JN 212308
JN 212308
JN 212308
Background: Although various micronutrient regimens have been shown to prevent and treat common infectious
diseases in children, the effects of daily multivitamin (MV) and/or zinc supplementation have not been widely evaluated in
young African infants.
Objective: The objective was to determine whether daily supplementation of HIV-unexposed Tanzanian infants with MVs
or zinc reduces the risk of infectious morbidity compared with placebo.
Methods: In a 2 3 2 factorial, double-blind, randomized controlled trial, 2400 infants who were 6 wk of age and born to
HIV-negative mothers in a low-malaria setting were randomly assigned to receive daily oral supplementation of MVs
(vitamin B complex and vitamins C and E), zinc, zinc + MVs, or placebo for 18 mo. Morbidity was assessed by study nurses
at monthly visits and by physicians every 3 mo and/or when the child was acutely ill.
Results: No significant differences were found in the percentage of nurse visits during which diarrhea, cough, or any other
symptom were reported throughout the previous month when receiving either zinc or MVs. However, physician
diagnoses of all types of diarrhea (RR = 0.88; 95% CI: 0.81, 0.96; P = 0.003), dysentery (RR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.74, 0.95; P =
0.006), and acute upper respiratory infection (RR = 0.92; 95% CI: 0.88, 0.97; P = 0.0005) were significantly lower for
infants supplemented with zinc than for those who did not receive zinc. Among the 2360 infants for whom vital status was
obtained, there was a nonsignificant increase in all-cause mortality among infants who received zinc (HR = 1.80; 95% CI:
0.98, 3.31; P = 0.06) compared with those who did not receive zinc. MVs did not alter the rates of any recorded physician
diagnoses or mortality. Neither zinc nor MVs reduced hospitalizations or unscheduled outpatient visits.
Conclusions: Daily zinc supplementation of Tanzanian infants beginning at the age of 6 wk may lower the burden of
diarrhea and acute upper respiratory infections, but provision of MVs using the regimen in this trial did not confer additional
benefit. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00421668. J Nutr 2015;145:2153–60.
for the deaths of 1.9 million children <5 y of age in 2011 (1).
Diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections are among the Low birth weight and early childhood undernutrition are major
leading causes of child mortality globally and were responsible risk factors for morbidity and mortality from these and other
infectious diseases, particularly in resource-limited areas of the
Supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and world. Recent estimates indicate that 45% of all child deaths
Human Development (NICHD R01 HD048969-01 and K24HD058795). result from fetal growth restriction, anthropometric deficits,
Author disclosures: CM McDonald, KP Manji, R Kisenge, S Aboud, D Spiegelman,
micronutrient deficiencies, or suboptimal breastfeeding (2).
WW Fawzi, and CP Duggan, no conflicts of interest.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: christopher.duggan@childrens. Therefore, interventions to improve nutritional status have
harvard.edu. great potential to reduce child morbidity and mortality.
ã 2015 American Society for Nutrition.
Manuscript received February 13, 2015. Initial review completed April 4, 2015. Revision accepted, June 29, 2015. 2153
First published online July 22, 2015; doi:10.3945/jn.115.212308.
Micronutrient supplementation is one such strategy and is the Enzygnost HIV Integral II Antibody/Antigen (Siemens). Any dis-
particularly compelling given the important role of numerous crepancy between the first and second ELISA was resolved by a Western
vitamins and minerals in systemic immune function and the blot assay. Consenting mothers who were confirmed to be HIV-negative
maintenance of local defenses, coupled with its relative cost- were enrolled into the study and their infants were randomly assigned to
1 of 4 regimens between 5 and 7 wk of age. Infants of multiple births and
effectiveness (3, 4).
infants with congenital anomalies or other conditions that would
Several studies have evaluated the efficacy of different interfere with the study procedures were excluded. Birth characteristics
micronutrient regimens in preventing and/or treating common were obtained immediately after delivery whenever possible. We used
infectious diseases, including respiratory and gastrointestinal reference data from Oken et al. (11) to calculate the percentile of birth
diseases. However, differences in study design and location, weight for each completed week of gestation and defined small-for-
baseline nutritional status of the study population, composition gestational age as #10th percentile. At the time of randomization,
and duration of supplementation, and disease background have clinical examination was performed by a study physician, history of
led to varying results. There is clear evidence that therapeutic morbidity and infant feeding practices was conducted by a study nurse,
zinc supplementation has beneficial effects on the duration and infant blood was drawn for a complete blood count, and anthropometric
severity of diarrhea and other morbidities (5), and the WHO has measurements were performed.
