Manual de Usuario SADA v4 PDF
Manual de Usuario SADA v4 PDF
Manual de Usuario SADA v4 PDF
Assistance (SADA)
Version 4.1
User Guide
May 2005
Table of Contents
Getting Started 1
SADA Overview........................................................................................ 1
Installing SADA ........................................................................................ 1
SADA Layout ............................................................................................ 2
Welcome Screen ................................................................................ 4
List Boxes .......................................................................................... 4
Interviews ........................................................................................... 4
Windows ............................................................................................ 5
Steps Window .............................................................................. 5
Parameters Window...................................................................... 7
Graphics Window ......................................................................... 7
Buttons .............................................................................................. 8
Menus ................................................................................................ 9
File Menu..................................................................................... 9
Graphics Menu ............................................................................. 9
Setup Menu................................................................................ 10
Reports Menu............................................................................. 10
Statistics Menu ........................................................................... 10
Tools Menu ................................................................................ 11
Help Menu ................................................................................. 11
Human Health Menu ................................................................... 12
Ecological Menu ......................................................................... 12
Custom Menu ............................................................................. 13
Geobayesian Menu..................................................................... 14
SADA Files 15
Creating an Empty SADA File.................................................................. 15
Creating a SADA File with Sampled Data ................................................. 16
Data Requirements................................................................................. 18
Opening/Saving a SADA File ................................................................... 19
Basic Functions 20
Plot My Data - Interview .......................................................................... 20
Draw a Data Screen Map - Interview........................................................ 21
Display Empty Plot - Step........................................................................ 24
Set up the Site - Step .............................................................................. 25
Site Boundary ................................................................................... 26
Overview of Vertical Layers and Polygons .......................................... 27
Set Vertical Layers ............................................................................ 27
Polygons .......................................................................................... 32
Import Sampled Data - Step .................................................................... 36
See the Data - Step ................................................................................ 37
Data Query....................................................................................... 37
Duplicate Resolution ......................................................................... 38
Non Detects ..................................................................................... 39
Set GIS Overlays - Step .......................................................................... 39
Format Picture - Step .............................................................................. 42
Caption Formulas ............................................................................. 42
Auto Document - Step ............................................................................. 43
Creating New Reports....................................................................... 44
Saving Reports................................................................................. 45
Switching Between Reports............................................................... 45
Printing Report ................................................................................. 45
Closing the Report Viewer ................................................................. 45
Adding Information to a Report .......................................................... 45
Editing the Report ............................................................................. 46
Add To Results Gallery - Step.................................................................. 47
Show Results - Interview......................................................................... 48
Show Results - Step ............................................................................... 48
Graphical Displays.................................................................................. 48
Histograms....................................................................................... 48
CDFs ............................................................................................... 49
Data Plots ........................................................................................ 50
Geospatial Model Plots ..................................................................... 50
XY Graphs ....................................................................................... 51
Legend Manager .................................................................................... 52
Customizing Continuous Legends ...................................................... 54
Customizing Categorical Legends ...................................................... 56
Zooming, Shifting, and Restoring ............................................................. 56
Zooming........................................................................................... 56
Shifting the Picture............................................................................ 58
Restoring the Picture ........................................................................ 58
Pooling Data........................................................................................... 58
Contaminant Manager............................................................................. 59
Data Editor............................................................................................. 60
Copying Data from the Editor............................................................. 61
Pasting Data into the Editor ............................................................... 61
Entering New Data into the Editor ...................................................... 62
Adding a New Contaminant ..................................................................... 62
Information............................................................................................. 63
Information Button ............................................................................ 63
Information Table.............................................................................. 64
Search Labels .................................................................................. 65
Statistics ................................................................................................ 67
Univariate Statistics .......................................................................... 67
Statistical Tests ................................................................................ 69
Sign Test vs. Decision Criteria..................................................... 69
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Paired Test.................................................. 70
Number of Samples .......................................................................... 71
Sign Test.................................................................................... 71
Wilcoxon Rank Sum.................................................................... 72
Geospatial Methods 74
Overview of Geospatial Modeling............................................................. 74
Set Grid Specs - Step ............................................................................. 78
Interpolation Methods - Step.................................................................... 80
Nearest Neighbor ............................................................................. 81
Natural Neighbor .............................................................................. 82
Inverse Distance............................................................................... 83
Ordinary Kriging................................................................................ 84
Indicator Kriging................................................................................ 85
Spatial Correlation .................................................................................. 85
Direction of anisotropy ...................................................................... 90
Suggested Approach for Spatial Correlation ....................................... 91
Spatial Correlation and Indicator Kriging............................................. 91
Model Spatial Correlation - Interview........................................................ 92
Correlation Modeling - Step ..................................................................... 92
Rose Diagram ........................................................................................ 95
Estimate Model....................................................................................... 97
Defining a Neighborhood......................................................................... 97
Search Neighborhood - Step ................................................................. 100
Cross Validation - Step.......................................................................... 100
Interpolate My Data - Interview .............................................................. 101
Draw a Variance Map - Interview ........................................................... 102
Draw a LISA Map - Interview ................................................................. 103
Set LISA Parameters - Step .................................................................. 104
Moran's I ........................................................................................ 104
Ripley's K Map ............................................................................... 105
Geary's C Map ............................................................................... 105
Human Health Risk Assessment 107
Overview of Human Health Risk Assessment ......................................... 107
Data Evaluation .............................................................................. 107
Toxicity Assessment ....................................................................... 108
Exposure Assessment .................................................................... 108
Risk Characterization...................................................................... 109
Setting Up Risk..................................................................................... 110
Delete Human Health Analysis .............................................................. 111
Toxicological Links................................................................................ 112
Risk Parameters ................................................................................... 113
Toxicological Parameters ................................................................ 113
Scenario Parameters ...................................................................... 115
Physical Parameters ....................................................................... 117
Set Statistics ........................................................................................ 118
Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs).................................................. 118
Setting Target Risk/Hazard Index........................................................... 120
Screening Data Against Risk ................................................................. 120
Calculating Risk.................................................................................... 122
Spatial Risk Issues ............................................................................... 123
Scenario Parameters Window................................................................ 123
Draw a Data Screen Map (human health) - Interview............................... 124
Draw a Point Risk Map (human health) - Interview .................................. 125
Draw a contoured risk map - human health............................................. 126
Risk Scenario Selection Window............................................................ 127
Risk Equations ..................................................................................... 128
Land Use Scenarios ........................................................................ 128
References..................................................................................... 129
Soil/ Sediment Exposure Pathways.................................................. 130
Incidental Soil/Sediment Ingestion ............................................. 131
Soil/Sediment Inhalation............................................................ 132
Soil/Sediment Dermal Contact ................................................... 134
External Exposure .................................................................... 135
Soil/Sediment Produce Ingestion ............................................... 136
Soil/Sediment Beef Ingestion ..................................................... 137
Soil/Sediment Milk Ingestion...................................................... 139
Surface Water/ Groundwater Exposure Pathways............................. 140
Surface Water/Groundwater Ingestion........................................ 141
Surface Water/Groundwater Indoor Inhalation ............................ 142
Surface Water/Groundwater Dermal Contact .............................. 143
Surface Water/Groundwater Produce Ingestion .......................... 145
Surface Water/Groundwater Beef Ingestion ................................ 147
Surface Water/Groundwater Milk Ingestion ................................. 148
Surface Water Fish Ingestion..................................................... 150
Ecological Risk Assessment 151
Overview of Ecological Risk Assessment ............................................... 151
Ecological Risk Configuration ................................................................ 152
Ecological Risk Setup ..................................................................... 152
Delete Ecological Risk .................................................................... 154
Rematch Single Ecological Contaminant .......................................... 154
Set Physical Parameters ................................................................. 156
Set Ecological Statistics.................................................................. 156
Check Eco Version ......................................................................... 157
Browse Ecological Benchmarks ............................................................. 158
Browse Benchmark Histograms ....................................................... 158
Browse Benchmark Table ............................................................... 160
Ecological Benchmark Screening........................................................... 162
Show Benchmark Histogram ........................................................... 163
Show Benchmark Table .................................................................. 163
Show Benchmark Ratios ................................................................. 164
Show Benchmark Screens .............................................................. 165
Spatial Ecological Maps ........................................................................ 166
Draw a Data Screen Map (Eco) - Interview....................................... 166
Draw a Point Risk Map (Eco) - Interview........................................... 168
Draw an Eco Point Dose Map - Interview.......................................... 170
Draw a Contoured Risk Map (Eco) - Interview................................... 172
Draw a Contoured Eco Dose Map - Interview ................................... 174
Ecological Benchmarks ......................................................................... 176
Surface Water Ecological Benchmarks............................................. 176
Canadian WQG ........................................................................ 176
EC20 Daphnids ........................................................................ 178
EC20 Fish ................................................................................ 178
EC25 Bass Population .............................................................. 178
EC20 Sensitive Species ............................................................ 178
EPA Region 4- Acute ................................................................ 178
EPA Region 4- Chronic ............................................................. 178
EPA Region 5 ESLs - SW ......................................................... 179
LCV Aquatic Plants................................................................... 179
LCV Daphnids .......................................................................... 179
LCV Fish.................................................................................. 179
LCV Non-Daphnid Inverts.......................................................... 180
NAWQC- Acute ........................................................................ 180
NAWQC- Chronic ..................................................................... 180
Tier II SAV................................................................................ 181
Tier II SCV ............................................................................... 181
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Freshwater..... 181
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Saltwater (Marine)182
Sediment Ecological Benchmarks .................................................... 182
ARCS NEC .............................................................................. 182
ARCS TEC............................................................................... 183
ARCS PEC............................................................................... 183
Canadian ISQG ........................................................................ 183
Canadian PEL .......................................................................... 184
Consensus PEC ....................................................................... 184
Consensus TEC ....................................................................... 184
EPA Region 4........................................................................... 184
EPA Region 5 ESLs - Sed ......................................................... 184
FDEP TEL................................................................................ 185
FDEP PEL................................................................................ 185
NOAA ERL ............................................................................... 185
NOAA ERM .............................................................................. 185
Ontario Low.............................................................................. 186
Ontario Severe ......................................................................... 186
OSWER ................................................................................... 186
WASHINGTON NEL ................................................................. 186
WASHINGTON MAEL............................................................... 186
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Freshwater Sediment 187
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Marine Sediment 187
Soil Ecological Benchmarks ............................................................ 187
Dutch Intervention..................................................................... 187
Dutch Target ............................................................................ 188
EPA Eco ESLs ......................................................................... 188
EPA Region IV ......................................................................... 189
EPA Region 5 ESLs - Soil ......................................................... 189
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Surface Soil -- Plants 190
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Surface Soil – Soil Invertebrates
................................................................................................ 190
ORNL Invertebrates .................................................................. 190
ORNL Microbes ........................................................................ 190
ORNL Plants ............................................................................ 190
Biota Ecological Benchmarks (Tissue Concentration Benchmarks) .... 190
ECW avian and mammalian tissue concentrations ...................... 191
BCMOELP 1998 pw .................................................................. 191
CEC 1988 fish .......................................................................... 191
CCME 1999 pw ........................................................................ 191
Environment Ontario 1984 pw.................................................... 191
Newell et al. 1987 pw................................................................ 192
Swain and Holmes 1985 fish ..................................................... 192
Terrestrial Wildlife Exposure Modeling ................................................... 192
Bioaccumulation ............................................................................. 192
Sources for soil-t o-plant bioaccumulation factors ........................ 193
Sources for soil-t o-invertebrate bioaccumulation factors .............. 195
Sources for soil-t o-mammal and diet-to-mammal bioaccumulation factors 196
Terrestrial Daily Exposure Dose....................................................... 198
Set Terrestrial Exposure Parameters................................................ 201
Wildlife Exposure Parameters: References ....................................... 203
Set Terrestrial Contaminant Parameters ........................................... 212
MARSSIM Overview ............................................................................. 217
Develop MARSSIM Sample Design - Interview ....................................... 217
MARSSIM Parameters Step .................................................................. 221
Perform MARSSIM Analysis.................................................................. 223
Set Background Data - Step .................................................................. 227
Custom Analysis 228
Setup Custom Analysis ......................................................................... 228
Delete Custom Analysis ........................................................................ 230
Rematching Custom Contaminants ........................................................ 230
Set Custom Screening Statistics............................................................ 231
Custom Values ..................................................................................... 232
Screening Data Against Custom Values ................................................. 233
Using Custom Analysis Results ............................................................. 234
Decision Frameworks 235
Overview of Decision Frameworks ......................................................... 235
Decision Basis................................................................................ 235
Decision Scale................................................................................ 236
Specify Decision Criteria - Step ............................................................. 237
Set Eco framework - Step...................................................................... 237
Draw a Probability Map - Interview......................................................... 238
Draw an Area of Concern Map - Interview .............................................. 242
Calculate Cost versus Cleanup - Interview.............................................. 245
Set Cost Information - Step ................................................................... 248
Three Dimensional Visualization 249
Layering Approach................................................................................ 249
True Three Dimensional Rendering........................................................ 249
Points View .................................................................................... 250
Blocks View.................................................................................... 251
Isosurface View .............................................................................. 251
How to Move the 3D Object............................................................. 251
Basic Options ................................................................................. 252
Blocks/Isosurface ..................................................................... 252
Transparency ........................................................................... 252
Zoom In/Out ............................................................................. 252
Z Delta..................................................................................... 252
Z-Scale .................................................................................... 252
When Moving, Draw.................................................................. 252
Advanced Options .......................................................................... 252
ChairCut/Shells Tab .................................................................. 253
Basic Tab ................................................................................. 253
Views Tab ................................................................................ 254
Points Tab................................................................................ 255
Axes Tab.................................................................................. 256
Scaling Tab .............................................................................. 256
Sample Designs 257
Develop a Sample Design - Interview ..................................................... 257
Set Sampling Parameters - Step ............................................................ 258
Initial Sample Designs ........................................................................... 258
Judgmental Sample Design ............................................................. 259
Simple Random Sample Design ...................................................... 260
Simple Grid Sample Design............................................................. 262
Simple Unaligned Grid Sample Design............................................. 264
Standard Grid Sample Design ......................................................... 266
Standard Unaligned Grid Sample Design ......................................... 268
Hot Spot Sample Designs ............................................................... 269
Hot Spot: Minimize Sample Size By Cost ................................... 270
Hot Spot: Minimize Sample Size By Hot Spot Definition .............. 272
Hot Spot: Unknown Hot Spot ..................................................... 274
Hot Spot: Calculate Probability .................................................. 276
3d Hot Spot Search................................................................... 278
Secondary Sample Designs .................................................................. 280
Threshold Radial Sample Design (Adaptive Cluster Sampling) .......... 280
Adaptive Fill Sample Design............................................................ 283
High Value Sample Design .............................................................. 285
Highest Prior Values Sample Design................................................ 287
Area of Concern Boundary Sample Design....................................... 288
AOC Prior Boundary Sample Design................................................ 290
Minimizing/Maximizing Area of Concern Sample Design.................... 292
Minimizing/Maximizing Area of Concern Discussion .......................... 294
LISA Sample Designs ..................................................................... 298
Determining the Number of Samples ...................................................... 300
Design Core Samples ........................................................................... 300
Show ghost image ................................................................................ 300
Square Grid Pattern.............................................................................. 300
Triangular Grid Pattern.......................................................................... 301
Simulated Sampling.............................................................................. 301
Unsimulated Sampling .......................................................................... 301
Secondary Minimum Distance Constraint ............................................... 301
Tie Break Methods ................................................................................ 302
Output to File........................................................................................ 302
The Geobayesian Model 303
Overview of Bayesian Approach ............................................................ 303
Rational for using Beta Distribution ........................................................ 304
Geostatistics......................................................................................... 305
Updating the Soft Information using Hard Information.............................. 306
Summary of the Procedure .................................................................... 306
Setup Geobayesian Model .................................................................... 306
View My Initial Probability Map - Interview .............................................. 308
Draw/Edit Prior - Step ........................................................................... 309
View My Initial Variance Map - Interview................................................. 311
Update My Prior Probability Map - Interview ........................................... 312
Set Update Data - Step ......................................................................... 313
Update My Prior Variance Map - Interview.............................................. 314
Draw an Area of Concern Map Based on Soft Data Only - Interview......... 315
Calculate Cost versus Cleanup Based on Soft Data Only - Interview........ 316
Create a New Prior ............................................................................... 317
Miscellaneous Information 319
Duplicate Values ................................................................................... 319
Setting Normality/Lognormality Assumption ............................................ 319
Line Pointer .......................................................................................... 319
Line Query ........................................................................................... 319
Spatial Units......................................................................................... 319
Circumcircles ........................................................................................ 319
Voronnoi Polygons ................................................................................ 319
I Button ................................................................................................ 319
Semi-variogram .................................................................................... 320
Getting Started
This chapter provides:
• An overview of SADA;
• Installation instructions; and
• A description of the SADA layout, including windows, buttons, menus, and interviews.
SADA Overview
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) addresses common environmental assessment issues
by integrating and streamlining methods from several fields of study. These studies include:
• Data Exploration and Visualization
• Geographic Information System
• Statistical Analysis
• Human Health Risk Assessment
• Ecological Risk Assessment
• Data Screening and Decision Criteria
• Geospatial Interpolation
• Uncertainty Analysis
• Decision Analysis
• Sample Design
• Utilizing Soft Information
• MARSSIM module
While SADA was written within the context of environmental analysis, many of the processes were
broadly constructed to deal with a wide array of problems concerning spatially distributed information.
For simplicity, this manual will be written in the language of environmental assessment.
This manual assumes that the reader is familiar with the Windows environment and comfortable with the
topics covered in this manual. References are made to other resources outside of the manual for topics
that may not be familiar to all users. While some concepts may be discussed briefly, the manual is written
primarily to show how to implement these concepts within the software.
A number of files have been included on the distribution disks to help the user get started. They include
comma-delimited data files (.csv), example SADA files (.sada), and some GIS layer files (.dxf). The data
sets contained in these files are intended for demonstration purposes only; they were not originally
sampled at the locations seen in the GIS overlays and have been altered. ToxicologicalDatabases.mdb
and ScenarioDatabases.mdb are also included for setting up the human health risk module in SADA
while a benchmark database is included for ecological risk assessment setup and a custom database is
included for the custom analysis setup. These file types will be discussed and demonstrated throughout
the manual.
Installing SADA
Before installing SADA, check for the following minimal requirements:
CPU: Pentium II
Disk Space: 400 MB
RAM: 64 MB
OS: Windows 98, 98 Second Edition, NT 4.0 (SP4 and higher), 2000, ME, XP
Clock: 200 MHz
These requirements, however, are recommended to enhance performance of geospatial analyses:
CPU: Pentium IV or higher
Disk Space: 1 GB
RAM: 256 MB or higher
OS: Windows 2000, XP
Clock: 1 GHz
To install SADA from the web download, double click the setup executable file in windows explorer and
follow the directions.
SADA Layout
Before implementing methodologies in SADA, it is important to understand the main components that
make up the software: list boxes, interviews, windows, buttons, and menus. When SADA is first opened,
a welcome screen will appear.
Behind the welcome screen are three empty windows. Only the Open button and the File and Help
menus will be enabled.
After a SADA file is created, the menus and buttons will be enabled and the windows and list boxes will
display the corresponding data. In the following image, the file ThreeDimensional.sda, which is distributed
with SADA, has been opened.
Welcome Screen
The welcome screen appears when SADA is first opened.
At this screen, users have the option of creating a new SADA file or opening an existing file. All existing
files will appear in the test box. Note: SADA is shipped with several test files that will appear here.
There is also a link here for the Quick Start Tutorial. This tutorial provides a basic introduction to SADA
Version 4.
List Boxes
Analysis Box: This box displays the type of analysis (e.g., general, human health, etc.). For a new file,
only General is available. General is the default choice and simply means that the data will be used in a
straightforward way without applying any other framework or models, such as risk. To use other analyses,
set up human health, ecological, MARSSIM, or custom. After selecting an analysis, the interviews will
change to display the appropriate actions for that analysis and the windows will change to reflect the data.
Data Type Box: This box displays the type of data. These can be media (e.g., soil, sediment,
groundwater, etc.), Basic (when media is unimportant to the user or unspecified during file setup),
Geobayesian, or Results Gallery (where the user dynamically saves spatial models). When a new data
type is selected, the Data Name box changes to reflect the data for that data type. The interviews may
also change depending on the data type selected.
Data Name Box: This box displays the name of the data. When the data type is Media, this box will list
available analytes. When the data type is Basic, this box may list analytes and/or other information about
the data (e.g., density). When the data type is Geobayesian, this box will display any professional
judgment data names defined by the user. The Graphics Window will change when a new data name is
Labels Box: This box displays information about the data set (e.g., depth, name, casnumber, etc.). When
a label is selected, the Graphics Window will display the selected labels next to every data point. Note
that the default setting for this box is [none]. If there is more than one value for a particular data point (due
to duplicate or pooled data) and the values differ, SADA will display the following ***. To search for a
particular label within the dataset, use the Search Labels function.
Layers Box: This box displays the different layers for data set, if the data set is three-dimensional.
Interviews are an important component of SADA Version 4. This list box displays all the functions that can
be performed on a data set based on the analysis, data type, and data name combination. Note that the
interviews listed will change when a different analysis or data type is selected.
The following list represents all the possible interviews in SADA. See the chapter associated with a
particular interview for more specific information.
• Calculate Cost Versus Cleanup
• Calculate Cost vs. Cleanup Based on soft Data Only
• Develop a Sample Design
• Develop a MARSSIM Sample Design
• Display Empty Plot
• Draw a Contoured Eco Dose Map
• Draw a Contoured Risk Map
• Draw a Data Screen Map
• Draw a LISA Map
• Draw a Point Risk Map
• Draw a Probability Map
• Draw a Variance Map
• Draw an AOC Map Based on Soft Data Only
• Draw an Area of Concern Map
• Draw an Eco Point Dose Map
• Interpolate My Data
• Model Spatial Correlation
• Plot My Data
• Update My Prior Probability Map
• Update My Prior Variance Map
• View My Initial Probability Map
• View My Initial Variance Map
There are 3 important windows in SADA Version 4: the Steps Window, the Parameters Window, and the
Graphics Window.
Steps Window
This window displays all the steps that need to be performed for a particular interview. When a step is
selected, the parameters window displays the associated parameters.
The following list represents all the possible steps in SADA. See the chapter associated with a particular
step for more detailed information.
• Add to results gallery
• Auto-document
• Correlation modeling
• Cross validation
• Display empty plot
• Draw/Edit prior
• Format picture
• Import sampled data
• Interpolation methods
• MARSSIM Parameters
• Search neighborhood
• See the data
• Set background data
• Set cost information
• Set GIS overlays
• Set grid specs
• Set LISA parameters
• Set sampling parameters
• Set up the site
• Set update data
• Show the results
• Specify decision criteria
Parameters Window
This window (which replaces the Control Panel of SADA Version 3) contains the parameters related to
each interview step.
Graphics Window
This window displays the graphical results based on the list box selections and the Steps and Parameter
windows. The main toolbar provides different interactive functions for the graphics window.
Functions are enabled or disabled depending on the current plot configuration.
For all graphics, the Print function prints the current graphic to the printer.
The Zoom In, Zoom Out, Restore, and Shift Picture buttons will be available on all graphics except for
cost curves. See the chapter on Zooming, Shifting, and Restoring.
The Line Pointer and Line Query buttons are available for reading cost graph information when that
option has been chosen.
The following buttons are available on the toolbar:
Copy to Clipboard – Copies current image to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Window
Risk Screen Table– Displays results of screening data against risk-based screening criteria. Only
enabled for human health, ecological, or custom analyses.
Risk Table – Displays results of calculating risk. Only available for human health or ecological analyses.
Measures Button – Measures the distance between two points on the graphics window.
Restore Picture – Restores the graphics window to the default view.
Line Pointer – The line pointer button is used to define the coordinates of a line on the graphics window.
Line Query – The line query button is used to type in the value of one coordinate for a line in the graphics
window and find the value for the other coordinate.
The following menu items are available in SADA: File, Graphics, Setup, Reports, Statistics, Tools, and
In addition to the standard menus, new menus will appear when Human Health, Ecological, or Custom
are selected as the analysis type or Geobayesian is selected as the data type.
File Menu
Graphics Menu
Set Circle Radius Sets the plot radius for plotted data values.
Show 3d View Opens the three-dimensional volume rendering window.
Setup Menu
Human Health Risk Takes the user through the human health risk assessment setup wizard.
Ecological Risk Takes the user through the ecological risk assessment setup wizard.
MARSSIM Takes the user through the MARSSIM setup.
Custom… Takes the user through the custom analysis wizard in order to import external
information into SADA.
Reports Menu
Statistics Menu
Univariate Displays a table of one variable statistics for the selected data name.
Show Histogram Shows histogram of values for currently visible plot (not available for cost plots).
Show CDF Displays the cumulative distribution function (CDF) in the graphics window.
Statistical Tests
Sign Test vs. Decision Criteria Uses the sign test to compare sampled data set to user-specified
decision criteria.
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test Uses the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test to compare to data sets (e.g.,
sampled data to background).
Number of Samples
Sign Test Uses the sign test to determine the number of sampled needed
based on user-specified decision criteria.
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Uses the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test to determine the number of
sampled needed based on user-specified decision criteria.
Tools Menu
Information Produces the database fields from the SADA file for the currently
selected data or modeling results.
Search Labels This function allows the user to search labels for particular
Contaminant Manager Allows the user to access the Contaminant Manager.
Legend Manager Provides access to the legend manager for legend creation and
Add Geobayesian Data Takes the user through the Geobayesian setup wizard in order to
combine prior site information with hard sampled values.
Edit Sampled Data Allows the user to edit data properties in the Data Editor window.
Import New Data From a File Allows the user to import data to the current SADA file.
Add New Data Directly Allows the user to manually add a new contaminant to the data set.
Show open dialogue at startup Check this option for SADA to present the welcome screen each
time it is started.
Help Menu
Contents and Index Gives the user access to the SADA Help system.
SADA Web Site Opens the SADA website in the default internet browser.
Report a Problem Opens the bug report page of the SADA website, which provides an e-mail link to
SADA developers.
About SADA Provides information about the SADA software.
PRG Table Allows the user to view the table of Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs).
PRG Screen Table Presents the table of PRG screening results.
Risk Table Presents the table of human health risk results.
Configure Human Health Provides a list of the following options:
Target Risk Allows the user to view or edit the target health index and the
target risk values.
Set Screening Statistics Allows the user to select a statistical approach for calculating
representative screening values.
Set Exposure Statistics Allows the user to select a statistical approach for calculating
exposure concentrations.
Rematch A Contaminant Allows the user to rematch a single contaminant with one in the
toxicological database.
Delete Human Health Analysis Allows the user to delete the current human health analysis.
Scenario Parameters Presents the Scenario Parameters Window for viewing
parameter settings.
Physical Parameters Presents the Physical Parameters Window for viewing parameter
Toxicological Parameters Presents the Toxicological Parameters Window for viewing
toxicological values.
Ecological Menu
Benchmark Table Presents a table of ecological benchmarks for the selected media.
Benchmark Screens Presents a table of ecological benchmark screening results for the
selected media.
Benchmark Ratios Presents a table of ecological benchmark ratios for the selected media.
Benchmark Histogram Displays a histogram for the selected media in a new window.
Show Daily Exposure Dose Presents a table of daily exposure doses for soil contaminants.
Configure Ecological Risk Provides a list of the following options:
Check Ecological Version Provides a list of the information for the selected file.
Set Screening Statistics Allows the user to select a statistical approach for
calculating representative screening values.
Set Exposure Statistics Allows the user to select a statistical approach for
calculating exposure concentrations.
Set Physical Parameters Allows the user to view and set physical parameters for
the analysis.
Set Terrestrial Exposure Parameters Allows the user to view and set terrestrial exposure
parameters for specific species.
Set Terrestrial Contaminant Parameters Allows the user to view and set terrestrial contaminant
parameters for specific contaminants.
Rematch A Contaminant Allows the user to rematch a single contaminant with
one in the ecological benchmark database.
Delete Ecological Risk Allows the user to delete the current ecological analysis.
Browse Provides a list of the following options:
Benchmark Table From… Allows the user to view benchmarks from any valid
SADA benchmark database.
Benchmark Histogram From… Allows the user to view histograms of benchmark values
from any valid SADA benchmark database.
Custom Menu
Custom Values Table Allows user to see the set of custom values for the current
Custom Screen Table Screens current contaminant against the set of custom values.
Configure Custom Analysis Provides a list of the following options:
Set Screening Statistics Allows the user to select a statistical approach for calculating
representative screening values.
Rematch A Contaminant Allows the user to rematch a single contaminant to a contaminant
in a custom database of the same data structure.
Delete This Analysis Deletes the current custom analysis.
Geobayesian Menu
Create a New Prior Allows the user to setup another Geobayesian model.
SADA Files
SADA Version 4 allows users to import data or create and empty SADA file. An empty file is useful if the
user wants to use SADA to decide where to take initial samples.
To begin the creation sequence, open SADA, select File, and from the menu bar choose New. The
following window will appear.
Enter the name of the SADA file in the space provided. As a default, SADA will automatically enter
MySADAFile.sda. Then press Next>>.
Note: the second line is disabled since there is no data to import.
After creating an empty file, SADA will display an empty plot in the Graphics Window.
The only Interviews that are available are Develop sample design and Develop MARSSIM Sample
Design. Select one of these Interviews and follow the steps that appear in the Steps Window.
SADA opens the File Selection window. At this point, enter the name of your new SADA file into the first
textbox. Then, enter the name of the comma-delimited ASCII file or Access database that contains your
data SADA into the second textbox (or press the Browse button to select). Press Next>> for SADA to
convert your data file into this new SADA file. Note: the external file itself is not affected by the
conversion process.
If your input file is an Access database, the following window will appear.
The pane on the left shows all the available tables in your database. Select the table with the needed
information and press OK.
The next step in the process, or the first step if your dataset is a .csv file, is to identify the columns of
information in the ASCII data file and match these columns of information to information categories that
are required or may be useful in SADA. SADA scans the text file for column headers and applies default
matches to these information categories. The results are shown in the Matching Headers with
Categories window. If a column is mismatched with an information category type, then you can select a
new column header by pressing the down arrows and highlighting the new column header.
Required information categories are followed by an (*) and must be assigned to a column in the ASCII
data file. A category is not assigned if the (none) option is selected in the drop down box. The Depth
category is required only when data exist at varying depths. If the Detect Qualifier is not assigned, the
data are assumed to be all detects. If the media column is not assigned, SADA adds an artificial media
column titled ‘Basic’.
If Media ID, which denotes the type of media the contaminants are sampled in (e.g. soil or groundwater)
is not defined, then the human health risk and/or ecological risk modules cannot be setup later. The
media is a critical information category to the risk modules. Also, SADA expects certain units for
measured values in the risk modules.
After the columns have been set, press Next>>. SADA begins the conversion process and presents the
data is it will be imported into the Data Editor.
The Data Editor is a simple spreadsheet that shows how SADA views the data as it is being imported. It
provides the user a chance to identify errors in the data set and correct them during the import process.
At this point, the Data Editor is very simple in functionality and is designed to correct minor errors in the
data. If for some reason the data import appears to be largely different than the user intended, the exact
cause should be identified outside of SADA and the setup repeated.
SADA highlights cells with red if they contain an unacceptable value for SADA. In the example above, the
northing column contains a value of “NA”. Since SADA requires numerical values for every northing entry,
the cell is now red. To determine the exact error, place the mouse over the red cell and the yellow text
box near the top explains the problem with the entry.
Once the spreadsheet contains no red cells, the process may continue. Near the top is a checkbox called
Automatic Error Checking. It is recommended that this box remain checked. When unchecked, SADA is
no longer looking for mistakes as you type. Under these conditions, you must press the Check Errors
button at the bottom of the page to run the check. It may be preferable to uncheck the Automatic Error
Checking box and use Check Errors later when the user is entering or pasting large amounts of data
and does not wish the process to be slowed by SADA checking values as they are entered. However,
generally during the import process it should remain checked. If there are many errors or the file is large,
use the Find Next Error button for SADA to locate the next error.
After scanning in the contaminants, SADA checks for duplicate values. Duplicate values are resolved
based on the criteria defined on for the data query parameters, visible when See the data is selected
from the Steps Window.
Click Submit after all errors have been corrected. The SADA file is now successfully created and is
automatically opened.
Data Requirements
Before a data set can be converted into a SADA file, it must adhere to the following requirements:
1. The data set must be in comma delimited text or in Microsoft Access.
2. The file must include at least four columns, in any order, that contain the analyte name, easting
coordinate, northing coordinate, and sample value. If the data are taken over depth, an additional
column with the depth value is required. No empty values are allowed for any of these columns, and
non-numerical values are not permitted for any coordinate or sample value.
3. Columns containing CAS Numbers, Detect Qualifiers, Media Identification, and date are optional.
Additional columns are accepted; however, the total number of columns may not exceed 250. CAS
Numbers are accepted with or without dashes and without trailing or leading zero values. Valid
detection qualifiers consist of only 0 and 1, non-detect and detect respectively. Proper media
identification qualifiers are as follows: Soil – SO, Sediment – SD, Groundwater – GW, Surface water
– SW, Air – AIR, Biota – BIO, and Background – Background. Proper date format is mm/dd/yy.
4. All columns must have a title row. Punctuation is not allowed in the title names.
5. If risk assessments are part of the analysis (either human health or ecological), then the
concentration values are expected to be:
Soil, Sediment, and Biota: mg/kg for nonradionuclides, pCi/g for radionuclides
Surface/Groundwater: mg/L for nonradionuclides, pCi/L for radionuclides
In addition, a Media Identification column is required for setting up the human health risk or ecological
risk modules.
6. Quotation marks are located only around items that contain a comma. SADA accepts quotations as
field delimiters and may get fields out of order. For example, the value Sample located on "C" Street
is accepted as three column values: Sample located, C, and Street. Conversely, Arsenic, Inorganic
must be enclosed in quotes or SADA will read it as two field values: Arsenic and Inorganic. The
proper way to store the field value is "Arsenic, Inorganic".
