1. (A) AFM images of DNR, (B) DNR/Cu2+, (C) DNR/CuNCs. (D) The Statistical
5 distribution of height and width of DNR, DNR-Cu2+ and DNR-CuNCs. (E) XPS spectra
6 showing the full region of the CuNCs and (F) Cu 2p region.
1 In addition, there was no observed characteristic peak at near 942 eV, which indicated
2 the absence of Cu2+ in DNR-CuNCs [31].
1 DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE for H2O2 reduction were investigated by CV method in 0.1
2 M PBS (pH=7.5) at a scan rate of 100 mV/s. The CV curves in Figure 3A clearly
3 showed that no obvious reduction or oxidation peaks could be observed at DNR-
4 CuNCs/p-ARG/GCE in the absence of H2O2 (as indicated by the grey line). However,
5 when 10 mM H2O2 was introduced into the PBS solution, a distinct reduction peak
6 current at -0.6 V was observed (as indicated by the orange line), thus providing
7 compelling evidence of H2O2 reduction on DNR-CuNCs. As a big comparison, the
8 electrocatalytic reduction of H2O2 during the GCE modification steps was also
9 investigated for bare GCE, p-Arg/GCE and DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE. The CV curves
10 in Figure 3B indicated that all of the modification processes exhibit no electro-chemical
11 reduction peak compared with the well-defined reduction peak observed in DNR-
12 CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE, which demonstrated that CuNCs served as the active catalytic
13 center for H2O2 reduction and DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE exhibited good electrocatalytic
14 current.
2 Fig. 4. (A) Signal response of the DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE sensor for the detection of
3 10~50 mM H2O2 and (B) corresponding calibration curves. (C) Current-time response
4 plots of continuous dropwise addition of H2O2 in PBS (0.1 M, pH 7.5) solution at -0.8
5 V (vs. Ag/AgCl)) and (D) corresponding calibration curves. (E) Selectivity of the DNR-
6 CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE sensor. (F) Stability of the DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE sensor. 300
7 rpm, 0.1 M PBS, pH 7.5, 25 °C
9 567.057 μA cm−2 mM−1 with a linear range of 10 μM to 1000 μM, and a detection limit
10 of 0.56 μM (S/N=3). Comparatively, the DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE H2O2 sensor
11 demonstrated superior sensing performance, compared with the previously reported
12 Cu-based H2O2 sensors, the detection limit was lower and the linear range was
13 significantly extended, as shown in Table S2.
28 𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡 = (1)
𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑥 + 𝐶𝐻2𝑂2
29 Where icat is the maximum electrocatalytic current for H2O2 reduction and Km is
30 the Michaelis constant. The resulting double-reciprocal graphs of normalized catalytic
31 current vs. H2O2 concentration (Figure S9). The dependence of the catalytic reduction
32 rate on the applied potential was observed in the same H2O2 concentration range,
33 manifest that the electrocatalytic rate for H2O2 reduction is limited by the applied
34 potential. Based on the above experimental findings, a reliable mechanism for the
35 electrocatalytic reduction of H2O2 by the electrogenerated Cu (1) was proposed [37-
36 40]. Firstly, DNR-Cu(0)NCs undergo electrochemical oxidation to form the
37 catalytically active Cu(1) oxidation state (reaction 2). Mechanistically, the saturation of
38 the electrocatalytic current at sufficiently high H2O2 concentrations indicated the
1 formation of an adduct between the electrogenerated Cu (1) centers and the H2O2
2 molecule (reaction 3) [36]. Subsequently, reduction of the H2O2 bound to Cu (1) may
3 involve heterogeneous electron transfer (reaction 4), completing the mechanism. These
4 results revealed an efficient electrocatalytic activity of the DNR-CuNCs in mediating
5 the H2O2 reduction through the redox transformation of the metal cluster, and the
6 CuNCs as transition metal nanozymes, exhibit activity similar to that of noble metal
7 nanozymes.
31 In order to assess the reproducibility and storage stability of the sensor, five
32 independent DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE electrodes were examined using the CV
33 technique under identical conditions, as depicted in Figure S12. The relative standard
34 deviation (RSD) for electrode-to-electrode reproducibility was found to be less than
35 4.09%.
