Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MASA) Scoring Sheet

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Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MASA) Scoring Sheet

5 8 10
Alertness no response to
difficult to rouse fluctuates alert
2 5 8 10
Cooperation no cooperation reluctant fluctuating cooperation cooperative
6 8
2 4 follows simple follows ordinary 10
Auditory comprehension no response to occasional motor response if cued conversation with conversation with NAD
speech repetition little difficulty
2 4 8
6 10
Respiration chest infection coarse basal crepitations fine basal crepitations sputum upper airway chest clear
suctioning chest physiotherapy other condition
1 3 5
Respiratory rate (for swallow) no independent some control/uncoordinated able to control breath rate for swallow
2 3 4
1 5
Dysphasia unable to assess no functional speech expresses self in limited manner mild difficulty finding NAD
sounds/single words short phrases/words words or expressing ideas
2 3
1 speech accurate after trial 5
Dyspraxia unable to assess groping/inaccurate/partial speech crude/defective in and error, minor searching NAD
or irrelevant responses accuracy or speed on command movements
3 4
1 2 5
Dysarthria unable to assess speech unintelligible speech intelligible but slow with occasional NAD
obviously defective hesitation or slurring
1 2 3 4 5
Saliva gross drool some drool consistently drooling at times frothy/expectorated NAD
1 3 4
2 5
Lip seal no closure incomplete seal unilaterally weak mild impairment NAD
unable to assess poor maintenance occasional leakage
2 4 6 8 10
Tongue movement no movement minimal movement incomplete movement mild impairment in range full ROM
2 5 8 10
Tongue strength gross weakness unilateral weakness minimal weakness NAD
2 5 8 10
Tongue coordination no movement gross incoordination mild incoordination NAD
unable to assess
4 6 8
2 10
Oral preparation unable to examine no bolus formation minimal chew thrust lip or tongue seal NAD
no attempt gravity assisted bolus escape
1 2 3 4
Gag no gag absent unilaterally diminished unilaterally diminished bilaterally hyperreflexive
2 4 8
6 slight asymmetry 10
Palate no spread or minimal movement unilaterally weak NAD
elevation nasal regurgitation/air escape mobile
2 5 10
Bolus clearance no clearance some clearance/residue significant clearance/ fully cleared
minimal residue
2 4 6 8 10
Oral transit no movement delay > 10 sec delay > 5 sec delay > 1 sec NAD
1 3 5
Cough reflex none observed/unable to assess weak reflexive cough NAD
2 5 8 10
Voluntary cough no attempt/ attempt inadequate attempt bovine NAD
unable to assess
2 8
aphonic 4 6 10
Voice wet/gurgling hoarse mild impairment NAD
unable to assess slight huskiness
1 5 10
Trache trache/cuffed trache/fenestrated no trache
2 5 laryngeal elevation 10
Pharyngeal phase no swallow pooling/gurgling mildly restricted immediate laryngeal elevation
unable to assess laryngeal elevation incomplete slow initiation clearance of material
incomplete clearance
1 5 10
Pharyngeal response not coping/gurgling cough before/during/after swallow NAD
NBM thick vitamized oddslot diet
Diet recommendations risk too great modified soft soft normal

Fluid recommendation NBM thick fluid (batter) thick (honey) thick (nectar) normal

Swallow integrity definite probable possible unlikely

Dysphagia dysphagia dysphagia dysphagia dysphagia
Aspiration aspiration aspiration aspiration aspiration

Moderate dysphagia 139-167 Mild dysphagia 168-177

Total =   
Moderate aspiration < or equal to 148 Mild aspiration 149-169
Additional Problems:
Date: Signature:
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