Aircraft Conceptual Design Synthesis

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Aircraft Conceptual Design Synthesis

Deni s Howe
PhD (Cranfield), SM (MIT), FRAeS, FIMechE
Professor Emeritus and formerly Head of the College of Aeronautics,
and Dean of Engineering, Cranfield University
Professional Engineering Publishing Limited
London and Bury St Edmunds, UK
First published 2000
This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright
Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study,
research, criticism, or review, as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988,
no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
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without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Unlicensed multiple copying of this
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Engineering Publishing Limited, Northgate Avenue, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 6BW, UK.
ISBN 1 86058 301 6
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
The publishers are not responsible for any statement made in this publication. Data,
discussion, and conclusions developed by the Author are for information only and are not
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Institution of Mechanical Engineers or its publishers.
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Limited, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK.
I applied mysel f to the understanding of wisdom .....
and learned that this is chasing after the wind.
Ecclesiastes, Chapter 1, verse 17
This volume is dedicated firstly to the staff and students of Cranfield University,
who, by their suggestions and probing questioning, have made an inestimable
contribution to the final form of the work, and secondly to my wife for
her continued help and encouragement.
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The listed notation covers the main text. The notation used in the spreadsheets is defined
locally as is that used in the Addenda. All units are kilograms, metres, seconds with forces
in Newtons unless otherwise stated.
A 1
Speed of sound
Number of aisles in a passenger cabin (Para.
Aerofoil lift curve slope
Aspect ratio of lifting surface (A = b2/S)
Propeller disc area [Eq (3.9h)]
Factor in definition of lifting surface mass coefficient C~ [Eq (6.22b) and
Table 6.7]
Thrust factor used in variable Mach number climb prediction [Eq (7.34c)]
Factor defining aerofoil compressible flow characteristics ( Af = A F - O. l t / c)
[Eq (6.13a)]
Factor defining aerofoil compressible flow characteristics (Para.
Engine intake face area [Eq (6.17c)]
Accelerate-stop length at take-off [Para. and Eq (7.3a)]
B l
Lifting surface span (perpendicular to flight direction)
Maximum width of body (fuselage)
Factor in definition of lifting surface mass coefficient, C~ [Eq (6.22b) and
Table 6.7]
Average body width [Eq (6.17c)]
Zero lift drag factor used in variable Mach number climb prediction [Eq
c 1
( c ) o~
( c )
Powerplant specific fuel consumption
Fraction of wing chord over which there is laminar flow [Eq (6.13a)]
Mean chord of a lifting surface (area, S, divided by span, b)
Aerodynamic mean chord [Eq (8.7d)]
Wing chord on centreline
Factor in expression for specific fuel consumption [Eq (3.12a)]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Eq (3.12b)]
Specific fuel consumption of piston engine [Eq (3.15a)]
xxii Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
(C T) S
Propeller static thrust coefficient [Eq (3.9h)]
Coefficient of lifting surface mass [Eq (6.22) and Table 6.7]
Function of lifting surface mass coefficient [Eq (6.24)]
Coefficient of fuselage mass [Eq (6.20) and Table 6.6]
Coefficient of powerplant mass (Table 6.8 )
Coefficient of systems mass (Table 6.9)
Ratio of total lifting surface mass to wing mass (Table 6.10)
Induced drag factor used in variable Mach number climb prediction [Eq
Drag coefficient (Para. 5.1)
Drag coefficient due to lift (induced) [Eq (6.12a)]
Wave drag coefficient at zero lift [Eq (6.17a)]
Zero lift drag coefficient [Eq (6.17b)]
Function of wave drag coefficient [Eq (6.17b)]
Effective zero lift drag coefficient in climb out condition [Eq (6.15)]
Effective zero lift drag coefficient at baulked landing [Eq (6.16b)]
Lift coefficient (Para. 5.1)
Approach lift coefficient (Para. 6.2.4)
Cruise lift coefficient (Para. 6.2.4)
Maximum lift coefficient of low aspect ratio wing at high angle of attack
(Para. and Table 6.2)
Maximum lift coefficient of low aspect ratio wing at low speed (Para. and Table 6.2)
Maximum lift coefficient available for manoeuvre (Para. 6.2.4)
Maximum lift coefficient (Para. 6.2.4)
Lift coefficient for minimum total drag [Eq (7.14b)]
Lift coefficient at take-off unstick condition (Para. 6.2.4)
Pitching moment c6efficient (Para. 5.1)
Effective body diameter [Eq (6.17c)]
Propeller diameter
Ratio of zero lift drag to weight [Eq (7.13e)]
Functions of drag used in transonic acceleration prediction, 0.9 < M u < 1.0
and 1.0 < MN < 1.2 respectively [Eqs (7.44a) and (7.44b)]
Factor in evaluation of transonic acceleration, function of thrust and drag
[Eq (7.45c)]
Flap drag factor [(Eq (6.15b)]
Ratio of sea level static thrusts with and without afterburning [Eq (3.8)]
Leading edge high lift device criterion [Eq (5.2)]
Notation xxiii
f t
k m
l o P I T
l e A r
Operating items mass factor (Para.
Factor in evaluation of transonic acceleration, function of drag [Eq (7.45c)]
Gravitational acceleration
Number of galleys along length of passenger cabin (Para.
Geopotential height, used in definition of energy height [Eq (7.7)]
Energy height [Eq (7.7)]
Maximum depth of fuselage (body)
Energy content of fuel [Eq (7.47)]
Actual heights at beginning and end of a given climb phase
(Para. 7.6) (usually km)
Propeller advance ratio [Eq (3.9a)]
Engine factor in take-off performance [Eq (7.1a)]
Ratio of mass in a specific flight case to take-off value [Eq 7.13f)]
Fuselage wave drag factor[(Eq (6.17b)]
Factors in specification of powerplant thrust relative to sea level static
value (i = 1 to 4) [Eq (3.7) and Table 3.2]
Overall aircraft shape wave drag factor [Eq (6.17b)]
Induced drag factor [Eq (6.12b)]
Lift (wing) wave drag factor [Eq (6.18)]
Factor in prediction of varying Mach number climb, depends upon induced
drag [Eq (7.34e)]
Climb kinetic energy correction factor to allow for variation of speed of
sound with altitude [Eq (7.11 c)]
Effective body length used for wave drag evaluation [Eq (6.17b)]
Distance between midpoints of ailerons (l a = 2y A) (Para. 8.10.5)
Distance of leading edge of centreline wing chord aft of body nose
Distance of aircraft centre of gravity aft of body nose
Distance of centre of gravity of fuel aft of body nose (see below)
Distance of centre of gravity of fuel aft of body nose (may be stated relative
to wing reference a s A l F u e L )
Distance from centre of pressure of horizontal tail to aircraft centre of
gravity (Para. 8.10.3)
Distance of centre of gravity of main landing gear aft of body nose
Distance of nose landing gear aft of body nose
Location of mean position of operational items aft of body nose
Location of payload centre of gravity aft of body nose
xxiv Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
l ee
Distance of powerplant centre of gravity aft of body nose (may to be stated
relative to wing reference as Alpp)
Mean location of systems masses aft of body nose, excludes landing gear
Mean location of tail mass aft of body nose
Distance from centre of gravity of vertical tail to aircraft centre of gravity
Distance of wing structure centre of gravity aft of body nose (may be stated
relative to wing reference as Alw)
Overall fuselage (body) length
Factor in prediction of landing length [Eq (7.6a)]
Factored landing length (Para.7.4.2)
m a
m b
m F
Powerplant mass flow [Eq (3.2b)]
Longitudinal acceleration factors in transonic acceleration, 0.9 < M u < 1.0
and 1.0 < M u < 1.2 respectively [Eqs (7.44a) and (7.44b)]
Fuel mass flow [Eq (3.2b)]
Mass of propulsive medium[(Eq (3.1)]
Aerodynamic pitching moment
Landing mass
Take-off mass
Take-off weight
Take-off (maximum design) wing loading
Mass of engine [Eq (6.25)]
Total mass of absolute (predetermined) items [Eq (6.19)]
Mass of fuel
Mass of fuselage (body) [Eq (6.20)]
Mass of lifting surfaces [Eq (6.22)]
Mach number
Critical Mach number [Eq (5.1 a)]
MN//MN2 Mach numbers at beginning and end of flight phase, such as climb
Mop Mass of operational items (Para.
MpA r Payload mass
MpoweRe r Mass of installed powerplant, also used as Mep [Eq (6.25) and Ch 8]
Msy s Mass of systems, including equipment and landing gear [Eq (6.27)]
MrAtt Mass of horizontal and vertical tails [Eq (6.22) and Table 6.10]
MVARIABLE Total value of variable mass items [Eq (6.19)]
M w Wing structure mass [Eq (6.22) and Table 6.10]
/ ~ 7 / / u N u m b e r climb [Eqs (7.34f) and 7.(34h)]
MN2/MNI Ratio of masses at end and beginning of flight phase, such as cruise
Propeller rotational speed, rev/s [Eq (3.9a)]
Normal manoeuvre (acceleration) factor (Para
Notation xxv
rt 1
( ?Z ) INST
(Po /A )
Limit value of n (Paras and AD4.2.1.2)
Instantaneous manoeuvre factor [Eq (7.43a)]
Ultimate design (manoeuvre or gust) factor [Eq (5.8a)]
Number of engines located over the top of the wing
Number of engines
Corrected value of N to allow for overall trim effect [Eqs (6.22a) and
Cabin differential pressure design value, bar [Eq (6.20a)]
Static pressure in jet efflux [Eq (3.2b)]
Freestream static pressure [Eq (3.2b)]
Specific excess power (SEP), sec [Eq (7.13)]
Total number of passengers
Power [Eq (3.5)]
Maximum static shaft engine power, kW
Propeller static disc loading [Eq (3.9h)]
Equivalent shaft turbine static power [Eq (3.10f)]
Piston engine power in given flight condition [Eq (3.15a)]
Shaft turbine power at 3 km altitude and Mach number MN1 [Eq (3.10e)]
Nominal shaft turbine power in static condition, referred to 3 km altitude
[Eq (3.10e)]
Dynamic pressure (pV2/2)
Factor in constant Mach number climb prediction [Eq (7.22b)]
Factor in constant equivalent airspeed climb prediction [Eq (7.15)]
Factor in varying Mach number climb prediction [Eq 7.34b)]
Powerplant bypass ratio (nominally static)
Ratio of total aircraft wetted area to reference wing area, S [Eq (6.13a) and
Table 6.3]
Engine altitude thrust lapse power [(Eq (3.7a) and Table 3.2]
Passenger cabin seat pitch (Para.
Ground distance covered in flight from lift-off to height datum (air distance)
Ground distance covered during landing flare (Para.
Ground distance from start of take-off to lift-off (Pa.
Ground distance covered in climbs and descent [Eqs (7.7), (7.21),(7.29),
(7.33), (7.38) and (7.56)]
Reference wing area (nominally total area obtained by extending root
leading and trailing edges to aircraft centreline)
Area of horizontal tail (Para. 8.10.3)
xxvi Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Area of vertical tail (Para. 8.10.3)
Wing structural parameters [Eq (5.8a)]
Time, seconds
Number of toilets along the length of a passenger cabin (Para.
Aerofoil thickness to chord ratio
Static thrust to weight ratio at aircraft total weight
Aircraft type factor in evaluation of zero lift drag [Eq (6.13a) and Table 6.4]
Thrust terms used in prediction of transonic acceleration
[Eqs (7.44a) and (7.44b)]
Thrust in climb out condition [Eq (7.4a)]
Ratio of sea level static thrusts in the dry and wet (afterburning) conditions
respectively [Eq (3.8)]
Thrust in engine off-design condition [Eq (3.12b)]
Thrust in sea level static condition, propeller engines [Eqs (3.9g) and (3.1 lg)]
Specific thrust [Eq (3.3)]
Propeller engine thrust in second segment climb (equivalent to Tco) [Eqs
Take-off length, factored (Para.
v j
Vc / Mc
Velocity at approach to land (Para. 7.2.4)
Jet (exhaust) velocity [Eq (3.2a)]
Free steam velocity [Eq (3.2b)]
Manoeuvre velocity, the lowest speed at which the maximum limit normal
acceleration can be achieved (Para. 7.2.2)
Design cruise velocity and corresponding Mach number (Para.7.2.2)
Velocity in climb, piston engine powered [Eq (3.1 lc)]
Velocity in cruise, piston engine powered [Eq (3.1 lg)]
VCR~r/McR~r Critical velocity/mach number (Para. 7.2.2)
V D/ M D Maximum structural design velocity and corresponding Mach number
(Para. 7.2.2)
VEA s Equivalent airspeed (Para. 7.2.2)
VEF Most critical velocity for engine failure (Para. 7.2.3)
Vt.o e Speed at which aircraft leaves the ground in take-off, effectively the same
as Vus (Para. 7.2.3)
VMC A Minimum velocity at which aircraft can be controlled while in the air
(Para. 7.2.3)
VMC G Minimum speed at which aircraft can be controlled while on the ground
(Para. 7.2.3)
VMD Speed at which the total drag is a minimum (Para. 7.2.2)
Notation xxvii
V~,/MMo Maximum operating speed and corresponding Mach number, often
equivalent to V c/M c (Para. 7.2.2)
V~v Minimum speed at which aircraft can safely lift off, a safety margin less
than VLo v (Para. 7.2.3)
VNE/MNE Velocity and corresponding Mach number which must not be exceeded in
flight (Para. 7.2.2)
Velocity at which aircraft rotates to take-off (Para 7.2.3)
Velocity at which aircraft stalls in a given condition (Para. 7.2.2)
True airspeed (Para. 7.2.2)
Velocity at touch down on landing (Para. 7.2.4)
Velocity at which aircraft leaves the ground in take-off, see also VLo F
(Para. 7.2.3)
As Vus but in design high altitude/high temperature case [Eq (3.10b)]
Vertical velocity in climb (Para. 7.6)
Required residual vertical velocity at ceiling (Para. 7.6)
Decision velocity after engine failure at take-off (Para. 7.2.3)
Velocity at which decision is made to rotate aircraft at take-off (Para. 7.2.3)
Horizontal tail volume coefficient [Eq (8.8a)]
Aileron volume coefficient [Eq (8.10)]
Vertical tail volume coefficient [Eq (8.9a)]
Number of cross aisles in a passenger cabin (Para.
Fuel weight
Location of the quarter mean aerodynamic chord on the centreline chord
[Eq (8.7a)]
Correction for propeller engines in constant equivalent airspeed climb [Eq
Correction factor for approach to ceiling (11-20 km altitude) [Eq (7.26)]
Correction factor for approach to ceiling (above 20 km altitude) [Eq (7.30)]
Distance from centreline of aircraft to midpoint of aileron [Eq (8.10)]
Correction factor for type of engine in prediction of climb performance
[Para. 7.6 and Eqs (7.16) and (7.18)]
Number of propeller blades
Ratio of climb velocity to minimum drag velocity [Eq (7.15)]
Wing angle of attack (Ch 5)
Climb out angle after take-off [Eq (7.4a)]
Factor used in defining fuel used in climb[(Eq (7.17)]
xxviii Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
f (2)
( 1 - M N 2 ) Vz
Factor used in defining fuel in climb [Eq (7.17)]
Product of zero lift drag coefficient, CDZ, and induced drag factor, K v [Eq
Climb out angle [Eq (7.4a)]
Descent angle [Eq (7.6a)]
Factor used indefining fuel used in climb [(Eq (7.17)]
Zero lift drag factor in varying Mach number climb prediction [Eq 7.34j)]
Increment in range [Eq (7.47)]
Increment in drag due to flaps in take-off condition [Eq (6.15)]
Increment in lift coefficient [Eq (5.3a)]
Increment in lift coefficient due to low aspect ratio configuration at high
angles of attack [Eq (6.7) and Table 6.2]
Increment in lift coefficient due to low aspect ratio configuration at low
angle of attack [Eq (6.8) and Table 6.2]
Increment in lift coefficient due to leading edge high lift devices in landing
position [Eq (6.2)]
Increment in lift coefficient due to leading edge high lift devices in take off
condition [Eq (6.4)]
Increment in mass [Eq (7.47)]
Increment in lift coefficient due to trailing edge high lift devices in landing
position [Eq (6.2) and Table 6.1]
Increment in lift coefficient due to trailing edge high lift devices in take-off
position [Eq (6.4) and Table 6.1]
Propeller efficiency [Eq (3.4)]
Propeller efficiency in cruise
Overall propulsive efficiency [Eq (7.47)]
Angle of thrust deflection [Eq (7.5)]
Taper ratio of lifting surfaces, tip chord divided by centreline chord
Taper ratio factor in definition of induced drag [Eq (6.14b)]
Effective sweep [Eq (6.22a)]
Sweep of lifting surface leading edge
Sweep of lifting surface structure [(Eq (6.22a)]
Sweep of lifting surface quarter chord line
,ua Ground friction (drag) coefficient [Eq (7.6)]
Notation xxix
Air density
Relative air density
Thrust factor, value at given Mach number and altitude relative to sea level
static (dry) value [Eq (3.7)]
z-value in specific Mach number condition [Eq (7.13f)]
Correction factor for r in varying Mach number climb analysis [Eq (7.34b)]
Correction for aerofoil thickness to chord ratio on zero lift drag coefficient
[Eq (6.13b)]
Turn rate [Eq (7.39a)]
Cruise conditions
Climb conditions
Sea level static conditions, that is take-off conditions nominally
Conditions at beginning and end of flight phase, for example climb
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional lifting surface values
The process of aircraft design is a complex combination of numerous disciplines which have
to be blended together to yield the optimum configuration to meet a given requirement. This
is inevitably an iterative procedure which consists of alternative phases of synthesis and
analysis. Many compromises are inevitable. Aerodynamic performance has to be matched
across the operating speed range, blended with powerplant characteristics, yield satisfactory
control and stability and at the same time not unduly penalise structural considerations and
the consequent mass penalties. The integration of advanced flying control systems with the
aerodynamic and structural design is a unique and vital procedure. At the same time as the
technical aspects of the design are under consideration it is essential to allow for
manufacturing considerations. The whole design process must make use of the most
advanced tools available in computer aided design and manufacturing.
There are a number of excellent texts which cover many of the various facets of
initial aircraft design. Some concentrate on one or two of the implied disciplines to the
detriment of the others. Although some include consideration of the initial, synthesis,
phase of the design the usual emphasis is on analytical methods. Certain of these texts
are also restricted, implicitly or explicitly, to particular classes of aircraft. Where the
conceptual design process is covered by these texts it is usually based on a direct
application of statistical data derived from past designs. This approach can be restrictive
in that it cannot safely be applied to novel concepts.
Long experience in the teaching of aircraft design at graduate and postgraduate levels has
convinced the author that the great majority of students have a real problem in progressing
from a written requirement to a first visual layout of the aircraft. A reasonable attempt at this
phase is essential to avoid the all too common difficulty of embarking upon a detailed
analysis with no guide as to the integration of the whole. The present book seeks to
overcome this problem and is devoted to the first stage of aircraft design, which is defined
as the interpretation of a requirement into a preliminary layout of an aircraft. The text outlines
a design process derived by simplifying the real, complex, parallel development into an
essentially sequential one so that a logical step by step approach may be employed. This
utilises modules for the representation of propulsion, lift, drag, mass and performance which
are original. As far as possible these modules are theoretically based, but they are simplified
by the introduction of empirical data and the inclusion only of carefully selected dominant
parameters. Further, an attempt has been made to state the data in a form which enables it to
be applied to all classes of fixed wing aircraft.
The design procedure makes use of a spreadsheet approach. The output is optimised
to yield a minimum mass solution although the fundamental importance of cost
implications is also discussed. The method used is applicable to novel concepts. The
xxxii Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
necessary feedbacks during the design process are minimised but where they are essential
their introduction is facilitated by detailed cross-referencing of the paragraphs in the text.
Some of the existing texts require the production of a sketch of the concept design in
order to initiate the process and this is frequently a difficulty for inexperienced students.
For this reason the current method has been conceived to avoid this necessity although
it is required to make an estimate of the overall dimensions of the fuselage, possibly by
means of a layout in certain cases. A final addendum illustrates the procedure by covering
worked examples of several types of aircraft ranging from a small, light, piston engined
type to a supersonic interceptor, the more conventional subsonic transport having been
treated as an example in the derivation of the process in the main text.
The spreadsheet approach has been chosen, rather than a program as such, in the
belief that the openness enables the procedures and the effect of parameter changes to be
more readily understood. Further, it does enable the use of optimisation techniques which
are simple to apply and, of especial importance, easy to check. This is not to dismiss the
value of formal programs but they are considered to be less appropriate in the present
context. Likewise, there is no emphasis on the use of computer aided design. While it is
accepted that CAD/ CAM procedures are an essential adjunct to the aircraft synthesis
process in real applications, it is not considered to be necessary in the present context.
There are several reasons for this. One reason is that the subject is adequately covered by
other texts and experience has shown that most students can readily learn and apply
computer aided design as required. Another reason is the belief of the author that there
is still a place, and probably always will be, for the rapidly produced hand sketch or
drawing so useful in the initial investigation of alternative layout possibilities and that
students should be encouraged in this direction. It was never true that an aircraft can be
designed on the back of a menu card during an after-dinner discussion, but some thoughts
can be crystallised in this way.
A working knowledge of basic aeronautics is assumed to avoid the need for coverage
of elementary material. The information presented in the main text is limited to that
which is essential to the application of the procedure outlined. Some subjects of
fundamental importance are only covered superficially on the basis that other texts cover
them adequately. The procedure for the subsequent, analysis, phase of the design process
is outlined and a comprehensive bibliography is included. Certain information,
particularly relevant to the analysis phase, is included in the addenda.
No doubt some experienced specialists will be critical of what may be regarded as
the gross over-simplifications and the questionably justified assumptions. However, the
author believes that the end justifies the means. Hopefully the "systems" engineer will
appreciate the logic of the approach. Clearly the text is primarily intended for the use of
aeronautical students, especially those in the final undergraduate year and at postgraduate
level. However, it is likely that the book will also appeal to the aeronautical enthusiast
including those interested in home-built aircraft. Maybe it is not too much to hope that
even the experienced aircraft project designer may find the odd item of useful
information, but it should be noted that the software is not validated.
C h a p t e r I - T h e d e s i g n p r o c e s s
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The aircraft design process
1.2.1 General
1.2.2 The basic requirement
1.2.3 General requirements (design codes; performance, flight,
structural requirements)
1.2.4 The feasibility study
1.2.5 The specification
1.2.6 Project definition process
1.2.7 Detail design
1.2.8 Testing and certification
1.2.9 Project life cycle
1.3 Cost considerations
1.3.1 Cost prediction
1.3.2 First cost
1.3.3 Operating costs
1.3.4 Life cycle costs
1.4.1 The aim of optimisation
1. 4. 20pt i mi sat i on criteria- mass, first, operating and life cycle costs
1. 4. 30pt i mi sat i on procedure and techniques
1.5 Synthesis process
1.5.1 Introduction
vi i i Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1.5.2 Selection of configuration
1.5.3 Flight regime and powerplant selection
1.5.4 Fuselage layout
1.5.5 Wing configuration
1.5.6 Lift, drag and mass representations
1.5.7 Performance representation
1.5.8 Parametric analysis and optimisation
1.5.9 Analysis of the derived design
1.6 Design information
Chapt er 2 - Ai r cr af t conf i gur at i on
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Conventi onal confi gurati on
2.2.1 Basic definition
2.2.2 Layout characteristics
2.2.3 Variations of basic configuration
2.3 Alternative confi gurati ons
2.3.1 General comments
2.3.2 Biplane
2.3.3 Butterfly tail
2.3.4 Tailless layout
2.3.5 Variable sweep
2.3.6 Canard layout
2.3.7 Three-surface configuration
2.3.8 Twin-fuselage configuration
2.4 Special considerations
2.4.1 General comment s
2.4.2 Short and vertical-take off and landing
2.4.3 Low observables (Stealth)
2.4.4 Waterborne aircraft
Cha pt e r 3 - Fl i ght r egi me and power pl ant c ons i de r a t i ons
3.1 Introduction 53
Contents ix
3.2 Powerplant characteristics
3.2.1 Thrust
3.2.2 Efficiency
3.2.3 Noise
3.2.4 Relationship between power and thrust of propeller propulsion
3.3 Types of powerplant
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Piston engines
3.3.3 Gas turbines
3.4 Typical engine parameters
3.4.1 Specific thrust
3.4.2 Frontal area/disc loading
3.4.3 Propulsive efficiencies
3.5 Flight regimes of powerplants
3.5.1 General
3.5.2 Propeller engines
3.5.3 Unducted fan engines
3.5.4 Turbofan engines
3.5.5 Low bypass ratio engines
3.5.6 Basic jet engine
3.6 Powerplant performance representation
3.6.1 Introduction
3.6.2 Thrust representation
3.6.3 Fuel consumption characteristics
3.6.4 Installation losses
3.7 Powerplant mass
3.8 Typical aircraft installed thrust and power
Chapter 4 - Fuselage layout
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Primary considerations
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Payload andrelated items
4.2.3 Pressurisation
x Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
4.2.4 Powerplant location
4.2.5 Twin boom layout
4.3 Overall layout
4.3.1 Aerodynamics - external shape
4.3.2 Structure
4.4 Local layout aspects
4.4.1 The vertical location of the wing
4.4.2 Control and stabilising surfaces
4.4.3 Landing gear
4.4.4 Systems, fuel and equipment- avionics
4.5 Crew and payload
4.5.1 Crew location
4.5.2 Weapon bays, missiles and guns
4.5.3 Passengers and associated freight
4.5.4 Dedicated freight
4.5.5 Uninhabited aircraft
4.6 Fusel age layout procedure
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Primary decisions
4.6.3 Local layout decisions
4.6.4 Layout modules
4.6.5 Integration of layout modules
Chapt er 5 - Conf i gurat i on of the wi ng
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Aerofoil section and high lift devi ces
General comments
Basic aerofoil
High lift devices
Wing control surfaces
Spoilers and airbrakes
Three-dimensional and part span effects
5.3 Planform shape and geometry
5.3.1 General comments
5.3.2 Aspect ratio, A, and wing span b
Contents xi
5.3.3 Taper ratio,
5.3.4 Sweep
5.3.5 Typical wing planform geometry
5.3.6 Dihedral - Lateral stability of aircraft
5.3.7 Winglets
5.4 Interaction between aerodynami c structural and wi ng vol ume
consi derati ons
5.4.1 Spar positions and fuel volume
5.4.2 Structural mass
5.5 Wi ng area (wing l oadi ng)
5.5.1 General comments
5.5.2 Influence of performance requirements
5.5.3 Sensitivity to turbulence in cruise
5.5.4 Practical range of wing loading
5.5.5 Determination of wing loading and thrust/weight ratio
Chapt er 6 - Basi c lift, dr ag and mass r epr esent at i ons
6. 4 Mas s 153
6.4.1 Introduction 153
6.4.2 Absolute mass contributions (fixed values in terms of total mass) 154
6.4.3 Variable mass contributions 156
6.4.4 Total mass 163
6. 3 Drag 145
6.3.1 Introduction 145
6.3.2 Subsonic and transonic aircraft with moderate to high aspect ratio
wings (A > 5) 147
6.3.3 Transonic and supersonic configurations with low aspect ratio
wings (A < 4.5) 150
6.2 Lift 139
6.2.1 Introduction 139
6.2.2 Aircraft configurations 140
6.2.3 Initial assumptions 140
6.2.4 Moderate to high aspect ratio wing configurations (A _ 5) 140
6.2.5 Low aspect ratio wing configuration (A < 4.5) 143
6.1 I ntroducti on ]39
xii Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
C h a p t e r 7 - P e r f o r ma n c e e s t i ma t i o n
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Performance phases
7.2 Def i ni t i on of ai rcraf t speeds and associ at ed condi t i ons
7.2.1 Introduction
7.2.2 General speeds
7.2.3 Take-off
7.2.4 Approach and landing
7.3 Take-off and s e c ond s e g me nt climb
7.3.1 Normal take-off - all engines operating - landplane
7.3.2 Normal take-off- all engines operating - seaplane
7.3.3 Engine failed take-off - balanced field length - landplane
7.3.4 Second segment climb with one engine failed
7.3.5 Deflected thrust t ake-off- low bypass ratio and fan engines
7.3.6 Fuel used in take-off
7.4 Approach and landing
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Ground distance covered during approach and landing
7.4.3 Missed approach
7.4.4 Fuel used during descent, approach and landing
7. 5 Gener al i sed f l i ght per f or mance r epr esent at i on
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Energy height
7.5.3 Specific excess power
7.6 Fl i ght per f or mance - cl i mb and cei l i ngs
7.6.1 General
7.6.2 Constant equivalent airspeed climb
7.6.3 Constant Mach number climb
7.6.4 Linearly varying Mach number climb
7. 7 Maxi mum level speed, manoeuvr e and t r ansoni c accel er at i on
7.7.1 Turn rate and manoeuvre acceleration factor
7.7.2 Maxi mum level speed and sustained manoeuvre
7.7.3 Instantaneous manoeuvre
7.7.4 Transonic acceleration
Contents xiii
7. 8 Crui se - range and per f or mance
7.8.1 General
7.8.2 Jet and fan engine propelled
7.8.3 Propeller powered aircraft
7.8.4 Engine failed cruise
7.9 Descent
Ch a p t e r 8 - P a r a me t r i c a n a l y s i s a nd o p t i mi s a t i o n
8.1 I ntroducti on
8.2 Procedure for paramet ri c anal ysi s (first stage)
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 First stage parametric analysis
8.3 Powerpl ant represent at i on
8.4 Sel ecti on of per f or mance equat i ons
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Take-off
8.4.3 Approach and landing
8.4.4 Climb
8.4.5 Manoeuvres and maximum level speed
8.4.6 Transonic acceleration
8.4.7 Cruise - range considerations
8.5 Const rai nt s and checks
8.6 Case s t udy - short / medi um haul ai rl i ner
8.6.1 General
8.6.2 Specification
8.6.3 Configuration
8.6.4 Propulsion
8.6.5 Fuselage layout and size
8.6.6 Wing geometry- parametric rangeand high lift devices
8.6.7 Basic lift characteristics
8.6.8 Drag characteristics
8.6.9 Mass ratios at start and end of climb and design landing mass
8. 6. 10 Second segment take-off climb parameters
8.6.11 Structural design criteria
xiv Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
8.6.12 Evaluation of the variation of thrust to weight ratio with wing
8.6.13 Comments and conclusions
8.7 I ntroducti on to the second stage of parametri c anal ysi s
8.8 Procedure for the second st age parametri c anal ysi s and
opti mi sati on
8.8.1 Second stage parametric analysis
8.8.2 Optimisation
8.9 Mass cal cul ati on 248
8.9.1 General 248
8.9.2 Absolute masses 248
8.9.3 Variable masses 249
8.9.4 Take-off mass evaluation 250
8.9.5 Derivation of optimum mass solution graphical approach 250
8.9.6 Derivation of optimum mass solution - optimiser approach 251
8.10 Wi ng location and control / stabi l i ser surface areas 252
8.10. I General 252
8.10.2 Centre of gravity and wing location 252
8.10.3 Approximate estimate of the areas of the control/stabiliser surfaces 254
8.10.4 Control/stabiliser surface geometry 256
8.10.5 Aileron geometry 256
8.11 Overall layout of the aircraft - referee desi gn
8.12 Case st udy- short / medi um haul airliner 258
8.12.1 Introduction 258
8.12.2 Graphical approach 258
8. 12. 30pt i mi ser approach 260
8.12.4 Comparison of the results obtained from the two approaches 261
8.12.5 Outline layout of aircraft 262
Appendi x A8.1 - Expl anati on of spreadsheet - stage I
Appendi x A8.2 - Expl anati on of graphi cal approach spreadsheet
- stage 2
Appendi x A8.3 - Expl anati on of opti mi ser approach spreadsheet 277
Contents xv
Chapter 9 - Analysis of concept design
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Powerpl ant
9.2.1 Selection of engine
9.2.2 Engine data
9.2.3 Powerplant location
9.3 Structure
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 Structural function and configuration
9.4 Landing gear
9.5 Fuselage layout
9.6 Operating empty mass
9.6.1 General
9.6.2 Mass prediction techniques
9.6.3 Mass prediction data
9. 7 Ae r o d y n a mi c a n a l y s i s - p e r f o r ma n c e
9.7.1 Aerofoil and high lift devices/roll control
9.7.2 Drag
9.7.3 Performance
9.8 Aerodynami c analysis - stability and control 288
9.9 Cost 289
9.10 Design refinement 289
Appendi x A9.1 - Bi bl i ography 289
Addendum 1 - Landi ng gear consi derati ons
Notation 293
ADI . 1 Introduction 294
AD1.2 Overall layout of landing gear 294
x vi Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD1. 3 Ground operat i ng condi t i ons
AD 1.3.2
AD 1.3.4
AD 1.3.6
General comments
Airfield types
Unpaved surfaces - tyre pressure
Paved surfaces - A CN/ PCN method
Paved surfaces - LCN/ LCG method
Comparison of ACN/ PCN and LCN/ LCG methods
AD1. 4 Tyre charact eri st i cs
AD 1.4.1 Tyre sizes
AD 1.4.2 Tyre load capacity
AD1. 5 Mul ti pl e tyre units
AD1. 6 Shock absor ber charact eri st i cs
AD1.6.1 General
AD1.6.2 Axle travel
AD1.6.3 Design vertical velocity
AD1.6.4 Shock absorber efficiency
AD1.6.5 Reaction factor
AD1. 7 Landi ng gear st ruct ure and ki nemat i cs
AD 1.7.1 Types of landing gear structure
AD 1.7.2 Retraction kinematics
AD1. 8 Layout of the l andi ng gear units of the ai rcraft
AD 1.8.3
AD 1.8.4
Preliminary considerations
Tyre configuration and pressure
Layout in side elevation - landing conditions
Layout in side elevation - static condition (take-off)
Layout in plan elevation
Ground clearances
AD1. 9 Comment s on unusual mai n l andi ng gear conf i gurat i ons
AD1. 9. I Six wheeled bogies
AD 1.9.2 Multiple in-line main gear units
A d d e n d u m 2 - L o n g i t u d i n a l c o n t r o l a n d s t a b i l i t y s u r f a c e s
Notati on 31 t
Contents xvii
AD2.1 Introduction
AD2.2 Design conditions
AD2.2.1 Trim
AD2.2.2 Static stability
AD2.2.3 Rotation at take-off
AD2.2.4 Dynamic stability
AD2.3 Design procedure
AD2.3.1 Conventional tail layouts
AD2.3.2 All moving tail configuration
AD2.3.3 Foreplane design configurations
AD2.3.4 Tailless configurations
Ad d e n d u m 3 - Lat er al cont r ol and st abi l i t y s u r f a c e s
AD3.1 Introduction
AD3.2 Preliminary calculations
AD3.2.1 Initial aircraft data
AD3.2.2 Requirements
AD3.2.3 Evaluation of basic aircraft characteristics
AD3.3 Design procedure
AD3.3.1 Initial sizing of fin/rudder
AD3.3.2 Geometry of fin/rudder
AD3.3.3 Lateral static stability
AD3.3.4 Overall aerodynamic derivatives
AD3.3.5 Lateral/directional dynamic stability
AD3.3.6 Heading change consequent upon engine failure
AD3.3.7 Aileron sizing
Ad d e n d u m 4 - Mass pr edi ct i on
AD4.1 Introduction
AD4.2 Structure mass
AD4.2.t Wing
x vi i i Aircraft conceptual design synthesi s
AD4.2.2 Fuselage
AD4.2.3 Empennage
AD4.2.4 Landing gear
AD4.2.5 Powerplant related structure
AD4.3 Powerplant installation
AD4.4 Systems, equipment and furnishings
AD4.4.1 General
AD4.4.2 Fuel system
AD4.4.3 Flying control system
AD4.4.4 Power supply systems
AD4.4.5 Instruments
AD4.4.6 Avionics (electronic) systems
AD4.4.7 Environmental control systems
AD4.4.8 Furnishings
AD4.4.9 Armament and crew protection
AD4.4.10 Miscellaneous items
AD4.5 Total aircraft mass
AD4.5.1 Empty mass
AD4.5.2 Operating empty mass
AD4.5.3 Disposable mass
AD4.5.4 All up mass and take-off mass
Addendum 5 - Exampl es of the synt hesi s pr ocedur e
AD5.1 Introduction
AD5.2 Piston engined, two seat, aerobatic trainer
AD5.2.1 Introduction
AD5.2.2 Specification
AD5.2.3 Development of the configuration
AD5.2.4 Spreadsheet formulation
AD5.2.5 Preliminary general arrangement
AD5.3 Twin turboprop feeder line/commuter aircraft (30 seats)
AD5.3.1 Introduction
AD5.3.2 Specification
AD5.3.3 Configuration
AD5.3.4 Spreadsheet formulation
Contents xix
AD5.3.5 Preliminary general arrangement
AD5.4 Uninhabited high altitude, long range reconnaissance aircraft
Configuration development
Powerplant model
Spreadsheet formulation
Use of results to examine wing span
Preliminary general arrangement
AD5.5 Short take-off/vertical landing supersonic combat aircraft
Configuration background and powerplant
Configuration development
Spreadsheet formulation
Finalised configuration
AD5.6 Conclusions
C h a p t e r 1
The design process
1.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Engineering design is a non-unique iterative process, the aim of which is to reach the best
compromise of a number of conflicting requirements. Whether the need is for a totally
new item or for a development of an existing one the design procedure commences with
an interpretation of the requirements into a first concept. This is essentially a synthesis
process which involves decision making. Once the first concept has been derived it can
be analysed in the context of the requirements. The concept is refined by an iterative
synthesis/analysis/decision-making sequence until an acceptable solution is achieved.
Within one set of assumptions it is possible to derive an opt i mum solution but in reality
the need for continual refinement of the assumptions implies the curtailing of the process
when an "acceptably good" result is reached. The rapidity with which the iterations
converge is a measure partly of the complexity of the design and partly of the skill and
experience of the design t eam in using the aids available. When the project is a complex
one the time needed to build up sufficient experience is extended.
Aircraft design is no exception and is a complex engineering task. In practice the most
successful designs are those developed by teams that have considerable experience with
similar classes of aircraft. In many of these successful examples the design is a direct
development of an earlier type. The reason why past experience is so important is clear.
To be commercially successful a new aircraft must represent a technical i mprovement
upon its predecessors and this implies that technology has to be extrapolated. The risks
associated with this are less when it is based on a large data bank of previous knowledge.
Past experience plays a major role in the initial synthesis of the concept. It is also a
vital ingredient in the somewhat more straightforward analytical stages where the choice
of analytical techniques and the interpretation of the results is greatly influenced by the
2 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
practical knowledge of the design team. This importance of past knowledge is widely
recognised and attempts are being made to encapsulate it in the form of knowledge-based
computational techniques. Ultimately it is theoretically possible that artificial intelligence
programs will become available which will be capable of completing the whole process
of synthesis and analysis. However, there are those who doubt whether it will ever be
possible to completely replace the initiative and flair of the human brain. Nevertheless the
availability of computational techniques of varying degrees of complexity is an essential
ingredient of modern aircraft design.
The reliability of the results of the initial synthesis process is critical to the ultimate
outcome of the project whatever design procedure is adopted.
1.2 The aircraft design process
1.2.1 Gener al Introduction
An understanding of the whole aircraft design process is helpful in appreciating the
importance of the initial synthesis phase. Figure 1.1 is a somewhat simplified
representation of the whole aircraft development process and shows the sequence of the
main stages which lead to the aircraft becoming operational. Design synthesis occurs in
the feasibility, project and, at a different level, in the detail design stages. Unjustified
assumptions or mistakes made at the feasibility stage may well result in difficulties in
meeting the requirements during the project definition phase. Poor design concepts at this
latter stage are likely to result in the need for fundamental changes during detail design
or, worse, during prototype testing.
Decisions made at the project definition phase inevitably have a major impact upon
manufacturing procedures. It has been suggested that something like 85% of the life cycle
costs of a production aircraft are determined at the project stage with a further 10% decided
during detail design. Chapter 9 is primarily concerned with the analysis of a derived
concept but it does outline the main topics which have to be covered in the design process. The integrated design process
Recent developments in information technology have had a major impact upon the
aeronautical design process. The emphasis has become one where the whole design
procedure from concept to the derivation of manufacturing data is covered by an
integrated information technology system. Computer aided design techniques are used
to produce digital data for, for example, application to numerically controlled machining
and assembly jig definition. Virtual reality concepts are employed to visualise three-
dimensional installation and operational aspects, at least in part replacing full-scale mock-
ups. While these procedures are particularly relevant to the detail phases of the design
process their application commences as soon as a requirement is defined and numerical
The design process 3
dat a are deri ved f r om it. It is t heoret i cal l y possi bl e to visualise a "paperl ess" process
where all the data are conveyed el ect roni cal l y al t hough in practice there is al ways likely
to be a need for hard copies for record purposes. A knowl edge of the exi st ence and
practice of these t echni ques is vital to an underst andi ng of the wor ki ng of the total desi gn
process. However it is not consi der ed that it is essential to become i nvol ved with t hem
at the very limited, initial, concept ual synthesis phase.
Feedback if
major problem
[ Requirement or Task ]
Feasibility Study
Detail requirements
or specification
Project process
Detail design
Production planning
Test specimens
and Prototype
Ground and Air
The basic need.
Confirm that need can be
met. Assess method of
meeting need. Define
, , Basis of project process.
I i
! !
I !
i I
_ ! I
, , Establish configuration
" and size. Optimise mass;
cost. Confirm confidence
to meet the specification.
Define data for
Produce hardware for
ground and flight testing.
Prove performance and
operation. Obtain
Figure 1.1 The design process
4 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1.2.2 The basic requirement
A new design is launched when it is perceived that there is a requirement to fulfil a need
beyond the capability of existing aircraft. In many aeronautical applications the need
arises because an existing aircraft is coming towards the end of its useful life or its design
has been overtaken by developments in technology.
There are some occasions when a completely new requirement arises as a result of
operational experience or-when a potentially exploitable, unfulfilled, need is identified.
The statement of the need may be defined as a basic requirement or target.
The identification of the need may originate from within a manufacturing organisation
or from a potential operator. While the former is more usual for civil aircraft the latter is
by no means unknown. Potential manufacturers of a civil type will consult with operators
to enable the requirement to be refined to give maximum market potential. Military types
most frequently result from a target established by defence organisations. In many cases
the initial statement of the basic requirement may be brief, essentially identifying the class
of aircraft needed together with its dominant performance characteristics. It is usual for
this basic requirement to be considered widely by interested parties. The originators may
discuss their concepts with relevant branches of their own organisations as well as with
potential manufacturers.
1.2.3 General requirements Design codes
As a result of many years of experience, several codes of practice exist which are
applicable to various classes of aircraft. These sets of general requirements are both a
guide to designers and a basis for the eventual clearance of the aircraft for its intended
The most important of these documents for civil and general aviation are the
FAR/JAR 25 and 23 respectively. FAR are the United States requirements and JAR the
equivalent European ones. While they are written in identical format and the aim is
eventually to make them identical in content there are, at present, some differences.
Similar requirements exist for other classes of civil aircraft.
The situation is less consistent for military types. In the United Kingdom these are
covered by Def-Stan 00-970 and until recently by MIL-SPECS in the United States.
International collaborative projects often use a special set based on the above two.
However, the MIL-SPECS are now being replaced by a new system where individual
manufacturers become responsible for defining the requirements.
The design process 5 Design codes and conceptual design
The various design codes cover a wide range of topics but it is possible to identify those
which have a particular influence at the conceptual design phase. They fall into three
a) Performance requirements. While the specification for the aircraft defines the required
overall performance, see paragraph 1.2.5, the design codes include stipulations
concerning such matters as the definition of take-off and landing field lengths, residual
climb capability subsequent to an engine failure and performance when a landing
approach is abandoned. Clearly these have a major impact on such design parameters as
powerplant thrust and wing configuration. Chapter 7 considers the relevant performance
stipulations in more detail.
b)Fl i ght requirements. The design codes specify criteria for a range of flight
characteristics. These include static and dynamic stability, control characteristics and
effectiveness and manoeuvre capability at critical flight phases. They effect the size and
geometry of the secondary lifting surfaces and flight controls amongst other parameters.
Chapter 8 makes further reference to some of these matters and a more complete
consideration is given in Addenda 2 and 3.
c) Structural design. Broadly structural design requirements may be classified under two
headings, namely stiffness and strength.
The stiffness stipulations are intended to ensure that an airframe will not distort, either
statically or dynamically, in such a way which would adversly compromise the
performance or safety of the aircraft. These so-called aeroelastic considerations imply a
need for adequate stiffness of the airframe in certain modes of distortion, for example
wing torsion. The critical modes are influenced by such parameters as lifting surface
sweep, span and thickness.
The strength requirements are very detailed but may be summarised by reference to
a flight envelope or " n- V" diagram. This envelope represents the extremities of the
combinations of normal, that is perpendicular to the flight path, manoeuvre factor, n, and
speed, V, to be used to calculate structural loads. A typical flight envelope for an
aerobatic light aircraft is shown in Figure 1.2. The critical speeds are defined in relation
to the operating requirements as given in the aircraft specification. For example Vc
represents the maxi mum normal operating speed while V d , the design speed, allows a
margin for safety above this. The normal acceleration factors are defined according to the
class of aircraft being related to the way in which it is intended to be operated. The value
of the maxi mum normal acceleration factor, n 1, ranges from 2.5 for a large airliner up to
9 for a highly manoeuvrable combat type and possibly higher for an uninhabited aircraft.
The aircraft also has to be designed for the loads resulting from flight through a turbulent
atmosphere. It is possible to relate these loads due to gust cases to the manoeuvre loads as
6 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
is illustrated in Figure 1.2. As defined in the design codes the loads at the extremities of
the envelopes are the maximum values anticipated to be experienced in actual flight to
a given probability and are known as the "limit" loads. It is usual to factor the limit loads
by 1.5 to give an "ultimate" load, the 1.5 value effectively being a safety factor. The
aircraft must be capable of sustaining the ultimate load for a specified time without
collapse. The repetition of loads which give rise to the possibility of structural fatigue is
also of considerable importance. Further reference is made to structural requirements in
Chapter 5 paragraph 5.4, Chapter 6 paragraph 6.4.3 and Addendum 4 especially in
relation to mass prediction.
Stall boundary
factor 4
' g' units
Maxi mum normal
6 -. accel, factor, n I
__. __. . _ Manoeuvre envelope . . . . . Gust envelope
Veas is Equi val ent Air Speed
VA is the Manoeuvre speed (lowest speed at which n~ is
Vc is the Cruise, or maxi mum normal operating, speed.
V d is the Design speed ( up to 1.25 Vc )
Figure 1.2 Typical flight envelope
1.2.4 The feasibility st udy General
The complexity of aeronautical projects is such that it is almost inevitable that the
statement of the basic requirement will be followed by some form of feasibility study. As
the name suggests a primary reason for the feasibility study is to assess whether the need
can be met with the technology available. However, in practice the feasibility study is
used to much greater purpose than this basic aim.
The design process 7 Meeting the basic requirement
There are usually various ways of meeting a basic requirement each of which must be
analysed at the feasibility stage. These may be identified as:
a) An adaption or special version of an existing aircraft. This is most likely to involve
a change in equipment and the cost of airframe alterations is often relatively small.
b) A major modification or direct development of an existing type. This may well involve
expensive major changes to the airframe such as an extended fuselage, new wing or
alternative powerplants, as well as equipment update.
c) A completely new design. This is clearly the most expensive option and the one which
carries the greatest risk with it. Although completely new designs are much less frequent
than major modifications it is essential to embark upon them periodically to maintain a
long-term manufacturing or operational capability. Development costs of advanced new
projects are usually measured in several billions of dollars. Review of the basic requirement
As a consequence of the feasibility study it is possible to review the statement of the basic
requirement. It may be considered to be totally unrealistic, but more likely there may be
some revision of the performance characteristics as initially specified. Detail requirements - the specification
One of the outputs of the feasibility study is the definition of a detailed set of
requirements, or a specification, for the aircraft. The probable content of this is discussed
in paragraph 1.2.5. Cost prediction
The feasibility study may also be used to provide data for the first, reasonably reliable,
prediction of the costs of the project. This is clearly of considerable significance as an
unfavourable result in this context could lead to the abandonment of the project. See also
paragraph 1.3.
1.2.5 The specification
The specification for an aircraft covers many detail aspects of the design, but not all of
them are of significance in the synthesis phases of the project. It is convenient to place
the main contents of the specification in a number of categories. Some or all of the
following items will be included.
8 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
a) Performance
i) Range, or sortie pattern, with basic payload mass; probably also
altemative range/payload combinations and fuel reserves
ii) Maximum, or maximum normal, operating speed
iii) Take-off and landing field length limitations
iv) Climb performance, such as time to a given height, and service ceiling
or operating altitude
v) Point performance covering manoeuvre/acceleration requirements
b) Operational considerations
v )
vi i )
v i i i )
i x )
Size limitations, such as for naval aircraft
Mass limitations including runway loading
Crew complement
Occupant environment considerations
Navigational/communication fit needed
Payload variations and associated equipment
Maintenance/availability targets
Geographical environment requirements
Low observability (stealth) aspects for combat aircraft
Extended engine failed allowances (ETOPS - see page 24) for civil
c) General
i )
Growth potential
Cost targets
Airframe life
Airworthiness requirements, such as FAR 25/JAR 25 for civil transports
1.2.6 Project definition process
In some respects the project definition process can be considered as an extension of the
feasibility study and in practice there is considerable similarity between the two. The
major difference is that the aim of the project definition phase is to produce a design
having characteristics which are assured sufficiently to enable it to be offered to potential
customers with guaranteed performance. This requires a much more thorough and
detailed study than is usual in feasibility work, although the basic procedures are similar.
These are dealt with in more detail in paragraph 1.5.
1.2.7 Detail design
The detail design is the most extensive phase in the whole design process. Its purpose is
both to verify the assumptions of the project definition stage and to produce the data
The design process 9
necessary for the manufacture of hardware. In the case of a sophisticated aircraft many
tens of thousands of drawings, or computer generated equivalents, are needed to define
the aircraft adequately. It is highly desirable for production and operation specialists to
be involved to ensure that each item designed represents the best solution in terms of
performance, manufacturing costs and operations, see paragraph
1.2.8 Testi ng and certi fi cati on
Ground and flight test hardware is manufactured from the data produced by the detail
design process. Ground testing includes the use of wind tunnels, structural specimens,
and systems rigs, and is intended to investigate critical technical areas and verify as much
of the design analysis as possible.
Flight testing is primarily aimed at verifying the performance and flight characteristics
of the actual aircraft, although it is also a tool for resolving any particular difficulties
which may arise. As the flight testing proceeds advantage is taken of the opportunity to
investigate some of the longer term operational matters such as maintenance. A
certificate, or operational flight clearance, is issued when the calculations, ground and
flight testing of the design have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the appropriate
airworthiness authority that it meets all the relevant airworthiness requirements. A
customer will also require a demonstration of the performance capability.
1.2.9 Pr oj ect life cycl e
The design phase leading to the certification of an aircraft occupies several years. In
some cases where the feasibility study phase is extended it may be as long as a decade.
However once the project definition phase begins it is desirable to reach certification as
quickly as possible to minimise development costs. The flight testing phase especially
incurs high costs and must be completed quickly.
The manufacturer has a continuing responsibility to support the aircraft throughout its
operational life. Recent experience suggests that when the type is particularly successful the
operational life can be a very long time, probably of the order of half a century. The
significance of this continuing responsibility must be recognised during the earlier synthesis
phases of the design as decisions made at that time may have long-term consequences.
1.3 Cost consi derati ons
1.3.1 Cost predi ct i on
Consideration of costs is of fundamental importance at all phases of the aircraft design
process. The ultimate success or failure of a project is significantly dependent upon the
costs associated with its initial acquisition and operation. The selling price of an aircraft
10 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
is largely determined by market forces and to be profitable for the manufacturer it must
be possi bl e to produce it for less than the market price. Li kewi se in the operation of
transport types the economi cs must be such that expenses are less than revenue. A
consideration of the various aspects of aircraft costs is thus essential at the very outset of
a project. One difficulty is the paucity of availability of reliable, relevant, cost data as this
information is cl osel y guarded by both manufacture and operator. However, some useful
references do exist, for exampl e in texts by Raymer and Roskam, see Chapter 9,
Appendi x items 15 and 16, part VIII.
o ~
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_ _ _ _ _ _ % ,
* R e d u c e d m a t e r i a l s m a s s but i n c r e a s e d
m a t e r i a l s and p r o d u c t i o n c o s t s
S o p h i s t i c a t i o n
~ D
' ~ n p : : v m ~ : a t i l d ~ S i ~ d p r d u c t i n c s t s
Figure 1.3 Trade off between cost and mass
1.3.2 Fi rst cost
It is necessary to distinguish between the cost of producing an aircraft and its selling price.
The latter is primarily a function of market forces. The former is the sum of the actual cost
of making the aircraft and the share of the development costs allocated to it. At some time
The design process 11
during a long production run of a given type of aircraft the development costs will have
been covered and further cost reduction is dependent upon improvement of
manufacturing techniques. When the cost can be reduced to a level below the price a
customer is prepared to pay for the aircraft the manufacturer makes a profit, but often this
is not the case for civil aircraft until a large number of the type have been produced.
The prediction of first cost during the project definition phase is fraught with difficulty.
Simple cost models are usually based on aircraft volume and/or mass and are derived
empirically from past experience. Such models can be very misleading. For example the
assumption that first cost is more or less directly proportional to mass is erroneous for a
sophisticated design as is illustrated in Figure 1.3. This figure shows that initial refinement
of the design results in reduction of both mass and first cost. However, technical demands
require the use of sophisticated, expensive, advanced materials and manufacturing
processes and some increased expenditure to reduce mass further is always accepted.
Likewise an attempt to reduce cost by limiting overall size may be self-defeating as the
resulting design compromises can be expensive to achieve. More elaborate cost models
require the use of manufacturing data which may be unreliable or restricted to a particular
set of circumstances. On the whole it may be concluded that first cost is not a very suitable
criterion for project optimisation, see paragraph 1.4. It is, of course, necessary to avoid
design features which cause cost increases unnecessarily, see paragraph 1.2.7.
1.3.3 Operating costs
Operators of civil aircraft usually use hourly operating costs as a basis for financial
assessment. In actual fact the real criterion is the annual operating cost since this
coincides with the usual accounting period. Clearly the relationship between hourly and
annual costs depends upon the utilisation of the aircraft. As many of the contributions to
the operating costs are fixed on an annual basis there is pressure to achieve a high
utilisation to keep hourly costs as low as possible.
Conventionally the operating costs are split into two categories:
a) Indirect costs which are assumed to be independent of the characteristics of a given
aircraft and represent the overall costs of the operation of the airline.
b) Direct operating costs which include:
i) Write off of the initial purchase price, or equivalent lease payment. This
includes the cost of raising the purchase sum where relevant
Crew costs
Engineering replacement items
Operational charges such as landing and en route navigation fees
Fuel and other expendable items
12 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
It will be seen that the purchase price, presumably related to the manufacturer' s
production cost, plays a part in the direct operating costs but items such as the fuel used
are likely to be more significant. For project work it may be difficult to calculate the
actual direct operating costs because they depend to some extent on the organisation and
policy of a given operator as well as aircraft utilisation. Nevertheless used on a relative
basis with consistent assumptions they do provide a good measure of the overall
performance of the aircraft. In this respect the direct operating costs are a better criterion
for optimisation than first cost. Interestingly it is often found that for small changes from
a given datum there is a close relationship between direct costs and aircraft mass. This
may not be true when different configurations or technology standards are compared.
1.3.4 Life cycle costs
Annual operating costs are not very meaningful in circumstances where the aircraft
operation does not result in the generation of income. Examples of this range from the
privately owned light aircraft to most military types. In these circumstances a better
measure is the life cycle cost. As the description implies this covers the following items:
a) Design and development of the type apportioned to each individual aircraft or fleet
as relevant.
b) Procurement of the aircraft its spares and the associated ground support equipment.
c) Cost of operations including manpower, maintenance, fuel, etc., over its whole life.
d) Final cost of disposal of the aircraft.
The first two items account for up to half of the life cycle cost of a typical combat aircraft,
and the effective design, development and procurement costs represent a larger
proportion of the total than would be the case for a civil transport. This is, in part, due to
the relatively low utilisation of this type of aircraft. Life cycle cost is a relevant criterion
for optimisation. However, as with direct operating costs accurate evaluation of its
magnitude is difficult and recourse may have to be made to comparisons on a relative
basis. There is some evidence to suggest that the life cycle cost of a military aircraft is
more or less directly proportional to mass and maximum operating speed for Mach
numbers up to about 1.3. At higher speeds the costs increase disproportionately.
The design process 13
1.4.1 The aim of optimisation
The optimisation of the configuration of the aircraft within the constraints imposed by the
specification is an essential feature of the project definition process. Optimisation implies
that the proposed design concept not only meets the specification, but does so when a
target criterion has been imposed. Most commonly the optimisation criterion is the
minimisation of mass or some aspect of cost.
1. 4. 20pt i mi sat i on criteria Mass or size
Although there are a few exceptions it is not usual for size constraints as such to be of
significance in aircraft design. Among the exceptions may be mentioned the cases of
aircraft designed for operation from ships, where space is always at a premium, and when
a relatively large transport aircraft may be required to operate within the limitations of
existing terminal facilities.
In practice the size and mass of a given class of aircraft are very closely related. As a
general rule the lightest aircraft which can be designed to fulfil a given task is the most
efficient and has the greatest potential for development providing this has been built in
to the concept from the outset. For these reasons the minimisation of mass as an
optimisation criterion is always worthy of consideration. Cost
There are several aspects of cost which may be appropriate to a particular aircraft concept
and be relevant for consideration as a basis for optimisation. The most important of these
are those covered in paragraph 1.3, that is the first, operating and life cycle costs. Sel ecti on of opti mi sati on criteria
From above and paragraph 1.3 it could be concluded that the most appropriate criteria for
optimisation are direct operating costs for revenue generating aircraft and life cycle costs
for others.
Unfortunately, as has been stated, the accurate prediction of costs is difficult because
of their major dependence upon the organisational characteristics of particular
manufacturers and operators, although comparisons on a relative basis are valuable. It has
also been stated that both the direct operating and life cycle costs are fairly closely related
to mass for a given type of aircraft and technology standard. For initial design purposes
mass is a much more convenient criterion to use for optimisation since fundamentally it
is a function only of the specification. Nevertheless a potential manufacturer or operator
will always wish to evaluate the potential of the aircraft in terms of costs derived from its
14 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
own organisational procedures.
For design convenience mass will be used as the optimisation criterion in this text but
it cannot be over-emphasised that it is essential to evaluate cost aspects as soon as
sufficient data are available, and it could well lead to the need for a re-optimised concept.
1.4.30ptimisation procedure and techniques Conf i gurat i on and paramet ri c st udi es - t rade- of f st udi es
The basis of optimisation is a comparison of different design concepts and configuration
variations within a given concept to determine the one which best meets the specification.
Broadly the process is undertaken at two levels.
a) Concept/configuration studies. At this level alternative concepts and configurations are
investigated to establish the one which would seem best suited to meet the requirements.
For example a military combat requirement might possibly be met by aircraft of
conventional tail, foreplane or tailless layout. Mostly the configuration of transport aircraft
is well established. This phase of the study may be included at the feasibility level.
b) Parametric studies within a given configuration. At this level the dominant parameters
are varied to ascertain the best combination of them. These parameters include such items
as wing geometry determined by aspect ratio, sweep, taper and thickness as well as
variations in fuselage layout, powerplant installation and so on. The benefits of selecting
near optimum values of certain parameters are "traded-off" against the implied penalties
imposed upon other parameters. The parametric studies may be commenced during
feasibility investigations and certainly form a major part of the project definition phase.
The two fundamental design characteristics which drive the parametric studies are:
i) Wing loading, that is wing area as a function of take-off mass or weight
ii) Thrust or power loading, defined as the ratio of the basic powerplant to
the aircraft mass or weight Ref eree desi gns - sensi ti vi ty st udi es
A considerable number of assumptions have to be made in order to undertake the
configuration and parametric variations. As the process develops towards an optimum it
is desirable to select a likely final solution for detailed analysis. This is sometimes called
a referee design and the purpose of the detailed analysis is to check the validity of the
necessary assumptions in the region of the optimised design. The sensitivity of the design
solution to variation of various parameters is investigated to identify the more critical
ones. Correctly chosen the referee design can be the basis for the detail design phase.
1 . 4 . 3 . 3 0 p t i mi s a t i o n procedures
Various techniques are available for optimisation. These may be divided into those which
rely mainly on graphical comparison and those which are more mathematically based.
The design process 15
a) Graphical techniques. These techniques depend upon comparing the results of the
parametric studies in the form of graphs which may be superimposed one upon another.
The procedure leads to the definition of a ' design space' or region within which the
various performance requirements are met. The design configuration may be selected at
an appropriate point in the design space and indeed it may be refined so that the space
converges to a point. While the technique is a very useful one for initial synthesis it is
limited in the number of parameters which may be conveniently handled.
b) Mathematical techniques. These may be powerful tools which can deal with the
variation of a large number of parameters at one time. One such technique is multivariate
optimisation, MVO, which makes use of penalty functions and gradient-projection-
restoration procedures to minimise the chosen optimisation criterion. Care is necessary
in the definition of the parameters to reduce the possibility of sudden changes to the
optimising path arising from discontinuities in the formulation. The method can require
the use of reasonably powerful computational aids and some experience in the
interpretation of the results is desirable, if not essential.
1.5 Synthesis process
1.5.1 I nt r oduct i on
Schematic outlines of the project definition procedure may be found in numerous
references, see paragraph 1.6 and the Appendix to Chapter 9. These outlines correctly
cover the whole iterative sequence of synthesis and analysis which is necessary to arrive
at a fully authenticated proposal. This complete process is referred to in more detail in
Chapter 9, where it will be seen that to make a start on the analysis requires the definition
of an initial, or baseline, concept. Some references also suggest how this initial concept
may be derived. This usually requires either a read across from an existing aircraft, a very
simplified analysis of the requirements or a crude sketch. None of these approaches is
really satisfactory, except possibly when the aircraft requirements relate to a very well
defined class of aircraft. The emphasis of this work is on this initial synthesis phase with
the intention of describing a procedure which enables a reasonably convincing baseline
to be derived for virtually all classes of fixed-wing aircraft.
In practice, with experience, the initial synthesis activity consists of a series of inter-
related events which are undertaken in parallel. However, for ease of description and
application the procedure described here consists of a sequential set of tasks as shown in
Figure 1.4. The sequence has been carefully selected to minimise the feedback, or
parallel activity, required and yet aims to yield a satisfactory result. The number shown
in the various task blocks refers to the relevant chapter in this book. Introductory
comments on each of these tasks follow, it being presumed that a fairly complete set of
16 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
requirements, or a specification, is available as discussed in paragraph 1.2.5. Some care
has been taken to ensure consistency of assumptions in the various tasks and it may be
inadvisable to combine the procedures outlined here with data from other sources.
1.5.2 Sel ecti on of confi gurati on (Chapter 2)
The first task is the selection of one or more basic configurations for examination in the
context of the specification. Chapter 2 describes those configurations which have found
some application in the past and includes comments on the logic behind them as well as
their future relevance. It is necessary to state that:
a) Technological developments are likely to result in the introduction of novel
configurations, which must be considered where appropriate. For example the advent of
fully automated control systems combined with the deflection of powerplant thrust may
lead to layouts where conventional control and stabilising surfaces can be dispensed with.
It is always desirable to review applied research topics to enable such possibilities to be
b) Unconventional configurations often appear to possess significant advantages.
Experience has shown that in many instances the attempt to optimise these configurations
results in a tendency back to the conventional. Therefore, unconventional layouts should
only be contemplated when the supposed advantage is relevant to a dominant requirement
in the specification. The Wright Brothers chose a foreplane configuration for their first
successful Flyer and at first examination this idea does seem to have some major
advantages in the efficiency of overall lift production. Nevertheless long experience has
shown that secondary effects can more than offset the advantages for most subsonic
aircraft. For good reasons the advantages may be realised with aircraft layouts suitable
for supersonic flight, or when a naturally unstable concept is acceptable.
c) Well established conventional layouts exist for some types of aircraft, as is the case
with subsonic transports. In these circumstances the selection of the configuration is
straightforward. In other cases there may be two or more configurations which are worthy
of investigation. This is likely to be the situation when the requirements introduce a need
for advanced conceptual technology, such as referred to above in sub-paragraph (a).
d) Thefinal configuration selected for offer to potential customers, and hopefully, detail
design and manufacture, may not necessarily be the one which is revealed as the best by
the overall optimisation process. A novel, or even somewhat unusual, configuration may
be eliminated on the grounds of lack of experience, uncertainty of design data, or even
customer reticence to operate it. This latter point is especially relevant when the general
public is involved as there is often a tendency to be suspicious when some visible novelty
is introduced.
The design process 17
i l
' F
i .
i - _ ~
~ "
. i
~ V
I _
O I ~ Wl I O N
, . I
, _ _ 1
CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F i g u r e 1 . 4 S y n t h e s i s p r o c e s s
18 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1.5.3 Flight regime and powerplant selection (Chapter 3)
When a basic requirement is expressed in general terms it is necessary to assume a set of
operating conditions for use in the aircraft synthesis process. Alternatively the
specification may define them. The required operating speed, or speeds, and altitudes
effectively define the general class of powerplant appropriate to the concept. Clearly this
choice will have some influence on the configuration of the aircraft and hence it may be
necessary to consider t hem together. One example where this situation can arise is that
of a requirement to operate at moderate subsonic speed over long distances. In these
circumstances both a propeller or ducted fan powerplant are worthy of consideration with
the obvious effect upon the choice of aircraft configuration. Fortunately in the great
majority of designs the impact of the class of powerplant upon the configuration is a
matter of detail.
The actual size and performance of the selected powerplant syst em are determined
subsequently in the synthesis process.
1.5.4 Fuselage layout (Chapter 4)
Figure 1.4 suggests that the more detailed aspects of the synthesis should commence with
the layout of the fuselage. There are several reasons for this:
a) Fuselage geometry in many cases, may be established with only secondary reference
to the lifting surfaces.
b) Payload definition is often, although not always, a major consideration in the layout
of the fuselage and details of this are given in the specification. Even when the payload
is not by itself a major issue in fuselage layout other items in the specification can be
expected to play a major part, for example crew provision.
c) Only the overall fuselage dimensions are required in order to make the first predictions
of the aerodynamic drag and the mass of the concept. Thus the initial layout of the
fuselage does not necessarily have to be completed in detail.
d) Geometry and size of the fuselage are primarily derived by a layout procedure since
only in a small number of special cases is it possible to use analytical methods. This
introduces some difficulties in the sense that there is no obvious single solution, but it
does mean that the importance of describing the aircraft geometrically and graphically is
present from the outset of the work.
The design process 19
1.5.5 Wi ng conf i gur at i on (Chapter 5)
The selection of the aerodynamic and geometric properties of the wing is fundamental to
the performance of the aircraft and the properties of the auxiliary lifting surfaces follow to
some extent. This is a complex matter due to the numerous parameters which must be
considered and refined during the optimisation of the design. The wing configuration has
a major impact upon the lift, drag and mass characteristics of the whole aircraft and hence
it is necessary to give consideration to t hem when making a first selection of the wing
layout. The aim of Chapter 5 is to present typical overall data to enable a reasonable
preliminary choice to be made while at the same time minimising the number of parameters
which have to be used in the initial synthesis. Nevertheless it is inevitable that the synthesis
process returns to reconsider the wing configuration as the design is optimised.
It is not necessary to determine the actual size of the wing at the initial task level. This
is determined subsequently in the process, first in terms of a wing loading and finally in
absolute terms when the first prediction of aircraft mass is obtained.
1.5.6 Lift, dr ag a n d mass r epr esent at i ons (Chapter 6)
Lift, drag and mass are the three primary characteristics which determine the performance
of a fixed-wing aeroplane within the constraints imposed by a given powerplant. It is
essential to predict their values as accurately as possible in order to relate the aircraft
performance equations to the specified performance requirements. One way of doing this
is to use typical values from previous aircraft of a similar type. However, this technique,
although commonl y used, has two major disadvantages:
a) Relevant data f or aircraft of newer technology standards are difficult to find.
Manufacturers naturally regard such data as being commercially sensitive. The use of
older data can be misleading even when allowances are made for new technological
b) Overall representation of data does not allow the investigation of the effect of
differences in aircraft configuration, and hence precludes the use of optimisation until
subsequent analysis is undertaken.
The aim of Chapter 6 is to represent the lift, drag and mass by simple analytical
expressions which retain only those parameters needed to enable a first optimisation to
be undertaken. This aim does require the sacrificing of much of the detail needed to
undertake a subsequent, full analysis of the derived concept. Hence more comprehensive
methods are necessary once the baseline design has been formulated. Reference to these
may be found in Chapter 9.
The interdependence of lift, drag and mass with the wing configuration means that
feedback from this task is likely to be needed at some stage of the synthesis process.
20 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1.5. 7 Performance representation (Chapter 7)
The interpretation of the specified performance and its expression in terms of the design
parameters is a vital part of the synthesis process. This is done by expressing the various
aspects of performance in equation form. Many references contain statements of aircraft
performance equations but those given in Chapter 7 are unusual in certain respects as they
have been formulated specifically for use during synthesis. They have the following
a) All the equations have been derived by a theoretical approach, that is by using the
basic laws of mechanics. However, in many cases they have been modified by the
introduction of empirical data to enable their application to the design process to be
simplified as far as is possible.
b) Arrangement of the equations is such that the best values of the two dominant
properties of a given concept, the wing loading and the thrust/power loading, may be
determined as the first stage of the optimisation.
1.5.8 Parametric analysis and opti mi sati on (Chapter 8) First stage
The first stage of the parametric analysis involves bringing together the results of the
previous tasks. The way in which this is done is:
a) The derived fuselage dimensions and wing geometric parameters are used with the lift
and drag representations so that these latter may be expressed only in terms of wing
loading for the one chosen wing configuration. Other, as yet undefined, features of the
design such as the details of the empennage are represented by generalised expressions
based on the selected data and a given class of aircraft.
b) The specific lift and drag expressions are used with the relevant powerplant
representation in the performance equations. This results in an expression of the variation
of wing loading with thrust/power loading for each of the individual performance
requirements. Comparison of these performance relationships enables a design space to
be established within which all the requirements are met. A suitable combination of wing
loading and thrust/power loading is then selected, usually the one which gives maximum
acceptable wing loading and/or minimum thrust/power loading.
The importance of evaluating the effect of different wing geometries was mentioned in
paragraph 1.5.5. This is done by subjecting each wing geometry to the procedures outlined
above. Thus, for example, the alternative wing configurations could consist of a set of
three different aspect ratios and three pairs of sweep and aerofoil thickness to chord ratios.
The design process 21 Second stage
The selected values of wing loading and thrust/power loading are then used in the mass
representation and the corresponding absolute value of mass is calculated. To do this the
derived values of these parameters are used in the mass representation to enable the total
mass of the aircraft to be expressed in terms of itself, the wing loading and thrust/power
loading. If necessary alternative acceptable combinations of wing loading and
thrust/power loading may be analysed and the combination which gives the mi ni mum
absolute value of mass chosen as the opt i mum for that particular wing and powerplant
For each configuration the process yields an aircraft total mass, and the lowest value
may be regarded as the opt i mum from the selected parametric analysis. Paragraph
outlines the relationship of aircraft mass to other possible criteria which may be used as
a basis for optimisation. The configuration which has the lowest mass is appropriate for
selection as the referee design for more detailed analysis and evaluation.
The actual wing size follows directly from this procedure, and it becomes possible to
produce a first definitive layout of the chosen configuration. If desired this can include
a notional representation of empennage and landing gear (see Chapter 8, paragraph 8.10
and Addenda 1 to 3). Assumptions made during the preparation of the fuselage layout and
the wing configuration, such as wing/fuselage intersection, can be checked and if needed
the fuselage layout adjusted. It may be necessary to repeat the whole process with revised
values if there are any major discrepancies.
At this stage of the synthesis process it is also possible to make comparisons between
alternative overall aircraft configurations, should more than one have been chosen for
investigation. However, until a referee design for each overall configuration has been
analysed and the assumptions made are verified or adjusted, such a comparison may be
considered to be premature.
1.5.9 Analysis of the derived design (Chapter 9)
The conclusion of the process outlined above is the derivation of a concept which, within
the validity of the assumptions and for a given overall configuration, best meets the
specification. Some drastic assumptions will have been made to simplify the procedure.
It is essential to check these by using more comprehensive analytical tools, especially
those concerned with lift, drag, mass and control and stability. The sequence of
undertaking this verification is:
a) Complete the aerodynamic layout of the aircraft by maki ng first predictions of the
sizes of control and stabiliser surfaces. This is preferably done by employing a method
which uses the required control and stability as inputs, although it may be adequate to
base it on past data (see paragraph above and Addenda 2 and 3).
22 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
b) Complete the layout of the landing gear Some aspects of this will already have been
considered during the fuselage and wing layout, but the assumptions need to be verified
(see Addendum 1).
c) Estimate the lift, drag and mass of the completed configuration using the most
comprehensive analytical methods available (see Addendum 4 for mass prediction).
d) Repeat the performance calculations described in paragraph 1.5.7 with the improved
predictions of lift, drag and mass and possibly also using data for an actual powerplant.
It may be appropriate to use somewhat more elaborate performance estimation methods.
e) Re-optimise the design if necessary to derive a new mass using the process outlined
in paragraph 1.5.8. If this new mass differs significantly from that previously estimated
it may be necessary to re-visit the wing parametric analysis.
f ) If necessary reconsider the control and stability requirements especially if empirical
values have been used at sub-paragraph (a) above for simplicity. Where significant
changes are needed repeat the previous sequence.
g) Repeat the whole process until mass convergence is achieved.
Chapter 9 discusses possible references for use during this analysis and refinement phase.
The satisfactory conclusion of the study should be the definition of an aircraft in a form
suitable for detail design and subsequent manufacture.
1.6 Design information
The primary purpose of this volume is to give sufficient information to enable a first
synthesis of an aeroplane design to be completed. Some of the data are presented in an
unusual form simply to facilitate the synthesis procedure. There are numerous other
sources of information which are of value, and as the design proceeds through the
iterative analytical phases it is necessary to refer to these sources. A sutmamry of some of
the available books on aircraft design and important sources of data is included in a
bibliography in the Appendix to Chapter 9.
Chapter 2
Aircraft configuration
2.1 Introduction
Selection of the configuration of the aircraft is fundamental to the synthesis process.
When it is not clear whi ch layout is the most appropriate it is necessary to identify two
or more possibilities for independent study and subsequent comparison.
As aviation developed during the twentieth century a conventional configuration for
fixed-wing aircraft emerged. Numerous variations within this conventional configuration
are possible. There are also a number of fundamentally different concepts, one of which
may offer particular advantages in special circumstances. Nevertheless, experience has
shown that in many instances there is a tendency for these unconventional layouts to tend
back towards the conventional as the concept is refined. Such a tendency can be avoided
by clearly identifying the potential advantages conferred by a particular unconventional
concept and applying constraints to ensure that they are realised.
The configurations described are appropriate to both manned and unmanned aircraft
and, with some reservations, to guided weapons.
2.2 Conventional configuration
2.2.1 Basi c definition
For the present purposes a basic, conventional, configuration is defined as one having the
following layout characteristics:
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I e z r u o n a l s o z o ^ o s j ! u o I l e z o p I s u o o I n J O X e o s o a ! n b o z I e A O t U O Z O U ! ~ U 0 p u e o o u e u o l u I e t u z o j
s s o ~ o e l n q s l I n s o a l n o , ~ e I I I U a o ^ o l ~ u d t u o o V " s o c i A l l u q t u o o p u e a o u t . e . t l l o . f L r e l ! I . n , u o u i f f u o
- u I m ] p u e - o [ f f u i s a o j o s e o o q ] , ~ I I e I o o d s o s ! s ! t t j ~ " l j e a ~ a I . e u e j o o f f e i o s n j o q l u ! q l I m p o l e o o I
, q l u o n b o a j o a e s o u I f f U O u e j p u e l o f " g ' E o a n ~ . d ' u r n . w o o I p o . ~ n q t f V / l O a m o o O ~ V l o s n ~ I ( q
o o u e u o l u l e t U p u e o a m o e j n u m u ' u i ~ i s o p u ! t e ! o ! p u o q s ! s ! q , L
l j e z ~ z i e o t 0 j o l s o z o q l j o l u o p u o d o p u I p u e p o u i e l u o o - j i o s , ~ i o f f x e I o q o l l i u n l u e I d a o A ~ o d o q l
s o I q e u o l I l e t p s t O f f ~ l U l ~ A p e J O . f ~ ' m J 0 q l O U V " s n o i A q O l s o t u 0 q l s I o o u m - e o p z o i i o d o z d q ~ i q A ~
j o s i q l a o j s u o s e o a x e o I o o z e o a o q , L " l j u a o z I U o q l j o o s o u o q l u [ s ! o u ! f f u o a o i i o d o a d a o l o m l
o I f f u i s e j o u o i l e o o I o q l A I I e u o t . l i P e L L " E ' E a - m ~ ! d ' u o ? s l n d o a d . t a l l a d o a d - u o ? w o o l ~ S O N ( o
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q o n s u o d n s p u o d o p l t r e I d a o t a o d O t l l j o u o ! l ~ o o t o s ! ~ u e d s " l u o ! u o A u o o s ! o o t r e u o l u . r e t u
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( J o t l m V )
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i I ! i i i i i i i i i i , i l ! i i , i ,
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) l a e H e o n d s o ~ a v q s ! l ! ~ E i g ' ~ e J n 6 ! d
s ! s e q ; u / ~ s u S ! s a p l e n l d e o u o o ~ m o J ! V 9 E
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s a ~ I ~ l U ! a ! V ~ : ' ~ ' ~ ' ~
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o n g ! l g j o ! l s n o o g p u g l s a n q o u ! q a r t l F a e d " , ~ o u o p u o l ~ ! A e ~ j o o . r l u o o l i e u e s ! s l n o . ~ e I
p o p p o d a - e o : t q l ! A ~ p o l e ! o o s s e K l l n o t . j j ! p a o . f e t u V " s p o d g u ! , ~ x . ~ o p u n j o o s n o q l s o p n p o a d
1 j e a o a t . e j o o c l g l s ! q l j o o z ! s I l m U S , q l e a O u o g o q , L " s o . u o g o l e o o u ! t a o p o o j / s s o u ! s n q o q l
u ! l j e a o a ! e l o . f a O l I e t U S o l p o ) o . t r l s o a , ( l . t m m . u d s t . s p o d o g e i o s n J ~ o a j o o s n o q ) p u e ' l j e a o a ! g
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( 6 9 0 / t / [ ) I a o v d ~ a a V t F ! s . u l t )
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: O ~ e l o s n j o q l u !
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u g t . s o p o p a o o u o D o q l q o ! q a x j o ' l n o e I o ~ I e l u ! I e U O t . S U O t u ! p - o A ~ l ~ u ! s d t u e a g u ! A o t u o a e q o l
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" ( ~ ' ' i ~ q d e a g e x e d a o s )
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u o ! l d o p e a t t , L " a o ! l a g a d u ! p a s ! I e a a a q p l n o t ~ s ! t 0 a a t l l a q ~ o l s e l q n o p a l q e a a p ! s u o o s u ! e m a a
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u o ! l e a a d o p u n o a g g u . u n p u o ! l s a i ~ u ! s . u q a p
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q ~ . n , I a o j u o t m u o a g u . a ~ a o a a q a x e S a ~ l - e l u ! i e a l U a A " f I ' Z p u v I l ' g s a a n g ~ . d ' S a ~ l V l U * . l V a l U a A ( P
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s t . l n q ( L ' l z a a n ~ t , d ' l z a a l d e q D p u g t ~ I ' E a a n ~ t , d ) 1 J e a a t , e l e q t u o o e u o s e ' o t , l e : t l o a d s e A ~ O I
j o s t . g U t . A t a q l U a q A ~ , p a A a t , q o e a q u e o u o t , l e o o I ~ U t , A ' ~ a a p l n o q s : t o - p . n . u V " a s . u - e a a o j a a a q l
m u s l u a t u a : t t , n b a : t o t . t u e t t p o a a e t l l t , A ~ , l a t , l J U O O V " a g e l a s n j a q l s s o : t o e s n o n u p u o 3 a q p I n o q s
t u e a q a S t . A ~ u e d s & m m . u d a q l l e q l l u e L t o d m t , s t , l t , ' s u o t , l d a a x a a x a j e I U O q l t , A ' ~ ' I l e a m o r m s
" l J t , I o l a n p g e a p A ~ O t a o u a q p u g u o t , m q . m s t , p 1 J t , I a s t . ~ t r e d s
l u a t , o t , j j a u g ~ U t , A e q t i t , l e t P t . J a u a q s t , ~ U t , A ' , q ~ t ' q e a l t , q m ' } , I e u a d ~ e a p a 3 u a a a ~ a l u t , l S O A , , O l
a q l a A ! $ O 1 l a ~ I t , l s t , l u a t u a ~ u e a . r e S U t , A ~ , - p . K u e l e q l l s o B ~ n s s u o t , l e a a p t , s u o 3 3 . t t u e u p o a a v
u o t , l e a n ~ t , j u o 3 a q l j o s l a a d s e a a q l o l a a j j e , { a t l l s e q o n t u s e u t . a : t a q p a A I O A U t , s a n s s t , a t l l
u o d n l u a u m ~ o 3 o l a l e . u d o a d d e s t . 1 t . s s a I a q l a a A a N " I ' l z ' l r q d e . ~ e a - e d ' 1 7 a a l d e q D u t , p a s s n a s t , p
s t . s t , q l p t m ' a ~ e I a s n J a q l j o l n o e I a t l l u o l o e d m t , u e s e q ~ U t , A ' , a t l l J O u o t . l e a o I I e a t , l a a A a q , L
~ U ! A ~ a q l j o u o . t l ~ a o [ I ~ a I U a A ' Z ' Z ; ' Z
( ~ [ . 0 ~ I ' W I 4 I ' a . ~ v d ~ o J a v ~ F ? t ~ . a t t l ~ t 8 ~ . . t , { d o D )
I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i J i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
( 6 1 0 0 0 - 0 I ~ S v l g n G l l a U U G O l ~ / g m , a f f - p a ~ u a o ! ' - l )
L L C l W ( s ~ 1 6 n o c l I l a U U O C l O l / ~ ) 6 u ! a o f l 6 " a a J n B ! = l
| ~ ~ ! ' ~ : : ~ ' : ! ~ ' ! i ! ~ i l i i i i i i i i ; i ; ~ : ~ : ' : ' : : : : : ~ . , , , . ~ : , ~ : : : S ~ ~
. . . . . . ~ i # ~ : ~ . . . . : ~
s ! s e q ; u ~ s u f i ! s e p l e n ~ d e o u o o ~ e J o J ! V 0
~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ ! ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ I ~ i ~ i i ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ! ~ i ~ i ~ i i ~ i i i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i i ~ i ~ i i ~ i ~ i i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i i ~ i ~ ! ~ i ~ i ~ i ! i i i i i i i i ! i i ! ! ~ i i ~ i ~ i i ' i ' i ~ ! ' i ~ i ~ i ~ i ' i ~ i ~ i i i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i i ~ i i i ~ i ~ i i i ~ i ~ i ' ! ~ i ~ i i i i i ~ i i ~ i i ~ i ~ i ~ i i i i i ~ ' i i i i i ' i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i i ~ i i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ ! ~ i ' ~ i ~ ! i i i i ~
( r m a l r , f S l V O ~ . l n v u o . ~ a V u ~ . l . t o l 4 1 - p a a ~ p l a O " l , f ~ a ; m o D )
~ e l s ! ~ L p a ~ q ~ l O O ' l g L ' g e J n 6 ! = l
( I P O ~ E I ' W i l t ' a a v d ~ o . ~ a v t H t . l ! a g l ~ t g ! a , f d o D )
O 0 0 g J e l q f i ! | o J n 3 L L ' g o J n f i ! = l
s o a o l s p u g
a a u e u o l u ! m u J o j S U ! A ~ o q l ~ O l O q a a u ~ e a l a / S S O 3 3 e ' I l t r e u o d m ! ' p u v q l S u o I ~ o ~ ~ u ! p u e I
' u o [ l ~ . m ~ t . j u o o g h r g l u t , s l ~ s u o t . l . l g p l . s u o 3 q o n s q p o u . m . u o l o p s t . 0 3 ! o q 3 o q & " 9 I ' i ~ p u e
0 1 " i 5 s o - m ~ t . d ' u o ! l g a n ~ ! j u o 3 ~ u ! n t - q i ~ ! q o l - p . t m e O A e q , ( I l u o n b o a j l s o t u 1 j e a 3 a ! e l e q t u o D
l F a 3 1 ! e p o u u e t u u n a o j
p o ~ o j o a d u o l j o o a ' e s ~ u . t A x q ~ t . H " g : I ' E o a n ~ ! A ' ~ u . t ~ q ~ ! q e a o j ~ l i ~ u o d O A l . l e i o . t o i l l . t I s t . o . t o q l
q ~ n o q l I g ' Z ; ' i ~ o a n ~ . t d ' l j e a 3 a . m U O ! l e ! A e I g a 0 U O ~ U O u o t m u o 3 l s o t u o q o l p u o l S S U ! A ~ A ~ O " I
l u o l x o a o s s o I a o ~ o l e o ~ g o l 1 j e z 3 z ! e j o s o s s e p a o q l o o l I d d e s u o ! l e a o p ! s u o 3 ~ i . r t u ! S
1 7 I ' ~ ; o . l n ~ ! ~ ' u o t . l g ~ n ~ ! j u o 3 p o l u n o t u - o ~ e i o s n J ~ i o g . r l A ~ o L r e u e
a O ' l r ' Z o a n ~ ! d ' a ' e o ~ ~ u . t p u e I p o l u n o t u - $ u ! t a ~ u o I L I O A e . t o q l ! o I d t u ! s o o p ~ U ! A ~ q ~ ! q V
" I ' 1 7 " I ' q d e a ~ e z e d
' 1 7 a o l d g q D o o S " s l u o t u o . t ! n b o . t a e i n 3 ! l . m d o q l u o d n s p u o d o p p o s n s ! q 3 ! q A X " e S a O A o O t a p u e
~ U ! A ~ q ~ ! q e j o s o ~ e l u e n p e s l . p o q l o . I g ~ U I . A ~ A ~ O 1 1 3 J O s o ~ e l u e A p e o q l s l o o d s o a u g t u u I
1 ~ ; u o ! ~ e J n 6 ! ~ u o o ~ e J o J ! v
" [ I e l S u u j o 1 ! [ ! q ! s s o d a q l a p n p o a d o l u U o q l j o a s e q a q l o l u ! p a l e a o d a o o u !
u a ] j o s ! ~ u . u ! e j i e s a o p V " I a A ! l ~ o d s o - I I O - q u o ~ A ~ e a o J a a p p r u e p u n I O a l U O O q o l ! d
a o j a O l e A O I O u e s e ~ u ! l a e d e l J ~ o a p o ~ u ! q e ~ U ! A e q q ~ e o ' u ! J p a x ! J I e ~ ! l a Z A e p u e ' a o s ! I ! q e l s
a o ' a u e l d I ! e l p a x ! j I e l U O Z . U o q e j o s l s ! s u o ~ s a ~ e j a n s I ! e l ~ q l a o j u o p e a n ~ ! j u o o ~ ! s e q a q , L
a ~ l ~ u u a d m ~ l t , ' ~ ' ~ ' ~
( D 9 ~ - 9 ~ 1 ' 9 S ~ t ' ~ t u a l s 5 S l v a ! t n u ~ a V u ! l J o l 4 t - p a a t p / a C r l K s a l J n O D )
V ~ ; 0 p a a q ~ l a o - I t , I , ' ~ a J n S ! 4
: : " . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . : : : : ~ : c : : : ~ " ~ " ~ " E : : . . . . . . . . . . ~ : : . : : : : : : . . . . . . . . -
. - . i ~ ! ~ i ! ~ ! : i : : : : : : ~ i l i
( g O E S # - [ E ' U ! l d D I N - p a a t p l o o ' I ~ s a l d n o D )
9 I . . - I u ! U e l N - p a a q H o o - I I . ' ~ a J n 6 ! = l
, : .
