Ict Assessment 1

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

 All students will have their own personal iPads, fully charged and ready to use.
 The following apps will be downloaded onto the students’ iPads: Book Creator for iPad, Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping, Pic Collage and Seesaw
 The teacher needs to ensure that the Classroom App on the teacher iPad is working successfully.

Book Creator Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping Pic Collage Seasaw Classroom
LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Lesson 1 English, Create a mind map of different Formative Introduction iPad App/s:
Literature, settings and cultures around the Assessment – Peer  Play video of a Tour of the world around the world to  Simple Mind+
world, deciding on one final Assessment – different countries. Mind Mapping
Creating Literature.
setting for an imaginative text During the share Video Link: https://youtu.be/JsuaalZQT6g  Seasaw
(i.e. picture book). time with a talk  List the countries in a brainstorm/list on the whiteboard  Classroom
Create imaginative buddy. The partner that came up in the video. (Teacher Use)
texts based on 1. Research into different needs to provide Pause the video after the chorus and ask students what
characters, settings cultures and places around feedback if their countries were mentioned in the song. Introduction:
and events from the world. partner shared 3  Read the children’s literature book YouTube Video: Tour
students own and countries and if Book: ‘A Morning with Grandpa’ written by Sylvia Liu the World:
other cultures using 2. Create a mind map of their mind map is and illustrated by Christina Forshay. https://youtu.be/JsuaalZ
visual features, for settings/cultures including complete.  Discuss the book with the students and ask what they QT6g
example perspective, your own that would make a noticed about the setting of the book.
distance and angle. great setting in a book. Summative
(ACELT1601 Assessment – Body Body:
3. Share 3 countries with a talk Checklist for the  Create a success criterion for the students on what they YouTube Video: How to
buddy 3 that they could use Mind Map – will be achieving/completing in today’s lesson. create a Mind Map:
for their setting. Assess/mark off Ensure to explain this to the class. https://youtu.be/lY4cZcj
whether the  Explain the lesson objectives for the lesson dqAI
students have
 Explain to students what needs to be included in a mind
completed all 3
Use the Mind Map Video for backup.
objectives and were
Video Link: https://youtu.be/lY4cZcjdqAI
able to share with a
 Use the Classroom App on the teacher iPad to send the
peer. A simple tick
video on Mind Mapping to students to watch.
and cross will be
 Students using their iPads research into countries/cultures
used to ensure that
around the world. This can be based after a discussion into
there is evidence
where each student comes from within the class.
that the student
either did or did not  Students from there research create a mind map using the
complete the ‘Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping iPad App’ of settings they
desired would like their book to be based in.
 Students will come together as a whole class and create a
whole class mind map of settings. Each student is to share
one setting.
 3-5 students will be picked at random to present their mind
map to the class. This is done using Airplay between the
student iPad and the Smart TV.
 Students are to airdrop their mind map to the teachers
 Students are to ensure there mind map has also been
uploaded to Seasaw.
LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Lesson 2 English, Create a poster of the main Summative Introduction iPad App/s:
Literature, characters that will be part of Assessment –  Read sections from the following texts describing characters.  Pic Collage
your imaginative text (i.e. Character Poster – Following Texts; Olivia, A bad case of Stripes written by  Seasaw
Creating Literature.
picture book) along with Rubric – the rubric David Shannon, Those Shoes, George and Matha.  Classroom
drafting out your picture book. will be used to  Re-Read the children’s literature text (Teacher use)
Create imaginative assess whether  Book: ‘A Morning with Grandpa’ written by Sylvia Liu and
texts based on 1. Create a poster that students have illustrated by Christina Forshay.
characters, settings outlines each main included the 4 key  Discuss the book with the students and ask what they noticed
and events from character in your book. components of a about the Grandpa and Mei Mei.
students own and Ensure you include the character. Have Discuss the characteristics and personality about each
other cultures using following for each students included character.
visual features, for character; Name, Age, their characters
example perspective, Description and traits name, age, Body
distance and angle. description and Poster
(ACELT1601 2. Draft out/Draw their character traits.  Develop a Success Criteria for students to follow throughout
picture book which will the lesson.
include steps and major  Discuss what traits characters can have. These may include;
events that happen active, annoyed, gross, bossy, fair, careful, calm etc.
throughout the book.
 Create a list on the word wall of character traits the students
come up with.
 Students are to create a poster using the Pic Collage iPad
App of 2 main characters that they are including in their
Students are to include the following information on their
character poster; Name, Age, Description and Character
 Use the Classroom App on the teacher iPad to ensure all
students are completing their work and are not off task.