If your data set is an Access File, it is likely that SADA will have no problems with data requirements.
Basic Functions
This chapter displays some basic interviews, steps, and options in SADA.
Basic Interviews:
• Plot my Data
• Draw a Data Screen Map
Basic Steps:
• Display empty plot
• Set up the site
• Import sampled data
• See the data
• Set GIS overlays
• Format picture
• Auto-document
• Results Gallery
• Show results
Basic functions:
• Graphical displays
• Legend Manager
• Zooming, Shifting, and Restoring
• Pooling data
• Contaminant Manager
• Data Editor
• Add a contaminant
• Information
• Statistical Information
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Show the results
5. Format picture
6. Auto-document
7. Add to results gallery
In the text box, enter a concentration value. Then, press OK. SADA highlights those sample points that
exceed the specified concentration value.
Human Health
After selecting Show the Results, SADA presents the risk scenario selection window.
Select the risk scenario of interest and press OK. SADA screens the data against Preliminary
Remediation Goals (PRGs) for the specified scenario.
After selecting Show the Results, SADA presents the ecological benchmark screening window.
Select the screening option (screen against one benchmark source or a prioritized list) and press OK.
SADA screens the data against the selected benchmark(s).
After selecting Show the Results, SADA asks the user for the decision criteria.
Select the screening criteria of interest and press OK. SADA screens the data against the specified
Set up the Site - Step
This step is available for all interviews. When this step is selected, the parameters window will display the
following information:
The window is divided into 3 sections: Site Boundary, Set Vertical Layers, and Polygons.
Site Boundary
The site boundary determines the easting and northing coordinates that will be used in all SADA
functions. (The vertical component is determined by the Set Vertical Layers step.) Note: Even if a polygon
extends outside of the site boundary, the site boundary still determines the data extends, and the points
within the polygon outside of the boundary are ignored.
When Set up the site is selected in the Steps Window, the Parameters Window displays the site
boundary information.
Default easting and northing minimum and maximum coordinates are determined by SADA based on the
data upon file creation. For an empty sada file, SADA sets both minimum values to zero and maximum
values to 1.
To adjust these coordinates, manually enter appropriate values in the text boxes and press the Apply
button. Alternatively, select the Draw button and use the mouse to select a rectangular area of interest in
the Graphics Window. Press the Apply button to view the full effect.
Use the Snap button for SADA to snap the site boundary back to the full data or model extents. Then
press Apply to view the full effect.
Note: If site boundaries are set before GIS overlays are imported, SADA will ask the user if boundaries
should be adjusted to incorporate the layers during their import.
Overview of Vertical Layers and Polygons
SADA 4 permits users to create layering schemes, name them, and recall them at any time. Within these
layering schemes, users can specify multiple layers of regular or varying thicknesses. Unlike Version 3,
these layering schemes now are used freely in both the data analysis and geospatial modeling realms,
since the revised spatial models can now handle irregular depth layers.
Polygons have also undergone a similar change. As before, polygons can be created and named.
However, now polygon designs (sets of polygons) are associated with one or more layers within a
layering scheme. Furthermore, a polygon design can be used in multiple layering schemes. It can be
helpful to think of polygons as being a form of a GIS layer that can be shown under a number of
circumstances. It is important to understand, however, that if the polygon design is edited, the change will
occur throughout every layer design that uses that polygon design. Polygon designs are always 2d in the
sense that they only apply to one layer at a time. In other words, they don’t "cut through" a set of layers
unless requested by the user.
After a layering design has been created, a polygon scheme can be associated with each layer, and
layers can be turned on and off. If a layer is turned off, then anything in that layer is treated as
"unincluded" in exactly the same way that a data point that falls outside of a polygon is unincluded. In the
case of geospatial analysis (kriging, correlation modeling, etc), however, those data are still used unless
the box next to Use only included data during interpolation is checked on the Parameters window for
the Step Set up the site.
Layers apply to both data and modeling plots. They can have irregular depths and be with or without
polygons. Users can design and save multiple layering schemes. For 3d data, modeling is always
performed in true 3d dimension but shown one layer at a time in a 2d view.
This step is available for all interviews, unless Geobayesian is the selected media type. Layers may also
be added to empty SADA files.
Select the Set up the Site step from the Steps Window. The Parameters Window displays the following
under the Set Vertical Layers heading.
At the top of the section, the vertical layers dropdown list contains all available Layer designs. Use the
arrow to select a design from the list. The defi nition of each layer in the current layer design will then be
visible in the box below. SADA comes with 3 default layering schemes: All, Surface Only, and 5 Layer
Design. The user can also create layer designs.
• All: SADA displays the data as if there was one large layer and all data points are included in the
analysis. Since many data points will be on top of each other or overlapping, they will be portrayed by
hatched circles around the data point in the Graphics Window.
Click on any of the points, and all the data points over all depths within the layer will be displayed at the
bottom of the steps window.
• Surface Only: Only the data points at the surface (depth=0) are displayed in the Graphics Window
and are included in the analysis.
• 5 Layer Design: SADA divides the data into 5 equal-sized layers depending on the minimum and
maximum vertical data values.
• User-defined Layer design
To add a new layer design, press the Add button. The following window will appear.
Enter a name for the new Layering design in the space provided. The new layering design can be based
on a previously developed layering design, the default, or a new design. Press Create.
SADA opens the Edit Layer Design window.
Enter values in the From and To columns to define each layer depth. Press Add Layer to add a blank
layer to the layer scheme. If polygons have already been created, select the applicable polygon layer to
display in each vertical layer. SADA will associate a polygon with the layer until otherwise notified. In the
final column, choose whether a layer is turned on or off. If a layer is turned off, then model results from
that layer are not included in any analysis or while creating new sample designs. Data are still included,
however, during geospatial analyses unless the user clicks the box next to Use only selected data
during interpolation on the Parameters Window.
Note: All layers must be contiguous and non-overlapping. A layer can be a single value.
To delete a layer, select that layer (note that an arrow will now point to that layer) and press Delete. The
Red & Blue line is a visual representation of the layers and how the depth of each layer relates to the
overall depth of the layering scheme. The portion of the line that is highlighted is equivalent to the layer
that is pointed to by the arrow. To sort the layers by depth, press Sort Design.
To cancel the layering scheme edit, press Cancel. Otherwise, once all the layers are entered, press OK.
The layer design is now available in the Parameters Window.
Note: If you select a layering scheme that does not include all the data, SADA will provide a warning that
points outside of the scheme may affect the analysis.
To edit any of the layer designs, select the layer design name from the drop down list and then double
click on the layer in the Layers box.
At the bottom of the section under Interpolate and Place New Samples are two buttons: At the top and
In the middle. Since each layer in a layering design is a range of depth, this section allows the user to
set the depth of the interpolation point for each layer to be used in geospatial modeling. The default is "In
the middle".
• At the top – the interpolation point will be the minimum depth for each layer.
• In the middle – the interpolation point will be halfway between the minimum and maximum depth for
each layer
Fixed or Locked Designs
Further advances in SADA’s capabilities now include Geobayesian models, result galleries, and
MARSSIM sample designs. These three types of features affect both layer and polygon designs by
relying on layer and/or polygon configurations that are unchanging or fixed. The user does not have to
worry about fixing designs, as SADA takes care of this. When each of these features is created, SADA
will automatically create a copy of the current layer/polygon combination and lock or fix its design. The
original layer/polygon combination remains fully editable as always while the copy receives the same
name as the original but is denoted as fixed (e.g. Fixed Design) and is presented with varying levels of
flexibility. When a layer becomes fixed, it will appear in a grey box and say Fixed Design in parentheses
next to the design name.
When a layer is used in a MARSSIM design, no aspect of the layer can be changed, including the
polygons. If a layer is used in a Results Gallery or a Geobayesian model, the polygons may be altered,
but the layers can only be turned on and off. Double click to edit appears in parentheses next to Layers in
the gray box. When you double click on a layer, the normal layer editing window will appear; however,
most functions will be disabled.
Within a spatial framework, it is often necessary to select certain items or identify a particular area in
space. SADA allows the user to draw various shapes for defining areas and selecting items in space.
These include ellipses, rectangles, and polygons. While it would be more accurate to refer to these as
shape tools, they have been historically referred to as polygon tools and will therefore remain with this
nomenclature. Polygons are very flexible and can be used for defining irregularly shaped spaces. When a
polygon is drawn, items or space located inside the polygon is selected. While the polygon is present,
only the items or space within the polygon will be utilized in the analysis. Note: the only exception is if the
polygon area extends beyond the site boundary. Then only data within the polygon area that is within the
boundary will be included.
Create a Polygon Collection
Polygons are created and maintained as layers. They can be assigned to one or more vertical layers. A
polygon layer is “embedded” into a vertical layer and cuts through the entire layer.
Select Set up the site from the Steps Window. (Note that this step is available for all interviews in
SADA.) The Parameters Window displays the following under the Polygons Heading.
Press the Add button to add a new polygon layer.
Enter a name for the scheme and what the polygon(s) will be based on (if other polygon layers have
already been created). Then press OK.
Note: If vertical layers have already been set, SADA will ask if the new polygon should be applied to all
layers. To apply a polygon to selected layers, see the section Set vertical layers.
This polygon will now be active in the list of polygons. Notice that there are 3 drawing tools on the
Parameters Window. To draw a polygon, select the appropriate tool.
• Polygon – Allows the user to create a many-sided polygon to partition the data.
• Ellipse – Allows the user to create an ellipse to partition the data.
• Rectangle – Allows the user to create a rectangle to partition the data.
Then press the Edit button. Notice that everything becomes disabled in SADA during polygon creation.
For the polygon tool, move the mouse over the Graphics Window and note that the coordinates appear
on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Each time the left mouse button is clicked, a new vertex is
added. To complete the polygon, double click the left mouse button. For the other two tools, hold the
mouse button down and drag the mouse to create the ellipse or rectangle.
After each polygon has been created, press the Done button. The polygon(s) will now display in the
Graphics Window.
Add as many polygons per layer as desired. To change the layer, select the new layer from the Layers
box and add polygons to that layer in the same manner.
Edit Polygons
After a polygon has been drawn, vertices can be removed, added, or moved to another location.
Similarly, an entire polygon can be moved to a new location or deleted entirely. To edit a polygon, left-
click the mouse to highlight the vertices blue. The following conditions assume that the vertices have
been highlighted.
To select a particular vertex, left click inside the vertex and it will turn red. To delete the vertex, press the
Delete button. To move the vertex, hold the left mouse button down inside the vertex, move to the desired
location, and release. To add a new vertex, click anywhere on a line between two vertices.
To select an entire polygon, right click inside any vertex and the entire polygon will turn red. To delete the
polygon, press the Delete button. To move the entire polygon, hold the right mouse button down inside
any vertex, move to the desired location, and release.
To copy or paste polygons, simply right mouse click and a popup menu containing the copy and paste
options will become visible. When a polygon is copied, the location of the defining vertex points are
preserved in the XY plane such that when the polygon is pasted onto another level, the location (and
size) of the polygon is preserved.
To change the names of the polygons included in a collection or to display only some of the polygons,
use the Polygon Data window. Select the polygon collection from the drop-down box on the Parameters
window and double-click on the polygon name that appears in the list box below.
The Polygon Data window will appear.
In this window, the user can change the names of polygons and add comments about the polygon. Users
can also choose to include or exclude a polygon with the Include Polygon check box. If a polygon is
excluded, it is not used in any analysis; however, it is not deleted. This feature allows users to easily turn
polygons on and off within the same layer. Click the OK button to close the window.
If the “Show Only Included Shapes” option on the Parameters window is checked, then SADA will remove
all un-included polygons from both the graphics window and the list box for the polygon collection. If this
option is unchecked, all un-included polygon names will still appear in the list box and a gray outline of
the polygon shapes will be displayed in the graphics window. These polygons, however, will not be
included in any analyses and only remind users of where the un-included polygons are located.
To turn off the polygon collection, select Set up the site from the Steps Window and select [None} from
the Polygon Layer list in the Parameters Window.
Continuing the discussion of locked layer/polygon combinations initiated in the Set Vertical Layers
chapter, polygons involved in the creation of a MARSSIM design, a geobayesian prior, or in a results
gallery will be locked. When these results are created, SADA will automatically create a copy of the
current layer/polygon combination and lock or fix its design. If a polygon is involved in a MARSSIM
design, then it remains uneditable. If the polygon is involved in a Results Gallery or geobayesian prior,
then it is fully editable.
Import Sampled Data - Step
Data may be imported into any SADA file.
For an empty SADA file or a file that only contains Geobayesian model data, select Import sampled data
from the Steps Window. For files with sampled data, however, select Import New Data From A File from
the Tools menu. The following window appears.
Enter the name of the file to import or select the Browse button to search on the computer. Then press
SADA opens the Column Matching window.
Match the columns in the current dataset to the columns of the new file using the drop down arrows. To
accept a match, press Accept, and the match will appear in the window below. To accept all the matches
(if you know that the columns are lined up), press Accept All. Select Unaccept to remove one match or
Reset All to return all matches back to their respective lists.
If Media ID, which denotes the type of media the contaminants are sampled in (e.g. soil or groundwater)
is not defined, then the human health risk and/or ecological risk modules cannot be setup later. The
media is a critical information category to the risk modules. Also, SADA expects certain units for
measured values in the risk modules. If media is not matched, SADA will present the following message.
Additionally, detect columns have to be matched or SADA will present the following message.
After the columns have been set, press Done. SADA begins the conversion process and presents the
data is it will be imported into the Data Editor.
After submitting data through the Data Editor, SADA displays the imported data in the Graphics Window.
Note: The site boundary set by the user may change to reflect the boundaries of the imported data set.
The parameters are divided into three sections: Data Query, Duplicate Data, and Non Detects.
At the bottom of the window is the Assume Lognormal button. Select this button for SADA to assume a
lognormal distribution of data for statistics, risk assessment, and ordinary kriging. Note: This is only
possible if all data are greater than 0.
Data Query
SADA Version 4 permits users to specify a date field when creating a SADA file. If a date field is
specified, then users may parse the data set by date and perform SADA functions on a portion of the data
When See the data is selected in the Steps Window, the Parameters Window displays two radio buttons
under Data Query: All and Interval. (All is the default option.) Select ‘All’ in order to use all points for a
given contaminant. In order to parse the data, select the interval option.
To add date intervals, press the Add button. SADA presents the Set Date Range window.
Add as many date ranges as necessary in the format mm/dd/yy. Each new range will now be visible in the
drop down box next to Interval. (Note: SADA will create a default entry comprised of the entire date
range for the file.)
To perform a function on a date range, select the Interval radio button. Then, select the appropriate date
range from the drop down box. The Graphics Window will only display the data points for the specified
date range and all SADA functions will be performed on those points only.
Note: If a date range does not contain any data, the Graphics Window presents an empty plot screen.
To delete a date range, select that range from the drop down box and press the Delete button.
Duplicate Resolution
The duplicate data options appear on the Parameters Window when See the data is selected in the
Steps Window. These options determine the methods SADA will use to resolve duplicate values at a
specific point.
The first four radio buttons under Duplicate Data determine what type of duplicates will be used.
• Use All Values – all duplicate values will be considered for future modeling
• Use Only Detected Values – only detected duplicate values will be considered for future modeling
• Use Most Recent Value – only the most recent duplicate value for a specific location will be
considered for future modeling
• Use Most Recent Detected Value – Only the most recent detected duplicate value will be considered
for future modeling
The last two are disabled if a date field was not specified for the data upon setup. If a detect field was not
specified during setup, the second and fourth options above are disabled.
Three more radio buttons further define the duplicate resolution. If more than one point still exists, SADA
will use the Maximum, Minimum, or Average value, depending on the user’s selection. For example, a
user selects "Use Only Detected Values" for the first four criteria and "Use Maximum" for the last three. If
there are 3 detected values at a specific point, only the maximum value at that point will be used for future
Labels may be viewed with duplicate data by selecting the appropriate label from the Labels Box. Note
that labels will only appear in the graphics window if they are the same value for all the data points at a
particular location. Otherwise, the following symbol indicates different values: ***.
Non Detects
The non detect options appear on the Parameters Window when See the data is selected in the Steps
Window. These options determine the methods SADA will use to resolve non detects. Data reported as
non-detect can have different statistical techniques applied to account for the uncertainty in the
The radio buttons under Non Detects determine how SADA will handle non detects.
• Use zero – SADA treats non detects as a zero value when calculating the UCL 95.
• Use half the detection limit – SADA treats non detects as half of the detection limit when calculating
the UCL 95.
• Use the full detection limit – SADA treats non detects at the full detection limit when calculating the
UCL 95.
Other methods, such as regression techniques or bootstrapping, must be implemented before importing
To add an overlay, press the Add button. Select the appropriate .dxf or .shp file and press Open.
Note: SADA comes with two sample .dxf files: roads.dxf and water.dxf.
After adding overlays, the Parameters Window will look like the following.
To close an overlay, select the overlay and press the Remove button. To make an overlay visible, check
the box next to the name under the Show column. To change the color of an overlay, click the
corresponding Color box and choose a color from the Palette window. To view your changes, press the
Apply button.
To turn off the GIS overlay system, click in the box next to Hide Layers. Repeat this process to turn the
GIS back on (Hide Layers will be unchecked). In the following image, the sample overlays in SADA are
For three-dimensional applications, the GIS image is available only for the Easting-Northing layer.
GIS overlays may also be imported for empty SADA files. In the following image, .shp files for Italy haves
been imported to an empty file.
Format Picture - Step
The format option is available on the Steps Window for all interviews. The exception to this function is
when polygons are being edited.
Select the Format Picture and the Parameters Window will display the following.
Select the portion of the picture you wish to format under Object. The current formatting scheme will
appear under Format.
The text associated with the selected object. See the chapter Caption Formulas for more information.
The font for the selected object.
A list of formatted number types.
After making all the changes, press the Apply button.
Note: Click on the Edit button next to Legend to open the Legend Manager.
Caption Formulas
A caption formula is a string enclosed by the Pipe symbol (|) that will evaluate a text value during the
plotting process. To begin a caption formula, place your cursor in the Caption entry box and type in a (|)
symbol. Type in the name of one of these formula strings and complete with a (|) symbol again. Only one
formula string per (|) enclosure is allowed.
The type of formula strings available depend on the type of graphic that is displayed. For example, a risk
formula string would not be available for formatting probability maps.
The following is a list of formula strings and what they will evaluate.
Benchmark Name The currently selected ecological benchmark name
Benchmark Value The currently selected ecological benchmark value
Custom Criteria Name The currently selected custom criteria name
Custom Criteria Value The currently selected custom criteria value
Layer Value The current layer (3D only)
Database Direction The easting, northing, and depth titles as defined by the import column
SADA Direction SADA's titles for easting, northing, and depth
Analyte Name The current contaminant name
Interpolant The current interpolation scheme
Media The current media type
Date The date
Time The system time plus the date
CAS Number The current contaminant CAS number
Scenario The current risk scenario
Pathway The current risk pathway
Carc/Noncarc "Carc" if carcinogen, "Noncarc" if noncarcinogen
Age The receptor’s age (Child, Adult, or Both)
Decision Scale Block scale or site scale
Decision Basis Analysis Based Option or Concentration Option
IK Cutoff Value The current Indicator Kriging cutoff threshold
Sample Scheme The current Sampling Scheme that exists in the Graphics Window
Creating New Reports
Select Reports then Report Manager.
At the Report Viewer window, select the New button. SADA responds with the Add New Report
In the top entry box, enter the name of the report. SADA will automatically add .html to the end of the
report title. In the directory box, select the directory where a sub-directory named after the report will be
created. This new sub-directory will contain the html report as well as any pictures needed by the report.
For the above example, the selected directory is c:\Program Files\University of Tennessee\SADA4Beta
and the name of the report is MyReport.html. SADA will create a directory called c:\Program
Files\University of Tennessee\\SADA4Beta\MyReport and place all report information in this directory.
Click OK. Then select this report from the Report Viewer window and press OK.
Saving Reports
To save the active report, select Reports, then Save ActiveReportName.html (with the HTML Report
Viewer active). To save all reports associated with the project, select Reports, then Save All Reports
(with the HTML Report Viewer active).
To undo the changes since the last save, select Reports, Revert Active Reports (with the HTML Report
Viewer active).
For more information, see the chapter Auto-Document.
Printing Report
Select Reports and then Print Report from the menu bar (with the Report Viewer active) or press the
Print button (on the Report Viewer only).
The top of this window will display the current report. To change this report, use the drop-down arrow to
display other opened documents.
Note: If a report has not been opened yet, the current report box will list [none]. The user will then have to
click on the Edit button to create a report or open a previously created report in the Report Manager.
Below the Report name is a list of the factors used in producing the current result. Desired items may be
selected for inclusion in the report. When finished, press the Update button and the report is
automatically updated.
Users who are familiar with HTML may enter information here. For users not familiar with HTML, the
following codes are used for basic text.
<br>Line break ( Simply striking Enter at the end of the line does not result in a line break in the HTML
<p> Paragraph break
<b>Bold font</b>
<i>Italic font</i>
Press the Apply button on the HTML Viewer to see the changes in the output.
Press the Save button to save the changes.
The result may now be viewed at any time in the Graphics Window by selecting Results gallery from the
Data Type box and the applicable result from the Data Name box.
Note: When SADA stores the results it must also record the layer design and site boundary in place at
the time. This is done by making a replica of the design and locking it for the Results Gallery. The layer
design and site boundary are now fixed and cannot be edited (or minimally edited). Users can use this
vertical design in other applications, but it is not recommended as it cannot be edited. For more
information on layer designs and site boundaries see the chapters Set Vertical Layers or Site
Graphical Displays
Throughout SADA, graphical images and associated summaries are easily accessible. Typically, these
graphical components are interactive, providing links to databases, modeling frameworks, summaries,
etc. SADA provides 4 types of graphical displays: histograms, data plots, geospatial model plots, and XY
Histograms show the distribution of data across the range of values. The range of values is evenly
divided into n classes, or intervals. For each class, the number of data values falling into that interval is
tallied. The result is a bar graph that shows the number of items per class or interval. This is useful for
identifying the distribution of the data (e.g. normal or lognormal). To view the histogram, press Show
Histogram on the Statistics menu.
A new feature in SADA Version 4 is the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF).
From the Statistics Menu, select Show CDF. The CDF is now displayed in the graphics window.
For any value on the x axis, this graph shows the percentage of data points falling below that value on the
y axis. The Line Query button may be used to obtain accurate information.
Data Plots
A data plot shows the location of data points relative to each other along with a color scale for noting
relative magnitude. To construct a data plot, the spatial boundaries and the maximum and minimum
sample values are calculated. The maximum and minimum sample values are used to construct the color
scale where red denotes the highest value, black denotes the smallest value, and a spectrum of colors
between identify the remaining values. A data plot is constructed by plotting a circle on the relative
coordinate system and coloring it according to its magnitude.
To change the radius of the circle, select Set Circle Radius from the Graphics menu. Enter the value of
the radius and press OK.
For three-dimensional data, depth becomes a factor. SADA plots the data by layer in increasing depth
values. To see these underlying layers, select the Set up the Site step in the Steps Window.
XY Graphs
XY graph refers to a simple two parameter plot where one value is associated with another. Cost versus
Cleanup and correlation models are examples of simple XY graphs. Typically, if the value of one variable
is a function of the value of the other variable, the independent variable is placed on the x axis and the
dependent variable is placed on the y.
SADA also can overlay geospatial maps with layers from external GIS systems. See the section Set GIS
Legend Manager
SADA allows users to modify the legends that control the color range of data and result output. Two
types of legends are permitted.
Continuous Color
This legend is an unbroken color band that ranges through a spectrum from dark purple to bright red.
Continuous color legends can be customized by manually stretching or compressing a subset of the color
Continuous Grayscale
This legend is an unbroken gray scale band that ranges from near white to black. Continuous gray scale
legends can be customized by manually stretching or compressing a subset of the band.
Categorical legends permit the user to break the legend into a series of ranges or categories with set
names and colors. Note: SADA comes with 2 additional Categorical legends, Risk Scale and
Geobayesian Scale. These are just samples of what may be created; they may be edited or deleted as
To control and create new legends, access the Legend Manager by one of these ways:
• Select the Edit button next to Legend Manger in the Parameters Window when Format Picture is
selected in the Steps Window.
• Right mouse clicking on the legend itself.
The Legend Manager window appears.
At the top of the Legends window, a drop down box appears containing the default legend types and any
user-defined types already created. Select a legend in this box and press the Apply button.
To create a legend, select (New Continuous Palette) or (New Categorical) from the drop down box.
SADA responds with the following window.
All new legends are based on a existing legend. Type the name of the new legend in the top entry box
and select the legend it will be based on in the lower drop down box.
Fixed Legends
Fixed legends are new to Version4. In a fixed legend the user determines the minimum and maximum
values for the color band.
First click on the button next to Fixed Legend to activate this option.
Enter values for the minimum and maximum data. You can also click on the color box next to Less than
minimum and More than maximum to change the colors. If your data set extends past your fixed
legend, SADA will place a hatch mark on the scale and indicate the range of values above or below the
legend with the colors chosen here. The following image shows a scale that does not encompass all the
data in the dataset.
Customizing Categorical Legends
Only user- defined legends may be customized. Select a custom categorical legend or create one if none
exists. Steps for customizing the categorical legend are included on the right side of the window for quick
reference and are repeated here.
To create a new category, left mouse click on the legend. A new category is created.
To change category values, right mouse click on the category number and enter the new number. Press
To delete a category, right mouse click on the category number, clear the entry box, and press Enter.
To change the color of a category, right mouse click in the legend category, select a color from the color
palette, and press Enter.
Zooming in and out are possible with geospatial maps. Select the Zoom in or Zoom out button from the
main toolbar.
Using the left mouse button, select the region to zoom in on or out from.
Releasing the mouse button produces the zoom.
The area in the zoom box now fills the entire window. Note: SADA preseves the aspect ratio during
Zoom Out works similarly. Press Zoom Out, select the zoom area with the mouse, and the portion of the
image that is visible is placed in the zoom box to cause the zoom out effect. Again the aspect ration is
Select the Restore picture button to return the picture to its original scaling and position.
Select the Restore picture button to return the picture to its original scaling and position.
Pooling Data
SADA provides a way for the user to apply modeling and summarization applications to all contaminants
within a particular data type at once. This capability is available by selecting Pooled Data from the Data
Name box. Pooled data produces a data plot that shows every sample location for every contaminant
included in the analysis for the current data type. Notice that there is no legend associated with this plot.
These data plots essentially demonstrate the distribution of information locations across space.
The Information and Statistics buttons are available and will produce tabular results for all contaminants;
however, the user may not exclude any type of contaminant (rad, nonrad, unregistered) here without
explicitly removing it from the list of included contaminants in Contaminant Manager. Labels may also be
viewed with pooled data by selecting the appropriate label from the Labels Box. Note that labels will only
appear in the graphics window if they are the same value for all the data points at a particular location.
Otherwise, the following symbol indicates different values: ***.
The only interviews available for pooled data are Plot my data and Develop a sample design. Human
health analyses offer a few more interviews.
Pooled data sources may extend over both radionuclides and nonradionuclides and may be modeled with
varying interpolation schemes.
Contaminant Manager
The Contaminant Manager provides the flexibility to remove or add contaminants to the analysis.
Environmental assessments often result in a subset of contaminants identified as contaminants of
concern, or COCs. These COCs become the focus of the analysis, and all other contaminants are given
less attention. With the Contaminant Manager, non-COCs can be removed from further analysis,
allowing the user to concentrate only on the COCs.
To access the Contaminant Manager, select Contaminant Manager from the Tools menu in the main
SADA window. The following window appears.
Select the data type of interest from the drop down box in the upper left corner. Contaminants that are
currently included in the analysis for this media appear in the left box and un-included contaminants
appear in the right box. Select one or more contaminants from either box, and use the arrow buttons to
move them between boxes. In the example above, Ac-225 will no longer be included in further analysis
for soil data type. At any time, another data type choice can be made. When finished, press the OK
When a contaminant is excluded from further analysis, the following occurs:
1) Un-included contaminants no longer appear in the data name combo box in the main SADA window.
2) Data are re-pooled for this media and a new set of unique sampling points using all included
contaminant samples is constructed. These can be viewed by selecting Pooled Data in the Contaminant
Selection box of the secondary toolbar. Sampling locations that only contain data from un-included
contaminants no longer appear.
3) Un-included contaminants will no longer affect or be included in any Pooled Data operations.
Contaminants can be returned to the analysis at any time by accessing the Contaminant Manager and
moving them back into the Included box.
Data Editor
The Data Editor is in the setup path for creating a SADA file. When setting up a new file, SADA places all
the data into the Data Editor for a pre-check on the data. The Data Editor provides users with a chance
to see how SADA is importing their data and any potential problems without terminating the process.
The Data Editor is also intended to be the primary way in which new data can be entered into SADA after
a .sda file has already been set up. To add new contaminants after a file has been set up, refer to the
Adding A New Contaminant chapter.
The Data Editor is a simple spreadsheet that allows data entry and copy and paste functions. In addition,
the Data Editor highlights problem values in the data set by turning the cell value red.
To use the Data Editor after a .sda file has been created, select Tools from the main menu and then Edit
If you are setting up a new file, the Data Editor will appear automatically.
The name of the current contaminant is in the upper left hand corner. To the right of this combo box is the
Automatic Error Checking option and below is the error description and the contaminant CAS number.
In the snapshot above, two things are wrong with the data set. In the Easting column, there is a non-
numerical value, and the entire Detected column contains the value True (0 and 1 are valid values). To
determine what is wrong with a particular cell entry, hold the mouse over the red cell and the yellow error
description box describes the problem.
When the Data Editor is initiated, the Automatic Error Checking box is automatically selected. With this
selected, SADA is watching every entry and checking its validity. Automatic Error Checking is
recommended for most operations. However, when entering or pasting large amounts of data into the
editor, this feature can be annoying and may even slow down the process. Under these circumstances,
unselect this option. When you wish to have your entries checked, press the Check Errors button at the
bottom or reselect Automatic Error Checking. Use the Find Next Error button to have SADA
automatically search for the next error.
Entering New Data into the Editor
You can enter new data into the Data Editor in one of two ways: by pasting data from another application
or by hand entering the information. To hand enter data, click the mouse into the (new) row and enter the
new information into each cell. Note that when Automatic Error Checking is on, you may see some red
cells after you click in the (new) row. This is normal, and you may proceed with data entry.
When the data is complete and accurate, press the Submit button. SADA will perform a last check on the
data before updating the file.
Type the name of the new contaminant and CAS Number, if available. Select a media type from the drop
down list and press OK. Note: If you type a contaminant name that already exists within the specified
media type, you will now have two instances of this contaminant and the data are treated separately. If
you have new data for an existing contaminant you should add it to the existing data through the data
When you press OK, SADA will bring the data editor up. It will be empty, as there are no existing data for
this contaminant. You must enter at least one sample value to successfully add a new contaminant.
After entering at least one sample value, press the Submit button. For more information on how to use
this editor, see the section Data Editor. SADA will then add the contaminant and associated data to the
existing file. As with all SADA results, you must save your SADA file to keep the new contaminant and
The user can access information about the current graphic in two ways: with the information button or the
information table. Also, the user can search for a particular label contained in dataset by using the Search
Labels function.
Information Button
To retrieve information from the SADA file or from the modeling results, click the Information Button on
the main toolbar while the image is in view. If you are interested in retrieving information about a selected
region of the modeling results or data points, capture these points with polygons.
The following window shows the results of pressing the information button for a Pooled data set.
All field values not related to coordinate or value will contain asterisks. If there are resolved duplicated in
the data set, the Information Retrieval window displays these points as blue entries. Click on a blue entry
to display the Duplicate Data window.
This window displays the information for all duplicate values at that point and explains the method used to
resolve them.
For modeling results, select the modeling region and press the Information Button. In this window, each
row represents information about the modeled block. The first three columns show the row, column, and z
layer position of the block. The next three columns show the location of the center of the block in
coordinate values. The final column shows the modeled value for this block. For more information, see
the section Overview of Geospatial Modeling.
The following buttons appear in the Information Retrieval window.
Copy to Clipboard – Copies the current image to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows
Information Table
The Information Table is displayed at the bottom of the Steps Window. When the user selects a data
point from the Graphics Window, this table is populated with specific information about that point (e.g.,
sample location, value, media, date, etc.).
If the data are pooled, field values appear blue and all fields not related to coordinate or value contain
This window displays all single contaminants and their represented values found at that point.
Similar to the Information button, duplicate values at one of the points will be blue and all fields not related
to coordinate or value contain asterisks.
For 3d data, more than one point may exist at the same coordinate but at different depths. The
information table reflects this by displaying information for each point within the same depth interval.
Search Labels
SADA version 4 allows the user to search for a particular label associated with the dataset by using the
search labels function. This is particularly useful for locating one data point out of a large dataset by a
unique characteristic of that data point.
In order to use this function, make sure that the appropriate label type is selected in the Labels box. You
will then see the applicable labels displayed for every data point in the graphics window.
In the following example, SampleID was selected from the labels box. Note that the graphics window
displays the sample id associated with every sample point.
Note: For 3d data, SADA will search through all layers for the label and automatically change the layer to
display the label for the user.
To remove the red circle, click on Clear ID Circle.
A statistical analysis summarizes a set of data or characterizes how the data are distributed. In addition,
statistical values are often used in many modeling procedures within SADA (e.g. risk analysis).
To view statistical summaries, select the appropriate type of statistics from the Statistics menu: univariate,
statistical tests, or number of samples.
Univariate Statistics
Use the Statistics button to calculate univariate statistics on every data point (or modeled value). When
a polygon tool is on, this feature will return only those points found in the polygon. Select and deselect
individual statistics to display them in the spreadsheet.