~ : . .
s ! s e q ~ u ~ s u 6 ! s e p l e n ] d e o u o o ~ I ~ J O J ! V ~
Aircraft configuration 33
Variations on the basic arrangement are common and include:
a) Variable incidence tailplane. The forward section of the horizontal surface is capable
of rotation through a range of angles of attack. In this way it may be used to adjust the
pitch trim, as opposed to control, of the aircraft especially when deployment of the high
lift devices introduces significant pitching moment increments.
b) Al l movi ng or "f l yi ng" tailplane. In this concept the whole surface is used as the
primary pitch control with the elevator, if it is retained, being used only for trim. Such an
arrangement offers significant advantages at transonic and supersonic speeds when the
effectiveness of conventional trailing edge controls is much reduced and fuselage bending
can result in unfavourable loads on a fixed tailplane. Some combat aircraft use
differential movement of the two sides of the horizontal surface to provide roll control.
c) Vert i cal posi t i on of t he horizontal tail. The horizontal tail is within the wing downwash
field which has the effect of reducing the effectiveness as a stabiliser. The degree of this
reduction is a function of the vertical location of the tail relative to the wing and the effect
may be reduced by significant upward movement in tail location (Figures 2.4, 2.5, 2.9,
2.12 and 2.14). In general a horizontal tail mounted at the top of the fin can be smaller
than would otherwise be the case. Unfortunately such an arrangement is not without
disadvantages. There is a mass penalty on the fin due to higher loading and aeroelastic
effects, and there is also the possibility of a deep stall. Essentially this may occur when
the aircraft pitches nose up rapidly and reaches an attitude such that the tailplane is
virtually ineffective as a stabiliser in the conventional sense. However, the aircraft is in
a stable stalled condition from which it may be difficult or impossible to recover. While
means are available to resolve this difficulty it is suggested that a high-mounted ' T' tail
should only be used when it is really necessary, as may be the case of a high-mounted
swept back wing configuration or when an engine intake is placed at the bottom of the
fin. A possible alternative to the ' T' tail which does not suffer from the deep stall problem
is to mount the tailplane very low. Unfortunately in most cases this is not an option
because of tail down ground clearance limitations, but it is worthy of consideration on
smaller aircraft, such as combat types, especially when the wing is positioned high on the
fuselage, Figure 2.17. Landi ng gear (see also Addendum 1)
The basic configuration is presumed to have a retractable, tricycle, landing gear but there
are many examples of low performance light aircraft where the gear is fixed, Figure 2.15.
For these aircraft the drag advantage of a retractable configuration does not offset the
mass and complexity penalties which are associated with it. However, the fixed gear is
the exception rather than the rule and for the great majority of aircraft it is advantageous
to retract the gear. Some unmanned aircraft dispense with a conventional landing gear
and use catapult launch with parachute or net recovery, possibly also with an air bag.
( I 0 8 0 g d I 4 1 ' a g p H q ' O A ' t " a o d ~ ' l a v t t ~ 2 . 2 1 . ' l g l t t g ? J ' { d D )
g E I S u o ! l e J o d J o o g e J o J ! V q s ! l ! J E ! / . L ' g o J n 6 ! : l
( W l 4 [ ' a a ~ d ~ o J a v t t ~ ! t t . J g t t l g H ~ d D )
J o ! J J e H o o e d s o J o v q s ! l ! J g 9 L ' g o J n f i ! f l
( . w t t m V )
l O l G ! V J o l s n v L ' ; ~ a J n l S ! . - I
s ! s e q ~ u ~ s u 6 ! s e p l e n l d e o u o o ] ~ e J O J ! V " 1 7 ~
Aircraft configuration 35
The conventional tricycle gear consists of a pair of main legs which are located just
behind the centre of gravity of the aircraft, together with a nose leg, Figures 2.2 and 2.6.
Each of the three legs incorporates a shock absorber to dissipate vertical energy on
landing and carries either a single wheel, or a pair of side-by-side wheels. Only the main
wheels are fitted with brakes but the nose wheel can usually be steered for ground
manoeuvring. Effective steering requires that the nose leg should support between 6 and
14% of the mass of the aircraft. From this it may be deduced that at a mid centre of
gravity position the fore and aft location of the wheels should be such that each main leg
supports about 45% of the mass. Lateral disposition of the main wheels must be such as
to preclude any tendency to overturn during ground manoeuvring. This is a function of
shock absorber characteristics as well as the height of the centre of gravity as a ratio of
the track. During the initial definition of the layout of the aircraft it is necessary to make
some provision of suitable locations both for attachment of the landing gear legs and
stowage of the units when retracted.
Many civil airfields have runways of an accepted minimum strength but there are
exceptions, especially in more remote locations and smaller airfields. Military aircraft are
often required to operate from unprepared or semi-prepared surfaces of relatively low load
carrying capability. This is a complex issue but the consequence is that as aircraft mass
increases, operation from a runway of given strength dictates the need to provide a greater
number of wheels to spread the load. This can be done in various ways depending on the
number of wheels necessary and, possibly, on the overall layout of the aircraft:
a) Two-axle bogie, Figure 2.18. The use of a bogie with an axle at each end enables the
number of wheels to be doubled relative to a single-axle arrangement. Usually each axle
supports two wheels although there may be four tyres. Such an arrangement is likely to
be necessary for civil airliners having a mass in excess of about 90,000 kg. Occasionally
a bogie arrangement with only a single wheel on each axle is used to facilitate stowage
in a confined location, Figure 2.17.
b) Three-axle bogie. As aircraft mass increases further, above about 210,000 kg for an
airliner, further load spreading becomes necessary. One way of achieving this is to add
a third axle to the bogie. It may be done either by simply locating another axle in the
centre of the bogie, Figure 2.19, or by using a split bogie with a pair of side-by-side axles
at the rear, Figure 2.14. In either case it is likely to be necessary to incorporate some
bogie steering.
c) Three main gear legs. An additional, centreline-located, main leg can be used to
spread the load. The centre leg may not have to carry as much load as the outer legs
and the concept has been used where it is necessary to cope with significant mass
increase of an aircraft basically equipped with two main legs, Figure 2.18.
d) Four main legs, Figure 2.14. When the gross mass of an airliner exceeds about
( I 6 E ~ X d u o d u t o D g u ~ . ~ o l t ~ t ~ - P # r U a a t , 7 )
J ~ u ! ! J ! V z / . / . 1 5 u ! ~ o E ] 6 L ' g ~ J n f i ! - i
! i i i i i ! i i ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ! i i i i i i i i i i i i ? i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ' i i ' ' i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i l ; i i i i i ! ! i ! i ; i i i i ! i ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
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o l q e a o o l s o q o 1 0 A ] Z q S l O O q m o q l J O ' I I e a o ' a t u o S " s o 3 e j a n s q l ~ u o . r l s - ~ o I t u o a j o l e a o d o o 1
p o o u e s ! o . ~ o q l o a a q , ~ , l j e a ~ a ! e l q ~ ! o a j o ~ a e I o l o l q e 3 ! I d d e s ! ~ I " s a o l s ! I q o l u ! p o l 3 e a l z a p u e
Z ~ e l o s n j o q l j o s o p ! s o q l ~ u o I e p o l u n o t u ~ u ! o q s l ! u n . m o ~ ~ u ! p u e I o q l ' l n o e I ~ u ! , ~ , - q ~ ! q e
o l u ! p o l e a o d a o 3 u ! o q u e ~ ] d o 3 u o 3 s ! q , L " o u ! I l J e p u e o a o j e u ! p o l u n o t u s ~ o I o I X e - O I ~ U ! S j o
a o q t u n u e j o o s n o q l s ! , ( l ! I ! q ! s s o d a o q l a n j V " 0 Z ' Z o a n ~ . d ' S a l X a l B U m , s z t l ~ . m S S a l o l d ~ . l l n l 4 [ ( ~
( Z O l Z 1 1 ' s n q a ~ . V a a v d ~ o a a v t l ~ ? ~ , a l t d ~ ) t J n o D )
O I ~ V s n q J ! v 8 ~ ' g e J n 6 ! = l
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. I O U ! l . I ! e u e l e t t l s l s o ~ n s 0 3 u 0 p ! A O o l q e l ! e A V " t u o l q o a d x o l d t u o 3 e s t z ~ e ~ o l s p u e o t u ~ a ~ e
o q l u o s l ! u n O t l l j o ~ u ! l u n o t u o t t l q l o [ " p o p o o u s ! p ~ o I o t t l ~ u ! 3 t r e l e q j o s t r e o t u e p o p e o I
, ( i l e n b o o q o ] t u o q l j o q 3 e o a o d " s ~ o I u ! ~ t u m o j o s n o l , r e s s o 3 o u o q o l I O ~ I ! I s ! l ! ~ 1 0 0 0 ' 0 0 E
s ! s e q i u , ~ s u 6 ! s e p l e n l d e o u o o ~ l ~ J O J ! V 9 ~
" E E ' E o z n ~ I d
' l o o a g U I . A ~ o q ~ l r O g r l o s n j o q l g u o F ' s u o I s u o l x o z o ' s o ~ f e _ q s o g p o g u t . p g ~ I g u t . l ~ a o d a o o u t . , ( q
p o o u r q u o o q ~ g t u q 0 . ~ q A ~ ~ l ! [ ! q u d g o f f u ! l J ! l a o o d ~ I O A ! l l ~ [ o . t 1 ~ 0 A l ~ q S f f U ! A ~ O I . 1 1 ~ . I l o 0 d s ~ A ~ O ' - I
" 8 " E o z n f f I z I ' s n o o f f ~ l u e A p g s o t u o o o q u o i l u a n f f ! j u o o ' u l l o p ' u ~ d s f f U ! A ~ A ~ O I 0 q l o o u o n b o s u o o
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o l p ~ z ! n b ~ a o a r s o l f f u ~ d o o A ~ S o ~ x e ' I " s u o s ~ o a o . ~ u ~ u ~ p o a o ~ a o j p o a i n b o a t u n t u i u . u . u ~ q ~ o q
p l n o q s p o , ~ o l d m o d o o A ~ S j o l u n o t t r e o q l s l u ~ t u o a ~ , n b o a m o v I 8 u ~ . p ~ . a a o a o o a r o a o t l t S S O l U D ( p
" I E ' E o / n g t . , . q ' 1 ! , ~ q p o l d r u a o l u . t l o u s t . o t U n l O A p e o I , ( e d o q l l e q l o s A ~ l t . A e a g j o o . r l u o o o q l
p u i q o q o a n l o r m s q f f n o a q l M . m o g U t . A ~ o q l O l e O O I O 1 [ n j d l o q s ! 1 ! u o q A ~ S t . O g e l U e A p e l n o , ~ e I
a o j u o o , ~ m u d o o m s p a ~ . a o j p o l . u u i I o a O q A ~ u o g d o o x o u V " ~ l I e u o d s s m u a o q u n 3 e s o o n p o a l m .
s I q l p u e q g I q o q u e o l o o a o q l i v . g u ~ . ~ l d o , v t s p a v , , t a o f v f o l u o a f o t l i s p a v a 4 o l g u ~ . p v o I a t t A ( o
A ~ l l e u o d s s e t u ~ f f u ! ~ d o o o e , ~ q
O t U O O J O A O o q , q u o U g O q o ! q , ~ a a u a S a a a ~ . p o f l S V l a O a a V o l o u o a d o a r s g u ~ . ~ l d a , v t s p a v , v t a o ~ ( q
I O . t l u o o p u e , ~ l ! l ! q e l s j o s t u a a l
u ! , q l e I O o d s o ' s o ~ . l s ~ . a a l o V a m l O o ~ . r u v u ~ p o . t a v f o a s ~ . u t o a d u t o o a a t l a q v s a a ~ . g l t . l l V a a , t 0 ( v
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. . , ~ . . . . . . : : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : : ~ : ~ : ~ : : . : . . . . . . . . ~ . - , ~ . ~ : . ~ , . , . 4 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : ~ : ~ : : : : : : : : : ~ : : : : : : : ; : ~ : : : ~ : : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ; : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : : ~ : : : : : : ~ : : : ~ : ~ : ~ : ; : ~ : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
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o p , ( ~ ! q o q l q l t . A ~ p o l e p o s s e s o ! l l n o t . J j ! p O t l " a o q t u o q E ~ ; ~ I o t t l u o s e ' l j e p u e o a o j , q x e i . n . m . s
l n q ' o ~ e I o s n j o q l j o s o p ! s o q l l e p o l e ~ o I ' s ~ e d o r a l K q p o o e I d o a o x e s ~ o I o r a l o q l o a O q A ~
S ! 1 u o t u o ~ t r e a ~ ~ ! s e q O t l l j o u o ! l e . t r e A V " ~ u . r 4 - e a q p u e U A ~ o p q ~ n o l ~ u . u n p s p e o I ~ o I o s o u
o t u g . r l X g p t . O A g O ] o n b ! u t l o O l g u ! p u r I l e ! o o d s e a o j p o o u o t I 1 p t m ' l l n o [ . j j t . p J j O - g ~ l l g u o ! l ~ o . I
p u e g U . U A n o o u e t u p u n o J ~ s o ~ ' m q o ! q a x ' g o I o s o u p o p e o I , q q g t . q o q l a x e s o g e l u e A p e s t . p
s ! s e q l u ~ s u f i ! s e p l e m , d e o u o o i l e J o J ! V Z ; l z
" ' l z ' E q d e a ~ e ~ d o o s ' l u a t u ~ a ! n b o : t
q l I e O l s e s e q o n s ' u o s e o a ~ U ! l I ~ d t u o o e s ! ~ . ~ q l s s o I u n o I q e s ! A p e u ! s ! I ! e ] K L U ~ l l n q ~ z j o
~ s f l " p a s n s ! t u a l s , ~ s I O . , q u o 3 l q ~ ! l J 3 t . l e t u o l n g 3 ; I I n J ~ s s z I u n s ~ ! l I n 3 ! j j ! p ~ u t . l p u e q s ; ) o n p o a l u !
q o ! q ~ s 3 ! l s . u o ] 3 g . m q : ) I O a l U o 3 p u g 3 ; l [ . I ! q g l s j o ~ u ! I d n o o - s s o a o o q l s ! o ~ m u g a p e s ! p
o q , L " ~ e a p ~ o u o a o j : t o l u ! s s o I p u e e ~ a e o o e j a n s I e l m a O l I e t U S e o ~ e s ~ e l u e h p e p o t u . t e l O
o q ~ L " a a p p r u p a ! j p u e a o l g A O l O / O u e l d [ ! e l o q l j o s o | o a o l e a e d o s o q l o u ! q t u o o s a o e j . m s o s o q l
I O a l U O O p u g , ~ l ! i ! q e l s j o s t t u o l u I - s o o e j a n s p o u ! I o U ! j o ; . r e d e o l u ! p o u t . q t u o o o a r s o o e j a n s
[ ! e l I e O ! l a O A p u g I ~ l U o z . u o q l l 3 U O I . l U O A U O 3 o q l O . I o q ~ O u o K l l e ! l u o s s o s ! I t . e l K I j a a l l n q V
6 ~ ' ~ a . m 6 ! _ - I ' l ! e t , ' f l , P a l . l n g g ' g ' ~ .
( s t u a t s f f S l O a ! l n v u o . ~ a v m . u O I 4 l - p a a t p F ) O ' - I , f s a t a n o D )
/ . I . L . . - I p ~ q ) l O O ' l 6 g ' g a . m O ! : : l
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~ ` ~ ) ~ Q ~ i ~ ! i ~ ~ ~ ~
( P 1 7 ~ d v l d ~ ! G ~ ! l v q o J a v d ~ a l d n o D )
a u e l d ! g o ! l e q o J a v l e ! o o d s s l l ! d g g ' g ~ , n l S ! : i
. . . . . . . . . , ~ . = . . . . ~ ! ! ' i ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # i i i i i i ~ i ~ , ~ . . . . . . . I
i i i i ) i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ! i i ~ i i i i ! i l i ~ : : . . . . . I ~ 1 ~ ~ ' ~ . . . . . ' . . . . . i i : : i l i i i i ! i i i i i i ! i i i ! i i i i ! i i i i i i
l u z t u ~ a ! n b ~ a e q o n s j o z l d t u e x ~ u e 3 ; I q ! s s o d s ! l j e a o a ! g o ! l e q o a a e
u v " o o u e t t u o p o d p o o d s o l e J o p o t u j o ] J g J o J t l ~ H e U O l n o ~ e I l o e d t u o o e q l ! ~ p o u ! q t u o o
o q l s n t u g u ! p e o I g u ! ~ a X O l e u o q ~ s ! u o ! l e J n g ! j u o o o u g I d ! q e ~ u ! s n . t o j u o s e o a . ~ [ u o o q l
~ u o l e J n O ! ) t u o o ] ~ [ e J O J ! v
44 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
2.3.4 Tailless l ayout
It has long been recognised that the only essential airframe component is the wing. From
this it may be deduced that the most aerodynamically efficient configuration is an "all
wing" aircraft, the tail surfaces being dispensed with and the payload being located within
the volume of the wing. In practice the issues are not as clearly defined as this deduction
would suggest. Often the wing shape is unsuitable to accommodate the payload and it is
not easy to provide directional stability and control from a basically horizontal lifting
surface. Tailless designs, Figure 2.30, usually, but not always, incorporate a measure of
sweep back since this increases overall length and facilitates the provision of longitudinal
stability and control. In the limit this leads to the relatively highly swept, low wing span
delta configuration, Figure 2.8. While tailless designs do exhibit relatively low drag the
theoretically achievable gains are not realised because:
a) Longitudinal control is limited due to the short moment arm of the elevators. This
means manoeuvre capability is limited and, as it may be difficult to use powerful high lift
devices, the wing loading may be lower than on a comparable conventional design.
b) A rudimentary fuselage is often required forpayload volume, unless the aircraft is very
large. Even then the internal shape of a wing section introduces a severe mass penalty
when pressurisation is a requirement.
c) The retention ofa verticalfin is the most efficient way of providing directional stability
and control, unless this is ruled out by low observability demands.
d) The need to keep the centre of gravity movement within a small range may compromise
the design. This is a consequence of the low longitudinal control effectiveness.
Stealth requirements may be such that an "all wing" design is the best solution, Figure
2.30, but otherwise the value of the tailless concept must be questioned. Pure tailless delta
designs are no longer favoured.
2. 3. 5 Variable sweep, Fi gure 2. 10
Highly swept wings can possess poor low speed aerodynamic characteristics, both in
terms of available lift and handling near stall conditions. Variable sweep back was
originally conceived as a means of overcoming this difficulty by matching the sweep
angle to the ideal at a given flight speed. It was claimed that using it enabled opt i mum
aerodynamic conditions to be achieved at all speeds. In practice this was not found to be
the case, primarily due to the drag associated with the interaction between the fixed and
moving parts of the wing. When this penalty is combined with those due to the extra mass
and system complexity the extent of the real benefits is less than might be anticipated.
Variable sweep does enable an aircraft to possess good performance over a wide speed
" I i ~ ' i ~ a a n i ~ ! d ' l a f
g S U g H i ~ u t ~ l d a ~ s p a - e a a o j a q l j o l e q l s e , ( e A ~ a m e s a t l l q o n m u ! u ! q g a a q l p u ! q a q s s e d m u
a a m a r m s i ~ u v a p a l g a O l - l J g a q l u a q ~ a g g l u e a p g l n o , i g I g a a j u o a , i m n a u e l d a a o J e j o a s n a q
l l n s a a I l g a a A O l s a q a q l a A a ! q O g O 1 L r l a m o a l t l n o g I a q l q o l m u o l [ g ! l u a s s a s ! 1 ! p u g i ~ u ! , ~ , a q l
q l ! ~ , a a a . J a a l u ! s a o p p a r u g o a m m o a j ~ O l . , U . t e ' a a a a ~ o H " p ! d e a a a o m s ! a s u o d s a a a a A n a o u g m
p u g . ~ l l g u a d i ~ g a p m . m a l q ! i ~ ! l g a U a q p [ n o q s a . t a q l s n q , L " a u g [ d i ! m [ g U O ! l U a A U O a g U O a s o q l
a ~ i ! i u n ' g u ! ~ a q l u o a s o q l s g u o ! l o a a ! p a m e s a q l u ! I l g a a u a i ~ a ~ s a o a o j m . m a u g l d a a o j l g q l
s t u o ! l g a n g ! j u o o s ! q l j o 1 . u a m a q . l . " a a a n a o u m u p u g m . m [ g u ! p n l ! I g u o I a o j i o . a u o o s a p ! A o a d
a u e l d a a o 3 a q , L " l u a s a a d a q g e m s g l ! I ! q m s I g u ! p m ! g u o i q o n s s a p ! A o a d p u g ' l ! A g a i ~ J o
a a l u a a a q l p u ! q a q . ~ I a A ! l O a . i J a ' l j g a o a ! g a q l u o ~ I o g q a a q l a n j p a l g o o I s ! g u ! ~ a q , L " I E ' E a a n i ~ ! d
' a u g l d a a o j g , ~ q p a a g l d a a s t a u g l d l ! m 1 J g I e U O ! I U a A U O O a q l a a a q ~ a u o s t . l n o , ~ g I p a - e u g o V
# n o f f e l p . ~ e u e o 9 " E ' ~ .
( ~ I ' f l I ~ t d V 6 ~ ' u m a u a n a D - d o a y l a O N + + + l a n o D )
, e q m o 8 q J , l e O ) , S ~ 8 u e u a t u n J o - d o a q l a O N 0 ' ~ o a n O ! : : l
a i m l e q l l o o m o l , ( I l g a ! J ! a a d s p a u ~ l s a P 1 j g a a . n . g u g s g a i m U a A ! ~ g u ! a A ! l a a j j a s g a q o l
I m i ! i u n s ! 1 ! ' a a A a A ' ~ O H " l u a m a a ! n b a a a I m t . l l n m g ~ u ! I I ! J I n J j o a l q g d g 3 a q a . t o j a a a q l p u g a ~ u g a
~ 1 7 u o ! } , l a J n 6 ! ] u o o : ~ j l e J O J ! V
( R u ~ . p l ~ . d ' d T s ~ l . ~ n o D )
s u o ! l d o 3 x o o a e o a o q l l n q ' O u e l d l t . e l l U O l e , x t . n b o u e j o l e q l u e q l a o I I e t U S , ( I O A ! l e l O a
, ( I l e n s n s ! e o a e o u e I d o a o j u o s e o a s t . q l a o f l " o u e I d I ! e l e j o l e q l s p : r e a x o l s o s e o : ~ o o p o z ! s ~ u ! a x
o q l o I ! q , , a ' ~ u ! ~ [ e u o . t l u o , x u o 3 e j o l e q l o l o s e o a 3 u ! o l o z ! s O u e l d o a o j o q l a o j , ( o u o p u o l e
o q u e 3 o : t o q l o s ! ~ a o q l o " s u o ! 1 3 . t r l s o : ~ o z ! s p u e l n o , ( e I ~ u ! s o d t u ! , ( q u o q l 1 . t t u ! I o l ~ C r e s s o 3 o u
o q , ( m u 1 ! p u e q ~ ! q , ( I O l e u o ! l a o d o J d s ! p o q o l p u o l , ( I I e : t o u o ~ s l u o t u o a ! n b o ~ 1 J ! I o u e I d o : t o f l
" 0 ~ 1 3 1 U e A p l ~ m o d e I I I l ~ I O A O t r e s . t o j u o o o s l e 1 . t j i . u o ! l e a n ~ ! j u o ~ s ! q l ~ u ! , ( o l d t u o
u ! 1 . u o t u o t u o s o q K e t u o : x o q l o ~ U O H " 0 t U O ~ a O A O 0 q , ( e t U ~ U ! m 0 q l J O l o o : x o q l l e s t u o I q o a d
a x o I J : q e o q l j o o t u o s o u e I d o a o j e q l ! a x p o l e ! 3 o s s e s [ d o o a x s p ~ x . ~ o j u o q a x ' a o A O * O H
E ' E ' E ' E q d e : ~ z : r e d u ! p o s s n ~ s ! p s e a x s e ' d o o m s p : r e a x : t o j j o o ~ e l u e A p e I e O a , ( u e o q o l
x e o d d e l o u s o o p o a o q l o l o q a x o q l u o " g ' E ~ . t n S ~ . , _ 4 ' S u ~ . m I d ; ~ , ' a s p . ~ o m a o f t l l ~ . m ~ u v l d a . ~ o d ( 3
" l o o d s e
q l I e O l s o q l t u o z j s n o o f f m u u A p e s ! p s T l n q ' l j e a ~ a ! e l e q t u o o o I ! f f e , ( I q f f ! q e o l o l q e o ! I d d e s ! 1 I
s o n l e A p o l e I O S ! z ! o q l j o t u n s o q l j o l e t l l p o o 3 x o o l a t e d o q l j o S S 0 U 0 A ! 1 0 0 J J 0 1 J ! I o q l s o l q e u o
s l u o u o d t u o o o , , a l o t I 1 j o u o ! l e 3 o I I n J o : r e D " u o ! l e z n f f ! j u o ~ s t . t t l u ! f f u T ~ o q l O A O q e l s n . f ' , ( I l e n s n
' p u e j o p e o t l e ~ s n . f p o 3 e l d s ! O u e l d o z o j o q , L " I I ' g ~ . ~ n S ~ . d ' ~ u ~ . m o l l ~ p t l l ~ . , ' , p ~ l d n o : ~ l a o t G ( q
u o ! l m o z j j o - o ~ ' e l I l e ! ~ o d s o ' p o o d s A ~ O l l U p u e
f f e a p t u . m o s ! r u ~ j o s t m o l u ! q l o q I e ! ~ ! j o u o q s t . l ~ o j j o O u e l d o a o j o q l o I o q a x ' z O U ! l Z ! ~ u e s e
q ~ n s ' l j e a a a ! e ~ ! u o s a o d n s o ~ u e a ~ u o I e o l p o l ! n s I . r e I n ~ ! l . r e d s ! q : ~ ! q A ~ l n o , ~ e I u s ! 1 1 " I t e t u s
o ~ s l o o J j O o o u o I o , _ u o l u ! o q l l e q l ~ U t . A ~ o q l J O p e o t l e ~ j , { I l U O t . o t . j j n s p o l e o o I s t . O u e l d o a o J
I I ~ r t u s e l u o t u o ~ u e I r e s t . q l u I " 1 ' ~ a . ~ n ~ . d ' S u ~ . ~ O l l d p . t o ~ l o t ~ q l d d , , t s W ~ . , ' v t p ; ~ l d n o : 9 ~ u o 7 ( o
: p o u o ! l u o t u o q ~ g t u u o ! l e m ~ [ j u o o p . m u g o o q l j o S U O ! l e . t m A o o ~ X
s ! s e q ~ u / i s u 6 ! s e p l e n l d e o u o o ] r ] 1 1 ~ j o J ! V 9 1 7
( r a 2 . . l l r n p u I o . l a v o l g ~ v ! d , ~ a l . ~ n o D )
! l u B A V O g L d o ! 6 1 5 e ! d 8 ' ~ o J n 6 ! - I
" S O ~ 1 3 I U l ~ A p l ~ o q l l o s j j o I O ~ X e I ' , ~ l I ~ u o d s s g t u o ~ e i o s n j ~ s ~
q o n s ' s o t . l l e u o d 2 C m p u o o o s ] ~ q l t u o o s p l n o t A 1 ! s m o ~ [ [ ~ U O ! l U O A U O O U n q l t . A ~ O S e 3 0 q l u o l J O s t .
s V " o u ~ I d o a o J e j o u o ! 1 3 u n j I o . r l u o o p u e t u . m o l q e . m o A e j o r 0 q l ! A ~ o u ~ I d l ! m ~ J o f d ! l ! q ~ d e 3
~ u ! s ! I ! q ~ l s o q l s t . l e q ] ' q l o q J O S O ~ l U ~ h p e o q l U ! e l q o O ] S t . t U t e 0 q x " o u e l d o : t o J p u ~
o u e l d l ! e ] ~ q l o q S ~ o l d t u o q 3 . t q A ~ O U O S t . u o t . l e m ~ t . j u o 3 o 3 e j a n s - o o a t I 1 o t 0 s o ! i d m ! o t u e u s i t . s V
C C Z a J n B ! . - I ' u o ! # w J n 6 ! t u o o a o w / J n s - a a J q j . Z ' C Z
( O / . O l f g u m m u n d D - d a t l U N ~ a t ' m D )
6 ; ~ X u e m u u m o ~ ' ~ o J n 6 ! : l
L ' I 7 u o ! : l l a j n S ! j u o o ] t J e J O J ! V
48 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
2. 3. 8 Twi n-fusel age confi gurati on
From time to time twin-fuselage configurations are proposed and indeed have been used
on occasion for flying boats, effectively creating a hybrid craft. Although arguments may
be advanced in favour of twin fuselages the advantages would not appear to be such as
to justify their application in usual circumstances.
2.4 Special considerations
2.4.1 General comment s
It is always possible that the requirements for an aircraft will include a special provision
which has a dominating impact upon the configuration chosen. Such a condition may well
override the comments made in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3.
2. 4. 2 Short and vertical take-off and l andi ng General remarks
Some decades ago a considerable effort was expended in the investigation of short and
vertical take-off and landing civil transport aircraft. Experience now suggests that there
is no requirement for this class of aircraft except for small short range types which
typically have low wing loading anyway. There is, however, a continuing requirement for
military aircraft in this category. Military freight aircraft
Military freighters are often required to operate to and from airstrips of short length and
poor surface strength. Short take-off and landing capability is necessary for this kind of
operation, but it is not likely to have any major effect upon the overall configuration of
the aircraft The emphasis is on relatively high installed thrust, complex high lift devices,
and large diameter, low pressure, tyres on multiple wheels. Combat aircraft (see also Addendum 5, paragraph AD5.5.2)
The usual requirement for military combat aircraft is STOVL - Short Take-Off and
Vertical Landing. The vertical landing requirement implies that there must be a vertical
thrust component somewhat greater than the landing weight of the aircraft. It is logical
to make use of this component for short take-off.
Many ways of providing vertical thrust have been investigated. Most of t hem are
complex and require a large volume. In all the more likely systems some use is made of
the forward flight propulsion unit or units, by downward deflection of the main exhaust
gases in the take-off and landing modes. Often it is not practical to locate this deflected
exhaust immediately below the centre of gravity so some additional provision for vertical
thrust is required. Plausible means of providing this are:
Aircraft configuration 49
a) Vectored bypass flow, Figure 2.16. The Rolls-Royce Pegasus engine used in the
Harrier aircraft is provided with four nozzles, each of which may be rotated to vector the
efflux as required The rear two nozzles exhaust the hot gases while the front two exhaust
bypass air taken directly from behind the fan. The whole system is compact but bulky and
has the disadvantage that it must be located at the centre of gravity of the aircraft.
Attempts have been made to augment the thrust by burning fuel in the bypass air, so-
called plenum chamber burning, but this introduces problems of hot gas ingestion into
the air intakes, and possibly ground erosion.
b) Remote location ofnozzles. The centre of gravity difficulty of the Pegasus concept may
be overcome by ducting the bypass flow forward to a remote nozzle where it may be
augmented by fuel injection. The volume requirement is high.
c) Vertical lift engines. Another possibility is the use of one or more dedicated vertical
lift engines in addition to the deflected thrust of the cruise engine. The cruise engine may
now be located aft in the aircraft and the lift engine forward resulting in much greater
flexibility in aircraft layout than is the case with the Pegasus-type engine. Such an
arrangement was used in the YAK-141. However, against this there is the mass and
volume penalty of the lift engines which are only used in low speed flight.
d) Remote driven lift fan. An alternative to a dedicated lift engine is the use of a lift fan
driven remotely from the cruise engine. The drive may either be mechanical, which places
some restrictions on fuselage layout, or compressed gas which is bulky and relatively
inefficient. The total effective volume of the fuselage occupied by this system is likely
to be more than that of the systems previously mentioned except, possibly, the remote
nozzle arrangement.
Whichever propulsion system is chosen it is necessary to provide low speed control effect
by means of reaction jets supplied with air bled from the compressor of the cruise engine.
These are certainly required for roll and yaw control and may also be needed in pitch
Clearly the choice and layout of the propulsion system must have a major impact upon
the configuration of the aircraft and may well limit the options available.
2. 4. 3 L o w obs e r v a bl e s ( St eal t h)
(See for example ASME Papers 90-GT-116 and 117.) General comment s
There are two basic ways of approaching the problem of conferring low observability
characteristics on a combat aircraft:
a) To specify an aircraft configuration which fundamentally will possess good low
observability characteristics and to design the details appropriately. The all wing layout
" 6 Z ' Z o a n f f ! d ' p o l o o e j a q p [ n o q s o d e q s o q l z o ' 0 ~ ' E o z n f f ! d ' L r e A i l e n u i l u o a
p l n o q s o z n l e A . m o j o ! ! p e a l n q ' p a s ~ . u q u ~ . t u a q : S h U t a a v f a n s p u b a d m t s u ~ . 8 a 1 . 1 1 . r t u t . l u o : 3 $ 1 . ~ ( p
" 1 7 t ~ ' ~ o : m f f ! ~ I ' s u ! j p o u ! l o U !
~ u ! s n q o l d t u e x o z o j ' p a p ~ . o ~ w a q p l n o ~ t s . : a t l : O U V a u o o : S a l g U V : t l g ~ . . t t o s a a v ~ n y ( a
" 0 : ' E o a n f f I d ' u o i l o o z I p I e O I l . U o o q l t u o z j
p o p l o i q s s l s n e q x o p t r e s l o n p o ~ t e l u ! ' p o A a n o ' f f u o I q l I A ~ p a . u n q a q p l n o t l s s : u v l ~ a m o d ( q
" s p z e A ~ U A ~ O p
p u r p x e a x z o j s t u o I l o O : q . p I r O ! l . u o o q l U O q A ' ~ p a p ~ . o , w : s a q o a r s a o v f . m s a u v l d a a o d ( v
: p o z o p I s u o ~ o q p l n o q s s l u I o d
I e Z O u o f f f f u ! ~ , o I I O J o q l s l u o t u o z I n b o z q l l e O l s l o o t u o l u o i l e z n f f ! j u o ~ i l e Z O A O u p f f u i l ~ O l O S u I
u o I l e a n ~ l ~ u o a 1 ! l q e A a a s q o ~ o I l l U a a A O Z ' f ' I ~ ' Z
( ~ m a : ~ X ~ F , a ! m v u o ~ a v u ! u v l . f - p a a t p l a O ' l ~ a u n o D )
J o l d e l : ! ~ 4 u ! e o 8 - p o o q ~ l o o - I l , g ' ~ e J n 6 h : l
i i i i i i i : ! ! i ! ! ' ~ ! ! ' ! ' ~ i i : : i i i i i i i ! ? ~ ! ' ' ~ : ~ ' ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ! ~ i ~ i ~ ! ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ ? ! ~ ! ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ i ! i ~ i i i ! i i ~ i ! i ~ i i ~ i i i i i i i ! i i ~ i i i ~ i i i i i i i i i ~ i ~ i ~ ! i ! i ? ~
~ i i i . . . . : ~ ' i ~ ! : i ~ i : ~ ' ~ ' ~ i ' : i i ~ ' i ~ i ' ~ . . . . ' i i i i : " / ! i ~ i ! T . . . . ~ : ~ ' ! i ! i i i ~ ! i ! / i ! ! i ! ! i i i i i ! ! ~ ! ~ ~ ! ~
1 7 ~ ' Z o J n a ! f l ' Z Z - : t o q l j o u f f ! s o p o ~ u ! p o l d o p e u o o q O A l Z q O 1 s z e o d d e
q a I q m o u o p u u q a e o a d d e p o ~ o j o z d o q l o q o l I O ~ l ! I s ! s I q l s o s e o l s o t u u I " u f f I s o p p u e l n o e I
o q l j o s I ! m o p o q l u ! s a i l s . u o l a e x e q a 1 I I q e A a 0 S q O ~ 0 1 o l e z o d a o a u I o l u o q l p u e s : u a t u a . q n b a d
a a u v u u o f t a d f o s l . s v q a t l : u o ~ ( l ! a V t u ~ . a d f f v a a a l . v a ~ l : f o u o l . w . m g f f u o a v a u l . u u a : a p 0 2 ( q
q o e o a d d e s I q l j o o l d t u e x o p o o f f ~ s ! 0 t ~ ' E o a n f f ! d u ! u ~ o q s Z a u e m t u r u D - d o z q l z o N o q l j o
s ! s e q J , u A s u 6 ! s e p l e n l d e o u o o ] ~ l ~ J O J ! V O ~
( d ~ . q s m O l l a 4 u o ! t v ! a V u o ~ . s S ~ . l N d s a l . m o D )
a u e l d l e o l . - I s g L e u s s a o S g ' ; g a J n f i ! . - I
. ~ . ! i . . . . . . . . . . i ~ i ~ i ~ ' ~ ; ~ ! i : : ~ ; ~ : : ~ i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ~ ~
" S Z g A . U p u e S g ~ e I j o g 3 t r e p u n q e u e g U ! A I ~ q S U O I . I I ~ 3 0 [
g l o t u o z z o s u o t f f g a I e l S O ~ u ! q l ! ~ o l u z o d o q a ! q ~ 1 j e a ~ z I e I I m U S l g A ! l e l g Z O 1 p o l ~ S O Z ~ , O U
S ! 1 J e . ~ 3 g t u o q z g l e ~ , j o g s n g q l g 3 u m u a o j z g d a o . u o d n s q 3 n t u e g A e q s o u e l d p u e I o s n e ~ o ~ /
s g D . ~ o j g ~ u e l s ! s g a z g l e ~ q f f ! q p g ! I d t u ! g q ] j o g s n e 3 g q l d g D D e o l l I n 3 ! j j ! p s e , ~ , ' s p g g d s
z g ] e ~ z g q f f ! q l u g n b g s u o ~ g q l p u e ' o 3 u e t u z o j z g d g s I r u 3 p o o f f O A g ! q 0 e 0 1 p g p g g u f f u I p e o I
f f u ! ~ . ~ g q ~ ! q g q l o o u i s g ~ e l u u A p ~ s ! p g a g A g S e 1 1 ~ 1 j e z o z . r e o u a o q z o l e ~ p o o e I d p u g a l s I q , l .
s p a g d s g u I P U e I p u e j j o - g ~ l a g q f f I q 1 ! q l ! t a l q f f n o z q s I q l p u u / : i s n o ! A g a d p o s n u e q l s f f u ! p e o I
f f U t . A ~ a g q f f I q q ~ n t u p z e ~ o l p u g . r l e u ! p g l I n s g z ~ f f O l O U q ~ o l u ! s l u o t u d o l g A g p g t u ! l g u l e s
g q l I V " P l z o r n g q l s s o s 3 e p g l o n . I l s u o o g . l O A ~ s p l g ! J a I e . ~ u e t u l e q l g o u g n b g s u o o g q l p e q q o ! q m
Z X e A ~ p l a O A ~ u ! z g m o d a ! e j o g s n g p i A ~ g q l q l ! m p g f f u e q z u o ! l e m ! s g q , L " s e g z e p g d o l g A g p
o l p g u ! j u o 3 g a g A ~ s d . t r l s f f u I P u e I u g q , ~ , g t u ! l e l g g 3 u e l a o d t u I j o s e , ~ , s ! q l p u e a g l e A ~ r U l e 3
/ : I q e u o s e g z j o q 3 1 g . . q s e s u m g z g q l o : t g q ~ u o ! l e o o I , ~ u e t u o a j g l e : ~ o d o p l n o o . ~ g q l x e l n 3 ! l . r e d u I
" t l O I . 1 1 ~ I . A l ~ J O p o u o d a g ! l X e O g q l u ! s g u e l d p u e I q l ! ~ u o s i z e d t u o a u ! S g f f l ~ l U l 3 A p l 3 l l l l ~ 9 t . j t . t t f f t . s
p g s s g s s o d ~ o q z " u o t m u o ~ L ~ g A g s g ~ a g l e A ~ t u o z J o l e z o d o o l p g u f f I s g p 1 j e a z a I e g t u I 1 o u o I V
s l u a u n n o : ~ l U a a u ~ 9 I ' l r ' l , ' Z
l l e J o j ! e a u J o q - J a l e M t e ' f ; Z
l u o t u l e g z l I e ! ~ o d s g z i n b g z o s I ~ " ~ 1 o ' s p u e d ' s a o o c I " g f f l ~ l U l 3 A p l 3
U e s g q l J e Z O a I e p g u u g t u u n u e o s ' l u a u t w a a t l m . a a d s p u v u t a p s a l . a u a a v d s u v J i t l . d : , l a O D ( g
i l e t U o l u ! p g . u . r e a a q P l n o q s
s u o d e o m l e q ] s l s ~ n s q a ! q A ~ a l q l . s s o d s o U V a l a s o a q l s n t u u o l . w a n g ~ f u o a a t l l l l V a a ~ t O ( f
" O f ; ' ~ ; o ~ n ~ I d ' o I q I s s o d s ! s g a ~ j s g l a l l m v d a q p l n o t t s s d a v j h n s f o s a g p 2 t ( a
[ ~ u o ! ] , g J n 6 u u o o ] . . j . l e J O J ! V
( s a ~ . a l ~ n p u I o a a v o ~ . 8 8 m , d X s a l a n o D )
u e ! q l q d t u V 9 g l . d o ! 6 6 e l d 9 g - g o a n 6 l : l
. . . . . . . . ! i i i ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j i i i ? i i ! i ! i ! i ! i . . . .
s u e ! q ! q d t u e s e A ~ O U ~ t o ~ a q l p u e ' a a l e A ~ a o p u e I a o q l ! o t u o a j o l e a o d o u e ~ o q l l e q l o s
' 9 ~ ; ' ~ ; o a n ~ ! d ' x e o ~ ~ u ! p u e I I e U O ! l U O A U O ~ o i q e l 3 e a l o a e t l l ! A ~ p o l l ! J o . m s l e o q ~ u ! U o t u o S
" ~ U t . A ~ 0 q l J O d o l a q l a O A O S e q ~ n s ' a u e i d p u e I [ e U O ! l U 0 A U O O e U O l u a ! o ! J J O U !
o q o l p o a o p ! s u o ~ o q p l n O A ~ q 3 ! q A ~ s u o ! l ! s o d m t U a t l l o l e a o I o l L m s s o ~ o u s ! 1 ! p o s n
a ~ o q l U 0 q A ~ o O U O H " u o ! l s o ~ u ! . ~ a l ~ A ~ J O a o ~ u e p o q l o l o n p i . t m t u . u d ' 0 a e a u o o q s e q s l e o q
~ u ! U u o s o u ! ~ u o l o . f J o o s n o q , L " s l e o l J o l e a e d o s j o l e q l u e q l s s o I l n q o ~ e I o s n J I e U O ! l U a A U O ~
e J O l g q l u g q l a a q ~ ! q 2 { I q e l t . A ~ U ! s t . ~ e a p ~ . V " o u a o q a ~ l e n x s ! 1 j e a o o t l l o I ! q A ~ , ( l ! I ! q e l s
i l O a o p ! A o a d o l p o p o a u o a e s u o s u o d s O ~ e l o s n J . t o ' o l q e l a e . t l o a a q e t u q a ! q a x ' s l ~ o l j d ! l ~ U t . A X
I ~ u ! p a o a a e p a d e q s s t . p u e u o ! l e a a d o a 0 1 e A ~ a o J I I n q e j o o [ o a o q l s I I ! J I n J O S l e o ~ I o s n j
o q l u o ! l e a n ~ ! j u o a s ! q l u I " s o u e l d l e o l J u e q l a a ~ a e I ' s e ~ i e l o u m q ' I l e n s n o a e s l e o q ~ u ~ . X t a
9 ' Z a a n 3 ! z l ' s l e o q ~ l u ! 1 z l ' t , ' t , ' Z
l u e ~ ! j ! u ~ ! s s ! s l e o l J j o ~ e a p a ! e o q
a Z l e A ~ z q l t u o J j u z ~ l s ! 1 j e a 3 a ! e ~ q l U O q A ~ ~ U ! l p U e q o l e l ! I ! 3 e J o l s l e o I J ~ q l u ! p o l e a o d a o ~ u !
o q e t u S I a a q A ~ I I e m S " s ! q l u e q l a a l q ~ t . I q ~ n t u g i i e n s n a a e g a q l m q ' p o s n u z o q a a e q s s e t u
~ I 0 0 0 ' ~ ; I p u n o a - e o l d n j o s o u e l d l e o l d " s o d 1 p o s e q - p u e I j o S U O ! S a 0 A U O ~ l ~ a a ! p s e ~ I e
i ~ o u a a e p u e U 0 A . U p a O l l o d o a d [ q e . t . ~ A U ! o . m s o u e l d l e o l j U O I . ] e I . A e I e a O u o o " a e o ~ ~ u ! p u e I
u ! e t u i e n s n a a o t u a q l o l ~ u ! p u o d s o ~ o ~ ' s ] e o U O A ~ I O ~ o a a q l I I e n s f l " s l e o U q p o ~ e i d o a
s ! ~ o ~ ~ u . t p u e I I 1 3 U O I . I U O A U O 3 o q l q 3 ! q A ~ U ! 1 j e a o a t e o a e s o u e i d l e o l j s l s ~ n s a t u e u a q l s v
~ ; E ' Z ; a a n B ! A ' a u ~ I d l ~ o l ~ I Z ; ' I , ' I , ' E
s ! s e q l u / ~ s u f i ! s e p I g m , d e o u o o ] , . . j . l ~ J O j ! V ~
Chapter 3
Flight regime and powerplant considerations
3.1 Introduction
The maximum, or maxi mum operating, speed is one of the more important of the
requirements which are specified for a particular aircraft. This has a dominant effect upon
the overall configuration of the aircraft and is directly related to the type of powerplant
system employed. Aircraft designed for supersonic operation frequently also have an
important subsonic role which implies a need for compromise in both the aircraft and
powerplant configurations, or possibly some form of variable geometry.
A general knowledge of the characteristics of various powerplants is necessary to
enable the correct selection of powerplant type to be made for a given aircraft application.
3.2 Powerplant characteristics
3.2.1 Thrust
The thrust developed by an engine is the rate of change of momentum imposed upon the
propelling medium:
T = -~tt(fftv) (3. l)
where T is thrust
is mass of propelling medium
v is velocity of propelling medium
54 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The working out of Eq (3.1) depends upon the type of powerplant. For example in the
case of a rocket engine in vacuum conditions:
T - Vj(-~) (3.2a)
where Vj is the characteristic exhaust velocity of a particular propellant and ( dr n/ dt ) is the
rate of burning of the propellant.
In the case of an air breathing engine having some measure of jet propulsion:
T - - m( Vj - Vo) . me V j . ( pj - Po) A
where m is now the mass flow through the engine per unit time
mF is the rate of fuel usage
Vj is the jet velocity
Vo is the aircraft speed
pj is the exhaust static pressure
Po is the freestream static pressure
Aj is the exhaust area
Usually, for this class of engine, m F is small in comparison with m and if there is
complete expansion in the exhaust pj is equal to Po so that approximately:
T = m(Vj - Vo) (3.2c)
This equation also applies to any propulsion system which uses an actuating disc, such
as a propeller.
It can be seen from Eq (3.2c) that a given thrust may be generated by an infinite number
of combinations of mass flow and velocity increment and different types of air breathing
engine reflect this possibility. It is also clear that the thrust will vary both with forward
speed and altitude as the mass flow is dependent upon density. In practice a further
complication is the variation of internal prime mover characteristics with forward speed.
For the purposes of comparing different types of engine it is convenient to use a
specific thrust defined as:
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 55
T s p - - ( V j - V o) (3.3)
which reduces to Vj for static conditions, Vj being the equivalent of the characteristic
exhaust velocity of a rocket engine.
3.2.2 Efficiency
The overall efficiency of a powerplant system is the product of a so-called "ideal"
efficiency and the various mechanical and thermal efficiencies of the engine, air intake
and exhaust/nozzles, as relevant. It is beyond the scope of this discussion to consider the
internal engine efficiencies in detail, but some comments concerning the ideal intake and
exhaust/nozzle efficiencies are relevant. Ideal propul si on efficiency
The ideal propulsion efficiency, r/, is defined as:
r/ = 2/ (l +Vj / V o) (3.4)
It can be seen that since Vj must be greater than V o to produce thrust, the highest
efficiency is realised when Vj is only a small increment above V o . This implies that the
most efficient powerplant, in ideal terms, is one where the thrust is generated by imposing
a small velocity increment on to a large mass of propulsive medium. In practice the
behaviour of the individual components of a powerplant system modifies the ideal
efficiency and introduces practical limitations. However, if these effects are ignored it can
be seen from Eq (3.4) that for a given characteristic velocity, Vj, the ideal efficiency
increases with forward speed, Vo , from a zero value in the static condition. Air intake pressure recovery
At higher aircraft speeds it is necessary to reduce the velocity of the air entering the intake
of a jet engine to a value which the compressor can tolerate. The velocity reduction is
accompanied by a change of pressure and a contribution to the net thrust. The ratio of
effective pressure recovery can be regarded as an intake efficiency, and clearly it should
be as high as possible. The major considerations arise when the airflow entering the
intake is greater than a Mach number of 1, resulting in the formation of shocks as the air
is slowed down. At higher entry Mach numbers the number of shocks required to achieve
acceptable pressure recovery is increased, as indicated in Figure 3.1. In addition the
intake performance drops significantly with small changes from the optimum
configuration. An essentially fixed geometry intake can be designed to provide acceptable
56 A i r c r a f t c o n c e p t u a l d e s i g n synthesis
pressure recovery over a wide subsonic Mach number range, although auxiliary doors
may be necessary for low speed conditions. At increasing supersonic Mach number the
compromises involved in using a fixed geometry intake become more penalising. Above
a Mach number of about 1.6 prolonged, efficient, flight demands the use of a variable
intake system. Inevitably at these higher speeds an intake solely designed to give
satisfactory lower speed performance will have a poor pressure recovery and there will
be a reduction in overall thrust. Typically at moderate subsonic speeds the intake system
accounts for less than 10% of the total thrust, while at a Mach number of about 2 a
correctly designed intake may provide 30% of the thrust.
tO O I
t -
t 2 3 /
_ No. of intake
4 5
~ Simple pitot
, ~ Si~#wedge
3 ~ Double wedge
' . . . - External - internal
" ~ double wedge
, - ~ External- internal
double wedge with
double wedge lip
Mach number
Fi gure 3.1 I ntake ef f i ci ency as a f unct i on of Mach number
3. 2. 2. 3 Ex ha us t and nozzl e c ons i de r at i ons
Although Eq (3.2b) would appear to indicate that additional thrust is produced when the
exhaust pressure is greater than the static value, this is not actually the case since this
situation means that the gases have not expanded to their full potential velocity and Vj is
less than would be the case if complete expansion were to be achieved. Therefore the
design of the exhaust/nozzle should be such as to achieve full expansion.
It is found that a fixed geometry convergent nozzle can be designed to give acceptable
performance for aircraft which operate up to transonic speed conditions. At higher Mach
numbers a convergent-divergent nozzle configuration is required to give complete
expansion. The wide range of engine and flight conditions which have to be met almost
invariably results in a need for such a nozzle to be of variable geometry. While at
subsonic speed the actual contribution of the exhaust/nozzle to the thrust is small,
possibly around 5% of the total, a figure of nearer 30% is likely at a Mach number of 2.
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 57
3. 2. 3 Noi se
The primary sources of turbine engine noise are the airflow interactions with the rotating
components and the exhaust. The noise from both of these sources is critically dependent
on their velocities. That due to rotating components is dependent upon velocity to a
power of approximately six while in the case of jet mixing the dependence is on velocity
to the power of eight. Thus while the actual noise generated is dependent upon many
detail considerations the importance of reducing the associated velocities is clear. This
is particularly true of the exhaust gases.
3.2.4 Rel ati onshi p between power and thrust of propel l er propul si on
It is usual for the performance of propeller engines to be stated in terms of power, rather
than thrust. In forward flight the thrust is given by:
T - r/P
Vo ( 3 . 5 )
where P is the power and Vo is the flight speed; r/is derived from Eq (3.4) for a given
propeller design.
Equation (3.5) breaks down under static conditions since in this case J7 is zero. In order
to calculate static thrust it is necessary to derive a static thrust coefficient, which may be
limited either by propeller design characteristics or by engine static power. See also
paragraphs, and
3.3 Types of powerplant
3.3.1 General
Essentially only two basic types of prime mover are employed in manned aircraft
applications. These are piston and turbine internal combustion engines.
Rocket engines do find wide application in certain classes of guided weapons and
vehicles which operate outside the atmosphere. In the past they have also occasionally
been used in manned aircraft, but the developments in turbine powerplants have been
such as to render a repetition of this unlikely.
Ramjets, which are air breathing engines which rely upon air intake compression rather
than rotating machinery, are also used in missiles. However, ramjet useful thrust is only
delivered at supersonic speeds and the only likely application to manned aircraft is in a
mixed powerplant configuration for speeds in excess of Mach 3.
58 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Electrically driven propellers have very limited application for small, very high
altitude, long endurance types which use solar panels as the power source.
3.3.2 Piston engines
Piston engines driving propellers were used exclusively to power aircraft during the first
40 years of practical flight. Individual units of up to about 2000 kW power were
developed. This was achieved by using a large number of cylinders arranged either
radially or in-line of flight. In either case two or more rows or "banks" of cylinders were
incorporated in what was a mechanically complex unit. Usually, but not exclusively, the
radial engines used air cooling while the in-line ones were liquid cooled.
More recently the application of piston engines has been limited to relatively small, low
speed, aircraft whi ch use engines of up to about 400 kW power. Most frequently these
are air cooled and use two banks, each of from one to three cylinders in-line. Liquid-
cooled engines have been employed occasionally, especially where noise is a major
Virtually all aircraft piston engines use gasoline fuel although diesel units have been
used from time to time.
Rotary or ' Wankel ' -t ype engines are related to piston engines and there has been some
application in the power range up to about 100 kW.
3.3.3 Gas turbines General
The great majority of aircraft are powered by one form or other of gas turbine engine.
The only aircraft where they are not universally employed is the small general aviation
class referred to in the previous paragraph. This is because small turbine engines are
relatively expensive and scale effects result in t hem being less efficient than larger
The common feature of all gas turbine engines is an assembly of air compressor,
combustion chamber and turbine. The power may be extracted mechanically through a
turbine-driven shaft or by expanding the exhaust gases through a nozzle in the jet
propulsion principle. Various compressor/turbine shaft configurations are found, depending
upon the intended application of the engine. Shaft engines are employed to drive propellers
or rotor systems through gearboxes. Illustrations of typical turbine powerplants can be
found in "The Jet Engine" (see Chapter 9, Appendix 9.1, Reference D6).
Apart from a few very small units axial compressors are used rather than centrifugal
ones to enable the necessary high pressure ratios to be achieved. Advanced engines may
have an overall pressure ratio of the order of 40.
Kerosine is the most commonl y used fuel, although there are other possibilities.
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 59 Jet engines
A basic j et engine has a single shaft which connects the turbine to the compressor. The
role of the latter is to compress the air needed to provide the exhaust gases which are
expanded through the nozzle to produce the thrust. In passing from the combustion
chamber to the nozzle some of the gas energy is extracted to drive the compressor through
the turbine.
A more efficient engine may be produced by dividing the compressor into two parts,
each driven by separate turbine/shaft assemblies. While such engines are heavier and
mechanically more complex these disadvantages are usually outweighed by the improved
performance, especially in terms of lower fuel consumption. Low bypass ratio engines
In a bypass engine the compressor is divided into two or three separate parts, each of
which is driven by individual turbine/shaft assemblies. Some of the compressed air
output from the first, low pressure, stage of the compressor is ducted directly into the
exhaust nozzle. The rest passes through the subsequent compressor stages, combustion
chamber and turbines before joining the ducted air in the nozzle. While such an engine
is more complex it is more efficient than a basic jet engine since the thrust is obtained by
employing a relatively higher mass flow and lower average exhaust velocity. For the same
reason it is also less noisy.
Bypass ratio is defined as the ratio of the mass of air passing directly to the nozzle to
that passing through the turbo machinery. Most recent powerplants intended for use on
high performance combat aircraft utilise a bypass configuration, with bypass ratios
typically between 0.4 and 1.0. Engines in this category may have a basic thrust of up to
about 70 kN, or more for special applications such as vertical take-off. Afterburning/reheat engines
When the performance requirements for an aircraft demand very high thrust for a short
period of time, such as during transonic acceleration or for a supersonic dash, it is
possible to augment the exhaust gases by injecting and burning additional fuel between
the turbines and the nozzle. This is known as afterburning or reheat, and is applicable
both to basic j et and bypass engines. Depending upon the requirements and circumstances
the thrust may be increased by more than 70%, but at the expense of, possibly, a fourfold
increase in specific fuel consumption. Turbofan engines
A turbofan engine is a development of the bypass j et engine where the first stage of the
compressor is substantially increased in diameter to become a ducted fan. In this
configuration much of the thrust is derived from the ducted air and the basic engine,
known also as a gas generator, is there primarily to provide gases to drive the fan through
its separate shaft/turbine unit.
60 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Bypass ratios range commonly from 4 to 7 but values of 8 or more have been
employed. In the great majority of engines the fan is directly driven by the turbine
although geared fan systems have been used experimentally with bypass ratios in excess
of 10. Fan engines are used for subsonic aircraft except for those powered by propellers.
Thrust capability covers a very wide range from a low of around 8 kN to a potential high
of the order of 500 kN. Turboprop/turboshaft engines
In this type of engine the turbine stage is normally divided into two parts, each driving
separate concentric shafts. The high pressure turbine stage drives the compressor which
is essentially employed to supply the air needed to produce the gases to power the
turbines. The low pressure turbine drives the power output shaft. The low velocity
exhaust gases may be converted into a small residual thrust.
Turboprop engines incorporate a reduction gearbox to connect the low pressure turbine
shaft to the propeller. There is no local gearbox in the case of a turboshaft engine, any
required reduction in drive speed being achieved remotely, such as by a helicopter main
Engines in this category typically range from around 300 to 4000 kW power output
although both smaller and larger units have been produced. Undueted fan engines
Unducted fan engines are effectively a hybrid between the ducted fan engine and the
turboprop engine. The aim is to raise the Mach number at which open rotor engines may
be operated, primarily to achieve better efficiency than the ducted fan type. It is not clear
whether the difficulties associated with this concept, such as noise, vibration and
mechanical complexity, justify the potential reduction in fuel consumption.
3.4 Typical engine parameters
3.4.1 Specific thrust
Figure 3.2 shows typical static specific thrust values for various types of gas turbine
powerplant. As would be expected from the definition of specific thrust, Eq (3.3), the
higher values relate to those engines which have lower relative mass flows.
3.4.2 Frontal area~disc loading
The mass flow is effectively a function of the "capture area" employed by the basic
powerplant. The capture area ranges from the intake area of a jet or bypass engine to the
fan or propeller disc area. In some circumstances a knowledge of the thrust as a function
of the capture area is useful. This is known as the disc loading for a ducted fan or open
propeller propulser. Typical values are given in Table 3.1.
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 61
Table 3.1 Typical effective disc loading
(Thrust/frontal area)
Jet with afterburning
(kN/m 2)
up to 200
Bypass ratio; one with afterburning up to 150
Bypass ratio; one 85
Fan; bypass ratio four 60
Fan; bypass ratio six 50
Fan; bypass ratio ten 35
Unducted fan 15
3 Advanced turboprop
Conventional turboprop 2
Piston propeller 1
S p e c i f i c
Th r u s t
( m / s )
1200 ~ j Wi t h aiterburning
1ooo t ~x
800 {. \ \
6 0 0 ~ ~ , . ~
400 ]. ~ No afferbuming
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
By p a s s r a t i o
Figure 3.2 Static specific thrust for gas turbines
3.4.3 Propulsive efficiencies
Figure 3.3 shows typical variation of ideal powerplant efficiencies as a function of Mach
number. While the trends shown are common to any given class of powerplant, detail
variations are possible according to the design requirements in a particular case.
62 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
% 60
Piston-prop Basic jet Advanced turbo-prop Turbofan
4 0 ~ / / /
20 Rocket
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Mach number
Figure 3.3 Ideal propulsive efficiencies
3.5 Flight regimes of powerplants
3.5.1 General
Simplistically it may be assumed that the internal thermal and mechanical efficiencies of
all aircraft air breathing engines are similar. Although this is a drastic assumption it does
enable a first order comparison to be made of the various types of powerplant on the sole
basis of the ideal efficiency, Eq (3.4). Using this basis Figure 3.3 illustrates how the
efficiencies of the various powerplant types determine the Mach number regime
appropriate to their application.
3.5.2 Propeller engines
Because the thrust from a propeller is derived by the addition of a small velocity change
to a large mass of air, the efficiency increases rapidly with forward speed. However, at
higher subsonic Mach numbers the performance of the propeller suffers, mainly as a result
of the adverse changes of pressure distribution on the blades due to compressibility effects.
There is therefore a limit to the Mach number at which propellers may be efficiently
employed. Modern propellers which use wide chord, multiple, swept blades rotating
relatively slowly can be usefully used up to a Mach number of about 0.7, although a
somewhat lower value, say between 0.6 and 0.65 is a more frequent design point. At low
speeds a turboprop engine has an effective bypass ratio which is in excess of 50.
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 63
Propellers may be designed to achieve their highest efficiency at various Mach
numbers depending upon the required application. The adjustment of blade pitch on an
individual propeller enables relatively high efficiency to be achieved over a range of
speeds. Propellers designed for small, slow flying aircraft, at say around 40 m/s, may
only be able to achieve a peak efficiency of about 70%. At somewhat higher speeds 80%
is commonl y realised with 85 to 90% efficiency achieved for flight at Mach numbers of
between 0.3 and 0.65.
It may be concluded that for flight speeds up to about a Mach number of 0.5 the
propeller, whether it be piston or turbine driven, is the only realistic possibility when the
efficiency of fuel usage is a dominant consideration. In the Mach number range from 0.5
to, possibly, 0.7 the turboprop engine is generally the most efficient means of propulsion.
Other considerations, such as those of aircraft overall layout, begin to become significant
at these speeds.
3.5.3 Unducted fan engines
The unducted fan engine is effectively a high disc loading propeller powerplant where
useful efficiency is retained up to a Mach number of about 0.8, and it therefore achieves
better fuel economy than the ducted fan engines more commonl y employed at this speed.
While there is an undoubted potential for this lower specific fuel consumption it is
achieved at the expense of a complex and heavy powerplant. Local noise aspects suggest
that such powerplants should be located at the rear of the aircraft. No clear application
has yet arisen where this class of engine is preferable in overall terms to the other
3.5.4 Turbofan engines
The ducted turbofan is the obvious choice of powerplant when the maxi mum normal
flight speed is in the high subsonic region, say Mach numbers in the range 0.7 to 0.9. The
actual bypass ratio used depends upon the application, and is a compromise between
engine diameter and mass on the one hand and fuel economy on the other. As a general
rule the higher bypass ratios in the typical range 4 to 8 are used on relatively longer range
Turbofan engines also have some application to aircraft which normally operate at
Mach numbers in the range 0.5 to 0.7. While their efficiency at these lower speeds is less
than that of a propeller engine, their relatively small size can enable a more compact
aircraft to be designed which is more efficient in overall terms. Such aircraft are often in
the small business/executive class.
At very high subsonic speeds the higher bypass ratio turbofan engine begins to loose
efficiency for reasons not dissimilar to those associated with loss of efficiency of
64 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
3.5.5 Low bypass ratio engines
It is clear from Eq (3.2) that as flight speed increases it is necessary to increase the jet
velocity to achieve thrust. This implies the use of engines which operate on relatively
smaller masses of air. Low bypass ratio and jet engines generally fall into this category.
Wi t h just one or two notable exceptions, such as Concorde, aircraft which operate
above a Mach number of 0.9 and into the supersonic region are military types. While at
one time such aircraft employed basic jet engines, the great majority are now fitted with
powerplants having a bypass ratio in the range 0.4 to 1.0. The facility for afterburning is
also usual in order to augment the jet velocity at higher Mach numbers and in transonic
Engines in this category have exhaust velocities of up to 700 m/s and this is increased
to 1100 m/s when afterburning is used. A bypass ratio of less than 1 is likely for flight at
a Mach number of 2.
3.5.6. Basic j et engine
The development of the afterburning low bypass ratio engine suggests that there is little
future application for a basic jet engine. A velocity of 1100 rn/s is in excess of a Mach
number of 3.5 at altitude and in practice the limitation to exhaust velocity is one of engine
construction materials and this applies equally to both the basic and low bypass ratio jet
3.6 Powerplant performance representation
3.6.1 Introducton
The synthesis of an aircraft configuration requires a knowl edge of certain vital
powerplant characteristics. It is important to use the most accurate possible representation
of the variation of thrust and specific fuel consumption with speed, altitude and engine
conditions. It is always highly desirable to use the characteristics of a known powerplant.
When such data are available it must be recognised that there are likely to be some flight
conditions where the powerplant has to operate at settings other than the ideal design
values and consequently the specific fuel consumption becomes greater than would
otherwise be the case.
Sometimes the detailed characteristics of a given powerplant are not available. Even
when they are it may be useful to have generalised expressions of their variation with
flight conditions. Various literature sources quote generalised expressions for powerplant
performance which can be used for initial configuration studies. Typical expressions are
given here which are of use when available powerplant data are inadequate to cover all
the required conditions. The models can be adapted to represent a given powerplant when
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 65
the data for several aircraft performance points are known, the critical aircraft
performance conditions being used for matching.
3.6.2 Thrust representation General
The maximum thrust or power available for any given engine is primarily dependent upon
three main parameters:
a) Flight speed (Mach number).
b) Flight altitude. This is conveniently defined in terms of the relative air density, a.
c) Engine operating conditions. This covers operation at other than optimum design
conditions. Turbojet and bypass engines
a) Flight speed (Mach number). The thrust models are conveniently given as a function
of Mach number over three ranges:
i) Low subsonic speed (Mach number up to 0.4)
ii) High subsonic speed (Mach number range of 0.4 to 0.9)
iii) Transonic and supersonic speed (Mach numbers above 0.9)
b) Flight altitude. Up to 11 km altitude the thrust varies approximately in proportion to
some power, s, of the relative density. This power varies in the range of around 0.6 for
a high bypass ratio engine, up to about 0.85 for an engine of nominally zero bypass ratio.
Above 11 km altitude the thrust variation is more or less directly proportional to the
relative density. Thus when it is useful to use a simple model to represent the performance
of an engine at altitudes significantly above 11 km it is best to base the model on
conditions at this transitional altitude. In the absence of better information an assumption
of 0.7 for the relative density power gives a reasonable overall average up to around 15 km
altitude in the case of fan engines.
c) Engine operating conditions. This covers engine operation with, or without, the use
of reheat at engine conditions other than the design value and non-optimum intake and
nozzle geometry.
It is convenient to relate operating thrust values to a datum, sea level static dry condition,
that is without use of afterburner when this is incorporated in the engine. The values
suggested are for the basic engine in typical operating mode with allowance for
achievable intake recovery factor and nozzle performance. This implies variable geometry
intakes at Mach numbers in excess of about 1.7 and variable convergent-divergent
66 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
nozzles for supersonic flight generally. There is no specific allowance for other
installation losses, see paragraph 3.6.4.
At any given condition it is possible to define:
T = rT o (3.6)
where To is the datum sea level static dry thrust
T is the available operating thrust at any given condition
r is a factor dependent upon (a) to (c) listed above and the bypass
ratio, R
The r factor may be written as:
For 0 < MN -< 0.9:
For MN > 0.9:
z = F[ K/ r + K2f l + (K3 + K4R ) ( Ms - 0.9)] a s (3.7b)
where s is the altitude factor referred to in subparagraph (b) above and F r is a factor to
allow for the use of afterburning. F r is unity under basic, dry operating conditions.
Typically when afterburning is used:
006 ,
where Tw and To are the sea level static thrust values in wet and dry operating conditions
respectively. When reheat is used F~ may be taken as unity for engines intended for long
range cruise applications, but is likely to be higher, say up to 1.3, for combat aircraft
KI~, K2r, K3r and K4r are assumed to be constant for a given powerplant in a defined
Mach number range and operating condition. Typical values are suggested together with
those of s in Table 3.2. It should be pointed out that in practice the detail design of the
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 67
engine, especially the overall pressure ratio, has an i mport ant effect upon the actual
values of the Ki~
Table 3.2 Powerplant thrust parameters
o r
3 to
g4r S ~
0.07 0.8
-0.27 0.8
-0.23 0.8
-0.17 0.8
-0.O5 O.8
0.4 0.8
* Strictly s values apply up to 11 km altitude above which the factor is unity based on
the 11 km altitude condition as a datum.
3. 6. 2. 3 P r o p e l l e r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
The efficiency of a propeller, r/, is defined in Eq (3.5) and is a function both of the
advance ratio, J, and the thrust coefficient, Cr, the latter being influenced by the pitch to
diameter ratio.
J = Vo/(nDp) (3.9a)
where Vo is the forward speed (m/s)
n is the rotational speed (rev/s)
Dp is the propeller diameter (m)
68 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The value of (nDp) is limited both by tip Mach number and noise considerations. Typical
values for unducted propellers lie in the range 60 to 100 m/s. For example:
i) Small directly driven piston engine applications, which typically have two
or three blades (nDp) = 90 m/s
ii) Turboprop trainers and related types with, say, four bladed propellers
(nDp) = 80 m/s
iii) Small general aviation and regional turboprops, usually with three to five
bladed propellers (nDp) = 75 m/s
iv) Large turbo propeller driven transport aircraft with up to six bladed
propellers as low as (nDp) = 63 m/s
The maximum achievable efficiency is approximately given by:
For 0.4 _<J < 1.0 q = 0.82J 0.4 (3.9b)
For J >_1.0 r/= (0.82J 0.16)/(10 J) (3.9c)
where j = 0.3(log j ) 2. 4
In some circumstances the thrust, and hence efficiency, may be limited by the achievable
thrust coefficient and the efficiency is not likely to exceed:
1 . 8 p z l ( n 7 J P 10- (3.9d)
where Po is the maximum engine shaft power (kW)
p is the air density
z is the number of propeller blades
Current practice suggests that for new aircraft designs z is the nearest whole number to
(0.4P00.35) but not greater than six. Space limitations on developed designs may result in
the need to use a greater number of blades than suggested by this relationship.
Equation (3.9d) is most likely to be critical for lower values of (nDp) and J. There is
unlikely to be any significant effect for engines having a shaft power below 1700 kW or
when the value of (nDp) is more than 80 m/s.
The overall efficiency in cruise conditions, and for powers above about 1000 kW is
JTCr = 0.59P0 0.05 (3.9e)
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 69
The thrust in any given flight condition, except static, is given by:
T = q P o x 103/Vo N
T = ~1Po x 10 3/j ( nDp) N (3.90
By def i n i t i o n r ! is zer o i n stati c co n di t i o n s an d i n thi s case the t hr ust is gi ven by:
Ts = ( Cr )s P( nDp ) 2Dr N (3.9g)
where (COs is the static thrust coefficient. A typical maxi mum value of the static thrust
coefficient is:
, c , s = O O O 8 S z o l ( ) o . 6
where ( Po/ A) is the power disc loading (1.273 Po/Op 2)
Po is the static (max. rated) power, kW
The propeller rotational speed, n, is chosen in conjunction with the diameter to give the
best compromise between tip speed and efficiency in a given application in line with the
values of ( nDp) suggested above. Typically:
Direct drive piston engines
Geared turboprop engines
n = 45 rev/s
n = 433(Po) -'4 rev/s
Typical power disc loadings are:
a) D i r ect dr i ve p i st o n
en gi n es: Po _ 4.7pO.5 kW/ m 2 (3.9i)
b) T ur bo p r o p s bas ed o n abo ve val ue o f n:
. . 1 . . 0 . 2 7
1.43/-' 0
A ( nDpf"
105 kW/ m 2 (3.9j)
70 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The diameter of the propeller follows from the above equations:
Direct drive piston engines: Dp = 0.52Po 25 m
Turboprops, approx: Dp = 3(nDp)Po 0.365 X 10 .3 rn
or : Dp = 0.1( Ts ) 0403
Pz 0"15 (nDp) -0"089 m
, 4 35 ( ) , , 0,
wh e r e P o - (nDp)3 pz0.15 104 k W (3.9m)
which follow from Eqs (3.9g), (3.9h) and (3.9k). For values of n other than 433(P0 -4)
the product (nDp) is taken as constant to give a revised value of Dp. If required a
revised value of (Po/A) may be calculated). Turboprop
While it is possible to express the thrust of a turboprop engine as a function of both speed
and altitude, it is usually preferable to separate the shaft power from the effect of
propeller efficiency. Unless otherwise stated the thrust values are for a single engine.
a) Maximum power take-off conditions
The relationship between climb/cruise power and the sea level static maximum value is
complicated by the possibility of " fiat rating" the engine to overcome the effects of
altitude and temperature on take-off performance. In general maximum take-off power
is effectively independent of speed up to a Mach number of about 0.25. However it does
fall with altitude.
The take-off performance is conveniently expressed in terms of the static thrust, as
given by the inversion of Eq (3.9m):
T S = 1 . 7 3 p z l S( n D e ) 2 7 p g "905 10 -4 N
The second segment climb performance can be based on the static power rating.
Assuming that the engine is flat rated up to about 30C, or the equivalent, then the
equation given in Chapter 7, paragraph 7.3.4 may be used with a correction to allow for
the fact that power is not reduced under hot and high conditions. It is likely that the
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 71
second segment climb speed will correspond to a value of the advance ratio less than
unity and when this is so and there is no thrust coefficient limit, from Eqs (3.9b) and (3.9f):
0.82P 0 x 10 3
Tss = N (3.10b)
( nDp) V 06
where Tss is the required thrust to meet the second segment climb condition, as defined
in Chapter 7, paragraph 7.3.4. and V is the climb out speed:
V = 1. 1( V us ) n ,
where (Vvs)HH is the true unstick speed in hot and high conditions.
The equivalent static thrust, using Eq (3.10a) and making the above-mentioned
correction is:
t ) 0.9o5
T s = 3.92Nooz"5(Vus)55(nOp) TM TssAtE) 10 -7 N (3.10c)
where Ne is the number of engines
Vus is the unstick speed in standard conditions
When the thrust coefficient limitation applies throughout the second segment climb
phase, it may be assumed that:
Ts = Tss approximately
This presumes that the thrust coefficient is effectively constant at the static value,
although in fact it may increase slightly at low forward speed.
b) C l i mb/ c r ui s e p o w e r a n d t hr us t
As far as the climb/cruise power is concerned it is convenient to base the power variation
on an equivalent static value ( Po) eQ, derived from the performance at maximum
continuous rating and 3 km altitude"
If the true static maxi mum power Po is known, as is the power, PI, at 3 km
altitude and some Mach number Mm, then approximately:
(P)31, = 0.74PJ(0.74 + 0.58MN, ) (3.10e)
72 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
wher e (P)3k is a nomi nal static power at 3 km altitude, and
(Po)ea - 2" 67(P)3k - 1" 33P0 (3.100
i i ) If Po is not known, but Pt at 3 km al t i t ude and Mach number MNt is known,
or can be deri ved f r om aircraft per f or mance requi rement s, then assume:
(Po)eo = 1.1 (P)3k (3.10g)
as a typical val ue and then:
P o - 1.07 (P)EQ- l'17(P)3k (3.1Oh)
iii) The cl i mb/ crui se maxi mum cont i nuous power rat i ng is gi ven by:
+ 0
iv) For cl i mb/ crui se condi t i ons at a Mach number in excess of about 0.25 it may
be assumed that J >_1.0 and using Eq (3.9e):
T = 590PP5/ V
hence T = 1.74PP5/M~r '117
wher e it is assumed that MN = V/340 a ~7
Replacing P from Eq (3.10i) and using Eq (3.10h), the maximum cruise thrust is:
T = 1.62Po 15 [(tr '883/M N ) + 0.75a 0.733] N (3.~oj)
Equat i on (3. 10j) assumes that there is no thrust coeffi ci ent l i mi t at i on at this val ue of J.
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 73
The thrust given by Eq (3.10j) may be related to the total aircraft static condition by use
of Eq (3.9m):
1 , 4 p z O { + x 10 -4 N (3.10k)
3. 6. 2. 5 Pi st on propel l er powerpl ant s - general avi at i on ai rcraft
a) Gen er al
There can be considerable variation of power with altitude dependent upon the induction
system, that is whether or not supercharging is employed and if so to what degree. When
there is no supercharging the power is approximately proportional to relative density to
the power of 1.1. Power is also approximately proportional to engine speed.
Supercharging may be used either to :
i) Maintain sea level power up to say, 5 km altitude, or
ii) Increase sea level power by a significant amount, up to a factor of about
two. The power then decreases as the relative density decreases, as with
an unsupercharged engine.
Variation of power with forward speed is negligible.
The power available in climb/cruise conditions is primarily dependent upon the ratio
of the engine revolution speed to its maximum value, for a given altitude and air inlet
conditions. Typical climb rating is 90% power and maximum cruise 85 %. All values are
given for one engine.
b) T he st at i c t hr ust may be t aken as:
T s = 42Po 85 N per engine (3.11a)
From Eq (3.9k) the propeller diameter in terms of static thrust is approximately:
Dp = 0. 17Ts 3 m (3.1 l b)
c) C l i mb
Piston-engined aircraft usually climb at relatively low forward speed and it is most likely
that the advance ratio will be less than unity. Hence from Eq (3.9b):
74 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
0.82P x 103
Tcl = N
ci6 (nOp) 0"4 (3.1 lC)
Assuming that the maxi mum continuous climb ratingis 90% of the maxi mum rated value
and that, typically, ( n Dp ) = 90 m/s:
TCI : 0 . 1 2 2 t r l l p 0 x 103/ ( V cl )0"6 N (3.11d)
and using Eq (3.1 la) the equivalent static thrust is:
T s = 0.71(Vcl) 51a-94 (Tcl)85 N
(or: r ctT s = (Tct) 85 = 1. 4 1( V o ) - 5' a94 T s )
d) C r ui s e
i) Cruise speed less than about 90 m/s: J ___1.0
Equat i on (3.11c) applies to this condition also, and if the engine
continuous cruise rating is 85% of the maxi mum rated value Eqs (3.1 ld)
and (3.1 le) become respectively:
Tcr = 0. 115allP o x 103/(Vcr )0"6 N
( Thi s is the maxi mum avai lable value al l o wi n g f o r p r o p el l er effi ci ency)
The corresponding static thrust is:
T s = 0.74 (Vcr)O'51(y-O'92(Tcr)0"85 N
(or: TcrT S = ( T c ) 0"85 = 1.35(Vcr)-51a'92Ts )
ii) Cruise speed greater than 90 m/s: J > 1.0
Equat i on (3.9c) predicts the efficiency for this condition. For the likely
range of advance ratio it may be simplified to:
q = 0.4 VCr TM (3.11h)
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 75
The maximum cruise thrust is then"
0. 4 ( V c r ) I 6 p 10 3
Tcr = N (3.1 li)
T C r = 0.34trllPo x 103/(Vcr )0"84 N (3.11j)
and the corresponding static thrust is:
T S -- 0.3(Vcr)O'7140"-'92(Tcr )0"85 N
( o r : I ' cr T S = (Tcr)0" 85 = 3. 33( V cr ) - ' 714 o ' 92T s )
3.6.3 Fuel consumption characteristics General
The specific fuel consumption achieved in a given application depends upon the actual
installation details. The values quoted in this paragraph are uninstalled values, and need
to be factored appropriately when the fuel consumption is based on actual thrust
available, see paragraph 3.6.4. Turbojet and Turbofan
A dominant parameter in the determination of the variation of specific fuel consumption
with forward speed is the bypass ratio, R. Altitude also has some effect as does the detail
of the engine operating cycle and throttle setting.
The following equations attempt to simplify this complex matter.
a) Dr y ( n o r eheat)
c = c/(1 - 0.15R 0.65) [1 + 0.28(1 + 0.063R 2)M u ] a s
up to 11 km altitude, above which c should be assumed to be constant with altitude.
76 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
where c is the specific fuel consumption at the design condition
c' is a factor which should be determined by reference to the actual specific fuel
consumption of a given powerplant at a critical datum condition
Very approximately for:
i) Supersonic engine R _<1.0
ii) Low bypass ratio subsonic engine
iii) Large subsonic turbofans
c ' = 0.95 N/N/h
(27 mg/N/s)
c' = 0.85 N/N/h
(24 mg/N/s)
c' = 0.70 N/N/h
(20 mg/N/s)
When c is known for a given datum design condition, say for example c = 0.56 N/N/h for
a long range transport operating at a Mach number of 0.8 and 11 km altitude with bypass
ratio of 5, then:
0.56 - c/(1 - 0.15 x 5-65)[1 + 0.28(1 + 0.063 x 52)0.8] x 0.907
where 0.907 is a oo8 at 11 km, 0.56 = 0.819c' , c' = 0.684 N/N/h
When the engine is operated at some thrust less than the design value in a given flight
condition there is a tendency for an increase of specific fuel consumption. This is
COD = ~ 1 + 0.01( T
f o r T / T o o < I O
where Coo and Too refer to the off-design conditions.
b) Af t er bur n i n g ( r eheat) . The specific fuel consumption when afterburning is used is
further complicated by the degree of afterburning employed. Approximately:
c = 1.05 -~o 1 + 0.17M N
N/ N/ h (3.13)
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 77
This applies up to 11 km altitude, above which c should be assumed to be constant with
altitude. Tur boshaf t engines
There is evidence to suggest a small fall in specific fuel consumption with increase of
forward speed, but negligible altitude effect. Typically the maximum continuous rating
has a specific fuel consumption which is about 95% of the value at the maximum rating.
For engines of new design the fuel consumption in terms of power, (C)e, in climb/cruise
conditions is:
(c)p= 2.88(1 - 0.025P o 10 -3) (1 - 0. 2MN) N/ kW/ h (3.14a)
In terms of thrust, (c),, this becomes:
0 0 , 0 N/N/h (3.14b)
where ~7 is given by Eqs (3.9b), (3.9c) or (3.9e) as appropriate.
It should be noted that while Eq (3.14a) refers to shaft power, not flight power, Eq
(3.14b) inevitably includes the effect of propeller efficiency. Equations (3.14a) and
(3.14b) are based on the power of a single engine. Piston engines
The specific fuel consumption for a normally aspirated engine is proportional to engine
speed and it may increase at lower power settings. Typically for engines operated
" economically" :
, c, cf, +0 4 / : 0r/
N/kW/h (3.15a)
where Po is the maximum rated power
Pr is the power required in a given flight condition
c' depends upon the actual engine and its mode of operation. It typically has a value of
unity, or somewhat less.
In determining Pr allowance must be made for propeller efficiency.
78 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The specific fuel consumption in terms of thrust, making allowance for propeller
efficiency becomes:
v o N/N/h
- - x 1 (3.15b)
approximately, where Po and Pr in Eq (3.15a) are the values for a single engine and ~/is
given by Eqs (3.9b) or (3.9c) as appropriate.
3.6.4 Installation l osses
The power and thrust values given in Eqs (3.7) to (3.11) refer to the basic powerplant and
make allowance only for propeller, intake and nozzle efficiencies. Allowance must also
be made for other installation losses such as power offtakes for the various secondary
systems. These may be relatively small during take-off but may be significant under
cruise conditions, possibly accounting for 5% or more loss of thrust. Fuel consumption
should be based on thrust in the absence of these losses, including allowance for an off-
design condition, Eq (3.12b), where appropriate.
3.7 Powerpl ant mass
The mass of a given type of powerplant is closely related to the static thrust or power.
Typical values are quoted in Chapter 6, paragraph, in the section dealing with
aircraft mass prediction.
3.8 Typical aircraft installed thrust and power
Table 3.3A lists typical values of installed static thrust to weight ratio for various kinds
of aircraft equipped with fan or jet engines. Table 3.3B gives similar data for propeller-
driven aircraft, and includes typical power to weight ratios.
Flight regime and powerplant considerations 79
Table 3.3A Typical static thrust to weight ratios
Jet and fan driven aircraft
Civil - twin - light executive
- executive/regional jets
- transports
, ,
three - executive
- transports
four - regional jets
- transport
- supersonic transport
Military - trainers, light attack
- light attack, with heavy payload*
, , ,
- subsonic attack
- supersonic fighter/attack*
- air superiority
- subsonic bomber, transport and related
special missions
, ,
- supersonic bomber
- subsonic high altitude survey
- vertical take-off and landing
- short take-off and vertical landing
, , ,
Thrust to weight ratio
- 1.3
0.7 - 0. 9
* Large variations are possible in these cases, dependent upon the mission requirements
80 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Table 3.3B Typical static power and thrust to weight ratios
Propeller-driven aircraft
Pi st on engi ne - single - basic general aviation
- specialist aerobatic
Pi st on engi ne - t wi n - light commut er, etc.
