4.1. 3b Residual Stresses in Thick and Thin Surface Coatings
4.1. 3b Residual Stresses in Thick and Thin Surface Coatings
4.1. 3b Residual Stresses in Thick and Thin Surface Coatings
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1 author:
Bill Clyne
University of Cambridge
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Residual stresses are present in most surface coatings. These can be of considerable
significance, since they may influence characteristics such as the resistance of the coating to
wear and fatigue crack propagation. Furthermore, there is often a danger that the presence of
residual stresses may promote debonding and spallation of the coating. This becomes
increasingly likely as the thickness of the coating is increased, since the release of stored elastic
strain energy as the stresses become relaxed can drive this debonding and the quantity of
energy released, per unit area of interface, normally rises more or less linearly with coating
thickness. This article is not primarily concerned with such effects, but rather is aimed at
providing an understanding of how residual stresses arise in surface coatings. It covers both the
underlying mechanics involved and examples of the physical phenomena which can lead to
stress generation. The treatment encompasses both thin coatings (usually produced by
deposition from the vapour phase), in which the stress level is essentially uniform, and thicker
ones (commonly formed by much faster processes such as droplet spraying), in which through-
thickness variations of stress level can be significant. In both cases, however, the coatings can
normally be taken as sufficiently thin to ensure that significant stresses do not build up in the
direction normal to the plane of the coating. Therefore, at any depth in the system, neglecting
edge effects and assuming an approximately planar specimen geometry, an equal biaxial stress
state is established, characterised by a single stress value. Of course, more complex three-
dimensional stress states can be set up with very thick coatings and shaped components, but an
understanding of such cases, and numerical modelling to predict the stress state, would follow
logically from the treatments described here.
While the main interest often lies in the stress levels which are generated within the surface
coating (and the substrate), it is instructive to consider the situation in terms of misfit strains -
that is, relative differences between the stress-free dimensions of various layers. The simplest
system is composed of just two layers, the coating and the substrate, but it may be appropriate
(particularly for thick coatings) to consider them being deposited as a series of layers. A
further general point is that it can be very instructive to note how the system will adopt a
curvature as a result of the imposition of a misfit strain. This can be useful, not only in helping
to understand the mechanics of stress generation, but also for using curvature monitoring to
measure residual stress levels.
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h + H
M = P 2 (1)
Now, the curvature of a beam, κ , (equal to the through-thickness gradient of strain) can be
expressed as the bending moment divided by the beam stiffness, Σ
κ = Σ (2)
By calculating the beam stiffness of the composite beam (Clyne, 1996), a general expression is
obtained for the curvature arising from the imposition of a uniform misfit strain, ∆ε, such as
would arise during a change in temperature (∆ε = ∆α ∆T)
6 Ed Es (h + H) h H ∆ε
κ = (3)
Ed2 h4 + 4 Ed Es h3 H + 6 Ed Es h2 H2 + 4 Ed Es h H3 + Es2 H4
where E is the Young’s modulus and the subscripts d and s refer to deposit (coating) and
substrate respectively. It may be noted that, for a given deposit/substrate thickness ratio (h/H),
the curvature is inversely proportional to the substrate thickness, H. This scale effect is very
important in practical terms, since relatively thin substrates are essential if curvatures
sufficiently large for accurate measurement are to be generated.
This modified form of the Young’s modulus, E’, is usually applicable in expressions referring
to substrate/coating systems having an equal biaxial stress state.
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In general, it is a complex problem to predict the curvature at the bifurcation point for a
substrate/deposit system under residual stress. However, the case of a thin film on a thick,
rectangular substrate (with a uniform stress in the film) has been analysed (Salamon and
Masters, 1995). The critical curvature depends on the elastic constants, deposit/substrate
thickness ratio (h/H), substrate thickness/length ratio (H/L), substrate width/length ratio (b/L)
and substrate length (L). Predicted behaviour is shown in Fig.2. The critical curvature reduces
as the width/length ratio goes up. It is relatively insensitive to the elastic properties and to the
deposit/substrate thickness ratio. It can be seen from the plot that there will be little or no
danger of a bifurcation instability (ie κ B >~10 m -1 ) if a long (L ~100 mm), fairly narrow
(b/L<~0.2) strip specimen is used. This is convenient, since such specimens are well suited to
accurate measurement of curvature along the length of the strip.
