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The document discusses using the Multiple Simultaneous Specification controller design method to design attitude controllers for a Zagi flying-wing UAV. Linear and nonlinear simulations as well as flight tests are performed to evaluate the designed controllers.

The Multiple Simultaneous Specification controller design method is an elegant means of designing a single controller to satisfy multiple convex closed loop performance specifications.

A linear model of a Zagi flying-wing unmanned aerial vehicle from Procerus Technologies is developed, in which the lateral and longitudinal motions of the aircraft are decoupled.





Shael Markin

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the degree of Master of Applied Science
Graduate Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto

© Copyright by Shael Markin (2010)

Multiple Simultaneous Specification Attitude Control

of a Mini Flying-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Shael Markin

Master of Applied Science

Graduate Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

University of Toronto


The Multiple Simultaneous Specification controller design method is an elegant

means of designing a single controller to satisfy multiple convex closed loop performance

specifications. In this thesis, the method is used to design pitch and roll attitude controllers

for a Zagi flying-wing unmanned aerial vehicle from Procerus Technologies. A linear model

of the aircraft is developed, in which the lateral and longitudinal motions of the aircraft are

decoupled. The controllers are designed for this decoupled state space model. Linear

simulations are performed in Simulink, and all performance specifications are satisfied by the

closed loop system. Nonlinear, hardware-in-the-loop simulations are carried out using the

aircraft, on-board computer, and ground station software. Flight tests are also executed to test

the performance of the designed controllers. The closed loop aircraft behaviour is generally

as expected, however the desired performance specifications are not strictly met in the

nonlinear simulations or in the flight tests.

I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor James Mills for providing me with the

opportunity to engage in this research as well as for his guidance and support.

I would like to thank Professor Ruben Perez at the Royal Military College of Canada

for providing me with the software tools to develop the dynamic model of the Zagi aircraft,

and for his advice and guidance throughout the early stages of this project. I would also like

to thank Dr. Baoquan Song for the time and effort he spent assisting me in various aspects

early on in my research.

I would also like to acknowledge sponsorship for this research from the NSERC

Strategic Project Grant, and would like to acknowledge the Koffler Center for providing my

colleagues and myself with a flight testing zone on the Koffler Scientific Reserve at Joker‟s


On a personal level, I would like to thank my colleagues, past and present, in the

Laboratory for Nonlinear Systems Control, for their friendship, inspiration, and

encouragement: Mr. Faysal Ahmed, Mr. Henry Chu, Mr. Joel Rebello, Dr. Lidai Wang, and

Dr. Xuping Zhang. I would also like to personally thank my colleagues in the Aircraft Flight

Systems and Control Laboratory at UTIAS, Mr. Difu Shi, Mr. Mingfeng (Jason) Zhang, and

Mr. Rick Zhang, for their friendship, support, and sincere dedication. Additionally, I would

like to thank Professor Hugh Liu for his approachability and constant enthusiasm, even when

my colleagues and I returned early from flight tests with damaged aircraft.

I would also like to thank my Examination Committee, Professor William Cleghorn,

Professor Hugh Liu, and Professor James Mills, for their time and feedback.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my wife, Rachel, my parents,

and my siblings, for their never-ending support and for always encouraging me to chase after

my dreams.

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ iii
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. viii
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... x
Nomenclature ..................................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles .................................................................................... 1
1.2 Typical UAV Control Structure ............................................................................. 2
1.3 Aircraft Controller Design: Current Approaches .................................................... 3
1.4 Introduction to the Zagi UAV Platform ................................................................. 5
1.5 Objectives and Contributions................................................................................. 6
1.6 Thesis Outline ....................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2 Aircraft Dynamics ...................................................................................... 8
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Outline of Aircraft Systems and Notation .............................................................. 8
2.3 Linear Dynamic Model Development .................................................................. 11
2.4 Modal Analysis ................................................................................................... 18
2.4.1 Longitudinal Modes ..................................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Lateral Modes .............................................................................................. 20
2.5 The Zagi Aircraft Model ..................................................................................... 22
2.6 Modal Analysis of the Zagi Aircraft .................................................................... 24
2.6.1 Longitudinal Modes ..................................................................................... 24
2.6.2 Lateral Modes .............................................................................................. 26
2.7 Summary............................................................................................................. 27
CHAPTER 3 The Multiple Simultaneous Specification Controller Design Method ........ 28
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Convex Specifications ......................................................................................... 28
3.3 Controller Design Framework ............................................................................. 30
3.4 MSS Controller Design: Problem Definition ....................................................... 31
3.5 MSS Controller Design Procedure ....................................................................... 32
3.5.1 Sample Controllers ....................................................................................... 32
3.5.2 Linear Programming and Convex Combination ............................................ 33
3.5.3 Extraction of MSS Controller ....................................................................... 35
3.5.4 Summary of MSS Controller Design Procedure............................................ 36
3.6 Stability Analysis ................................................................................................ 36
3.7 Observations and Practical Notes on MSS Controller Design in MATLAB ......... 38
3.8 Summary............................................................................................................. 39
CHAPTER 4 Attitude Controller Design and Simulation ............................................... 40
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 40
4.2 Selection of Closed Loop Performance Specifications ......................................... 41

4.3 Longitudinal Controller ....................................................................................... 41
4.4 Lateral Controller ................................................................................................ 46
4.5 Discrete Time Simulation .................................................................................... 49
4.6 Summary............................................................................................................. 51
CHAPTER 5 Autopilot Control Hardware & Implementation ........................................ 53
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 53
5.2 Kestrel Autopilot System..................................................................................... 53
5.3 Serial Port Communication and Autopilot Communication Protocol.................... 55
5.4 The Gumstix Computer-on-Module ..................................................................... 56
5.5 Basic On-board Electronic Connection Details .................................................... 60
5.6 Throttle Scaling and Trim.................................................................................... 61
5.7 Elevon Trim Deflection ....................................................................................... 64
5.8 MSS Controller Software Implementation ........................................................... 65
5.8.1 Controller Structure...................................................................................... 65
5.8.2 Controller Activation and Data Logging ....................................................... 66
5.9 Summary............................................................................................................. 67
CHAPTER 6 Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation ............................................................ 69
6.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 69
6.2 Procerus UAV Simulation Software .................................................................... 71
6.3 Simulation Modes ............................................................................................... 73
6.4 Running the HIL simulation ................................................................................ 75
6.5 HIL Simulation Results ....................................................................................... 76
6.6 Summary............................................................................................................. 80
CHAPTER 7 Flight Testing ........................................................................................... 82
7.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 82
7.2 Background: The Flight Test Experience ............................................................. 82
7.3 MSS Controller Flight Test Results ..................................................................... 85
7.4 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 88
7.4.1 Initial Conditions.......................................................................................... 88
7.4.2 Aircraft Dynamic Model .............................................................................. 88
7.4.3 Wind Effects ................................................................................................ 89
7.4.4 Linear Thrust Model..................................................................................... 89
7.5 Summary............................................................................................................. 90
CHAPTER 8 Conclusions, Recommendations, and Future Work ................................... 91
8.1 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 91
8.2 Recommendations and Future Work .................................................................... 92
8.2.1 Re-modeling of the UAV ............................................................................. 92
8.2.2 Testing of Combined Lateral/Longitudinal Manoeuvers ............................... 92
8.2.3 New Flight Test Zone ................................................................................... 93
8.2.4 Design of MSS Controllers with Different Specifications ............................. 94
8.2.5 Outer Loop Controllers ................................................................................ 94
8.2.6 Direct Digital Design Using the MSS Controller Design Method ................. 94
References ......................................................................................................................... 96
APPENDIX A Zagi UAV Stability And Control Derivatives ...................................... 101

APPENDIX B Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation Protocol ....................................... 103

Figure 2.1: Aircraft body-axes coordinate system ..................................................................9
Figure 2.2: Angle of attack and sideslip ............................................................................... 10
Figure 2.3: Phugoid mode oscillations ................................................................................. 20
Figure 2.4: Short period oscillations .................................................................................... 21
Figure 2.5: Dutch roll oscillations ........................................................................................ 22
Figure 2.6: Zagi flying-wing UAV ...................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.7: Zagi aircraft longitudinal modes: pole-zero map ................................................ 25
Figure 2.8: Zagi aircraft lateral modes: pole-zero map ......................................................... 26
Figure 3.1: Geometry of convex functionals ........................................................................ 30
Figure 3.2: Open loop plant framework ............................................................................... 31
Figure 3.3: Closed loop system framework, with w and y being of the same dimension ....... 32
Figure 4.1: Simulation results for MSS longitudinal controller ............................................ 46
Figure 4.2: Simulation results for MSS lateral controller ..................................................... 49
Figure 4.3: Discrete time simulation results for MSS longitudinal controller ....................... 50
Figure 4.4: Discrete time simulation results for MSS lateral controller ................................ 50
Figure 5.1: Kestrel autopilot [29] ......................................................................................... 54
Figure 5.2: UAV platform: aircraft and ground station......................................................... 55
Figure 5.3: Kestrel autopilot serial ports and sensors [29] .................................................... 56
Figure 5.4: Overo Fire COM [31] ........................................................................................ 57
Figure 5.5: Tobi expansion board [32] ................................................................................. 58
Figure 5.6: Communications block diagram: flight configuration ........................................ 59
Figure 5.7: Communications block diagram: alternative configuration................................. 59
Figure 5.8: On-board main electronic components ............................................................... 61
Figure 5.9: Flight controller state machine diagram ............................................................. 67
Figure 6.1: Basic operation of HIL simulators ..................................................................... 70
Figure 6.2: Virtual Cockpit main window ............................................................................ 72
Figure 6.3: Aviones aircraft simulator ................................................................................. 73
Figure 6.4: Hardware/communication block diagram: normal flight .................................... 76
Figure 6.5: Hardware/communication block diagram: HIL simulation mode ....................... 76
Figure 6.6: HIL simulation results - pitch up manoeuver (step applied at time t=0-) ............. 79

Figure 6.7: HIL simulation results - roll manoeuver (step applied at time t=0-) .................... 80
Figure 7.1: Panoramic view of Joker's Hill flight zone ......................................................... 82
Figure 7.2: Flight zone and ground station location (courtesy of Google Maps) ................... 83
Figure 7.3: Pitch-up manoeuver flight test results (step applied at time t=0-) ........................ 86
Figure 7.4: Roll manoeuver flight test results (step applied at time t=0 -) .............................. 87

Table 2.1: Longitudinal and lateral variables ....................................................................... 14
Table 2.2: Reference flight condition ................................................................................... 23
Table 2.3: Zagi longitudinal modes...................................................................................... 25
Table 2.4: Zagi Lateral modes ............................................................................................. 27
Table 4.1: Performance of longitudinal sample systems ....................................................... 44
Table 4.2: Performance of lateral sample systems ................................................................ 48
Table 4.3: Continuous and discrete time MSS controller simulation results ......................... 51
Table 5.1: Aircraft thrust equation parameters ..................................................................... 62
Table 5.2: Throttle mapping summary ................................................................................. 64
Table 6.1: Virtual Cockpit main window legend .................................................................. 72
Table A.1: Longitudinal Stability and Control Dimensional Derivatives ............................ 101
Table A.2: Lateral Stability and Control Dimensional Derivatives ..................................... 102

Aircraft Dynamics Nomenclature

Alat aircraft lateral state space system matrix

Alon aircraft longitudinal state space system matrix

Blat aircraft lateral state space control matrix

Blon aircraft longitudinal state space control matrix

C center of mass

Cm aircraft non-dimensional pitching moment coefficient

value of Cm in trim flight

derivative of Cm with respect to angle of attack, rad-1

derivative of Cm with respect to elevator deflection, rad-1

CXu, CXw, CXq, … aircraft non-dimensional stability derivatives

aircraft non-dimensional control derivatives

g acceleration due to gravity, ft/s2

h height above ground, ft

Ixx mass moment of inertia about x-axis, slug-ft2

Iyy mass moment of inertia about y-axis, slug-ft2

Izz mass moment of inertia about z-axis, slug-ft2

Ixz mass product of inertia about x and z-axes, slug-ft2

Km electric motor constant, ft/s

L, M, N external torques about x, y, z body-frame axes, respectively,


m mass, slug

O.S. overshoot, per cent

p, q, r angular velocities about x, y, z body-frame axes, respectively,


air density, slug/ft3

Sprop circular area covered by propeller rotation, ft2

ts settling time, s

T temperature, K

T0 equilibrium thrust force, lbf

TF total thrust force, lbf

u, v, w linear velocities along x, y, z body-frame axes, respectively, ft/s

V, V∞ relative wind, ft/s

X, Y, Z external forces long x, y, z body-frame axes, respectively, lbf

X0 equilibrium force (x-axis component), lbf

∆X disturbance force (x-axis component), lbf

Xu, Xw, Xq, … aircraft dimensional stability derivatives

aircraft dimensional control derivatives

angle of attack, rad

angle of sideslip, rad

angle of climb, rad

generalized control surface deflection, rad

elevator deflection angle, rad

elevator trim deflection angle, rad

aileron deflection angle, rad

rudder deflection angle, rad

right elevon deflection angle, rad

left elevon deflection angle, rad

throttle value

trim throttle value

roll angle, rad

pitch angle, rad

yaw (heading) angle, rad

Controller Design Nomenclature

H, H(s) closed loop transfer function matrix

the set of all closed loop transfer functions

plant transfer function matrix

transfer function matrix from u to y

transfer function matrix from w to y

transfer function matrix from u to z

transfer function matrix from w to z

u control signals

w exogenous input signals

y signals available to the controller

z regulated output signals

the ith closed loop performance specification

convex combination vector

vector of closed loop performance specifications

functional defined on H

the ith specification value

the ith specification resulting from closed loop system j

the matrix whose elements are


AI-FCS Autonomous Intelligent Flight Control System

COM Computer-on-Module

COTS Commercial off-the-shelf

DATCOM Data Compendium

DOF Degree(s) of Freedom

EPP Expanded Polypropylene

GPS Global Positioning System

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

HIL Hardware-in-the-Loop

LiPo Lithium Polymer

LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator

MSS Multiple Simultaneous Specification

PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative

RC Radio-Controlled

RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle

SAT Small Angle Theory

SDT Small Disturbance Theory

SIL Software-in-the-Loop

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

USAF United States Air Force

UTIAS University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies

VC Virtual Cockpit



1.1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become invaluable tools in

applications such as aerial surveillance, mapping, reconnaissance, search and rescue, and

more dangerous missions where there may be serious threats to human pilots. Many of the

tasks required for these missions have been demonstrated as accomplishable without a pilot

physically on-board the aircraft. Without the need for an on-board pilot, unmanned aircraft

can be designed to be smaller, lighter, more agile, and less expensive than their manned

counterparts, since no human support systems are required.