Institutional approval was granted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School
included zinc supplementation in its guidelines for clinical
of Public Health Human Subjects Committee, the Muhimbili University
management of acute diarrhea for the past decade (6). However, of Health and Allied Science Committee of Research and Publications,
policy recommendations do not yet exist for preventive zinc the Tanzanian National Institute of Medical Research, and the Tanzanian
supplementation. A meta-analysis showed that preventive zinc Food and Drugs Authority. Over the course of the study, a Data Safety and
supplementation in children reduced the incidence of diarrhea Monitoring Board met twice annually.
and respiratory infections by ~20% and 14%, respectively (7). A
notable finding, however, was that this effect was generally not Randomization and masking. Infants were randomly assigned in a
observed in infants <12 mo of age. In addition, few studies factorial design to receive a daily oral dose of 1 of the following 4
included in the analysis were conducted in sub-Saharan Africa regimens for 18 mo from the time of randomization: 1) zinc, 2) MVs, 3)
(7). Given regional differences in maternal nutritional status, zinc + MVs, or 4) placebo. The biostatistician in Boston prepared a
birth outcomes, and morbidity patterns, it is critical that micro- randomization list from 1 to 2400 that used blocks of 20 and was
nutrient supplementation trials be conducted in a diversity of stratified by study clinic. Capsules were packaged in a blister pack of 15
each and numbered boxes containing 6 blister packs were prepared
settings, including sub-Saharan Africa, before global recommen-
containing the corresponding treatments. Each eligible infant was
dations can be developed. assigned the next numbered box of capsules at his/her respective site.
Because zinc insufficiency may coexist with other vitamin and The supplement used was an orange-flavored powder encapsulated in an
mineral deficiencies, simultaneous supplementation with other opaque gelatinous capsule and was manufactured by Nutriset. All 4
micronutrients may be an effective strategy. Two recent trials in regimens were field tested and the taste, smell, and appearance were
Tanzania and Pakistan examined whether the provision of found to be indistinguishable between groups. All study personnel and
multiple micronutrients in addition to zinc confers additional participants were blinded to treatment assignment for the duration of
benefits against diarrhea and other morbidities (8, 9). Both trials, the study.
however, were restricted to children $6 mo of age, both included
iron as part of the micronutrient supplement, and both reported Procedures. From the time of randomization to 6 mo of age, infants
that multiple micronutrients either increased diarrhea morbidity received 1 capsule/d, and from 7 mo of age to the end of follow-up, 2
capsules were provided daily. For infants in the zinc group, the capsule
or conferred no additional benefit in comparison with zinc
contained 5 mg of zinc. For infants in the MV group, the capsule
alone. To our knowledge, there have not been any investigations
contained 60 mg of vitamin C, 8 mg of vitamin E, 0.5 mg of thiamine, 0.6 mg
of preventive zinc and multivitamin (MV) supplementation on of riboflavin, 4 mg of niacin, 0.6 mg of vitamin B-6, 130 mg of folate,
infectious disease morbidity that have included African children and 1 mg of vitamin B-12. Infants in the MV + zinc group received
<6 mo of age. Initiation of supplementation earlier in infancy 1 capsule containing the micronutrients listed in both the MV and the
may be appropriate given the fact that many lactating mothers zinc groups. For children 0–6 mo of age, these doses represented between
are deficient in several micronutrients (10). To evaluate the 150% and 600% of the RDA or Adequate Intake, and for children 7–12 mo
potential role of zinc or MV supplementation in early infancy, of age, the doses were equivalent to 200–400% of the RDA or Adequate
we performed a randomized trial to determine whether daily Intake. Mothers were shown how to push the capsule through the back
supplementation of HIV-unexposed Tanzanian infants with of the blister pack, open the capsule, decant the powder into a small
plastic cup, mix the powder with 5 mL of sterile water, and administer
MVs, zinc, or both reduced the risk of infectious morbidity
the solution to the child orally.
compared with placebo.