• Detection Frequency- the number of total samples that were detected, presented in the form
(detected/total N)
• Mean- the sum of the values of a variable divided by the number of values
• Median- the value below which 50% of the data values fall
• Variance- a parameter that measures how dispersed a random variable’s probability distribution is,
the mean of the squares of the differences between the respective samples and their mean
• Standard Deviation- the positive square root of the variance
• Mean Absolute Deviation- the mean of the absolute values of the differences between the
respective samples and their mean
• Coefficient of Variance- the ratio of the variance over the mean
• Interquartile Range- the central portion of a distribution, calculated as the difference between the
third quartile and the first quartile; this range includes about one-half of the observations in the set
• Range- the difference between the lowest and highest values
• UCL95 (Normal – Student’s t)- upper 95% confidence limit on the mean concentration of a normal
• Skewness- is a measure of symmetry, skewness for a normal distribution is zero, and any symmetric
data should have a skewness near zero. Negative values for the skewness indicate data that are
skewed left and positive values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed right
• Kurtosis- Kurtosis is a measure of whether the data are peaked or flat relative to a normal
distribution. Data sets with high kurtosis tend to have a distinct peak near the mean, decline rather
rapidly, and have heavy tails. Data sets with low kurtosis tend to have a flat top near the mean rather
than a sharp peak.
• Geometric Mean- the mean of n numbers expressed as the nth root of their product
• UCL95 (Lognormal – Land’s H)- upper 95% confidence limit on the mean concentration of a
lognormal distribution
• Minimum Detect- the lowest detect value found in the dataset
• Maximum Detect- the highest detected value found in the dataset
Statistical Tests
A statistical test is a procedure for deciding whether a hypothesis about a quantitative feature of a
population is true or false. These tests are used to determine the statistical significance of a result.
Statistical tests separate significant effects from mere luck or random chance.
All hypothesis tests have unavoidable, but quantifiable, risks of making the wrong conclusion. Tow main
types of errors can occur:
• A type I error occurs when a true hypothesis is rejected (a false negative in terms of the null
• A type II error occurs when a false hypothesis is accepted (a false positive in terms of the null
A null hypothesis (Ho) is a statistical hypothesis that is tested for possible rejection under the assumption
that it is true (usually that observations are the result of chance). The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is the
hypothesis contrary to the null hypothesis.
The null hypothesis is tested by:
• Drawing a random sample from the population
• Making a measurement of the feature
• Calculating an appropriate function of the data
• Comparing this statistic to a critical level
A parametric test makes an assumption about the underlying distribution of observed data. A non-
parametric test makes no such assumption.
Non-parametric tests:
• Do not assume Normal distributions
• Can handle non-detects
• Are not sensitive to outliers
• Work nearly as well as parametric tests when data are normal
SADA currently implements two non-parametric tests used by the DQO and MARSSIM processes: Sign
Test Wilcoxon Rank Sum test.
The Sign Test is a one-sided, nonparametric test that determines the probability of a sample median
being equal to a hypothesized value. This test makes the basic assumption that there is information only
in the signs of the differences between paired observations, not in the magnitudes of the differences.
A sign test is performed by comparing each value to the decision criterion. The number of exceedances,
ties, and the number of sample values below the decision criterion are recorded and compared to a
significance value that is dependent on the alpha.
After selecting Sign Test vs. Decision Criteria, SADA asks the user to define a decision criteria,
depending on the analysis type.
Press OK and SADA presents the results of the one-sided sign test.
SADA will calculate the differences and count the number of positive differences for the test statistic beta.
A critical value for a given alpha level or p-value is derived based on the binomial distribution or simply
pulled from a table. Then the null hypothesis is either accepted or rejected.
The Wilcoxon Rank Sum (WRS) Test is a nonparametric test used to determine compliance with the
decision criterion when the contaminant of concern is also in background. It compares the locations of
two populations, to determine if one population is shifted with respect to another. The method employed
is a sum of ranks comparison which works by ranking the combined data sets and summing the ranks for
each contaminant. The sum of the ranks is then compared to significance values based on the decision
Select Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test from the Statistics menu -> Paired Statistics. SADA presents the
following window.
Select the appropriate information for each data set and press OK. SADA displays the results for the test.
Number of Samples
SADA has two types of statistics to determine number of samples: Sign test and Wilcoxon rank sum test.
(Alternately, the user may also determine the number of samples based on some outside decision.)
Sign Test
This statistic uses the sign test to determine the number of samples needed by evaluating whether the
median of the data is above or below the DCGLW. This test is used when contamination is not present in
the background and measurements are radionuclide-specific or if background levels are a small fraction
of the DCGL.
Select Sign Test from the Statistics menu -> Number of Samples. SADA asks the user for a decision
criteria, depending on the analysis type. Then, SADA presents the following window.
Compare contaminant levels with the DCGL levels. Each measurement below the DCGL contributes
evidence that the survey unit is clean and the null hypothesis should be rejected.
This statistic uses the Wilcoxon rank sum test to evaluate whether the difference between the median of
the data in the survey unit and the median in the reference area is above or below the DCGLW. This test
is used if contamination is present in the background.
Select Wilcoxon Rank Sum from the Statistics menu -> Number of Samples. SADA asks the user for a
decision criteria, depending on the analysis type. Then, SADA presents the following window.
Compare survey unit concentration data with reference area data adjusted by adding the DCGL. Each
survey unit measurement below an adjusted reference area measurement contributes evidence that the
survey unit is clean and the null hypothesis should be rejected.
If the human health risk or ecological risk assessment module has been setup, then the table separates
radionuclides, nonradionuclides, and unregistered contaminants.
Geospatial Methods
This chapter includes an overview of geospatial modeling and the following interviews and steps:
• Set grid specs - step
• Interpolation method - interview
• Model spatial correlation - interview
• Correlation modeling - step
• Search neighborhood - step
• Cross validation - step
• Interpolate my data - interview
• Draw a variance map - interview
• Draw a LISA map - interview
where v0 is the concentration to be estimated at (x0, y0, z0), N(v0) is the number of sample locations in
the neighborhood of v0 , vi are the sample values, and wi are the weights. Generally, the fundamental
difference between the interpolation methods is how the weights are determined.
The mathematical basis and description of these methods is beyond the scope of this manual. For a more
detailed explanation of these methods, see GSLIB Geostatistical Software Library and User’s Guide by
Deutsch and Journel (1992) or An Introduction to Applied Statistics by Isaaks and Srivastava.
The following examples demonstrate output from spatial models. In the first image, the user has provided
a set of Arsenic data. With this data, the ordinary kriging model was used to produce the subsequent
The supporting samples are distributed as follows:
The next step is to partition the space with a grid system.
Once the grid has been established, each block in the grid becomes the focus of the geospatial model.
The following image shows how the OK model estimates concentration values within each block to
produce a map.
Using the concentration map as a basis, human health and ecological risk models may be added to
transform the concentration map into a contoured risk map. Risk maps are useful for identifying areas that
exceed established risk goals.
Note: From a risk perspective, the exposure unit size may not be reasonable, especially for finely
partitioned sites. However, once an area of interest is identified with the risk map, a polygon may be used
to select the sub-region and define a new exposure area where risk models may be applied more
When using ordinary kriging or indicator kriging, uncertainty about site conditions can be quantified. For
example, if a cleanup goal is specified, SADA can identify those areas that exceed this goal. Kriging adds
another element to the modeling process by producing probability maps. For example, the following map
demonstrates the probability of exceeding 1E-6 risk.
These modeling results can be extended to identify areas of concern or remedial boundaries.
Geospatial modeling also supports Cost Benefit Analysis and Sampling designs.
Grids may be developed based on number of blocks or size. To develop a grid based on number of
blocks, click in the button next to Number. Then, specify the number of blocks in each direction. To
develop a grid based on size of blocks, click in the button next to Size. Then, specify the size of blocks for
each direction.
By default SADA calculates a global grid that extends to the minimum and maximum value taken over all
data in the east and north coordinates. This allows the user to spatially sum risks over analytes easily and
consistently. SADA then calculates the sub grid that encompasses all associated data points for the
current analyte of interest.
To view the grid, press the Show Grid button.
Under the grid view, the user may then refine the spatial boundaries with the use of polygons to include or
exclude blocks from analysis.
If the grid is three-dimensional, the user needs to define the vertical position in each box for interpolating
the data (middle or top). See the section Set Vertical Layers to define this position. To view subsequent
levels of the grid, use the layers box.
Once the site has been partitioned, a geospatial model may be applied.
Select the appropriate interpolation method from the list. There are five interpolation methods in SADA:
Nearest neighbor, Natural Neighbor, Inverse Distance, Ordinary Kriging, and Indicator Kriging.
When ordinary or indicator kriging are chosen, options for the type of contours are available. Because we
are within a geostatistical framework, it is possible not only to plot typical contours but also to evaluate
spatial uncertainty by plotting certain percentile contours. For ordinary kriging, the mean and the
percentile approach are the same when the percentile value is .5, which is the median. Because
uncertainty assessment in ordinary kriging assumes that the point wise distribution is normally distributed
with mean equal to the kriging mean and variance modeled by the kriging variance, then the mean and
the median are equivalent.
In indicator kriging, the mean is actually the “E-Type Estimate”. The E-type estimate is the mean of the
conditional cumulative distribution function and is calculated as
where zk, k = 1,…,K are the K cutoffs, z0 = z min , z K+1 = zmax are the minimum and maximum of the z range
and z’k is the conditional mean within each class. (Deutsch and Journel, 1992).
Because of the non-parametric approach of indicator kriging and the application of its method to often
highly skewed data sets, the 50 percentile of the indicator approach does not yield the same answer as
the E-type estimate. This is similar in concept to the fact that the mean and median of a skewed
distribution are not the same.
For the user with a knowledge of geostatistical simulation, note that percentile maps do not capture the
same joint probability or joint uncertainty information as simulation. The likelihood that all points exceed
their point-wise 95 percentiles is extraordinarily low, and it is therefore a highly conservative approach in
the case of remedial design to use high percentile choices. However, these maps can be useful in such a
conservative manner, since this is often the goal in protecting public health. They also are useful in
identifying zones with wide distribution (variability) ranges.
th th
Note to Version 4 and earlier users: the choice of kriging map (mean, 50 percentile, 75 percentile,
etc.) will now serve as the basis for remedial designs and certain secondary sampling schemes. In earlier
versions of SADA, the issue of spatial uncertainty in remedial designs was addressed using the remedial
confidence parameter. For example, if one specified a confidence of 90%, SADA would identify all those
zones where the probability of exceedance was at least 10%. To achieve this in Version 4.1, one would
th th
generate a 10 percentile map and identify those areas whose 10 percentile is greater than the specified
value. Another way to think of this is to say “I want to identify those areas that have at least a 10% chance
of exceeding the criteria”. That would be those places where 10 percentile is greater than the criteria.
This is a subtle but important change in the way SADA handles uncertainty in the interface.
All of the methods presented here generally work on the principle that data points closer are more alike
than data points farther away. This plays a key role in all of the approaches to weighting sample values.
Note: for pooled data analyses, SADA uses the interpolant associated with the individual contaminants
for contouring.
Nearest Neighbor
In Nearest Neighbor, essentially each point of estimation (node) becomes equal in value to its nearest
neighbor. It is not necessary to set up parameters with nearest neighbor.
Simply select Nearest Neighbor from the Parameters Window when the Interpolation methods step is
selected. Then press Show the results on the Steps Window to display the applicable result in the
Graphics Window.
The result of a nearest neighbor interpolation is a jigsaw puzzle pattern. Nearest neighbor is typically not
satisfactory for most applications but can provide rough estimates for quick analytical purposes. The
following image shows an estimates map for Anthracene.
Natural Neighbor
Natural neighbor is as simple to use as Nearest Neighbor and provides more precise results; however, it
is only available for two-dimensional interpolations. Natural neighbor requires that a grid be defined.
Once the grid has been defined, select Nearest Neighbor from the Parameters Window when the
Interpolation methods step is selected. Then press Show the results on the Steps Window to display
the applicable result in the Graphics Window.
Natural Neighbor interpolation is a weighted moving average technique that uses geometric relationships
in order to choose and weight nearby points.
The equation for the Natural Neighbor (NN) interpolation is:
• No other datum is closer to the centroid of the circle;
• Smallest radius criterion for any group of three data; and
• Each natural neighbor circle passes through three data points.
For more detailed information about Natural Neighbor, refer to the following sources:
Owen, S.J., An Implementation of Natural Neighbor Interpolation in Three Dimensions, Thesis, Brigham
Young University, 1992.
Sibson, R., "A Brief Description of Natural Neighbor Interpolation," Chapter 2 in Interpolating multivariate
data, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1981, pp. 21- 36.
Watson, D.F., "Natural Neighbor Sorting," The Australian Computer Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, 1995.
Watson, D.F., nngridr: An Implementation of Natural Neighbor Interpolation, published by David Watson,
Australia, 1994.
The following image shows an estimates map for Anthracene.
Inverse Distance
Inverse Distance is a simple interpolant that can often yield satisfactory results. The basic premise of
inverse distance is that data points are weighted by the inverse of their distance to the estimation point.
This approach has the effect of giving more influence to nearby data points than those farther away.
Additionally, the inverted distance weight can be raised to further reduce the effect of data points located
farther away. This approach is mathematically expressed as:
where v0 is the estimated concentration at (x0, y0, z0), vi is a neighboring data value at (xi, yi, zi), DI is
the distance between (x0,y0,z0) and (xi,yi,zi), P is the power, and N(v0) is the number of data points in
the neighborhood of v0.
To utilize Inverse Distance, select Inverse Distance from the Parameters Window when the
Interpolation methods step is selected. This interpolation method requires that a grid and search
neighborhood be defined first.
Then, press Show the results on the Steps Window to display the applicable result in the Graphics
The following image shows an estimates map for Anthracene.
Ordinary Kriging
To utilize Ordinary Kriging, select Ordinary Kriging from the Parameters Window when the
Interpolation methods step is selected. This interpolation method requires that a grid, a search
neighborhood, and spatial correlation model be defined first.
Then, press Show the results on the Steps Window to display the applicable result in the Graphics
Ordinary kriging (OK) is a geostatistical approach to modeling. Instead of weighting nearby data points by
some power of their inverted distance, OK relies on the spatial correlation of the data to determine the
weighting values. This is a more rigorous approach to modeling, as correlation between data points
determines the estimated value at an unsampled point. The concept of spatial correlation and how to
measure and model it in your data set is briefly described in the sections Spatial Correlation and
Modeling Spatial Correlation. Furthermore, OK makes the assumption of normality among the data
In addition to the spatial correlation structure, SADA requires a definition of the neighborhood around
estimation points. The issue of neighborhood definition is important to inverse distance and indicator
kriging, as well. A discussion of neighborhood definitions is consolidated in the section Defining A
Because OK is a statistical framework, a kriging variance is also produced for each block that can be
viewed with the Draw a variance map interview. The OK estimate and OK variance are the parameters of
a normal distribution located at the estimation point that can serve as a measure of uncertainty about the
estimated value. This serves as an important foundation for decision frameworks that determine cost and
boundaries of the remedial process.
A full explanation of ordinary kriging is beyond the scope of this manual. It is assumed that the reader is
familiar with the process. For information on ordinary kriging see GSLIB Geostatistical Software Library
and User’s Guide by Deutsch and Journel (1992) or An Introduction to Applied Statistics by Isaaks and
Indicator Kriging
To utilize Indicator Kriging, select Indicator Kriging from the Parameters Window when the
Interpolation methods step is selected. This interpolation method requires a grid, a search
neighborhood, and that a spatial correlation model be defined for each IK cutoff first.
Then, press Show the results on the Steps Window to display the applicable result in the Graphics
Indicator kriging (IK) is a geostatistical approach to geospatial modeling. SADA uses IK in the same
fashion as ordinary kriging (OK). Like OK, the correlation between data points determines model values.
However, IK makes no assumption of normality and is essentially a non-parametric counterpart to OK.
In addition to the indicator correlation structure, SADA requires a definition of the neighborhood around
the estimation point. The issue of neighborhood definition is important to inverse distance and ordinary
kriging, as well. A discussion of neighborhood definitions is consolidated in the section Defining A
Instead of assuming a normal distribution at each estimate location, IK builds the cumulative distribution
function (CDF) at each point based on the behavior and correlation structure of indicator transformed data
points in the neighborhood. To achieve this, IK needs a series of threshold values between the smallest
and largest data values in the set. These threshold values, referred to here as IK cutoffs, are used to
numerically build the CDF of the estimation point. For each IK cutoff, data in the neighborhood are
transformed into 0s and 1s: 0s if the data are greater than the threshold and 1s if they are less. IK then
estimates the probability that the estimation point is less than the threshold value, given this
neighborhood of transformed data and a model of the IK cutoff correlation structure. Performing this
operation for each cutoff across the range of data approximates the CDF at the estimation point. After the
CDF is built, it must be post processed to produce probability maps and E-Type values for estimation
maps and risk maps.
The details of the IK process are beyond the scope of this book. It is assumed the reader is familiar with
indicator kriging before attempting this process. For more information on indicator kriging, see GSLIB
Geostatistical Software Library and User’s Guide by Deutsch and Journel (1992).
Spatial Correlation
If data are spatially correlated, then on average, sample points that are close to each other are more alike
than sample points further away. (More complex spatial correlations exist, but this type is the most
The degree to which data are more or less “alike” for any given distance can be calculated. SADA uses
the semi-variogram method, which returns a measure of variance for any given distance of separation.
This measure is defined as half of the average squared difference between values separated by distance
h. The term h is referred to as the lag or lag distance. (Deutsch and Journel, GSLIB Geostatistical
Software Library and User’s Guide, 1992)
where N(h) is the number of pairs separated by vector h, x i is the starting point (tail), and yi is the ending
point (head).
Rarely in practice will there ever be sample points separated by exactly a lag distance h. Therefore, a lag
tolerance centered about the lag distance will permit a capture of more data points in the calculation of
γ(h). For example, to calculate the variance of all data points separated by 10 feet with a lag tolerance of
2 feet, the variance will actually be calculated for all pairs of data between 9 and 11 feet apart.
Although assigning a lag tolerance helps, most cases will never have enough samples separated by a lag
- tol/2 to lag + tol/2 along a straight line to calculate the semivariogram value. Therefore, an angle
tolerance, ?, is also introduced to expand the region and to include more points in the calculation of the
semivariogram value for the specified lag distance. In the figure below, all data points within the blue
shaded area will be used.
If this operation is repeated for a number of lag distances, a cone-shaped object would be generated that
expands outward from the point of interest. This cone would be partitioned by lag groups centered about
the lag distances.
As the cone stretches farther out, it opens up increasingly wide, capturing more and more data points. In
practice, geostatisticians will often apply a constraint called the bandwidth. This bandwidth limits the
expansion of the cone to a certain width. If you do not wish to constrain the cone’s expansion, specify a
very large bandwidth.
The final parameter is the angle. The angle specifies the direction for calculating the semi-variogram
values. This is sometimes referred to as the angle of anisotropy and constrains the semi-variogram
values to a certain direction.
Note though, by specifying an angle, a, all those data points located outside of the cone from a - ?
degrees to a + ? degrees are excluded. In other words, how data are correlated in a particular direction is
being explored. If data are more correlated in one direction than another, the data are said to be
anisotropic. This means that data in the direction a are more alike than in other directions.
In fact, if anisotropic conditions exist, the direction of highest correlation is considered the major direction
of anisotropy. The perpendicular direction is referred to as the minor direction of anisotropy. The major
direction of correlation will exhibit semi-variogram values that increase at a slower rate than any other
Theoretically, the semi-variogram values will continue to rise until they reach the sill value. The sill is the
point at which the data are now far enough apart to be independent. The sill value should be roughly
equivalent to the variance of the data set. A semi-variogram plot is useful in detecting the sill value and
In the example below, there is a major direction at 30 degrees and the corresponding minor direction at
120 degrees. A sill value of approximately 5 is detected around 6 feet of separation.
In order to calculate an isotropic or omni-directional variogram, simply set the angle tolerance to 90
degrees and make the bandwidth significantly larger than the site. This will force the cone to consider the
entire spectrum of data points.
Direction of anisotropy
The direction of greatest correlation (direction of anisotropy) will produce semivariogram values that rise
in value slower than the other directions. This is called the major direction. The minor direction is
perpendicular to the major direction (major direction + 90 degrees). Th e major and minor directions are
used later in modeling spatial correlation for the purpose of ordinary kriging or indicator kriging.
To create a new value, select New and enter a new cutoff value. To edit a value, select the value in the
Indicator Cutoffs window and press Edit. To delete a value, select the value and press Delete. Note that
SADA displays how many data points are below the threshold in parentheses next to the cutoff value. The
numbers in parentheses must be increasing in value to produce an increasing CDF. To check if the
values are appropriate for the data set, select Check CDF. After making changes, press OK. The new set
of indicator cutoffs will appear in the drop down box on the Parameters Window in ascending order.
For each cutoff threshold, define the major and minor parameters. The major direction is always
highlighted in blue while the minor direction is green.
At the top of the tab in the drop down box under Variogram Type, select the default ‘OK’ option (for
untransformed data) or create indicator cutoff threshold values.
SADA allows the results of two separate cones to be viewed at once to provide visual comparison and
check for anisotropic correlation. (It is recommended that the user plot the major and minor axes;
however, the cones do not need to be orthogonal to each other for simple viewing. If the model is used in
OK or IK, they are considered orthogonal.)
Enter the appropriate parameters in the Variogram table. Each cone is identified by its Caption. The
Angle parameter refers to the direction of the cone (measured clockwise from the positive y axis), the Tol
parameter refers to the angle tolerance, and Band refers to the constraining bandwidth parameter.
For the case of three dimensional data, the position of the cone in space is further specified by: Dip - the
angle below the plane that the cone should dip (always negative), ZTol - the tolerance angle for Dip, and
ZBand - the maximum distance for the cone in the vertical direction. (Note: the 3d parameters are
disabled for 2d data.)
In the drop down box next to Variogram, select ‘Major’, ‘Minor’, ‘Both’, or ‘Nothing’ to define the cones
that are included in the graph of semivariogram results.
Select the Rose button to view the rose diagram for the data. This diagram can be used to set
appropriate semivariogram parameters.
Press the Show Me button on the bottom of the window. The semivariogram results are calculated and
plotted for each cone in the Graphics Window. The result of calculating the semivariogram for every lag is
a series of semivariogram points. The major direction will appear blue while the minor direction is green.
These variography results may be modeled separately or combined with a correlation model.
To fit a correlation model to the semivariogram results, enter the appropriate values in the second table
on the Parameters Window.
The models are located in the drop down boxes next to Model; SADA provides 3 standard correlation
models that provide a great deal of flexibility in semi-variogram data: Spherical, Exponential, and
Below each model are the parameters for fitting the semivariogram values.
Anisotropy in space is characterized by an ellipsoid model. This model is exactly the same as defining a
neighborhood, which characterizes how points are estimated in space and is described by the following
Major Range – correlation length (or distance to the sill) along the major anisotropic axis.
Minor Range – correlation length (or distance to the sill) along the minor anisotropic axis.
Angle – The angle of anisotropy in the XY plane (equal to the major axis angle in experimental
Contribution – The model’s contribution to the sill (maximal model value).
Z Angle – The angle of anisotropy in the Z plane (equal to the Dip parameter in experimental
Z Range – A value describing how anisotropy behaves in the z minor direction, relative to major axis.
Rotation – How the anisotropic ellipsoid is rotated about its major axis.
Nugget – the semi-variogram value as distance between points approaches zero; sometime referred to as
noise effect.
To visualize how these parameters effect the ellipsoid, see the chapter on Defining a Neighborhood.
For more sophisticated modeling, the Angle and Z angle do not need to equal their experimental
variography counter parts, Angle and Dip. Note: this level of detail in fitting semivariogram models is not
usually necessary.
Use the Estimate Model button for SADA to help fit the correlation to the semivariogram values.
Press the Show Me button to view the results in the Graphics Window.
Rose Diagram
Rather than viewing only one angle at a time, users can view semi-variogram values in all directions at
once with the rose diagram. A Rose Diagram is used to display correlation models for angles ranging
from 1 through 180 degrees simultaneously. The semi-variogram magnitude is represented by a
continuous color legend. This legend is displayed on the bottom of the Graphics Window with the
maximum and minimum value bounds.
To draw a rose diagram press the rose button on the Parameters Window when correlation
modeling is selected in the Steps Window.
Use the slide bar to give a rose picture resolution. The higher the resolution, the longer it will take to
calculate and draw the Rose Diagram. Press the Estimate Time button to estimate how long it will take to
calculate the rose diagram. For large data sets, it may take an exceptionally long time to calculate the
Rose diagram. Press Cancel in the Rose Diagram Window to stop the drawing of the rose diagram.
Otherwise, press Draw Rose .
To see the individual angle variography model for any of the angles in the rose diagram, just click on the
desired angle inside the Rose diagram. This launches the Rose Diagram Window.
Invalid angles, or angles that don’t produce lags, are show as a black radial line inside the rose diagram.
The angle that does not have extreme values and also has a smooth increase in value may be the
direction of anisotropy.
Note: There are certain restrictions with rose diagrams: only one cone definition at a time can be used
when creating a Rose diagram and at least 2 lags for each direction are required.
Estimate Model
SADA will estimate the model and associated parameters for a given set of semi-variogram values with
the Estimate Model button.
Press the Estimate Model button on the Parameters Window when Correlation
Modeling is selected on the Steps Window. SADA presents the following window.
Select the number of structures and the types of models to use and press OK. SADA will autofit a
correlation model and display the results in the Graphics Window.
Defining a Neighborhood
Inverse distance, ordinary kriging, and indicator kriging interpolation methods all require a neighborhood
definition for estimating concentration values at a point. A neighborhood is defined as an area around the
point in which data values will be used to estimate the concentration value. Data values outside the
neighborhood will be excluded.
The neighborhood is always defined by a search ellipse that can be manipulated in shape, size, and
orientation to include or exclude various data. The parameters that control the shape and size of the
search ellipse are found when selecting the Search Neighborhood step from the Steps Window.
The parameters Major Radius, Minor Radius, and XY Angle control the size and shape of the search
XY Angle
The angle or direction of the major ellipse axis. This angle is measured clockwise from the positive Y axis
(0 deg is North). The minor elliptical axis is perpendicular to the major axis.
Major Radius
The radius of the ellipse along the major axis.
Minor Radius
The radius of the ellipse along the minor axis.
The following schematic demonstrates the roles of these parameters in the XY plane.
For three-dimensional data, the ellipse becomes an ellipsoid. The following parameters, in addition to
those listed above, describe the search ellipsoid in 3D space.
Z Angle
The angle or dip below the XY plane at the point of estimation. This angle is measured as negative
degrees below the plane.
V Radius
Often referred to as the Z minor radius, this is the radius of the ellipsoid in the minor direction.
The parameters described to this point fully form the body of the ellipsoid in 3D space. The rotation
parameter then rotates this ellipsoid about the major axis the specified number of degrees.
The following schematic shows how the ellipsoid is affected by the Z Angle and Vertical Radius
parameters in a cross sectional view.
The following view shows the effect of the rotation parameter on the ellipsoid body. This view is along the
major elliptical axis. The rotation angle rotates the two orthogonal directions clockwise relative to the
major elliptical axis when looking toward the origin.
The following parameters define the search criteria within the search ellipse.
Min Data
The minimum number of data required before estimating the concentration. If this minimum is not met,
SADA returns an un-estimated value. You will be notified of the number of un-estimated values. These
values appear as empty spaces in the plot.
Max Data
The maximum number of data to use in estimating a point.
The ellipsoid is divided into quadrants, four if two dimensional, eight if three-dimensional. If the Octant
value is greater than zero and there are fewer data points than the octant value in each quadrant of the
ellipsoid, then the point will not be estimated.
This parameter is associated with the Inverse Distance Method and has no bearing on the search
Search Neighborhood - Step
This step is available when one of the following interviews is selected: Draw a variance map, Draw a
probability map, Update My Prior Probability Map, Update my Prior Variance Map and sometimes
Interpolate my data, Draw an area of concern map, Calculate cost versus cleanup, Draw a contoured risk
map, Draw a contoured eco dose map, and Develop a sample design.
Select Search Neighborhood from the Steps Window. The following information is displayed in the
Parameters Window.
Enter appropriate values for the parameters in the spaces provided. For an explanation of each
parameter, see the section on Defining a Neighborhood.
Neighborhoods allow the user to search for a single unsampled point.
Choose the type of error that should be displayed and press the Cross Validate button. SADA presents
these site wide error statistics: Mean Error, Absolute Mean Error, and Mean Squared Error as well as the
number of un-estimated data points.
Notice that cross validation changes the picture in the Graphics Window. The window now shows a data
plot where the color of each data point corresponds to the error associated with that data point. If the
legend is continuous, then the legend also changes to reflect the new range of values that is associated
with the color scheme.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Set grid specs
5. Interpolation methods
6. Correlation Modeling (only available if OK or IK is selected under Interpolation method)
7. Search neighborhood (only available if OK, IK, or Inverse Distance is selected under Interpolation
8. Show the results
9. Cross validation
10. Format picture
11. Auto-document
12. Add to results gallery
After entering all the necessary parameters for each step, press Show the Results. The following image
shows a sample estimates map for Arsenic.
This interview is available for all analyses that have sampled data (unpooled only), with all data types
except Geobayesian. It is only available for the ordinary kriging interpolant.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Set grid specs
5. Correlation Modeling
6. Search neighborhood
7. Show the results
8. Format picture
9. Auto-document
After entering all the necessary parameters for each step, press Show the Results. The following image
shows a sample variance map for Arsenic.
This interview is available for all analyses that have sampled data (unpooled only), with all data types
except Geobayesian.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Set grid specs
5. Set LISA parameters
6. Show the results
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery
After entering all the necessary parameters for each step, press Show the Results. The Graphics
Window displays the map that was selected in the Set LISA Parameters step.
Select the Local Index Approach (Moran's I, Ripley's K, or Geary's C) and enter the Search Radius.
Moran's I
This map is available after selecting the Draw a LISA Map Interview and the Set LISA Parameters step,
and then selecting Moran’s I from the Parameters Window.
This map computes the degree of correlation between the values of a variable as a function of spatial
lags. This is similar to Pearson’s correlation coefficient. It ranges from –1 (- correlation) to 1 (+
correlation), but the expected value is close to 0.
where wij(d) indicates whether pairs are in the same distance class and w(d) is the sum of wij(d).
Ripley's K Map
This map is available after selecting the Draw a LISA Map Interview and the Set LISA Parameters step,
and then selecting Ripley’s K from the Parameters Window.
This map quantifies the spatial pattern intensity of points for various sizes of a circular search window. IT
computes the overall mean number of points located within a search window of radius t:
where γ is point intensity (n/A), which is an indicator of whether inside search window. There is an edge
correction effect for grid areas on the fringe.
Geary's C Map
This map is available after selecting the Draw a LISA Map Interview and the Set LISA Parameters step,
and then selecting Geary’s C from the Parameters Window.
This map measures the semivariance (average dissimilarity) among values of a variable at nearby
Human Health Risk Assessment
SADA provides a human health risk assessment module to calculate the risk of adverse health impacts
on a population exposed to toxic chemicals found in groundwater, surface water, soil, and sediment. The
human health risk models follow the EPA's Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) and other
related guidance. Exposure parameters can be customized to fit site specific exposure conditions and
SADA will calculate risk-based screening values to quickly identify contaminants and areas of concern.
These results are integrated into the other modules, such as cost benefit analysis, geospatial analysis,
and sampling schemes.
While the risk modules are well integrated with the geospatial functions, they may also be used
independently in a more traditional risk assessment. Human health risk output for SADA includes the
calculation of site-specific preliminary remediation goals to identify contaminants of potential concern,
exposure modeling for humans for five different land use scenarios, retrieval of toxicity information from
IRIS/HEAST toxicity databases, and standard EPA exposure parameters for the risk models. Risk output
includes tabular screening for identified areas, spatial point risk calculations, and maps of risk results
which can be used to identify human health based areas of concern.
Before this module can be implemented, the user must provide the correct media identification for the
data when creating a SADA file. Without media identification, SADA will not be able to setup this module.
Furthermore, SADA expects the measurement units for radionuclides to be in pCi/g for Soil/Sediment and
pCi/L for Surface water/Groundwater. Units for nonradionuclides must be in mg/kg for Soil/Sediment and
mg/L for Surface water/Groundwater. In addition, the user must have a toxicological database and a
scenario parameter database to associate with the data. SADA provides two such databases called
ToxicologicalProfiles.mdb and ScenarioParameters.mdb; the user may customize these databases in
Microsoft Access. During the risk module setup, SADA will extract relevant information from these
databases to incorporate in the SADA file. SADA will not use the databases again unless prompted;
however, the information extracted from the databases may be edited within SADA. Note: this does not
affect the external risk databases.
Data Evaluation
This step consists of compiling all available data, sorting the data by media, and evaluating the data
relative to established criteria in order to ensure that the data are appropriate for use and are considered
to be representative of current conditions.
While SADA offers reliable and effective data storage, visual analysis, and synthesis that can enhance
risk assessments, ultimately, the quality of the risk assessment is dependent upon the quality and
quantity of the data.
Toxicity Assessment
This step involves gathering toxicological information, such as identifying appropriate toxicity values,
evaluating chemicals without toxicity values, and evaluating uncertainties of toxicity information.
Toxicity Value Classifications
• Radionuclide - chemical that undergoes nuclear decay and emits radiation(e.g., Uranium-238)
• Nonradionuclide - chemical that does not undergo nuclear decay or emit radiation (e.g., Iron)
• Organic - chemical or compound that contains a carbon skeleton (e.g., Acetone)
• Inorganic - chemical or compound that does not contain a carbon skeleton (e.g., Mercury)
• Carcinogen - agent that may produce or incite cancer (e.g., Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs),
Vinyl Chloride)
• Noncarcinogen - agent that typically does not produce or incite cancer (e.g., Antimony, Beryllium)
Exposure Durations
• Chronic - exposure lasting more than 7 years (“lifetime” exposures, typically low levels)
• Subchronic - exposures lasting from 2 weeks to 7 years (“limited occupational” or “event”
exposures, e.g. remediation worker)
The toxicity values associated with SADA come from the Risk Assessment Information System.
Exposure Assessment
This step involves estimating the type and magnitude of exposures from the chemicals of potential
concern that are present at or migrating from a site/facility. It includes the characterization of the exposure
setting and identification of exposure pathways.
The characterization of the exposure setting may be accomplished with a Conceptual Site Model.