There are, in general, two categories of UAVs: remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs) and

fully autonomous UAVs. RPVs are flown by specially trained pilots and crews from a remote

base station, while autonomous UAVs intelligently navigate through their flight path with

very little human intervention. This research focuses on the latter of the two categories,

namely autonomous UAVs.

Following the advent and widespread availability of micro-electro-mechanical

sensors (specifically inertial sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes), and small,

long-range, low power radio communication systems, there has been a strong impetus

amongst aerospace and control engineers to build their own autopilot systems and apply their

own unique control theories to unmanned aircraft [1]. This is evidenced by the numerous

papers published on the topic of UAV control at a rapid pace.

Recently, a number of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) small-scale autopilot

systems that have become available to the public for civilian use. Examples of such pre-built

COTS autopilot systems include the “Piccolo” autopilots from Cloud Cap Technology, the

MP series autopilots from MicroPilot, the “Kestrel” autopilot from Procerus Technologies,

and others. These COTS autopilots are small and light-weight, and can therefore be used on a

variety of small aircraft, including radio-controlled hobby aircraft. Many of these

commercially available autopilot systems stemmed from research from aerospace control

laboratories in universities and colleges across North America. For example, The Kestrel

autopilot and UAV platform under study in this thesis began as an experimental UAV control

test bed at Bringham Young University in 2005 [2].

There has been particular focus amongst engineers on the control of so called „mini‟

UAVs, a loose definition for aircraft with wingspans of approximately 3-5 feet. While both

larger [3, 4] and smaller [1] UAVs are also popular areas of research, mini-UAVs are

typically less expensive, easier to maintain and repair, and easier to operate logistically than

larger aircraft, yet they are larger and therefore can handle difficult outdoor flight

environments better than their smaller „micro-UAV‟ counterparts.

1.2 Typical UAV Control Structure

The architecture of a control system (autopilot) for a UAV is typically multi-layered.

In [5], Boskovic et al. describe an “Autonomous Intelligent Flight Control System” (AI-FCS)

– a generalization of the control architecture used in most UAV autopilots, although some

designs vary slightly. The AI-FCS is composed of four levels, which, from highest to lowest,

are: decision making, path planning, trajectory generation, and inner loop control. In the

decision making layer, control decisions relating to overall mission objectives and situational

awareness are made. The path planning layer involves generating waypoints for the UAV

once the high-level objectives have been determined. The trajectory generation system then

fits a feasible, smooth trajectory between waypoints. Finally, the goal of the inner loop is to

ensure accurate trajectory following for the UAV.

The main benefit of working with COTS autopilot systems is that the ground-work in

the development of the autopilot is complete. An engineer who is working with these systems

can often focus control design and development, i.e. software development, at nearly any

level in the autopilot‟s control system. In this thesis, the focus is on the lowest, inner loop


1.3 Aircraft Controller Design: Current Approaches

In low level aircraft controller design problems, it is often required that the closed

loop aircraft system satisfy multiple performance-based specifications. Typically there are

two approaches to solving this problem. One approach is trial-and-error based, using methods

such as Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller tuning. PID-based control

algorithms are used in many COTS autopilot systems due to their simplicity and low

processor and memory requirements [6]. Unfortunately PID tuning is a highly iterative

design process and can therefore be time consuming, and may result in a large amount of

time being spent on a relatively simple control scheme. Furthermore, it may be difficult to

use PID tuning techniques to design a controller to satisfy multiple closed loop performance

specifications. The other approach is typically comprised of mathematically complicated,

nonlinear controller techniques or concepts such as dynamic inversion [7], neural networks

[8], fuzzy logic [9], and others. However, the practical significance of these controllers is

limited, as they are unlikely to be implemented in industry. This is due to the specialized

mathematical training that would be required to be provided to engineers in the industry in

order to be able to apply these techniques. In [10], Blight et al. note that, for this reason,

post-1960 developments in control theory have seen relatively little application in production

aircraft designs.

An alternative to these approaches is the Multiple Simultaneous Specification (MSS)

controller design method. This method allows an engineer to satisfy multiple closed loop

performance specifications using any linear controller design technique. The MSS design

method was first introduced by Liu and Mills in the simulated control of a three degree of

freedom robotic system [11]. The method takes advantage of the convexity inherent in many

performance specifications. For this reason, the MSS controller design method has been

referred to interchangeably as the “Convex Combination Method” [11, 12]. It transforms the

problem of designing a single controller to satisfy n performance specifications into a

simpler, three-stage problem:

1) Develop a maximum of n individual controllers, each of which satisfies at

least one performance specification;

2) Use the properties of mathematical convexity to perform a linear combination

of the resulting closed loop systems;

3) Extract a single controller from the linear combination of closed loop systems

that satisfies all specifications.

The use of the MSS controller design method or the Convex Combination Method for aircraft

controller design has been discussed previously in the aircraft control literature. In [13-15],

the method is used for the design of longitudinal pitch/speed controllers for a Boeing 747

transport aircraft, and the closed loop system performance is verified through simulations.

However, due to the nature of the aircraft under study, flight tests could not be performed.

Furthermore, development of lateral controllers is not discussed.

1.4 Introduction to the Zagi UAV Platform

The UAV autopilot platform under study in this thesis consists of the Kestrel

autopilot from Procerus Technologies. It is mounted on-board a 48-inch wingspan Zagi XS

flying-wing foam aircraft [16]. Details of the aircraft and its associated hardware and

software will be discussed in detail in later chapters.

The Kestrel autopilot is fully capable of autonomous control of the Zagi aircraft. All

that is required during flight is a selection of desired waypoints for the flight path. The

autopilot‟s control system is multi-layered, in a manner similar to the AI-FCS described by

Boskovic et al. However, the instruction manual for the autopilot discusses at length the steps

required to empirically tune the various inner-loop PID controllers. Moreover, the tuning

must be carried out while it is in flight. These steps are required because the autopilot is not

designed for a specific airframe, rather it is generalized, and its gains must be tuned for the

specific aircraft in which it is operating. The method by which the controllers must be tuned

(in-flight) is not based on any mathematical procedure, but rather on the subjective visual

perception of the user. For instance, various lateral motion PID controllers on the autopilot

are tuned via trial-and-error until the aircraft „appears‟ to make a steady turn [17]. It is

therefore imperative to develop an alternative controller for the UAV based on a better

mathematical foundation, using a properly-developed dynamic model of the aircraft.

Since the low level controller on the Kestrel autopilot cannot be modified directly,

this alternative controller can be implemented in the following manner: an external computer

on-board the aircraft receives the aircraft states from the autopilot over a data stream; the

external computer then calculates the system error and executes its own control laws, sending

its own calculated control signals back to the autopilot; these new control signals over-write

the control signals generated by the autopilot‟s own PID controllers, and the control surfaces

are deflected as commanded by the external computer.

1.5 Objectives and Contributions

The primary objective of this thesis is to design a pitch/roll attitude controller for Zagi

flying-wing UAV using the MSS controller design method and to validate the controller

performance with flight tests. To the best of the author‟s knowledge, this is the first attempt

at low level controller design and flight testing of a Zagi UAV using a controller designed via

the MSS controller design method.

There are also a number of secondary objectives of this research that contribute to the

achievement of the primary objective. These include:

1) Developing a dynamic model of the Zagi aircraft;

2) Developing an algorithm of the MSS controller design method;

3) Developing a familiarity with the Kestrel autopilot and its associated hardware

and software in order to develop a protocol for executing Hardware-in-the-

Loop simulations;

4) Developing a familiarity with the external computer and its associated

software in order to program the MSS controllers and execute them remotely

(from the ground) while the aircraft is in flight.

1.6 Thesis Outline

The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 provides a basic

foundation in aircraft dynamics to a level required for understanding the remainder of the

thesis. An analysis of the dynamics of the Zagi aircraft under study is also provided. In

Chapter 3, the MSS controller design method is introduced, followed by discussions on the

topic of convex specifications, the controller design framework, stability analysis, and other

matters. Chapter 4 presents the design and linear simulation results of the longitudinal and

lateral attitude MSS controllers. Chapter 5 then discusses the topics of Software and

Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation and how they are applied with the Procerus UAV platform.

Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation results are then provided for the Zagi UAV. Experimental

flight test results are presented in Chapter 7. Finally, Chapter 8 offers concluding remarks as

well as recommendations for future work.



2.1 Introduction
This chapter serves as an introduction to aircraft dynamics at a level of detail suitable

for understanding the remainder of the thesis. For a complete discussion on aircraft

dynamics, the reader is referred to [18-21] and other texts on the matter.

2.2 Outline of Aircraft Systems and Notation

Prior to the discussion of the dynamic model of the aircraft used in this work, the

reader should be familiar with certain aircraft-related terminology and notation. Figure 2.1

outlines the so called „body-axes‟ co-ordinate system of an aircraft, as well as the forces,

torques, velocities, and angular velocities about these axes.

As seen in the figure, in the body-axes coordinate system, the positive x-axis points

out of the nose of the aircraft from the center of mass (C), the positive y-axis points out of the

right wing of the aircraft, and the positive z-axis correspondingly points out of the bottom of

the aircraft. This orthogonal body-axes system is fixed to the body of the aircraft as it moves

through space.

Axis: x
Force: X
Torque: L
Velocity: u
Angular Rate: p M, q y
X, u
L, p Y, v

Axis: y
C Force: Y
Torque: M
Velocity: v
Angular Rate: q

N, r
Axis: z
Force: Z
Z, w Torque: N
Velocity: w
Angular Rate: r

Figure 2.1: Aircraft body-axes coordinate system

The longitudinal aircraft system refers to motions along the x and z axes and rotations

about the y-axis; the lateral system refers to motions along the y-axis and rotations about the

x and z-axes. The parameters X, Y, and Z represent external forces (either aerodynamic or

actuator-applied); L, M, and N similarly represent external torques (aerodynamic or applied);

u, v, and w represent linear velocities; and p, q, and r represent roll, pitch, and yaw angular

velocities. The x-z, x-y, and y-z planes can be determined from the figure. The x-z plane is

henceforth assumed to be the plane of symmetry in order to simplify subsequent linear model

development [19]. The roll, pitch, and yaw angles, ( , , and , respectively) are used to

describe the orientation of the body axes in space relative to another coordinate system,

usually an inertial frame fixed to the earth‟s surface.

The net velocity, or V∞ (often referred to as the relative wind) is calculated as the

vector sum of velocities u, v, and w, and its magnitude is:


There are two additional angles that are important in discussions of the dynamic

model. The first is the angle of attack, α, representing the angle between the x-axis and the

relative wind projected onto the x-z plane:


The second important angle is the sideslip angle, β, representing the angle between the x-axis

and the relative wind projected onto the x-y plane:


These two angles are illustrated in the Figure 2.2:

α v

Figure 2.2: Angle of attack and sideslip

2.3 Linear Dynamic Model Development
The general form of the nonlinear equations of motion of any object with six degrees

of freedom (DOF) can be derived from first principles. However, since these equations are

well known, they are provided as Eq. (4), below without derivation [19].

The first six equations describe the dynamics of the object, while the final three

describe its kinematics. Additional terms that are used in these equations are Ixx, Iyy, Izz, and

Ixz, which represent the moments of inertia of the aircraft about its respective axes and planes;

g represents the force of gravity, and m is the mass of the aircraft.


For aerial vehicles, these general equations become unique through the way the

external force terms (X, Y, Z, L, M, N) are represented. As mentioned above, these can either

be aerodynamic forces such as lift and drag, or they can be applied by actuators such as

engines or control-surfaces.

On typical aircraft, there are four main types of control surfaces: engines, ailerons,

elevators, and rudders. Some aircraft have additional control surfaces such as air-brakes (or

spoilers), flaps, or multiple sets of ailerons and/or elevators. Other aircraft, such as the flying-

wing aircraft discussed in this thesis, may have only an engine and one other set of control

surfaces that functions both as elevators and ailerons – appropriately called elevons. The

engine and the elevators are used to control the pitch angle and airspeed of the aircraft. The

ailerons are the primary control surfaces for controlling roll rate, and the rudder is the

primary control surface for controlling yaw angle.

The small disturbance theory (SDT) and small angle theory (SAT) are used to

develop a locally linearized aircraft model from the nonlinear equations. In the SDT, each

dynamic variable is denoted as its respective reference (equilibrium) value plus a

disturbance. For example, the force X has the form . For simplicity in the

derivations below, when a particular reference value is equal to zero, the prefix „ ‟ is

dropped on the corresponding disturbance term.