Our choice of supplement composition was based on several con-
siderations including: 1) previous research that found deficiencies in
vitamin B-12, folate, zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin E among breastfeeding
women in South Africa (10) and, therefore, suggests that infant micro-
Study design and participants. The study was a randomized, double- nutrient status may be low in sub-Saharan Africa; 2) a previous clinical
blind, 2 3 2 factorial design trial that took place in periurban Dar es trial involving pregnant Tanzanian women that confirmed improved
Salaam, Tanzania (clinicaltrials.gov NCT 00421668). Mothers of poten- birth outcomes with supplementation of vitamin B complex, vitamin E,
tially eligible infants were recruited into the study in 1 of 2 ways: 1) and vitamin C (12); and 3) findings from our previous trial of MV
pregnant women #34 wk gestation presenting at 1 of 3 prenatal clinics supplementation involving HIV-exposed children, which revealed lower
in Dar es Salaam were informed about the study and consented rates of fever and vomiting among supplemented children (13). Dar es
prenatally or 2) women were recruited from the labor ward of Salaam has been described as a malaria-endemic area, although studies
Muhimbili National Hospital within 12 h of delivering a healthy have suggested that rates of malaria are declining (14). Nonetheless,
singleton baby. In both cases, written informed consent was obtained owing to the potential that iron supplementation of nonanemic children
and mothers were asked to present at a study clinic within 1–2 wk of may have adverse consequences in malaria-endemic regions (15), the MV
delivery for HIV testing. Maternal HIV status was determined using 2 supplement did not include iron.
sequential ELISAs that used the Murex HIV antigen/antibody (Abbott Mothers and children were followed from the time of randomization
Murex) followed by the Enzygnost anti-HIV-1/2 Plus (Dade Behring) or for 18 mo, until the childÕs death, or until loss to follow-up. Mothers who
Placebo (n = 604) Zinc only (n = 596) MVs only (n = 598) Zinc + MVs (n = 602)
Maternal characteristics
Age, y 26.5 6 5.0 26.8 6 5.1 26.2 6 5.0 26.1 6 5.0
Formal education, n (%)
None 9 (1.5) 8 (1.4) 10 (1.7) 9 (1.5)
1–7 y 453 (75.3) 421 (71.1) 416 (70.2) 441 (73.4)
$8 y 140 (23.3) 163 (27.5) 167 (28.2) 151 (25.1)
Employment, n (%)
Housewife without income 386 (64.4) 365 (62.3) 337 (56.7) 357 (59.8)
Housewife with income 176 (29.4) 175 (29.9) 212 (35.7) 201 (33.7)
Other 37 (6.2) 46 (7.9) 45 (7.6) 39 (6.5)
Married or cohabitating with partner, n (%) 537 (90.0) 534 (90.5) 542 (91.4) 542 (90.5)
Prior pregnancies, n (%)
None 184 (30.6) 169 (28.6) 205 (34.5) 187 (31.2)
1–4 398 (66.2) 410 (69.3) 375 (63.1) 396 (66.1)
$5 19 (3.2) 13 (2.2) 14 (2.4) 16 (2.7)
Midupper arm circumference, cm 27.0 6 3.1 27.1 6 3.1 27.1 6 3.1 26.7 6 3.2
Recruited prenatally, n (%) 86 (14.2) 76 (12.8) 90 (15.1) 92 (15.3)
Socioeconomic characteristics
Daily food expenditure per person in household is ,1000 TSh, n (%) 158 (27.6) 162 (28.6) 164 (28.8) 170 (29.4)
Household possessions,2 n (%)
None 171 (28.4) 192 (32.7) 173 (29.2) 180 (30.0)
1–3 358 (59.5) 308 (52.4) 330 (55.7) 339 (56.5)
.3 73 (12.1) 88 (15.0) 90 (15.2) 81 (13.5)
Child characteristics