Risk Characterization
Risk Characterization incorporates the outcomes of the previous activities (Data Evaluation, Exposure
Assessment, and Toxicity Assessment) and calculates the risk or hazard resulting from potential
exposure to chemicals via the pathways and routes of exposure determined appropriate for a site.
• Calculate risks by media and land-use
o Quantify risk for each chemical
o Quantify risks from multiple chemicals
o Combine risks across exposure pathways
o Assess uncertainty
• Identify chemicals, media, and land-uses of concern
• Support development of cleanup goals
Basic Risk and Hazard Equations
Risk = CDI x SF HQ = CD!/RfD
Risk = unitless probability of individual developing cancer over lifetime
HQ = hazard quotient
CDI = chronic daily intake or dose [mg/kg-day; and risk/pCi]
SF = slope factor, expressed in [(mg/kg-day)-1; pCi/risk]
RfD = chronic reference dose
Setting Up Risk
To initiate the Risk Setup Wizard, select Human Health Risk from the Setup menu of the main window.
Select Yes. (Select No to cancel the setup process.) In the next window, SADA needs the names of the
supporting toxicological profiles and scenario parameters databases. Type the name of the corresponding
databases or press Browse to select.
The toxicological database contains health related information about individual contaminants. The
scenario database contains parameters regarding the human receptor exposure patterns.
SADA contains two default databases. The ToxicologicalProfiles.mdb comes from Oak Ridge National
Laboratory’s Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS - ). This toxicological
database is maintained regularly, and recent versions of the database can be downloaded from the SADA
home page in a SADA compatible format. The toxicity values were compiled from EPA's Integrated Risk
Information System (IRIS) and Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST), derived from
values found in these EPA sources, or provided after contacting EPA. After a risk module has been setup,
errors or small updates to toxicity values can be handled through the Toxicological Links menu. In
addition to toxicity information, this file contains physical parameters used in human health exposure
modeling. There parameters include contaminant-specific Bioaccumulation Factors, Volatilization
Factors, Particulate Emission Factors, Permeability Constants, Absorption Factors, Saturation
Coefficients, and Radionuclide Half-Lives.
The scenario parameters database, ScenarioParameters.mdb, contains default parameters from EPA
guidance and local guidance for the Southeaster US; the parameters can be customized as necessary to
account for local exposure conditions.
Once the databases have been selected, press Next >> to continue.
SADA now attempts to match each contaminant in your file with a contaminant found in the toxicological
database. SADA searches by CAS number first (if available) and then by name. If the CAS number and
name match exactly, SADA classifies it as Matched. If only the Name or the CAS number match, then the
classification is Partial Match. Finally, if no match is found for either, the classification is No Match.
These three classifications are presented in the Contaminant Identification Results Window.
On the left side of the window, your contaminants have been divided into the three categories. To view a
resulting match for any contaminant, click on the down arrow and select your contaminant from the
resulting drop down list. The corresponding selection on the right hand side will change to show SADA’s
match for your contaminant. If the match is acceptable, press the Register button. If all matches within a
category are acceptable, press Register All. To unregister a matched pair(s), select the pair(s) in the
registered contaminants box and press Unregister. Your contaminants will return to their original
classification with their original match.
If no match is available for some of your contaminants, you may leave them as unregistered. Later, if the
toxicological information becomes available, you may link these contaminants (or re-link registered
contaminants) separately without setting up the entire risk module again.
Press Next>> to conclude setting up the risk module.
Once the module is complete, Human Health analysis will appear in the analysis type combo box on the
secondary toolbar. Additionally, a Human Health menu will be visible in SADA when this analysis is
selected from the combo box.
You may reset the Risk module at any time; simply select Human Health Risk under the Setup menu of
the main window. The process is the same as before; however, SADA will give you the opportunity to
reset or skip the toxicological and scenario parameter component identification.
The user must be careful when using the delete analysis feature. Once an analysis has been removed, it
cannot be re-established in SADA without Setting Up Risk again.
Toxicological Links
After the risk module has been setup, you may revisit the originating toxicological database (e.g.
ToxicologicalProfiles.mdb) or a second database in search of individual contaminant links. This utility is
useful for correcting associations with the previously identified database or associating particular
contaminants with another database. If the number of contaminants to relink is high, it may be more
efficient to rerun the Setup Risk Assessment again.
To link or relink a single contaminant, select the contaminant of interest from the Data Name box in the
secondary toolbar. From the Human Health menu, select Configure Human Health and then Rematch
This Contaminant.
After selecting a valid toxicological database and pressing Open, the following window appears.
The user’s contaminant name appears in the top box. Contaminants available from the database appear
in the list box. To associate the contaminant in the top box, select a contaminant in the list box and press
the Select button. Information from the associated selection is then transferred to the internal database
and all relevant options in SADA are updated for this particular contaminant. This update occurs for the
selected contaminant across all media types (soil, surface water, etc.) automatically.
Risk Parameters
SADA provides three databases with default information for human health risk: toxicological parameters,
scenario parameters, and physical parameters. The toxicological and scenario databases are used during
the human health risk module setup, where information is pulled into the SADA file. After the risk module
is setup, these risk parameters can be customized within SADA. Note: these changes do no affect the
original source databases.
Toxicological Parameters
To view toxicological parameters, select Configure Human Health and then Toxicological Parameters
from the Human Health menu in the main window. The Set Human Health Contaminant Toxicity
window appears.
Select the contaminant of interest from the drop down menu at the top of the window to view the
corresponding toxicity parameters. You may edit the entries by clicking in the corresponding cell boxes
and pressing the Save Changes button. Equations using these parameters can be found in the Risk
Equations chapter.
The Chemical Parameters Toolbar performs the following functions.
Copy – Copies current image to a clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows packages.
Scenario Parameters
To view the scenario parameters, select Configure Human Health and then Scenario Parameters from
the Human Health menu in the main window. The Set Human Health Exposure Parameters window
appears for the selected media. The following images show the parameters for soil and surface water.
The display operates as a spreadsheet. To change a parameter, click into its cell and type a new value,
then press the Save Changes button.
The Scenario Parameters toolbar functions are as follows.
Copy – Copies current image to a clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows packages.
Export to Excel – Automatically dumps spreadsheet to an Excel file.
Physical Parameters
To view physical parameters, select Configure Human Health and then Physical Parameters from the
Human Health menu in the main window. The Set Human Health Contaminant Physical Parameters
window appears.
Select the contaminant of interest from the drop down menu at the top of the window to view the
corresponding physical parameters. You may edit the entries by clicking in the corresponding cell boxes
and pressing the Save Changes button.
The Physical Parameters toolbar functions are as follows.
Print – Prints toxicological parameters.
Copy – Copies current image to a clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows packages.
Set Statistics
SADA allows the user to select the statistical approach for calculating screening values and exposure
From the Analysis menu (Human Health, Ecological, or Custom), select Configure (Analysis Type)
and then Set Screening Statistics or Set Exposure Statistics. SADA opens one of the following
Select the desired statistical approach and press the OK button. The different approaches are defined as
• Maximum Value – the maximum concentration, detected or nondetected, for normal or lognormal
• Maximum Detected Value – the maximum detected concentration for normal or lognormal distribution
• UCL95 – the 95% upper confidence limit on the mean for normal or lognormal distribution
• Mean – the average concentration over all values for normal or lognormal distribution
Note: For screening calculations, the maximum detected value is the default option while for exposure
calculations, the lesser of the maximum detected value and the UCL95 is the default option.
• are developed during the project scoping phase to facilitate development of appropriate detection
limits and remedial alternatives or to identify data needs or limitations
• can be used as screening tools to focus concern on a specific medium or COPC, support no further
action recommendations, or support the need for additional study
• can be used as toxicity screens
• Can be used as a risk-based concentration goal and considered a final remediation level
• identify data needs and limitations (e.g., detection limits are greater than risk-based PRGs)
• focus future sampling and analysis on chemicals and exposure pathways of potential concern
• establish appropriate detection limits for subsequent environmental sample analysis
• support a No Further Investigation Determination
• quantitatively support the need for additional study
To view the preliminary remediation goals (PRGs) in SADA, select the contaminant of interest in the Data
Name Box of the secondary toolbar. Then, select PRG Table from the Human Health Menu on the main
window. SADA calculates the risk-based goals for this contaminant(s) in the following window. To
calculate PRGs for all contaminants, select Pooled Data in the Data Name Box. The PRGs will always
be calculated for the media you have currently selected in the Data Type Box of the secondary toolbar.
In the example above, Pooled Data was selected to demonstrate all of the toolbar buttons available.
These toolbar buttons permit combination views of rads/nonrads/both and
carcinogenic/noncarcinogenic/both for the five scenarios of residential, industrial, agricultural,
recreational, and excavation.
The Pathway checkboxes allow you to control which pathways are shown. The All pathway reflects
exposure to all the currently checked pathways.
Following are the units for each media.
• Soil and Sediment: mg/kg for nonradionuclides, pCi/g for radionuclides
• Surface/Groundwater: mg/L for nonradionuclides, pCi/L for radionuclides
The user should remember that chemical-specific PRGs are initial guidelines (protective of human health
and the environment) that are based on readily available information and comply with applicable or
relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARs). They are not cleanup goals. All chemical-specific PRGs
are generally modified utilizing the site-specific data gathered during the RI/FS; however, design staff
may be able to streamline the analysis of remedial alternatives by using chemical-specific PRGs early in
the decision-making process (before the RI/FS and the baseline risk assessment are completed). A risk-
based concentration is considered a final remediation level only after appropriate analysis in the RI/FS
and Record of Decision (ROD).
The Preliminary Remediation Goals toolbar functions are as follows.
Print – Prints risk results (PRGs, Screenings, Risk).
Carcinogenic Options – Displays, respectively, the results for Carcinogens, Noncarcinogens, or both.
Risk Scenarios – Displays, respectively, risk results for residential, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or
excavation scenarios.
The default values are 0.000001 for target risk and 1 for target health index. To change the screening
statistical approach, see the section Set Statistics.
To view the screening results, select the contaminant (select Pooled Data to screen all) and media of
interest in the secondary toolbar. From the Human Health menu, select PRG Screen Table. This
information is displayed in the Screening Graphics Window.
In the example above, Pooled Data was selected to demonstrate all of the toolbar buttons available.
These toolbar buttons permit combination views of rads/nonrads/both and
carcinogenic/noncarcinogenic/both for the five scenarios of residential, industrial, agricultural,
recreational, and excavation.
The Pathway checkboxes allow you to control which pathways are shown. The All pathway reflects
exposure to all the currently checked pathways.
If a PRG is exceeded for a particular scenario, the cell value is “Yes”. The cell is blank if the risk
calculation was not available (due to lacking toxicological information) or was less than the PRG. This is
useful for quickly identifying contaminants of concern in a risk assessment.
Following are the units for each media. SADA assumes that your sampled values are in the correct units.
• Soil and Sediment: mg/kg for nonradionuclides, pCi/g for radionuclides
• Surface/Groundwater: mg/L for nonradionuclides, pCi/L for radionuclides
The user should remember that chemical-specific PRGs are initial guidelines (protective of human health
and the environment) that are based on readily available. They are not cleanup goals. All chemical-
specific PRGs are generally modified utilizing the site-specific data gathered during the RI/FS; however,
design staff may be able to streamline the analysis of remedial alternatives by using chemical-specific
PRGs early in the decision-making process (before the RI/FS and the baseline risk assessment are
completed). A risk-based concentration is considered a final remediation level only after appropriate
analysis in the RI/FS and Record of Decision (ROD).
The Screening Results toolbar functions are as follows.
Copy – Copies current image to a clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows packages.
Anatype – Displays respectively, the results for radionuclides, nonradionuclides, or both.
Carcinogenic Options – Displays respectively, the results for carcinogens, noncarcinogens, or both.
Risk Scenarios – Displays, respectively, risk results for residential, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or
excavation scenarios.
Calculating Risk
To calculate the risk or health hazard Index, select the contaminant (select Pooled Data to calculate all)
and media of interest in the secondary toolbar. To change the exposure statistical approach, see the
section Set Statistics. From the Human Health menu, select Risk Table. The following window is
In the example above, Pooled Data was selected to demonstrate all of the toolbar buttons available.
These toolbar buttons permit combination views of rads/nonrads/both and
carcinogenic/noncarcinogenic/both for the five scenarios of residential, industrial, agricultural,
recreational, and excavation.
The Pathway checkboxes allow you to control which pathways are shown. The All pathway reflects
exposure to all the currently checked pathways.
For each scenario and analyte type, the risk or index associated with each pathway is calculated for the
current media.
The Human Health Risk Results toolbar functions are as follows.
Copy – Copies current image to a clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows packages.
Export to Excel – Automatically dumps spreadsheet to an Excel file.
Carcinogenic Options – Displays respectively, the result for carcinogens, noncarcinogens, or both.
Risk Scenarios – Displays, respectively, risk results for residential, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or
excavation scenarios.
Select the appropriate pathway from the dropdown box. The scenario parameters for each media type in
the current SADA file are displayed These parameters are used during the risk calculations.
To edit a value, click on the corresponding cell value and type in the new value.
The Scenario Parameters window contains the following buttons.
Copy to Clipboard – Copies the current image to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Show the results
5. Format picture
6. Auto-document
7. Add to results gallery
For human health analyses, make sure that the analysis type is set to Human Health and the desired
contaminant and media are selected in the secondary toolbar. When Show the results is selected,
SADA will present the Risk Scenario selection window.
After selecting the applicable land use and pathway(s), select OK. SADA will present a box around each
point that exceeds the PRG.
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Show the results
5. Format picture
6. Auto-document
7. Add to results gallery
When Show the results is selected, SADA will present the Risk Scenario selection window. After
selecting the applicable land use and pathway(s), select OK. In the Graphics Window, SADA now
presents the plotted value (selected through the data labels box) as risk values.
6. Correlation modeling (only available if OK or IK is selected under Interpolation method; not
enabled for pooled data with human health)
7. Search neighborhood (only available if OK, IK, or Inverse Distance is selected under Interpolation
method; not enabled for pooled data with human health)
8. Show the results
9. Cross validation (this step is not enabled for pooled data with human health)
10. Format picture
11. Auto-document
12. Add to results gallery
When Show the results is selected, SADA will present the Risk Scenario selection window. After
selecting the applicable land use and pathway(s), select OK. In the Graphics Window, SADA now
presents a map or modeled risk values for the selected contaminants.
Risk Equations
In SADA, five land use scenarios are considered: residential, recreational, industrial, excavation, and
agricultural. The exposure pathways are grouped by soil-based exposure pathways (soil, and sediment)
and by water-based exposure pathways (surface water and groundwater). The tables presented for each
pathway list the default values that are in SADA. They can be changed by the user as necessary to reflect
updated guidance or site-specific conditions. References are also provided for the risk equations.
residential land use scenario is assumed as one of the potential receptors. Consequently, appropriate
default parameters and equations for residential land use are evaluated.
The recreational scenario addresses exposure to children and adults who spend a limited amount of time
at or near the site while engaging in outdoor activities. The recreational land use scenario is also referred
to as the trespasser or site visitor scenario. Pathways are evaluated for exposures to surface soil,
sediment, and surface water.
For the excavation scenario, exposure to soil and sediment for a short period are considered to be
appropriate. The exposure routes for soil and sediment for the excavation worker are: incidental
ingestion, inhalation of emitted particulates and vapors, dermal contact, and external exposure to ionizing
The agricultural scenario assumes a resident is exposed to homegrown farm products. Exposure routes
considered, in addition to the residential pathways, include the consumption of vegetables, the
consumption of whole milk, and the consumption of beef.
Andelman, J.B. 1990. Total exposure to volatile organic compounds in potable water. In: Cantor, K.P.;
Christman, R.F.;Ram, M.M., (eds.) Significance and Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in
Water Supplies. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI.
Bond, R.G., C.B. Straub, and R. Prober (eds.) 1973. Handbook of Environmental Control, Vol. III, Water
Supply and Treatment. CRC Press: Cleveland, Ohio.
Cowherd, C., G. Muleski, P. Engelhart, and D. Gillete. 1985. Rapid Assessment of Exposure to
Particulate Emissions from Surface Contamination. Prepared for EPA Office of Health and
Environmental Assessment. EPA/600/8-85/002.
Darwin, R. 1990. Soil ingestion by dairy cattle. Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Richland, Washington.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1996. Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background
Document. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C. Pub. 9355.4-17A.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1995. Supplemental Guidance to RAGS: Region 4 Bulletins,
Human Health Risk Assessment (Interim Guidance). Waste Management Division, Office of Health
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1992. Dermal Exposure Assessment: Principles and
Application. Interim Report. EPA/600/8-91/011B. Office of Research and Development, Washington,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1991. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I:
Human Health Evaluation Manual Supplemental Guidance Standard Default Exposure Factors.
OSWER Directive 9285.6-03. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. Toxics Integration
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1989a. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Volume I -
Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part A). Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/540/1-89/002.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1989b. Exposure Factors Handbook. EPA/600/8-89/043. Office
of Health and Environmental Assessment, Washington, D.C.
Hoffman, F. O., R. H. Gardner, and K. F. Eckerman. 1982. Variability in dose estimates associated with
the food chain transport and ingestion of selected radionuclides. NUREG/CR-2612. Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
IAEA. 1994. Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer in temperate
environment. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 364, Vienna, Austria.
James, J.R. and W.M. Knuiman 1987. An application of Bayes methodology to the analysis of diary
records from a water use study. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 82(399):705-711.
Kennedy, W.E., Jr. and Strenge, D.L. (October 1992). Residual radioactive contamination from
decommissioning. NUREG/CR- 5512, Final report. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, U.S. NRC.
McKone, T. E. 1994. Uncertainty and variability in human exposures to soil contaminants through home-
grown food: a Monte Carlo assessment. Risk Anal. 14(4):449 463.
McKone, T. E. 1987. Human Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds in Household Tap Water: The
Indoor Inhalation Pathway. Environ. Sci. Technol. 21:1194-1201
Miller, C. W. 1980. An analysis of measured values for the fraction of a radioactive aerosol intercepted by
vegetation. Health Phys. 38:705 712.
National Council on Radiation Protection Measurement (NCRP). January 1989. Screening Techniques for
Determining Compliance with Environmental Standards. Releases of Radionuclides to the
Atmosphere. Bethesda, Maryland.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). 1985. Radiological Assessment:
Predicting the Transport, Bioaccumulation, and Uptake by Man of Radionuclides Released to the
Environment. NCRP Report No. 76.
Pao, E. M., K. H. Fleming, P. M. Gueuther, and S. J. Mickle. 1982. Studies of ingestion dose pathways
from the nuclear fuel services fuel reprocessing plant. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Pinder, J. E., and K. W. McLeod. 1989. Mass loading of soil particles on plant surfaces. Health Phys.
57:935- 942.
Schaum, J., K. Hoang, R. Kinerson, J. Moya, and R.G.M. Wang 1994. Estimating Dermal and Inhalation
Exposure to Volatile Chemicals in Domestic Water. In: Water Contamination and Health. R.G.M.
Wang (ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.
Table 1. Soil/Sediment Exposure Pathways by Scenario
The incidental ingestion of soil is a potentially significant source of exposure. Equation 1(non-
radionuclides), Equation 2 (radionuclides), and Table 2 present the exposure variables for the
soil/sediment ingestion pathway for the residential, industrial, recreational, and agricultural scenarios. The
potential for exposure to children is greater due to behavioral patterns present during childhood. The
higher value for children, under the non-industrial scenarios, are based on fecal tracer studies and
account for the ingestion of both indoor and outdoor dust.
Table 2. Soil/Sediment Ingestion Parameters
-6 -6 -6 -6 -6
Conversion factor = CF1 kg/mg 10 10 10 10 10
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3
Conversion factor = CF8 g/mg 10 10 10 10 10
Ingestion rate of soil = mg/d 100 (adult) 200 (adult) 100 (adult) 480 (construction 100 (adult)
IR worker)
200 (child) (EPA 1989a) 200 (child) 200 (child)
(EPA 1991b)
(EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a)
Lifetime = LT years 70 70 70 70 70
(EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a)
(noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen)
Soil/Sediment Inhalation
Equation 3 (non-radionuclides), equation 4 (radionuclides), and Table 3 present the exposure variables
for the soil/sediment inhalation pathway for the residential, industrial, recreational, and agricultural
scenarios. The particulate emission factor (PEF) is represented by the term that includes V, Um/Ut, F(x),
Q/C, and CF3. The default PEF in SADA is 1.32E+9 (EPA 1996). The 1/VF term is only present if the
contaminant is a volatile.
Volatilization factor = m /kg Chemical-specific Chemical-specific Chemical-specific Chemical-specific Chemical-specific
Inverse of the mean (g m )/ 90.8 90.8 90.8 90.8 90.8
concentration at the 2
center of a 0.5 acre- (m s kg) (EPA 1996) (EPA 1996) (EPA 1996) (EPA 1996) (EPA 1996)
square source = Q/C
Seconds in an hour = s/h 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600
Total inhalation rate = m /day 20 20 6.7 20 20
(EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (8 hours) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a)
(EPA 1992)
(EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a)
Lifetime = LT years 70 70 70 70 70
(EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a) (EPA 1989a)
(noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen)
Equation 5 (non-radionuclides) and Table 4 present the exposure variables for the soil/sediment dermal
contact pathway for the residential, industrial, and recreational scenarios.
Table 4. Soil/Sediment Dermal Contact Parameters
Conversion factor = CF4 (kg-cm )/ 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
(mg-m )
Surface area = SA m /day 0.53 0.316 0.53 0.53
Adherence factor = AF mg/cm 1 1 1 1
Absorption factor = ABS unitless 0.01 (organic) 0.01 (organic) 0.01 (organic) 0.01 (organic)
Lifetime = LT years 70 70 70 70
(noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen)
External Exposure
Equation 6 (radionuclides) and Table 5 present the exposure variables for the external exposure pathway
for the residential, industrial, recreational, excavation, and recreational scenarios.
Table 5. Soil/Sediment External Exposure Parameters
(EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a)
(EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a) (EPA 1991a)
Equation 7 (non-radionuclides), equation 8 (radionuclides), and Table 6 present the exposure variables
for the soil/sediment produce ingestion pathway. The produce ingestion pathway is conducted for the
agricultural scenario only.
Table 6. Soil/Sediment Produce Ingestion Parameters
(EPA 1989b)
(EPA 1989b)
(EPA 1989a)
(EPA 1989a)
(EPA 1989a)
Lifetime = LT years 70
(EPA 1989a)
ED (noncarcinogen)
Equation 9 (non-radionuclides), equation 10 (radionuclides), and Table 7 present the exposure variables
for the soil/sediment beef ingestion pathway. The beef ingestion pathway is conducted for the agricultural
scenario only.
(IAEA 1994)
(Darwin 1990)
Beef ingestion rate = IRf kg/day 0.075
(EPA 1989b)
(EPA 1989a)
Exposure duration = ED years 30
(EPA 1989a
Body weight = BW kg 70
(EPA 1989a)
Lifetime = LT years 70
(EPA 1989a)
ED (noncarcinogen)
Equation 11 (non-radionuclides), equation 12 (radionuclides), and Table 8 present the exposure variables
for the soil/sediment milk ingestion pathway. The milk ingestion pathway is conducted for the agricultural
pathway only.
Table 8. Soil/Sediment Milk Ingestion Parameters
(IAEA 1994)
(Darwin 1990)
0.305 (child)
(EPA 1989b)
(EPA 1989a)
6 (child)
(EPA 1989a)
15 (child)
(EPA 1991a)
Lifetime = LT years 70
(EPA 1989a)
ED H 365 (noncarcinogen)
Table 9. Soil/Sediment Exposure Pathways by Scenario
Yes No No No Yes
Yes No No No Yes
Beef Ingestion
Yes No No No Yes
Milk Ingestion
Table 10. Surface Water/Groundwater Ingestion Parameters
Body weight = BW kg 70 70 70 70
Lifetime = LT years 70 70 70 70
(noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen)
Table 11. Surface Water/Groundwater Inhalation while Showering Parameters
Volatilization Factor = VF L/m Chemical-specific Chemical- Chemical-specific Chemical-
specific specific
Inhalation rate = IRair m /hour 20 0 0 20
Inhalation exposure factor = IEF (L hr)/ 0.2802 (Tritium) 0.2802 0.2802 (Tritium) 0.2802 (Tritium)
3 (Tritium)
(m day) 7.603 (Radon) 7.603 (Radon) 7.603 (Radon)
7.603 (Radon)
0 (other 0 (other 0 (other
radionuclides) 0 (other radionuclides) radionuclides)
Body weight = BW kg 70 70 70 70
Lifetime = LT years 70 70 70 70
Equation 17 (non-radionuclides) and Table 12 present the exposure variables for the surface
water/groundwater dermal contact pathway. This pathway is conducted for the residential, recreational,
and agricultural scenarios only. The industrial scenario has the skin surface area exposed set to 0 m and
the exposure time is set to 0 hours.
c 2
Skin surface area exposed = SA m 1.94 0 1.94 1.94
Body weight = BW kg 70 70 70 70
Lifetime = LT years 70 70 70 70
(noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen) (noncarcinogen)
Surface Water/Groundwater Produce Ingestion
Irrigation rate = rirr L/m day 2.08
(3 months)
(NCRP 1989)
(NCRP 1985)
Areal density for root zone = P kg/m 240
(Hof fman et al. 1982)
(Miller 1980)
(McKone 1994)
(NCRP 1989)
(NCRP 1985)
(NCRP 1985)
Plant yield (wet) = Yv kg/m 2
(NCRP 1985)
(EPA 1989b)
(EPA 1989b)
(EPA 1989a)
(EPA 1989a)
(EPA 1989a)
Lifetime = LT years 70
(EPA 1989a)
ED (noncarcinogen)
Surface Water/Groundwater Beef Ingestion
Table 14. Surface Water/ Groundwater Beef Ingestion Parameters
(IAEA 1994)
Ingestion rate = IR kg/day 0.075
(EPA 1989b)
(EPA 1989a)
(EPA 1989a)
Body weight = BW kg 70
(EPA 1989a)
Lifetime = LT years 70
(EPA 1989a)
ED (noncarcinogen)
(IAEA 1994)
(EPA 1989a)
6 (child)
(EPA 1989a)
15 (child)
(EPA 1991a)
Lifetime = LT years 70
(EPA 1989a)
ED (noncarcinogen)
Surface Water Fish Ingestion
(EPA 1991a)
(EPA 1989a)
(EPA 1991a)
Lifetime = LT years 70
(EPA 1989a)
ED (noncarcinogen)
Ecological Risk Assessment
This chapter provides the following subchapters:
• Ecological Risk Configuration
• Browse Ecological Benchmarks
• Ecological Benchmark Screening
• Spatial Ecological Maps
• Ecological Benchmarks
• Terrestrial Wildlife Exposure Modeling
Exposure can also be directly measured via measurements of body burdens or tissue residues.
Step 4 – Risk Characterization
Risk Characterization incorporates the outcomes of the previous activities (Hazard Identification, Dose
Response Evaluation, and Exposure Assessment) to estimate the likelihood that significant effects are
occurring or will occur and describe the nature, magnitude, and extent of effects on the designated
assessment endpoints.
Ecological Risk Configuration
A number of features are available to set up your SADA file in order to perform screening ecological risk
assessments. These include:
• Ecological Risk Setup
• Delete Ecological Risk
• Rematch Single Contaminant
• Set Physical Parameters
• Check Eco Version
The following introductory form for the ecological risk setup will appear.
After selecting Yes, the ecological risk setup wizard will begin. The first step is to identify the source file
for the ecological risk information. The SADA installation will create a file called eco_toxdata.mdb, which
contains all the necessary information. This file should already be present in the root SADA directory
(usually C:\Program Files\SADA\).
To locate a file, click on the Browse button. A typical browse folder will then appear that will default to
the directory in which the SADA executable resides.
Select eco_toxdata.mdb and then select Open.
Note: To get the most recent eco_toxdata.mdb file, visit the SADA web site at: Here you can download the eco_toxdata.mdb file and copy it over the
one that exists in the installation directory. You can perform a Check Eco Version and compare the dates
and version numbers with the file at the web site to see if updating is necessary.
Once eco_toxdata.mdb has been selected, click Next>> from the Step 1 form.
SADA now attempts to match each contaminant in your file with a contaminant found in the toxicological
database. SADA matches by CAS number first (if available) and then by name. If the CAS number and
name match exactly, SADA classifies it as Matched. If only the Name or the CAS number match, then the
classification is Partial Match. Finally, if no match is found for either, the classification is No Match. These
three classifications are presented in the next window.
On the left, your contaminants have been divided into the three categories. To view a resulting match for
any contaminant, click on the down arrow and select your contaminant from the resulting drop down list.
The corresponding selection on the right hand side will change to show SADA’s match for your
contaminant. If the match is acceptable, press the Register button. If all matches within a category are
acceptable, press Register All. To unregister a matched pair(s), select the pair(s) in the registered
contaminants box and press Unregister. Your contaminants will return to their original classification with
their original match.
If no match is available for some of your contaminants, you may leave them as unregistered. Later, if the
toxicological information becomes available, you may link these (or re-link registered) contaminants
separately without setting up the entire risk module again.
Press Next>> to conclude setting up the risk module. Once the module is complete, you will have access
to an ecological menu.
You may reset the Risk module at any time; simply select Ecological under the Setup menu of the main
window. The process is the same as before; however, SADA will give you the opportunity to reset or skip
the selection of the benchmark and scenario parameters database.
You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the analysis with the following form:
If Yes is selected, then the ecological references within your SADA file will be removed. You will then
need to rerun the Ecological Risk Setup again in order to perform screening ecological risk assessments.
Select a media type and the contaminant choice from the following window. Press OK.
You will then be prompted to enter the most recent eco_toxdata.mdb file as a source for new contaminant
information. When the correct file has been selected, press Open.
A form will then be shown of all the available choices for re-matching. It is displayed in CAS Number
order, so you may either select the desired contaminant or type in the contaminant name to be matched
on the entry line in order to quickly find the appropriate re-link.
Pressing Select will then conclude the Rematch Single Contaminant task and the appropriate information
will be updated in the SADA file. If the number of contaminants to re-link is high, it may be more efficient
to rerun the Ecological Risk Setup.
The next window will display the current defaults for these parameters within your SADA file. You may
adjust the values, but are restricted to certain applicable ranges:
• Hardness: 25-400 mg CaCO3/L
• pH: 3-11
• Organic Carbon Content 0-1.
Once you have made your changes, select OK. If the selected value is outside the range, then it will be
restored to the default value and you may adjust it again, if necessary.
From the Ecological menu, select Configure Ecological Risk and then Set Screening Statistics or Set
Exposure Statistics.
Select the desired statistical approach and press the OK button. The different approaches are defined as
• Maximum Value – the maximum concentration, detected or nondetected, for normal or lognormal
• Maximum Detected Value – the maximum detected concentration for normal or lognormal distribution
• UCL95 – the 95% upper confidence limit on the mean for normal or lognormal distribution
• Mean – the average concentration over all values for normal or lognormal distribution
Note: For screening calculations, the maximum detected value is the default option while for exposure
calculations, the lesser of the maximum detected value and the UCL95 is the default option.
The option selected for Screening Calculations will be used when you choose to conduct Benchmark
Screens. The option selected for Exposure Calculations will be used when you choose to conduct
Benchmark Ratios or Show Daily Exposure Dose.
The resulting form contains information concerning the ecological risk setup of the current SADA file.
If all is well with the ecological risk setup, you will get a form display that is similar to that above. It will list
the number of contaminants for which benchmark information is set up for each media and whether
auxiliary information concerning benchmark hierarchy information, physical parameters, and benchmark
conversion factors is present. It will give the date of the source file used for setting up the benchmark
information as well as a web site that can be visited to see if the information used was the most current.
If necessary information is missing, then you will get text messages indicating the problems. You may
have to conduct an Ecological Risk Setup again in order to repair the setup.
The resulting form prompts for the source data file. Select eco_toxdata.mdb, which should be in your root
SADA file directory (typically C:/Program Files/SADA/).
Select Open and the Browse form will appear. Select a contaminant and media combination that you
wish to view all benchmarks for. The following example shows Arsenic selected for Soil.
Selecting OK will produce a histogram of the available benchmarks (if there are benchmarks available).
Select Done to close this window.
There are different scaling options available. If the display is unsatisfactory, select between linear,
natural log, and base 10 log scales for viewing the benchmarks using the dropdown combo box at the top
of the form. A benchmark that appears to be missing generally has a very small value relative to the
highest value, so it may not show on the linear scale.
The resulting form prompts for the source data file. Select eco_toxdata.mdb, which should be in your root
SADA file directory (typically C:/Program Files/SADA/).
Select Open and the Browse form will appear. Select a contaminant and media combination that you
wish to view all benchmarks for. It is also possible to select multiple contaminants by holding down the
Control key while selecting contaminants. The following example shows soil benchmarks for Arsenic,
Anthracene, and Barium.
Press OK to bring up an empty table of benchmarks. Click Done to close this window.
A number of checkboxes are available in this window. Each box represents a different benchmark
source. A more complete description of each source is available by holding the mouse over the
benchmark name for a moment or by searching this help file. Check the boxes for the benchmarks that
you wish to view, and they will be displayed in table format in the bottom of this window.
The buttons on the toolbar at the top allow a number of different operations to be performed with this
Copy to Clipboard — Copies information to the clipboard. It may then be pasted into most Windows
Show Benchmark Histogram
In order to show a benchmark histogram for a given contaminant that is in your SADA file, make sure that
your analysis type is set to Ecological and the desired contaminant and media are selected in the
secondary toolbar.
From the Ecological menu, select Benchmark Histogram.
This will automatically display the available benchmarks in a histogram. If applicable, the benchmarks will
be based on the physical property value currently stored in the SADA file (as opposed to the Browse
Benchmark Histogram, which is always based on default properties).
A media-dependent form will then be displayed that will allow you to check the desired benchmarks. The
following example displays the form for soil.
Click in the checkboxes for each benchmark type to display the value in the bottom of the window.
The buttons on the toolbar at the top allow a number of different operations to be performed with this
Copy to Clipboard — Copies information to the clipboard. It may then be pasted into most Windows
Click in the checkboxes for each benchmark type to display the value in the bottom of the window.
