BIomass Energy Data Book 1
BIomass Energy Data Book 1
BIomass Energy Data Book 1
Lynn Wright
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Bob Boundy
Clinton, Tennessee
Bob Perlack
Stacy Davis
Bo Saulsbury
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
September 2006
Prepared by the
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6073
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...........................................................................................................................xv
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................xxi
1. INTRODUCTION TO BIOMASS.............................................................................................................1
Biomass Overview
Table 1.4 Estimated Renewable Energy Consumption for Industrial and Transportation
Sectors, 1973—2005...........................................................................................................5
Table 1.5 Estimated Renewable Energy Consumption for Residential and Commercial
Sectors, 1973—2005...........................................................................................................6
Table 1.6 Industrial Biomass Energy Consumption and Electricity Net Generation by Industry
and Energy Sources, 2003 ..................................................................................................8
2. BIOFUELS ............................................................................................................................................17
Brief Overview
Ethanol Overview
Table 2.3 Specifications Contained in ASTM D 4806 Standard Specification for Denatured
Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasoline ...........................................................................21
Table 2.4 Fuel Property Comparison for Ethanol, Gasoline and No. 2 Diesel ..................................22
Ethanol Production
Ethanol Consumption
Table 2.12 Gasoline and Ethanol: Comparison of Current and Potential Production Costs
in North America................................................................................................................35
Table 2.13 Undenatured Ethanol Cash Operating Expenses and Net Feedstock Costs for
Dry-milling Process by Plant Size, 2002 ...........................................................................36
Figure 2.5 Ethanol Net Energy Balances and Greenhouse Gas Emissions ......................................38
Figure 2.6 Comparisons of Energy Inputs and GHG Emissions for Three Ethanol Scenarios
and Gasoline .....................................................................................................................39
Figure 2.7 Comparative Results between Ethanol and Gasoline Based on an Evaluation by the
GREET Model ...................................................................................................................40
Table 2.15 Comparison of Ethanol Energy Balance with and Without Inclusion of Coproduct
Energy Credits ...................................................................................................................43
Brief Overview
Biodiesel Production
Figure 2.8 Active and Proposed Biodiesel Production Facilities, 2005 ..............................................49
Table 2.20 Composition of Various Oils and Fats Used for Biodiesel.................................................51
Biodiesel Consumption
Table 2.22 Average Biodiesel (B100 and B20) Emissions Compared to Conventional Diesel...........55
BioOil Overview
3. BIOPOWER ..........................................................................................................................................63
Brief Overview
Table 3.2 Biomass Power Technology Fuel Specifications and Capacity Range.............................65
Table 3.3 New Renewable Capacity Supplying Green Power Markets, 2004 ..................................66
Table 3.4 New Renewable Capacity Supported through Utility Green Pricing Programs, 2004.......67
Table 3.5 Utility Green Pricing Programs Using Biomass and Biomass Based Resources .............68
Table 3.6 Competitive Electricity Markets Retail Green Power Product Offerings,
October 2005 .....................................................................................................................70
Table 3.10 Total Net Generation of Electricity by State from Wood and Wood Waste, 2002.............78
Table 3.11 Net Generation and Fuel Consumption at Power Plants Consuming Coal and
Biomass by State and Plant Name, 2003..........................................................................79
Table 3.14 Number of Home Electricity Needs Met Calculation, 2006 ...............................................83
Table 3.16 State Renewable Portfolio Standards and Purchase Requirements ................................86
4. BIOREFINERIES ..................................................................................................................................91
Brief Overview
5. FEEDSTOCKS......................................................................................................................................95
Table 5.5 Corn for Grain: Marketing Year Average Price and Value, by State ...............................106
Table 5.6 Corn Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre, Excluding Government
Payments, 2002—2003 ...................................................................................................107
Table 5.7 Corn Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre, Excluding Government
Payments, 1996—2003 ...................................................................................................109
Table 5.8 Sorghum: Area, Yield, Production, and Value, 1996—2005 ..........................................111
Table 5.9 Sorghum: Area, Yield, and Production, by State, 2003—2005 ......................................112
Table 5.11 Sorghum Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre, Excluding Government
Payments, 2002—2003 ...................................................................................................114
Table 5.12 Sorghum Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre, Excluding
Government Payments, 1995—2003 ..............................................................................115
Table 5.17 Soybean Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre, Excluding Government
Payments, 2002—2003 ...................................................................................................121
Mill Wastes
Pellet Fuels
Table 5.19 Pellet Fuel Shipments from Pellet Fuel Manufacturers ...................................................126
Urban Residues
Table 5.22 Residues from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills by State ................................................131
Landfill Gas
Table 5.23 Landfill Gas Projects and Candidate Landfills by State, January 2006 ..........................132
Feedstock Characteristics
APPENDIX A: CONVERSIONS...............................................................................................................133
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the many individuals who assisted in the preparation
of this document. First, we would like to thank the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy (EERE) staff in the Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis, and the Biomass
Program for their support of the first edition of the Biomass Energy Data Book project. Our team of
thorough reviewers include Tien Nguyen and Phil Patterson of the EERE Office of Planning, Budget and
Analysis, Zia Haq of the EERE Biomass Program, and David Andress of David Andress and Associates.
We would like to thank Alex Farrell of the University of California, Berkeley, for allowing us to publish
material from his article in Science. We would also like to thank Jamie Payne of Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (ORNL), who designed the cover. Finally, this book would not have been possible without the
dedication of Debbie Bain (ORNL), who masterfully prepared the manuscript.
The Department of Energy, through the Office of Planning, Budget, and Analysis in the Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, has contracted with Oak Ridge National Laboratory to prepare this
Biomass Energy Data Book. The purpose of this data book is to draw together, under one cover, biomass
data from diverse sources to produce a comprehensive document that supports anyone with an interest
or stake in the biomass industry. Given the increasing demand for energy, policymakers and analysts
need to be well-informed about current biomass energy production activity and the potential contribution
biomass resources and technologies can make toward meeting the nation’s energy demands. This is the
first edition of the Biomass Energy Data Book and it is currently only available online in electronic format.
This first edition focuses on biomass conversion technologies and commercially utilized biomass
Biomass energy technologies used in the United States include an extremely diverse array of
technologies - from wood or pellet stoves used in homes to large, sophisticated biorefineries producing
multiple products. For some types of biomass energy production, there are no annual inventories or
surveys on which to base statistical data. For some technology areas there are industry advocacy groups
that track and publish annual statistics on energy production capacity, though not necessarily actual
production or utilization. The Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) produces
annual estimates of biomass energy utilization and those estimates are included in this data book.
Information from industry groups are also provided to give additional detail. An effort has been made to
identify the best sources of information on capacity, production and utilization of many of the types of
biomass energy being produced in this country. It is certain, however, that not all biomass energy
contributions have been identified. The information may not be available, or may be proprietary.
It is even more difficult to track the diverse array of biomass resources being used as feedstocks for
biomass energy production. Since most of the biomass resources currently being used for energy or
bioproducts are residuals from industrial, agricultural or forestry activities, there is no way to
systematically inventory biomass feedstock collection and use and report it in standard units. All biomass
resource availability and utilization information available in the literature are estimates, not inventories of
actual collection and utilization. Biomass utilization information is derived from biomass energy production
data, but relies on assumptions about energy content and conversion efficiencies for each biomass type
and conversion technology. Biomass availability data relies on understanding how much of a given
biomass type (e.g., corn grain) is produced, alternate demands for that biomass type, economic
profitability associated with each of those alternate demands, environmental impacts of collection of the
biomass, and other factors such as incentives. This book presents some of the information needed for
deriving those estimates, as well as providing biomass resource estimates that have been estimated by
either ORNL staff or other scientists. For estimates derived from ORNL analysis, the methodology has
been documented in Appendix C and additional references have been provided. In all cases it should be
recognized that estimates are not precise and different assumptions will change the results.
The Biomass Energy Data Book is a statistical compendium prepared and published by Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) under contract with the Office of Planning, Budget, and Analysis in the
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) program of the Department of Energy (DOE). Designed
for use as a convenient reference, the book represents an assembly and display of statistics and
information that characterize the biomass industry, from the production of biomass feedstocks to their end
This is the first edition of the Biomass Energy Data Book and is currently only available online in
electronic format. There are five main sections to this book. The first section is an introduction which
provides an overview of biomass resources and consumption. Following the introduction to biomass, is a
section on biofuels which covers ethanol, biodiesel and BioOil. The biopower section focuses on the use
of biomass for electrical power generation and heating. The fourth section is on the developing area of
biorefineries, and the fifth section covers feedstocks that are produced and used in the biomass industry.
The sources used represent the latest available data. There are also three appendices which include
measures of conversions, biomass characteristics and assumptions for selected tables and figures. A
glossary of terms and a list of acronyms are also included for the reader’s convenience.
Biomass is material that comes from plants. Plants use the light energy from the sun to convert water and
carbon dioxide to sugars that can be stored, through a process called photosynthesis. Some plants, like
sugar cane and sugar beets, store the energy as simple sugars. These are mostly used for food. Other
plants store the energy as more complex sugars, called starches. These plants include grains like corn
and are also used for food.
Another type of plant matter, called cellulosic biomass, is made up of very complex sugar polymers
(complex polysaccharides), and is not generally used as a food source. This type of biomass will be the
future feedstock for bioethanol production. Specific feedstocks being tested include agricultural and
forestry residues, organic urban wastes, food processing and other industrial wastes, and energy crops.
For more detailed information on current and future biomass resources in the United States see the
feedstock section.
In 2005, biomass production contributed 2.7 quadrillion Btu of energy to the 69.1 quadrillion Btu of energy
produced in the United States or about 4% of total energy production. Since a substantial portion of U.S.
energy is imported, the more commonly quoted figure is that biomass contributed 2.7 quadrillion Btu of
energy to the 99.8 quadrillion Btu of energy consumed in the United States or about 3%. At present, wood
resources contribute most to the biomass resources consumed in the United States and most of that is
used in the generation of electricity and industrial process heat and steam. The industrial sector (primarily
the wood products industry) used about 1.4 quadrillion Btu in 2005. The residential and commercial
sectors consume .04 quadrillion Btu of biomass; however, this figure may understate consumption in
these sectors due to unreported consumption, such as home heating by wood collected on private
property. The use of biomass fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel by the transportation sector is small but
rising rapidly.
There are many types of biomass resources currently used and potentially available. This includes
everything from primary sources of crops and residues harvested/collected directly from the land, to
secondary sources such as sawmill residuals, to tertiary sources of post-consumer residuals that often
end up in landfills. Biomass resources also include the gases that result from anaerobic digestion of
animal manures or organic materials in landfills. The estimated availability of agricultural and forestry
biomass in 2001 was recently reported in a document entitled “Biomass as Feedstock For a Bioenergy
and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibility of a Billion-Ton Annual Supply;” prepared by Oak
Ridge National Laboratory staff (for the Department of Energy) together with scientists from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service and USDA Forest Service. The ultimate
limit for the amount of biomass that can be sustainably produced on agricultural land in the United States
depends on land availability. The areas of the country with adequate rainfall and soil quality for production
and harvest of energy crops are roughly the same areas where major crops are currently produced in the
United States. Changes in the way that land is managed will be necessary for increasing biomass
resource availability in the U.S.
For additional overview information, visit the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy's Biomass Program at:
In 2005 biomass accounted for about 45% of the renewable energy production in the United States.
Table 1.1
Energy Production by Source, 1973—2005
(Quadrillion Btu)
Fossil Fuels Renewable Energy
Gas Nuclear Hydro-
Natural Crude Plant Electric electric Geo-
b c d
Year Coal Gas (Dry) Oil Liquids Total Power Power Biomass thermal Solar Wind Total Total
1973 13.99 22.19 19.49 2.57 58.24 0.91 2.86 1.53 0.04 NA NA 4.43 63.58
1974 14.07 21.21 18.57 2.47 56.33 1.27 3.18 1.54 0.05 NA NA 4.77 62.37
1975 14.99 19.64 17.73 2.37 54.73 1.90 3.15 1.50 0.07 NA NA 4.72 61.36
1976 15.65 19.48 17.26 2.33 54.72 2.11 2.98 1.71 0.08 NA NA 4.77 61.60
1977 15.75 19.57 17.45 2.33 55.10 2.70 2.33 1.84 0.08 NA NA 4.25 62.05
1978 14.91 19.49 18.43 2.25 55.07 3.02 2.94 2.04 0.06 NA NA 5.04 63.14
1979 17.54 20.08 18.10 2.29 58.01 2.78 2.93 2.15 0.08 NA NA 5.17 65.95
1980 18.60 19.91 18.25 2.25 59.01 2.74 2.90 2.48 0.11 NA NA 5.49 67.24
1981 18.38 19.70 18.15 2.31 58.53 3.01 2.76 2.59 0.12 NA NA 5.47 67.01
1982 18.64 18.32 18.31 2.19 57.46 3.13 3.27 2.62 0.10 NA NA 5.99 66.57
1983 17.25 16.59 18.39 2.18 54.42 3.20 3.53 2.83 0.13 NA 0.00 6.49 64.11
1984 19.72 18.01 18.85 2.27 58.85 3.55 3.39 2.88 0.16 0.00 0.00 6.43 68.83
1985 19.33 16.98 18.99 2.24 57.54 4.08 2.97 2.86 0.20 0.00 0.00 6.03 67.65
1986 19.51 16.54 18.38 2.15 56.58 4.38 3.07 2.84 0.22 0.00 0.00 6.13 67.09
1987 20.14 17.14 17.67 2.22 57.17 4.75 2.63 2.82 0.23 0.00 0.00 5.69 67.61
1988 20.74 17.60 17.28 2.26 57.87 5.59 2.33 2.94 0.22 0.00 0.00 5.49 68.95
1989 21.35 17.85 16.12 2.16 57.47 5.60 2.84 3.06 0.32 0.06 0.02 6.29 69.36
1990 22.46 18.33 15.57 2.17 58.53 6.10 3.05 2.66 0.34 0.06 0.03 6.13 70.77
1991 21.59 18.23 15.70 2.31 57.83 6.42 3.02 2.70 0.35 0.06 0.03 6.16 70.41
1992 21.63 18.38 15.22 2.36 57.59 6.48 2.62 2.85 0.35 0.06 0.03 5.91 69.98
1993 20.25 18.58 14.49 2.41 55.74 6.41 2.89 2.80 0.36 0.07 0.03 6.16 68.30
1994 22.11 19.35 14.10 2.39 57.95 6.69 2.68 2.94 0.34 0.07 0.04 6.06 70.71
1995 22.03 19.08 13.89 2.44 57.44 7.08 3.21 3.07 0.29 0.07 0.03 6.67 71.18
1996 22.68 19.34 13.72 2.53 58.28 7.09 3.59 3.13 0.32 0.07 0.03 7.14 72.50
1997 23.21 19.39 13.66 2.50 58.76 6.60 3.64 3.01 0.32 0.07 0.03 7.08 72.43
1998 23.94 19.61 13.24 2.42 59.20 7.07 3.30 2.83 0.33 0.07 0.03 6.56 72.83
1999 23.19 19.34 12.45 2.53 57.51 7.61 3.27 2.89 0.33 0.07 0.05 6.60 71.71
2000 22.62 19.66 12.36 2.61 57.25 7.86 2.81 2.91 0.32 0.07 0.06 6.16 71.27
2001 23.49 20.20 12.28 2.55 58.52 8.03 2.24 2.64 0.31 0.07 0.07 5.33 71.88
2002 22.62 19.44 12.16 2.56 56.78 8.14 2.69 2.65 0.33 0.06 0.11 5.84 70.76
2003 21.97 19.69 12.03 2.35 56.03 7.96 2.82 2.74 0.34 0.06 0.11 6.08 70.07
2004 22.71 19.26 11.50 2.47 55.95 8.22 2.69 2.88 0.35 0.06 0.14 6.12 70.29
2005 23.15 18.66 10.84 2.32 54.97 8.13 2.71 2.73 0.36 0.06 0.15 6.01 69.11
Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, March 2006. Table 1.2,
End-use consumption and electricity net generation.
Includes lease condensate.
Conventional hydroelectric power.
Wood, waste, and alcohol fuels (ethanol blended into motor gasoline).
Table 1.2
Energy Consumption by Source, 1973—2005
(Quadrillion Btu)
Nuclear Hydro-
Natural Petro- Electric electric Geo-
Year Coal Gasb leumc,d Totale Power Powerf Biomassd,g thermal Solar Wind Total Totald,h
1973 12.97 22.51 34.84 70.32 0.91 2.86 1.53 0.04 NA NA 4.43 75.71
1974 12.66 21.73 33.45 67.91 1.27 3.18 1.54 0.05 NA NA 4.77 73.99
1975 12.66 19.95 32.73 65.35 1.90 3.15 1.50 0.07 NA NA 4.72 72.00
1976 13.58 20.35 35.17 69.10 2.11 2.98 1.71 0.08 NA NA 4.77 76.01
1977 13.92 19.93 37.12 70.99 2.70 2.33 1.84 0.08 NA NA 4.25 78.00
1978 13.77 20.00 37.97 71.86 3.02 2.94 2.04 0.06 NA NA 5.04 79.99
1979 15.04 20.67 37.12 72.89 2.78 2.93 2.15 0.08 NA NA 5.17 80.90
1980 15.42 20.39 34.20 69.98 2.74 2.90 2.48 0.11 NA NA 5.49 78.29
1981 15.91 19.93 31.93 67.75 3.01 2.76 2.59 0.12 NA NA 5.47 76.34
1982 15.32 18.51 30.23 64.04 3.13 3.27 2.62 0.10 NA NA 5.99 73.25
1983 15.89 17.36 30.05 63.29 3.20 3.53 2.83 0.13 NA 0.00 6.49 73.10
1984 17.07 18.51 31.05 66.62 3.55 3.39 2.88 0.16 0.00 0.00 6.43 76.74
1985 17.48 17.83 30.92 66.22 4.08 2.97 2.86 0.20 0.00 0.00 6.03 76.47
1986 17.26 16.71 32.20 66.15 4.38 3.07 2.84 0.22 0.00 0.00 6.13 76.78
1987 18.01 17.74 32.87 68.63 4.75 2.63 2.82 0.23 0.00 0.00 5.69 79.23
1988 18.85 18.55 34.22 71.66 5.59 2.33 2.94 0.22 0.00 0.00 5.49 82.84
1989 19.07 19.71 34.21 73.02 5.60 2.84 3.06 0.32 0.06 0.02 6.29 84.96
1990 19.17 19.73 33.55 72.46 6.10 3.05 2.66 0.34 0.06 0.03 6.13 84.70
1991 18.99 20.15 32.85 72.00 6.42 3.02 2.70 0.35 0.06 0.03 6.16 84.64
1992 19.12 20.84 33.53 73.52 6.48 2.62 2.85 0.35 0.06 0.03 5.91 85.99
1993 19.84 21.35 33.84 75.05 6.41 2.89 2.80 0.36 0.07 0.03 6.16 87.62
1994 19.91 21.84 34.67 76.48 6.69 2.68 2.94 0.34 0.07 0.04 6.06 89.28
1995 20.09 22.78 34.55 77.49 7.08 3.21 3.07 0.29 0.07 0.03 6.67 91.25
1996 21.00 23.20 35.76 79.98 7.09 3.59 3.13 0.32 0.07 0.03 7.14 94.26
1997 21.45 23.33 36.27 81.09 6.60 3.64 3.01 0.32 0.07 0.03 7.08 94.77
1998 21.66 22.94 36.93 81.59 7.07 3.30 2.83 0.33 0.07 0.03 6.56 95.19
1999 21.62 23.01 37.96 82.65 7.61 3.27 2.89 0.33 0.07 0.05 6.60 96.84
2000 22.58 23.92 38.40 84.96 7.86 2.81 2.91 0.32 0.07 0.06 6.16 98.96
2001 21.91 22.91 38.33 83.18 8.03 2.24 2.64 0.31 0.07 0.07 5.33 96.47
2002 21.90 23.63 38.40 83.99 8.14 2.69 2.65 0.33 0.06 0.11 5.84 97.88
2003 22.32 22.97 39.05 84.39 7.96 2.82 2.74 0.34 0.06 0.11 6.08 98.21
2004 22.47 23.04 40.59 86.23 8.22 2.69 2.88 0.35 0.06 0.14 6.12 100.32
2005 22.89 22.57 40.44 85.95 8.13 2.71 2.73 0.36 0.06 0.15 6.01 99.84
Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review March 2006. Table 1.3,
Except for corn and soybeans, all biomass resources being used in 2005 for energy are some type of
residue or waste. Corn grain is used for ethanol and soybeans are used for biodiesel fuel.
Table 1.3
Renewable Energy Consumption by Source, 1973—2005
(Trillion Btu)
Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review March 2006, Table 10.1.,
Ethanol provided 1.2% of the transportation fuels consumed in the United States in 2005 and biomass
provided 0.15% of primary industrial energy consumed in the United States The forest products industry
consumes 85% of all wood residues (including black liquor) currently used for energy in the United
States, generating over half of their own energy.
Table 1.4
Estimated Renewable Energy Consumption for Industrial and Transportation Sectors, 1973–2005
(Trillion Btu)
Source: Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, March 2006, Table 10.2b
Note: NA = Not available.
Industrial sector fuel use, including that at industrial combined-heat-and-power (CHP) and industrial
electricity plants.
Conventional hydroelectric power.
Wood, black liquor, and other wood waste.
Municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, tires, agricultural byproducts, and other biomass.
Geothermal heat pump and direct use energy.
Ethanol blended into motor gasoline.
In 2005, biomass accounted for about 82% of the renewable energy used in the residential sector and
about 84% of the renewable energy used in the commercial sector.
Table 1.5
Estimated Renewable Energy Consumption for Residential and Commercial Sectors, 1973–2005
(Trillion Btu)
Residential Sector Commercial Sectora
Biomass Biomass
Geo- Hydro- Geo-
b b c
Year Wood c
thermal Solar d
Total electric Wood Waste Total thermal Total
1973 354.10 NA NA 354.10 NA 6.71 NA 6.71 NA 6.71
1974 370.95 NA NA 370.95 NA 7.02 NA 7.02 NA 7.02
1975 425.41 NA NA 425.41 NA 8.07 NA 8.07 NA 8.07
1976 481.63 NA NA 481.63 NA 9.10 NA 9.10 NA 9.10
1977 541.78 NA NA 541.78 NA 10.29 NA 10.29 NA 10.29
1978 621.85 NA NA 621.85 NA 11.83 NA 11.83 NA 11.83
1979 728.08 NA NA 728.08 NA 13.81 NA 13.81 NA 13.81
1980 859.00 NA NA 859.00 NA 21.00 NA 21.00 NA 21.00
1981 869.00 NA NA 869.00 NA 21.00 NA 21.00 NA 21.00
1982 937.00 NA NA 937.00 NA 22.00 NA 22.00 NA 22.00
1983 925.00 NA NA 925.00 NA 22.00 NA 22.00 NA 22.00
1984 923.00 NA NA 923.00 NA 22.00 NA 22.00 NA 22.00
1985 899.00 NA NA 899.00 NA 24.00 NA 24.00 NA 24.00
1986 876.00 NA NA 876.00 NA 27.00 NA 27.00 NA 27.00
1987 852.00 NA NA 852.00 NA 29.00 NA 29.00 NA 29.00
1988 885.00 NA NA 885.00 NA 32.00 NA 32.00 NA 32.00
1989 918.00 5.00 52.68 975.68 0.69 35.96 22.00 57.96 2.50 61.14
1990 581.00 5.50 55.90 642.40 1.43 39.15 27.77 66.91 2.80 71.14
1991 613.00 5.90 57.77 676.67 1.37 41.05 26.49 67.54 3.00 71.91
1992 645.00 6.40 59.75 711.15 1.27 44.01 32.45 76.46 3.20 80.92
1993 548.00 6.80 61.69 616.49 1.03 45.86 33.39 79.25 3.40 83.68
1994 537.00 6.20 63.53 606.73 0.96 46.10 34.52 80.63 4.20 85.78
1995 596.00 6.60 64.73 667.33 1.22 46.11 40.20 86.30 4.50 92.02
1996 595.00 7.00 65.44 667.44 1.30 50.43 53.03 103.46 5.30 110.06
1997 433.00 7.50 65.02 505.52 1.23 48.90 57.61 106.50 5.70 113.43
1998 387.14 7.70 64.66 459.50 1.23 48.13 54.16 102.30 7.10 110.62
1999 413.87 8.50 63.73 486.10 1.17 52.31 53.92 106.22 6.70 114.10
2000 433.35 8.60 61.36 503.30 1.02 53.16 47.26 100.41 7.60 109.03
2001 370.00 9.45 59.85 439.30 0.69 40.49 39.22 79.71 8.27 88.67
2002 313.00 10.20 58.75 381.95 0.13 39.15 41.96 81.11 8.75 89.99
2003 359.00 16.96 58.15 434.11 0.74 39.76 47.48 87.24 14.48 102.46
2004 332.34 17.85 57.44 407.63 1.05 41.42 55.47 96.88 15.24 113.18
2005 332.34 17.85 57.44 407.63 0.82 41.43 45.67 87.10 15.24 103.16
Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review March 6, 2006, Table 10.2a,
Note: NA = Not available.
Commercial sector fuel use, including that at commercial combined-heat-and-power (CHP) and commercial
electricity-only plants.
Wood, black liquor, and other wood waste.
Geothermal heat pump and direct use energy.
Solar thermal direct use energy and photovoltaic electricity generation. Small amounts of commercial sector
are included in the residential sector.
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Biomass is the single largest source of renewable energy in the United States, recently surpassing
hydroelectric power. In 2005, biomass contributed 2.8% of the total U.S. energy consumption of nearly
100 quadrillion Btu (EIA, 2006). Wood, wood waste, and black liquor from pulp mills is the single largest
source accounting for more than two-thirds of total biomass energy consumption. Wastes (which include
municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, tires, agricultural by-products, and other secondary and
tertiary sources of biomass) accounts for about 20% of total biomass consumption. The remaining share
is alcohol fuel derived principally from corn grain.
Figure 1.1
Summary of Biomass Energy Consumption, 2005
Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, August 2006.
Total industrial biomass energy consumption was approximately 1,533 trillion Btu in 2003. The bulk of industrial
biomass energy consumption is derived from forestlands. More than one-half of this total is black liquor – a pulping
mill by-product containing unutilized wood fiber and chemicals. Black liquor is combusted in recovery boilers to
recover valuable chemicals and to produce heat and power. Wood and wood wastes generated in primary wood
processing mills account for another third of total industrial biomass energy consumption. The data contained in this
table are from a survey of manufacturers that is conducted every four years by the EIA.
Table 1.6
Industrial Biomass Energy Consumption and Electricity Net Generation by Industry
and Energy Sources, 2003
Biomass Energy Consumption (Trillon Btus)
For Useful Net
Thermal Generation
Industry Energy Source Total For Electricity Output (Million
Total Total 1,532.947 378.706 1,154.242 29,001
Agriculture, Forestry, and Mining Total 9.010 2.720 6.290 167
Agricultural Byproducts/Crops 9.010 2.720 6.290 167
Manufacturing Total 1,444.208 375.986 1,068.222 28,834
Food and Kindred Industry Products Total 41.318 5.176 36.142 104
Agricultural Byproducts/Crops 37.153 4.073 33.079 28
Other Biomass Gases 0.278 0.217 0.062 8
Other Biomass Liquids 0.067 0.067 - 5
Tires 0.379 0.179 0.201 14
Wood/Wood Waste Solids 3.441 0.641 2.801 49
Lumber Total 216.442 16.364 200.078 1,499
Sludge Waste 0.058 0.019 0.039 3
Wood/Wood Waste Liquids 0.248 0.080 0.168 12
Wood/Wood Waste Solids 216.137 16.265 199.872 1,483
Paper and Allied Products Total 1,150.781 352.138 798.643 27,039
Agricultural Byproducts/Crops 1.131 0.092 1.040 7
Black Liquor 814.120 239.340 574.780 18,311
Landfill Gas 0.310 0.063 0.247 7
Municipal Solid Waste 2.274 0.427 1.848 53
Other Biomass Liquids 0.071 0.034 0.037 2
Other Biomass Solids 0.741 0.586 0.155 59
Sludge Waste 10.136 3.536 6.600 251
Tires 7.540 2.627 4.913 253
Wood/Wood Waste Liquids 21.019 4.697 16.322 416
Wood/Wood Waste Solids 293.439 100.738 192.701 7,679
Chemicals and Allied Products Total 3.870 0.745 3.125 43
Landfill Gas 0.214 0.041 0.173 4
Municipal Solid Waste 1.398 0.122 1.276 12
Other Biomass Liquids 0.073 0.014 0.059 0
Other Biomass Solids 0.004 0.001 0.003 0
Sludge Waste 0.300 0.072 0.228 9
Wood/Wood Waste Solids 1.881 0.496 1.385 18
Other Total 31.797 1.564 30.233 149
Nonspecified Total 79.730 - 79.730 -
Landfill Gas 74.730 - 74.730 -
Municipal Solid Waste 5.000 - 5.000 -
Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report," Government Advisory Associates, Resource
Recovery Yearbook and Methane Recovery Yearbook; and analysis conducted by the Energy Information
Administration, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels.