1.3 The Effect of Coating Thickness and Use of the Stoney Equation
A simplified form of Eqn.(3) results when the coating is much thinner than the substrate
(h << H). Since the stress in the substrate then tends to become negligible, and that in the
deposit will vary little as a result of curvature adoption, the misfit strain can be converted
directly to a deposit stress, σd (= E’d ∆ε), so that the equation reduces to the form
6 σd (1 - νs) h
κ = (6)
Es H 2
which is usually known as the Stoney equation (Stoney, 1909) and is commonly used to relate
stress to curvature for thin coatings.
When the condition h << H does not apply, then stresses and stress gradients are often
significant in both constituents. Stress distributions are readily found for the simple misfit
strain case outlined above using the expressions
E’d H E’s
σd| = -∆ε h E’d + H E’s + E’d κ (h - δ) (7a)
E’d H E’s
σd = -∆ε h E’d + H E’s - Ed κ δ (7b)
E’d h E’s
σs = ∆ε h E’d + H E’s - E’s κ (H + δ) (8a)
E’d h E’s
σs = ∆ε h E’d + H E’s - E’s κ δ (8b)
The stress distributions shown in Fig.1 were obtained using these equations. It can be seen
that the adoption of curvature can effect substantial changes in stress levels and high through-
thickness gradients can result. It may be noted from Eqns.(7) and (8) that (for a given value of
h/H), the stresses at y=-H, 0 and h do not depend on H, ie the stress distribution is independent
of scale.
The Stoney equation is accurate only in the limit where the film thickness, h, tends to zero.
Unfortunately, in this limit the curvature, κ, must also tend to zero. It was suggested some time
ago (Brenner and Senderoff, 1949) that the experimental error arising from the curvature being
too small to measure accurately typically exceeds the error introduced via the approximation
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incorporated into the Stoney equation when the ratio of the thickness of the coating to that of
the substrate, h / H, is less than about 5%. This is approximately correct, although the details
are dependent on the Young’s moduli and on the absolute thickness of the substrate. This is
illustrated by the plots in Fig.3, which were produced using Eqns.(3), (7) and (8).
These equations refer to an elastic system exhibiting an equal biaxial stress state, resulting
from the introduction of a uniform in-plane misfit strain, ∆ε, between the two constituents.
Note that, for relatively thick coatings, the adoption of curvature not only changes the coating
stress, but also introduces differences between the level at the free surface and that at the
interface. This is one reason why it is more rigorous to define a misfit strain than a coating
stress, although through-thickness variations within the coating would not be significant for
most thin coatings (produced by vapour deposition).
The plots in Fig.3 confirm that the Stoney equation is expected to be quite accurate for
thickness ratios below a few percent or so, depending on the stiffnesses. Experimental studies
with thin films often satisfy this condition, since a typical value for h is 1 µm and H ranges
from about 100 µm to over 1 mm. However, the plots in Fig.3(a) highlight the problem
identified by Brenner and Senderoff for cases where the h / H ratio is very low. For a misfit
strain of 10 -3, many experimentally-used combinations of H and h correspond to curvatures
below 0.1 m -1 , or even below 0.01 m-1 (100 m radius of curvature). Such curvatures are
extremely difficult to measure with any real precision. Of course, the presence of much higher
misfit strains will push the curvature up to more readily measurable levels, but such strains are
not very common. In any event, it should be recognised that, in the regimes of small h / H and
relatively large H, minor errors in measured curvature lead to major changes in deduced stress
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For a thin coating (h <<H), the misfit strain is commonly assumed to be taken up entirely
within it, so that the stress level is simply obtained on multiplying by the (biaxial) modulus.