Turbi ne engi ne - single - commut er, etc.
- basic trainers
t wi n - light
- commut er
- execut i ve
- t ransport
- special military types, up to
four - t ransport s
Power to wei ght
kW/ kN (x 103)
Thrust to
wei ght ratio
0. 35-0. 55
0. 30
0. 32
0. 45-0. 55
0. 30
0. 30-0. 35
0. 35-0. 45
0. 32-0. 38
0. 4
, , ,
0. 22-0. 28
Chapter 4
Fuselage layout
4.1 I ntro du cti o n
The fuselage fulfills several functions. In the majority of aircraft these include the
provision of volume for the payload and overall structural integrity. In many designs the
fuselage has several other purposes such as the mounting of landing gear units and the
housing of powerplant systems. Fuselage layout is simplified if there is no requirement
for crew accommodation.
Once the fundamental configuration of the aircraft has been established it is usually
possible to propose a layout for the fuselage with only secondary reference to other
aspects of the design. Therefore this is often a useful starting point in the overall layout
process. Layout of the fuselage can be complex as a result of the numerous detail
requirements and alternative possibilities which must be considered.
Certain fuselage layouts, such as those of passenger and freight aircraft, may be
derived by using a semi-analytical approach. Others, such as combat aircraft with a
fuselage-located powerplant and internal weapons bay, have to be laid out. This latter
process may be approached by various means but an effective technique is to work with
modules which can be combined together in different layouts. The modules can include
such items as crew accommodation, powerplant system, payload configurations, fuel
volume, landing gear stowage, wing carry through structure, empennage and so on.
82 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
4.2 Primary considerations
4.2.1 General
There are some primary considerations which have a major impact upon the layout. It
is necessary to consider these before proceeding to detailed aspects of the configuration.
4.2.2 Payload and related items
In many aircraft a large part of the fuselage volume is occupied by the payload. The main
exceptions are:
a) Single-~two-seat light aircraft, where the occupants are considered to be the payload.
b) Trainer~light strike aircraft, where the weapon payload is usually carded on the wings.
c) High performance combat aircraft, where the weapons are carded on the outside of the
fuselage or on wing pylons. Nevertheless many aircraft in this category are also equipped
with internal guns which do have a major impact upon some parts of the fuselage layout.
Payload and related items carded within the fuselage of various kinds of aircraft include:
i) Passengers and baggage
ii) Freight
iii) Internal weapons, which as well as fuselage-located guns may include such
items as free fall bombs and guided weapons located in a dedicated bay.
iv) Crew, which in some cases such as antisubmarine and early warning
aircraft may occupy a large part of the fuselage volume.
v) Fuel, which is frequently exchangeable for payload on a mass basis. While
fuselage fuel tanks as such are rarely used in passenger aircraft they are
inevitable, and hence common, in many trainer and combat aircraft.
vi) Avionics, which for the class of aircraft mentioned in (iv) above is a major
part of the payload. Flight test instrumentation may be regarded as the
equivalent for experimental aircraft.
Since many of these types of payload constitute a major part of fuselage volume they are
considered in more detail in paragraph 4.5.
4.2.3 Pressurisation
Operational requirements may dictate that the fuselage of a manned aircraft is
pressurised. When this is the case it is likely to have a major effect upon the overall
shape of the fuselage, especially the cross-section.
Two distinctly different levels of pressurisation may be identified:
Fuselage layout 83
a) Low differential pressure. This is mainly associated with combat aircraft where the
crew are also equipped with pressure suits, but it may also be relevant to some general
aviation aircraft. In the former case the cockpit pressurisation is primarily intended to
provide a safe environment should the suit system fail while the aircraft is flying at high
altitude. In the latter case it is to confer greater comfort for the occupants of a propeller-
engined aircraft when it is operating at moderately high altitude. For the purpose of
definition a low level of differential pressure may be defined as one no greater than about
0.27 bar (4 lb/in 2) although this is somewhat arbitrary in the case of a general aviation
aircraft. As a general guideline the effect of the pressurisation requirement is to
necessitate careful detail design of the pressure compartment and the avoidance of flat
surfaces where possible. This is less significant in the case of small, highly
manoeuvrable, combat aircraft which inevitably have a substantial structure than it is for
lightly built general aviation aircraft where some of the considerations of the next
paragraph may apply. See Figure 4.1.
- 1 i -
( a ) ( b ) ( c )
( d) ( e)
Figure 4.1 Mil itary aircraf t cro s s - s ectio ns
b) Normal (high) differential pressure. More usually in the case of turbine-powered
transport aircraft the differential pressure requirement is established to ensure that at no
phase of operation does the effective altitude of the cabin exceed 2.44 km (8000 ft) and
preferably not more than about 1.83 km (6000 ft). These values are appropriate for usual
passenger transport operations. The implied pressure differential for subsonic aircraft
84 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
covers the range from about 0.37 bar (5.5 lb/in 2 ) for aircraft designed to operate at up to
7.6 km (25,000 ft) to 0.58 bar (8.5 lb/in 2) which is appropriate to 13.1 km (43,000 ft)
operating altitude. A supersonic airliner flying at, say, 19.8 km (65,000 ft) altitude
requires a differential pressure of 0.65 bar (9.4 lb/in2). Because the higher order of
pressure differential is mainly associated with passenger aircraft the greater part of the
fuselage is subject to it and it constitutes a major and possibly overriding fuselage
structural design requirement. In particular the cross-section of the outer shell must be
based on circular arc cross-sections if significant mass penalties are to be avoided.
Figures 4.2 to 4.4 illustrate typical cross-section shapes and show how non-circular,
double bubble, configurations may be used providing that a tie, for example in the form
of a floor, is incorporated to join points of change of radius of curvature. While such an
arrangement can confer layout flexibility in some cases, see also paragraph, there
is no doubt that a true circular shape is preferable when it can be achieved as it eliminates
difficult joints. Non-circular shapes such as ellipses imply bending of the cross-section
of the shell and a correspondingly high mass penalty. It is not structurally essential for
the fuselage cross-section to be constant along its length. However, in transport aircraft
it is usual for the greater part of the fuselage to be of constant cross-section to facilitate
manufacture and provide versatility of internal layout.
Small unpressurised
freight aircraft
SD 360
Fl oor tie
~ - -
BAe 146 (c)
Fl oor t i e
( e )
Figure 4.2 Transport aircraft fuselage cross-sections
Fuselage layout 85
Floor ties
Two deck double-bubble
Figure 4.3 Fuselage cross-sections of large transport aircraft
Vq " " "
LD3 containers
Figure 4.4 Fuselage cross-sections for ultra-high capacity aircraft
86 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
4.2.4 Powerplant location
In many designs the powerplant system is located within or on the fuselage and when this
is the case it requires primary consideration and may provide the starting point for the
layout. As was discussed in Chapter 2, five basic fuselage-located powerplant
arrangements may be identified:
a) Nose mounting of engine, see Chapter 2, Figure 2.2. This arrangement is appropriate
to both piston- and turbine-driven propeller engines. The powerplant determines the
geometry of the front fuselage, including influencing the cross-section, but has little other
effect on the rest of the fuselage layout. An exception to this generalisation is when the
exhaust gases from a nose-mounted turbine engine are passed rearward through the
fuselage rather than being ejected locally, but this is unlikely to be necessary in view of
the relatively low exhaust gas temperature and velocity associated with this class of
Fue l
Wing box ~ " ~
,~ . . J
F i g u re 4. 5 Cent r al eng i ne - BAe Hawk
b) Central or central~rear location, Figures 4.5 and 4.6. Location of the powerplant
system in the centre of the fuselage can be advantageous in some circumstances,
particularly for jet-powered military trainer/strike aircraft having wings of moderate
aspect ratio. Positioning of the engine just aft of the main wing structure implies that its
relatively high mass is near to the centre of gravity of the aircraft. The intake system
usually employs side or ventral fuselage intakes and may pass through the region of the
wing centre structure. A major consideration is the means of engine removal. While there
are other possibilities it is usually considered that the best approach is to provide
sufficient ground clearance for the engine to be removed downwards by removal of a
lower surface access panel or through doors. It is also usually preferable for the exhaust
gases to be ejected out of the rear of the fuselage. The altemative of fuselage side
exhausts is likely to give rise to acoustic fatigue problems at the rear of the aircraft.
Fuselage layout 87
Pegasus engine located at centre of gravity
F i g u re 4. 6 Cent ral eng i ne - BAe Harri er ( V/ STOL)
A special case of a centrally mounted powerplant is that of a V/STOL aircraft, Figure 4.6.
Whatever vertical lift system is used it is often found that the main cruise/lift powerplant
has to be mounted at, or close to, the centre of gravity. As a consequence the engine and
centre wing structure occupy a similar fore and aft location in the fuselage. It would
appear that location of the wing above the powerplant is the only practical solution,
removal of the engine preferably being downwards. Should downwards engine removal
be precluded for reasons of inadequate ground clearance, as with the British Aerospace
Harrier, the apparently drastic solution of removal of the wing to enable upwards engine
withdrawal may have to be considered.
It is clear that when the engine is located in the centre fuselage the total powerplant
system of air intake, engine and jet pipes occupies a large part of the total fuselage
volume and has a major effect upon the overall layout.
c) Rear fuselage location, Figure 4. 7. It is usual for the powerplants to be mounted at the
rear of the fuselage in supersonic combat types which have wings of relatively low aspect
ratio. One major advantage of this arrangement is that the high velocity exhaust gases are
emitted aft of all major structure without the need for a long exhaust pipe. It also means
that because of the wide root chord the wing structure can pass round the fuselage
forward of the powerplant, greatly facilitating engine removal. This is usually downwards
or downward and aft. Against this it is necessary to consider how to arrange the
attachment structure for the empennage but this difficulty is lessened when the aircraft
has a canard configuration.
Occasionally there may be a requirement to locate a third engine in the rear fuselage
of a transport aircraft, although this is less likely than was once the case due to improved
engine reliability. Dorsal intakes are usually used but side intakes are a possibility. The
influence of the powerplant in this layout is limited to the rear of the fuselage.
88 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Frames around air intakes
F i g u re 4. 7 Rear f u s el ag e l o cated eng i ne - Lo ckheed F 16
d) Rear podded powerplant, see Chapter 2, Figure 2.6. This arrangement has only a
secondary effect upon the fuselage layout. It is mainly restricted to the need to provide
internal supporting structure and to avoid the location of flight critical components in the
fan/compressor/turbine burst zones.
e) Podded powerpl ant located above or below the fuselage. Again this arrangement has
only a small effect upon fuselage layout.
4.2.5 Twin boom layout
While most fuselages are complete from the nose to the tail of the aircraft there are
sometimes good reasons for considering a twin boom layout. In this configuration the
primary fuselage ends after the wing and the empennage is supported from a pair of
slender booms mounted off the wing. Instances where such an arrangement may be worth
consideration are:
a) Single propel l er engine aircraft where there are good reasons to use a pusher
arrangement possibly to enhance the view of the occupants.
b) Small to moderate size f rei ght aircraft having a requirement f o r a rear loading door.
Fuselage layout 89
c) Some high performance combat aircraft, especially V/STOL types, although in this
case in reality the booms are likely to be formed from lateral extensions of the fuselage.
d) Propeller-driven unmanned aircraft where it is desirable to locate the payload in the
4.3 Overall l ayout
4.3.1 Aer odynami cs - ext ernal sh ape ( Fi gures 4. 8 to 4. 12) Ge ne ral
In establishing the outside shape of the fuselage the aerodynamic aim is to achieve a
reasonably streamlined form together with the minimum surface area consistent with the
required volume. Both the drag and mass of the fuselage are significantly influenced by the
surface area. The interpretation of what is a reasonable streamlined form does depend upon
the class of aircraft although there are some general considerations such as the absence of
steps and a minimum number of excrescences. The main considerations follow. Cross- se ction shape , Figure s 4.1 to 4.4
The shape of the cross-section may be determined by primary considerations such as a
requirement for pressurisation as discussed in the previous section. Apart from such
matters the cross-section shape used is not too critical aerodynamically although sharp
corners are best avoided. Where it is acceptable a near rectangular cross-section often
enables efficient utilisation of the internal volume and facilitates the fairing of lifting
surfaces to fuselage intersections. Changes in cross-section should occur gradually and
any unavoidable protuberances should be carefully faired. It is sometimes convenient to
define an effective maximum cross-section diameter as that of the circle having the same
area as the actual maximum cross-section of the fuselage. Nose shape
As a general rule the nose shape should not be unduly bluff. In some cases it is possible
to base the shape on an ellipsoid, but with the major axis in the side elevation curved
downward to improve the view from the cockpit of a manned aircraft. It is usually
necessary to accept local changes in cross-section in the region of the cockpit to provide
satisfactory layout of windscreen panels, but the associated drag penalty may be
minimised by careful shaping. The canopy design depends upon the size of the aircraft.
A faired in, semi-submerged, canopy is preferred but may be difficult to incorporate in
small aircraft where a semi-blister type may be used. In any case the angle of the
windscreen requires a careful compromise between aerodynamic, birdstrike and internal
reflection requirements. Individual windscreen panels should not be more than about
0.5 m 2 in area. The drag associated with a blister canopy may be minimised by careful
90 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
shaping over the rear section as it blends into the fuselage proper. The satisfactory
location of the pi l ot ' s eye position is a starting point in nose fuselage layout, see also
paragraph 4.5.1.
Although in an ideal streamline shape the length of the fuselage up to the position of
the maxi mum cross-section is about one-third of the total fusel age length, in practice
considerations of vol ume utilisation and, where relevant, wave drag due to
compressibility often change this. For most subsonic aircraft the nose portion is relatively
short. In the case of a subsonic transport aircraft it has a length in the range of one to two
effective diameters, the higher values being for faster aircraft. The nose length is likely
to be about four effective diameters for a supersonic aircraft, (see Table 4.1).
When a nose-located powerplant is used the nose shape and the length of the nose are
largely determined by the dimensions of the engine and its associated items, possibly in
conjunction with the position of a pilot.
Class of aircraft
Small commuter 1.5 to 2.0
Executive 1.2 to 1.8
Smaller narrow body 1.1 to 1.6
Larger narrow body 1.2 to 1.6
Single deck wide body 1.2 to 1.6
Multiple deck wide body 1.2 to 1.6
Supersonic 4
4. 3. 1. 4 Ce nt r e f us e l age s hape and ov e ral l l e ngt h
Table 4.1 Passenger aircraf t- fuselage l ength proportions
Nose le ngth Tail le ngth to Cabin to ove rall
to diame te r diame te r ratio le ngth ratio
ratio ]
Basic Stretched
2.5 to 3.0 0.4 -
2.5 to 3.0 0.35 -
2.5 to 3.0 0.5 0.65
2.5 to 3.0 0.65 0.7
2.5 to 3.0 0.65
3.0 to 3.5 0.7
6 to 7 0.55
It is convenient to distinguish between subsonic and supersonic aircraft.
Cabin to
paralle l
se ction
a) Subsonic aircraft. While the fusel age drag may be a theoretical mi ni mum for a
streamlined shape having a length to diameter ratio of less than four, this is rarely a
practical proposition. Consideration of vol ume utilisation, overall aircraft centre of
gravity location, and the moment arm required for stabilising/control surfaces usually
results in the overall length to effective diameter ratio being at least six. A value nearer
ten is more typical for many subsonic aircraft with a practical maxi mum of about 14 for
a "stretched" ~ design. There is usually negligible penalty in employing a constant cross-
Fuselage layout 91
section along the length of the centre fuselage and it is preferable for volume utilisation
and manufacture.
b) Supersonic aircraft. A major consideration in the design of high transonic speed and
supersonic aircraft is the distribution of the total volume along the length of the aircraft,
see Chapter 6, paragraph 6.3.3. The fuselage is normally the major contributor to this
volume. Ideally the total volume distribution along the length should be smooth and,
somewhat simplistically, close to a sinusoidal shape in order to minimise volume wave
drag. The overall length to effective diameter ratio is also of fundamental importance, the
higher it is the lower the wave drag. Hence in the case of a supersonic aircraft the overall
fuselage length to diameter ratio is likely to be significantly higher than that for a subsonic
aircraft, possibly being as high as 20. Where possible the local cross-section area of the
fuselage should be matched to that of the other volume contributions from the wing etc.,
to give the required overall smooth distribution. This cannot be done precisely until the
overall layout of the aircraft has been determined but consideration should be given to the
requirement from the outset. For initial work it is adequate to assume that the local cross-
section does not include the intake area over the length of the powerplant installation.
Bo m b er / s t r i k e a irc ra ft
Wing box
G ea r b a y s - be h i n d i n t a k es ei t h er s i d e o f w ea p o n b a y
F i g u re 4. 8 F u s el ag e l ay o u t o f a mi l i t ary s t r i ke/ bo mber - BAC TSR 2 Tail shape
As in the case of the nose shape the tail configuration should change smoothly from the
maxi mum cross-section to nominally zero, excluding any area contribution from the
engine exhaust. If the final cross-section area cannot be brought to zero, the base area
should be minimised. This is particularly important for transonic and supersonic aircraft.
An important parameter in determining the lower line of the tail fuselage is the ground
clearance while the aircraft is at high angle of attack during rotation for take-off and at
landing. Allowance should be made for ground effect on the lift characteristics, a typical
clearance angle between the main landing gear, extended, and the tail being 12 to 15 o,
92 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
see Addendum 1. In practice the start of the rear fuselage taper depends upon this angle
and the landing gear length. A cosine or parabolic shaped region continuing to a straight
taper may sometimes be employed. Typically the whole tail section has a length of 2.5
to 3.5 effective diameters on a subsonic design, but it may be in excess of 6 for a
supersonic aircraft, (see Table 4.1).
When an aircraft is provided with a rear ramp-type loading door, as in Figure 4.12, and
especially when air dropping of supplies is envisaged, the tail up-sweep angle is
determined by the clearance for loading and dropping with the door in a horizontal
position. The matter is aggravated by the fact that this class of aircraft must also have a low
floor line, which implies a nearly flat bottom to the fuselage. Large up-sweep angles may
well introduce a large drag penalty and so the angle should be kept as low as possible. If
at all possible the use of up-sweep on the top surface of the fuselage should be avoided.
This aspect of tail shape is one that requires careful attention as the design is refined.
A.ft stores bay
Variable sweep wing bomber
Wing box
Centre stores bay
Forward stores bay
F i g u re 4. 9 F u s el ag e l ay o u t o f a bo mber ai rcraf t - Bo ei ng / Ro ckwel l B 1 Wing- fuse lage junction
The region where the wing intersects the fuselage is always critical and is another area
which demands careful detail design to keep drag to a minimum. At the initial layout
stage it is necessary to ensure that no major difficulty is introduced. For example a wing
which passes totally above or below the fuselage requires a very large fairing to ensure
satisfactory airflow. This implies a large, undesirable, increase in surface area unless the
volume within it can be utilised, say for fuel tankage, landing gear, weapons, equipment
or baggage stowage. The situation is made worse for a low wing configuration because
the wing is usually set at a positive angle of attack on the fuselage. It is undesirable for
the trailing edge to protrude below the fuselage line as this makes fairing difficult. The
wing setting on the fuselage should be established such that the fuselage is nominally
horizontal in cruising flight and it is usually geometrically between 0 and 4 o.
Fuselage layout 93
Wing box
Landing gear bays - in blisters
F i g u re 4. 10 F u s el ag e l ay o u t o f a s mal l t rans po rt ai rcraf t - BAe 146
4.3.2 Structure Ge ne ral
Fundamentally a fuselage is a good shape from the structural point of view. The main
structural considerations in fuselage layout are related to circumstances which introduce
discontinuities in the load carrying capacity of the outer shell. The two major problems
are cutouts and the input of concentrated loads.
Wing frames
Upper deck
Lower deck
Freight bay
F i g u re 4.11 F u s el ag e l ay o u t o f a l arg e t rans po rt ai rcraf t - Bo ei ng 747
94 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Cutouts
Cutouts may be loosely divided into those which have a minor effect upon the ability
of the structure to transmit loads and those which have a major impact.
a) Mi nor cutouts. Minor cutouts can be defined as those whose dimensions are an order
of magnitude less than those of the overall fuselage cross-section. Thus for example
cutouts for passenger windows may be regarded as minor. Generally minor cutouts can
be dealt with by providing local reinforcing which effectively replaces the removed
material and they may be considered as having negligible impact upon initial fuselage
b) Major cutouts. Major cutouts have dimensions which are similar in magnitude to those
of the fuselage cross-section. They cannot be entirely avoided but their location and the
ability to provide alternative load paths must be considered at the initial layout stage.
Requirements which introduce cutouts in this more serious category are:
i) Entry doors for crew and passengers and doors for servicing. Sometimes
the impact of these may be minimised by careful positioning fore and aft
and vertically to avoid coincidence of the doors on alternative sides of the
fuselage. Pressure loads are taken by the doors but other loads are reacted
along vertical and horizontal edge members with local reinforcing,
especially at the comers.
ii) Emergency exits. While these are smaller than main entrance doors the
same remarks apply. Some are located in the heavily loaded region over a
low wing.
iii) Windscreen and canopy. It is necessary to provide continuity of fore and
aft bending material by introducing members along the lower edges of the
cutout. Some windscreen frames may be designed to carry overall fuselage
loads but often they are not.
iv) Access panels and doors for equipment and powerplant. The latter is
especially relevant to training and combat aircraft. When the removable
components are large it is often necessary to design them to contribute to
the overall load carrying capacity. However, access is easiest when they
are primarily fairings which may readily be opened or removed, and this
may be achieved if alternative loads paths can be provided.
v) Cutouts for landing gear stowage. Landing gear bays are not normally
pressurised and so the structure surrounding the bay, which often consists
of flat surfaces, must react the local pressures. Nose gear bays are usually
located in the relatively lightly loaded forward fuselage and do not present
a major overall problem. On the other hand accommodation for main
landing gear units may have to be provided adjacent to the centre of the
aircraft and when the fuselage is used for this purpose it inevitably has a
Fuselage layout 95
significant impact on overall structural layout. To minimise the problem
provision should be made for the replacement of removed fore and aft
bending material by the introduction of substantial edge members which
can continue a large distance on either side of the landing gear bay,
possibly together with a central keel member. It is also necessary to
provide material to complete the cross-section of the fuselage for torsion
load carrying capability usually by incorporating a decking above the bay
and closing bulkheads at its ends.
Internal weapons bays. The issues involved are very similar to those of
main landing gear bays. However, when the weapons bay occupies a large
part of total fuselage length the overall layout should take note of this so
that the primary structure is above the bay.
Rear ramp loading doors, especially those which have to be open in flight.
The problems are not unlike those of main landing gear bays, but it may
be beneficial for the doors to contribute to the reaction of some of the
overall loading. If possible there should be provision for a continuous roof
over the door region to provide a closed structural box, even if it is small. Conce ntrate d load i nput s
The input of concentrated loads occurs at attachments for the lifting surfaces, landing
gear, powerplant mounting and so on. These loads are usually input at frames or
bulkheads which lie in the plane of the cross-section. As far as is possible these structural
members should be continuous fight round the fuselage so that loads from them can be
reacted directly into the shell. This implies that cutouts are undesirable in regions where
large concentrated loads have to be dealt with. An area of particular difficulty occurs
when a landing gear or weapon bay is adjacent to the wing attachments.
In many designs the main wing structure passes across the fuselage and this
considerably eases the attachment design. However in some aircraft, especially high
performance combat types, the need for minimum cross-section area results in the wing
structure as such terminating at the sides of the fuselage. Wing bending loads are then
reacted in a number of frames which pass round the fuselage, often around the air intakes.
In these circumstance it is important to ensure the complete integrity of these frames. See
also Figure 4.7 and paragraph
96 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
4.4 Local layout aspects
4.4.1 The vertical location of the wing Ge ne ral
The choice of vertical wing location relative to the fuselage is a compromise between
aerodynamic, structural and operational considerations. In some cases there may be
overriding issues such as propeller ground clearance on a multi-engined type or
powerplant removal on a V/STOL combat aircraft, both of which may well determine the
use of a high wing. Ae rodynamic issue s
Aerodynamically a mid wing position is attractive in that it is likely to have the lowest
interference drag, which is particularly advantageous for a supersonic aircraft. On the
other hand a low wing does enable the flaps to be continuous across the lower fuselage
or it may be faired in such a way as to provide volume for landing gear stowage. As it is
undesirable for the wing trailing edge to protrude below the fuselage the fairing should
take note of this.
A wing mounted across the top of the fuselage should enable the drag due to lift to be
reduced to a minimum and undue drag rise at critical Mach numbers avoided. Structural issue s
Structurally the only loads which must be transmitted from the wing to the fuselage are
the shear forces associated with lift, drag and side load, asymmetric bending and torques.
There is every reason to avoid passing the main symmetric bending loads into the
fuselage and therefore the primary wing structure should be continuous across the
fuselage wherever possible. This will usually mean that the whole wing structural box
passes through the fuselage, although for some lightly loaded aircraft it may only be one
or two main spar members. A large mass penalty may be anticipated should the passage
of wing bending loads round the fuselage shell be inevitable.
The desirability of having an uninterrupted wing structure has a substantial impact
upon the vertical location of the wing and rules out a mid-position when a single payload
volume occupying most of the fuselage is a requirement. On the other hand it can be a
good solution when the aircraft has to incorporate a long internal weapons bay. Ope rational issue s
There are a number of operational issues which can influence the choice of wing vertical
a) Clearance. A high wing is obviously advantageous when wing-mounted propeller
engines, or even large diameter fan engines, are used on relatively small aircraft. It also
Fuselage layout 97
enables good all round access to the aircraft, which is of particular importance for a
freight aircraft. When wing stores are carried a high wing may be advantageous when the
aircraft is generally of small dimensions. However, if the lower wing surface is more than
about 1.5 m above the ground stores handling becomes difficult.
b) Passenger appeal. It is sometimes argued that a high wing is advantageous from the
point of view of occupant appeal as it does not obstruct the view of the ground from the
cabin windows. This is really only likely to be an issue on aircraft which fly at relative
low altitudes and are used for ground observation.
c) Crashworthiness. A low wing has the advantage that it provides a convenient platform
for occupant escape in the very rare event of an aircraft having to force land on to water,
and over-wing emergency exits are convenient. Against these advantages is the fact that
the wing fuel volume is vulnerable in the event of a wheels-up landing, this is not the
case for a high wing. Ove rall layout issue s
The use of a high wing on a small passenger aircraft may introduce cabin headroom
difficulties especially when used with a circular cross-section, pressurised, fuselage. The
cabin floor width cannot be much less than the full cabin width if passenger foot room
is to be adequate. This implies a floor which is located vertically about 0.35 diameters up
from the lower surface and that the depth of fuselage below the floor does enable a low
wing structure to be passed through as well as providing volume for freight. See also
paragraph (b). A high wing implies a long and heavy landing gear if it is located
on the wing, the alternative being a narrow track arrangement mounted off the lower
fuselage and retracted into blister fairings, see Figures 4.10 and 4.12. The combination
of a narrow track and high wing may give rise to an overturning tendency. Summary
Consideration of the issues discussed above enables some general conclusions to be
drawn regarding the vertical location of the wing for various types of aircraft. Preferred
applications are likely to be :-
a) High wing. Freight aircraft
Smaller propeller-powered transport aircraft
Some light aircraft, especially single-engine types
Some combat aircraft, including V/STOL types
Unmanned aircraft
b) Mid wing. Some high performance combat types
Weapons systems aircraft with a long internal weapons bay
Possibly multi-deck transport aircraft.
98 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
c) Low wing. Majority of passenger transport aircraft
Some light single- and twin-engine trainers
Some combat aircraft, i ncl udi ng t hose whi ch use a forepl ane
configuration. See paragraph
4.4.2 Control and stabilising surfaces Ge ne ral
The configuration of the horizontal and vertical control and stability surfaces has some
impact upon the layout of the fuselage. Ve rtical surf ace
A single centrally mounted rear fin is by far the most common arrangement with the
surface located as far aft on the fuselage as possible in order to maximise its moment arm
to the centre of gravity of the aircraft. A requirement for good spin recovery may
sometimes result in a fin location partially ahead of the horizontal tail, especially on
combat and trainer aircraft.
While twin fin arrangements were once common their use is now usually limited to
aircraft having a twin boom fuselage layout and combat aircraft with a stealth
requirement. One other application where twin fins may have an overall advantage is on
a freight aircraft with a large rear ramp loading door. Here the use of twin fins can result
in a significant reduction of rear fuselage torsion loading during asytmnetric flight. Horizontal surf ace , tail
The efficiency of a tailplane is normally critically dependent upon its vertical location
relative to the wing because of the effect of wing downwash. Generally speaking on
conventional aircraft layouts having a wing of moderate to high aspect ratio and a long
tail arm there is no difficulty in locating the tailplane on the rear fuselage, preferably
higher than the wing if this is possible. When the tail arm is relatively short or the wing
is high mounted it is advantageous to use a lower mounted tailplane, but ground
clearance often rules this out.
The alternative is to locate the tailplane on the fin, usually at its upper extremity. Rear
fuselage podded powerplants may also dictate the use of this arrangement. While high-
located horizontal tail surfaces have major advantages in terms of improved efficiency
in normal flight and a longer tail arm which results in a smaller surface area, there are
potential disadvantages. One of these is the possibility of the aircraft being prone to a
"deep stall". This latter problem can arise if the aircraft pitches rapidly to a high angle
of attack causing the horizontal tail to enter the most intense wing downwash region and
become ineffective in restoring the aircraft toward level flight. A way of overcoming this
problem is to design the control system so as to prevent the situation arising. Other
disadvantages of a high tailplane are a fin mass penalty which is caused by the additional
Fuselage layout 99
loads to which it is subjected and a proneness of ' T' tail layouts to flutter.
When a trimming or "all moving" tail is used it is desirable to design the local fuselage
or fin surface to be flat to avoid gaps when the tailplane angle is adjusted. Canard surface s
The location of a canard surface may cause some difficulties. Generally the canard should
be higher than the wing in the side elevation, the actual spacing being a critical detail
design feature. On some aircraft it may be convenient to locate the canard just behind the
cockpit region, relatively high on the fuselage. In the case of small combat types it is
often necessary to locate the surface forward of the cockpit, in which position it obstructs
some aspects of the view of the pilot. As with "all moving" horizontal tails it is necessary
to arrange the fuselage shape to minimise gaps as the surface moves.
4.4.3 Landing gear Ge ne ral
Although it implies a structural penalty on the fuselage design it is often necessary to
mount and/or stow the main landing gear in the fuselage. A number of configurations
may be identified. Low wing aircraft of small to mode rate size
A possible configuration for this class of aircraft is to mount the landing gear on the wing
and to retract it inwards with the wheels stowed within the lower fuselage and the wing
to fuselage fairing. Paragraph (b)(v) refers to the structural issues involved in this
layout. Low wing aircraft of large size
When the aircraft has a take-off mass of greater than about 210,000 kg, it may be
necessary to use more than two main landing gear units. The additional units are usually
fuselage mounted and this further complicates the structural layout referred to in the
previous paragraph. High pe rformance combat aircraft with thin wings
For this class of aircraft it is not usually feasible to stow any landing gear components in
the wing. Hence fuselage location is inevitable. Often the landing gear is of substantial
proportions relative to the fuselage cross-section and the volume required becomes a major
fuselage layout issue. Ensuring that there is adequate track when the gear is extended
demands careful consideration of the mechanical design of the gear, (see Addendum 1). High wing aircraft of mode rate to large size
As aircraft size becomes larger it becomes inefficient to employ a wing-mounted landing
gear when at the same time the wing is located high on the fuselage. Hence for high wing
100 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
aircraft of above about 40,000 kg take-off mass it becomes attractive to use fuselage
bulges to mount and stow the landing gear. These introduce fuselage mass and drag
penalties but they are less than those associated with long wing-mounted units. This is
especially true when the aircraft has a requirement to operate off poorly prepared surfaces
since this implies large diameter tyres and multi-wheel arrangements.
Wing box
' r~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . v - ; e ' -----
i . . . . . . . . . . . . 'f-'--'~- ' " ' - - - - - - - - ' - ~ - - - / ~,~ '
i / . . . . . . .
Upper door
Landing gear blister Ramp door
Figure 4.12 Fusel age l ayout of a proposed l arge f reight aircraft
4.4.4 Systems, fuel and equipment
4 . 4 . 4 . 1 Ge n e r a l
The fuselage is required to provide volume for the accommodation of the various items
needed for the satisfactory operation of the aircraft. While many of the components are
small and do not demand specific consideration at the initial stage of fuselage layout,
some items, such as air conditioning units, must be allowed for from the outset.
4 . 4 . 4 . 2 A v i o n i c s
With the exception of small general aviation aircraft and basic trainers, aircraft are
required to carry complex and extensive navigation, communication and flight
control/management equipment. Two aspects of these installations must be allowed for
at the initial design stage. Firstly, provision must be made for adequate volume in the
correct location, together with ease of access to it. Secondly, the location of aerials, radar
scanners, etc. must be considered. Scanners and other sensors are often mounted in the
nose of the aircraft facing forward, or forward and down, and can dictate the nose shape.
Long range search and early warning radar scanners are sometimes located in the lower
fuselage or, depending upon their purpose, above the fuselage on a short pylon.
Fuselage layout 101 Fue l
With the exception of the centre wing box it is not normal to locate fuel tanks within the
fuselage of passenger transport aircraft. There are exceptions, such as the installation of
extended range tanks within the freight bay, or centre of gravity balancing tanks.
However, for many other classes of aircraft, ranging from small general aviation types
to large flight refuelling aircraft, much of the volume required has to be found within the
fuselage. High performance combat aircraft present a special problem as the need to
minimise the overall volume results in much of the fuel having to be located in fuselage
tanks of awkward size and shape. At the initial layout phase it is important to consider
this and to ensure that the space allocated for fuel is both adequate and located
appropriately for aircraft centre of gravity control. Auxi l i ary power uni t
An auxiliary power unit is of sufficient size to require location in the fuselage as the layout
is developed. Location in the extreme rear of the fuselage is common on transport types.
4.5 Crew and payl oad
4.5.1 Crew location Ge ne ral
The pilot, or pilots, must have adequate view to enable the aircraft to be controlled
satisfactorily at all times. Usually there is no difficulty in the cruise phase, the more
critical aspects being ground manoeuvring, landing and combat when it is relevant. The
location of a suitable position for the eye of the pilot may be regarded as the starting point
for cockpit/windscreen layout. See Figures 4.5 and 4.8.
When two-seat combat and training aircraft are under consideration it is necessary to
decide between side-by-side and tandem seating. Side-by-side seating has some advantages
in ease of communication between the occupants and in cockpit layout, but it does lead to
a relatively wide fuselage. For this reason tandem seating is usually preferred on smaller,
high performance, combat aircraft and military trainers usually follow this trend for
operational compatibility. A further point is concerned with crew escape since when
ejection seats are provided it is necessary to ensure that there is adequate clearance from
airframe parts during escape. This may influence the shape of the canopy and, as a general
rule, escape procedures are simpler when sequenced from a tandem seating arrangement.
In transport and related aircraft the two flight crew are located side by side, with the
duty pilot in the left-hand seat because circling to the left is the usual procedure. The
duty pilot must have adequate view forwards and downwards without having to resort
to undue head movement Although requirements differ in some ways the view of the
pilot should be about 15 o down and ahead, or slightly to one side may be acceptable.
Large supersonic aircraft are a particular problem in this respect and variable geometry
102 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
nose/windscreen arrangements have been used to improve the situation.
Apart from special cases the location of other crew members is not critical but where
possible the opportunity for direct contact between all the crew should be provided. This
is especially true of a military combat aircraft where it is desirable to keep any pressurised
volume as small as possible. Size of cre w compartme nt
As a guide for initial layout purposes the minimum size of the space required for a single
pilot is about 0.7 m wide by 1.1 m high and 1.3 m long. If an ejector seat is fitted the
length increases to about 1.45 m. When two crew are seated side by side the minimum
width increases to about 1.25 m. If a crew member is not required to operate flying
controls, the length may be reduced by about 0.2 m. These volumes may be allocated
within the fuselage with some discretion applied on the comers in the cross-section.
4.5.2 Weapon bays, missiles and guns We apon bays
Any disposable load must be carried such that its overall centre of gravity is close to that
of the aircraft as a whole. Thus a single weapons bay should be more or less equally
disposed either side of the centre of gravity. If it is not essential to have one long bay
greater flexibility is conferred in the layout by having two or more separate bays which
may facilitate landing gear stowage and assist in overcoming structural cutout problems.
Where there is a requirement for a long, single, weapons bay then the implication is that
the wing will pass over it, and often a high or mid wing is the best solution. See Figures
4.8 and 4.9. The layout in the region of the weapons bay demands careful consideration.
Points to be considered are:
a) Avoi dance o f undue air turbulence when the weapons bay is open. This is particularly
a problem at higher subsonic speed and above and may introduce a requirement for a
special configuration, such as a rotating weapon carriage to minimise the steps in the
lower fuselage when the weapons are to be dropped. This matter may be more difficult
to resolve when the weapons bay is short but deep.
b) The airflow into the open weapon bay shoul d be such that the stores f al l when
released, and do not ' hang up' in the bay. This requirement is likely to be in conflict with
that of paragraph (a) since it may well occur when the length to depth ratio exceeds about
five or six. The problem may be overcome by fitting downwards ejector units into the
stores careers. Adequate spacing between stores must be allowed to ensure that when
released a store does not contact any other, or any part of the airframe.
c) The rear end o f the weapons bay shoul d include a rearwards sloping bulkhead, rather
than an upright one. This improves the airflow and gives better nose down pitching
Fuselage layout 103
characteristics should the aircraft force land on water and the weapons bay doors
collapse. Free fall weapons may be stored and released vertically, but a horizontal
arrangement is more common for all types of store including missiles. When considering
fuselage layout it is helpful to prepare one or more weapons configurations for
integration with other requirements. These configurations may have different length to
width ratios and include various combinations of stores. In determining the width of the
weapons bay one consideration is the ability to open the doors adequately while the
aircraft is on the ground.
Generally the difficulties of weapons bays on high performance aircraft are such that
it is preferable to avoid them if at all possible. Examples of where they are inevitable are
stealth aircraft and longer range supersonic types where the drag penalty of external
stores is considerable. Missiles
Guided missiles are sometimes carried within weapon bays but may also be located
externally on the fuselage. If this is so local fuselage layout details may be affected. Gun installations
It is common for internal gun installations to be required for combat aircraft. By
definition of its purpose the gun has to be mounted in the forward region of the aircraft,
adjacent to the crew compartment unless a wing podded layout is used. It can therefore
be a major factor in the layout of the nose of the aircraft, especially when allowance is
made for ammunition stowage and the collection of spent cartridges, etc. (see Figure 4.7).
4.5.3 Passengers and associated freight Ge ne ral
While passenger accommodation is the primary consideration regarding fuselage layout on
airliners and related types, the need for adequate baggage and freight volume must not be
overlooked. In the majority of cases the freight is carded in under floor baggage holds,
often in standard containers. Thus while the cabin length and width are mainly determined
by the passenger seating and associated services, the need to accommodate standard
containers may influence the cross-section depth. This is discussed in paragraphs
and, (see Figures 4.10 and 4.11).
For a typical single-deck subsonic airliner it is found that the passenger cabin occupies
up to about 70% of the overall length, the remainder being taken up by the nose fuselage
and the tapering tail region, but see Table 4.1 for other types. The inevitably longer nose
and tail of a slender supersonic configuration reduce the usable cabin length to no more
than 55 % of the total. Thus for a given typical overall length to effective diameter ratio in
a single-deck configuration it is possible to derive an appropriate combination of number
of seat rows and number of seats across the width to give a specified passenger capacity.
Multi-deck arrangements obviously introduce more flexibility and it is generally necessary
104 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
to consider various proportions of passengers to be carried on the alternative decks.
It must be emphasised that the choice of the cross-section dimensions is of critical
importance, as it becomes a fixed feature of the design. Different passenger requirements
may be met by lengthening or shortening the fuselage during development of the type and
this is a both usual procedure and an important design consideration. Se ating arrange me nts and associate d ite ms
There are numerous points which must be considered in planning the layout of seating
for a datum configuration. However, it is important to ensure that the cabin layout is
flexible in the sense that alternative requirements may be easily met. Seats are located
on fore and aft rails so that the pitch between the rows may be changed easily. Correctly
positioned across the width the seat rails can also enable different numbers of seats to be
placed across the fuselage. Seats are usually adjustable and include fold-away tables.
The following points should be considered:
a) The seating shoul d be arranged such that the passengers need to move as little as
possible in the f or e and aft sense in order to minimise likely variations in centre of gravity
during a flight. This is also true of associated facilities including baggage stowage.
b) As f a r as possi bl e the pas s enger seats and provi si on f o r f rei ght and baggage shoul d
be equally di sposed about the nomi nal centre o f gravity position.
c) Seating in line with the pl ane o f propel l ers shoul d be avoi ded both f o r psychol ogi cal
and noise reasons.
d) I f a seat directly f aces a bul khead addi t i onal space is requi red t oget her with
prot ect i on in the event o f a crash.
e) As a general rule st aggered seating is not helpful as it has a tendency to result in loss
of useful space. In any cases it is not feasible to stagger seats in a set attached to one pair
of seat rails.
f) Backward f aci ng seats are only safer in the event of a crash when their integrity and
that of the floor is maintained, otherwise forward facing seats are better. Even when
adjustment i s allowed for there is a tendency for backward facing seats to place the
occupant in an undesirable attitude during steep climbs, etc.
g) While it is desirable to provi de a wi ndow f o r each row o f seats this cannot generally
be achieved due to the flexibility required in seating layout. It is usually possible to
arrange for each row of seats to be close to a window by providing increased numbers
of small windows. Small windows are preferable in meeting cabin decompression
requirements and careful trim design can give the appearance of a larger transparency.
First class seating should not look out on the wing.
Fuselage layout 105
h) Access doors are required f or:
i) Passengers; as a rough guide at least one for each 100 passengers, but at
least two on smaller aircraft.
ii) Access to the galley for servicing and replenishment.
iii) Servicing for toilets.
iv) Frei ght / baggage stowage.
i) Passenger emergency exits are required in addition to the doors. The number and type
of these depend upon the number of normal access doors as well as the number of
passengers. Reference should be made to Table 4.2, but the relevant requirements should
be checked since this is an issue whi ch changes from time to time. On a low or a low/mid
wi ng aircraft at least one emergency exit on each side should be located over the wing.
Normal entrance doors are included in the number of emergency exits.
j) Typically at least one galley is needed f o r each 120 passengers.
k) At least one toilet f o r each 50 passengers is required with a greater number desirable
on l onger flights.
l) Special stowage is usually provi ded f o r mai l bullion, duty-free items and passengers'
m) Overhead lockers are st andard f orpassengers" light baggage. These are built into the
ceiling over the outermost seats in a single aisle layout, but also over the central seats
when two aisles are used.
n) Headroom shoul d be adequate at all locations within the cabin, preferably 1.8 m
mi ni mum and ideally at least 2 m in the aisles. Cabi n width
The internal width of the cabin is det ermi ned by a combi nat i on of:
a) Width o f individual seats and the number o f them across the cabin. Seats are usually
used in sets of two to four. No passenger should have to cross more than two others to
reach an aisle. Individual economy class seats are j ust over 0.5 m wide, but there are
variations. Business and first class seats are wider.
b) Aisle width should be at least 0.4 m with 0.5 m desirable in economy arrangements and
0.6 m or more in first class. Up to six seats across, in two pairs of three, can be used with
a single aisle. Theoretically up to twelve seats across can be used with two aisles,
al t hough a maxi mum of eleven is more usual.
106 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
c) The internal width of the cabin for economy seating is approximately given by the
relationship (0.5p + 0.55a), where p is the number of seats across the cabin and a is the
number of aisles. Typical first class seating layout requires between 125 and 140% of the
width of economy seating.
Tabl e 4.2 Passenger aircraft - emergency exits
( F A R/ JA R 25 - 803/807)
Vent ral
Tail cone
Size , m
wi dth x de pth
1.07 x 1.83
0. 62 x 1.22
0.51 x 1.12
0.51 x 0.91
0. 49 x 0. 66
. . . . . . I
0.51 x 1.52
Note s
Fl oor level
. .
Fl oor level
Overwi ng: 0.25 m step up inside, 0. 43 m down
Overwi ng: 0.5 m up, 0. 68 m down outside
Overwi ng: 0.73 m up, 0.91 m down
. . . .
Same egress rate as Type I if not obst ruct ed
(If onl y Type III size, capaci t y is 15)
. . . .
(Numbers for each pai r of exits, one on each side of aircraft, except for ventral and tail case)
. . . . . . .
. . . .
V en t r a l
Ta i l c o n e
* Only use on aircraft of up to 9 seats capacity
There are specified combinations of exit types for up to
179 seats capacity
(For aircraft with more than 44 passengers complete
evacuation must be achieved within 90 s)
4 . 5 . 3 . 4 Ca b i n l e n g t h
The length of the cabin is determined by the seat pitch, the number of rows and provision
of galleys, toilets, etc.:
Fuselage layout 107
a) Seat pitch which varies from as low as an uncomfortable 0.7 m for high density short
flights to above 1 m in first class accommodation. The actual pitch used is a decision
made by the operator but the designer must make acceptable provision when proposing
the capacity of a given design. As a guide the economy seating pitch on long haul flights
is typically about 0.83 to 0.85 m with business class at about 1.0 m and first class up
to 1.5 m.
b) A typical gal l eyf l oor area of some 2 m by 0.65 m may be assumed for initial purposes.
Location of the 0.65 m dimension along the length of the cabin enables a galley to be
accommodated within a typical seat pitch or opposite an entrance door. See paragraph
c) Toilets have a typical f l oor area of 1 m 2, but it is acceptable to reduce the width to
about 0.7 m with a corresponding increase in length. See paragraph
d) The total length of cabin in any given unit of accommodation is approximately:
P + g) s+t+O.8w ]
m (4.1)
where P is the total number of passengers in that unit of accommodation
g is the number of galleys along the length
p is the number of seats across the cabin width
s is the seat pitch (m)
t is the number of toilets along the length
w is the number of cross aisles
The addition of the provision for different classes of accommodation gives the total
length of the cabin on any one deck. Galleys, toilets and cross aisles located at changes
of accommodation are only counted once. Note that the equation is based on a constant
cross-section and additional length allowance may be required for the usual situation
where the front and rear compartments taper. When the passengers are accommodated
on two decks, each deck must be treated separately. It is possible that the cabin widths
will be different, see paragraph Baggage and fre ight
A typical average baggage provision is 16 kg per passenger, preferably at a density of no
more than 160 kg/m 3. This is in addition to personal items placed in overhead lockers.
There is often a requirement to carry freight as well as the baggage of the passengers.
The baggage and freight are normally loaded into standard containers or pallets, usually
located in underfloor freight holds. Adequate volume for baggage and freight is a major
108 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
consideration for ultra-high capacity aircraft.
There are a number of container standards. For example the LD series used on wide-
body airliners typically have a length of 1.54 m and a height of 1.63 m. The width and
cross-section shape vary. LD3 has an upper width of 2 m which is maintained 1.14 m
down before tapering to 1.56 m. The comer removed facilitates stowage within the
lower, circular arc cross section of the freighthold. LD 1 has a maximum width of 2.34 m
and a 1.56 m minimum width, tapering in from 0.96 m down. See Figures 4.2 to 4.4.
Containers used on narrow body transports are typically about 1.1 m high and 2 m wide. Exte rnal cross- se ction dime nsions
The external cross-section dimensions follow from the provision for freight containers
and the seating arrangements across the width, assuming that the freight is carded below
the passenger deck. When two passenger decks are used there may be several feasible
The maximum external width can be deduced by adding to the dimensions given in
paragraph an allowance for trim and structure. This is typically 0.2 to 0.3 m with
the larger value for large aircraft.
In the case of a single-deck aircraft the depth of the fuselage is derived from
consideration of the location of the floor and ceiling lines. Depth below the floor can
initially be estimated from the height needed to accommodate the chosen standard
container, with an additional allowance of 0.3 to 0.4 m for structure. A check should be
made to ensure that there is adequate depth for the wing carry through structure when a
low wing is envisaged. Above the floor, allowance must be made for ceiling trim and
structure of say, 0.3 to 0.35 m in addition to nominally 2 m aisle height. If a high wing
layout is proposed the space for wing carry through structure above the aisle must be
considered. This first estimate of depth may be used with the width to propose a cross-
section shape. When the fuselage is pressurised this should ideally be circular. However,
on smaller aircraft it may be difficult to achieve a circular cross-section without using an
unduly large diameter because of:
a) Provision of adequate depth below the f l oor f or f r ei ght and~or wing structure.
b) Adequate f l oor width to allow f or passenger f oot room. As a guide the floor width
should not be more than 0.4 m less than maximum width. This usually means that the floor
has to be located 0.25 to 0.45 diameters up from the lower surface in a circular fuselage.
A common solution to these difficulties is to use a fuselage cross-section consisting of
two different radii of curvature above and below floor level, to give additional overall
depth as shown in Figure 4.2. There is a structural penalty which should be balanced
against the possible aerodynamic penalty of a somewhat larger diameter.
A similar process can be used to determine the cross-section when a double-deck
configuration is used. The additional parameter to be considered is the division of
Fuselage layout 109
passengers between the two decks. It is generally better to locate the majority of the
passengers on the lower deck since this reduces the problem of emergency escape from
the upper deck. If there are a large number of passengers on the upper deck it is necessary
to provide additional emergency exits on that deck and the associated escape chutes may
be long and difficult to position. Ove rall fuse lage le ngth
Reference to paragraph and Table 4.1 in conjunction with paragraph
enables the overall fuselage length to be predicted.
4.5.4 Dedi cated freight Ge ne ral
In addition to the freight carried on passenger aircraft there is the possibility of allocating
payload volume on the main deck for freight. A number of concepts are feasible. Some
main deck freight may be carried together with passengers on a mixed payload aircraft, or
in a basically passenger type aircraft modified to carry freight exclusively. Alternatively
some aircraft are designed as freighters from the outset. The majority of these latter result
from military requirements although some are subsequently adapted to civil needs. Conve rte d passe nge r type s
Where it is possible nose loading doors are favoured for civil freighters derived from
passenger types. They imply considerably less structural penalty than is the case with rear
ramp or side doors. Large side loading doors are necessary on converted passenger types
if ready access to the payload volume through the nose is prevented by the location of the
flight crew. Some passenger/freight aircraft are converted as tankers for flight re-fuelling. Military fre ight aircraft
The dimensions and total volume of a dedicated military freight payload are dependent
upon specific requirements such as the need to carry a particular vehicle or weapons
system as well as more general freight. The specific payloads frequently determine the
cross-section of the freighthold and possibly also its length. See Figure 4.12.
The freighthold should be of constant section along its length without obstruction and
as near to rectangular as is feasible. Ideally the floor line should be about 1 m above the
ground line for ease of loading from ground vehicles, although on large pressurised
aircraft some relaxation of this is usually inevitable. Width of the freighthold is generally
more significant than height except for special loads, since general freight carried on
pallets is usually limited to about 2 m height. The density of general freight may be as
low as 130 to 160 kg/m 3.
Large loading doors are required so that full advantage may be taken of the freighthold
cross-section. The need to airdrop military supplies implies that the door should be of the
rear ramp type having a clearance height of at least 2 m when the ramp is horizontal for
110 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
air dropping.
The low floor line and need for easy general accessibility suggests the use of a high
wing, possibly with the landing gear stowed in fuselage blisters.
Pressurisation is usually required, except for small, slow aircraft, and the cross-section
shape follows from the required freighthold dimension. The low floor line results in the
use of a large radius of curvature on the lower surface to minimise structure depth below
the floor, (see Figure 4.2(d)).
4.5.5 Uninhabited aircraft
The payload is usually some form of sensing system and the remarks made at paragraph concerning avionics apply to this case also. Of course there is no need for
provision of a cockpit and windscreen.
4.6 Fuselage layout procedure
4.6.1 General
As with all aspects of initial design it is likely to be necessary to consider several different
configurations before the most appropriate fuselage layout is derived. Thus some of the
decisions required to complete the procedure outlined here are not necessarily final, but
must be considered as applying to one of what may be a number of alternatives.
4.6.2 Primary decisions
The primary decisions relate to the matters considered in paragraph 4.2.
a) Is pressurisation required, and i f so to what level and extent? If the greater part of the
fuselage is to be pressurised the cross-section should be based on circular arc
combinations and preferably be circular, see paragraph 4.2.3.
b) Is the powerpl ant system, or par t o f it, to be located within the f usel age ? If the answer
is yes then this may be expected to be a dominant consideration in overall fuselage layout.
An exception is when an engine is podded, as it sometimes is on the rear fuselage of a
transport type or uninhabited aircraft, where the effect is more local, see paragraph 4.2.4.
c) Will the payl oad occupy the great erpart o f the fuselage, as on a transport type ? If this
is the case the payload layout is the starting point for fuselage layout, see paragraphs
4.2.2 and 4.5.
d) Will the f usel age be o f conventional layout or will a twin boom arrangement need to
be considered? See paragraph 4.2.5.
Fuselage layout 111
4.6.3 Local layout decisions
These secondary decisions relate to the topics covered in paragraph 4.4:
a) What will be the vertical location o f the wing ? See paragraph 4.4.1, especially
b) Will the horizontal tail be pl aced on the f usel age, or on the f i n ? See paragraph 4.4.2.
Alternatively will the design use a canard surface or be tailless?
c) Is the main landing gear to be mount ed of f the f usel age ? If not will any parts of the
main gear be stowed in the fuselage? See paragraph 4.4.3.
d) Are f uel tanks required in the f usel age ? If fuel is to be located in the fuselage this must
be born in mind to allow for the volume necessary as the layout is developed, see
e) Is an auxiliary power unit to be located within the f usel age ? See paragraph
4.6.4 Layout modules
Once the primary considerations outlined in paragraph 4.6.2 have been determined,
together with the secondary decisions of paragraph 4.6.3, it is possible to identify those
items of the layout which will have a dominating effect. It is also possible to derive
individual modules for these, and other items which may be matched together to form the
fuselage layout. Depending upon the outcome of paragraphs 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 these
modules will include some of the following:
a) Powerpl ant installation, i.e. ai r intake, engine and exhaust. There may be more than
one possibility here, especially in respect of the location of the air intake. For each
possibility a tentative layout of the installation should be prepared. A fuselage-located
powerplant system may well provide the starting point of fuselage layout.
b) Crew. When required the layout of the crew compartment may be determined
assuming initially that the nose shape can be arranged to give the required forwards and
downward view, paragraphs and 4.5.1.
c) Wing carry through box geometry, paragraphs 4.4.1 and 4.6.3(a).
d) Volume f o r avionics, etc. Initially it is not usually possible to determine the shape of
this volume since it can, to some extent, be fitted in where convenient. There are some
exceptions to this, for example scanners and extensive installations for special roles, such
as airborne early warning systems, where the avionics is the prime payload.
112 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
e) Auxiliary power unit, paragraph 4.6.3(e), and air conditioning equipment which may
require provision of significant volume.
f ) Landing gear mounting and stowage volume. A prior requirement for this is a
definition of the type of landing gear, see Chapter 2, paragraphs and,
together with an indication of landing gear length and wheel size. See also Addendum
1. However, it is usually possible to make an initial estimate of the size and shape by
comparison with similar types of aircraft.
g) Payload. The volume and shape of the payload module may be determined by
reference to paragraphs 4.5.2, 4.5.3 or 4.5.4 as appropriate. For passenger and freight
aircraft the payload configuration provides a major module which forms the basis of the
layout of the whole of the fuselage.
h) Fuel. A recognition of the volume needed for fuselage fuel is necessary, see paragraph
4.6.5 Integration of layout modules
The layout modules may be fitted together in various ways taking note of the
aerodynamic and structural considerations outlined in paragraphs 4.3.1 and 4.3.2
respectively. The overall aim is to derive a fuselage configuration which makes the
maximum use of the total internal volume with appropriate aerodynamic form and with
the minimum of structural difficulties. Parameters of particular importance in the overall
synthesis of the aircraft are the overall length and effective diameter, together with the
cross-section area distribution for supersonic aircraft.
A simplified indication of the interaction of the modules is shown in Figure 4.13.
Crew (view) Payload (passenger/freight) Payload
Nose landing gear or Weapons and fuel Equipment/facilities
Equipment Wing carry through Ground clearance
Main landing gear?
I Powerplant
Nose shape Cross-section/shape Tail shape
Figure 4.13 Derivation of fusel age layout
Chapter 5
Configuration of the wing
5.1 Introduction
The configuration of the wing is fundamental to the design of the aircraft. In order to
discuss the interaction of the many parameters involved in wing design it is helpful to
consider them under three separate, but inevitably related, items:
i) Aerofoil section, including the use of high lift devices, see paragraph 5.2.
ii) Planform shape and geometry, see paragraph 5.3.
iii) Overall size, that is the wing area, see paragraph 5.5.
Simplistically the first item follows from the need to obtain the best compromise between
all the aerodynamic, structural and operating requirements. The second item is to a great
extent determined by the operating Mach number of the aircraft, but is considerably
influenced by the aerofoil shape. The last item is determined by the operational
requirements for given values of the first two items.
When comparing aerofoil characteristics it is useful to do so on the basis of non-
dimensional quantities defined as:
a) Li f t coef f i ci ent :
Ct, = 2I f f p S V 2
b) Dr ag coef f i ci ent :
Co = 2 D/ p S V 2
c) Pi t chi ng mome nt coef f i ci ent :
CM = 2M/ pS ~" V 2
where L, D and M are the actual lift, drag and moment (positive nose up) acting on the
aerofoil respectively, S is aerofoil reference area and Z- the mean chord (S divided by the
span, b), V is flight velocity and p is local air density.
114 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
5. 2 Aerof oi l sect i on and hi gh lift d ev i c es
5. 2. 1 Gener al c omme nt s
As a broad generalisation the choice of the basic aerofoil section is determined by the
need to obtain the best aerodynamic efficiency in the primary operating mode of the
aircraft. This is frequently the cruising flight mode. Once the basic aerofoil has been
selected, with due consideration of the planform shape, it is usual to introduce some form
of variable geometry to enable the somewhat different low speed requirements to be met
efficiently. Combat aircraft manoeuvring requirements may also require the use of
variable geometry.
High lift variable geometry devices, as opposed to drag producing devices such as
spoilers, function in three ways:
i) Deflection of the trailing edge and, possibly, leading edge of the aerofoil
to increase the chordwise curvature or camber. Greater lift results at the
expense of more drag and pitching moment.
ii) Extension of the trailing edge and, possibly, leading edge to increase the
chord. This effectively increases the wing area and gives higher lift with
relatively small drag penalty.
iii) Introduction of slots between the lower and upper aerofoil surfaces. This
enhances upper surface flow, delays flow separation, and again results in
more lift potential, but with a drag penalty.
Aerofoil with leading edge slot
and multislotted trailing edge
,/~--~ trailing edge flap
Aerofoil with multislotted / /
trailing edge flap / / Basic aerofoil with plain
~ ~ , / ~ trailing edge flap
./~//' E / ~-- Aerofoil with leading
b t ~ . - , / / / edge slot
/7 / , ,
/~///' / / ~ Basic aerofoil
, , i / / /
/ I / I I An g l e o f attack
Fi gure 5.1 Vari ati on of lift coef f i ci ent wi th angl e of attack
Configuration of the wing I 15
The effects of chordwise variable geometry may be summarised by reference to the way
in which the lift coefficient, CL, varies with angle of attack, a, as shown in the ( Cr a)
curves of Figure 5.1.
a) Increase of camber causes a displacement of the (Cm-a) curve to the left which implies
that the aerofoil angle at which there is zero lift, ao, becomes more negative. Although
the angle of attack at which the aerofoil stalls is slightly reduced, the maxi mum lift
coefficient is increased.
b) Increase of chord results in more lift at a given angle of attack due to the effectively
increased wing area. Thus relative to the clean wing reference area there is an increase
of the slope of the ( Cr a) curve.
c) Slots, especially those in the leading edge region, delay the onset of stall. The effect
appears as an upward extension of the (Ct-a) curve along its initial slope.
5. 2. 2 Basic aerofoi l Selection of aerofoil section
In the selection of the basic aerofoil section consideration should be given to the
following characteristics:
a) The maximum lift coefficient both at low and higher Mach numbers.
b) The stalling characteristics where a gentle loss of lift is preferable, especially for light
c) The aerofoil drag especially in aircraft climb and cruise conditions, when the lift to
drag ratio should be as high as possible, and at higher Mach numbers. While most
aerofoils operate with the greater part of the chordwise flow in a turbulent state some
sections are suitable for laminar flow application. This may be very difficult to achieve
in practice but potentially gives much lower drag.
d) The aerofoil pitching moment characteristics which may be particularly important at
higher speeds. If it is unduly large there may be a significant trim drag penalty.
e) The depth and shape of the aerofoil in as much as it effects the structural design and
the potential volume for fuel, etc.
f ) The slope of the lift curve as a function of incidence in that it effects overall aircraft
attitude, especially at high values of lift coefficient, such as are required at landing.
116 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The characteristics of the aerofoil are determined by several shape parameters of which
the most significant are:
i) the maxi mum thickness to chord ratio and its chordwise location.
ii) the nose radius, which should be relatively large to give good maxi mum lift
iii) the degree and distribution of camber, if any is used. The aerofoils used for
stabilising and control surfaces are usually uncambered. Some degree of
camber is normal for a wing section as it gives better lift characteristics in
upright, that is usual, flight as opposed to inverted flight and is a
recognition of the way most aircraft are flown and manoeuvred.
iv) trailing edge angle, which is often best made as small as is feasible.
Typical early monoplane aerofoils had the maxi mum depth at 30% of the chord aft of the
nose. Maxi mum lift coefficients of around 1.6 could be achieved associated with zero lift
pitching moment coefficients of the order of -0.05. The NACA 23 series are notable in
that somewhat higher maxi mum lift is possible with pitching moment coefficients of only
about -0.01, but at the possible penalty of an abrupt stall. Later developments, typified
by the NACA 6 series, were aimed at reducing aerofoil drag. They were characterised by
an aft movement of the maxi mum depth to about 0.35 chord in the 62 series, 0.375 in the
64 series, 0.40 in the 65 series and 0.49 in the 67 series. For many purposes where the
aircraft operates at speeds below which compressibility effects are significant, the NACA
6 series aerofoils represent a good basis for selection, but see also the next paragraph.
However, the advent of powerful computational aids has resulted in significant advances
in aerofoil section design. This is especially beneficial for aircraft intended to fly at higher
Mach numbers and it is now usual for a special section to be designed for each aircraft in
this category. Some details of advanced or "supercritical" aerofoils have been published.
Computational techniques have also been applied to sections intended for use at lower
speeds, usually with the emphasis on achievement of higher lift coefficients and, in some
cases, laminar flow. Examples of these are the NASA LS and Wortman series intended for
use where compressibility effects are negligible, and the NASA MS series for use up to a
Mach number of about 0.7. Whilst maximum lift coefficients of the order of two are
quoted, they are associated with high zero lift pitching moment coefficients in excess of
-0.1 and thin, reflexed, trailing edges which introduce difficulties in the structural design
of trailing edge high lift devices. Further, some of these sections may be very sensitive to
roughness. When it is necessary to use high lift devices in any case the justification for the
use of this class of aerofoil requires careful consideration.
Aerofoils for supersonic aircraft are often adapted from basic biconvex sections to
which a small nose radius and possibly some degree of camber has been added.
For preliminary design purposes the most critical aerofoil parameters are the maxi mum
lift coefficient, the thickness to chord ratio and, where appropriate, the related high speed
drag characteristics, and lift curve slope. These are discussed further in subsequent
Configuration of the wing 117
5. 2. 2. 2 Ma x i mu m lift coeffi ci ent (QnAX)
The maxi mum lift coefficient of a basic, two' dimensional, aerofoil can vary over a wide
range. It is considerably influenced by the nose radius of the aerofoil, decreasing as
radius decreases. In the case of a low speed aerofoil and an advanced one for use at high
subsonic Mach number a maxi mum lift coefficient of about 1.6 is typical. For older so-
called "high speed" sections and thin aerofoils for supersonic application the typical
maxi mum lift coefficient is around unity. In cruising flight buffet margin considerations
may limit the usable lift coefficient to no more than about 40% of the maxi mum value.
5. 2. 2. 3 Thi ckness to chord rati o (t/c)
This important parameter has some effect upon the maxi mum lift coefficient and the
value chosen is influenced by structural design requirements, see paragraph 5.4.
In incompressible flow conditions relatively high thickness to chord ratios of up to 0.2
are acceptable at the root of the wing and give a good structural depth with a small profile
drag penalty. The value at the tip is typically about two-thirds of that at the root.
At higher Mach numbers, where compressibility effects become important, it is usual
to use somewhat thinner aerofoils and root values in the range 0.10 to 0.15 are typical.
Again the tip value is usually about two-thirds of that at the root, but the spanwise
variation is not necessarily linear especially if the wing trailing edge is cranked.
The need to reduce wave drag at supersonic speed dictates the use of thin aerofoils and
the thickness to chord ratio is rarely more than 0.06 and may be as low as 0.02 to 0.03.
Any spanwise variation is likely to be small. Cri t i cal Mac h nu mb e r ( MN c m r ) (Two-dimensional aerofoil)
Aircraft which operate in the high subsonic flight regime are designed to fly at about, or
just below, a so-called "critical Mach number". There is no generally accepted definition
of critical Mach number, but it is the Mach number at which the rate of drag increase due
to compressibility becomes unacceptable. This may be stated in terms of the slope of the
curve of drag coefficient variation with Mach number or as a specified increment in drag
coefficient. A simple definition, following the latter approach, is that it is the Mach
number at which the wave drag due to compressibility results in an increment of 20 drag
counts (0.002) to the zero lift drag coefficient (see Chapter 6, paragraph 6.3.1).
It is possible to design an aerofoil such that the critical Mach number is unchanged,
or even increases, as lift coefficient is increased. However, this may be achieved at the
expense of a lower zero lift value of critical Mach number and it is more usual to expect
that critical Mach number will reduce with increased lift. Increase of thickness to chord
ratio also results in a reduction of critical Mach number. Various formulae and data
sources have been derived to enable critical Mach number to be evaluated. A simple
formula, originally due to Korn (see, for example, Boppe, C. W., AGARD-FDP Special
Course notes, May 1991, Eq (25)), takes the form:
MN c m r = A p - 0.1C L - ( t / c ) = A I - ( t / c ) (5.1a)
I 18 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
wher e MNcmr
(t / c)
is the critical Mach number for a gi ven f or m of t wo-
di mensi onal aerofoi l
is lift coeffi ci ent
is t hi ck ness to chord ratio
AF is a number whi ch depends upon the desi gn standard of the aerofoi l section. For ol der
aerofoi l s AF was around 0.8 to 0. 85 but a val ue of 0.95 shoul d be possi bl e wi t h an
opt i mi sed advanced aerofoil. Not e A z is equal to (AF - 0.1CL), see Chapt er 6, Eq (6.13a).
Thus for desi gn purposes:
MNcmr = 0.95 - 0.1CL - (t/c)
In the case of a subsoni c airliner the cruise lift coeffi ci ent is ar ound 0.5 whi l e for a hi ghl y
manoeuvr abl e combat aircraft it is somewhat less, say about 0.3, in subsoni c cruise.
Hence, for an unswept t wo- di mensi onal aerofoil, typically:
Subsoni c airliner: MNcnlr = 0.9 - (t/c) approx.
Combat aircraft: MscRrr= 0.92 - (t/c) approx.J (5.1c)
For the effect of sweep see par agr aph
5. 2. 2. 5 Lift curve sl ope
The theoretical val ue of the lift curve sl ope for a thin aerofoi l is:-
dCL/dCt = 2zr per radian (5.1d)
Practical t wo- di mensi onal aerofoi l s have a somewhat hi gher val ue but it falls wi t h
reduct i on in aspect ratio, and the i nt roduct i on of sweep, see paragraphs 5.3.2 and 5.3.4.
An approxi mat e val ue in these ci rcumst ances is gi ven by:
dCL -A/[ (0 . 3 2 + O. 16AIcosAt/4~l - (MNCOSAI/4)2} 1/2] (5.1e)
wher e A is aspect ratio, see par agr aph 5. 3. 2
Ms is the flight Mach number
A,,~ is the sweep of the quart er chord line
Depl oyment of hi gh lift devi ces has onl y a small effect on the lift curve slope, unless
there is a consi derabl e increase of wi ng area, see paragraph 5.2.3 and Fi gure 5.1.
Configuration of the wing 119
5.2.3 High lift devices General comments
A great variety of high lift devices exists, many of which are mechanically complex. As
aerodynamic design has progressed there has been a tendency to use mechanically simpler
systems in spite of their lower lift capability, both to save mass and to improve reliability.
A sunmaary of the more common types is shown in Figure 5.2 and Table 5.1 gives an
indication of their lift potential in practical applications, see paragraph
Trailing edge high lift devices are almost universally used but leading edge devices are
best avoided where possible. Apart from the additional mechanical complexity they are
located in a sensitive position on the aerofoil where small gaps and steps can cause large
drag increments. As a guide current design practice suggests that leading edge high lift
devices are likely to be necessary when:
(MglS) o
-> FLE (5.2)
w ere is the take-off wing loading in N/ m 2, Mg being the weight and S the
wing area.
Fee is approximately 5500 N/ m 2 for airliners and but may be less than 4000 N/ m 2 for
combat aircraft depending upon specific conditions, such as a requirement for short take-
off and landing. Trailing edge high lift devices
The simplest systems, such as plain and split flaps, change only the camber of the
aerofoil. More complex concepts, such as multi-slotted or Fowler flaps, not only change
camber but also extend the chord, opening up slots as they do so.
Trailing edge devices rarely occupy less than the aft 20% of the chord or more than the
aft 40%. A mean between these two values is typical.
The maxi mum angle through which a flap is deflected depends to some extent on the
type used. However, maximum effective angles of 35 to 45 are typical with higher
values only being employed when there is a particular requirement for high drag.
Trailing edge flap operating systems are numerous but may be summarised by:
i) Simple hinges within or on the aerofoil for plain and spilt flaps, but below
t he aerofoil for slotted flaps to give chord extension.
ii) Link age systems, usually arranged to produce significant aft movement of
slotted and Fowler flaps before the main rotation occurs.
120 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Track systems, where the track shape can be used to control flap movement
as is required. Recent devices tend, however, to use simple track shapes,
such as circular arcs and straight portions.
Combi nat i on of the above, especi al l y for multi-slotted systems. For
exampl e the forward segment of a doubl e-sl ot t ed flap may move out on a
track, while the ot her segment may be cont rol l ed by a l i nk age or be simply
pi vot ed to the mai n segment.
~ High speed aerofoil
~ Advanced subsonic aerofoil
Variable camber aerofof~
Plain flap
Droop nose
Kruger flap
Split flap
. Plain flap
Single slotted flap
Vented Kruger f l a t ~ ~ ~ ' ~
Double slotted flap
Fowler flap
_. . J
Fi gure 5.2 Aerof oi l s and high lift devi ces
Configuration of the wing 121 Leading edge high lift devices
The variation of geometry obtained from leading edge devices may take one of the basic
forms illustrated in Figure 5.2.
a) Hi nged nose - plain f l ap or drooped nose. A plain nose flap is hinged at a point near
to the mid-depth of the aerofoil while a drooped nose has a pivot point near to the lower
surface so that a smoother upper surface may be achieved. The concept is mechanically
simple, and it may be used to locally increase the angle at which the aerofoil stalls. A
typical flap deflection angle is 10 o.
b) Kruger flap. A nose flap is formed by moving the front lower surface of the aerofoil
outwards and forwards about a hinge point located on the aerofoil surface at the leading
edge, or slightly behind and above it. When extended the flap forms a forward extension
of the upper surface thereby increasing chord as well as camber. The shape of the lower
extremity of the Kruger flap is important and the radius required results in a depression
being formed in the lower wing surface when the flap is closed. The extended surface
shape is also important and sometimes a flexible arrangement is employed to enable better
performance to be achieved than would otherwise be possible by using the fixed lower
aerofoil shape. It is also possible to locate the pivot point within the aerofoil so that a gap
is opened between the Kruger flap and the nose of the basic aerofoil as it extends. This
produces a vented Kruger flap.
c) Slat/slot systems. Some aircraft have been designed with a fixed wing slot located just
behind the leading edge, but this gives rise to a significant drag penalty in cruise
conditions. The usual slat system consists of a section of the leading edge, mainly
forming the upper surface of the aerofoil, which is arranged to move forwards and
downwards thereby extending the chord, changing the camber and forming a slot. The
movement is often based on a circular track. The choice of the centre of rotation is
influenced by the need to achieve the opt i mum gap as the slat opens and in some cases
an additional device may be used to rotate the slat relative to the track to facilitate this.
The maxi mum slat rotation angle is likely to be around 30 o.
Leading edges devices usually occupy at least 10% of the leading edge of the aerofoil
while slat and Kruger flap concepts may extend up to 20%. However, something rather
less than this, around 16%, is more typical. High lift device extended positions
Some high lift devices use only one extended position but the majority empl oy two or
more. The main considerations are:
a) Take-of f At tak e-off the aim is to achieve enhanced lift with the mi ni mum associated
drag penalty, so that high lift/ drag ratio is the criterion. The emphasis tends to be on
122 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
chordwise extension associated with small changes in camber. The use of slots requires
care as they have a tendency to introduce significant drag penalty. Leading edge devices,
such as slats and vented Kruger flaps, may be arranged so that they are sealed in the take-
off position for this reason. Typical trailing edge flap deflections for take-off are up to
about half of the maximum landing values, whilst in the case of slats the take-off rotation
is likely to be around two-thirds of the maximum.
b) Landing. High lift is the overriding consideration in the landing configuration. The
associated drag can be tolerated and may be advantageous. However, the case of a
baulked landing must be considered either in terms of available thrust or partial retraction
of the high lift devices. The limit on the landing flap deflection, referred to in paragraph, is likely to be determined either by the need to keep pitching moment to an
acceptable value or by mechanical considerations. Variable camber concepts
The aim of so-called "variable camber" or "mission adaptive" wings is to achieve good
high lift performance by smooth changes of aerofoil contour as shown in Figure 5.2,
rather than by the more conventional use of movable segments. The variable camber is
often achieved by combining a flexible drooped nose with a flexible extending trailing
edge flap. The latter may, or may not, incorporate a slot system. Experience suggests that
the mechanical complexity and mass penalties rarely justify the potential performance
gains of the concept although there may be viable applications in special cases.
5.2.4 Wing control surfaces
Conventionally roll control is provided by ailerons which effectively are a pair of
differentially moving plain flaps located over the rear 20 to 30% of the chord of the
aerofoil. Usually ailerons occupy the outer 25 to 30% of the wing span, although in some
designs they are supplemented by short span controls located inboard in the region of
power plants and between flap segments. The inboard ailerons are used in high speed flight
to avoid possible aeroelastic difficulties associated with aileron reversal. See also Chapter
8, paragraph 8.10.3. Ailerons are sometimes "drooped" symmetrically to augment lift in
association with the flaps, and the droop hinge may be offset to introduce a slot.
5.2.5 Spoilers and airbrakes
Hinged flaps located on the upper surface of the aerofoil above the front of the trailing
edge flaps are used for various purposes such as:
i) Roll control at high and low speed by differential operation
ii) Air brakes at high and low speed
iii) Lift dumping after touchdown
Configuration of the wing 123
Whi l e t hei r r ol e is i mpor t ant , i n s ome r e s pe c t s t hey are s e c onda r y in t er ms of
de t e r mi na t i on of wi ng conf i gur at i on.
Tabl e 5.1 Summary of high lift devi ce ef f ecti veness
Basic aerofoil - subsonic
Basic aerofoil - sharp nose
Plain trailing edge flap: 20% chord
40% chord
Split flap (no gap) (t/c) = 0.15' 20% chord
40% chord
Single-slotted flap: 20% chord
40% chord
Double-slotted flap: 40% (+26%) chord
Triple-slotted flap: 40% chord overall
Fowler flaps: 20% chord
40% chord
Fowler plus split flap: 40% chord
Plain leading edge flap: 15% chord
Vented slat: 18% chord
Kruger flap: 20% chord
Vented Kruger flap: 20% chord
Max. increment in lift coefficient*
2- dim. potential
Typical 3- dim. value*
* Notes: 1)
Typical 3-dimension values are for moderate to high aspect ratio unswept wings,
allowing for part span effects. Multiply by (cosA~14) for swept case. A typical
corresponding value for plain/single-slotted flaps on a low aspect ratio wing is 0.25.
Take-off lift coefficient values are usually 50 to 60% of maximum (landing) values
quoted, see Chapter 6, paragraph
124 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
5.2.6 Three-dimensional and part span effects Three-dimensional flow
Two-dimensional lift values are not obtained on a practical wing of finite span especially
when it is swept. The combination of finite aspect ratio, sweep and taper of the planform
causes spanwise flow interactions which modify the effective angle of attacks of local
chordwise sections. On unswept and aft swept wings this gives rise to a tendency to
higher lift coefficients outboard resulting in the possibility of tip stall generally and nose-
up pitch when sweep is present. Incorporation of some means of reducing the local
angles of attack outboard relative to the root can overcome this problem. This may be
done by a leading edge device, such as a droop nose, or by built-in geometric properties.
If the latter approach is used it is called "wash out" and is typically equivalent to about
2 o nose down twist at the tip.
When the wing is swept forward the spanwise flow effect is reversed and tends to give
rise to the possibility of root stall. However, the pitch-up tendency is still present and
must be dealt with.
The consequence of a finite wing, therefore, is that the achieved maxi mum lift
coefficient is less than the two-dimensional value, both due to tip losses and spanwise
angle of attack variations. Part span effects
Layout considerations imply that leading and trailing edge high lift devices cannot occupy
all of the actual wing span. There are therefore further reductions of lift relative to the
two-dimensional case.
Leading edge devices are not full span because of:
i) Presence of fuselage.
ii) Shape of wing tip required for good cruise performance which restricts the
outboard extremity of the slat.
iii) Possible limitations in the region of engine pylons, although careful design
can minimise the losses here.
Overall it is likely that the effective three-dimensional maxi mum lift coefficient of a
leading edge high lift device will be no more than:
( A C L ~ o / ( A C , ) 2 o - 0 . 8 5 c o s A v4
where A,~ is the wing quarter chord sweep
As far as trailing edge devices are concerned the limitations are:
Configuration of the wing 125
1) Presence of fuselage.
2) Provision for ailerons for roll control.
3) Possible interruptions in regions of powerplants.
Unless special provisions are made for three-dimensional drooped ailerons the
effectiveness of a trailing edge high lift device can be about:
(ACL)3 o/(ACL~o : 0 . 67 cosAt/4
These practical three-dimensional limitations for high lift devices are included in the
numerical values quoted in Table 5.1.
5.3 Planform shape and geometry
5.3.1 General comments
The performance of the high lift devices discussed in paragraph 5.2 is influenced by the
geometry of the wing planform but in practice that geometry is primarily determined by
high speed rather than low speed flight considerations. The three primary planform
parameters are aspect ratio, taper ratio and sweep. Cranked trailing edges and, less
frequently, cranked leading edges may be used for detail layout reasons but these are
secondary to the primary parameters.
5.3.2 Aspect ratio, A, and wing span, b
Aspect ratio is defined as the square of the wing span, b, divided by the wing reference
area, S. The aerodynamic trend is towards high aspect ratio since this is most efficient
in reducing the inevitable drag due to lift of a finite wing. However, higher aspect ratio
implies higher structural mass so that a compromise is necessary with due consideration
given to aerofoil and other geometric parameters. In practice there is a wide variation of
aspect ratio across different classes of aircraft. It may be as low as 1.5 for a highly swept,
supersonic wing to more than 20 for a high performance sailplane. Typical values for
subsonic design are generally in the range 5 to 10.
There may be a limitation on the maximum value of wing span in some cases, for
example naval aircraft. Airlines have to be able to operate into airport gates of limited
width and typical values of span for different classes of transport aircraft are given in
Table 5.2.
126 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Table 5.2 Typical airliner wing span limits
Range category
Narrow body:
Short haul
Short/med. haul*
Wide body:
Med./long haul
Long haul
Ultra high capacity
. . . . .
Limiting wing span
*Boeing B757 is an exception with a wing span of 38.1 m (125 ft)
5.3.3 Taper ratio, A
The taper ratio is the ratio of a nominal tip chord to that at the centreline, or possibly the
fuselage side. Both chords are measured in the streamwise direction. Taper ratio is chosen
primarily to give a near to semi-elliptical spanwise airload distribution although a high
taper (low value of taper ratio) is structurally beneficial. Some rudimentary designs use
an untapered wing for simplicity of construction but usual taper ratio values to give
spanwise semi-elliptic loading lie in the range of 0.1 to 0.6 with the higher values being
found on higher aspect ratio, unswept configurations. An unduly highly tapered wing may
result in high local lift loading at the tip and a consequent tip stalling tendency, see
paragraph Reduction of tip chord may also be limited by the requirement of
adequate chord for the roll controls (ailerons). As a guide it is suggested that for initial
studies the taper ratio, 2, should not be less than:
0.2 A 1/4 cos2. 41/4 (5.4)
5.3.4 Sweep General remarks (see also Chapter 2, paragraph
Sweep may be forward or back and is most commonl y defined along the 25 % chord line.
Increase of sweep raises the critical Mach number and also reduces the value of the peak
wave or compressibility drag. Sweep back is much more common, primarily for reasons
of layout and stability. Swept forward wings are prone to aeroelastic divergence. As a
general rule sweep angles should be as low as possible for a given design flight condition
and aerofoil configuration, since sweep implies both structural and possible handling
penalties. Sometimes a moderate sweep is incorporated in the wing for layout reasons.
For example some sweepback associated with an unswept trailing edge over the wing root
region can be used to provide stowage volume for a retracted landing gear.
5. 3. 4 . 2 Ef f ect of s we e p at hi gh s u b s oni c Ma c h nu mb e r
Sweep angles vary from nominally zero for relatively slow flying aircraft to 60 or more
for delta and variable sweep wing configurations. The effect of sweep in raising the
critical Mach number at high subsonic speed is approximately:
(MNcRrr~D/(MNcRrr)20 - l (5.5a)
for 0<_ At/4 <_ 35
where (McRIT)2 D is the two-dimensional value derived from Eq (5.1).
At sweep angles greater than 35 o there is an increasing benefit from sweep so that:
= 1
(MNcRrr~o/(MNcmT~o (cosA l/4) o.6
for Ala > 45
with appropriate variation for 35 o < //,~ < 45 o.
Figure 5.3 summarises Eq (5.5) while Figures 5.4 and 5.5 show the result of combining
Eq (5.5) and Eq (5.1c).
10 20
~ 1.4
| t '
I I | I i 1 i
30 40 50 60 70
Sweep A~ degrees
Configuration of the wing 127
Fi gure 5. 3 Ef f ect of s weep on cri ti cal s ubs oni c Mach n u mber
0.90 - - - - - - -
, ~ 0.84
Et '
~ 0.82
~ 0.78 I
. ~
"~ 0.74 . ~
~ 0.72
1. 06
1. 04
~ 1.00
(CL)cRUISE = 0.5
t / c = O . 1 8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Sweep A,/,
45 50
Fi gure 5. 4 Typi cal subsoni c ai rl i ner sweep requi rement
! i ~ - , w
Transoni c (CL)cRus~ = 0.3
0. 96
' 0. 92
0. 90
0. 84
128 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
0 5 10 1 30 35 4 0 4 5
Sweep A,/,
Fi gure 5. 5 Combat ai rcraf t sweep requi rement - transoni c crui se
5. 3 . 4 . 3 E f f e c t o f s we e p at s u p e r s o n i c s p e e d s
a) Subsonic leading edge. Ther e is advant age in ret ai ni ng a subsoni c l eadi ng edge even
when an aircraft is flying at supersoni c speed. As a first appr oxi mat i on the i ncr ement in
zero lift drag of a wi ng in t hese condi t i ons is cl ose to a mi ni mum when:
Configuration of the wing 129
M /1/2
- 1 ) cOtALE = 0.8
f o r 1 < A ( M~ 1) .'2 _ - <_ 4 a n d ( t / c) <_ 0.06
where Am is leading edge sweep.
This condition, but not the actual drag, is thus approximately independent of thickness
to chord ratio. Equation (5.6a) may be used to predict the leading edge sweep necessary
to achieve near to minimum zero lift drag:
ALE = c o s - l ( l l Ms ) + AALe (5.6b)
where in the range 1.1< Mu<3.0, A,4Le is found to vary from about 5.2 to 6.4 .
Thus approximately for usual supersonic flight Mach number:
ALe = cOS-' (1/MN) + 6 (5.6c)
required ALe is shown in Figure 5.6.
A( Mu z - 1)'~ = 4 (M~- 1)'/~ = 0.8 tanALE
~/4 degrees ~ ,
3o t " oo3
2.81-73.0 \ / t \ ~ ,
2.6 71 6
} 69.8 ~ / ~ " ~ . 0 3 0 =0 002
2.4 t/c values to give Cow .
2.2}.67.9 7'," X ~ " " ~ 0 . 0 2 8
.~ 2.0 66.2 -o
1.8 61.9 - -
124 ~ '(
Figure 5.6 Conditions for subsonic leading edge in supersonic flight
130 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
b) Interaction of thickness to chord and aspect ratio. Also shown in Figure 5.6 is the
implied aspect ratio limitation for Eq (5.6a) to be valid and combinations of parameters
required to give a wave drag coefficient, Cow, of 0.002. The aerofoil wave drag is
proportional to (t/c) 2 so there is considerable merit in keeping thickness/ chord ratio as low
as possible within structural considerations. Increase of aspect ratio also increases aerofoil
wave drag, but the need to keep drag due to lift to a low value offsets this. Generally it is
suggested that the aspect ratio is likely to be close to the limiting value given in Figure 5.6.
c) Effect of sweep at supersonic speed- supersonic leading edge. High compressibility
drag is associated with a just sonic leading edge. For this reason the sweep of the leading
edge should be somewhat less than cos-l(1/Ms), where Ms is the supersonic design Mach
number. There is likely to be aerodynamic advantage in employing a sweep near to the
maximum tolerable value to reduce the compressibility drag penalty in transonic
conditions, although a sweep angle significantly less than cos ~(1/Ms) is a possibility.