The buttons on the toolbar at the top allow a number of different operations to be performed with this
Copy to Clipboard — Copies information to the clipboard. It may then be pasted into most Windows
The following window of screening results will show "Yes" if the concentration exceeds the benchmark,
"No" if the concentration is less than the benchmark, and a blank cell if there is no benchmark for that
contaminant-benchmark combination.
Click in the checkboxes for each benchmark type to display the value in the cell.
The buttons on the toolbar at the top allow a number of different operations to be performed with this
Copy to Clipboard — Copies information to the clipboard. It may then be pasted into most Windows
From the Interviews list, select Draw a data screen map. Follow the steps that are listed.
This interview is available for ecological analyses with all data types except Geobayesian.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Show the results
5. Format picture
6. Auto-document
7. Add to results gallery
Make sure that the analysis type is set to Ecological and the desired contaminant and media are selected
in the secondary toolbar. When Show the results is selected, SADA will prompt the user to select the
ecological benchmarks to be screened against:
To select a single benchmark source, select Screen Using One Benchmark Source. To screen against
a prioritized list, select Screen Using a Prioritized List of Benchmark Sources and the following form
Here you can select which benchmarks are to be screened using the >> button and the order in which
they will be accessed using the Up and Down buttons. Clicking OK will then display the map with a box
around each point that exceeds the chosen benchmark.
This interview is only available for ecological analyses with unpooled data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Show the results
5. Format picture
6. Auto-document
7. Add to results gallery
Make sure that the analysis type is set to Ecological and the desired contaminant and media are selected
in the secondary toolbar. When Show the results is selected, SADA will prompt the user to select the
ecological benchmarks to be screened against:
To select a single benchmark source, select Screen Using One Benchmark Source. To screen against
a prioritized list, select Screen Using a Prioritized List of Benchmark Sources and the following form
Here you can select which benchmarks are to be screened using the >> button and the order in which
they will be accessed using the Up and Down buttons. Click OK to display concentration to benchmark
ratios in the Graphics Window.
This interview is only available for ecological analyses with unpooled data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Show the results
5. Format picture
6. Auto-document
7. Add to results gallery
When Show the results is selected, SADA will prompt the user to select the species and exposure
Select the species and exposure type using the drop down combo boxes. The exposure types are SSL,
Female, Male, or Juvenile. Choosing SSL will use parameter values from EPA’s draft Eco-SSL guidance
(EPA 2000), which represents data from males and females combined. Choosing Female or Male will
restrict the parameter values to those for that gender. SADA does not currently provide parameter values
for juveniles, but custom values can be ent ered via Set Terrestrial Exposure Parameters.
Select the exposure pathway(s) and then press OK. SADA will now present the dose calculations.
If SADA was able to successfully calculate a pathway, then an (OK) will be after the pathway type in the
title. If data is missing to calculate a pathway, then a (NA) will be shown. In the latter case, go to Set
Terrestrial Contaminant Parameters or Set Terrestrial Exposure Parameters to fix any missing
parameter values (i.e., if (NA) is shown).
11. Auto-document
12. Add to results gallery
Make sure that the analysis type is set to Ecological and the desired contaminant and media are selected
in the secondary toolbar. When Show the results is selected, SADA will prompt the user to select the
ecological benchmarks to be screened against:
To select a single benchmark source, select Screen Using One Benchmark Source. To screen against
a prioritized list, select Screen Using a Prioritized List of Benchmark Sources and the following form
Here you can select which benchmarks are to be screened using the >> button and the order in which
they will be accessed using the Up and Down buttons. Click OK to display a modeled map of
concentration to risk in the Graphics Window.
Draw a Contoured Eco Dose Map - Interview
This interview is only available for ecological analyses with unpooled data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set grid specs
5. Interpolation methods
6. Correlation modeling (only available if OK or IK is selected under Interpolation method)
7. Search neighborhood (only available if OK, IK, or Inverse Distance is selected under Interpolation
8. Show the results
9. Cross validation
10. Format picture
11. Auto-document
12. Add to results gallery
When Show the results is selected, SADA will prompt the user to select the species and exposure
Select the species and exposure type using the drop down combo boxes. The exposure types are SSL,
Female, Male, or Juvenile. Choosing SSL will use parameter values from EPA’s draft Eco-SSL guidance
(EPA 2000), which represents data from males and females combined. Choosing Female or Male will
restrict the parameter values to those for that gender. SADA does not currently provide parameter values
for juveniles, but custom values can be entered via Set Terrestrial Exposure Parameters.
Select the exposure pathway(s) and then press OK. SADA will now present the contoured dose results.
Ecological Benchmarks
SADA provides 4 types of ecological benchmarks:
• Surface Water
• Sediment
• Soil
• Biota
Canadian WQG
The National Guidelines and Standards Office of the Environmental Quality Branch of Environment
Canada provides nationally approved, science-based guidelines for water quality. The Canadian Water
Quality Guidelines (CWQG) are developed to provide basic scientific information about water quality
parameters and ecologically relevant toxicological threshold values for Canadian species to protect
specific water uses. In deriving Canadian water quality guidelines for aquatic life, all components of the
aquatic ecosystem (e.g., algae, macrophytes, invertebrates, fish) are considered if the data are available.
The goal is to protect all life stages during an indefinite exposure to water. The guidelines provide a
numeric value or narrative statement outlining the recommended guideline for over 100 substances,
which, if exceeded, may impair the health of Canadian ecosystems and their beneficial uses.
The CWQGs are derived from the available literature on the effects of the substance or physical property
(e.g., temperature) on various species for the protection of the appropriate use (e.g., aquatic life).
Guidelines should not be regarded as a blanket value for national water quality; guidelines may need to
be modified on a site-specific basis to account for local conditions. For most water quality variables, a
single maximum value, which is not to be exceeded, is recommended as a Canadian water quality
guideline. This maximum value is based on a long-term no effect concentration. Unless otherwise
specified, a guideline value refers to the total concentration in an unfiltered sample. When available, the
lowest_observable_effects level (LOEL) from a chronic exposure study on the most sensitive native
Canadian species is multiplied by a safety factor of 0.1 to arrive at the final guideline concentration.
Alternatively, the lowest LC50 or EC50 from an acute exposure study is multiplied by an acute/chronic
ratio or the appropriate application factor (i.e., 0.05 for nonpersistent variables; 0.01 for persistent
variables) to determine the final guideline concentration.
Ammonia is pH dependent:
1.37 mg/L at pH 8.0 and temp 10 C, or
2.2 mg/L at pH 6.5 and temp 10 C
SADA v4 does not include a default CWQG for ammonia.
Obtained from Environment Canada’s Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines web page at and Updated 2002.
EC20 Daphnids
This benchmark is the lowest test EC20 (20% effects concentration) values for daphnids. It represents
the highest tested concentration not causing a reduction of as much as 20% in the reproductive output of
female test organisms.
Suter, G.W. II. 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening contaminants of potential concern for
effects on freshwater biota. Environ. Toxic. Chem. 15:1232-1241.
EC20 Fish
This benchmark is the lowest test EC20 (20% effects concentration) values for fish. It represents the
highest tested concentration not causing a reduction of as much as 20% in the reproductive output of
female test organisms.
Suter, G.W. II. 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening contaminants of potential concern for
effects on freshwater biota. Environ. Toxic. Chem. 15:1232-1241.
This benchmark consists of estimates of the concentration causing a 25% reduction in the recruit
abundance of a population of largemouth bass.
Suter, G.W. II. 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening contaminants of potential concern for
effects on freshwater biota. Environ. Toxic. Chem. 15:1232-1241.
These benchmarks were derived similar to chronic criteria, except that the lowest EC20 for the chemical
was used in place of the lowest chronic value.
Suter, G.W. II. 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening contaminants of potential concern for
effects on freshwater biota. Environ. Toxic. Chem. 15:1232-1241.
These benchmarks, derived by the EPA’s Southeastern region, are criteria or test endpoints divided by a
factor of 10. The Region IV surface water screening values were obtained from Water Quality Criteria
documents and represent the chronic ambient water quality criteria values for the protection of aquatic
life. They are intended to protect 95% of the species, 95% of the time. If there was insufficient
information available to derive a criterion, the lowest reported effect level was used with the application of
a safety factor of ten to protect for a more sensitive species. A safety factor of ten was also used to derive
a chronic value if only acute information was available. Since these numbers are based on conservative
endpoints and sensitive ecological effects data, they represent a preliminary screening of site
contaminant levels to determine if there is a need to conduct further investigations at the site. Note that
equations for hardness dependent metals do not match those in EPA (2002). See
These benchmarks, derived by the EPA’s Southeastern region, are criteria or test endpoints divided by a
factor of 10. The Region IV surface water screening values were obtained from Water Quality Criteria
documents and represent the chronic ambient water quality criteria values for the protection of aquatic
life. They are intended to protect 95% of the species, 95% of the time. If there was insufficient
information available to derive a criterion, the lowest reported effect level was used with the application of
a safety factor of ten to protect for a more sensitive species. A safety factor of ten was also used to derive
a chronic value if only acute information was available. Since these numbers are based on conservative
endpoints and sensitive ecological effects data, they represent a preliminary screening of site
contaminant levels to determine if there is a need to conduct further investigations at the site. Note that
equations for hardness dependent metals do not match those in EPA (2002). See
The ESL reference database consists of Region 5 media-specific (soil, water, sediment, and air)
Ecological Screening Levels (ESLs) for RCRA Appendix IX hazardous constituents. The ESLs are initial
screening levels with which the site contaminant concentrations can be compared. The ESLs help to
focus the investigation on those areas and chemicals that are most likely to pose an unacceptable risk to
the environment. ESLs also impact the data requirements for the planning and implementation of field
investigations. ESLs alone are not intended to serve as cleanup levels. See the August 2003 revision of
the ESLs (formerly EDQLs) at
The lowest acceptable chronic value for aquatic plants is based on the geometric mean of the Lowest
Observed Effect Concentration and the No Observed Effect Concentration. Chronic values are used to
calculate the chronic NAWQC, but the lowest chronic value may be lower than the chronic NAWQC.
Because of the short generation time of algae and the relative lack of standard chronic tests for aquatic
plants, EPA guidelines are followed in using any algal test of at least 96-hour duration and any
biologically meaningful response for the plant values.
Suter, G.W. II and C.L. Tsao 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening potential contaminants of
concern for effects on aquatic biota: 1996 revision. ES/ER/TM-96/R2. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
LCV Daphnids
The lowest acceptable chronic value for daphnids is based on either the geometric mean of the Lowest
Observed Effect Concentration and the No Observed Effect Concentration or an extrapolation from 48-
hour LC50s using equations from Suter et al (1987) and Suter (1993).
The equations for a daphnid CV for a metallic contaminant is:
Log CV = 0.96 log LC50 – 1.08 (PI = 1.56)
For a non-metallic contaminant:
Log CV = 1.11 log LC50 – 1.30 (PI = 1.35)
The LC50 is the lowest species mean 48-hour EC50 for Daphnids. The 95% prediction interval is log CV
+- the PI value (95% prediction intervals cont ain 95% of observations).
Suter, G.W. II and C.L. Tsao 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening potential contaminants of
concern for effects on aquatic biota: 1996 revision. ES/ER/TM-96/R2. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. (
Suter, G.W. II, A.E. Rosen, E. Linder, and D.F. Parkhurst 1987. End points for responses of fish to
chronic toxic exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 6:793-809.
Suter, G.W. II. 1993. Ecological Risk Assessment. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI.
LCV Fish
The lowest acceptable chronic value for fish is based on either the geometric mean of the Lowest
Observed Effect Concentration and the No Observed Effect Concentration or an extrapolation from 96-
hour LC50s using equations from Suter et al (1987) and Suter (1993).
The equations for a fish CV for a metallic contaminant is:
Log CV = 0.73 log LC50 – 0.70 (PI = 1.2)
For a non-metallic contaminant:
Log CV = 1.07 log LC50 – 1.51 (PI = 1.5)
The LC50 is the lowest species mean 96-hour EC50 for fish. The 95% prediction interval is log CV +- the
PI value (95% prediction intervals contain 95% of observations).
Suter, G.W. II and C.L. Tsao 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening potential contaminants of
concern for effects on aquatic biota: 1996 revision. ES/ER/TM-96/R2. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. (
Suter, G.W. II, A.E. Rosen, E. Linder, and D.F. Parkhurst 1987. End points for responses of fish to
chronic toxic exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 6:793-809.
Suter, G.W. II. 1993. Ecological Risk Assessment. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI.
The lowest acceptable chronic value for aquatic plants is based on the geometric mean of the Lowest
Observed Effect Concentration and the No Observed Effect Concentration. Chronic values are used to
calculate the chronic NAWQC, but the lowest chronic value may be lower than the chronic NAWQC.
Because of the short generation time of algae and the relative lack of standard chronic tests for aquatic
plants, EPA guidelines are followed in using any algal test of at least 96-hour duration and any
biologically meaningful response for the plant values.
Suter, G.W. II and C.L. Tsao 1996. Toxicological benchmarks for screening potential contaminants of
concern for effects on aquatic biota: 1996 revision. ES/ER/TM-96/R2. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. (
NAWQC- Acute
Acute National Ambient Water Quality Criteria. These criteria are applicable regulatory standards. The
National Ambient Water Quality Criteria (NAWQC) are calculated by the EPA as half the Final Acute
Value (FAV), which is the fifth percentile of the distribution of 48- to 96-hour LC50 values or equivalent
median effective concentration (EC50) values for each criterion chemical (Stephan et al. 1985). The
acute NAWQC are intended to correspond to concentrations that would cause less than 50% mortality in
5% of exposed populations in a brief exposure. They may be used as a reasonable upper screening
benchmark because waste site assessments are concerned with sublethal effects and largely with
continuous exposures, rather than the lethal effects and episodic exposures to which the acute NAWQC
are applied. The chronic NAWQC are the FAVs divided by the Final Acute-Chronic Ratio (FACR), which
is the geometric mean of quotients of at least three LC50/CV ratios from tests of different families of
aquatic organisms (Stephan et al. 1985). It is intended to prevent significant toxic effects in chronic
exposures and is used as a lower screening benchmark. NAWQC for several metals are functions of
water hardness. Values for hardness-dependent metals default to 100 mg CaCO3/L, but equations are
provided to obtain values based on site-specific hardness values. Recommended values for metals are
expressed in terms of dissolved metal in the water column.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria
:2002. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. November. EPA
822-R-02-047. (Available at
NAWQC- Chronic
Chronic National Ambient Water Quality Criteria. These criteria are applicable regulatory standards. The
National Ambient Water Quality Criteria (NAWQC) are calculated by the EPA as half the Final Acute
Value (FAV), which is the fifth percentile of the distribution of 48_ to 96-hour LC50 values or equivalent
median effective concentration (EC50) values for each criterion chemical (Stephan et al. 1985). The
acute NAWQC are intended to correspond to concentrations that would cause less than 50% mortality in
5% of exposed populations in a brief exposure. They may be used as a reasonable upper screening
benchmark because waste site assessments are concerned with sublethal effects and largely with
continuous exposures, rather than the lethal effects and episodic exposures to which the acute NAWQC
are applied. The chronic NAWQC are the FAVs divided by the Final Acute-Chronic Ratio (FAC), which is
the geometric mean of quotients of at least three LC50/CV ratios from tests of different families of aquatic
organisms (Stephan et al. 1985). It is intended to prevent significant toxic effects in chronic exposures
and is used as a lower screening benchmark. NAWQC for several metals are functions of water
hardness. Values for hardness-dependent metals default to 100 mg CaCO3/L, but equations are
provided to obtain values based on site-specific hardness values. Recommended values for metals are
expressed in terms of dissolved metal in the water column.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2002. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria
:2002. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. November. EPA
822-R-02-047. (Available at
Tier II values were developed so that aquatic benchmarks could be established with fewer data than are
required for National Ambient Water Quality Criteria. The Tier II Secondary Acute Value (SAV) is derived
by taking the lowest genus mean acute value from data meeting specified criteria and dividing it by a
Final Acute Value Factor whose value depends on the number of acute data requirements that are met.
Values provided here are from Suter and Tsao (1996).
Suter, G.W., II, and C.L. Tsao. 1996. Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of
Concern for Effects on Aquatic Biota: 1996 Revision. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
TN. 104pp. ES/ER/TM-96/R2.
Tier II values were developed so that aquatic benchmarks could be established with fewer data than are
required for National Ambient Water Quality Criteria. The Tier II Secondary Chronic Value (SCV) is
derived by dividing the Secondary Acute Value (see above) by the Secondary Acute-Chronic Ratio.
Values provided here are from Suter and Tsao (1996).
Suter, G.W., II, and C.L. Tsao. 1996. Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of
Concern for Effects on Aquatic Biota: 1996 Revision. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
TN. 104pp. ES/ER/TM-96/R2.
U.S. EPA Region 6 recommends use of surface water benchmarks developed for the Texas Natural
Resource Conservation Commission. These benchmarks are conservative screening level values
intended to be protective of aquatic biota. Values were compiled from a prioritized list of published
values. The primary benchmarks are chronic criteria obtained from Texas surface water quality standards
or the most current federal National Ambient Water Quality Criteria. Additional benchmarks were derived
using the LC50 approach. TNRCC Water Quality Division chronic values, ORNL secondary chronic values
(Suter and Tsao 1996), or EPA Region 4 chronic screening values, in that order, were consulted to
expand the number of chemicals with acceptable benchmarks. Values for hardness-dependent metals
assume a hardness of 50 mg/L. Values for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, silver,
uranium, and zinc apply to dissolved concentrations.
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. 2001. Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk
Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas. Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section, Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX. RG-263 (revised).
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Saltwater (Marine)
U.S. EPA Region 6 recommends use of saltwater benchmarks developed for the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission. These benchmarks are conservative screening level values intended to be
protective of aquatic biota. Values were compiled from a prioritized list of published values. The primary
benchmarks are chronic criteria obtained from Texas surface water quality standards or the most current
federal National Ambient Water Quality Criteria. Additional benchmarks were derived using the LC50
approach. TNRCC Water Quality Division chronic values or EPA Region 4 chronic screening values, in
that order, were consulted to expand the number of chemicals with acceptable benchmarks.
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. 2001. Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk
Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas. Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section, Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX. RG-263 (revised).
U.S. EPA Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Program. The representative effect
concentration selected from among the high no-effect-concentrations for Hyalella azteca and Chironomus
riparius are presented in EPA (1996). It is a concentration above which statistically significant adverse
biological effects always occur. Effects may occur below these levels. The majority of the data are for
freshwater sediments.
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) 1996. Calculation and evaluation of sediment effect
concentrations for the amphipod Hyalella azteca and the midge Chironomus riparius. EPA
905/R96/008. Great Lakes National Program Office, Chicago, IL.
( )
U.S. EPA Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Program. The representative effect
concentration selected from among the ER-Ls and TELs for Hyalella azteca and Chironomus riparius are
presented in EPA (1996). The TEC is the geometric mean of the 15th percentile in the effects data set
and the 50th percentile in the no effects data set. It is a concentration that represents the upper limit of
the range dominated by no effects data. Concentrations above the TEC may result in adverse effects to
these organisms; concentrations below the TEC are unlikely to result in adverse effects. The majority of
the data are for freshwater sediments. These are possible-effects benchmarks.
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) 1996. Calculation and evaluation of sediment effect
concentrations for the amphipod Hyalella azteca and the midge Chironomus riparius. EPA
905/R96/008. Great Lakes National Program Office, Chicago, IL.
( )
U.S. EPA Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Program. The representative effect
concentration selected from among the ER-MS and PELs for Hyalella azteca and Chironomus riparius
are presented in EPA (1996). The PEC is the geometric mean of the 50th percentile in the effects data
set and the 85th percentile in the no effects data set. It represents the lower limit of the range of
concentrations usually associated with adverse effects. A concentration greater than the PEC is likely to
result in adverse effects to these organisms. The majority of the data are for freshwater sediments.
These are probable-effects benchmarks.
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) 1996. Calculation and evaluation of sediment effect
concentrations for the amphipod Hyalella azteca and the midge Chironomus riparius. EPA
905/R96/008. Great Lakes National Program Office, Chicago, IL.
( )
Canadian ISQG
The Water Quality Guidelines Task Group of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
(CCME) developed chemical concentrations recommended to support and maintain aquatic life
associated with bed sediments. These values are derived from available scientific information on
biological effects of sediment-associated chemicals and are intended to support the functioning of healthy
ecosystems. The Sediment quality guidelines protocol relies on the National Status and Trends Program
approach and the Spiked-Sediment Toxicity Test approach. The Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines
(ISQG) correspond to threshold level effects below which adverse biological effects are not expected.
Obtained from Environment Canada’s Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines web page at and Updated 2002.
Canadian PEL
The Water Quality Guidelines Task Group of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
(CCME) developed chemical concentrations recommended to support and maintain aquatic life
associated with bed sediments. These values are derived from available scientific information on
biological effects of sediment-associated chemicals and are intended to support the functioning of healthy
ecosystems. The Sediment quality guidelines protocol relies on the National Status and Trends Program
approach and the Spiked-Sediment Toxicity Test approach. The Probable Effects Levels (PEL)
correspond to concentrations above which adverse biological effects are frequently found.
Obtained from Environment Canada’s Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines web page at and Updated 2002.
Consensus PEC
Consensus-based Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG) represent the geometric mean of published SQGs
from a variety of sources. Sources for Probable Effect Concentrations (PEC) include probable effect
levels, effect range median values, severe effect levels, and toxic effect thresholds (see MacDonald et al.
2000 for references). PECs are intended to identify contaminant concentrations above which harmful
effects on sediment-dwelling organisms are expected to occur more often than not.
MacDonald, D.D., C.G. Ingersoll, and T.A. Berger. 2000. Development and evaluation of consensus-
based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39:
Consensus TEC
Consensus-based Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG) represent the geometric mean of published SQGs
from a variety of sources. Sources for Threshold Effect Concentrations (TEC) include threshold effect
levels, effect range low values, lowest effect levels, minimal effect thresholds, and sediment quality
advisory levels (see MacDonald et al. 2000 for references). TECs are intended to identify contaminant
concentrations below which harmful effects on sediment-dwelling organisms are not expected.
MacDonald, D.D., C.G. Ingersoll, and T.A. Berger. 2000. Development and evaluation of consensus-
based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39:
EPA Region 4
The higher of the EPA Contract Laboratory Program Practical Quantitation Limit and the Effects Value,
which is the lower of the ER-L and the TEL. These are possible effects benchmarks.
EPA Region IV (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IV) 1995. Ecological screening values,
Ecological Risk Assessment Bulletin No. 2, Waste Management Division. Atlanta, Georgia.
(superseded by
The ESL reference database consists of Region 5 media-specific (soil, water, sediment, and air)
Ecological Screening Levels (ESLs) for RCRA Appendix IX hazardous constituents. The ESLs are initial
screening levels with which the site contaminant concentrations can be compared. The ESLs help to
focus the investigation on those areas and chemicals that are most likely to pose an unacceptable risk to
the environment. ESLs also impact the data requirements for the planning and implementation of field
investigations. ESLs alone are not intended to serve as cleanup levels. See the August 2003 revision of
the ESLs (formerly EDQLs) at
Sediment quality assessment guidelines developed for the State of Florida for 34 priority substances
based on the approach recommended by Long and Morgan (1990). They are intended to assist sediment
quality assessment applications, such as identifying priority areas for non-point source management
actions, designing wetland restoration projects, and monitoring trends in environmental contamination.
They are not intended to be used as sediment quality criteria.
Long, E.R. and L.G. Morgan 1990. The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants
tested in the National Status and Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Seattle, WA.
MacDonald, D.D. 1994. Approach to the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Florida Coastal Waters.
Office of Water Policy, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida.
Sediment quality assessment guidelines developed for the State of Florida for 34 priority substances
based on the approach recommended by Long and Morgan (1990). They are intended to assist sediment
quality assessment applications, such as identifying priority areas for non-point source management
actions, designing wetland restoration projects, and monitoring trends in environmental contamination.
They are not intended to be used as sediment quality criteria.
Long, E.R. and L.G. Morgan 1990. The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants
tested in the National Status and Trends Program. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OMA 52.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Seattle, WA.
MacDonald, D.D. 1994. Approach to the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Florida Coastal Waters.
Office of Water Policy, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Florida.
1. NOAA’s National Status and Trends Program. Sediment Quality Guidelines. (Values for As, Cd, Cr,
Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Ag, Zn, DDE, PAHs, total DDT, total PCBs, and total PAH were obtained from this
2. Long, E. R., D. D. MacDonald, S. L. Smith, and F. D. Calder. 1995. "Incidence of Adverse Biological
Effects within Ranges of Chemical Concentrations in Marine and Estuarine Sediments," Environ.
Manage.19: 81-97. (Values for metals and organics not listed in 1 or 3 were obtained from this
3. Long, E. R. and L. G. Morgan. 1991. The Potential for Biological Effects of Sediment-Sorbed
Contaminants Tested in the National Status and Trends Program, National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration, Tech. Memorandum NOS OMA 52, August 1991. Seattle, Washington.
(Values for DDD, DDT, Antimony, Chlordane, Dieldrin, and Endrin were obtained from this source.)
1. NOAA’s National Status and Trends Program. Sediment Quality Guidelines. (Values for As, Cd, Cr,
Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Ag, Zn, DDE, PAHs, total DDT, total PCBs, and total PAH were obtained from this
2. Long, E. R., D. D. MacDonald, S. L. Smith, and F. D. Calder. 1995. "Incidence of Adverse Biological
Effects within Ranges of Chemical Concentrations in Marine and Estuarine Sediments," Environ.
Manage.19: 81-97. (Values for metals and organics not listed in 1 or 3 were obtained from this
Long, E. R. and L. G. Morgan. 1991. The Potential for Biological Effects of Sediment-Sorbed
Contaminants Tested in the National Status and Trends Program, National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration, Tech. Memorandum NOS OMA 52, August 1991. Seattle, Washington.
(Values for DDD, DDT, Antimony, Chlordane, Dieldrin, and Endrin were obtained from this source.)
Ontario Low
Persaud, D., R. Jaagumagi, and A. Hayton. 1993. Guidelines for the Protection and Management of
Aquatic Sediment Quality in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy. August. ISBN
0-7729-9248-7. (Available at
Ontario Severe
Persaud, D., R. Jaagumagi, and A. Hayton. 1993. Guidelines for the Protection and Management of
Aquatic Sediment Quality in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy. August. ISBN
0-7729-9248-7. (Available at
OSWER (Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response). 1996. Ecotox thresholds. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. ECO Update 3 (2):1–12.
Washington NEL Sediment Quality Standards (WAC 172-204-320) are used as a sediment quality goal
for Washington state sediments. These are "no effects" level values. No effects means a concentration
that does not result in acute or chronic adverse effects to biological resources relative to reference [WAC
173_204_200(3)] and does not result in significant human health risk. Washington lists criteria for
organics other than phenol, 2-methyl phenol, 4-methyl phenol, 2,4-dimethyl phenol, benzyl alcohol, and
benzoic acid on a total organic carbon basis. The values included in SADA have been converted to
mg/kg sediment assuming 1% organic carbon (criteria from Washington table were multiplied by 0.01).
The value for Low Molecular Weight PAHs (LPAH) applies to the sum of concentrations of Naphthalene,
Acenaphthylene, Acenaphthene, Fluorene, Phenanthrene, and Anthracene. The value for High Molecular
Weight PAH’s (HPAH) applies to the sum of Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Benz(a)anthracene, Chrysene, total
Benzofluoranthenes, Benzo(a)pyrene, Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene, Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, and
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene. Total Benzofluoranthenes represents the sum of the b, j, and k isomers.
Washington Department of Ecology, Sediment Management Unit, Sediment Quality Chemical Criteria,
updated 8/9/2001 –
Washington MAEL represent Sediment Impact Zone Maximum Level (WAC 173-204-420) and Sediment
Cleanup Screening Level/Minimum Cleanup Level (WAC 173-204-520) values. These are used as an
upper regulatory level for source control and cleanup decision making. Th ey are "minor adverse effects"
level values. Minor adverse effect levels are concentrations that result in an acute or chronic adverse
effect to biological resources relative to reference in no more than one appropriate biological test [WAC
173_204_200(3)], result in a significant response relative to reference [WAC 173_204_200(3)], and do
not result in significant human health risk. Washington lists criteria for organics other than phenol, 2-
methyl phenol, 4-methyl phenol, 2,4-dimethyl phenol, benzyl alcohol, and benzoic acid on a total organic
carbon basis. The values included in SADA have been converted to mg/kg sediment assuming 1%
organic carbon (criteria from Washington table were multiplied by 0.01). The value for Low Molecular
Weight PAHs (LPAH) applies to the sum of concentrations of Naphthalene, Acenaphthylene,
Acenaphthene, Fluorene, Phenanthrene, and Anthracene. The value for High Molecular Weight PAH’s
(HPAH) applies to the sum of Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Benz(a)anthracene, Chrysene, total
Benzofluoranthenes, Benzo(a)pyrene, Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene, Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, and
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene. Total Benzofluoranthenes represents the sum of the b, j, and k isomers.
Washington Department of Ecology, Sediment Management Unit, Sediment Quality Chemical Criteria,
updated 8/9/2001 –
U.S. EPA Region 6 recommends use of benchmarks developed for the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission. These benchmarks are conservative screening level values intended to be
protective of benthic biota. Values were compiled from a prioritized list of published values. The primary
benchmarks are Threshold Effects Levels (TELs) from Smith et al. (1996), but values for antimony and
silver are Effect Range-Low (ER-L) values from Long and Morgan (1990), values for iron, manganese,
total PAHs, several pesticides, and PCBs are Lowest Effects Levels (LELs) from Persaud et al. (1993),
anthracene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, and naphthalene are Threshold Effect Concentrations (TECs) from
MacDonald et al. (2000), and sum DDT, DDE, and DDD values are from Environment Canada (1997).
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. 2001. Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk
Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas. Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section, Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX. RG-263 (revised).
U.S. EPA Region 6 recommends use of benchmarks developed for the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission. These benchmarks are conservative screening level values intended to be
protective of benthic biota. Values were compiled from a prioritized list of published values. The primary
benchmarks are Effect Range-Low (ER-L) values from Long et al. (1995), but values for Chlordane,
lindane, dieldrin, and phthalates are Threshold Effects Levels (TELs) from Smith et al. (1996), and sum
DDT, DDE, and DDD values are from Environment Canada (1997).
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. 2001. Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk
Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas. Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section, Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX. RG-263 (revised).
Dutch Intervention
Target Values for soil are related to negligible risk for ecosystems. This is assumed to be 1% of the
Maximal Permissible Risk (MPR) level for ecosystems, where MPR is the concentration expected to be
hazardous for 5% of the species in the ecosystem, or the 95% protection level. For metals, background
concentrations are taken into account in arriving at a value. The relationship between soil concentration
and irreparable damage to terrestrial species composition and the relationship between soil concentration
and adverse effects on microbial and enzymatic processes were derived to quantify the ecotoxicological
effects on ecosystems. The ecological Intervention Value is the concentration expected to be hazardous
to 50% of the species in the ecosystem. It cannot be assumed that sensitive species will be protected at
the Intervention levels. Site concentrations less than Target Values indicate no restrictions necessary;
concentrations between Target Values and Intervention Values suggests further investigation or
restrictions may be warranted. Site concentrations exceeding the Intervention Value indicate remediation
is necessary. Site-specific values based on percent clay and organic matter for metals and percent
organic matter for organic compounds may be derived.
Swartjes, F.A. 1999. Risk-based Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Quality in the Netherlands:
Standards and Remediation Urgency. Risk Analysis 19(6): 1235-1249
The Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment’s Circular on target values and
intervention values for soil remediation and
Annex A: Target Values, Soil Remediation Intervention Values and Indicative Levels for Serious
Contamination were also consulted, but
they combine the ecological and human health values.
Dutch Target
Target Values for soil are related to negligible risk for ecosystems. This is assumed to be 1% of the
Maximal Permissible Risk (MPR) level for ecosystems, where MPR is the concentration expected to be
hazardous for 5% of the species in the ecosystem, or the 95% protection level. For metals, background
concentrations are taken into account in arriving at a value. The relationship between soil concentration
and irreparable damage to terrestrial species composition and the relationship between soil concentration
and adverse effects on microbial and enzymatic processes were derived to quantify the ecotoxicological
effects on ecosystems. The ecological Intervention Value is the concentration expected to be hazardous
to 50% of the species in the ecosystem. It cannot be assumed that sensitive species will be protected at
the Int ervention levels. Site concentrations less than Target Values indicate no restrictions necessary;
concentrations between Target Values and Intervention Values suggests further investigation or
restrictions may be warranted. Site concentrations exceeding the Intervention Value indicate remediation
is necessary. Site-specific values based on percent clay and organic matter for metals and percent
organic matter for organic compounds may be derived.
Swartjes, F.A. 1999. Risk-based Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Quality in the Netherlands:
Standards and Remediation Urgency. Risk Analysis 19(6): 1235-1249
The Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment’s Circular on target values and
intervention values for soil remediation and
Annex A: Target Values, Soil Remediation Intervention Values and Indicative Levels for Serious
Contamination were also consulted, but
they combine the ecological and human health values.]
EPA Ecological Soil Screening Level (Eco-ESL) Guidanc e. The Eco-ESL guidance provides a set of risk-
based soil screening levels (Eco-ESLs) for several soil contaminants that are frequently of ecological
concern for terrestrial plants and animals at hazardous waste sites. It also describes the process used to
derive these levels and provides guidance for their use. SADA version 4 does not include values from the
draft guidance released in 2000; these values were included in SADA version 3. SADA version 4 only
includes Eco-ESLs for chemicals addressed in the 2003 guidance.
Eco-ESL Avian
As of December 2003 avian Eco-ESLs were available for cadmium, cobalt, lead, and dieldrin. Eco-ESL
Inverts. As of December 2003 soil invertebrate Eco-ESLs were available for antimony, barium, beryllium,
cadmium, and lead.
Eco-ESL Mammalian
As of December 2003 mammalian Eco-ESLs were available for antimony, barium, beryllium, cadmium,
cobalt, lead, and dieldrin.