While the system may adopt a measurable curvature (see §1.3), the associated variations in
stress level within the coating can usually be neglected. For all types of coating, the main
sources of residual stress are (a) differential thermal contraction and (b) phenomena occurring
during deposition. It is common for these to be referred to respectively as extrinsic and
intrinsic stresses. Other processes, such as phase transformations, plastic flow, creep etc, can
also effectively generate a misfit strain. These can in principle be handled in much the same
way as thermal stresses.
It can be seen from the data presented in Fig.4, which relates to deposition of diamond films on
a tungsten substrate, that use of invariant expansivity values (which would give a linear plot of
misfit strain against temperature) can introduce large errors.
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Deposition of diamond films requires relatively high substrate temperatures and also leads to
generation of excess vacancies, and associated tensile stresses, as etching occurs during
deposition. The deposition (intrinsic) stress in diamond films deposited onto tungsten is plotted
against methane content and deposition temperature in Fig.5. Preferential etching by atomic
hydrogen of sp2 carbon during diamond deposition is a primary source of excess vacancies.
(The etching rate of sp2 carbon is more than 20 times that of sp3 carbon.) Incorporation of sp2
carbon into the film, on the other hand, tends to produce compressive stress, since its specific
volume is 1.5 times that of sp3 carbon. At low methane levels, there is little initial formation of
sp2 carbon and hence the excess vacancy concentration is low. As the methane level rises, a
higher sp 2 carbon is initially formed, but most of this is etched away by the atomic hydrogen.
This gives rise to a high (tensile) intrinsic stress. At still higher methane contents, however, a
significant amount of sp2 carbon survives the etching by atomic hydrogen and becomes
incorporated into the film. This makes the stress more compressive (and also leads to a
reduction in Young’s modulus and changes in film morphology).
A higher substrate temperature raises the recombination length for atomic hydrogen,
promoting the etching of sp2 carbon and making the stress more tensile (at least for methane
levels where there is substantial deposition of sp2 carbon). On the other hand, higher
temperatures also enhance diffusion and thus tend to reduce the excess vacancy concentration.
This effect, which decreases the tensile stress, tends to become significant only at relatively
high temperatures (Fig.5(b)).
During deposition of diamond-like carbon (DLC), on the other hand, intrinsic stresses are
normally compressive and arise by quite different mechanisms from those operating with
diamond. Deposition temperatures are lower than during diamond formation and there is much
more bombardment by energetic species. Measured intrinsic stress values are plotted in Fig.6
as a function of negative bias voltage, V b . Initially, the stress rapidly becomes strongly
compressive as Vb rises. This is the result of pronounced implantation of bombarding carbon
ions, once they have enough energy to penetrate the structure. Further increases in
bombardment energies lead to intensive local heating (thermal spike) and consequent reduction
in the compressive stress as the structure undergoes thermal relaxation. Also shown in Fig.6 is
a predicted curve based on a simple model (Davis, 1993) describing the variation of
compressive stress in bombarded thin films, based on the competing effects of implantation and
relaxation. Details are given elsewhere (Peng and Clyne, 1998). The level of agreement,
obtained using physically reasonable values for the parameters in the model, suggests that it
does encapsulate the most important features of the process.
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deposition processes in this way, although it does involve repeated calculations, which are most
conveniently carried out using a computer program. A multi-layer approach within a full
numerical process model may also be advisable in some cases, particularly if the heat flow
taking place during spraying, and the effects of the associated through-thickness thermal
gradients, are to be incorporated. This also allows prediction of the curvature changes taking
place during deposition and subsequent cooling. Comparison between measured and predicted
curvature histories provides a powerful method of validating the input data and boundary
conditions employed (Gill and Clyne, 1994).
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specimen, with some cooling occurring between cycles. (Good agreement is also obtained
between measured and modelled thermal histories.)
Concluding Points
In all cases, stresses arise primarily as a result of (a) the material being deposited initially in a
non-equilibrium state and (b) differential thermal contraction occurring between the coating
and the substrate, during post-deposition temperature changes. Both mechanisms can generate
either tensile or compressive stress in the coating. While differential thermal expansion
stresses are quite easy to predict, the mechanisms determining the deposition stresses can be
more complex. These can, however, be measured and in many cases they can be rationalised
and predicted, at least in a semi-quantitative manner. Further work is required in order to
understand fully how deposition stresses arise in different systems. The effect of residual
stresses on the thermo-mechanical stability of coatings is also an area requiring concerted
research effort over the coming years.
