13 Sure
13 Sure
13 Sure
Adequate nutrition during cancer plays a decisive role in several clinical outcome measures, such as treatment response, quality of life, and cost
of care. However, the importance of nutrition in children and young adults with malignancies is still an underestimated topic within pediatric
oncology. The importance of our work is to reinforce and indicate that malnutrition in children with cancer should not be accepted at any stage
of the disease or tolerated as an inevitable process. Unique to our manuscript is the close collaboration, the exchange of knowledge and
expertise between pediatric oncologists and a nutritional specialist, as well as the comprehension of the mechanisms during cancer cachexia and
malnutrition. We provide a critical review of the current state of research and new knowledge related to nutritional management in childhood
cancer. Adv. Nutr. 2: 67–77, 2011.
ã2011 American Society for Nutrition. Adv. Nutr. 2: 67–77, 2011; doi:10.3945/an.110.000141. 67
abdominal masses (e.g. embryonal neoplasms such as neu- explains why the provision of apparently adequate calories
roblastoma, hepatoblastoma, or Wilms tumor) may present has often been disappointing in clinical studies, suggesting
with normal weight despite severe malnutrition. Nutritional a hypermetabolic state (16). In contrast to uncomplicated
depletion may furthermore be masked in children by edema starvation, cachexia in humans with cancer is an advanced
due to corticosteroid treatment. Even if no gold standard state of wasting marked by excess depletion of skeletal mus-
definition for undernourishment in children exists, concise cle mass and adipose tissue relative to total body weight (19).
definitions are needed for the institution of preventive Metabolic and body composition changes in cancer cachexia
policies. resemble those detected in individuals with polytrauma,
Current information regarding the prevalence of malnu- acute sepsis, burn injuries, and AIDS (22,23).
trition in childhood cancer is critically influenced by several
factors: 1) different diagnostic techniques to assess the nutri- Cancer and host factors mediating malnutrition
tional status; 2) histological type and stage of malignancy The role of cytokines. Food intake is regulated in the ven-
during assessment; 3) the child’s individual susceptibility to- tromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. Animal models
ward malnutrition and anticancer regimens during classifi- have demonstrated that neuropeptides such as proinflam-
cation; and finally 4) the rather nonspecific definition of matory cytokines (IL1a, IL-1b, IL-6) released by tumor tis-
68 Bauer et al.
early in the course of the disease. Furthermore, manifestations Impact of energy metabolism
such as alterations in appetite and substrate metabolism cannot The metabolic turnover of a child is affected by factors such
easily be explained by a cancer-host competition for energy nu- as age, gender, nutritional status, energy intake, body com-
trients. This suggests that different utilization of exogenous en- position, hormones, physical activity, body and environ-
ergy substrates by host and tumor are present. In animal mental temperature, and pharmacotherapy as well as by
models, it has been demonstrated that deliberate dietary pro- pathological conditions such as surgical stress, infections,
tein depletion results in temporarily diminished tumor growth or trauma. There is a major controversy over whether the
rates, but also in severe host malnutrition (36,37). In addition, child with cancer has aberrations in energy expenditure dif-
in experimental models, the i.v. administration of nutrients in- ferent from a malnourished noncancer or healthy child
creases tumor volume and accelerates the mitotic activity of raised by limited energy balance studies using, among others
cancer cells (38–40). It must be emphasized that neither an in- ,different diagnostic techniques and diverse treatment strat-
fluence of nutritional deprivation (restricted diets) nor a direct egies. Studies have reported normal (50,51), reduced (52),
substrate-induced stimulation and modulation of tumor-cell and elevated energy expenditures (53) in children and adults
proliferation has ever been documented in humans (41–43). with malignancies in contrast to control groups. Additional
Findings from experimental parabiotic designs are difficult to determinants such as cytostatic drugs, cancer type, stage, sta-
70 Bauer et al.
Table 1. Tumor types associated with malnutrition for pediatric oncology patients
High risk factor Moderate risk factor High risk factor
for undernourishment for undernourishment for fat accumulation
Solid tumors with advanced stages Nonmetastatic solid tumors Acute lymphoblastic leukemia receiving cranial irradiation
Wilms tumors Uncomplicated acute lymphoblastic leukemia Craniopharyngeoma
Neuroblastoma stage III and IV Advanced diseases in remission during Malignancies with large and prolonged doses
rhabdomyosarcoma maintenance treatment of corticosteroid therapy or other drugs increasing
body fat stores
Ewing sarcoma Total body or abdominal or cranial irradiation
Multiple relapsed leukemia and lymphoma
Head and neck tumors
Post stem cell transplantation
(graft vs. host-disease)
Diencephalic tumors
Table 2. Short- and long-term consequences of malnutrition on the pediatric cancer survivor
Short-term consequences Long-term consequences
Wasting of muscle and fat mass (3,15) Growth impairment, reduced final height (56,75)
Decreased tolerance of chemotherapy (30,67) Decreased long-term survival in several tumor types (78–80)
Unfavorable response to chemotherapy (29,30,76,77) Impact on motor, cognitive, and neurodevelopmental
impairment (95)
Treatment delays (76,77,81) Risk for metabolic syndrome (93,96)
Fatigue (29,59) Risk for secondary cancers (106–108)
Biochemical disturbances (anemia and Risk for aging (101–105)
hypoalbuminemia) (29)
Delayed recovery of normal marrow function (88–91) Increased mortality rate (79,68)
Changes in body composition (75,90,91) Retardation of skeletal maturation (109)
Drug dose alteration (65–68) Abnormal bone mineral density (109)
Decreased quality and productivity of life (84,85) Decreased quality of life (65,71)
Greater levels of psychological distress (90,91)
Higher susceptibility to infections (89,90)
Figure 1 A screening schedule for nutritional status after diagnosis, including a classification in risk groups for undernutrition and fat
accumulation in children undergoing cancer therapies is demonstrated. We strongly recommend an adaptation of substrate intake
according to current requirements.
72 Bauer et al.
body compartments to capture muscle wasting and body of enteral absorption and no response to dietary supple-
mass depletion. Weight loss is a rather poor predictor of un- ment. However, emaciation should be anticipated early
dernourishment that reflects past rather than current nutri- and induce parenteral nutrition. The literature offers few
tional status. The primary objectives of nutritional clinical trials studying the optimal timing and efficacy of
interventions in pediatric oncology should be: the mainte- supplemental parenteral nutrition as well as the benefit
nance of body stores as close to the ideal as possible, mini- and outcome of children with malignancies (121,122).
mization of wasting, promotion of appropriate growth Most studies have been conducted in adults, presenting con-
development, and providing a good quality of life. troversial results and recommendations in the use of total
Nutrition strategies are indicated in all affected children, parenteral nutrition for patients undergoing hematopoietic
beginning with the diagnosis of cancer to prevent and/or re- stem cell transplantation (123,124). The potential complica-
store abnormalities in growth development before nutri- tions of parenteral nutrition include risks for infection, met-
tional and general status are severely compromised. These abolic disorders, hepatotoxicity, and reduction of oral intake
should be integrated into cancer treatment protocols start- (119). Exogenous glutamine application appears to play a
ing directly after admission independent of the initial body role in diminishing the detrimental effects of anticancer
weight to establish the essential role of adequate nutrition drugs on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Furthermore carnitine
74 Bauer et al.
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