Breast Cancer Brochure

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How is Breast


During your regular physical exam,

The Breast Breast
your doctor will take a careful
personal and family history and
perform a breast exam and
possibly order a mammogram or
an ultrasound of the breasts. In
certain women who are at Foundation
increased risk for breast cancer, an Basic Information
MRI may be ordered. Based on the
Needed for Breast
results of these tests, your doctor
may or may not request a biopsy
28 West 44th Cancer Awareness
to get a sample of the breast mass Street, Suite
609, New York,
cells or tissue. After the sample is
removed, it is sent to a lab for
testing. A pathologist -- a doctor
who specializes in diagnosing
NY 10036
Phone: 646-497
abnormal tissue changes -- views
the sample under a microscope
and looks for abnormal cell shapes
or growth patterns.
Toll Free: 1-866-
[email protected] Monique Alves
What Are the Stages Who Gets Breast Symptoms of Breast Cancer
of Breast Cancer? Cancer? Lump or thickening in or near the

Breast cancer ranks second as a breast or in the underarm that

Early stage or stage 0 breast cancer is
when the disease is localized to the persists through the menstrual cycle.
breast with no evidence of spread to the
cause of cancer death in women
lymph nodes (carcinoma in situ). (after lung cancer). Today, about 1 A mass or lump, which may feel as
Stage I breast cancer: The cancer is 2 in 8 women will develop breast small as a pea.
centimeters or less in size and it hasn't
spread anywhere. cancer in her lifetime. The American
A change in the size, shape, or
Cancer Society estimated that
Stage IIA breast cancer is a tumor smaller contour of the breast.
than 2 centimeters across with lymph in 2017, about 252,710 women will
node involvement or a tumor that is
larger than 2 but less than 5 centimeters be diagnosed with invasive breast A blood-stained or clear fluid
across without underarm lymph node
cancer and about 40,610 will die discharge from the nipple.
from the disease.
Stage IIB is a tumor that is greater than 5 A change in the feel or appearance
centimeters across without underarm
lymph nodes testing positive for cancer Only 5% to 10% of breast cancers of the skin on the breast or nipple
or a tumor that is larger than 2 but less (dimpled, puckered, scaly, or
than 5 centimeters across with lymph occur in women with a clearly
node involvement. defined genetic predisposition for inflamed).

Stage IIIA breast cancer is also called the disease. The majority of breast Redness of the skin on the breast or
locally advanced breast cancer. The
tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and cancer cases are "sporadic," nipple.
has spread to the lymph nodes under the
arm or near the breastbone, or a tumor
meaning there is no direct family
that is any size with cancerous lymph
A change in shape or position of the
history of the disease. The risk for
nodes that adhere to one another or nipple
surrounding tissue. developing breast cancer increases
Stage IIIB breast cancer is a tumor of any as a woman ages. An area that is distinctly different
size that has spread to the skin or chest from any other area on either
Stage IIIC breast cancer is a tumor of any
size that has spread more extensively
A marble-like hardened
and involves more lymph node invasion.
area under the skin.
Stage IV breast cancer is defined as a
tumor, regardless of size, that has spread
to places far away from the breast, such
as bones, lungs, liver, brain, or distant
lymph nodes.

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