Eco-ESL Plants
As of December 2003 terrestrial plant Eco-ESLs were available for cadmium, cobalt, and lead
Narrative statements are available for aluminum and iron, but no soil screening levels were developed.
EPA 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
9285.7-55. November 2003. (
EPA. 2003. Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Antimony: Interim Final. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
EPA. 2003. Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Barium: Interim Final. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
EPA. 2003. Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Beryllium: Interim Final. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
EPA. 2003. Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Cadmium: Interim Final. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
EPA. 2003. Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Cobalt: Interim Final. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
EPA. 2003. Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Lead: Interim Final. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
EPA. 2003. Ecological Soil Screening Levels for Dieldrin: Interim Final. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. OSWER Directive
EPA Region IV
EPA. 2001. Supplemental Guidance to RAGS: Region 4 Bulletins, Ecological Risk Assessment.
Originally published: EPA Region IV. 1995. Ecological Risk Assessment Bulletin No. 2: Ecological
Screening Values. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, Waste Management Division,
Atlanta, GA. Website version last updated 30 November 2001:
The ESL reference database consists of Region 5 media-specific (soil, water, sediment, and air)
Ecological Screening Levels (ESLs) for RCRA Appendix IX hazardous constituents. The ESLs are initial
screening levels with which the site contaminant concentrations can be compared. The ESLs help to
focus the investigation on those areas and chemicals that are most likely to pose an unacceptable risk to
the environment. ESLs also impact the data requirements for the planning and implementation of field
investigations. ESLs alone are not intended to serve as cleanup levels. See the August 2003 revision of
the ESLs (formerly EDQLs) at
EPA Region 6 Ecological Screening Benchmarks: Surface Soil -- Plants
U.S. EPA Region 6 recommends use of benchmarks adopted by the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission. For the most part, these are benchmark values for terrestrial plants
developed by Efroymson et al. (1997), but values for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and zinc are from
EPA’s Ecological Soil Screening Level Guidance effort.
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. 2001. Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk
Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas. Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section, Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX. RG-263 (revised).
U.S. EPA Region 6 recommends use of benchmarks adopted by the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission. For the most part, these are benchmark values for earthworms developed by
Efroymson et al. (1997), but values for cadmium, copper, and zinc are from EPA’s Ecological Soil
Screening Level Guidance effort.
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. 2001. Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk
Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas. Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section, Texas Natural
Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, TX. RG-263 (revised).
ORNL Invertebrates
Efroymson, R.A., M.E. Will, and G.W. Suter II. 1997b. Toxicological Benchmarks for Contaminants of
Potential Concern for Effects on Soil and Litter Invertebrates and Heterotrophic Process: 1997
Revision. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. ES/ER/TM -126/R2. (Available at
ORNL Microbes
Efroymson, R.A., M.E. Will, and G.W. Suter II. 1997b. Toxicological Benchmarks for Contaminants of
Potential Concern for Effects on Soil and Litter Invertebrates and Heterotrophic Process: 1997
Revision. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. ES/ER/TM -126/R2. (Available at
ORNL Plants
Efroymson, R.A., M.E. Will, G.W. Suter II, and A.C. Wooten. 1997a. Toxicological Benchmarks for
Screening Contaminants of Potential Concern for Effects on Terrestrial Plants: 1997 Revision. Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. ES/ER/TM-85/R3. (Available at
• ECW avian and mammalian tissue concentrations
• BCMOELP 1998 pw
• CEC 1988 fish
• CCME 1999 pw
• Environment Ontario 1984 pw
• Newell et al. 1987 pw
• Swain and Holmes 1985 fish
Tissue residue benchmarks were derived from the SETAC special publication "Environmental
Contaminants in Wildlife Interpreting Tissue Concentrations" edited by W.N. Beyer, G.H. Heinz, and A.W.
Redmon-Norwood. The ECW (Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife) in the benchmark name indicates
the value came from this source, which is a series of chapters by individual authors discussing tissue
residue – effects data for a variety of contaminants and taxonomic groups. Recommended threshold
values for protection of fish or wildlife were included in the biota benchmark table. Because chemicals
may have a greater effect on or accumulate to a greater degree in specific tissues within an animal,
recommended values are generally tissue-specific, including avian blood, bone (dry weight), brain,
carcass, egg, kidney, or liver; fish brain, egg, muscle, or whole body; and mammal blood, fat, kidney, or
liver. Site tissue concentrations lower than these threshold values are not expected to cause significant
adverse effects.
Beyer, W.N., G.H. Heinz and A.W. Redmon-Norwood (eds.). 1996. Environmental Contaminants in
Wildlife - Interpreting Tissue Concentrations, Special Publication of SETAC, CRC Press, Inc. 494 p.
BCMOELP 1998 pw
Provides a maximum allowable fish tissue concentration for total PCBs protective of piscivorous wildlife.
BCMOELP (British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Land, and Parks). 1988. British Columbia approved
water quality guidelines (Criteria): 1998 Edition. British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Land, and
Parks. Environmental Protection Department. Water Management Branch. Victoria, British Columbia.
CCME 1999 pw
Provides maximum fish or aquatic organisms tissue residue guidelines for the protection of wildlife
consumers of aquatic biota. Values are included for total DDT, Methylmercury, and Toxaphene. Values
for PCBs and Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans reported on a toxic equivalents basis
are not currently in SADA’s ecotox database.
Environment Canada, National Guidelines and Standards Office website
rcqe/English/Ceqg/Tissue/default.cfm and Updated 2002.
Provides a tissue residue guideline for total DDT meant to be protective of fish-consuming birds. The
value applies to whole body fish tissue concentrations.
Environment Ontario 1984. Water management: Goals, policies, objectives, and implementation
procedures of the Ministry of the Environment. Water Resources Branch, Toronto, Ontario. 70 p.
Provides noncarcinogenic and 1 in 100 cancer risk fish flesh criteria for the protection of piscivorous
wildlife. Criteria were developed as part of the Niagara River Biota Contamination Project for New York
Newell, A.J., D.W. Johnson, and L.K. Allen. 1987. Niagara River biota contamination project: Fish flesh
criteria for piscivorous wildlife. Technical Report 87-3. Division of Fish and Wildlife. Bureau of
Environmental Protection. New York State Department for Environmental Conservation. New York,
Provides fish tissue concentrations protective of fish and aquatic life for PCBs and Chlorophenols.
Swain, L.G. and G.B. Holms. 1985. Fraser- Delta Area: Fraser River Sub-basin from Kanaka Creek to the
mouth water quality assessment and objectives. Water Management Branch. British Columbia
Ministry of Environment. Victoria, British Columbia.
Overall model for estimation of soil-to-earthworm BAFs for non-ionic organic analytes (EPA 2003):
Model for estimation of soil-to-plant foliage BAFs for non-ionic organic analytes (EPA 2003):
Sources for soil-to-plant bioaccumulation factors
Bioaccumulation factors were obtained from a variety of sources. Preference was given to regression
models from EPA’s soil screening level guidance (EPA 2003) and Bechtel-Jacobs (1998). Other sources
included IAEA (1994), NCRP (1989), and Baes et al. (1984). Values for non-ionic organic compounds not
included in the list below were calculated based on Kow using the relationship developed for EPA’s soil
–0.4965 log Kow + 2.563
screening levels (EPA 2003): BAFplant = 10 . Values are presented on a dry weight
Analyte BAF type Source
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance.
4,4-DDD soil-to-plant Assumed value same as for DDE.
4,4-DDE soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL
4,4-DDT soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Aluminum soil-to-plant Baes et al. (1984)
Anthracene soil-to-plant Regression model from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Antimony soil-to-plant Regression model from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Arsenic soil-to-plant Median value from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998)
Barium soil-to-plant Median value from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998)
Benz[a]anthracene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Benzo(ghi)perylene soil-to-plant Regression model from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Benzo[a]pyrene soil-to-plant Regression model from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Benzo[b]fluoranthene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Benzo[k]fluoranthene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Beryllium soil-to-plant Baes et al. 1984
Cadmium soil-to-plant Regression model from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998).
Calcium soil-to-plant Baes et al. 1984
Chromium III soil-to-plant Median value from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998)
Chrysene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Cobalt soil-to-plant Median value from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998)
Copper soil-to-plant Regression model from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998).
Dibenz[ah]anthracene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Dieldrin soil-to-plant Regression model from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Fluoranthene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Fluorene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Iodine soil-to-plant Expected value from IAEA (1994).
Iron soil-to-plant Expected value from IAEA (1994).
Lanthanum soil-to-plant Foliage: expected value for mixed green vegetables from IAEA
(1994); Seeds: expected value for beans from IAEA (1994).
Lead soil-to-plant Regression model from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998).
Lithium soil-to-plant Baes et al. (1984)
Magnesium soil-to-plant Baes et al. (1984)
Manganese soil-to-plant Median value from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998)
Mercury soil-to-plant Dry forage value from NCRP (1989)
Molybdenum soil-to-plant Expected value from IAEA (1994).
Naphthalene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Nickel soil-to-plant Regression model from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998).
Niobium soil-to-plant Expected value for rape from IAEA (1994).
Pentachlorophenol soil-to-plant Estimated from Kow: EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance. Note: EPA
guidance is unclear whether median should be 9.615 from Table 8
or 0.24 from Table 11. SADA currently references Table 8.
Phenanthrene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Phosphorus (total) soil-to-plant Dry forage value from NCRP (1989)
Potassium soil-to-plant Dry forage value from NCRP (1989)
Pyrene soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
RDX (Cyclonite) soil-to-plant Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance.
Selenium soil-to-plant Regression model from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998).
Silver soil-to-plant Median value from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998)
Sodium soil-to-plant Expected value from IAEA (1994).
Strontium soil-to-plant Foliage: expected value for grass from IAEA (1994). Seeds:
expected value for peas from IAEA (1994).
Sulfur soil-to-plant Dry forage value from NCRP (1989)
Technetium soil-to-plant Foliage: expected value for spinach from IAEA (1994). Seeds:
expected value for peas from IAEA (1994).
Thallium soil-to-plant Baes et al. (1984)
Tin soil-to-plant Dry forage value from NCRP (1989)
Titanium soil-to-plant Baes et al. (1984)
Tungsten soil-to-plant Baes et al. (1984)
Uranium soil-to-plant Foliage: expected value for grass from IAEA (1994). Seeds:
expected value for cereal from IAEA (1994).
Vanadium soil-to-plant Baes et al. (1984)
Zinc soil-to-plant Regression model from Bechtel-Jacobs (1998).
Zirconium soil-to-plant Expected value from IAEA (1994).
Baes, C.F., III, R.D. Sharp, A.L. Sjoreen, and R.W. Shor. 1984. A Review and Analysis of Parameters for
Assessing Transport of Environmentally Released Radionuclides through Agriculture, ORNL-5786,
Health and Safety Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 150pp.
Bechtel-Jacobs. 1998. Empirical Models for the Uptake of Inorganic Chemicals from Soil by Plants.
Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC, Oak Ridge, TN. BJC/OR-133
EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive
92857-55. Table 8 in Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of
wildlife Eco-SSL.
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). 1994. Handbook of Parameter Values for the Prediction of
Radionuclide Transfer in Temperate Environments. Technical Report Series No. 364.
NCRP. 1989. Screening techniques for determining compliance with environmental standards. Releases
of radionuclides to the atmosphere. NCRP Commentary No. 3. Jan. 1989. National Council on
Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, MD.
Bioaccumulation factors were obtained from a variety of sources. Preference was given to regression
models from EPA’s soil screening level guidance (EPA 2003) and Sample et al. (1999). Median values
from Sample et al. (1998) were included for several analytes. Values for non-ionic organic compounds
not included in the list below were calculated based on Kow using the relationship developed for EPA’s
soil screening levels (EPA 2003):
Chromium III soil-to-earthworm Median value from Sample et al. 1999
Chrysene soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
Cobalt soil-to-earthworm Median value from Sample et al. 1998:earthworms
Copper soil-to-earthworm Median value from Sample et al. 1999
Dibenz[ah]anthracene soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
Dieldrin soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
Lead soil-to-earthworm Regression from Sample et al. 1999
Manganese soil-to-earthworm Regression from Sample et al. 1999
Naphthalene soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
Nickel soil-to-earthworm Median value from Sample et al. 1999
PAHs, Total soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
Pentachlorophenol soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
Phenanthrene soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
RDX (Cyclonite) soil-to-earthworm Median from EPA (2003) Eco-SSL guidance.
Selenium soil-to-earthworm Regression from Sample et al. 1999
Silver soil-to-earthworm Median value from Sample et al. 1998:earthworms
Zinc soil-to-earthworm Regression from Sample et al. 1999
EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive
92857-55. Table 8 in Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of
wildlife Eco-SSL.
Sample, B.E., J.J. Beauchamp, R.A. Efroymson, G.W. Suter,II, and T.L. Ashwood. 1998. Development
and Validation of Bioaccumulation Models for Earthworms. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge TN. 93 pp, ES/ER/TM-220
Sample, B.E., J.J. Beauchamp, R.A. Efroymson, G.W. Suter,II. 1999. Literature-derived bioaccumulation
models for earthworms: development and validation. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 18:2110-2120.
Bioaccumulation factors were obtained from a variety of sources. Preference was given to soil-to-tissue
regression models from EPA’s soil screening level guidance (EPA 2003) and Sample et al. (1998)
followed by point estimates of soil-to-tissue biotransfer. Where soil-to-tissue values were lacking, diet-to-
tissue values from IAEA (1994), NCRP (1989), and Baes et al. (1984) were included.
Analyte BAF type Source
4,4-DDD diet-to-mammal Assumed same as value for DDT from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL
4,4-DDE diet-to-mammal Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
4,4-DDT diet-to-mammal Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Aluminum diet-to-mammal Baes et al. 1984
Antimony diet-to-mammal Baes et al. 1984
Arsenic soil-to-mammal Regression for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Barium diet-to-mammal Baes et al. 1984
Beryllium diet-to-mammal Baes et al. 1984
Boron diet-to-mammal Baes et al. 1984
Cadmium soil-to-mammal Regression for herbivorous mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Calcium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Chlorine diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Chromium III soil-to-mammal Regression for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Cobalt soil-to-mammal Regression for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Copper soil-to-mammal Regression for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Dieldrin diet-to-mammal Median from EPA (2003) ECO-SSL guidance
Iodine diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Iron diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Lead soil-to-mammal Regression for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Lithium diet-to-mammal Baes et al. (1984).
Magnesium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Manganese soil-to-mammal Median value for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Mercury diet-to-mammal From NCRP (1989) beef transfer factor.
Molybdenum diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Nickel soil-to-mammal Regression for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Niobium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Pentachlorophenol diet-to-bird Regression from Stedman et al. (1980) as reported in EPA (2003)
ECO-SSL guidance: tissue (dry wgt.) = 0.00452 x Cdiet + 0.198
Phosphorus (total) diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Potassium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Selenium soil-to-mammal Regression for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Silver soil-to-mammal Median value for mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Sodium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Strontium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Technetium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Thallium diet-to-mammal Baes et al. (1984).
Tin diet-to-mammal From NCRP (1989) beef transfer factor.
Titanium diet-to-mammal Baes et al. (1984).
Tungsten diet-to-mammal Baes et al. (1984).
Uranium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Vanadium diet-to-mammal Baes et al. (1984).
Zinc soil-to-mammal Regression for herbivorous mammals from Sample et al. 1998
Zirconium diet-to-mammal From IAEA (1994) beef transfer factor.
Baes, C.F., III, R.D. Sharp, A.L. Sjoreen, and R.W. Shor. 1984. A Review and Analysis of Parameters for
Assessing Transport of Environmentally Released Radionuclides through Agriculture, ORNL-5786,
Health and Safety Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 150pp.
EPA. 2003. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Vol. 1. Office of Research and Development, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. December 1993.
EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive
92857-55. Table 8 in Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of
wildlife Eco-SSL.
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). 1994. Handbook of Parameter Values for the Prediction of
Radionuclide Transfer in Temperate Environments. Technical Report Series No. 364.
NCRP. 1989. Screening techniques for determining compliance with environmental standards. Releases
of radionuclides to the atmosphere. NCRP Commentary No. 3. Jan. 1989. National Council on
Radiation Protection and Measurements, Bethesda, MD.
Sample, B.E., J.J. Beauchamp, R.A. Efroymson, G W. Suter II, and T.L. Ashwood. 1998. Development
and Validation of Bioaccumulation Models for Small Mammals, ES/ER/TM-219, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
From the following menu, select a receptor and set of parameters from the drop down list. Then, select
the pathway(s) for which you want to calculate dose. The parameter sets are SSL, Female, Male, or
Juvenile. Choosing SSL will use parameter values from EPA’s Eco-SSL guidance (EPA 2003), which
represents data from males and females combined. Choosing Female or Male will restrict the parameter
values to those for that gender. SADA does not currently provide parameter values for juveniles, but
custom values can be entered via Set Terrestrial Exposure Parameters. Note that SSL parameter values
are not available for species not included in the Eco-SSL guidance.
Modeling dose to wildlife receptors requires a number of chemical-specific and species-specific exposure
parameters. To view (and/or change) the contaminant-specific or species-specific parameter values used
in estimation of dose, close the Daily Exposure Dose window, and from the Ecological menu, click
Configure Ecological Risk, and either Set Terrestrial Contaminant Parameters or Set Terrestrial
Exposure Parameters.
Model for dose to wildlife receptor from ingestion of contaminated food:
FIR BW = Dry food ingestion rate as a function of body weight (kg dry food/kg BW/d)
C plant = Chemical concentration in plant (mg/kg dry weight). Estimated from regression
equation, or estimated as C plant = C soil x BAF plant
BAFplant = soil to plant bioaccumulation factor (mg/kg dry plant per mg/kg dry soil)
P plant = Plant ingestion as a percentage of diet (unitless)
C invert = Chemical concentration in invertebrate (mg/kg dry weight). Estimated from
regression equation, or estimated as C invert = C soil x BAF invert
BAFinvert = soil to invertebrate bioaccumulation factor (mg/kg dry invertebrate per mg/kg
dry soil) P invert = Soil invertebrate ingestion as a percentage of
diet (unitless)
Cmamm prey = Chemical concentration in vertebrate, primarily small mammalian, prey (mg/kg
dry weight). Estimated from regression equation, estimated as Cmamm prey =
Csoil x BAFsoil-to-mamm , or, if transfer factor is diet-to-tissue, as Cmamm prey
= Cdiet x BAFdiet-to-mamm .
BAFsoil-to-mamm = soil to mammal bioaccumulation factor (mg/kg dry plant per mg/kg dry soil)
Cdiet = Chemical concentration in diet of mammalian prey (mg/kg dry weight),
measured or estimated as Cdiet = (Cplant x Pplant) + (Cinvert x Pinvert) + (Csoil
x Psoil) with Cplant, Cinvert, Pplant, Pinvert, and Psoil referring to mammalian
prey parameters rather than the focal receptor.
BAFdiet-to-mamm = food to mammal bioaccumulation factor (mg/kg dry mammal per mg/kg dry
Pmamm = Proportion of vertebrate prey in the diet (unitless)
AF = Absorbed fraction of chemical from ingested food. Assumed = 1. (unitless)
AUF = Area use factor = ratio of animal’s home range to area of site. Maximum is 1,
which assumes animal is on-site 100% of the time. Default is 1. (unitless)
Model for dose to wildlife receptor from ingestion of contaminated soil:
FIR BW = Dry food ingestion rate as a function of body weight (kg dry food/kg BW/d)
C soil = Chemical concentration in dry soil (mg/kg)
P soil = Soil ingestion as a percentage of diet (unitless)
AF soil = Absorbed fraction of chemical from soil. Assumed = 1. (unitless)
AUF = Area use factor = ratio of animal’s home range to area of site. Maximum is 1, which
assumes animal is on-site 100% of the time. Default is 1. (unitless)
Model for estimation of dose to terrestrial receptors from dermal contact:
C soil = Chemical concentration in dry soil (mg/kg)
SA = Receptor’s surface area (cm /d)
AdF = Adherence Factor, a measure of tendency of soil to adhere to skin. Default set to 1 x
-6 2
10 kg/cm (EPA Region IV. 1992. New Interim Region IV Guidance Memorandum from
Region IV, Atlanta, Georgia. February 11, 1992) (kg/cm )
AbF = Absorption Fraction, a measure of the fraction of chemical in contact with skin that is
actually absorbed into the body. Default 0.001 for metals and 0.01 for organics (EPA.
1995. Supplemental Guidance to RAGS: Region 4 Bulletins, Human Health Risk
Assessment (Interim Guidance). Waste Management Division, Office of Health
Assessment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.). (unitless)
BW = Receptor’s body weight (kg)
Model for estimation of dose to terrestrial receptors from inhalation:
IRair = Receptor’s inhalation rate (m /d)
Cair = Concentration of chemical in air, calculated as Csoil x PEF for nonvolatile chemicals or
as Csoil x 1/VF for volatile chemicals (mg/m )
C soil = Chemical concentration in dry soil (mg/kg)
PEF = Particulate Emissions Factor, estimate of concentration of dust particles in the air
(kg/m )
VF = Volatilization Factor, a chemical-specific soil-to-air volatilization factor (m /kg)
BW = Receptor’s body weight (kg)
Model for total dose to wildlife receptor from terrestrial exposures:
This model assumes all pathways are checked.
Dosereceptor = Dose to wildlife receptor from terrestrial exposures (mg/kg BW/d)
Dosefood = Dose from ingestion contaminated food items (mg/kg BW/d)
Dosesoil = Dose from ingestion of contaminated soil (mg/kg BW/d)
Dosedermal contact = Dose from dermal exposure to chemicals in soil (mg/kg BW/d)
Doseinhalation = Dose from inhalation of airborne chemicals (mg/kg BW/d)
From the resulting window, select a species and whether you want values for adult females, adult males,
juveniles, or SSL. SSL follows EPA (2003) guidance for deriving ecological soil screening levels and
combines data from adult males and adult females. While custom values can be entered for juveniles,
SADA Version 3 does not include default values for juveniles. Note that SSL parameter values are not
available for species not included in the Eco-SSL guidance.
To change a parameter value, click on the box corresponding to that parameter, and enter the value. It is
very important to use the appropriate units for all parameters.
Food ingestion rate
Food ingestion rate is expressed in terms of kg dry food/kg body weight/day. Entering an ingestion rate in
kg/d that has not been adjusted for body weight will result in faulty dose estimates.
A receptor’s diet is described by the proportion of each food type that makes up its total diet. Food types
currently allowed in SADA include plants (foliage and/or seeds), invertebrates, and vertebrates. All types
of invertebrates are lumped into Fraction Insect, and all types of vertebrates are lumped into Fraction
Mamm. The fraction of plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates in the diet should sum to 1.
Mammalian Prey Diet
Mammalian prey diet is only used when Fraction Mammal is >0 and no soil-to-small mammal
bioaccumulation factor is available. Modeling the dose to wildlife receptors requires information on the
chemical concentration in the foods they eat. This is fairly straight-forward when soil-to-plant tissue, soil-
to-invertebrate tissue, or soil-to-small mammal tissue bioaccumulation factors or regressions are
available, since these can be used to estimate food type concentrations directly from the chemical
concentration in soil. However, for some chemicals, soil-to-small mammal tissue factors are unavailable,
and only diet-to-small mammal tissue biotransfer factors are available. In order to estimate the chemical
concentration in vertebrate prey of carnivorous wildlife in these cases, it is necessary to specify the diet of
the vertebrate prey. The default in SADA is a small omnivorous mammal consuming 50% plants and
50% invertebrates with soil ingestion equal to 3% of its total food ingestion. The concentration in the diet
of the vertebrate prey is then multiplied by the diet -to-tissue transfer factor to estimate the chemical
concentration in vertebrate prey.
Soil ingestion
Wildlife receptor soil ingestion is expressed as a fraction of overall ingestion rate.
Dermal Contact
Adherence factor
The adherence factor is a measure of the tendency for soil to adhere to skin. The data necessary to
estimate the dermal adherence factor for wildlife are generally limited or not available. Therefore, a
2 2
conservative human health value of 1 mg/cm (0.000001 kg/cm ) is set as the default for the species
provided in SADA (EPA 1992). This value is based on results for laboratory rodents and was developed
by shaving the fur and applying the contaminant directly to the exposed skin. However, feathers of birds,
fur on mammals, and scales on reptiles are believed to reduce dermal exposure by limiting the contact of
the skin surface with the contaminated media (EPA 2000). The user can customize these values if
guidance or data is available.
Surface area
Defaults for wildlife receptor surface area (cm ) are based on published studies or modeled based on
default body weight using allometric equations for birds or mammals in EPA (1993) Wildlife Exposure
Factors Handbook.
Inhalation rate
Inhalation rate is expressed in m /d. Default wildlife receptor inhalation rates are based on published
studies or modeled based on default body weight using allometric equations for birds or mammals in EPA
(1993) Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook.
Body weight
Wildlife receptor body weights are expressed in kg. Note that entering a custom body weight will not
automatically change the values for surface area and inhalation rate.
Area Use Factor
The Area Use Factor, or AUF, accounts for the size of the site relative to the size of the receptor’s home
range. The default assumes the animal spends 100% of its time on the site, so the AUF = 1. This value
can be adjusted to any value between 0 and 1 if the receptor uses the site less than 100% of the time.
Female – Calculated based on selected male body weight and FMR and FIR data from Nagy et al. (1999)
and EPA Eco-SSL Guidance (EPA 2003) for an insectivorous mammal.
Long-tailed Weasel:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of distribution for male and female calculated using allometric
relationship of Nagy et al. (1999) and full distribution of body weights from EPA (2003). Table 5 in EPA
ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of
Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for
derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Nagy, K.A., I.A. Girard, and T.K. Brown. 1999. Energetics of free-ranging mammals, reptiles, and birds.
Ann. Rev. Nutr. 19: 247-277.
Male – Calculated based on selected male body weight and FMR and FIR data from Nagy et al. (1999)
and EPA Eco-SSL Guidance (EPA 2003) for a carnivorous mammal.
Female – Calculated based on selected male body weight and FMR and FIR data from Nagy et al. (1999)
and EPA Eco-SSL Guidance (EPA 2003) for a carnivorous mammal.
American Woodcock:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of distribution for male and female calculated using allometric
relationship of Nagy et al. (1999) and full distribution of body weights from EPA (2003). Ta ble 5 in EPA
ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of
Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for
derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Nagy, K.A., I.A. Girard, and T.K. Brown. 1999. Energetics of free-ranging mammals, reptiles, and birds.
Ann. Rev. Nutr. 19: 247-277.
Male – Calculated based on selected male body weight and FMR and FIR data from Nagy et al. (1999)
and EPA Eco-SSL Guidance (EPA 2003) for an insectivorous bird.
Female – Calculated based on selected male body weight and FMR and FIR data from Nagy et al. (1999)
and EPA Eco-SSL Guidance (EPA 2003) for an insectivorous bird.
Red-tailed Hawk:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of distribution for male and female calculated using allometric
relationship of Nagy et al. (1999) and full distribution of body weights from EPA (2003). Table 5 in EPA
ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of
Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for
derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Nagy, K.A., I.A. Girard, and T.K. Brown. 1999. Energetics of free-ranging mammals, reptiles, and birds.
Ann. Rev. Nutr. 19: 247-277.
Male – Calculated based on selected male body weight and FMR and FIR data from Nagy et al. (1999)
and EPA Eco-SSL Guidance (EPA 2003) for a carnivorous bird.
Female – Calculated based on selected male body weight and FMR and FIR data from Nagy et al. (1999)
and EPA Eco-SSL Guidance (EPA 2003) for a carnivorous bird.
Meadow Vole:
SSL (Male & Female) – Diet for herbivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% plant material.
Male – Diet for herbivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% plant material.
Female – Diet for herbivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% plant material.
Mourning Dove:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Diet for granivorous bird was assumed to be 100% plant material.
Male – Diet for granivorous bird was assumed to be 100% plant material.
Female – Diet for granivorous bird was assumed to be 100% plant material.
Short-tailed Shrew:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Diet for insectivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% soil invertebrates.
Male – Diet for insectivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% soil invertebrates.
Female – Diet for insectivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% soil invertebrates.
Long-tailed Weasel:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Diet for carnivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% small mammals.
Male – Diet for carnivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% small mammals.
Female – Diet for carnivorous mammal was assumed to be 100% small mammals.
American Woodcock:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Diet for insectivorous bird was assumed to be 100% soil invertebrates.
Male – Diet for insectivorous bird was assumed to be 100% soil invertebrates.
Female – Diet for insectivorous bird was assumed to be 100% soil invertebrates.
Red-tailed Hawk:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Diet for carnivorous bird was assumed to be 100% small mammals.
Male – Diet for carnivorous bird was assumed to be 100% small mammals.
Female – Diet for carnivorous bird was assumed to be 100% small mammals.
Soil Ingestion (as a fraction of total diet)
Meadow Vole:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of Monte Carlo analyses distribution from EPA ECO-SSL Guidance
based on Beyer et al. (1994) model. Table 7 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for
Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1
Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage.
58: 375-382.
Male – Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl.
Manage. 58: 375-382.
Female – Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl.
Manage. 58: 375-382.
Mourning Dove:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of Monte Carlo analyses distribution from EPA ECO-SSL Guidance
based on Beyer et al. (1994) model. Table 7 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for
Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1
Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage.
58: 375-382.
Male – % Soil ingestion was assumed to be the same as for Wild Turkey in Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and
S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage. 58: 375-382.
Female – % Soil ingestion was assumed to be the same as for Wild Turkey in Beyer, W.N., E. Conner,
and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage. 58: 375-382.
Short-tailed Shrew:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of Monte Carlo analyses distribution from EPA ECO-SSL Guidance
based on Beyer et al. (1994) model. Table 7 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for
Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1
Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage.
58: 375-382.
Male – Based on unpublished data of C. Garten as reported in Talmage, S.S., and B.T. Walton. 1993.
Food chain transfer and potential renal toxicity to small mammals at a contaminated terrestrial field site.
Ecotoxicol. 2: 243-256. (Sylvia Talmage, Pers. Comm.)
Female – Based on unpublished data of C. Garten as reported in Talmage, S.S., and B.T. Walton. 1993.
Food chain transfer and potential renal toxicity to small mammals at a contaminated terrestrial field site.
Ecotoxicol. 2: 243-256. (Sylvia Talmage, Pers. Comm.)
Long-tailed Weasel:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of Monte Carlo analyses distribution from EPA ECO-SSL Guidance
based on Beyer et al. (1994) model. Table 7 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for
Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1
Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage.
58: 375-382.
Male – % Soil ingestion was assumed to be the same as for Red Fox in Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S.
Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage. 58: 375-382.
Female – % Soil ingestion was assumed to be the same as for Red Fox in Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and
S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage. 58: 375-382.
American Woodcock:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of Monte Carlo analyses distribution from EPA ECO-SSL Guidance
based on Beyer et al. (1994) model. Table 7 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for
Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1
Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage.
58: 375-382.
Male – Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl.
Manage. 58: 375-382.
Female – Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl.
Manage. 58: 375-382.
Red-tailed Hawk:
SSL (Male & Female) -- 90th %ile of Monte Carlo analyses distribution from EPA ECO-SSL Guidance
based on Beyer et al. (1994) model. Table 7 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for
Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1
Exposure factors and bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage.
58: 375-382.
Male – % Soil ingestion was assumed to be the same as for Red Fox in Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and S.
Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage. 58: 375-382.
Female – % Soil ingestion was assumed to be the same as for Red Fox in Beyer, W.N., E. Conner, and
S. Gerould. 1994. Estimates of soil ingestion by wildlife. J. Wildl. Manage. 58: 375-382.
Adherence Factor
2 2
A conservative human health value of 1 mg/cm (0.000001 kg/cm ) is set as the default for the species
provided in SADA.
United States Environmental Protection Agency Region IV. February 11, 1992. New Interim Region IV
Guidance Memorandum from Region IV, Atlanta, Georgia.
Surface Area (cm )
Meadow Vole:
2 0.65
Male & Female -- Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of
Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.65
Male – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of Stahl (1967)
as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.65
Female – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of Stahl
(1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
Mourning Dove:
2 0.667
Male & Female -- Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of
Walsberg and King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
2 0.667
Male – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of Walsberg and
King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.667
Female – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of Walsberg
and King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
Short-tailed Shrew:
2 0.65
Male & Female -- Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of
Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.65
Male – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of Stahl (1967)
as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.65
Female – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of Stahl
(1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
Long-tailed Weasel:
2 0.65
Male & Female -- Based on body weight (g) to surface area relations hip of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of
Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.65
Male – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of Stahl (1967)
as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.65
Female – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 12.3 BW of Stahl
(1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
American Woodcock:
2 0.667
Male & Female -- Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of
Walsberg and King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
2 0.667
Male – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of Walsberg and
King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.667
Female – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of Walsberg
and King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
Red-tailed Hawk:
2 0.667
Male & Female -- Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of
Walsberg and King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
2 0.667
Male – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of Walsberg and
King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
2 0.667
Female – Based on body weight (g) to surface area relationship of SA (cm ) = 10 BW of Walsberg
and King 1978 as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a.
Inhalation Rate (m /d)
Meadow Vole:
Male & Female -- Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
mammals developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook.
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences
between field and standard metabolic rates.
Male – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for mammals
developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences between field
and standard metabolic rates.
Female – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for mammals
developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences between field
and standard metabolic rates.
Mourning Dove:
Male & Female -- Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
nonpasserine birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife
Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to
account for differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Male – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for nonpasserine
birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors
Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for
differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Female – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
nonpasserine birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife
Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to
account for differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Short-tailed Shrew:
Male & Female -- Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
mammals developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook.
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences
between field and standard metabolic rates.
Male – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for mammals
developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences between field
and standard metabolic rates.
Female – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for mammals
developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences between field
and standard metabolic rates.
Long-tailed Weasel:
Male & Female -- Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
mammals developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook.
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences
between field and standard metabolic rates.
Male – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for mammals
developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences between field
and standard metabolic rates.
Female – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for mammals
developed by Stahl (1967) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-
93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for differences between field
and standard metabolic rates.