5. 3. 5 Ty pical wing pl anfor m g eomet r y
Table 5.3 summarises typical wing geometry parameters over a range of operating flight
5. 3. 6 Di hedral - ( l at eral stabil ity of aircraft)
Dihedral, or anhedral, of the wing may be determined by one, or both, of two primary
a) Natural lateral static stability which requires that the rolling tendency due to sideslip
should be negative. However, an unduly large negative value may well adversely affect
dynamic stability characteristics. This is discussed more fully in Addendum 3.
b) Layout requirements, such as the need for ground clearance for wing-mounted
powerplants and stores, or fuel system design.
The following are the major contributions to positive lateral static stability:
i) Wing position vertically on the fuselage, which is beneficial when the
wing is located above the centre of gravity
ii) Sweep back of the wing.
iii) Dihedral.
From the point of view of stability the following may be used as an initial guide to the
desirable dihedral/ anhedral:
Configuration of the wing 131
Low wing, unswept:
Low wing, swept back:
High wing, unswept:
High wing, swept back:
Dihedral 3 to 5
Dihedral about 3 at 30 aft sweep
No dihedral
Anhedral of about minus 3 at 30 aft sweep
(increasing somewhat at higher aft sweep)
Dihedral or anhedral of a horizontal tail is sometimes used. This may contribute to
directional stability but the main reasons are usually layout or longitudinal stability.
Table 5.3 Typical wing geometry parameters
Sweep; A,,~
(Greater sweep may be
used for layout reasons)
Aspect ratio, A
Taper ratio, 2
Thickness/ chord ratio
(Root) ( t / c ) .
Thickness/chord ratio
(Tip) (t/C)T
1 M N _<0.65
Short range 5-7
Long range 10-12
65% root value
0.65 >_Mt _<0.95
Flight regime
cos-'( 0.95-0.1c,-'/)2
A l l 4 <- 35
Combat type 4-6
Transport, etc. 7-10
MN >- 0.95 subsonic I.F.
Supersonic I.E
Not more than
co s 1 6 o
65% root value Root value Root value
5. 3. 7 Winglets
Wing tip fins, or winglets, have the effect of reducing drag due to lift and hence effectively
increasing aspect ratio. Approximately the effective increase of aspect ratio is about half
that of adding the tip fin height directly to the span. Winglets are of use when an existing
design is being developed, or when there is an operational wing span limit.
5. 4 I n t er ac t i o n b et w een aer o d y n ami c , s t r u c t u r al an d wi n g
v o l u me c o n s i d er at i o n s
5.4.1 Spar positions and fuel volume
Apart from some light aircraft the structure of a wing consists of a spanwise box which
is defined in the chordwise sense by front and rear spars. The chordwise positions of
132 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
these spars follow from the definition of the leading and trailing edge high lift devices,
controls and possibly other considerations such as the retracted landing gear. The front
spar is located just aft of the rear edge of the leading edge devices when they are used.
In any case it has a typical position at 10 to 20% of the chord. Lik ewise the rear spar is
located just ahead of the trailing edge devices, typically around 60 to 70% of the chord.
In most cases the volume within the spanwise box is used for fuel tankage. To give
development potential this volume should always be maximised, even when the predicted
fuel mass to meet the initial specification can be readily accommodated. In the case of a
long range airliner the fuel volume required may suggest that it is the parameter which
determines overall wing area. This may not be an opt i mum solution and the volume
required may be better achieved by increase of thickness/ chord ratio with corresponding
increase of sweep.
The actual vol ume available for fuel does depend upon numerous geometric and
system details, but for a typical airliner the maxi mum available wing fuel mass is
approximately given by:
420 bS(t/c)(1 - 0.892 + 0.49~.2)/A kg (5.7)
5. 4. 2 St r uct ur al ma s s
Low wing mass is associated with low values of aspect ratio and sweep and high
thickness to chord ratio and taper (low taper ratio). There is thus a direct conflict between
aerodynamic and structural requirements. Design practice suggests that for the majority
of aircraft a structural parameter, SP, can be established to indicate likely structural
SP <_ secA e [ ( tIc)'5 J
where Ae is the effective structural sweep, usually approximately A,a but it may
be less on a highly swept, low aspect ratio wing
N is the ultimate (factored) normal acceleration factor, being the greater
of that due to manoeuvre and discrete gust encounter. See Addendum 4.
Typical values of SP are:
Executive jets
Subsonic military strike and trainer aircraft
Supersonic military strike/ interception aircraft
Long range supersonic, excluding strike, aircraft
High performance sailplanes
All other types
SP = 12 to13
S P = 18
SP = 18 to 20
S P = 10
SP > 30
SP = 15 to 16
Configuration of the wing 133
The value of SP should not be used as an absolute design constraint, but it is useful in
establishing a set of parameters for detailed investigation. Inevitably there are special
cases where the value of SP is greater or less than typical values. This possibility is
illustrated by long range supersonic aircraft where the need for a large fuel fraction is
reflected in a comparatively low value of wing mass, and hence unusually low value of
The value of N can usually be assumed within reasonably close limits for a given
design so that Eq (5.8a) may be used to correlate probable values of sweep,
thickness/ chord ratio and aspect ratio. Taper ratio is less significant and the assumption
of a typical value is adequate for initial purposes.
It is sometimes convenient to rearrange Eq (5.8a) in the form:
A -- N '8 (5.8b)
5.5 Wing area (wing loading)
5. 5. 1 Gener al c omme nt s
The overall size of the wing defined as the reference area, S, is to some extent dependent
upon the geometric parameters. However, it is primarily determined by the performance
requirements of the aircraft and the corresponding available thrust. The latter is
conveniently defined non-dimensionally as thrust/ weight ratio, (T/ Mg), which for a given
powerplant configuration can be related to a datum sea level static value, (T/Mg)o, see
Chapter 3. Although the powerplant potential of propeller driven aircraft is usually
expressed in terms of power, the thrust available at any given flight condition follows
directly from the power as a function of forward speed and propeller characteristics. The
relationship between power and thrust is also covered in Chapter 3, paragraphs
It is convenient in performance analysis to express the wing area in terms of wing
loading, (Mg/S), which may also be related to an initial tak e-off value, (Mg/S)o.
An important factor in the performance of an aircraft is the lift/ drag ratio, (/ JD). For a
given geometry and high lift configuration the lift/ drag ratio may be taken as the sum of
two terms one of which is directly proportional to wing loading and the other inversely
proportional to it, see Chapter 6, paragraph 6.3.1. All other things being constant, t he
maxi mum lift/ drag ratio corresponds to the condition where the two terms have equal
134 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
5.5.2 Influence of performance requirements General comments
The performance requirements are partly defined by the operating conditions given in
the particular specification for the aircraft and partly by more general airworthiness
requirements. For a given selection of high lift devices, wing planform geometry,
fuselage layout and general aircraft configuration the performance criteria can be
discussed in relation to the flight profile. Some, or all, of the following general flight
modes, which are treated more fully in Chapter 7, may be relevant. Take-off: runway l ength to achi eve screen hei ght
The take-off distance is primarily determined by the static thrust/ weight ratio divided by
the product of wing loading and the lift coefficient at rotation. There is thus a direct
relationship between thrust/ weight ratio and wing loading for a given unstick lift
coefficient which may be assumed constant within the assumptions stated above. The
further parameter of the braking deceleration is involved in the determination of the
accelerate-stop distance when an engine failure occurs. For simplicity it is adequate to
assume a balanced field length for initial synthesis, the justification for which must be
checked subsequently. Critical engi ne failed cl i mb out: second segment climb
Experience suggests that the second segment climb is most likely to be the critical engine
failed climb condition, where this requirement is applicable. The specified minimum
climb gradient may be expressed in terms of the relevant thrust/ weight ratio and lift/drag
ratio with the landing gear retracted and high lift devices in the take-off setting. The
speed is defined as a factor of the stalling speed which is also a function of wing loading
for a given lift characteristic. Normal cl i mb to altitude: ceiling
While the high lift devices are usually retracted the rate of climb to operational attitude
depends upon the thrust/ weight ratio and wing loading in the same way as the second
segment climb. It is convenient to express the rate of climb in a form which directly
relates thrust to weight ratio, wing loading and the assumed drag characteristics. Fuel
used in climb is established directly by powerplant performance. There must alway be
some residual climb rate at operating attitude, this being related to the service ceiling. Crui se
The distance covered in cruise is the product of three items:
a) A propulsion term which is the ratio of flight speed (or Mach number) to specific fuel
consumption, and is thus defined for a given requirement, powerplant and flight
b) The aerodynamic term which is the lift to drag ratio.
Configuration of the wing 135
c) A ma s s t e r m which effectively relates the fuel mass available for cruise to the mass of
the aircraft at the end of the cruise.
Thus for a given cruise speed and powerplant the cruise performance depends upon the
wing loading as it influences the lift/ drag ratio and mass of the aircraft. Diversion and
stand-off flight which give rise to reserve fuel requirements are a form of cruise which
is often off-design.
5. 5. 2. 6 Ma x i mu m l evel speed
Achievement of a maxi mum level speed may be a requirement for some aircraft,
especially combat types. It is simply the level flight case of thrust to weight ratio being
equal to the drag to weight ratio, the latter being a function of wing loading.
5. 5. 2. 7 Sust ai ned manoe uv r e
Sustained manoeuvre is another thrust equal to drag case except here the drag is greater
than in steady level flight due to the higher lift demanded by the manoeuvre. As with
climb and maxi mum level speed there is a relation between thrust to drag ratio and wing
loading for a given drag characteristic.
5. 5. 2. 8 I nst ant aneous manoe uv r e
The instantaneous manoeuvre is determined either by structural limits or by the
maxi mum available lift coefficient. It is thus independent of thrust but does depend upon
wing loading.
5. 5. 2. 9 Speci fi c excess power
A given point performance specific excess power is identical to the potential rate of climb
at that point and so the comments made in paragraph apply. Essentially it is a
function of the difference between thrust and drag as a ratio of the weight.
5. 5. 2. 10 Trans oni c accel erat i on
The time taken and fuel used during the transonic acceleration of a supersonic aircraft
may be an important design requirement. The case is analogous to that of specific excess
power in that the critical factor is the difference between thrust and drag. However, the
analysis covers a range of Mach numbers over which the drag varies considerably. For
a given drag the important criteria are still thrust/ weight ratio and wing loading.
5. 5. 2. 11 Descent
The time and fuel used during descent from operating altitude to landing approach are not
usually of great concern at the initial design stage. When a high rate of descent is required,
as may sometimes be the case, secondary devices such as air brakes must be provided.
136 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Landing approach and touch down: landing runway length
For a given high lift configuration the wing loading is the only criterion which determines
the approach and touch down speeds. Apart from a vertical landing concept it always
places a limit on the maxi mum acceptable wing loading, and in many cases it indirectly
determines the tak e-off wing loading.
The rest of the landing distance is determined by the achievable brak ing deceleration. Baulked landing
It is usual to consider the performance requirements when a landing is rejected at a late
stage in the approach. This condition may have an impact upon the thrust/ weight ratio as
the aircraft has to accelerate with an initially high drag setting of the high lift devices.
5.5.3 Sensitivity to turbul ence in cruise
In the case of passenger transport, executive aircraft and some other types it is important
to ensure that the aircraft is not unduly sensitive to atmospheric turbulence. Based on
simple discrete gust analysis it may be assumed that the sensitivity to turbulence is more
or less directly proportional to:
Va 1
(Mg/ S)
where V is the cruise speed
a~ is the lift curve slope at the cruise condition
( Mg / S ) is the appropriate wing loading
Analysis of aircraft considered to be satisfactory in this respect suggests that:
( Mg/ S) o >_
(0.32 + O. 16A/cosAl/4){1 - (MNCoSA]/4)z} ~
where ( Mg/ S) o is tak e-off wing loading (N/ m E )
M N is maxi mum cruise Mach number
A is aspect ratio and A,~ is sweep of 0.25 chordline, as previously
lid is the structural design speed, see Chapter 7, paragraph 7.2.2
This condition may provide a lower limit to the wing loading for a given wing
geometry. A ride control system can be used to overcome this problem.
Configuration of the wing 137
5.5.4 Practical range of wing loading
Wing loadings used for aircraft design vary over a wide range from as low as 200 N/ m
to as high as 8000 N/re. In spite of this wide overall variation there is a close correlation
between individual aircraft of a given type. Table 5.4 illustrates this.
5.5.5 Determination of wing loading and thrust to weight ratio
For a given overall configuration the various performance requirements as defined in
paragraph 5.5.2 may be analysed to give a number of curves, which individually show
the wing loadings and corresponding thrust/ weight ratios to meet a given requirement.
The process may be repeated for other configurations, such as alternative wing geometry
or high lift devices, in order to obtain other matches of the two primary criteria. It must
be noted, however, that the changes in geometric and other parameters imply mass
differences which are not accounted for except in as much as the structural parameter of
Eq. (5.7) may have been used. A preferable approach is to complete the evaluation of
aircraft mass for a given configuration and make comparison between different
configurations at this level. The procedure is outlined in Chapter 8.
138 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Table 5.4 Typical wing loading
Class of aircraft
Ultra light aircraft
Light single piston engine aircraft
General aviation single turboprop aircraft
General aviation twin piston engine aircraft
Small turboprop commuter aircraft
, ,
Large turboprop commuter aircraft
Small executive jets
Medium executive jets
Large executive jets
Military jet trainers
Turbopropeller transports
Naval strike/interceptor aircraft*
Land based strike/interceptor aircraft*
Supersonic long range bomber and transport aircraft
, .
Subsonic long range bomber aircraft
, . ,
Short/medium haul jet transport aircraft
Long haul jet transport aircraft
Naval strike/interceptor aircraft*
Land based strike/interceptor aircraft*
Supersonic long range bomber and transport aircraft
, .
Subsonic long range bomber aircraft
Short/medium haul jet transport aircraft
Long haul jet transport aircraft
Range of wing loading N/m 2
, ,
* Swi ng wi ng ai r cr af t have a val ue of about 1000 N/ m 2 hi ghe r t han c ompa r a bl e f i xed wi ng ai r cr af t
whi l e i nc or por a t i on of st eal t h f eat ur es on a ma j or scal e r educes t he val ue by a r ound 1000 N/ m 2 .
Chapter 6
Basic lift, drag and mass representations
6.1 Introduction
The representations of lift, drag and mass are of fundamental importance to the design
synthesis process, Inevitably an accurate evaluation of them demands a knowledge of
many details of a design which are not avail able at the initial synthesis stage. For these
reasons the need 10 make some assumptions is unavoidable. Certain significant
characteri stics must be retained as parameters to be optimi sed during the process.
However. it is desirable to restrict the number of these to an absolute minimum by
utilising representations which make the fullest possible use of past experience.
Aerodynamic characteri stics may be critically dependent upon the Reynolds number
which is defined as the product of a characteristi c length and the true velocity divided by
the kinematic viscosity. In the following representations for lift and drag there are certain
implied allowances for Reynolds number effects
6.2 Lilt
6.2.1 Introduction
Some aspects of the lift characteristics associated with various wing configurati ons are
discussed in Chapter 5. The assumptions which follow are consistent with these
characteri stics.
As stated above for the purposes of preliminary design, intended to lead to an initial
synthesis of an aircraft confi guration, it is desirable to reduce the input information to as
little as possible. With thi s in mind the estimation of lift characteristics is limited to the
following phases of the flight:
Ai rcraft conceptual design synthesis
0) Take-off. unstick lif! coefficient and value appropriate 10 initial climb Ollt.
b) ernise, lif! coefficient as limited by buffel. Mach number effects and climb cei ling.
c) Manoeuvre, maximum available lift coefficient for combat aircraft and related types.
d) LAnding, approach li ft coefficient based on the ma)(imum achi evable value with the
high lif! devices fully deployed.
6.2.2 Aircraft configurations
It is conveni enl to simplify the lift representation by relating it 10 j USllwo basic aircraft
oj Subsonic and transonic aircraft having moderate to high aspect ratio wings. Usuall y
the sweep is less than 45 and the mean thickness to chord ralio is greater than 0.08.
b) Transonic and supersonic aircraft Iloving wings of aspect ratio less than about 4.5.
In most cases the wing is swept and the thi ckness to chord ratio less than 0.075.
6.2.3 Initial assumptions
In addition to the selection of the basic aircraft confi guration the prediction of lift
coefficients requires the knowledge of. or the assumption of, some or all of the following:
i) Sweep
ii) Type of high lift system
iii) Aspect ratio
iv) Mach number
Clearly these are all important parameters in the refinell"l!nt of the design. While Chapter
5 gives some indi cation of typical values which may be used for initi al work. once the
basic layout has been establi shed it is necessary to vary them in combination with others
to derive an optimum solution. This procedure is outlined in Chapter 8.
6.2.4 Moderate to high aspect ratio wIng configurations (A ~ 5) General comments
Aircraft in this category almost invariably use some fonnoftrailingedge hi gh lift system.
Leading edge hi gh lift devices are li kely to be used on tranSJXlrt and related types when:
-;;-:--";-- <! F /..Ii
Basic lift, drag and mass representations 141
whereMo is the gross mass (kg); S is the wing area (m
) andA
is !.hesweepof the25%
chord line,
Leading edge hi gh lift devices may be used on combat aircraft to confer bo!.h reduced
field length requirements and improve combat manoeuvre. Values of F IL are suggested
in Chapter S, Eq (5.2).
The performance of high lift devices depends upon both the type used and !.he detail
geometry of the layout employed. However, for initial work typical average values may
be assumed based on the expectation that trim effects fall within the tolerances of the
predicted coefficients. Maximum lift coefficient
For thi s category of ai rcraft the maximum lift coefficient may be approximatel y
represented by:
where 6 w. is the increment due to the deployment of a leadi ng edge high lift device in
!.he landing setting. An average value may be taken as 0.65, but, of course. 6'L is zero
when leading edge devices are absent.
6n;,. is the increment due to the deployment of !.he trailing edge flaps to the landing
setting. Typical practical!.hree-dimensional values are given in Table 6.1.
The choice of 1.5 as !.he maximum value of !.he basic aerofoi llift coefficient is typical.
However, higher values, up to around 2.0, are possible when a substantial camber is used.
Such aerofoils have application to simple aircrafl designs where it is desirable to avoid the
use of variable geometry high lift devices, but their more general application is limited. Landing approach conditions
For many aircraft the approach is made at a speed which is 1.3 times the stalling speed
with the hi gh lift devices in the landing confi gurati on.
Thus the approach lift coefficient is:
Somewhat higher approach lift coefficients are possible if a lower approach speed can
be accepted. For example the 0.6 factor in Eq (6.3) increases to nearly 0.7 when !.he
approach is made at 1.2 ti mes the stalling speed. This may be acceplable in some
circumstances. When propeller slipstream effects are present over the wi ng, the value
given by Eq (6.3) may be increased somewhal, say by 10 to 15%.
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Table 6.1 Moderate to high aspect ratio wings
Typical lift increments from trail ing edge flaps: b
and t:.<Et
Takc-{)ff Landing
(unstick) !J.
1;T (approach) !J.rn.
Plain 0.3 0.6
Single slotted
Double slolle<! and Fowler 0.7 1.35
Triple slotted
Allowance is m;de for typical pan span eff&ts Take-off condition unstick lift coefficient
The unstick lift coefficient may be dependent upon the angle of nose-up rotation allowed
by the geometry of the rear fuselage, but assuming thai this is nOI a limitation and that
the unstick speed is 1. 1 times the relevant stalling speed. the unstick lift coefficient is:
where 6.u:r can be taken as 0.4 when leading edge devices are fitted and sel al their take-
off posilion, but zero when they are not used.
F.T is given in Table 6.1 for the trailing edge flaps at the t a k e ~ o f f setting. Propeller
sli pstream effect may increase the value given by Eq (6.4) by some 15 to 20%. Combat aircraft manoeuvre condition
Assuming that the high lift devices are not deployed in manoeuvres, the maximum lift
coefficient with a margin over the stall for an instantaneous manoeuvre case may be
taken as:
(6.5) Buffet limited cruise condition
The lift coefficient which may be assumed for cruise is limited by buffet considerations.
Allowing a typical margin and assuming high lift devices are not extended the maximum
Basic lift, drag and mass representations 143
cruise lif! coefficient may be taken as;
Cu: " O.65cosA
Somewhat higher values may be possible with highly cambered aerofoils. Climb ceiling condition
The climb ceiling may be limited by the usable lif! coefficient. It is suggested that for
initial calculations the value taken should not exceed 125% of that given by Eq (6.6).
6.2.5 Low aspect ratio wing configurations (A < 4.5)
6.2,5.1 General conunents
Unlike the case of the moderate to high aspect ratio wing the lif! characteristics of low
aspect ratio wings are more critically dependent upon the aircraf! configuration and other
wing geometry parameters. The following particular conditions may be identified:
a) Low aspect ratio swept wing or delta wing in isolation.
b) uading edge extension (LEX) on swept or delta wing.
c) Delta wing with cambered or variable geometry leading edge.
d) Low aspect ratio swept wing or delta wing with a close cOl/pled canard.
e) Low aspect ratio or swept wing with cambered leading edge and a close coupled
canard. Maximum lift coefficient - combat manoeuV[1!
The maximum lift coefficient of a low aspect ratio wing is achieved at a high angle of
attack. This might typically be about 30
for a wing having an aspect ratio of two.
For high speed flight where the maximum Iif! coefficient is important for manoeuvres
the following relationship may be used for aspect ratio, A < 4.5:
CUI " r %)112 COSA/II +l!.H](1 - O.25M",)
where IlH is an increment in lif! coefficient appropriate to a given configuration as shown
in Table 6.2.
144 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Maximum lift coefficient low speed flight
Usable lift coefficient at low speed is likely to be limited by restrictions of aircraft
geometry and pilot vision.
For low speed flight during lake-off and landing the usable angle of anack is likely 10
be around 12 to 14
, and this enables a datum maximum low speed lift coefficient to be
established based on an angle or20" when allowance is made for speed margins. This
low speed datum lift coerficient. which is equivalent to a low speed maximum value, is
approximately. for 1.5 ~ A s: 4.5:
where ilL is the configuration increment given in Table 6.2. Take-off condition unstick lift coefficient
Assuming lift off at 1.15 times the limiting condition for this configuration:
(6.9) Landing approach condition
For an approach at 1.2 times the limiting speed condition;
Table 6.2 low aspect ratio wings
Lift increments due to configuration 6
and 6
(see paragraph
Low speed High speed
., .,
Leading edge e!ltensioll (LEX)(b) 0.3 0 .
Variable geometry leading edge (c) 0.4 0.8
Close coupled canard (d)
Variable geometry leading 0 . 1.0
edge and dose coupled canard (e)
Basic lift. drag and mass representations
145 Cruise
In those cases where the buffet limited lift coefficient in cruise night is of significance,
il is suggested thai performance analysis should be based on a limiting lifl coefficienlof:
6.3 Drag
6. 3.1 Introduction
As is the case with initial lift evaluation it is helpful to reduce to a minimum the number
of paramelers needed to predict drag. Performance evaluation requires a knowledge of
the drag characteristics of the aircraft in ils cruise configuration over much of the speed
range. In addition the aircraft drag wilh the high lif! system at the lake-off setting is
needed to evaluate engine failed climb out performance. where thi s is relevant.
It is convenient to deal with drag prediction by distinguishing between the same two
basic aircraft configurations as those defined in paragraph 6.2.2.
Total drag is made up of four components, which expressed in coefficient form are:
aJ Drag due to the shape and surface friction of the aircraft in incompressible flow
conditions. which is conveniently combi ned with:
b) Compressibility wave drag due to the volume o/the aircraft to give a tOla1 zero lif!
drag, COl.'
c) Vonex drag. or lift jndllCed drag, in incompressible flow which is conveniently
combined with:
d) Wave drag due to lift. to give the total drag due to lift, COl'
In practice il is found thai C
is approximately a function of C/ and conventionally the
total drag coefficient is written as:
(6. 12b)
where Ky is called the induced drag faclor. and is the term in square brackets in Eqs (6.14)
146 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
ruxl (6. 18).
Kv is of len assumed to be a constant in a given flight condition but this can give
erroneous drag values at both very high and very Jow values of lift coefficient . When the
representation given by Eq (6.12b) is used it should be noted thai C
and Ky must both
be based on the drag coefficient at moderate values of C ~ . C
derived in this way is
often less than the true minimum value of the drag coefficient. If C
and Kvare deduced
from experimental results a CD vs CI analysis should always be used.
The components of drag for a given speed and lift are dependent upon some, or all,
of the following design parameters:
i) Wing reference area, S, which is a fundamental unknown in the synthesis
process. It is therefore avoided as far is as possible in evaluation of the
drag, although a relatively insensitive function of 5, namely 5 G. l is used.
Total aircraft welled area is related to 5 by an assumed factor, Rw> see
Table 6.3.
ii) Aspect ratio, A.
iii) Thickness/chord ratio, ric.
iv) Sweep,A'h.
v) Degreeof wing laminar flow, defined by C
(as a fraction of chord). Natural
laminar flow is more easily achieved on unsweptlifting surfaces operating
at relatively lower Reynolds number.
vi) Overall effective length, of aircraft, I.
vii) Effective fuselage cross-section diameter, d.
Additionally certain factors are used for which values are suggested in given cases.
0. '
Very light aircraft
Small G.A. aircraft
s"" - Trainers
__ E",C(:u(i ve
--- Militllry combat
Very large aircraft
Long haul
' 00
~ '00
Wing lrel S
Figure 6.1 Typical values of 5-4.' for aircraft type and wing area
Basic lift, drag and mass representations 147
6.3.2 Subsonic and transonic aircraft with moderate to high aspect ratio
wings (A > 5) Cruise configuration (landing gear and high lift devices retracted)
a) uro lift drag coefficient:
- 0.2MN
M '<0"; ... 0. 12 N'- R T S ' OI
(AI - tIc) W I
(6. l3a)
where AI is an aerofoi l factor which depends upon the aerofoi l design. 11 may be
as hi gh as 0.93 for a speciall y designed advanced aerofoil . but can be as
low as 0.75 for earlier aerofoi ls intended primari ly for use in
incompressible flow conditions; see Chapter 5. paragraph
MN is the fl ight Mach number
c, is the fraction of chord of wing over which the flow is laminar
5, Av. and tic are defi ned in paragraph 6.3.1
Rw is a factor whi ch is effectively the rati o of overall wetted area to the
reference area, 5
TI is a type factor, which effectively allows for departure of the
shape from the streamlined ideal.
t is a correction factor for wing thi ckness:
The value of thi s factor is usuall y close to unity
Typical values of the parameter (5 -Ill) are given in Figure 6.1 . Values of Rw and TI for
different classes of aircraft are suggested in Tables 6.3 and 6.4 respecti vely. Equation
(6. 13) appli es onl y up to the cri tical Mach number, see Chapter 5, paragraphs and
b) Drag due to lift:
C " I ...
m ,A
(0. 142 ... /(}..)A(lOtlc)o.n
' C
O.I(3N ... I)}] ,
(4 + A)o.1 I.
(6. 14a)
148 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
where C
is the lift coefficient appropriate 10 the given flight condition and N. is the
number of engines. if any, which are located over the l2Ll sutface of the wing.
The taper ratio function is given by:
f ~ ) , 0.00511 1.5(; - 0.6fl (6. 14b)
but [or most purposes may be laken as 0.0062.
Table 6.3 Wetted area ratio, R."
Sailplane 3. 0
Tailless types (delta) 2.5-3.0
SingJe-cnginc propeller t ype:
;) NonnaJ 3.75-4.0
ii) Agricultural 4.0-4.5
Small twin-.!:ngine propeller type:
Low wing loading 4.0
ii) High wing loading 5.0
Bombers. jets 4.25
let trainers 4.5
Interceptors, strike aircraft, clean 4.0-5.0
Stri ke aircraft with external stores, up to 60
Airliners. execut ive jets. freighters 5.5
Turbo ro airliners
The higher value is when the weapons are carried internally. although an integrated wing-fuselage
configuration tends 10 h a ~ e a lower value. Climb out configuration - (landing gear retracted and high lift devices at
take-otT setting)
In this case:
(6. 15a)
Basic lift, drag and mass representations 149
where CD7.and CD! are as given by Eqs (6.13) and (6. 14) respe<:tiveiy and (CD)cu is the
effective zero lift drag coeffi cient in the climb-out configuration. LlC
is the total
increment in drag due to deployment of the high lift devices.
" (O.03F F - OJXl4)JA 033
FF is a flap drag factor having the following typical val ues:
F F = 1.0 for single slotted trailing edge flaps
1.2 for double slotted or Fowler flaps
I.S for triple slotted or slotted Fowler fl aps
0.133 when flaps are absent
(6. ISb)
Although it is not necessarily correct the drag produced by leading edge devices is
assumed to be negligible in the take-off configuration.
Table 6.4 Aircraft type factor, T,
Very streaml ined aircraft with negligible slipstream effects 1.0
l et airliners. executive jets 1.1-1.2
Turboprop airliners 1.4
Combat aircraft. jet trainers. clean 1.2
Strike aircraft, trainers with ex.ternal stores up to 1.85
Large freighters 1.2-1.3
General aircraft with retractable landing gear 1.5
General aviation aircraft with fix.ed landing gear 2_0-2.5
Agricultural types 2.5
Higher applies wilen arc large fuselage fairways for landing g<!ar stowage.
150 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Aborted landing configuration - (landing gear-extended and high lift devices
at landing seeting)
A typical drag coefficient for an extended landing gear is 0.03 and that for a flap at
landing seuing:
Thus the total drag coefficient becomes:
where (6. 16b)
6.3.3 Transonic and supersonic configurations with low aspect ratio wings
(A <4.5) General remarks
These configurations tend towards slender layouts with low values of thickness to chord
ratio. Cruise configuration, subsonic flight (M
S 0.95)
a) Zero lift drag coefficient, CDl' the value given by using Eqs (6.13) with appropriate
input data may be used for this case.
b) Drag due to lift, the value given by Eq (6. 14a) is appropriate. Climb out configuration
This class of aircraft usually have a relatively high installed thrust to weight ratio and
hence may not use significant high lift device deployment during take-off and landing.
When high lift devices are used for take-off there can be considerable variation in their
perfonnance and hence drag. In the absence of better infonnation it is suggested that Eq
(6. 15a) may be used with FF given a value of unity when flaps are used.
Basic lift, drag and mass representations Cruise configuration, supersonic flight ( M N ~ 1.05)
a) Zero lift drag:
where CDW is the volume wave drag contribution.
C DW is dependent upon both fuselage and wing volume distributions and the following
equation represents an attempt to reduce a compl ex issue to a form simple enough for use
in initial design synthesis:
K )"'( S)'''( I )1
+ 1.2 -f f ~ . o ; t + 0.034(3 - MNt]
Ko = 1.0 for an ideal area distribution
= 1. 1 for a well-designed tailless delta or variable sweep aircraft
= 1.25 for a reasonably good area distribution. e.g. a s upersoni c
= 1.7 to 2.0 for a combat aircraft with conformal weapons and not
unduly "bumpy" area distribution
= 3.0 for a combat aircraft with "bumpy" area distribution,
incl uding external weapons
Kf" = 1.0 for the ideal area distribution
= 0.87 for a typical combat aircraft taken with K" = 1.9 approx
= 1.7 for a fuselage having a parallel section over about half the
length taken with Ko ;;; 1.25 approx.
(Kf" is about 3.0 for a typical subsonic airliner fuselage)
f is effective body length
d is the effecti ve maximum diameter of the body, for example:
(6. 17c)
where B is average body width, say at engine intake face for fuselage-located
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
engines, but nOI greater than O.2(AS)\',. that is 0.2 times wing span.
N is fuselage height
Ap is area of engine intake face
(B' for a circular cross-section is O.785d = H)
For initial design it is convenient to avoid the need to allocate a value to the wing area,
S, by assuming a typical value for (SIl
) as indicated in Table 6.5.
Table 6.5 Typical values of the parameter ( S I 1 ~ )
(Supersonic designs)
Combat (stealth and canard)
Combat (cO/1ventionallail)
Combat (Iaillessdelta)
Combat (swing wing)
b) Induced drag coefficient
c [0.24 + K 1M2 - 1)ln] C'
DI A W'N f.
where Kwmay be taken as 0.20 for an uncambered slender wing or 0. 175 when leading
edge camber is used or obtained by leading edge flap deployment. Cruise configuration, transonic flight (0.95 < MN < 1.2 )
The drag at this speed may be important in the evalualion of transonic acceleration.
Prediction of a reliable figure presents some difficulty.
a) In the case of zero lift drag it is suggested that the value used is:
i) Eq (6. 13) with MN= 0.95
ii) Eq (6.17) with MN = 1.00 and above
iii) An arbitary smooth curve between these two values
for 0.95 < MN< 1.0
b) Induced drag coefficient may be evaluated by using Eq (6.14) up to MN = 1.2 and Eq
(6. 18) for MN = 1.25 and above. It may be necessary to blend between the two.
Basic lift, drag and mass representations
6.4 Mass
6.4.1 Introduction
While the mass model must be simple it must also incl ude all the major design
parameters. A further discussion of mass prediction methods together with more detailed
mass models may be found in Addendum4.
The representation of the total mass of a given configuration consists of two pans:
a) An absolute, that is a defined, mass which comprises the fuselage structure and the
payload including items directly related to the latter. For a given configuration it is fixed
in terms of the total aircraft mass but may vary during a flight if payload is discharged.
for example if bombs are dropped.
b)A variable mass, which foragiven confi guration is primarily dependent upon the take-
off wing loading, the basic thrust to weight ratio and the fuel load required to meet the
specified performance requirements. This latter variable also depends on the wing loading
and thrust to weight ratio.
The total mass is thus:
is mass of fuselage structure
is mass of the payload; this is as specified but can include directly
related items if necessary, such as provisions for passengers
is mass of operational items (the difference between the basic empty
and operating empty masses); this item is not to be confused with
operators specified items whichcovera greater mass contribution and
usuall y incl ude furnishings, etc.
is the total mass of the wing and the horizontal and verti cal
stabiliser/control surfaces
is the total mass of the installed powerplants
is the mass of the airframe system .. , equipment, landing gear, etc., not
incl uded in M
but see Table 6.9
is the fuel mass required to meet the design specification
154 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
6.4.2 Absolute mass contributions (fixed values in terms of to I.' mass)
6.4.2. 1 Payload
It is assumed that this is specified, eit her implicit ly or explicit ly, in the specification or
requi rements as outli ned in Chapler 1. Fuselage mass
This is based on the assumpti on thai a fuselage layout has been prepared in accordance
with Chapter 4 and therefore overall di mensions are known.
Table 6.6 Fuselage mass coetficlent, C,
Prc-ssurised fuselages [Eq (6.20a)]
Al rhnc:rs, executlVt' and feeder hnc aircraft of four or more abreast 0.79
seating wuh wing-mounted landing gear
Airliners and T('iated typts wnh fuseiagemountt'd landing gear 0.81
Anhsubmannc: and regional alrlintts orJess than fOUf abrusl 0.83
Frelghttt 'lTeTlln with fusdagt-mounttd landing gtar and rtar 0.87
ramp door
Increment when engines arc localed on rear fuselage
Other fusdagts [Eq (6.20b)
Land based I;ombal aircraft WIth fuselagt -mounted engines 0.04-0.036-
Navil wmbat 11rl;rafl with fuselage-mounted engines 0.043-0.039-
80mbtt Ilrcrlft WIth wing-mounted engtnC"S 0.027
Single-engtne light aircraft 0.06-0.04
Twtn-englne general aviation aircraft , wllh or without limited
pressunS3lion 0.034
N.B. VIIUl'S Ire III for llXlil construction tltCept thai those marked ' make allowance for 1M posslblc
benefits Of USUlg ItUlforced plullc materIals wherc
Basic lift, drag and mass representations
Two classes of fuselage configuration are identified.
a) Pressurised transpon, executive and related types:
= C
p(9.75 + 5.848) ( 2L - 1.5) (8 + Hi
(8 + If)
is the cabi n maximum w o r k i n ~ differential pressure. bar
is the overall fuselage length. m
is the maximum width of the fuselage. m
is the maximum hei ght of the fuselage. m
is a coefficient which depends upon the actual type of pressurised
fuselage, see Table 6.6
b) Other aircraft:
where L
M " C [L(8 + Il\ "
f"US Z -' D
is the overall length of the basic fuselage (aft of the engine
bulkhead when a nose propeller engi ne is used), m
is the design maximum (diving) speed. mls (EAS)
is the coefficient given in Table 6.6
The term (B + H) relates to half of the periphery of the maxi mum cross-section of the
fuselage. For the datum case of a circular or elIi pti cal cross-secti on the periphery is
1r:(B + H)I2. the 1r:n bei ng allowed for in the coefficient C
. For other cross-sections it is
necessary to select an appropriate val ue for (B + H). Usually H may be defined as the
maximum depth excl uding local excressences such as cockpit enclosures and other
fairi ngs. B now becomes the effective width of the cross-section. Two special cases may
be identified:
Ii )
Rectangular cross-section with comer radii; factor the actual width by up
to 1.25, depending on size of comers, to get B
Trapezoidal cross-section with sharp comers; factor the averae;e width by
1.28 to get B
Discretion is necessary when fuselage air intakes are present. In most cases B should be
taken as across the width of side intakes unless they are very short. In this latter case B
should be taken as the mean between the width across the intakes and that of the basic
fuselage. Likewi se H should not necessarily include the full dept h ofdorsaJ orvenual air
For more precise infonnation see Addendum 4, paragraph AD4.2.2.2
156 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Mass or operational items
The items added to the basic empty mass to bring the aircraft to its empty. operating.
condition include:
Crew and associated personal items
Safety equipment, such as emergency oxygen and life rafts
Freight equipment
Water and food, especially on transport types
Possibly residual fuel, but here thi s item is assumed to be included in the
powerplant mass.
The following typical allowances are appropriate.
a) Passenger aircraft
where P is the number of passengers
nc is the number of crew
F 0' is the operating items factor and is of the order of:
i) Feeder line aircraft. very short haul 7
ii) Medium range 12
iii) Very long range and executive 16
b) Freight aircraft
600 + O.03(Payload)
c) Other Iypes
Crew provision of from 77 kg per person in light aircraft to a nominal 100 kg for combat
6.4.3 Variable mass contributions Lifting surfaces
The total mass of the lifting surfaces is based on that of the wing by use of a coefficient,
, which includes a factor, C
to allow for the contribution from the other vertical and
horizontal surfaces. This latter factor is dependent upon the type of aircraft and the
configuration adopted. typical values being given in Table 6. 10.
Basic lift, drag and mass representations 157
Table 6.7 lifting surface mass coefficient, C,
[Eq (6.2b)] C,: A'-B'M
TYPE A' x 10' H' 10" Typical C,
Sub$onic trllllSporl lIin::rafl; M. > 5700 kg
Long rllll&e (nom. > 5000 kIn) 0.12 05 Eq (6.23a)
StlQrtlmcd. rllllge; Mo > 46,000 kg) 0.90 0
Shortlmed. rllllge;je, M. $ 46,000 kg 1.67 16. 1 Eq (6.23b)
Shortlmed. propeller driven. M. s 46.000 kg 1.49 16. 1 Eq (6.23c)
jets (all ranges) 1.76 16.9 0.0016
aviation t)'P"s; M. s 5700 kg
Propeller driven. wing;
engine 2.0 100 0.00183
Twin engine 2.0 100 0.00164
Propeller driven, wing 1.74 112 0.0015
*Supersonic ddta wings. all types
M. s 15,000 kg 0.12 or 0.81 0 0.00072 or
M. > 30,000 kg 0.48 or 0.55 0.64 or 0 .12 0.00042 or
(No evidence for 15.000 > M. > 30.000 kg)
Miliwy jet striktJin",rceptors; M. > 10,000 kg
Typically 0.62 10 0.74 0 0.00062 to
sweep, M. < 40,000 kg 1.24 14.9 0.00089
Naval aircraft wi,h inboard wing fold 0.87 0 0.00087
Naval ain::rafl with outboard wing fold 0.75 0 0.00075
Miliwy jet stri ktJinterceptors; M. s 10,000 kg 1.18 SO 0.00076
Military trainers and rdated types
Jet M. < 10,000 kg 1.73 105 0.0012
Propeller driven; Mo > 3100 kg 1.49 0 0.00149
Propeller driven: M. s 3100 kg 4.0 800 0.00210
SubsoniC bombers
Long range (nom. range> 10.000 kIn) 0.5 0 0.0005
Mediumrllllge 0.93 0 0.00093
Military freight aircraft
Long 0.12 05 Eq (6.23d)
Turboprop 0.77 0.53 Eq (6.23e)
N.B.*Do::lta win s ale defined as A s 2. I, . 1 . fi t lower value for delta win
g 5and 05 lI"S" gs
is for tailless
aircraft configurations. The values given all for metal construe,ion. A reduction of 15% is when
full is made of rei nforced planic ma",rials in the conslruCtion of all lifting ,urfaas.
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1 l
I tIc
Mo is the tolal aircraft mass
A is the wing aspect ratio
S is the wing area, m
At; is the effective sweep. usually 0.25 chord sweep but the mean
of A". and AsrRuCT if the structural sweep is significantly
different from basic aerodynamic sweep
J. is the ratio of the tip to centreline chords of the wing
N is 1.65 limes the limi.l maximum manoeuvre acceleration
factor, as given in the requirements, unless known 10 be
overridden by gust considerations
Vo is the design maximum (diving) speed, mls (EAS)
tic is the thickness 10 chord ratio al wing centreline
is a coefficient depending on the type of aircraft
Values of AI and 8
are given in Table 6.7.
[n many cases the dependancy of Cl an 8
is nOI great and for initial design work a
typical, mean, value may be used. Typical values for some classes of aircraft are also
given in Table 6.7. In the case of subsonic transport and freight aircraft it is possible to
relate the take-off mass, and hence Cl> to the range, s, and payload requirements.
a) Long range, s > 5000 km
C) = 0.00072 - 0.0005(270 + 0.05s)P;II; 10 -<1
b) Short/medium rafl ge; Mo :s; 46,000 kg
= O.lXH67 - O.oJ6(370 +0.03s)P;II; 10-<1 (6.23b)
c) Tllrhoprop; Mo :s; 46,000 kg
= 0.00149 - 5. 8P II 10-6 (6.23c)
Basic lift, drag and mass representations 159
d) Long range jet freight aircraft
= 0.00072 - 0.0005(2.08 + 0.00038s) PAY x 10 -6 (6.23d)
e) Turboprop freight aircraft
= 0.00077 - 0.00053(2.08 + 0.00038$) PA Y x 10 -6 (6.23.)
where P is the number of passengers to be carried over the design range, s, kilometers,
and PAY is the corresponding payload, in kg, for freight aircraft.
In practice for one given confi guration under study the parameters A, At> ).,N, V
tic will not be variable, hence:
t . C I,.,,,," (!...:..E.)fI"l VD) "]"
I lr 3+31 tic
When it is necessary the individual contribution of the wing and tail surfaces may be
isolated by the use of the coefficient, C
' given in Table 6.10. Powerplant
The powerplant mass consists of the basic powerplant factored to cover the additional
mass of its mounting, exhaust system and where appropriate nacelles, pods. cowli ngs and
propeller. The fuel ~ y s t e m mass is also included here for convenience.
Tabte 6.8 Powerplant Installation factors, t;
Executive jets and jet transports 1.56
Supersonic aircraft with variable geometry intakes 2.0
Turbopropeller transports 2.25
Propeller turbine trainers 2.0
General aviation, twin piston-<:ngined types LBO
All oIhertyJlCS lAO
160 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The tOlal installed powerplant mass is:
C, is a coefficient dependent upon the type of aircraft and engine. see Table 6.8
The mass of the basic engine. M
is best derived from actual engine data, if
necessary scaled appropriately. In the absence of more accurate information the foll owing
expressions may be used. These are conveniently expressed in terms of thrust, or power,
10 weight ratio.
a) Military comball!ngines (lurbojets or low bypass ratio turbofans)
Basic dry thrust rating:
With typical aflerbuming:
With provision for vectoring nozzles, etc.:
-;-;;:e-- "' 4.5 to 6.5
="'-- '" 7 10 9
="'-- " 4 to 6
The higher values apply to more recent designs. To is the equivalent sea level slatic thrust.
b) Civil tranSport engines (usually high bypass ratio turbofans)
Sea level static rating:
The higher value applies to large, new technology. engines.
c) Advanced turboprQpellerengines (includi ng gearboll.)
( Mg)El'IG
0.34 10 0.42 kWIN
" 5.0 to 6.5
Where the hi gher figure appli es to new. large engi nes. and power is the sea level static
Basic lift, drag and mass representations
d) Tllrboshaft engine.f (excluding reduction gearbox)
" 0.5 10 0.8 kWIN
(0.34100.42 kWIN wilh gearbox)
e) Piston e/lgines
Small unsupercharged; 0 < Power < 150 kW:
Power " 0.057(1 + 0.006 kW) kWIN
(Mg )t:NG
Unsupercharged; Power > 150 kW:
" 0.12 kWIN
Supercharged; Power> 150 kW:
j) Smaff rotary engines
= O.t kWIN
" 0.135 kWIN SysteJm, equipment, landing gear, etc.
In some cases it may be possible that special equipment is carned as part of a payload.
However, this is not usually the case, the equipment carned being mainly detennined by
the operational aspects of the design. For convenience the equipment mass is considered
to be aggregated with that of the aircraft systems and the landing gear, but fuel system
mass is included in the powerplant item.
162 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
where C ~ is a coefficient depending upon the type of aircraft and is given in Table 6.9,
Mo being total aircraft mass. Where relevant passenger furnishings are included.
Table 6.9 Systems factor, C.
Includes equipment, landing gear and passenger furnishing
General aviation light single-engined types 0.12
Subsonic bombers 0.12
Subsonic freighters 0.12
Long range supersonic aircraft 0.12
Long range jet transports 0. 14
Small regionallransports up to 0.22
General aviation. lllf"ger single. and Iwin-engine types 0.16
Executive aircraft 0.21 100.3*
Propeller turbine trainers 0.32
All OIher lyOCS 0.19
Higher fi gwe indudes luxury furnishing. Fuel
The fuel mass is a function of perfonnance and is determined from the performance
analysis in terms of aircraft lola] mass. The equations necessary to undertake this are dealt
with in Chapter 7. Secondary lifting surfaces
The mass of the secondary lifting surfaces is included with that of the wing in paragraph
6.4.3. 1 being related to it by the coeffi cient C, given in Table 6.10.
Table 6.10 Uftlng surface factOt", Cs
Tailless delta 1.10
Long haul jets transpon 1.16
Short/medium haul jel transports 1.20
Executive jet aircraft 1.30
All OIher IYpes
C," mass of all lifting surfaces/mass of wing
Basic lift, drag and mass representations 163
6.4.4 Total mass
The individual contributions to the total mass derived from Eqs (6.20), (6.21), (6.24).
and (6.27) together with the masses of the payload and fuel may be substilUted into
Eq (6. 19) to obtain the total mass:
MI) [Czf('. B. H, P or v
) Mop + M,,,rl + C+
.{ . C, MN(; (6.28)
The 5
.5 tenn may be written in terms or the lotal mass and wing loading:
so that the lenn in the square brackets relating to C
The MF.HG tenn may be written in terms of the static thrust to weight ratio of the engine
and that for the aircraft as a whole:
tTl) I(Mg)F.NG} may be derived from known engine characteristics or from Eqs (6.26).
in' the case of propeller-engined aircraft it is conveni ent to convert the static power to
equival ent slatic thrust, see for example, Chapter 3, paragraphs and
Substitution of Eqs (6.29b) and (6.30) into Eq (6.28) gives:
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
For a given class of ai rcraft, type of engine and wing geomeuy. CI' C
' eland c ~ are
defi ned. Reference to Chapler4 enables the fuselage parameters to be established. Hence
the mass of the aircraft, M
is a function only of the payload, fuel, wing loading and
thrust to weight ratio:
The values of wing loading and thrust to wei ght ratio are derived from an analysis of the
performance requirements, as is the fuel mass ratio. see Chapters 7 and 8.
Chapter 7
Performance estimation
7.1 I nt r oduct i on
7.1.1 General
The size and mass of an aircraft are critically dependent upon the performance
requirements that are stated in the specification. In order to estimate the performance and
relate it to that required it is necessary to be in possession of the following data:
i) Aircraft mass in the various phases of the flight
ii) Lift and drag characteristics
iii) Powerplant characteristics
At the initial synthesis stage of a project some aspects of these data are not known. In
particular such items as overall aircraft mass and installed power must be regarded as
outputs of the synthesis process. For this reason the first phase of performance estimation
is intended to establish the various combinations of the two fundamental parameters:
a) (T/Mg): the thrust to weight ratio
b) (Mg/S): the wing loading, which is the ratio of the weight to the wing reference area,
which enable the requirements to be met. The acceptable combinations of these two
parameters will in general be different for each of the various performance requirements
as well as being dependent upon other aircraft characteristics such as the powerplant and
wing configuration.
In the absence of specific powerplant data the powerplant models suggested in
Chapter 3 may be used. The lift, drag and, subsequently, the mass information needed
may be derived from the appropriate equations given in Chapter 6.
166 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The performance estimation equations presented here differ in some respects from
those which may be found in other references as they have been specifically derived and
presented in such a way as to facilitate the determination of the two fundamental
parameters referred to above.
7.1.2 Performance phases
The categories, or phases, of the performance which it is necessary to examine include
some or all in the following list.
7. 1. 2. 1 Take - of f and i ni t i al climb
Take-off may be considered as consisting of:
i) The ground run during which the aircraft accelerates from rest to a speed
at which it can lift off.
ii) The initial, first segment, climb from lift off to clear a specified obstacle
iii) A second segment climb subsequent to the retraction of the landing gear.
The first two of these items give the take-off distance.
Take-off performance evaluation is complicated in the case of multi-engined aircraft
since it is necessary to consider the effect of a failure of a critical engine. It is necessary
to establish a decision speed above which the take-off and climb out must be continued.
The second segment climb performance requirement is based on this engine failed case.
The take-off field length is typically taken as 1.15 times the distance for an all engines
operating take-off to the obstacle height or 1.0 times the distance needed to accelerate
up to the decision speed and then bring the aircraft to a safe stop, see paragraph
7. 1. 2. 2 Cl i mb to ope r at i ng al t i t ude and cei l i ngs
Performance requirements are specified for a third segment climb which takes the aircraft
to an initial operating altitude, but these are not frequently critical. The more significant
aspects of climb performance are:
i) The fuel used during the climb.
ii) The rate of climb, both initially and what is available when the operating
altitude is reached, usually at least 1 m/s.
iii) The ceiling, or altitude, at which the rate of climb has fallen to an
unacceptable level. The service ceiling is sometimes set where climb rate
has fallen to 0.5 rn/s and the combat ceiling where it has fallen to 2.5 m/s.
iv) The time to operating height, which may be important for military
interceptor aircraft.
v) The ground distance covered during the climb in that it may reduce the
range required to be achieved during the cruise phase or radius of
Performance estimation 167
The climb may be limited either by the condition where the thrust is equal to the drag or
when the implied lift coefficient reaches its maxi mum usable value. Cruise/normal operating flight
For many aircraft the most important flight performance is that of cruising flight. The
major exceptions to this are those aircraft whose role demands a significant manoeuvre
capability, but even in these cases the fuel required to reach the operational radius is of
importance. The aim in cruising flight is to achieve the lowest possible rate of fuel usage
in a prescribed condition.
Cruise performance is usually specified in terms of distance for a given payload, but
endurance rather than the distance covered is more important for aircraft intended to
operate in a search role. The cruising height may be determined by operational
considerations or more likely by the need to minimise fuel consumption. When the latter
is the case, and where it is relevant, the design cabin pressure differential should be
established to enable the aircraft to operate up to the altitude required for the most
efficient flight at the end of the cruise phase. Normal operating/maximum speed
The normal operating and maxi mum speed are usually closely related, but not identical.
In the case of transport and related types the normal operating speed is established by
operational requirements but may be compromised by the penalties implied in making
it higher than is essential. For example there may be negligible gain in increasing the
cruise speed of a short haul transport aircraft beyond a certain value as the total flight
time tends to be greatly influenced by other parts of the flight.
Military combat aircraft frequently have a requirement for maxi mum speeds at
different operating altitudes, such as a high subsonic speed at low level and supersonic
performance at altitude. Manoeuvre
Manoeuvre requirements are a major factor in the design of combat and aerobatic
aircraft. Manoeuvre capability may be defined in terms of acceleration normal to the
flight path, turn rate, or specific excess power, see paragraph 7.5.3. These are all related
through the forward speed and flight altitude. Frequently the specification of turn rate in
a given flight condition is most appropriate for combat aircraft, while normal acceleration
is more relevant for aerobatic designs.
There are two main categories of flight manoeuvre, which are:
i) Maxi mum instantaneous normal acceleration or turn rate. This is
determined either by the structural design limits or by the maxi mum usable
lift coefficient in the given flight condition.
ii) Sustained normal acceleration or turn rate, which is determined by the
thrust available to match the drag in the manoeuvre.
168 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Descent
The performance during descent is not usually of great importance. Fuel consumption
is relatively low since the engines operate under near idling conditions. Speed brakes
may be required to increase the drag and consequently the rate of descent, especially for
aircraft such as trainers and combat types where reduced sortie time is a consideration. Approach and l andi ng
The approach speed requirement frequently has a dominant effect upon the wing size.
While a low approach speed is associated with a short landing distance there are
frequently operational circumstances where the design approach speed must be set above
a certain value. For example Air Traffic Control requires that all aircraft landing on a
given runway have similar approach speeds, typically in the range of 60 to 72 rn/s for
civil transports. While a few special cases may be tolerated these are the exception rather
than the rule. The stalling characteristics of the aircraft in the landing configuration are
established such that the required approach speed is usually 1.3 times the stalling speed,
but see paragraph
The angle of the descent on the approach is determined by Air Traffic
Control/navigational aids and is typically 3 o. This ensures that the rate of descent near
to the ground is acceptably low.
The arbitrary landing distance is defined as:
i) The ground distance covered during the descent from a height of 15.3 m at
the approach angle. Often the speed is reduced somewhat during the phase.
ii) The distance required for the aircraft to "flare" from descending to level
flight, ideally contacting the ground at the end of the flare with zero
vertical velocity.
iii) The distance covered before the retarding devices are operated.
iv) The stopping distance, usually assuming that the runway is hard, smooth
and dry. In addition to brakes the use of other devices such as thrust
reversers and parachutes are allowed providing their reliable integrity can
be demonstrated.
For most aircraft the required landing runway length is 1.67 times the arbitrary landing
distance, see paragraph Baulkedlanding/missed approach
There is an important performance requirement for the aircraft to be able to climb away
should the approach be terminated as late as the point at which it arrives at 15.3 m height
above the ground. In this condition both flaps and landing gear will be in the landing
condition and the engines are assumed to be at idle. The aircraft has to be able to climb
at an angle of about 2 o at a speed no greater than the approach speed nor less than the
mi ni mum control speed, see paragraph
Performance estimation 169
7.2 Definition of aircraft speeds and associated conditions
7.2.1 Introduction
Numerous speed definitions are used in specifying aircraft performance, handling and
structural requirements. The sunmaary here covers those which are important for the
purposes of initial design.
7.2.2 General speeds
True air speed, which is important in that it defines the distance covered
and is directly related to Mach number.
Equivalent air speed, which is the speed which has the same value of
dynamic pressure at sea level density. VE,~s = VrAsa 5 where a is the relative
air density.
The true vertical speed, as in a climb.
The stalling speed, that is the mi ni mum speed at which the aircraft can
maintain controlled level flight. While there are several definitions of Vs,
for initial design purposes it may be considered as being directly related to
the maxi mum lift coefficient in a given flight condition. Vs will have
different values depending upon such matters as the configuration of high
lift devices, powerplant slipstream and Mach number. Because stalling
speed is mostly associated with low speed flight performance adjacent to
the ground it is usually defined as an equivalent ai rspeed.
The mi ni mum drag speed. This is the speed at which the value of the lift
coefficient, Ct ~o, is such that the zero lift and induced drag effects have
the same magnitude, see Chapter 6, paragraph 6.3. It usually implies a
relatively high value of lift coefficient which may be in a buffet region. For
this reason prolonged flight at, or below, the mi ni mum drag speed is not
The manoeuvre speed, that is the lowest speed at which the aircraft can
achieve its specified normal acceleration factor, nl. It is related to the
stalling speed (VA = (nl)SVs assuming that the maxi mum lift coefficient
is constant).
The value of Vr.,ts divided by the local speed of sound, a, at which the
ai rcraft experiences unacceptably l ar ge drag increase or lift/drag
divergence. See Chapter 5, paragraph
170 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The normal maxi mum operating speed/Mach number as used for structure
load definition.
V~o/M~o The maxi mum operating speed/Mach number as used for flight
performance and handling. It is approximately the same as MNcexr and
is related to (Vc/Mc).
VNE /MNE The never exceed speed/Mach number used to def i ne an operational
limitation for structural load purposes.
VDIMn The maxi mum design (dive) speed/Mach number used as the highest speed
or Mach number considered for structural load purposes. In terms of speed
it may be up to 25 % higher than Vc and at least AMN = 0. 05 greater than Mc
(Note that speeds used for structural desi gn purposes are normally quoted as equivalent
7.2.3 T ak e- off ( Refer to Figure 7.1)
7. 2. 3. 1 Spe e ds
The definition of speeds during the take-off phase is associated with the situation of the
failure of an engi ne during take-off.
NOR MAL TAKE - OFF CASE ~ ~ VAtCG Mi ni . . . . . . trol
speed on ground
0. ~ A VAtc,4 Mi ni . . . . . . trol
~ ~ s peed in air
. . . . . . ~ ~ ' 0 ~ V s Stall speed in the
5EUMIENT I SEGMENT ~ O ~ ~ O " . . . .
CLIMB I .- I :~ ~ ,-4 take ot l condi t i on
- - L CLIMB . ~ -'~ l~" ~ ~ ~ V t F > I. I V Mu . . . . . . I
~" --1- " O "4'- ~| ~ 1~ m ~ > | . 05V M U
/ ~ ~SI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - engi ne f ai l ed
I z
/ ' - I ,--; ~ 1 0 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ t - , l
CASE ~. ~
F ( i i i ) E ( i i ) D ( i ) A
Figure 7.1 Take-off definitions
Performance estimation 171
This is the lowest speed at which the aircraft can be controlled while it is
in contact with the ground (excluding taxying conditions).
This is the lowest speed at which the aircraft can be controlled once it is
The most critical speed at which engine failure may occur. It must not be
less than VMc G.
v, The speed reached at some time after VEF before the pilot is assumed to
recognise the engine failure. It is the decision speed. At and above this
speed the take-off must be continued.
v~ The speed at which the aircraft is normally rotated for take-off. It must not
be less than I:1 but otherwise is the greater of:
1.05 VMCA or 1.05 VMc c
1.1 Vs in the take-off configuration.
or Vvs
The speed at which the aircraft can lift off the ground or unsticks. In
practice it is marginally greater than VR.
The minimum speed at which the aircraft can safely lift off. Military
requirements specify that VWF is a margin above this speed.
The speed reached at the point where the aircraft has climbed to 10.7 m
height. It is known as the take-off safety speed and must not be less than
1.2 Vs or 1.1 VMCA.
(Not less than 1.15Vs for four-engined civil aircraft).
(Small military aircraft have to achieve 15.3 m height at V2).
7. 2. 3. 2 Ground di st ances
The ground distance from the start point A, to the point where VLO F is
reached with all engines operating, B.
The air distance from lift-off, point B, to the point where V2 is achieved at
the required height, point C.
ToL The total take-off length. This is the sum of s c and SA, that is the distance
from point A to point C, factored by 1.15 when all engines are operating,
but by only 1.0 when an engine has failed.
172 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The accelerate-stop length. It is the sum of the distances:
i) Point A to point D where the decision speed, 111, is
ii) Point D to Point E, the distance covered in 2 s to allow for
pilot reaction time.
iii) Point E to Point F, the distance needed to bring the
aircraft safely to a stop after Point E.
No factor is required on ASL.
7. 2. 3. 3 Se c ond s e g me nt c l i mb - e ngi ne f ai l ed
The second segment climb is the climb from the point where V2 is reached at the required
height up to, normally, 122 m height. The flight is assumed to continue at speed V2 with
the landing gear retracted and the high lift devices in the take-off position. Wi t h the
critical engine failed the aircraft must be able to achieve the following climb gradients:
2 engines 2.4% (climb angle 1.38 approx.)
3 engines 2.7% (climb angle 1.55 approx.)
4 engines 3.0% (climb angle 1.72 approx.)
7. 2. 3. 4 Thi r d s e g me nt cl i mb - e ngi ne f ai l ed
Above 122 m height the required climb gradients are reduced to about half of those
stipulated in the second segment climb.
7. 2. 4 Approach and landing (Refer to Figure 7. 2)
7. 2. 4. 1 Spe e ds
The approach speed. It is typically 1.3 times the stalling speed with the
high lift devices in the landing condition. However, it may be less, such as
1. 2V s for a land based combat type and possibly 1.15 V s for aircraft carrier
operation. It must be maintained down to a point 15.3 m above the ground.
The speed at touch down, which is at the conclusion of a "flare" intended
to reduce the vertical velocity to nominally zero. It may be as low as 1.1 V s.
7. 2. 4. 2 Gr o u n d di s t anc e
In this case s,~ i s t he air distance covered from the point A, where t he
aircraft passes through 15.3 m height, to the point B, where the glide slope,
typically 3 o, ends and the flare commences.
The distance covered during the flare, to ground contact at point C.
Performance estimation 173
The ground distance required to apply the brakes and any retarding device
at point D and then bring the aircraft to a safe stop at point E. Brake forces
are limited to avoid undue tyre wear. This usually implies a maxi mum
braking coefficient of just under 0.4 on a smooth, dry surface.
The total landing distance, is the sum of s a, s F and so, that is the distance
between points A and E, factored typically by 1.67. (A factor of 1.43 is
used for single and light twin propeller aircraft). Lower factors are used
when the stopping distance is based on low braking coefficients such as
may occur in wet or icy conditions.
3 Seconds DELAY D C B A
Figure 7.2 Landing definitions Baulked landing/missed approach
A missed approach is assumed to commence when the aircraft is at 15.3 m height on
a normal approach. With the high lift devices in the landing configuration and the
landing gear extended the aircraft has to climb away at an angle of about 2 o. Initially
the engines are assumed to be at idle setting, but this may be increased to the level
achievable 8 s after the decision to abort the landing. The climb out speed must be
between the minimum control speed in this configuration and V a.
In the event of a missed approach being undertaken when one engine is inoperative
the required climb gradients are:
2 engines 2.1% (climb angle 1.20 o approx.)
3 engines 2.4% (climb angle 1.38 approx.)
4 engines 2.7% (climb angle 1.55 approx.)
174 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
7.3 Take-off and second segment cl imb
7.3 .1 Nor mal t ak e- of f - al l eng i nes oper at i ng - l andpl ane
The field length required is approximately:
_ C ; s ( i " 3 ' ( o
m (7.1a)
where the suffix ' 0' refers to conditions at the start of the take-off.
ke is 0.1 for jet, fan and piston propeller engines
0.12 for turbopropeller engines with no thrust coefficient limitation (see
Chapter 3, paragraph
0.09 for turbopropeller engines where thrust is limited and approximately
constant during take-off
C,ws is the unstick lift coefficient, see Chapter 6, paragraph
The ToL includes the required 1.15 factor. The first term represents the value of s~, the
ground run to the lift-off speed, the second term the distance covered during rotation and
the third term the distance to climb to the 10.7 m prescribed obstacle height. For cases
where 15.3 m obstacle height is required the 120 should be replaced by 170. For an
aircraft designed specifically for short take-off the factor 6 in the rotation t erm should be
reduced to 2.3. It should be noted that both (Mg/S)o and (T/Mg)o appear in two terms
and hence when the To L is known and the dependence of these two parameters is
required it is necessary to invert the equation and use an iterative solution.
o k~ (Mgl S)o
6( CL s) 'j'
Reference to Table 3.2 of Chapter 3 enables an initial value of (T/Mg)o to be selected for
insertion into the right-hand side of the equation.
In the case of propeller driven aircraft To is the static value as given in Chapter 3,
paragraph, and when this is substituted into Eq (7.1 b) the following relationships
are derived:
Performance estimation 175
a) Tur bo pr o p air cr aft :
~o , 1~ x, o4 (~ )O l O ,
NE (Mg)o (nDp) 2"983 0
(S-o. 1 )-1.05( Z 0.15Ne.__(Mg)o)
where Po is rated power of each engine
Ne is number of engines
z is number of propeller blades
(nOp) is propeller speed times propeller diameter in m/s
Typical values of ( S -0.1) are given in Chapter 6, Figure 6.1.
b) Pis t o n en gin ed air cr aft :
o l , I
N E (7.1c)
7.3.2 Normal t ak e- off- all eng ines operat i ng - seaplane
In this case, making a typical allowance for the total drag, approximately:
~oL 00~/~/~/~/ / ~,o~ '~ ~~ / ~/o]
fLUS Mg o o + 6 SC Lus ) + 12 - -~g m (7.2a)
The comments made in paragraph 7.3.1 apply here also, and:
( ~g ) - 2 = 13.9CLus
o (Mgl S)o
r o L - 1 2 o { 1 - ~ g - s 3. ~Mg /S )o
7.3.3 Eng ine failed tak e- off bal anced field leng th - landplane
It is possible to derive an expression to relate the decision speed, V~, to the unstick speed,
Vvs to meet the requirements and give a balanced condition. Typical practical values are
found to be:
0. 91Vvs~ V1 -< 0.95 Vus
with the higher values for aircraft with only two engines.
176 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
In practice the installed thrust is more likely to be determined by the second segment
climb requirement, see paragraph 7.3.4. In view of this if it assumed that I11 = 0.94Vus,
the accelerate-stop length is approximately:
ASL-- + 2.2 m (7.3a)
fLUS 0 0
where the first term represent the ground distance to the decision point and the second
term the braking distance assuming a mean braking coefficient of 0.4.
Again in the case of propeller driven aircraft To is the static value, as given in Chapter
3, paragraph Equation (7.3a) may be rearranged as:
( . ~g) -L35 1. 22fLUS
= ASL - 2.2
o ke(Mgl S)o
7.3.4 Second seg ment climb with one eng i ne failed
This may well be a critical case in the determination of the installed thrust to power ratio
of twin engined transport aircraft. The design condition is when the engine has failed after
the decision speed in hot and high environmental conditions. While requirements vary
somewhat it is suggested that the "hot and high" conditions may be represented by taking
a value for relative density of a = 0.8. For most aircraft the climb lift coefficient is about
0.84 fLUS. The landing gear is assumed to have been retracted and the drag of the aircraft
with the flaps at the take-off setting is given in Chapter 6, paragraphs 6.3.1 and as:
C o = (C o ) co + (Kv) o C ~
In this case let:
(fl )co = (C o ) co (Kv)o
where (C o )co is the zero lift drag coefficient and (Kv)o is the induced drag factor for the
appropriate flight case.
The climb gradient to be achieved is dependent upon the number of engines, as given
in paragraph
The thrust, Tco required to meet this condition is:
co I 07, c0 }
(Me, )o a c, _ ., , s -" I c, = , ., s ] + :"
Performance estimation 177
For Eq (7.4a) only:
2-engi ned aircraft a = 2. 74 ? = 0. 020
3-engi ned aircraft a = 2. 06 7 = 0.023
4-engi ned aircraft a = 1.83 7 = 0.025
a) Lo w bypas s r at io an d f an en gin es :-
Tco= To rco (7.4b)
where rco is the val ue of r at the cl i mb out Mach Number (0. 00324 V us ) and at standard
at mosphere conditions ( a = 1), see Chapt er 3, paragraph
b) Pr o pel l er dr iven air cr aft :
i) Piston engi nes
The total climb out thrust is related to the static value by:
/ 0/TM
= 0.72NeVuOs.51 1.5
o Npt go )
ii) TurbopropeUer engines:
Assumi ng that the power out put is "flat rat ed" to about 35 C:
x 10 -7 (7.4d)
When the powerpl ant is thrust coeffi ci ent l i mi t ed t houghout the t ake-off and climb out
it is reasonabl e to assume that the static thrust val ue and the second segment climb
condi t i on are of the same magni t ude.
The equi val ent power to Eqs (7.4c) and (7.4d) may be deri ved f r om Eqs (7.1d) and
(7.1c) respectively.
7.3.5 Deflected thrust tak e- off- l ow bypass ratio and fan eng ines
The effect of defl ect i ng the thrust during t ake-off is two-fold:
i) It reduces the force available for forward mot i on by a fact or co s O, where
0i s the angle of thrust deflection relative to the horizontal.
ii) It increases the vertical force for lift-off, i.e. there is a suppl ement to the
aerodynami c lift.
178 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
These effects can be allowed for in the ground roll distance by modifying Eq (7.1a) to:
(Mg )o ] , .35 (1 - T O s i nO/(Mg)o)
s~ = 0 . 0 87 ( - ~ ) ~o~O ~b ) C ~.s
m (7.5a)
The 1.15 factor is not included in this ground roll distance and CLus is only the
aerodynamic effect.
This is more conveniently expressed as:
_ 0 . 0 8 7 ( _ ~) ( T ) -1-35 ( 1 - TosinO/(Mg)o)
s o o (co, o ; , ,
m (7.5b)
which enables a direct comparison to be made with the usual case.
Equation (7.5b) may be rearranged as:
. - os i n ' ` ' ' o` cos o, (7.5c)
The evaluation of 0 to give a mi ni mum value of sc is somewhat complex but is
O- s i n -~ [(T/Mg)o 5]
fo r 0.4 _< (T/Mg)o <_ 0.8
Thrust deflection at lower thrust to weight ratio is only marginally beneficial while above
a value of 0.8 the configuration is tending towards vertical take-off. It must be noted that
when the thrust is also used for control the required thrust to weight ratio should be
increased by about 8% for short take-off and 15% for vertical take-off.
7.3.6 F uel used during tak e- off
This may vary considerably according to the type of powerplant and operating
conditions. It is suggested that a typical allowance is 1% of the normal take-off weight,
that is the third segment climb commences with a weight of 0.99 (Mg)o.
Performance estimation 179
7.4 Approach and landing
7.4.1 General
In general the evaluation of approach and landing performance is less complex than that
of take-off since, with the exception of a missed approach condition, the powerplant
performance is only of secondary importance.
One difficulty is the determination of the ratio of the design landing mass to the take-
off mass. This is not the mass remaining after the climb, cruise and descent fuel has been
used, and where appropriate, load disposed of. The need for flexibility in operation, such
as large payloads over short distances, implies that the design landing mass will, in
general, be higher than the mass at the end of the "design" sortie. On the other hand the
lower it is the less severe will be the landing design conditions. In an attempt to simply
this issue, which is essentially an operational as well as a design decision, an analysis of
existing aircraft has been undertaken and the results are summarised in Table 7.1. In the
absence of more precise information this information may be used to establish a first
value of the ratio (M,/Mo), suffix L indicating the landing condition.
Chapter 6, paragraph gives expressions to enable an initial estimate to be made
of the lift coefficient relevant to the approach to land.
Tabl e 7.1 Ratio of l andi ng t o t ake- off masses
Short haul transports
Short range tactical military transports
AIRCRAFT TYPE 1] Range limit
Medium/long haul transports
Military long range aircraft
, , ,
Executive aircraft:
a) Intended for general operations
b) Intended for short ranges
c) Intended solely for long ranges
Military combat aircraft - depends on actual sortie role
but typically
a) Basic
b) Advanced and light combat
Combat developments
s > 1000
s < 1000
s > 3500
s < 3500
s > 4500
ML/M o
(landing/take-off mass)
, ,
0.98-2 (s-1000) x 10 .5
1-2 s x 10 .5
0.98-2.7(s-3500) x 10 .5
1-2.7s x 10 .5
0.65 to 0.8
0.85 to 0.95
(s is design range in km)
180 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
7.4.2 Ground distance covered during approach and landing
The usual requirement is for a factor of 1.67 to be applied to the ground distance covered
between the aircraft passing through 15.3 m height on the approach and coming to a stop.
Assuming that:
i) The normal acceleration in the flare is 0.15g
ii) The speed at the end of the flare, touch down, is 0.9V a
iii) There is a 3 s delay before the brakes and the other retarding devices are
iv) The stopping distance is reduced by 6% to allow for aerodynamic drag.
The factored landing length is:
LL 25.55
- + 4.5V a + 0.0255 L L VZa m
t an ?
Z L =
1 + 5.59 + 20.6 t an m
" ~ ~ + 1"2 "Mggg o
and 7 is the descent angle on the approach at the speed V a
Pc is the braking coefficient
( MJ Mo ) is the ratio of landing to take-off masses
( T / Mg ) o is the static installed thrust to mass ratio, and allows for the use of
reverse thrust. It is taken as zero when reverse thrust is not used.
Equation (7.6a) may be arranged as:
( 88.2] + [( 88.2] 2
v o : -
[ L L t an 7
and also:
m/ s (7.6c)
Performance estimation 181
o r = 0.612 V a C~ ~ (7.6d)
CLa is t he appr oach lift coef f i ci ent and ( Mg/ S) o t h e t ake-of f wi ng l oadi ng; and f or t he
c ommon ci vi l t r anspor t case when y = 3 o:
LL : 488 + 4. 5V
+ 0.0255 Va z 1 + 5.59 + 1.08 m (7.6e)
and for a t ypi cal val ue of / a~ = 0. 38 and no r ever s e t hrust , L, = 7. 67 and:
LL = 488 + 4 . 5 V a + O. 1 9 6 V a 2 m (7. 60
for which:
V a = -11. 5 + [132.2 - 5.11(488-LL)] v, r o ds (7.6g)
Equation (7.6) may be solved to give a value of V a to meet a r equi r ed l andi ng f i el di ng
l engt h, LL, wi t h appr opr i at e val ues of po, etc. Thi s val ue of V a may t hen be us ed to
der i ve a val ue of t ake- of f wi ng l oadi ng c omme ns ur a t e wi t h t he l andi ng condi t i ons.
Thi s case may wel l pl ace a ma xi mu m l i mi t on t he des i gn wi ng l oadi ng.
For a st eep appr oach wher e y = 6 t he equat i ons become:
LL = 242 + 4 . 5 V a + 0.23 V a 2 m (7.6h)
for which:
V = -9. 7 + [94.9 - 4.32(242-LL)] v, m/s (7.6i)
7.4.3 Missed approach
The mi ssed appr oach r equi r ement di scussed in par agr aphs 7. 1. 2. 8 and 7. 2. 4. 3 may be
mar gi nal l y critical in s ome cases. However , it is not st r ai ght f or war d to anal yse at t he
pr el i mi nar y desi gn st age for t he f ol l owi ng r easons:
i) It r equi r es a knowl e dge of t he engi ne r es pons e to sudden t hrot t l e
move me nt , whi ch is di ffi cul t to gener al i se.
ii) It r equi r es a knowl edge of t he l andi ng gear drag, whi ch may have
cons i der abl e vari at i on.
182 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
iii) Small changes in the landing flap setting may have considerable effect
upon the drag, without a comparable major alteration to the lift
characteristics. This effect requires a more detailed analysis than presented
here, and may provide a way of overcoming a problem should one exist.
It is therefore suggested that this requirement is not considered at the very preliminary
stage of a conceptual design. However, it is essential that it be investigated as soon as
sufficient design information has become available for a realistic analysis to be undertaken.
7.4.4 Fuel used during descent, approach and landing
It is suggested that for conventional aircraft a fuel mass of 0.01M0 be allowed for the
descent, approach, landing and final reserve. In the case of a vertical landing it is
appropriate to assume that the powerplants are operated for 1 min at full power in
addition to the 0.01M0.
7.5 Generalised flight performance representation
7. 5. 1 General
It is convenient to express the performance achieved by the aeroplane at a given time by
the so-called "energy height", and the performance potential in terms of the "specific
excess power". With the exception of those performance requirements related to take-off
and landing the energy height and specific excess power representations may be adapted
to apply to point performance requirements.
7.5.2 Energy height General
The energy height, h e , is defined as the sum of the actual geopotential height of the
aircraft at a given time and the height equivalent of the kinetic energy of forward velocity:
V 2
h e = h + ~ (7.7)
where h is geopotential height and V is the forward velocity.
Figure 7.3 shows lines of constant energy height as a function of actual height and
Mach number. From this it can be seen that at low subsonic speeds the majority of the
energy possessed by an aircraft is geopotential, while at speeds of the order of Mach
number 2 and above the greatest contribution is from the kinetic term. In terms of
performance potential the criterion is the rate of change of energy height with time:
Performance estimation 183
dhe _ V d V + d h
d t g d t d t
5 '
lii I
, \ \
Ma e h n u mb e r M~
L 3 0 k m
50 krn
Figure 7.3 Lines of constant energy height
Figure 7.4 illustrates an aircraft in straight climbing flight at an angle 7 to the
horizontal. For simplicity it is assumed that the lift acts through the centre of gravity and
pitching moments have been trimmed out.
T /
, . Hori z on ~ ~ _
Figure 7.4 Aircraft in climb
Resolution of forces along and perpendicular to the flight path gives"
Md V
T - D - Mg s i n y - - 0
d t
184 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
L - Mg co s y (7.9b)
wher e T is the thrust
L is the lift
M is the mass
The rate of change of geopot ent i al hei ght wi t h time is:
- V s i n y
and subst i t ut i ng for s i n y into Eq (7. 9a) yields:
( T - D) _ Mg dh Md V
V dt dt
V dh V d V
( T - D) - +
Mg at g at
- d h e
and usi ng Eq (7.8), Eq (7.1 l a) may be wri t t en as:
( T - D) V _ dh [ 1 +
Mg at
v dv)
g ~
g ~ (7.11c)
The t erm in the denomi nat or is effect i vel y a ki net i c energy correct i on factor, KE . When
the climb is under t aken at a const ant true airspeed, ( dV / dh) , and hence KE , ar e zero thus:
dh V
rate of cl i mb - - (T - D) (7.1 ld)
dt Mg
For const ant Mach number climb at altitudes of 11 km _< h ~ 20 km, the speed of sound
is const ant and Eq (7. 11d) applies. At altitudes bel ow 11 km the speed of sound
decreases wi t h hei ght i ncrease and hence a const ant Mach number cl i mb implies a
r educi ng true airspeed, ( d V / d h) is negat i ve, and the actual rate of cl i mb is great er than
Performance estimation 185
that gi ven by Eq (7.1 l d). However , a const ant equi val ent ai rspeed climb implies an
i ncreasi ng true velocity wi t h altitude increase, so that the actual rate of cl i mb is less than
that gi ven by Eq (7.11 d). Constant airspeed climb case
At altitudes up to about 14 km the variation of relative air densi t y with altitude is
approxi mat el y gi ven by:
- hi 9000
o ' - e
where h is in metres, and hence:
d~ l dh = -a19000
and since V r As = VEAS a , approxi mat el y:
dh dh
= 0" - 1/ 2 VEAS/18,000
an d V d V _ 5.66 x 10 -6 V aeas /a
g dh
Therefore for const ant equi val ent ai rspeed cl i mb the kinetic energy correction fact or is
approxi mat el y gi ven by:
( (
K E - 1 + V
g ~-~ = 1 + 5.66 x 10 -6 V~.AS / (7.11e)
7. 5. 2. 3 Co n s t a n t Ma c h n u mb e r c l i mb c o ndi t i o n
Li kewi se up to 11 km altitude the speed of sound is approxi mat el y equal to 340 a 0.117
m/s so that approximately:
V r a s = 340M N a 0.117
where MN is the const ant Mach number climb condition.
This relationship may be used to give:
186 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
dV r as dV r as da
dh da dh
- 0.117 x 340 M N x a-0883
= - 4.42 x 10 -3 M N a 117
a n d
V d V 2
- - 0.153M~, a
g dh
The correspondi ng kinetic energy correct i on factor is thus approximately:
= [ _ 2 O" 0.234)
KE ~1 0.153 M N
and an average value bet ween sea level and l l km altitude is ( 1 - 0.134M~).
Bet ween 11 and 20 km altitude the speed of sound is const ant and t here is no need to
apply a correct i on factor in a const ant Mach number climb.
Above 20 km altitude the factor becomes approximately:
KE = (1+0.016 MN 2) (7.1 lg)
for a const ant Much number climb.
7.5.3 Specific excess power
The specific excess power, SEP or Ps , is used to derive the climb, level acceleration or
normal manoeuvr e potential of the aeroplane. However, it is expressed identically to the
rate of change of energy height, that is f r om Eq (7.11 b)"
Ps = -zT-. ( T - D)
l u g
This may be expressed in alternative forms. For example:
Performance estimation 187
Ps = Mg
if the aircraft has a normal manoeuvre factor of n.
Alternatively using lift and drag coefficient representation:
V[ q SnC o] V
p s = ~ T - c-~sO ] = Mg [ T- qSC o ]
where q is the dynamic pressure ( p S V 2/2, p being air density)
S is the wing area
C o is the drag coefficient
n = co s O if flight path is straight
and using the conventional representation for drag, see Chapter 6, paragraph 6.3.1:
ps =
where C o z is the zero lift drag coefficient (includes the C o w term for supersonic flight)
C L is the lift coefficient
Kv is the induced drag factor
The lift coefficient, CL, may be expressed as:
C L_ n Mg (7.13a)
and defining:
fl = K v C o z (7.13b)
P s : V --~ g - Mg + ] 3qc o ;
188 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
P s = V
an d b - q C o z / ( Mg/ S) (7.13e)
where b is effectively a zero lift drag to weight ratio.
Equation (7.13d) is found to be a useful form of the expression for specific excess
power when evaluating climb, level speed and manoeuvre performance, and hence:
where r m is the value of x appropriate to the given flight Mach number and altitude, as
defined in Chapter 3
k m is the ratio of the mass at the specified condition (often combat mass) to that
at take-off
The maxi mum lift to drag ratio occurs when:
C o z = K v C L (7.14a)
MAX 2C o z 2(fl) 1/2 (7.14b)
where C ~ o is the lift coefficient to give the mi ni mum drag condition.
The corresponding mi ni mum drag speed i s :-
=[2 Mg (~)1/2
S C o z
Performance estimation 189
7. 6 Fl i ght p e r f or ma nce - cl i mb a nd cei l i ng s
7.6.1 General
The accurate prediction of climb performance is complex due to the fact that many flight
parameters change during the climb. Thrust, drag and weight all vary with altitude,
forward speed and as fuel is used. While analytical expression of these variations is
possible, analytical integration over the height of climb is fraught with difficulty. The
problem may be overcome to some extent for the purposes of overall aircraft synthesis by:
a) Limit in g t he cl imb char act er is t ics t o o n e o f t hr ee pr act ical , bas ic, f o r ms :
i) Constant equivalent airspeed at subsonic speed, usually starting from
nominal sea level conditions.
ii) Constant Mach number.
iii) Linear variation of Mach number with altitude at supersonic speed.
b) Ut il is in g a f o r m o f E q (7. 13d) which is bas ed o n mean val ues o f cl imb per fo r man ce,
derived from numerical analysis of typical aircraft and powerplant characteristics. In
some cases empirically derived correction factors are required. A special, but important,
climb condition which is not covered by the above assumption is the gradient achieved
immediately after take-off with a failed engine. This is dealt with in paragraph 7.4 above.
c) As s umin g t hat t he cl imb an gl e do es n o t exceed abo ut 30 t o t he ho r izo n t al .
d) As s umin g t hat t he var iat io n o f t hr us t wit h al t it ude is pr o po r t io n al t o t he r el at ive
den s it y o f t he at mo s pher e, for all other conditions constant, see Chapter 3, paragraph
If the definition is made that thrust is proportional to (t ) then typically:
0-11 km altitude s is 0.85 to 0.95 for low bypass ratio engines
0.6 to 0.7 for high bypass ratio, fan engines
Above 11 km altitude s is unity, but for simplicity assume that
0-13 km altitude s is about 0.7 as a mean value for fan engines
0- 4 km altitude s is about 1.1 for piston engines based on
In the case of turbopropeller engines there is an interaction with forward speed, see
Chapter 3, paragraph
Often it is not necessary to predict climb performance in detail at the preliminary
phase of a design, but an estimate of fuel consumed during the climb is required. Table
7.2 may be used to obtain an approximate indication of the reduction in total aircraft mass
during a typical climb. The reduction in mass is given as a function of the change in
190 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
rel at i ve densi t y dur i ng the cl i mb and is dependent upon t he t ype of power pl ant and cl i mb
charact eri st i c.
In all of the anal ysi s the t er mi nol ogy used is:
i) Suffi x 0 i ndi cat es sea l evel static, dry, engi ne condi t i ons and all up mass,
cor r espondi ng wi ng l oadi ng and i ncompr essi bl e fl ow drag charact eri st i cs.
ii) Suffi x 1 i ndi cat es the st art i ng cl i mb condi t i ons at a hei ght /-/1 def i ned by
rel at i ve densi t y trl at appr opr i at e Mach number , Mm as wel l as t hrust and
mass, etc. It is conveni ent to def i ne H in km.
iii) Suffi x 2 i ndi cat es the cor r espondi ng condi t i ons at the end of t hat part i cul ar
phase of t he cl i mb.
Tabl e 7.2 Typi cal cl i mb mass ratio fact ors
(Ratio of mass at end of climb, point 2, to that at beginning
of climb phase, point 1)
,, ,
Constant equivalent airspeed
Constant Mach number
(subsonic: (M N <_ McRrr)
Variable Mach number
(supersonic: 1.2 ~ M~ >_ McRutse)
Propeller - piston
Propeller - turbine
High bypass ratio, fan
Low bypass ratio, dry
High bypass ratio, fan
Low bypass ratio, dry
Low bypass ratio, wet
Low bypass ratio, dry
Low bypass ratio, wet
0. 03
0. 2 0. 02
0. 016
0. 018
( a/ a, ) 0.02
( a/ al ) 0.02
(aJal) 0.024
(a/a1) 0.035
(a/al) 0.0,5
0- is the relative density.