Age at randomization, wk 5.9 6 0.4 5.9 6 0.4 5.9 6 0.4 5.9 6 0.4
Male, n (%) 293 (48.5) 296 (49.7) 282 (47.2) 313 (52.0)
Low birth weight (,2500 g), n (%) 18 (3.0) 21 (3.6) 21 (3.6) 22 (3.7)
Born ,37 wk gestational age, n (%) 77 (14.0) 80 (14.6) 66 (12.0) 67 (12.1)
Born ,34 wk gestational age, n (%) 15 (2.7) 14 (2.6) 12 (2.2) 22 (4.0)
Born small for gestational age (,10th percentile), n (%) 45 (8.4) 47 (8.7) 52 (9.7) 47 (8.7)
Apgar score #7 at 5 min after birth, n (%) 9 (1.6) 17 (3.1) 5 (0.9) 10 (1.8)
Hemoglobin, g/dL 10.7 6 1.6 10.6 6 1.6 10.7 6 1.4 10.6 6 1.4
Length-for-age z score3 20.17 6 1.28a 20.33 6 1.92a,b 20.26 6 1.20a,b 20.37 6 1.23b
Weight-for-length z score 0.05 6 1.32 0.16 6 1.33 0.14 6 1.29 0.15 6 1.31
Weight-for-age z score 20.16 6 1.05 20.23 6 0.97 20.17 6 0.99 20.26 6 1.03
According to the x2-test or ANOVA, there were no significant differences in baseline characteristics among treatment groups (P . 0.05) with the exception of length-for-age
z score (P = 0.03). Values are means 6 SDs or percentages. MV, multivitamin; TSh, Tanzanian shilling.
From a list that includes sofa, television, radio, refrigerator, and fan.
Labeled means in a row without a common letter differ, P , 0.05.
MVs reduced hospitalizations or unscheduled outpatient visits. of age did not reduce morbidity from diarrhea or respiratory
Although our study was not powered to detect differences in infections in Bangladeshi infants. Likewise, a large trial of
mortality, we observed a nonsignificant increase in mortality preventive zinc and/or folic acid supplementation involving
among infants who received zinc. Furthermore, in a subset of Nepalese children 1–35 mo of age saw no differences in the
children with immunologic measures available at 12 mo of age, frequency or duration of diarrhea or acute lower respiratory
mean CD4 T cell percent was slightly but significantly higher infection between treatment groups (18). However, weekly
among children who received zinc and MVs in comparison with zinc supplementation for 12 mo was found effective in re-
placebo. To our knowledge, this is the first study of preventive ducing the incidence of diarrhea and pneumonia among urban
zinc and MV supplementation to be conducted among young Bangladeshi infants aged 2–12 mo (19). Similarly, a study in
infants in sub-Saharan Africa. Given the large global burden of Delhi, India, involving infants 6–11 mo of age, reported that a
diarrhea and acute respiratory infections in young children, we short course of daily zinc supplementation for 2 wk effectively
believe that the 12% reduction in diarrhea, 16% reduction in reduced the subsequent number and duration of diarrhea
dysentery, and 8% reduction in acute upper respiratory infec- episodes (20). In contrast, a multicenter study involving infants
tions among children who received zinc are clinically significant 1–5 mo of age with acute diarrhea found that infants who
and potentially of major public health importance. received therapeutic zinc supplementation for 14 d had more
Although, to our knowledge, no other studies have assessed days of diarrhea and similar prevalence of pneumonia and
the effects of daily zinc supplementation in tandem with MVs respiratory infection compared with the placebo group (21).
