Diseño de Experimentos en Tratamiento de Aguas
Diseño de Experimentos en Tratamiento de Aguas
Diseño de Experimentos en Tratamiento de Aguas
Advanced oxidation (AO) is widely used as a pre-treatment and/or polishing step for the treatment of wastewater from industrial processes and
the destruction of particular contaminants in water sources. It has a high treatment efficacy for many different compounds and thus is ideally
suited as a treatment technology for specialized facilities that receive shipments of wastewater from networks of industrial, manufacturing, and
commercial facilities. The primary challenge is how to optimize the process because bulk measurements of organic content (e.g. TOC) give no
information about the specific composition and specialized advanced analytical techniques (e.g. LC-MS) are unsuitable due to the complex
composition. In this study, a novel combination of design-of-experiments (DOE) methods and LC-OCD analysis was used with actual wastewater
samples in order to optimize the AO treatment conditions in terms of chemical reagent concentrations, develop statistical models of the process,
and identify potential mechanisms of COD removal. A significant variation in organic content removal was obtained over the range of conditions
tested in the DOE method. For example, the percent removal of organic contaminants in the one wastewater sample varied from a low of 36 %
to a high of 82 %. Most importantly, it was found that the treatment performance differed quite significantly for wastewater samples of different
composition. The results presented in our study prove the need to dynamically optimize the AO treatment conditions for wastewater sources
of different origins. Furthermore, by the application of the LC-OCD analysis a step-by-step mechanism of COD removal was postulated.
Keywords: wastewater treatment, advanced oxidation, LC-OCD, chemical oxygen demand, Fenton process
dvanced oxidation (AO) is a non-selective treatment tical manufacturing,[8,9] pulp and paper processing,[10] food
process that uses the strong oxidizing power of manufacturing,[11] or textile manufacturing.[12] These studies
chemical radicals for complete or partial mineralization typically use bulk analytical measurements of the organic
of organic contaminants.[1] AO processes are frequently used contaminants (including chemical oxygen demand (COD),[8–11]
in industrial wastewater treatment for breaking down the non- biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),[9] or total organic carbon
biodegradable contaminants as part of the pre-treatment and (TOC)[9,12]) and because the wastewater composition is fairly
‘polishing’ steps of biological treatment processes.[1] There are consistent from the single source, it is rather straightforward
multiple types of AO processes including those based on to optimize the AO process conditions in terms of treatment
Fenton’s reaction such as photo-Fenton reaction,[2,3] electro- efficacy. The second category comprises studies that focus
Fenton reaction,[4] and sono-Fenton reaction.[5] The Fenton on the destruction of a particular component (e.g. pesticide/
process is based on the generation of hydroxyl radicals from herbicide,[13,14] synthetic dye,[15] chlorophenol[16]) that is present
hydrogen peroxide at acidic pH in the presence of ferrous ions.[2] in a particular wastewater source. These studies monitor the
The principal reaction of the Fenton process is shown below as destruction of the known component as a function of the AO
Equation (1): process conditions using advanced analytical techniques such as
gas chromatography,[13] gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Fe2þ þH2 O2 ! Fe3þ þ OH þ OH ð1Þ (GC-MS),[16] high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC),[14,15] or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-
However, there is actually a total of nine reactions involved in Another common practice in the field of environmental
the process.[5] The simplicity of the Fenton process reaction, in processes is the operation of specialized wastewater treatment
addition to no energy input requirements and short reaction
time,[6] has made it an attractive ‘polishing’ treatment step. Also, it
is a robust process that can achieve a high treatment efficacy
for many different compounds.[7] The main disadvantage of the * Author to whom correspondence may be addressed.
Fenton process is the high operational costs due to the use of E-mail address: [email protected]
expensive reagents.[5,6] Thus, there exists a strong need to Can. J. Chem. Eng. 9999:1–10, 2017
optimize the reaction conditions to obtain the best treatment for © 2017 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering
DOI 10.1002/cjce.22880
a given cost. Supplementary material is available in the online journal.
Previous optimization studies of AO-based processes can be Published online in Wiley Online Library
grouped into two general categories. The first category includes (wileyonlinelibrary.com).
are presented in Table 2. The coded values represent the real out into a sludge, and it deactivated any residual H2O2 that could
values after being centred and scaled. potentially interfere with the subsequent analysis steps. The
A fresh solution of 50 g/L ferrous sulphate heptahydrate samples were again left for 1 h to allow the iron precipitates to
(Sigma-Aldrich) in ultrapure water (obtained from a Millipore settle to the bottom of the beaker. Multiple aliquots of the clear
Milli-Q system) was prepared for each set of oxidation tests. The supernatant layer were used for the LC-OCD analysis (Figure 1)
ferrous sulphate heptahydrate solution was added to each beaker and the final COD measurement (CODf) using the same HACH
based on the corresponding S and R values—refer to Table 2. high range COD vials; the COD measurements were done in
After the addition of ferrous sulphate heptahydrate solution, the duplicate. The dilution effect associated with the addition of
hydrogen peroxide solution (35 g/g from BDH) was added to each different volumes of the ferrous sulphate heptahydrate and
beaker to begin the reaction. The volume of hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide solutions was considered in the CODf
added to each beaker was based on the corresponding S value; determination. The percentage removal of COD, as defined by
refer to Table 2 for the molar concentrations of H2O2 and Fe2þ Equation (4), was chosen as the objective function in the DOE
based on the moles of reagent available per volume of the sample. method.