Notes: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Other includes Apparel; Petroleum Refining; Rubber and Misc. Plastic Products; Transportation Equipment;
Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products; Furniture and Fixtures; and related industries.
Primary purpose of business is not specified.
- = Not Applicable.
Approximately 492 million dry tons of biomass residues are produced from agricultural lands in the United
States. Nearly half of this total residue production is from corn. The amount of this residue that can be
collected depends on numerous factors affecting soil sustainability, such as water and wind erosion, as
well as the efficiency of the collection equipment.
Table 1.7
Total Residue Produced on Agricultural Lands, 2001
Acres cropland Total
harvested Product Fiber Residue plant redsidue
Crop or reserved Yield Yield Yield mass produced
million acres dry tons/acre/year million dry tons/year
Corn Grain 68.8 3.3 NA 3.3 450.0 225.0
Sorghum 8.6 1.4 NA 1.4 24.8 12.4
Barley 4.3 1.2 NA 1.8 12.8 7.7
Oats 1.9 0.8 NA 1.7 4.8 3.2
Wheat-winter 31.3 1.1 NA 1.9 95.4 60.1
Wheat-spring 17.5 0.9 NA 1.2 35.5 20.1
Soybeans 73.0 1.1 NA 1.6 193.0 115.8
Rice 3.3 2.9 NA 4.3 23.7 14.2
Cotton lint 13.8 0.3 NA 1.0 17.7 13.3
Alfalfa 23.8 3.0 NA 0.0 70.6 0.0
Other hay 39.7 1.7 NA 0.0 67.4 0.0
Silage corn 6.1 6.6 NA 0.0 40.8 0.0
Silage sorghum 0.3 4.4 NA 0.0 1.5 0.0
Other Crops 20.1 1.0 NA 1.0 20.1 20.1
Crop failure 10.0 0.5 NA 0.0 5.0 0.0
Summer fallow 21.0 0.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0
Grasses (CRP) 25.4 2.0 NA 0.0 50.8 0.0
Trees (CRP) 2.2 2.0 NA 0.0 4.4 0.0
Environment (CRP) 6.4 2.0 NA 0.0 12.7 0.0
UNAccounted 3.0 0.0 NA 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pasture 67.5 1.5 NA 0.0 101.3 0.0
Wood fiber 0.1 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.8 0.2
Perennials 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Totals 448.1 1233.1 492.1
Table from page 55 of: Perlack, R.D., Wright, L.L., Turhollow, A.F., Graham, R.L., Stokes, B.J., and
Erbach, DC. 2005. Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical
Feasibility of a Billion-Ton Annual Supply.
(Scroll down to feedstocks.)
Note: Some totals may differ slightly from the original source due to rounding differences.
NA = Not available.
Based on 2001 Agricultural Statistics, these data were used to provide the baseline supply for the
document noted in the source.
The United States has a total land area in all 50 states of 2.263 billion acres. Based on the 2002 land use
inventory, 20% of that land was categorized as cropland and 29% as forest-use land, thus about 49% of
U.S. land is a potential source of biomass residuals or biomass crops for bioenergy. Grassland pasture
and range land is, for the most part, too dry to provide much biomass resources. Miscellaneous, special
use land and urban land may be a source of post-consumer biomass residuals, but are not areas where
biomass crops could be produced on a large scale.
Figure 1.2
Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2002
U.S. land use categories differ slightly depending on who is reporting the results. The numbers below
published in 2006, but based on a 2002 land inventory, were generated by the Economic Research
Service (ERS) of USDA. They have been producing similar estimates since 1945. Other USDA
organizations, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Forest Service (FS) place
land into somewhat different categories. URL’s for NRCS and FS estimates are given below. The NRCS
divides the land into additional sub-categories (such as a “Federal land” category), and only gives values
for the lower 48 states. The Forest Service documents only deal with forest land, but include a larger
area of the U.S. in that category (747 million acres based on 1997 inventory data). However, ERS in a
2002 publication on land use stated that 105 million acres in the special uses category overlaps with
forestland. If that area is added to the ERS forestland category then it nearly matches the NRCS forest
land use estimate. Definitions of the ERS land use categories follow. NRCS and FS land use references
can be found at: and by searching for publications by Alig
Lubowski, R.N., Vesterby, M., Bucholtz, S., Baez, A., Roberts, M.J. 2006. “Major Uses of Land in the
United States, 2002” USDA Economic Research Service, Economic Information Bulletin Number
14, May 2006.
Notes: Cropland: All land in the crop rotation, including cropland used for crops, land with crop failure,
summer fallow, idle cropland (including Conservation Reserve Program land), and cropland used only for
pasture. Cropland in Alaska and Hawaii total less than 0.4 million acres.
Grassland pasture and range: Permanent grassland and other nonforested pasture and range.
Forest-use land: Total forest land as classified by the U.S. Forest Service includes grazed forest land
(134 million acres) as well as other forest land (517 million acres). It does not include land in the special
uses category that is forested. This category includes a small amount of rural residential area within
forested areas.
Special Uses: This land includes recreation and wildlife areas, national defense areas, and land used for
rural highways, roads and railroad rights-of-way, and rural airports. It also includes 11 million acres for
farmsteads and farm roads.
Miscellaneous land: This includes tundra, deserts, bare rock areas, snow and ice fields, swamps,
marshes, and other unclassified areas generally of low agricultural value.
Urban land: Urban lands are newly separated from special use lands in the 2006 Major Land Uses report
prepared by ERS. Urban areas are based on Census Bureau definitions which identify “urban clusters”
based primarily on population density, not political boundaries.
Current commodity crop locations are good indicators of where biomass resources can be cultivated.
Figure 1.3
Geographic Locations of Major Crops, 2004
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service.
President Bush spoke in his January 31, 2006, State of the Union address of producing biofuels by 2012
using "woodchips, stalks and switchgrass" as the source of cellulosic biomass. These represent both
existing and potential biomass resources.
The "woodchips and stalks" represent resources that are currently available from forestry and agriculture,
though very underutilized. One of the largest unexploited categories is wood that needs to be removed
from forests to reduce the risk of forest fires. Well over 8 billion dry tons of biomass has been identified by
the U.S. Forest Service as needing fuel treatment removal. The amount of this biomass potentially
available for bioenergy uses is estimated to be about 60 million dry tons annually. This estimate takes into
consideration factors affecting forest access, residue recovery and the desirability of using some of the
recoverable biomass for conventional wood products. The fraction that could be available for bioenergy
and bioproducts is less than 1% of the total size of the fuel treatment biomass resource. Factors affecting
the rate at which this source of material will become available include public opinion toward this type of
removal, as well as delivered costs and the extent to which technology is developed for utilizing small
diameter wood for products other than bioenergy. The other large underutilized forest sources of
woodchips are logging residues and urban wood residues. In both cases, the relatively high costs of
removal, handling, and transportation has not compared favorably to their relatively low value as an
energy resource. Also, the compost market could compete for urban wood resources. From the
agricultural sector, the major cellulosic resources are corn "stalks" and wheat straw. Both are left in the
field after the grain is harvested in much of the U.S. While a portion of this residue does have a value in
maintaining soil quality and crop productivity, in some higher yield areas of the U.S. there is an excess of
residue produced that could be beneficially removed. It is important to use this resource in a way that is
environmentally and economically sound and that supplies the needs of biorefineries in terms of cost,
quality and consistency.
Switchgrass is a thin-stemmed, warm season, perennial grass that has shown high potential as a high-
yielding crop that can be grown in most areas of the nation that are also suitable for crop production.
There are, in fact, many perennial crops (grass and tree species) that show high potential for production
of cost-competitive cellulosic biomass. The “best” crop for a given area can only be determined by local
soil and climate conditions and the desired end-use. Thus “switchgrass” can be viewed as a surrogate for
many “perennial energy crops” when doing biomass supply analysis. Other perennial energy crops that
might be preferred in some situations include other thin-stemmed grasses, such as Reed Canary grass or
Big Bluestem grass, or thick-stemmed grasses with rhizomes, such as Miscanthus, Energy cane, or
Arundo (all may sometimes be marketed as E-Grass); trees grown as single stem row crops, such as
poplars, eucalyptus, silver maple, sweetgum and sycamore, or trees grown as multiple stem row crops
such as willow or poplar coppice. Some annual crops are also being evaluated as dedicated energy crops
including corn, sorghum, and kenaf (a woody annual crop), because of very high yields. The perennial
crops will normally show better environmental performance due to lower chemical requirements and
better erosion control. Cost of production of energy crops is very sensitive to yield, thus development of
better energy crops involves traditional genetic selection and/or molecular genetics. It is also extremely
important to select appropriate sites and optimize agronomic or silvicultural management techniques to
eliminate weed competition and assure that adequate nutrients and water are available (but without over-
fertilizing or irrigating).
Crop residues and high yield dedicated energy crops will not become cellulosic biomass supplies unless
efficient, integrated biomass supply systems are developed. This means first of all, fully integrating crop
production, harvesting and collection, storage, preprocessing, and transportation for each crop type and
end use scenario. A roadmap developed jointly by researchers, producers, and users in 2003 spells out
the R&D needs for assuring that cellulosic biomass can be supplied in a way that meets the cost, quality
and consistency requirements of biorefineries (or biopower or biofuels production facilities).
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, 2003. Roadmap for Agricultural Biomass Feedstock Supply in the
United States. Available at: (search for
A variety of fuels can be produced from biomass resources including liquid fuels, such as ethanol,
methanol, biodiesel, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, and gaseous fuels, such as hydrogen and methane. Biofuels
are primarily used to fuel vehicles, but can also fuel engines or fuel cells for electricity generation.
Ethanol is made by converting the carbohydrate from biomass into sugar, which is then converted into
ethanol in a fermentation process similar to brewing beer. Ethanol is the most widely used biofuel today
with current capacity of 4.3 billion gallons per year based on starch crops, such as corn. Ethanol
produced from cellulosic biomass is currently the subject of extensive research, development and
demonstration efforts.
Biodiesel is produced through a process in which organically derived oils are combined with alcohol
(ethanol or methanol) in the presence of a catalyst to form ethyl or methyl ester. The biomass-derived
ethyl or methyl esters can be blended with conventional diesel fuel or used as a neat fuel (100%
biodiesel). Biodiesel can be made from any vegetable oil, animal fats, waste vegetable oils, or microalgae
oils. Soybeans and Canola (rapeseed) oils are the most common vegetable oils used today.
A totally different process than that used for biodiesel production can be used to convert biomass into a
type of fuel similar to diesel which is known as BioOil. The process, called fast or flash pyrolysis, occurs
when heating compact solid fuels at temperatures between 350 and 500 degrees Celcius for a very short
period of time (less than 2 seconds). While there are several fast pyrolysis technologies under
development, there are only two commercial fast pyrolysis technologies as of 2006. The BioOils currently
produced are suitable for use in boilers for electricity generation. Additional research and development is
needed to produce BioOil of sufficient quality for transportation applications.
Biomass can be gasified to produce a synthesis gas composed primarily of hydrogen and carbon
monoxide, also called syngas or biosyngas. Syngas produced today is used directly to generate heat and
power but several types of biofuels may be derived from syngas. Hydrogen can be recovered from this
syngas, or it can be catalytically converted to methanol. The gas can also be run through a biological
reactor to produce ethanol or can also be converted using Fischer-Tropsch catalyst into a liquid stream
with properties similar to diesel fuel, called Fischer-Tropsch diesel. However, all of these fuels can also be
produced from natural gas using a similar process. Data on biofuels from synthesis gas are not currently
included in the Biomass Data Book.
Federal tax incentives for alcohol fuels were first established in 1978 for 10% blended gasoline (gasohol)
creating an effective Federal subsidy for ethanol of $0.40/gallon. Various subsequent acts have raised or
lowered, modified, and extended the subsidy. Tax incentives for biodiesel were first initiated in 2004 with
the American Jobs Creation Act. In addition to the tax subsidies, there is the Renewable Portfolio
Standard for biofuels and several other types of incentives.
Table 2.1
Major Federal Biofuel Tax Incentives
Small Biodiesel EPACT 2005 Agri-biodiesel $0.10 per gallon ethanol Expires December 31, Same as above
Producer Credit §1345, Title XIII, or biodiesel produced up 2008
Subtitle D to 15 million gallons
Income Tax Credit for EPACT 2005 Ethanol or biodiesel Permits taxpayers to claim January 2006 – $30,000 limit on tax
E85 and B20 §1342, Title XIII, a 30% credit for cost of December 2007 credit
Infrastructure Subtitle D installing clean-fuel
vehicle refueling property
at business or residence
Renewable Fuels Association,
Most recent Internal Revenue Service code or public law affecting the status of the incentive. In
several cases, the most recent action is a modification of prior actions.
Public Law 108-357 was the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.
EPACT 2005 is the Energy Policy Act of 2005. See brief summary of all biofuel related provisions
in the final version of the Energy Policy Act at:
Table 2.2
Selected Non-Tax Federal Biofuel Incentives
EPACT 2005 Title II, §942 Production Cost competitive One gallon of cellulosic ethanol and ethanol produced in
Incentive for Cellulosic cellulosic biomass by facilities using animal waste to displace fossil fuel use qualifies
Biofuels 2015 as 2.5 gallons towards satisfying the RFS
EPACT 2005 Title II, §943 Federal agencies to Expands Biobased Procurement Program to Federal
Procurement of showcase biobased government contractors, and establishes program of public
Biobased Products products education regarding federal use of biobased products
EPACT 2005 Title XV, §1511 Incentive for commercial Directs Department of Energy to provide loan guarantees for
cellulosic ethanol not more than 4 commercial demonstrations, to include one
using cereal straw and one using MSW as feedstocks. Must
have capacity of 30 million gallons or more.
Farm Security and Commodity Credit Increase ethanol The USDA Farm Service Agency has for several years
Rural Investment Corporation Bioenergy production encouraged new biofuel production capacity by making cash
Act of 2002 Program payments to bioethanol and biodiesel producers for new
production. The program is scheduled to end in September
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 contains many sections that could help in facilitating the
development of biofuels or biomass power and/or that request new studies to assist in developing further
policy. For a description of 42 of the relevant sections see the September-October 2005 newsletter
published by General Bioenergy, Inc. ( under newsletter Archives. Not
included in this summary are sections pertaining to alternative-fueled vehicles.
There are two types of ethanol produced in the United States – fermentation ethanol and synthetic
ethanol. Fermentation ethanol (or bioethanol) is produced from corn or other biomass feedstocks and is
by far the most common type of ethanol produced, accounting for more than 90% of all ethanol
production. Fermentation ethanol is mainly produced for fuel, though a small share is used by the
beverage industry and the industrial industry. Synthetic ethanol is produced from ethylene, a petroleum
by-product, and is used mainly in industrial applications. A small amount of synthetic ethanol is exported
to other countries.
Ethanol is the most widely used biofuel today. In 2005, more than 3.6 billion gallons were added to
gasoline in the United States to improve vehicle performance and reduce air pollution. Ethanol is currently
produced using a process similar to brewing beer where starch crops are converted into sugars, the
sugars are fermented into ethanol, and the ethanol is then distilled into its final form.
Ethanol is used to increase octane and improve the emissions quality of gasoline. In many areas of the
United States today, ethanol is blended with gasoline to form an E10 blend (10% ethanol and 90%
gasoline), but it can be used in higher concentrations, such as E85, or in its pure form E100. All
automobile manufacturers that do business in the United States approve the use of E10 in gasoline
engines; however, only flex fuel vehicles (FFVs) are designed to use E85. Pure ethanol or E100 is used
in Brazil but is not currently compatible with vehicles manufactured for the U.S. market. Manufacturer
approval of ethanol blends is found in vehicle owners' manuals under references to refueling or gasoline.
Bioethanol from cellulosic biomass materials (such as agricultural residues, trees, and grasses) is made
by first using pretreatment and hydrolysis processes to extract sugars, followed by fermentation of the
sugars. Although producing bioethanol from cellulosic biomass is currently more costly than producing
bioethanol from starch crops, the U.S. Government has launched a Biofuels Initiative with the objective of
quickly reducing the cost of cellulosic bioethanol. Researchers are working to improve the efficiency and
economics of the cellulosic bioethanol production process. When cellulosic bioethanol becomes
commercially available, it will be used exactly as the bioethanol currently made from corn grain.
Below are the primary quality specifications for denatured fuel ethanol for blending with gasoline meeting
Federal requirements. The state of California has additional restrictions that apply in addition to the
performance requirements in ASTM D 4806.
Table 2.3
Specifications Contained in ASTM D 4806 Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol
for Blending with Gasoline
Renewable Fuels Association, Industry Guidelines, Specifications, and Procedures.
Table 2.4
Fuel Property Comparison for Ethanol, Gasoline and No. 2 Diesel
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Effiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels Data
Pour Point, ASTM D97.
Based on Cetane.
The U.S. and Brazil produced about 70 percent of the world’s ethanol in 2005. The table below includes
all types of ethanol, not just fuel ethanol.
Table 2.5
World Ethanol Production by Country, 2005
(Millions of gallons, all grades)
Country 2005
U.S. 4,264
Brazil 4,227
China 1,004
India 449
France 240
Russia 198
Germany 114
South Africa 103
Spain 93
U.K. 92
Thailand 79
Ukraine 65
Canada 61
Poland 58
Indonesia 45
Argentina 44
Italy 40
Australia 33
Saudi Arabia 32
Japan 30
Sweden 29
Pakistan 24
Philippines 22
South Korea 17
Guatemala 17
Ecuador 14
Cuba 12
Mexico 12
Nicaragua 7
Zimbabwe 5
Kenya 4
Mauritius 3
Swaziland 3
Others 710
Total 12,150
Renewable Fuels Association, Industry Statistics,
Note: Some countries listed in the table titled: "U.S. Fuel Ethanol
Imports by Country" do not appear in this table because they process
ethanol (dehydration) rather than produce it from feedstock.
The United States imports a small percentage of ethanol from countries within relatively close geographic
Table 2.6
Fuel Ethanol Imports by Country
(Millions of gallons)
Renewable Fuel Association,
Note: Some countries listed in this table do not appear in the table titled:
"World Ethanol Production by Country" because they process ethanol
(dehydration) rather than produce it from feedstock.
Fuel ethanol production has been on the rise in the United States since 1980, though production has
increased dramatically since 2001.
Table 2.7
Historic Fuel Ethanol Production
1998-2005: Energy Information Administration, Monthly Oxygenate Report
e_telephone_report/motr.html; 1908-1997: Renewable Fuels Association,, "From Niche to Nation:
Ethanol Industry Outlook 2006."
Between 1999 and 2006, the number of ethanol plants in the United States nearly doubled, accompanied
by a rapid rise in production capacity. Additional information on specific plant locations and up-to-date
statistics can be obtained at the Renewable Fuels Association,
Table 2.8
Ethanol Production Statistics, 1999-2006
(as of January of each year)
Renewable Fuels Association, Table titled: "Ethanol Industry Overview,”
Although ethanol can be made from a wide variety of feedstocks, the vast majority of ethanol is made
from corn. Future cellulosic production methods using grasses and woody plant material may eventually
account for a sizeable share, but in the near term, corn remains the dominant feedstock.
Table 2.9
Ethanol Production by Feedstock, 2006
Capacity (million
Plant Feedstock galllons/year) % of Capacity No. of Plants % of Plants
Corn 4,516 92.7% 85 83.3%
Corn/Milo 162 3.3% 5 4.9%
Corn/Wheat 90 1.8% 2 2.0%
Corn/Barley 40 0.8% 1 1.0%
Milo/Wheat 40 0.8% 1 1.0%
Waste Beverageb 16 0.3% 5 4.9%
Cheese Whey 8 0.2% 2 2.0%
Sugars & Starches 2 0.0% 1 1.0%
Total 4,872 100.0% 102 100.0%
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Transportation and Air Quality "Renewable Fuel Standard
Program - Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis" September 2006, EPA420-D-06-008.
Includes seed corn.
Includes brewery waste
The great majority of ethanol production facilities operating in the United States use natural gas as their
energy source.
Table 2.10
Ethanol Production by Plant Energy Source, 2006
Energy Source MMGal/year % of Capacity No. of Plants % of Plants
Natural Gas 4671 95.9% 98 96.1%
Coal 102 2.1% 2 2.0%
Coal & Biomass 50 1.0% 1 1.0%
Syrup 49 1.0% 1 1.0%
Total 4872 100.0% 102 100.0%
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Transportation and Air Quality,
"Renewable Fuel Standard Program - Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis,"
September 2006, EPA420-D-06-008.
Includes a natural gas facility which is considering transitioning to coal.
The majority of ethanol production facilities are concentrated where corn is grown. For an up-to-date
listing of all production facilities, visit the Renewable Fuels Association,
Figure 2.1
Ethanol Production Facilities Current and Planned, 2005
Renewable Fuels Association,
The production of ethanol or ethyl alcohol from starch or sugar-based feedstocks is among man’s earliest
ventures into value-added processing. While the basic steps remain the same, the process has been
considerably refined in recent years, leading to a very efficient process. There are two production
processes: wet milling and dry milling. The main difference between the two is in the initial treatment of
the grain.
Figure 2.2
The Ethanol Production Process - Wet Milling
In wet milling, the grain is soaked or "steeped" in water and dilute sulfurous acid for 24 to 48 hours. This
steeping facilitates the separation of the grain into its many component parts.
After steeping, the corn slurry is processed through a series of grinders to separate the corn germ. The
corn oil from the germ is either extracted on-site or sold to crushers who extract the corn oil. The
remaining fiber, gluten and starch components are further segregated using centrifugal, screen and
hydroclonic separators.
The steeping liquor is concentrated in an evaporator. This concentrated product, heavy steep water, is
co-dried with the fiber component and is then sold as corn gluten feed to the livestock industry. Heavy
steep water is also sold by itself as a feed ingredient and is used as a component in Ice Ban, an
environmentally friendly alternative to salt for removing ice from roads.
The gluten component (protein) is filtered and dried to produce the corn gluten meal co-product. This
product is highly sought after as a feed ingredient in poultry broiler operations.
The starch and any remaining water from the mash can then be processed in one of three ways:
fermented into ethanol, dried and sold as dried or modified corn starch, or processed into corn syrup. The
fermentation process for ethanol is very similar to the dry mill process.
Renewable Fuels Association,
Figure 2.3
The Ethanol Production Process - Dry Milling
In dry milling, the entire corn kernel or other starchy grain is first ground into flour, which is referred to in
the industry as "meal" and processed without separating out the various component parts of the grain.
The meal is slurried with water to form a "mash." Enzymes are added to the mash to convert the starch to
dextrose, a simple sugar. Ammonia is added for pH control and as a nutrient to the yeast.
The mash is processed in a high-temperature cooker to reduce bacteria levels ahead of fermentation.
The mash is cooled and transferred to fermenters where yeast is added and the conversion of sugar to
ethanol and carbon dioxide (CO2) begins.
The fermentation process generally takes about 40 to 50 hours. During this part of the process, the mash
is agitated and kept cool to facilitate the activity of the yeast. After fermentation, the resulting "beer" is
transferred to distillation columns where the ethanol is separated from the remaining "stillage." The
ethanol is concentrated to 190 proof using conventional distillation and is then dehydrated to
approximately 200 proof in a molecular sieve system.
The anhydrous ethanol is blended with about 5% denaturant (such as natural gasoline) to render it
undrinkable and thus not subject to beverage alcohol tax. It is then ready for shipment to gasoline
terminals or retailers.
The stillage is sent through a centrifuge that separates the coarse grain from the solubles. The solubles
are then concentrated to about 30% solids by evaporation, resulting in Condensed Distillers Solubles
(CDS) or "syrup." The coarse grain and the syrup are dried together to produce dried distillers grains with
solubles (DDGS), a high quality, nutritious livestock feed. The CO2 released during fermentation is
captured and sold for use in carbonating soft drinks and the manufacture of dry ice.
Renewable Fuels Association,
This process flow diagram shows the basic steps in production of ethanol from cellulosic biomass. While
cellulosic ethanol is not yet commercial in the U.S., it has been demonstrated by several groups and
commercial facilities are being planned in North America. Note that there are a variety of options for
pretreatment and other steps in the process and that some specific technologies combine two or all three
of the hydrolysis and fermentation steps within the shaded box. Chart courtesy of the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory.
Figure 2.4
The Production of Ethanol from Cellulosic Biomass
• Hydrolysis is the chemical reaction that converts the complex polysaccharides in the raw
feedstock to simple sugars. In the biomass-to-bioethanol process, acids and enzymes are used to
catalyze this reaction.
• Fermentation is a series of chemical reactions that convert sugars to ethanol. The fermentation
reaction is caused by yeast or bacteria, which feed on the sugars. Ethanol and carbon dioxide are
produced as the sugar is consumed.
• Process Description. The basic processes for converting sugar and starch crops are well-known
and used commercially today. While these types of plants generally have a greater value as food
sources than as fuel sources there are some exceptions to this. For example, Brazil uses its huge
crops of sugar cane to produce fuel for its transportation needs. The current U.S. fuel ethanol
industry is based primarily on the starch in the kernels of feed corn, America’s largest agricultural
• Biomass Handling. Biomass goes through a size-reduction step to make it easier to handle and
to make the ethanol production process more efficient. For example, agricultural residues go
through a grinding process and wood goes through a chipping process to achieve a uniform
particle size.
• Biomass Pretreatment. In this step, the hemicellulose fraction of the biomass is broken down
into simple sugars. A chemical reaction called hydrolysis occurs when dilute sulfuric acid is mixed
with the biomass feedstock. In this hydrolysis reaction, the complex chains of sugars that make
up the hemicellulose are broken, releasing simple sugars. The complex hemicellulose sugars are
converted to a mix of soluble five-carbon sugars, xylose and arabinose, and soluble six-carbon
sugars, mannose and galactose. A small portion of the cellulose is also converted to glucose in
this step.
• Enzyme Production. The cellulase enzymes that are used to hydrolyze the cellulose fraction of
the biomass are grown in this step. Alternatively the enzymes might be purchased from
commercial enzyme companies.
• Cellulose Hydrolysis. In this step, the remaining cellulose is hydrolyzed to glucose. In this
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction, cellulase enzymes are used to break the chains of sugars that
make up the cellulose, releasing glucose. Cellulose hydrolysis is also called cellulose
saccharification because it produces sugars.
• Glucose Fermentation. The glucose is converted to ethanol, through a process called
fermentation. Fermentation is a series of chemical reactions that convert sugars to ethanol. The
fermentation reaction is caused by yeast or bacteria, which feed on the sugars. As the sugars are
consumed, ethanol and carbon dioxide are produced.
• Pentose Fermentation. The hemicellulose fraction of biomass is rich in five-carbon sugars,
which are also called pentoses. Xylose is the most prevalent pentose released by the
hemicellulose hydrolysis reaction. In this step, xylose is fermented using Zymomonas mobilis or
other genetically engineered bacteria.
• Ethanol Recovery. The fermentation product from the glucose and pentose fermentation is
called ethanol broth. In this step the ethanol is separated from the other components in the broth.
A final dehydration step removes any remaining water from the ethanol.
• Lignin Utilization. Lignin and other byproducts of the biomass-to-ethanol process can be used to
produce the electricity required for the ethanol production process. Burning lignin actually creates
more energy than needed and selling electricity may help the process economics.
Converting cellulosic biomass to ethanol is currently too expensive to be used on a commercial scale.
Researchers are working to improve the efficiency and economics of the ethanol production process by
focusing their efforts on the two most challenging steps:
Renewable Fuels Association, and the Department of Energy,
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Table 2.11
Ethanol-Blended Fuel Use by State, 2004
Renewable Fuels Association,,
"From Niche to Nation: Ethanol Industry Outlook 2006."
While the current production cost for gasoline is significantly less than for ethanol, gasoline production
cost is projected to increase over time. Production cost for ethanol is projected to decrease over time.
Table 2.12
Gasoline and Ethanol: Comparison of Current and Potential
Production Costs in North America
(U.S. dollars per gasoline-equivalent liter)
International Energy Agency, Biofuels for Transport, Table 4.6
Note: Gasoline gate cost based on $24/barrel oil in 2002, $30/barrel in 2020; corn ethanol from IEA, with
about 1% per year cost reduction in future; cellulosic costs from IEA based on NREL estimates.
Twenty-one ethanol dry mill processing plants contributed to the survey results reported here. The costs
reported are 2002 dollars.
