Detail Requirements Spreadsheet Sample
Detail Requirements Spreadsheet Sample
Detail Requirements Spreadsheet Sample
Vendor Instructions
A response is required for each requirement on the following tabs. Any proposed solution should
ensure that the contractor is able to meet the requirements outlined as appropriate relative to the
proposl submitted. Any requiremnt is expected to be met and maintained for the duration of the
project, contract period and any exercised renewal options. Use the definitions below to select the
appropriate response from the pull-down menuu for the requirements on each of the following tabs.
Failure to respond to any of the questions and/or tabs may result in hte proposal being removed
from consideration and/or being scored significantly lower.
Response to
Requirement Code Definition and Criteria
Yes Y Requirement is able to be met as stated
No N Requirement is not able to be met
Requirement is able to be met with qualification. Response must include an explanation
of the qualifying factor. Response may refer to section / page where information is
Qualified Yes Q provided in the response to RFP.
Requirement does not apply to the solution proposed. Response must include an
Not Applicatble NA explanation of why this determination has been made.
Company Name
Contact Name
Phone number
email address
VCCS-ASR-17-124: Online Admissions Application
Project Management Methodology
The contractor must employ a formal project management methodology for the execution of the project. The contractor
shall participate as a member of the Project Management Team and develop and present management reports for effective
execution and monitoring of scope, schedule, budget, organizational change, and risk for the project. The contractor shall
record and distribute project management team meeting minutes and meeting materials. The contractor must also develop
summary reports for management of scope, schedule, budget, organization change, and risk for the project steering
committee and record and distribute steering committee meeting minutes and meeting materials. The contractor shall
provide and manage project issues with an automated issue tracking system as part of the Solution. The automated issue
tracking system must have the capability to capture, prioritize, assign, and route issues from initial identification through
closure and to maintain a history of the issues and associated data for the purposes of measuring service level compliance
and issue analysis.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
# Requirement Response
1 Utilizes the project management methodology and
governance structure described for the successful
management of the project.
2 Provides a Project Manager assigned to the project
full time
3 Provides a Project Manager employed by the
contractor. If no, identify employer
4 Provides a Project Manager located on site at the
5 Provides a project team located on site at the
VCCS for a minimum of 75% of their time.
6 Maintains current certification as a Project
Management Professional by the Project
Management Institute. (Project Manager)
Leads weekly status meeting (Project Manager)
Participates in project related meetings to include,
but not limited to preparation of meeting materials
and conducting presentations. (Project Manager
and team resources)
Provides an automated issue management system
Provides written status reports. If no, describe
what project management methodology is used.
11 Provides status reports that contain at a minimum:
a) Updated GANTT chart, copy of the
corresponding Project Work Plan files (e.g., MS
Project) electronically
b) Status of currently planned tasks, identifying
tasks not on schedule and a resolution plan to
return to the planned schedule;
c) Issues or problems encountered, proposed
resolutions and actual resolutions;
d) Status of any ongoing issues or problems;
e) A risk analysis of issues or problems;
f) Testing status and test results (where
g) Anticipated tasks to be completed in the next
two weeks;
h) Anticipated activities for the next month;
i) Task and Deliverable status, with percentage of
completion and time ahead or behind schedule for
tasks and milestones; Project Management Plan,
and Project schedule, if any;
j) Planned absence of Offeror Project staff and
their expected return date; and l) Notification of
any known staffing changes.
VCCS-ASR-17-124: Online Admissions Application
Project Management Planning Requirements
All activities must be integrated, executed, monitored, controlled, closed, and documented as specified in the Project
Management Plan. The Project Management Plan must be developed and documented by the contractor at the direction of
the VCCS Project Manager. The Project Management Plan shall be a comprehensive project management document that
incorporates all Contractor and VCCS activities and deliverables essential for the successful implementation of the solution.
Since the majority of the work will be performed by the Contractor and the Contractor personnel will be managed by the
Contractor Project Manager, the Contractor will deliver to the VCCS Project Manager the plans, plan updates, and plan
reports in the timeframes specified by the VCCS Project Manager. Where a Project Management Plan component
incorporates both Contractor and VCCS activities and deliverables, the VCCS activities and deliverables will be integrated
with the Contractor activities and deliverables during the Project Management Plan development to construct a single
comprehensive project plan for the Project.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Organizational change management will be an integral part of the project and will include not only the system and technical
changes, but also the factors that are known to be the greatest contributors to overall organizational change management
• Active and visible executive sponsorship
• Frequent and open communications
• Structured change management approach
• Dedicated resources and funding for change management
• Engagement and participation of stakeholders
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.
Please respond to each requirement below as indicated on the "Vendor Instructions" Tab.