The reaction time was kept fixed at 1 h followed by the addition of
50 g/g sodium hydroxide solution (Sigma Aldrich) to increase CODi CODf
% COD Removal ¼ 100 ð4Þ
the pH to greater than 8. This step was required for three reasons: it CODi
stopped the oxidation reaction, it caused the iron to precipitate
Coded Real Value Coded Real Value H2O2 Fe2þ H2O2 Fe2þ
Value (mol/m3)/(mg/L) Value (mol/m3)/(mol/m3) (mol/m3) (mol/m3) (mol/m3) (mol/m3)
Liquid Chromatography Organic Carbon Detection (LC-OCD) different, especially at higher retention time (RT) values. For
The supernatant of the treated samples was collected in a plastic example, the large peak at a retention time of approximately
syringe and then passed through a 0.45 mm Supor1 polyethersul- 80 min for the wastewater 2 sample constitutes about 60 % of its
phone syringe filter (Pall Corporation) into a TOC clean glass vial. overall DOC content while no such peak was measured for the
The filters were pre-rinsed by passing approximately 20 mL of wastewater 1 sample. Thus, we felt that the two samples were
ultrapure water through them and then dried by passing air good candidates for the optimization study of an AO treatment
through them. Due to their high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) process. The original development of the LC-OCD analytical
content all samples had to be diluted 50–500 times with ultrapure method focused on water samples from natural sources and thus
water before the LC-OCD analysis. Samples were analyzed using the regular occurrence of specific peak patterns in the resulting
the LC-OCD system (from DOC-LABOR Huber) at the University of chromatograms were assigned to particular organic matter
Waterloo. A detailed description of the working principles and fractions (e.g. biopolymers, humic substances, low molecular
operation of the LC-OCD instrument has been given in previous weight acids).[17] However, those categories are not expected to be
works.[17,23] Briefly, the LC-OCD instrument uses a size exclusion suitable for the industrial wastewater samples used in this study
column combined with an organic carbon detector (OCD), organic given their radically different sources. Therefore, we relied
nitrogen detector (OND), and a UV absorption detector (UVD) to partially on the LC-OCD calibration with PEG standards. The
fractionate samples according to their size and hydrophobicity. retention times of three of the PEG standards are shown on the
Organic carbon detection is achieved via the Gra €ntzel reactor, a x-axis of Figure 2 as a reference while the complete calibration
UV thin-film reactor in which organic carbon is converted to data (for molecular weight range from 0.2 to 20 kg/mol) is
carbon dioxide by UV irradiation. The carbon dioxide produced is
measured by high-sensitivity infrared spectrometry. The UV light
exposure and residence time in the reactor are sufficient for
quantitative organic carbon detection.[17] In this study only the
chromatograms from the OCD were analyzed. Polyethylene glycol
(PEG) standards from Sigma Aldrich were used to characterize the
fractionation range of the size exclusion column according to the
OCD signal; PEG is a linear chain polymer with the following
chemical structure: H (O CH2 CH2)n OH. The chromato-
grams were analyzed using the ChromCALC software that is
provided by the manufacturer of the LC-OCD instrument. The
software accounts for the dilution factor of each sample. The
dilution effect associated with the addition of different volumes
of the ferrous sulphate heptahydrate and hydrogen peroxide
solutions was also considered in the presentation of the
42 % 51 %
36 % 62 % 65 % 34 % 51 %
1 15 1 15
H2O2 (mol/m3)/Fe2+ (mol/m3)
R (Coded Value)
39 % 43 % 66 % 73 % 76 % 31 % 37 % 48 % 54 % 54 %
0 10 0 10
53 %
64 % 82 % 43 % 53 %
85 %
-1 5 -1 5
79 % 48 % 51 %
Figure 3. Contour plots of percent removal of COD as a function of the S and R coded values in the DOE design (22 full factorial with two extra face points
at 1,0) for wastewater 1 (panel a) and wastewater 2 (panel b). The associated contour plots were generated based on the model coefficients in Table 4
with the contour line values shown in italics. The bottom x-axis and left side y-axis display the coded S and R values respectively; the top x-axis and right side
y-axis display the ratios of reagents. The actual molar concentrations are given in Table 2.
