Breast Cancer Brochure
Breast Cancer Brochure
Breast Cancer Brochure
Stage IIIA breast cancer is also called the disease. The majority of breast Redness of the skin on the breast or
locally advanced breast cancer. The
tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and cancer cases are "sporadic," nipple.
has spread to the lymph nodes under the
arm or near the breastbone, or a tumor
meaning there is no direct family
that is any size with cancerous lymph
A change in shape or position of the
history of the disease. The risk for
nodes that adhere to one another or nipple
surrounding tissue. developing breast cancer increases
Stage IIIB breast cancer is a tumor of any as a woman ages. An area that is distinctly different
size that has spread to the skin or chest from any other area on either
Stage IIIC breast cancer is a tumor of any
size that has spread more extensively
A marble-like hardened
and involves more lymph node invasion.
area under the skin.
Stage IV breast cancer is defined as a
tumor, regardless of size, that has spread
to places far away from the breast, such
as bones, lungs, liver, brain, or distant
lymph nodes.