A number of assumptions are made about the reference (equilibrium) flight condition

about which linearization occurs. Firstly, the reference flight condition is assumed to be

symmetric with zero angular velocity and zero external lateral forces. This greatly simplifies

the linearization process, because the following values are consequently equal to zero: v0, p0,

r0, Ф0, and Ψ0. Furthermore, a slightly different coordinate frame is used, referred to as the

„stability axis‟ reference frame. In this reference frame, the x-axis is chosen to be pointing in

the direction of the relative wind ( , thus w0 and α are equal to zero in equilibrium. As a

result, u0 is equal to the reference flight speed and θ0 is equal to the reference angle of climb.

Two further assumptions in this development are that the effects of spinning rotors are

ignored and that the wind velocity is zero.

When SDT and SAT are applied to the nonlinear equations above, the following

results are obtained:


When all disturbance quantities are set to zero in the above equations, the reference

flight condition is obtained (recall that the „ ‟ notation has been dropped from some of the

disturbance quantities):


The equilibrium conditions are then substituted back into the previous equations, and

after slight rearrangement, we arrive at the following:


Upon close observation of Eq. (7), one will note that the equations can be decoupled

into two groups: those equations describing longitudinal motion and those describing lateral

motion. The longitudinal and lateral variables are summarized in the following table:

Table 2.1: Longitudinal and lateral variables

Longitudinal Variables Lateral Variables

The next step in the dynamic model development is to appropriately describe the

disturbance forces and moments applied to the aircraft. An ideal approach is to model each

force as a nonlinear function of the states of the aircraft and their derivatives, as well as the

current flight conditions. For example, the disturbance force can be described by an

equation of the form:


As the level of model sophistication increases, the number of independent variables in

the functions increases. There is no theoretical limit to the level of accuracy and complexity

attainable in the development of a dynamic aircraft model. The limits, rather, are those of

practicality: the engineer must keep in mind his or her design goals and choose a level of

model sophistication according to the accuracy required and the available computational

power. There are a number of disadvantages associated with increasing the level of model

sophistication. The first is that very extensive and time consuming dynamic modeling

techniques must be employed in order to develop the model in the first place. Second, a large

database may be required in order to store all of the data acquired during the tests and a

complex, high-dimensional look-up table must be used if the data is to be accessed in real

time for control purposes. For this research, only the states and applied control forces (and

not their derivatives) have been chosen to be the independent variables. Furthermore, due to

the decoupling of the equations, the lateral variables are not considered in the longitudinal

disturbance forces and vice versa. For example, we have:


where represents applied control forces with components along the x-axis.

The disturbance forces and torques are then chosen to be linear functions of the

aircraft states and applied control forces via Taylor expansion [19]. For example, the

disturbance force along the x-axis at time, t, is:


Here, the parameters are referred to as stability derivatives and the

subscript c indicates the actuator-applied control force (the x-axis component). In the case of

the x-axis, these actuators include the elevons ( and motor (denoted by throttle, ):


where the parameters and are referred to as the control derivatives. These stability

and control derivatives are constant for a specific flight condition – the reference flight

condition about which linearization has taken place. They are a function of the inertial and

geometric properties of the aircraft and can be determined using empirical flight testing

methods [22, 23], or through software tools such as the US Air Force (USAF) Stability and

Control Digital Data Compendium (DATCOM). Again, as with a nonlinear model, a

database can be used to store the stability and control derivatives for various flight

conditions. Furthermore, other stability derivatives, such as those involving the derivatives of

the aircraft states, may be added to the equations for increased accuracy.

For the purposes of this research, only a single flight condition within a much larger

possible flight envelope is discussed. The stability and control derivatives are calculated for

one flight condition and are assumed to be constant throughout the flight envelope. Although

this is a simplified representation, it is used for three reasons. Firstly, developing a full model

throughout the flight envelope is a very time consuming process; secondly, this thesis does

not investigate gain-scheduling control techniques, which may be required if the dynamic

model were to change mid-flight; thirdly, the autopilot computer hardware was not assumed

to be powerful enough to be able execute the multi-dimensional look-up tables in real time as

would be required.

When the Taylor expansions of each of the forces and torques are substituted into Eq.

(7), the decoupled equations can be collected into the common linear state space format,

. The state space equations for longitudinal motion are [19]:



The lateral equations are [19]:



Note that the „ ‟ notation has been inserted for clarity and to remind the reader that

all states are denoted as offsets from their equilibrium values. Note also that, as a result of the

mathematical substitutions, the variable is not included in the state vectors. Furthermore,

these equations assume that the aircraft has four control surfaces – this issue will be

addressed during later discussions of the Zagi aircraft model.

Since the nonlinear dynamic system has been decoupled into sets of linear

longitudinal and lateral state-space equations, further dynamic analysis can be performed.

This is discussed in the next section. Additionally, the controller design process has been

greatly simplified, since the lateral and longitudinal control systems can be developed

separately [19].

2.4 Modal Analysis

Textbooks on the topic of aircraft dynamics typically spend multiple chapters on the

analysis of longitudinal and lateral dynamic modes. The interested reader may refer to [18-

21] for in-depth discussions. The purpose here is to discuss these topics qualitatively in order

to provide the reader with an appreciation for their use in the discussion of aircraft dynamic

performance. Furthermore, the reader will become aware of the qualitative dynamic

characteristics of the Zagi aircraft used in this research and its inherent instability both in

longitudinal and lateral manoeuvers. Some quantitative information is also provided for

further insight.

Additionally, while the discussion and understanding of the dynamic characteristics

and the modes of an aircraft is absolutely pertinent where piloted and/or passenger flight is

involved, the discussion is not as critical for UAVs. In unmanned flight, one could argue that

the closed loop system performance and controller design is limited only by the structural

capabilities of the aircraft. On the other hand, in human-controlled flight, controller design

must additionally take into account passenger comfort and pilot capability.

2.4.1 Longitudinal Modes

The eigenvalues of the system matrix Alon are used to characterize the open loop

stability and dynamics of the longitudinal modes of an aircraft. The longitudinal system

matrix of an aircraft has two sets of complex conjugate roots, representing two damped

oscillations: one of low frequency and lightly damped oscillations, and the other of high

frequency and more heavily damped. The conventional names for these modes are “phugoid”

and “short-period” modes, respectively [19].

The phugoid, or long-period mode can be demonstrated in flight by trimming the

aircraft in level flight, „pulling back‟ on the control stick (to cause the aircraft to pitch up and

lose airspeed), then returning the stick to the neutral position. The observed phugoid response

consists of oscillations with significant variations in pitch attitude and airspeed, while the

angle of attack remains relatively constant. It can be compared to the up and down motion of

a roller coaster, as there is a constant ongoing exchange between kinetic and potential energy.

The oscillation starts with the exchange of airspeed for altitude as the aircraft climbs. As

aircraft begins to slow, the pitch angle decreases, and the aircraft eventually pitches down.

The descent is then followed by an increase in airspeed and pitch angle, and the aircraft

returns to a climb again [21]. This is illustrated in Figure 2.3:




≈ 300 s
Time (s)

Figure 2.3: Phugoid mode oscillations

The short-period mode, on the other hand, is demonstrated in flight by trimming the

aircraft and then subjecting it with a doublet of forward-aft-neutral pitch stick input, causing

a sudden change in angle of attack. There is then a second order (or first order, in some

cases) exponential decay to trim flight. The motion is characterized by significant oscillations

in angle of attack and pitch attitude, while the airspeed remains essentially constant [21]. The

short-period oscillations are illustrated in Figure 2.4, below.

2.4.2 Lateral Modes

The lateral dynamics typically consist of three modes: the „Dutch roll‟ mode, the

„roll‟ mode, and the „spiral‟ mode. The eigenvalues describing these methods can be found

from the Alat matrix.




Time (s)

Figure 2.4: Short period oscillations

The Dutch roll mode is a second order response, typically consisting of simultaneous

oscillations in sideslip angle, roll angle, and yaw angle. This mode is due to the coupling

between yawing and rolling moments due to sideslip. These oscillations may be of high or

low order and light or heavy damping, depending on the aerodynamic derivatives. The Dutch

roll oscillations are typically initiated by a sideslip perturbation followed by oscillations in

roll and yaw. The motion can be compared to that of an ice skater‟s body weaving from side

to side as weight shifts from one leg to another [21]. An illustration of Dutch roll oscillations

is shown in Figure 2.5.

The roll mode eigenvalue has only a real component and its response is therefore

first-order. The motion consists of nearly pure rolling action about the x-axis (in the stability

reference frame). It may be excited by a rolling disturbance such as aileron input. With a step

aileron input, there is an exponential increase in roll rate until a steady roll rate is achieved.

The roll mode may be either stable or unstable depending on the angle of attack [21].

Figure 2.5: Dutch roll oscillations

The spiral mode is also a first order response and it involves a relatively slow roll and

yawing motion of the aircraft. It is usually initiated by a displacement in roll angle, and may

be either stable or unstable. If it is stable, the aircraft returns to trim flight after the initial roll

input. On the other hand, if it is unstable, the motion continues as a descending turn with

increasing roll angle. Typically, the sideslip angle remains near zero while the roll and yaw

angles vary.

2.5 The Zagi Aircraft Model

The aircraft under study in this research is a Zagi XS flying-wing with a 48-inch

wingspan, shown in Figure 2.6. It is built of expanded polypropylene (EPP) foam and

reinforced with multiple thin carbon-fibre beams. It is controlled by elevons and an electric

motor with an 8x6 propeller. Since there is no rudder, there is no method to directly control

the yaw angle and therefore lateral mobility is less than ideal. This aircraft is part of the

multi-UAV platform at UTIAS. These aircraft have been utilized extensively by UTIAS in

the study of collaborative control methods [24, 25].

Figure 2.6: Zagi flying-wing UAV

The most relevant parameters that define the flight condition about which the aircraft

dynamics have been linearized are provided in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Reference flight condition

Parameter Value
Altitude 164.04 ft (50m)
Airspeed 45.93 ft/sec (14 m/s)
Weight 2.3 lb (1.04 kg)
Trim Angle of Attack +1 degree

The stability and control derivatives for the aircraft model have been determined

using software developed by Dr. Ruben Perez at the Royal Military College of Canada in

collaboration with UTIAS [26] and are based on this information as well as other geometric

and inertial properties of the aircraft. These aerodynamic derivatives can be found in

Appendix A. Perez‟s software emulates the DATCOM by calculating the stability and

control derivatives from the geometric and inertial properties of an aircraft at a specified

flight condition. The longitudinal state space matrices have been determined and are

provided below for reference.

The lateral state space matrices are as follows:

Note that there are no terms in the Blat matrix corresponding to a rudder control

surface and that the elevon angle is still represented as two different control surfaces in the

lateral and longitudinal equations. On the Zagi aircraft, the elevons are used to control both

pitch and roll motion through a process called „mixing.‟ Since rolling motion is caused by

differential deflection of the elevons and pitching motion is caused by symmetric deflections,

the elevon mixing is performed by the as follows:


2.6 Modal Analysis of the Zagi Aircraft

A qualitative analysis of the dynamic modes of the Zagi aircraft is appropriate here in

order to gain a basic understanding of its behaviour prior to controller design. It will be

shown that the aircraft is open-loop unstable in both longitudinal and lateral motion.

2.6.1 Longitudinal Modes

The longitudinal motion pole-zero map of the Zagi aircraft is shown in Figure 2.7:

Figure 2.7: Zagi aircraft longitudinal modes: pole-zero map

The short period mode is stable, with a frequency of 5.93 rad/sec (0.944 Hz) and

damping of 0.912. The phugoid mode, on the other hand, is unstable, and has a frequency of

0.819 rad/sec (0.130 Hz) and poles at s=0.102 ± 0.813. The aircraft is therefore open-loop

unstable to a step in pitch angle. This is an artefact of poor airframe design and causes the

aircraft to be very challenging to control manually in the longitudinal directions. The pole

locations are summarized in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3: Zagi longitudinal modes

Pole (Mode) Location Stable/Unstable

Phugoid s=0.102 ± 0.813i Unstable
Short Period s=-5.41 ± 2.43i Stable

2.6.2 Lateral Modes

The lateral motion pole-zero map of the aircraft is shown in Figure 2.8:

Figure 2.8: Zagi aircraft lateral modes: pole-zero map

The Dutch roll mode is unstable with a frequency of 2.26 rad/sec (0.360 Hz) and

poles at s=0.422±2.22i. The slow spiral mode is barely stable with a frequency of 0.0094

rad/sec (0.0015 Hz) and the faster roll mode is stable with a frequency of 5.81 rad/sec (0.925

Hz). The stability in the spiral and roll modes are good for open loop control purposes,

however the unstable Dutch roll mode implies that some unstable oscillations may occur as a

result of yaw inputs. The pole locations of the lateral modes are summarized in Table 2.4,


Table 2.4: Zagi Lateral modes

Pole (Mode) Location Stable/Unstable

Dutch Roll 0.422 ± 2.22i Unstable
Roll -5.81 Stable
Spiral -0.0094 Stable

2.7 Summary
An outline of the development of a state-space model of aircraft motion has been

provided and applied to the Zagi aircraft. The use of constant stability and control derivatives

for these research purposes has been discussed as well. Finally, an analysis of the

longitudinal and lateral dynamic modes of the Zagi aircraft has been performed.

In summary, the Zagi aircraft has unstable modes in both the longitudinal and lateral

degrees of freedom. These open loop instabilities make the aircraft challenging to fly

manually with a radio transmitter. Flying-wing aircraft with these dynamics are therefore

often recommended for intermediate or advanced radio-controlled (RC) hobby aircraft pilots.

Fortunately, since both the longitudinal and lateral dynamics are controllable, the unstable

poles can be shifted into the open left hand side of the S-plane during controller design,

ensuring closed loop stability.