Table 2.13
Undenatured Ethanol Cash Operating Expenses and Net Feedstock Costs for
Dry-milling Process by Plant Size, 2002
Shapouri, H. and Gallagher, P. 2005. USDA’s Ethanol Cost of Production Survey. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Agricultural Economic Report Number 841. July 2005.
bu – bushels
gal – gallons
dol – dollars
The ethanol industry spent nearly $5.3 billion in 2004 to produce ethanol. Most of this spending was for
corn grain, followed by new plant construction. These expenditures created an estimated $15.3 billion in
additional output in the U.S. economy, increased household earnings by nearly $3.9 billion, and created
over 143,000 jobs.
Table 2.14
Economic Contribution of the Ethanol Industry, 2004
John M. Urbanchuk, Director, LECG LLC, 1255 Drummers Lane, Suite 320, Wayne, PA 19087,
Figure 2.5
Ethanol Net Energy Balances and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The net energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions associated with ethanol production have been
analyzed by multiple groups in the past 5 years. Some analysts have shown negative energy input to
output balances while others have shown neutral to positive balances. Greenhouse gas emission
estimates have also varied accordingly. Some differences can be explained by use of older versus new
data, by inclusion or exclusion of co-products and by use of different system boundaries. Alexander
Farrell and others in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, recently
developed a Biofuel Analysis MetaModel (EBAMM) as a new analyses tool. The group first replicated the
results of six published studies with EBAMM then adjusted all six analyses to (a) add coproduct credit
where needed, (b) apply a consistent system boundary, (c) account for different energy types, and (d)
calculate policy relevant metrics.
The results shown below in figures A & B show the original and adjusted values for the six studies,
EBAMM generated values for 3 cases including CO2 intensive ethanol, ethanol today, and cellulosic
ethanol, and a gasoline comparison. Adjusting system boundaries reduces scatter in the results. All
studies show that ethanol made from conventionally grown corn can have greenhouse gas emissions that
are slightly more or less than gasoline per unit of energy but that conventional corn ethanol requires much
less petroleum inputs. The model suggests that ethanol produced from cellulosic materials reduces both
GHG’s and petroleum inputs substantially.
A.E. Farrell, R.J. Plevin, B.T. Turner, A.D. Jones, M. O’Hare, D.M. kammen, 2006. Ethanol Can
Contribute To Energy and Environmental Goals. Science, Vol. 311, January 27, 2006.
Additional references:
T. Patzek. Crit. Rev. Plant Science, 23, 519 (2004)
D. Pimentel, T. Patzek, Nat. Resource Res. 14, 65(2005)
M.E.D. de Olivera, B.E. Vaughn, E.J. Rykiel, Bioscience, 55, 593(2005)
H. Shappouri, A. McAloon, ”The 2001 Net Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol,” (U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, DC, 2004).
M. Graboski, “Fossil Energy Use in the Manufacture of Corn Ethanol,” (National Corn Growers
Association, Washington, DC, 2002).
M. Wang, “Development and Use of GREET 1.6 Fuel-Cycle Model for Transportation Fuels and Vehicle
Technologies,” (Tech. Rep. ANL/ESD/TM-163, Argonne National laboratory, Argonne, IL, 2001).
Figure 2.6
Comparisons of Energy Inputs and GHG Emissions for Three Ethanol Scenarios and Gasoline
The graphic above was developed by the Energy and Resources group at the University of California,
Berkeley using their Biofuel Analysis MetaModel. It is comparing the intensity of primary energy inputs
(MJ) per MJ of fuel produced (ethanol or gasoline) and of net greenhouse gas emissions (kg CO2 –
equivalent) per MJ. For gasoline both petroleum feedstock and petroleum energy inputs are included.
“Other” includes nuclear and hydroelectric generation. The Ethanol Today case includes typical values
for the current U.S. corn ethanol industry. The CO2 intensive case assumes the ethanol is produced in a
lignite-fired biorefinery located far from where the corn is grown. The Cellulosic case assumes ethanol is
produced from switchgrassgrown locally. Cellulosic ethanol is expected to have an extremely low
intensity for all fossil fuels and a very slightly negative coal intensity due to electricity sales that would
displace coal.
A.E. Farrell, R.J. Plevin, B.T. Turner, A.D. Jones, M. O’Hare, D.M. Kammen, 2006. Ethanol Can
Contribute To Energy and Environmental Goals. Science, Vol 311, January 27, 2006,
Figure 2.5 includes a data point from M. Wang based on use of the GREET (Greenhouse gases,
Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation) model. This page provides more information
about this public domain model that is available at:
Figure 2.7
Comparative Results between Ethanol and Gasoline Based on an Evaluation by the GREET Model
Figures: Michael Wang "The Debate on Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impacts of Fuel
Ethanol", Energy Systems Division Seminar Argonne National Laboratory August 3, 2005. Text:
Argonne National Laboratory, Transportation Technology R&D Center,
The GREET model was developed by Argonne National Laboratory under the sponsorship of the U.S.
Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in order to fully evaluate
energy and emission impacts of advanced vehicle technologies and new transportation fuels. The first
version of this public domain model was released in 1996. Since then, Argonne has continued to update
and expand the model with GREET 1.7 version now available. The model allows researchers and
analysts to evaluate various vehicle and fuel combinations on a full fuel-cycle basis that includes wells to
wheels and the vehicle cycle through material recovery and vehicle disposal.
For a given vehicle and fuel system, GREET separately calculates the following:
• Consumption of total energy (energy in non-renewable and renewable sources) and fossil fuels
(petroleum, natural gas, and coal).
• Emissions of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous
• Emissions of five criteria pollutants: volatile organic oxide, particulate matter with size smaller than
10 micron (PM10), and sulfur oxides.
GREET includes more than 30 fuel-cycle pathway groups and the following vehicle technologies:
• Conventional spark-ignition engines
• Direct injection, compression ignition engines
• Grid-connected hybrid electric vehicles
• Grid-independent hybrid electric vehicles
• Battery-powered electric vehicles
• Fuel-cell vehicles
Table 2.15
Comparison of Ethanol Energy Balance with and Without Inclusion
of Coproduct Energy Credits
Tables A and B, from a paper by H. Shapouri and A. McAloon, show the effects of partitioning the energy
inputs to coproducts as well as to the ethanol produced at wet and dry mills.
Table A summarizes the input energy requirements, by phase of ethanol production on a Btu per gallon
basis (LHV) for 2001, without byproduct credits. Energy estimates are provided for both dry- and wet-
milling as well as industry average. In each case, corn ethanol has a positive energy balance, even
before subtracting the energy allocated to byproducts.
Table B presents the final net energy balance of corn ethanol adjusted for byproducts. The net energy
balance estimate for corn ethanol produced from wet-milling is 27,729 Btu per gallon, the net energy
balance estimate for dry-milling is 33,196 Btu per gallon, and the weighted average is 30,528 Btu per
gallon. The energy ratio is 1.57 and 1.77 for wet- and dry-milling, respectively, and the weighted average
energy ratio is 1.67.
Table A Table B
Energy Use and Net Energy Value Per Gallon Without Energy Use and Net Energy Value Per Gallon with
Coproduct Energy Credits, 2001 Coproduct Energy Credits, 2001
H. Shappouri, A. McAloon, ”The 2001 Net Energy Balance of Corn Ethanol,” (U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, DC, 2004).
These states offer extra incentives for ethanol production or consumption (gasohol or E85). Details on
these incentives can be found at progs/laws.cgi
Table 2.16
State Ethanol Incentives, 2005
U.S. Department of Energy, Vehicle Buyer’s Guide for Consumers, State and Federal Laws and
Biodiesel Overview
Biodiesel is a clean burning alternative fuel produced from domestic, renewable resources. The fuel is a
mixture of fatty acid alkyl esters made from vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled greases. Where
available, biodiesel can be used in compression-ignition (diesel) engines in its pure form with little or no
modifications. Biodiesel is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulfur and
aromatics. It is usually used as a petroleum diesel additive to reduce levels of particulates, carbon
monoxide, hydrocarbons and air toxics from diesel-powered vehicles. When used as an additive, the
resulting diesel fuel may be called B5, B10 or B20, representing the percentage of the biodiesel that is
blended with petroleum diesel.
In the United States, most biodiesel is made from soybean oil or recycled cooking oils. Animal fats, other
vegetable oils, and other recycled oils can also be used to produce biodiesel, depending on their costs
and availability. In the future, blends of all kinds of fats and oils may be used to produce biodiesel.
Biodiesel is made through a chemical process called transesterification whereby the glycerin is separated
from the fat or vegetable oil. The process leaves behind two products -- methyl esters (the chemical name
for biodiesel) and glycerin (a valuable byproduct usually sold to be used in soaps and other products).
Fuel-grade biodiesel must be produced to strict industry specifications (ASTM D6751) in order to insure
proper performance. Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing
requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Biodiesel that meets ASTM D6751 and is legally
registered with the Environmental Protection Agency is a legal motor fuel for sale and distribution. Raw
vegetable oil cannot meet biodiesel fuel specifications; therefore, it is not registered with the EPA and it is
not a legal motor fuel.
U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and the National Biodiesel Board,
During 2002, Europe, in general, and particularly the EU countries of Germany, France and Italy, were
the dominant producers of biodiesel worldwide.
Table 2.17
World Biodiesel Capacity, 2002
(million gallons)
International Energy Agency "Biofuels For Transport: An International
Perspective," page 30, Table 1.1, May 2004.
Feedstock in the United States is soy; in Europe, rapeseed and
The geographic distribution of biodiesel production facilities is wide ranging, covering all regions of the
United States.
Table 2.18
Active Biodiesel Production Facilities, 2005
National Biodiesel Board,, Under
Production, "Existing Plants - Production Map & Table."
Table 2.19
Proposed Biodiesel Production Facilities, 2005
Figure 2.8
Active and Proposed Biodiesel Production Facilities, 2005
Production of biodiesel has grown since 1999, but the most notable growth was in 2005 when production
tripled to 75 million gallons.
Figure 2.9
Estimated U.S. Biodiesel Production, 1999-2005
Million Gallons
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
National Biodiesel Board, Biodiesel Fact Sheets, Production Capacity,
It is extremely important to realize that vegetable oils are mixtures of tryglycerides from various fatty
acids. The composition of vegetable oils varies with the plant source. The table below indicates the
percentages of each type of fatty acid that is in common vegetable oils or animal fats. The two numbers
at the top of each column represents the number of carbon atoms and double bonds (e.g. 16:0 refers to
the 16 carbon atoms and 0 double bonds found in the long chain of Palmitic acid). See text on Typical
Proportions of Chemicals Used to Make Biodiesel (Figure 2.10) for a description of several types of
tryglycerides that are found in vegetable oils.
Table 2.20
Composition of Various Oils and Fats Used for Biodiesel
(Percentage of each type of fatty acid common to each type of feedstock)
Oil or fat 14:00 16:00 18:00 18:01 18:02 18:03 20:00 22:01
Soybean 6-10 2-5 20-30 50-60 5-11
Corn 1-2 8-12 2-5 19-49 34-52 trace
Peanut 8-9 2-3 50-60 20-30
Olive 9-10 2-3 73-84 10-12 trace
Cottonseed 0-2 20-25 1-2 23-35 40-50 trace
Adapted from: J. Van Gerpen, B. Shanks, and R. Pruszko, D. Clements, and G. Knothe, 2004, “Biodiesel
Production Technology,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory subcontractor report NREL/SR-
510-36244, chapter 1, page 1. Please see this document for a full discussion. Available on-line in
DOE’s biomass document database. Search by author or title.
Figure 2.10
Typical Proportions of Chemicals Used to Make Biodiesel
The most cursory look at the literature relating to biodiesel reveals the following relationship for
production of biodiesel from fats and oils: 100 lbs of oil + 10 lbs of methanol OEVRIELRGLHVHO
lbs of glycerol - This equation is a simplified form of the following transesterfication reaction:
R1, R2, and R3 in the above equation are long chains of carbons and hydrogen atoms, sometimes called
fatty acid chains. There are five types of chains that are common in soybean oil and animal fats shown
below (others are present in small amounts).
As indicated, a short-hand designation for these chains is two numbers separated by a colon. The first
number designates the number of carbon atoms in the chain and the second number designates the
number of double bonds. Note that the number of carbon atoms includes the carbon that is double
bonded to the oxygen atom at one end of the fatty acid (called the carboxylic carbon). This is the end that
the methanol attaches to when methyl ester is produced.
Reproduced from: J. Van Gerpen, B. Shanks, and R. Pruszko, D. Clements, and G. Knothe, 2004.
Biodiesel Production Technology. National Renewable Energy Laboratory subcontractor report
NREL/SR-510-36244; Chapter 1, page 1.
The parameters for B100 fuel are specified through the biodiesel standard, ASTM D 6751. This standard
identifies the parameters that pure biodiesel (B100) must meet before being used as a pure fuel or being
blended with petrodiesel. The National Biodiesel Board has adopted ASTM biodiesel specifications.
Table 2.21
Specification for Biodiesel (B100)
National Biodiesel Board, Biodiesel Fact Sheets, Biodiesel Production & Quality Standards.
1. To meet special operating conditions, modifications of individual limiting requirements may be agreed
upon between purchaser, seller and manufacturer.
2. A considerable amount of experience exists in the US with a 20% blend of biodiesel with 80% diesel
fuel (B20). Although biodiesel (B100) can be used, blends of over 20% biodiesel with diesel fuel
should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis until further experience is available.
Alternate source providing explanations for the various specifications can be found at:
J. Van Gerpen, B. Shanks, and R. Pruszko, D. Clements, and G. Knothe, 2004. Biodiesel Production
Technology. National Renewable Energy Laboratory subcontractor report NREL/SR-510-36244;
Chapter 1, page 23. Available on-line in DOE’s biomass document database. Search by author or
The carbon residue shall be run on the 100% sample.
Figure 2.11
Commercial Biodiesel Production Methods
The production processes for biodiesel are well known. There are three basic routes to biodiesel
production from oils and fats:
Most of the biodiesel produced today uses the base catalyzed reaction for several reasons:
The chemical reaction for base catalyzed biodiesel production is depicted below. One hundred pounds of
fat or oil (such as soybean oil) are reacted with 10 pounds of a short chain alcohol in the presence of a
catalyst to produce 10 pounds of glycerin and 100 pounds of biodiesel. The short chain alcohol, signified
by ROH (usually methanol, but sometimes ethanol) is charged in excess to assist in quick conversion.
The catalyst is usually sodium or potassium hydroxide that has already been mixed with the methanol. R’,
R’’, and R’’’ indicate the fatty acid chains associated with the oil or fat which are largely palmitic, stearic,
oleic, and linoleic acids for naturally occurring oils and fats.
National Biodiesel Board, Fact Sheet "Biodiesel Production and Quality,"
Note: The term glycerin may include glycerol and related co-products of the glycerol production process.
The results of a study conducted by the EPA on the emissions produced by biodiesel show that except
for nitrogen oxides (NOx), regulated and non regulated emissions from both B100 (100% biodiesel) and
B20 (20% biodiesel) are significantly lower than for conventional petroleum based diesel.
Table 2.22
Average Biodiesel (B100 and B20) Emissions Compared to Conventional Diesel
National Biodiesel Board, Biodiesel Fact Sheets, Emissions.
Note: Testing was performed by the EPA. The full report titled "A Comprehensive Analysis of Biodiesel
Impacts on Exhaust Emissions" can be found at:
B100 is 100% biodiesel while B20 is a blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% conventional petroleum based
Estimated from B100 result.
Average reduction across all compounds measured.
2-nitroflourine results were within test method variability.
The market effects of increased biodiesel production and use in the United States would likely drive up
the price of soybean oil while driving down the price for soybean meal used in livestock feed. The overall
net impact on farm incomes is estimated to be an increase of about 0.3%.
Table 2.23
Estimated Impacts from Increased Use of Biodiesel
International Energy Agency "Biofuels for Transport: An International Perspective," Page 96, Table 4.12.
BioOil Overview
A totally different process than that used to produce biodiesel can be used to convert biomass into a type
of fuel similar to diesel known as BioOil. The process, called fast or flash pyrolysis, occurs when heating
compact solid fuels at temperatures between 350 and 500 degrees Celsius for a very short period of time
(less than 2 seconds). While there are several fast pyrolysis technologies under development, there are
only two commercial fast pyrolysis technologies as of 2006. The BioOils currently produced are suitable
for use in boilers for electricity generation. Additional research and development is needed to produce
BioOil of sufficient quality for transportation applications.
DynaMotive Energy Systems is commercializing a proprietary fast pyrolysis process that converts forest
and agricultural residue into liquid BioOil and char. The company launched the first BioOil cogeneration
facility in West Lorn, Ontario, in collaboration with Erie Flooring and Wood Products Company. The
flooring company provides the wood residue and DynaMotive’s 2.5 megawatt plant uses its fast pyrolysis
technology and a gas turbine to supply power to the wood product’s mills and lumber kilns. DynaMotive is
now in the process of building a second 200 ton-per-day plant in Western Canada.
Ensyn Group Inc. has commercialized a fast pyrolysis technology under the name of Rapid Thermal
Processing RTP[tm]. This technology is based on the biomass refining concept, where value added
chemicals are produced in addition to a consistent quality BioOil. Ensyn has four RTP[tm] facilities in
commercial operation; a new facility and a BioOil refining plant are currently under construction. Three of
the commercial facilities are in Wisconsin and one is in Ottawa, Canada. The largest of these facilities,
built in 1996, processes about 75 green tons per day of mixed hardwood wastes. Ensyn currently
produces about 30 chemicals products from RTP[tm] BioOil with lower value remnant BioOil used for
energy. Ensyn is just beginning to enter the energy market.
BioOils are being commercially produced in North America by only two companies as of 2006—Ensyn
Group, Inc, and DynaMotive Energy Systems. BioOil has many of the advantages of petroleum fuels
since it can be stored, pumped and transported. It is currently being combusted directly in boilers, gas
turbines, and slow and medium speed diesels for heat and power applications.
Figure 2.12
A Fast Pyrolysis Process for Making BioOil
Information from DynaMotive’s website describes the process as follows. Prepared feedstocks with less
than 10% moisture content and a 1-2 mm particle size are fed into the bubbling fluid-bed reactor. The
fluidized bed is heated to 450-500 degrees Celsius in the absence of oxygen. The feedstock flashes and
vaporizes and the resulting gases pass into a cyclone where solid particles, char, are extracted. The
gases enter a quench tower where they are quickly cooled using BioOil already made in the process.
The BioOil condenses and falls into the product tank, while the non-condensable gases are returned to
the reactor to maintain process heating. The entire reaction from injection to quenching takes only two
One hundred percent of the feedstock is utilized in the process to produce BioOil and char. The
characteristics of the BioOil are described in tables found under BioOil in the Biofuels section of this book
and can also be found at the source listed above. The char that is collected is a high Btu value solid fuel
that can be used in kilns, boilers and the briquette industry. The non-condensed gases are re-circulated
to fuel approximately 75% of the energy needed by the pyrolysis process. The relative yields of BioOil,
char, and non-condensable gases vary depending on feedstock composition.
"BioOil is a dark brown, free flowing liquid comprised of highly oxygenated compounds. As a fuel, BioOil
is considered to be CO2 neutral, and emits no SOx and low NOx when combusted. BioOil density is high
at 1.2 kgs/litre. Heating value on a weight basis is approximately 40 % to that of diesel. On a volume
basis the heating value compared to diesel is approximately 55%." –DynaMotive.
Table 2.24
BioOil Characteristics
Pine 53% Spruce 47%
BioOil Characteristics (including bark) Bagasse
pH 2.4 2.6
Water Content wt% 23.4 20.8
Methanol Insolvable Solids (Lignin content wt%) 24.9 23.5
Solids Content wt% <0.10 <0.10
Ash Content wt% <0.02 <0.02
Density kg/L 1.19 1.2
Low Heating Mj/kg 16.4 15.4
Kinematic Viscosity cSt @ 20 C 40 50
Kinematic Viscosity cSt @ 80 C 6 7
"BioOil is miscible with alcohols such as ethanol and methanol but is immiscible with hydrocarbons. The
following table lists the chemical composition of major BioOil constituents." –DynaMotive.
Table 2.25
BioOil Composition
"BioOil fuels have unique characteristics that distinguish them from petroleum-based (hydro carbon)
products. The table below illustrates the primary differences between BioOil and other fuels including light
and heavy fuel oil." –DynaMotive
Table 2.26
BioOil Fuel Comparisons
Today in parts of the developing world (and until several decades ago in the United States), biomass is
primarily used to provide heat for cooking and comfort. Technologies have now been developed which
can generate electricity from the energy in biomass fuels. Biomass technologies are highly scaleable –
small enough to be used on a farm or in remote villages, or large enough to provide power for a small
There are four primary classes of biopower systems: direct-fired, co-fired, gasification, and modular
systems. Most of today's biopower plants are direct-fired systems that are similar to most fossil-fuel fired
power plants. The biomass fuel is burned in a boiler to produce high-pressure steam. This steam is
introduced into a steam turbine, where it flows over a series of aerodynamic turbine blades, causing the
turbine to rotate. The turbine is connected to an electric generator, so as the steam flow causes the
turbine to rotate, the electric generator turns and electricity is produced. Biomass power boilers are
typically in the 20-50 MW range, compared to coal-fired plants in the 100-1500 MW range. The small
capacity plants tend to be lower in efficiency because of economic trade-offs; efficiency-enhancing
equipment cannot pay for itself in small plants. Although techniques exist to push biomass steam
generation efficiency over 40%, actual plant efficiencies are often in the low 20% range.
Co-firing involves substituting biomass for a portion of coal in an existing power plant furnace. It is the
most economic near-term option for introducing new biomass power generation. Because much of the
existing power plant equipment can be used without major modifications, co-firing is far less expensive
than building a new biopower plant. Compared to the coal it replaces, biomass reduces sulphur dioxide
(SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and other air emissions. After "tuning" the boiler for peak performance,
there is little or no loss in efficiency from adding biomass. This allows the energy in biomass to be
converted to electricity with the high efficiency (in the 33-37% range) of a modern coal-fired power plant.
Biomass gasifiers operate by heating biomass in an environment where the solid biomass breaks down
to form a flammable gas. The biogas can be cleaned and filtered to remove problem chemical
compounds. The gas can be used in more efficient power generation systems called combined-cycles,
which combine gas turbines and steam turbines to produce electricity. The efficiency of these systems
can reach 60%.
Modular systems employ some of the same technologies mentioned above, but on a smaller scale that
is more applicable to villages, farms, and small industry. These systems are now under development and
could be most useful in remote areas where biomass is abundant and electricity is scarce. There are
many opportunities for these systems in developing countries.
U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Table 3.1
Biomass Power Technology in Commercial/Demonstration Phase during 2000-2006
Technology Biomass Conversion Primary Energy Form Primary Energy Final Energy
Category Technology Produced Conversion Products
Direct combustion Stove/Furnace Heat Heat exchanger Hot air, hot water
Direct combustion Pile burners Heat, steam Steam turbine Electricity
Direct combustion Stoker grate boilers Heat, steam Steam turbine Electricity
Direct combustion Suspension boilers: Air Heat, steam Steam turbine Electricity
spreader stoker or cyclonic
Compiled by Lynn Wright, Oak Ridge, TN.
Note: See Glossary for definitions of terms found under the "Technology Category" column.
The following references are suggested for further reading:
Overend, Ralph. 2003. Heat, power and combined heat and power. Chapter 3 in: Sims, R. Bioenergy
Options for a Cleaner Environment: In Developed and Developing Countries, Elsiver, ISBN: 0-08-
044351-6. 193 pages
Broek, R. van den, Faaij, A., and van Wijk, J. 1995, Biomass Combustion Power Generation
Technologies, Study performed within the framework of the extended JOULE-IIA programme of
CECDGXII, project “Energy from biomass: an assessment of two promising systems for energy
production”, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Utrech University, Utrecht (Report no.
95029). Available at website:
Table 3.2
Biomass Power Technology Fuel Specifications and Capacity Range
Moisture Content
Biomass Conversion Particle Size Requirements (wet Average capacity range / link to
Technology Commonly used fuel typesa Requirements basis)b examples
Stove/Furnace solid wood, pressed logs, wood Limited by stove size 10 – 30% 15 kWt to ?
chips and pellets and opening
Pile burners Virtually any kind of wood Limited by grate size < 65% 4 to 110 MWe
residues or agricultural residues
d and feed opening
except wood flour
Pile burner fed with Sawdust, non-stringy bark, 0.25-2 in (6-38 mm) 10-30% 4 to 110 MWe
underfire stoker (biomass shavings, chips, hog fuel
fed by auger below bed)
Stoker grate boilers Sawdust, non-stringy bark, 0.25 – 2 in (6 -50 mm) 10-50% (keep 20 to 300 Mwe many in 20 to 50
shavings, end cuts, chips, chip within 10% of design MWe range
rejects, hog fuel rate)
Suspension boilers Cyclonic Sawdust. Non-stringy bark, 0.25 in (6 mm) max < 15% many < 30 MWe
shavings, flour, sander dust
Suspension boilers, Air Wood flour, sander dust, and 0.04 in -0.06 in (1-1.6 < 20% 1.5 MWe to 30 Mwe
spreader-stoker processed sawdust, shavings mm)
Fluidized-bed combustor Low alkali content fuels, mostly < 2 in (<50 mm) < 60% Many at 20 to 25 MWe, up to 300
(FB- bubbling or CFB- wood residues or peat no flour or Example 1
circulating) stringy materials
Example 2
Co-firing: pulverized coal Sawdust, non-stringy bark, <0.25 in (<6 mm) < 25% e
Up to 1500 MWe Example
boiler shavings, flour, sander dust
Co-firing: cyclones Sawdust, non-stringy bark, <0.5 in (<12 mm) 10 – 50% e
40 to 1150 MWe Example
shavings, flour, sander dust
Co-firing: stokers, fluidized Sawdust, non-stringy bark, < 3 in (<72 mm) 10 – 50% e
MWe Example
bed shavings, flour, hog fuel
Counter current, fixed bed Chipped wood or hog fuel, rice 0.25 – 4 in (6 – 100 < 20% 5 to 90 MWt, + up to 12 MWe
(updraft) atmospheric hulls, dried sewage sludge mm) Example
Downdraft, moving bed Wood chips, pellets, wood scrapes, < 2 in (<50 mm) <15% ~ 25-100 kWe Example
atmospheric gasifier nut shells
Circulating fluidized bed Most wood and chipped agricultural 0.25 – 2 in (6 -50 mm) 15-50% ~ 5 to 10 Mwe Example
(CFB), dual vessel, gasifier residues but no flour or stringy
Fast pryolysis Variety of wood and agricultural 0.04-0.25 in (1-6 mm ) < 10% ~ 2.5 Mwe Example 1
Example 2
Anerobic digesters Animal manures & bedding, food NA 65 to 99.9% liquid 145 to 1700 x 103 kwhr/yr
processing residues, brewery by- depending on type, Example 1
products, other industry organic i.e., 0.1 to 35%
residues solids Example 2
Compiled by Lynn Wright, Oak Ridge, TN.
Primary source for fuel types is: Badger, Phillip C. 2002. Processing Cost Analysis for Biomass
Feedstocks. ORNL/TM-2002/199. Available at (search by title or
Most primary biomass, as harvested, has a moisture content (MC) of 50 to 60% (by wet weight)
while secondary or tertiary sources of biomass may be delivered at between 10 and 30%. A lower MC
always improves efficiency and some technologies require low MC biomass to operate properly while
others can handle a range of MC.
Wood residues may include forest logging residues and storm damaged trees (hog fuel), primary
mill residues (e.g. chipped bark and chip rejects), secondary mill residues (e.g. dry sawdust), urban wood
residues such as construction and demolition debris, pallets and packaging materials, tree trimmings,
urban land clearing debris, and other wood residue components of municipal solid waste (as wood chips).
Agricultural residues may include straws and dried grasses, nut hulls, orchard trimmings, fruit pits,
etc. Slagging may be more of a problem in some types of combustion units with high alkali straws and
grasses, unless the boilers have been specially designed to handle these type fuels.
The biomass component of a co-firing facility will usually be less than the equivalent of 50MWe.
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
There are three distinct markets for green power in the United States. In regulated markets, a single utility
may provide a green power option to its customers through “green pricing,” which is an optional service or
tariff offered to customers. These utilities include investor-owned utilities, rural electric cooperatives, and
other publicly-owned utilities. More than 500 utilities in 34 states offer green pricing or are in the process
of preparing programs.
In restructured (or competitive) electricity markets, retail electricity customers can choose from among
multiple electricity suppliers, some of which may offer green power. Electricity markets are now open to
full competition in a number of states, while others are phasing in competition.
Finally, consumers can purchase green power through “renewable energy certificates.” These certificates
represent the environmental attributes of renewable energy generation and can be sold to customers in
either type of market, whether or not they already have access to a green power product from their
existing retail power provider.