7.6.2 Constant equivalent airspeed climb General
The basi c assumpt i ons in this case are:
a) The c l i mb c o m m e n c e s at s ea l evel a n d is t e r mi n a t e d at , o r bel o w, 1 1 k m al t i t ude.
b) The Ma c h n u m b e r d u r i n g t he c l i mb d o e s n o t e x c e e d t he c r i t i c al v al u e , as def i ned in
Chapt er 5, par agr aphs 5. 2. 2. 4 and 5. 3. 4. 2. Shoul d this occur the cl i mb shoul d be
cont i nued at const ant Mach number .
Performance estimation 191
In the case of civil aircraft operation Air Traffic Control requirements may limit the initial
climb to 127 m/s EAS (250 knots) up to 3.05 km height (10,000 ft).
The mean rate of climb is given by:
0"73Xt ZQv [ f (Thrust) - f (Drag)] mis
The forward speed in the climb is Pea s (Mm = V eas /340 at sea level).
~/~01/2 / 1/2
ml s (7.15b)
Z = Vea s /1. 458Qv and flo = (Coz)o (Kv)o
(Z is unity when the climb is at 1.14 times the mi ni mum drag speed, V Mo )XI is a
correction factor for propellor engines, see Eq. (7.18a). f ( Thr u s t ) depends upon the type
of powerplant, see below.
f ( Dr a g ) - 1 . 1 6 f l f f 2 [ Z 2 ( l + 0.942-42)+ 0"66n2z 2 (1 +o'2 -38)]
where n is the normal acceleration factor in the climb, usually approximately unity.
7. 6. 2. 2 L ow bypas s rati o and f an engi nes (X~ = 1.0)
a) Thr us t f act o r :
f (Thr us t ) - "o (1 + Y )
(M~ . rMm
Low bypass ratio engines, without reheat in use:
y = (0.992 - 0.134R ) (s - 0.42)
(0. 92-0. 031R ) 42
192 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
ii) Low bypass ratio engines, with reheat:
(1. 383 + 0. 02 5R ) ( s - 0.42)
Y= (1. 27 "0. 052R) a2
iii) High bypass ratio, fan engines:
(0.64 - 0.016R ) (s - 0 . 4 2 )
Y - ( 0. 76 0.016R ) tr2
where R is the bypass ratio and rMm is the thrust factor at the start of climb conditions
and is derived from Chapter 3, Eqs (3.7b), (3.7e) or (3.8b) as appropriate, and for
simplicity it may assumed that the climb is in the range 0.4 _< MN -< 0.9, even though the
Air Traffic Control restriction referred to in paragraph implies an initial climb
Mach number of 0.37.
Equation (7.16a) may be substituted into Eq (7.15a) to obtain the mean rate of climb,
and the result may be rearranged to give:
[ + O. 1 100 ] + f (Dr ag)
[rum(1 + Y )] (7.16e)
where To is the total installed sea level, _ d.~, static thrust with all engines operating.
b) C ei l i n g. It is unlikely that this class of aircraft will have a ceiling requirement in
constant equivalent airspeed conditions. See paragraph
c) The f u e l c o n s u me d du r i n g t he c l i mb is :
(Mg)o - (Vv)MEAN (Mg)orMm 1 + 7a 2 + /5{1 + 7% 100)
( H 2 in ki n )
Performance estimation 193
For the purposes of this equat i on only:
i) Low bypass ratio engi ne, dry:
a = 1.45 fl = 0. 82 7 = 1.0
Co = c' (1 - 0. 15R o.65), as defi ned in Chapt er 3, par agr aph 3.6.3.
ii) Low bypass ratio engi nes, wi t h aft erburni ng:
a =1. 10 fl = 0. 059 y = 1.1
Co = (1.47 + 0. 34R) / (1.05 - 0. 15R)
iii) Hi gh bypass ratio engi ne
a = 1.45 fl = 0. 22
Co = c' (1 - 0. 15R 0.65)
7 = 0. 82 Propeller engines
The cl i mb may be assumed to be at 1.14 VMo (Z = 1), however , the f ol l owi ng expressi ons
are general.
The t hrust correct i on factor, XI for propel l er engi nes is:
X / --
(TIMg)I - 2.07flo 1'2
(TIMg)IY - 2.02fl ma2-38
a) Thrust fact o r :
(1 + Y) (7.18b)
where: i)
Pi st on engi nes Y = a 2
(7. 18c)
o-21.8 + o.0032Qva2 .313)
ii) Tur bi ne engi nes Y = (7. 18d)
(1 + 000320 )
Equat i on (7. 18b) may be used wi t h Eq (7. 15a) to gi ve the t hrust to wei ght ratio needed
for a gi ven mean rate of climb:
l'37(Vv)MEAN ~ + v ZQv] ) } + f (Drag)] /(1 + Y)
194 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
where X~ may be assumed to be unity in the first instance, and the resulting value of thrust
to weight ratio used to calculate a value of X, from Eq (7.18a) to be used in Eq (7.18e)
until convergence is achieved. Equation (7.18e) may be used to define the equivalent
static thrust to weight ratio"
1) Piston engines:
"~g o = 0.7 ,,EVEAS Mgo] NeMg )
from Chapter 3, Eq (3.1 le) where it has been assumed that the propeller advance ratio
is less than unity, and Ne is the number of engines. Equation (7.1d) may be used to
determine the power required.
2) Turboprop engines, using Chapter 3, Eq (3.10):
t / )
1.27NE (nDp~.7zO.15aO.86 Mg I 0. 862 _ 0.138~.~_ 0.1)1.38 TI 10 -6
[1 +O.O032Qv] 0"862 Mgo, ] o N~, , l g ,
when the advance ratio is one or more and:
/ / /
= [1 + 0.0032Qv] 0.905 00.543 Mg,Mgo) 0.905 0 -0.1) 0.95 Nt'Mg~TI 0.905x 10 -7
when the advance ratio is less than one.
Equation (7.1c) may be used to convert these thrust to weight ratios to power to
weights ratios.
b) C eil in g. The vertical velocity at the end of the climb is:
I'46ZQv [(.~g) Y_l.15flo'/2(Z2tr262+
+ 0.12 100]
(The correction term X1 is not required here.)
0.73Z 2 0.20.38)
Performance estimation 195
Equation (7.19a) may be rearranged to give the total thrust to weight ratio at the start of
the climb required to give a specific rate of climb, or ceiling value (V v)c at the end of the
06, 5 v cl / 2062
~v 1,1 + 0.12 100] + 1.15flo '/z Z +
0.73 )
Z 2 a2 -38
This equation may be used to define the equivalent static thrust to weight ratio, and hence
power to give the required final rate of climb (V v)c:
1) Piston engines:
Use Eq (7.19b) to substitute into Eq (7.18f) to obtain the static thrust to weight
ratio, and then use Eq (7.1d) to get the power to weight ratio.
2) TurbopropeUer engines:
Use Eq (7.19b) with either of Eqs (7.18g) or (7.18h), dependent upon the advance
ratio, to obtain the static thrust to weight ratio and then use Eq (7.1 c) to get the
power to weight ratio.
c) Fu e l c o n s u me d du r i n g t he cl i mb:
1) Piston engines - climb at 85% maximum rated power:
w~ _ o . 5 8 5 u ~ po 0 + 0.27o.; .' )
( ~ / o (v, , ), , , ~, , , (M, )o
(H 2 in km)
2) Turbopropeller engines:
W v 0.375Nell z
Mg l o (Vv )~A ~
x lO 111+ +
(Mg)o t lO O )
(, ~ i n km )
196 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
7. 6. 2. 4 Gr o u n d di s t ance c ove r e d dur i ng climb
In all cases of constant equivalent airspeed climbs the ground distance covered during the
climb is approximately:
S G =
o (, + co,
s i n -1 ,
VEA~ 1 + %- /2
km (7.21)
The cosine term is approximately unity unless the climb is unusually steep, and H2 is in
7.6.3 Const ant Mach number cl i mb
7. 6. 3. 1 Ge ne r a l
It is assumed that a constant Mach number climb is only appropriate to aircraft powered
by low bypass ratio and fan engines as it is unlikely that propeller powered types will
have good climb performance at higher forward speeds.
It is feasible for an aircraft to commence a constant Mach number climb at sea level
but it is more likely that the initial climb will be at a constant equivalent airspeed as
covered in the previous section. The constant Mach number climb may be assumed to
commence at an altitude where the true speed is approaching the cruise Mach number.
It is possible that climb at higher altitude may imply an unacceptably high value of
the lift coefficient, CL. This has two effects:
i) The estimation of (Vv)MEAN may be in error, especially if the C~. implied is
more than 1. SC ~ o (C~ at mi ni mum drag speed). This may be overcome by
dividing the climb into two sections, firstly up to an altitude implied by CL
equal to C ~ o , and secondly above that altitude.
ii) The required CL may be beyond a usable value. It is suggested that as a first
approximation the usable value of CL should be assumed to be 1.25 times
the cruise buffet limited values quoted in Chapter 6, paragraph
7. 6. 3. 2 L o w bypas s rat i o and f an e ngi ne s - c l i mb up to 11 k m al t i t ude
a) Mean r at e o f cl imb up t o 11 km al t it ude.
__ [
(V v)ME AN (l_O.153M~aO.23)[(Mg),a,s-
-QM(tr, l38 + tr2135 ) - fl--~--(O'QM ~ ,-l' l + tr2-l8)] m/s
Performance estimation 197
where To is the sea level, dry static thrust
r~ is the value at Mach number MN and at start of climb altitude defined
by ~r 1, with allowance for installation losses, see Chapter 3, paragraph
f l = (C o z Kv) where CDz and Kv ar e the values appropriate to MN
V O91OM2C z (7.22b)
QM = (Mgl S),
Equation (7.22a) may be inverted to give the initial thrust to weight ratio required to give
a specified mean rate of climb:
(Mg), (s + 0.1) + (72(s 0.12)
2 0 23
0.0059(1 - O. 153MNa I " ). .
+ QM(1138 + ~2 l35) + fl--~[O' -l' lQm ~ 1 + '2-~8)] / rl
b) C ei l i n g up t o 11 km al t i t ude. The vertical velocity at the end of climb is:
340MN [ To
(Vv)z =( 1-0. 153M2a2 23) (Mg)i r , - - ~ -
G2(S + 0.I)
- QMtr21"33 - fl--~--o"-1"1 /
QM 2
m/s (7.23a)
If (V v)c is the required vertical velocity at the ceiling then the value of the sea level, dry,
static thrust required to achieve it is"
+ f l -~O' -( l 2+S) l a u 2
+ QM0.2(1.23 - S)
198 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
c) Fuel c o n s umed in cl i mb up t o 11 km al t i t ude:
_ 0.139(H 2 - H, ) r , c,
(Mg)o (V~), , ~A ~
(H e an d H I in km)
where Cl is the specific fuel consumption appropriate to Mach number MN and at start of
climb altitude defined by al.
d) Gr o un d di s t an ce c o ver ed up t o 11 km al t i t ude:
, 70 7)cofsin, 170 lO 7,} ]
(H 2 an d H, in km) (7.25)
7. 6. 3. 3 L o w bypa s s r at i o e ng i ne s - c l i mb f r o m 11 t o 20 k m al t i t ude
a) Mean r at e o f cl i mb f r o m 11 km al t i t ude:
-0.223QM ( 1+ 3.29a2'9s) - 4.48 QMflL (1 0.304o'2-'98)1
where (Vv)Me,,,v is in m/s. X2 is a correction factor to allow for low relative rate of climb
as the ceiling is approached:
X2 --"
I To'~l fl }
((Mg) - ' 223Qu - 4"48QM
{ /
3"36a2 98 (Mg)l - 0. 22QM QutreO.98j
Performance estimation 199
For the usual case where s is equal to unity, Eq (7.26a) may be inverted to express the
thrust to weight ratio required to give a specified mean rate of climb:
3.36o.20.98l[0.0068(V , + 0.223QM(I + 3.290"20"98)
Since X 2 implicitly involves the thrust to weight ratio, Eq (7.26c) is best solved by
initially assuming X2 to be unity, and then repeating the process with the derived thrust
to weight ratio, using Eq (7.26b), until convergence is achieved.
b) C eil in g abo ve 11 km al t it ude, but l es s t han 20 km.
The vertical velocity at the end of climb for s = 1.0 is:
(Vv)2 : 993MN [ To r, 0. 98 ]
[ (Mg)l 0.2 - 0.223QMO'20"98 - 0. 404 QM f l 0.2-0.98
mls (7.27a)
and the value of To to a give ceiling vertical velocity of (Vv)c is:
O . O 01 a 2 - o.98
t ~
(Vv)c+ 0.223QM + 0.404 t3" -% -196
l" (7.27b)
c) Fuel co n s umed f o r cl imb f r o m 11 km up t o 20 km al t it ude is:
0.139(H 2 - 11) T o {1 +3.37o-2}
(H 2 in km)
where c I refers to conditions at Mu and 11 km altitude.
200 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
d) Gr o u n d d i s t an c e c o v e r e d f r o m 11 t o 2 0 k m al t i t u de is :
S G:(V V )ME AN (92-11) CO in - 295Mjv J] km
( H 2 in k i n )
7. 6. 3. 4 L o w b yp a s s r at i o e n g i n e s - c l i mb a b o ve 2 0 k m a l t i t ude
a) Me a n r at e o f c l i mb f r o m 2 0 k m al t i t u de ; s = 1. 0
148XflffN [ To r, (l + 12.73o"2967) - 0.0542Q~1 + 11.9o'2094)
_ + 0.786,_0.9,7> ]
where (Vv)MEAN is in m/s and r~ refers to conditions at Ms and 20 km altitude.
For this case the correction factor X3 is given by:
X 3 - I ~r , - 0.0542Q M - ,84ff~} /
[ IMg,
12"73Tot1 0967 }]-0.11
(Mgil . . . . ~r 2 - 0.643QMa20-94 - 1 . 4 4 0 - 2 -0. 967
Equation (7.30a) may be inverted to give the initial thrust to weight ratio needed to yield
a given mean rate of climb, it being necessary to assume that X 3 is unity in the first instance:
(1 + 12.73ae.-.967~ 0.0068(
rl [ Xflk/N ,1 + 0.016M~tVv)Me.AN + 0.0542Q~1 + 11.9o'2 9'*)
. , 8 + 0786. o 67/)
Performance estimation 201
The first value of X3 derived may be used for subsequent correction.
b) C eil in g abo ve 20 km al t it ude. The vertical velocity at the end of the climb is:
(Vv)2 = (1 ~ 0.-~16M 2)3762MN [ TOTltx2-97-O'O504QMtr2094-O'l14~0-2-194)(Mg)~ QM
m/ s
and hence the value of thrust to weight ratio needed to achieve a ceiling vertical velocity,
(Vv)c is"
- 0-2 " (Vv) c + 0.0504eg72 3 + 0. 114 0"2 -1"94
c) Fuel co n s umed in cl imb abo ve 20 km.
W F _ 0.139(H 2 - 20)rtc, T O
(M )o
(1 + 13.9%) (7.32)
(H2 in km)
where c I refers to conditions at M N and 20 km altitude.
d) Gr o un d dis t an ce co ver ed abo ve 20 km al t it ude.
296(M - 2o)[
s c = (VT--'~M~N c ~ s m [ 296MNj]
(H e in km)
202 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
7.6.4 Linearly varying Mach number climb
A linear variation of Mach number with altitude has been selected as typical of
supersonic climb profiles although there are many other possibilities. The equations may
be used to cover the case of nominally constant altitude supersonic acceleration, but see
the next paragraph.
It is assumed that the aircraft will accelerate through the transonic region in level
flight, see paragraph 7.7.4. The climb commences at a Mach number MN~, which is
typically 1.2, and increases so that the required supersonic operating Mach number MNZ
is reached at a specified operating altitude. Such a climb profile is reasonably appropriate
for aircraft intended to have a relatively long range supersonic cruise. The analysis only
applies to engines of low bypass ratio. Initial and final heights are H~ and H2 km defined
by at and ~2 respectively. The formulation of the equations is such that it is necessary to
introduce a small, nominal, altitude increment even when the flight is at constant height.
a) Mean r at e o f cl imb:
_ 1.42MNs [ To
(V V ) M E A N - ( 1+ M N sM / ) [(Mg)s rM us~ - O'752QvMxrt/7 -
ml s (7.34a)
70910(CDz)sMJl an d i l l : (Coz)l(Kv)l
where QvM = ( Mg / S ) I
(compare with. Eq (7.22))
a - l + f ~ N ( a J a , ) 9<'
J~ = 1 + l ~ N (MN2/MN1) 2 (t72/0"1)0.96
C = 1 + g v I~ N (MN1/MN2) 2 (0"1/t72)0.96
(fi, B an d C respectively are the cont r ibut ions o f thrust, zer o lift an d in duced drag)
Performance estimation 203
M~: 8.87(Mv2- Mm)/(H2-H,)
f = (1 + 0.91MN2)/(1 + 0.91MN~ )
/ f / v: MN2(1 + M~Mm) (7.34h)
Mm( l + M~dl//v2 )
C o w- C o w/O+ 0. 034( 3-Mv~ 5)
- o ) + cow{, + o -
(Coz)o(1 - 0.2My,) + Cow{1 + 0. 034(3- MNI~ 5}
/~'v = {1 + 1.2(M22 - 1)1/2} /{1 + 1.2(M2, - 1) 1/2}
where (Kv)l , Cow and (Coz)o are defined in Chapter 6, paragraph 6.3
T O is the sea level static, dry, installed thrust
r~v 1 is the value at Mm and height HI with allowance for installation losses
(Mg/S)I is the wing loading at the start of this phase of the climb.
The thrust to weight ratio required to give a specified mean rate of climb may be obtained
by rearrangement of Eq (7.34a):
'0"007(VCEAU (1+ MN, M/v)+ 0.752Qvgo-1/~ +
//(rM~ I A) (7.35)
b) Ceiling. The vertical velocity at the end of the climb is:
- 1) _ 1. 331~ 6' 1/
[(Mg) rMvl(A - - 0.752evM a, [ ~ ~ ]
m/s (7.36a)
The installed dry static thrust to give a ceiling vertical velocity of (Vv)c is:
204 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
o oo35(V )c ( , +
+ 0.752Qv,~',(/1 - 1)
1.33fi, ( C- 1) ] / r ~t N, ( f i i - l) +
Qv~ 1
c) Fuel co n s umed dur in g t he cl imb
W r 0.139(H 2 - HI)
( g )o
~ MNI (-'~g)o CMNI + ~ ~"
H2 and H 1 in km)
where CMm is the specific fuel consumpt i on at the start of this phase of the climb, and for
dry engi ne conditions:
z-= (1 + 0.285MN2} /(1 + 0.285MNI ) (7.37b)
or when reheat is used ~- = (1 + 0.2MN2)/(1 + 0.2Mm) (7.37c)
d) Gr o un d dis t an ce co ver ed in t he cl imb is appr o ximat el y given by:
6(~2MN' + 3MN2)(H2-H' ) fs in -' l - (VV)MEAN l ] km (7.38)
S v : (Vv)MEAN CO [MS(Ms / MN2)j]
( H 2 in km )
In many cases the cosi ne t erm is close to unity.
Performance estimation 205
7.7 Maxi mum l evel speed, manoeuvr e and t r ansoni c
accel erat i on
7. 7.1 T urn rat e and manoeuvr e accel erat i on f act or
The turn rate:
i// = g ( n 2 - 1 ) *A
r adl s ec (7.39a)
wher e
n l /2

n is the total normal acceleration factor. Thus given a turn rate requirement n may be
evaluated for a given flight condition.
The radius of the turn is the velocity divided by the rate of turn and follows from Eq
7. 7.2 Maxi mum l evel speed and sust ai ned manoeuvr e General
Both maxi mum level speed and sustained manoeuvre imply a situation where the specific
excess power, Ps , is zero. The difference is that the maxi mum level speed case is in
straight, level flight so that the manoeuvre factor, n, is unity while this is clearly not the
case in a sustained manoeuvre.
Equation (7.13d), for Ps = 0 gives:
T _ D + f i n " (7.40a)
which directly enables ( T/ Mg) to be found for a given set of conditions defined by n and
Rearranging: / 5 2 - ( ~g g ) b +f i n 2 =0 (7.40b)
These equations may be used in various ways:
206 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
a) To f i n d t he mi n i mum t hr us t t o weight r at io and corresponding wing loading to meet
a given condition. Using Eq (7.40a):
(T/Mg)t am o ccur s when b -
qC o z
- nfl I/2 (7.40c)
an d (T/Mg)MtN = 2nil ,/2 = 2n(CozKv),/2
This case is met for a given tree velocity, V, when:
b) Gen er al l y E q (7. 40b) may be s o l ved t o give:
1/2] / qCDz
- a f t , , ~ 2 - ( Mg / S )
and the corresponding wing loading for a velocity, V, is:
T + T 2 - 2l 1/2]
J l
c) In l evel s t r aight f l i ght n = 1, therefore, using Eqs (7.38e) and (7.38d):
for which (~gg) = 2{CozKv) ''2 (7.42b)
and generally, the maximum speed for a given wing loading and thrust to weight ratio may
Performance estimation 207
be derived from Eq (7.41 b):
VMA x = PC o z [
, , 2
4 c,
- 4fl m/s
(True air speed)
7. 7. 2. 2 R el at i ons hi p of t hrust requi red to sea l evel stati c val ue
a) Lo w bypas s r at io an d f an en gi n e pr o pel l ed air cr aft . The values of thrust to weight
ratio derived from Eq (7.40) may be related to the sea level take-off conditions by simply
multiplying by the factor (k m/r m), defined at Eq (7.13f), for the appropriate conditions.
b) Pr o pel l er pr o pel l ed air cr aft . The relationship is more complex in this case due to the
dependence of thrust on power and propeller characteristics. The equations given under
cruise conditions in paragraph may be used with the appropriate conditions.
7. 7. 3 I n s t a n t a n e o u s ma n o e u v r e
As mentioned in paragraph, the intensity of an instantaneous manoeuvre is limited
either by the maximum usable lift coefficient in that flight condition or by the structural
design normal acceleration factor, nl.
Hen ce eit her (n )ms r = n I
o r = ( Mg / S )
(n)msT 2 LVSe I
whichever is least, CLus e being the usable lift coefficient.
Equation (7.43a) implies that:
(Mg/S)o : p v c,.. sE
Thus given a value of (n)~Ns, either directly, or through tum rate using Eq (7.39), the
maximum (Mg/ S) which enables it to be achieved may be found.
208 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
7. 7.4 T ransoni c accel erati on
7. 7. 4. 1 General
The transonic acceleration characteristics are important for a supersonic design in that:
i) It is necessary to ensure that the aircraft can reach supersonic flight.
ii) The time taken for transonic acceleration must not be unduly high.
The estimation of transonic drag is complex because of the changes in flow regime
around MN = 1. An analysis of some typical supersonic designs of slender and not so
slender configuration suggests that in the range 0.9 _< MN ~ 1.2 it is satisfactory to assume:
a) Fo r 0. 9 _< ki n -< 1. 0: C o z should be based on a subsonic representation.
b) Fo r 1. 0 _< M~ < 1. 2: Co z should be based on a supersonic representation.
c) The in duced dr ag f act o r , Kv, is best based on a subsonic representation up to a Mach
number of about 1.2 above which a supersonic representation is more satisfactory.
However, in some circumstances this may underestimate the induced drag at MN = 1.2.
These assumptions assume that the drag expressions are those of Chapter 6, paragraph
7. 7. 4. 2 Me an accel erat i on f act or
The above drag representation will be assumed together with a definition of the transonic
range as being 0.9 ~ M N _< 1.2.
For an aircraft in level flight, Eq (7.13d) may be written as:
where(p s/V) is the acceleration factor in forward flight, that is the forward acceleration
is (9.81ps/V) m/s.
Using the previously quoted representations of thrust and drag, together with the
assumptions outlined above, the mean acceleration factor between MN = 0.9 and MN = 1.0
m a - ~
a(Mg)--~9 - ~)a (7.44a)
wher e Ta =0.5 (rMN9+rMN,0)
Performance estimation 209
an d Do = ~ [ + 0.008 [ Af -t ] c + 0.942 (CDz) ~
+ 1.727(Kv)o(Mg/S) 9 a-t . za5 x10-5
The mean acceleration factor between Mu= 1.0 and MN = 1.2:
To _ b b
wher e Tb = 0.505(rMm0+rMN,2)
67844(CDz)o[1 dove
an d D b= ~ [ + 1.69 (Coz)-----~o
+ 1.44 (Kv) ( Mg/ S) 9 a -1"235 x l 0 -5
where suffix 9 indicates conditions at Mu=0.9, 10 at Mu = 1 and 12 at MN = 1.2.
rMN values here at appropriate Mu and altitude. These may be related to the static
conditions by using the factor (k m/r m) defined at Eq (7.13f).
(Coz)o and (Kv)o ar e t he incompressible values. See Chapter 5, paragraphs
and for the definition of A1/4, A/ an d t /c.
Allowance has been made for fuel used during the acceleration, typically 0.01M0.
The above equations are applicable up to 13 krn altitude, although 11 km is a
typical condition. Further it is likely that reheat will be necessary for transonic
For a typical low bypass ratio engine (R = 0.8) Eqs (7.44) may be simplified to give:
at 11 kin, R = 0.8 and s = 0.8, using Chapter 3, Eqs (3.7) and (3.8):
a n d D a =
l l600(CDz)o] I + [ (cosA f f } z Cow
+ 7.727(Kv)o(Mg/S)9 xl O -5
210 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
T'b = 0.6241F~
an d b b = 15160(C z) [1 + 1.69 C o w 1 + 6. 456(Kv)o (Mg/S) 9 x 10 -5
(Mg/S)9 [ (Coz)oJ
7. 7. 4. 3 Ti me of t ransoni c accel erat i on
The time taken to accelerate bet ween Mu = 0.9 and MN = 1.2 is:
[~aa 2
t - 0.0102a 1 +
m b
s (7.45a)
where a is the local speed of sound and at 11 km altitude the time taken is:
, 2
- - -t - m
m b
s (7.45b)
7. 7. 4. 4 Thrust requi red
Substitution from Eq (7.44) for m a an d m b enables the required thrust to wei ght ratio to
be det ermi ned for a given time for the transonic acceleration:
- + - (7.45c)
where /~ _ 0.005 l a
p _ _
0.005 l a [98t L)/) ]
- - [ " ~ - a b + 2 l ) a + Db
And for the case at 11 km altitude given by Eqs (7.44c) and (7.44d):
Performance estimation 211
/ ~= [0.8(/)b + 1.11/9a)+ 7.5/t] /F~
F = [l'428/)a/gb + 4"3(2/)a + Db)/t il E :
(7.45e) F uel used duri ng accel erati on
As ment i oned previously, for an aircraft with reasonabl e transonic performance, the fuel
used during the acceleration from a Mach number of 0.9 to 1.2 is likely to be equivalent
to about 1% of the wei ght at the commencement of the acceleration.
It is found that a more accurate evaluation is given by taking mean values of the thrust
and specific fuel consumpt i on, that is values equi val ent to a Mach number of 1.05.
Fuel used :
- 2.78
T -t (rMF_.AN CMeA# ) x 10 -4
(gg) o
where rM~u and CMv.a u refer to condi t i ons at a Mach number of 1.05 and appropriate
altitude and t is total time of the acceleration.
For the case of transonic acceleration at 11 km altitude, using reheat wi t h engines of
bypass ratio 0.8:
WF - 2.74 TO t x 10 -4
(Mg)o (Mg) o
where use has been made of the engine model s gi ven in Chapter 3.
7.8 Crui se- range and performance
7.8.1 General
It is usual to assume that the aircraft is in steady level flight during the cruise phase.
While this is not always strictly true it is, for all practical purposes, a sufficient
assumption. The range, that is the distance fl own duri ng the cruise, is dependent to some
extent on the flight technique employed. For exampl e in some instances a sacrifice of
212 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
potential range may be made in order to achi eve a hi gher speed. The overall effi ci ency
in cruising flight is si mpl y the ratio of the work done in propelling the aircraft to the
energy cont ent of the fuel used to achi eve it, thus:
T A s
r/ - /-] 'AM (7.47a)
where T is the thrust, As the i ncrement al distance travelled, AM is the rate of fuel used,
expressed in terms of the decrement of aircraft mass, M, a n d / q is the energy cont ent of
unit mass of fuel.
In the limit:
ds = - r l o l Tl ( dM/ T) (7.47b)
In steady level flight the thrust and drag are equal and the lift is equal to the wei ght so
d s = _ qo f f l L d M
D Mg (7.47c)
Fr om Eq (7.47a), since d s = V dr :
~/0/q = - TV
d M/ d t (7.47d)
where (~o H) may be regarded as a propul si on effi ci ency ( UD) is the lift to drag
ratio whi ch is a measure of the aerodynami c effi ci ency
( d M/ M) is effect i vel y an airframe effi ci ency since it is a measure of the ratio of fuel
used to total mass. For a gi ven all up mass and payl oad the l ower the zero fuel
mass the great er will be the fuel mass available for cruise
Now (dM/dt )/T is a measure of the specific fuel consumpt i on since it is the rate of
fuel mass usage in t erms of thrust. In t erms of the rate of fuel wei ght used rat her than
mass, the specific fuel consumpt i on is:
c = ( d Mg / d t ) / T
substituting this into Eq (7.47d) gives:
Performance estimation 213
and hence from Eq (7.47c):
rio ~ = gV
V Ld M
ds - (7.48)
c DM
This is the basic form of the well known Breguet range equation. (Note here c is N/N/s
It is clear that for given powerplant and airframe characteristics the greatest distance
flown occurs when (V L/ D) is maximised.
Thus, as a general conclusion, it may be stated that the maxi mum range occurs when
the velocity is as high as possible consistent with maintaining a maxi mum value of the
lift to drag ratio. This usually means flying at, or close to the critical Mach number.
However, there are often operational restrictions which influence the flight conditions.
When ( V L/ D) and c are constant Eq (7.48) may be integrated to give the distance
travelled in cruise, s:
s - 3 6 00V Ll o g e - ~ L
C / 3 Lr, t 2
where c is now in the more usual units of N/N/h for a jet engine, and Mr and M2 ar e the
masses at the beginning and end of the cruise respectively, or:
s - 8 . 2 9 V .~_1og10_7_~, I M, /on (7.49)
C D IV12
Clearly the 8.29 constant depends upon the units used to define the specific fuel
consumption. For example if c is in mass units, kg/N/h, the constant becomes 0.845 while
if it is quoted as mg/N/s the constant is 234.7. In the case of propeller driven aircraft
where c is quoted in terms of power rather than thrust the equation takes a different form,
see paragraph 7.8.3.
While range is frequently calculated by using Eq (7.49) there are circumstances where
the assumption of constant values is invalid.
214 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
7.8.2 Jet and fan eng ine propelled aircraft
7. 8. 2. 1 F l i ght l i mi t at i ons and r e l at i ons hi p t o sea l evel st at i c condi t i ons
Cruise flight conditions may be limited in a number of ways:
a) Mach n umber l imit which is effectively the critical Mach number as determined by
drag rise and buffet.
b) Po wer pl an t t hr us t avail abl e which may be inadequate to enable the critical Mach
number to be achieved at a particular altitude.
c) Fl ight al t it ude which may be determined by Air Traffic Control instructions and, in the
limit, by the design pressure differential in a cabin.
The thrust in cruise is equal to the drag and hence it is directly defined by the lift to drag
ratio appropriate to a given flight condition. The thrust to weight ratio in cruise may be
related back to the sea level static value by multiplying by the factor (km/rm), defined at
Eq (7. 130, with the appropriate conditions.
7. 8. 2. 2 Ma c h n u mb e r l i mi t ed f l i ght
This is a common case. At a given altitude the velocity of Eq (7.49) is uniquely defined
in terms of Mach number as (M N a) where a is the speed of sound at that altitude and so
Eq (7.49) may be written as:
s = 8.29a MN Llogw__e_,M,
c D M 2
km (7.50a)
and between 11 and 20 km altitude where a is constant:
s = 2445 MNL"
M 1
-7-_ 1 Og l o - : - 7 - "
C O M 2
km (7.50b)
In this condition the maxi mum range occurs when the altitude of flight is chosen such
that the lift coefficient is the value corresponding to the mi ni mum drag condition, thereby
giving the maxi mum value of lift to drag ratio. As fuel is used the lift required to balance
the weight decreases so in order to maintain the maxi mum lift to drag ratio it is necessary
to reduce the dynamic pressure. Since the assumption is that the Mach number is
constant this can only be done by allowing the aircraft to climb. The implied reduction
in drag, but not drag coefficient, is more or less balanced by the reduction in thrust. This
Performance estimation 215
so-called "climbing cruise" is the most efficient flight pattern associated with constant
Mach number. Air Traffic Control usually demands that aircraft fly at a constant flight
level for a given period and so a stepped climb is often the nearest approximation to a
true climbing cruise that can be achieved. There are exceptions, for example supersonic
and some high performance executive aircraft which can operate at altitudes above the
usual Air Traffic Control levels which are typically up to 43,000 ft (13.11 km).
Equation (7.50b) may be developed to give the wing loading appropriate to maxi mum
lift to drag ratio at a given Mach number and altitude.
where suffix C r indicates cruise conditions.
Then, from Eq (7.14b)the maximum lift to drag ratio is (0.5/~cr) 1/2) and from Eq (7.14c):
= 0 . 6 13 aa2M~ ( C o z ) c J ~ C , ) ',2
Between 11 and 20 km altitude the speed of sound, a , is constant and in this case:
(--~)Cr = 53300 TM~(CDz)cr/~Cr) 112 (7.50e,
When a stepped climb is necessary, over a given constant altitude part of the flight the
lift coefficient decreases as fuel is used and hence the lift to drag ratio cannot be constant
at the maxi mum value. Flight below the mi ni mum drag condition may aggravate buffet
effects so it is generally best to start the stage as near to the maxi mum lift to drag
condition as possible. There is only a slow reduction in lift to drag ratio as the fuel is used
but when there has been sufficient reduction in mass to enable flight at the next level to
be achieved, either 2000 or 4000 ft higher, a step can be contemplated.
7 . 8. 2 . 3 T hr u s t l i mi t e d - i n c r e a s i n g Ma e h n u mb e r f l i g ht
In some circumstances the available thrust at a given altitude may be insufficient for the
aircraft to achieve the critical Mach number. When this is so the maxi mum speed
attainable is:
-- (7.51a)
216 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
where T is the limited thrust corresponding to velocity, V, and the altitude defined by the
air density, p. Co is the total drag coefficient at that velocity.
The corresponding lift coefficient is:
C L -
MgC n
so that the attainable lift to drag ratio is (Mg/T) which is clearly not constant. The speed
also is not constant in that Co will reduce as Mg reduces due to the reduction in lift
Using Eq (7.48):
- - ~ - d M
c pSC o T M cTl a
Analytical development of Eq (7.5 lb) is difficult because of the variation of C o with 6':.
which implies an increase in speed and thus a variation of thrust. Over small increments
of the flight where C o and T may be assigned mean values:
c r ~ (M~ - ~2 )
where c is now N/N/hour and M 1 and M 2 are the masses at the beginning and end of that
short segment of the flight.
In practice as the speed of the aircraft increases as the fuel is used it may well be that
at some stage the critical Mach number is reached so that Eq (7.50) applies. An analysis
similar to that suggested for propeller-powered aircraft in paragraph may be used. Diversion and standby
The range formula may be used to evaluate diversion and standby fuel, using the
appropriate speed and altitude conditions. Endur ance
If it is assumed that the specific fuel consumption is a constant in cruise then it follows
that the maximum endurance corresponds with minimum thrust, that is minimum drag at
a given altitude. Hence the maximum endurance coincides with the maximum range. In
practice the specific fuel consumption is not constant, tending to increase with speed. The
true maximum endurance may occur at a speed somewhat lower than that which gives
maximum range.
Performance estimation 217
7.8.3 Propeller- powered aircraft Specific fuel consumption and propeller efficiency
In the case of propeller-driven aircraft it is common for the specific fuel consumption to
be stated in terms of the power of the basic engines and for propeller efficiency to be used
to define the thrust in a given flight condition.
The engine power in a given flight condition is:
P =/V/r/
where r/is now the propeller efficiency, see Chapter 3, paragraph
Equation (7.48) now takes the form:
ds - r/ L dM
c D M (7.52)
where here c is defined in terms of N/W/sec.
Note that although speed does not appear explicitly in Eq (7.52) it is implied by the need
to develop a definitive value of lift, L, at a given altitude. R ange in constant conditions
For constant conditions, should they apply, Eq (7.52) may be integrated to give:
s = 8290 r/Llgt~cu ~,~2MI) km (7.53a)
where now c is in N/kW/h.
The constant becomes 845 when c is given in units of kg/kW/h and 234 when it is in
~tg] J.
This equation is often the most convenient form to use for evaluating the range of
propeller-driven aircraft. The appropriate values of propeller efficiency, r/, as derived
from Chapter 3, paragraph give:
a) Fo r advan c e r at io , J, l es s t han un i t y (usual case for piston-engined aircraft); using
Chapter 3, Eq (3.1 lh), Eq (7.53a) becomes:
0, ~L, ( M, /
s - - 3316VCrc -~logl~-~2) km (7.53b)
218 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
b) Fo r advan ce r at io , J, gr eat er t han un it y (usual case for turbine-engined aircraft), using
Chapter 3, Eq (3.9e), Eq (7.53a) becomes:
4890 n 0.05 L, ( M I /
s - - - - 7- t o -~,og,0 ( ~) km (7.53c)
where Po is the rated static power of one engine.
Equation (7.5 3a) may be developed to give the optimum wing loading for a given engine
power setting and altitude.
D= T = rlP/V
al s o D = pV 2S (Coz)Cr
for the maximum lift drag ratio case. Hence:
V __
m/s (7.53d)
and using Eq (7.14c) for the same condition
(_ M~ ) = 0. 613a (C z)cr
~r q 3 ~) ~'~
0.816qP ] 1/2
7 . 8. 3. 3 R a n g e i n p r a c t i c a l c o n d i t i o n s
The assumption of constant conditions used to obtain Eq (7.53) is unlikely to apply in
practice. As mass reduces the aircraft must be allowed to climb to maintain constant
velocity and lift to drag ratio or the power setting must be changed. In fact allowing the
aircraft to climb also changes the power conditions. The range may be evaluated in short
steps, as suggested in the case of thrust limited jet engine flight, paragraph A
somewhat better approach is to use numerical, or graphical, integration of specific cruise
conditions analysed to give range increment per unit fuel mass used.
The numerical integration process requires some initial assumptions to be made:
a) A given en gin e s et t in g, say maximum continuous cruise power.
b) Fo r eas e o f f l yi n g t he air cr aft t he f l i ght pat t er n us ed is o ft en bas ed o n a co n s t an t
equival en t air s peed. However, constant true airspeed or constant Mach number
conditions are possible, as is a constant altitude cruise.
Performance estimation 219
The procedure is to select a series of conditions, for example given values of aircraft
mass and true speed. For each set of values the drag may be evaluated as a function of
altitude, propeller efficiency evaluated and drag matched against the thrust to:
i) determine the altitude corresponding to that condition for the given power
ii) calculate the rate of fuel usage in that condition.
iii) by using Eq (7.52), calculate the distance flown per unit mass of fuel.
Figure 7.5 illustrates a typical set of results from such a procedure. For completeness
a buffet boundary determined by usable lift coefficient is shown. Three possible flight
paths are shown:
A) Fast climbing cruise at constant equivalent airspeed.
B) Long range climbing cruise at constant true airspeed which may be
difficult to fly but is found to give greater range.
C) Constant altitude cruise which implies a speed change, but may be required
by Air Traffic Control.
"~ 0. 28' - - - ' - ' - - -
0. 16,
~A0 ~ ~
145 150 155
True airspeed
. 10.5 km
I \ ~ 6km
I . I
160 165 170
Figure 7.5 Turboprop cruise performance
Figure 7.6 shows the ranges achieved by integrating conditions along the selected
cruise lines.
220 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
This type of procedure is not really applicable to the preliminary, initial, synthesis
phase of design since insufficient aircraft data are available. However, Figure 7.5 does
show that the rate of fuel usage does not vary a great deal when the cruise is at constant
altitude. Thus for initial design Eq (7.53) may be used with mean values in as far as they
are available.
~ 1.5
O 1.4
~ 1.3
START of CRUISE MASS 86,000kg ~/ ~b ~
, yy' "
68,000kg ~J "
77,000kg _. j
" b ~ ~ f f e t at 7.51a-n Altitude
I I _ I I I _ I I I I
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
R ange Z 000km
Figure 7.6 Turboprop range
7. 8. 3. 4 Di ve r s i o n and s t a ndby
The fuel used during diversion and standby is evaluated using the cruise formulae with
the appropriate altitude and speed conditions. Reserves for these purposes vary
considerably according to specific requirements.
7. 8. 3. 5 E n d u r a n c e - mi n i mu m p o we r c o ndi t i o ns
It can be shown that the speed to give the minimum flight power is 0.759VMo where VMo
is the minimum drag speed. However, this does not necessarily represent the condition
for minimum engine power since it is likely that at such a low flight speed the propeller
efficiency will be much reduced. Furthermore, flight at this theoretical minimum power
speed implies a high lift coefficient which is likely to be above the usable value in buffet
terms. Low engine power settings imply higher specific fuel consumption so that the
practical speed to obtain maximum endurance may be close to the maximum lift to drag
ratio condition, that is the condition which gives the maximum range.
Performance estimation 221
7. 8. 3. 6 Equi val ent stati c t hrust and power in crui se
The thrust in cruising flight is equal to the drag at any given time. The power required
follows directly from a knowl edge of the velocity and propellor efficiency. However, it
is convenient to relate cruise thrust to the equivalent static thrust and thence to power.
1) Piston engines
In the majority of cases it is likely that the cruise speed will be sufficiently low for
the advance ratio, J, to be less than unity. When this is the case the equivalent sea
level static thrust to weight ratio is:
074~VOr~'l~'criO"~Cr09~' ~'~0~ I ~) O0'~l~ O, ' l ~'Cr~~Cr I ~
V cr is the true air speed in cruise at an altitude defined by the relative density tTCr
Mgcr is the appropriate aircraft weight.
Should the advance ratio be greater than unity, say VCr > 90 m/s:
O~"Or~14/~r/O~/~/O~~rO~' ~ 0' 0 0~' ( ~Cr ~O~~.Cr,
2) Turboprop engine
In this case the advance ratio is most likely to be greater than unity and:
( )0862/ )
T O 1.4 10 .4 zlS(nOp~7NE Mgcr -0.138
(Mg)o f ~ 87, . - ' J ' " 0 ~ " 0"73370"862
[trc,. IMl v + . zat r cr ] Mgo o
x ~ ,13t ~ ~ ~'~0rJ18'2
where MN = 0.00294 Vcr / acr 117
Should the advance ratio be less than unity:
222 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1.23 10_5 o.,5nD 062.____ N0.362 ( 0.905
X Z t P~" EMN Mgcr )
[trc?93/MN + 0.75trc78] 0"905 Mg 0 )
X (-~)-'95(S-" 1)95( 0 NE Tc'-Q" Mgcr ] ,)0.905
The power equivalent of the sea level static thrusts given by Eqs (7.54) and (7.55) may
be derived from Eqs (7.1d) and (7.1c) respectively.
7. 8. 4 Engine failed cruise
When an engine fails during cruise it is usually necessary to fly at lower altitude and
Mach number, but the same basic equations apply. There is an increase in zero lift drag
due to the failed engine, say about 5%.
7.9 Descent
The fuel used during the descent is relatively low as the engines operate at near idle
conditions. It is suggested that it is included in the landing and final reserve as covered
in paragraph 7.4.4.
The distance covered during the descent can be of significance for longer range
aircraft when the descent angle is not steep. It is suggested that in the absence of better
information a typical descent angle of 4 be assumed which gives a typical rate of
descent of about 14 m/s.
Then the ground distance covered during descent is approximately:
s o = H 21 t an 4 o = 14H2 k m
( H 2 i n k i n )
Chapter 8
Parametric analysis and optimisation
8.1 I n t r o d uc t i o n
The aim of parametric analysis is to examine the influence of the various design
requirements on the configuration of an aircraft and, ultimately, to derive an optimised
design. It is quite feasible to undertake the whole operation as a seamless process and
such an approach will be considered subsequently. However, there is merit in dividing
the complete task into two separate phases. The first stage, which is introduced in
paragraph 8.2.2, is to establish the combinations of installed thrust to weight ratio (T/Mg)
and wing loading (Mg/S) which satisfy all the prescribed requirements. The second stage,
see paragraphs 8.7 and 8.8, is to select the most appropriate combinations of these two
dominant parameters and to determine which of them yields a design optimised to have
a minimum mass, see Chapter 1, paragraph 1.4.
The first stage involves consideration of both the overall aircraft configuration and the
detail geometry such as aspect ratio and sweep. For each set of parameters the wing
loading appropriate to the lowest required thrust to weight ratio can be established. While
this may not always correspond to the best design it frequently does and hence is a good
basis for further study at the second phase of the process. The advantage of limiting the
initial analysis to this procedure is that it gives a good indication of the more sensitive
parameters and requirements and hence an understanding of the critical aspects of a
particular concept. Furthermore, the output may be made essentially non-dimensional
whereas it is inevitable that the subsequent second stage analysis yields absolute results.
224 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
8.2 Procedure f or parametri c anal ysi s ( f i rst stage)
8.2.1 General
The nature of the calculations required for the parametric analysis is such that some form
of computational assistance is highly desirable. While it is perfectly possible to write a
self-contained program there is considerable merit in adopting an approach based on the
use of a suitable spreadsheet. This gives a much more open view of the procedure and
greatly facilitates interaction in the design process. The implication of changes to
parametric values may immediately be seen.
The formulation of the spreadsheet is dependent to a great degree upon the powerplant
and flight regime under consideration. The four basic powerplant models derived in
Chapter 3 may be combined with the subsonic and supersonic flight regimes to give five
possible categories:
A Subsonic flight with piston engines
B Subsonic flight with turbopropeller engines
C Subsonic flight with fan engines
D Subsonic flight with low bypass ratio jet engines
E Subsonic and supersonic flight, including transonic acceleration, with low
bypass ratio jet engines. This category includes the use of reheat.
Although category D is a special case of category E the much greater complexity of the
latter justifies the separation of the former.
The procedure for the parametric analysis is best illustrated by example. A relatively
simple case study in category C follows in detail so that the various aspects of the process
can be explained. The results obtained for designs which fall in the other categories are
included in Addendum 5.
8.2.2 First stage parametric analysis
The procedure for the first stage of the parametric analysis is outlined below.
a) Select one, or more, overall aircraft concepts f or investigation. Chapter 2 may be
referred to for this.
b) Identify the most probable type of powerplant suited to the role of the aircraft. This
is discussed in Chapter 3 and in paragraph 8.3 below.
c) Prepare a preliminary layout f or the fuselage, and in particular establish the overall
dimensions, using Chapter 4 as a guide. The fuselage layout may well have some effect
upon the choice of the overall concept. In the case of supersonic aircraft the fuselage
dimensions are needed for the first stage of the parametric analysis, but otherwise the
information is not required until the second stage.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 225
d) Select a number of wing geometric configurations f or investigation, referring to
Chapter 5 as a guide. The variable parameters in this selection will most likely include:
i) A range of aspect ratio.
ii) A range of thickness to chord ratio.
iii) A range of sweep when the aircraft is required to operate at high subsonic
or supersonic speed. In many cases the sweep and thickness to chord ratio
are directly related and may be treated as a single parameter. The type of
aerofoil may need to be considered.
iv) Types of high lift devices likely to be needed.
In most cases it is adequate to assume initially a single, typical, value of taper ratio, see
Chapter 5, paragraph 5.3.3.
e) The lift characteristics f or the selected range of wing geometry and high lift devices
are then evaluated, using Chapter 6 paragraph 6.2. The information is given in a form
which enables approximate values to be derived as a function only of sweep for a given
configuration. In the first instance it is convenient to estimate zero sweep values, which
may subsequently be corrected as necessary.
f) The drag coefficients are given in Chapter 6, paragraph 6.3. They are dependent upon
the flight speed and wing geometry so the initial evaluation is limited to establishing basic
g) Reference to Table 5.3 of Chapter 5 enables a range of likely wing loading to be
selected f or investigation. In evaluating certain performance requirements it is simplest
to use the thrust to weight ratio as an input and, although this is the exception rather than
the rule, Table 3.2 of Chapter 3 may be used to give a guide to a possible range of values.
h) The relevant performance requirements are interpreted from the equations given in
Chapter 7. The most useful form of these equations is considered in paragraph 8.4 below.
The data derived by the above procedure are applied individually to each set of
parameters selected, in order to establish:
i) The thrust to weight ratio corresponding to a given wing loading, or vice
versa, for each relevant performance requirement.
ii) Limited values of wing loading which are independent of thrust to weight
ratio, such as instantaneous manoeuvre or landing approach conditions.
i) For each set of parameters it is possible to produce a series of curves giving the
variation of thrust to weight ratio with wing loading to meet each performance
requirement. Overlaying of these curves enables a "design space" to be identified within
which all of the requirements are met as illustrated in Figure 8.1. A design point can be
selected from within this space using the following guidelines:
226 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The highest value of wing loading consistent with the lowest value of
thrust to weight ratio which meets all the requirements.
In some cases there may not be a clear minimum point, for example the
critical value of thrust to weight ratio increases with wing loading up to
some limiting value of the latter parameter. When this is the case it is best to
select the highest allowable wing loading condition on the basis that this
could result in the lightest final solution for that set of parameters. However,
this is not inevitably the case and hence the assumption must be checked in
the subsequent analysis. This difficulty is automatically overcome when the
whole analysis process is mathematically optimised, see paragraph 8.8.2.
j) The design points derived f or each set of parameters are then used in graphical format,
preferably of the carpet type, to summarise the results. Any overriding constraints, such
as the "structural parameter" SP referred to in Chapter 5, may be overlaid on this graph.
It must be noted that the points on the graph are not overall optimum values, each being
simply a set of conditions which fulfils the requirements. They do form the basis for the
second phase of the parametric analysis.
[ -
Gust sensitivity
s j
Accelerate / stop
Take of f
Second segment climb
-- "--" Cruise
Wing loading
Fi gure 8.1 Thrus t to wei g ht rati o as a f unc ti on of wi n g l oadi ng
It is helpful to consider the form of the input data needed to commence the analysis and
this is covered in the next two paragraphs.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 227
8.3 Powerplant representation
Chapter 3 gives methods for relating the variation of thrust characteristics in different
flight conditions to the sea level static value. In the case of propeller-driven aircraft this
may then be translated into a power. The form of the thrust characteristics depends upon
the type of powerplant.
a) Low bypass ratio and fan engines. The performance of these engines is expressed in
terms of the product of the sea level static thrust and a parameter, r, which is a function
of altitude and Mach number as well as engine operating conditions. To a large extent the
influence of the latter has been covered by assuming typical operating conditions for
given flight modes.
b) Propeller-propelled aircraft. When propellers are used the engine performance is
measured in terms of power and the consequent thrust depends upon forward velocity and
propeller efficiency. For the present purposes the engine thrust has been determined by
assuming a typical propeller efficiency as function of advance ratio, J, and engine power
as a function of altitude and speed. The thrust in any give flight condition is related back
to sea level static conditions through the power relationship and so the evaluation of sea
level static thrust in terms of power is of considerable significance.
i) Turbine engines: as there may be considerable variation in propeller design
characteristics it is necessary to specify, or assume, both the number of
propeller blades, z, and the propeller tip speed, (nDp). Paragraph of
Chapter 3 gives typical values of these for different classes of aircraft. A
typical variation of disc loading with power then enables the static thrust
to be expressed by Eq (3.10a) of Chapter 3.
ii) Piston engines: there is usually much less variation of propeller operating
conditions due to the relatively narrow power range of this class of
powerplant. For initial design purposes it is possible to assume typical
values of number of blades and a typical tip speed of 90 m/s. Using a disc
loading representation the static thrust is given by Eq (3.1 la) in Chapter 3.
8.4 Selection of performance equations
8.4.1 General
The performance requirements and the corresponding equations will mostly be considered
in the order in which they appear in Chapter 7. This order is not intended to indicate their
relative importance which will change according to the particular set of requirements.
The notation and equation references of Chapter 7 are retained.
228 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
8. 4. 2 Take- of f General
The equations relevant to the take-off phase of the flight are to be found in paragraph 7.3
of Chapter 7. They cover:
i) Normal take-off, landplane - Eq (7.1). These equations include the power
as well as the thrust requirements where this is relevant for propeller driven
ii) Normal take-off, seaplane - Eq (7.2).
iii) Engine failed take-off, landplane- Eq (7.3).
iv) Second segment climb with one engine failed - Eq (7.4).
v) Deflected thrust take-off- Eq (7.5).
The fuel used during take-off and the initial climb out can be very variable, depending
upon operational procedures. For simplicity it is suggested that an assumption of 1% of
the take-off mass is adequate for the purposes of preliminary design, and possibly
somewhat conservative. Normal take-off- landplane
While Eq (7.1a) gives the take-off distance for a given set of aircraft characteristics, for
initial design work Eq (7.1b), which gives the thrust to weight ratio needed to meet a
given take off-length as a function of wing loading, is more useful. Even so there is a
complication in that the thrust to weight ratio also appears on the right-hand side of the
equation. While further rearrangement is possible the result is algebraically complex. A
simpler approach is to use a typical value of thrust to weight ratio, as given in Table 3.2
of Chapter 3, for the right-hand side term only. The resulting approximate value of thrust
to weight ratio may then be used for a second iteration. Unless the thrust to weight ratio
has a very unusual value the second result is of sufficient accuracy.
In the case of propeller driven aircraft, Eqs (7.1c) and (7.1d) enable the thrust to
weight ratios to be converted to power to weight ratios for turboprop and piston engines
respectively. Normal take-off- seaplane
Equation (7.2b) is comparable with Eq (7.1 b) quoted above for landplane. The difference
reflects the different drag characteristics of water-borne take-off. The same approach in
dealing with the initial estimation of thrust to weight ratio is appropriate. Engine failed take-off- landplane
Equation (7.3b) explicitly gives the thrust to weight ratio needed for a landplane to
complete an "accelerate-stop" aborted take-off within a given distance. The result is
directly comparable with Eq (7.1b) and Eqs (7.1c) or (7.1d) may be used to convert the
value to power when it is appropriate.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 229 Second segment climb
The second segment climb requirement with a failed engine is frequently a critical design
case, especially for two-engined transport aircraft. Equation (7.4a) states the basic
expression for climb out thrust to weight ratio. Equations (7.4b), (7.4c) and (7.4d) relate
this to the take-off, that is sea level static, value for jet/fan, piston and turboprop engines,
respectively. Equation (7.4a) makes an allowance for "hot and high" conditions, and the
subsequent equations include this. One special case not covered by Eq (7.4d) is that of
a turbopropeller engine which is thrust, rather than power, limited. In this case it is
suggested that the static thrust value should be assumed to be the same as the second
segment climb value. Again Eq (7.1 c) or (7.1 d) may be used to relate the equivalent static
thrust to power. Deflected thrust take-off
The ground distance to rotation when the thrust is deflected is given by Eq (7.5b) and is
seen to include a somewhat complex function of thrust to weight ratio. Further, the
optimum thrust deflection to give minimum take-off length is also a function of thrust to
weight ratio, as seen from Eq (7.5d). For these reasons this case is an exception to the
usual in that it is easiest to evaluate the wing loading corresponding to given, assumed,
thrust to weight ratios, rather than the reverse. Thus Eq (7.5c) is a rearrangement of Eq
(7.5b) for this purpose.
8.4.3 Approach and Landing General
The approach and landing conditions are given in paragraph 7.4 of Chapter 7:
i) Approach speed, as a function of wing loading and lift coefficient - Eq
ii) Corresponding landing field length - Eq (7.6a) as a general expression and
Eqs (7.6e) (7.60, (7.6g) and (7.6h) for frequently met particular conditions.
In practice the approach speed may be specified, or can be assumed, and the landing wing
loading then follows. Alternatively the landing field length may be specified and the
approach speed required to achieve this may be estimated, the wing loading and
approach lift coefficient being derived from it. Approach speed
For design purposes the most satisfactory procedure is to determine the approach speed
in the first instance. This is done by finding the lower value of that required to meet the
given landing condition, and any specified maximum value. The value of the approach
speed required to meet the given landing field length is derived from Eq (7.6c) or for the
special case of a typical 3 approach angle, with no reverse thrust and a braking
deceleration factor of 0.38, Eq (7.6g). The wing loading corresponding to a given value
of the approach speed and approach lift coefficient is given by Eq (7.6d).
230 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Landing field length
For a given set of conditions the landing field length comes from one of Eqs (7.6a),
(7.6e), (7.60 or (7.6g), whichever is appropriate. It will be noted that when there is no
requirement for reverse thrust the landing conditions are independent of thrust to weight
ratio. Since landing is most unlikely to determine the installed thrust it is initially
convenient to base the landing conditions on those relevant to no reverse thrust.
Subsequently the impact of reverse thrust may be evaluated by using the thrust to weight
ratio determined from other performance cases. Missed approach
For simplicity it is suggested that the missed approach requirement covered in Chapter
7, paragraph 7.4.3 is not considered for the preliminary design synthesis on the basis that
its accurate evaluation is dependent upon a number of secondary issues. However, it is
of importance and must be checked as soon as the configuration of the aircraft has been
established and sufficient data are forthcoming.
8.4.4 Climb General
That the evaluation of climb performance is complex is clear from paragraph 7.6 of
Chapter 7. In many cases, however, it is reasonable to simplify the procedure for the first
stage of the parametric analysis. Climb performance does have to be analysed fully when
it is an important requirement, as may be the case for some combat aircraft, and also at
the second stage of the parametric analysis when the ground distance covered in climb
is significant.
In all cases it is necessary to specify the type of climb, final climb altitude and
intermediate details such as transition from a constant equivalent airspeed to a constant
Mach number climb. Where climb performance is critical these details demand
investigation. The conditions should be chosen so that the end of climb velocity more or
less coincides with the start of cruise condition. Simplified approach to climb performance
When a simple approach is adequate the two values which must be ascertained are:
a) The f uel used, both up to the commencement of the climb and during it. Paragraph
7.3.6 of Chapter 7 suggests that the weight of the aircraft at the beginning of climb can
be assumed to be 0.99(Mg)o, see also para above. Table 7.2 of Chapter 7 gives
approximate weight ratios for different forms of climb as a function of climb altitude
defined in terms of relative density. Thus the ratio of the weight at the end of climb (start
of cruise) to the take-off value can be simply estimated.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 231
b) The end of climb thrust to weight ratio. This may be regarded as the service ceiling
condition, typically where the rate of climb has fallen to 0.5 m/s or a somewhat larger
value, say 1.5 m/s for civil transport to give operational flexibility. The relevant final rate
of climb equations are given in Chapter 7.
i) Constant equivalent airspeed climb (constant EAS). It is assumed that this
applies only to propeller driven aircraft, fan/turbojet powered aircraft
having transferred to a constant Mach number condition at some point in
the climb. The relevant equations are Eqs (7.19a) and (7.19b) used in
conjunction with Eqs (7.18f), (7.18g) or (7.18h) as appropriate. Which
equation of Eq (7.18) is relevant is determined by the type of powerplant
and whether the advance ratio, J, is greater or less than unity. An advance
ratio greater than unity is most likely to be appropriate for turboprop
aircraft. As the design becomes defined it is necessary to check that the
correct assumptions have been made.
ii) Constant mach number climb (constant Ms).This is assumed to be
appropriate for low bypass ratio and fan engines. It is convenient to handle
this case in three distinct altitude ranges, as determined by the variation of
the speed of sound.
1) Up to 11 km altitude - Eqs (7.23a) and (7.23b).
2) Between 11 and 20 km altitude - Eqs (7.26a) and (7.26c).
3) Above 20 km altitude - Eqs (7.30a) and (7.30c).
Because the changes above 20 km altitude are small it may be adequate to
extend the application of Eqs (7.26a) and (7.26c) to somewhat greater
altitude than 20 km without significant loss of accuracy.
iii) Linearly varying Mach number climb supersonic (variable M s)
Only low bypass ratio engines are covered by this condition. The vertical
velocity at the end of the climb, which enables the ceiling to be established,
is given by Eq (7.36a) and the corresponding dry static thrust at sea level
is evaluated from Eq (7.36b).
When more accurate climb performance is necessary, the analysis referred to in the
subsequent paragraphs to should be used.
8. 4. 4. 3 Ev a l u a t i o n o f c l i mb c ha ra c t eri s t i c s : 1 - c o n s t a n t e q ui v a l e n t a i rs peed c ase
a) Rate of climb. When the rate of climb is not a primary requirement the achieved value
may be estimated by using the thrust to weight ratio and wing loading determined from
another more critical performance condition. The relevant expressions are to be found in
paragraph 7.6.2 of Chapter 7, where it should be noted that the Qv factor includes the
wing loading. Equations (7.15) are the basic equations, supplemented by:
i) low bypass ratio and fan engines - Eqs (7.16a) to (7.16d)
ii) propeller engines - Eqs (7.18a) to (7.18d)
232 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
b) Thrust required to give a mean rate of climb, or a given climb time. The relevant rate
of climb equations may be rearranged to give the thrust to weight ratio required to
achieve a given climb time.
i) Low bypass ratio and fan engine- Eq (7.16e).
ii) Propeller engines - Eq (7.18e).
It will be seen that in the propeller-engined case the evaluation of the thrust to weight
ratio is complicated by the presence of the correction term, XI [Eq (7.18a)]. This is a
factor which assumes importance as the climb approaches the ceiling condition. In the
first instance it is acceptable to assume that it has a value of unity, and then the
consequently derived value of thrust to weight ratio may be used to obtain a more
accurate estimate for subsequent recalculation.
The thrust to weight ratios given by Eqs (7.16) and (7.18) have to be converted to
equivalent take-off values:
1) low bypass ratio and fan engines require a simple correction to allow for
the ratio of start of cruise to take-off weights.
2) propeller engine conversions are given by Eqs (7.18f), (7.18g) and (7.18h)
for piston and turbopropeller applications respectively.
c) Ceiling. The relevant equations for the evaluation of the ceiling conditions for
propeller engined aircraft are referred to in paragraph, above.
d) Fuel used. The fuel used during constant equivalent airspeed climb is expressed in
terms of the mean rate of climb and the height increment completed. For convenience it
is given as a ratio of the take-off weight in the following equations:
i) low bypass ratio and fan engines - Eq (7.17).
ii) piston engines - Eq (7.20a).
iii) turbopropeller engines - Eq (7.20b).
e) Ground distance covered during climb. The approximate ground distance covered
during the climb for all classes of powerplant and for constant equivalent airspeed
conditions is given by Eq (7.21). The cosine term is close to unity when the mean rate of
climb is an order of magnitude less than the forward speed.
8. 4. 4. 4 Ev a l u a t i o n o f c l i mb c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : 2 - c o n s t a n t Ma c h n u mb e r c a s e
This case is covered by the equations given in paragraph 7.6.3 of Chapter 7. These
equations apply only to low bypass ratio and fan engines.
When a given time to height is required it should be noted that the climb may well
have to include an initial constant equivalent airspeed segment and, for a supersonic
aircraft, transonic acceleration and supersonic climb segments. It may therefore be
necessary to consider a number of different combinations in order to establish the best
overall climb profile.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 233
a) Rate ofclimb. This is given by Eqs (7.22a), (7.26a) and (7.3 la) for the altitude ranges
up to 11 km, and 11 to 20 km; above 20 km respectively.
b) Thrust to weight ratio f or a given rate of climb. Equations (7.22c), (7.26c) and (7.31 b)
may be used to derive the thrust to weight ratio required to achieve a given rate of climb
in the three separate altitude ranges. The thrust to weight ratio is in terms of sea level
static thrust and the weight at the beginning of a given segment of the climb. The thrust
factor, rl, is relevant to the climb Mach number and the altitude at the beginning of the
particular climb segment.
c) Ceiling. The relevant equations are referred to in paragraph above.
d) Fuel used in climb. This is given in terms of take-off weight by Eqs (7.24), (7.28) and
(7.32) for the altitude ranges up to 11 km, and 11 to 20 km; above 20 krn, respectively.
e) Ground distance covered in the climb. Equations (7.25), (7.29) and (7.33) are the
relevant expressions for the three altitude ranges as appropriate. Eval uati on of climb characteristics: 3 - Linearly varying Mach number at
supersoni c speed
The relevant equations are to be found in paragraph 7.6.4 of Chapter 7. They apply only
to aircraft powered by low bypass ratio engines.
a) Rate ofclimb. If the installed thrust to weight ratio is known from other cases, such as
transonic acceleration, the mean rate of climb achieved during the assumed climb pattern
is given by Eq (7.34a). The assumed climb pattern is based on a linear variation of Mach
number with altitude commencing, for example, at Mu = 1.2 at 11 km.
b) Thrust to weight ratio f or a given rate of climb. Equation (7.34a) is rearranged to the
form of Eq (7.35) in order to estimate the thrust to weight ratio. The result is in terms of
sea level static equivalent dry thrust and the weight at the start of the supersonic climb.
The latter requires conversion to the take-off weight for purposes of comparison.
c) Ceiling. The relevant equation is referred to in paragraph above.
d) Fuel used. Fuel used during the supersonic climb is given by Eq (7.37a).
e) Ground distance covered during climb. The ground distance covered during the
supersonic climb can be obtained from Eq (7.38).
234 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
8.4.5 Manoeuvres and maxi mum level speed General
The manoeuvre equations are given in paragraph 7.7 of Chapter 7, having been derived
from the generalised flight performance to be found in paragraph 7.5 of Chapter 7. Speci fi c excess power
The specific excess power in a given flight condition is given by Eq (7.13d) in Chapter
7. The manoeuvre factor, n, is unity in level flight. Equation (7.13f) is derived from Eq
(7.13d) and gives the take-off static thrust to weight ratio needed to achieve a given
specific excess power in defined flight conditions. Ma xi mum l evel speed
The maxi mum level speed in a given flight condition coincides with zero specific excess
power in that condition, and the acceleration factor, n, is unity. Chapter 7, Eq (7.42c),
gives the wing loading and thrust to weight ratio relationship appropriate to a given
maxi mum speed and altitude. This equation involves a quadratic expression of thrust to
weight ratio and hence it is a case where it is simplest to evaluate the wing loading
appropriate to a given thrust to weight ratio, using Eq (7.41 b) with n equal to one. The
assumed thrust to weight ratio may be related to the datum sea level static condition by
use of the factor (km/rm) defined in Eq (7.13f). Sustai ned ma no euv re
Manoeuvre requirements are often specified in terms of rate of turn, in which case Eq
(7.39b) may be used to convert it to a normal acceleration factor, n. Sustained manoeuvre
is another situation where the specific excess power is zero. Equations (7.40c) and
(7.40d) are relevant but it is simplest to use Eq (7.13f) with n equal to one to relate the
requirement to the initial take-off conditions. Inst ant aneous ma no euv re
Instantaneous manoeuvre is independent of thrust. The two possible limiting conditions
are given in paragraph 7.7.3 of Chapter 7. The available manoeuvre may be determined
either by the structural design limit factor, n l, or the maxi mum usable lift coefficient
associated with the given wing loading.
8.4.6 Transonic acceleration General
In some cases it may be sufficient to follow a procedure similar to that suggested for
climb performance in paragraph This involves making an assumption of the fuel
used during transonic acceleration and undertaking a later check on the thrust needed to
achieve the manoeuvre. Chapter 7, paragraph, suggests that the fuel used during
Parametric analysis and optimisation 235
transonic acceleration may be of the order of 1% of the gross weight of the aircraft.
However, the thrust to weight ratio required to achieve acceptable transonic acceleration
performance may be a critical design parameter and it is preferable to undertake a
reasonably accurate analysis at the preliminary design phase. When no specific
requirement is stated for the time of transonic acceleration it is necessary to make an
appropriate assumption. For example the time for level flight acceleration over the Mach
number range of 0.9 to 1.2 may be set at 1 min, which implies a mean acceleration of
about 0.15g. Clearly some latitude may be required if such an assumption proves to be
unduly demanding. It must be pointed out that working to a mean acceleration
requirement does not automatically ensure that there is a positive acceleration at the Mach
number where drag is highest. This also must be checked subsequently. Ti me for transoni c accel erati on
In analysing the transonic acceleration it is convenient to define it, arbitarily, as occurring
between Mach numbers, M N, of 0.9 to 1.2 and further treating it in two separate stages,
i) 0.9 ~ M~ _< 1.0.
ii) 1.0 g MN -< 1.2.
Equation (7.45a) gives the transonic acceleration time in terms of the two phases of
acceleration, m a and m b defined by Eqs (7.44a) and (7.44b) respectively. Equations
(7.45b), (7.44c) and (7.44d) are for the special case of transonic acceleration at 11 km
altitude and a powerplant bypass ratio of 0.8. Rearrangement of Eq (7.45) with
substitution from the appropriate parts of Eqs (7.44) enables the required thrust to weight
ratio to be expressed, as in Eq (7.45c). This thrust to weight ratio can be related to the sea
level static condition by allowing for the reduction in aircraft mass up to the start of the
transonic phase, the factor k m of Eq (7.13f) of Chapter 7. Fuel used for transoni c accel erati on
The fuel used during the acceleration from M N = 0.9 to MN = 1.2 is given by Eqs (7.46a)
and (7.46b) for the general case and the special one referred to in the previous paragraph,
8 . 4 . 7 Cr u i s e - r a n g e c o n s i d e r a t i o n s General
The need to maintain a small rate of climb at the start of the cruise, as dealt with in
paragraph above, establishes the thrust to weight relationship with the wing
loading for the start of cruise condition. As the cruise continues the speed will either
increase to balance the drag against the thrust, or the aircraft will climb to achieve the
same effect. As explained in paragraph 7.8 of Chapter 7, the analysis of the cruise
performance is complicated by the number of possible flight patterns. For the first stage
of the parametric analysis it is usually adequate to assume constant conditions, that is to
236 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
use Eq (7.50) for low bypass ratio and fan engines and Eq (7.53) for propeller engines.
The thrust to weight ratio in cruise is simply equal to the reciprocal of the lift to drag ratio
and may be converted back to the equivalent take-off condition by using the (km/r m) factor
of Eq (7.13f) or the relevant ceiling equations referred to in paragraph
Experience suggests that in many cases it is most satisfactory to base the initial
configuration analysis on the maximum range requirement rather than reduced range with
greater payload. Cruise wing loading
The maximum range is achieved in constant flight conditions when the lift to drag ratio
has its greatest value at the given velocity/Mach number and altitude. It follows from this
that there is a unique, optimum, value of wing loading at the start of the cruise. This value
is given by Eqs (7.50d) or (7.50e) for low bypass ratio and fan engines and Eq (7.53e) for
propeller engines.
There may, however, be an overriding restriction due to the buffet limited values of the
cruise lift coefficient. This is defined in Chapter 6, paragraphs and
Comparison may be made between the wing loadings defined by start of cruise, ceiling
(paragraph above), buffet limited lift coefficient and maximum lift to drag ratio
leading to the possible revision of the altitude and speed conditions at the start of cruise
to enable the best value to be achieved. Gust sensitivity in cruise
Unless some form of ride control is to be incorporated in the design of the aircraft it is
desirable to ensure that aircraft will not possess unacceptable responses to atmospheric
turbulence. Equation (5.9b) of Chapter 5 suggests a criterion which may be used for this
purpose. The criterion is primarily intended for passenger transport aircraft and it can be
unduly severe for some military and light general aviation aircraft.
8.5 Co n s t rai n t s an d c hec ks
It may be necessary to impose constraints which limit the range of parameters, other than
those which are directly related to performance. Some of these, such as wing span
limitation, can only be imposed when the second stage of the parametric analysis is being
completed and when the actual dimensions become known. However, some checks can
be undertaken during the first stage of the analysis. Among these is the evaluation of the
structural parameter, SP, referred to in Chapter 5, paragraph 5.4.2, Eq (5.8). While this
is not a constraint as such it does provide a useful guide to practical limits to certain wing
geometric characteristics.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 237
8.6 Case s t ud y - short/medi um haul ai rl i ner
8.6.1 General
This case study of a short/medium haul airliner has been selected to illustrate the
application of the powerplant, lift, drag, mass and performance models given in Chapters
3, 6 and 7. The procedure which leads to the parametric analysis and eventually to the
definition of the preliminary design follows that outlined in Chapter 1 and involves the
use of all the preceding material. The particular example has been chosen as
representative of one of the best documented class of aircraft thereby enabling the
procedural methods to be emphasised rather than the characteristics of the design.
8.6.2 Specification (see Chapter 1)
The aircraft is required to have the following characteristics and performance.
a) Performance
i) A basic payload of 14,000 kg, representing 120 passengers, to be carried
over a still air range of 6500 km with landing reserves only.
A high density payload of 20,080 kg, representing 180 passengers.
Maxi mum cruise Mach number (MNc,rr) of 0.82.
At the start of cruise at a Mach number of 0.82 and at 10 km altitude the
residual rate of climb should be at least 1.5 m/s.
Maxi mum altitude at the end of cruise is to be 11.9 kin.
b) Operational
i) The aircraft is to be fitted with two fan engines.
ii) The take-off field length should not exceed 2200 m under standard
iii) Landing field length should not exceed 1850 m when reverse thrust is not
used, or 1700 m when reverse thrust is in operation, under standard
iv) Landing approach speed should not exceed 73 m/s (140 knots) for Air
Traffic Control reasons.
v) The wing span should not exceed 34 m to facilitate handling at airport
8.6.3 Configuration (see Chapter 2)
There is nothing in the specification to suggest that the configuration should be anything
other than conventional. It will therefore be assumed, subject to later confirmation, that
the following are appropriate:
238 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Two underslung podded engines will be located on a low wing.
The wing will be swept back by at least 15 o to facilitate stowage of the
landing gear in the wing root area (see Chapter 2, paragraph
The empennage will consist of a single vertical fin with the horizontal tail
located on the rear fuselage.
8.6.4 Propulsion (see Chapter 3)
Current practice suggests that for a short/medium haul airliner the fan engine bypass ratio
is likely to be about four. Subsequent analysis may result in a refinement to this
assumption, or alternatively a known powerplant of specific characteristics may be
For performance evaluation it will therefore be assumed that the engine thrust
characteristic is that given by Eq (3.8) of Chapter 3 with bypass ratio, R = 4. The altitude
correction factor, s, will be assumed to be 0.7 as giving a good overall representation up
to the highest altitude of 11.9 km quoted in the specification. That is:
For 0 _< MN=0.4
0.4 _< M,v <-- 0.9
r = [ 1 - 0.76Mu] tr 0.7
r = [0.816 - 0.3M~v] tr o.7
When a spreadsheet approach is used it is convenient for the bypass ratio to be used as
an input parameter, with the equivalent of Eq (8.1) being part of the analysis. The
estimation of specific fuel consumption is not required at the first stage of parametric
analysis, provided the simple approach to climb performance is considered to be
8.6.5 Fuselage layout and size (see Chapter 4) Cabin layout
For an airliner the layout of the fuselage commences with a study of the seating and other
cabin features. In this case for the 180-seat high density layout assume:
i) Seat pitch, s 0.7 m
ii) Number of toilets 2 pairs of 2 along length
iii) Number of galleys 1 only (for snacks)
iv) Cross aisles 2
v) Cabin length is nominally 65% of fuselage overall length
Then from Chapter 4, paragraphs and [Eq (4.1)] the cabin length in terms
of the number of seats across the width, p, is:
Parametric analysis and optimisation 239
o.7( 1, o )
+ 1 + 1 +2 x 0 . 8
- 0. 7( 180 +p 1) +2. 6
A 180 passenger requirement is most likely suited to a single aisle, narrow body
configuration, but a twin aisle layout should be considered. Assuming initially that the
cross-section is circular the layout arrangements possible are:
No. of
No. of Cabin Overall
rows length dia.
36 28.5 3.25
30 24.3 3.8
26 21.5 3.9
Length /
From this table it is clear that a single aisle, six seats across, configuration has the most
appropriate overall length to diameter ratio of about 9.84 with a diameter of 3.8 m, and
it gives some scope for possible stretch. Fuselage length geometry
Using typical fuselage proportions given in Table 4.1 of Chapter 4 gives:
i) Nose length 1.4 diameters
ii) Tail length 2.6 diameters
iii) Parallel length 9.84 - 1.4 - 2.6 = 5.84 diameters
and cabin length is 1.096 times the parallel length which is typical for this class of aircraft. Fuselage cross-section and provision for freight
The depth of the fuselage cross-section is made up of:
i) Cabin height at centreline, say 2.05 m
ii) Upper structure 0.20 m
From which it follows that the floor is 2.25 m down from the upper surface, or about
40.8% of the depth above the bottom surface if the cross-section is truly circular. With
a similar structure allowance at the lower surface and a further 0.2 m floor depth the clear
height of the freighthold would be:
3.8 - 2.25 - 0.4 = 1.15 m
This is marginal and it is likely that it will be necessary to accept a somewhat non-
circular, slightly double-bubble, cross-section to give a freighthold height of, say, 1.3 m
and an overall fuselage depth of 3.95 m.
240 Ai rcraf t concept ual desi gn synt hesi s
8. 6. 6 Wing geomet r y - paramet ri c range and hi gh lift devi ces ( Chapter 5) Wi ng geometric properties
Reference to Tables 5.2 and 5.3 of Chapter 5 suggests the following parameter ranges for
the initial investigation of this class of aircraft:
i) Wing loading 4000 to 7000 N/ m E
ii) Wing root thickness to chord ratio 0.11 to 0.15
(Sweep-back follows from this parameter to meet the required MN = 0.82
critical cruise case, but with 15 o minimum)
iii) Taper ratio assume 0.25 as a constant value
iv) Aspect ratio 7 to 10 (in this example this will
be increased up to a value of 12 to illustrate the effect of constraints) Leading edge high lift devices
It is necessary to make an approximate estimate of the criterion given in Eq (5.2) of
Chapter 5 to determine whether leading edge devices are likely to be necessary. This is
done by using typical values, either derived from comparison with existing similar types
of aircraft or by use of the general data given in Chapter 5.
A typical wing loading is, say, 6000 N/ m E and the mi ni mum sweep back suggested by
paragraph 8.6.3 above is 15 . Hence:
FLe - - 6380 typically
S cosA,,,
As this is greater than 5500 it may be concluded that leading edge high lift devices will
be required. Trailing edge flaps
Single- and double-slotted flap systems are used for this class of aircraft. It is always
desirable to adopt the simplest approach which meets the requirements and hence it will
be assumed initially that a single-slotted flap system will be adequate. However, this
decision is subject to review should the subsequent analysis indicate a difficulty in
meeting low speed performance conditions.
8.6. 7 Basi c lift characteri sti cs ( Chapter 6) General
Since the sweepback is a variable in the synthesis process it is initially convenient to
estimate the values of lift coefficient for zero sweep. Subsequent calculation in a given
case must correct for the sweep effect. Initial calculation of lift coefficients is simple and
when a spreadsheet approach is adopted it is convenient to input the zero sweep values.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 241 Maxi mum lift coefficient ( landing confi gurati on)
Using Eq (6.2) and Table 6.1 of Chapter 6, with leading edge and single-slotted trailing
edge flaps:
C~ax = (1.5 + 0.65 + 1.0) cosAI/4 = 3.15 cosAI/4 (8.2a) Landi ng approach lift coefficient
Equation (6.3) of Chapter 6 gives:
Ch, = 0.6Cz~Ax = 1.89 cosA1/4 Take-off, unstick, lift coefficient
Equation (6.4) and Table 6.1 of Chapter 6 gives:
CLus = 0.8(1.5 + 0.4 + 0.5)cosA,/, = 1.92cosA1/4
(8.2c) Buffet limited cruise lift coefficient
Equation (6.6) of Chapter 6 suggests:
CLuse = 0.65cos.41/4 (8.2d)
8.6.8 Drag characteristics (Chapter 6) Zero lift drag coefficient
Tables 6.3 and 6.4 and Figure 6.1 of Chapter 6 enable the following drag parameters to
be estimated:
i) Wetted area ratio, Rw 5.5
ii) Type factor, Tf 1.1
iii) Wi ng area factor, (S) ~~ 0.6 (subject to subsequent revision)
iv) There is no aerofoil laminar flow
Paragraph above indicates that the maximtun value of cnfise lift coefficient is not likely
to exceed 0.6, when allowance is made for sweep. Whence, using Eq (5.1a) of Chapter 5:
Af = 0.95 - (0.1 x 0.6) = 0.89
(MNcRrr)zn = 0.89 - t/c
Usi ng Eq (5.4a) of Chapter 5 :-
(MNcRIr)3o = 0.82 = (0.89 - t/c) / (cosA1/4) lr2
cos,,/ta = [ 1.22 (0.89 - t / c)] 2 (8.3a)
whi ch may be calculated within a spreadsheet.
242 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Substituting the above data into Eq (6.13) of Chapter 6 the zero lift drag coefficient is:
~ o~ : o o o ~ , [ , - ~ + o, ~ ( , ~) ~o] ~ , 1 o 6
: 0.01815 f [1 - 0.2MN +6. 4 M 2]
where ~ is given by Eq (6.13b) being dependent on t/c and Rw. It is close to unity here
and for a Mach number of 0.3 appropriate to the take-off condition, approximately:
(Coz) : 0.0171f (8.3c)
and at a Mach number of 0.82:
(CDZ)c r = 0 . 0 1 7 4 f (8.3d)
All the calculations are conveniently performed within a spreadsheet. Drag coefficient due t o lift
The drag coefficient due to lift as given by Eq (6.14) of Chapter 6 can be written as:
1 =
( 1+ O .l:M; ) ] ~
f (A) C L = K v C L
1{ / liO n3
f( A) = ~ 1+ (cos2 A, /4 ) 10
o.1_ ( 3_ ~ _+ ' //
+4 (4 +a)' 8 /
Clearly the dependence of the induced drag factor, Kv, on the various geometric and
speed parameters implies that it is most conveniently calculated within a spreadsheet. For
the typical Mach number conditions in this example:
i) Low speed, M N = 0.3: (Kv) o = 0.3183f(A) (8.4c)
ii) Cruise, Mu = 0.82: (K v)cr = 0.33 f ( A ) (8.4d)
Parametric analysis and optimisation 243
8. 6. 8. 3 Eq u i v a l e n t zero l i ft d r a g at c l i mb o ut
Usi ng Eq (6.15) of Chapt er 6 with F I = 1.0 for a single slotted flap:
ACoT = (0.03 - 0.004)/,4 0.33
and hence:
(Co)co = 0.0171 + 0.026/A 0.33
whi ch is best evaluated in the spreadsheet.
8,6.9 Mass ratios at start and end of climb and landing (see Chapter 7)
8. 6. 9. 1 Ta ke o f f - i ni t i al c l i mb ma s s , M 1
It is assumed, as suggest ed in Chapt er 7, paragraph 7.3.6, that the t ake-off and initial
climb phases use fuel equivalent to 0.01 of the t ake-off mass, and thus the ratio of start
of climb to t ake-off mass:
MI - 0.99
8. 6. 9. 2 Cl i mb - i ni t i al c rui s e ma s s , Mcr 1
It is necessary to make a reasonabl y realistic assumption of the climb pattern, whilst at the
same time keepi ng the analysis simple. It may well be necessary to undert ake a more
detailed analysis to substantiate the results, and this could be done at the second stage of
the procedure. For the present purposes it will be assumed that:-
i) The aircraft will climb initially at 170 m/s equi val ent airspeed, in spite of
the fact that in practice Air Traffic Control may limit the start of climb to
127 m/s (see Chapt er 7, paragraph 170 m/s EAS will be
mai nt ai ned until a Mach number of 0.82 is reached.
ii) The remai nder of the climb up to the start of cruise at 10 km altitude will
be at a constant MN = 0.82.
The constant EAS climb reaches MN = 0. 82 at bet ween 7 and 7.5 km altitude where a is
0. 4812, say.
Fr om Table 7.2 of Chapt er 7 the mass ratios in the climb may be deduced as:
244 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
a) Sea level to 7 km altitude:
b) 7 to 1 0 km altitude:
0.4812 ' 16 = 0.988 approx.
(0.3369/0.4812) o.o2 = 0.993 approx, and the overal l
ratio to give the mass at the end of the climb:
- 0.988 x 0.993 -- 0.9811
therefore - 0.98 say
Hence the ratio of the start of cruise mass, Mcr J, t o take-off mass, Mo, is:
- 0.99 x 0.98 -- 0.97
since in this case Mcrl = M2. La ndi ng - mass, ML
The design landing mass ratio is based on the maxi mum design range, which in this case
is 6500 km. Using Table 7.1 of Chapter 7 for short haul transports:
- 0.98 - 2(6500 -1000) x 10 -5 - 0.87
(Use of the medi um/ l ong haul formula gives the same result.)
Again this calculation may be carried out within a spreadsheet to allow for the
possibility of examining the effect of the range requirement.
8.6.10 Second segment take-off climb parameters (Chapter 7)
For twin-engined aircraft, Eq (7.4a) gives the values:
a = 2.74
y= 0.02
These values may be input into Eq (7.4a) of Chapter 7 within the spreadsheet.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 245
8.6.11 Structural design criteria
In order to make a first estimate of wing structural limitations it is necessary to allocate
values to the design speed, Vo, and the ultimate normal manoeuvre factor, N, see
paragraph 8.5 and Chapter 5, Eq (5.8). With a design critical Mach number of 0.82 at
altitude it is reasonable to assume that the design limiting Mach number, Mo, will have
to be 0.87 to 0.9. This is equivalent to a true airspeed of about 280 m/s at 7 km altitude
where MN = 0.82 is first reached, or an equivalent airspeed of about 195 rn/s. Allowing
for cruise flight conditions at somewhat lower altitude V o will be assumed to be 200 rn/s
EAS. For this class and size of aircraft the ultimate normal manoeuvre factor is 3.75 as
specified by FAR/JAR Pt.25 requirements.
8.6.12 Evaluation of the variation of thrust to weight ratio with wing loading
The procedure for undertaking the first stage of the parametric analysis is outlined in
paragraph 8.2.2. The required equations are listed in paragraphs 8.4 and 8.5. As has
already been stated in the proceeding paragraphs 8.6.2 to 8.6.10 above it is convenient
to use a spreadsheet for the actual calculations and analysis. In the case of this example
use has been made of Microsoft EXCEL as is shown in Spreadsheet 1. The full
explanation of the spreadsheet is to be found in the Appendix A 8.1.