3.1 Introduction
The Multiple Simultaneous Specification (MSS) controller design method transforms

the problem of designing a single controller that satisfies n convex closed loop performance

specifications into one of designing simpler „sample‟ controllers, each of which satisfies at

least one performance specification. This is followed by the convex combination of the

individual sample systems, and results in a single controller that satisfies all n performance

specifications. This final „MSS controller‟ is extracted mathematically from the sample

controllers and plant dynamics and, therefore, no design is required beyond that of the

sample controllers. Consequently, the application of this design method presents the

possibility of greatly simplifying controller design problems in which many performance

specifications must be met. The following sections discuss in detail the mathematics of the

MSS controller design methodology.

3.2 Convex Specifications

The concept of convex specifications was introduced by Boyd, Barrat, and Norman in

the early 1990s [27]. The formal definition of a specification, D, is a function or test on a

closed loop system, H:


where is the set of all closed loop transfer functions, is a functional defined on H (such

as overshoot, etc.), and is the required specification (a numerical value). The function is

said to be convex if, for any two closed loop systems H1 and H2, and any , we have1:


This means that a specification is convex if its functional on the convex combination of two

closed loop systems is less than or equal to the convex combination of the functional of the

individual systems. This can also be described geometrically. If we define F such that


then at , convexity requires


and at , convexity requires


and everywhere in the range ,


The right hand side of Eq. (20) is the equation of a straight line, G, passing through

the points (0, ) and (1, and it can be graphed in the range along with

. Therefore, a function is convex if, for every pair of transfer function matrices H1 and

H2, the graph of lies below the straight line G in the range . This is

represented by the shaded region in Figure 3.1, below.

The definition of convexity in [27] states that λ [0,1]. However, when λ=0 or λ=1, even though convexity
may hold, the statement loses some practical significance, since the weighting of one of the functions is then
null and the result is trivial. Henceforth, the discussion assumes λ (0,1).

Figure 3.1: Geometry of convex functionals

Many closed loop system performance specifications in both the time and frequency

domains have been shown to be convex [27]. Among them are specifications such as

overshoot, undershoot, settling time, and Bode magnitude plot envelopes.

3.3 Controller Design Framework

Consider a plant transfer function matrix, P(s), which is partitioned in the following



Here, w are the exogenous inputs to the system (disturbance signals, reference

inputs), u are the control signals, z are the regulated signals, and y represents any and all of

the signals available to the controller. As such, Pzw is the transfer function (matrix) from w to

z, Pzu is the transfer function (matrix) from u to z, Pyw is the transfer function (matrix) from w

to y, and Pyu is the transfer function (matrix) from u to y. The plant can also be written as



A schematic of this system is shown in Figure 3.2:

Figure 3.2: Open loop plant framework

A linear output feedback controller can be designed for this system,

and the corresponding closed loop system transfer function matrix H(s) from w to z can be



The matrix H(s) can be written as a convex function of another matrix, R:




We see here that there is a one to one correspondence between matrix R and the controller K.

If the output signal y is chosen to be the system error, with w and y being of the same

dimension, then the framework can be represented as in Figure 3.3, below. This is the

framework used in the design of the aircraft attitude controllers in later chapters.

3.4 MSS Controller Design: Problem Definition

The MSS controller design problem is defined as follows: given n desired convex

closed-loop performance specifications, , design an output feedback

controller, K(s), such that the closed loop system satisfies all n performance specifications.

Figure 3.3: Closed loop system framework, with w and y being of the same dimension

An important point to note is that the distinctive quality of the MSS controller design

method is not its ability to produce a controller whose closed loop system simultaneously

satisfies all n performance specifications, since this task can be achieved using many other

design methods. Rather, its attractiveness is its ability to significantly simplify the way in

which the controller K(s) can be designed.

3.5 MSS Controller Design Procedure

This section discusses the procedure and the mathematics of designing a controller,

K(s) that solves the problem defined in Section 3.4. First, the material will be presented in

detail, and then it will be summarized in a step-by-step.

3.5.1 Sample Controllers

Consider the ith desired closed loop performance specification. We define controller

Ki(s) to be a sample controller if the closed loop system Hi(s) resulting from controller Ki(s)

satisfies this specification:


The system Hi(s) is then defined as the sample system corresponding to sample controller


Recall that there are n desired closed loop performance specifications. Let the vector

contain all of these specifications: . The solution of the MSS

design problem requires the designer to develop m sample controllers, Ki(s), i=1..m, until

each closed loop performance specification is satisfied by at least one controller. It is

permissible to have multiple specifications satisfied by a single controller, so that .

3.5.2 Linear Programming and Convex Combination

Let denote the ith specification resulting from closed loop system j, so that there is

a matrix :


Using the information in the matrix and vector , one can determine if a solution to

the MSS controller design problem exists. However, in order to proceed with the solution

algorithm, the matrix must be square. As mentioned above, it may occur at this stage in the

design that m < n, i.e. there are fewer sample controllers than the number performance

specifications. In this case, n - m columns must be added to , the elements of which are

orders of magnitude larger than all other elements of , resulting in a new n x n matrix. The

additional columns simulate fictitious sample controllers that do not satisfy any

specifications and that will not contribute to the final MSS control system. For ease of

discussion and for differentiation between the number of sample systems and the number of

performance specifications, will still be described as an n x m matrix; however, the reader

must note that henceforth n = m because additional columns were added. The reason for this

manipulation is due to the determinants that must be calculated as part of the solution

process. This will become clear in the following discussion.

There are two conditions that must hold for the existence of a solution to the MSS

controller design problem2:




If both of these conditions hold, then a convex combination vector, can be found through

the solution of a linear programming problem:


where A closed loop system, H*, is

then calculated as the convex combination of individual sample systems Hi(s) using the

weighting of the elements in . The system H* can then be shown to be a function of a

matrix R*, just as H is a function of R in Eq. (24):


Using Eqs. (2), (16), and (17), one can verify that all closed loop specifications are

then satisfied by H*. Consider one specification:

For their derivation, the reader is referred to [28]


Finally, it should be noted that the closed loop system in Eq. (31) is not the result of

the direct convex combination of sample controllers Ki, rather it is a convex combination of

matrices Ri or sample systems Hi(s).


3.5.3 Extraction of MSS Controller

The MSS controller, K*, i.e. the controller that satisfies all closed loop specifications,

can be found from R* with some algebraic manipulation of Eq. (25):


Therefore, once is calculated, R* can be found, and K* can be also determined.

The purpose of the vector is therefore to store the relative weighting of each of the

sample systems in the overall solution. As mentioned in the previous section, the components

of corresponding to the n – m columns appended to the matrix will always be null since

these columns represent fictional sample systems that have very poor closed loop

performance. The optimization performed in the linear programming algorithm does not

provide any weighting to these fictional sample systems.

Since R* is calculated with the summation in Eq. (33), if the model is of high order or

if many sample controllers are used to satisfy the performance specifications, then R* will

consequently be of high order. It may therefore be computationally demanding to perform the

matrix inversions; furthermore, the controller K* that results may be of high order, and model

order reduction techniques may be required to reduce the order of K*.

3.5.4 Summary of MSS Controller Design Procedure

In summary, the procedure to design MSS controller K* consists is the following :

1) Determine the open loop plant structure framework P(s) in Eq. (21);

2) Design individual sample controllers, Ki(s), i=1..m, until each closed loop

design specification is satisfied by at least one controller;

3) Determine if a solution exists given the designed sample controllers by

checking both conditions of Eqs. (28) and (29). If no solution exists, return to

Step 2) and redesign controllers; otherwise continue to Step 4).

4) Solve the linear programming problem, Eq. (30), to determine the

combination vector, ;

5) Calculate the matrix R* in Eq. (33);

6) Determine the MSS controller, K*, from R* and Pyu using Eq. (34).

3.6 Stability Analysis

The closed loop system H*(s) obtained through the convex combination of m stable

sample systems, Hi(s), i=1..m, using the vector as described in

Section 3.5.2, is also stable. As a proof, consider the state space models of the sample

systems, Hi(s):


The transfer functions of the sample systems can be determined from the state space



It has been shown in Eq. (31) that the closed loop system H* is composed of the convex

combination of the individual sample systems:


The transfer function matrix H* can therefore be represented by:


It is important to note that while the sample systems Hi(s) and the final system H*(s) have the

same number of inputs, P, and outputs, Q, the number of states internal to H* is mN, i.e. the

number sample systems multiplied by the number of states internal to the sample systems.

To complete the proof, we note that since the matrix A* is diagonal, its eigenvalues

consist of the union of the eigenvalues of the individual matrices Ai, i=1..m:


Hence, if the sample systems Hi(s) are stable, i.e. the matrices Ai are Hurwitz, then the matrix

A* is Hurwitz, and H* is stable.

3.7 Observations and Practical Notes on MSS Controller Design in

Although the mathematics of the MSS controller design method is arguably quite

elegant, there are some important points to note on its implementation in numerical software

such as MATLAB. There are a number steps in the controller design process that require the

multiplication, addition, or inversion of transfer function matrices. This can be very

computationally expensive and may require a computer with a significant amount of

memory. However, it was observed that computational time can be reduced by breaking

down long operations into multiple, shorter steps. For example, the two most

computationally-intensive operations in MATLAB are the calculations of the R matrices of

Eq. (25) and of the K* matrix in Eq. (34). The calculation of the R matrices (recall that there

is one R matrix for every sample controller) in MATLAB can be performed in one line as


r = minreal(K/(eye(5)-Pyu*K));

However, it was observed that performing this calculation in one step causes instability in the

resulting MSS controller. The exact reason for this is unknown and may be very difficult to

determine, though it may be related to the way MATLAB inverts high order transfer function

matrices. Once the operation is broken up into two steps, the computational time decreases

significantly and the instabilities disappear:

temp = minreal(inv(eye(5)-Pyu*K));
r = minreal(K*temp);

The „minreal‟ function is used to eliminate stable pole-zero cancellations.

For the same reasons, the calculation of matrix K* is broken into two steps from one step.

The original code was:

K_star = minreal ((1+R_star*Pyu)\R_star);

and the modified version is:

temp = minreal(1+R_star*Pyu);

One further point to note is that the MSS controller design method guarantees

stability only for the strict mathematical procedure described in Section 3.5. However, it has

been mentioned previously that the matrix R* is often of very high order since it is calculated

via the summation of the individual matrices Ri. As a result, the transfer function matrix K*

may also be of very high order, and model order reduction may be required in order to reduce

the order to a level that is applicable for real time control. Unfortunately, stability is not

guaranteed for a reduced-order model. As such, once the model order is reduced, stability

must be verified by further simulation.

3.8 Summary
The Multiple Simultaneous Specification controller design method has been

introduced and discussed in detail. The mathematical foundations and process for the method

have been outlined and may hopefully serve as a reference or guide to those who wish to

implement the process in the future. The stability of the controller design method has been

proven. Finally, some practical observations and notes on the application of the controller

design method in MATLAB are discussed.




4.1 Introduction
The objective of this thesis is to design longitudinal (pitch) and lateral (roll) attitude

controllers for the Zagi UAV based on the decoupled equations of motion. Since the

longitudinal and lateral motions have been decoupled, the respective controllers can be

designed individually. This is common practice in linear aircraft controller design, as in [19,

20]. Many specifications in aircraft control problems are convex in nature and therefore it is

fitting to apply the MSS controller design method. The following sections describe the design

of the controllers as well as provide continuous and discrete time linear model simulation

results. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the MSS controller design method.

With regards to notation, the following sections discuss the use of elevators and

ailerons as the control surfaces for longitudinal and lateral motion, respectively. This notation

is used simply to emphasize difference between lateral and longitudinal motions. On the Zagi

aircraft, as discussed in Chapter 2, the there is only one set of control surfaces (in addition to

the electric motor), referred to as elevons, which provide both lateral and longitudinal

motion. Hence, for the discussions in this chapter, the control surfaces will be referred to as

ailerons and elevators; however, they actuate the same physical control surface.

4.2 Selection of Closed Loop Performance Specifications
The choice of the number of specifications to place on the aircraft is subjective, and it

is typically based on a trade-off of a number of factors. With more specifications placed on

the closed loop system, it will naturally be more difficult to find a solution to the linear

programming problem of Eq. (30). This may result in „looser‟ overall specifications than a

design problem that has fewer specifications. Furthermore, when more specifications are

added and (presumably) more sample controllers are developed, the overall order of the

resulting matrix R* as calculated in Eq. (33) increases significantly. This increases the

required computational power to perform the controller design calculations and also requires

more drastic model order reduction of the calculated MSS controller. With regards to this

latter point, as discussed earlier, the closed loop performance is not guaranteed for a reduced-

order controller. On the other hand, the beauty of the MSS controller design method is that if

more specifications are added and the order of the resulting MSS controller can be reduced as

required, then these specifications are welcome. For the each of the longitudinal and lateral

attitude controllers, it has been compromised to place one envelope-type specification on the

deflection of each of the control surfaces and then two additional specifications on the

transient response of the aircraft in the respective manoeuver. The longitudinal controller is

therefore based around four specifications and the lateral controller is designed around three


4.3 Longitudinal Controller

The objective of the longitudinal attitude controller is to satisfy four specifications for

a step input in pitch angle of +15 degrees. This is only one design problem in an overall

longitudinal flight regime that includes takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, landing, etc., however

the pitch-up (or its counter-part, the pitch-down) manoeuver is critical in more complex

manoeuvers and is therefore a good basis for controller design.

There are many convex specifications that can be chosen in the design problem, but

this paper deals with four in particular. The first specification is that the five percent settling

time of the pitch angle must be less than three seconds. Secondly, the overshoot during the

manoeuver must be less than five percent. Additionally, the maximum deflection of the

elevator during the manoeuver must be less than five degrees from the trim deflection angle.

Finally, the maximum throttle above trim should be no more than +14 in order to prevent

throttle saturation. For reference, full thrust is represented by a throttle value of +15.26. An

explanation of these values and a detailed discussion on the scaling of the throttle values is

provided in Chapter 5.