Utility market research shows that majorities of customer respondents are likely to state that they would
pay at least $5 more per month for renewable energy. And business and other nonresidential customers,
including colleges and universities, and government entities, are increasingly interested in green power.
Table 3.3
New Renewable Capacity Supplying Green Power Markets, 2004
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Chapter 3, Table 3.6.5.
Note: MW = megawatt.
Green pricing is an optional utility service that allows customers an opportunity to support a greater level
of utility company investment in renewable energy technologies. Participating customers pay a premium
on their electric bill to cover the extra cost of the renewable energy. Many utilities are offering green
pricing to build customer loyalty and expand business lines and expertise prior to electric market
competition. As of 2003, 36 utilities in 19 states had implemented green pricing options that used or
included biomass feedstocks.
Table 3.4
New Renewable Capacity Supported through Utility Green Pricing Programs, 2004
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technology Energy Data Book, Table 3.7.1,
Note: MW = megawatt.
There are a growing number of utilities offering green pricing programs that utilize biomass resources.
Table 3.5
Utility Green Pricing Programs Using Biomass and Biomass Based Resources
State Utility Name Program Name Resource Type Start Date Premium
Alabama Alabama Power Renewable Energy biomass co-firing 2003 / 2000 6.0¢/ kWh
TVA Green Power Switch wind, landfill gas, 2000 2.67¢/ kWh
Arizona Salt River Project EarthWise Energy central PV,landfill 1998 / 2001 3.0¢/kWh
gas, small hydro
Tucson Electric GreenWatts landfill gas, PV, 2000 7.5-10¢/ kWh
California Los Angeles Dept. of Green Power for a wind, landfill gas 1999 3.0¢/kWh
Water and Power Green LA
Sacramento Municipal Greenergy wind, landfill gas, 1997 1.0¢/kWh
Utility District hydro
Colorado Tri-State Generation & Renewable wind, landfill gas 1999 2.5¢/kWh
Transmission Resource Power
Florida City of Tallahassee / Green for You biomass, solar 2002 1.6¢/kWh
Sterling Planet
Florida Power & Light / Sunshine Energy biomass, wind, 2004 0.975¢/kWh
Green Mountain Energy solar
Gainesville Regional GRUgreen Energy landfill gas, wind, 2003 2.0¢/kWh
Utilities solar
Tampa Electric Company Tampa Electric's PV, landfill gas 2000 10.0¢/kWh
(TECO) Renewable Energy
Georgia Georgia Electric Green Power EMC landfill gas 2001 TBD
Membership Corporation
Georgia Power Green Energy landfill gas, wind, TBD 5.5¢/kWh
Savannah Electric Green Energy landfill gas, wind, TBD 6.0¢/kWh
TVA Green Power Switch wind, landfill gas, 2000 2.67¢/ kWh
Iowa Alliant Energy Second Nature wind, landfill gas 2001 2.0¢/kWh
Farmers Electric Green Power Project biodiesel, wind 2004 Contribution
Iowa Association of Green City Energy wind, biomass, 2003 Varies by
Municipal Utilities solar utility
Continued on next page
State Utility Name Program Name Resource Type Start Date Premium
Illinois City of St. Charles / TBD wind, landfill gas 2003 Contribution
ComEd and Community
Energy, Inc.
Indiana Hoosier Energy EnviroWatts landfill gas 2001 2.0¢/kWh-4.0¢/kWh
PSI Energy/Cinergy Green Power Rider wind, solar, landfill 2001 Contribution
gas, digester gas
Wabash Valley Power EnviroWatts landfill gas 2000 0.9-1.0¢/kWh
Kentucky East Kentucky Power EnviroWatts landfill gas 2002 2.75¢/kWh
TVA Green Power Switch landfill gas, solar, 2000 2.67¢/kWh
Michigan Lansing Board of Water GreenWise Electric Power landfill gas, small 2001 3.0¢/kWh
and Light hydro
We Energies Energy for Tomorrow wind, landfill gas, 2000 2.04¢/kWh
Minnesota Alliant Energy Second Nature wind, landfill gas 2002 2.0¢/kWh
Mississippi TVA Green Power Switch wind, landfill gas, 2000 2.67¢/kWh
North Carolina Dominion North Carolina NC GreenPower biomass, wind, solar 2003 4.0¢/kWh
Power, Power, Progress
Energy/CP&L Plus 7 cities
and 14 cooperatives
TVA Green Power Switch landfill gas, solar, 2000 2.67¢/kWh
Nebraska Omaha Public Power Green Power Program landfill gas, wind 2002 3.0¢/kWh
Tri-State: Chimney Rock Renewable Resource Power wind, landfill gas 2001 2.5¢/kWh
Public Power District, Service
New Mexico Tri-State: Kit Carson Renewable Resource Power wind, landfill gas 2001 2.5¢/kWh
Electric Cooperative Service
Ohio City of Bowling Green Bowling Green Power small hydro, wind, 1999 1.35¢/kWh
landfill gas
Oregon Pacific Northwest Green Power landfill gas 1998 1.8-2.0¢/kWh
Generating Cooperative
South Carolina Eight different Green Power Program landfill gas 2001 3.0¢/kWh
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Table 3.8.2,
A growing number of states have companies that offer a range of green power products that allow
consumers to purchase electricity generated in part or entirely from biomass resources.
Table 3.6
Competitive Electricity Markets Retail Green Power Product Offerings, October 2005
a b
State Company Product Name Price Premium Fee Resource Mix Certification
Connecticut Community Energy (CT Clean CT Clean Energy Options 50% new wind, 50%
Energy Options Program) 50% or 100% of usage 1.1¢/kWh — landfill gas —
98% waste-to-energy and
hydro (Class II), 2% new
100% Renewable Electricity solar, wind, fuel cells, and
Levco Program 0.0¢/kWh — landfill gas —
33% new wind, 33%
existing small low impact
Sterling Planet (CT Clean Energy Sterling Select 50% or hydro, 34% new landfill
Options Program) 100% of usage 1.15¢/kWh — gas —
District of Columbia Green Electricity 10%, 51% 1.35¢/kWh (for
PEPCO Energy Services or 100% of usage 100% usage) — landfill gas —
Maryland Green Electricity 10%, 51% 2.75¢/kWh (for
PEPCO Energy Services or 100% of usage 100% usage) — landfill gas —
50% to 100% eligible
PEPCO Energy Services Non-residential product NA — renewables Green-e
Massachusetts 75% small hydro, 24% new
Cape Light Compact Green 1.768¢/kWh (for wind or landfill gas, 1%
Cape Light Compact 50% or 100% 100% usage) — new solar —
Massachusetts Electric/Nantucket 75% small hydro, 19%
Electric/Mass Energy Consumers New England GreenStart 50% 2.4¢/kWh (for biomass, 5% wind, 1% solar
Alliance or 100% of usage 100% usage) — RIWRWDOLVQHZ —
50% small hydro, 30%
Massachusetts Electric/Nantucket Sterling Premium 50% or bioenergy, 15% wind, 5% Environmental
Electric/Sterling Planet 100% of usage 1.35¢/kWh — new solar Resources Trust
New Jersey 5% new wind, 0.4% solar,
44.6% captured methane,
Green Mountain Energy Companyf Enviro Blend 1.0¢/kWh $3.95/mo. 50% large hydro —
33% wind, 33% small hydro, Environmental
PSE&G/JCP&L/ Sterling Planet Clean Power Choice Program 1.2¢/kWh — 34% bioenergy Resources Trust
New York 0.5¢/kWh to 25% new wind, 75% existing
Energy Cooperative of New York Renewable Electricity 0.75¢/kWh — landfill gas —
Long Island Power Authority / 75% landfill gas, 25% small
EnviroGen Green Power Program 1.0¢/kWh — hydro —
Long Island Power Authority / Sterling 55% small hydro, 35%
Planet New York Clean 1.0¢/kWh — bioenergy, 10% wind —
Long Island Power Authority / Sterling 40% wind, 30% small hydro,
Planet Sterling Green 1.5¢/kWh — 30% bioenergy —
Niagara Mohawk / EnviroGen Think Green! 1.0¢/kWh — 75% landfill gas, 25% hydro —
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Table 3.8.8,
Prices updated as of July 2005 and may also apply to small commercial customers. Prices may
differ for large commercial/industrial customers and may vary by service territory.
New is defined as operating or repowered after January 1, 1999 based on the Green-e TRC
certification standards.
Offered in PEPCO service territory. Product prices are for renewal customers based on annual
average costs for customers in PEPCO's service territory (6.8¢/kWh).
Product offered in Baltimore Gas and Electric and PEPCO service territories. Price is for PEPCO
service territory based on price to compare of 6.55¢/kWh.
Price premium is based on a comparison to the Cape Light Compact's standard electricity
Green Mountain Energy offers products in Conectiv, JCPL, and PSE&G service territories. Product
prices are for PSE&G (price to compare of 6.503¢/kWh).
Price premium is for Niagara Mohawk service territory. Program only available in Niagara Mohawk
service territory. Premium varies depending on energy taxes and usage.
Product prices are for PECO service territory (price to compare of 6.21¢/kWh).
Product prices are based on price to beat of 12.1¢/kWh for TXU service territory (specifically
Dallas, Texas) (Except where noted). Except for Gexa Green, which is listed in price per kWh, prices
based on 1000 kWh of usage monthly, and include monthly fees.
Products are available in Dominion Virginia Power service territory.
Renewable energy certificates (RECs)—also known as green tags, renewable energy credits, or tradable
renewable certificates—represent the environmental attributes of power generated from renewable
electric plants. A number of organizations offer green energy certificates separate from electricity service
(i.e., customers do not need to switch from their current electricity supplier to purchase these certificates).
Organizations that offer green certificate products using biomass resources are listed below.
Table 3.7
Renewable Energy Certificate Product Offerings, October 2005
Location of
Renewable Renewable Residential Price
Certificate Marketer Product Name Resources Resources Premium Certification
Blue Sky Energy Corp Greener Choice™ Green Landfill Gas Utah 1.95¢/kWh —
Clean Energy National New Clean 24% wind, 25% National 0.6¢/kWh Environmental
Partnership/Sterling Planet Energy MIx biomass, 50% landfill Resources Trust
gas, 1% solar
Maine Interfaith Power & Green Tags (supplied QHZZLQG Washington, 2.0¢/kWh —
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Table 3.8.9,
The Climate Neutral Network certifies the methodology used to calculate the CO2 emissions
Table 3.8
Current Biomass Power Plants
Plant Name Committed Unit State Name County Capacity MW Heat Rate Cogeneration On-line Year
Florida Coast Paper Co LLC G Florida GULF 0.128873283 8538.991465 Yes 1937
Florida Coast Paper Co LLC G Florida GULF 0.128873283 8538.991465 Yes 1937
Florida Coast Paper Co LLC G Florida GULF 0.128873283 8538.991465 Yes 1947
Florida Coast Paper Co LLC G Florida GULF 0.180422596 8538.991465 Yes 1952
Florida Coast Paper Co LLC G Florida GULF 0.214788805 8538.991465 Yes 1952
Great Northern Paper G Maine PENOBSCOT 0.044617579 8538.991465 Yes 1954
Great Northern Paper G Maine PENOBSCOT 0.044617579 8538.991465 Yes 1956
Fort Bragg Western Wood Products G California MENDOCINO 1.448629561 8538.991465 Yes 1961
Stone Container Corporation Florence G South Carolina FLORENCE 3.280605752 8538.991465 Yes 1963
Fort Bragg Western Wood Products G California MENDOCINO 1.448629561 8538.991465 Yes 1969
Florida Coast Paper Co LLC G Florida GULF 0.365140968 8538.991465 Yes 1974
Stone Container Corporation Florence G South Carolina FLORENCE 4.199175363 8538.991465 Yes 1974
Somerset Plant G Maine SOMERSET 0.673694411 8538.991465 Yes 1976
Fort Bragg Western Wood Products G California MENDOCINO 1.448629561 8538.991465 Yes 1977
Vaagen Brothers Lumber Incorporated G Washington STEVENS 4.00 8538.991465 Yes 1979
Forster Inc Strong Plant G Maine FRANKLIN 0.12519927 8538.991465 Yes 1980
Stone Container Corporation Hopewell G Virginia PRINCE 4.760897033 8538.991465 Yes 1980
Diamond Walnut G California SAN JOAQUIN 3.901181102 15339 Yes 1981
Wheelabrator Hudson Energy Co G California SHASTA 5.841304881 12368.66667 No 1982
Rayonier Inland Wood Products G Idaho BENEWAH 6.25 8538.991465 Yes 1982
Tamarack Energy Partnership G Idaho ADAMS 5.201707828 25416.43077 Yes 1983
Snider Industries Incorporated G Texas HARRISON 1.542490288 12368.66667 Yes 1983
Agrilectric Power Partners Limited G Louisiana CALCASIEU 9.213845328 9224 No 1984
Bio Energy Corporation G New Hampshire MERRIMACK 11.42246966 8538.991465 Yes 1984
Susanville Facility G California LASSEN 1.002430238 9224 No 1985
Collins Pine Company Project G California PLUMAS 4.169269438 8538.991465 Yes 1985
Wheelabrator Martell Inc G California AMADOR 6.487078891 8538.991465 Yes 1985
Susanville Facility G California LASSEN 7.503397937 9224 No 1985
Pacific Oroville Power Inc G California BUTTE 8.53833579 9224 No 1985
Pacific Oroville Power Inc G California BUTTE 8.53833579 9224 No 1985
Mt Lassen Power G California SHASTA 10.33804027 9224 No 1985
Burney Mountain Power G California SHASTA 10.57367613 9224 No 1985
Ultrapower Chinese Station G California TUOLUMNE 21.38108255 9224 No 1985
Biomass One L P G Oregon JACKSON 0.882171777 8538.991465 Yes 1985
Biomass One L P G Oregon JACKSON 13.23257666 8538.991465 Yes 1985
Crestwood Corporation Dothan G Alabama HOUSTON 3.733695627 8538.991465 Yes 1986
Lincoln Facility G California PLACER 2.13531303 9224 No 1986
Quincy Facility G California PLUMAS 10.50316385 9224 No 1986
Burney Facility G California SHASTA 11.96450375 9224 No 1986
Fairhaven Power Co G California HUMBOLDT 15.19195204 9224 No 1986
Timber Energy Resources Incorporated G Florida LIBERTY 13.56859989 9224 No 1986
Sherman Energy Facility G Maine PENOBSCOT 18.45844126 8538.991465 Yes 1986
Pinetree Power Incoporated G New Hampshire GRAFTON 16.35655942 9224 No 1986
Co Gen LLC G Oregon GRANT 6.84375 25416.43077 Yes 1986
Wheelabrator Shasta G California SHASTA 16.35622526 9224 No 1987
Wheelabrator Shasta G California SHASTA 16.35622526 9224 No 1987
Wheelabrator Shasta G California SHASTA 16.35622526 9224 No 1987
Gorbell Thermo Electron Power G Maine SOMERSET 14.0130841 9224 No 1987
Hillman Power Company L L C G Michigan MONTMORENCY 18.10515075 9224 No 1987
Hemphill Power and Light Company G New Hampshire SULLIVAN 14.27220787 9224 No 1987
Bridgewater Power Company LP G New Hampshire GRAFTON 18.05291407 9224 No 1987
Pinetree Power Tamworth Inc G New Hampshire CARROLL 22.69876766 9224 No 1987
Co-Gen II, LLC G Oregon DOUGLAS 6.852791878 25416.43077 Yes 1987
Stone Container Corporation Florence G South Carolina FLORENCE 20.7596732 8538.991465 Yes 1987
The Pacific Lumber Company G California HUMBOLDT 6.001523055 8538.991465 Yes 1988
Greenville Steam Company G Maine PISCATAQUIS 14.59498243 25416.43077 No 1988
Viking Energy of McBain G Michigan MISSAUKEE 16.51695997 9224 No 1988
Whitefield Power and Light Co G New Hampshire COOS 14.51030066 9224 No 1988
Susquehanna Plant G Pennsylvania LYCOMING 10.91578166 7995.373263 Yes 1988
Viking Energy of Northumberland G Pennsylvania NORTHUMBERL 16.94882449 9224 No 1988
The Pacific Lumber Company G California HUMBOLDT 6.001523055 8538.991465 Yes 1989
Loyalton Facility G California SIERRA 15.50036449 8538.991465 Yes 1989
Woodland Biomass Power Limited G California YOLO 24.57285808 9224 No 1989
Mendota Biomass Power Limited G California FRESNO 24.70598521 9224 No 1989
Wadham Energy Limited Partnership G California COLUSA 25.4990433 9224 No 1989
Burney Forest Products G California SHASTA 27.61054735 9082.609668 Yes 1989
HL Power Plant G California LASSEN 31.50214419 9224 No 1989
A R Lavallee Incorporated G Maine YORK 0.447784134 8538.991465 Yes 1989
S D Warren Company 2 G Maine CUMBERLAND 4.066280247 8538.991465 Yes 1989
Winslow, Maine G Maine KENNEBEC 10.36716597 8538.991465 Yes 1989
S D Warren Company 2 G Maine CUMBERLAND 12.87655412 8538.991465 Yes 1989
Boralex Stratton Energy Inc G Maine FRANKLIN 41.89923255 9224 No 1989
Viking Energy of Lincoln G Michigan ALCONA 16.44424521 9224 No 1989
Plant Name Committed Unit State Name County Capacity MW Heat Rate Cogeneration On-line Year
Tracy Biomass Plant G California SAN JOAQUIN 20.50248146 9224 No 1990
Delano Energy Company Incorporated G California KERN 27.07152119 9224 No 1990
Great Northern Paper G Maine PENOBSCOT 0.086375057 8538.991465 Yes 1990
Somerset Plant G Maine SOMERSET 0.842118014 8538.991465 Yes 1990
Craven County Wood Energy L P G North Carolina CRAVEN 46.69179392 9224 No 1990
Potlatch Corp Southern Wood Products G Arkansas BRADLEY 7.683280889 8538.991465 Yes 1991
Mecca Plant G California RIVERSIDE 48.30915139 9224 No 1991
Beaver Livermore Falls G Maine ANDROSCOGGI 36.25127717 9224 No 1992
Pinetree Power Fitchburg Inc G Massachusetts WORCESTER 16.07467078 9224 No 1992
Lyonsdale Power Company LLC G Michigan GRATIOT 19.36820024 8538.991465 Yes 1992
Grayling Generating Station G Michigan CRAWFORD 37.99570523 9224 No 1992
Ryegate Power Station G Vermont CALEDONIA 19.50652465 9224 No 1992
Delano Energy Company Incorporated G California KERN 21.48884374 9224 No 1993
Beaver Ashland G Maine AROOSTOOK 36.2184593 9224 No 1993
Cadillac Renewable Energy G Michigan WEXFORD 35.86121164 10013.6 No 1993
KES Chateaugay Power Station G New York FRANKLIN 17.62961823 9224 No 1993
Sauder Power Plant G Ohio FULTON 3.085144462 10891.8 Yes 1993
Sauder Power Plant G Ohio FULTON 3.085144462 10891.8 Yes 1993
Ridge Generating Station G Florida POLK 40.06031261 9224 No 1994
Aroostook Valley G Maine AROOSTOOK 29.50 9224 No 1994
Multitrade of Pittsylvania County L P Pl G Virginia PITTSYLVANIA 41.347412 9224 No 1994
Multitrade of Pittsylvania County L P Pl G Virginia PITTSYLVANIA 41.347412 9224 No 1994
Okeelanta Power Limited Partnership G Florida PALM BEACH 61.33887206 8538.991465 Yes 1995
Cox Waste to Energy G Kentucky TAYLOR 1.075439298 9224 No 1995
Agrilectric Power Partners Limited G Louisiana CALCASIEU 1.139857154 9224 No 1995
Genesee Power Station Limited G Michigan GENESEE 36.03528491 9224 No 1996
Everett Cogen G Washington SNOHOMISH 36.00 8538.991465 Yes 1996
Bioten Operations Inc G Tennessee MACON 0.731874145 10013.6 No 1997
Anderson Facility G California SHASTA 0.679977523 10891.8 No 1998
Washington Veneer G Washington OKANOGAN 0.962570193 8538.991465 Yes 1998
Washington Veneer G Washington OKANOGAN 1.443855289 8538.991465 Yes 1998
Lincoln Facility G California PLACER 0.060566964 8011 Yes 1999
Quincy Facility G California PLUMAS 5.799762734 8011 No 1999
Trigen-Colorado Metro Facility Site G Colorado ADAMS 3.52 29657 Yes 2000
Trigen-Colorado Metro Facility Site G Colorado ADAMS 3.52 29657 Yes 2000
Horry LFG Site G South Carolina HORRY 1.00 29657 No 2001
Horry LFG Site G South Carolina HORRY 1.00 29657 No 2001
Jacobs Energy Corporation C Illinois 4.68 8911 No 2002
St. Paul Cogen, NonMandated C Minnesota 7.60 8911 No 2002
St. Paul Cogen, Mandated C Minnesota 23.75 8911 No 2002
Scott Wood C Virginia 0.90 8911 No 2002
Scott Wood C Virginia 2.80 8911 No 2002
Gorge Energy Div SDS C Washington 5.00 8911 No 2002
Environmental Forest Solutions C Arizona 2.85 8911 No 2003
Jacobs Energy Corporation C Illinois 0.62 8911 No 2003
Ware Biomass Cogen C Massachusetts 7.79 8911 No 2003
Massachusetts RPS 2003 - Biomass C Massachusetts 9.22 8911 No 2003
Aberdeen C Washington 16.00 8911 No 2003
(National Electric Energy System (NEEDS) Database for IPM 2004,
Data are not available.