 Review the Success Criteria with the students ensuring that
they have completed all objectives for the lesson.
 Students are to air drop their poster on their characters to the
teachers iPad/Laptop.
 Students are to ensure their poster has also been uploaded to
LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Lesson 3 English, Create a book using Book Summative ** A draft picture book was created within a separate English iPad App/s:
Literature, Creator based on an already Assessment – lesson once all students had completed their characters and setting  Book Creator
drafted imaginative text that Rubric/Marking along with completing the climax of their books* for iPad
Creating Literature.
incorporates visual features. Rubric for the book  Seasaw
the students are Introduction  Classroom
Create imaginative 1. Create a book based on an creating. The  Review countries and cultures from around the world on (Teacher use)
texts based on imaginative text (i.e. picture marking rubric will the visual map that was created in previous lessons when
characters, settings book) using the app ‘Book assess the key discussing where students and people come from through
and events from Creator for iPad’. learning objectives a picture study.
students own and of whether the  Students have previously drafted out ideas for their book.
other cultures using 2. Describe the characters, students Students are to turn to their ‘talk buddy*’ and share the
visual features, for setting and events within the successfully following:
example perspective, book. completed creating  Setting, number of characters, major events and visual
distance and angle. their book while features.
(ACELT1601 3. Include at least one of the including a
following visual features; descriptive setting, Body
Distance, Angle, characters and  Create a Success Criteria for the students to follow
Perspective events and ensuring throughout the lesson.
they use a vidual Ensure these are explained at the start of the lesson.
feature out of  Students are to use their mind maps, posters, and drafts on
distance, angle and setting, characters and their book to create a picture book
perspective. on the iPad App ‘Book Creator for iPad’.
 Check that students are including the characters from their
poster along with the setting from there mind map.
 Teacher to walk around and ensure all students are
creating a book using the correct app.
 Use the Classroom App on the teacher iPad to ensure all
students are completing their work and are not off task.

 Review Success Criteria with the class and ensure all
students have completed each task.
 3 students are to present their books to the class using
airplay from their iPad to the Smart TV.
(Students are picked at random, moving down the roll
from top to bottom in alphabetical order.)
 Students are to ensure they have exported their book into
their photo gallery and then uploaded it to Seasaw.
*’Talk buddy’, a talk buddy is a student they are paired with that
throughout the term they can bounce ideas off and share
information with when it comes to sharing time.
Bottino, R. (2004). The evolution of ICT-based learning environments: which perspectives for the school of the future?. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 35(5), 553-
567. doi: 10.1111/j.0007-1013.2004.00413.x]

Cognitive Constructivism | GSI Teaching & Resource Center. (2019). Retrieved from https://gsi.berkeley.edu/gsi-guide-contents/learning-theory-research/cognitive-

Garner, B. (2008). Getting to "got it!". Victoria, AT: Hawker Brownlow Education.

Peters, J., Le Cornu, R., & Collins, J. (2003). Towards Constructivist Teaching and Learning.

Technology in the Classroom: How Schools Are Using App Development to Support Education - Glance Creative Agency. (2019). Retrieved from

Zipp, G. (2019). Using Mind Maps as a Teaching and Learning Tool to Promote Student Engagement - Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning. Retrieved from

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