One must note that the total deflection of the elevators and throttle are calculated as

their trim, or equilibrium, values plus an additional deflection:


The aforementioned specifications have been chosen based on the intuition gained

from various flight tests and on the limits of the capabilities of the aircraft. The specifications

are formally summarized as follows:

1) ts θ ≤ 3 sec

2) Overshoot θ ≤ 5 %

3) Max | δe| ≤ 5 degrees

4) Max | δt| < 14

The design of the sample controllers and MSS controller follows the general MSS

design procedure described previously in Chapter 3. An extra integrator state,

, has been added into the longitudinal equations in order to eliminate steady

state pitch tracking error. The exogenous inputs of the system are therefore

the regulated outputs are

the output is the system

error, and the control signals are the elevator deflection and the throttle value:

. The output error feedback controller is therefore where K is a 2x5

matrix. This fits into the framework of Boyd and Barrat in Figure 3.3. In order to determine

the plant transfer function matrix Plong(s), we must first find the open loop 5x2 transfer

function matrix Gyu_long(s) for the longitudinal system using the equation:


This transfer function matrix is of the form:


For brevity, the ten transfer functions are not included here. Once they are obtained,

the plant Plong(s) can be determined:


In this manner, we have satisfied the notation of Eq. (22).

Three controllers were designed using LQR techniques to satisfy the three convex

specifications. The three controllers, K1long through K3long, are as follows:


The performance of each closed loop sample system is charted in Table 4.1, below.

The numbers in bold indicate that the corresponding sample system satisfies a closed loop

specification. The section of the chart within the bolded outline represents the transpose of

the matrix of Eq. (27).

Table 4.1: Performance of longitudinal sample systems

System : ts θ : Overshoot θ : Max | δe| : Max | δt|

(sec) (%) (degrees)
H1 4.83 6.29 1.98 17.08
H2 2.47 0.92 5.24 13.91
H3 3.67 5.07 5.08 8.58
Specification 3 5 5 14

In this case, since there are more specifications than the number of sample systems,

the matrix must be augmented with an extra column in order to be square. As discussed

previously, this fourth column simulates a fourth sample system, H4, which does not satisfy

any specification and is therefore corresponds to a null weighting in the vector . For clarity,

the matrix is provided below:


With these sample systems, the linear programming problem of Eq. (30) has a

solution and the combination vector is found using the linear programming tools in

MATLAB to be: . This combination vector indicates that

system H2 is most heavily weighted in the convex combination, followed by systems H3 and

H1, which are nearly equally weighted. This is likely due to the superior settling time and

overshoot of system H2 compared to the other two systems. Again, the fourth element of is

zero because the hypothetical fourth system has very poor performance. The resulting MSS

controller, , is then found; however, it is not included here because it contains elements

with terms of up to 72nd order. A controller of this order is not practical for real time

implementation on the current autopilot hardware. Consequently, the model order reduction

tools in MATLAB have been used to eliminate modes that are of least significance in the

closed loop system. These tools have allowed for significant reduction of the controller order

while maintaining a very similar closed loop response. The reduced-order MSS longitudinal

controller is:


As described previously, the full order MSS controller is capable of satisfying all four

performance specifications, but the performance of a reduced-order controller must be

verified. Simulations were performed using Simulink, with a sample time of 10ms; these are

considered the continuous time simulations. The discrete time simulations discussed later are

performed with a sample time of 100ms. The result of the continuous time simulation of the

closed loop longitudinal aircraft system using controller is shown in Figure 4.1. Three

plots are shown: the first shows the pitch angle during the manoeuver, the second shows the

elevator deflection, and the third shows the throttle. All four specifications have been

simultaneously satisfied by the controller:

1) ts θ = 2.61 ≤ 3 sec

2) Overshoot θ = 0.02% ≤ 5 %

3) Max | δe| = 4.85 ≤ 5 degrees

4) Max | δt| = 13.06 ≤ 14

Figure 4.1: Simulation results for MSS longitudinal controller

4.4 Lateral Controller

The purpose of the lateral attitude controller is to roll the aircraft to the desired bank

angle. The controller has been designed for a step input of +15 degrees (banked turn to the

right). The design of the lateral controller follows the same process as that of the longitudinal

controller. There are three desired convex performance specifications for the lateral

controller. The first is that the five percent settling time of the bank angle must be less than

four seconds. Secondly, the maximum velocity in the y-axis, Δv, must be less than 4 ft/sec in

order to reduce sideslip during the manoeuver. Finally, the third specification is a maximum

aileron deflection of 1.5 degrees during the roll. The specifications on the elevator and

aileron deflections in the longitudinal and lateral controllers have been placed in order to

reduce the likelihood of saturation during complex manoeuvers. Stated formally, the three

specifications are:

1) ts ≤ 4 sec

2) Max |Δv| ≤ 4 ft/sec

3) Max | δa| ≤ 1.5 degrees

Note again that the lateral control signal is denoted as in order to differentiate it

from the longitudinal control signal , even though both signals represent actuations of the

same control surfaces. The design of the sample controllers and MSS controllers continues as

before. An extra integrator state is added here as well, , to eliminate steady

state roll tracking error. The exogenous inputs of the system are therefore

the regulated outputs are

the output is the system

error, and the control signal is the aileron deflection, . The output error feedback

controller is therefore where K is a 1x5 matrix. The open loop transfer function

matrix Gyu_lat(s) and the plant matrix Plat(s) are similar in form to Eqs. (42) and (43).

As with the longitudinal controller, LQR methods were used to design sample

controllers K1lat and K2lat:


The performance of each closed loop sample system is charted in

Table 4.2, below. The numbers in bold indicate that the corresponding sample system

satisfies a closed loop specification. As with the longitudinal controller, since there are more

specifications than the number of sample systems, the matrix must be augmented with an

extra column in order to be square. This third column simulates a third sample system, H3,

which does not satisfy any specification and is therefore given a null weighting in the vector,

. The resulting matrix is provided below:


Table 4.2: Performance of lateral sample systems

System : ts : Max |Δv| : Max |Δδa|

(sec) (ft/sec) (degrees)
H1 4.11 3.21 0.94
H2 3.28 4.19 1.78
Specification 4 4 1.5

The linear programming problem has a solution and the weighting vector is

. The first two systems, H1 and H2, are nearly evenly weighted in the

solution. Furthermore, only the first two terms are actually relevant, since the zero represents

the weighting of the fictional system. After model order reduction in MATLAB, the MSS

lateral controller, , is found:


The results of the simulation using this controller are shown in Figure 4.2. The first

plot shows the roll angle during the manoeuver, the second shows the y-axis velocity, and the

third shows the aileron deflection angle. All three performance specifications have been met:

1) ts = 3.71 ≤ 4 sec

2) Max |Δv| = 3.61 ≤ 4 ft/sec

3) Max |Δδa| = 1.03 ≤ 1.5 degrees

4.5 Discrete Time Simulation
The longitudinal and lateral MSS controllers have been applied in a simulation at a

frequency of 10Hz while the system dynamics are calculated at 100Hz. In other words, the

control laws are calculated one order of magnitude slower than the system dynamics, and

hence this is a form of discrete time simulation. The 10Hz frequency is chosen since it is the

rate at which control signals are generated during flight. Both controllers satisfy their

respective performance specifications in the discrete time simulation. The longitudinal and

lateral discrete time simulation results are shown in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.2: Simulation results for MSS lateral controller

Figure 4.3: Discrete time simulation results for MSS longitudinal controller

Figure 4.4: Discrete time simulation results for MSS lateral controller

Table 4.3 summarizes the performance of the MSS longitudinal and lateral controllers

in both the continuous and discrete time simulations, demonstrating the success of the MSS

controller design method.

Table 4.3: Continuous and discrete time MSS controller simulation results

Simulation Result
Controller Specification Continuous Discrete
Longitudinal ts θ ≤ 3 sec 2.61 sec 2.55 sec
O.S. θ ≤ 5 % 0.2 % 0%
Max | δe| ≤ 5 deg 4.85 deg 4.95 deg
Max | δt| ≤ 14 13.06 13.35

Lateral ts ≤ 4 sec 3.71 sec 3.19 sec

Max |Δv| ≤ 4 ft/sec 3.62 ft/sec 3.46 ft/sec
Max | δa| ≤ 1.5 deg 1.03 deg 1.29 deg

It is important to note that although the MSS longitudinal and lateral controllers

satisfy all performance specifications both in the continuous and discrete time simulations,

there is no discrete time direct-design framework for the MSS controller design method.

Unfortunately, as of the current time, the only method by which to verify the performance of

an MSS controller in the discrete time is to discretize the system and check the simulation


4.6 Summary
Pitch and roll state-space attitude controllers have been designed for the Zagi aircraft

using the MSS controller design method. The method by which a controller can be designed

when there are more specifications than sample systems has been demonstrated for both the

lateral and longitudinal controllers. Furthermore, both controllers satisfy their respective

specifications in both the continuous and discrete time simulations using the linearized

aircraft model. Until a discrete time formulation of the MSS controller design method is

developed, the only method of designing discrete time controllers is to design continuous

time controllers and then to verify their performance in a discrete time simulation.




5.1 Introduction
The autopilot on the Zagi UAV is implemented on two hardware systems. The first is

the “Kestrel” autopilot from Procerus Technologies. The Kestrel autopilot can act as a

standalone autopilot or serve as an interface between the outside world and the UAV by

handling the communication protocols and interfacing with the aircraft control surfaces. The

second hardware system for controlling the UAV is the Overo Fire Computer-on-Module

(COM) from Gumstix Inc., which runs the MSS digital control system. These two systems

are discussed in the following sections, as well as pertinent implementation details.

5.2 Kestrel Autopilot System

The Kestrel autopilot system from Procerus Technologies is shown in Figure 5.1,

below. The autopilot provides autonomous flight control capabilities to a single UAV,

including takeoff, GPS waypoint navigation, target following, and landing. It is mounted on

the UAV and is connected to the control servos, batteries, and onboard sensors.

The real time autopilot software runs on the Kestrel‟s 8-bit, 29 MHz microprocessor.

The onboard sensor suite includes an inertial measurement unit, magnetometer, GPS, and

differential an absolute pressure sensors. These sensors provide a complete inertial

navigation system for the UAV. The counterpart to the Kestrel autopilot is the ground station

(typically a laptop computer) that is running the Procerus “Virtual Cockpit” software.

Figure 5.1: Kestrel autopilot [29]

The ground station also consists of a radio modem called the „Commbox‟ that

communicates with the onboard Maxstream radio modem over the 900 MHz frequency

spectrum. The full platform, including the UAVs and the ground station, is shown in Figure

5.2, below.

In its typical operation, the autopilot onboard the UAV receives navigation

commands from the Virtual Cockpit, and in return, sends telemetry data for real time

mapping and post-flight analysis. A map of the flight zone can be downloaded from websites

such as Google Maps [30] and loaded into Virtual Cockpit, allowing the UAV flight path to

be superimposed on the map. Other telemetry data is also displayed within Virtual Cockpit,

including navigation data, GPS satellite and radio communication strength, on-board battery

voltage, motor speed, among many others. This provides the user with an excellent overall

picture of the current “health” and flight status of the UAV.

After receiving high level navigation commands from the ground station, the

autopilot executes various multi-level control loops that eventually actuate the control

surfaces of the UAV. The details of these control loops are not of interest in this work, as the

purpose of this research is to develop new, low level controllers, and therefore to operate the

control surfaces directly and independently of Virtual Cockpit. The method by which this is

accomplished is described in the following sections.

Aircraft Commbox Laptop Controller

Figure 5.2: UAV platform: aircraft and ground station

5.3 Serial Port Communication and Autopilot Communication Protocol

The Kestrel autopilot is equipped with multiple serial communication ports for

integration with onboard computers or peripherals. Of particular interest is Serial Port A on

the autopilot, which can be used to mirror (or duplicate) the modem communications port,

thereby providing the ability for the autopilot to communicate with an external computer as if

it were the ground station. The serial ports and sensors on the autopilot are shown in Figure

5.3. The four serial ports are located in the top-right corner.

Figure 5.3: Kestrel autopilot serial ports and sensors [29]

The autopilot communication protocol is implemented by a system of coordinated

data transmission and acknowledgement packets. Data packets are assembled by Virtual

Cockpit and/or an external computer, containing either control commands or requests for

various types of information (telemetry, system status, etc.) Upon receiving a command-

based packet from the ground station or the external computer, the autopilot responds with an

acknowledgement (ACK) packet if the command is acceptable or with a negative

acknowledgement (NACK) packet if the command has requested it to perform an action that

is outside of its bounds. If the autopilot receives a request-based packet, it responds with a

packet containing the requested data. The autopilot uses a checksum algorithm to determine

if a packet has been corrupted during transmission, and corrupted packets are discarded

accordingly. Through the use of communication data packets, full state information for the

aircraft is available to the external computer, allowing for full state feedback for the MSS


5.4 The Gumstix Computer-on-Module

For this research, an Overo Fire Computer-on-Module (COM) board from Gumstix

Inc. shown in Figure 5.4, below, functions as the external control computer. It is mounted

onboard the aircraft and runs the MSS controller. The term „Gumstix‟ is appropriate as the

brand name since the dimensions of the unit are on the scale of those of a piece of chewing

gum. Its small size and light weight afford it the ability to be mounted to small aircraft such

as the Zagi UAV. The Overo Fire COM is pre-loaded with the Linux operating system and

has an ARM Cortex A-8 CPU and a C64x+ digital signal processor (DSP) core for 2D and

3D graphics acceleration. The CPU has a clock speed of 600MHz, and there is 256 MB of

both RAM and on-board flash memory. The COM also has integrated 802.11g modem and

Bluetooth wireless communication functionality. Many of these features are useful for single

and multi-UAV research projects – for example, the graphics processing capabilities are

useful for image-based control, and the wireless modem can be implemented in multi-UAV

coordination and control applications.