Table 3.9
Current Landfill Gas Power Plants
Plant Name ommitted Unit State Name County Capacity MW Heat Rate Cogeneration On-line Year
Puente Hills Energy Recovery G California LOS ANGELES 44.76434101 11000 No 1986
Palos Verdes Gas to Energy Facility G California ORANGE 11.60288061 11000 No 1988
Coyote Canyon Steam Plant G California ORANGE 17.5218204 11000 No 1989
BKK Landfill G California LOS ANGELES 5.984199375 11805 No 1993
O Brien Biogas IV LLC G New Jersey MIDDLESEX 9.986892485 11805 No 1997
North City Cogeneration Facility G California SAN DIEGO 0.933474164 11805 No 1999
North City Cogeneration Facility G California SAN DIEGO 0.933474164 11805 No 1999
North City Cogeneration Facility G California SAN DIEGO 0.933474164 11805 No 1999
North City Cogeneration Facility G California SAN DIEGO 0.933474164 11805 No 1999
Prima Desheha Landfill G California ORANGE 2.65094446 11805 No 1999
Prima Desheha Landfill G California ORANGE 2.65094446 11805 No 1999
Kiefer LF G California SACRAMENTO 2.769899605 11805 No 1999
Kiefer LF G California SACRAMENTO 2.769899605 11805 No 1999
Kiefer LF G California SACRAMENTO 2.769899605 11805 No 1999
BKK Landfill G California LOS ANGELES 4.245327517 11805 No 1999
Tazewell Gas Recovery G Illinois TAZEWELL 0.566133167 11805 No 1999
KMS Joliet Power Partners LP G Illinois WILL 0.754613209 13648 No 1999
Roxana LF G Illinois MADISON 1.000000002 13648 No 1999
Roxana LF G Illinois MADISON 1.000000002 13648 No 1999
Roxana LF G Illinois MADISON 1.000000002 13648 No 1999
Brickyard G Illinois VERMILION 1.000000037 13648 No 1999
Brickyard G Illinois VERMILION 1.000000037 13648 No 1999
Brickyard G Illinois VERMILION 1.000000037 13648 No 1999
Dixon G Illinois LEE 1.000000047 13648 No 1999
Dixon G Illinois LEE 1.000000047 13648 No 1999
Dixon G Illinois LEE 1.000000047 13648 No 1999
Streator G Illinois LA SALLE 1.000000058 13648 No 1999
Streator G Illinois LA SALLE 1.000000058 13648 No 1999
Biodyne Pontiac G Illinois LIVINGSTON 1.54425 11805 No 1999
Deercroft Gas Recovery G Indiana LA PORTE 0.783213037 11805 No 1999
Metro Methane Recovery Facility G Iowa POLK 0.786481001 11805 No 1999
HMDC Kingsland Landfill G New Jersey BERGEN 0.881475967 11805 No 1999
HMDC Kingsland Landfill G New Jersey BERGEN 0.881475967 11805 No 1999
LFG Energy Inc G New York ERIE 0.765217333 11805 No 1999
LFG Energy Inc G New York ERIE 0.765217333 11805 No 1999
LFG Energy Inc G New York ERIE 0.765217333 11805 No 1999
LFG Energy Inc G New York ERIE 0.765217333 11805 No 1999
LFG Energy Inc G New York ERIE 0.765217333 13648 No 1999
High Acres Gas Recovery G New York MONROE 0.778894571 11805 No 1999
Blackburn Co-Generation G North Carolina CATAWBA 0.857569492 11805 No 1999
Blackburn Co-Generation G North Carolina CATAWBA 0.857569492 11805 No 1999
Blackburn Co-Generation G North Carolina CATAWBA 0.857569492 13648 No 1999
Blackburn Co-Generation G North Carolina CATAWBA 0.857569492 13648 No 1999
Charlotte Motor Speedway G North Carolina CABARRUS 4.499151173 11805 No 1999
Cuyahoga Regional Landfill G Ohio CUYAHOGA 1.777833611 11805 No 1999
Cuyahoga Regional Landfill G Ohio CUYAHOGA 1.777833611 11805 No 1999
Roosevelt Biogas 1 G Washington KLICKITAT 2.10 11805 No 1999
Roosevelt Biogas 1 G Washington KLICKITAT 2.10 11805 No 1999
Roosevelt Biogas 1 G Washington KLICKITAT 2.10 11805 No 1999
Roosevelt Biogas 1 G Washington KLICKITAT 2.10 11805 No 1999
Tajiguas Landfill G California SANTA BARBARA 2.752165154 11805 No 2000
KMS Joliet Power Partners LP G Illinois WILL 0.759300247 13648 No 2000
Biodyne Pontiac G Illinois LIVINGSTON 0.778130417 11805 No 2000
Upper Rock G Illinois ROCK ISLAND 1.00 13648 No 2000
Upper Rock G Illinois ROCK ISLAND 1.00 13648 No 2000
Upper Rock G Illinois ROCK ISLAND 1.00 13648 No 2000
Roxana LF G Illinois MADISON 1.000000002 13648 No 2000
Fall River Electric G Massachusetts BRISTOL 0.879903479 11805 No 2000
Fall River Electric G Massachusetts BRISTOL 0.879903479 11805 No 2000
Randolph Electric G Massachusetts NORFOLK 0.943396199 11805 No 2000
Randolph Electric G Massachusetts NORFOLK 0.943396199 11805 No 2000
Randolph Electric G Massachusetts NORFOLK 0.943396199 11805 No 2000
Fall River Electric G Massachusetts BRISTOL 4.399517393 11805 No 2000
Grand Blanc Generating Station G Michigan GENESEE 0.767358272 11805 No 2000
M M Nashville G Tennessee DAVIDSON 0.95 11805 No 2000
M M Nashville G Tennessee DAVIDSON 0.95 11805 No 2000
Roosevelt Biogas 1 G Washington KLICKITAT 2.10 11805 No 2000
Metro Gas Recovery G Wisconsin MILWAUKEE 0.698586128 13648 No 2000
Metro Gas Recovery G Wisconsin MILWAUKEE 0.698586128 13648 No 2000
Metro Gas Recovery G Wisconsin MILWAUKEE 0.698586128 13648 No 2000
Metro Gas Recovery G Wisconsin MILWAUKEE 0.698586128 13648 No 2000
Plant Name ommitted Unit State Name County Capacity MW Heat Rate Cogeneration On-line Year
Pheasant Run Landfill Gas Recovery G Wisconsin KENOSHA 0.75417871 11805 No 2000
Pheasant Run Landfill Gas Recovery G Wisconsin KENOSHA 0.75417871 11805 No 2000
Pheasant Run Landfill Gas Recovery G Wisconsin KENOSHA 0.75417871 13648 No 2000
Pheasant Run Landfill Gas Recovery G Wisconsin KENOSHA 0.75417871 13648 No 2000
Winnebago County Landfill Gas G Wisconsin WINNEBAGO 0.930046772 11805 No 2000
Winnebago County Landfill Gas G Wisconsin WINNEBAGO 0.930046772 11805 No 2000
Winnebago County Landfill Gas G Wisconsin WINNEBAGO 0.930046772 11805 No 2000
Tri - Cities G Arizona MARICOPA 0.80 11805 No 2001
Tri - Cities G Arizona MARICOPA 0.80 11805 No 2001
Tri - Cities G Arizona MARICOPA 0.80 11805 No 2001
Tri - Cities G Arizona MARICOPA 0.80 11805 No 2001
Tri - Cities G Arizona MARICOPA 0.80 11805 No 2001
Badlands G California RIVERSIDE 1.10 11805 No 2001
Biodyne Congress G Illinois COOK 1.794993515 11805 No 2001
Biodyne Congress G Illinois COOK 1.794993515 11805 No 2001
Biodyne Congress G Illinois COOK 1.794993515 11805 No 2001
Biodyne Pontiac G Illinois LIVINGSTON 3.60325 11805 No 2001
Model City Energy G New York NIAGARA 0.686324989 11805 No 2001
Model City Energy G New York NIAGARA 0.686324989 11805 No 2001
Model City Energy G New York NIAGARA 0.686324989 11805 No 2001
Model City Energy G New York NIAGARA 0.686324989 11805 No 2001
Model City Energy G New York NIAGARA 0.686324989 11805 No 2001
Model City Energy G New York NIAGARA 0.686324989 11805 No 2001
Model City Energy G New York NIAGARA 0.686324989 11805 No 2001
Green Knight G Pennsylvania NORTHAMPTON 2.494937456 11805 No 2001
Green Knight G Pennsylvania NORTHAMPTON 2.494937456 11805 No 2001
Green Knight G Pennsylvania NORTHAMPTON 2.494937456 11805 No 2001
Superior Glacier Ridge Landfil G Wisconsin DODGE 0.90 11805 No 2001
Superior Glacier Ridge Landfil G Wisconsin DODGE 0.90 11805 No 2001
Omega Hills Gas Recovery G Wisconsin WASHINGTON 2.50 11805 No 2001
Jamacha LFG C California 0.27 13648 No 2002
Operating Industries LFG C California 0.40 13648 No 2002
Lopez Canyon LFG C California 1.43 13648 No 2002
Central Disposal Sonoma Phase C California 1.52 13648 No 2002
AB1890City/Cty San F C California 1.95 13648 No 2002
Quad Cities C Illinois 0.90 13648 No 2002
Morris C Illinois 1.30 13648 No 2002
Morris C Illinois 1.30 13648 No 2002
Morris C Illinois 1.30 13648 No 2002
Biodyne Pontiac C Illinois 4.20 13648 No 2002
Onyx Zion LFG C Illinois 5.04 13648 No 2002
BioEnergy Com-Ed Biogas C Illinois 5.16 13648 No 2002
South Side LFG C Indiana 4.75 13648 No 2002
Brent Run C Michigan 0.80 13648 No 2002
Elk River C Minnesota 2.28 13648 No 2002
Douglas County LFG C Nebraska 3.04 13648 No 2002
Brookhaven Facility C New York 1.20 13648 No 2002
Brookhaven Facility C New York 1.20 13648 No 2002
Blackburn Co-Generat C North Carolina 0.99 13648 No 2002
Bradford C Pennsylvania 0.76 13648 No 2002
Rolling Hills C Pennsylvania 2.50 13648 No 2002
Rolling Hills C Pennsylvania 2.50 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.02 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.02 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.02 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.02 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.02 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.30 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 1.36 13648 No 2002
Plant Name ommitted Unit State Name County Capacity MW Heat Rate Cogeneration On-line Year
Tessman Road Project LFG, Phas C Texas 4.94 13648 No 2002
Covel Gardens C Texas 6.65 13648 No 2002
Arlington LF C Texas 8.55 13648 No 2002
Chesterfield County LFG C Virginia 0.52 13648 No 2002
Amelia Landfill LFG C Virginia 3.99 13648 No 2002
Va Beach Mt Trashmore II LFG C Virginia 11.97 13648 No 2002
Pheasant Run Landfil C Wisconsin 0.80 13648 No 2002
Pheasant Run Landfil C Wisconsin 0.80 13648 No 2002
Ridgeview C Wisconsin 0.80 13648 No 2002
Ridgeview C Wisconsin 0.80 13648 No 2002
Ridgeview C Wisconsin 0.80 13648 No 2002
Acme Landfill C California 0.27 13648 No 2003
AB1890RiversideCty,C C California 0.90 13648 No 2003
California Street C California 0.95 13648 No 2003
AB1890Colton (NEO Co C California 1.14 13648 No 2003
AB1890Milliken(NEO C C California 2.38 13648 No 2003
AB1890Mid-Valley(NEO C California 2.38 13648 No 2003
Keller Canyon LFG C California 2.66 13648 No 2003
AB1890EgyDevelopment C California 3.71 13648 No 2003
AB1890BFI, Newby Isl C California 5.23 13648 No 2003
Bradley C California 6.18 13648 No 2003
SW Alachua C Florida 2.38 13648 No 2003
Beecher LFG C Illinois 4.94 13648 No 2003
Bavarian Waste C Kentucky 4.75 13648 No 2003
Massachusetts RPS 2003 - LFG C Massachusetts 3.90 13648 No 2003
Plainville LFG C Massachusetts 5.32 13648 No 2003
Chicopee II LFG C Massachusetts 5.42 13648 No 2003
Grand Blanc C Michigan 0.78 13648 No 2003
3 Landfill Gas Projects C New York 4.94 13648 No 2003
Palmetto C South Carolina 4.75 13648 No 2003
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 0.99 13648 No 2003
Reliant Energy Renew C Texas 0.99 13648 No 2003
Blue Bonnet LFG C Texas 2.00 13648 No 2003
Tessman Road LFG - Added Capac C Texas 2.47 13648 No 2003
Hutchins LFG C Texas 2.47 13648 No 2003
City of Conroe LFG C Texas 2.76 13648 No 2003
Sanifill - Baytown C Texas 3.80 13648 No 2003
Security Recycling LFG C Texas 5.99 13648 No 2003
Coastal Plains C Texas 6.37 13648 No 2003
Coastal Plains C Texas 9.50 13648 No 2003
WMI Atascocit LFG C Texas 9.98 13648 No 2003
Essex Junction Wastewater Trea C VERMONT 0.06 13648 No 2003
Janesville Landfill (WI) C Wisconsin 2.91 13648 No 2003
National Electric Energy System (NEEDS) Database for IPM 2004,
Table 3.10
Total Net Generation of Electricity by State from Wood and Wood Waste, 2002
(Thousand Kilowatt Hours)
State Wood/Wood Waste Percent of all Renewables Total from all Renewables
Alabama 3,727,493 29.6% 12,575,137
Alaska 1,031 0.1% 1,451,506
Arkansas 1,580,608 31.5% 5,021,095
California 3,957,589 7.2% 54,821,196
Florida 1,552,891 29.1% 5,327,515
Georgia 6,218,978 68.1% 9,130,809
Idaho 508,303 5.5% 9,277,624
Iowa 91 0.0% 1,963,785
Kentucky 365,465 8.3% 4,390,214
Louisiana 2,748,900 73.2% 3,754,232
Maine 3,723,759 51.7% 7,197,599
Maryland 182,904 7.5% 2,437,654
Massachusetts 106,687 3.7% 2,913,724
Michigan 1,474,552 35.4% 4,170,656
Minnesota 377,392 13.1% 2,886,179
Mississippi 936,593 98.7% 948,724
Missouri 143 0.0% 1,423,273
Montana 63,470 0.7% 9,630,379
New Hampshire 699,767 33.9% 2,065,997
New York 412,218 1.5% 27,671,006
North Carolina 1,682,804 31.7% 5,310,327
Ohio 126,067 19.7% 639,640
Oklahoma 239,045 10.7% 2,226,889
Oregon 624,086 1.8% 35,500,087
Pennsylvania 766,289 15.4% 4,968,055
South Carolina 1,228,895 46.7% 2,634,168
Tennessee 750,892 8.6% 8,776,126
Texas 1,073,462 21.0% 5,116,927
Vermont 355,599 24.0% 1,480,893
Virginia 1,407,922 41.6% 3,386,411
Washington 1,126,145 1.4% 79,955,049
West Virginia 51 0.0% 1,097,110
Wisconsin 644,947 17.5% 3,676,150
Total 38,665,038 11.9% 323,826,136
Energy Information Administration, Renewable Energy Annual 2004, Table C6.
Table 3.11
Net Generation and Fuel Consumption at Power Plants Consuming Coal
and Biomass by State and Plant Name, 2003
Net Electricity Consumed Percent of Energy Consumed
Generation Total Energy from from
(Thousand Consumed Biomass
State County Plant Name Kilowatthours) (MMBtu) (MMBtu) Biomass Coal Other
Alabama Talladega U S Alliance Coosa Pines 173,254 13,134,273 5,911,501 45.01 54.99
Choctaw Georgia Pacific Naheola Mill 428,406 17,123,967 12,892,753 75.29 14.18 10.53
Marengo Gulf States Paper 144,742 10,488,058 8,689,654 82.85 7.30 9.85
Autauga International Paper Prattville 496,108 20,716,033 16,225,436 78.32 8.78 12.89
Mobile Mobile Energy Services LLC 416,485 6,961,111 3,033,258 43.57 52.68 3.75
Wilcox Weyerhaeuser Pine Hill Operati 477,473 6,352,999 3,621,355 57.00 10.01 32.99
Alaska Fairbanks North Star Eielson AFB Central Heat & Pow 82,455 2,919,023 26,599 0.91 97.77 1.32
Arizona Pima Irvington 1,048,187 11,086,805 154,014 1.39 56.56 42.05
Arkansas Little River Ashdown 849,495 41,001,419 36,029,685 87.87 8.03 4.10
California San Joaquin Stockton Cogen 452,689 5,741,432 528,273 9.20 54.29 36.50
Kern Mt Poso Cogeneration 450,228 5,125,472 12,237 0.24 69.44 30.32
Connecticut Hartford Covanta Mid-Connecticut Energy 450,215 8,664,367 8,512,216 98.24 1.76
Florida Escambia Crist 6,413,151 66,408,961 2,080 0.00 99.79 0.21
Escambia International Paper Pensacola 463,167 19,758,653 14,615,865 73.97 13.54 12.48
Duval Northside Generating Station 4,724,993 48,641,433 76,943 0.16 15.18 84.67
Nassau Jefferson Smurfit Fernandina B 593,529 18,167,538 11,360,666 62.53 30.73 6.74
Polk C D McIntosh Jr 4,271,266 39,831,464 62,406 0.16 59.17 40.67
Orange Stanton Energy Center 6,054,342 59,081,269 1,007,967 1.71 98.14 0.16
Bay Stone Container Panama City Mi 236,641 20,068,826 17,409,869 86.75 7.52 5.73
Duval Cedar Bay Generating LP 1,833,539 23,812,502 60,039 0.25 99.54 0.21
Georgia Early Georgia Pacific Cedar Springs 701,709 37,200,341 28,956,649 77.84 18.10 4.06
Effingham Savannah River Mill 616,517 9,999,695 55,381 0.55 9.12 90.33
Floyd Inland Paperboard Packaging Ro 437,595 21,075,416 12,717,543 60.34 27.61 12.05
Chatham International Paper Savanna Mi 819,569 22,625,484 13,597,613 60.10 30.75 9.15
Richmond International Paper Augusta Mi 499,834 23,164,308 15,929,560 68.77 22.49 8.74
Bibb Riverwood International Macon 272,388 12,444,817 9,829,168 78.98 9.98 11.04
Laurens SP Newsprint 257,674 8,242,895 5,876,174 71.29 19.73 8.98
Hawaii Oahu AES Hawaii 1,558,310 15,768,698 197,811 1.25 98.03 0.72
Maui Hawaiian Comm and Sugar Puunen 196,437 6,327,592 5,073,883 80.19 18.02 1.80
Illinois Macon Archer Daniels Midland Decatur 1,285,911 35,123,776 379,235 1.08 98.92
Randolph Baldwin Energy Complex 13,090,406 133,957,397 1,082,779 0.81 99.10 0.09
Iowa Story Ames Electric Services Power P 417,670 5,042,727 351,818 6.98 92.46 0.56
Linn Prairie Creek 988,852 10,404,803 126,754 1.22 97.23 1.55
Linn Sixth Street 147,644 3,280,837 20,616 0.63 77.34 22.03
Johnson University of Iowa Main Power 96,154 3,493,728 303,494 8.69 80.71 10.60
Kentucky Daviess Elmer Smith 2,576,356 26,232,220 315,669 1.20 97.60 1.20
Louisiana De Soto Mansfield Mill 823,390 25,267,624 20,284,572 80.28 5.28 14.44
Morehouse International Paper Louisiana 573,028 20,240,021 17,793,018 87.91 1.44 10.65
Maine Oxford Rumford Cogeneration 761,994 14,988,922 10,674,204 71.21 28.79
Cumberland S D Warren Somerset 405,698 6,776,035 3,981,923 58.76 37.70 3.54
Maryland Allegany Luke Mill 479,094 17,525,830 7,452,148 42.52 57.48
Michigan Dickinson International Paper Quinnesec 220,975 10,079,834 9,772,982 96.96 0.18 2.86
Alpena Louisiana Pacific 44,646 739,198 57,597 7.79 60.85 31.36
Delta Mead Paper 684,599 18,935,467 12,154,663 64.19 22.06 13.75
Muskegon S D Warren Muskegon 250,591 7,668,122 2,867,940 37.40 58.72 3.87
Manistee TES Filer City Station 458,857 6,101,760 501,018 8.21 91.79
Wayne Wyandotte 270,603 3,951,663 305,851 7.74 91.39 0.87
Minnesota St Louis Hibbing 45,670 1,531,495 78 0.01 99.99 0.00
Itasca Rapids Energy Center 130,699 3,608,215 2,769,301 76.75 16.16 7.09
Mississippi Lowndes Weyerhaeuser Columbus MS 613,650 20,090,225 18,705,609 93.11 3.83 3.06
Missouri St Louis City Anheuser Busch St Louis 120,498 4,094,333 278,326 6.80 88.85 4.35
Jackson Sibley 3,170,801 32,841,421 314,186 0.96 99.01 0.04
Jasper Asbury 1,301,578 14,793,004 298,172 2.02 97.72 0.27
Pike Hercules Missouri Chemical Wor 84,970 2,864,296 3,573 0.12 98.92 0.95
Saline Marshall 35,538 571,009 4,734 0.83 94.14 5.03
St Charles Sioux 6,332,833 60,585,566 631,649 1.04 98.15 0.81
Boone University of Missouri Columbi 127,509 3,444,927 76,558 2.22 91.00 6.78
Continued on next page.
Net Electricity Consumed Percent of Energy Consumed
Generation Total Energy from from
(Thousand Consumed Biomass
State County Plant Name Kilowatthours) (MMBtu) (MMBtu) Biomass Coal Other
New York Yates AES Greenidge LLC 1,040,354 11,705,155 99,328 0.85 98.90 0.25
Jefferson Black River Power LLC 355,861 4,539,007 9,635 0.21 74.06 25.73
Niagara WPS Power Niagara 251,890 3,353,781 28,760 0.86 98.21 0.94
North Carolina Haywood Canton North Carolina 344,245 20,265,972 9,641,230 47.57 52.12 0.30
Forsyth Corn Products Winston Salem 56,591 3,948,209 3,441,379 87.16 11.73 1.11
Halifax International Paper Roanoke Ra 174,563 12,732,892 8,624,055 67.73 23.23 9.04
Columbus International Paper Riegelwood 503,301 25,783,234 18,114,256 70.26 5.22 24.52
Bladen Elizabethtown Power LLC 117,590 1,659,872 383,987 23.13 76.87
Robeson Lumberton 83,280 1,075,248 201,011 18.69 81.31
Martin Weyerhaeuser Plymouth NC 806,280 39,957,341 32,330,211 80.91 17.27 1.81
Pickaway Picway 402,519 4,674,846 29,550 0.63 98.86 0.51
Ohio Ross Mead Custom Paper 532,453 15,151,763 8,077,827 53.31 45.29 1.40
Pennsylvania Delaware Chester Operations 389,779 6,591,803 23,657 0.36 54.54 45.10
Northampton Northhampton Generating LP 820,274 8,762,273 205,553 2.35 56.42 41.24
Schuylkill Kline Township Cogen Facility 393,564 5,978,255 423,384 7.08 92.01 0.91
York P H Glatfelter 680,328 17,422,344 8,766,181 50.32 48.75 0.94
Elk Johnsonburg Mill 279,550 8,572,138 4,801,100 56.01 38.92 5.07
South Carolina Richland International Paper Eastover F 529,454 21,208,564 16,189,319 76.33 16.94 6.72
Georgetown International Paper Georgetown 527,894 21,735,489 17,702,311 81.44 10.33 8.23
Florence Stone Container Florence Mill 710,340 20,402,914 12,541,662 61.47 27.28 11.25
Tennessee McMinn Bowater Newsprint Calhoun Oper 525,280 21,325,300 15,574,553 73.03 25.16 1.81
Sullivan Tennessee Eastman Operations 1,239,569 40,812,321 300,054 0.74 98.39 0.88
Hardin Packaging Corp of America 373,340 22,112,700 18,034,060 81.56 9.63 8.82
Sullivan Weyerhaeuser Kingsport Mill 101,154 6,722,666 5,825,213 86.65 13.35
Virginia Bedford Georgia Pacific Big Island 52,032 3,357,369 1,720,872 51.26 46.83 1.91
Isle of Wight International Paper Franklin M 776,727 25,587,752 14,481,554 56.60 22.09 21.32
King William St Laurent Paper West Point 525,859 17,126,189 12,851,000 75.04 17.05 7.92
Portsmouth City SPSA Waste To Energy Power Pla 173,116 5,415,699 5,388,534 99.50 0.00 0.50
Hopewell City Stone Container Hopewell Mill 319,104 8,636,244 6,255,293 72.43 25.30 2.27
Covington Covington Facility 671,771 29,004,636 13,064,973 45.04 42.23 12.72
Washington Cowlitz Weyerhaeuser Longview WA 327,661 18,235,976 14,422,210 79.09 7.72 13.19
West Virginia Preston Albright 1,669,380 18,709,260 1,806 0.01 99.79 0.20
Pleasants Willow Island 1,095,678 12,279,409 196,900 1.60 98.02 0.37
Kanawha Union Carbide South Charleston 21,488 3,309,914 73,163 2.21 64.49 33.30
Wisconsin Wood Georgia Pacific Nekoosa Mill 203,635 5,584,402 3,224,101 57.73 36.09 6.17
Price Fraser Paper 36,422 334,360 113,361 33.90 66.10
Outagamie International Paper Kaukauna M 211,943 7,634,467 3,344,608 43.81 39.06 17.13
Dane Blount Street 451,308 6,299,195 180,864 2.87 80.63 16.50
Manitowoc Manitowoc 315,087 4,761,246 23,264 0.49 66.17 33.34
Ashland Bay Front 296,711 4,529,448 1,795,854 39.65 58.60 1.75
Lincoln Packaging of America Tomahawk 133,041 10,575,641 7,959,582 75.26 23.01 1.72
Dane Univ of Wisc Madison Charter S 42,282 3,947,769 323,026 8.18 82.18 9.64
Dodge Waupun Correctional Central He 4,130 288,951 20,665 7.15 88.90 3.95
Wood Biron Mill 246,244 4,614,572 326,216 7.07 91.64 1.29
Marinette Niagara Mill 114,749 3,000,275 196,181 6.54 71.80 21.66
Portage Whiting Mill 25,362 1,572,137 208,755 13.28 78.43 8.29
Wood Wisconsin Rapids Pulp Mill 374,930 12,125,962 8,338,658 68.77 26.14 5.10
Marathon Wausau Mosinee Paper Pulp 122,059 12,335,121 10,406,885 84.37 13.37 2.26
Sheboygan Edgewater 4,893,820 47,746,013 665,280 1.39 98.48 0.12
Total 95,304,634 1,709,675,399 630,926,946 36.90 53.78 9.32
Energy Information Administration. Derived from Table 9: Net Generation and Fuel Consumption at Power Plants
Consuming Coal and Biomass by State and Plant name, 2003,
Note: MMBtu = One million British thermal units. Blank cell indicates the plant had no consumption or other energy to
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Table 3.12
Coal Displacement Calculation, 2006
Conversion Formula: Step 1 Capacity (A) x Capacity Factor (B) x Annual Hours (C) = Annual Electricity Generation (D)
Step 2 Annual Electricity Generation (D) x Conversion Efficiency (E) = Total Output (F)
Step 3 Total Output (F) / Fuel Heat Rate (G) = Quantity Fuel (H)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Table 12.3,
Original Sources: Capacity: EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2006, DOE/EIA-0383 (2006) (Washington, D.C.,
February 2006), Table A16.
Capacity Factors: Hydropower calculated from EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2006, DOE/EIA-0383 (2006)
(Washington, D.C., February 2006), Table A16. All others based on DOE, Renewable Energy
Technology Characterizations, EPRI TR-109496, 1997 and Program data.
Conversion Efficiency: EIA, Annual Energy Review 2004, DOE/EIA-0384(2004) (Washington, D.C.,
August 2005), Table A6.
Heat Rate: Annual Energy Outlook 2006, DOE/EIA-0383 (2006) (Washington, D.C., February 2006),
Table F1.
Note: Capacity values exclude combined-heat-and-power (CHP) data but include end-use sector
(industrial and commercial) non-CHP data.
Table 3.13
Renewable Energy Impacts Calculation, 2006
Conversion Formula: Step 1 Capacity (A) x Capacity Factor (B) x Annual Hours (C) = Annual Electricity Generation (D)
Step 2 Annual Electricity Generation (D) x Competing Heat Rate (E) = Annual Output (F)
Step 3 Annual Output (F) x Emissions Coefficient (G) = Annual Emissions Displaced (H)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Table 12.1,
Original sources: Capacity: EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2005, DOE/EIA-0383 (2005) (Washington, DC,
February 2005), Table A16, 2005.
Capacity Factors: Hydropower calculated from EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2005, DOE/EIA-0383 (2005)
(Washington, DC, February 2005), Table A16. All others based on DOE, Renewable Energy
Technology Characterizations, EPRI TR-109496, 1997 and Program data.
Heat Rate: EIA, Annual Energy Review 2003, DOE/EIA-0384(2003) (Washington, DC, September 2004),
Table A6.
Carbon Coefficient: DOE, GPRA2003 Data Call, Appendix B, page B-16, 2003.
Note: Capacity values exclude combined-heat-and-power (CHP) data but include end-use sector
(industrial and commercial) non-CHP data. Competing heat rate from fossil-fueled steam-electric plants
heat rate.
Table 3.14
Number of Home Electricity Needs Met Calculation, 2006
Conversion Formula: Step 1 Capacity (A) x Capacity Factor (B) x Annual Hours (C) = Annual Electricity Generation (D)
Step 2 Annual Electricity Generation (D) / Average Consumption (E) = Number of Households (F)
Technology Wind Geothermal Biomass Hydropower PV Thermal
(A) Capacity (kW) 11,558,205 2,232,495 6,594,096 78,312,583 280,355 388,893
(B) Capacity Factor (%) 36.0% 90.0% 80.0% 44.2% 22.5% 24.4%
(C) Annual Hours 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760 8,760
(D) Annual Electricity Generation
(kWh) 36,449,954,187 17,600,991,128 46,211,427,727 303,176,455,525 552,579,314 831,235,472
(E) Average Annual Household
Electricity Consumption (kWh) 11,576 11,576 11,576 11,576 11,576 11,576
(F) Number of Households 3,148,804 1,520,497 3,992,068 26,190,515 47,736 71,808
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Data Book, Table 12.2,
Original sources: Capacity: EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2006, DOE/EIA-0383 (2006) (Washington, D.C.,
February 2006), Table A16, 2006.
Capacity Factors: Hydropower calculated from EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2005, DOE/EIA-0383 (2005)
(Washington, D.C., February 2005), Table A16. All others based on DOE, Renewable Energy
Technology Characterizations, EPRI TR-109496, 1997 and Program data.
Household electricity Consumption: Calculated from EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2006, DOE/EIA-0383
(2006) (Washington, D.C., February), Tables A4 and A8, 2006.
Note: Capacity values exclude combined-heat-and-power (CHP) data but include end-use sector
(industrial and commercial) non-CHP data.
A tax credit for biomass power production from closed-loop biomass was first enacted as part of the
comprehensive Energy Policy Act of 1992. Subsequent acts extended the credit to various other types of
renewable energy facilities. Because no biomass power facilities were able to meet the closed-loop
biomass definition of the 1992 Act, the tax credit was expanded in 2005 to include open-loop biomass at
½ the tax credit available to a closed-loop facility. Closed and open-loop biomass are defined as follows:
Closed-loop biomass - Crops grown, in a sustainable manner, for the purpose of optimizing their value
for bioenergy and bioproduct uses. This includes annual crops such as maize and wheat, and perennial
crops such as trees, shrubs, and grasses such as switchgrass.
Open-loop biomass - Biomass that can be used to produce energy and bioproducts even though it was
not grown specifically for this purpose. Examples of open-loop biomass include agricultural livestock
waste and residues from forest harvesting operations and crop harvesting.
Table 3.15
Major Federal Biomass Power Incentives
Title Code Fuel Type Incentive Qualifying Period Limits
Production Tax IRC §45 Closed-loop biomass $0.019/kWhrb -2005 In service between 2003 - phase out above 8¢/kWhr
Credit – extension
a 2007. 10 year max (inflation adjusted)
Production Tax IRC §45 Closed-loop biomass, $0.019/kWhrb -2005 Anytime before 2008, 10 Same as above
Credit – extension
a co-fired with coal or year max from 10/23/2004
other biomass or in-service date
Production Tax IRC §45 Open-loop biomass - $0.009/kWhrb (2005) In service before 1/1/2005, Credit to operator not owner;
Credit – extension
a existing 5 year limit phase out above 8¢/kWhr;
exclusion of biomass co-fired
with fossil fuel
Production Tax IRC §45 Open-loop biomass - $0.009/kWhrb (2005) In service between Same as above
Credit – extension
a new 8/8/2005-12/31/2007, 10
year limit
Renewable Energy 42 USCS § 13317 Biomass except for $0.015/kWhr (1993 $ Renewed appropriations Available to non-profit
Production Incentive MSW combustion indexed for inflation) for 2006 - 2026 electrical co-ops, public
d utilities, government facilities
The 2004 American Jobs Creation Act and the 2005 Energy Policy Act extended the Production
Tax Credit §45 so that it now includes wind, open and closed loop biomass, geothermal energy, solar
energy, small irrigation power, landfill gas, municipal solid waste, and qualified hydropower production, as
well as refined coal production and Indian coal production facilities.
Annual inflation adjusted rate above the base §45 tax credit rate of $0.015/kWhr or ½ the adjusted
rate in the case of open-loop biomass, small irrigation power facilities, landfill gas facilities, hydropower
facilities. Rates are adjusted annually.
More limits and explanations of limits can be found at http://www.msi- and in the August 2005 issue of Bioenergy Update.
More information on REPI, including reauthorizing language in Section 202 of the Energy Policy
Act of 2005 is available at
A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a policy that obligates a retail electricity supplier to include
renewable resources in its electricity generation portfolio. Retail suppliers can meet the obligation by
constructing or owning eligible renewable resources or purchasing the power from eligible generators. To
date, 16 states have adopted RPS policies or renewable purchase obligations. All these states include
some type of biomass as a qualifying renewable energy technology. Initially, most states adopted RPS
policies as part of electric industry restructuring; but, more recently, a number of states have implemented
policies by legislation or proceedings that are separate from restructuring activities. In conjunction with
system benefits funds, RPS policies are expected to lead to the development of more than 17,000 MW of
new renewable energy capacity by 2017.
Figure 3.1
States with Renewable Portfolio Standards
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Chapter 3,
Almost half of the states have renewable portfolio standards and purchase requirements; the standards
and requirements vary widely among those states that do have renewable portfolio requirements.
Table 3.16
State Renewable Portfolio Standards and Purchase Requirements
State Requirements Eligible Resources Credit Trading Penalties
Arizona 15% by 2015 (of this PV and solar thermal No central credit trading Under consideration
30% must be customer electric, R&D, solar hot system
sited) water, and in-state landfill
gas, wind, and biomass.