1 500 1 500
1 000 1 000
500 1 500
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
1 500 1 500
1 000 1 000
500 500
3 3
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
2 2
1 500 1 500
1 000 1 000
500 500
3 3
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 5. Comparison of LC-OCD chromatograms for a subset of the AO treated samples for wastewater sample 1; the six panels are arranged according to
the S ¼ 0.1 (panels a, c, e) and S ¼ 0.2 (panels b, d, f) conditions in the DOE as originally shown in Figure 3a. The dashed line in each panel corresponds to
the control condition being pH adjustment of the as-received wastewater sample. The labels 1, 2, and 3 in each panel are used to identify peaks with
different retention times.
this peak was somewhat unusual as it was not present in the
starting sample. In fact, this observation is supported by the other
five LC-OCD analyses for the centre point condition and the four
70 axial point conditions in the DOE method; refer to Figure S-2 in the
Supplementary Material. A previous study reported a similar
60 observation related to the treatment of surface water containing
NOM and attributed it to the decomposition of particulate
matter.[22] For those conditions that achieved COD removals
greater than 70 % (i.e. Figures 6d, 6f), it is hypothesized that a
two-stage process occurred during the AO treatment as follows:
40 first the particulate matter was decomposed (as mentioned above)
30 50 70 90 and then that material was further broken down. A schematic
% COD Removal summary of the proposed mechanism of COD removal in
wastewater 1 is provided in Figure 7a. Clearly, the integration
Figure 6. Comparison of analytical results from AO treatment of the of the LC-OCD analysis into the optimization of AO treatment
wastewater 1 sample; the dashed line is the linear regression model processes has yielded valuable information about the fate of
y ¼ 1.00x þ 17.88 (R2 ¼ 0.92). different species involved in the treatment process, however
further research is needed to validate the proposed mechanisms.
The LC-OCD chromatogram for each treated sample was divided As shown in Figure 8, the same presentation format was used
into two sections—peaks with retention times greater than 60 min for the LC-OCD chromatograms associated with the AO treatment
and those with retention times less than 60 min. of the wastewater 2 sample. Each panel corresponds to the same
For the first section, it was found that the peak size consistently specific S and R conditions as indicated in the panel legend; the
decreased across all treatment conditions. However, the magnitude six panels are arranged strategically to match the arrangement of
of the decrease in peak size varied across the different treatment the S ¼ 0.1 and S ¼ 0.2 conditions in the DOE setup that was
conditions. As shown in Figure 6, it was found that the magnitude originally presented in Figure 3. Again, it is interesting to note that
of this reduction (determined by LC-OCD analysis) was well these six conditions nearly span the full range of percent
correlated with the percent COD removal (determined via the COD removal that was found over the entire DOE method. In
HACH test kits). It should be noted that as the COD measurements the case of wastewater 2, formation of larger species caused by pH
were done on unfiltered samples, three different mechanisms adjustment is likely one of the factors resulting in the lower COD
contributed to the overall COD removals reported in this study: removal efficacy for this wastewater compared to wastewater
decomposition of particulate organics to dissolved organics; decom- 1 as larger species are potentially harder to decompose. This is
position of dissolved organics to products with higher oxidative in accordance with the findings of Lipczynska-Kochany and
levels compared to the original dissolved organics; complete Kochany[30] who reported that in the presence of humic
mineralization of the dissolved organics.[28] However, LC-OCD substances, acidic pH had a negative effect on the organic removal
cannot measure particulate organic material since all samples had of a coke plant wastewater heavily contaminated with ammonia.
to be filtered (0.45 mm filter) prior to LC-OCD measurement. Peak 3 represents dissolved organic matter of low molecular
Low Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic Low Molecular Weight Dissolved Organic
Matter Matter
Figure 7. Schematic illustration of the proposed mechanism of COD removal for both wastewater 1 (panel a) and wastewater 2 (panel b).
4 000 4 000
3 000 3 000
3 3
2 000 2 000 1
1 000 1 000
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
5 000 5 000
4 000 4 000
3 000 3 000
3 3
2 000 2 000 1
1 000 1 1 000
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
5 000 5 000
4 000 4 000
3 000 3 000
3 3
2 000 2 000
1 1
1 000 1 000
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 8. Comparison of LC-OCD chromatograms for a subset of the AO treated samples for wastewater sample 2; the six panels are arranged according to
the S ¼ 0.1 (panels a, c, e) and S ¼ 0.2 (panels b, d, f) conditions in the DOE as originally shown in Figure 3b. The dashed line in each panel corresponds to
the control condition involving just a pH adjustment of the as-received wastewater sample. The labels 1, 2, and 3 in each panel are used to identify peaks
with different retention times.
weight that was originally present in the as-received sample. At across the treatment conditions. As shown in Figure S-3 in
conditions with high COD removal this peak has been completely the Supplementary Material, a positive correlation was found
removed. A simple comparison to the chromatogram obtained between the percent COD removal and size of peak 1 while a
for the pH-adjusted sample clearly shows that a new peak, negative correlation was found between the percent COD
identified as peak 1 (at a retention time of approximately 46 min), removal and sizes of peaks 2 and 3. The observations presented
appeared in each LC-OCD chromatogram. Also, the extent of above for the wastewater 2 sample are in good agreement with the
decomposition of the species represented by peak 2 changed results of the regression analysis which indicated that COD