Figure 5.4: Overo Fire COM [31]

The Gumstix COM connects to the „Tobi‟ expansion board shown in Figure 5.5,

below, in order to provide the Gumstix COM with access to serial communication ports, and

a power supply. The Tobi expansion board also contains Ethernet, USB, audio and video

ports. Consequently, Gumstix COMs, together with their expansion boards, are autonomous

units and can function as complete computer systems with appropriate peripherals attached

(such as a keyboard, mouse, and monitor). Additional software packages can be written and

compiled on the Gumstix COM or on another computer and transferred to the COM for


Figure 5.5: Tobi expansion board [32]

The current hardware implementation uses the Gumstix COM to execute the MSS

controllers discussed in Chapter 4. Although any programming language could have been

used, the MSS controllers have been written for the UAV in C++. The COM communicates

with the Kestrel autopilot on Serial Port A and requests telemetry packets at a rate of 10Hz.

These telemetry packets contain all pertinent state information for the digital controllers,

including linear and rotational velocities, Euler angles, and other information such as GPS

coordinates. After receiving the telemetry information, the controller outputs the desired

control surface (elevon and motor) deflections to the autopilot through another packet. The

autopilot then actuates the control surfaces accordingly. In this manner, the control system is

partially independent of the ground station and the Virtual Cockpit software. A block

diagram depicting this system of communication is shown in

Figure 5.6, below. More detailed communication block diagrams are provided in the

discussion on simulation in Chapter 6.

High level control
Virtual Cockpit Autopilot
Low level control
(overwrite commands
from Virtual Cockpit)

Gumstix COM

Figure 5.6: Communications block diagram: flight configuration

It is worthy to note that it is alternatively possible to use the ground station laptop as

the external controller instead of the Gumstix COM. In this alternative scenario, the low level

control surface commands come from the ground station and not from an on-board computer.

Telemetry data would be transmitted to the ground station as usual; however, the controller,

running in parallel with the Virtual Cockpit software on the ground station laptop, would

transmit desired actuator deflections as packets to the UAV via the commbox. This is

illustrated in Figure 5.7, below:

STATION High level control
Virtual Cockpit Autopilot
Low level control

Figure 5.7: Communications block diagram: alternative configuration

On the other hand, there are many advantages to using a Gumstix (or any onboard)

computer to generate actuator commands as opposed to doing so on the ground station. The

main advantage stems from the direct wired serial link between the Gumstix COM and the

autopilot, allowing the COM to send and receive data packets directly to and from the

autopilot. When transmitting over a wireless radio frequency to a ground station, there is a

much greater risk of data corruption or loss [25]. Another disadvantage to using the ground

station as the external controller is the fact that a relatively powerful computer must be used

in order to simultaneously execute the Virtual Cockpit software and the controller software.

The Overo Fire COM is inexpensive and is dedicated to the controller‟s execution.

Conversely, one advantage of a ground station-based controller is that it allows for

centralized control of multiple UAVs. The control systems for all of the UAVs in a multi-

UAV platform could be executed on the ground station, as opposed on individual Gumstix

COMs on each individual aircraft. However, given that this research concentrates on the

control of a single UAV, the decision has been made to use the Gumstix COM as the low

level controller.

5.5 Basic On-board Electronic Connection Details

The major hardware components on-board the UAV during flight are the Gumstix

COM with its Tobi expansion board, the Kestrel autopilot, two three-cell Lithium-Polymer

(LiPo) batteries, and the electric motor.

The two 11.1V LiPo batteries operate in parallel and power all on-board electronics.

The Gumstix COM and the autopilot each have voltage regulators to convert the incoming

power to the required voltage levels. Power is also routed to the electric motor through an

electronic speed control unit. Both the autopilot and the motor have power switches, allowing

the motor to be turned off while the autopilot is on (for safety) and further allowing the

autopilot to be easily turned on or off without disconnecting the batteries. Figure 5.8, below,

depicts all of the electronic hardware components on-board the UAV.

Kestrel Gumstix LiPo

Autopilot COM Battery

Motor On/Off

Autopilot On/Off Electric

Switch Motor

Figure 5.8: On-board main electronic components

5.6 Throttle Scaling and Trim

In Chapter 4, the design of the MSS attitude controllers is discussed, and simulations

are performed using MATLAB and Simulink software packages. In the Simulink

simulations, the value of the aircraft throttle, , represents an offset from the equilibrium

throttle value. It is imperative to calculate this equilibrium throttle value. Furthermore, the

throttle scale that is used in the simulations differs from the scale used on the autopilot

hardware. On the autopilot hardware, the throttle is set on a scale of 0 to 1, representing a

scale of 0 to 100 percent, where 100% is full throttle. In Simulink, the throttle scale is

actually quite different, and it ranges from -1 to +15.26, as will be discussed shortly. Since

the throttle value on the autopilot uses an absolute scale, it will be denoted as . Note the

slight change in notation from that of the throttle value in the Simulink simulation (i.e. the

removal of the „ ‟ symbol). In order to implement the MSS controllers on the autopilot, the

throttle values must be scaled appropriately from the Simulink values to the hardware values.

The equation for calculating thrust force from (where the value is represented on a

scale from 0 to 1) using momentum theory is:


The following table summarizes each parameter and its value. The value of the motor

constant, Km has been provided by the UAV manufacturer, Procerus Technologies.

Table 5.1: Aircraft thrust equation parameters

Parameter Description Value

Total thrust force Variable (lbf)
Air density 0.0024 slug/ft3
Circular area covered by propeller ( ) 0.3484 ft2
Km Motor constant 82.02 ft/s
Throttle value Variable (dimensionless)
Airspeed 45.86 ft/s
Dimensionless X-force throttle coefficient 1(dimensionless)

The dimensionless throttle coefficient, , is a scaling factor that represents the

change in the X-force coefficient with the change in throttle value.

The software package by Perez that is used to determine the aircraft stability and

control derivatives discussed in Chapter 2 calculates the equilibrium thrust value to be 0.1189
lbf (0.5289 N). Using Eq. (50), this corresponds to a throttle value of 0.596. Since this is

the equilibrium throttle value, it corresponds to a throttle value of in the Simulink


Furthermore, at full throttle ( ), the thrust is 1.9331 lbf (8.599N). This value is

intuitively sensible given the ability of the aircraft to attain large pitch angles and rapidly

accelerate to speeds near 25 m/s (90 km/h). In order to calculate the throttle value that

corresponds to full throttle of , we approximate with the following equation:


The equation means that the total thrust force is equal to the equilibrium thrust force

plus the change in the X force with change in throttle multiplied by the change in throttle

from its equilibrium value. This equation assumes that all of the thrust is transmitted in the x-

axis of the aircraft. The stability derivative is calculated in Perez‟s software to be 0.1189

lbf. One will note that this is the same value as the equilibrium thrust force itself.

Accordingly, the throttle value representing full throttle on the autopilot hardware is

calculated as:


Finally, in order to generate no thrust from the propeller (at the reference flight speed)

on the autopilot, we solve Eq. (50):


And in the simulation this corresponds to


Based on these three data points, it can be seen that the mapping is nonlinear to

. This is summarized in Table 5.2:

Table 5.2: Throttle mapping summary

Thrust (lb) Simulation Throttle Value ( Hardware Throttle Value ( )

0 -1 0.559
0.1189 0 0.596
1.9331 15.26 1

In summary, when a throttle value is calculated by the MSS controller, the total thrust

force generated by throttle value is calculated using Eq. (51). Then, Eq. (50) is solved for

using this thrust force. The resulting value is the control signal used by the autopilot. One

will note that this mapping varies with the reference flight speed and as such is only an

approximation when applied throughout the flight regime.

5.7 Elevon Trim Deflection

The deflection of the elevator on an aircraft is often non-zero when the aircraft is in

equilibrium, or trimmed flight. The elevator deflection during equilibrium flight is referred to

as the trim deflection. It is not within the scope of this thesis to discuss the full details of the

static stability of aircraft; however, the following basic development of the trim elevator (or

elevon) deflection is appropriate.

The torque applied about the y-axis of an aircraft is calculated as:


The parameter Cm is the non-dimensional pitching moment coefficient and will be assumed to

be a linear function of the angle of attack, the elevator deflection, and various airfoil

properties [19]:


The non-dimensional stability and control derivatives , , and are

calculated by Perez‟s software to be 0, -0.2426, -0.0890, respectively. Here, represents

the contribution of the airfoil properties to Cm. In equilibrium (trimmed flight), there is no

pitching moment, and thus Cm is null. Eq. (56) can then be solved for given that the trim

angle of attack is known. Recall from Table 2.2 that the trim angle of attack is +1 degree

(0.0175 rad):


The trim elevator deflection is therefore -0.0476 radians or -2.73 degrees.

5.8 MSS Controller Software Implementation

5.8.1 Controller Structure

The MSS controllers are currently implemented on the Gumstix COM, which controls

the UAV by sending aileron and elevator deflection as well as throttle value commands to the

Kestrel autopilot. The autopilot mixes the aileron and elevator commands into elevon

commands as discussed previously – see Eq. (14) in Chapter 2.

The Gumstix COM C++ code written for this research uses a multi-threaded software

architecture. There are three threads running in parallel, and each performs a specific task or


1) The first thread is a low-level serial communications thread that handles bit-

streams to and from the Gumstix COM;

2) The second thread requests for telemetry information from the autopilot at

10Hz, executes the MSS state feedback controllers, and sends the desired

control signals to the autopilot;

3) The third thread is used to set the reference command (step input in pitch, roll,

or both) based on the value of a specific byte in the autopilot‟s flash memory.

5.8.2 Controller Activation and Data Logging

To initiate the flight, the plane is launched with the Kestrel autopilot engaged and the

Gumstix COM waiting in a standby mode. After launch, with the autopilot still engaged, the

UAV begins to follow specified GPS-based waypoints. The low level MSS controllers do not

initiate until commanded by the ground station.

There are various bytes of free space within the autopilot‟s flash memory that can be

used for debugging purposes, and these bytes can be set on the aircraft from within Virtual

Cockpit while the UAV is airborne. A change in the value of the byte is sent wirelessly to the

autopilot. The byte currently used to activate the controller is referred to on the autopilot as

“Debug Byte 1.” The value of this byte is set to a default value of zero when the autopilot is

powered on or its power is recycled. When the aircraft is in flight, this value can be set from

within Virtual Cockpit to a specific value that corresponds to the desired manoeuver, at

which point the MSS controller is activated and the control signals calculated by the MSS

controllers are sent to the autopilot and overwrite the control signals coming from the ground


The MSS controller software executes as a state machine. The Gumstix COM checks

the debug byte every 0.1 seconds for changes to its value from the default of zero. When the

ground station operator changes this byte to 1 from within Virtual Cockpit, the aircraft

executes the pitch up manoeuver using the MSS controllers. This interrupts the aircraft from

flying along its designated flight path. After 15 seconds, or if the pitch angle decreases

significantly (indicating a probable crash), the controller execution finishes, the debug byte is

set back to zero, and the regular UAV navigation continues as per the flight path set in

Virtual Cockpit. A similar sequence occurs if the debug byte is set to 2; however, this

initiates a roll manoeuver. It is also important to note that both the lateral and longitudinal

controllers execute simultaneously during flight once the debug byte is set to either 1 or 2,

otherwise the aircraft may not be able to maintain a steady pitch angle during roll

manoeuvers and vice versa. Flight telemetry data can then be recorded either on the Gumstix

COM or on the ground station for post-flight analysis. A diagram of the state machine is

shown below in Figure 5.9.

Check Debug

Debug Byte Debug Byte

set to 1 0.1 seconds Debug Byte set to 2
elapsed set to 0

Normal flight,
Debug Byte = 0

15 seconds 15 seconds
elapsed or θ≤-45 elapsed or θ≤-45

Pitch manoeuver, Roll manoeuver,

Debug Byte = 1 Debug Byte = 2

Figure 5.9: Flight controller state machine diagram

5.9 Summary
In this chapter, all of the electronic hardware components responsible for the

autonomous control of the Zagi UAV were discussed. This includes the Kestrel Autopilot,

the Gumstix COM, and the Tobi expansion board. The throttle scaling from the MSS

controller output value to the autopilot value is provided. The calculation of the elevator trim

deflection is performed and an overview of the MSS controller software implementation on

the Gumstix is provided.



6.1 Introduction
It is imperative to simulate the behaviour of an engineered system such as an aircraft

in as realistic and accurate as a manner as possible prior to performing experimental tests.

This provides the engineer with a theoretical standard to which he or she can compare

experimental results. Furthermore, assuming the system and environment have been properly

modeled, accurate simulation allows the engineer to safely predict the behaviour of the

system before any experiments are performed. This is especially valuable with airborne

vehicles, as damage to aircraft such as the Zagi UAVs caused by crashes can be costly and

time consuming to repair. Simulation is therefore a valuable tool for averting foreseeable


Linear simulations of the MSS controller designs have been performed using

Simulink and have been discussed in Chapter 4. However, prior to flight testing, it is desired

to verify the behaviour of the closed loop system in a more realistic, nonlinear simulation


Typically, two types of simulation methods are discussed in UAV literature:

Software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation and Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation [23, 33,

34]. The former is a method in which the aircraft and its environment are modeled in

software; no physical hardware is required. HIL simulation, on the other hand, provides an

additional level of realism by making use of the aircraft hardware. It allows for testing of the

aircraft actuators and control surfaces in order to check for correct operation, since these

actuators physically move during the simulation. Another benefit of HIL simulation is that it

allows for testing of communication protocols and often allows for testing of certain aspects

of in-flight communication-based phenomena such as data loss, corruption, or transmission

jitter. It also permits the use of external hardware during the simulation such as the Gumstix

COMs. A high-level flow chart f the operation of a typical HIL simulation is shown in Figure


Figure 6.1: Basic operation of HIL simulators

This chapter discusses the topic of nonlinear HIL simulation of the Zagi UAV using

the Kestrel autopilot system. It is expected that the exact results of a nonlinear simulation

will vary from those of the linear simulations examined earlier; however, similar overall

qualitative performance is expected.