9 Fig. 5. (A) Schematic of detection H2O2 released from MCF-7 cells in solution. (B)
10 Current-time response plots of the DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE sensor in different
11 solution with addition 15 μL PMA (6.25 μg/mL) at -0.8 V. (C) Continuous dropwise
12 addition 15 μL PMA (6.25 μg/mL) stimulated MCF-7 cells (1×103) captured on the
13 electrode surface. (D) Schematic of detection H2O2 released from MCF-7 cells captured
14 on the electrode surface. (E) Detection H2O2 response signals of schematic A (MCF-7
15 cells in solution) and schematic D (MCF-7 cells on electrode surface). (F) Monitored
16 H2O2 concentration at different time intervals.
1 Through a series of experiments, we confirmed that the observed current response
2 signals originated from H2O2 released by MCF-7 cells and further investigated the
3 effects of PMA stimulation and dosage on cellular H2O2 release. In both 5 mL PBS
4 solutions with and without 2×106 MCF-7 cells, the injection of 15 μL PMA (6.25 μg/mL)
5 induced temporary changes in the current response curve exclusively in the solution
6 containing MCF-7 cells. Conversely, the response curves of the solution without MCF-
7 7 cells and the solution without PMA showed no discernible current fluctuations (Figure
8 5B). These findings suggested that the observed variations in the current signal were
9 specifically attributed to the release of H2O2 from stimulated MCF-7 cells in the
10 presence of PMA. Increasing the addition amount to 15 μL significantly enhanced the
11 current signal and expedited the response speed (Figure S13).
12 However, the H2O2 released by cells is diluted by the buffer solution, leading to a
13 substantial decrease in signal magnitude upon reaching the electrode surface,
14 consequently lowering the sensitivity of the detection. To enhance the detection
15 sensitivity, the programmable properties of DNR was utilized to introduce MUC1
16 protein aptamer sequences for efficient capture of MCF-7 cells onto the electrode
17 surface. This approach enabled real-time detection and in-situ monitoring of H2O2 re-
18 leased by the cells, as depicted in Figure 5D. To demonstrate that DNR-CuNCs/p-
19 Arg/GCE sensors can be captured MCF-7 cells on electrode surface, we used ITO
20 electrodes instead of GCE to acquired fluorescence confocal images [42, 43], Figure
21 S14 indicated that MCF-7 cells can be captured on DNR-CuNCs /p-Arg/GCE sensors.
22 Compared to H2O2 detection in solution, capturing the cells on the electrode surface
23 eliminated the diffusion process of H2O2 from the solution to the electrode surface,
24 resulting in a larger current signal response. The fabricated DNR-CuNCs/p-Arg/GCE
25 sensor was immersed in an MCF-7 cells solution (1×103 cells) for 1.5 h, followed by
26 the injection of 15 μL PMA (6.25 μg/mL) into a 5 mL PBS solution, and the captured
27 MCF-7 cells loaded electrode was placed in it. The results demonstrated a significantly
28 increased current signal response upon capturing MCF-7 cells on the electrode surface,
29 with a calculated value of 5.71 μA (n=3), corresponding to an approximate H2O2
30 concentration of 116.89 μM (Figure 5C). Furthermore, continuous stimulation of the
31 captured MCF-7 cells on the electrode surface resulted in H2O2 generation, but the
32 current signal response decreased after three stimulations, indicating a decline in cell
33 viability upon repeated stimulation and further confirming the origin of the current
34 signal from H2O2 released by MCF-7 cells (Figure 5C) [44]. In comparison, direct
35 detection of H2O2 released by MCF-7 cells in solution, with an increased cell count of
36 4×107 cells, only generated a current signal response of 0.87 μA (n=3), corresponding
37 to an H2O2 concentration of approximately 6.59 μM (Figure 5E). These findings
38 demonstrated that utilizing the programmable characteristics of DNR and introducing
39 aptamer sequences allow for the flexible capture of cell specificity on the electrode
40 surface, enabling in-situ monitoring and significantly enhancing the sensitivity of the
41 fabricated biosensor for H2O2 detection.
8 4. Conclusion
29 The authors declare that there are no known competing financial interests or
30 personal relationships that could have potentially influenced the work presented in this
31 paper.
33 Acknowledgments
34 This work is supported by grants 22105159 and 22374118 from the National
35 Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022JZ-08 from The Natural Science Foundation
1 of Shaanxi Province, Xi'an Key Laboratory of Functional Supramolecular Structure and
2 Materials (CFZKFKT23004), the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Synthetic and
3 Natural Functional Molecules, Ministry of Education (KLSNFM2020009), the “Top-
4 rated Discipline” construction scheme of Shaanxi higher education and “Tang scholar”.
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