Steam Jet Vacuum Systems Specifications: Suction Conditions
Steam Jet Vacuum Systems Specifications: Suction Conditions
Steam Jet Vacuum Systems Specifications: Suction Conditions
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Suction Conditions:
Mass Flow and Properties of each component (100% flow)
Vapor Press. / Temp. Latent Vapor Cp
No Name Flow M.W. Pairs (mbar (abs) & ºC)) Heat (kJ/kg.K)
(kg/hr) (kJ/lb)
1 Air 29 ......................................... …………. ...............
2 Water Vapor 18 ......................................... …………. ...............
3 / ; /
4 / ; /
Suction Pressure (mbar(abs))
Suction Temperature (ºC)
Evacuation Performance (if applicable):
Evacuation: Initial Pressure (mbar (abs)) Initial Temperature (ºC)
Volume to be evacuated (m3) Final Pressure (bar(abs))
Time for evacuation (min) Air-in Leakage (kg/hr)
Discharge Conditions:
Maximum Discharge Pressure (bar(abs))
Maximum Allowable Discharge Temp (ºC)
Normal Barometric Pressure (bar)
Utility Conditions:
Min. Maintainable Supply Pressure (kPa (g)) Temperature (ºC)
Max. Supply Pressure (kPa(g)) Temperature (ºC)
Cooling Water:
Max. Supply Temperature (ºC) Max T Allowed (ºC)
Supply Pressure (kPa(g)) Max P Allowed (kPa)
Min/Max Flow Available (L/min) /