from such a young age, our findings can be compared with Differences in the age of study participants, dose and duration of
trials of zinc vs. placebo on infant morbidity. Osendarp et al. supplementation, and length of follow-up make it difficult to
(17) reported that daily zinc supplementation from 4 to 24 wk identify the reasons behind these contrasting results. However, it
Effects of multivitamins and zinc on child health 2157
TABLE 2 Effect of daily MVs and zinc on the occurrence of common infectious morbidities in Tanzanian infants by nurse evaluation1
Diarrhea 3.7 (547/14,703) 4.0 (584/14,725) 0.93 (0.82, 1.05) 0.26 3.9 (566/14,611) 3.8 (565/14,817) 1.02 (0.90, 1.16) 0.74 0.06
Cough 22.1 (3266/14,782) 23.4 (3474/14,823) 0.95 (0.90, 1.01) 0.10 22.8 (3,350/14,697) 22.7 (3,390/14,908) 1.01 (0.95, 1.07) 0.73 0.78
Difficulty breathing 1.1 (159/14,777) 1.0 (141/14,818) 1.15 (0.89, 1.47) 0.29 1.1 (161/14,692) 0.9 (139/14,903) 1.16 (0.90, 1.49) 0.25 0.51
Cough + fever 4.9 (723/14,782) 5.3 (789/14,823) 0.90 (0.81, 1.01) 0.08 5.2 (760/14,697) 5.0 (752/14,908) 1.02 (0.91, 1.13) 0.78 0.53
Cough plus7 1.7 (247/14,782) 1.8 (261/14,823) 0.95 (0.78, 1.15) 0.57 1.8 (268/14,697) 1.6 (240/14,908) 1.14 (0.94, 1.39) 0.17 0.80
Cough with rapid respiratory rate8 0.1 (16/14,782) 0.1 (14/14,823) 0.98 (0.40, 2.43) 0.97 0.1 (15/14,697) 0.1 (15/14,908) 0.85 (0.34, 2.10) 0.72 0.99
Fever 10.0 (1471/14,780) 10.4 (1539/14,821) 0.95 (0.88, 1.03) 0.18 10.3 (1,514/14,694) 10.0 (1,496/14,907) 1.01 (0.94, 1.09) 0.78 0.80
Cold 21.3 (3153/14,782) 22.5 (3329/14,822) 0.95 (0.90, 1.01) 0.09 22.0 (3,226/14,697) 21.8 (3,256/14,907) 1.01 (0.95, 1.07) 0.82 0.82
Vomiting 1.8 (261/14,779) 1.7 (249/14,819) 1.05 (0.87, 1.26) 0.60 1.9 (272/14,691) 1.6 (238/14,907) 1.16 (0.97, 1.39) 0.11 0.79
Refusal to eat, drink, or breastfeed 2.3 (336/14,780) 2.5 (368/14,817) 0.90 (0.77, 1.06) 0.22 2.5 (363/14,691) 2.3 (341/14,906) 1.07 (0.91, 1.26) 0.38 0.75
Pus draining from ears 0.5 (74/14,778) 0.5 (73/14,817) 1.06 (0.74, 1.52) 0.75 0.4 (59/14,691) 0.6 (88/14,904) 0.65 (0.45, 0.93) 0.02 0.91
Hospitalizations 0.2 (34/14,620) 0.1 (21/14,669) 1.50 (0.83, 2.70) 0.18 0.2 (29/14,528) 0.1 (26/14,761) 1.18 (0.67, 2.11) 0.56 0.63
Unscheduled outpatient visits 2.0 (282/14,286) 1.7 (237/14,358) 1.18 (0.98, 1.43) 0.08 1.90 (270/14,194) 1.72 (249/14,450) 1.11 (0.92, 1.34) 0.28 0.46
MV, multivitamin.
Received zinc ‘‘yes’’ refers to children who received zinc alone as well as those who received zinc and MVs. Received zinc ‘‘no’’ refers to all children who received MVs alone
and those who received the placebo.
Received MVs ‘‘yes’’ refers to children who received MVs alone as well as those who received zinc and MVs. Received MVs ‘‘no’’ refers to all children who received zinc alone
and those who received the placebo.
Total number of events occurring during follow-up, defined as being reported in the 28 d (4 wk) before visit or being present on the day of the evaluation.
RR, 95% CI, and corresponding P values were obtained from generalized estimating equations with the binomial variance, log link, and exchangeable working covariance structure.
P-interaction effect.
Cough plus defined as cough with one or more of the following events: difficult breathing, chest retractions, and refusal to eat, drink, or breastfeed.