The Parameters Box on the left of the spreadsheet contains the three variables chosen
for examination in this case, and initial values are input here to commence the process.
The Requirements Box lists the specified data needed for the first stage analysis. The
Assumed and Initial Calculations Boxes hold the information derived in paragraphs 8.6.4
and 8.6.6 to 8.6.11 and the Preliminary Calculations use the data to evaluate numerical
values which are independent of the parametric variation.
The centre of the spreadsheet covers the analysis which is undertaken in two steps:
a) Analysis of a specific configuration. The upper part is concerned with the evaluation
of the thrust to weight ratios for the various performance requirements as a function of
a range of wing loadings and a given wing configuration. The results are summarised and
presented in chart form at the bottom left of the spreadsheet. In some cases it is possible
to identify a wing loading corresponding to a minimum thrust to weight ratio which meets
all the requirements. However, this is often not the case and as in the chart for this
example it is necessary to make a reasoned selection. This is usually the maximum
allowable wing loading as limited by the landing conditions since experience shows that
in most cases it is best to use the highest possible wing loading, see paragraph 8.2. The
selected "design" wing loading is then input into the analysis to obtain the corresponding
output data which is shown in the Results Box located below the general analysis, and
the relevant data is automatically transferred back to the opening cells to represent the
derived result.
246 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
b) Analysis of alternative configurations. The lower part of the spreadsheet consists of
a Summary of Results obtained by repeating the process described above for a range of
wing configurations, aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio in this case. A structural
parameter, SP, of 16 has been selected as a nominal limiting value and the last three rows
in the upper part of the box are for specific aspect ratios which give an SP of 16. The
lower part of the box covers cases required for the second stage of the analysis, see
paragraph 8.12.2. Only those results required for further consideration are shown. The
results are best appreciated when presented in the form of the carpet plot located on the
fight of the spreadsheet. Fundamentally this shows the "design" thrust to weight ratios
as a function of aspect ratio and root thickness to chord ratio. For an aspect ratio above
about ten the selected wing loadings are those which give the same thrust to weight ratios
for the take-off case as for the second segment climb. Otherwise they are the landing
wing loadings and second segment climb thrust to weight ratios. Also shown is the
structural parameter, SP = 16 limit, which suggests that aspect ratios much in excess of
ten are likely to result in a heavy wing structure. As a matter of information the "design
point" shown has been brought forward from the result of the second stage of the
parametric analysis, see paragraph
8.6.13 Comments and concl usi ons
It is possible to make some general comments concerning the results.
a) Although not specifically shown it was f ound that the start of cruise lift coefficient was
below the allowed limit in all cases.
b)The second segment climb requirement determined the installed thrust in effectively all
the realistic configurations investigated.
c)Increase of aspect ratio and root thickness to chord ratio results in reduced thrust to
weight ratio. The f ormer variation is to be expected as increased aspect ratio results in
lower drag. The latter variation is due to the lower sweep associated with less thickness
to chord ratio and hence higher allowable wing loading in the landing condition.
d)Aspect ratio much above ten is likely to result in a heavy wing structure.
The chart on the right of the spreadsheet suggests that the lowest practical thrust to weight
ratio is associated with an aspect ratio of rather more than nine. However, it is necessary
to undertake the second stage of the parametric analysis to see what the effect of
component and fuel masses has on determining a true minimum mass optimum
Parametric analysis and optimisation 247
8.7 Introduction to the second stage of parametri c analysis
The process of parametric analysis was introduced in paragraph 8.2 which was primarily
concerned with the first stage of the analysis and led to the derivation of the variation of
the thrust to weight ratio with wing loading for various configurations intended to meet
given performance requirements. This was undertaken in non-dimensional form and was
valuable in giving a good indication of the importance of the different performance
requirements and configuration parameters. However, it did not produce optimum
solutions, merely yielding a set of "design" solutions which can meet the specified
requirements. In order to derive an optimum solution it is necessary to move to actual
masses and a dimensionalised design.
8.8 Procedure f or the second stage parametric analysis and
8.8.1 Second stage parametric analysis
The second stage of the parametric analysis takes the output data of the first stage and
uses them to derive a mass for each of the selected configurations. It is possible to place
the total aircraft mass contributions into three categories:
a) Absolute mass, such as the required payload.
b) Masses dependent upon the total mass of the aircraft.
c) Masses dependent upon other parameters, such as the wing loading.
The actual information needed to undertake the mass calculation is dealt with in
paragraph 8.9 below.
It is necessary to use an iterative process to deduce the absolute value of aircraft mass.
One method of doing this is to first assume an initial value for the total mass and then to
calculate a total mass which results from the assumption and which will, in general, be
different to the assumed value. By repeating the process for a number of assumed total
mass values and plotting the calculated values as a function of the assumed values, the
value where the two are equal can be found. A more convenient approach is to use a
similar facility provided by a spreadsheet, such as "Goal Seeker" on Microsoft EXCEL.
The masses calculated for each of the "design" configurations may be compared in
conjunction with any overriding constraints which may apply. The configuration which
248 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
yields the lowest acceptable mass may be taken as the optimum solution, on the basis that
mass is the criterion being used, see Chapter 1, paragraph 1.4.2. However, it should be
pointed out that while the result achieved by the procedure is likely to be very close to the
optimum value, it may not exactly coincide with it. The reasons for this lies in the
assumptions needed to select the "design" values of thrust to weight ratio and wing
loading discussed in paragraph 8.2.2(j). It is therefore desirable to investigate the effect
of small changes in the variable parameters with the aim of converging to a true optimum.
An alternative approach to the optimisation is to use a mathematical optimisation
technique such as multi-variate optimisation. This facility is provided on some
spreadsheets, such as "Solver" in Microsoft EXCEL. This approach should
automatically find a true optimum and it is most conveniently undertaken as a "seamless"
process covering both the first and second stages of the parametric analysis in one
operation. The apparent disadvantage of this is that the end results of the first stage of the
analysis are not explicitly needed and therefore there is no statement of the relative
importance of the performance requirements. However, this may be overcome by
superposing the optimisation upon a completed first stage analysis except that the listing
of results for the various wing configurations is not necessary.
The case study of the short/medium haul airliner introduced at paragraph 8.6 will be
continued and both methods of selecting an optimum used and compared.
8.9 Mas s c al c ul at i o n
8.9.1 Gener al
The mass of each "design" solution appropriate to a given wing configuration is
estimated by use of the mass prediction data given in paragraph 6.4 of Chapter 6. In
addition certain of the performance equations given in Chapter 7 are required for use both
directly and indirectly in the calculation of the fuel mass.
8. 9. 2 Absol ut e masses (fixed independently of configuration variation)
The absolute masses are those which are determined by the requirements directly and
other considerations which may be considered to be independent of the variation of the
lifting surface configuration, such as fuselage geometry.
The absolute masses consist of:
a) Payload f or a given range, or the equivalent. For the purposes of the initial design it is
usually most satisfactory to use the payload associated with the maximum design range.
b) Fuselage mass, as given in Chapter 6, Eq (6.20) and Table 6.6. The information
needed for this estimation is:
Parametric analysis and optimisation 249
Overall fuselage dimensions.
Maximum working pressure differential when this is relevant. It is
determined by the highest design flight altitude.
Structural design speed, V o.
The type of aircraft.
c) Operational items, as given by Chapter 6, Eq (6.21). This item can vary according to
the payload-range combination and must therefore be consistent with the input used for
(a) above.
8.9.3 Variable masses (wing configuration dependent)
The variable masses are determined by such considerations as the design parameters and
performance characteristics.
a) Lifting surface mass, as given by Chapter 6, Eqs (6.22) to (6.24) and Table 6.7. For
simplicity this item includes the masses of the control/stabiliser surfaces as well as that
of the wing. If so required the two components, wing and stabilisers, may be separated
by reference to the factor given in Table 6.10 of Chapter 6. For each set of parameters the
required geometric and design data are known except for:
i) The wing area, which may be expressed in terms of take-off wing loading
and mass using Eqs (6.29a) and (6.29b) of Chapter 6.
ii) The take-off mass itself which is, of course, the fundamental unknown in
the calculation.
b) Powerplant mass, which is derived from Chapter 6, Eq (6.26) for the basic powerplant
and Eq (6.25) and Table 6.8 for the installation factor. An assumption of the basic engine
thrust to weight ratio, or power to weight ratio, Eq (6.26), enables the powerplant mass to
be expressed in terms of the aircraft take-off mass, as given by Eq (6.30) of Chapter 6.
c) Systems mass, which for convenience is taken to include a nominal 4% of the all up
mass as an allowance for the landing gear. It also includes such items as furnishings.
Chapter 6, Eq (6.27) and Table 6.9 give typical values for this item in terms of take-off
ma s s .
d) Fuel which is estimated by reference to the relevant equations in Chapter 7. It consists
of the following contributions:
i) Take-off and initial climb - assumed to be 1% of the total mass - see
Chapter 7, paragraph 7.3.6.
ii) Climb - calculated by using the appropriate equation of Chapter 7
paragraph 7.6, dependent upon the type of climb and climb stage.
iii) Transonic acceleration for a supersonic aircraft - see Chapter 7, Eq (7.46).
250 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
iv) Cruise, in its widest sense - using the relevant equation from Chapter 7,
paragraph 7.8. In evaluating the fuel required for this phase of the flight
the distance covered during the climb and approach may be deducted from
the total range requirement.
v) Descent, landing and landing reserve - for simplicity this is also assumed
to be 1% of the take-off mass - see Chapter 7, paragraph 7.9. The ground
distance covered during the descent is given by Chapter 7, Eq (7.56).
The total fuel mass is expressed solely in terms of the gross mass of the aircraft.
8. 9. 4 Take- of f mass eval uat i on
The take-off mass, Mo, appropriate to any one set of design parameters is found by equating
the sums of the individual masses covered by paragraphs 8.9.1 to 8.9.3 above to the take-
off mass itself. The data have been formulated so that it is one of the following:
a) An actual mass.
b) A fraction of the take-off mass, Mo.
c) In the case of the lifting surfaces only, a function of wing loading and take-off mass.
The wing loading is, of course, known in a particular case so this component also may
be related to the mass Mo, although it is as a power function.
The overall mass equation is expressed in Chapter 6, Eqs (6.30) and (6.31). The presence
of the power of Mo arising from the lifting surface terms somewhat complicates the
expression and precludes a direct solution. Some kind of numerical approach is necessary,
as described in paragraph 8.8.1 above.
8. 9. 5 Der i vat i on of opt i mum mass sol ut i on - gr aphi cal appr oach
A take-off mass is calculated for each of the sets of design parameters resulting from the
first stage of the parametric analysis. The values of the take-off mass are conveniently
presented in graphical form as a function of the variable parameters, as shown for the
example covered by Spreadsheet 2, to which further reference is made in paragraph
8.12.2. Any overriding constraints or requirements may also be shown on the graph.
These may include such items as:
a) Wing span limitation, which may apply to, for example a naval aircraft or a civil
transport in relation to terminal limitations, see Chapter 5, paragraph 5.3.2.
b) A minimum allowable wing volume f or a long range aircraft determined by the
requirements of fuel stowage, see Chapter 5, paragraph 5.4.1.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 251
c) A nominal limit of the wing structural parameter, SP, already considered at the first
stage of the parametric analysis, see Chapter 5, paragraph 5.4.2.
The optimum design point is taken as that which gives the lowest take-off mass within
the restriction imposed by the constraints. Having determined the mass it is possible to
i) The leading geometric values, such as wing area, wing span, etc.
ii) A first level mass breakdown which may be compared with those of similar
types of aircraft where these are available to ensure that there is no
significant difference which cannot be accounted for.
8. 9. 6 Deri vat i on of opt i mum mass sol ut i on - opt i mi ser appr oach
8. 9. 6. 1 General
When a mathematical optimisation technique is available, such as discussed in paragraph
8.8.2 above, it is not necessary to proceed with the graphical approach described in the
previous paragraph. The optimiser may be used to move directly to the solution within
the imposition of the same constraints as used for the graphical approach. The same
consequences arise from the optimum mass thus derived.
8. 9. 6. 2 Co mment s on the use of "Sol ver" i n Mi c rosof t EXCEL.
The multi-variate optimiser "Solver" provided in the Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet
is a powerful tool. However, some experience is desirable for its use for the type of work
involved in the optimisation of conceptual design. The following points are relevant:
a) Should the optimiser f ai l to f i nd a solution f or any reason the previous values should
be retained while the difficulty is investigated. A failure to retain the previous values can
result in a need to examine and reset some parameters such as wing loading and the initial
mass estimate (see Appendix A8.1, paragraph A8.2; Appendix A8.2, paragraph A8.14;
and Appendix A8.3, paragraph A8.22).
b) "Solver"@ may require a very large number of iterations to reach a solution. This
difficulty may be overcome by relaxing the accuracy of the convergence.
c) It is possible that "Solver"@ may be unable to f i nd a solution within the limits of the
input data and the constraints imposed. This can be investigated by relaxing the
constraints in the first instance. If a solution is still not possible the requirements such as
landing distance or payload/range may be relaxed until a solution can be found.
d) "Solver"@ sometimes f ai l s to f i nd a solution with message "error in target cell or
constraint cell ". If the targets or constraints have been changed an error may have been
introduced. However, the message may appear when no change has been made to these
252 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
cells. The explanation of this is that in seeking to find a solution "Solver" has moved
to a situation where one or more of the parameters in the problem, such as lifting surface
mass, has taken a negative value and the impossibility of calculating the value of a power
of such a term is the source of the apparent, but not real, error. Again the problem may
be investigated by relaxation of the constraints or requirements, until a solution can be
8.10 Wi n g l ocati on and c o n tro l /s tabi l i s er s urf ac e areas
8.10.1 General
It is possible to derive sufficient further data for a preliminary drawing of the aircraft to
be produced, but this involves making some additional assumptions.
8.10.2 Centre of gravity and wing location
The fore and aft position of the wing on the body is determined by the need to match its
position relative to the overall centre of gravity. For initial design purposes it is adequate
to assume that the overall centre of gravity is located at the quarter mean aerodynamic
chord point. A knowledge of the fore and aft centre of gravity positions of the major
items of mass is also required. Some of these may be readily estimated with reasonable
accuracy and others determined from the fuselage layout. In the absence of more accurate
information it is suggested that the following assumptions be made:
a) Wing mass: locate 0.1 of wing standard mean chord (~) behind the wing quarter mean
aerodynamic chord point (A/w). The standard mean chord is defined as the wing area
divided by the wing span.
b) Fusel age mass: locate 0.45 of the fuselage length aft of its nose unless the layout
indicates a more realistic position (IFus).
c) Tail mass: locate at 0.9 of the fuselage length aft of the nose (lra,.).
d) Mai n landing gear mass: assume initially that this item is 0.034 of the total aircraft
mass and it is located at a point 1.1 times the distance of the centre of gravity aft of the
nose (IMc).
e) Nose landing gear mass: assume initially that this item is 0.006 of the total aircraft
mass and that it is located at 0.1 of the fuselage length aft of the nose (lNG).
f ) Powerpl ant mass: the location of this item will depend upon the configuration of the
aircraft. When the powerplants are located on, or within, the fuselage, the layout will give
Parametric analysis and optimisation 253
the approximate distance aft of the nose (lee). When the powerplants are wing mounted
it is suggested that the following initial assumptions be made:
i) Two engines: locate at (0. 8 5~ / cosA1 / 4 ) forward of the aircraft centre of
gravity (Al ee), where A1/4 is the sweep back of the wing quarter chord line.
ii) Four engines: locate at (0. 4 5~ /cosA~ /4 ) forward of the aircraft centre of
gravity (A/pp).
g) Sy s t e m mas s : unless there is evidence to the contrary locate at 0.45 of the fuselage
length aft of the nose (lsrs).
h) O p e r a t i o n a l i t ems mas s : as for system mass (loeir).
i) Pa y l o a d mas s : locate where given by the fuselage layout, or when there are wing-
mounted stores assume that they are located on the aircraft centre of gravity. For a single
deck transport aircraft locate the payload at 0.45 of the fuselage length aft of the nose
j ) Fu e l mas s : If the fuel is wholly contained in the wing locate the fuel mass at the same
point as the wing structure mass, as defined at (a) above. Otherwise use the information
from the fuselage layout (leveL).
The lengthwise location of the overall centre of gravity is then found by taking moments
about the nose of the aircraft. If l is the overall length of the fuselage and lcG is the
distance of the centre of gravity aft of the nose, then in general:
Molco = Mw(lcc + Alw) + Mruslev s + Mr/o~lrmL + 0.034M0/uc
+ 0.006M0/Nc + Met, lee + Msrslsrs + Moerrloetr + Mearlear + MeveLleve~ (8.6a)
When the typical assumptions outlined above are made this becomes:
I c Jl = [ { 0. 4 5(Meu s + Msr s + Moerr + 2MrAIL ) + 0.0006M0 } + {Met, lee
+ MFUeL level + Mear lea r + O. IMw~ }/l ] / [0.963M0- M w ]
For the special case of a single-deck, twin-engined, transport aircraft:
1c6 / l = [ { 0. 4 5(Mvu s + Msr s + Moerr + 2MratL + Meat ) + 0.0006M0 }
O. 1 { (Mw + MvveL) - 8.5Mee / cosA1/4 } ~ / l] / [ 0.96 3Mo - Mw - MvveL - Mee ] (8.6c)
254 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
and for a four-engined, single-deck, transport aircraft the coefficient of & l ee in the
numerator is replaced by (4 . 5/ cos A 1 / 4 ).
The position of the apex of the wing on the centre of aircraft is given by:
laeex = Ice - yc u4 / Co (8.7a)
where ~,~ is the location of the quarter mean aerodynamic chord point on the centreline
chord, Co, which is the assumed overall centre of gravity position:
7c,/,/Co = { (1 + 2 2 ) A t a n A u 4 }/12 + 0.25
where 2 is the taper ratio, and hence:
laeex = Ic6 - { (1 + 2 2 ) A t a n A 1/4 } / 12 +0.25
Note that the aerodynamic mean chord, MA C, is derived from:
MA C= 4 ? (1 +2 +22) / {3 (1 +2) 2 } (8.7d)
where the standard mean chord, ~, is the reference wing area divided by the wing span.
8. 10. 3 Appr oxi mat e esti mate of the areas of the control / stabi l i ser surfaces General
There exits a substantial body of empirical data relevant to the areas of both horizontal
and vertical stabiliser/control surfaces for conventional, naturally stable, aircraft. There
is less information on unconventional layouts, including those which are basically
unstable and employ active control techniques to provide artificial stability. However,
since by implication the areas of control surfaces on unstable concepts will be less than
those for corresponding stable designs it is reasonable to use the existing data to give a
first indication of control/stabiliser sizes. Hori zontal surfaces ( typi cal l y a tai l pl ane/ el evator combi nati on)
The horizontal tail volume coefficient is conventionally used as an empirical measure of
stability and control, and is defined as:
(z = Sn l n / S ?. (8.8a)
where Sn is the reference area of the surface and In the nominal distance of its centre of
lift from the aircraft centre of gravity. S is wing area and ~ the mean wing chord. Using
the assumption relating to tail location from paragraph 8.10.2(c):
Parametric analysis and optimisation 255
SH = ( z S ~ / ( 0 . 9 / - Ice) (8.8b)
Tabl e 8. 1A gi ves t ypi cal val ues of f ' f or var i ous cl asses of ai rcraft , i ncl udi ng a
s ugges t i on f or f or epl ane l ayout s.
Tabl e 8.1 Typi cal control /stabi l i ser characteri sti cs
A Vol ume coef f i ci ents
Class of aircraft
Interceptors - conventional
canard *
Single-engine general aviation
Twin-engine general aviation
Trainers, patrol, bombers
Business jets
Turboprop transports
Jet transports - subsonic
- supersonic
High performance sailplane
Horizontal (z ]
Vertical I) v
0.015 to 0.02
* May be in excess of 0.2 for very "close coupled" designs.
B Geometry
Horizontal tail
Vertical tail
(0.5 to 0.6) Awmo
, ,
(1.0 to 1.3) Am, vo
0.9 to 3.0 "
0.8 to 1.15 1.3
1.0 x 0.5
** 0.9 for single engine otherwise 1.2 or more, upwards of 3 for transport types.
x Usually not less than 20 on quarter chord.
256 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
8. 10. 3. 3 Verti cal surface ( typi cal l y a fi n/ rudder combi nati on)
In this case the volume coefficient is defined as:
f' v = Sv lv / Sb (8.9a)
where b is the wing span, Sv t he fin/rudder reference area and lv is distance from the
centre of gravity of the aircraft. Again using the assumption of paragraph 8.10.2(c):
Sv = f ' vSb/(0. 91 - lca) (8.9b)
Table 8.1A also gives typical values for f' v-
8.10.4 Control/stabiliser surface geometry
There can be considerable variation in the geometry of the control/stabiliser surfaces.
However, the significance of many of the variations is related to a detailed analysis of the
requirements and operating characteristics. Some further information is given in
Addendum 2, for horizontal surfaces, and Addendum 3 for vertical surfaces. For initial
design purposes it is usually satisfactory to base the design on typical values, which are
related in some degree to the geometry of the wing. Table 8.1B summarises this matter.
8.10.5 Aileron geometry
The definition of aileron geometry is not necessary for the purposes of defining the
overall configuration of the aircraft. However, it is convenient to consider typical aileron
geometry since it does have an impact upon flap characteristics and is related to
fin/rudder design. Table 8.2 summarises the typical aileron geometry for a range of
aircraft and also introduces an aileron volume coefficient, f'A defined as:
~ra "- 0.5Sa/a/S b (8.10)
where SA is the total area of all ailerons
lA is the distance between the midpoints of the ailerons, IA = 2YA, see Table 8.2
See also Addendum 3.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 257
Single piston - general
Single piston - agriculture
. .
Single prop trainers
. . . . .
Jet trainers
. . . . .
Twin prop general
Twin regional turboprop
. . . .
Military turboprop
. .
Executive jets
Jet transport - (1)
. .
Jet transport - (2)
Military jet transport
Supersonic cruise (1)
Supersonic cruise (2)
Tabl e 8.2 Typi cal ai l eron c harac teri s ti c s
, ,
ba/b cNc yffb bib
c f f c ydrb Total
s i s
.34 .27
.32 .26
.33 .25
.37 .08
.37 .10
.26 .30 .41 .058
.08 .23 0.19
.27 .25 .39 .052 .020
.21 .29 .42 .032 .013
.43 .04 .014
.42 .05 .021
.20 .23
.28 .28
.26 .38 .04 .015
No inboard controls .80
With inboard controls .50
.27 .37
.50 .30
.24 .30
NOTES: bA is total span (both sides) of one set of ailerons
cA is the average aileron chord
YA is the semi span distance to the mid-point of the ailerons
S_Ais the total area of all ailerons
V a Is the total volume coefficient of all ailerons
Military transports include patrol aircraft and subsonic bombers
8.11 Over al l l ay o ut o f t he ai r c r af t - r ef er ee d e s i g n
At this st age of t he desi gn suffi ci ent dat a have been der i ved to enabl e an initial l ayout of
t he ai rcraft to be pr epar ed. Ef f ect i vel y this r epr esent s a " r ef er ee" desi gn whi ch can f or m
the basi s of a det ai l anal ysi s as out l i ned in Chapt er 9. Ad d e n d u m 1 cont ai ns s ome
gui del i nes for l andi ng gear l ayout , whi ch is r el evant at this poi nt in t he desi gn pr ocess.
258 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
8.12 Case s t ud y - short/medi um haul ai rl i ner
8.12.1 Introduction
This case study continues the parametric analysis of the example given in paragraph 8.6
and proceeds through the second stage of the analysis in order to derive an "optimum"
design. Two approaches are illustrated:
a) A graphical approach which leads to a selection of the lowest mass configuration
tenable within the imposed constraints.
b) An optimiser approach, where the lowest mass solution is derived directly.
In both cases use is made of a Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet.
8.12.2 Graphical approach General
This is shown in Spreadsheet 2, the full explanation of the spreadsheet being given in
Appendix A8.2. It is summarised below. Data
The information in the Requirements Box has been derived directly from the original
specification. It is to be noted that the ultimate manoeuvre factor, N, used at the first stage
of the process to predict the structural parameter, SP, has been replaced by ~' , as required
for the calculation of lifting surface mass, see Chapter 6, Eq (6.22a).
The Climb Path Box also contains data used at the first stage of the analysis. Provision
is made for the constant Mach number climb to continue to a start of cruise at altitudes
in excess of 11 krn, by using the suffices (1) and (2) to distinguish climb below or above
11 km respectively. In this example the cruise commences at 10 km altitude so zero has
been inserted in the Sigma Cruise (2) cell.
The Parametric Box contains a sumnmry of the results given by the first stage for a
given set of the original parameters. The data have been derived directly from the
Summary of Results listed at the lower centre of Spreadsheet 1. Drag coefficient data
have been placed in the Input Data Box for convenience.
The Assumed Box includes information which is needed to complete the analysis, but
which is either not considered as a primary parameter, such as wing taper ratio, 4, or is
related to the powerplant. Nevertheless, it may be varied if so required.
The Input Data Box contains the overall fuselage dimensions derived in paragraph
8.6.5, the mass coefficients C~ to C5, see paragraph 6.4 of Chapter 6, the drag coefficient
data referred to above, and the assumed location of the major components of mass as
discussed in paragraph 8.10.2.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 259 Cal cul ati ons
The Calculations Box uses the data contained in the previously mentioned Boxes to derive
the mass components for the particular configuration under examination. These include:
a) Climb, cruise and approach fuel masses, which are given as a fraction of the total
mass, Mo.
b) Powerplant and systems masses, also a fraction of Mo and together with the fuel make
up (Kappa Mo).
c) Fuselage mass, payload and operation items mass which have a definite value and are
collectively referred to as the absolute or fixed mass.
(d) Lifting surface mass which is a complex function of both Mo and the known wing
It is to be noted that the last cell in the Calculations Box is the evaluation of X 2, the rate
of climb correction factor, for conditions above 11 km altitude, see Chapter 7, Eq (7.26).
Evaluation of X2 includes division by the end of climb relative density Sigma (2) and as
this is zero in this case X2 cannot be evaluated. For the same reason the cells relating to
this second phase of the constant Mach number climb contain zeros.
The calculations are brought together in the Analysis Box. To derive a value of the total
mass, Mo, it is first necessary to make an estimate of the value of Mo, namely [(M0) est 1 ].
This is done by assuming a typical value of 0.12M0, for the lifting surface mass. The
value so derived is directly input to the adjacent cell as [(M 0) est 2] followed by cell
(KM0) and the formula for the lifting surface mass. [(M 0) calc] is the sum of the fixed
mass, (KM0) and the lifting surface mass and will, in general be different to [(M0) est 2]
on which it is based. The "Goal Seeker" tool in EXCEL is then used to reconcile the
two values by minimising the difference between them as shown in the error cell.
The first numerical column in the SulImamv Box is a listing of the masses of the main
components. These data are used with the location data from the Input Box to derive the
overall centre of gravity position, wing location and control/stabiliser surfaces areas in
the lower row of the Analysis Box. The Sunmaary Box also contains the details of the
implied wing geometry, including an estimate of the volume available for fuel stowage
in the wing, and for convenience the control/stabiliser sizes. Results
The total set of results for the various configurations under examination is given in the
Summary of Results table, the Case Summary being used as a convenience for listing.
These results are shown as a carpet graph in the associated figure. In this example there
are two constraints to be imposed:
260 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
a) The wing span must not exceed 34 m. The results data have been used to derive the aspect
ratio corresponding to 34 m span for each of three thickness to chord ratios, as shown in the
upper right-hand figure on the spreadsheet, the values being added to the carpet plot.
b) The f uel should all be contained in the wing so that the available fuel volume must be
at least as great as that required. The conditions which give this have been analysed in the
lower of the two graphs on the right-hand side of the spreadsheet, and again the results
transferred to the carpet plot.
The remaining numerical groups on the spreadsheet were used in preparing the graphical
data, see Appendix A8.2. Comments on results
It is instructive to compare the carpet plot of the results with the comparable one derived
at the conclusion of the first stage of the analysis. The thickness to chord ratio trend is
reversed. Aspect ratio trends are similar up to a value approaching ten, beyond which the
mass of the aircraft increases in spite of the lower required thrust to weight ratios. As it
happens these higher aspect ratios are ruled out in this example by the 34 m wing span
constraint. The tendency of increase of total mass at high aspect ratio is reasonably
consistent with the selection of a structural parameter value of 16 as a check in this case. Opt i mum desi gn poi nt
The optimum mass is chosen as the lowest value allowed within the constraints.
Inspection of the carpet plot suggests that this will occur at a point along the available
fuel volume condition at an aspect ratio of between nine and ten, with a thickness to
chord ratio somewhat less than 0.13. A larger scale plot of the results enables actual
values of 9.1 for aspect ratio and 0.128 for thickness to chord ratio to be deduced. The
corresponding results are the ones shown in the Summary and give a take-off mass of
72,757 kg with a wing span of 33 m.
It will be noted that the deduced wing area of 119.73 m 2. implies that the value of S ^~~
is almost 0.62, rather than the value of 0.6 originally assumed. If a correction is made for
this, using the same aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio, the new mass is found to be
73,892 kg. Unless the whole analysis is repeated it cannot be confh-med that this will still
be the optimum wing geometry and the result does indicate a slightly deficient fuel volume,
but it is expected that it will be very near to the optimum. See paragraph
8.12.30ptimiser approach General
This is shown in Spreadsheet 3 and is effectively a combination of the first part of
Spreadsheet 1 with Spreadsheet 2 referred to in the previous paragraph. The explanation
of the spreadsheet is given in Appendix A8.3. It is possible to derive a somewhat simpler
Parametric analysis and optimisation 261
spreadsheet if the first stage of the analysis is combined directly with the optimiser
approach, as for example in Addendum 5, paragraph AD5.4. Data
The information contained under the left-hand Parameters, Requirement, Assumed, Initial
Calculated Values and Preliminary Calculations is identical to that of Spreadsheet 1, as
are the Analysis, Summary and Result Boxes, and the diagram of thrust to weight ratio
as a function of wing loading. The lower, right-hand, Requirements, Parameters, Input
Data, Calculations, Climb Path and Assumed Boxes are identical to those of Spreadsheet
2. Anal ysi s
While the Analysis Box also appears to be the same as that of Spreadsheet 2 it differs in
one important respect. The [(M0) calc] cell is used in conjunction with EXCEL
"Solver" to determine a minimum value of Mo by varying the wing loading, aspect ratio
and thickness to chord ratio. In addition constraints are imposed to ensure that:
i) The Mo value on the [(M0) est 2] cell and [(M0) calc] are identical.
ii) The wing span does not exceed 34 m.
iii) The wing loading is equal to or less than that determined by the landing
condition [(Mg/S)0 ld].
iv) The wing loading is equal to or greater than that determined by the gust
sensitivity condition [(Mg/S)0 gt].
As is the case with Spreadsheet 2 the resulting value of Mo is used to evaluate the centre
of gravity position, component mass breakdown and control/stabiliser surface areas, all
of which are given in the final Summary Box. Result
Using the optimiser approach yields only one result which, providing all the imposed
conditions have been met, is the overall minimum mass. The aspect ratio is seen to be
9.102 and the thickness to chord ratio 0.1280.The corresponding total mass is 72,749 kg.
The fuel volume constraint has been exactly met. These are based on S ^~~ equal to 0.6.
When using the optimiser approach it is a simple matter to correct the value of the
parameter S n~l and re-optimise to obtain an exact solution. When this is done S A~~ has
a value of 0.6187. The aspect ratio increases slightly to 9.158 and the thickness to chord
ratio to 0.1288. The corresponding mass is 73,764 kg and wing span 33.38 m.
8.12.4 Comparison of the results obtained from the two approaches
If S A~I is taken to be 0.6 the results derived from both approaches are, as is to be
expected, virtually identical. The mass discrepancy is only some 8 kg, or about 0.01%, and
the aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio are the same. However, when the corrected
262 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
value of S ^~ is used the graphical approach, which was not re-optimised, has a mass some
218 kg higher than that of the true optimum. Even this is only a 0.3% error. That the
graphical approach did not quite meet the fuel volume requirement is reflected in the
slightly higher aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio given by the optimiser method.
8.12.5 Outline layout of aircraft
Figure 8.2 is an outline layout of the aircraft which has been produced by the use of the
derived data and the information contained in paragraph 8.10 above. Additional data
used were:
i) Dihedral angle assumed to be 3 , see Chapter 5, paragraph 5.3.7.
ii) Horizontal tail and fin geometry used Table 8.lB.
iii) Fuselage nose and tail proportions from paragraph
iv) For an individual powerplant thrust of about 105,000 N, static, there are
several existing powerplants the dimensions of which have been used to
give a typical shape.
Figure 8.2
/ 7
, ' ' , . _
Short/medi um haul ai rl i ner
Parametric analysis and optimisation 263
Appendi x A8.1 Case s t ud y - short/medi um haul airliner
Fi rs t s t ag e o f t he par am et r i c an al y s i s - expl an at i o n o f SP R E AD SH E E T 1
( Subsoni c flight - Fan engi ne 1: Mi crosoft EXCEL)
A8.1 Introduction
The following listing contains a detailed explanation of the formulation of each cell of
the spreadsheet so that the procedure may be followed completely. However, the
spreadsheet may be used by making reference only to paragraphs A8.2 to A8.4 and A8.8.
A8.2 Input parameters
In the example shown in Spreadsheet 1 the parameters chosen for variation are limited
to three, as shown in the Parameters Box, namely:
Row 3 Cell A
Aspect ratio (initial entry onl y- see cell 047) - A
Root thickness to chord ratio (initial entry onl y- see cell P47) - t/c
Bypass ratio of engine - R
If subsequent overall optimisation is undertaken using EXCEL Solver~) it is more
convenient to operate from the output of the first stage of the analysis, Rows 45 to 47,
and to use cells 047 and P47 only to input the parameters initially. Other items outlined
in paragraphs A8.3 to A8.5 may also be varied as parameters if so required.
A8.3 Requirements box
The requirements necessary to undertake the first stage of the parametric analysis and
which are given in paragraph 8.6.2 are listed in the spreadsheet as follows:-
Row 3 Cell D Factored take off field length - ToL
E Factored landing length (no reverse thrust) - LL
F Maxi mum allowable approach speed - Va max
G Design speed (structural - see paragraph 8.6.11) - Vd
H Cruise critical Mach number- (Mn) crit
I Actual cruise Mach number- (Mn) cr
J Rel. density at start of cruise altitude (if below 11 km) -Sigma cr 1
K Rel. density at second cruise altitude (if above 11 km) - Sigma cr 2
(This is used to handle the situation when the cruising or climbing flight
covers two altitude bands - see Ch. 7, paragraph 7.6.3).
L Maxi mum range requirement- Max Rge
264 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
A8.4 Assumpti ons and basic data
It is necessary to make some assumptions and to input basic data from relevant sections
of the notes. In the exampl e those shown in the Assumed Box are:
Row 7 Cell A Ratio of start of climb to t ake-off mass (see para and Ch.7,
para 7. 3. 6) - M1/ Mo
B Wi ng area paramet er in zero lift drag t erm (Ch.6, Fi gure 6.1) -
C Wet t ed area ratio (Ch.6, Table 6.3) - Rw
D Type factor (Ch.6, Table 6.4) - Type Fac
E Relative air density at end of equi val ent air speed phase of climb
(see para - C1EAS sig.
F Second segment climb factor, a (Ch.7, Eq (7.4a)) - SS alpha
G Second segment climb factor, 7, (Ch.7, Eq (7.4a)) - SS gamma
H Take-off flap factor (Ch.6, Eq (6.15)) - Flap Fac
I Speed of sound at initial cruise altitude - a Cruise
J Ultimate normal manoeuvre factor (para 8.6.11) - N
K Powerpl ant altitude dependency power, s, (para 8.6.4) - PP Fac-s
L Proport i on of wi ng laminar flow, g, (para - Lam Chrd
M Gust sensitivity switch (para, - 1 on, 0 off) - Gust Sen
N Take-off Mach number - TO Mn
A8. 5 Initial calculation and input data
Some of the required data are i ndependent of the parametric analysis and it is conveni ent
to calculate these before undert aki ng the analysis associated with the variable parameters.
Certain other items are suitable for direct input. These items are in the Initial Calculated
Values Box:
Row 11 Cell A Rat i o of desi gn landing mass to t ake-off mass (para and
Ch.7, Table 7.1 - uses cell L3) - M1/Mo
B Ratio of initial cruise mass to t ake-off mass (see para and
Ch.7, para 7.6.1, uses cells J3, A7 and E7) - Mcr/ Mo
C Zero sweep maxi mum lift coeffi ci ent (para and Ch.6, Eq
(6.2) and Table 6.1) - (C1 max) o
D Zero sweep unstick lift coefficient (para and Ch.6, Eq (6.4)
and Table 6.1) - (Clus) o
E Zero sweep approach lift coefficient (para and Ch.6, Eq
( 6. 3) ) - (Cla) o
F Zero sweep usable lift coefficient in cruise (para and Ch.6,
Eq (6.6)) - (C1 use) o
Parametric analysis and optimisation 265
Low speed zero lift drag coefficient (para and Ch.6, Eq
(6.13), uses cells B3, B7, C7, D7, L7 and N7) - (Cdz)ls
Rel. density at start of cruise (para 8.6.2) - Sigma Cr
A8. 6 Cal cul ati ons
Some further calculations must be completed to provide data for use in the parametric
analysis. The set of calculations depends upon the information from the requirements,
assumptions, input parameters and initial calculations covered by paragraphs A8.2 to
A8.5 above. They are shown in the Preliminary Calculations Box.
Row 15 Cell A Cosine of wing quarter chord sweep (see para and Ch.5, Eq
(5.4a), uses cells B3 and H3) - cos delta
B Wing quarter chord sweep (uses cell A15) - Delta deg.
C Wave drag factor (the term to the power of 20 in Ch.6, Eq (6.13),
uses cells A 15, B3, and 13) - Wave Dr F
D Zero lift drag coefficient in cruise (see para and Ch.6, Eq
(6.13), uses cells C 15, G 11, 13 and N7) - (Cdz) cr
E Equivalent zero lift drag coefficient in climb out (see para
and Ch.6, Eq (15), uses cells A3, G 11 and H7) - (Cd)co
F Low speed induced drag factor (see para and Ch.6, Eq
(6.14), uses cells A3, B3 and A15) - (Kv)o
G Cruise induced drag factor (see para and Ch.6, Eq (6.14),
uses cells F15 and 13) - (Kv)cr
H Thrust factor at start of cruise conditions (see para 8.6.4 and Ch.3,
Eq (3.8b), uses cells C3, E7 and K7) - Tau (C1 Mnl )
I Thrust factor at start of second cruise phase (see para 8.6.4 and
Ch.3, Eq (3.8b), uses cells C3, 13 and K7) - Tau(C1 Mn2)
Row 18 Cell A Maxi mum lift coefficient (see Ch.6, Eq (6.2), uses cells A15 and
Cl l ) - C1 max
B Unstick lift coefficient (see Ch.6, Eq (6.4), uses cells A15 and D11)
- C1/us
C Approach lift coefficient (see Ch.6, Eq (6.3), uses cells A15 and
E 11) - Cl/a
D Usable lift coefficient in cruise (see Ch.6, Eq (6.3), uses cells A15
and F 11) - C1/use
E Approach speed from landing distance requirement (see Ch.7, Eq
(7.6g), uses cell E3) - Va calc
F Actual approach speed, being the lowest of Va calc (cell E18) and
Va max (cell F3) - Va
G Take-off wing loading defined by limiting approach speed (see para
8.3.3 and Ch.7, para 7.4, uses cellsA11, C18 and F18) - (Mg/ S)o ld
266 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
H Take-off wing loading to meet the gust sensitivity requirements (see
para and Ch.5, Eq (5.9b), uses cells A3, A15,G3,13, and H7;
the latter may be used to negate this) - (Mg/S) o gt
Actual landing length with selected value of approach speed (see
para 8.4.3 and Ch.7, para 7.4 and Eq (7.6), uses cell F18) - Cor LL.
A8. 7 Parametric analysis
The parametric analysis consists of evaluating the variation of the take-off wing loadings,
(Mg/S)o with the installed static thrust to weight ratio, (T/Mg)o. For the particular example
the relevant performance conditions are:
a) Take-off(factored runway length).
b) Accelerate-stop (runway length).
c) Second segment climb (hot and high environment with one engine failed).
d) Start of cruise with a residual rate of climb of 1.5 m/s. The analysis allows for the cruise
to commence below 11 km altitude (cells S 16 to 25) or above 11 km (cells T16 to 25).
e) Reversed thrust landing, which is determined by the maximum thrust to weight ratio
derived from the other conditions.
In the spreadsheet the analysis is arranged as follows:
Column Q Row 4 to 13: Range of wing loading associated with cases (a), (b)
Columns R and S Row 4 to 13:
Column U Row 4 to 13:
Columns W, X, Y Row 4 to 13:
and ( c) . - (Mg/S)o. Row 13 is a particular case
derived from the analysis, see also cell Q37. The
default value is the wing loading based on the landing
condition (cell G 18) but this may be overridden when
appropriate - (see para A8.8.1).
Thrust to weight ratio for take-off, case (a), using
Ch.7, Eq (7.1b). Column R is a first approximation
based on selection of an initial value of (T/Mg)o from
Ch.3, Table 3.2. Column S is a corrected value using
the result from column R.(uses cells B 18, D3, R4 and
Q4, etc.).
Thrust to weight ratio for the accelerate-stop, case (b),
using Ch.7, Eq (7.3b). (Uses cells B 18, D3, and Q4 etc.)
Derived thrust to weight ratio for the second segment
climb case (c) using Ch.7, Eq (7.4a). Column W is
the appropriate climb out thrust factor based on a
Parametric analysis and optimisation 267
speed of 1.1 times the unstick speed (uses Ch.3, Eq
(3.8a) with cells B 18, C3 and 04, etc) - Tau co.
Column X is the appropriate lift to drag ratio (uses
cells B 18 and E 15) - (Cd) co/(C1) us.
Column Y is the required thrust to weight ratio (uses
cells, El 5, F7, F15, G7, W4 and X4, etc.).
Column Q Row 16 to 25: Range of wing loading associated with cases (d) and (e)
- (Mg/S)o. (See under column Q rows 4-13 above.)
Columns R and S Row 16 to 25: Thrust to weight ratio for the start of climb case (d)
using Ch.7, Eq (7.23b) for cruise below 11 km
altitude. Column R evaluates the factor Q~ (Ch.7, Eq
(7.22b), uses cells D15, 13, and Q16, etc.) - Qm.
Column s is the required sea level static thrust to
weight ratio (uses cells A7, D15, E7, G15, H15, 13,
J3, K7 and R16, etc.) - (T/Mg)o-1).
Column T Row 16 to 25: Thrust to weight ratio for start of climb case (d) using
Ch.7, Eq (7.26c) for cruise above 11 km altitude (uses
cells A7, D15, G15, 13,115, J3, K3, and R16, etc.) -
( T/ Mg) o- 2.
Column U Row 16 to 25: Lift coefficient at start of cruise (uses cells B 11, H11,
17 and Q 16, etc.) - C1 case- 1.
Column V Row 16 to 25: Drag coefficient at start of cruise (uses cells D15,
G15 and U16, etc.) - Cd-1.
Column W Row 16 to 25: Corresponding lift/drag ratio (uses cells U16, V 16
etc) - (L/D)- 1.
Column X Row 16 to 25: Product of cruise Mach number and lift/drag ratio
(uses cells 13 and W 16, etc.) - Mn* L/D.
Columns Y and Z Row 16 to 25: Reverse thrust landing case (e) using Ch.7, Eq (7.6e).
Column Y is the highest value of (T/Mg)o from the
previous cases (cells $4, U4, X 4, S 16 and T16, etc.).
Column Z is the landing length (uses cells A11, F18
and Y 16, etc.) - L length.
A8. 8 Resul t s
Results are presented at various stages of the analysis:
A8.8.1 Summary of thrust to weight ratios for a given configuration.
Columns Q to X, rows 28 to 42, present a summary of the thrust to weight ratios needed
to meet the performance requirements for a given configuration. In the case of this
example it is for a given aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio. Rows 23 to 36 repeat
268 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
the results obtained for the selected range of wing loadings. Row 37 is for a particular
value of wing loading to which reference will subsequently be made. Rows 38 and 39
together with rows 41 and 42 are the wing loadings derived from the gust sensitivity
condition, cell HI 8, and landing condition, cell G18, respectively. Arbitrary thrust to
weight ratios which are anticipated to be at the extremities of the likely range are
associated with these wing loadings for convenience of graphical presentation.
This set of results is converted into the chart format on the lower left-hand side so that
the critical performance conditions may be identified. From this chart it is possible to
select a "design" value of the wing loading and corresponding thrust to weight ratio. The
selection of this "design" value is not always straightforward. In some cases there may
be a clear minimum thrust to weight ratio, but this by no means always the case, as
indicated on the chart. Here the choice is made by selection of the highest value of wing
loading allowed, which is in fact the landing condition. Only at aspect ratios in excess of
ten does the take-off case became critical and indicate a somewhat lower value of wing
loading than the landing case, see paragraph A8.8.3 below. Whichever criterion is used
for selection the chosen value of wing loading is input to cell Q37 (and hence cell Q13).
The associated "design" thrust to weight ratio is given in cell Y37.
A8.8.2 Resul t of anal ysi s of gi ven confi gurati on
The particular set of results for a given configuration is shown in the Result Box columns
O to Z and rows 45 to 47. Cell Y47 is the Structural Parameter for the given
configuration (see para 8.5 and Ch.5, Eq (5.8)). It makes use of cells A3, B3, A15 and J7.
A8.8.3 Anal ysi s of vari ous confi gurati ons - Summary of Resul ts
The most convenient way to investigate alternative configurations is to change the value
of the parameters in the Results Box, columns O and P, row 47. The changes are
automatically repeated in the Parameters Box, columns A and B, row 3.The process of
selecting "design" wing loading and thrust to weight ratio values is repeated, using the
chart, see paragraph A8.8.1 above, and the revised results appear in the Results Box when
the adjusted wing loading has been placed in cell Q37.
Below the Results Box in columns O to X and rows 51 to 68 there is the Sununary of
Results appropriate to the various configurations. This table contains only the data
needed for further analysis and is produced by direct input from the Results Box, this
being simpler than transferring the data automatically. Columns O to X, rows 70 to 72,
include supplementary configurations chosen to give the Structural Parameter, SP, a value
of 16, which is taken to be the nominal upper limit. This set of results was obtained
simply by altering the values of the aspect ratio in cell 047 until the desired SP resulted
in cell Y47. Rows 75 to 77 and 79 to 84 contain data needed for the second stage analysis
- see Appendix A8.2, paragraph A8.17.
It is convenient to present the overall results in graphical form, preferably in carpet
format. This is shown in the chart on the fight-hand side. The tabulated values above the
Parametric analysis and optimisation 269
chart have been derived directly from the overall Sunmaary of Results and are presented
in the form necessary to produce the carpet format. The chart is effectively a series of
overlays of each set of tabulated data.
It may be deduced that aspect ratios in excess of about ten are likely to result in an
unduly heavy wing structure, but this is a matter to be checked at the next stage of the
parametric analysis.
A8. 9 Concl usi ons
The evidence of the first stage of the parametric analysis is that the lowest thrust to
weight ratio, and hence the lowest relative powerplant mass, will result when the aspect
ratio is rather more than nine. Only the second stage of the analysis can show if this is
near to the optimum and define the associated value of the thickness to chord ratio.
Appendi x A8.2 Case s t ud y - short/medi um haul ai rl i ner
Se c o n d s t ag e o f t he par am et r i c an al y s i s - g r aphi c al a ppr o a c h- e xpl a n a t i o n
( Subsonic flight - fan engine 2: Microsoft EXCEL)
A8. 10 I nt roduct i on
The following listing contains an explanation of the source or formulation of the data in
each cell of Spreadsheet 2 so that the procedure may be followed completely. The
spreadsheet may be used by making reference to the Requirements, Parameters, Climb
Path, Assumed, Input and Analysis Boxes, together with the Summary of Results.
The spreadsheet is a direct continuation of Spreadsheet 1 and Appendix A8.1. When
it is necessary to refer to cells from this previous spreadsheet, they are given the prefix
1 for clarity.
A8. 11 I ni ti al dat a
The initial data are shown in the four boxes at the top of the spreadsheet and the majority
of it is extracted directly from the first stage of the analysis or the requirements.
The Requirement Box consists of:
Row 3 Cell A Design range, 1L3 - Range
B Number of passengers, specification - PAX
C Payload from specification - Payload
D Cruise Mach number, 113 - (Mn) cr
270 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
E Initial cruise altitude from specification - In CrAlt.
F Initial cruise relative density, 1J3 - In Cr sigma
G Final cruise altitude, specification - Fin Cr Alt
H Final Cruise relative density, specification - Fin Cr sig
I Structural design speed derived from specification (see
para 8. 6. 11) - Vd
J Effective factored wing normal acceleration factor (see
para 8.6.11 and Ch.6, Eq (6.22a)) - N bar
The Parameters Box contains:
Row 7 Cell A Aspect Rati, 1A3 or 1047 - A
B Thickness to chord ratio, 1B3 or 1P47 - t/c
C Cosine of wing quarter chord sweep, 1A 15 - cos delta
D Bypass ratio, 1 C3 - R
E Take-off wing loading, 1Q37 or 1 Q47- (Mg/S)o
F Static thrust to weight ratio, 1R47 - (T/ Mg)o
G Cruise lift to drag ratio, 1 $47 - L/D
H Start of climb mass ratio, 1A7 - MI/ Mo
I Wi ng quarter chord sweep, radians, A(cos C7) - Delta rad
J Structural par amet er - SP
The Climb Path Box covers:
Row 3 Cell L Constant EAS climb speed (see para - CIEAS
M Altitude at end of constant EAS climb (see para -
N Density ratio at end of constant EAS climb, 1E7 - CIEASsig
O Constant Mach number climb condition (see para -
Climb Mn
P Density ratio at start of cruise (if below 11 km) 1J3 - Sig cr 1
Q Density ratio at start of cruise (if above 11 km), 1K3 - Sig cr 2
(0 if climb starts below 11 km.)
R Altitude at end of climb (first phase), specification - End cr 1
The contents of the Assumed Box are:
Row 7 Cell L Wi ng taper ratio (see para - Lambda
M Basic powerplant thrust to weight ratio (see Ch.6, Eq (6.26(h)) -
(T/ Mg) eng
N Al l owance factor for operational items mass (see Ch.6, para -
Op It Fac
O Approach fuel al l owance mass ratio (see Ch.6, para 6.4.3) -
App Fuel/ Mo
P Assumed horizontal tail vol ume coefficient (see Table 8.1A) - V bar
Q Assumed vertical tail volume coefficient (see Table 8.1A) - Vv bar
R Powerplant altitude dependency power, 1 K7 - PPFac- s
Parametric analysis and optimisation 271
A8. 12 Additional input data
The information in the Input Data Box is:
Row 11 Cell A
Fusel age length (see para - Fus L
Fusel age width (see para - Fus B
Fusel age depth (see para - Fus H
Lifting surface mass coefficient (see Ch.6, Table 6.7) - c 1
Fuselage mass coefficient (see Ch.6, Table 6.6) - c2
Engi ne installation mass factor (see Ch.6, Table 6.8) - c3
Systems mass ratio (see Ch.6, Table 6.9) - c4
Lifting surface mass to wing mass ratio (see Ch.6, Table 6.10) - c5
Low speed zero lift drag coefficient, 1G 11 or 1U47 - (Cdz)ls
Cruise zero lift drag coefficient, 1D15 or 1V47 - (Cdz)cr
Incompressible drag factor, 1F15 or l W47 - (Kv)o
Cruise induced drag factor, 1G15 or 1X47 - (Kv)cr
Incremental position of wing mass (see para 8.10.2(a)) - Del lw
Position of fuselage mass (see para 8.10.2(b)) - 1Fus
Position of tail mass (see para 8.10.2(c)) - 1 Tail
Increment al position of powerplant mass (see para 8.10.2(f)) -
Del 1PP
Position of systems mass (see para 8.10.2(g)) - 1 SYS
Position of payload mass (see para 8.10.2(i)) - 1 PAY
Position of mass of operational items (see para 8.10.2 (h)) - 1 0 P IT
Increment position of fuel mass (see para 8.10.2 (j)) - Del 1 Fuel
A8. 13 Calculations
The calculations which lead to the estimation of the mass of a given configuration are
shown in rows 15 and 19.
Row 15 Cell A Wi ng loading factor in lifting surface mass (see Ch.6, Eq (6.32) uses
cell E7) - (S/Mo) A 0.45
B Passenger cabin rel at i ve di fferent i al pressure (based on a cabin
altitude of 6000 ft, uses cell H3) - p bar
C Required cruise thrust to weight ratio (inverse of lift to drag ratio,
uses cell G7) - Req (T/Mg).
D Available cruise thrust to wei ght ratio (Ch.3, Eq (3.8b) uses cells
D3, D7, F3, F7 and R7) - Av (T/Mg)
E Ratio of available to required cruise thrust to weight ratios (cell
D15/ cell C15) - Av/ Req
F Desi gn cruise specific fuel consumption (Ch.3, Eq (3.12d), uses
cells D3 and F3) - (c) des
272 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Row 19 Cell A
Off design cruise specific fuel consumption (Ch.3, Eq (3.12b), uses
cells El 5 and F15) - (c) od
Ratio of constant equivalent airspeed climb to datum value (Ch.7,
Eq (7.15c), uses cells E7, H7, I11, K11 and L3) - Z
Thrust factor for constant equivalent airspeed climb (Ch.3, Eq
(3.8b) uses cells D7 and L3) - Tau C1EAS
Mean constant equivalent airspeed rate of climb (Ch.7, Eqs (7.15a),
(7.15b), (7.15d) and (7.16d), uses cells D7, F7, H7, H15, I11,115,
K11, L3, N3 and R7) - (Vv) EAS
Distance covered during constant equivalent airspeed climb (Ch.7,
Eq (7.21), uses cell, J 15, L3, M3 and N3) - Dist EAS
Factor in constant Mach number climb equation (see Ch.7, Eq
(7.22b), uses cells B 19, D3, E7, H7 and J 11) - Qm
Thrust factor for constant Mach number climb (first phase) (Ch.3,
Eq (3.8b), uses cells D7, N3, 03 and R7) - Tau Mnl
Mean constant Mach number rate of climb (first phase) (Ch.7, Eq
(7.22a), uses cells B 19, F7, H7, J11, L11, L15, M15, N3, 03, P3
and R7) - (Vv) Mnl
Distance covered during constant Mach number climb (first phase)
(see Ch.7, Eq (7.25), uses cells F3, M3, N3, 03 and R3) - Dist Mnl.
Thrust factor for constant Mach number climb (second phase)
(Ch.3, Eq (3.8b) uses cells D7, 03 and R7) - Tau Mn2
Mean constant Mach number rate of climb (second phase) (Ch.7, Eq
(7.26a), uses cells B 19, D 19, F7, H7, J 11, L 11, L 15, 03, P 15, Q3,
R7 and T19) - (Vv) Mn2
Distance covered during constant Mach number climb (second phase)
(Ch.7, Eq (7.29), uses cells E3, 03, Q3 and Q15) - (Dist Mn2)
As cell R15 but checks against final climb altitude density ratio
(uses cells Q3 and R15) - Dist Mn2
Distance covered during descent (Ch.7, Eq (7.56), uses cell G3) -
App Dist
Datum specific consumption, static sea level (Ch.3, Eq (3.12a), uses
cell D7) - C1 EAS (c) o.
Fuel mass ratio for constant equivalent airspeed climb (Ch.7, Eq
(7.17), uses cells A19, F7, 115, J15, L3, M3, N3, and R7) -
CI EAS Wf/(Mg)o.
Specific fuel consumption in constant Mach number climb (first
phase), datum value (Ch.3, Eq (3.12a) uses cells F15 and P3) - C1
Mnl (c) 1
Parametric analysis and optimisation 273
Fuel mass ratio for constant Mach number climb (first phase) (Ch.7,
Eq (7.24) uses cells C19, E3, F7, M3, M15, N3, N15, P3 and R7) -
C1Mnl Wf/(Mg)o
Fuel mass ratio for constant Mach number climb (second phase)
(Ch.7, Eq (7.28) uses cells E3, F7, F15, P 15, Q3 and Q 15) - C1Mn2
Wf/ (Mg)o
Start of cruise mass ratio; all up mass less take-off and total of climb
fuel ratios (uses cells B 19, D 19, E 19 and H7) - Mcr/Mo
Fuselage mass (Ch.6, Eq (20a) uses cells A11, B 11, B 15, C11 and
E l l ) - M fus
Factor in lifting surface mass evaluation (Ch.6, Eq (6.24b) uses cells
A7, B7, C7, D15, 13, J3 and L7) - cl bar
Installed powerplant mass ratio (Ch.6, Eq (6.25) uses cells F7, F11
and M7) - Mpp/Mo
Systems mass ratio (transfer of cell G 11) - Msys/Mo
Mass of operational items (uses cells B3 and N 11) - Mop it
"Fixed" mass component; sum of fuselage, payload and operational
items masses (uses cells C3, G19 and K19) - M fixed
Net range requirement less distance covered in climbs and descents
(uses cells A3, K15, O15, S15 and T15) - Net range
Required logarithm (to base 10) of cruise fuel ratio (Ch.7, Eq
(7.50b) uses cells D3, G7, G15 and M19) - log 10 (Mcl / Mc2)
Required cruise mass ratio, antilog of cell N19 - Mc 1/Mc2
Ratio of end of cruise mass to take-off value (uses cells F19 and
O 19) - Mc2/ Mo
Ratio of fuel mass to take-off values (uses cells 0 7 and P19) -
Ratio of all masses directly proportional to total mass (sum of cells
119, J19 and Q19) - KappaMo
Location of quarter mean aerodynamic chord point on wing
centreline chord (Ch. 8, Eq (8.7b), uses cells A7, 17 and L7) -
Correction factor in constant Mach number climb calculation
(second phase) (Ch.7, Eq (7.26b) uses cells B 19, D 19, F7, H7, J 11,
L11, L15, P15 and Q3) - X2
A8.14 Analysis
The Analysis Box uses the previous calculations to derive the mass, centre of gravity,
wing position and tail surface areas.
274 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Row 23 Cell F First estimate of total mass, based on the typical assumption of
lifting surface mass being 0.12Mo (cell L 19 divided by 0.88 less cell
R19) - (Mo) est 1
G Direct numerical transfer of value from cell F23 - (Mo) est 2
H Mass of items proportional to M o, based on cell G23 (uses cell R19)
- Kappa* Mo
I Mass of lifting surfaces, based on cell G23 (Ch.6, Eq (6.32) uses
cells A15 and H19) - Mlift sur
J Calculated mass; sum of cells H23, 123 and J23 - Mo calc
K Difference between calculated and estimated mass, (cell J23 - cell
G23) - error
The EXCEL Goal Seek tool is then used on cell K23 to bring it to a nominal mi ni mum
value by adjusting the estimated mass, cell G23. The result is the total mass for that
particular configuration. The value is used to summarise the component masses in the
Summary Box, see paragraph A8.15.
Row 26 Cell F Position of overall centre of gravity aft of the nose (Ch.8, Eq (8.6c),
uses cells A11, M11 to T11, N22 to N28, N30 to N32) - 1CG
G Position of wing root chord leading edge (apex) aft of nose, cell F26
less cell S 19 - 1 WG APX
H Tail arm; cell O 11 less cell F26 - 1 TLARM
I Area of horizontal tail surface (Ch.8, Eq (8.8b), uses cells H26, P7,
Q22 and Q24) - S Hor Tail
J Area of vertical tail surface (Ch. 8, Eq (8.9b), uses cells H26, Q7,
Q22 and Q23) - S Vert Tail
A8.15 Summary of one configuration
The details of the design of a given configuration are conveniently located in the
Summary Box.
Col umn N Row 22
Wi ng mass (cell I23 divided by cell H11) - M wing
Fuselage mass; cell G 19 - M fus
Tail surfaces mass; cell I23 less cell N22 - M tail
Landi ng gear mass; assumed to be 0.04Mo (0.04 cell J23) -
M gear
Powerplant mass; product of cells I19 and J23 - M power p
Systems mass; based on cell J19 less 0.04 (uses also cell J23)
- M sys
Operational items mass; cell K19 - M opit
Operating empty mass; sum of cells N22 to N28 - M oew
Mass of payload; cell C3 - M pay
Mass of fuel; product of cells J23 and Q 19 - M fuel
Parametric analysis and optimisation 275
Column Q Row
Column T Row
Overall mass; sum of cells N29, N30 and N31 and is equal
to cell J23 - Mo
Wing area; weight of aircraft divided by wing loading (uses
cells E7 and J23) - Wing area
Wing span; square root of product of wing area and aspect
ratio (uses cells A7 and Q22) - Wing span
Wing standard mean chord; ratio of wing area to wing span
(uses cell Q22 and Q23) - Mean chord
Aspect ratio, cell A7 - A
Wing quarter chord sweep, in degrees, uses cell C7- Del
Wing taper ratio; cell L7 - Lambda
Wing thickness to chord ratio; cell B7 - t/c
Fuel mass as given by the available volume in the wing
(Ch. 5, Eq (5.7), uses cells Q22, Q23, Q25, Q27 and Q28) -
Fuel mass avail
Position of wing apex from nose; cell G26 - Wg Apex
Horizontal tail area; cell 126 - S Hor Tail
Vertical tail area; cell J26 - S Vert Tail
Wing area tp the power of-0. 1 - S ^-~
Total static thrust from cells F7 and N32 - Stat Thr
A8.16 Overall summary of results
The overall summary of the results for the variations of the aspect ratio and thickness to
chord ratio investigated are shown in the Summary of Results, columns F to N, rows 38
to 55. Row 34 contains a particular set of Case Results for ease of handling the data. For
each set of parameters the following information is shown:-
Column H Wing loading (numerical value from cell E7) - (Mg/S)o
I Static thrust to weight ratio (numerical value from cell F7) - (T/Mg)o
J Mass (numerical value from cells J23 or N32) - Mo
K Fuel mass required (numerical value from cell N31) - Fuel mass
L Available fuel mass (numerical value from cell Q31) - Fuel Mass
M Structural parameter (numerical value from cell Y47 of the stage 1
Spreadsheet 1) - SP
N Wing span (numerical value from cell Q23) - Wing span
The values of the total mass Mo are used to construct the carpet plot which shows them
as a function of aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio. The data shown in rows 36 to
55 and columns P to U are used to produce the graph.
276 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
A8.17 Constraints
There are two constraints to be imposed, namely a wing span limit of 34 m and the
requirement to carry all the fuel in the wing.
A8.17.1 Wi ng span limit
The wing span data, column N of the Sunmmry of Results, have been extracted and
presented in a convenient form for analysis in rows 59 to 67 and columns P to U. The data
have been used to produce the graphs immediately below, from which the conditions
appropriate to 34 m span have been read off. These have been then used in the overall
procedure to produce the three additional mass values shown in the Summary of Results
in rows 57 to 59 of column J. They have been converted to the form required for the carpet
plot in row 60 to 64, columns V and W, and are shown as the constraint line on the plot.
A8.17.2 Fuel volume requi rement
The ratios of the fuel mass required to that available have been extracted from the
Summary of Results and are shown as a function of aspect ratio and thickness to chord
ratio in rows 92 to 108 and columns Q to V. The values are plotted in the graph below
this table and for each aspect ratio the thickness to chord ratio appropriate to a fuel mass
ratio of unity have been read off. These are shown in rows 61 to 66 at the bottom of the
Sunmmry of Results, together with the masses appropriate to them. The required and
available fuel volumes are also shown as a check, the small discrepancies being
acceptable within the accuracy of the process. In order to show this information on the
carpet plot it is necessary to adjust the aspect ratio values for the fact that the thickness
to chord ratios are not the standard values used in the basic parametric analysis. This has
been done assuming a linear variation of aspect ratio with thickness to chord ratio in the
range of 0.11 -<t/c _<0.13. Thus for example for the initial value appropriate to A = 7, the
thickness to chord ratio is 40% of the difference between 0.11 and 0.12. Since for the
purposes of the carpet plot aspect ratio has been given an increment of two for each
increase of 0.02 in thickness to chord ratio, this amounts to an effective aspect ratio
increment of 0.8. The results of this process of correction are shown in rows 36 to 42 of
columns V and W. The corresponding constraint boundary is shown on the carpet plot.
A8.18 Overall optimum
The overall optimum configuration is considered to be that which gives the lowest mass
within the imposed constraints. This is seen to be the lowest point on the available fuel
volume line. A larger graph indicates an aspect ratio of 9.1 and a thickness to chord ratio
of 0.128. Thus, for example, A = 9.1 and t /c = 0.13 may be input at cells 047 and P47
of the stage 1 Spreadsheet 1, and the results read into the present spreadsheet to check the
comparability of the constraints. This design point is shown on both the spreadsheets. The
predicted mass is 72,757 kg.
Parametric analysis and optimisation 277
Appendi x A8.3 Case s t ud y - short/medi um haul airliner
Sec o n d s t ag e o f t he par am et r i c an al y s i s - o pt i m i s er appr o ac h - expl an at i o n
( Subsoni c flight - fan engine O ptimiser: Mi crosoft EXCEL)
A8.19 Introduction
The procedure employed for the optimiser approach is shown in Spreadsheet 3. In many
respects it consists of data which are directly comparable to those of Spreadsheet 1 and
Spreadsheet 2, but is aimed at deriving an optimum design direct from the initial inputs.
In order to demonstrate the comparability some of the information is duplicated which is
not necessary when this procedure is used.(See, for example, Addendum 5, paragraph 5.4.)
A8.20 First stage parametric analysis
The data above and including row 47 of Spreadsheet 3 are identical in all respects to
those of the corresponding cells of Spreadsheet 1, Appendix A8.1, to which reference
should be made for explanation. However, since the optimiser approach bypasses the
analysis of parametric variation there is no Summary of Results or carpet plot of the
results. The graph which shows the relative importance of the different performance
requirements for a given configuration in terms of thrust to weight ratio and wing loading
is retained but it is only for illustration.
A8.21 Second stage parametric analysis
The data below row 47 are identical to those of the upper part of Spreadsheet 2,
Appendix A8.2, although inevitably the cell identification is different. The correlations
using the prefix 2 to identify the cell notation from Spreadsheet 2 are as follows:
Requirement Box: Row 52 columns K to T- see 2Row 3 columns A to J (cells K52,
M52, 052 are an unnecessary repetition from cells 2L3,213 and
2J3 respectively)
Parameters Box: Row 56 columns K to S - see 2Row 7 columns A to I (cells K56
to R56 are unnecessary repetition from cells 2047, 2P47, 2A15,
2C3, 2Q47, 2R47 and 2A47 respectively)
Climb Path Box: Row 52 columns V to AB - see 2Row 3 columns L to R (cells
X52, Z52, AA52 are unnecessary repetition from cells 2E7,
2J3and 2K3 respectively)
Assumed Box: Row 56 columns V to AB - see 2Row 7 columns L to R (cell R56
is unnecessary repetition from cell 2K7)
278 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Additional Input Data:
Calculation Box:
Row 60 col umns K to AD - see 2Row 11 col umns A to T
(cells 160, J60, K60, L60 are unnecessary repetition from
cells 2U47, 2V47, 2W47 and 2X47 respectively)
Row 64 col umns K to AD and Row 69 col umns K to AD -
see 2Row 15 col umns A to T and 2Row 19 col umns A to T
A8.22 Analysis
The data in the Analysis Box are contained at Row 73 col umns P to U and Row 77
col umns P to T. The correspondi ng data in Spreadsheet 2 are shown at 2Row 23 col umn
F to K and 2Row 26 col umns F to J. Al t hough the t wo Boxes are superficially the same,
in the present case the EXCEL Solver is used on cell T73, [(Mo) calc], to obtain a
mi ni mum by altering:
Cell Q 13 - Wi ng loading chosen for design condition
Cell 0 47 - Aspect ratio
Cell P47 - Thi ckness to chord ratio
Cell Q73 - Estimate of total mass - [(Mo) est 2]
Subj ect to the constraints:-
Cell AA73 < = 34 - Wi ng span limitation
Cell AA81 > = Cell X81 - Fuel vol ume requi rement
Cell Q 13 < = Cell G18 - Wi ng loading limited by maxi mum landing value
Cell Q13> = Cell HI 8 - Wi ng loading at least as great as value for gust sensitivity
Cell T73 = Cell X82 - Compatibility of total mass values
Provi di ng a solution is found whi ch satisfies all the conditions the resulting mass is a true
mi ni mum within the overall assumptions made.
A8.23 Result
In this case the mi ni mum mass is found to correspond to an aspect ratio of 9. 102 and
thickness to chord ratio of 0.128. The mass is 72, 749 kg whi ch is 8 kg less than that
found from the somewhat less precise graphical approach, but the configuration is
identical for all practical purposes. A more accurate result is obtained by using cells B7
and B8 to give a consistent value of S ^~~ . The opt i mi sed mass becomes 73, 764 kg,
aspect ratio 9.159 and thickness to chord ratio 0. 12879.
A8.24 Summary of results
The Sunmam3, of Results is shown in columns: X rows 72 to 82; AA, rows 72 to 78 and
81; and AD, rows 72 to 81 - see Spreadsheet 2, columns: 2N, rows 22 to 32; 2Q, rows 22
to 28 and 31; 2T, rows 22 to 31 respectively.
Chapter 9
Analysis of concept design
9.1 I nt roduc t i on
The output of the parametric analysis described in Chapter 8 is an initial design concept
for which the leading characteristics and outline general arrangement are defined. The
achievement of this result depended upon the many assumptions needed to derive the
relatively simple models used for lift, drag, mass, powerplant characteristics and, to some
extent, performance. Essentially the procedure thus far has been one of synthesis, and it
is now possible to analyse the design concept with the aim of verifying, or adjusting, the
assumptions and refining the concept generally. As with all design work the analysis is
an iterative process. Providing the initial assumptions prove to be reasonably justified the
process will converge to a finalised design of which the characteristics can be established
with an acceptable degree of accuracy. It may be, however, that certain of the
assumptions are not justified by subsequent analysis and it is not impossible for the
design to diverge and prove to be untenable. Figure 9.1 is a simple illustration of how this
may occur. It is particularly liable to be a problem with advanced concepts where it is
inevitable that significant extrapolation is necessary to establish the assumed input data.
Should divergence occur it is necessary to re-think the whole concept, possibly
investigating alternative overall configurations or reviewing the dominant performance
It is clear that as the analysis proceeds it is necessary to have access to a considerable
source of design data. There are numerous references which contain such data. A selected
list is contained in the bibliography located in Appendix A9.1 to this Chapter, to which
reference is made in the following paragraphs. In general it is necessary to supplement
such data by ad hoc investigations relevant to the particular design concept, such as wind
tunnel testing or dedicated computational fluid dynamics studies. Further consideration
of these is outside the scope of this work.
280 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
r ~
Modified design configuration
(Due to corrected assumptions)
Modified mass
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; I
Design mass ~. ~
reduction as I
alternative to I
mass increase !
i i i i i I i
Performance requirement
(Such as range or payload)
New curve may become asymptotic
at a mass less than the design value
~D Original design
esign point
Design performance
Figure 9.1 Influence of design assumpti ons on mass growth
9.2 Powerplant
9.2.1 Selection of engine
The parametric analysis has to be based on a model powerplant which may be a relatively
simple representation such as suggested in Chapter 3 or a more accurate set of data
derived as typical of a given type of engine. In either case until the overall mass of the
design concept has been established it is not possible to specify the actual static thrust or
power of the powerplant. Once this information is available it is possible to define the
characteristics of the required engine and, preferably, select an existing unit from those
already available. This may not always be possible and an altemative approach is to base
the subsequent design analysis on the performance characteristics of an engine in the
correct category which has the potential for development to an appropriate size. Although
it is sometimes inevitable, the combination of a completely new powerplant and new
Analysis of concept design 281
aircraft almost invariably leads to unanticipated development problems. It is thus best
9.2.2 Engine data
In order to undertake the analysis of the design concept it is highly desirable to be in
possession of specific engine mass data as well as a complete performance map. The
latter has to include the variation of thrust and fuel consumption as a function of flight
speed, altitude and engine setting (throttle condition). Unfortunately this amount of data
may not always be readily available and it may become necessary to produce a model of
the engine based on a number of point performance characteristics. Some guidance can
be found in Reference D 1.
9.2.3 Powerplant location General
Some thought as to the location of the powerplants is necessary in defining the overall
aircraft configuration, or configurations, as discussed in Chapter 2, para 2.2.2. The
development of the design concept now enables the question of powerplant location to
be considered more precisely. It is convenient to discuss the issues involved as separate
items but there is inevitable interaction between them. Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2.4
contains some reference to powerplant location.
9. 2. 3. 2 Versati l i ty and access
As a general rule engines mounted in pods or nacelles on the outside of the aircraft are
more versatile than those buried within the airframe. It is usually possible to
accommodate different engines without too much difficulty, thereby more readily
handling upgrades or specific customer requirements. Podded and nacelle-mounted
engines are also preferable for maintenance since access is generally more direct and need
not involve significant structural penalties. Also air intakes and exhausts are usually
shorter and can be more efficient.
9. 2. 3. 3 I nstal l ati on cl earance
As the engine dimensions are defined it is necessary to check installation clearances, such
as propeller tip spacing from adjacent structure or the ground and underwing nacelle
ground clearance on a low wing aircraft.
9. 2. 3. 4 Safety
Safety issues are mainly concerned with the aircraft itself although there may be some
matters where ground operations influence powerplant location. In particular powerplants
must be positioned so that in emergency situations they do not pose a threat to the
occupants of the aircraft or other safety critical components. The major concerns are the
282 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
consequences of an engine becoming detached during an emergency alighting situation
or the failure of rotating components such as fan and turbine blades or discs and propeller
blades. The engines must be located such that these component failures do not present a
hazard to other engines, primary structures or vital systems. Acoustic considerations
The further aft on an aircraft the engine is located the less is the noise impact upon the
occupants, but this is not usually a major consideration. Some engine positions, for
example those above the wing or fuselage, reduce the noise as perceived at the ground
but at the expense of powerplant efficiency. Acoustic fatigue damage to airframe
components located near the exhaust is likely to be a more important consideration. It is
especially significant for engines which employ reheat when the exhaust outlets should
be behind all major airframe components. Stability and control
Lateral stability and control requirements for a multi-engined aircraft may well be
dominated by the need to maintain the path of the aircraft subsequent to the failure of the
most critical engine. Thus from this point of view wing-located powerplants should be
as far inboard as allowed by other considerations. See also Addendum 3. Powerplant/airframe efficiency
Clearly the aim must be to produce the most efficient overall aircraft. This often means
a compromise between engine requirements and those of the overall aerodynamics. Thus,
for example, it may be desirable on a short take-off propeller driven aircraft to space the
engines across the wing to enhance slipstream effect upon low speed lift. Ground
clearance may suggest that large diameter power units should be mounted over the top
of the wing but this can lead to a considerable loss of efficiency of lift development. In
the case of buried engines the intake arrangements may have a significant effect upon
powerplant efficiency and must be given careful consideration, see Chapter 2, paragraph and Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2.4.
9. 3 Structure
9.3.1 Introduction
At this stage of the conceptual design it is essential to give specific thought to the
arrangement of the primary airframe structure. There are two main considerations:
a) The overall layout of the aircraft, as defined by aerodynamic, powerplant, payload and
similar considerations, must be compatible with an efficient structure. To ensure this it is
necessary to have some understanding of the way in which a structure reacts to the imposed
Analysis of concept design 283
loads as well as the nature of that loading. All major load paths should be continuous and
the effect of the inevitable cutouts must be reduced to a minimum. This is further
considered in paragraph 9.3.2.
b) The aerodynamic configuration, particularly that of the wing, must not be such as to
imply an unacceptably high structure weight. In practice this issue has already been
addressed, at least to some extent, by the introduction of the structural parameter, SP, in
Chapter 5, paragraph 5.4.2. As the design develops this matter must be investigated in
more detail.
The selection of the material for the airframe is significant but need not have a big effect
upon the concept of the overall structural layout.
9.3.2 Structural functi on and configuration (see References E1 and E3) Lifting surfaces (see Chapter 5, paragraph 5.4)
The wing may be considered to be typical of the lifting surfaces although not all the
considerations of its structural design apply to the secondary surfaces.
The main structural role of the wing is to transmit the lift loads inwards to its
attachments to the fuselage. Primarily this requires it to act as a spanwise beam but there
is also a need for adequate strength and stiffness in torsion along the same direction.
Sometimes the spanwise bending and torsion requirements may be met by a single beam
or spar located near to the maxi mum chordwise depth of the aerofoil and associated with
a shear carrying leading edge, or ' D' nose, terminating at the spar. More usually there are
two or more spars located across the chord, and together with the upper and lower covers
between their chordwise extremities they form a box beam which also meets the torsion
requirement. The forward and aft extremities of this beam are determined by the auxiliary
lifting surfaces and ailerons. Even when there is no high lift device on the leading edge,
aerofoil depth and systems requirements result in the front spar being located at least 10%
back on the chord. The rearmost spar is often located at 60-70% of the chord, leaving
room for the trailing edge surfaces.
The box beam also conveniently acts as integral tankage for the fuel and access panels
are required for inspection purposes. However, these may usually be relatively small. In
the case of moderate to high aspect ratio wings the box beam should be continuous across
the whole span. Thus large cutouts for such items as landing gear stowage should be
outside its boundaries. When the powerplant is buried within the fuselage and the wing
is of relatively low aspect ratio, as for many combat aircraft, it is often necessary to use
several spanwise spars and to pass the bending loads round the fuselage by means of a
series of ring frames to which the spars are connected.
284 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis Fusel ages (see Chapter 4, paragraphs 4.2.3 and 4.3.2)
It is possible to distinguish between primarily pressurised fuselages and those where there
is either no pressurisation or its extent is very limited, as in the case of the crew
compartment of a combat aircraft. Essentially the fuselage is a fore and aft beam.
A pressurised fuselage invariably consists of a semi-monocoque, shell-type
construction where the outer skins are reinforced by ring frames and longitudinal
stiffeners. It is important to minimise the number and size of cutouts but these are
inevitable for doors and windows, etc. Relatively substantial structural members must be
provided for the attachment of the lifting surfaces and landing gear.
The nominally unpressurised type of fuselage is frequently associated with aircraft
where the payload occupies a relatively small part of the volume. Crew access and vision,
powerplant installations and such items usually dominate the layout. Large cutouts are
often required for air intakes, access to the engine and possibly weapons bays. While a
semi-monocoque construction may well be used it normally has to be associated with a
number of substantial fore and aft members, or longerons, which provide reinforcement
at the edges of the cutouts. The longeron members should be as continuous along the
fuselage length as is possible. They may change direction at appropriate positions, but
should not be stepped.
9.4 Landi ng gear
Although specific consideration of landing gear detail layout has been deliberately
avoided thus far in the design process, it can have an important impact on the overall
concept of the aircraft. The main forms of landing gear layout are discussed in Chapter
2, paragraphs and, and it is now appropriate to establish the geometry
more precisely. Some relevant information is to be found in References F1 to F3 and
Addendum 1. The main points to be investigated are:
i) Overall layout geometry, including the number of main gear units.
ii) Number and size of the wheels/tyres.
iii) Location of suitable stowage volume when the units are retracted. This
volume should be located in regions of secondary structural importance.
iv) Location, or provision, of suitable load attachment points.
Clearly these latter two issues are closely related to the layout of the structural members
discussed in the previous paragraph.
9.5 Fuselage layout
There is an extensive discussion of fuselage layout in Chapter 4 to which reference
should be made.
Analysis of concept design 285
Although a preliminary overall layout of the fuselage is a prerequisite for the
parametric analysis it is only essential to specify the overall dimensions. A more precise
and detailed layout of the fuselage may now be undertaken. Items which have to be
investigated include:
i) Influence of the wing junction with the fuselage (Chapter 2, paragraph and Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4.1).
ii) Landing gear attachment and stowage (see paragraph 9.4 above and
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4.3).
iii) Layout of the cockpit region, windscreen geometry, etc. (Chapter 4,
paragraph 4.5.1).
iv) Details of the powerplant installation where this interacts with the fuselage.
This especially includes the design of the air intakes, engine maintenance
access and removal, exhaust locations (see paragraph 9.2.2, Chapter 2,
paragraph 2.2.4 and Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2.4).
v) Payload details, for example doors, windows and facilities on a passenger
aircraft (Chapter 4, paragraph 4.5.3), freight loading access and doors
(Chapter 4, paragraph 4.5.4), or weapons (Chapter 4, paragraph 4.5.2).
vi) Special detail considerations. One example of these is the local geometry
at the rear end of a combat aircraft having twin side-by-side engines.
9.6 Operati ng empt y mass
9.6.1 General
The operating empty mass of the aircraft is of fundamental importance in the design as
it has a major effect upon both the performance and total mass. Hence it is essential to
predict it as accurately as possible. This is best done by analysing the component masses
of the aircraft using the best data available and comparing them with values for
comparable aircraft where this information is to hand. The process requires a more
detailed approach than that given at the end of the parametric analysis, for example the
systems component should be dealt with by looking at each major item within it.
9.6.2 Mass prediction techniques
There are several levels of mass prediction and which one should be used in a given case
is dependent upon the detail of the data available.
a) Empirical comparisons. In some circumstances it is possible to make acceptable
predictions by direct comparison with other, similar, designs. Indeed as suggested above
it is always desirable to check predictions against known data. Hence an important aspect
of mass prediction is the collection and collation of data. Experience plays a major role
286 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
in the interpretation of mass data since no two designs are exactly similar and the basis
of data presentation is not standard. Because of these variations it is often best to base
comparisons with other aircraft on the operating empt y mass rather than the mass of
specific components.
b) Empirical formulae. This is an extension of the direct comparison technique and
involves the use of formulae derived directly by a statistical analysis of available
information from many aircraft. In some cases an attempt is made to analyse the data by
interpreting it in the context of parameters known to be of importance although often it
is simply related to the overall mass of the aircraft. Generally available mass prediction
methods are usually based on this approach and the lifting surface mass formula presented
in Chapter 6, paragraph 6.4 is one such example.
c) Theoretically derived formulae. Sometimes, but by no means always, it is more
satisfactory to derive a prediction formula by using a theoretical approach. Such an
approach is normally based on a simplified design of the component, the degree of
simplification being related to the detail of the data anticipated to be available. An
attempt to include too much detail may result in a formula which is too complex to use
and in any case it is inevitable that many details of a real design will be unknown at the
stage of a design where such a formula is of value. Therefore it is necessary to use some
empirical data in the derivation of the formula. This approach is especially useful when
a variation of some of the design parameters of a component is under investigation.
Certain of the mass formulae quoted in Addendum 4, to which further reference is made
in paragraph 9.6.3, are of this type.
d) Prediction methods. On the whole prediction methods enable more accurate results to
be obtained than is possible simply by the use of formulae. Their disadvantage is the need
for more extensive information and they are less suitable for simple parametric
investigations. Nevertheless they are well suited to computational techniques. In the limit
this method is effectively a mass estimation of the detailed component.
9.6.3 Mass prediction data
Useful information relevant to the prediction of mass may be found in References 13 to
19 among others.
Addendum 4 presents some suggested techniques for application to the mass prediction
of wings and fuselages, and includes data on other structural components, systems and
Analysis of concept design 287
9.7 Aerodynamic analysis- performance
9. 7.1 Aerof of l and high l i ft devices~roll cont rol (Chapter 5, paragraph 5.2.2)
The analysis of the lifting characteristics of the wing demands a more specific
consideration of both the basic aerofoil section and the geometry of the high lift devices
than was possible at the conceptual design stage dealt with in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
Information can be found in References C 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 as well as those in section I.
The output of the parametric analysis includes some aerofoil detail, such as the root
thickness to chord ratio and the desired critical Mach number characteristics. This
information may be used in the selection of a suitable aerofoil and its basic lift
characteristics checked against those assumed in Chapter 6. The performance of the high
lift devices is critical in that it has a direct bearing upon the maximum allowable wing
loading in the landing configuration, and by implication the take-off wing loading. It is
therefore important to define precisely the type and geometry of these auxiliary surfaces.
While leading edge high lift devices may be located across the greater part of the wing
span, it may be necessary to accept some interruption, as for example in the region of
wing-located powerplants. Such effects should be minimised and carefully considered as
the details of the design are established.
Generally the spanwise extent of the trailing edge high lift devices is limited by the
need to provide ailerons for roll control although in some special circumstances these may
be "drooped" to augment the lift. This spanwise limitation is reflected in the flap lift
increments suggested in Chapter 5, Table 5.1 and Chapter 6, paragraph 6.2. Outboard
ailerons are usually needed for low speed roll control and typically occupy 20-25% of the
wing semi-span, see Chapter 8, Table 8.3.
Outer ailerons on high aspect ratio sweptback wings may introduce aeroelastic
difficulties when used at high speed, and to overcome this problem alternative high speed
roll control may be provided in the form of inboard ailerons or differential longitudinal
controls such as tailerons. In the case of inboard ailerons there will be an effect upon the
extent of the trailing edge flaps although this may be minimised by locating the controls
immediately behind powerplants. Within some limits the effectiveness of trailing edge
devices may be adjusted by variation of their chordwise extent.
Because the landing wing loading is critically dependent upon the maximum lift
coefficient of the wing it is necessary to achieve the value assumed for the parametric
analysis or the whole process must be repeated.
9.7.2 Drag
The zero lift drag prediction made for the parametric analysis was based primarily on
empirical data derived from typical types of aircraft. Many aircraft possess features which
288 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
are specific to the particular design and hence it is important to analyse the drag
characteristics once the basic aircraft layout has been established. One technique which
is widely used is to estimate the drag of each individual component of the aircraft and
summate the results with additional allowance for interference effects. Relevant data may
be found in, for example, References C2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and all those in section I. Some
dedicated computer programs are also available to facilitate drag prediction.
9.7.3 Performance
The drag characteristics have a significant impact upon performance. Thus when better
substantiated drag data are available it is important to return to all aspects of the
performance evaluation, utilising also upgraded powerplant and mass data as covered in
paragraphs 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and 9.6.3 above. Any significant departure of the performance
from that predicted during the parametric analysis can result in the need to review the
characteristics of the chosen design configuration. It may be necessary to change the
configuration to meet a specified performance condition, such as sustained manoeuvre,
or to allow for a different fuel load ratio if, say, cruise lift to drag ratio is altered.