California Investor-owned utilities Biomass, solar thermal, WREGIS system under At discretion of CPUC
must add minimum 1% photovoltaic, wind, development
annually to 20% by geothermal, existing hydro <
2017. 30MW, fuel cells using
renewable fuels, digester
gas, landfill gas, ocean
Colorado 10% by 2015 Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, WREGIS system under To be determined
Wind, Biomass, Geothermal development
Electric, Anaerobic
Digestion, Small
Hydroelectric, Fuel Cells
(Renewable Fuels)
Connecticut 3% Class I or II Class I: solar, wind, new Yes. Using NEPOOL Penalty of 5.5¢/kWh
Technologies by Jan 1,
sustainable biomass, Generation Information paid to the Renewable
2004. Class I 1% Jan 1,
landfill gas, fuel cells, ocean System. Energy Investment
2004 increasing to thermal, wave, tidal, Fund for the
1.5% by 2005, 2% by advanced renewable energy development of Class I
2006, 3.5% by 2007, conversion technologies, renewables
5% by 2008, 6% by new run of river hydro
2009, and 7% by Jan 1,
(<5MW). Class II: licensed
2010 hydro, MSW, and other
Delaware 10% by 2019 Solar Thermal Electric, Yes. GATS Penalty of 2.5¢/kWh
Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, (increases to 5¢/kWh
Wind, Biomass, for multi-year
Hydroelectric, Geothermal noncompliance)
Electric, Anaerobic
Digestion, Tidal Energy,
Wave Energy, Ocean
Thermal, Fuel Cells
(Renewable Fuels)
District of Columbia 11% by 2022 (0.386% Solar Thermal Electric, Yes. GATS. Electric Penalty of 2.5¢/kWh for
solar) Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, delivery requirement to tier 1 resources,
Wind, Biomass, PJM 1¢/kWh for tier II, and
Hydroelectric, Geothermal 30¢/kWh for PV
Electric, Municipal Solid
Waste, Cofiring, Tidal
Energy, Wave Energy,
Hawaii 8% by end of 2005, Wind, solar, hydropower, Unspecified Unspecified: standard to
10% by 2010, 15% by biomass including landfill be revisited if utilities
2015 and 20% by 2020 gas, waste to energy, and can not meet it in cost-
fuels derived from organic effective manner
sources, geothermal, ocean
energy, fuel cells using
hydrogen from renewables
Maryland 3.5% by 2006 with 1% from Tier 1: solar, wind, geothermal, Yes Alternative
Tier 1 sources, Tier 1 qualifying biomass, small Compliance fee of
increasing by 1% every hydropower (<30MW), and 2¢/kWh for Tier 1
other year from 2007 to landfill methane Tier II: and 1.5¢/kWh for
2018, Tier II remains at existing large hydropower, Tier 2 paid to
2.5%, 7.5% total by 2019 poultry litter incineration, Maryland Renewable
and in subsequent years. existing waste to energy Energy Fund
Massachusetts 1% of sales to enduse New renewables placed into Yes. Using NEPOOL Entities may comply
customers from new commercial operation after Generation by paying 5¢/kWh.
renewables in 2003, 1997, including solar, wind, Information System. Non-complying
+0.5%/yr to 4% in 2009 ocean thermal, wave, tidal, fuel retailers must submit
1%/yr increase thereafter cells using renewable fuels, a compliance plan.
until determined by Division landfill gas, and low-emission Revocation or
of Energy Resources advanced biomass. Excess suspension of
production from existing license is possible.
generators over historical
baseline eligible.
Minnesota (Not true RPS) Applies to Wind, biomass No, other than No
Xcel Energy only: 425 MW standard regulatory
wind by 2002 and 110 MW oversight.
biomass. Additional 400
MW wind by 2006 and 300
MW by 2010
Montana 5% in 2008; 10% in 2010; Solar Thermal Electric, Yes. Electricity must Penalty of 1¢/kWh
15% in 2015 Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, be delivered to MT. goes to universal low-
Wind, Biomass, Hydroelectric, income energy
Geothermal Electric, Anaerobic assistance fund.
Digestion, Fuel Cells
(Renewable Fuels)
Nevada 6% in 2005, rising to 20% Solar, wind, geothermal, & Yes. Financial penalties
by 2015. biomass (includes may be applied for
agricultural waste, wood, noncompliance.
MSW, animal waste and
aquatic plants). Distributed
resources receives extra credit
New Jersey Class I or II: 2.5% by 2008 Class I.: Solar, PV, wind, fuel Yes. GATS. Alternative
Class I: 4% by 2008, with cells, geothermal, wave, tidal, Compliance Payment
solar requirement of 0.16% landfill methane, and of 5¢/kWh, 30¢/kWh
retail sales (90MW) sustainable biomass. Class II: for solar.
Goal of 20% by 2020. hydro <30 MW and MSW
facilities that meet air pollution
Continued on next page
New York 25% by 2013; 1% voluntary Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, Wind, Possibly. Unspecified
standard; 2% of total Biomass, Hydroelectric, Fuel Cells, Electricity must be
incremental RPS CHP/Cogeneration, Biogas, Liquid delivered to NY.
requirement (7.71%) is set- Biofuel, Anaerobic Digestion, Tidal
aside for customer-sited Energy, Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal
Pennsylvania 18% by 2020; 8% Tier 1 Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Yes. GATS Penalty of 4.5¢/kWh, for
and 10% Tier II Solar Thermal Electric, Solar Thermal solar penalty is 200% of
Solar set-aside of 0.5% by Process Heat, Photovoltaics, Landfill PV REC value.
2020 Gas, Wind, Biomass, Hydroelectric,
Geothermal Electric, Fuel Cells, Municipal
Solid Waste, CHP/Cogeneration, Waste
Coal, Coal Mine Methane, Coal
Gasification, Anaerobic Digestion, Other
Distributed Generation Technologies.
Rhode Island 16% by 2020; 3% by 2003, Solar, wind, eligible biomass, including Yes. Using Penalty of 5¢/kWh can be
increasing 0.5% annually cofiring, geothermal, small hydropower, NEPOOL made to Renewable
2008-2010, increasing 1% ocean, fuel cells using hydrogen derived Generation Energy Development
annually 2011-2014, from renewables. Information Fund.
increasing 1.5% annually System.
Texas 5,880 MW by 2015 (5000 Solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, wave, Yes. ERCOT REC Lesser of 5¢/kWh or
MW new) tidal, biomass, including landfill gas. Trading System. 200% of average market
Target of at least 500 MW New (operational after Sept. 1, 1999) or value of renewable
from renewables other than small (<2MW) facilities eligible. energy credits.
Wisconsin 0.5% by 2001 increasing to Wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, tidal, Yes. Utilities with Penalty of $5,000-
2.2% by 2011 (0.6% can fuel cells that use renewable fuel, & hydro excess RECs can $500,000 is allowed in
come from facilities under 60 MW. Eligibility may be xtended trade or bank legislation.
installed prior to 1998). by PUC. them.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Chapter 3, Table 3.3.1,
In addition to State Renewable Portfolio Standards and Purchase Requirements, there are also some
nonbinding goals that three states have adopted.
Table 3.17
State Renewable Energy Goals (Nonbinding)
Vermont Meet growth in electricity demand from Solar Thermal Electric, Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas,
2005-2013 with renewable energy sources Wind, Biomass, Hydroelectric, Anaerobic
(becomes mandatory in 2013 if not met). Digestion, Fuel Cells (Renewable Fuels)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Power Technologies Energy Data Book, Chapter 3, Table 3.3.2,
As a petroleum refinery uses petroleum as the major input and processes it into many different products,
a biorefinery uses lignocellulosic biomass as the major input and processes it into many different
products. Currently, wet-mill corn processing and pulp and paper mills can be categorized as biorefineries
since they produce multiple products from biomass. Research is currently being conducted to foster new
industries to convert biomass into a wide range of products, including ones that would otherwise be made
from petrochemicals. The idea is for biorefineries to produce both high-volume liquid fuels and high-value
chemicals or products in order to address national energy needs while enhancing operation economics.
Two of the most promising emerging biorefinery platforms are the sugar platform and the thermochemical
platform (also known as the syngas platform). Sugar platform biorefineries would break biomass down
into different types of component sugars for fermentation or other biological processing into various fuels
and chemicals. Thermochemical biorefineries would convert biomass to synthesis gas (hydrogen and
carbon monoxide) or pyrolysis oil, the various components of which could be directly used as fuel.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Biomass Program, June 2006,
The Department of Energy Biomass Program is currently focusing efforts on two biorefinery platforms –
sugar and thermochemical – but other platforms also have potential for expanding the use of biomass
Table 4.1
Biorefinery Platforms
Platform Description
Sugar Platform Developing technology to break cellulose and hemicellulose down into their component sugars.
Those sugars can then be processed to fuel ethanol or other building block chemicals. Lignin can
either be burned to provide process heat and electricity or can itself be converted to fuels and
Thermochemical Converting solid biomass to a gaseous or liquid fuel by heating it with limited oxygen prior to
Platform combustion can greatly increase the overall efficiency, and also make it possible to instead convert
the biomass to valuable chemicals or materials. Developing thermochemical technologies will allow
a more efficient means of tapping the enormous energy potential of lignocellulosic biomass.
Biogas Platform Decomposing biomass with natural consortia of microorganisms in closed tanks known as
anaerobic digesters produces methane (natural gas) and carbon dioxide. This methane-rich biogas
can be used as fuel or as a base chemical for biobased products.
Carbon-Rich Chains Natural plant oils such as soybean, corn, palm, and canola oils are in wide use today for food and
Platform chemical applications. Transesterification of vegetable oil or animal fat produces fatty acid methyl
ester, commonly known as biodiesel. The glycerin byproduct of biodiesel, and the fatty acids from
which it is made, could all be platform chemicals for biorefineries.
Plant Products Selective breeding and genetic engineering can develop plant strains that produce greater amounts
Platform of desirable feedstocks or chemicals or even compounds that the plant does not naturally produce
— getting the biorefining done in the biological plant rather than the industrial plant.
U. S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Biomass Program, June 2006,
In April 2002 the U.S. Department of Energy solicited projects for “Biomass Research and Development
for the Production of Fuels, Power, Chemicals and Other Economical and Sustainable Products.” The
following six projects, which will be completed in three to four years, were selected to assist in the
development of sugar platform research.
Table 4.2
U.S. Department of Energy Sugar Platform Biorefinery Projects
Integrated Corn-Based E.I. du Pont de $18.2 million Development of a biorefinery concept that converts both starch (such as
Biorefinery Nemours & Co., Inc. corn) and lignocellulose (such as corn stover) to fermentable sugars for
production of value added chemicals (like 1,3 propanediol) and fuel ethanol.
Advanced Biorefining of High Plains Corporation $17.7 million Develop a process for pretreating a blend of distillers’ grain (animal feed co-
Distillers’ Grain and Corn (now Abengoa S.A.) product from corn ethanol production) and stover to allow ethanol production
Stover Blends: Pre- from both, while leaving a high-protein animal feed. A large-scale pilot facility
Commercialization of a will be built for integration with High Plains’ ethanol plant in York, Nebraska.
Biomass-Derived Process
Separation of Corn Fiber National Corn Growers $2.4 million Under a previous DOE-funded project, a process was developed for
and Conversion to Fuels Association separation of hemicellulose, protein, and oil from corn fiber. This project will
and Chemicals Phase II: pilot-scale test and validate this process for commercial use.
Pilot-Scale Operation
U. S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Biomass Program, June 2006,
Primary biomass is produced directly by photosynthesis and includes all terrestrial plants now used for
food, feed, fiber and fuelwood. All plants in natural and conservation areas (as well as algae and other
aquatic plants growing in ponds, lakes, oceans, or artificial ponds and bioreactors) are also considered
primary biomass. However, only a small portion of the primary biomass produced will ever be harvested
as feedstock material for the production of bioenergy and bioproducts.
Primary biomass feedstocks are thus primary biomass that is harvested or collected from the field or
forest where it is grown. Examples of primary biomass feedstocks currently being used for bioenergy
include grains and oilseed crops used for transportation fuel production, plus some crop residues (such
as orchard trimmings and nut hulls) and some residues from logging and forest operations that are
currently used for heat and power production. In the future it is anticipated that a larger proportion of the
residues inherently generated from food crop harvesting, as well as a larger proportion of the residues
generated from ongoing logging and forest operations, will be used for bioenergy. Additionally, as the
bioenergy industry develops, both woody and herbaceous perennial crops will be planted and harvested
specifically for bioenergy and bioproducts end-uses.
Because this version of the Data Book is focusing primarily on the bioenergy industry as it exists today,
including the biomass feedstocks actually used, only information on the grain and oilseeds crops are
included. It would be desirable to include information on the amount and types of crop residues and forest
logging, or pulp fiber residues currently being used for energy on a state by state basis, but that
information is not readily available. Clearly there is also no nationwide source of information on woody or
herbaceous crops being used for energy since this is occurring only on a very small scale in a few
isolated experimental situations.
This Data Book covers only current usage of biomass and does not attempt to address the potential for
biomass feedstock. Nontheless, other sources of information do exist concerning the future potential of
biomass. Tables, maps and explanations for assumptions behind the potential biomass resource
calculations that have been performed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory biomass economists can be
found on the Bioenergy Feedstock Information Network (BFIN) website at
USDA’s corn baseline projections show a continuing rise in bushels of corn allocated to fuel alcohol use,
a continuing increase in corn yields, a slight increase in corn acreage, and a continuing increase in net
returns (over variable costs) through 2014. This analysis is updated annually.
Table 5.1
Corn Baseline Projections, 2004—2015
Item 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
Area (million acres):
Planted acres 78.7 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.5 82.0 82.5 83.0 83.5 84.0 84.0 84.0
Harvested acres 71.1 73.3 73.6 73.6 74.1 74.6 75.1 75.6 76.1 76.6 76.6 76.6
Yields (bushels per acre):
Yield/harvested acre 142.2 160.2 145.6 147.4 149.2 151.0 152.8 154.6 156.4 158.2 160.0 161.8
Supply and use (million bushels):
Beginning stocks 1,087 958 1,819 1,724 1,549 1,394 1,264 1,159 1,109 1,109 1,164 1,194
Production 10,114 11,741 10,715 10,850 11,055 11,265 11,475 11,690 11,900 12,120 12,255 12,395
Imports 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Supply 11,215 12,714 12,549 12,589 12,619 12,674 12,754 12,864 13,024 13,244 13,434 13,604
Feed & residual 5,783 6,075 5,800 5,800 5,825 5,850 5,900 5,950 6,000 6,050 6,125 6,200
Food, seed, & industrial 2,577 2,770 2,875 2,965 3,000 3,035 3,070 3,105 3,140 3,180 3,215 3,250
Fuel alcohol use 1,204 1,370 1,470 1,550 1,575 1,600 1,625 1,650 1,675 1,700 1,725 1,750
Domestic 8,360 8,845 8,675 8,765 8,825 8,885 8,970 9,055 9,140 9,230 9,340 9,450
Exports 1,897 2,050 2,150 2,275 2,400 2,525 2,625 2,700 2,775 2,850 2,900 2,975
Total use 10,257 10,895 10,825 11,040 11,225 11,410 11,595 11,755 11,915 12,080 12,240 12,425
Ending stocks 958 1,819 1,724 1,549 1,394 1,264 1,159 1,109 1,109 1,164 1,194 1,179
Stocks/use ratio, percent 9.3 16.7 15.9 14.0 12.4 11.1 10.0 9.4 9.3 9.6 9.8 9.5
Prices (dollars per bushel):
Farm price 2.42 1.90 2.00 2.15 2.25 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45
Loan rate 1.98 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95
Variable costs of production (dollars):
Per acre 158.85 164.93 168.05 170.46 171.98 173.52 175.16 176.96 178.85 180.75 182.67 184.65
Per bushel 1.12 1.03 1.15 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14
Returns over variable costs (dollars per acre):
Net returns 185.28 179.50 144.99 146.45 163.72 181.33 191.56 201.81 204.33 206.84 209.33 211.76
USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2014, February 2005 (OCE-2005-1), Table 8 - U.S. corn,
Net returns include estimates of marketing loan benefits.
The figure below shows the dramatic rise in demand for corn as a feedstock for ethanol production that
has occurred over the last several years.
Figure 5.1
Corn Used for Ethanol Production, 1985—2005
Million Bushels
1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
National Corn Growers Association, The World of Corn, 2005,, Also found at:
In 2005, ethanol production accounted for about 15% of the overall corn consumption. Corn used for
feed/residual is by far the largest usage.
Figure 5.2
Corn Usage by Segment, 2005
See d 20
Alcohol 135
Ce re al/Othe r 190
Sw e e te ne rs 220
Starch 285
HFCS 535
Ethanol 1,575
Export 1,850
National Corn Growers Association, The World of Corn, 2005,
In the baseline year of 2001, 7.5% of all corn grain produced was used for ethanol production. Over the
past 10 years the corn acres planted have varied between about 71 and 81 million acres; acreage
variation is related to feed and export demands, crop subsidy programs, previous year grain prices and
animal demand for silage. Yield variation relates to climate variation and improved varieties. The year
2004 provided an unusually favorable climate for high corn yields over much of the corn belt.
Table 5.2
Corn: Area, Yield, Production, and Value, 1996-2005
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 1-34,
Production of sufficient quantities of corn to support ethanol production facilities occurs primarily in the
mid-western states. Yields vary considerably across the states, high yields in the western states occur
under irrigation.
Table 5.3
Corn: Area, Yield, and Production, by State, 2003—2005
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 1-36,
Not estimated.
The large majority of U.S. corn grain is produced in just a few mid-western states. The highest
concentration of corn production is found in central Illinois, northern Iowa/southern Minnesota, and
eastern Nebraska.
Figure 5.3
Corn for Grain, Harvested Acres, 2002
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service,
Currently, planted acres can be related primarily to anticipated market demand; acres harvested for grain
are always less than planted acres due to silage and crop failure.
Figure 5.4
Corn Acres, Planted and Harvested, 1984—2005
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service,
Doberman et. al., noted in 2002 that average corn yields have increased linearly at a rate of 1.7 bushels
per acre (bu/ac) per year. At present that translates to a rate of 1.1% per year, but if the same average
linear rate continues, the percentage rate will decline. Corn yields must continue to increase at a rate of at
least 1% per year to meet the demands created by expected population growth.
In 2002 average corn yields approached 140 bu/ac with progressive farmers routinely harvesting 160 to
220 bu/ac. Yields rose in the 60’s and 70’s largely due to increasing application of fertilizer to responsive
corn hybrids; however, after 1980 yield increases were maintained without continued fertilizer increases
due to significant increases in nutrient use efficiency. In the past 15 years, yields have continued to
increase due to improved hybrids with greater stress resistance together with improved crop management
techniques such as conservation tillage, higher plant densities and improved seed qualities.
Yields at a given site fluctuate as much as 10-15% from year to year due to normal variations in solar
radiation and temperature regimes assuming suitable moisture levels. Lack of sufficient moisture is the
most important factor reducing yields in most of the U.S. corn belt where most corn is not irrigated. The
yield potential of corn continues to be much greater than the average yields currently being obtained in
most locations in the United States.
Genetic improvements (particularly in drought resistance) are expected to continue to contribute to yield
increases, but continued improvements in crop management will be ever more important. Key references
on yield potential.
Figure 5.5
Corn Yield, 1975—2005
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service,
Production of food for domestic livestock is the largest single use of corn grain, accounting for nearly half
of all corn grain produced. Ethanol production is included in the food, seed and industrial category.
Table 5.4
Corn: Supply and Disappearance, 1996—2005
(million bushels)
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 1-37,
Includes quantity under loan and farmer-owned reserve.
Projected as of January 12, 2006, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates. Totals may
not add due to rounding.
Prices of corn used for ethanol production may vary for each mill depending on whether the mills are
owned by farmers’ cooperatives or whether the corn is purchased on the open market. Prices vary across
states considerably.
Table 5.5
Corn for Grain: Marketing Year Average Price and Value, by State
Marketing year average price per bushel Value of production
Statea 2003 2004 2005 2003 2004 2005b
Dollars Dollars Dollars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars
Alabama 2.36 2.48 2.35 54,705 59,483 55,930
Arizona 3.28 3.03 2.9 13,710 14,726 12,441
Arkansas 2.37 2.39 2.1 116,130 102,053 63,273
California 2.9 2.65 2.75 64,960 69,563 52,030
Colorado 2.49 2.23 2.25 299,174 313,092 316,350
Delaware 2.87 2.19 2.05 57,188 50,931 45,145
Florida 2.55 2.3 2 8,155 6,624 5,264
Georgia 2.45 2.2 2.15 91,655 80,080 63,791
Idaho 2.94 2.82 2.65 20,580 35,955 27,030
Illinois 2.42 2.14 1.95 4,385,524 4,468,320 3,332,258
Indiana 2.53 1.99 1.8 1,990,958 1,848,790 1,599,444
Iowa 2.37 1.99 1.85 4,427,871 4,466,356 4,000,625
Kansas 2.51 2.12 2.1 753,000 915,840 978,075
Kentucky 2.53 2.24 2.05 374,339 388,147 319,308
Louisiana 2.4 2.45 2.25 160,800 135,608 100,980
Maryland 2.83 2.17 2 142,717 141,104 108,000
Michigan 2.37 1.97 1.7 615,821 506,842 491,062
Minnesota 2.35 1.94 1.75 2,281,615 2,174,643 2,085,825
Mississippi 2.28 2.43 2.15 163,134 145,411 101,233
Missouri 2.46 2.03 1.9 743,904 947,117 626,373
Montana 2.65 2.42 2.4 6,307 5,191 6,038
Nebraska 2.39 2.02 1.85 2,686,838 2,665,794 2,350,425
New Jersey 2.81 2.2 2 19,369 22,651 15,128
New Mexico 2.96 2.4 2.5 25,574 25,056 24,063
New York 2.82 2.37 2.05 150,137 144,570 116,932
North Carolina 2.68 2.44 2.25 193,174 211,255 189,000
North Dakota 2.37 1.88 1.8 310,565 227,010 278,640
Ohio 2.45 2.04 1.8 1,173,354 1,002,415 836,550
Oklahoma 2.6 2.53 2.4 61,750 75,900 69,000
Oregon 3.08 2.75 2.6 15,708 13,090 10,400
Pennsylvania 2.96 2.25 2.2 302,956 308,700 257,664
South Carolina 2.7 2.3 2.1 60,953 67,850 69,426
South Dakota 2.28 1.82 1.7 974,358 981,890 799,085
Tennessee 2.37 2.17 1.95 192,491 186,837 150,833
Texas 2.59 2.6 2.5 504,273 607,152 527,250
Utah 2.99 2.56 2.35 6,025 4,762 4,597
Virginia 2.57 2.17 2.1 97,532 113,274 89,208
Washington 3 2.97 2.75 40,950 62,370 45,100
West Virginia 2.72 2.2 2 8,446 8,358 6,104
Wisconsin 2.35 2.15 1.85 863,978 760,240 794,020
Wyoming 2.5 2.48 2.45 16,125 16,244 16,807
US 2.42 2.06 1.9 24,476,803 24,381,294 21,040,707
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics. Table 1-39,
States with no data are not listed.
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
These data show that government subsidies are vital to ensuring a profit to farmers, when land and labor
opportunity costs are considered. However, many farmers only factor operating costs into the calculation,
making corn the most profitable commodity crop in most regions of the country. If the residue from corn
production also had a market as a bioenergy feedstock, then farmers in areas of high corn yield may
come closer to making a profit without subsidies.
Table 5.6
Corn Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre,
Excluding Government Payments, 2002—2003
(dollars per planted acre)
Supporting information:
Yield (bushels per planted acre) 134 149 142 157 127 138 95 108
Price (dollars per bushel at harvest) 2.32 2.13 2.3 2.1 2.32 2.15 2.23 2.04
Enterprise size (planted acres) 236 236 270 270 138 138 281 281
Production practices:
Irrigated (percent) 14 14 5 5 4 4 28 28
Dryland (percent) 86 86 95 95 96 96 72 72
Supporting information:
Yield (bushels per planted acre) 126 147 67 98 97 120
Price (dollars per bushel at harvest) 2.45 2.25 2.57 2.3 2.35 2.49
Enterprise size (planted acres) 346 346 72 72 78 78
Production practices:
Irrigated (percent) 61 61 1 1 21 21
Dryland (percent) 39 39 99 99 79 79
Economic Research Service. US Department of Agriculture,
Developed from survey base year, 2001.
Cost of custom operations, technical services, and commercial drying.
This table shows the historical trends of ups and downs in corn grain prices and the consequent effect on
Table 5.7
Corn Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre,
Excluding Government Payments, 1996—2003
(dollars per planted acre)
Supporting information:
Yield (bushels per planted acre) 130 130 136 135 138 144 134 149
Price (dollars per bushel at harvest) 2.82 2.52 1.91 1.69 1.77 1.84 2.32 2.13
Enterprise size (planted acres) 189 189 189 189 189 236 236 236
Production practices:
Irrigated (percent) 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14
Dryland (percent) 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86
Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
1996-2000 estimates developed from survey base year, 1996. 2001-03 estimates developed from
survey base year, 2001.
Sorghum is currently a small contributor to ethanol production, but because it is largely grown in an area
of the country that does not significantly overlap with corn production, it could become important in
expanding the range of locations of ethanol production facilities.
Figure 5.6
Sorghum for Grain, Harvested Acres, 2002
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service,
Sorghum is grown in areas that are generally too dry for unirrigated corn, thus potential resource areas
for starch based ethanol can be expanded through use of sorghum. Grain weight per bushel is 56 lbs. at
assumed harvest moisture content of 14%.
Table 5.8
Sorghum: Area, Yield, Production, and Value, 1996—2005
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 1-59.
Grain and sweet sorghum for all uses, including syrup.
Includes both grain sorghum for grain, and sweet sorghum for grain or seed.
Based on the reported price of grain sorghum; cwt = 100 pounds.
Sorghum is used for ethanol production only in the two states that planted over 3 million acres, Kansas
and Texas.
Table 5.9
Sorghum: Area, Yield, and Production, by State, 2003—2005
US 9,420 7,486 6,454 7,798 6,517 5,736 52.7 69.6 68.7 411,237 453,654 393,893
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 1-62,
Estimates discontinued in 2005.
Sorghum is grown primarily for animal feed. About 11% of sorghum grain was used in the production of
ethanol in 2004. This would account for most of the grain shown in the food, seed and industrial category
in 2004.
Table 5.10
Sorghum: Supply and Disappearance, 1996—2005
(million bushels)
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 1-61,
Includes quantity under loan and farmer–owned reserve.
Projected as of January 12, 2006, World Agricultural and Supply Demand Estimates.
The lower yields of sorghum grain results in lower profit in sorghum production compared to corn.
Sorghum biomass production can be quite high, making it a potential source of crop residue in some
areas of the country.
Table 5.11
Sorghum Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre,
Excluding Government Payments, 2002—2003
(dollars per planted acre)
Supporting information:
Sorghum Yield: bushels per planted acre 33 45 48 60 66 56 71 78 31 43
Price: dollars per bushel 2.89 2.25 2.64 2.26 2.33 2.22 2.49 2.26 2.79 2.25
Production practices:
Irrigated (percent) 9 9 1 1 2 2 5 5 10 10
Dryland (percent) 91 91 99 99 98 98 95 95 90 90
Land tenure:
Acres owned (percent) 31 31 30 30 41 41 15 15 32 32
Acres cash rented (percent) 16 16 27 27 11 11 22 22 16 16
Acres share rented (percent) 53 53 43 43 48 48 62 62 53 53
Land rent basis Composite Composite Cash Cash Cash Cash Share Share Share Share
Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Developed from survey base year, 1995.
Commercial fertilizer and soil conditioners.
Method used to determine the opportunity cost of land.
Sorghum costs and returns are quite variable, like corn. Sorghum is produced on lower cost, higher risk
land, resulting in considerable yield variability.
Table 5.12
Sorghum Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre,
Excluding Government Payments, 1995—2003
(dollars per planted acre)
Item 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Gross value of production:
Sorghum 143 170.1 153.43 96.66 96.66 88.62 93.86 95.37 101.25
Total, gross value of production 143 170.1 153.43 96.66 96.66 88.62 93.86 95.37 101.25
Operating costs:
Seed 5.42 6 6.57 6.72 6.72 6.33 6.35 6.63 6.48
Fertilizer 19.19 17.99 17.62 13.89 13.89 14.34 21.53 15.1 18.17
Chemicals 12.63 12.29 11.69 11.2 11.2 11.15 11.31 11.22 11.56
Custom operations 5.07 6.23 6.91 6.78 6.78 5.48 5.27 4.38 3.89
Fuel, lube, and electricity 14.13 17.1 17.37 21.92 21.92 26.09 29.99 24.92 32.74
Repairs 12.89 13.81 14.25 14.7 14.7 15.29 16.28 17.48 17.94
Interest on operating inputs 1.91 1.85 1.9 1.77 1.77 2.27 1.53 0.67 0.48
Total, operating costs 71.24 75.27 76.31 76.98 76.98 80.95 92.26 80.4 91.26
Allocated overhead:
Hired labor 4.98 5.41 5.68 6.36 6.36 6.57 7.06 7.45 7.16
Opportunity cost of unpaid labor 17.58 18.58 19.16 20.38 20.38 20.8 21.32 22.98 23.73
Capital recovery of machinery and equipment 51.49 53.49 55.38 55.79 55.79 56.7 58.23 60.91 62.55
Opportunity cost of land 33.02 39.2 36.18 23.53 23.53 21.02 20.63 21.49 23.1
Taxes and insurance 5.06 4.98 5.02 4.9 4.9 5.07 5.1 5.04 5.35
General farm overhead 3.68 3.76 3.84 3.97 3.97 4.08 4.23 4.39 4.59
Total, allocated overhead 115.81 125.42 125.26 114.93 114.93 114.24 116.57 122.26 126.48
Total costs listed 187.05 200.69 201.57 191.91 191.91 195.19 208.83 202.66 217.74
Value of production less total costs listed -44.05 -30.59 -48.14 -95.25 -95.25 -106.57 -114.97 -107.29 -116.49
Value of production less operating costs 71.76 94.83 77.12 19.68 19.68 7.67 1.6 14.97 9.99
Supporting information:
Sorghum Yield: bushels per planted acre 52 63 67 54 54 42 38 33 45
Price: dollars per bushel 2.75 2.7 2.29 1.79 1.79 2.11 2.47 2.89 2.25
Production practices:
Irrigated (percent) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Dryland (percent) 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91
Land tenure:
Acres owned (percent) 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
Acres cash rented (percent) 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Acres share rented (percent) 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Land rent basis Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite
Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Developed from survey base year, 1995.