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Brenner, A. and Senderoff, S., Calculation of Stress in Electrodeposits from the Curvature of a
Plated Strip, J. Res. Of Nat. Bur. of Stand., vol.42, (1949) p.105-123.
Clyne, T.W. and Gill, S.C., Residual Stresses in Thermally Sprayed Coatings and their Effect
on Interfacial Adhesion - A Review of Recent Work, J. Thermal Spray Technol., vol.5,
(1996) p.1-18.
Clyne, T.W., Residual Stresses in Surface Coatings and their Effects on Interfacial Debonding
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Davis, C.A., A Simple Model for the Formation of Compressive Stress in Thin Film by Ion
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Drory, M.D., Thouless, M.D. and Evans, A.G., On the Decohesion of Residually Stressed Thin
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Gill, S.C. and Clyne, T.W., Investigation of Residual Stress Generation during Thermal
Spraying by Continuous Curvature Measurement, Thin Solid Films vol.250, (1994)
Kuroda, S. and Clyne, T.W., The Quenching Stress in Thermally Sprayed Coatings, Thin Solid
Films, vol.200, (1991) p.49-66.
Matejicek, J., Sampath, S., Brand, P.C. and Prask, H.J., Quenching, Thermal and Residual
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Mortensen, A. and Suresh, S., Functionally Graded Metals and Metal-Ceramic Composites:
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Peng, X.L. and Clyne, T.W., Formation and Adhesion of Hot Filamant CVD Diamond Films on
Titanium Substrates, Thin Solid Films vol.293, (1997) p.261-269.
Peng, X.L. and Clyne, T.W., Mechanical Stability of DLC Films on Metallic Substrates, Thin
Solid Films vol.312, (1998) p.207-218.
Salamon, N.J. and Masters, C.B., Bifurcation in Isotropic Thin Film/Substrate Plates, Int. J.
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Stoney, G.G., The Tension of Metallic Films Deposited by Electrolysis, Proc. Roy. Soc.,
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Tsui, Y.C. and Clyne, T.W., An Analytical Model for Predicting Residual Stresses in
Progressively Deposited Coatings, Thin Solid Films vol.306, (1997) p.23-61.
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Figure Captions
Fig.2 Predicted dependence (Clyne and Gill, 1996) on specimen width/length ratio of the
critical curvature at a bifurcation instability, for a residually stressed thin film on a
substrate. The parameter Γ is the ratio of the shear modulus of the deposit to that of
the substrate (Gd /Gs)
Fig.3 Predicted dependence of (a) specimen curvature and (b) stress levels on the ratio of
the thickness of the coating, h, to that of the substrate, H. The plots were obtained
using the exact relationships represented by Eqns.(3), (7) and (8) and using the
Stoney equation (Eqn.(6).) The Poisson ratios of substrate and deposit were both
taken as 0.2.
Fig.4 Thermal expansivity data (Peng and Clyne, 1997) for diamond on tungsten,
expressed as (a) α d (T) and αs(T) and (b) ∆εth(T2), obtained using eqn.(10), with the
polynomial expressions plotted in (a), for an ambient temperature, T0, of 25˚C.
Fig.5 Measured intrinsic (deposition) stresses (Peng and Clyne, 1997) in diamond films
on tungsten substrates, obtained by curvature measurement at room temperature and
subtraction of the thermal stress, as a function of (a) methane concentration, at a
temperature of 825˚C, and (b) temperature, at 1.0% CH4 concentration.
Fig.6 Comparison between the intrinsic stress levels measured experimentally, for DLC
films deposited at 10 Pa pressure, with various negative bias voltages, and the
predicted curve obtained using the Davis model (from Peng and Clyne, 1998)
Fig.7 Experimental quenching stress data (Kuroda and Clyne, 1991) for plasma spraying
in air (APS) or in vacuum (VPS). The values are plotted against the ratio of the
specimen temperature to the melting temperature of the deposit. The data were
obtained from specimen curvature measurements made during spraying.