9. 8 A e r o d y n a mi c a n a l y s i s - s t ab i l i t y an d c o n t r o l
In spite of the developments in active control techniques many aircraft are still designed
to be inherently stable, albeit with reduced margins in some cases. Even when instability
is deliberately introduced into certain modes it is essential to have adequate control power
and response. Analysis of the conceptual design enables the inertial and aerodynamic data
to be evaluated in order to assess the stability and control characteristics. When artificial
stability is accepted the required control characteristics must be established.
The design of the control and stabiliser surfaces requires ensuring that there is:
i) Ability to provide the forces/moments needed to maintain the trim of the
aircraft in all flight conditions.
ii) Ability to provide control forces/moments to meet prescribed handling
criteria, including situations in which a partial failure has occurred.
iii) Stability in both the static and dynamic sense, or alternatively acceptable
artificial damping or stability in all critical modes.
The background to these issues may be found in the references quoted in section H of the
Bibliography as well as some of those in section I.
The design of the control and stabiliser surfaces is complex because of the number of
separate conditions which have to be met. Some simplifications may be made to facilitate
the process during initial design work and Addenda 2 and 3 outline design methods for
the longitudinal and lateral requirements respectively. The output from these methods
may then be used for a full analysis.
Analysis of concept design 289
9.9 Cost
Aspects of cost have been discussed in Chapter 1, paragraph 1.3. As stated there the
ultimate optimum must be based on some aspect of cost and hence a vital part of the
analysis of the conceptual design is a prediction of the costs associated with its
procurement and operation. Some cost data and cost estimating techniques may be found
in References 15 and 16, Part VIII. While these references give a useful insight into the
factors involved many aspects of cost are dependent upon the characteristics of individual
manufacturers and operators as well as market forces. For these reasons it is frequently
most satisfactory to base costs on a comparative rather than absolute basis, individual
designs being compared against a common set of assumptions.
9.10 Design refinement
The consequence of the analysis of the conceptual design is the iterative refinement of
its characteristics until the analytically derived values coincide with the requirements and
input assumptions.
Appendix A9.1
Bi bl i ography- Selection of relevant literature generally available
Where appropriate the information given follows the format:-
Author Title Publisher Date
References marked: * include data on mass prediction
x include data on cost
A General data
There are numerous sources of general information on aircraft, powerplants and other
associated equipment. These include books and periodicals. A convenient source of data
which is regularly updated can be found in the Janes publications especially:
1. All the Worlds Aircraft; Janes Information Group Updated yearly
2. Aero Engines; Janes Information Group Updated regularly
3. Air Launched Weapons; Janes Information Group Updated regularly
290 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
B Aircraft flight and performance
1. Anderson J.D.
2. Barnard R.H. and
Philpott D.R.
3. Hale F.J.
4. Mair W. A. and
B irdsall D. L.
5. Shevell R.S.
Introduction to Flight
Aircraft Flight
Introduction to Aircraft
Performance, Selection and Design
Aircraft Performance
Fundamentals of Flight
C Aerodynamics
1. Abbott I.H. and
Van Doenhoff
2. Anderson J.D.
3. Hoerner S.F.
4. Hoerner S.F.
5. Houghton E.L. and
Carpenter P.W.
Theory of Wing Sections
Fundamentals of
Fluid Dynamic Lift
Fluid Dynamic Drag
Aerodynamics for
Engineering Students
6. Kuckemann D.
7. McCormick B.W.
The Aerodynamic Design
of Aircraft
Aerodynamics, Aeronautics
and Flight Mechanics
Aerodynamics and Performance
Data Sheets
D Powerplant
1. Mattingley J.D., Aircraft Engine Design
Heiser W.H and
Daley D.H.
2. Oates G.C. Aircraft Propulsion Systems
3. Seddon J. and Intake Aerodynamics
Goldsmith E.L.
4. Goldsmith E.L. and Practical Intake Aerodynamic
Seddon J. Design
5. Thomson W. Thrust for Flight
6. The Jet Engine
See also References 12, 14, 15 and 16, PartVI
University Press
Society Data
Analysis of concept design 291
E Structural layout
1. Cutler J.
2. Niu M.C.Y.
3. Niu M.C.Y.
Understanding Aircraft Structures B lackwell
Airframe Structure Design Conmilit
Airframe Stress Analysis Conmilit
and Sizing
F Landing gear
1. Conway H.G. Landing Gear Design
2. Currey N.S. Aircraft Landing Gear Design
3. ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual
DOC 9157-AN-901, 2nd edition
See also Reference 16, Part IV
G Equipment and cockpit layout
1. Chant C. Modern Aircraft Armament
2. Coombes L.F.E. The Aircraft Cockpit
3. Middleton D.H. Avionics Systems
See also Reference 14, Part III
H Stability and control
1. Babister A.W. Aircraft Dynamic Stability
and Response
2 Cook M.V. Flight Dynamics Principles
3. Etkin B. Dynamics of Flight; Stability
and Control
4. Irving F.G. Introduction to Longitudinal
Static Stability
5. Perkins C.D. and Aircraft Performance, Stability
Hage R.E. and Control
See also References C8 and 16, Part VII
I Aircraft overall design
x 1. Fielding J.P. Introduction to Aircraft Design
2. Huenecke K. Modern Combat Aircraft Design
University Press
292 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
x*3. Jenkinson L.D,
Simpkin P. and
Rhodes D.
*4. Nicolai L.M.
x*5. Raymer D.F.
x*6. Roskam J.
7. Stiles R.A,
Brandt, S.A.
Bertin J.J and
Whitford, R.
*8. Stinton D.
*9. Stinton D.
* 10. Torenbeek E.
11 Whitford R.
Civil Jet Aircraft Design Arnold 1999
Fundamentals of Aircraft Design METS
Aircraft Desi gn- A Conceptual AIAA
Airplane Design:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII Stability, Control and Performance
Part VIII Cost Estimation
Introduction to Aeronautics- AIAA
A Design Perspective
Preliminary Sizing
Configuration, Design and Integration
Cockpit layout
Layout of Landing Gear and Systems
Component Weight Estimation
Aerodynamic, Thrust and Power Calculations
The Anatomy of the Aeroplane
The Design of the Aeroplane
Synthesis of Subsonic Aircraft
Design for Air Combat
Blackwell 1966
Blackwell 1983
Delft 1982
Janes 1987
J Airworthiness requirements
, ,
Federal Aviation Administration: Federal Aviation Regulations
FAR 23 - Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Category Airplanes
FAR 25 - Transport Category Airplanes
Joint Airworthiness Authorities - Joint Aviation Requirements
JAR 22 - Sailplanes and Powered Sailplanes
JAR 23 - Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Category Aeroplanes
JAR 25 - Large Aeroplanes
U.K. Ministry of Defence- Design and Airworthiness Requirements for
Service Aircraft, Def. Stan 00-970, Vol 1. Aeroplanes
K Atmospheric properties
Properties of the Atmosphere - ESDU 77021 Engineering 1977
Society Data Unit
Addendum 1
Landing gear considerations
Notation (for this Addendum only)
Aircraft Classification Number (see also peN)
Tyre diameter
Equivalent Single Wheel Load
Ratio of allowable load of multiple lyre unit to ESWL
Factor in value of F
Airfield Load Classification Group
Aircraft Load Classification Number, related 10 LeG
Aircraft mass
Maximum dynamic load during landing
Tyre pressure
Pavement Classificati on Number (see aisoACN)
Vertical velocity of descent al touch down
Tyre width
Vertical axle travel at landing (effecti vely shock absorber travel)
Tyre deflection
Effective shock absorber efficiency, related to "s
Critical angle in definition of lateral ground stabili ty
Overall aircraft reaction factor during landing, related 10 Os
The references referred to may be found in Chapter 9, Appendix A9. 1.
294 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD1.1 Introduction
Some aspects of the general layout of the landing gear are discussed in Chapter 2.
paragraphs 2.2.5 and 2.3.7. Chapler 9, paragraph 9.4 summarises the landing gear
considerat ions which have to be addressed at the initial layout stage. The following
paragraphs amplify Ihis. A comprehensive reference which covers all aspects of landing
gear is Reference n .
AD1.2 Overall layout of landing gear
The advantages of the conventional nose wheel type landing gear layout ace such that it
should be adopted unless there ace compelling reasons otherwise. While a tail wheel
arrangement may be somewhat lighter it suffers from a major disadvantage of lack of
ground stability during braking, as well as high drag on take-off and a tendency 10
"ball oon" on landing. It is only sui table ror small general aviation aircraft and even then
is not prererred. A bicycle layout having main gear units disposed more or less equall y
ahead and aft or the centre of gravit y can confer certai n overall fuselage layout
advantages. However, it has major disadvantages due to the critical performance during
landing and braking, a dirficulty in lifting the aircraft nose ror take-off and the probable
need ror outriggers.
See Chapter 2, paragraphs and and Figures 2.1 , 2.2, 2.4, 2.14-2.20,
2.26 and 2.27.
AD1.3 Ground operating conditions
AD1.3.1 General comments
The specified ground operation condition has a major impact on the layout and design
or the landing gear and in some cases the layout orthe aircraft as well. It detenmnes the
tyre pressure, number or wheeUtyre units and their geometric configuration.
AD1.3.2 Airfield types
It is necessary to distinguish between different classes or airfield operating surfaces:
a)Unpaved airfields where the surface may be grass or sand. Sometimes metal
reinforcing mailing is used to improve the quality or the surface.
b) Rigid paved runways which usuall y consist or concrete slabs laid on a prepared sub-
base. The sub-base quality is or importance, as well as is the thickness or the slabs.
Landing geer considerations 295
c)Ffexibfe paved nmways where asphalt is laid on to the base and sub-base. Agai n
the quality of the base and subbase is of great importance.
The use of unpaved airfield surfaces is limited to relatively light aircraft. usually those
in the general aviation category, and to mil itary tactical operations. In the latter case the
aircraft may be large and heavy and the need to restrict tyre pressure has a dominati ng
effect upon the design of the landing gear and some pans of the aircraft.
For convenience of classification the sub-base quality of paved runways is placed into
one offour categories ranging through high stiffness, medium, low to ultra-Jow stiffness,
Grades A to 0 respectively. This enables pavement load canying capacity to be defined.
AD1.3.3 Unpaved surfaces tyre pressure
A number of units are used for defining tyre pressure:
i) Ib/i n
ii} kglcm
(1 kglcm
is 14.22 1b1i n
ii i) Mpa (l Mpa is 1451b/in
For convenience this note will principally use the Imperial unit of Ib/in
, tyre sizes and
related items being stated in inches. Tyre pressure is the dominant consideration for
unpaved surfaces and typiCal allowable maximum va1ues are:
1) Loose desert sand 30lblin
2) Hard desert sand 60 Ibfin
3) Wet. boggy ground 40lbfin
4) Hard, firm ground 60 to 70 Iblin
5) Metal reinforced grass 90 Iblin
However, there is another consideration, especiall y in the case of large aircraft. Thi s
arises because of the possibility of damage to the surface when an aircraft passes over it.
This is covered by the "Hotation" requirement. Hotation is the number of passes an
aircraft can be allowed to make over a surface of specified characteristics. The subject
is fully covered in Reference F2 and can include paved as well as unpaved surfaces.
Apart from tyre pressure the important aircraft characteristic is the "Equivalent Single
Wheel Load" , ESWL, which relates to a measure of the surface strength, as opposed to
local bearing capability. The surface characteristic for unpaved surfaces are quoted in
terms of California Bearing Ratio (CDR). There are numerous methods of analysis. In
some circumstances the "Hotation" requirement may be replaced by the more
general methods covered in the following paragraph.
AD1.3,4 Paved surfaces - ACN/PCN method
The most commonly accepted means of comparing aircraft requirements and airfield
capability is the Aircraft Classification NumberlPavement Classification Nu mber method,
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
or ACN/PCN. It is described in Reference F3. This method results in a simple and
accurate means of defining either the runway requirement for a given aircraft status or
the allowable aircraft characteristics for a given runway surface.
aJ Pavement Classification Nllmber - peN. This is derived by analysis/lest ingaf a given
airfield. The peN includes the following information:
i) Type of surface (rigid or flexible)
ii) Category of subsoil (A to 0 as defined in paragraph AD1.3.2)
iii) The peN value
(For aircraft of less than 5700 kg, the peN is the aircraft mass, kg, divided by the lyre
pressure. MPa.)
b) Aircraft Cla.fSijication Number - ACN. The ACN is the Derived Single Wheel Load,
kg. divided by 500. The Derived Single Wheel Load is not the same as the Equivalent
Single Wheel Load mentioned in paragraph AD1.3.3. The latter is a function of the
geometry of multiwheel units and the total tyre contact area. while the former also
depends upon the type and grade of runway. Thus. for a given aircraft mass and tyre
pressure there is a specific single wheel load. but for the same aircraft condi tion there are
eight values of Derived Single Wheel Load and eight different ACN values.
The aircraft ACN for a given pavement type and subsoil category may be compared
with the PCN value for a runway having those characteristics and should be no greater
than the PCN to allow unlimited operations.
The analytical complexity of the ACNIPCN method is such that it is not very
convenient for use as a synthesis tool for initial design purposes, although as soon as a
gear/wheeVtyre configuration has been established the ACN values may be readily
evaluated by use of the program contained in Reference F3.
AD1.3.5 Paved surfaces - LCNlLCG method
The Load Classification Number, LCN. method was used extensively over a long period
of time and in the light of experience was modified to the Load Classificat ion
NumberlLoad Classification Group method which was the forerunner of the ACNIPCN
method. In the updated version of t h i ~ technique pavements are placed in a Load
Classification Group (LCG) category and the Load Classification Number (LeN) of an
aircraft is evaluated for comparison with the LCG. The LCN is based upon the
concept of the Equivalent Single Wheel Load and tyre pressure. As the ESWL is
independent of the pavement surface the method is much simpler than the ACNIPCN
method for ini ti al work.
As suggested by the name the ESWL is the datum load on an isolated single wheel, to
which the load carried by a multi.tyre/wheel unit can be related.
The following LCG groups are related to aircraft LCN values as shown:
Landing gear considerations
Runways LCG Type of Runway
I Best civil and military pavements
II Good quality pavements
III Moderate pavements
IV Lower grade asphalt
V Reinforced soil
VI Soil in good condition
Vll Boggy soil and loose sand
Aircraft LeN range
Below II
For comparison with Ihe LCG groups, the LCN is approximately defined by:
where ESWL is the equivalent single wheel load (Ibs) and p is the tyre pressure (Ib/in
If LeN is a defined requirement, Eq (ADI. la) may be invened to give:
(ADLl b)
Equation (ADI. I) may be used in various ways. For example given a landi ng gear layout
wi lh tyre dimensions, spacing (see paragraph ADI.5) and distribution of aircraft
weight Ihe ESWL may be calculated and used to derive the LeN. However, if this
amount of data is known the ACNIPCN technique described in Ihe previous paragraph
is preferable. On the other hand if the LeN is specified the allowable combinations
of ESWL and lyre pressure may be evaluated. These may then be used in conjunction
with the infonnation given in paragraph ADI.5 to define various wheeUtyre
configurations which are acceptable.
AD1.3.6 Comparison of ACNlPCN and LCN/lCG methods
General correlation between the two methods described in paragraphs ADI.3.4 and
AD1.3.5 respectively is not straighlforward. However. il is of interest to look at
a particular case, that of the A300-B4 airliner. In this case the relevant data are;
Take-off mass:- ACN in the range 45 to 70 for rigid pavements
46 to 80 for flexible pavemenls
(The hi gher figures are for the lowest grade sub-base).
LeN 70 approx.
From this il might be concluded that in this case the LeN melhod gives a value
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
comparable with theACN for the lowest grade rigid runways, but does not cover the case
of the corresponding flexible ones. Nevertheless. as a first indication of likely
characteristics the LeN/LeG method gives a good insight into the situation, especially for
rigid pavements on which it is based.
AD1.4 Tyre characteristics
AD1.4.1 Tyre sizes
There is a wide range of standard lyre sizes ranging in diameter, D, from as low as 8 in.
(0.2 m) up to 64 in. ( 1.63 m).
The lyre width/diameter ratio (WID) varies from as low as 0.2 to about 0.4 with the
tendency for the higher values to be associated with greater diameters. A typical value of
(WID) is 0.32 and this may be assumed for initial design work.
AD1.4.2 Tyre load capacity
The raled static load capacity of a lyre is the product of the maximum allowable pressure
and the ground Conlact area. The ground conlact area is typically 0.3 (WO) which is about
for normal (WID) values. The tyre pressure is detennined by the strength of the
carcass which is defined in terms of the ply rating. This leads to:
Tyre static load rating = 0.5 p 0 d Ib approximately (AD1.2a)
p in Ib/ in
and D in inches
= 5000p D IY kg
P in kg/cm
and 0 in m
AD1.S Multiple lyre units
The equivalent single wheel load of multiple tyre units is a complex function of the
geometry of the tyre layoul and total contact area. Thus it is a function, by implication,
of lyre size and pressure. In typical multiple lyre layouts the following dimensions are
landing gear considerations 299
Wheel effective track (pair of single tyres) 0.8D
Wheel effective track (pair of twin tyres) l . lD
Wheel base (bogie) 1.2D
For these panicular cases the ratio of the actual load capacit y of the unit. as a rati o of
the equivalent si ngle wheel load is;
where D is in inches
k = 1. 1 for a pair of side-by-side si ngle tyres
4.0 for a four-wheel bogie
4.8 for a four-wheel bogie. each wheel having twin tyres
For given tyre dimensions Eq (ADl.3) may be used with Eq (AD!. I) todetennine either
the corresponding LCN/LCG or the allowable pressure.
AD1.6 Shock absorber characteristics
AD1.6.1 General
The vertical energy of landing has to be absorbed. and subsequentl y dissipated. in the
shock absorber unit s. The stroke of the shock absorber determines the overall length of
the landing gear leg and hence has a major influence on certain aspects of the landing
gear layout.
AD1.6.2 Axle travel
For a given vertical velocity requirement the axle travel needed to absorb the energy is
independent of aircraft mass but does depend upon the efficiency of the shock absorber
and size of the tyre. The relevant energy equati on for the condition when lift is equaJ to
weight at touch down is:
IliMI2 = pc"d
+ 0.47dr) (ADI.4a)
llM is the proportion of the mass carried by a given leg unit in static
conditi ons
P is the maximum dynamic load during touch down
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1} is the efficiency of the shock strut (effectively the non-
dimensional area under the dynamic load-deflection curve)
Os is the axle travel, vertically
Or is the tyre deflection
v is the specified touch down vertical velocity
The 0.47 factor represents the shock absorption efficiency of the lyre.
Equation (AD1.4a) may be written in the fonn:-
where 1 is the ratio of the dynamic 10 static load and is also known as the reaction faclOr.
The lyre deflection, Or' may be estimated with acceptable accuracy from a knowledge
of the lyre dimensions, say or=O.5W. Thus for a given vertical velocity (TJos) is
effectively a function of (to.). Relevant values of "and ,{ are discussed below.
A01.6.3 Design vertical velocity
Table AD1.1 Design values of vertical velocity
Type of airtraft Limit Vertical Velocity
rtf, mI,
Very light. low wing loading 7 2.13
General aviation 7-10 2. 13-3.05
Transport types 10 3.05
M i l i t ~ combat, land based 12 3.66
Trainers, civil
13 3.96
Trainers, military 13-14 3.96-4.27
Naval, aircraft camer operation 20 or more 6.1 and up
landing gear considerations JOI
The design vertical velocity, v, is specified in requirements for a given class of aircraft.
It is usual to calculate the axle travel based on the limit (actual design) value ofv and
to make a small additional allowance, say 10 -12%, for the ulti mate condition which is
nonnally 1.2 ti mes the design value. Required li mit values are summarised in Table
AD1.6.4 Shock absorber efficiency
The shock absorber efficiency, '!, is 0.5 for a si mple spring although in practice fri ction
effects increase this somewhat A much higher value, up to 0.85. can be obtained by
combining the spri ng and damping functions, the most common type used being an air
spring and oil damper (oleo-pneumatic) . In practice an efficiency of 0.8 is commonly
used, but this does imply a rapid rise of force with initial deflection. Where this gives rise
to the possibility of cri tical fatigue conditions, as on a transport aircraft which must
undergo a large amount of taxying, the shock absorber is designed to have low load with
initial deflection. In this case the effective efficiency may be as low as 0.6.
AD1.6.5 Reaction factor
The reaction factor is chosen within the imposed geometrical constraints to minimise the
impact of the loads developed during ground operation. The usual range of values is 1.2
to 3, the higher valves being associated with small er aircraft where layout considerations
restrict the available stroke and the aircraft tends to be designed to higher load factors
generally. Transport aircraft utilise values at the lower end of the range. Reaction factors
above 3, possibly as much as 5, are found on naval aircraft and for some helicopter
emergency landing conditions. It should be noted that ifthe reaction factor is much above
3 the tyres are designed by the dynamic, rather than static, load capacity.
AD1 .7 Landing gear structure and kinematics
AD1.7.1 Types oflanding gear structure
There are two basic fOnTIs of landing gear structure.
AD1.7.1.1 Telescopic
With this arrangement the main structural member, or leg, incorporates the shock
absorber as illustrated in Figure AD!.\, The wheels may be located on a si ngle axle or a
bogie as shown. The top of the leg is attached to a suitable point on the airframe, usually
by a long pivot or trunnion. The trunnion may lie at any angle in a horizontal plane but is
often lateral for fore/aft retracting units and lengthwise for sideways retracting units.
Inclinations from these two basic directions are someti mes used to facilitate retraction
302 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
kinemati cs and stowage. An additional fore and aft member, or drag sInn , is needed to
complete the structure of a fore/aft retracting unit although sometimes thi s may be
replaced by a direct connection to a suitable point on the airframe. Likewise a si de strut
is needed [or sideways retracting units. Drag and side struts usually have to fold about
some point along their length.
In order to use a telescopic arrangement it is necessary for the distance between the axle
in the fully extended position and the lOp trunnion 10 be at least 2.5 times the shock
absorber stroke.
The leg must be more or less venica! in the front elevation as any incl ination can result
in unacceptable lyre side friction forces which may prevent smooth closure of the shock
Bogie angle for landing
Shock absorber
~ ~
Figure AD1 .1 Telescopic landing gear layout
AD1.7.1. 2 Lever suspension (Cralllng arm)
When the geometry of the aircraft is such that there is inadequate space for a telescopic
unit it is necessary to use a lever suspension arrangement. This situation usually arises on
small aircraft. Although heavier and more complex than a telescopic unit, the lever
suspension does have advantages as well as its compact layout. These advantages
include: a good ride on the ground due to lower effective shock absorber friction; lower
aircraft pilching; more scope in fore and aft location of wheel relative 10 the slructure;
easy access to shock absorber for maintenance; relative ease of shortening unit for
retraction and the possibi lity of having the structure of the unit incl ined outwards to
increase track while still maintaining vertical axle travel.
A lever suspension unit is illustrated in Figure ADI.2. It can be seen t hat the axle is
located at one end of the lever, the other end being pivoted to the bottom of the basic
structure. The shock absorber is a separate unit placed between the lever and the structure.
landing gear considerations 303
The load in the shock absorber is increased by the lever effect but the s[roke is
correspondingly shortened. This may facilitate shock absorber design on smaller. less
highly loaded aircraft. The lever geometry should nonnally be arranged to preclude any
undue fore and aft movement of me wheel during load applicati on. Drag or side struts are
requi red in the same way as telescopic units.
Figure AD1 .2 lever auspenal on landing gear layout
In addition to the more usual [rai ling lever configuration some designs utilise lateral
beams for the lever units, as illusrrated by Figure ADI.3.
Shock absorber
Figure AD1 .3 Lat lle .... r . uspensl on gear arrangement.
304 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD1.7.2 Retraction kinematics
The choice of location of the landing gear units in their extended posilions is discussed
in paragraph ADI.S. It is necessary to identify suitable stowage volumes in the retracted
positions of the units and the kinematics is concerned with the transfer between the
extended and retracted positions. There are numerous ways of achieving this, see for
example Reference Fl.
The following points may be of help in determining the kinematics:
i) It is possible 10 use the shock absorber stroke to change the configuration
of the unit by "pre-shortening" it during retraction. This may be done
mechanically or hydraulically.
Ii) It is possible to rotate a bogie unit during retraction to change ils orienlation
relative to the main leg.
iii) It is possible to rotate the wheels of a telescopic unit about the shock
absorber axis. This may be especially helpful with fore and aft retraction.
iv) In the case of lever suspension units which employ lateral beams, the
wheels may be rotated about a rore and aft axis to provide compact
v) The use of an inclined, or oblique, fore and afl hinge, enables the unit to be
moved rore or art during retraction but it also implies some rotation.
AD1.B Layout of the landing gear units of the aircraft
AD1.B.1 Preliminary considerations
In order to undertake the layout of the landing gear at the project definition stage it is
necessary to know:
i) Mass of the aircraft in the take-off (ramp) and landing confi gurati ons.
ii) Centre of gravity positions, especially the maximum forward and maximum
aftlhigh positions.
iii) Aircraft body altilUde at take-off and landing as detenruned by the rolation
and flare conditi ons respectively.
iv) Ground surface/runway requirements.
v) Initial estimale of main wheel reaction factor and axle travel , see paragraph
AD1.B.2 Tyre configuration and pressure
When the ground surface requirements are anything olher than a fully constructed
runway it is possible to select a maximum allowable tyre pressure from paragraph
A01.3.2. In some cases operation from a poorly prepared surface may only be required
landing gear considerations 305
at reduced mass and this should be allowed for by factoring the pressure up in proportion
to the design take-off mass. When the LCNILCG value is specified it is necessary to
select a number oftyre pressures and equivalent si ngle wheel load combinations for
investi gation, as out1ined in paragraph AD!.3.3.
Although the nosewheelloading must be investigated the major issue is concerned
with the main gear units. For initial invest igation it is suggested that it is assumed that
in the most aft centre of gravity condition at take-off mass some 93% of the mass is
carried by the main gear units. This may be somewhat conservative and is subject to
subsequent checking. This mass must be distributed between the two main units. or for
a large aircraft between three or four. It is worth noting here that arrangements with
three main gear units have usually resulted from a need to handle increased mass during
development, rather than as an initial design consideration.
When the load for each main gear unit has been detennined it is possible to use the
typical data given in paragraph ADI.5 to relate it to equivalent single wheel load for
various lyre confi gurations. This leads also to the load on each lyre so that for a given tyre
pressure a typical tyre size may be detennined using Eq (ADI.2). Thus for each of the
selected lyre pressures and equivalent single wheel-load combinations a practical tyre
arrangement and size may be established. From these it is possible to identi fy one or two
of the most satisfactory for further investigation. It is usually preferable to select the
simplest lyre configuration which 1lle(:ts the requirements, although consideration must be
given to possible development of the aircraft. allowing for a fulW"e mass increase of,
say, 25 to 30%. One way of facilitating this is to select lyres with potential for increased
load carryi ng capacity by increasing the ply rating. However. this alone must result in a
need for operation from runways of higher load capability.
AD1.B.3 Layout in side e/ellation -landing condItion
Figure AD 1.4 illustrates thi s phase of the layout procedure.
i) The altitude of the aircraft at the end of the landing flare enables the
ground line to be located relative to the aircraft datum (see paragraph
AD1.8.1 (iii . A small tail down clearance of. say 0.15 m (6 inches).
should be allowed for or a bumper provided.
ii) At the point of touch down the landing gear shock absorber is fully
extended. In the case of a bogie arrangement it is also usual to arrange for
the rear set of wheels to be trimmed down by an angle of. say. about 30
relative to the static geometry.
iii) At the point of ground contact the wheels on a single axle or the centre of
a bogie set should be located such that the angle between the contact
point and the most adverse aftlhigh centre of gravity poSition is some 4
behind the perpendicular from the ground line. through the centre of
gravity. (In the case of a tail wheel layout the corresponding angle
Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
should be about 17" forward) . This ensures that there is a positive nose
down moment at lQuch down due to impact loads. but any greater angle
may result in severe loads on the nosewheel during braking, and also
a large [orce to raise the nose at take-off.
It is now possible to make a provisional identification of suitable airframe
points for the attachment of the main gear units and possible stowage
volume in the retracted condition. The length between the axle or centre
of a bogie and the attachment point may be detennined. This leads to
a decision as to whether a telescopic unit is possible or not. As mentioned
in paragraph ADI.7. 1.2 a form of lever suspension gear may be selected
if the distance available is insufficient for a telescopic unit or if it
confers advantages for stowage or wheel track. see paragraph AD 1.8.5.
Most high and aft centre of gravity
C ~ + ~ = : . : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; L,nd;ng ground ",J
Fully extended shock absorber
Figure ADl.4 Layout In skte elevation -landing
AD1.8.4 Layout in side elevation - static condition (take-off)
The layoUi in the static condition. which determines the nosewheel fore and aft location
is shown in Figure AD 1.5.
i) Estimate the mainwheel tyre deflection and shock strut closure with the
aircraft in its nominal statidtake-off state. In the absence of other
information the tyre deflection may be assumed to be about 0.25 W. The
landing gear considerations 307
detail design of the shock absorber may be adapted to give a specific static
closure but again for initial purposes it is sufficient to assume that the
closure is equivalent to half the total axle traveL
ii) The static ground line may be located at the cenlre of the main wheel unit
and is usually nominally parallel to the aircraft datum, especially on a
transport aircraft as it gives a level floor. Slightly nose down attitude may
be acceptable and a nose up altitude is sometimes used to assist in the take-
off. However, any significant departure from a level fuselage situation
can result in a drag penalty during the take-off.
iii) The fore and aft position of the main wheel units, as established in
paragraph ADI.8.3 (iii) must now be checked to ensure that the cenlre
of gravity is forward of the main gear cenlre point in all cases.
iv) The nosewheel location is determined by consideration of the full range
of centre of gravity position. It is normally considered that the nosewheel
ideally reacts about 10% of the mass in the static condition. but this must
vary with centre of gravity position:
1) EXlreme forward centre of gravity; the nosewheelload should
not exceed about 15% of the total, otherwise the unit
becomes unacceptably heavy and there is a possibility of
instability during ground manoeuvres.
2) EXlreme aft centre of gravity; the nosewheelload should not
be less than about 6% of the total or the steering function
may be inadequate.
A suitable position for the nosewheel must be established within these limits
and, if necessary, minor changes made to the fore and aft location of the
mainwheels. The position should have regard for suitable attachment
structure and stowage volume for retraction.
v) The maximum load on the nosewheel may be detennined by the case of
touching down simultaneously on all the wheel units with a forward
centre of gravity. More likely, however, it will arise during dynamic
braking of the mainwheels. As a guide the nose gear reaction factor should
be similar to that of the mainwheel, but the axle lravel may need to be
somewhat greater, say 20% higher, for initial work.
vi) In the majority of cases the nosewheel lyre size may be based upon its
greatest share of the reaction of the mass of the aircraft, the cases stated
in paragraph (v) above being dynamic ones which only become critical
when the reaction factor is high, say above about 2.5. The tyre pressure
and equivalent single wheel load must be consistent with those of the main
gear in terms of LCN/LCG. Twin side-by-side nose tyres are usual. Single
tyres are used on small aircraft and very occasionally two pairs of twin
wheels on large aircraft intended for poor ground operations.
308 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
vii) It is usual, but not inevitable. for the nosewheeJto be steered and also given
some trail to assist in ground manoeuvres.
All positions of centre of gnlvity
0.06 < Im/(l
+ 1m) <0. 15
over all of cent re of
gravity range
Figure ADl.5 Layout in side elevation - take-off
AD1.B.5 Layout in plan elevation
80" maximum
'1.,,,.-:55 maJ( imum
, ,
Vertical to centre of gravity
Figure AD1.6 layout in the plan elevation
Static ground line
Ground plane
Centre line
The layout of the landing gear in the plan elevation is shown in Figure AD 1.6 and is
primarily concerned with determining the track of the main gear. Unless the centre of
gravity is hi gh and the track narrow, the lateral positioning of the wheel units is not as
Landing gear considerations
cri ti cal as that in the fore and aft sense. StructuraVstowage volume considerations or
such matters as turning on a runway of given width may become the deciding factors.
However, there is a requirement to ensure that the track is not so small as to give
rise to the possibility of lateral instability while turning or landing in cross-wind
conditions. As shown in Figure AD 1.6, the critical design cri terion is the angle, e. which
is fonned by the intersection of a line in the vertical plane from the most adverse centre of
gravity position to the ground at a point on a second line produced by joining the
nose and mainwheels. The most adverse centre of gravity is the highest and most
forward. Ideall y the angle 8should not be greater than about SSe although up to 6if may
be acceptable when the vertical stiffness of the shock absorbers is adequate.
AD1.8.6 Ground clearances
Once the positions and provisional travels of all the gear units have been established it is
necessary to check that there is adequate ground clearance of all pans of the aircraft in all
operational conditions. This includes such items as propell ers and control surfaces,
especiall y outer ailerons when the aircraft banks near to the ground. Often So bank with
the maximum down aileron is used for checking. Aaps and underwing engines may also
be affected as mayan elevator on a low-mounted horizontaltailplane. Asa generali sation
the minimum clearance of fixed items should be about 0.18 m (7 inches), and on moving
items 0.2S m(IO inches).
AD1.9 Comments on unusual main landing gear layouts
AD1.9.1 Six-wheeled bogies
The necessi ty of spreading the main landing gear load over as wide an area as possible has
sometimes resulted in the adoption of six-wheel bogie units wi th three axles. See Chapter
2, paragraph
One arrangement is that used on the Tupolev Tu 154 and Boeing 777 and illustrated in
Chapter 2. Figrne 2.19. Here the axles are located one behind the other as a simple
extension of a four-wheel bogie. It might be anticipated that with this arrangement the value
of the load factor, F, defined in paragraph AD I.S, Eq (AD 1.3) would be about 1.4 times that
of the equivaJent four-wheel bogie. The long wheelbase of such a bogie layout may
well result in the need to steer the bogie for ground manoeuvring. The complexity of this has
to be compared with that of an additionaJ main gearunil. In the case of the Boeing 777 the
rear pair of wheels are steered in conjunction with the nosewheel.
Another approach was used for Ihe Lockheed C SA. Chapter 2, Figure 2. 14, which
has four main gear units. In this case the two rearmost axles on each bogie are in line
laterall y and spaced apan 10 spread the load. Load carrying capacity is thus more nearly
310 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
equivalent 10 three. separate, twin-wheel units. Other wheeVtyre arrangements are possible
but so far have not found application.
AD1.9.2 Multiple inline main gea, units
The Antonev AN 124, illustrated in Chapter 2. Figure 2.20, has twent), main wheels
arranged in ten pairs. five in line on each side just below the bottom of the fuselage.
Each pair of wheels is localed on an independent leg and the front two pairs on each
side are Sleerable in conjunction with the nose gear. This latter consists of two
separate, side-hy-side units each with two wheels. The main lyres are 50 in. dia and 20
in. width. Although complex in terms of the number of units the concept does result in
a layout whi ch achieves the required spreading of the load without undue penalty on
the overall design.
Addendum 2
L o ng i t udi na l c o nt r o l a nd s t a b i l i t y s ur f a c es
Notati on ( f or this Addendum only)
The datum point for fore and aft dimensions is the leading edge of the aerodynamic mean
chord of the wing (MAC), referred to as c in this Addendum). See also Figure AD2.1.
t - l :
r .
a 1
al T
Overall drag coefficient
Zero lift drag coefficient
Overall lift coefficient
Pitching moment coefficient at zero lift (less stabiliser)
Functions in definition of phugoid motion [Eq (AD2.5)]
Overall lift correction factor- stick fixed [Eq (AD2.1b)]
Overall lift correction factor- stick free [Eq (AD2.2c)]
Location aft of leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord of most aft wheel
Location aft of leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord of wing-body
aerodynamic centre
Stick-fixed static margin
Stick-free static margin
Aircraft mass
Wing area
Horizontal stabiliser/control area
Wing-body lift curvesl ope
Canard lift curve slope allowing for wing upwash (paragraph AD2.3.3.3a)
Horizontal surface lift curve slope due to incidence
312 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
a 2
b l
b 2

h c
h r
Wing lift curve slope in presence of a close coupled canard (paragraph AD2.3.3.3b)
ai r + b la 2 / b 2
Horizontal surface lift curve slope due to elevator deflection
Elevator hinge moment coefficient due to incidence
Elevator hinge moment coefficient due to deflection
Aerodynami c mean chord of wing
Gravitational acceleration
Position of centre of gravity aft of leading edge of aerodynamic mean chord
Distance of thrust line above ground
Pitch radius of gyration
Location of horizontal surface lift aft of centre of gravity
Location of horizontal surface lift aft of leading edge of aerodynamic mean
chord (negative for a canard configuration)
1, l t. Values corresponding to I n and l~n for a tailless design
m 0 Derivative of pitching moment of wing body due to pitch velocity (usually
negligibly small except for a tailless design)
q Dynami c pressure
zr Distance of thrust line below centre of gravity
a~ Wi ng-body aerodynamic angle of incidence
a~ B Body angle of incidence relative to airflow (a~ B - a~w)
a~ r Angle of incidence of horizontal surface relative to a~ B
trw Body angle at no lift condition with flaps in the appropriate position, it is usually
Downwash angle at tail due to wing airflow
Elevator deflection
Dampi ng ratio in phugoid motion
Dampi ng ratio in short period motion
Air density
v Terms in definition of ~, [Eq (AD2.5c)]
~o s Frequency of short period motion
AD2.1 Int r o duc t i o n
In order to achieve a relatively straightforward conclusion to the project synthesis process
described in Chapter 8 the sizes of the longitudinal, or horizontal, control and stabilising
surfaces were based on historical data. This Addendum introduces a more refined
procedure which examines the roles of these surfaces in order to yield a more accurate
Longitudinal control and stability surfaces 313
The equations given are, for the most part, standard except that some simplification has
been introduced to facilitate initial design as opposed to analysis. They are given in a form
which enables general application when appropriate adjustments are made for specific
configurations. The basic equations deal with what can be regarded as a conventional
tailplane/elevator arrangement where the tailplane has either fixed incidence or has an
incidence adjusted only for specific flight phases.
The roles of the horizontal control/stabiliser surfaces are presented in an order which
facilitates the design process and suggestions are given as to how this should be
undertaken. Where possible the equations are arranged to give directly the ratio of the
horizontal surface area to that of the wing.
! , z w . I
Fi g ur e AD2.1 Expl a na t i on o f t h e not a t i on
AD2.2 Design conditions
AD2.2.1 Trim
Regardless of the layout of the longitudinal surfaces and the philosophy of the design of
the flying control system it must be possible to trim the aircraft in all steady flight
conditions. For preliminary design work the conditions which are likely to be most
important, and therefore need investigation, are the nominal cruise and the approach to
landing with the high lift devices fully deployed.
The requirement for the aircraft to be in trim may be expressed as:
314 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
, E I / I : I , a,
The fact or G in the numerat or is the al l owance for the cont ri but i on of the horizontal
stabilising area to the overall lift and for initial wor k may be assi gned a val ue of 1.1. For
more preci se analysis it must be repl aced by:
The range of centre of gravi t y positions, defi ned by h c , must be exami ned.
For a desi gn with trailing edge control surfaces it is usual to establish a val ue of the tail
setting angle, trp so that in cruise the variation of r/ t hrough the centre of gravi t y range is
as near zero as possible. Li kewi se on the approach to land either tr r is assumed fi xed by
the cruise case, or a new val ue is found to ensure that 35% of el evat or control remai ns for
When the whol e surface is used for both control and trim the tr 2 r / t er m is not present
but the same principles apply in cal cul at i ng the values of tr r.
AD2. 2. 2 St a t ic s t a b il it y
Unl ess the aircraft empl oys an advanced flying control syst em wi t h the capabi l i t y to
provi de artificial stability it is necessary to ensure that the geomet r y and size of the
auxiliary hori zont al surfaces are adequat e to ensure natural stability. When the control
surfaces are i rreversi bl y connect ed to the control syst em it is onl y necessary to ensure
stick-fixed stability, ot herwi se stick-free conditions must also be investigated. The degree
of artificial stability in an unstable syst em may be measur ed in t erms of a negat i ve value
of the stability margi n, K,.
The rel evant equat i on for the stick-fixed case is:
S r G [ K , - H o + h ]
S a---r-r 1 - d e l H
a I c
Longitudinal control and stability surfaces 315
K, is the stick-fixed static margin defined as ( - - dC M/ dC L) .
When natural stability is required K, must be positive, say at least 0.05 to 0.1 for initial
calculations. K, will take a negative value if artificial stability is assumed and in this case Eq
(AD2.2a) is not really relevant since the problem now becomes one of adequate control. The
clear implication is that in this case the value of ( S t / S ) may be less than that given by using
K, = 0 in Eq (AD2.2a) and the equation may be used inversely to estimate the degree of static
instability for a given surface size.
In the stick- free condition G, K, and a~r of Eq (AD2.2a) have to be replaced by G, Kl , and ~T
ar t . = ar t + a 2
and ~ = 1 + -.." 1 - (AD2.2c)
a l
Because art includes control hinge moment characteristics, b~ and b2, it is often best to delay
investigation of stick-free stability until the design has become more established and, to some
extent, the values can be adjusted without change to the basic size and geometry of the horizontal
AD2. 2. 3 Rot a t i on a t t a ke- of f
There must be sufficient cont rol power to enabl e the nose of the aircraft to be lifted
t owards the end of the t ake- of f run. Whi l e the analysis of the act ual condi t i on is
compl ex an appr oxi mat e equat i on of sufficient accuracy for initial wor k may be
der i ved by maki ng appropri at e simplifications:
- a, aw( H~ - H o + M g H~ - h + l ~c
q S ai r ar + aw. - ~a + a217 H e -
316 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
If conventional trailing edge controls are used then the important term is a 21] and tr r is
assumed constant, its value determined by other considerations. On the other hand if the
surface as a whole is used for control a~rtr r is the important term and unless a trailing
edge surface is provided for trim, a 2 t7 is zero.
The critical case is the forward centre of gravity position where h has its lowest value.
It is suggested that the dynamic pressure, q, should be based on 1.1 times the stalling
speed in the take-off condition.
AD2.2.4 Dynamic stability
AD2. 2. 4. 1 General
The two primary modes of dynami c stability are the short period oscillation and the
long period phugoid. The former is largely a pitching oscillation of the aircraft about
its centre of gravity, while the latter is a vertical oscillation of the centre of gravity
relative to the nominal flight path with an implied variation of forward speed.
AD2. 2. 4. 2 Short period oscillation
Satisfactory handling qualities are determined by a combination of both frequency and
damping in the short period mode. The opt i mum depends on the type of aircraft and
also the stage of the flight. Too much dampi ng at low frequency may be undesirable.
For small, agile, aircraft it is unlikely that a damping ratio below 0.4 will be acceptable,
but for large, transport, types the figure may be reduced to as low as 0.2. However, as
a check for initial design work it is suggested that the higher of these figures be used
generally, with the rider that should the case prove to be critical some lower value may
be acceptable for a large aircraft.
A somewhat simplified equation which enables the damping ratio to be estimated
~ S ~
I ~ a' r(lnl2
+ 4 ~ kB)
Malc ai r l, (1 de
2pSk2 { (H -h)+ [ l a, c\ --f f -dal
m 0 is likely to be negligibly small except for a tailless aircraft.
The undamped short period frequency is given by:
Longitudinal control and stability surfaces 317
za~vlSV [ M a' C p B ~ a t r ~ H ( 1 --d-da)
~,~ =p . . _. . , 2 _ . k ~ Ho - h) + - + p ~ -
a t c \
Satr l 2
l S2
P ~ m o
AD2. 2. 4. 3 Phugoid oscillation
Simple estimation of the characteristics of the phugoid mode is difficult. A very
approximate approach is:
(L = F i C oo + F2 CL ~
6=0 s +
2(2o9 + a t v )
i ~ o_ a, ~ tc _ c ~ l ~ { ~o_ ~{ , + ~} }
F2= L , ~ + 2aTv_},, ' C~L - 2 (2w + at v f
Mc alr
w-pSa:~ 2K"
In addition to appearing in the definition of v, the ( St ~S) parameter is also included
in ~o by virtue of the K, term. The algebraic complexity is such that there is little
point in endeavouring to extract the ( S r / S ) parameter explicitly. Having determined the
area of the horizontal surface from other considerations it can be checked in this
equation. Ideally the damping ratio should be about 0.2, but this may be difficult to
achieve and a low, positive, damping is likely to be acceptable.
318 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD2.3 Design procedure
AD2.3.1 Convent iona l taft l ayout s
The suggested procedure for conventional tailplane/elevator layouts is:
i) Evaluate the cruise trim condition. Calculate the variation of tail setting
angle as a function of ( Sr / S) and centre of gravity (h) with the elevator
angle zero, using Eq (AD2.1a), and plot the results. A range of 0.15 to
0.3 for ( St~S) is suggested for investigation. There will be a mean value
of tr r which minimises the actual value of r/to trim, see Figure AD2.2.
ii) Evaluate the landing trim condition, Figure AD2.3, again using Eq
(AD2.1a). This may need to be done in two stages:
A) Using the mean value of tr r derived from (i) find the elevator
angles to trim as a function of ( St~S) . Providing these do not
exceed about 67% of the available angle for any of the range of
values of (S r/ S) and (h), no further action is needed.
B) If the elevator angles to trim significantly exceed 67% of the
available movement, then new values of tr r should be calculated,
assuming the elevator angle is 67% of that available. From this a
revised, landing, value of tr r can be identified, although it may
require exclusion of lower values of ( Sr / S) . Th i s implies a variable
incidence tailplane unless the situation is marginal and some
penalty in cruise is acceptable.
- 1
= 0.45
Shor t per i od mode - crui se
/ h "
~ .25
" ~ . Chosen a T
Sr / S
. r / =0
Static st abi l i t y in crui se ~1
o s ~/ s 0.5
Figure AD2.2 Cruise c o ndi t i o ns
| ,
0.12 h
Longitudinal control and stability surfaces 319
o . -
I .
~ 0
t . .
+v e
I . . _ _ _ - - J
o s r / s 0 . 0 5
| 1
0. 12 h o
Assu_medd qon~ol limit
ar = + 0 . 15
0 . 28
Chosen Sr / S
&/ s
0 . 2
Take of f rotation
0 . 16
0 . 3
Fi gur e A02.3 Appr o a c h t o l a ndi ng
Calculate the values of (Sr/ S) as a function of ( h) needed to gi ve the
required static stability, using E q (AD2. 2a). The static stability boundary
may then be marked on the cruise trim diagram, Figure AD2. 2.
Calculate the value of (S r/ S) required for rotation at take-off at forw ard
centre of gravity and w ith the available up elevator angle, using E q (AD2. 3).
The result can also be marked on the cruise trim diagram, Figure AD2. 2.
Calculate the values of short period damping ratio as a function of ( S t/ S )
and (h), using E q (AD2. 4a) for various aircraft inertial conditions. I dentify
the minimum value for a given value of (h) and the corresponding value of
(Sr/S). The minimum values may be plotted on the cruise trim diagram, and
may place a limit on the low est acceptable value of (S r / S ).
Select the low est value of (S r/ S) w hich meets conditions (iii), (iv) and (v),
and identify this on the landing trim diagram. Check that it enables the
chosen cruise and landing values of tr r to be achieved consistent w ith the
320 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
allowable elevator angles, and if necessary increase (S r / S) until the
requirements are met.
Use the selected value of (St~S) to check the damping in the phugoid mode,
using Eq (AD2.5a). The value of (Sr/S) can also be used to calculate the
undamped short period frequency using Eq (AD2.4b) and in association
with the comparable damping ratio it can be checked against any relevant
handling criteria.
AD2.3.2 All moving tail configuration
The procedure is essentially the same as in paragraph AD2.3.1. Step (i) is identical except
that there is no need to select a mean value of a: 7, since it is variable The important aspect
is to ensure that it does not depart significantly from the neutral setting and this may
effectively eliminate some values of (Sr/S).
Step (ii) is different in that now it is necessary to evaluate the values of a: r to give
trim on the approach to land. It, therefore, resembles Step (ii, B) but with r/zero unless
a trailing edge surface is used for trimming. In this latter case the maxi mum angle of
the trim surface may be used. If any of the calculated values of tr r lie outside the
available range again a restriction on the choice of (St~S) is implied.
Steps (iii) to (v) are carried out as before, the various boundaries being positioned on
the cruise trim diagram The selected value of (Sr/S) should be checked in the approach
trim diagram and modified if necessary before checking the phugoid damping ratio, Step
AD2.3.3 Foreplane design configurations
AD2. 3. 3. 1 General
The equations are stated in a form which enables them to be used for foreplane layouts.
It is necessary to distinguish between ' long-coupled' and ' close-coupled' configurations.
AD2. 3. 3. 2 Long-coupled canard layouts
Somewhat arbitrarily a long-coupled canard is defined as an arrangement where the
foreplane moment arm is of the order of four wing mean chords or higher.When this is
the case for initial design work it is reasonable to assume that the interference effects
are small:
Wing upwash at the canard may be neglected.
Canard wash at the wing is a combination of downwash inboard and
upwash due to canard tip vortices further out. The overall effect is likely
to be small and so, for simplicity, the canard wash effect may be
neglected. All that is required to modify the design equations is to
delete the wing downwash term (de/dtr) which is no longer relevant.
Longitudinal control and stability surfaces 321
Equations (AD2.1) to (AD2.5) may then be used with the following observations:
1 b e c om e ne g at i v e b y de f i ni t i on since longitudinal dimensions are taken as
a) l H and I H
positive aft of the leading edge of the wing mean aerodynamic chord.
b ) I t i s p os s i b l e t h at h m ay als o b e negat i v e.
c ) Th e t e r m (de~dot) i s s et t o z er o.
AD2. 3. 3. 3 Short-coupled canard layout (close-coupled)
Correctly designed a short-coupled canard can result in a greater overall lift than that of
the sum of canard and wing in isolation. To achieve this the canard moment arm usually
has to be between about 0.8 and two wing mean chords and the canard located vertically
higher than the wing. Two effects contribute to this:
i) Favourable upwash from the wing which can be regarded as effectively
increasing the value of the canard lift curve slope, alr , to a higher value, say
ii) Favourable canard effect upon the wing, possibly due to enhanced flow
due to the canard tip vortices. This may be considered as effectively
increasing wing lift curve slope, a I to a higher value, al.
An approximate estimation of the increment in overall lift coefficient in these
circumstances is:
ACL~ =-S
for 0.08 < ...... < 3.0, but note that ACtuax is negative for greater than 2.
On the assumption that this effect is equally caused by favourable wing upwash on
the canard and favourable canard vortex effect on the wing, it may be allowed for
by introducing the following corrections:
a) R e p l ac e c anar d li f t c u r v e s l op e ai r b y:
322 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
b ) Li k e wi s e t h e wi ng li f t c u r v e s lop e, az, s h ou l d b e r e p l ac e d by."
It should recognised that in practice the canard-wing interference effects are likely to be
a non-linear function of angle of attack.
AD2.3.4 Tail l ess configurat ions
The absence of an auxiliary horizontal surface in a tailless design implies a need to
reorganise the basic equations. It is assumed that longitudinal control is provided by an
elevator, or equivalent, located at the trailing edge of the wing. This elevator has a lift
curve slope, a:, based on the wing area S. When operated it produces an increment of
wing lift located at a distance I z aft of the reference leading edge of the aerodyanamic
means chord. Downwash effects are not relevant and effectively a~r i s zero. The volume
coefficient effectively becomes:
V r -
l _ h c
where l ~ = 1,1 (AD2.7)
The relevant equations now take the following forms:
Trim, refer to Eq (AD2.1 a)
ii) Static stability, stick fixed, refer to Eq (AD2.2a):
K, = ( H o - h) (AD2.8b)
Longitudinal control and stability surfaces 323
iii) Static stability, stick free, refer to Eqs (AD2.2b) and (AD2.2c):
b ,
air = a2 -~2 since air = 0 (AD2.8c)
77 al T
K 1 = ( H _ h ) + ~~ (AD2.8d) e Y l
c a I
iv) Rotation at take-off, refer to Eq (AD2.3):
a271[H 6 ~"7 ] - C ThT
- c J - .0
- - - - a 1 ct w ( H 6 - h ) - - - ~ H c - h + g' ,Tc J
v) Dynamic stability, short period mode, see Eqs (AD2.4a) and (AD2.4b):
p S V I M ~c { p S~' 2' Tm} I
FrequerwY ; ) s =2~ML2p Sk ~ ( Ho- h ) - - ~ o
Damping ratio; (s
vi) Phugoid mode, refer to Eq (5)
It is questionable as to whether the simplified expression for the long period motion
is applicable to the tailless configuration. However, on the basis that it is the equations
take the form:
324 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
~',~ = ~ Coo + ~ c# }
as previ ousl y
= F 3 og -a, V l [.C o -C o o ] a , ( ~ - v )
L~+ m, , vlL c ~ 2 (2 o g + a , v ) 2
c o -
M c a 1
- z - ( n o - h )
p S k
v = -
m 0
in this case.
Addendum 3
L a t er a l c o nt r o l a nd s t a b i l i t y s ur f a c es
Not at i on (for this Addendum only)
( C f J C ) a
( c~/c) ,,
c ,
iA, i c
Wing lift curve slope, three-dimensional
Wing aspec t ratio
Roll moment of inertia
Wing span
Coefficient in lateral stability terms [Eq (AD3.8c)]
Ratio of aileron chord to wing chord
Ratio of rudder chord to fin chord
Coefficient in lateral stability terms [Eq (AD3.8d)]
Overall lift coefficient
Cross-wind ratio
Term in rudder effectiveness [Eq (AD3.3a)]
Non-dimensional rolling and yawing moment of inertia coefficients,
obtained by dividing the actual moment of inertia by [ M ( b / 2 ) 2]
Non-dimensional damped frequency of motion in pure lateral mode, Eq
Coefficient in roll equation [Eq (AD3.13b)]
Distance of fin sideforce aft of aircraft centre of gravity
L i, N/ and Yi Rolling, yawing and sideforce coefficients respectively due to roll
(i = p), yaw (i = r), sideforce (i = v), rudder deflection (i = ~'), aileron
deflection (i = ~') and engine failure (i = E). Obtained from absolute
values by dividing by the following expressions
326 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis

A ~
For Lv, Nv, Yp and Y,. : p V S b/ 2
Yv: p V SI2
Le, Np, L v and Nr : p V S b2]2
L c and Yc : P V2 S/ 2
L, N, L 0 N c , and NE : p V 2 S b l2
Aircraft mass
Mach number
Rate of roll
Rate of yaw
Damping coefficient in pure lateral motion [Eq (AD3.10b)]
Wing area
Fin area
Time taken to roll through a defined back angle, ~b 1
Sideslip velocity
Forward velocity
Sideslip angle, v/V
(1 - Mr ) ''2
Dihedral angle
Rudder angle
Damping ratio in short period lateral mode [Eq (AD3.8a)]
Location of spanwise point as a fraction of semi-span
Wing taper ratio (tip/root chords)
Coefficient in lateral stability terms [Eq (AD3.8b)]
Sweep of wing half chord line
Non-dimensional relative density, 2 M / pSb
Aileron angle
Air density
Non-dimensional time; equal to [t ( pSVIM) ] , where t is real time
Bank angle achieved in time tl
Correction terms in aileron equation [Eq (AD3.14b)]
Frequency of short period lateral mode [Eq (AD3.8e)]
AD3.1 Int r o duc t i o n
Historical data are provided in Chapter 8, Tables 8.2 and 8.3, as a means of making a first
approximation to the geometry of the lateral control and stabilisation surfaces which in
a conventional design may be identified as a fin/rudder combination and ailerons. The
requirements which determine the size and characteristics of these surfaces arecomplex,
especially for multi-engined aircraft where the handling behaviour subsequent to an
Lateral control and stability surfaces 327
engine failure is almost certainly a dominant issue. The information contained in this
Addendum represents an attempt to resolve this by presenting simplified equations which,
nevertheless, should enable a reasonable initial design to be achieved. Because of the
variation of specific requirements for different aircraft: civil or military, combat, transport
or general aviation, it is necessary to consult the relevant airworthiness documents to obtain
the input data. See, for example, References J, Chapter 9, Appendix A9.1.
AD3.2 Pr el i mi nar y cal cul at i ons
AD3.2.1 Initial aircraft data
It is presumed that the following data are known from the initial overall synthesis process
described in Chapter 8, subject to refinement as the design proceeds:
i) Mass distributions, dimensions and centres of gravity from which the
required moments of inertia may be derived.
ii) Wing geometry, including a first definition of the trailing edge flap system
which gives an indication of possible aileron span. Dihedral of the wing
may not have been assumed and it is therefore covered in the subsequent
analysis in this Addendum.
iii) Fuselage geometry.
iv) Horizontal tail geometry, possibly as a result of the design procedure
outlined in Addendum 2. This will include a proposed vertical location
relative to the fin, which may require further consideration.
v) Powerplant nacelle geometry, where relevant, together with engine thrust
vi) Speed and altitude conditions appropriate to take-off/initial climb, cruise
and the approach to landing.
AD3.2.2 Requirements
The requirements appropriate to the given class of aircraft must be consulted to provide:
a) Handling requirements consequent upon engine failure where this is relevant. They
may include:
Trim requirements.
Corrective action, including time delay.
Allowable heading change during recovery (directional).
Residual heading change capability.
Allowable bank angle during recovery (lateral).
Residual bank/roll capability.
328 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
b ) Di rec t i onal stati c stab i li ty.
c ) L at eral stati c stab i li ty.
d) Di rec t i onal/ lat eral dynami c stab i li ty - Dutch roll and spiral modes.
e) R oll perf ormanc e - lateral control.
f ) Handl i ng i n c ross- wi nds.
g) Spi n rec overy, where relevant.
AD3. 2. 3 Eval uati on of basi c ai rcraft characteri sti cs
The basic inertial and aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft are needed. In particular
these include:
a) Inert i al c harac teri sti c s: mass, fore and aft and vertical centre of gravity range;
moment s of inertia in roll and yaw and, if thought to be significant, the corresponding
product of inertia (A, C and E respectively).
b ) A erodynami c c harac teri sti c s: the contributions to the relevant aerodynamic
derivatives of the components of the aircraft excluding fin/rudder, aileron and wing
dihedral effects. In general the relevant aerodynamic derivatives are:
i) Rolling coefficients, Li , due to rate of roll, p, rate of yaw, r, and
sideslip velocity, v.
ii) Yawing coefficients, N i, due to above effects.
iii) Sideslip coefficients, Yi, due to above effects.
In addition to the above deflection of the aileron, ~, rudder, (, and engine failure, E, add
contributions to the three basic sets of coefficients, L i , N i and Yi as relevant.
The calculations of the coefficients requires a knowl edge of such items as wing
planform, including sweep and dihedral, fuselage geometry and wing/fuselage interaction
effects. Depl oyment of flaps is significant in some cases. Clearly fin/rear
fuselage/tailplane and rudder characteristics determine the fin/rudder contributions but
as yet these data are not known. It is convenient to retain the dihedral effect as a function
of dihedral angle, see paragraph AD3.3.3.
Evaluations of these derivatives, apart from initial predictions for the fin/rudder and
aileron effects are outside the scope of this note. A number of sources of information may
be referred to. For example the Engineering Sciences Data Unit, ESDU, Aerodynamic
series (Chapter 9, Appendix A9.1, Reference C8) includes a comprehensive coverage of
the subject.
Lateral control and stability surfaces 329
It is also necessary to know the non-dimensional yawing moment, N e, due to failure
of the most critically located powerplant. Because thrust is dependent upon speed, Ne
will have different values for various speed conditions.
AD3.3 Design procedure
AD3. 3. 1 Initial si z i ng of fin~rudder
AD3.3.1.1 General
It is possible to derive a logical procedure to enable the sizes (areas) of the fin and rudder
to be established. Such a procedure is outlined in the following paragraphs.
AD3.3.1.2 Heading after engine failure
Subsequent to an engine failure at a prescribed speed, usually 1.4Vst, where Vst is the
stalling speed in the take-off configuration, the aircraft must be able to maintain a straight
heading with a bank angle of not more than 5 , This leads to a numerical inequality:
I ~ i II'SNE
where l F is the arm of the fin sideforce behind the overall centre of gravity
b is the wing span
N e is the engine failed yawing moment coefficient at the prescribed speed
C~ is the corresponding aircraft lift coefficient.
In many cases an approximate value of lF is already known from the design synthesis
procedure and will be found to be considerably more than the mi ni mum value given by
Eq (AD3.1). This, however, may not be the case for a tailless design.
AD3.3.1.3 Fin and rudder contributions to Nv and N
The fin/rudder contributions to the most important derivatives, Nv and Ncmay now be
estimated conservatively, assuming a typical fin geometry, by:
Due to fin: (Yv)r= - 2.4( S/ S) approx. (AD3.2a)
where S F is the fin reference area and S is the wing area.
It follows that due to the fin:
330 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
( Nv ) F = 2 - 4 ( ~ - ) ( f f ~ ~-)
The ratio ( S F IS) is retained as a main parameter in the analysis.
The sideforce coefficient due to rudder deflection is approximately:
Y~ = F + 0.08
where (CJC)R
is the mean ratio of the rudder chord to fin chord.
is dependent upon the ext ent of the rudder along the fin and the
tailplane position vertically. For a full span rudder, approximately:
Body mounted tailplane F = 2.3
High mounted, "T" tail F = 3.0
Again it follows that the corresponding yawing moment coefficient is:
r-,, ,,0.47 lv SF
AD3. 3. 1. 4 Rudder angl e to t ri m after engi ne fai l ure
The rudder angle required to trim the aircraft after an engine failure at the prescribed
speed, in this case usually 1.2Vsl ' must not exceed 75% of the total angle available. It
follows from this that approximately as an absolute value:
N ~ > 1.35 N e / (MAX (AD3.4)
where N E is the engine failed moment coefficient at the prescribed speed and where
the assumed effective linear equivalent rudder angle is (MAX (a maxi mum value of 0.35
rad is typical for a simple rudder).
AD3. 3. 1. 5 Inabi l i ty of rudder to cause fin stall
In no circumstances must full rudder deflection result in a dynami c sideslip angle which
would cause the fin to stall. The allowable angle may be increased with the aid of a
dorsal fin. A dynami c fin stall angle of 0.5 radians is feasible and this leads to:
Lateral control and stability surfaces 331
where Nv is the total aircraft value.
AD3.3.1.6 Heading hold in cross-wind
It must be possible to hold the aircraft on a given heading in the presence of a cross-wind.
This implies a sideslip angle of ( C R) where ( C R) is the ratio of the cross-wind velocity to
the forward speed of the aircraft. It may also be a requirement to introduce a heading
change against the cross-wind. The usual design cross-wind ratio does not exceed 0.2,
although slow flying aircraft may be an exception, and the heading change, if required,
0.175 rad. It is possible to write:
i) No heading change:
- N >__0.20N v/~"M~ (AD3.6a)
ii) 0.175 rad heading change:
- N >__0.375Nv/~'ua x (AD3.6b)
AD3.3.1.7 Change of heading against failed engine
When the critical engine has failed at the same speed as that of paragraph AD3.3.1.2 it
must be possible to change heading against the failed engine, typically by 0.262 radians.
Assuming that the ailerons are used to offset any rolling tendency due to the failed
engine, this implies that:
- N~. > ( N e + 0.262N v )/~MAX
AD3.3.1.8 Determination of design values
The inequalities of Eqs (AD3.4) to (AD3.7) may be used to derive acceptable values for
( Sp/ S) and ( c:/c) R. The most expedient way of doing this is:-
i) Evaluate the total value of N v as the sum of the value less fin/rudder
defined at paragraph AD3.2.3 (b), and the additional contribution of Eq
(AD3.2a), for a range of values of ( Sp / S) - typi c ally say 0.10 to 0.3,
but possibly less when there is no engine failed requirement.
ii) When engine failure is a requirement calculate, from Eq (AD3.7):
( N E + 0.262 N v ) /~MAX
Compare the values of (-N:) obtained from Eqs (AD3.4) and (AD3.6) and
select the highest for evaluation, for example that given by Eq (AD3.6b).
Calculate 0. 5Nv/ ('M~.
332 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
v) Inspection of the results enables the mi ni mum value of ( Sr/ S) to be found
which satisfies the inequalities. When there is no engine failed case this
follows from the cross-wind condition, Eq (AD3.6). However, when there
is an engine failure case a value of ( St / S) must be chosen to ensure that
( -N:) lies between the highest value given by Eqs (AD3.4), (AD3.6) or
(AD3.7) but not greater than (0.5N v/(MAX) as given by Eq (AD3.5). Each
acceptable value of (S F/S) implies a value of N
vi) For several values of ( Se/ S) at and above the minimum determined at the
previous step evaluate N: i n terms of ( c :/ c ) R. Typical values of ( c :/ c ) R are
usually in the range 0.2 to 0.5.
vii) Inspection of the results enables the value of ( c :/ c ) R consistent with each
value of ( S r/ S) to be established. In practice it will usually be found that
the lowest acceptable value of ( SF/ S) also gives an acceptable, that
is practical, value of ( c :/ c ) R. The value of investigating larger values
of ( S v / S) is that it provides information readily available should the
initially selected value of ( Sv/ S) prove to be insufficient when other
conditions, such as dynamic stability, are investigated.
Directional static stability requires that the derivative Nv should be positive and this
should have been covered by the above procedure.
AD3.3.2 Geometry of fin~rudder
Once initial values of ( SF/ S) and (CJC)R have been established it is possible to check the
fin geometry, using the guidelines of Table 8.2 in Chapter 8. A more precise value of the
fin arm can be established and the fin contributions to Yv, Nv, and Nc calculated more
accurately than given by Eqs (AD3.2) and (AD3.3) above. However, it is sometimes
prudent to leave these refinements until other requirements have been investigated.
AD3.3.3 Lateral static stability
Lateral stability may be simply equated to the value of the derivative L v being negative.
The overall value of L v can be obtained by adding the fin/rudder contribution
corresponding to the fin/rudder geometry derived in paragraph AD3.3.1 to that of the rest
of the aircraft, paragraph AD3.2.3(b). This latter contribution includes a term which is
a function of dihedral angle, 17. At this stage a value of / " may be deduced to ensure that
Lv is negative. However, Lv should be only just negative - see paragraph AD3.3.5(b).
Lateral control and stability surfaces 333
AD3.3.4 Overall aerodynamic derivatives
Tentative values of ( S F t l S) , ( c f ttC ) R a nd/ - ' are now established and it is possible to
evaluate the full values of all the aerodynamic derivatives with the exception of those
resulting from aileron deflection.
AD3.3.5 Lateral~directional dynamic stability
There are two primary modes of dynamic stability, namely the short period motion
known as the "Dutch Roll" and a long period motion which represents a spiral mode.
a) Short pe r i od mode. It is necessary for the short period lateral/directional motion to
be positively damped and some requirements give specific values for damping ratio.
Automatic yaw damping by means of rudder motion is often used to obtain a satisfactory
value. The period of the motion is also of some concern and must be such as not to cause
unacceptable handling qualities. As a guide the effective damping ratio in cruise should
not be less than about 0.08 for larger, less manoeuvrable aircraft, about 0.2 for smaller
highly manoeuvrable types and as much as 0.4 for combat aircraft in combat conditions.
The frequency of the motion should not be less than 0.5 Hz for larger aircraft and 1
Hz for small aircraft. The product of the damping ratio and frequency is also of some
concern and should not be less than about 0.15 for flight conditions where rapid
manoeuvre is not required, but 0.35 where it is.
The damping ratio in the short period mode is approximately given by:
IJ Lv i A
2 L p + 8 L2e C , (AD3.8b) where A 1 = i a
B= - + ~ + .
l A l C
334 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
C = Y v + . + 4
l C
r + tJ Nv (AD3.8d)
i,~ i c i c
wh e r e I.t is the non-dimensional density and i A and i c are t h e non-dimensional moment
of inertia coefficients - see Notation for definitions.
The frequency of the short period mode is approximately:
Hz (AD3.8e)
b ) S p i r al mo de . It is not unusual for the spiral mode to be unstable and to take the form
of a slow divergence. As a general guide it is likely to be considered satisfactory if the
time to double amplitude is at least 20 s. The time to double amplitude is given by:
t 2 - -
1.386M ( L vN P - t p N v )
pS V CL L vN,
sec (AD3.9)
An unduly large negative value of L v may result in a more rapid divergence and thus
although it must be negative for lateral static stability the dihedral should be chosen to
only just meet this condition.
AD3.3.6 Heading change consequent upon engine failure
A common assumption is that subsequent to the sudden failure of the critical engine a
period of 2 s elapses before corrective action is taken. During this period the aircraft will
yaw and roll. The extent of the rolling motion is a complex function of the lateral
aerodynamic derivatives and the vertical offset of the out of balance thrust force relative
to the centre of gravity. When corrective action has taken effect a usual requirement is
that the total change of heading should not exceed 0.35 radians. Considerable
simplification of the analysis of the response of the aircraft is possible if it is assumed
that the rolling motion is not significant and this enables a first check to be made of the
adequacy of the initial fin/rudder design derived in paragraphs AD3.3.1 and AD3.3.2.
It is important to make a subsequent check on the full response of the aircraft. It is
suggested that the analysis should be undertaken for a speed of 1.2 times the stalling
speed with the aircraft in the take-off configuration.
Lateral control and stabi l i ty surf aces 335
a) Si desl i p angl e r e ac h e d 2 s af t er engi ne f ai l ur e.
- l i N e 1 - e -R'2 c os J r 2 + ~ si n J z 2
t~ = i c ( j 2 + R 2 )
and j = ( .l' lNv +.ic NrYv
_ R2) t/2
r 2 is the non-dimensional time equivalent of 2 s
r 2 = 2 p ISVM (AD3.10b)
see Notation for definition of p, i a and i c . R is, in fact, the damping coefficient and J
the damped natural frequency in the lateral mode with rolling excluded.
At the end of the 2 s the rate of change of sideslip angle, in terms of non-
dimensional time is:
# N e [e - "" si n J z'2] (AD3.10c)
b ) Wh e n 2 s has e l apse d t he f ul l avai l ab l e c or r ec t i ve r udde r i s appl i ed, and as a
consequence the rate of change of sideslip angle starts to decrease, and eventually
becomes zero as the maxi mum heading change is reached.
Equation (AD3.10c) may be used to give the non-dimensional time r0 at which /~
becomes zero:
e -R~ si n J ' c o =
fl2 i c J
# ( - ( N~ + NE)
336 Ai r cr af t concept ual desi gn synt hesi s
The right-hand side of Eq (AD3.11a) is known for a given value of the available
rudder angle, (, and the simplest way of deriving r 0 is to calculate the value of the left-
hand side for various r0 until the one which satisfies the equation is found. The value
of r 0 may then be.. used to find the additional sideslip angle, Aft, which results as the
yaw acceleration, t , is brought to zero:
# ( - ( No + N, ) 1 - e -"~ c osJ ' c o + - f si nJ z o (AD3.11b)
A[3= - i ~ -( ) i + R2 )
and the total heading change, t o, which should be less than 0.35 radians is:
t o = /~, + A,B (AD3.11c)
Should t o exceed the specified maxi mum it is necessary to reconsider the rudder
effectiveness, No , and this has a consequence on the required overall value of Nv and
hence ( SF / S) .
AD3. 3. 7 Aileron sizing
The aileron size is determined by either the need to maintain wings level in a cross wind
or by other roll performance requirements. In the first instance if it is assumed that the
aileron span is effectively determined by trailing edge flap requirements the aileron
sizing is a matter of determining the aileron chord ratio, ( C f /C ) a.
a) C r o s s - wi nd c ase. The cross-wind requirements vary but a typical condition is that the
aircraft should be be able to contend with a cross-wind which is 20% of the forward
speed. Assuming that this is the case, and that half of the maxi mum available aileron
angle is allowed for control, then:
L > 0 . 4 L v / ~ u aX
(A typical value of (MAX is 0.28 radians for a simple control.)
b ) R ol l pe r f o r manc e ~ h andl i ng. It is usual for roll performance requirements to be stated
in terms of the time taken to roll through a given angle. Often this implies a reversed roll,
Lateral control and stability surfaces 337
such as the ability of a civil transport aircraft to roll from a 30 bank angle in one
direction to 30 in the other in 7 s when all engines are operating. This is equivalent to
being able to achieve 30 bank angle change within 3.5 s of initiating the roll. Longer
time is allowed, usually 11 s for the full manoeuvre, when an engine has failed but only
part, say 50%, of the aileron movement is then available for the manoeuvre.
The aileron power required to give the specified rolling performance may be
expressed as:
where it has be assumed that (MAX of aileron angle is available to achieve a bank angle 0~1 at
a time tl seconds after initiation of the roll.
b is the aircraft wing span
V is the forward speed
K~ = - pSVb2L~/2A (AD3.13b)
where is the roll moment of inertia.
c ) C ri ti c al ai leron si ze requi rement. The maxi mum value of L derived from the cross-
wind case, Eq (AD3.12) or the various roll performance cases, Eq (AD3.13a), is selected
to form the basis of the aileron size.
d) Ai leron c hord ratio. The aileron rolling derivative L( is approximately given by:
- 7 7
L = 2 a~w + q~, - ~o (AD3.14a)
where alw is the lift curve slope of the wing, per radian
is the location of the mid-point of the aileron span as a fraction of the wing
is wing aspect ratio
( ~ a nd O~o)are correction factors on the spanwise lift distribution for the
inner and outer aileron end locations respectively.
338 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
~(r/) = I l l - 0"8fl~) ( 1 - r/) ' zS- 1.34(12 + At t mAv2- 8/l) 2.5 cos{ Tr(rl-O.5)} x 1041
,fl M = (1 -/142) ~ where M N is flight Mach number
A is wing taper ratio
A,~ is wing sweep along the half chord line
r/ is the location of one end of the aileron as a fraction of the wing span.
Inner end to give # i and outer end to give ~ 0
(Given that r/,. and r/o are known i and o may be calculated as may ~) .
Since the value of alw is also known from the basic wing design, the value of (C:/C)A
corresponding to the required value of L~ may be calculated f r omEq (AD3.14a). If
(C:/C)A is found to be excessively large, say above 0.35, it will result in wing structural
layout difficulties. In these circumstances it is necessary to either:
i) Increase the span of the ailerons to the probable detriment of the
flap performance or
ii) Consider the use of another device, such as spoilers, to augment the
aileron in the critical case.
If cross-wind considerations are critical a further option is to review the wing dihedral in
that it has a large impact on the derivative Lv. Any change here should still result in
positive lateral stability and the effect on dynamic stability must be ascertained.
Addendum 4
M a s s p r edi c t i o n
N o t a t i o n (for t h i s Addendum onl y)
c, to c5
f a
f ,
k s t o k 1 1
L n
(All dimensions are in SI units)
Wing aspect ratio
Maximum width of fuselage
Coefficients used in Chapter 6 to define mass characteristics
Maximum equivalent diameter of fuselage
Equivalent diameters of fuselage, i - 0 to 4, see Figure AD4.1
Allowable work ing stress in wing covers [Eq (AD4.1d)]
Non-dimensional fuselage length parameter; (Lp - L, ) I D 1
Non-dimensional fuselage length parameter, ( L - Lp - L t ) / D 2
Non-dimensional fuselage nose length parameter; L,,/DI
Non-dimensional fuselage tail length parameter; L t / D 2
Maxi mum height of fuselage
Coefficient defining fuselage cross-section parameter, i - 1 to 4 [Eq
Coefficient used to define fuselage tail shape [Eq (AD4.4e)]
Coefficient used to define pressurised fuselage mass [Eq (AD4.5c)]
Coefficient used to define unpressurised fuselage mass [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Coefficients used to define the value of k z [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Coefficient used to define vertical fin mass [Eq (AD4.9)]
Overall length of fuselage
Length of fuselage nose, see Figure AD4.1
340 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
L t
m C
m r
n 1
Distance aft of nose to a particular discontinuity in the cross-section, see
Figure AD4.1
Length of tail section of fuselage, see Figure AD4.1
Tail arm; wing quarter mean chord to tailplane quarter mean chord, or
when there is no tailplane
Mass of primary wing structural box covers and webs as fraction of
aircraft mass [Eq (AD4.1 b) ]
Ratio of primary rib mass to total aircraft mass [Eq (AD4.1 c)]
Mass of tail booms [Eq (AD4.7)]
Mass of fuselage [Eqs (AD4.Sa) or (AD4.6a)]
Mass of horizontal control/stabiliser [Eq (AD4.8)]
Mass of ideal primary wing structure box [Eq (AD4.1 a)]
Total mass of aircraft
Mass of vertical control/stabiliser surface [Eq (AD4.9)]
Mass of wing structure
Zero fuel mass of aircraft [Eqs (AD4.1f) to (AD4.1h)]
Maximum number of occupants of aircraft
Limit manoeuvre factor
Ultimate normal manoeuvre factor
Effective ultimate design factor [Eq (AD4.1e)]
Factor in calculation of fuselage nose area [Eqs (AD4.f) to (AD4.1h)]
Fuselage pressure differential, bar
Wing inertial relief factor [Eqs (AD4.1f) to (AD4.1h)]
Wing reference area
Surface area of tail boom
Surface area of fuselage
Reference area of horizontal control/stabiliser [Eq (AD4.8)]
Reference area of vertical control/stabiliser [Eq (AD4.9)]
Structural design speed of aircraft
Factor defining if air intakes are present in the fuselage [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Ratio of fuselage width to wing span at wing attachment [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Factor defining impact of landing gear on fuselage [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Factor relating to engines buried in fuselage [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Factor defining if aircraft is intended for naval operations [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Wing taper ratio; tip chord divided by root chord
Ratio of design working tensile stress in a pressurised fuselage
Aerofoil thickness to chord ratio at the side of fuselage
Sweep of wing quarter chord line
Sweep of wing structure [Eqs (AD4.1a) and (AD4.1d]
Factor defining a wing strutted to the fuselage [Eq (AD4.6b)]
Mass prediction 341
AD4.1 Int r o duc t i o n
The synthesis of the concept aircraft requires the input of mass data and paragraph 6.4 of
Chapter 6 covers this for the initial phase of the design. The data given there have been
deliberately kept as simple as is possible and require a k nowledge only of those parameters
already included in the design procedure. A consequence of this is that there is insufficient
detail to enable a complete investigation of the characteristics of a given concept. Once the
conceptual design has been established and the analysis procedure outlined in Chapter 9
has been commenced it is desirable to employ more detailed methods of mass prediction.
Relevant information is contained in a number of the references given in the Bibliography
which forms the Appendix to Chapter 9. The more useful ones are indicated. The
information following is complementary to these and may be found to be of some value.
It is necessary to warn of the difficulties of attempting to correlate predicted data with
k nown values of existing aircraft. One obvious reason for this is the improvement of
technology with the passage of time. Perhaps less obvious is the considerable variation
of the actual content of the mass of a given component. For example is any wing structure
which carries through the fuselage defined as part of wing or part of body mass? Are
flying control surface actuators part of the control system or part of the power services?
Only a detailed mass break down can resolve such issues. In practice the best correlation
is the total empty mass of the aircraft. Nevertheless the more detailed data that is essential
for preliminary design analysis must be based on overall average information.
Mass prediction methods may be derived by various techniques. At their simplest they
consist of no more than a direct statement of average actual data, usually referred to the
total aircraft mass. Such an approach is often the only feasible one for some components.
More useful for design analysis are those methods which, while being based on empirical
data, seek to interpret the data in relation to the k nown primary parameters of the design.
Alternatively a simplified theoretical approach may be undertak en but it is invariably
necessary to add practically derived corrections. Finally the prediction technique may
consist of a detailed approach which, although simplified, follows the design procedure
for a given component. To be successful this last method requires a quite detailed
definition of the component and ultimately is the mass estimation of the finalised design.
It is convenient to deal with mass prediction data in three groups:
a) Structure, which typically accounts for half, or rather more, of the empty mass. It is
dominated by the wing and fuselage contributions but the landing gear is also significant.
b) Powerplant, which is the installed engine component and here includes the fuel
system. It usually contributes about one-fifth of the empty mass.
c) Systems and equipment which is taken to include all the other items which go to mak e
up the basic empty mass of the aircraft.
342 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD4. 2 St r uc t ur e ma s s
AD4.2.1 Wing
AD4.2.1.1 General
The wing structure is tak en to include the primary structure inclusive of the continuity
across the fuselage; fixed leading and trailing edges; wing tips and fairings; high lift
devices; and control surfaces, but not control operating systems.
The formula given for lifting surface mass in Chapter 6, Eq (6 .22a) is primarily based
on wing parameters but includes typical allowances for the contribution of the control and
stabiliser surfaces. The wing mass is derived by dividing the coefficient c I of Table 6.7
by the lifting surface factor c5 of Table 6 .10 of Chapter 6. The basic formula is entirely
empirical but does include allowance for the effect of all the main geometric factors
together with the primary structural design considerations. However, it does not
specifically include details of such items as inertial relief, types of high lift devices or any
special layout features. Typical values of these effects are covered in the quoted values
of the coefficient cl.
AD4.2.1.2 Theoretical method
To enable an investigation of all the important design parameters it is necessary to use
a method, which at least to some extent, is based on a theoretical approach. The following
procedure falls into this category. There are three stages of calculation:
a)The "ideal" mass of t he primary structure is calculated by using equations based on the
theoretically required bending strength.
b)This "ideal" mass is modif ied by making allowances f or departure of the s t ruct ural
concept f rom the "ideal".
c)The mass of the secondary items such as high lift devices and controls, is e s t i ma t e d
using simplified statistical data.
For convenience the procedure is undertak en in terms of the tak e-off mass of the aircraft,
M o, thus the final result appears as the total wing mass as a fraction of the tak e-off mass.
The equations are based on the use of aluminium alloy construction, but suggestions
are included to indicate the lik ely effect of the use of carbon-fibre reinforced plastic
where this is relevant.
Mass prediction 343
A Ideal primary structure mass
The ideal primary structure mass, Mws is the sum of two terms, one being that of the
structural box covers and spanwise shear webs and the other the ribs required to support
! Mws I
Mo J =mc + m r
mc =1920 A , . s S 0.s N-r(l+,;t, )sec ~ sectp/'c fa
mr " - - ~
3S 1.25 ,.C0.5
M 0 A '2s
( S '~ 5 ]
( l- 0. 34, ~ , - i- 0. 44X 2) - i- 2. 2' rt~ - : ( 1- / ] . + 0. 7 2/ 7 , 2)
A, S, A, and ~b are, respectively, the usual definitions of aspect ratio, wing area,
taper ratio and quarter chord sweep.
r is the thick ness to chord ratio of the aerofoil at the side of the body.
r is the sweep of the structure, which in many cases may be taken to be
equal to ~b but it is different in some circumstances, for example a delta
wing having a primary structure which is orthogonal to the centreline of
the aircraft.
f a is the allowable work ing stress of the airframe material. For light alloy:
I N-r A 1.75 M
f a =1. 12 S0.75 ,rl. 5
0. 5
sec tp sec ~ x 105 N / m 2 (AD4.1d)
is the effective ultimate design factor, which is either about 1.65 times the
limit manoeuvre factor, n 1, or where it is greater, the comparable ultimate
discrete gust factor. That is ]V is the greater of:
344 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
o r
1.65n I
1.65 + approximately
s ec )
is the factor which allows for inertial relief. The following expressions
may be used as relevant:
i) No wing-mounted powerplant or stores:
r = 1 - [0.12 + (1-Mzw/Mo)]
ii) Two wing-mounted powerplants:
r = 1 - [0.2 + (1-Mzw/7140)]
iii) Four wi ng-mount ed powerplants:
r = 1 - [0.22 + (1 - Mzw/Mo)]
is the design zero fuel mass, that is the maxi mum allowable mass when the
fuel load is zero. (Maxi mum payload condition.) If it is not k nown the term
(1 - Mzw/ Mo ) may be replaced by (0.1 + 2(Range) x 105).
Wing-located stores may be allowed for on the basis that each large store
on one side of the aircraft increases the 0.12 factor of Eq (AD4.1 f) by 0.02.
B Allowance for departure from the structural ideal and alternative materials
Such considerations as attachments for powerplants, landing gear and stores, wing
folding or variable sweep represent penalties to be added to the ideal structure mass ratio
given by Eq (AD4.1 a). Suggested allowances, also as a ratio of tak e-off mass, Mo, are
given in Table AD4. 1A. It will be noted that a braced wing results in a reduction of ideal
structure mass, although there is a penalty to the fuselage. Use of carbon fibre reinforced
plastics rather than light alloy also results in a reduction of ideal structure mass. The
degree of the reduction is dependent upon various design features, especially the number
of primary structural joints. In practice the ideal structural mass is not lik ely to be less
than about 6 0% of that given by Eqs (AD4.1a) and (AD4.1 d).
Mass prediction 345
Ta bl e AD4.1A Inc r ement a l p ena l t i es on i dea l i s ed p r i ma r y wi ng s t r uc t ur e
Braced attachments for powerplant - two
- four
Attachment for landing gear
Cutout in primary structure for landing gear
Attachment of stores
Scale effect for aircraft; Mo < 5700 kg
Tapered wing
Untapered wing
Inboard wing fold
Outboard wing fold
Variable sweep
Braced wing, Mo < 5700 kg (decrement)
0.03-3.5 x 10 .5 Mo 05
C Al l owance for secondar y st ruct ure
Tabl e AD4. 1B suggest s al l owance for var i ous i t ems of secondar y st ruct ure, agai n as a
ratio of aircraft t ak e- of f mass, Mo. Use of composi t e const r uct i on resul t s in a r educt i on
of mass rel at i ve to l i ght al l oy component s , the degr ee of r educt i on bei ng det er mi ned by
the ext ent of use of this mat eri al .
Ta bl e AD4.1B Inc r ement a l a l l o wa nc e f o r s ec o nda r y wi ng s t r uc t ur e
Fixed leading and trailing edge with ailerons only
Trailing edge flaps: Plain or single slotted
Fowler on double slotted
Triple slotted
Leading edge flaps/slots
Spoilers/air brakes
Tips, fairing, etc.