American Woodcock:
Male & Female -- Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
nonpasserine birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife
Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to
account for differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Male – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for nonpasserine
birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors
Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for
differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Female – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
nonpasserine birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife
Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to
account for differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Red-tailed Hawk:
Male & Female -- Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
nonpasserine birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife
Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to
account for differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Male – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for nonpasserine
birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife Exposure Factors
Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to account for
differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Female – Estimated using allometric relationship between body weight and inhalation rate for
nonpasserine birds developed by Lasiewski and Calder (1971) as reported in EPA. 1993. Wildlife
Exposure Factors Handbook. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/R-93/187a. Result was multiplied by a 3x correction factor applied to
account for differences between field and standard metabolic rates.
Body Weight (kg)
Meadow Vole:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Mean for males and females based on Monte Carlo analyses of literature data.
Appendix 4-1 Table 2 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil
Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and
bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Male – Reich, L.M. 1981. Microtus pennsylvanicus. Mammalian Species Account. Amer. Soc.Mammal.
Species No. 159. 8 pp.
Female – Reich, L.M. 1981. Microtus pennsylvanicus. Mammalian Species Account. Amer. Soc.Mammal.
Species No. 159. 8 pp.
Mourning Dove:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Mean for males and females based on Monte Carlo analyses of literature data.
Appendix 4-1 Table 2 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil
Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and
bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Male – Dunning, J.B. 1993. CRC Handbook of Avian Body Masses. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Female – Dunning, J.B. 1993. CRC Handbook of Avian Body Masses. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Short-tailed Shrew:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Mean for males and females based on Monte Carlo analyses of literature data.
Appendix 4-1 Table 2 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil
Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and
bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Male – Silva, M., and J.A. Downing. 1995. CRC Handbook of Mammalian Body Masses. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL.
Female – Silva, M., and J.A. Downing. 1995. CRC Handbook of Mammalian Body Masses. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL.
Long-tailed Weasel:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Mean for males and females based on Monte Carlo analyses of literature data.
Appendix 4-1 Table 2 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil
Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and
bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Male – Mumford, R.E., and J.O. Whitaker, Jr. 1982. Mammals of Indiana. Indiana Univ. Press,
Female – Mumford, R.E., and J.O. Whitaker, Jr. 1982. Mammals of Indiana. Indiana Univ. Press,
American Woodcock:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Mean for males and females based on Monte Carlo analyses of literature data.
Appendix 4-1 Table 2 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil
Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and
bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Male – Keppie, D.M., and R.M. Whiting, Jr. 1994. American Woodcock (Scolopax minor). In The Birds of
North America, No. 100. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Female – Keppie, D.M., and R.M. Whiting, Jr. 1994. American Woodcock (Scolopax minor). In The Birds
of North America, No. 100. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Red-tailed Hawk:
SSL (Male & Female) -- Mean for males and females based on Monte Carlo analyses of literature data.
Appendix 4-1 Table 2 in EPA ECO-SSL guidance (EPA. 2003. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil
Screening Levels. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C. OSWER Directive 92857-55. Attachment 4-1 Exposure factors and
bioaccumulation models for derivation of wildlife Eco-SSL.
Male – Preston, C.R., and R.D. Beane. 1993. Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). In The Birds of North
America, No. 52. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Female – Preston, C.R., and R.D. Beane. 1993. Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). In The Birds of
North America, No. 52. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
In the resulting window, select an analyte from the drop down list.
To change a parameter value, click on the box corresponding to that parameter, and enter the value.
When you’ve finished modifying the parameters for the species, click the Save Changes button, and the
changes will be saved to your SADA file. Otherwise, changes will not be saved.
It is very important to use the appropriate units for all parameters.
Log Octanol-Water Partitioning Coefficient (log Kow)
The octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) is a measure of the equilibrium concentration of a compound
between octanol and water that indicates the potential for partitioning into soil organic matter (i.e., a high
Kow indicates a compound which will preferentially partition into soil organic matter rather than water).
Kow is inversely related to the solubility of a compound in water. Log Kow is used in models to estimate
plant and soil invertebrate bioaccumulation factors.
Inhalation Parameters
Inhalation exposures occur when a chemical volatized from soil is inhaled as a vapor or when soil
particles containing the chemical are respired. Two parameters are needed to estimate chemical
concentrations in air to determine dose from inhalation exposures: the Volatilization Factor (VF) and the
Particulate Emission Factor (PEF).
Volatilization Factor
The Volatilization Factor (VF), in m /kg, is a measure of the tendency of a chemical to volatize from soil to
vapor. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are defined by USEPA (1998) as chemicals with Henry’s Law
-5 3
constants greater than 10 atm-m /mol and molecular weights less than 200 grams/mol.
Particulate Emission Factor
The Particulate Emission Factor (PEF), expressed in kg soil/m air, is a measure of the amount of
respirable soil particles in a volume of air. It is used to estimate chemical concentrations in air from
concentrations in soil.
Soil-to-Plant Concentration
Modeling ingestion exposures for herbivorous wildlife receptors requires information on chemical
concentrations in plant tissues. Chemical concentrations in plant tissues are calculated from soil
concentrations using point estimates of soil-to-plant bioaccumulation factors (BAF), estimated
bioaccumulation factors based on octanol-water partitioning coefficients (for nonionic organic analytes), or
soil-to-plant tissue regression relationships. Regression relationships are the preferred means of
calculating plant concentrations. SADA Version 3 separates plant tissues into two types: foliage and
seeds. In many cases, current default settings assume seed and foliage uptake are similar since soil-to-
foliage values are more generally available.
Default point estimates appear as Custom BAFs. Users can modify these values if they have site-
specific values or prefer values from a source other than that used to derive default values for SADA.
Kow-based soil-to-plant BAFs were generated using the following equation from EPA (2000):
Ctissue = Chemical concentration in plant tissue (mg/kg, dry weight)
C soil = Chemical concentration in dry soil (mg/kg)
Slope = coefficient for slope of the regression model
Intercept = value for the y-intercept of the regression model.
Ctissue = Chemical concentration in invertebrate tissue (mg/kg, dry weight)
C soil = Chemical concentration in dry soil (mg/kg)
Slope = coefficient for slope of the regression model
Intercept = value for the y-intercept of the regression model.
Soil-to-Small Mammal Concentration
Modeling ingestion exposures for carnivorous wildlife receptors requires information on chemical
concentrations in vertebrate prey. Chemical concentrations in vertebrate prey are calculated from soil
concentrations using point estimates of soil-to-vertebrate bioaccumulation factors (BAF) or soil-to-
vertebrate tissue regression relationships. Regression relationships are the preferred means of
calculating mammalian prey concentrations. When soil-to-tissue relationships are unavailable, it may be
necessary to use diet-t o-tissue bioaccumulation factors. In SADA, the simplifying assumption that
carnivores eat small mammals has been made. This is because bioaccumulation factors for mammals
are available for a wide range of chemicals whereas they are often lacking for birds and other vertebrates.
Therefore, SADA refers to Fraction Mammal in the diet and Soil-to-Small Mammal BAFs.
Default Soil-to-Small Mammal point estimates appear as Custom BAFs. Defaults are largely based on
data compiled by Sample et al. (1998) or EPA (2003). Users can modify these values if they have site-
specific values or prefer values from a source other than that used to derive default values for SADA.
Kow-based soil-to-vertebrate or diet-to-vertebrate BAFs are not provided in SADA Version 3 based
upon recommendations in EPA (2003).
Soil-to-vertebrate tissue regression relationships are of the form:
Ctissue = Chemical concentration in vertebrate tissue (mg/kg, dry weight)
C soil = Chemical concentration in dry soil (mg/kg)
Slope = coefficient for slope of the regression model
Intercept = value for the y-intercept of the regression model.
When Soil-to-Small Mammal relationships are unavailable, chemical concentrations in vertebrate prey of
carnivorous wildlife may be estimated from Diet-to-Small Mammal BAFs. Unlike soil-to-tissue BAFs
where the BAF is multiplied by the soil concentration to arrive at the tissue concentration, diet-to-tissue
BAFs are multiplied by the chemical concentration in the prey animal’s diet to determine the tissue
concentration. Thus, it’s necessary to estimate the chemical concentration in the prey animal’s diet.
SADA does this using dietary information specified for Mammalian Prey Diet at the Set Terrestrial
Exposure Parameters screen.
Default Diet-to-Small Mammal point estimates appear as Custom BAFs. Defaults are largely based on
studies of uptake into beef. When necessary, they were converted from transfer factors in d/kg to BAFs
in mg/kg tissue per mg/kg dry food by multiplying the transfer factor by the dry food ingestion rate for beef
cows. Users can modify these values if they have site-specific values or prefer values from a source
other than that used to derive default values for SADA.
No Diet-to-Tissue regression relationships have been included in SADA, but users who have developed
their own relationships may enter the slope and intercept values under Diet-t o-Small Mammal
Concentration, Tissue Regression if the Diet-to-vertebrate tissue regression relationship is of the form:
Ctissue = Chemical concentration in vertebrate tissue (mg/kg, dry weight)
Cdiet = Chemical concentration in diet (mg/kg, dry weight)
Slope = coefficient for slope of the regression model
Intercept = value for the y-intercept of the regression model.
MARSSIM Overview
SADA version 4 includes a Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
module. MARSSIM implements a nonparametric statistical methodology for the design and analysis of
final status decommissioning surveys for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Nonparametric statistical
methods for testing compliance with decommissioning criteria are provided for the case where
radionuclides of concern are in background and also for when they are not in background. The tests
implemented are the Sign Test and the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. The tests are performed in conjunction
with an Elevated Measurement Comparison to provide confidence that the radiological criteria specified
for license termination are met. Principles and methods from the Data Quality Objectives process are
used for the planning of final site surveys. Methods for determining the number of samples for obtaining
statistically valid comparisons with the cleanup criteria and the methods for conducting the statistical tests
with the collected data are included.
A fairly focused approach is used in SADA for MARSSIM. This module was created under the close
guidance of the NRC. The steps for performing MARSSIM analysis are as follows.
1. Create an empty SADA file.
2. Establish site boundaries and survey units.
3. Parameterize and create one or more MARSSIM sample designs.
4. Name/lock the created designs.
5. Import data into the empty SADA file
6. Associate newly imported contaminants with named designs.
7. Perform MARSSIM analysis.
and Z max = 0. SADA automatically creates a default and uneditable layer called "Surface Layer" that
satisfies these requirements or the user may choose to create and use on of their own.
Once the site parameters are established, the user must specify the MARSSIM sample design
parameters. Click on MARSSIM parameters to choose the MARSSIM class, choose the statistical test,
and select whether the grid sampling will be triangular or square. The MARSSIM class choices are I, II,
or III.
Once the MARSSIM parameters are setup as needed, the user must select Step 5. Show The Results to
go through the process of determining the number of samples needed.
Given a test method, the user then inputs the Derived Concentration Guideline (DCGL), the Lower Bound
of the Gray Region (LBGR), the expected standard deviation (Sigma), and the acceptable rates for alpha
(false positive) and beta (false negative) decision errors. With these inputs, SADA will show a power
curve and the number of samples necessary to characterize the decision.
For Class I and II sites, based upon the area of the site and the number of samples to be collected, a grid
area can be derived which is the maximum area of a hot spot that can be missed by systematic sampling.
Associated with this is an area factor which is a factor used to adjust the DCGLw in order to estimate
DCGLemc and the minimum detectable concentration for scanning surveys.
If necessary, the area factor can be retrieved from an excel file that contains adjoining columns for area
and area factor. The range of interest must be a range named in Excel as "Marssim". Once the file is
successfully imported the Area-Area Factor plot will be displayed.
SADA will interpolate the area factor for the area of your site based upon the area-area factor curve for
your contaminant.
Once the area factor is entered, the DCGLemc can be calculated and the user must enter the Minimum
Detectable Concentration (MDC) of the scanning instrument to ensure that the scanning instrument can
detect radionuclide concentrations at the DCGLemc. If the MDC is less than or equal to the DCGLemc:
Then the user will get a message that the instrument check has passed and the number of samples that
were calculated earlier is sufficient:
The user will get a message stating that the instrument check has failed and that a revised grid area is
needed in order to support the scanning capabilities.
The user can either enter the revised grid area for a DCGLemc that is equal to the MDC, or it can once
again be retrieved from the excel file with the Area-Area Factor curve by selecting "Retrieve Grid Area
If the user passed the instrument test, then SADA will perform a hot spot probability check to estimate the
chances of hitting a hot spot equivalent to the size of the grid area.
If the user failed the instrument test, then SADA will perform a hot spot probability estimate for both the
original sample size and the alternative sample size based upon the new (smaller) grid area.
The user can select either the original sample size, or the alternative sample size, but MARSSIM
recommends use of the alternative sample size.
Once these parameters are complete and a sample size has been determined, SADA will then generate a
grid design for Class I and II sites. When generating a grid design, SADA uses its simple grid mechanism.
This approach chooses a random starting point in the survey unit. This starting point serves as an anchor
for the design. Samples are then distributed according to the recommended separation distance D =
(Survey Area)/(Number Of Samples).
Often this recommended separation is unsuitable to adequately fill the survey area. SADA then iteratively
contracts or expands the distance between sample points until a grid design is arrived at that 1)
completely fills the survey unit and 2) comes as close as possible to the number of samples required. The
number of samples will always be at least as large as the number required. However due to grid
specifications and survey unit geometries more samples may be required to fill the area.
The user can then vi ew the sample design.
If the generated design is acceptable, name the design and SADA will lock it permanently. When SADA
locks a design it freezes all parameters including MARSSIM parameters, site boundaries, survey units,
and generated sample designs.
The user should enter a name for the locked design to save it.
The user can see these locked values by selecting the MARSSIM name from the MARSSIM parameters
Select MARSSIM Parameters from the Steps Window. The Parameters Window will display the
Perform MARSSIM Analysis
Once one or more MARSSIM sample designs have been locked, users can import sampled data. Once
data is imported into SADA, they user can no longer create new MARSSIM sample designs. If unsure
about the need for more additional designs, a backup of the file should be made prior to importing new
Click on "Import Sampled Data to begin". SADA will present the locked designs and confirm that these
are all the designs needed. SADA proceeds through the normal import data process. Once complete,
SADA presents the user with the opportunity to now set up the SADA file for MARSSIM. Users can only
set up a SADA file for MARSSIM analysis if there are locked MARSSIM designs available. You can
choose to set the MARSSIM analysis up now or later select Setup MARSSIM from the Setup menu.
For each MARSSIM design, you may choose only one contaminant to perform a detection test at a time.
When setting up the MARSSIM analysis, SADA presents the following form.
For each MARSSIM design choose a contaminant. The MARSSIM design is bolded at the top. If the
user does not wish to associate the selected MARSSIM design with a contaminant press Skip.
Once all the associations have been made and the MARSSIM analysis has been completed the user will
have access to the MARSSIM analysis functions and the data.
Once the setup is complete, switch to MARSSIM data analysis in the interview box. SADA permits only
one action under MARSSIM: Perform MARSSIM Analysis (Scenario A).
Like all analysis types, only those contaminants involved in the setup are available in the drop down list.
Choose the contaminant of interest and the associated MARSSIM locked design will present itself in a
design/data combo plot. This plot shows where samples were planned versus where they were taken.
Press Show the Results to run the test for detecting elevated areas.
There are 5 primary steps to the MARSSIM analysis
1. Compare sample size to minimum sample size
2. Compare all measurements to a DCGL value
3. Compare survey area mean to a DCGL value
4. Conduct statistical test versus DCGL value
5. Compare all measurements to a DCGL value
The exact values used vary for the Class type and there are differences in the statistical test based upon
whether background data is available (WRS Test) or not (Sign Test).
Step 1: Compare sample size to minimum sample size
An alternative sample size is calculated based on the alpha decision error and a beta error of 0.5. This
sample size is compared to the number of actual samples for that analysis. If there are sufficient samples
then the user will get a message:
If there are not enough samples then the message will indicate that the user failed step 1:
If some of the values are greater than the DCGL for the Sign Test than steps 3 and 4 are necessary and
the user will get a message indicating the number of samples in exceedance.
Likewise, if the maximum of the survey data is greater than the minimum of the background data by the
magnitude of the DCGL then the user will get a failure message.
Step 3: Compare survey area mean to a DCGL value
If step 2 fails, then a comparison is made. For the Sign Test, the comparison is between the mean of the
data and the DCGL. For the WRS test, the comparison is between the mean of the survey data and the
mean of the background data. If the comparison fails then step 4 is not necessary.
An overall summary is given at the bottom of the form, this text indicates whether the site passed overall
or not based upon the results of the 5 steps.
of the collected data. Depending on how similar these values are from the survey data compared to the
original locked design, the power curves will either closely track each other:
Select the applicable background data set with the drop down list and press OK.
Custom Analysis
SADA provides a custom analysis module for importing external screening data. This module provides
the following functions:
• Setup Custom Analysis
• Delet e Custom Analysis
• Rematching Custom Contaminants
• Set Custom Screening Statistics
• Custom Values
• Screening Data Against Custom Values
• Using Custom Analysis Results
Enter the external file name that is to be imported in the text box or use the Browse button to select the
file. Then press Next>>.
If the file is an Access database file, The Select a Recordset window will appear next. The left pane lists
all the tables included in the database. Click on a table to see a preview of the table content in the right
side of the window. Select the desired table and press OK.
In the next window, SADA will attempt to match the contaminant and CAS Number information in the
current SADA file with the appropriate columns in the external file. Select the appropriate column
headings in the drop down boxes if they are not already selected. Then press Next>>.
SADA now attempts to match each contaminant in the current SADA file with a contaminant found in the
external file. SADA searches by CAS number first (if available) and then by name. If the CAS number and
name match exactly, SADA classifies it as Matched. If only the Name or the CAS number match, then the
classification is Partial Match. Finally, if no match is found for either, the classification is No Match.
These three classifications are presented in the next window.
On the left, your contaminants have been divided into each of these three categories. To view a resulting
match for any contaminant click on the down arrow and select your contaminant from the resulting drop
down list. The corresponding selection on the right hand side will change to show SADA’s match for your
contaminant. If the match is acceptable, press the Register button. If all matches within a category are
acceptable, press All. To unregister a matched pair(s), select the pair(s) in the registered contaminants
box and press Unregister. Your contaminants will return to their original classification with their original
If no match is available for some of your contaminants, you may leave them as unregistered. If
appropriate later, you may link these (or re-link registered) contaminants separately without setting up the
entire custom analysis module again.
Press Next>> to conclude setting up the custom analysis module. Once the module is complete, a new
analysis type will appear in the drop down box on the second toolbar with its name based on the name of
the external file. When this analysis is selected on the toolbar, a new menu will appear with the same
name and the menu options will be enabled.
Note: SADA allows more than one custom analysis to be setup within a SADA file. Each analysis will be
identified in the analysis combo box with a unique name based on the name of the external data file.
The user must be careful when using the delete analysis feature. Once an analysis has been removed, it
cannot be re-established in SADA without having to setup custom analysis again.
Select the media and contaminant and press OK. SADA will then present the following window.
The user’s contaminant name appears in the top box. Contaminants available from the database appear
in the list box. To associate the contaminant in the top box, select a contaminant in the list box and press
the Select button. Information from the associated selection is then transferred to the internal database
and all relevant options in SADA are updated for this particular contaminant. This update occurs for the
selected contaminant across all media types (soil, surface water, etc.) automatically.
Select the desired statistical approach and press the OK button. The different approaches are defined as
• Maximum Value – the maximum concentration, detected or nondetected, for normal or lognormal
• Maximum Detected Value – the maximum detected concentration for normal or lognormal distribution
• UCL95 – the 95% upper confidence limit on the mean for normal or lognormal distribution
• Mean – the average concentration over all values for normal or lognormal distribution
Note: For screening calculations, the maximum detected value is the default option.
Custom Values
To view the custom values imported into SADA, select the contaminant of interest in the Contaminant
box of the secondary toolbar. Then select Custom Values Table from the Custom Analysis menu. Note:
this menu may have a different name, depending on the name of the external file brought into SADA
during the custom analysis setup.
The following window will display the custom values for Pooled Data.
Copy to Clipboard – Copies current image to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows
SADA will screen the data against these custom values. If data exceeds the custom value, the cell value
is Yes. The cell is blank if the calculation was not available (due to lacking toxicological information) or
was less than the custom value.
Copy to Clipboard – Copies current image to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into most Windows
Add to Report – Copies results to a report.
Decision Frameworks
This chapter includes an overview of decision frameworks and the following interviews and steps:
• Specify decision criteria - step
• Draw a probability map - interview
• Draw and area of concern map - interview
• Set eco framework - step
• Calculate cost versus cleanup - interview
• Set cost information - step
Decision Basis
The decision basis allows the user to make decisions, screen data, and produce probability maps against
a specific concentration value or a risk-based criteria. When General is the analysis type, SADA uses a
user-defined decision goal, a concentration option, as the decision basis. For all other analyses, SADA
uses an analysis-based decision framework.
• Analysis-Based Option
If the current analysis is . . .
1. Human Health – SADA will identify data points and/or areas of the site that exceed or are predicted to
exceed the target risk level for a specific risk scenario. When the Draw a data screen map, Draw a
probability map, Draw an area of concern map, Calculate cost versus cleanup, or Develop a sample
design (with area of concern boundary chosen as the design) interviews are selected for human health,
the user will be prompted to specify the correct pathway in the Risk Scenario Selection Window.
2. Ecological – When the Draw a probability map, Draw an area of concern map, or Develop a sample
design (with area of concern boundary chosen as the design) interviews are selected for ecological, the
Steps Window displays an additional step called Set eco framework. This step affects the ecological
decision framework. When Based on Benchmarks is selected, the user will be prompted to select the
ecological benchmark for the decision framework. When Based on Dose is selected, enter a relevant
toxicity reference value for the contaminant and species that is being modeled for the purposes of
comparing to the dose modeling results.
3. Custom Criteria – SADA will identify data points and/or areas of the site that exceed or are predicted to
exceed imported custom values. When the Draw a data screen map, Draw a probability map, Draw an
area of concern map, Calculate cost versus cleanup, or Develop a sample design (with area of concern
boundary chosen as the design) interviews are selected for custom analysis, the user will be prompted to
specify a particular custom criteria.
• Concentration Option
This option, available only for General Analysis, will identify data points and/or areas of the site that
exceed or are predicted to exceed the concentration value entered by the user.
Decision Scale
There are two types of decision scale, block scale and site scale. These parameters only apply to
remedial design and to cost benefit analysis.
• Block Scale
With block scale, each block within the contour map will be remediated if it fails to pass the "criteria". For
ordinary and indicator kriging, note that the method of interpolation applies here. If the user requests a
percentile map, then the criteria is applied to this percentile map. For example, if the user requests a 10
percentile map, then any block whose 10 percentile is greater than the criteria must be included in the
area of concern. In the case of the 10 percentile map this would equate to a 90% confidence map used
in Version 4.0 and earlier.
• Site Scale
With this choice, the decision basis is applied to the entire site. If polygons are present, then the "criteria"
applies to the interior of the polygon. Under site scale, the blocks are remediated by replacing the
contoured value with the post remediation concentration. This process is implemented from most
contaminated blocks to least contaminated blocks until the site average falls below the decision criteria.
For certain choices of clean-up goal and post remediation values, a remedial design may not be possible.
It is not necessary, however, that the post remedial concentration be less than the decision goal. For
pooled data, the individual post remediation concentrations for each contaminant are used, and a
resulting risk value from these pooled post remedial values is generated. For ordinary and indicator
kriging, note that the method of interpolation applies here. If the user requests a percentile map, then the
criteria is applied the average of this percentile map. For example, if the user requests a 10 percentile
map, then site scale is based on the average of the 10 percentiles.
Backfill Concentration
This value is always used when site scale is chosen. Site scale calculates the average remaining
concentrations over the site. Under this circumstance, one must consider the amount of contamination
left in each block or artificially placed there by a back fill process. Given certain values for the decision
goal, certain choices for post remedial concentration may lead to impossible remedial designs (e.g., a site
decision goal of 1 and a post remedial concentration of 10,000). It is not necessary, however, that the
post remedial value be less than the site decision goal. For example, one may begin with a site average
of 5 and a maximum block value of 10. Depending on how the rest of the block values are distributed, a
post remediation value of 6 may successfully bring the site average down to 5. Clearly though, the post
remediation value must be less than the maximum block value.
This parameter is not used in the block scale method since the goal is to remediate each block below the
decision criteria. Clearly, if the post remediation value is greater than the goal, then the block goal will
never be achieved. On the other hand, if the post remedial value is less than the decision goal, then the
remedial design can succeed. There are no other options.
Density Parameter
The density parameter is used to estimate the mass associated with a given remedial area as determined
by the Area of Concern tool. The mass is calculated by the product of the volume to be remediated and
the entered density value for the media. This calculated mass value can be used to better estimate costs
of remediation when mass is a cost driver.
Calculate Overburden
After the area of concern has been identified using either block or site scale, SADA can evaluate the
“overburden” associated with this area. The overburden is any part of the site not included in the area of
concern but lying vertically above the area of concern. The idea is to determine in an excavation type
scenario how much media would have to be excavated, including both clean and unclean zones.
However, in order to be included in the overburden, a region must be found directly over the area of
concern. More detailed implementation of the overburden model, which include “benching angles” or
gradients in general, are not currently available. Whether the overburden is used or not depends on the
characterization need. For example, if the purpose of the effort is to delineate the plume or to estimate a
source term for calibrating a groundwater model, then the overburden should not be included. However, if
the media is soil or sediment and an excavation scenario is required, SADA can provide two solutions.
First, turn the overburden off to determine the volume of contaminated media that may be shipped or
remediated. This will help ascertain the cost of dealing with the affected zone once it has been excavated.
Secondly, turn the overburden on to determine the total volume that would be involved in vertically
reaching and removing the affected area.
Select site or block scale and enter the applicable engineering considerations.
Select one of the eco decision options:
• Based on Benchmark – bases the decision framework on a benchmark or prioritized list of
• Based on Dose – bases the decision framework on a specific species and exposure assumption for
the terrestrial dose calculator.
In the text box, enter a concentration value. Then, press OK. SADA displays the probability of each block
exceeding the specified value.
• Human Health
After selecting Show the Results, SADA presents the risk scenario selection window.
Select the risk scenario of interest and press OK. SADA displays the probability of each block exceeding
the selected PRG.
• Ecological
After selecting Show the Results, SADA presents the ecological benchmark screening window or the
terrestrial dose calculation window, depending on what was selected in the step Set eco framework.
Select the screening option and press OK. SADA displays the probability of each block exceeding the
selected benchmark(s) or dose.
• Custom
After selecting Show the Results, SADA asks the user for the decision criteria.
Select the screening criteria of interest and press OK. SADA displays the probability of each block
exceeding the selected criteria.
Draw an Area of Concern Map - Interview
This interview will estimate the area of concern based on the current contaminant, interpolation method,
and decision criteria. Recall that with geostatistical interpolants, this tool will strictly use the results of the
interpolation routine. That is, if one plots a 10 percentile map, then the decision criteria is applied to the
10 percentile map. If a mean map is produced, then the decision criteria is applied to the mean map.
This interview is available for all analyses that have sampled data (unpooled only) with all data types,
including Geobayesian. In addition, it is available for human health analyses with pooled data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior
2. Set up the site (not available for Geobayesian data)
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Set update data (only available for Geobayesian data)
5. Set grid specs (not available for Geobayesian data)
6. Interpolation Methods (this step is not enabled for pooled data with human health or Geobayesian
7. Correlation modeling (only available if OK or IK is selected under Interpolation method; not
enabled for pooled data with human health)
8. Search neighborhood (only available if OK, IK, or Inverse Distance is selected under Interpolation
method; not enabled for pooled data with human health)
9. Specify decision criteria (not available for Geobayesian data)
10. Set eco framework (only available for ecological analyses)
11. Show the results
12. Cross validation (this step is not enabled for pooled data with human health or Geobayesian data)
13. Format picture
14. Auto-document
15. Add to results gallery
When Show the results is selected from the Steps Window, SADA will ask for the decision criteria. This
criteria will depend on the type of analysis.
• General Analyses
After selecting Show the Results, SADA asks the user for the decision criteria.
After selecting Show the Results, SADA asks the user for the decision criteria.
The following image displays a sample Block Scale Area of Concern Map for General Analysis,
Anthracene with Cleanup Goal of 3 at 90% confidence.
Calculate Cost versus Cleanup - Interview
An important component to decision analysis software is cost/benefit analysis. This may be translated as
payoff per level of effort. In a cost/benefit analysis, the level of effort or cost required to achieve a desired
goal is modeled or estimated. Often, if the goal is numerically definable and ranges over a set of values,
cost benefit curves incrementally show how cost increases, decreases, or fluctuates across an increasing
range of goal values through an XY graph. SADA provides cost/benefit curves for a range of remedial
action goals. These goals may range over the minimum and maximum sample values or may range over
the corresponding human health risk values, Ecological Benchmark ratios, or Custom Values.
Recall that with geostatistical interpolants, this tool will strictly use the results of the interpolation routine.
th th
That is, if one plots a 10 percentile map, then the decision criteria is applied to the 10 percentile map. If
a mean map is produced, then the decision criteria is applied to the mean map.
To utilize the cost benefit tool in SADA, you must specify parameters for Decision Scale.
This interview is available for all analyses that have sampled data (unpooled only) with all data types,
including Geobayesian. In addition, it is available for human health analyses with pooled data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected. Click on the links
below for more details about the following steps.
1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior
2. Set up the site (not available for Geobayesian data)
3. Set GIS Overlays
4. Set update data (only available for Geobayesian data)
5. Set grid specs (not available for Geobayesian data)
6. Interpolation Methods (this step is not enabled for pooled data with human health or Geobayesian
7. Correlation modeling (only available if OK or IK is selected under Interpolation method; not
enabled for pooled data with human health)
8. Search neighborhood (only available if OK, IK, or Inverse Distance is selected under Interpolation
method; not enabled for pooled data with human health)
9. Specify decision criteria (not available for Geobayesian data)
10. Set cost information
11. Show the results
12. Format picture
13. Auto-document
14. Add to results gallery
When Show the results is selected from the Steps Window for human health, ecological, or custom
analyses, SADA will ask for the decision criteria. This criteria will depend on the type of analysis. For
Geobayesian data, no decision criteria is required.
• Human Health
After selecting Show the Results, SADA presents the risk scenario selection window.
Select the risk scenario of interest and press OK.
• Ecological
After selecting Show the Results, SADA presents the ecological benchmark screening window.
Select the screening criteria of interest and press OK.
• Geobayesian
After selecting Show the Results, SADA asks the user for a probability cleanup value.
The following image displays a sample block scale Cost versus cleanup map for Anthracene, with general
analysis, a confidence of 90%, and a cost per block of 2.
Set Cost Information - Step
This step is available when one of the following interviews is selected: Calculate cost versus cleanup or
Calculate cost versus cleanup Based on soft Data Only.
Select Set cost information from the Steps Window. The following information is displayed in the
Parameters Window.
Enter the cost to remediate per unit volume in the text box.
Three Dimensional Visualization
SADA uses two approaches for visualizing three-dimensional information: 1) a layering approach with
layers shown only and 2) a true three dimensional volume rendering.
Layering Approach
In this approach, the 3D is split into slices which may be viewed one at a time. The depth of these layers
is defined either by the Vertical Layers step for data layers or by defining the grid for model layers.
In the following image, the 3D volume is divided into layers and shown one at a time.
Note that polygons, which are only available in an easting-northing view, may be applied to all layers or to
select layers through the set vertical layers step.
You can make changes to the layering view, and the three-dimensional view will be updated (e.g.
polygons, formatting, etc.).
SADA presents the three-dimensional results in three different ways: points blocks, and isosurfaces.
At the top of the 3d viewer are six toolbar buttons.
Redraw Image – redraws all for current view (do this after changing the view). This will take longer to
render than when the object is being moved.
The following image shows the commonly used features.
Points View
The 3d viewer allows users to plot sampled points in 3d space and to apply a number of visualization
tools, such as borehole lines.
The following image shows the true 3d rendering for data points.
Blocks View
Users can plot the blocks as you would see them in the 2d viewer (with depth added). This provides users
with an accurate view of the raw model results.
Isosurface View
Users can plot isosurface ranges as well. Most major visualization packages provide this as a default view
for users as it can take less time to plot.
The isosurface view allows uses to see through the mass with the use of the chair cut. The chair cut
essentially removes a block section out of the view to reveal the interior.
Translate Left/Right: Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow
Translate Up/Down: Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow
Rotate Left/Right about vertical line through midpoint: Left/Right Arrow
Rotate about horizontal line parallel to Northing through midpoint : Up/Down Arrow
Rotate about horizontal line parallel to Easting through midpoint : Shift+Left/Right Arrow
Basic Options
The following commands may be viewed on the right side of the 3D View window: blocks/isosurface,
transparency, zoom in/out, z delta, z scale, and when moving, draw.
When "Blocks" is selected, only blocks with a value in the specified range will be displayed. The upper
and lower bounds for this range are determined from the data points.
If "Isosurface" is selected (the default), then an isosurface will be drawn. The value being viewed can be
increased or decreased by clicking the Up and Down buttons. This will increase/decrease the current
level by a hundredth of the entire range. This can also be accomplished by typing "u" or "d", respectively.
To set the isolevel being viewed to a specific value, click on the Set button and enter the desired value
when prompted. If there is only one z-level, then the isosurface options will not be available.
Note: the blocks/isosurface option will only display these changes for modeled values not data points .
If this option is selected (the default), then the color will be transparent. The exact degree of transparency
depends on how large the value is. Lower values will be more transparent. This allows the user to "see
through" low concentration volumes into higher values.
Zoom In/Out
These buttons are provided for convenience when moving the object with the mouse to zoom in or out.
Z Delta
This option changes the scaling in the z direction. Note: this can also be done on the Scaling tab of the
Options Form.
Use these buttons to enable or disable the redrawing of surface/points and the map when moving the
image, either with the mouse or with keystrokes. When redrawing is enabled, it may take longer for SADA
to render a new picture each time. In these cases, one may want to disable how often the surface/points
and/or map are rendered. One can always have the entire image redrawn by clicking on the Redraw
Image toolbar button at the top of the 3D form. Note that if isosurfaces are not being shown and moving
with the mouse, the cubes are never redrawn each time the image is drawn.