Commercial fertilizer and soil conditioners.
Method used to determine the opportunity cost of land.
USDA’s 2005 soybean baseline projections do not specifically show oil produced for use as a biofuel and
do not reflect in the projections the probable increase in demand for soybean oil as a biofuel which is
anticipated due to the Energy Policy Act of 2005. It is likely that future USDA soybean baseline
projections will reflect the market changes.
Table 5.13
Soybeans and Products Baseline, 2004—2015
Item 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
Area (million acres):
Planted 73.4 75.1 74.0 73.8 73.3 73.0 72.8 73.0 73.0 72.8 72.8 72.8
Harvested 72.5 74.0 72.7 72.4 71.9 71.7 71.4 71.7 71.7 71.4 71.4 71.4
Yield/harvested acre (bushels 33.9 42.6 40.0 40.4 40.8 41.2 41.6 42.0 42.4 42.8 43.2 43.6
Supply (million bushels)
Beginning stocks, Sept 1 178 112 460 400 330 255 230 210 209 210 207 209
Production 2,454 3,150 2,910 2,925 2,935 2,955 2,970 3,010 3,040 3,055 3,085 3,115
Imports 6 6 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 5 4
Total supply 2,638 3,269 3,373 3,329 3,269 3,215 3,204 3,224 3,252 3,269 3,297 3,328
Disposition (million bushels)
Crush 1,530 1,645 1,725 1,745 1,765 1,780 1,810 1,830 1,855 1,880 1,905 1,930
Seed and residual 111 153 148 149 149 150 154 155 157 157 158 159
Exports 885 1,010 1,100 1,105 1,100 1,055 1,030 1,030 1,030 1,025 1,025 1,030
Total disposition 2,525 2,808 2,973 2,999 3,014 2,985 2,994 3,015 3,042 3,062 3,088 3,119
Carryover stocks, August 31
Total ending stocks 112 460 400 330 255 230 210 209 210 207 209 209
Stocks/use ratio, percent 4.4 16.4 13.5 11.0 8.5 7.7 7.0 6.9 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.7
Prices (dollars per bushel)
Loan rate 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Soybean price, farm 7.34 4.95 4.50 4.60 4.85 5.25 5.50 5.55 5.60 5.65 5.65 5.70
Variable costs of production (dollars):
Per acre 79.15 81.26 82.30 83.54 84.22 84.91 85.59 86.29 87.02 87.77 88.55 89.36
Per bushel 2.33 1.91 2.06 2.07 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
Returns over variable costs (dollars per acre):
Net returns a 169.68 140.26 125.70 126.54 127.94 131.39 143.21 146.81 150.42 154.05 155.53 159.16
Soybean oil (million pounds)
Beginning stocks, Oct. 1 1,491 1,057 1,187 1,487 1,682 1,877 1,962 2,107 2,127 2,077 1,937 1,752
Production 17,077 18,425 19,390 19,630 19,875 20,060 20,415 20,660 20,960 21,265 21,565 21,865
Imports 307 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
Total supply 18,875 19,587 20,687 21,232 21,677 22,062 22,507 22,902 23,227 23,487 23,652 23,772
Domestic disappearance 16,881 17,300 17,650 18,000 18,350 18,675 19,025 19,375 19,725 20,100 20,475 20,850
Exports 937 1,100 1,550 1,550 1,450 1,425 1,375 1,400 1,425 1,450 1,425 1,350
Total demand 17,818 18,400 19,200 19,550 19,800 20,100 20,400 20,775 21,150 21,550 21,900 22,200
Ending stocks, Sept. 30 1,057 1,187 1,487 1,682 1,877 1,962 2,107 2,127 2,077 1,937 1,752 1,572
Soybean oil price ($/lb) 0.2997 0.230 0.205 0.198 0.200 0.205 0.208 0.213 0.218 0.223 0.230 0.235
Soybean meal (thousand short tons)
Beginning stocks, Oct. 1 220 212 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Production 36,318 39,173 41,035 41,485 41,985 42,385 43,035 43,585 44,135 44,710 45,285 45,985
Imports 270 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165
Total supply 36,808 39,550 41,450 41,900 42,400 42,800 43,450 44,000 44,550 45,125 45,700 46,400
Domestic disappearance 32,256 33,900 34,500 35,150 35,650 36,150 36,700 37,250 37,800 38,375 38,950 39,550
Exports 4,340 5,400 6,700 6,500 6,500 6,400 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,600
Total demand 36,596 39,300 41,200 41,650 42,150 42,550 43,200 43,750 44,300 44,875 45,450 46,150
Ending stocks, Sept. 30 212 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Soybean meal price ($/ton) 256.05 160.00 150.00 155.00 163.00 176.50 185.00 183.50 182.50 181.50 177.00 176.00
Crushing yields (pounds per bushel)
Soybean oil 11.16 11.20 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 11.33
Soybean meal 47.48 47.62 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.60 47.60
Crush margin ($ per bushel) 2.08 1.44 1.37 1.31 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.22 1.20 1.19 1.17 1.15
USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2014, February 2005 (OCE-2005-1), Table 13 - U.S. soybean
and products,
Net returns include estimates of marketing loan benefits.
In 2001, only 5 million gallons of biodiesel fuel was produced requiring a very small amount of all
soybeans harvested. By 2005, about 75 million gallons of biodiesel fuel was produced with about 90%
being derived from soybeans. At a conversion rate of 1.5 gallons of biodiesel per bushel of soybeans
(Source: National Biodiesel Board), the total bushels of soybeans used in biodiesel production was
approximately 45 million bushels or about 1.5% of all soybeans produced.
Table 5.14
Soybeans: Area, Yield, Production, and Value, 1996—2005
Marketing year
average price per
Area Yield per bushel raised by Value of
Year Area Planted harvested acre Production farmers production
1,000 Acres 1,000 Acres Bushels 1,000 Bushels Dollars 1,000 Dollars
1996 64,195 63,349 37.6 2,380,274 7.35 17,439,971
1997 70,005 69,110 38.9 2,688,750 6.47 17,372,628
1998 72,025 70,441 38.9 2,741,014 4.93 13,493,891
1999 73,730 72,446 36.6 2,653,758 4.63 12,205,352
2000 74,266 72,408 38.1 2,757,810 4.54 12,466,572
2001 74,075 72,975 39.6 2,890,682 4.38 12,605,717
2002 73,963 72,497 38.0 2,756,147 5.53 15,252,691
2003 73,404 72,476 33.9 2,453,665 7.34 18,013,753
2004 75,208 73,958 42.2 3,123,686 5.74 17,894,948
2005 72,142 71,361 43.3 3,086,432 5.50 16,927,898
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 3-26,
Table 5.15
Soybeans: Supply and Disappearance, 1995—2004
(thousand bushels)
Stocks by Position
Terminal market,
Year interior mill,
beginning elevator, and
September Farm warehouse Total Production Totala
1995 105,130 229,684 334,814 2,174,254 2,513,524
1996 59,523 123,935 183,458 2,380,274 2,572,636
1997 43,600 88,233 131,833 2,688,750 2,825,589
1998 84,300 115,499 199,799 2,741,014 2,944,334
1999 145,000 203,482 348,482 2,653,758 3,006,411
2000 112,500 177,662 290,162 2,757,810 3,051,540
2001 83,500 164,247 247,747 2,890,682 3,140,749
2002 62,700 145,361 208,061 2,756,147 2,968,869
2003 58,000 120,329 178,329 2,453,665 2,637,556
2004 29,400 83,014 112,414 3,123,686 3,241,676
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 3-29,
Includes imports, beginning with 1988.
Reported by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Soybean production is highly variable by state, with the mid-west producing the largest amount. States
with the highest production levels are Illinois and Iowa.
Table 5.16
Soybeans: Area, Yield, and Production, by State, 2003—2005
USDA, 2006 Agricultural Statistics, Table 3-31,
Soybean production area is similar to corn production area, with the addition of more area in North and
South Dakota and along the Mississippi Delta.
Figure 5.7
Soybeans for Beans, Harvested Acres, 2002
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service,
As with all agricultural crops, soybean costs and returns per acre vary by region. In general, soybean
returns are a little less than returns for corn when only operating costs are considered.
Table 5.17
Soybean Production Costs and Returns per Planted Acre,
Excluding Government Payments, 2002—2003
(dollars per planted acre)
Supporting information:
Yield (bushels per planted acre) 40 36 43 36 41 30 35 30
Price (dollars per bushel at harvest) 5.20 6.56 5.19 6.57 5.18 6.50 5.02 6.17
Enterprise size (planted acres) 268 268 280 280 135 135 460 460
Production practices:
Irrigated (percent) 9 9 5 5 3 3 3 3
Dryland (percent) 91 91 95 95 97 97 97 97
Supporting information:
Yield (bushels per planted acre) 33 34 29 37 23 32 37 45
Price (dollars per bushel at harvest) 5.18 6.59 5.47 6.82 5.41 7.00 5.41 6.68
Enterprise size (planted acres) 246 246 171 171 180 180 538 538
Production practices:
Irrigated (percent) 32 32 8 8 0 0 43 43
Dryland (percent) 68 68 92 92 100 100 57 57
Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Developed from survey base year, 2002.
Residues and byproduct streams from food, feed, fiber, wood, and materials processing plants are the
main source of secondary biomass. Secondary biomass feedstocks differ from primary biomass
feedstocks in that the secondary feedstocks are a by-product of processing of the primary feedstocks. By
“processing” it is meant that there is substantial physical or chemical breakdown of the primary biomass
and production of by-products. “Processors” may be factories or animals. Field processes such as
harvesting, bundling, chipping or pressing do not cause a biomass resource that was produced by
photosynthesis (e.g., tree tops and limbs) to be classified as secondary biomass.
Specific examples of secondary biomass includes sawdust from sawmills, black liquor (which is a by-
product of paper making), and cheese whey (which is a by-product of cheese making processes).
Manures from concentrated animal feeding operations are collectable secondary biomass resources.
Vegetable oils used for biodiesel that are derived directly from the processing of oilseeds for various uses
are also a secondary biomass resource.
It is difficult to find good direct sources of information on secondary biomass resources. In most cases,
one has to estimate availability based on information and assumptions about the industries or companies
generating the biomass. These estimates can be inaccurate because the amount of material that is a by-
product to a given process can change over time as processes become more efficient or new uses are
found for some by-product components.
The estimates provided in this databook were generated either by industries using secondary biomass to
make a marketable fuel (e.g., the pellet fuel industry), or were generated by Forest Service staff using the
Timber Product Output database This database is based on
wood harvest and use inventories conducted every 5 years; the 2002 inventory is the latest source of
information. The wood already used for energy provides insight on current bioenergy produced and the
“unused” biomass represents wood that is already collected and potentially very easy to make available
for additional energy production. Though a relatively small amount, it would likely be some of the first
wood used if bioenergy use is accelerated in the U.S.
Information on black liquor production and use for energy is kept and tracked by the forest products
industry but is proprietary. An estimate of black liquor production could be made based on publicly
available information on pulp mills. However, any current listing of pulp mills in operation will be out-of-
date within a month or two of publication because of the frequent closing of mills that is occurring. Thus,
though a very important resource for bioenergy production today, no attempt is made to include a state
level estimate of black liquor production in this book.
About 42% of the residues produced at primary mills are used to produce energy, typically supplying the
power needed to operate the mills.
Table 5.18
Residues from Primary Forest Product Mills
(Dry tons)
Bioenergy Resource and Engineering Systems Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Note: - No data.
For information on estimation methods used, see: Appendix C - Estimation Methods for Logging
Residues, Fuel Treatment Thinnings and Primary Forest Product Mill Residues.
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Although the mill residues shown in the map below are currently unused, they represent a source of
biomass that could be utilized fairly easily compared with other sources of biomass.
Figure 5.8
Unused Mill Residues by County
Bioenergy Resource and Engineering Systems Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Note: For information on estimation methods used, see: Appendix C - Estimation Methods for Logging
Residues, Fuel Treatment Thinnings and Primary Forest Product Mill Residues.
Table 5.19
Pellet Fuel Shipments from Pellet Fuel Manufacturers (tons)
Region 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003* 2003-2004* 2004-2005*
Pacific 293,000 262,000 228,000 236,000 231,000 235,500 204,000 229,000 269,000 241,000 183,323
Mountain 120,000 123,000 108,000 108,000 120,000 89,000 121,000 130,000 105,000 131,000 101,509
Central 15,000 19,000 36,000 49,000 31,000 17,500 43,000 39,000 49,000 76,000 49,176
Great Lakes 24,000 36,000 45,000 22,000 27,000 19,100 26,000 44,000 41,000 53,000 56,656
Northeast 84,000 107,000 143,000 154,000 135,000 147,000 197,000 226,000 254,000 272,000 241,344
Southeast 34,000 39,000 49,000 49,000 58,000 62,000 63,000 59,000 43,000 43,000 35,772
Total 570,000 586,000 609,000 618,000 602,000 570,100 654,000 727,000 761,000 816,000 667,780
Note: * Represents heating season, not annual season. 1st Quarter April-June, 2nd Quarter July-Sept,
3rd Quarter Oct-Dec, 4th Quarter Jan-Mar.
Table 5.20
Pellet Appliance Shipments from Manufacturers
Statistics are gathered by Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association,
Tertiary biomass includes post consumer residues and wastes, such as fats, greases, oils, construction
and demolition wood debris, other waste wood from the urban environments, as well as packaging
wastes, municipal solid wastes, and landfill gases.
The category “other wood waste from the urban environment” could include trimmings from urban trees,
which technically fits the definition of primary biomass. However, because this material is normally
handled as a waste stream along with other post-consumer wastes from urban environments (and
included in those statistics), it makes the most sense to consider it to be part of the tertiary biomass
The proper categorization of fats and greases may be debatable since those are byproducts of the
reduction of animal biomass into component parts. However, since we are considering animals to be a
type of biomass processing factory and since most fats and greases, and some oils, are not available for
bioenergy use until after they become a post-consumer waste stream, it seems appropriate for them to be
included in the tertiary biomass category. Vegetable oils derived from processing of plant components
and used directly for bioenergy (e.g., soybean oil used in biodiesel) would be a secondary biomass
resource, though amounts being used for bioenergy are most likely to be tracked together with fats,
greases and waste oils.
Construction and demolition produce a sizeable amount of biomass material, though, recovery and use of
those materials pose economic challenges.
Figure 5.9
Total Construction and Demolition Residues
Bioenergy Resource and Engineering Systems Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Note: For information on estimation methods used, see: Appendix C - Estimation Methods for Urban
Wood Residues.
Table 5.21
Residues from Construction and Demolition by State
(Dry tons)
Bioenergy Resource and Engineering Systems Program, Oak Ridge National
Although municipal solid wood waste residues constitute a significant amount of biomass material, it is
important to note that it may not be available at a cost that is economically viable.
Figure 5.10
Total Municipal Solid Waste Wood Residues
Bioenergy Resource and Engineering Systems Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Note: For information on estimation methods used, see: Appendix C - Estimation Methods for Urban
Wood Residues.
Table 5.22
Residues from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills by State
(Dry tons)
Bioenergy Resource and Engineering Systems Program, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Landfill gas is becoming a more prominent source of energy; all but nine states are using landfill gas to
some extent. There are a number of states that are utilizing the majority of landfill sites available to them.
Table 5.23
Landfill Gas Projects and Candidate Landfills by State, January 2006
EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program. January 9, 2006.
No data available.
Table A.1
Heat Content for Various Fuels
Table A.2
Approximate Heat Content of Selected Fuels for Electric Power Generation
Fossil Fuelsa
Residual Oil (million Btu per barrel) 6.287
Distillate Oil (million Btu per barrel) 5.799
Natural Gas (Btu per million cubic ft) 1,027
Coal (million Btu per Short Ton) 20.411
Biomass Materialsb
Switchgrass Btu per pound 7,341
Bagasse, Btu per pound 6,065
Rice Hulls, Btu per pound 6,575
Poultry Litter, Btu per pound 6,187
Solid wood waste, Btu per pound 6,000-8,000
EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2006, DOE/EIA-0383 (2006) (Washington, DC, February 2006),
Table G1.
Animal Waste Screening Study, Electrotek Concepts, Inc., Arlington, VA. June 2001.
Table A.3
Alternative Measures of Greenhouse Gases
Table A.4
Area Conversions
National Institute of Standards and Technology, General Tables of Units and Measurements,
An acre is a unit of area containing 43,560 square feet. It is not necessarily square, or even
rectangular. But, if it is square, then the length of a side is equal to the square root of 43,560 or about
208.71 feet.
Table A.5
Areas and Crop Yields
1.0 hectare = 10,000 m^2 (an area 100 m x 100 m, or 328 x 328 ft) = 2.47 acres
1.0 km^2 = 100 hectares = 247 acres
1.0 acre = 0.405 hectares
1.0 US ton/acre = 2.24 t/ha
1.0 metric tonne/hectare = 0.446 ton/acre
100 g/m^2 = 1.0 tonne/hectare = 892 lb/acre
US bushel = 0.0352 m^3 = 0.97 UK bushel = 56 lb, 25 kg (corn or sorghum) = 60 lb, 27 kg (wheat or
soybeans) = 40 lb, 18 kg (barley)
Bioenergy Feedstock Information Network,
Table A.6
Biomass Energy Conversions
Cord: a stack of wood comprising 128 cubic feet (3.62 m^3); standard dimensions are 4 x 4 x 8 feet, including air
space and bark. One cord contains approx. 1.2 U.S. tons (oven-dry) = 2400 pounds = 1089 kg
1.0 metric tonne wood = 1.4 cubic meters (solid wood, not stacked)
Energy content of wood fuel (HHV, bone dry) = 18-22 GJ/t (7,600-9,600 Btu/lb)
Energy content of wood fuel (air dry, 20% moisture) = about 15 GJ/t (6,400 Btu/lb)
Energy content of agricultural residues (range due to moisture content) = 10-17 GJ/t (4,300-7,300 Btu/lb)
Bioenergy Feedstock Information Network,
Table A.7
Distance and Velocity Conversions
Table A.8
Energy Unit Conversions
This figure does not take into account the fact that electricity generation and distribution efficiency
is approximately 29%. If generation and distribution efficiency are taken into account, 1 kWhr = 11,765
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Table A.9
Fuel Efficiency Conversions
Table A.10
Mass Conversions
FROM Pound Kilogram Short ton Long ton Metric ton
Pound 1 0.4536 5.0 x 10-4 4.4643 x 10-4 4.5362 x 10-4
Kilogram 2.205 1 1.1023 x 10-3 9.8425 x 10-4 1.0 x 10-3
Short ton 2000 907.2 1 0.8929 0.9072
Long ton 2240 1016 1.12 1 1.016
Metric ton 2205 1000 1.102 0.9842 1
Table A.11
Power Conversions
Metric Kilocalories
FROM Horsepower Kilowatts horsepower Ft-lb per sec per sec Btu per sec
horsepower 0.9863 0.7355 1 542.5 0.1757 0.6971
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3
Ft-lb per sec 1.36 x 10 1.356 x 10 1.84 x 10 1 0.3238 x 10 1.285 x 10
per sec 5.615 4.184 5.692 3088 1 3.968
Table A.12
Volume and Flow Rate Conversions
= 0.1337 ft3 -2 3
= 3.531 x 10 ft
= 3.785 liters = 0.2624 U.S. gal
= 0.8321 imperial gal = 0.2200 imperial gal
= 0.0238 bbl = 6.29 x 10 bbl
= 0.003785 m3 = 0.001 m
3 3
1 U.S. gal/hr = 3.209 ft /day = 1171 ft /year
= 90.84 liter/day = 33157 liter/year
= 19.97 imperial gal/day = 7289 imperial gal/year
= 0.5712 bbl/day = 207.92 bbl/year
For Imperial gallons, multiply above values by 1.201
The conversions for flow rates are identical to those for volume measures, if the time units are
Table A.13
International Energy Conversions
Terajoules 1 238.8 2.388 x 10 947.8 0.2778
-3 -7 -3
Gigacalories 4.1868 x 10 1 10 3.968 1.163 x 10
Million tonnes
4 7
of oil equivalent 4.1868 x 10 107 1 3.968 x 10 11,630
-3 -8 -4
Million Btu 1.0551 x 10 0.252 2.52 X 10 1 2.931 x 10
Gigawatthours 3.6 860 8.6 x 10 3412 1
Table A.14
SI Prefixes and Their Values
Care should be exercised in the use of this nomenclature, especially
in foreign correspondence, as it is either unknown or carries a different value
in other countries. A "billion," for example, signifies a value of 10 in most
other countries.
Table A.15
Metric Units and Abbreviations
Energy joule J
Specific energy joule/kilogram J/kg
Specific energy consumption joule/kilogram•kilometer J/(kg•km)
Energy consumption joule/kilometer J/km
Energy economy kilometer/kilojoule km/kJ
Power kilowatt Kw
Specific power watt/kilogram W/kg
Power density watt/meter3 W/m3
Speed kilometer/hour km/h
Acceleration meter/second2 m/s2
Range (distance) kilometer km
Weight kilogram kg
Torque newton•meter N•m
Volume meter3 m3
Mass; payload kilogram kg
Length; width meter m
Brake specific fuel consumption kilogram/joule kg/J
Fuel economy (heat engine) liters/100 km L/100 km
Biomass feedstocks and fuels exhibit a wide range of physical, chemical, and agricultural/process
engineering properties. Despite their wide range of possible sources, biomass feedstocks are remarkably
uniform in many of their fuel properties, compared with competing feedstocks such as coal or petroleum.
For example, there are many kinds of coals whose gross heating value ranges from 20 to 30 GJ/tonne
(gigajoules per metric tonne; 8,600-12,900 Btu/lb). However, nearly all kinds of biomass feedstocks
destined for combustion fall in the range 15-19 GJ/tonne (6,450-8,200 Btu/lb). For most agricultural
residues, the heating values are even more uniform – about 15-17 GJ/tonne (6,450-7,300 Btu/lb); the
values for most woody materials are 18-19 GJ/tonne (7,750-8,200 Btu/lb). Moisture content is probably
the most important determinant of heating value. Air-dried biomass typically has about 15-20% moisture,
whereas the moisture content for oven-dried biomass is around 0%. Moisture content is also an important
characteristic of coals, varying in the range of 2-30%. However, the bulk density (and hence energy
density) of most biomass feedstocks is generally low, even after densification, about 10 and 40% of the
bulk density of most fossil fuels. Liquid biofuels have comparable bulk densities to fossil fuels.
Most biomass materials are easier to gasify than coal because they are more reactive with higher ignition
stability. This characteristic also makes them easier to process thermochemically into higher-value fuels
such as methanol or hydrogen. Ash content is typically lower than for most coals, and sulphur content is
much lower than for many fossil fuels. Unlike coal ash, which may contain toxic metals and other trace
contaminants, biomass ash may be used as a soil amendment to help replenish nutrients removed by
harvest. A few biomass feedstocks stand out for their peculiar properties, such as high silicon or alkali
metal contents – these may require special precautions for harvesting, processing and combustion
equipment. Note also that mineral content can vary as a function of soil type and the timing of feedstock
harvest. In contrast to their fairly uniform physical properties, biomass fuels are rather heterogeneous with
respect to their chemical elemental composition.
Among the liquid biomass fuels, biodiesel (vegetable oil ester) is noteworthy for its similarity to petroleum-
derived diesel fuel, apart from its negligible sulfur and ash content. Bioethanol has only about 70% the
heating value of petroleum distillates such as gasoline, but its sulfur and ash contents are also very low.
Both of these liquid fuels have lower vapor pressure and flammability than their petroleum-based
competitors – an advantage in some cases (e.g., use in confined spaces such as mines) but a
disadvantage in others (e.g., engine starting at cold temperatures).
The following pages contain three tables that show some "typical" values or range of values for selected
compositional, chemical and physical properties of biomass feedstocks and liquid biofuels. Figures for
fossil fuels are provided for comparison.
Information in Appendix B is from a fact sheet by Jonathan Scurlock, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Bioenergy Feedstock Development Programs. P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6407.
Table B.1
Composition of Selected Feedstocks
Jonathan Scurlock, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Bioenergy Feedstock Development Programs. P.O.
Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6407
N/A = Not Applicable.
** = Data not available.
Table B.2
Chemical Characteristics of Selected Feedstocks
Ash melting
Heating value [some ash
(gross, unless sintering
specified; GJ/t) ash (%) sulfur (%) potassium (%) observed] (C)
Bioenergy Feedstocks corn stover 17.6 5.6 ** ** **
sweet 15.4 5.5 ** ** **
sorghum ** ** ** ** **
sugarcane 18.1 3.2-5.5 0.10- 0.73-0.97 **
bagasse ** ** 0.15 ** **
sugarcane 17.4 7.7 ** ** **
leaves ** ** ** ** **
hardwood 20.5 0.45 0.009 0.04 [900]
softwood 19.6 0.3 0.01 ** **
hybrid 19.0 0.5-1.5 0.03 0.3 1350
poplar ** ** ** ** **
bamboo 18.5-19.4 0.8-2.5 0.03-0.05 0.15-0.50 **
switchgrass 18.3 4.5-5.8 0.12 ** 1016
miscanthus 17.1-19.4 1.5-4.5 0.1 0.37-1.12 1090 [600]
Arundo donax 17.1 5-6 0.07 ** **
Liquid Biofuels bioethanol 28 ** <0.01 ** N/A
biodiesel 40 <0.02 <0.05 <0.0001 N/A
Fossil Fuels Coal (low rank; lignite/sub-
bituminous) 15-19 5-20 1.0-3.0 0.02-0.3 ~1300
Coal (high rank
bituminous/anthracite) 27-30 1-10 0.5-1.5 0.06-0.15 ~1300
Oil (typical distillate) 42-45 0.5-1.5 0.2-1.2 ** N/A
Jonathan Scurlock, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Bioenergy Feedstock Development Programs. P.O.
Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6407
N/A = Not Applicable.
** = Data not available.
Table B.3
Physical Characteristics of Selected Feedstocks
Jonathan Scurlock, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Bioenergy Feedstock Development Programs. P.O.
Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6407
N/A = Not Applicable.
** = Data not available.
The forestry residue data included in this book are the same as that used in the DOE/USDA publication
entitled “Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibility of a
Billion Ton Annual Supply.” The resource estimates contained in the following tables have been
disaggregated to states.
Primary mill residues include bark, coarse residues (chunks and slabs), and fine residues (shavings and
sawdust) generated at sawmills that process harvested wood. The mill residue data were downloaded by
state and county from the U.S. Forest Service’s Timber Product Output database
( Because primary mill residues tend to be clean, uniform,
concentrated, and of a low moisture content, most of these materials are already used for products or
boiler fuel at the mills. The U.S Forest Service estimates current usage by type as follows:
This leaves a very small amount (~2%) of unused primary mill material available for energy. Residues are
also generated at secondary processing mills (e.g., millwork, furniture, flooring, containers, etc.).
Secondary mill residue data are not collected by the U.S. Forest Service.
The state-level estimates provided for urban wood residues are consistent with the estimates found in the
DOE/USDA publication entitled “Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The
Technical Feasibility of a Billion Ton Annual Supply."
MSW consists of a variety of items ranging from organic food scraps to discarded furniture and
appliances. Wood and yard and tree trimmings are the two sources within this residue stream that are
potentially recoverable for energy use. The wood component includes discarded furniture, pallets,
containers, packaging materials, lumber scraps (other than new construction and demolition), and wood
residuals from manufacturing. McKeever (2004) estimates the total wood component of the MSW stream
at slightly more than 13 million dry tons. About 55% of this material is either recycled as compost, burned
for power production, or unavailable for recovery because of excessive contamination. In total about 6
million dry tons of MSW wood is potentially available for energy. The other component of the MSW
stream — yard and tree trimmings — is estimated at 9.8 million dry tons. However, only 1.5 million dry
tons is considered potentially available for recovery after accounting for what is currently used and what is
The amount of available construction and demolition residue is correlated with economic activity (e.g.,
housing starts), population, demolition activity, and the extent of recycling and reuse programs. McKeever
(2004) estimates annual generation of construction and demolition debris at 11.6 and 27.7 million dry
tons, respectively. About 8.6 million dry tons of construction debris and 11.7 million dry tons of demolition
debris are considered potentially available for energy. Unlike construction residue, which tends to be
relatively clean and can be more easily source-separated, demolition debris is often contaminated,
making recovery much more difficult and expensive.