6.2 Procerus UAV Simulation Software
There are two software packages that are used by the Procerus UAV system during

for simulation. One is Virtual Cockpit (VC), which has been discussed repeatedly in previous

chapters. The other is “Aviones,” which is the aircraft simulator. The aircraft dynamics,

sensors, actuators, and flight environment are all simulated within Aviones during HIL

simulation. Simulators such as Aviones may be referred to as „pseudo-nonlinear,‟ since the

simulated aircraft stability and control derivatives are constant yet its dynamics are calculated

using the six nonlinear equations of motion.

Before discussing the SIL and HIL simulation modes in more detail, it is helpful to

outline the operation of VC and Aviones during flight and simulation. Figure 6.2 shows the

main VC window as it would appear during simulation. Table 6.1 lists and describes the

basic elements of the VC window that are labelled in the figure.

Prior to the flight (real or simulated), the user uploads the desired waypoints for the

flight to the autopilot from within VC. A „Takeoff‟ flight mode is then selected (spiral,

waypoint, or joystick), thereby engaging the throttle. The user then launches the aircraft. For

real flights with the Zagi UAV, the aircraft is hand-launched (and Aviones is not used); in

simulation mode, the aircraft is launched via the „UAV‟ drop-down menu in Aviones. The

aircraft will then climb, and once it reaches a safe altitude, it will automatically engage its

„Navigation‟ flight mode and fly along the desired flight path. The MSS controllers will

engage only once a specific byte is set on the autopilot from within VC.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

Figure 6.2: Virtual Cockpit main window

Table 6.1: Virtual Cockpit main window legend

Label Description
1 Flight mode selector
2 Attitude and telemetry information
3 Miscellaneous navigation data
4 Actual flight path
5 Aircraft
6 Desired flight path
7 Waypoint (2 of 3)
8 Warning message area
9 Ground Station GPS Position

The actual flight path, aircraft attitude, and telemetry data are all displayed in the VC

screen as shown in the previous figure. Additional telemetry and real-time aircraft

information are available from within various menus within VC. Figure 6.3, below, shows

the Aviones simulator with the UAV depicted in black.

Figure 6.3: Aviones aircraft simulator

6.3 Simulation Modes

The Kestrel autopilot platform from Procerus Technologies allows for both SIL and

HIL simulation. In SIL mode, VC and Aviones are run either on the same computer or two

separate computers, and they communicate with one another using the TCP/IP protocol. The

complete UAV system is simulated, including the Kestrel autopilot. Two initial conditions,

namely latitude and longitude, are set in another Aviones configuration file. Unfortunately it

is not possible to set an initial airspeed or altitude; the UAV must be re-launched from the

„ground‟ each time the simulation is restarted. While the aircraft is in simulated flight, VC

provides it with high level commands, and the aircraft relays simulated telemetry data in

return. Additional software can be written to communicate with VC and send externally-

generated commands to the simulated aircraft. In real flight, these commands would be sent

to the aircraft over the wireless modem via the commbox. This functionality is beyond the

scope of this thesis research it requires the purchase of additional software packages from

Procerus. Furthermore, as discussed previously, the current hardware implementation uses

the Gumstix COM to send externally-generated commands to the autopilot.

The HIL simulation mode is more complex in its implementation than the SIL

simulation mode, but it is more suitable for low level controller design where additional

hardware such as the Gumstix COM is required. In HIL simulation, high level commands are

generated by VC, initial conditions for the flight are set in Aviones, and the two programs

communicate with each other over the TCP/IP connection as per the SIL simulation mode.

However, the commands that are sent by VC to Aviones are also sent to the Kestrel autopilot

over a serial connection. It is noteworthy that the physical autopilot is used here, unlike in the

SIL simulation mode. Additionally, the low level control surface deflections generated by

Aviones are physically actuated by the respective servos onboard the aircraft. During the HIL

simulation, the Gumstix COM can also be used to communicate with the Autopilot, receive

telemetry, and generate low level control commands. Telemetry information is then also

relayed back through Aviones into VC and is displayed in the VC window. In this manner,

during HIL simulation, the autopilot serves merely as a communications bridge between

Aviones and the Gumstix COM.

To clarify these concepts, hardware communication block diagrams depicting both

the normal flight and the HIL simulation modes are shown in Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5,

respectively. Three important points are of note:

1) The autopilot in the block diagram is shown with two of its four

communication ports: the modem port (labelled „M‟) and Serial Port A („A‟).

These are the two main serial ports that are used for communication during

flight and simulation.

2) The commbox can be used for HIL simulation; however, it is not required nor

recommended. A wired serial connection between the ground station and the

autopilot is preferred in HIL instead of the 900MHz wireless communication

mode between the commbox and the Maxstream modem. This alternative

configuration is recommended by Procerus because the wired serial

connection can more robustly handle the substantial number of additional data

packets that are transmitted between the autopilot and the ground station

during simulation in addition to the standard telemetry packets that are

transmitted during normal flight.

3) The SIL simulation mode (not shown) consists of only the ground station

components of the HIL simulation block diagram since there is no

communication between Aviones and the autopilot.

6.4 Running the HIL simulation

Appendix B contains step by step instructions for running the HIL simulation and

serves as a reference for future students. These instructions serve only as a summary of the

steps to initiate the simulation, and are not a substitute for the instruction manuals.

Familiarity with both VC and Aviones is recommended before attempting to run the


Ground Station Aircraft


VC Commbox M A

MHz Serial
Gumstix COM

Figure 6.4: Hardware/communication block diagram: normal flight

Ground Station Aircraft

Aviones Autopilot


Gumstix COM

Figure 6.5: Hardware/communication block diagram: HIL simulation mod e

6.5 HIL Simulation Results

HIL simulations have been used to test the performance of the MSS longitudinal and

lateral controllers. Upon performing initial simulations, a noticeable difference between the

linear (Simulink) simulations and the nonlinear (HIL) simulations had been noticed. This

inconsistency was most likely due to differences between the dynamic model of the Zagi

aircraft created by Procerus for Aviones and the dynamic model developed from Perez‟s

software (for which the MSS controllers were designed). The general inaccuracy in the

Aviones model has been confirmed during discussions with an engineer at Procerus. Some

slight modifications have since been made to the Aviones configuration files to improve the

model accuracy; however, it is still expected that the in-flight behaviour of the UAV will be

different than in the HIL simulation. Furthermore, by changing the model to be closer to the

model developed using Perez‟s software, the simulated Kestrel autopilot actually becomes

unable to control the aircraft using the built-in navigation controllers. This is surprising

because, as will be discussed in Chapter 7, the autopilot can adequately control the aircraft in

real flight. In other words, the aircraft performance using the built-in autopilot is worse in the

HIL simulation than in real flight. The inability for the autopilot to control the UAV in

simulation made it extraordinarily difficult to set initial conditions for the execution of the

MSS controllers.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned issues, HIL simulations were still performed

with the hope that some of the qualitative behaviours of the UAV during pitch and roll

manoeuvers could be observed.

The results of the pitch up manoeuver are shown in Figure 6.6, below. Three plots are

presented for comparison with the corresponding plots of Figure 4.3. As can be seen from

these results, the initial conditions for each of the parameters are non-zero, compared to the

digital simulation results of Chapter 4. Furthermore, none of the closed loop performance

specifications are met: there is significant pitch angle overshoot, the pitch angle does not

settle to within 5% of the +15 degree reference input during the controller‟s execution, the

elevator deflection exceeds 5 degrees away from trim, and the throttle saturates during the

first second of the manoeuver. However, as hypothesized above, the general behaviour of the

UAV is as predicted by the linear simulations. The aircraft pitches up, the initial elevator

deflection is negative and slowly increases, and the throttle initiates at a high value before

decreasing to a near constant value. Upon comparison to Figure 4.3, overall trends within the

plots are comparable to the discrete time simulation results.

The results of the lateral (roll) manoeuver from the HIL simulation are shown below,

in Figure 6.7. An additional note should be added here that, due to observed sensitivity of the

aircraft to aileron deflection in high winds, a limit on the aileron deflection angle was set in

the control software to +/- 2 degrees. Ideally, this would not affect the closed loop system

performance, since there is a performance specification on the aileron deflection of a

maximum deflection of +/- 1.5 degrees. However, from the figure it can be seen that in fact

this saturation limit was reached.

As with the pitch up manoeuver, initial conditions are not exactly as per the linear

simulation. The manoeuver begins at a positive roll angle of +20 degrees. The controller

attempts to correct this initial roll angle error, however there is significant overshoot. The

aircraft then rolls back in the positive direction and reaches a roll angle near +15 degrees.

The y-axis velocity, Δv, initially oscillates about 0 ft/sec with large amplitude, however it

eventually oscillates with much smaller amplitude (approximately 2 ft/sec peak-to-peak).

These small oscillations about a midpoint of 0 ft/sec are good results, indicating nearly zero

sideslip during the manoeuver. Finally the aileron deflection angle saturates at the limits of

+/- 2 degrees.

Figure 6.6: HIL simulation results - pitch up manoeuver (step applied at time t=0 - )

Upon initial investigation, it appears that none of the closed loop performance

specifications have been met. However, if one observes the system after 4 seconds, one of the

three specifications is actually met: the maximum y-axis velocity is 2.193 ft/sec, i.e. less than

the specified 4 ft/sec.

Figure 6.7: HIL simulation results - roll manoeuver (step applied at time t=0 - )

6.6 Summary
This chapter introduces the use of Software-in-the-Loop and Hardware-in-the-Loop

simulation for the Zagi UAV. The benefits of Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation over

Software-in-the-Loop and linear simulations are presented as well. The Aviones and Virtual

Cockpit software packages that are provided by Procerus for simulation purposes are

discussed in detail. Hardware-in-the-Loop simulations are performed to test the MSS

controller‟s execution of pitch and roll manoeuvers. Although the HIL simulation results do

not closely match those of the Simulink linear simulations, there are some benefits to the

exercise. The simulated closed loop system performance is interesting to observe, there are

some qualitative similarities to the linear simulations, and most importantly, the benefits of

performing the simulation are still present: it has allowed the author to test the software that

will be running on the Gumstix COM while the UAV is airborne. This includes testing the

proper use of the data communication protocols and proper operation of the control surfaces.



7.1 Introduction
Flight testing of the Zagi UAV transpired from March until September 2010, once or

twice every week. The flight test location was the Koffler Scientific Reserve at Joker‟s Hill,

located at 17000 Dufferin Street, in King City, Ontario, about 24 kilometers north of UTIAS.

This section discusses the details of the flight testing process and the results of the flight test

experiments using the MSS controllers.

7.2 Background: The Flight Test Experience

The flight tests were carried out, in most part, by the author and his colleagues at

UTIAS, Mr. Mingfeng Zhang and Mr. Difu Shi. The ground station was set up on a hill

overlooking the flight zone. A panoramic view of the flight zone as seen from the ground

station is shown in Figure 7.1, and a bird‟s eye view of the flight zone (outlined in red) and

ground station location (red star) is shown in Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.1: Panoramic view of Joker's Hill flight zone

Figure 7.2: Flight zone and ground station location (courtesy of Google Maps)

The ground station, as discussed previously, consists of a laptop computer, the

commbox, and the RC transmitter. The commbox is connected to its own dedicated GPS

receiver, in order to track the location of the ground station. This is useful for applications in

which the ground station is moving. The RC transmitter is used to control the UAV manually

when required. Due to the exceptional acceleration and flight speeds attainable by the Zagi

aircraft as well as the open loop instabilities discussed in Chapter 2, controlling the UAV

manually with the RC controller is a challenging task. Finally, the ground station is covered

by a camping tent in order to provide shade for the flight testers and to reduce the brightness

of the sun against the ground station laptop screen.

The flight tests require at least three people (flight operators) to be present. One of the

flight operators is responsible for UAV takeoff (hand-launching the aircraft) and controlling

the aircraft with the RC controller when necessary – typically only in the case of an

emergency. Since the RC is connected to the commbox at all times, this flight operator has

limited mobility during the flight test. Another flight operator is required to operate Virtual

Cockpit, log telemetry data, monitor the aircraft status, and update the flight path as required.

This operator is therefore required to initiate execution of the pitch and roll manoeuvers by

setting the proper debug byte, as discussed earlier. Finally, the third flight operator is

required to monitor the aircraft visually at all times, take photos or videos, and assist with

other duties as required.

The first three months of flight testing were spent on developing a familiarization

with the Zagi UAV and its flight characteristics and with the ground station software, Virtual

Cockpit. In addition, an operations protocol was developed, outlining the procedure for

carrying out flight tests. The first months were difficult due to the learning curve required to

properly fly the Zagi UAV as well as the repairs that were required after crashes. Some flight

tests ended abruptly due to damage (from crashes) that could not be repaired in the field.

Following this initial stage, the next weeks were spent calibrating the aircraft sensors

for flight. This was also a challenge, as the calibration procedure can only be performed with

the aircraft under manual control with the RC transmitter. After the calibration period, the

UAV was able to fly to the designated GPS waypoints as set within Virtual Cockpit. The

level of accuracy with which the UAV could fly along its designated flight path was adequate

for the purposes of this research. However, in strong winds (estimated at 15-30 km/h), the

ability of the aircraft to track the correct heading and altitude diminished significantly.