Cough with rapid breathing on the day of the evaluation (respiratory rate: .60/min in infants ,2 mo old, .50/min in infants 2–11 mo old, .40/min in infants 12–59 mo old).
is important to note that, to our knowledge, our study provided Our findings build on previous investigations into the pos-
supplementation for the longest period of time and followed sible effects associated with the addition of multiple micronu-
infants well into their second year of life, capturing the period trients to zinc supplementation regimens among older infants
during which the incidence of infectious morbidities typically and children. We previously reported that the same MV regi-
rises. men did not affect the risk of mortality among HIV-exposed
TABLE 3 Effect of daily MVs and zinc on the incidence of common infectious morbidities in Tanzanian infants by physician diagnosis1
Acute upper respiratory infection 1094 3.39 6 2.60 1072 3.70 6 2.80 0.92 (0.88, 0.97) 0.0005 1082 3.52 6 2.68 1084 3.57 6 2.73 0.98 (0.94, 1.03) 0.43 0.35
Acute lower respiratory infection 1040 0.63 6 0.95 1034 0.63 6 0.95 1.01 (0.91, 1.13) 0.86 1039 0.64 6 0.96 1035 0.62 6 0.94 1.02 (0.92, 1.14) 0.69 0.56
Pulmonary tuberculosis or other 1027 0.003 6 0.07 1022 0.001 6 0.03 3.01 (0.31, 28.86) 0.34 1027 0.002 6 0.06 1023 0.002 6 0.04 0.99 (0.14, 7.05) 0.99 —
causes of pneumonia
Diagnosis of any form of 1096 3.94 6 2.91 1074 4.26 6 3.06 0.93 (0.89, 0.97) 0.0006 1083 4.09 6 2.97 1087 4.11 6 3.01 0.99 (0.95, 1.03) 0.62 0.26
respiratory infection
Acute diarrhea 1033 0.46 6 0.77 1028 0.50 6 0.85 0.91 (0.81, 1.03) 0.15 1032 0.48 6 0.79 1029 0.47 6 0.83 1.02 (0.90, 1.16) 0.75 0.29
Dysentery 1048 0.43 6 0.79 1040 0.52 6 0.87 0.84 (0.74, 0.95) 0.006 1045 0.49 6 0.85 1043 0.46 6 0.80 1.05 (0.93, 1.19) 0.42 0.25
Persistent diarrhea 1028 0.003 6 0.05 1022 0.009 6 0.10 0.33 (0.09, 1.23) 0.10 1027 0.009 6 0.10 1023 0.003 6 0.05 1.99 (0.81,11.01) 0.10 0.71
Intestinal parasites 1030 0.14 6 0.38 1023 0.15 6 0.40 0.94 (0.74, 1.17) 0.56 1029 0.14 6 0.39 1024 0.14 6 0.39 0.97 (0.77, 1.21) 0.76 0.33
Diagnosis of any form of 1054 1.00 6 1.18 1043 1.14 6 1.33 0.88 (0.81, 0.96) 0.003 1049 1.09 6 1.29 1048 1.05 6 1.23 1.03 (0.95, 1.12) 0.43 0.24
Uncomplicated malaria 1052 0.87 6 1.08 1037 0.91 6 1.08 0.96 (0.87, 1.05) 0.33 1048 0.88 6 1.07 1041 0.90 6 1.09 0.98 (0.89, 1.07) 0.63 0.92
Severe malaria 1032 0.06 6 0.24 1023 0.06 6 0.24 1.05 (0.73, 1.52) 0.79 1028 0.05 6 0.22 1027 0.06 6 0.25 0.79 (0.55, 1.15) 0.22 0.34
Pallor/anemia 1029 0.16 6 0.45 1026 0.15 6 0.42 1.10 (0.88, 1.37) 0.41 1030 0.15 6 0.42 1025 0.16 6 0.45 0.88 (0.70, 1.09) 0.25 0.42
MV, multivitamin.
Received zinc ‘‘yes’’ refers to children who received zinc alone as well as those who received zinc and MVs. Received zinc ‘‘no’’ refers to all children who received MVs alone
and those who received the placebo.
Received MVs ‘‘yes’’ refers to children who received MVs alone as well as those who received zinc and MVs. Received MVs ‘‘no’’ refers to all children who received zinc alone
and those who received the placebo.
Mean 6 SD diagnoses over the course of follow-up.
RRs, 95% CIs, and corresponding P values were obtained from generalized estimating equations with the Poisson distribution and log link and by using the log of the follow-up
time as the offset variable.
P-interaction term.