Advanced Options
These options are available by selecting the Advanced Options button:
• Chair cut/shells tab
• Basic tab
• Views tab
• Points tab
• Axes tab
• Scaling tab
ChairCut/Shells Tab
The options on this Tab control the isosurface levels and box cuts. In all cases, the Update button must
be clicked in order for the 3D view to be re-rendered.
The controls in the Shell Options part of this tab determine the isosurface levels used in showing the
isosurface shells, whether or not a "cut" is being made. The value in the IsoLevel box is the minimum
isosurface level, and the value in the Max box is the maximum isosurface level. The #Shells option
controls how many shells are shown between IsoLevel and Max. If there is only one shell selected, then
there will be a single shell at IsoLevel.
The controls in the Cuts part of this tab determine if a "chair cut" is made into the isosurface and the
properties of the cut itself. A "chair cut" is made if the Box option is selected. In all cases, the "cut" is
made starting from one of the corners of the cube bounding the plot. The Min/Max options for each
dimension determine the corner from which the cut is made. The length of the cut into the surface in each
dimension is controlled with the sliders, or by entering values directly in the text boxes.
Basic Tab
This tab has the same options that are shown in the right side of the 3d viewer plus a few extra options.
Background Color
The background of the image can be changed by clicking on the button labeled Bkgd Color. The user will
be prompted with a form that allows them to choose a color to use for the background. Note that the color
of the axes and title will always be set to the opposite color of the background, to provide the most
Click this button to select how many total digits to show for the axes. Currently, the numbers will always
be displayed using scientific notation.
Draw North Arrow
Check this box to display a North arrow on the map.
Views Tab
The Views tab is used to access and save custom 3D views. The saved views are stored in the
associated SADA file. Note that the point/interpolation data are not stored as part of the view.
Saved Views
This box will contain a list of all of the views stored in the current SADA file.
Points Tab
This tab can be used to set options related to how the points are displayed. On the left will be a list of the
different point groups defined (in SADA Version 3, there is only a single point group, named "Default").
This box indicates whether or not to draw the points in the current view.
Draw Borelines
If this box is checked, a line will be drawn from each point in the group to the surface (z=0).
If this box is checked, then the point will be transparent. The degree of transparency depends on the
value at the point.
Size (pixels)
This box determines how large the displayed points are, in units of screen pixels.
The options at the bottom of the tab may be used to limit the points to those that satisfy certain
conditions. In all cases, click the "Update Plot" button to update the image based on the settings.
Show All Points
When this box is checked, all data points will be shown.
Value at Least
When this box is checked, only those points with a value above the specified level will be shown.
Sync w/Isolevel
When this box is checked, only those points with a value that is at least equal to the current isolevel
surface will be shown.
Value at Most
When this box is checked, only those points with a value below the specified level will be shown.
Value Between
When this box is checked, only those points with a value between the specified levels will be shown.
Axes Tab
This tab allows detailed control over which axes are shown. The default is that the closest axis to the
viewpoint is shown, with 5 tick marks per axis. The default upper and lower bounds for the axes are
determined from the project data. For the Z-axis (depth), the labels at the minimum and maximum value
are not displayed by default, as this results in the labels intersecting each other and obscuring the
The checkboxes under At Min? and At Max? control whether or not numbers are shown at the respective
minimum/maximum for a particular axis.
If you want to have control over which axes have numbers shown, uncheck the Show closest axes
only... checkbox and then pick the desired axes from the area below.
Scaling Tab
Use this option to stretch/shrink the graph in specified directions, or to change the size of the font relative
to the default (a value of 1 is the default, a value of 2 will result in a font twice as large as the default, a
value of 0.5 will result in a font that is half the size of the default font).
Sample Designs
SADA Version 4 has 21 sample design strategies. The two major categories for sample designs are initial
and secondary sampling. Initial sample designs are used in empty SADA files; they are independent of
previous samples and therefore may be used with prior information about the site to determine where to
take the first round of samples. Secondary sample designs are used when sampled data and/or modeled
results already exists in a SADA file to determine future sampling locations; they are dependent on the
previous samples.
Most sample designs in SADA are available for 2d and 3d data.
To create sample designs, select the Develop a sample design interview.
Minimizing/Maximizing Area of Yes Yes
Highest Prior Values Yes
AOC Prior Boundary Yes
Select a sample design. The information in the Parameters Window will change to present the
parameters for the selected sample design. The other steps in the Steps Window may change as well.
See the table above to determine when a specific sample designs is available.
Judgmental Sample Design
Under this initial sample design, the creation of new samples is completely up to the user. Using expert
knowledge or professional judgment, the user must define the location and number of new samples by
creating a Custom Design. This design can be saved and edited multiple times. This approach is easy to
implement and can be more efficient; however, it Introduces bias and cannot reliably estimate precision of
estimates nor use statistical analyses to draw conclusions.
This sample design is available for all SADA files.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data , Draw/Edit Prior , Display empty plot
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Judgmental is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window
changes to look like the following:
SADA will then go into edit mode, disabling everything else in SADA. Note that the Edit button on the
Parameters Window has now changed to Done.
Use the mouse to select sample locations in the Graphics Window. Left click on the graphics window to
add a new sample at the location of the click. This new sample is shown as a crosshatched gray circle.
Move new samples by clicking & dragging on the circle. To delete new samples, left click on the desired
circle (this changes its color to blue) and press the delete button. To add samples to multiple layers,
change the active layer using the Layers Box.
Press Done when finished creating new samples. The design will now appear in the drop down box under
Custom Designs on the Parameters Window.
Outside of edit mode, the created samples are shown as cross-hatched gray circles. Only samples that
exist in the active layer are shown in the Graphics Window. To view the actual coordinates of the new
sample points export the information to a comma delimited excel file by using the Output to File toolbar
button in main form of SADA.
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Simple Random is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window
changes to look like the following:
If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
Select Design Core samples or Show Ghost Image if desired.
Under Number of Samples, select the appropriate method.
Under Random Seed, enter a number to generate the same random design. If the random seed is blank,
SADA will generate a distinct random design each time.
Press Show the Results on the Steps Window and SADA will display the sample locations in the
Graphics Window.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Simple Grid is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window
changes to look like the following:
Note: Often this sample design will not return the exact number of desired samples due to constraints
from the square grid type, the layering scheme, and the extents of the area.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Simple Unaligned Grid is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters
Window changes to look like the following:
Note: Often this sample design will not return the exact number of desired samples due to constraints
from the square grid type, the layering scheme, and the extents of the area.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Standard Grid is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window
changes to look like the following:
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
Under Sample Grid, select whether the design the grid based on number of blocks or size of blocks.
Then, enter the applicable values in the Easting and Northing columns. (Note: SADA enters default
values for these columns automatically.)
Press Show the Results on the Steps Window and SADA will display the sample locations in the
Graphics Window.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
There are four 2d hot spot sample designs in SADA: Hot Spot: Minimize Sample Size By Cost, Hot Spot:
Minimize Sample Size By Hot Spot Definition, Hot Spot: Unknown Hot Spot, Hot Spot: Calculate
The concept of hot spot searches in two dimensions can easily be extended into the third dimension
through the use of simulation. A grid is specified in three dimensions, and the locations of ellipsoids are
simulated across the site. The likelihood of hitting such a hot spot is simply the ratio of simulated hits to
total simulations. This provides an estimate of how effective a sampling grid will be at finding hot spots in
subsurface. As with two dimensional hot spot searches, however, the grids can be too dense for practical
sampling budgets.
The only 3d hot spot sample design in SADA is 3d Hot Spot Search.
With Hot Spot: Minimize Sample Size by Cost, the user defines the grid style and cost parameters. This
combination yields a possible sample number. This sample number, grid style, and the limitations of the
boundaries and layering scheme then define a grid block and grid block length.
This sample design is available for all SADA files.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior, Display empty plot
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Hot Spot: Minimize Sample Size by Cost is selected during the Set sampling parameters step,
the Parameters Window changes to look like the following:
Under Grid Definition, select a square, triangle, or rectangle grid style and enter the cost parameters
under Costs to Sample using positive US currency values with 2 decimal places. The planning cost is a
one-time cost while the collection and analysis costs apply to each sample created. Enter a positive value
large enough to create at least one sample in the Budget field.
Where N is the number of samples,
[Total Budget] – [Planning Cost] = N * [(Collection Cost) + (Analysis Cost)] or
N = [(total Budget) – (Planning Cost)] / [(Collection Cost) + (Analysis Cost)]
Press Show the Results and SADA will determine the number of new samples and select their locations
based on the grid style. SADA will also enter the resulting grid size information on the Parameters
Window. If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
With Hot Spot: Minimize Sample Size by Hot Spot Definition, the user defines the grid style and the
probability of hitting a hot spot of a given size, shape, and orientation. This combination yields a possible
sample number, and grid definition.
This sample design is available for all SADA files.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior, Display empty plot
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Hot Spot: Minimize Sample Size by Hot Spot Definition is selected during the Set sampling
parameters step, the Parameters Window changes to look like the following:
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
With Hot Spot: Unknown Hot Spot, the user defines the grid style and size, the hot spot shape and
orientation, and the probability of detecting a hot spot of unknown size.
This sample design is available for all SADA files.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior, Display empty plot
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Hot Spot: Unknown Hot Spot is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the
Parameters Window changes to look like the following:
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
With Hot Spot: Calculate Probability, the user defines the grid and the hot spot size, shape and
This sample design is available for all SADA files.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior, Display empty plot
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When Hot Spot: Calculate Probability is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the
Parameters Window changes to look like the following:
Under Grid Definition, select a square, triangle, or rectangle grid style and enter the Length of X side.
Enter the parameters for Shape Definition. For Hot Spot Shape, enter a value that is greater than or
equal to .2 and less than or equal to 1. This is the ratio between the major and minor axes of the elliptical
hot spot. (Note that 1 is a circle.) For Hot Spot Orientation, select Random to use omni directional
ellipses, or select Degrees and enter a value between 0 and 90.
Define the Hot Spot Definition by setting either the area or the length of the semi-major axis (note that
the other value will change accordingly).
Press Show the Results. SADA will present a message re the number of new samples and their
probability of hitting a hot spot before displaying the new sample locations in the Graphics Window. If
there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
3D Hot Spot Search is a 3d initial sample design that calculates the probability of hitting or missing an
elliptical area of interest.
This sample design is available for all SADA files.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data, Draw/Edit Prior, Display empty plot
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery (not available for empty SADA files)
Design-specific Parameters
When 3D Hot Spot Search is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window
changes to look like the following:
Enter the hot spot search parameters, number of simulations, and grid design.
Press Show the Results. For each simulation, the defined ellipse is randomly placed within the grid
design and SADA calculates the number of nodes that would intersect this ellipse. Over a large number of
simulations, SADA can calculate the probability of hitting (or missing) an ellipse of the given size for the
specified grid.
SADA will first present a message of the probability of hitting the ellipsoid and the average number of hits.
Then SADA displays the new sample locations in the Graphics Window. If there are polygons, new
samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
This sample design is only available for SADA files with sampled data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery
Design-specific Parameters
When Threshold Radial is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window
changes to look like the following:
• Neighbors – SADA defines four new samples around every original point. This type of design is the
traditional implementation of Adaptive Cluster Sampling. The first sample is horizontally in line with
the original point. A preview of this radial type is displayed in the preview box on the Parameters
• Corners and Neighbors – SADA defines eight new samples around every original point. This is a
combination of the corners and neighbors radial types. A preview of this radial type is displayed in the
preview box on the Parameters Window.
• User Defined – The user defines either the angle between samples or the number of new samples
per every original point under User Defined Type. To preview the user definition, select Preview. A
preview of this radial type is displayed in the preview box on the Parameters Window.
Enter a value for Radial Distance Between Sampling Points. This value defines the distance from the
original point to each new sample.
Press Show the Results. Depending on the analysis type, SADA will request a general decision goal,
human health risk scenario, ecological benchmark, custom decision criteria, or DCGL value. After
selecting the appropriate decision criteria, SADA will display the new sample locations in the Graphics
Window. If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
Design-specific Parameters
When Adaptive Fill is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters Window
changes to look like the following:
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
Select Design Core samples or Show Ghost Image if desired.
Under Number of Samples, only you pick is available. Enter the number of samples in the space
To use the secondary minimum distance constraint, enter a value next to Separate by at least.
Click on the box next to Simulated Sampling for simulated sampling.
Under Tie Break Options, select the appropriate tie break method.
Press Show the Results on the Steps Window and SADA will display the sample locations in the
Graphics Window. If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
Highest Prior Values Sample Design
Highest Prior Value is a secondary sample design for Geobayesian data that generates new samples in
locations prior values are modeled to have high concentration levels.
This sample design is only available for SADA files with Geobayesian data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. Draw/Edit Prior
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Show the results
6. Import sampled data
7. Format picture
8. Auto-document
9. Add to results gallery
Design-specific Parameters
When Highest Prior Values is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters
Window changes to look like the following:
Press Show the Results on the Steps Window and SADA will display the sample locations in the
Graphics Window. If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Set update data (for Geobayesian files only)
6. Set grid specs (not available for Geobayesian)
7. Interpolation methods (not available for Geobayesian)
8. Correlation modeling (If indicator kriging or ordinary kriging )
9. Search neighborhood
10. Show the results
11. Import sampled data
12. Format picture
13. Auto-document
14. Add to results gallery
Design-specific Parameters
When Area of Concern Boundary is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters
Window changes to look like the following:
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
Design-specific Parameters
When AOC Prior Boundary is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the Parameters
Window changes to look like the following:
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
9. Search neighborhood
10. Show the results
11. Import sampled data
12. Format picture
13. Auto-document
14. Add to results gallery
Design-specific Parameters
When Minimizing/Maximizing Area of Concern is selected during the Set sampling parameters step,
the Parameters Window changes to look like the following:
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
smallest or greatest area of concern as a sample. This results in unacceptably high computational time.
In particular, the number of calculations would be estimated as
N = B! – (B-K)!
Consider a trivial three-dimensional scheme with 4x4 blocks and 2 layers (32 blocks). To identify 2 new
samples, minimizing or maximizing the area of concern would require the site to be re-contoured N = 32!
– (32-2)! = 32!-30! = 2.62E+35. It is fairly common to see 100x100 blocks with 5 or more layers
The location of a new sample will have a certain impact on the area of concern. In general, because of
the nature of most spatial models, particularly those found in SADA, small changes in the location of that
sample will have little or no practical impact on the area of concern. Therefore, from a practical
standpoint, there is little need in investigating every single node, particularly for dense grids. It would be
more computationally practical to select a subset of nodes to investigate. As illustrated above, however,
even investigating a subset of 32 nodes is impractical.
Simulation of sampling designs is a useful approach for this overwhelming situation. Rather than visiting a
subset of nodes one at a time, SADA randomly selects K nodes at a time from the full grid and calculates
their impact on the area of concern. This represents one simulation of the design. If this process is
repeated P times, the number of blocks estimated will be
N = P(B-K)
So, choosing 10 new samples from a 100x100 by 5 layer design by simulating the design 100 times will
result in 100 site contours or N = 100(50000-10) = 4999000 blocks. This takes only 2-3 minutes on a
typical P4 machine with 490 sampled data points.
However, random selection across the entire site is an ineffective method for locating new samples. The
presence of spatial correlation is an important theme in spatial mapping and in most cases, the closer
sample points to a region of interest the more impact they have on the final result. It stands to reason that
under most practical scenarios, those sample points that are in close proximity to the area of concern (but
not contained within) are more highly correlated with and have a larger impact on regions found in the
nearby area of concern than those located much further away.
Defining "nearby the area of concern" in any generalized way is difficult at best, given spatial correlation
structures and the spatial arrangement of sampled points. This could be achieved through observed
correlation lengths or search neighborhood parameters, but such guidelines are not universal (e.g. natural
neighbor) to all contouring tools.
Still, it is important to recognize this spatial relationship and make use of it during simulation. As a result,
SADA adheres to the following numerical approach for finding the greatest reduction or increase in the
area of concern. For simplicity, we concentrate on minimization of the area of concern.
Given an area of concern map, SADA identifies 5 spatial bands around the area of concern called near
field neighborhoods. In the figure below, the gray area is the area of concern and the blue areas are the
neighborhood bands.
The requested number of simulations is divided evenly by 5. SADA then simulates the sample designs in
increasing neighborhoods. For example, if the user requests 500 simulations, the first 100 simulations are
constrained to the first neighborhood.
The second 100 simulations are constrained to the first and second neighborhood.
The same is true for the other simulations. This approach forces a preferential simulation in those areas
near the area of concern. This is repeated for all five neighborhoods. The winning sample design from
each neighborhood is compared, and the sample design with the greatest impact on the area of concern
is selected as the winning sample design.
Of course when nodes are evaluated as potential sample point candidates, the normal constraints (such
as separate by minimum distance) apply if the users requests.
During testing, this approach has proven to yield greater impact designs than when the entire site is
permitted for all simulations. Typically, the first or second neighborhood will contain the winning design
th th
with the 4 through 5 rarely yielding the better result.
The bandwidths are estimated to be 1/10 the distance across the farthest horizontal extent of the site.
So, a site that is 50 nodes by 100 nodes will have a neighborhood bandwidth of 10 nodes. Utilizing 5
neighborhoods will cover at least half the distance across the site and should be more than sufficient to
identify optimal designs. Under rare conditions, it may be that SADA cannot identify any valid sample
point nodes within these neighborhoods due to the minimum distance constraint. Under these situations,
the neighborhoods are expanded to include the entire width of the site.
SADA reports the winning design as well as the expected increase or decrease in size of the area of
concern. It is recommended that the user use at least 500 simulations. This would produce 100
simulations per neighborhood. More than 500 is preferred when possible. The greater the number of
simulations, the more optimal the search design will be.
The principles of maximization work conversely. Neighborhood bands are found inside the area of
concern and the winning design creates the greatest increase in the area of concern.
Coring issues
When SADA is identifying a set of K samples under the "minimize the area of concern" framework, it only
searches through nodes that are currently considered "clean". Therefore, SADA will never choose a point
inside the area of concern to attempt to minimize the area of concern. This would result in the placement
of a sample in the design greater than the design criteria and could expand the area of concern.
However, during coring in a 3d application, a winning design may include a new sample point located
underneath an area of concern. In fact, SADA is trying to bound or minimize the AOC from underneath.
When this occurs with the coring option selected, SADA will also include all samples in the core (some of
which may be included in the area of concern). This can reduce the impact of the non-AOC sample point
located beneath the AOC but attempts to reflect the true impact of analyzing cores rather than single
points. For this reason, using the core option in 3d can sometimes yield smaller impacts to the area of
concern because of this very situation. Turning off coring can greatly increase the impact to the area of
concern because no simulated sample points will ever be greater than the decision criteria. While this
may have a desirable affect on the area of concern, it may not reflect the reality of true soil coring
activities. Furthermore, it assumes that other information found elsewhere in the core will be ignored,
particularly if it is suspected of being too high. It is recommended to adhere to the coring principle
particularly in this sample design.
LISA Sample Designs
Ripley’s K, Moran’s I, and Geary’s C are secondary sample designs that rely on number of samples and
the local index of spatial association (LISA) map to generate new samples. See the section LISA maps
for more information.
• Ripley's K – locations of new samples are based on areas with low sample density
• Moran's I – locations of new samples are based on areas with high sample variance
• Geary's C – locations of new samples are based on areas with high negative correlation
This sample design is only available for SADA files with sampled data.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this sample design is selected during the step
Set sampling parameters.
1. See the data
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set sampling parameters
5. Set grid specs
6. Interpolation Methods (not available for Ripley’s K)
7. Correlation Modeling (not available for Ripley’s K)
8. Search Neighborhood (not available for Ripley’s K)
9. Set LISA parameters
10. Show the results
11. Format picture
12. Auto-document
13. Add to results gallery
Design-specific Parameters
When Ripley’s K, Moran’s I, or Geary’s C is selected during the Set sampling parameters step, the
Parameters Window changes to look like the following:
Select Design Core samples or Show Ghost Image if desired.
Under Number of Samples, only you pick is available. Enter the number of samples in the space
To use the secondary minimum distance constraint, enter a value next to Separate by at least.
Under Tie Break Options, select the appropriate tie break method.
Press Show the Results on the Steps Window and SADA will display the sample locations in the
Graphics Window. If there are polygons, new samples will only be placed inside the active polygons.
To view the actual coordinates of the new sample points export the information to a comma delimited
excel file by using the Output to File toolbar button in main form of SADA.
Determining the Number of Samples
There are three ways to define the number of new samples: user definition, sign test, and Wilcoxon rank
sum test.
Select Develop sample design from the interview list, Set sampling parameters from the Steps
Window, and the applicable sample design in the Parameters Window. Select the appropriate method for
determining number of samples in the Parameters Window (for most sample designs).
For user definition, select the You pick radio button. Then enter the number of desired samples in the
text box. SADA will determine that number of new samples for the selected sample design and show their
locations in the Graphics Window.
Based on Sign Test uses the non-parametric Sign test to determine sample size with the following user
inputs: DCGL, LBGR, and acceptable Type I and II error rates. This method is appropriate for grid
designs, simple random sampling, and when no background is available.
Based on Wilcoxon Rank Sum uses the non-parametric Wilcoxon Rank Sum test to determine sample
size with the following user inputs: DCGL, LBGR, and acceptable Type I and II error rates. This method is
appropriate for grid designs, simple random sampling, and when no background is available.
is the number of desired samples. Each block is then treated as a square and the square root of the area
of a single block gives the estimated side length of the invisible grid definition.
Simulated Sampling
Simulated sampling finds each successive new sample. That sample is placed and the estimated value is
added to the conditioning data as if they were real values. Since real values are not used, error rates are
incurred in the process, which increase with each new additional sample location.
Unsimulated Sampling
Unsimulated sampling simply locates all new samples off the same geospatial map without attempting to
update the map after each point is found. The method is quick but does not always reflect the type of
behavior the model will exhibit after each new sample is found, particularly for those methods that depend
on measures of geospatial uncertainty.
Tie Break Methods
There are times when multiple new sample locations fulfill the goal of the sample design. In this case, a
decision must be made so that only one of the new sample locations is chosen. SADA has three types of
tie break methods.
• Random – A random number generator is used to select one of the sample locations. The seed is
used to feed the random number generator. Using a seed allows the user to recreate a resulting
sample design by entering the same value.
• Maximize spatial coverage – The value that will maximize the spatial coverage of the site is chosen
as the new sample.
• Closest to center of site – The value that is closest to the center of the site is chosen as the new
Output to File
Use the Output to file button to export the coordinates to a .comma delimited file (.csv file).
SADA will prompt the user for a name for the file.
This file may now be opened in Excel or another spreadsheet program. The easting, northing, and depth
coordinates are provided for the new sample locations.
The first step in the process is to create a grid over the area of interest. In each grid cell block,
professional judgment and prior information is used to estimate the probability that if a sample were taken
at that point, the result would exceed a specified threshold. At the same time, some idea of how confident
one is in this prediction is also given. After this probabilistic soft data (referred to here as professional
judgment) is available, hard or sampled data may be used to update the probability in each grid cell that a
sample taken there would exceed a threshold value. Note: this grid will later be the same grid on which
the geostatistical methods are applied.
In particular, one is estimating
, ,
where ">0 and $>0 are the parameters of a Beta Distribution. Here, : is the probability value and F is the
measure of uncertainty about that probability value. The estimates of : and F may or may not be based
on previously collected "hard data" taken during remediation control, characterization, or scoping data.
They might be based only on general knowledge, such as the knowledge of a spill or the particular
geology of the site.
The values of : and F that are entered are converted to " and $ values by solving the following
and .
In the current implementation, values of : and F can result in negative values of " and $. For these
instances, SADA sets " and $ equal to a small numerical value. Issues about controlling non-negative
values have come out of developing this prototype module and will be addressed in the next version.
For various values of " and $, the Beta distribution can produce a wide variety of shapes (i.e., it is a rich
family of distributions to choose from). Notice that this distribution has a form very similar to that of the
binomial probability distribution. In fact, the information implied by the specification of a particular Beta
distribution with parameters " and $ is the same as that which would be obtained from a series of
Bernoulli trials with "-1 samples above the release criterion and $-1 samples below the release criterion.
" = $ =1 corresponds to no information, and it also corresponds to a prior distribution which is uniform for
p between zero and one.
The most important reason for using the Beta distribution is apparent when we apply Bayes theorem to
update the prior distribution using the hard data we obtain.
Bayes theorem states that the updated probability distribution for p, given the result of the sample,
, substituting in for
, we find that
That is, the updated posterior probability distribution for p is also a Beta distribution. The Beta distribution
is called a conjugate prior for the binomial likelihood.
In the case of n independent samples, the outcome that x of these exceed the release criterion results in
The question now is how to update those probability distributions using information from actual samples
taken nearby. Classical statistical methods applied to data using random sampling do not account for
spatial correlations in the data. In fact, as indicated above, most of those methods assume that the data
are independent. The correlation between concentration values at nearby locations can be considered an
additional source of information. This information is ignored by the classical model of independent
measurements, but it is central to geostatistical models used in kriging.
Given a set of sample results at locations, zi , i = 1,...n, the kriging estimator of the result that would be
expected at a nearby unsampled location is a weighted moving average of the sample results. The
weights depend on the strength of the correlation of the concentrations at two locations as a function of
the distance between them. A structural correlation model explicitly defines this correlation strength.
Deriving this correlation model is an interim step in the kriging process. The parameters of this correlation
model, along with the kriging results themselves, are also components in the eventual update of the prior
distribution described in Updating the Soft Information using Hard Information. Currently, only an
exponential correlation model may be used.
In the present case, we are interested in the probability distribution for p(z0), the probability that a
measurement at a specific location, z0, in the survey unit will exceed the release criterion. Given the
sample result at location zi, this probability is either zero or one, depending on the result of the
measurement. That is, if the measurement at zi is less than the release criterion, and
if the measurement at zi is greater than the release criterion. The measurement has been
transformed into an indicator value. This transformation occurs for each sampled point ( I = 1 to n). A
correlation model based on these transformed values is created and used with the ordinary kriging model
to predict the probability distribution p(z0).
Typically, we are not just interested in a single specific location z0 but rather numerous unsampled
locations usually on a regular grid. In particular, each unsampled location on the previous grid of prior
probability and confidence values (:, F) described in the Bayesian Approach are important. Once the
probability distribution p(z0) is estimated by kriging for each node on the grid, we are ready to update the
corresponding : and F at each node.
Updating the Soft Information using Hard Information
Once the ordinary kriging model has been applied, these estimates can be used to update the initial
* *
proposal is that the parameters of the Beta distribution be updated using x = n p(z0) with .
is the nugget and c is the sill of an assumed exponential semivariogram model (see the section
Spatial Correlation), F (z0) is the ordinary kriging variance at Z0, and p(z0) is the standard ordinary
kriging estimation of the probability of exceeding the threshold at z0. Here, n* is the number of pseudo
samples. Using the values for X* and n*, you can update the values of : and Fat Zo with the following
4. These estimates of : and F for the prior distribution of are converted into the parameters "
and $ of a Beta distribution for each grid cell z0.
5. Take hard data samples and convert the results to an indicator variable that is equal to 1 if the
measurement exceeds the release criterion and 0 otherwise.
6. Develop a reasonable exponential correlation model for the transformed values.
7. Perform ordinary kriging at the center of each grid cell using transformed data and the correlation
model developed in step 6. This gives you a kriging estimate of p(z0) at the center of each cell.
8. Update the parameters " and $ of the Beta distribution.
9. Calculate updated estimates of : and F.
SADA will present the Setup Geobayesian Approach Window.
Select OK. SADA presents the New Professional Judgment Data Window.
A new media type called Geobayesian data is available in the media box. Select this media type and
notice that the data name box changes to the new Geobayesian data name and the blank prior
probability information is displayed in the Graphics window.
A Geobayesian menu appears with one option, Create a New Prior.
The following interviews are available in the Interview Box: View My Initial Probability Map, View My Initial
Variance Map, Draw an Area of Concern Map Based on Soft Data Only, Calculate Cost versus Cleanup
Based on Soft Data Only, and Develop a Sample Design. After importing sampled data or if the file
already has hard data, more interviews become available: Update My Prior Probability Map, Update My
Prior Variance Map, Draw an Area of Concern Map, and Calculate Cost versus Cleanup.
After creating an initial probability map and initial variance map, it is useful to develop a sample design.
The purpose of this initial sample design is to reduce the number of samples required by optimizing
sample locations and incorporating professional knowledge of the site.
Draw/Edit Prior - Step
This step is available for the following interviews: View My Initial Probability Map, View My Initial Variance
Map, Draw an Area of Concern Map Based on Soft Data Only, Calculate Cost versus Cleanup Based on
Soft Data Only, Develop a Sample Design
Select Draw/Edit Prior from the Steps Window and then Click Here to Change Your Prior from the
Parameters Window to adjust the prior information. The following window appears.
Select the probability on the right side of the window and use the paint buttons on the toolbar to “paint”
professional judgment information onto the site. The graph next to the probabilities displays the beta
distribution associated with the selected probability.
Note: for 3d data, use the layer box on the top of the window to select each layer and paint each
To edit a probability value, click in the button next to that probability value and then press the Edit button
under the beta distribution plot. SADA displays the Beta PDF Editor. This editor allows user to modify the
alpha and beta parameters of the beta distribution. The beta distribution is plotted in the graphics window
and the corresponding mu and sigma are provided as well. Note that when the alpha and beta are
changed, the mu (probability) and sigma change accordingly. Use the preview button to observe the
effect of changes to alpha and beta before adopting them. Press the Use This button to finalize the
change and return to the main editing window. Cancel terminates any changes to these values and
returns the user to the editing window.
The Restore Defaults button resets all probabilities (and sigmas) to their original values.
Note: Polygons may be used to further define the site, if applicable.
Press Done when finished. SADA now displays the prior probability map in the Graphics Window.
View My Initial Variance Map - Interview
This interview allows the user to view the uncertainties associated with the probabilities created during
the View My Initial Probability Map interview. This map displays the probability map with soft data only,
before sampled data has been imported.
This interview is available for all analyses with Geobayesian data type.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected.
1. Draw/Edit Prior
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Show the results
5. Import Sampled Data
6. Format picture
7. Auto Document
8. Add to results gallery
After selecting this interview, the Graphics Window will display the initial variance map for the
Geobayesian data type.
After creating a prior probability map and prior variance map, it is useful to develop a sample design. The
purpose of this initial sample design is to reduce the number of samples required by optimizing sample
locations and incorporating professional knowledge of the site.
The user must set the update data and define a correlation model and search neighborhood.
Note: Although the Geobayesian is selected as the data type, the correlation models and search
neighborhood are applied to the hard data selected during set update data.
SADA performs the indicator transformation behind the scenes after the user has determined the
appropriate parameters for a feasible correlation model required by the geostatistical routine. The end
goal is to parameterize the correlation mode. When Geobayesian is selected as the data type, only two
modeling options exist: not used or exponential.
Press Show the Results to display the updated probability map in the Graphics Window.
Select the media and analyte to update the prior information with using the drop down boxes. Then enter
the threshold value and press OK. SADA adds the sampled data points to the Graphics Window.
Update My Prior Variance Map - Interview
This interview allows the user to adjust the prior variance information with hard data. This map displays
the variance map after sampled data has been imported.
This interview is available for all analyses with Geobayesian data type.
These are the steps that display in the Steps Window when this interview is selected.
1. Draw/Edit Prior
2. Set up the site
3. Set GIS overlays
4. Set update data
5. Correlation modeling
6. Search neighborhood
7. Show the results
8. Import Sampled Data
9. Format picture
10. Auto Document
11. Add to results gallery
The user must set the update data and define a correlation model and search neighborhood.
Note: Although the Geobayesian is selected as the data type, the correlation models and search
neighborhood are applied to the hard data selected during set update data.
SADA performs the indicator transformation behind the scenes after the user has determined the
appropriate parameters for a feasible correlation model required by the geostatistical routine. The end
goal is to parameterize the correlation mode. When Geobayesian is selected as the data type, only two
modeling options exist: not used or exponential.
Press Show the Results to display the updated variance map in the Graphics Window.
SADA displays the area of concern map for the Geobayesian data type in the Graphics Window.
Create a New Prior
Select this item from the Geobayesian menu to create a new Geobayesian model. Same as the initial
Geobayesian model setup, an empty SADA file or a file with sampled data may be used.
SADA presents the New Professional Judgment Data Window.
The following interviews are available in the Interview Box: View My Initial Probability Map, View My Initial
Variance Map, Draw an Area of Concern Map Based on Soft Data Only, Calculate Cost versus Cleanup
Based on Soft Data Only, and Develop a Sample Design. After importing sampled data, more interviews
become available: Update My Prior Probability Map, Update My Prior Variance Map, Draw an Area of
Concern Map, and Calculate Cost versus Cleanup.
Miscellaneous Information
Duplicate Values
Two samples are considered duplicate values if they are data measurements for a particular analyte that
occur at the exact same location and at the same depth.
Line Pointer
A pointer that provides an indication of the cost versus cleanup goal when the mouse is moved over the
cost graph. The cost is indicated in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Line Query
A comparison tool that allows the user to type in a value from the x or y axis and SADA will calculate the
other value. This function is useful for calculating exact cleanup concentration value or cost or for
obtaining information from the CDF.
Enter a x or y value and press the calculate button.
Spatial Units
SADA has no spatial unit requirement; therefore, the user may input coordinate data that is in meters,
feet, etc. If DXF layers will be used, however, the user needs to ensure that coordinates for data units are
consistent with the DXF layers.
A circumcircle of a given two-dimensional geometric shape is the smallest circle which contains the shape
completely within it
Voronnoi Polygons
For a member s of a set S of points in the Euclidean plane, the locus of points in the plane that are closer
to s than to any other member of S.
I Button
Press this button to retrieve information or results about the picture or subset of the picture currently
A geostatistical function describing in numerical terms (and represented graphically for ease of
quantification) the predictability relationship between points of data at some distance from each other.
This predictability constrains the confidence within which the estimation of a value is made, and therefore
an estimate of the risk is quantified.