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∆ε (eg ∆α ∆T) h
b σ(y) dy = 0
ε (millistrain) σ (MPa)
-1 1 -20 20
0 0
-P -P y=h
P P y=-H
-1 1 -20 20
0 0
-P -P
M yc =0 y =δ
1/κ balance b σ(y c ) yc dyc = 0
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νs = νd = 0.3
h / H = 0.1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Width / length ratio of substrate (b /L )
Fig.2 Predicted dependence (Clyne and Gill, 1996) on specimen width/length ratio of the
critical curvature at a bifurcation instability, for a residually stressed thin film on a
substrate. The parameter Γ is the ratio of the shear modulus of the deposit to that of
the substrate (Gd /Gs)
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-3 (a)
∆ε = 10
E = 100 GPa
E = 100 GPa
Curvature, κ (m - 1)
H = 0.1 mm
Exact (Ed = 1000 GPa)
Stoney (Ed = 1000 GPa)
0.01 - 3
10 10- 2 10- 1 100
Thickness ratio, h/H
Stress in deposit, σd (GPa)
∆ε = 10
E s = 100 GPa
E d = 100 GPa
Exact, at interface
Exact, at surface
Exact, Ed =1000 GPa, at interface
Exact, Ed=1000 GPa, at surface
Stoney E d=1000 GPa
0.01 - 3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10
Thickness ratio, h/H
Fig.3 Predicted dependence of (a) specimen curvature and (b) stress levels on the ratio of
the thickness of the coating, h, to that of the substrate, H. The plots were obtained
using the exact relationships represented by Eqns.(3), (7) and (8) and using the
Stoney equation (Eqn.(6).) The Poisson ratios of substrate and deposit were both
taken as 0.2.
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Thermal expansivity, α (K- 1 × 10− 6)
2 Diamond data points
Tungsten data points 0.2
Diamond fitted curve
1 0
Tungsen fitted curve
0 -0.2
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Temperature, T (˚C) Deposition temperature, T2 (˚C)
Fig.4 Thermal expansivity data (Peng and Clyne, 1997) for diamond on tungsten,
expressed as (a) α d (T) and αs(T) and (b) ∆εth(T2), obtained using eqn.(10), with the
polynomial expressions plotted in (a), for an ambient temperature, T0, of 25˚C.
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1 1
(a) (b)
0.8 0.8
Intrinsic stress (GPa)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 700 750 800 850 900
Methane concentration (%) Deposition temperature (˚C)
Fig.5 Measured intrinsic (deposition) stresses (Peng and Clyne, 1997) in diamond films
on tungsten substrates, obtained by curvature measurement at room temperature and
subtraction of the thermal stress, as a function of (a) methane concentration, at a
temperature of 825˚C, and (b) temperature, at 1.0% CH4 concentration.
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Experimental data
Davis model
Intrinsic stress, σi (GPa)
0 50 100 150
Ion energy, E = 0.5 e V b (eV)
Fig.6 Comparison between the intrinsic stress levels measured experimentally, for DLC
films deposited at 10 Pa pressure, with various negative bias voltages, and the
predicted curve obtained using the Davis model (from Peng and Clyne, 1998)
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Quenching Stress σ (MPa)
2 Ni-20Cr Mo Mo
Alumina Al
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Homologous Temperature
Fig.7 Experimental quenching stress data (Kuroda and Clyne, 1991) for plasma spraying
in air (APS) or in vacuum (VPS). The values are plotted against the ratio of the
specimen temperature to the melting temperature of the deposit. The data were
obtained from specimen curvature measurements made during spraying.
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2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
Curvature (m- 1)
Curvature (m- 1)
coat coat
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
bond bond
coat (a) coat
-0.5 -0.5
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (s) Time (s)
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substrate bond top coat
Stress (MPa)
-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Z (mm)
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