Reference: McKeever, D. 2004. “Inventories of Woody Residues and Solid Wood Waste in the United
States, 2002.” Ninth International Conference, Inorganic-Bonded Composite Materials. Vancouver, British
Columbia. October 10-13.
Alcohol - The family name of a group of organic chemical compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen. The molecules in the series vary in chain length and are composed of a hydrocarbon
plus a hydroxyl group. Alcohol includes methanol and ethanol.
Annual removals - The net volume of growing stock trees removed from the inventory during a specified
year by harvesting, cultural operations such as timber stand improvement, or land clearing.
ASABE Standard X593 - The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) in
2005 produced a new standard (Standard X593) entitled “Terminology and Definitions for Biomass
Production, Harvesting and Collection, Storage, Processing, Conversion and Utilization.” The
purpose of the standard is to provide uniform terminology and definitions in the general area of
biomass production and utilization. This standard includes many terminologies that are used in
biomass feedstock production, harvesting, collecting, handling, storage, pre-processing and
conversion, bioenergy, biopower and bioproducts. The terminologies were reviewed by many
experts from all of the different fields of biomass and bioenergy before being accepted as part of
the standard. The full-text is included on the online Technical Library of ASABE
(; members and institutions holding a site license can access the online
version. Print copies may be ordered for a fee by calling 269-429-0300, e-mailing
[email protected], or by mail at: ASABE, 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Asexual reproduction - The naturally occurring ability of some plant species to reproduce asexually
through seeds, meaning the embryos develop without a male gamete. This ensures the seeds will
produce plants identical to the mother plant.
Barrel of oil equivalent - (boe) The amount of energy contained in a barrel of crude oil, i.e.
approximately 6.1 GJ (5.8 million Btu), equivalent to 1,700 kWh. A "petroleum barrel" is a liquid
measure equal to 42 U.S. gallons (35 Imperial gallons or 159 liters); about 7.2 barrels are
equivalent to one tonne of oil (metric).
Biobased product - The term 'biobased product,' as defined by Farm Security and Rural Investment Act
(FSRIA), means a product determined by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to be a commercial or
industrial product (other than food or feed) that is composed, in whole or in significant part, of
biological products or renewable domestic agricultural materials (including plant, animal, and
marine materials) or forestry materials.
Biochemical conversion - The use of fermentation or anaerobic digestion to produce fuels and
chemicals from organic sources.
Biodiesel - Fuel derived from vegetable oils or animal fats. It is produced when a vegetable oil or animal
fat is chemically reacted with an alcohol.
Bioenergy - Useful, renewable energy produced from organic matter - the conversion of the complex
carbohydrates in organic matter to energy. Organic matter may either be used directly as a fuel,
processed into liquids and gasses, or be a residual of processing and conversion.
Bioethanol - Ethanol produced from biomass feedstocks. This includes ethanol produced from the
fermentation of crops, such as corn, as well as cellulosic ethanol produced from woody plants or
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Biorefinery - A facility that processes and converts biomass into value-added products. These products
can range from biomaterials to fuels such as ethanol or important feedstocks for the production of
chemicals and other materials. Biorefineries can be based on a number of processing platforms
using mechanical, thermal, chemical, and biochemical processes.
Biofuels - Fuels made from biomass resources, or their processing and conversion derivatives. Biofuels
include ethanol, biodiesel, and methanol.
Biogas - A combustible gas derived from decomposing biological waste under anaerobic conditions.
Biogas normally consists of 50 to 60 percent methane. See also landfill gas.
Biomass - Any organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis, including agricultural
crops and trees, wood and wood residues, plants (including aquatic plants), grasses, animal
manure, municipal residues, and other residue materials. Biomass is generally produced in a
sustainable manner from water and carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. There are three main
categories of biomass - primary, secondary, and tertiary.
Biopower - The use of biomass feedstock to produce electric power or heat through direct combustion of
the feedstock, through gasification and then combustion of the resultant gas, or through other
thermal conversion processes. Power is generated with engines, turbines, fuel cells, or other
Biorefinery - A facility that processes and converts biomass into value-added products. These products
can range from biomaterials to fuels such as ethanol or important feedstocks for the production of
chemicals and other materials. Biorefineries can be based on a number of processing platforms
using mechanical, thermal, chemical, and biochemical processes.
Bone dry - Having zero percent moisture content. Wood heated in an oven at a constant temperature of
100°C (212°F) or above until its weight stabilizes is considered bone dry or oven dry.
Bottoming cycle - A cogeneration system in which steam is used first for process heat and then for
electric power production.
Black liquor - Solution of lignin-residue and the pulping chemicals used to extract lignin during the
manufacture of paper.
British thermal unit - (Btu) A non-metric unit of heat, still widely used by engineers. One Btu is the heat
energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 60°F to 61°F at one
atmosphere pressure. 1 Btu = 1055 joules (1.055 kJ).
Carbon dioxide (CO2) - A colorless, odorless, non-poisonous gas that is a normal part of the ambient air.
Carbon dioxide is a product of fossil fuel combustion.
Closed-loop biomass - Crops grown, in a sustainable manner, for the purpose of optimizing their value
for bioenergy and bioproduct uses. This includes annual crops such as maize and wheat, and
perennial crops such as trees, shrubs, and grasses such as switchgrass.
Coarse materials - Wood residues suitable for chipping, such as slabs, edgings, and trimmings.
Conservation reserve program - CRP provides farm owners or operators with an annual per-acre rental
payment and half the cost of establishing a permanent land cover in exchange for retiring
environmentally sensitive cropland from production for 10 to 15 years. In 1996, Congress
reauthorized CRP for an additional round of contracts, limiting enrollment to 36.4 million acres at
any time. The 2002 Farm Act increased the enrollment limit to 39 million acres. Producers can
offer land for competitive bidding based on an Environmental Benefits Index (EBI) during periodic
signups, or can automatically enroll more limited acreages in practices such as riparian buffers,
field windbreaks, and grass strips on a continuous basis. CRP is funded through the Commodity
Credit Corporation (CCC).
Cord - A stack of wood comprising 128 cubic feet (3.62 m^3); standard dimensions are 4 x 4 x 8 feet,
including air space and bark. One cord contains approx. 1.2 U.S. tons (oven-dry) = 2400 pounds
= 1089 kg.
Cropland - Total cropland includes five components: cropland harvested, crop failure, cultivated summer
fallow, cropland used only for pasture, and idle cropland.
Cropland used for crops - Cropland used for crops includes cropland harvested, crop failure, and
cultivated summer fallow. Cropland harvested includes row crops and closely sown crops; hay
and silage crops; tree fruits, small fruits, berries, and tree nuts; vegetables and melons; and
miscellaneous other minor crops. In recent years, farmers have double-cropped about 4 percent
of this acreage. Crop failure consists mainly of the acreage on which crops failed because of
weather, insects, and diseases, but includes some land not harvested due to lack of labor, low
market prices, or other factors. The acreage planted to cover and soil improvement crops not
intended for harvest is excluded from crop failure and is considered idle. Cultivated summer
fallow refers to cropland in sub-humid regions of the West cultivated for one or more seasons to
control weeds and accumulate moisture before small grains are planted. This practice is optional
in some areas, but it is a requirement for crop production in the drier cropland areas of the West.
Other types of fallow, such as cropland planted with soil improvement crops but not harvested
and cropland left idle all year, are not included in cultivated summer fallow but are included as
idle cropland.
Cropland pasture - Land used for long-term crop rotation. However, some cropland pasture is marginal
for crop uses and may remain in pasture indefinitely. This category also includes land that was
used for pasture before crops reached maturity and some land used for pasture that could have
been cropped without additional improvement.
Cull tree - A live tree, 5.0 inches in diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) or larger that is non-merchantable
for saw logs now or prospectively because of rot, roughness, or species. (See definitions for
rotten and rough trees.)
d.b.h. - The diameter measured at approximately breast high from the ground.
Digester - An airtight vessel or enclosure in which bacteria decomposes biomass in water to produce
Discount rate - A rate used to convert future costs or benefits to their present value.
Downdraft gasifier - A gasifier in which the product gases pass through a combustion zone at the
bottom of the gasifier.
Dutch oven furnace - One of the earliest types of furnaces, having a large, rectangular box lined with
firebrick (refractory) on the sides and top. Commonly used for burning wood. Heat is stored in the
refractory and radiated to a conical fuel pile in the center of the furnace.
Effluent - The liquid or gas discharged from a process or chemical reactor, usually containing residues
from that process.
Emissions - Waste substances released into the air or water. See also Effluent.
Energy crops - Crops grown specifically for their fuel value. These include food crops such as corn and
sugarcane, and nonfood crops such as poplar trees and switchgrass. Currently, two energy crops
are under development; short-rotation woody crops, which are fast-growing hardwood trees
harvested in 5 to 8 years, and herbaceous energy crops, such as perennial grasses, which are
harvested annually after taking 2 to 3 years to reach full productivity.
Ethanol - Otherwise known as ethyl alcohol, alcohol, or grain-spirit. A clear, colorless, flammable
oxygenated hydrocarbon with a boiling point of 78.5 degrees Celsius in the anhydrous state. In
transportation, ethanol is used as a vehicle fuel by itself (E100 – 100% ethanol by volume),
blended with gasoline (E85 – 85% ethanol by volume), or as a gasoline octane enhancer and
oxygenate (10% by volume).
Externality - A cost or benefit not accounted for in the price of goods or services. Often "externality"
refers to the cost of pollution and other environmental impacts.
Feller-buncher - A self-propelled machine that cuts trees with giant shears near ground level and then
stacks the trees into piles to await skidding.
Fiber products - Products derived from fibers of herbaceous and woody plant materials. Examples
include pulp, composition board products, and wood chips for export.
Fine materials - Wood residues not suitable for chipping, such as planer shavings and sawdust.
Firm power - (firm energy) Power which is guaranteed by the supplier to be available at all times during a
period covered by a commitment. That portion of a customer's energy load for which service is
assured by the utility provider.
Fluidized-bed boiler - A large, refractory-lined vessel with an air distribution member or plate in the
bottom, a hot gas outlet in or near the top, and some provisions for introducing fuel. The fluidized
bed is formed by blowing air up through a layer of inert particles (such as sand or limestone) at a
rate that causes the particles to go into suspension and continuous motion. The super-hot bed
material increased combustion efficiency by its direct contact with the fuel.
Forest land - Land at least 10 percent stocked by forest trees of any size, including land that formerly
had such tree cover and that will be naturally or artificially regenerated. Forest land includes
transition zones, such as areas between heavily forested and nonforested lands that are at least
10 percent stocked with forest trees and forest areas adjacent to urban and built-up lands. Also
included are pinyon-juniper and chaparral areas in the West and afforested areas. The minimum
area for classification of forest land is 1 acre. Roadside, streamside, and shelterbelt strips of trees
must have a crown width of at least 120 feet to qualify as forest land. Unimproved roads and
trails, streams, and clearings in forest areas are classified as forest if less than 120 feet wide.
Forest residues - Material not harvested or removed from logging sites in commercial hardwood and
softwood stands as well as material resulting from forest management operations such as
precommercial thinnings and removal of dead and dying trees.
Forest health - A condition of ecosystem sustainability and attainment of management objectives for a
given forest area. Usually considered to include green trees, snags, resilient stands growing at a
moderate rate, and endemic levels of insects and disease. Natural processes still function or are
duplicated through management intervention.
Fossil fuel - Solid, liquid, or gaseous fuels formed in the ground after millions of years by chemical and
physical changes in plant and animal residues under high temperature and pressure. Oil, natural
gas, and coal are fossil fuels.
Fuel cell - A device that converts the energy of a fuel directly to electricity and heat, without combustion.
Fuel cycle - The series of steps required to produce electricity. The fuel cycle includes mining or
otherwise acquiring the raw fuel source, processing and cleaning the fuel, transport, electricity
generation, waste management and plant decommissioning.
Fuel treatment evaluator (FTE) - A strategic assessment tool capable of aiding the identification,
evaluation, and prioritization of fuel treatment opportunities.
Fuelwood - Wood used for conversion to some form of energy, primarily for residential use.
Furnace - An enclosed chamber or container used to burn biomass in a controlled manner to produce
heat for space or process heating.
Gasohol - A mixture of 10% anhydrous ethanol and 90% gasoline by volume; 7.5% anhydrous ethanol
and 92.5% gasoline by volume; or 5.5% anhydrous ethanol and 94.5% gasoline by volume. There
are other fuels that contain methanol and gasoline, but these fuels are not referred to as gasohol.
Gas turbine - (combustion turbine) A turbine that converts the energy of hot compressed gases
(produced by burning fuel in compressed air) into mechanical power. Often fired by natural gas or
fuel oil.
Gasifier - A device for converting solid fuel into gaseous fuel. In biomass systems, the process is referred
to as pyrolitic distillation. See Pyrolysis.
Gigawatt - (GW) A measure of electrical power equal to one billion watts (1,000,000 kW). A large coal or
nuclear power station typically has a capacity of about 1 GW.
Grassland pasture and range - All open land used primarily for pasture and grazing, including shrub
and brush land types of pasture; grazing land with sagebrush and scattered mesquite; and all
tame and native grasses, legumes, and other forage used for pasture or grazing. Because of the
diversity in vegetative composition, grassland pasture and range are not always clearly
distinguishable from other types of pasture and range. At one extreme, permanent grassland may
merge with cropland pasture, or grassland may often be found in transitional areas with forested
grazing land.
Greenhouse effect - The effect of certain gases in the Earth’s atmosphere in trapping heat from the sun.
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Greenhouse gases - Gases that trap the heat of the sun in the Earth’s atmosphere, producing the
greenhouse effect. The two major greenhouse gases are water vapor and carbon dioxide. Other
greenhouse gases include methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrous oxide.
Growing stock - A classification of timber inventory that includes live trees of commercial species
meeting specified standards of quality or vigor. Cull trees are excluded. When associated with
volume, includes only trees 5.0 inches in d.b.h. and larger.
Habitat - The area where a plant or animal lives and grows under natural conditions. Habitat includes
living and non-living attributes and provides all requirements for food and shelter.
Heat rate - The amount of fuel energy required by a power plant to produce one kilowatt-hour of electrical
output. A measure of generating station thermal efficiency, generally expressed in Btu per net
kWh. It is computed by dividing the total Btu content of fuel burned for electric generation by the
resulting net kWh generation.
Heat transfer efficiency - useful heat output released / actual heat produced in the firebox.
Heating value - The maximum amount of energy that is available from burning a substance.
Hectare - Common metric unit of area, equal to 2.47 acres. 100 hectares = 1 square kilometer.
Herbaceous - Non-woody type of vegetation, usually lacking permanent strong stems, such as grasses,
cereals and canola (rape).
Higher heating value - (HHV) The maximum potential energy in dry fuel. For wood, the range is from
7,600 to 9,600 Btu/lb (17.7 to 22.3 GJ/t).
Horsepower - (electrical horsepower; hp) A unit for measuring the rate of mechanical energy output,
usually used to describe the maximum output of engines or electric motors. 1 hp = 550 foot-
pounds per second = 2,545 Btu per hour = 745.7 watts = 0.746 kW
Hydrocarbon - A compound containing only hydrogen and carbon. The simplest and lightest forms of
hydrocarbon are gaseous. With greater molecular weights they are liquid, while the heaviest are
Idle cropland - Land in cover and soil improvement crops, and cropland on which no crops were planted.
Some cropland is idle each year for various physical and economic reasons. Acreage diverted
from crops to soil-conserving uses (if not eligible for and used as cropland pasture) under federal
farm programs is included in this component. Cropland enrolled in the Federal Conservation
Reserve Program (CRP) is included in idle cropland.
Incinerator - Any device used to burn solid or liquid residues or wastes as a method of disposal. In some
incinerators, provisions are made for recovering the heat produced.
Inclined grate- A type of furnace in which fuel enters at the top part of a grate in a continuous ribbon,
passes over the upper drying section where moisture is removed, and descends into the lower
burning section. Ash is removed at the lower part of the grate.
Incremental energy costs - The cost of producing and transporting the next available unit of electrical
energy. Short run incremental costs (SRIC) include only incremental operating costs. Long run
incremental costs (LRIC) include the capital cost of new resources or capital equipment.
Independent power producer - A power production facility that is not part of a regulated utility.
Indirect liquefaction - Conversion of biomass to a liquid fuel through a synthesis gas intermediate step.
Joule - Metric unit of energy, equivalent to the work done by a force of one Newton applied over a
distance of one meter (= 1 kg m2/s2). One joule (J) = 0.239 calories (1 calorie = 4.187 J).
Kilowatt - (kW) A measure of electrical power equal to 1,000 watts. 1 kW = 3412 Btu/hr = 1.341
horsepower. See also watt.
Kilowatt hour - (kWh) A measure of energy equivalent to the expenditure of one kilowatt for one hour.
For example, 1 kWh will light a 100-watt light bulb for 10 hours. 1 kWh = 3412 Btu.
Landfill gas - A type of biogas that is generated by decomposition of organic material at landfill disposal
sites. Landfill gas is approximately 50 percent methane. See also biogas.
Levelized life-cycle cost - The present value of the cost of a resource, including capital, financing and
operating costs, expressed as a stream of equal annual payments. This stream of payments can
be converted to a unit cost of energy by dividing the annual payment amount by the annual
kilowatt-hours produced or saved. By levelizing costs, resources with different lifetimes and
generating capabilities can be compared.
Lignin - Structural constituent of wood and (to a lesser extent) other plant tissues, which encrusts the cell
walls and cements the cells together.
Live cull - A classification that includes live cull trees. When associated with volume, it is the net volume
in live cull trees that are 5.0 inches in d.b.h. and larger.
Logging residues - The unused portions of growing-stock and non-growing-stock trees cut or killed by
logging and left in the woods.
Megawatt - (MW) A measure of electrical power equal to one million watts (1,000 kW). See also watt.
Mill/kWh - A common method of pricing electricity in the United States. Tenths of a U.S. cent per kilowatt
Mill residue - Wood and bark residues produced in processing logs into lumber, plywood, and paper.
Moisture content - (MC) The weight of the water contained in wood, usually expressed as a percentage
of weight, either oven-dry or as received.
Moisture content, dry basis - Moisture content expressed as a percentage of the weight of oven-dry
wood, i.e.: [(weight of wet sample - weight of dry sample) / weight of dry sample] x 100
Moisture content, wet basis - Moisture content expressed as a percentage of the weight of wood as-
received, i.e.: [(weight of wet sample - weight of dry sample) / weight of wet sample] x 100
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Net present value - The sum of the costs and benefits of a project or activity. Future benefits and costs
are discounted to account for interest costs.
Nitrogen fixation - The transformation of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that can be
used by growing plants.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - A product of combustion of fossil fuels whose production increases with the
temperature of the process. It can become an air pollutant if concentrations are excessive.
Noncondensing, controlled extraction turbine - A turbine that bleeds part of the main steam flow at
one (single extraction) or two (double extraction) points.
Nonforest land - Land that has never supported forests and lands formerly forested where use of timber
management is precluded by development for other uses. (Note: Includes area used for crops,
improved pasture, residential areas, city parks, improved roads of any width and adjoining
clearings, powerline clearings of any width, and 1- to 4.5-acre areas of water classified by the
Bureau of the Census as land. If intermingled in forest areas, unimproved roads and nonforest
strips must be more than 120 feet wide, and clearings, etc., must be more than 1 acre in area to
qualify as nonforest land.)
Nonattainment area - Any area that does not meet the national primary or secondary ambient air quality
standard established by the Environmental Protection Agency for designated pollutants, such as
carbon monoxide and ozone.
Nonindustrial private - An ownership class of private lands where the owner does not operate wood-
using processing plants.
Old growth- Timber stands with the following characteristics; large mature and over-mature trees in the
overstory, snags, dead and decaying logs on the ground, and a multi-layered canopy with trees of
several age classes.
Open-loop biomass - Biomass that can be used to produce energy and bioproducts even though it was
not grown specifically for this purpose. Examples of open-loop biomass include agricultural
livestock waste, residues from forest harvesting operations and crop harvesting.
Organic compounds- Chemical compounds based on carbon chains or rings and also containing
hydrogen, with or without oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements.
Other forest land - Forest land other than timberland and reserved forest land. It includes available forest
land, which is incapable of annually producing 20 cubic feet per acre of industrial wood under
natural conditions because of adverse site conditions such as sterile soils, dry climate, poor
drainage, high elevation, steepness, or rockiness.
Other removals - Unutilized wood volume from cut or otherwise killed growing stock, from cultural
operations such as precommercial thinnings, or from timberland clearing. Does not include
volume removed from inventory through reclassification of timberland to productive reserved
forest land.
Other sources - Sources of roundwood products that are not growing stock. These include salvable
dead, rough and rotten trees, trees of noncommercial species, trees less than 5.0 inches d.b.h.,
tops, and roundwood harvested from non-forest land (for example, fence rows).
Oxygenate - A substance which, when added to gasoline, increases the amount of oxygen in that
gasoline blend. Includes fuel ethanol, methanol, and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).
Particulate - A small, discrete mass of solid or liquid matter that remains individually dispersed in gas or
liquid emissions. Particulates take the form of aerosol, dust, fume, mist, smoke, or spray. Each of
these forms has different properties.
Photosynthesis - Process by which chlorophyll-containing cells in green plants concert incident light to
chemical energy, capturing carbon dioxide in the form of carbohydrates.
Pilot scale - The size of a system between the small laboratory model size (bench scale) and a full-size
Poletimber trees - Live trees at least 5.0 inches in d.b.h. but smaller than sawtimber trees.
Present value - The worth of future receipts or costs expressed in current value. To obtain present value,
an interest rate is used to discount future receipts or costs.
Primary wood-using mill - A mill that converts roundwood products into other wood products. Common
examples are sawmills that convert saw logs into lumber and pulp mills that convert pulpwood
roundwood into wood pulp.
Process heat - Heat used in an industrial process rather than for space heating or other housekeeping
Producer gas - Fuel gas high in carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2), produced by burning a solid
fuel with insufficient air or by passing a mixture of air and steam through a burning bed of solid
Public utility commissions - State agencies that regulate investor-owned utilities operating in the state.
Public utility regulatory policies act - (PURPA) A federal law requiring a utility to buy the power
produced by a qualifying facility at a price equal to that which the utility would otherwise pay if it
were to build its own power plant or buy power from another source.
Pulpwood - Roundwood, whole-tree chips, or wood residues that are used for the production of wood
Pyrolysis - The thermal decomposition of biomass at high temperatures (greater than 400° F, or 200° C)
in the absence of air. The end product of pyrolysis is a mixture of solids (char), liquids
(oxygenated oils), and gases (methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide) with proportions
determined by operating temperature, pressure, oxygen content, and other conditions.
Quad: One quadrillion Btu (10^15 Btu) = 1.055 exajoules (EJ), or approximately 172 million barrels of oil
Recovery boiler - A pulp mill boiler in which lignin and spent cooking liquor (black liquor) is burned to
generate steam.
Refractory lining - A lining, usually of ceramic, capable of resisting and maintaining high temperatures.
Refuse-derived fuel - (RDF) Fuel prepared from municipal solid waste. Noncombustible materials such
as rocks, glass, and metals are removed, and the remaining combustible portion of the solid
waste is chopped or shredded. RDF facilities process typically between 100 and 3,000 tons of
MSW per day.
Biomass Energy Data Book: Edition 1
Reserve margin - The amount by which the utility’s total electric power capacity exceeds maximum
electric demand.
Residues - Bark and woody materials that are generated in primary wood-using mills when roundwood
products are converted to other products. Examples are slabs, edgings, trimmings, sawdust,
shavings, veneer cores and clippings, and pulp screenings. Includes bark residues and wood
residues (both coarse and fine materials) but excludes logging residues.
Return on investment- (ROI) The interest rate at which the net present value of a project is zero.
Multiple values are possible.
Rotation - Period of years between establishment of a stand of timber and the time when it is considered
ready for final harvest and regeneration.
Rotten tree - A live tree of commercial species that does not contain a saw log now or prospectively
primarily because of rot (that is, when rot accounts for more than 50 percent of the total cull
Rough tree - (a) A live tree of commercial species that does not contain a saw log now or prospectively
primarily because of roughness (that is, when sound cull, due to such factors as poor form, splits,
or cracks, accounts for more than 50 percent of the total cull volume) or (b) a live tree of
noncommercial species.
Roundwood products - Logs and other round timber generated from harvesting trees for industrial or
consumer use.
Salvable dead tree - A downed or standing dead tree that is considered currently or potentially
merchantable by regional standards.
Secondary wood processing mills - A mill that uses primary wood products in the manufacture of
finished wood products, such as cabinets, moldings, and furniture.
Shaft horsepower - A measure of the actual mechanical energy per unit time delivered to a turning shaft.
See also horsepower.
Silviculture - Theory and practice of controlling the establishment, composition, structure and growth of
forests and woodlands. Sound dead - The net volume in salvable dead trees.
SRIC - Short rotation intensive culture - the growing of tree crops for bioenergy or fiber, characterized by
detailed site preparation, usually less than 10 years between harvests, usually fast-growing
hybrid trees and intensive management (some fertilization, weed and pest control, and possibly
Stand - (of trees) A tree community that possesses sufficient uniformity in composition, constitution, age,
spatial arrangement, or condition to be distinguishable from adjacent communities.
Steam turbine- A device for converting energy of high-pressure steam (produced in a boiler) into
mechanical power which can then be used to generate electricity.
Superheated steam - Steam which is hotter than boiling temperature for a given pressure.
Sustainable- An ecosystem condition in which biodiversity, renewability, and resource productivity are
maintained over time.
Therm - A unit of energy equal to 100,000 Btus (= 105.5 MJ); used primarily for natural gas.
Thermochemical conversion - Use of heat to chemically change substances from one state to another,
e.g. to make useful energy products.
Timberland - Forest land that is producing or is capable of producing crops of industrial wood, and that is
not withdrawn from timber utilization by statute or administrative regulation. Areas qualifying as
timberland are capable of producing more than 20 cubic feet per acre per year of industrial wood
in natural stands. Currently inaccessible and inoperable areas are included.
Timber Product Output Database Retrieval System (TPO) - Developed in support of the 1997
Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment, this system acts as an interface to a standard set of
consistently coded TPO data for each state and county in the country. This set of national TPO
data consists of 11 data variables that describe for each county the roundwood products
harvested, the logging residues left behind, the timber otherwise removed, and the wood and
bark residues generated by its primary wood-using mills.
Ton, Tonne - One U.S. ton (short ton) = 2,000 pounds. One Imperial ton (long ton or shipping ton) =
2,240 pounds. One metric tonne(tonne) = 1,000 kilograms (2,205 pounds). One oven-dry ton or
tonne (ODT, sometimes termed bone-dry ton/tonne) is the amount of wood that weighs one
ton/tonne at 0% moisture content. One green ton/tonne refers to the weight of undried (fresh)
biomass material - moisture content must be specified if green weight is used as a fuel measure.
Topping cycle - A cogeneration system in which electric power is produced first. The reject heat from
power production is then used to produce useful process heat.
Topping and back pressure turbines - Turbines which operate at exhaust pressure considerably higher
than atmospheric (noncondensing turbines). These turbines are often multistage types with
relatively high efficiency.
Traveling grate- A type of furnace in which assembled links of grates are joined together in a perpetual
belt arrangement. Fuel is fed in at one end and ash is discharged at the other.
Turbine - A machine for converting the heat energy in steam or high temperature gas into mechanical
energy. In a turbine, a high velocity flow of steam or gas passes through successive rows of
radial blades fastened to a central shaft.
Turn down ratio- The lowest load at which a boiler will operate efficiently as compared to the boiler’s
maximum design load.
Water-cooled vibrating grate - A boiler grate made up of a tuyere grate surface mounted on a grid of
water tubes interconnected with the boiler circulation system for positive cooling. The structure is
supported by flexing plates allowing the grid and grate to move in a vibrating action. Ashes are
automatically discharged.
Watershed - The drainage basin contributing water, organic matter, dissolved nutrients, and sediments to
a stream or lake.
Watt - The common base unit of power in the metric system. One watt equals one joule per second, or
the power developed in a circuit by a current of one ampere flowing through a potential difference
of one volt. One Watt = 3.412 Btu/hr. See also kilowatt.
Wheeling - The process of transferring electrical energy between buyer and seller by way of an
intermediate utility or utilities.
Whole-tree harvesting - A harvesting method in which the whole tree (above the stump) is removed.
Yarding - The initial movement of logs from the point of felling to a central loading area or landing.