Moreover, some flight tests were cancelled due over-powering winds.

Once all of the preliminary sensor calibration and tuning was completed,

development began on the integration of the MSS controllers on the Gumstix COMs. This

was followed by HIL simulation (the results of which are in the previous chapter) and flight

testing of the complete control system.

7.3 MSS Controller Flight Test Results

A number of flight tests were performed on the UAV using the MSS controllers. Both

lateral (roll) and longitudinal (pitch-up) manoeuvers were attempted numerous times. The

results varied between trials because of differences in wind conditions and differences in the

initial conditions of the test manoeuver. The results provided in this section are representative

of the best results of the flight tests that were completed as of the date of the completion of

this thesis.

The results of the pitch-up manoeuver are shown below in Figure 7.3. A number of

interesting observations can be made from these results. Firstly, as with the HIL simulations,

it was very difficult to set the initial conditions for the manoeuver. It can be seen from the

figure that the initial pitch angle is in fact already approximately 15 degrees. The controller is

able to maintain approximately this pitch angle for 2.5 seconds. At this point, a heavy gust

actually caused the aircraft to pitch down and roll quickly to the right.

During the manoeuver, the elevator is oscillating heavily. Presumably, due to the

weather and wind conditions, the aircraft must use significant control effort to maintain a

steady pitch angle. Another interesting observation is that the throttle is nearly saturated

throughout the manoeuver. This is likely caused by the thrust required by the aircraft to fly

against the wind. From these results, it can be seen that none of the closed loop performance

specifications have been met by the MSS controller. A discussion of possible reasons for this

result is provided in the next section.

Figure 7.3: Pitch-up manoeuver flight test results (step applied at time t=0 - )

The results of the roll manoeuver are provided in Figure 7.4, below. Unfortunately,

due to hardware constraints during this flight test, the parameter ∆v could not be measured.

The roll angle, however, can be seen to significantly overshoot the reference angle of 15

degrees. Initially, the aircraft overshoots the desired roll angle of 15 degrees, and then rolls

back to correct this error. However, the aircraft then continues to roll to the right. Upon

observation of the aileron control angle, one will see that the aileron deflection remains in the

negative region. This may be the cause for the continued increase in roll angle. One will also

note that there is no software-based saturation limit on the aileron deflection for this flight

test as there was in the HIL simulation. The software-based limit was added after this flight

test was completed; however, due to strong winds, the flight tests that were performed with

the saturating limit in place actually had inferior results to this flight test. In summary, the

three closed loop performance specifications on the lateral controller have not been satisfied

as well during the flight testing phase.

Figure 7.4: Roll manoeuver flight test results (step applied at time t=0 - )

7.4 Discussion
The results of the previous section demonstrate that the closed loop performance

specifications on the longitudinal and lateral manoeuvers have not been strictly met in-flight

by the MSS controllers, even though they have been met in the discrete time linear

simulations using Simulink. Furthermore, there are some distinct differences between the

behaviour of the model in the HIL simulation and the flight tests. These differences can be

attributed to a number of factors.

7.4.1 Initial Conditions

It has been mentioned a number of times that the proper initial conditions for the

execution of the MSS controllers could not be obtained in the HIL simulation or during the

flight tests. The actual initial condition for the manoeuvers is the trimmed (equilibrium)

flight. This difference in initial conditions would have an effect on certain transient response

characteristics of the aircraft (such as settling time and overshoot) once the manoeuver is

executed. The differences in initial conditions may also likely attribute to the differences in

aircraft response between the HIL simulations and the flight tests.

7.4.2 Aircraft Dynamic Model

The development of the dynamic model of the UAV using Perez‟s software was the

first step of this research prior to the development of the MSS controllers. However, since

then, some changes have occurred to the aircraft that have an effect on the dynamic model.

Such changes include the addition of the Gumstix COM and Tobi expansion board that were

recently on the aircraft. As well, there has been some damage to the aircraft due to crashes.

This damage has been repaired, although the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft may

have been impacted. Additionally, during the flight tests, the two LiPo batteries that powered

the electric motor and control hardware were mounted on the aircraft near the nose.

However, the exact placement of the batteries may have been inconsistent from flight to

flight and may shift during flight, even though they were mounted with Velcro. Any of these

changes will have subsequently affected the state space model of the aircraft by modifying its

geometric and inertial properties. It is impractical to update the dynamic model of the aircraft

after every change to the airframe due to the length of time required for this process. As such,

the original dynamic model was retained.

7.4.3 Wind Effects

The development of the dynamic model of the Zagi UAV provided in Chapter 2 is

also based on the assumption that the effects of wind are negligible. Therefore, in the

presence of strong winds, the accuracy of the state space model may be significantly reduced.

Additionally, although the UAV can technically fly in winds up to 20-30 km/h, the pressure

changes caused by the high-speed winds cause noise in altitude and velocity measurements

[25], thus negatively affecting other aspects of the state space controllers that rely on these


7.4.4 Linear Thrust Model

Section 5.6 discusses the development of the linear thrust model for the Zagi aircraft

and the algorithm for the conversion of the throttle value calculated by the controller into the

throttle scale used by the autopilot. This throttle scale conversion algorithm depends on

parameters that have been assumed constant, yet in actuality are time-varying and nonlinear

with respect to the motion of the aircraft. This inaccuracy will have resulted in differences

between actual thrust output and calculated thrust output and, consequently, caused

discrepancies between simulated and actual flight performance.

7.5 Summary
This chapter has provided a detailed description of the flight testing experience,

including some of the difficulties that were encountered that prolonged the primary flight

testing process. The MSS controllers were applied during the flight test and the results were

discussed. A number of reasons were provided as to why none of the closed loop

performance specifications were met by the aircraft during the flight tests.




8.1 Conclusions
This thesis presents the application of the MSS controller design method to aircraft

control. Specifically, two MSS state space controllers are designed for a Zagi XS 48-inch

wingspan flying-wing mini-UAV. Since the linear dynamic model of the aircraft is

decoupled, separate longitudinal and lateral controllers are designed. Performance

specifications are set for the lateral and longitudinal closed loop systems for roll and pitch-up

manoeuvers, and these specifications are met by the MSS controllers in both continuous and

discrete time linear simulations using Simulink. The MSS controller design method has

therefore demonstrated the way in which it can be used to simplify a complex multiple-

specification controller design problem.

The concept of SIL and HIL simulations are presented, along with the benefits of

each method. HIL simulations are performed on the UAV and the results are compared

qualitatively to the linear simulation results; however, none of the closed loop specifications

are strictly satisfied.

A Gumstix COM has been used as an external on-board computer to execute the MSS

controllers. It communicates with the Kestrel autopilot and sends it low level control

commands. These commands overwrite the incoming commands from the ground station.

Experimental flight tests are performed and the results for the lateral and longitudinal

manoeuvers are presented. The closed loop performance specifications are not strictly met by

the MSS controllers in flight, however, it is interesting to compare the flight-test results to

those of the linear and HIL simulations. A number of reasons have been suggested as to why

the aircraft did not behave in flight as predicted by the linear simulations in Simulink and

why the behaviour of the aircraft during flight tests differed from the HIL simulations.

8.2 Recommendations and Future Work

A number of recommendations can be suggested at this point with regard to future

directions for this work:

8.2.1 Re-modeling of the UAV

The developing of a new dynamic model of the aircraft that incorporates the dynamic

effects of the control hardware on-board would be useful for obtaining more accurate

simulation results. Perez‟s software could be used for the modeling process; however, the

results from the software could be complemented by empirical data from actual flights. For

example, in [23], the stability and control derivatives of a small UAV is determined through

parameter identification from in-flight telemetry data.

Once the new model is developed, however, the MSS controllers would likely need to

be redesigned.

8.2.2 Testing of Combined Lateral/Longitudinal Manoeuvers

The MSS controllers developed in this work were designed based on decoupled

longitudinal and lateral state space equations. Additionally, only simple pitch and roll

manoeuvers were used as the standard reference commands. Agile aircraft such as the Zagi

are capable of performing more complex manoeuvers, where both pitching and rolling occurs

simultaneously. It would be advantageous to test the MSS controller performance under more

complex manoeuvers.

8.2.3 New Flight Test Zone

As discussed in Chapter 7, the current flight test zone is the Koffler Scientific

Reserve at Joker‟s Hill. This flight test zone introduces a number of difficulties into the flight

testing process. Firstly, it takes approximately 30-40 minutes to drive to Joker‟s Hill from

UTIAS. It takes a further 40-50 minutes to commute to UTIAS from the author‟s home near

the St. George Campus of the University of Toronto. As such, the total commute time is

approximately 1.5 hours each way. During the summer months, flight tests were conducted

once or twice per week, and as a result, a significant amount of time and money was spent

simply on transportation to and from the flight tests. Furthermore, if the aircraft was ever

damaged during flight tests to the extent that it had to be repaired with lab equipment, the

flight operators returned to UTIAS and repaired the damage, but could not return to Joker‟s

Hill to continue with flight tests due to the amount of time that would be required to do so.

Finally, and most importantly, Figure 7.2 shows that the actual flight area within Joker‟s Hill

is surrounded by trees, hills, and private farms, and that the section flight area within an

unobstructed view is quite small: approximately 200m long by 100m wide. A much larger

area of flat land would be ideal for the flight tests performed for this, as well as other UAV

research, especially considering that the aircraft cruises at approximately 14 m/s.

It is therefore recommended that in the future, the UAV research group(s) at UTIAS

seek out a larger flight zone that is close to UTIAS or the St. George Campus and that has a

flat, unobstructed view of at least 500 meters in each direction.

8.2.4 Design of MSS Controllers with Different Specifications

The results of presented in this thesis demonstrate the difficulties in achieving the

closed loop performance specifications through flight tests, especially with low-weight

aircraft such as the Zagi mini-UAV. This is mainly due to the difficulties in setting initial

conditions and in rejecting external disturbances from sources such as wind. It may therefore

be worth-while to design new longitudinal and lateral MSS controllers to satisfy a different

set of specifications that are easier to test in-flight.

8.2.5 Outer Loop Controllers

The MSS controllers designed in this thesis are the inner-most controllers of a multi-

loop aircraft control system because they directly actuate the control surfaces (the elevons

and electric motor). Higher (outer) level controllers can then be designed to use these inner

loop controllers. For example, an altitude-hold controller could calculate a desired pitch

angle based on an altitude error signal. This desired pitch angle could then be fed to the MSS

pitch angle controller, which could actuate the elevons to achieve the desired pitch angle.

8.2.6 Direct Digital Design Using the MSS Controller Design Method

The MSS controller design framework discussed in Chapter 2 is based around

controller design in continuous time. To the best of the author‟s knowledge, there is no

mathematical framework for direct design of a discrete time controller using the MSS

controller design method. Rather, the only way to design a discrete time controller is to

design a controller in the continuous time framework and then test the closed loop system

using a discretized version of the controller; if the closed loop specifications are not met, then

the controller must be redesigned. The development of a direct digital design methodology

would therefore greatly simplify the work of digital control engineers.

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This appendix contains the lateral and longitudinal stability and control derivatives

(in their dimensional form) for the Zagi UAV. The general notation for the dimensional

derivatives is: , etc.

Table A.1: Longitudinal Stability and Control Dimensional Derivatives

Derivative Value


Table A.2: Lateral Stability and Control Dimensional Derivatives

Derivative Value



A USB to serial converter cable is required for HIL simulation if the computer that is

running Aviones does not have a standard serial port. This is because the serial

communication cable provided by Procerus is only compatible with 9-pin serial ports.

Through trial and error it has been found that, for some unknown reason, only certain USB

to serial converter cables can be used for this purpose. Although all of the converter cables

are visibly identical, some fail to work for HIL simulation. This finding has been confirmed

by. Consequently, if there is no communication between the ground station and the autopilot

in Step 7, below, it is recommended that the user try to use a different USB-serial converter

cable. The specific cable mentioned below (part number HL340) has proven to work and it is

therefore recommended for this purpose.

The steps for executing the HIL simulation are as follows:

1) Disconnect the autopilot from the radio modem (the bottom two hardware


2) Connect the HL340 USB-Serial converter cable to the PC and determine

which communications port it uses (for example, use „Device Manager‟ in

Windows‟ Control Panel).

3) Connect the DB9 serial connector of the HL340 to the DB9 connector of the

programming cable, and connect the Molex connector of the programming

cable to the autopilot‟s modem port. Ensure that the 5th wire (the

programming wire) of the programming cable is disconnected.

4) Open the Aviones configuration file, „autopilot1032_regs.txt‟, in the Aviones

folder and change the first line to match the communications port number of

the HL340 (from Step 2), For example, if communications port number 4 is

used, then the line must read:

HIL Comm Port,4.000000

5) Set the starting latitude and longitude in „autopilot1032_regs.txt‟. If the file

ever changes in the future, set these initial conditions back to their desired


6) Power on the Autopilot.

7) Start VC and open the communications port that the HL340 is connected to;

Verify that communication occurs.

8) Run Aviones. There should not be an airplane visible yet on-screen.

9) In VC, go to Agents->Edit Agent List, and check the box „HIL Sim‟ next to

the UAV indicator; Click OK; The VC warning message area should display a

message reading: “Warning: Simulation Mode Enabled – DO NOT FLY!”

10) The screen will refresh, an airplane will appear in Aviones, and the UAVs

initial conditions will be set in VC as per Step 5.

11) Click „Zero Pressure,‟ to calibrate the virtual pressure sensors.

12) Upload a flight plan.

13) Select a takeoff mode in VC.

14) In Aviones, from the „UAV‟ drop-down menu, select „Launch If Necessary‟

or „Relaunch Current UAV‟ to launch the UAV. The aircraft will launch and

movement will be visible both in VC and Aviones.


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