Reduction for composite moving surfaces (decrement)
Additional penalty for aircraft of Mo < 140 000 kg, up to
0.02 plus
0.003 or
0.006 or
0.012 and
0.007 plus
0.0015 plus
D Tot al wi ng mass
The rat i o of t he total wi ng mass, Mw to t he t ak e- of f mass, Mo, is t he s um of the val ues
obt ai ned f r om stages A to C i ncl usi ve.
346 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD4. 2. 1. 3 Effect of body wi dth on wing s tructure mas s
Both Eqs (6 .22a) of Chapter 6 and (AD4.1 a) include the mass of the wing within the
sides of the fuselage. The mass prediction is based on a typical fuselage width to wing
span ratio, ,8, of 0.1. In some circumstances it is desirable to correct for a different value
offl :
i) Met hod of Chapter 6, Eq (6.22a):
The wing mass derived by using the coefficients c I and c5 should be
factored by about:
0.5[1+0.8{(1-5fl2)+(1 - 3fl)A,}] (AD4.2a)
(for values of fl other than 0.1 and values of 2 other than 0.45).
ii) Met hod of paragraph
The ideal structural mass given by Eq (AD4.1a) should be factored by:
1.13[(1-5ff) - 0.0027(1 +43fl)21 (AD4.2b)
(for values of fl other than 0.1 and values of/Z other than 0.45).
No change of the other terms is required.
AD4. 2. 1. 4 Wi ng mas s when there is no carry through s tructure
In some designs the wings are attached to the sides of the body and the fuselage shell is
used to give spanwise continuity. In this case the wing mass, M w, is reduced by the factor
(1 - fl ) approximately, but there is a corresponding increase of fuselage structure mass,
see paragraph AD4.2.2.5.
AD4.2.2 Fuselage
AD4. 2. 2. 1 General
The contribution of the fuselage to the mass of an aircraft is usually comparable to that
of the wing. In general, however, it is more difficult to achieve an accurate prediction due
to the wide variety of detail differences which may be present.
The most important parameter is the surface area of the fuselage structure and it is
necessary to estimate this as accurately as possible. This is not unduly difficult when the
cross-section varies more or less continuously along the length as it does, for example,
on transport types. It can be difficult in other cases, for example military combat aircraft.
Mass prediction 347
Apart from surface area an important criterion is whether or not the greater part of the
fuselage is pressurised. The simple formulae for fuselage mass given in paragraph
of Chapter 6 allows for this, Eq (6.20a) relating to pressurised fuselages and Eq (6.20b)
to essentially unpressurised configurations. The surface area is also included in these
formulae by virtue of the presence of the length L, breadth B and height H, parameters.
The coefficients, c 2, given in Table 6.6 of Chapter 6 are used to cover the effect of major
variations in configuration. The following formulae provide a basis for more accurate
estimation of fuselage mass but do require a k nowledge of more details of the fuselage
layout in order to be used.
Other than the effects discussed in paragraph AD4.2.2.5 it is assumed that the mass of
wing carry through structure is part of the wing mass, and it is not included in fuselage
AD4. 2. 2. 2 Fus el age s t ruct ure s urf ace area
A reasonably general representation of a fuselage layout is shown in Figure AD4.1.
While this represents the plan view of the fuselage the implied cross-section changes may
be related also to the side elevation.
I L t
L n ....
6 ,
Fi gur e AD4.1 Idea l i s ed r ep r es ent a t i o n o f f us el a ge di mens i o ns
The lengthwise stations are defined as follows:
L, is the distance aft of the nose at which the nose shape effectively blends into
a more or less parallel portion.
Lp is a distance aft of the nose where a cross-section discontinuity can
occur, say due to air intakes or a canopy.
L t is the distance forward from the aft end of the fuselage over which the cross-
section fairs down from a nominally constant value and it can start at a
L is the overall length (see note * below at Eq (AD4.4c)).
348 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
The regi on bet ween the cross-sect i ons def i ned by Lp and L t may be parallel or can vary
approxi mat el y linearly.
The cross-sect i ons at the var i ous dat um poi nt s are defi ned in t erms of an equi val ent
diameter, D i, where:
D , = k i ( B, + H ~ ) / 2 ( AD4. 3)
B i and
D 1
D 3
is a coeffi ci ent whi ch depends upon the shape of the cross-sect i on and
vari es in the r ange of 1 to 1.27. The l owest val ue is for a circular/elliptical
shape, and the hi ghest for a nomi nal l y rect angul ar one.
H i are t he local wi dt h and hei ght respect i vel y.
is the equi val ent di amet er at the nose, usual l y zero unl ess a pitot i nt ak e is
empl oyed, or t here is a nos e- mount ed powerpl ant .
is the val ue wher e the nose nomi nal l y ends, at L n.
is the maxi mum of the values at Lp or ( L - L t) and in practice is the maxi mum
equi val ent di amet er.
is the val ue at Lt.
is the val ue at the tail and is oft en zero.
For conveni ence the f ol l owi ng non- di mensi onal paramet ers are i nt roduced:
L = L. / DI
f b = ( L p - L . ) I D ,
f c = (L - L , - LI, ) / D 2
f , = L, / D2
The structural surface area of the fusel age, S:, is:
s: =~l ~- L +L k Ol J
m 2
N s is a funct i on of the area of the nose:-
For a poi nt ed nose: Ns = 0.325 (4f, 2 +1) o.5 (AD4.4b)
For a t runcat ed nose, as wi t h a pitot air intak e:
=0. 667
( AD4. 4c)
Mass prediction 349
*A special case is that of an aircraft where there is a fuselage nose-l ocat ed
powerpl ant . In this case it is most satisfactory for the fuselage length to be
consi dered as begi nni ng at the bul k head whi ch denotes the aft end of the
powerpl ant and the nose function, N s, is then gi ven by Eq (AD4. 4c).
T s is a function of the area of the tail:
For a poi nt ed tail:
D3 2+1~5
Ts=0"322 ~ ( 4 f t
For a t runcat ed tail:
, , , 5
where k 5 = 0.6 when D 4 is of t he s ame or der as D 3 as when it r epr esent s t he
engi ne exhaust area.
k 5 = 0. 6 6 when D 4 is much less than D 3, as on a general aviation aircraft
where the rear fusel age merges into a rudder.
A special case is that of many airliners:
where D O = D 4 = 0
and D 1 = D 2 = D 3 = D, say,
and the surface area becomes, wi t h mi nor adjustments:
S I =~ D 2 ( f , +f ~) +0 . a 5 ( 4 f ~+l ) " + 0. 34( 4f , - + m 2 (AD4.4f)
AD4.2.2.3 Pres s uris ed fus elages
Al t hough the structure of a fusel age is desi gned by numer ous loading cases when the
great er part of it is pressuri sed this is lik ely to be the domi nant consideration. This is
especi al l y so for l arger cross- sections, such as on wi de body airliners. Usi ng the internal
pressure as a basis for desi gn results in the fusel age mass bei ng given approxi mat el y as:
350 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
M z=k6 1+(3.12-0.354 B)(I+~..) ~.-075 S.e B kg (AD4.5)
is the fuselage surface area given by Eq (AD4.4), m 2
is maxi mum fuselage breadth, m
is the pressure differential under normal operating conditions (as a
fraction of atmospheric pressure), bar
is a measure of the corresponding nominal tensile work ing stress in the
fuselage as a fraction of 100 MN/ m 2 and may be as much as unity or
slightly higher but it is usually somewhat less. In the absence of more
accurate information it is suggested that for:
De = D <_2 m # =0 . 8
2 m _<D _<6 m # = 0.8 + 0. 05(D-2)
D>_6 m # = 1.0
is a coefficient which depends upon the class of aircraft and certain design
features. Basically k 6 is unity for a passenger airliner with wing-mounted
main landing gear units. The following increments should be used as
Two engines mounted on rear fuselage; k 6 - 0.013
A!.l main landing gear units mounted on fuselage; k6 = 0.05
Freight aircraft with large, especially r m~, loading door;
k~= 0.5(B/7) 2
Fuselage with no windows and few doors; k6 = - 0 . 1
The equation for fuselage mass estimation given in Chapter 6 at Eq (6.20a) is based on
the above equations (AD4.4f) and (AD6 .5) with typical values offn,ft and 0. Differences
in these parameters and the design features are reflected in the values of c 2 given in Table
6.6 of Chapter 6.
AD4.2.2.4 Bas ically unpres s uris ed fus elages
It is assumed here that military combat and other types of aircraft where the pressurised
volume is small in comparison with the total volume come into the category of
unpressurised fuselages. For this class of fuselage it is assumed that the major design
criteria may be represented by a simple consideration of the rear fuselage bending
together with the design speed, V o. The fuselage mass is given by:
Mass prediction 35 1
M / = 0.044 k z V o 0.74 SI 7 + S/ kg
VD -35
L r
k z
is the desi gn speed, see Chapt er 7, paragraph 7.2.2, m/ s
is the tail arm length, m; this is defined as the nominal distance between the
wing and tail quarter mean chord points, or wing and fm for a tailless design
is the fuselage surface area as defined by the relevant parts of Eq (AD4.4), m 2
is the desi gn ul t i mat e manoeuvr e factor
is a somewhat compl ex coeffi ci ent whi ch depends bot h on the class of
aircraft and various desi gn features
k z = k s +O. 2 e +O. 4 t ~ +k 98+2 . 7 k l o +k n ( n - 1 ) +O. l r l +0 . 3c . o (AD4.6b)
n is the number of seats provi di ng n ~ 4, but ot herwi se zero
e, ~ 8, r / and co are unity when the fol l owi ng conditions apply, but otherwise
e the engi nes are buri ed in fusel age (as opposed to a nose-mount ed
propel l er engi ne where L is tak en aft of engi ne bul k head, see paragraph
AD4. 2. 2. 2)
a~ air intak es are in fusel age (as opposed to wi ng root for buried engines)
8 mai n landing gear i mpi nges on fuselage, see k 9
r/ aircraft is desi gned for naval operations
wi ng is strut braced to the fusel age
k s = 1.8 for all military aircraft except small, light types, or
k s = 2.0 for twin engi ne general aviation and feeder aircraft (wi ng-mount ed
engines), or
k s = 2.0 + 1.5 ( 2 0 - S/ ) / S z for light single engine types where Sf < 20 m 2
k 9 = 0.35 when the mai n l andi ng gear is wi ng mount ed but retracts into the
fuselage, or
k 9 = 0.7 when the mai n gear is both mount ed on and retracts into the fuselage
klo is the ratio of the l engt h of any weapons bay to the overall length of the
fusel age
ktl = 0.05 for military aircraft, except small light types, or
= 0.2 for light aircraft seating up to 4, or
= 0 for other types of aircraft where n > 4
352 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Chapter 6, Eq (6.20b) together with the relevant values of coefficient c 2 from Table 6.6
of Chapter 6 is based on a simplified analysis which uses typical values for the various
types of aircraft.
AD4. 2. 2. 5 Mas s of wing carry through s tructure or equivalent
If, for purposes of comparison, it is required to adjust the fuselage mass as given by Eqs
(AD4.5) or (AD4.6) to allow for the additional mass of wing carry through structure,
reference should be made to paragraph AD4.2.1.4. The mass of the carry through
structure is approximately (flMw), where M w is either derived from paragraph AD4.2.1.2
(D) or from Chapter 6, Eq (6.22a).
When the wing terminates structurally at the sides of the fuselage and the fuselage
structure provides the continuity, the fuselage mass derived from Eqs (AD4.6) should be
increased by ( f l Mw) , the wing mass being correspondi ngl y reduced, see paragraph
AD4. 2. 1. 4.
AD4.2.2.6. Twin boom layout
Evidence suggests that the total fuselage/boom mass of a twin boom configuration is not
greatly different to that of a comparable conventional fuselage. The mass of the basic
fuselage can be estimated from Eqs (AD4.5) or (AD4.6a) as appropriate replacing L r in
Eq (AD4.6a) by the length of the fuselage aft of the wing quarter mean chord point. The
mass of the booms is of the order of:
M o = 0.25VoSo 0"75 ( AD4. 7)
where Sb is the total surface area of the boom, m E.
AD4.2.3 Empennage
AD4.2.3.1 General
Although the total mass of the empennage is often less than 3 % of the tak e-off mass of
the aircraft it is of importance in determining the longitudinal position of the centre of
gravity. In practice there can be wide variations in the masses of both the horizontal and
vertical tail surfaces due to, among other things, differing fuselage layouts and hence tail
arms. For convenience of initial mass prediction and synthesis the empennage mass is
combined with that of the wing in Chapter 6, paragraph but the contribution of
the empennage can be isolated by reference to Table 6.10 of Chapter 6 through the
coefficient c5.
The variation of tail arm mentioned above is reflected in the size of the empennage
surfaces and it is found that the two most significant parameters in determining their
masses are the surface area and design speed, Vo.
M a s s prediction 353
AD4. 2. 3. 2 Hor i z ont al e mp e nna g e mas s
The mass of a tailplane or forepl ane may be est i mat ed by:
1 , 2 4
M, =0.047 V o S n kg (AD4.8)
where SH is the plan area of the surface. It should be tak en as the area out si de the fusel age
when the surface consists of two separat e parts but ot herwi se the total plan area should
be used.
Typical hori zont al tail surface masses lie in the range 0.9 to 1.75% of the overall
aircraft mass.
AD4. 2. 3. 3 Vert i cal e mp e nna g e mas s
The mass of the fin may be est i mat ed as:
M v =0. 06 5 k12 V o Sv 1"15 kg (AD4.9)
where Sv is the side area of the fin outside the lines of the fuselage. Care should be tak en
in eval uat i ng Sv in those cases where the fi n/ rudder merges into the rear fusel age to
ensure that the definition is consi st ent with the fusel age geomet ry, see paragraph
AD4. 2. 2. 2, Eq (AD4. 4e).
k12 is dependent upon the vertical l ocat i on of the horizontal surface rel at i ve to the fin.
It is unity when the tailplane is not mount ed on the fin and 1.5 for a true "T" tail, with
appropriate variation bet ween these t wo ext remes.
The mass of the fin usually lies in the range 0.5 to 1.0 % of the all up mass, but can
rise to up to 1.2% for a "T" tail confi gurat i on.
Ta bl e AD4.2 Ty p i c a l emp enna ge ma s s f r a c t i o ns
( Rel a t i ve to ai r cr af t total ma s s )
i i | i i i i
Mass range %
Transport and related types with conventional low tail
Transport and executive aircraft with T tail
Single-engine light aircraft
Twin-engine general aviation aircraft
Interceptors and strike aircraft
Large bombers
Tailless configurations
1.5 to 2.8
2.0 to 3.2
2.0 to 3.5
1.9 to 2.4
1.6 to 3.0
1.5 to 2.4
0.6 to 1.6
354 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD4. 2. 3. 4 Tot al e mp e nna g e mas s
There is a t endency for total empennage mass predi ct i ons to gi ve bet t er correl at i on wi t h
actual val ues t han that of the i ndi vi dual component s. Thi s is probabl y due to di fferences
in the defi ni t i on of i nt eract i ng items.
Typi cal val ues of the total empennage mass for vari ous confi gurat i ons are gi ven in
Tabl e AD4. 2.
The ratio of the vertical to hori zont al mass component s is normal l y in the r ange of 0.5
to 0.85 but fin mass may be great er than the hori zont al surface mass for i nt ercept or
aircraft whi ch t end to requi re large vertical surface area.
AD4.2.4 Landing gear
Tabl e AD4. 3 gi ves typical ranges of val ues of l andi ng gear mass as a fract i on of t ak e- of f
mass for di fferent cat egori es of aircraft. These val ues are for the compl et e l andi ng gear.
The nosewheel usual l y cont ri but es about 0. 5% of the t ak e- of f mass, but it is hi gher,
somet i mes great er than 1%, for general avi at i on and naval aircraft.
The basic mass predi ct i on used in Chapt er 6, par agr aph 6 .4.3.3 effect i vel y assumes a
l andi ng gear mass of 4% of the aircraft mass but for conveni ence i ncl udes it wi t hi n the
total systems and equi pment item. Ref er ence to Tabl e AD4. 3 shows that whi l e 4% is a
reasonabl e mean val ue t here are ci rcumst ances wher e a revi sed val ue may be used to gi ve
great er accuracy.
Mor e accurat e l andi ng gear mass predi ct i on requi res the availability of details of the
l andi ng gear geomet ry, di mensi ons, tyre and brak e details and basic l oadi ng. Al t hough
much of this i nf or mat i on arises f r om the pr ocedur es out l i ned in Adde ndum 1, t here is
little merit in usi ng it until a compl et el y det ai l ed mass est i mat e can be undert ak en.
Ta bl e AD4.3 La ndi ng gea r ma s s f r a c t i o ns
( Rel at i ve to aircraft t o t a l mass)
Mass range %
Transport, executive and bomber aircraft with two
main landing gear units
Short field length tactical transports
Transport aircraft with four main gear units
Light aircraft with nosewheel layout
Primary/basic trainers with nosewheel layout
Light aircraft with tail wheel layout
Land based military aircraft, other than large bombers
Naval aircraft
3.5 to 4.0
4.0 to 4.5
4.5 to 5.3
5.0 to 6.5
4.5 to 5.0
4.0 to 4.5
5.0 to 6.0
Mass prediction 355
AD4. 2. 5 Powerplant related structure
It is usual to include such items as basic nacelle structure and engine pylons as part of the
total structure mass. The magnitude of these items is very variable, partly because of the
different forms of powerplant possible and partly because of the difficulty of distinguishing
between powerplant structure and powerplant installation. For buried engine installations
the penalty is small, usually less than 0.5% of the total aircraft mass. Typical values for
wing-located engines vary in the range of 1 to 2% of the total mass but it can be as high
as 4% for certain multi-engined general aviation types.
Because of the variability it is convenient to include these items within a total
powerplant installation allowance and this has been done in Chapter 6, paragraph
and Table 6.8, see also the next paragraph.
AD4.3 Powerplant installation
The usual definition of the powerplant installation is that it includes the following items
as a minimum:
Accessories needed to enable the engine to functions
Internal pipe work , ducts, baffles, etc.,
Basic engine,
External removable panels and cowlings,
Propeller, where relevant.
In some mass break downs it also includes the fuel and oil systems, see paragraph
AD4.4.2. For the present purposes the definition is further extended to cover the fixed
structure associated with the powerplant installation, as discussed in paragraph AD4.2.5.
Because of the many small items involved it is best to base the mass prediction of the
installation on the basic mass of the engine multiplied by an appropriate factor. Typical
factors for various powerplants and installations are given in Table 6.8 of Chapter 6. Until
the design of the installation is complete there is little point in a more detailed analysis.
AD4.4 Systems, equipment and furnishings
AD4.4.1 General
This group of components is intended to cover all the items not included in the structures
group, paragraph AD4.2 and the powerplant group, paragraph AD4.3. In total it can
contribute a large part of the overall mass of the aircraft, possibly in excess of 20% and
only rarely less than 10%. The group consists of several basic systems and equipment
356 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
which consist of many small components and which interact with one another. Table 6.9
of Chapter 6 represents an attempt to simplify this complex issue for the purpose of the
design synthesis process. The landing gear mass was included for convenience.
However, it is usually required to use a more specific approach during the analysis phase
of the design. Table AD4.4 provides relevant data for the major contributions to this
item. It must be noted that there are many examples which fall outside the ranges of
values given. Reference should be made to the following paragraphs when interpreting
Table AD4.4.
AD4.4.2 Fuel system
As mentioned in paragraph AD4.3, the fuel system is considered as part of the powerplant
installation here and is not included in the items which go to mak e up the values quoted
in Table 6.9 of Chapter 6. However, since the fuel system is sometimes included in the
total system mass, relevant data are given in Table AD4.4. Note that these contributions
are already covered by Table 6.8 of Chapter 6 and if the powerplant factors quoted there
are used no further allowance is required. Military combat aircraft tend to have a high fuel
system mass partly because the system is complex and partly because of the provision of
tank protection against combat damage.
AD4.4.3 Flying control system
When the control surfaces are operated directly by pilot effort the definition of the flying
control system is straightforward. A problem arises when powered actuation is employed
since the actuators may be included either as part of the control item or part of the power
supplies, often hydraulic. For this reason TableAD4.4 quotes the sum of the flying control
and hydraulics systems which may be more useful, especially for military combat aircraft.
AD4.4.4 Power supply systems
AD4. 4. 4. 1 General comment s
The power required to operate services on an aircraft is usually provided hydraulically and
electrically although pneumatic systems do have some application. It has long been
recognised that there are advantages in using only one power supply source, which,
because of avionics, has to be electric. Thus electric actuating systems are used on general
aviation aircraft and military trainer types. However, the advantages of high pressure
hydraulic systems has meant that in the past they have been preferred for situations where
large power and rapid response is required. Attempts are continually being made to derive
electrically powered systems that can economically meet these requirements, especially
using hybrid, electro-hydraulic units. "More" electric aircraft are gaining favour.
































358 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD4.4.4.2 Hydraulic and pneumatic s ys tems
Hydraulic/pneumatic systems typically contribute about 1% of the total mass, or rather
less. However, factual data can be confusing when powered flying control systems are
used, as discussed in paragraph AD4.4.3.
AD4.4.4.3. Electrical s ys tems
As is to be expected electrical systems are relatively heavy when electrical power is
used for primary actuation. A difficulty in analysing the mass of electrical systems is the
lack of clear definition of the distinction between electrics, instruments and avionics. It
is frequently most satisfactory to use a total value until such time as a detail
specification of the relevant components is available. For this reason Table AD4.4
does include guidance in this respect.
AD4.4.4.4 Auxiliary power units and acces s ory drives
Items not included in Table AD4. 4 include auxiliary power units where fitted and the
mass of accessory drive gear boxes. The latter has been conveniently covered in the
powerplant installation factor, although really it is part of the power system. Typically
an auxiliary power unit contributes about 0.3% of the total mass, but it can be higher in
the case of smaller aircraft, such as executive types.
AD4.4.5 Instruments
In addition to the cock pit panel instruments and the supporting devices the instruments
item often includes auto-pilot and similar systems. In certain cases the instrument mass,
being relatively small, is combined with electrics or avionics.
AD4.4.6 Avionics (electronic) systems
This item can be very variable, especially for light aircraft and military combat types,
depending upon the level of equipment fitted. In the case of civil transport aircraft
intended to operate on a world-wide basis a more or less standard avionics fit is
required. It is likely to have a mass in the region of 1000 to 1500 kg for a long range
aircraft, but, perhaps, half of this for locally operated short haul types.
Special military avionics fits, such as for anti-submarine work , are in reality a major
part of the payload and can account for of the order of 10% of the total mass.
Mass prediction 359
AD4. 4. 7 Environmental control systems
AD4.4.7.1 General
Air conditioning and pressurisation, where fitted, are effectively part of one system. It
is usual for gas turbine powered aircraft to use engine compressor offtakes to provide
the required air. Hot air, and sometimes pneumatic, de-icing systems use the same air
source. Because of this it is often convenient to treat both air conditioning and de-icing
systems as one system under the general description of environmental control. Table
AD4.4 gives an indication of the possible total environmental system mass as well as the
individual contributions.
AD4.4.7.2 Air conditioning, pres s uris ation and oxygen
Although Table AD4.4 gives air conditioning mass as a percentage of total aircraft
mass it is to be expected that in practice it is more directly a function of the number of
occupants for which the aircraft has been designed.
The approximate mass of the air conditioning system is given by the following
equations, where n is the maximum number of occupants for which the aircraft has
been designed.
i) Pressurised airliners and executive aircraft; subsonic:
(4n + 120) kg (AD4.10a)
ii) Short haul pressurised feeder line aircraft:
(4n + 60) kg (AD4.10b)
iii) Unpressurised feeder line aircraft:
(2n + 20) kg (AD4.10c)
iv) Light general aviation aircraft, allow 1 k g for each occupant
v) Military trainers, allow 30 k g for each occupant
vi) Military combat aircraft, inclusive of oxygen provision, 150 k g per
occupant is typical
vii) Supersonic long range cruise aircraft:
(12n + 400) kg (AD4.10d)
AD4.4.7.3 De-icing
De-icing provision varies considerably and gives the highest penalty on smaller
passenger carrying aircraft. As mentioned in paragraph AD4.4.7.1 hot air de-icing is
usual for aircraft powered by gas turbines, but there are exceptions, for example where
the penalty of long hot air ducts is greater than alternative de-icing techniques. Electric
thermal de-icing introduces significant power requirements but forms of electrical
impulse de-icing may become practical and could result in reduction in de-icing system
ma s s .
360 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD4. 4. 8 Furni shi ngs
The deci si on of the st andard of furni shi ngs rests wi t h the oper at or but it is possi bl e to
gi ve some i ndi cat i on of the usual mass val ues for this component . Tabl eAD4. 4 gives
furni shi ng mass as a per cent age of t ak e off-mass for vari ous classes of aircraft but, as is
the case wi t h air condi t i oni ng, pr obabl y a bet t er par amet er is the number of occupant s.
Ta bl e AD4.5 Fur ni s h i ngs ma s s
( For each occupant)
Furnishings mass
Per occupant- kg
Long range passenger 40
Short haul passenger 25
Feeder line types 15
Executive aircraft up to 100
Light general aviation 6 to 10
Military trainers 30 to 65*
Combat aircraft at least 100"
* Assumes use of ejection seats
Tabl e AD4. 5 pr ovi des this compari son. The mass cont ri but i on for passenger aircraft
is seen to be significant. Fur ni shi ngs i ncl udes seats, trim, false bul k heads, galleys,
etc. and possi bl y toilets and certain component s of air condi t i oni ng systems.
AD4. 4. 9 Ar mament and crew prot ect i on
Most mi l i t ary combat aircraft carry some l evel of fi xed armament , such as guns or bomb
carders. Some combat aircraft also i ncorporat e armour prot ect i on for the crew. Whi l e
there can be consi derabl e vari at i on here the al l owance is typically of the order of 1% of
the total mass, but not i nfrequent l y it is as hi gh as 2. 5%.
AD4. 4. 10 Mi scel l aneous items
Al most i nvari abl y t here are a number of i t ems whi ch do not cl earl y fall in any one of
the cat egori es so far di scussed. Among t hese may be ment i oned the ext ernal paint.
However , it shoul d be possi bl e to al l ocat e most items to one of the gi ven cat egori es and
the pr ovi si on for mi scel l aneous component s is lik ely to be less t han 0.5 % of the total.
Ma s s prediction 36 1
AD4. 5 To t a l a i r c r a f t ma s s
AD4.5.1 Empty mass
In the present context the basic empty mass of the aircraft is considered to be the sum
of all those components covered in paragraphs AD4. 2 to AD4.4 inclusive. This
definition is not the only accepted one, for example the furnishings and other operator
specified items may not be included here, but placed with the operational items
discussed in paragraph AD4.5.2.
AD4. 5. 2 Operating empty mass ( OEM)
The operating empty mass is defined here as the basic empty mass plus those items
necessary for the aircraft to be operational. Thus these additional operational items
include crew, crew equipment, food, water and safety equipment. Typical allowances
for this are given in Chapter 6, paragraph
AD4. 5. 3 Disposable mass
The disposable mass is the sum of the payload and fuel appropriate to a given mission.
It is possible to exchange allowances between these two items within the volumetric
restrictions of payload and fuel capacity.
AD4.5.4 All up mass and take-off mass ( AUM and TOM)
The all up mass is simply the sum of the operating empty mass and the disposable load.
For most purposes this is the same as the tak e-off mass. On some large aircraft allowance
is made for fuel used up to take-off, so tak e-off mass may be slightly less than the total,
or ramp, value.
Addendum 5
Examples of the synthesis procedure
AD5.1 I nt roduct i on
Chapter 3 outlines the close interrelation between the flight regime and the class of
powerplant. From this it follows that the derivation of the spreadsheets used for the first
stage of the synthesis procedure is primarily dependent upon the powerplant model. The
following main categories can be established:
a) Piston engine/propeller This is applicable to relatively low speed flight in which
compressibility effects are small, if not negligible.
b) Turbopropeller. Used for moderate subsonic flight speeds, the performance of
turbopropeller equipped aircraft is affected to some degree by compressibility effects,
especially under cruise conditions.
c) High bypass ratio fan. Applicable for flight up to high subsonic speeds where
compressibility effects are of major significance. This class of aircraft is typified by
transport and business jets.
d) Low bypass ratio engine - subsonic. Compressibility effects are of significance for this
application, which includes certain military combat and trainer types, and may involve
operation at very high altitude.
e) Low bypass ratio engine - supersonic. It is probable that reheat will be used to augment
transonic and supersonic engine performance in this application.
364 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Category (c) above has already been adequately covered by the airliner used to
demonstrate the typical application of the synthesis process in Chapter 8. Whilst it may
be argued that category (d) is really a special case of category (e) where the flight regime
is limited to subsonic speeds, the complexity of the latter is such as to make the former
worthy of individual consideration. The examples which follow cover categories (a), (b),
(d) and (e) and appropriate spreadsheets have been formulated so that they may be readily
adapted to various types of aircraft which use the given classes of powerplant.
AD5.2 Piston engined, two seat, aerobati c trai ner
AD5. 2. 1 I ntroducti on
The early biplane primary training aircraft were replaced by monoplanes during the
World War 2 period. The tandem seating arrangement was, however, retained. Certain
of these two seat monoplanes were developed into competition aerobatic aircraft but were
themselves replaced by more compact, higher performance, single seat aircraft. At the
same time primary trainers developed into side-by-side seat configurations as this gave
simpler instruments and controls and easier communication between the instructor and
pupil. More advanced military turboprop basic trainers have retained the tandem seat
arrangement since this is more representative of combat aircraft.
Side-by-side seat primary trainers are not really suitable for advanced aerobatic
training due to the displacement of the pilot off the centreline of the aircraft. Usually they
possess only limited inverted flight capability. Hence the example chosen to demonstrate
the application of piston engine characteristics is a tandem seat trainer. Unlimited
inverted flight capability requires the use of a special engine oil system as well as basic
aerodynamic considerations. It may be regarded as an updated version of the earlier
monoplane trainers.
AD5. 2. 2 Speci fi cati on
The relatively simple specification for this aircraft follows:
a) Two seat tandem arrangement. The rear pilot should be located over the region of the
wing trailing edge and the front pilot near to the centre of gravity. The rear cockpit is the
primary pilot station.
b) Unsupercharged piston engine driving a variable pitch propeller. (Past experience
suggests that the power required is likely to be in the region of 250 KW.)
c) Fixed, tricycle, landing gear. (Fixed for simplicity and tricycle rather than tailwheel
layout to facilitate ground operations, especially landing.)
Examples of the synthesis procedure 365
d) Standard aerobatic limit normal manoeuvre accelerations of +6g and -3g.
e) Unlimited upright and inverted manoeuvres, including spinning.
f ) Aileron induced roll rate of about 180/ s at maximum speed.
g) Maximum speed in level flight 72 m/s at cruise altitude.
h) Cruise speed 55 m/s at 915 m altitude (300Oft) (nominally 200 km/h)
i) Mean rate of climb to cruise altitude at least 10 m,/s.
j ) Manoeuvre speed, V A, 70 m/s and design speed, V o , of 120 m/s.
k) Maximum stall speed in landing configuration 25 m/s, and landing approach at
l) Range 930 km.
m) Take-off length, factored, 440 m.
n) Landing length, factored, 600 m.
o) Ceiling, at least 4000 m.
AD5.2.3 Development of the configuration
Aircraft in this category almost invariably have a low wing. The reasons for this include:
a) Good upwards view, which is important in aerobatic manoeuvres.
b) Ease of access to the cockpits and egress in emergency.
c) Minimal blanking of the tail by the wing in high nose down attitude, as in a spin.
d) Ease of mounting the main landing gear.
e) Some degree of protection in ground accidents, including less probability of ground
loops and overturning.
Large, powerful, ailerons are necessary for roll control. This suggests that the wing
should not be too highly tapered to ensure adequate aileron chord at the tip, a taper ratio
of 0.4 being typical. Further a small wing quarter chord sweep of, say, about 8.5 , enables
the aileron hinge to be conveniently more or less unswept. However, the large ailerons
366 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
do result in reduced wing span being available for the trailing edge flaps. This is not serious
as the high manoeuvre requirement results in a relatively low wing loading. The main
purpose of the flaps is to reduce aircraft nose up attitude during the approach to landing.
The need for both upright and inverted manoeuvre capability suggests that the aerofoil
section should be close to a symmetric form although a small amount of camber should
be acceptable. For the same reason the wing setting on the body should be small to avoid
unduly high body incidence in inverted flight, but a consequence of this is a high fuselage
attitude in low speed upright flight unless flaps are extended.
As it is highly desirable to pass the primary wing structure below the cockpit floor it
is helpful to place a limit of, say 0.15, on the aerofoil thickness to chord ratio.
Spin recovery suggests that the fin should be located longitudinally such that it is not
blanketed by the horizontal tail in the spinning attitude. Ideally this is achieved by
locating the fin just forward of the horizontal tail but the need for powerful yaw control
usually results in it being located aft of the tailplane with the latter mounted high on the
The fuselage layout follows directly from the stated requirements and configuration.
The two basic modules are the powerplant and the crew/cockpit. These are shown in
Figure AD5.1 which is the preliminary layout of the fuselage. Points worthy of comment
The somewhat raised rear cockpit to facilitate the view of the rear pilot.
Provision for an "aerobatic" fuel tank just behind the engine bulkhead. This
would include a device to ensure continuity of fuel feed in all aircraft
iii) Location of nose landing gear support structure from the bottom of the
engine mounting.
iv) Access to the cockpits by separate sliding canopies located on common
rails. This is a preferred, if heavy, solution. The alternatives of side opening
or separate canopies hinged at their rear end cannot be opened in flight and
must be jettisoned for emergency egress. Sliding canopies may be opened
for ventilation and direct vision in adverse weather conditions.
It is intended that the greater part of the fuel will be carried in tanks located in the inboard
wing leading edges.
It is visualised that significant use would be made of reinforced plastics in the
construction of the airframe. Most likely the fuselage would consist largely of glass
reinforced materials with local carbon fibre reinforcement. On the other hand it may be
expected that carbon-fibre reinforced material will form the basis of the lifting surface
construction, glass fibre reinforcement possibly being adequate for the control surfaces.
a r e :
Examples of the synthesis procedure 367
~ Engine module ~=' "~~m I
Crew m ~
. . . . . \ , (
Figure AD5.1 Two seat aerobatic t rai ner- fuselage layout
AD5.2.4 Spreadsheet formulation (SPREADSHEET AD5 .1)
AD5.2.4.1 Initial inputs and assumptions
The basic parameters selected for analysis are aspect ratio, A, and thickness to chord ratio,
t/c. Although not relevant in this example the number of engines, Ne, is provided for since
this is necessary in conversion between thrust and power for piston engines. The
Requirements are derived from the specification.
Assumed values
Ratio of start of climb mass to take-off values, taken to be 0.99 (Ch.7,
para 7.3.6)
Wing area parameter, initially taken to be 0.76 for trainers (Ch .6,
Figure 6.1), but subject to subsequent correction
368 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Rw Wetted area factor taken to be 4 for a single propeller engine aircraft
(Ch. 6, Table 6.3)
Type Fac. Assumed to be 2.25 (Ch.6, Table 6.4)
TE flap Single slotted flap assumed, to be used only for approach and landing
SS alpha / Second segment climb coefficients, not relevant for the single engine
SS gamma J case [See Ch.7, Eq (7.4a)]
Flap Fac Flap drag factor, single slotted flap here (Ch.6, para
a Cruise Speed of sound at cruise altitude
(T/Mg)ass Assumed static thrust to weight ratio for initial calculation (Ch.3, Table
6.3B suggests 0.35 to 0.55 for specialist propeller aerobatic aircraft)
(note that the value is corrected during analysis).
Tan gam d Tangent of descent angle in approach to land [Ch.7, Eq (7.6)]
Mu G Mean stopping deceleration [Ch.7, Eq (7.6)]
Sigma ceil Relative density at ceiling (4000m assumed here)
C1 Fac Z The factor relating climb speed to datum value (Ch.7, para
(value can be corrected subsequently).
AD5. 2. 4. 2 Initial cal cul ati ons
M1/Mo Ratio of landing to take-off mass (Ch.7, Table 7.1)
Mcr/Mo Mass ratio at start of cruise (derived from M 1/Mo as given by factor in
Ch.7, Table 7.2).
(Clm)o ae Basic aerofoil maximum lift coefficient (Ch.6, para
Del flp (TO) Lift coefficient increment due to flap at take-off setting, zero here.
Del flp (L) Lift coefficient increment due to flap at landing setting (Ch.6, Table 6.1
suggests 1.0 for single slotted flap, but reduced here to allow for large
span ailerons)
(C1 use)o Usable cruise lift coefficient (Ch.6, para
(Cdz)o Zero lift drag coefficient at zero Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a), no
laminar flow]
Landg (L) Landing distance parameter [Ch.7, Eq (6.6a), no reverse thrust]
Man (C1)o Basic aerofoil manoeuvre limit lift coefficient, used in conjunction with
manoeuvre speed VA. Assumed to be the same as (Clm)o ae here
(Clm)o TO Maximum basic aerofoil/flap take-off lift coefficient [(Clm)o ae plus del
tip (TO)]
(C1)us o Basic unstick lift coefficient, no sweep [Ch.6, Eq (6.4)]
(C1 max)o Basic maxi mum aerofoil/flap landing lift coefficient [(Clm) o ae plus
del tip (L)]
(C1)a o Basic approach lift coefficient, no sweep, [Ch.6, Eq (6.3) based on
approach at 1.25 VsrAJ
Examples of the synthesis procedure 369
AD5.2.4.3 Preliminary calculations
cos delta }
Delta deg
Wave Dr F
C1 max (L)
C1 us
C1 a
C1 use
Va calc
(Mg/S)o ld
(Mg/S)o gt
Cor L length
Man (Mg/S)
Man C1
Details of wing quarter chord sweepback, derived from the assumed
value of 8.5 degrees approximately
Wave drag factor [term in Ch.6, Eq (6.13a) raised to power of 20]
Zero lift drag coefficient in cruise [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a)]
Corrected climb out zero lift drag coefficient [Ch.6, Eq (6.15)]
Induced drag factor at zero Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.14a)]
Induced drag factor at cruise Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.14a)]
Landing maximum lift coefficient, [(C1 max)o corrected for sweep]
Unstick lift coefficient [(C1)us o corrected for sweep]
Approach lift coefficient [(C1)a o corrected for sweep]
Usable lift coefficient in cruise [(C1 use)o corrected for sweep]
Maximum approach speed consistent with the required landing
distance [Ch.7, Eq (6.6b)].
The lower of Va calc and, in this case, 1.25Vsra~
Take-off equivalent wing loading (derived from Va, C1 a and (M1/Mo)
Take-off equivalent wing loading to meet gust sensitivity criteria [Ch.5,
Eq (5.9b) ( not applicable to this case)
Corrected value of landing length if Va is limited by stalling conditions
[Ch.6, Eq (6.6a)] (does not apply here)
Take-off equivalent wing loading to the manoeuvre condition (uses Man
C1 and Mcr/Mo, with manoeuvre speed Va)
Available manoeuvre lift coefficient [Man (C1)o corrected for sweep]
AD5.2.4.4 First stage analysis
The range of take-off wing loading, (Mg/S)o, used for investigation is selected on the
basis of past experience and to include (Mg/S)o ld (Ch.5, Table 5.3).
1 st app
The first approximation of the thrust to weight ratio required to meet the
take-off requirement is calculated using the already assumed value
(T/Mg)ass [Ch.7, Eq (7.1b), right-hand side]
The second evaluation uses the first approximation (if acceptable
convergence is not obtained the procedure must be repeated)
Acc. Stop:
(T/Mg)o Thrust to weight ratio needed to meet acceleration-stop requirement in
required take-off distance [Ch.7, Eq 7.3a)]
370 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Sec Seg Climb:
Although the second segment climb requirement does not apply to single engined
aircraft, as has already been recognised by setting the coefficients to zero, it is
included here for completeness.
Tau co The climb out thrust factor is determined on the assumption that the
climb out speed is 1.1 times the unstick speed [derived from Ch.7, Eq
(7.4c), without using the terms in ( Mg / S ) and Tco]
(Cd)co/C1 The ratio of the equivalent zero lift drag coefficient to lift coefficient in
the climb out flap condition
The equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [uses Ch.7, Eq (7.4a) in
conjunction with Ch.7, Eq (7.4c)]
The altitude factor needed to evaluate constant EAS climb conditions
up to the required ceiling [uses a 2 relevant to ceiling altitude, 4000 m
assumed - sigma ceil, with Ch.7, Eq (7.18c)]
The altitude factor similar to above but relevant to climb up to cruise
altitude of 915 m (uses a 2 for cruise case)
Y ceil
Y cr
Mean R/C to Cruise Altitude:
Fact Qv Factor in climb prediction [Ch.7, Eq (7.15b)]
f (drag) The climb drag factor [Ch.7, Eq (7.15d)]
1 st app The first approximation of the required thrust to weight ratio (T/Mg) to
give the specified mean rate of climb, assuming the factor X to be unity
[Ch.7, Eq (7.18e)]
Corrected value of X derived by using 1st approximation of (T/Mg)
Corrected value of (T/Mg) using revised value of X [Ch.7, Eq (7.18e)]
The rate of climb condition thrust factor [uses Ch.7, Eq (7.1 le) with
appropriate climb speed and the relative density at start of climb]
The equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio (derived from the same
procedure as for the second segment climb)
Tau C1
Landing-rev thrust:
(T/Mg)o Selected as the maximum value derived from all the other conditions
Landg L Landing distance parameter [Ch.7, Eq (7.6a), with reverse thrust]
L length Reverse thrust landing length follows from previous term
End of climb:
Fact Qv [Ch.7, Eq (7.15b)]
(T/Mg) 1 The thrust to weight ratio at the start of climb needed to give a residual
rate of climb of 0.5 m/s at the ceiling [Ch.7, Eq (7.19b)]
Examples of the synthesis procedure 371
Tau ceil
The ceiling thrust factor [uses Ch.3, Eq (3.11 e) with appropriate values]
Equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [derived from the same
procedure as the second segment climb]
The lift coefficient appropriate to start of cruise conditions
The total drag coefficient (zero lift plus induced) at start of cruise [uses
(Cdz)cr, (Kv)cr and C1]
Cruise lift to drag ratio (CI/Cd)
Cruise thrust to weight ratio (inverse of L/D)
The equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [derived from Ch.3, Eq
(3.1 lg) with other relevant parameters]
Max. speed:
The maximum speed analysis follows the same procedure as that used for cruise, with
the specified speed and altitude.
All the first stage analysis calculations are summarised, together with the manoeuvre,
landing and, where relevant, gust sensitivity wing loadings previously derived. This
summary is used to produce the diagram of (T/Mg)o vs (Mg/S)o which illustrates the
interaction of the various requirements. Inspection of the diagram suggests that the
design condition for further examination is that given by the intersection of the climb
and landing lines. The appropriate value of (Mg/S)o of 733.713 N/m 2 is included in
all the performance calculations.
The values of the various parameters relevant to (Mg/S)o of 733.713 N/m 2 are given.
Included is an evaluation of the Structural Parameter, SP [using Ch.5, Eq (5.8a)] and
the equivalent take-off power to weight ratio, (P/Mg)o [uses Ch.3, Eq (3.1 la)].
AD5.2.4.5 Second stage assumptions and input data
Climb path:
Climb EAS The assumed climb speed factor of Z equal to one is equivalent to a
speed of 1.458Qv, or about 50 rn/s. Subsequent revision may be
necessary if the wing loading changes significantly on optimisation
C1 EAS H2 /The height, H2, at end of climb and corresponding relative density are
C1 EAS sig [ as specified. Climb Mach number follows from climb EAS
C1 Mn Climb Mach number
372 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Lambda Wing taper ratio is set at 0.4 as discussed previously (Ch.5, para 5.3.3)
(P/Mg)eng Bare engine power to weight ratio [Ch.6, Eq (6.26f)]
Op It Fac Nominal value of 3 kg/crew chosen for operational items
AppFuel/Mo Fuel used in descent and approach as ratio of take-off mass (Ch.7, para
V bar Horizontal and vertical tail volume coefficients (selected from Ch 8,
Vv bar Table 8.1A)
Input data:
Fus L
Fus B
Fus H
N bar
N eng
Overall L
Del lw
1 Fus
1 Tail
1 PP
1 0 P IT
Fusel age length (aft of engine bulkhead), L, maxi mum width, B, and
maximum height, H, derived from initial fuselage layout (Figure AD5.1)
Lifting surface mass coefficient, the value for a propeller driven military
trainer of composite construction has been chosen (Ch.6, Table 6.7)
Fuselage mass coefficient, allowing for composites (Ch.6, Table 6.6)
Mass coefficients for powerpl ant installation, c3, systems, c4, and
lifting surface ratio, c5, (from Ch.6, Tables 6.8 to 6.10 respectively)
Two crew members, assumed to be 86 kg each
Effective ultimate normal acceleration factor [taken as 1.65 times the
limit value, Ch.6, Eq (6.22a)]
Single engine
Overall length of fuselage, including spinner from layout (Figure
Centre of gravity of wing mass relative to overall centre of gravity (c.g.)
(assumed to be 0.1 wing mean chord aft of overall c.g.)
Location of fuselage structure centre of gravity aft of nose (assumed
from layout)
Location of tail unit centre of gravity aft of nose from layout (Figure
Location of powerplant centre of gravity aft of nose from layout
Location of system centre of gravity aft of nose (assumed from
Location of payload centre of gravity aft of nose from layout
Location of operational items (assumed to be as payload)
Del lwg fue Wing fuel assumed to be in wing root leading edge (taken as 0.33 m
forward of overall centre of gravity as estimate derived from initial
layout, Figure AD5.1, but subject to checking subsequently)
1 fus fuel Location of fuselage fuel from layout (Figure AD5.1)
1 nose gr Location of nose landing gear (assumed from layout, Figure AD5.1)
Examples of the synthesis procedure 373
Del 1 mn gr Location of main landing gear (assumed to be on the wing and
positioned 0.2 wing mean chord aft of the overall centre of gravity but
subject to correction subsequently when landing gear is defined in
detail, see Addendum 1)
AD5.2.4.6 Second stage calculations
(S/Mo)A0.45 Power of wing loading used in lifting surface mass calculation
p bar Cabin pressure differential, not relevant in this case
Reqd (T/Mg) Reciprocal of cruise lift to drag ratio
Av (T/Mg) Available cruise thrust to weight ratio [derived from estimated static
power to weight ratio using Ch.3, Eq (3.1 If)]
Av/Reqd Ratio of previous two values
(c) des Nominal datum specific fuel consumption (Ch.3, para
(c) od Off design specific fuel consumption [assumes that power required is
proportional to thrust required at a given set of conditions, Ch.3, Eq
Fact Qv
(Vv) EAS
Dist EAS
Constant EAS climb speed correction factor [Ch.7, Eq (7.15c)]
Climb correction factor for propeller engines [Ch.7, Eq (7.18a)]
Climb prediction factor [Ch.7, Eq (7.15b)]
Thrust to weight ratio available for climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.1 ld)]
Mean rate of climb in EAS climb up to cruise altitude [Ch.7, Eq (7.15a)]
(slight discrepancy from specified value is a consequence of the slightly
higher assumed climb speed)
Ground distance covered in constant EAS climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.21) with
cosine term assumed to be one]
Weight ratio of fuel used in constant EAS climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.20a)]
Desc Dist Distance covered in descent and landing [Ch.7, Eq (7.56)]
Mcl / Mo
M fus
cl bar
Start of cruise mass ratio, allows for new estimate of fuel used in climb
Mass of fuselage structure [uses value of c2 in Ch.6, Eq (6.20b)]
Factor in prediction of lifting surface mass [Ch.6, Eq (6.24)]
Mass ratio of powerplant installation [uses value of c3, calculated static
power to weight ratio and assumed (P/Mg)eng]
System mass ratio (coefficient c4)
374 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
M op it
M fixed
Mass of operational items (product of Op It Fac and number of crew)
Fixed mass (sum of fuselage, payload and operational items)
Net range
Log 10
Mcl / Mc2
Kappa Mo
x bar 0.25/
root chord
Range to be covered in cruise (specified range less ground distance
covered in climb and descent)
Logarithm to base 10 of mass ratio of start to end of cruise [uses Ch.7,
Eq (7.53b)]
Cruise mass ratio (antilog of previous value)
End of cruise mass as ratio of take-off value (uses Mcl / Mo and
Mcl /Mc2)
Total mass of fuel as ratio of take-off mass [Mo less (Mc2 plus approach
Sum of terms directly proportional to mass, as fraction of mass (fuel,
systems and installed powerplant)
Location of 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord on wing centreline chord
[uses wing geometry as subsequently defined and Ch.8, Eq (8.7b)]
AD5.2.4.7 Second stage analysis and calculated take-off mass
The second stage analysis consists of two parts. The first uses the calculated values to
deduce the actual take-off mass of the aircraft, and the second then uses this value to
calculate the wing position on the body required to bring the overall centre of gravity to
the 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord point. Thence, using the assumed volume coefficients,
the horizontal and vertical tail sizes are calculated.
(Mo)estl This is a first estimate of take-off mass derived by assuming, arbitrarily,
that the lifting surface mass is 12% of the total
(Mo)est2 Initially this is the same value as (Mo)estl, entered directly as a number
Kappa*Mo Mass of terms directly proportional to take-off mass [product of Kappa
Mo and (Mo)est2]
Mlift surf Mass of lifting surfaces [uses c 1 bar with (Mo)est2)]
(Mo)calc Initially this is the sum of (Mfixed), (Kappa*Mo) and (Mlift surf) to
give the total mass. This is the target cell used for optimisation by
invoking SOLVER. The value is minimised, in this case by changing
the aspect ratio, thickness to chord ratio, wing loading and (Mo)est2
subject to the following constraints:-
Thickness to chord ratio to be less than, or equal to, 0.15.
Wing loading to be less than, or equal, to the equivalent landing
and manoeuvre values
(Mo)calc to be equal to (Mo)est2
error The difference between (Mo)calc and (Mo)est2, as a check on the
1 C G
S Hor Tail
S Vert Tail
o m ~2
Location of 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord point aft of nose of aircraft
derived from longitudinal balance of all the mass items
Location of leading edge of wing centreline chord aft of nose [derived
from 1 CG and x bar (0.25)/root chord]
Distance from centre of gravity to nominal centres of pressure of
vertical and horizontal tails (derived from 1 CG and 1 tail)
Areas of horizontal and vertical tail surfaces (derived from wing area,
wing mean chord, 1 TL ARM and volume coefficients)
! l ~ _ J
, - , . _ , .
Examples of the synthesis procedure 375
Figure AD5.2 Two seat aerobatic t r ai ner - general arrangement
376 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD5.2.4.8 Summary of rmal results
The summary of final results is directly derived from the previous calculations.
Individual masses, which are all used in the centre of gravity calculation, are obtained
as follows:
i) Wing mass is isolated from the tail mass by using coefficient c~ in conjunction
with the total lifting surface mass.
ii) Landing gear in this case is assumed to account for 5% of the 16% allocated to
systems, with the nose gear being 1% of the total aircraft mass (see Addendum4)
iii) Fuselage fuel mass of 30 kg is derived by consideration of both the volume
available and a reasonable quantity for aerobatics.
iv) Wing area, S, follows from (Mg/S)o and the wing geometry from aspect ratio, A,
taper ratio, lambda, and sweepback (Del 0.25).
iv) Engine power follows from (P/Mg)o and the propeller diameter from Ch.3, Eq
AD5.2.5 Preliminary general arrangement
The geometric information derived from the optimisation procedure has been used in
conjunction with the fuselage layout to produce a first general arrangement drawing of
the aircraft. Use has been made of the typical horizontal and vertical tail characteristics
given in Chapter 8, Table 8.lB. Figure AD5.2 shows the layout of the aircraft, which can
form the basis for a more detailed analysis. This must include a re-evaluation of lift and
drag characteristics, more specific consideration of longitudinal and lateral control and
stability, revised mass evaluation and review of landing gear layout. A consequence of
this analysis may be a need to revisit the optimisation process with revised assumptions.
AD5.3 Twin turboprop feeder line/commuter aircraft (30 seats)
AD5.3.1 Introduction
The market for small and medium sized feeder line aircraft has traditionally been met by
twin turbopropeller engined designs. There is now a trend towards the use of aircraft
equipped with fan engines for the role but it remains to be seen whether this development
will prove to be economically justified. While the use of fan engines confers a degree of
flexibility in the layout, since large diameter propellers do not have to be considered,
there is no doubt that they possess a higher specific fuel consumption. The argument for
the fan engines includes greater attractiveness to passengers, relative simplicity due to the
elimination of the propeller reduction gearboxes and potentially higher cruise speeds. The
issue is whether the lower maintenance costs and possibly higher passenger load factors
can compensate for the greater fuel costs.
Examples of the synthesis procedure 377
In spite of the current trends a twin turbopropeller feeder line aircraft has been selected
to illustrate the design synthesis procedure for the turbopropeller class of powerplant.
AD5.3.2 Specification
The specification chosen for the aircraft follows.
a) Maximum payload of 30 passengers at an equivalent mass of 93.4 kg per person to be
carried over 2000 km still air range with only landing reserve fuel.
b) Take-off f i el d length not to exceed 1500 m in standard atmosphere conditions.
c) Landing f i el d length not to exceed 1250 m.
d) Approach speed (at 1.3 times stalling speed) not to exceed 55 m/s.
e) Normal operating altitude 6 km, but up to a maximum of 8 kin.
f ) Normal cruise speed 139 m/s true airspeed.
g) Maximum level speed 154 m/s true airspeed (MN = 0.5 at 8 km altitude).
h) Structural design speed, V o , 160 m/s equivalent air speed.
i) Ultimate normal acceleration factor, N, of 6 (subject to possible revision when mass
of aircraft has been established).
j ) Total crew of 3, inclusive of a steward.
The following supplementary requirements are introduced to enable the procedure to be
used for other classes of aircraft, such as turboprop trainers. They are not, in reality,
really relevant to this example.
Mean rate of climb up to initial cruise altitude, 6.5 m/s
Sustained manoeuvre of 4 deg/s at 120 m/s and sea level
Instantaneous manoeuvre of 4 g at 125 m/s and sea level (limit case)
(125 m/s equivalent airspeed is presumed to be the manoeuvre speed, VA).
AD5.3.3 Configuration
There are really only two major considerations to be resolved in this example.
The first, which has a bearing on the second, is the vertical location of the wing on the
fuselage. The issues involved are comprehensively covered in Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4.1.
378 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Some designs in this category of aircraft use a low wing while others have the wing located
across the top of the fuselage. From this it may be deduced that there is no clear best solution.
The altitude of operation in the present case implies the need for pressurisation, mad hence
a nominally circular cross-section fuselage, and this is of relevance here. A low wing passing
below the cabin floor enables a compact cross-section to be derived although it is unlikely
for there to be suitable underfloor baggage volume on this size of aircraft. The low wing also
facilitates landing gear mounting and stowage, albeit at some penalty due to cutouts in
primary structure. Against this the propeller ground clearance dictates that the powerplants
must be located across the top of the wing surface which is aerodynamically inefficient. A
high wing overcomes this difficulty but also introduces a possible problem with location of
the landing gear. With a large aircraft the consequence is a fuselage-located main landing
which inevitably implies a narrow track and fuselage mass penalty. However, for a relatively
small aircraft as is the situation here it is possible to locate the gear on the wing and retract
it behind the powerplant providing some displacement of the engine exhaust is accepted. The
high wing also influences the fuselage cross-section as, unless it is totally above the cross-
section, it effectively displaces the cabin floor down resulting in a larger diameter to maintain
a given floor width. This does, however, mean that there may be volume for baggage below
the floor and the low height of the floor above the ground line can afford easy access for
passengers without the need for airport facilities. Other issues to be considered include
buoyancy of the aircraft if it is forced to alight on water and general crashworthiness.
The second issue is the cabin layout, especially the number of seats there are across
the width. It is clear that to provide a total of 30 seats there could be 10 rows of 3 abreast
or 8 at 4 abreast. Reference to Chapter 4, paragraph 4.5 suggests that the former might
give a better balance of overall fuselage length and diameter. However, it is also
necessary to consider a probable requirement to stretch the aircraft, up to say 40 seats, in
which case the 3 abreast layout is likely to result in an unduly long fuselage. To resolve
the issue it is necessary to investigate the possible cross-sections in more detail. To do this
the following assumptions are made:
i) Seat pitch 0.78 m.
ii) One galley to serve snacks, etc.
iii) One cross aisle only in the actual cabin area.
iv) One toilet.
v) Cabin floor width to be no less than 0.4 m less than maxi mum cabin width.
vi) Aisle height to be as near to 2 m as feasible but 1.83 m acceptable.
viii) Structure and trim add 0.2 m to cabin width to obtain external dimensions.
From Chapter 4, paragraphs and the cabin width and length may be
estimated for both 3 and 4 abreast seating. Figure AD5.3 shows the cross-sections
assuming that the fuselage is circular. In the 3 abreast seating case an aisle height of 1.9 m
can be achieved by having a step up to the seating. However, the aisle effectively occupies
all the fuselage height and a high wing would have to be passed totally over the fuselage.
Clearly in this situation it is likely that a low wing will enable a better wing/fuselage
Examples of the synthesis procedure 379
junction to be designed. There is no room for baggage below the floor. Should a high
wing be required with 3 abreast seating it is really necessary to increase the diameter.
Reference to other aircraft in this category suggests that the centre wing structure is likely
to be about 0.35 m deep of which, say, 0.25 m might be within the fuselage depth to give
a good wing/fuselage fairing. To achieve this with the 3 abreast seating layout it is
necessary to increase the diameter of the fuselage, as shown in Figure AD5.3. When the
same requirement is applied to the 4 abreast configuration only a small step is required
in the floor to achieve 1.9 m aisle height and the high wing can be accommodated within
the cross-section determined solely by the seating/aisle width. There is room below the
floor for baggage and this is much improved if a small increase in diameter is accepted
to enable the floor to be level across its whole width. Fuselage mass is an important
consideration and it is possible to compare the four cross-sections and corresponding
cabin lengths by using Eq (6.20a) of Chapter 6. Chapter 4, Table 4.3 suggests that for this
class of aircraft the cabin occupies about half the total fuselage length.
3 abreast - Low wing
High wing unsuitable i
3 abreast - High wing 4 abreast - High wing
4 a b r e a s t - High wing
Level floor
Fi gur e AD5. 3 Co mmut er ai r cr af t - f us el a ge c r os s - s ec t i ons
380 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Tabl e AD5.1 Commut er ai rcraf t - f usel age cr oss- sect i on compar i son
. ,
. . . .
9.32 1.0
8.84 1.07
6.41 1.02
6.18 1.07
Using the basic l ow wing 3 abreast seating case as the datum, Table AD5. 1 summarizes
the results for a 30 seat layout. The 3 abreast l ow wing layout is inevitably lighter, but if
a high wing is selected for other reasons the 4 abreast arrangement is at least as good. The
lower part of Table AD5. 1 shows the results when the fuselage is stretched to enable 40
passengers to be carried, where it has been assumed that the length increase is solely due
to the additional rows of seats. The advantage of 4 abreast seating becomes apparent
although it should be noted that the overall length to diameter ratio in the 30 seat design
case is somewhat low. It may be concluded that a 30 seat requirement is a marginal case,
below which a l ow wing is clearly preferable when associated with a pressurised fuselage.
The case for a high wing combined with 4 abreast seating is a strong one when more than
30 seats are required.
As a consequence of the above considerations, especially with respect to stretch
potential, the chosen configuration will be based on a high wing and 4 abreast seating
layout with a level floor. This gives a basic fuselage diameter of 2.85 m and length of
17.64 m for the 30 seat case, subject to refinement as the design proceeds. The
conventional nose landing gear layout will be adopted. The vertical position of the
horizontal tail may need investigation although it should be acceptable to locate it at the
top of the rear fuselage rather than on the fin.
Examples of the synthesis procedure 381
AD5.3.4 Spreadsheet formulation (SPREADSHEET AD5.2)
AD5.3.4.1 Initial inputs and assumptions
The parameters selected for optimisation are aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio,
together with provision to vary the number of engines. The Requirements are derived
from the specification.
Assumed values:
Type Fac
TE flap
Ratio of start of climb mass to take-off value, taken to be 0.99 (Ch.7,
para 7.3.6) (subject to subsequent correction)
Wing area parameter (Ch.6, Figure 6.1), subject to subsequent change
Wetted area factor taken to be 5.5 (Ch.6, Table 6.3)
Taken to be 1.4 (Ch.6, Table 6.4)
Single slotted flap assumed, no leading edge devices
SS alpha / Second segment climb coefficients for twin-engine aircraft [Ch.7, Eq
SS gamma J (7.4a)]
Flap Fac Flap drag factor, relevant to single slotted flap (Ch.6, para
a Cr (Initl) Speed of sound at initial cruise altitude (6 km)
(T/Mg)ass Assumed static thrust to weight ratio for initial calculation (Ch.3, Table
6.3B suggests 0.3 to 0.35, assume 0.32 - it is corrected during analysis)
Tan gam d Tangent of descent angle in approach to land [Ch.7, Eq (7.6)]
( 5 descent angle assumed)
Mu G Mean stopping deceleration, 0.4 assumed here [Ch.7, Eq (7.6)]
TO ke Take-off distance correction factor, 0.12 taken assuming that engines are
not thrust limited [Ch.7, Eq (7.1a)]
z Number of blades on propeller, assumed to be 5 here
nDp Product of propeller diameter and rotational speed, taken to be 75 m/s
here (Ch.3, para
Speed of sound at sustained turn altitude (sea level here)
Assumed wing quarter chord sweepback, degrees (taken as zero here)
a sustn
Delta deg
AD5.3.4.2 Initial calculations
MI/Mo Ratio of landing to take-off mass (Ch.7, Table 7.1 for short haul)
Mcr/Mo Ratio of start of cruise mass to take-off mass (derived from M1/Mo as
given by factor in Ch.7, Table 7.2)
(Clm)o ae Basic aerofoil maximum lift coefficient (Ch.6, para
Del flp (TO) Lift coefficient increment due to flap at take-off (Ch.6, Table 6.1)
Del flp (L) Lift coefficient increment due to flap at landing (Ch.6, Table 6.1)
(C1 use)o Usable cruise lift coefficient at zero Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a)]
(Cdz)o Incompressible zero lift drag coefficient [Ch.6, Eq.(6.13a)]
382 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Landg (L) Landing distance parameter [Ch 7, Eq (7.6a) - no reverse thrust]
Man(C1)o Basic aerofoil manoeuvre lift coefficient, used for instantaneous
manoeuvre requirement at speed, VA, in this case [same as (Clm)o ae]
Cr Mn (Initl) Initial cruise Mach number, ratio of true cruise speed and local speed of
Mn Max Mach number at maximum required speed at initial cruise altitude, as
Ratio of mass at maximum speed design condition to take-off mass. Here
it is arbitrarily assumed to be 0.94 based on use of fuel after start of
cruise value Mcr/Mo
AD5.3.4.3 Preliminary calculations
cos delta
Wave Dr F
Cosine of previously assumed quarter chord sweepback
Wave drag factor [term in Ch.6, Eq (6.13a) raised to power of 20]
Zero lift drag coefficient in cruise [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a) - no laminar flow]
Corrected climb out zero lift drag coefficient [Ch.6, Eq (6.15) with an
additional factor of 1.1 to allow for the slipstream effect]
Induced drag factor at zero Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.14a) - the engines
are assumed to be located below the wing]
Induced drag factor in cruise [Ch.6, Eq (6.14a)]
Ins Man C1 Lift coefficient available for instantaneous manoeuvre [Man(C1)o
corrected for sweepback]
(Cdz)sustn Zero lift drag coefficient at sustained turn condition [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a)]
(Kv) sustn Induced drag factor at sustained turn condition [Ch.6, Eq (6.14a)]
(Beta)sustn Product of zero lift drag coefficient and induced drag factor at sustained
turn condition ( previous two values)
Sustn n Normal acceleration in sustained turn [Ch.7, Eq (7.39b)]
C1 max Maxi mum lift coefficient, sum of (Clm)o ae and del flp (L), corrected for
sweepback [Ch.6, Eq (6.2)]
C1 us Unstick lift coefficient [0.8 of sum of (Clm)o ae and del flp (TO),
corrected for sweepback and with 1.15 factor to allow for slipstream,
[Ch.6, Eq (6.4)]
Cla Approach lift coefficient at 1.3 times the stall speed, corrected for
sweepback and with 1.1 allowance for slipstream [Ch.6, Eq (3)]
C1 use Usable lift coefficient in cruise, (C1 use)o corrected for sweepback
Va calc Maxi mum approach speed consistent with the required landing distance
[Ch.7, Eq (6.6b)]
Va The lower of Va calc and Va as specified, in this case Va specified.
(Mg/S)o ld Take-off equivalent wing loading derived from Va, C1 a and (M1/Mo)
[Ch. 7, Eq (7.6e) without reverse thrust]
Examples of the synthesis procedure 383
(Mg/S)o gt Take-off equivalent wing loading to meet gust sensitivity requirement
[Ch.5, Eq (5.9b)]
Cor L length Corrected value of landing length when Va is limited by specified value
[Ch.6, Eq (6.6a)]
Ins(Mg/S)o Take-off equivalent wing loading determined by instantaneous
manoeuvre requirement (uses Inst Man C1 with Mcr/Mo at speed Va)
AD5.3.4.4 First stage analysis
The range of take-off wing loading, (Mg/S)o, has been selected by reference to Chapter
5, Table 5.3 and checked to ensure that it covers the already derived value of (Mg/S)o ld.
1st app
The already assumed value of (T/Mg)ass is used to make a first estimate
to meet the take-off requirement [Ch.7, Eq (7.1b), where the assumed
value isused only on the right-hand side]
The second evaluation uses in the right-hand side of the equation the
previous approximate value. (If acceptable convergence is not achieved
the calculation should be repeated.)
Acc. Stop:
(T/Mg)o This is the take-off thrust to weight ratio required to meet the engine
failed acceleration-stop requirement [Ch.7, Eq (7.3a)]
Sec Seg Climb:
Tau co The climb out thrust factor is determined on the assumption that the
climb out speed is 1.1 times the unstick speed in hot and high conditions.
The value is for one engine [Ch.7, Eqs (7.4d) and (7.10c)]
(Cd)co/Clu The ratio of equivalent zero lift drag coefficient to unstick lift coefficient
at the climb out flap condition.
(T/Mg)o The equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [uses Ch.7, Eq (7.4a) in
conjunction with Ch.7, Eq (7.4d)]
The altitude factor appropriate to end of the constant equivalent airspeed
climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.18d) - Qv value from Mean R/C condition below]
Speed correction factor, climb here assumed to be at 1.14 times
minimum drag speed [Ch 7, Eq (7.15c)]
Climb speed, equivalent airspeed [Ch 7, Eq (7.15c)]
Mean R/C to Cruise Altitude:
Fact Qv Factor in climb prediction [Ch.7, Eq (7.15b)]
384 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
f (drag)
1st app
Tau C1
The climb drag factor [Ch.7, Eq (7.15d)]
First approximation of the required thrust to weight ratio at start of
climb, (T/Mg), to give the specified mean rate of climb, assuming the X
factor to be unity [Ch.7, Eq (7.18e)]
Corrected value of (T/Mg)I using revised value of X1 from next
Corrected value of X1 derived by using first approximation to (T/Mg)
[Ch.7, Eq (7.18a)]
Rate of climb condition thrust factor [uses Ch.7, Eq (7.18g) but does not
include the terms involving (Mg/S) and thrust,/'1]
The equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [uses the remaining terms
of Ch.7, Eq (7.18g) together with tau climb]
Landing-rev thrust:
(T/Mg)o Selected as maximum value derived from all other conditions
Landg L Landing distance parameter [Ch.7, Eq (7.6a) with reverse thrust]
L length Reverse thrust landing length follows from the previous term
Sustained Turn:
D bar Zero lift drag to weight ratio [Ch.7, Eq (7.13e)]
(T/Mg)sustn Thrust to weight ratio required to maintain sustained turn at the given
condition [Ch.7, Eq (7.40a), n is the sustained turn rate value]
(T/Mg)o Equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [derived from previous value
by use of Ch.7, Eq (7.55a)] (advance ratio assumed to be greater than
End of climb:
Fact Qv Factor in climb prediction [Ch.7, Eq (7.15b)]
(T/Mg) 1 Thrust to weight ratio required at start of constant equivalent airspeed
climb to achieve a residual rate of climb of 1.5 rn/s at the cruise altitude,
assuming same climb conditions as for rate of climb analysis [uses Ch.7,
Eq (7.19b)]
(T/Mg)o Equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [derived from previous value
by use of Ch.7, Eq (7.18g)] (advance ratio assumed to be greater than
The lift coefficient appropriate to start of cruise conditions
The total drag coefficient (zero lift plus induced) at start of cruise [uses
(Cdz)cr, (Kv)cr and C1]
Cruise lift to drag ratio (CI/Cd)
Cruise thrust to weight ratio (inverse of L/D)
Examples of the synthesis procedure 385
(T/Mg)o The equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio [derived from Ch.7, Eq
Max speed:
The maximum speed analysis follows the same procedure as that used for cruise, with
the specified speed, altitude and mass ratio Mmo/Mo.
All the first stage analysis calculations are summarised, together with the instantaneous
manoeuvre, landing and gust sensitivity wing loading previously derived. The
summary is used to produce the diagram of (T/Mg)o vs (Mg/S)o which illustrates the
interaction of the various requirements. Inspection of the diagram suggests that the
design condition for further examination is that given by the intersection of the second
segment climb, the maximum speed and the landing lines. The appropriate value of
(Mg/S)o of 3187.2121 N/m 2 is included in all the performance calculations.
The values of the various parameters relevant to (Mg/S)o of 3187.121 N/m 2 are given.
Included is an evaluation of the Structural Parameter, SP [using Ch.5, Eq (5.8a)] and
the equivalent take-off power to weight ratio (P/Mg)o [uses Ch.3, Eq (3.10a) in
conjunction with other relevant values of wing loading, etc.].
AD5.3.4.5 Second stage assumptions and input data
Climb path:
Climb EAS The assumed climb speed factor of nominally one is equivalent to a
climb speed of 1.458Qv, or about 90 rn/s. Subsequent revision to this
value may become necessary if the wing loading changes significantly
on optimisation
CIEAS H2 The height, H2, at the end of climb and the corresponding relative
CIEAS sig density as specified. Climb Mach number, where relevant, follows from
C1 Mn Climb EAS
Op It Fac
Wing taper ratio chosen to be 0.5 initially b y comparison with
comparable designs
Bare engine power to weight ratio [Ch.6, Eq (6.26c) - advanced design
of moderate size]
Operational items factor [Ch.6, para and Eq (6.2 l a)]
AppFuel/Mo Fuel used in descent and approach as ratio of take-off mass (Ch 7, para
386 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
V bar
Vv bar
Input data:
Fus L
Fus B
Fus H
N bar
Prop eta
del l w
1 Fus
1 Tail
1P P
Del 1 Fuel
Horizontal and vertical tail volume coefficient (Selected from Ch 8,
Table 8.1A for turboprop transports)
Fuselage overall length, L, maximum width, B, and maximum height,
H, as derived from consideration of fuselage configuration in para
Lifting surface mass coefficient, value for short range propeller
transport [Ch.6, Eq(6.23c)]
Fuselage mass coefficient, 4 abreast transport (Ch.6, Table 6.6)
Powerplant installation mass factor (Ch.6, Table 6.8)
Systems mass factor, taken to be 0.20 here (Ch.6, Table 6.7)
Lifting surface mass ratio (Ch.6, Table 6.10)
Effective normal acceleration factor [Ch.6, Eq.(6.22a)]
Propeller efficiency in cruise, assumed initially to be 0.85 as a typical
value, but subject to subsequent correction when actual installed power
is known [Ch.3, Eq (3.9e)]
Centre of gravity of wing mass relative to overall centre of gravity
aircraft (c.g.) (assumed to be 0.1 wing mean chord aft of c.g.)
Location of fuselage structure centre of gravity aft of nose (assumed to
be 0.45 of Fus L)
Location of tail unit centre of gravity aft of nose (taken as 0.9 of FusL)
Location of powerplant centre of gravity relative to aircraft centre of
gravity [assumed to be 0.85 of the mean wing chord divided by the
cosine of the wing quarter chord sweep forward of the aircraft centre of
gravity, Ch.8, para 8.10.3(0]
Location of systems mass (excluding landing gear) aft of fuselage nose
(assumed to be 0.45 of Fus L)
Location of payload mass aft of fuselage nose (assumed to be 0.45 of
Fus L)
Location of operational items centre of gravity aft of fuselage nose
(assumed to be 0.45 Fus L)
Location of centre of gravity of fuel relative to aircraft centre of gravity
(assumed to be 0.1 wing mean chord aft of c.g.)
AD5.3.4.6 Second stage calculations
(S/Mo)A0.45Power of wing loading used in lifting surface mass calculation
p bar Cabin pressure differential [taken as (0.74 - Fin Cr sigma to power of
Examples of the synthesis procedure 387
Reqd (T/Mg)Reciprocal of cruise lift to drag ratio
Av (T/Mg) Available cruise thrust to weight ratio [derived from estimated static
thrust to weight ratio (T/Mg)o by inversion of Ch.7, Eq (7.55a)]
Av/Reqd Ratio of two previous values
c(des) Design datum specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.14a) with the
available static power, Po, assumed to be 1000 kW; it could be
subsequently corrected but the effect is small]
c(od) Off design specific fuel consumption [in the absence of any other data
assumed to be the same as c(des)]
(Vv) EAS
Constant equivalent airspeed climb speed correction factor [Ch.7, Eq
(7.15e) corrected for slightly revised climb speed]
Climb correction factor [Ch.7, Eq (7.18a)]
Factor in climb prediction [Ch.7, Eq (7.15b)]
Mean rate of climb in constant equivalent airspeed climb up to initial
cruise altitude [Ch.7, Eq (7.15a)]
Ground distance covered in constant equivalent airspeed climb [Ch.7, Eq
(7.21) with the cosine term assumed to be unity]
Desc Dist Distance covered in descent and landing [Ch.7, Eq (7.56)]
Climb EAS:
Specific fuel consumption in climb condition [Ch.3, Eq (3.14a) with the
initial climb Mach number and assumed engine power of 1000 kW]
Climb fuel usage as ratio of take-off mass [Ch.7, Eq (7.20b)]
Mcl /Mo
M fus
cl bar
Mop it
M fixed
Start of cruise mass as ratio of take-off mass [M1/Mo-Wf/(Mg)o]
Mass of fuselage structure [Ch.6, Eq (6.20a)]
Factor in prediction of lifting surface mass [Ch.6, Eq (6.24)]
Mass ratio of powerplant installation [uses value of c3, calculated static
poweffweight ratio and the assumed (P/Mg)eng]
Systems mass ratio (coefficient c4)
Mass of operational items (product of the Op It Fac and number of
passengers plus 85 kg allowance for each member of the crew)
Fixed mass (sum of the fuselage, payload and operational items)
388 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Net Range Range to be covered in cruise (Specified range less ground distance
covered in climb and descent)
Log 10 Logari t hm to base 10 of mass ratio of start to end of cruise [Ch.7, Eq
Mcl / Mc2 Cruise mass ratio (antilog of previous value) (uses Mc l / Mo and
Mcl / Mc2)
Mc2/Mo Ratio of end of cruise to take-off mass
Mf/Mo Total mass of fuel as ratio of take-off mass [Mo less (Mc2 plus approach
Kappa Mo Sum of terms directly proportional to mass, as fraction of mass (fuel,
systems and installed powerplant)
x bar ( 0. 25) / Locat i on of 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord on wing centreline chord
root chord [uses wing geometry as subsequently defined and Ch.8, Eq (8.7b)]
AD5. 3. 4. 7 Second stage analysis and cal cul ated take off mass
The first part of the second stage analysis uses the calculated values to deduce the actual
take-off mass of the aircraft. The second part then uses this value to make a first estimate
of the wing position along the body which brings the centre of gravity to the 0.25
aerodynamic mean chord position. Use of the assumed volume coefficients then enables
the horizontal and vertical tail sizes to be calculated.
(Mo)est l The first estimate of take-off mass derived by assuming, arbitrarily, that
the lifting surface mass is 12% of the total
(Mo)est2 Initially this is the same as (Mo)est l , entered directly as a number
Kappa *Mo Mass of terms directly proportional to take off mass [Product of Kappa
Mo and (Mo)est2]
M lift surf Mass of lifting surfaces [uses cl bar with (Mo)est2]
(Mo)calc Initially this is the sum of (M fixed), (Kappa*Mo) and (M lift surf) to
give the total mass. This is the target cell used for optimisation by
invoking SOLVER. The value is minimised, in this case by changing
the aspect ratio, thickness to chord ratio, wing loading and (Mo)est2,
subject to the following constraints:
Structural Parameter, SP, to be no more than 17
Thickness to chord ratio to be less than, or equal, to 0.15
(Mo)calc to be equal to (Mo)est2
Wing loading to be less than, or equal to, the equivalent landing and
manoeuvre values but greater than, or equal to, the gust sensitivity value
error The difference between (Mo)calc and (Mo)est2 as a check on the
Examples of the synthesis procedure 389
1CG Location of 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord point aft of the fuselage nose,
derived from longitudinal balance of all the masses [the nose landing
gear is assumed to be at 10% of fuselage length back from the nose and
main landing gear at 1.1 times (1 CG ) back from the nose]
1 WG APX Location of leading edge of wing centreline chord aft of the nose
[derived from 1 CG and x bar (0.25)/root chord]
1 TL ARM Distance between the centre of gravity and nominal centres of pressure
of vertical and horizontal tails (derived from 1 CG and 1 Tail)
S Hor Tail Areas of horizontal and vertical tail surfaces (derived from wing area,
S Vert Tail wing mean chord, 1 TL ARM and assumed volume coefficients)
/ / J ,~ ,
J /
( ) m 5
Figure AD5.4 Commuter ai rcraft- general arrangement
AD5.3.4.8 Summary of final results
The summary of final results is directly derived from the previous calculations.
Individual masses, which are all used in the centre of gravity calculations, are obtained
as follows:
390 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Wing mass is isolated from the tail mass by using coefficient, C~, in
conjunction with the total lifting surface mass.
Landing gear is assumed to account for 4.6% of the 20% allocated to
systems, with the nose gear being 0.15% of the total landing gear value.
Fuel is all assume6 to be located in the wing.
Wing area, S, follows from (Mg/S)o and wing geometry from aspect ratio,
A, taper ratio, lambda, and sweepback, (Del 0.25).
Engine power follows from (P/Mg)eng and propeller diameter from Ch.3,
Eq (3.91).
AD5.3.5 Preliminary general arrangement
The geometric information derived from the optimisation procedure has been used in
conjunction with the cabin/fuselage geometry derived from Table AD3.1 to produce a
first general arrangement drawing of the aircraft. Use has been made of the typical
horizontal and vertical tail characteristics given in Chapter 8, Table 8.lB. Figure AD5.4
shows the layout of the aircraft, which can form the basis for a more detailed analysis.
This must include a review of all the assumptions made together with a more detailed
mass and control/stability investigation. A consequence of this analysis may be a need to
re-visit the optimisation process with improved assumptions.
AD5.4 Uninhabited, hi gh altitude, l ong range reconnaissance
aircraft (low bypass ratio engine)
AD5.4.1 Introduction
There exists a requirement for a reconnaissance aircraft which is capable of a large
enough radius of operation to enable it to be positioned over a target area virtually
anywhere in the world after launch from European or Pan-American bases. If the aircraft
flies at moderate subsonic speed and allowance is made for, say, 3 h on station the
resulting endurance is of the order of 24 h. To minimise the vulnerability of the aircraft
to ground based missiles and manned interceptors it should possess low observability
characteristics and operate at altitudes in excess of 24 km. The time and altitude of the
flight suggest strongly that an uninhabited design solution is preferable. The aircraft
should be capable of operation from existing airfields with a minimum of special support
equipment and be able to fly autonomously over the cruise and on-station flight phases.
The demanding requirements imply design considerations which are, in many respects,
quite different from those of more conventional subsonic aircraft which fly at lower
altitudes and over shorter distances. Typical design values may not apply in thiscase.
Examples of the synthesis procedure 391
AD5.4.2 Powerplant
The type of powerplant to be utilised is a major consideration. While the flight speed is
not too critical it clearly should be chosen so that the fuel consumption is minimised and
the cruise phase of the operation is not too extended. This suggests cruising at a Mach
number of 0.6 or somewhat higher. This speed is appropriate to propeller propulsion or
possibly a bypass turbojet. In spite of the high altitude a rocket engine is totally ruled out
because of the long endurance. Further consideration of this issue is justified.
a) Propellerpropulsion. Reference to Chapter 3, paragraph, Eq.(3.9a) shows that
for a given propeller thrust coefficient and propeller tip speed, nDp, the thrust is
proportional to the air density and square of the propeller diameter, Dp. At altitudes above
22 km the air density is at least an order of magnitude less than that of typical propeller
cruise conditions, and hence, everything else being equal, the diameter must be three to
four times as large. Alternatively one propeller could be replaced by several to give the
required disc area. Whichever approach is taken there are complications in the layout of
the aircraft and probable mass penalties. Another consideration is the provision of power
for driving the propeller. Several possibilities exist:
i) Electrically driven by solar power, but this requires large surface area for
the solar cells and consequent susceptibility of the aircraft to turbulence,
especially at lower altitudes.
ii) A piston engine, which would need several stages of supercharging in
order to attain a sufficiently high intake manifold pressure. Superchargers
designed for such a purpose are bulky and heavy and rely upon gas turbine
iii) Shaft turbine engine of special design to handle the low air density at the
A detailed study would be required to ascertain which of the latter two possibilities is
preferable, but in either case an expensive, specially designed, powerplant system
is required.
b) Bypass turbojet. Some aircraft powered by low bypass ratio turbojet engines operate
up to altitudes approaching 20 km. While the air density at about 24 km altitude is half that
at 20 km it is not unreasonable to presume that it is possible to adapt an engine of this type
to maintain combustion at these higher altitudes. This being the case the use of such a
powerplant greatly simplifies the layout of the aircraft since it is much more compact than
propeller propulsion. Some aircraft in this category, such as the Teledyne - Ryan Global
Hawk, employ a powerplant of this type. While a bypass ratio of the order of five would
confer a relatively low specific fuel consumption it is by no means obvious that such an
engine could be adapted to operate at altitudes in excess of 24 km. On the other hand an
engine having a bypass ratio of, say, rather less than unity might possibly be amenable to
392 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
modification to achieve the desired high altitudes. Such an engine, possibly adapted from
a supersonic military design, would have the disadvantage of a relatively high specific
fuel consumption.
On balance it is concluded that the most promising powerplant is the relatively low
bypass ratio turbojet and the use of this type will be assumed.
AD5.4.3 Specification
The specification used as a basis for this design is as follows:
a) Still air radius of operation 8900 km (4800 nm)
b) 3 hours on station at extreme radius of operation
c) Altitude over target at least 24.4 km (nominally 80,O00 f i )
d) Cruise speed at least MN = 0.65
e) Field length f or take-off 1000m and f or landing 800 m
)9 Payload to include:
i) means of observing ground targets by day and night in all weather
conditions and automatic identification and prioritisation of static and
moving targets
ii) presentation of real time image display to remote operators
iii) payload mass allowance to be 600 kg at a density of 400 kg/ m 2
g) Ground operations to use existing facilities as f ar as is possible
h) Navigation in cruise and over target to be autonomous
i) Low observability characteristics are required, but not to the undue detriment of
AD5.4.4 Configuration development
The requirement for 3 h on station over the target is equivalent to a flight of about 2100
km at a Mach number of 0.65 and 24.4 km altitude. Thus the total still air range is
approximately 20, 000km and will take about 28.5 h to complete.
There is no doubt that flight at 24.4 km altitude will imply a relatively low wing
This has two major effects:
Examples of the synthesis procedure 393
i) There is unlikely to be a need for high lift devices to meet the field
ii) The aircraft will be sensitive to air turbulence and although the ride
comfort criterion of Chapter 5, paragraph 5.5.3 does not apply here
some form of automatic ride control is likely to be needed.
The very long range/endurance requirement demands a high lift to drag ratio to restrict
fuel consumption to an acceptable level. Thus both zero lift and induced drag must be
made as low as possible and the wing loading chosen to ensure near to maxi mum lift to
drag cruise conditions. The wing Reynolds number, defined as the product of the true
flight speed and mean chord divided by the kinematic viscosity, will be relatively low in
cruise conditions. This raises the possibility of some measure of natural laminar flow over
the wing and, maybe, the nose region of the fuselage. Providing the surface is not
contaminated during take-off and initial climb a laminar flow over the forward 45% of
the chord is plausible. An aerofoil section of the NASA LS (1) 0.4 series or MS (1) 0.3
series mentioned in Chapter 5, paragraph is likely to be suitable and should enable
a high cruise lift coefficient to be achieved. A high aspect ratio is indicated to reduce
induced drag to a mi ni mum although there is likely to be an implied maxi mum due to
practical wing span limitations. Overall the aircraft may be assumed to have
characteristics similar to those of a high performance sailplane with an inevitably high
wing mass and structural design parameter.
Low observability requirements suggest that the powerplant should be located within
the fuselage preferably with the air intake positioned on the top of the fuselage above a
high mounted wing. A high wing also has the advantage of giving the maximum wing
tip ground clearance in the fully loaded, static, condition. Some degree of sweepback is
beneficial, both for stealth reasons and to bring the centre of gravity aft to facilitate engine
location but it should not be so high as to compromise cruise efficiency. A quarter chord
sweep of about 10 is likely to be acceptable, but this must be reconsidered subsequently.
Tail stability and control surfaces are preferable to canard ones and since the vertical
and horizontal surface should not be perpendicular to one another for stealth reasons this
could be one of the rare situations where a "butterfly" tail layout is preferable.
Operation from existing airfields without the need for special equipment suggests the
use of a fairly conventional landing gear layout. However, there is a likely to be a need
for outrigger units to support the high aspect ratio wings and it may be convenient to use
a single, central, main leg which retracts into the fuselage.
It is clear that in this example the wing configuration and location will greatly influence
the layout of the fuselage. Therefore while it is necessary to complete a first layout of the
fuselage in order to undertake the whole conceptual design procedure, it is possible that a
revised fuselage may have to be contemplated subsequently, and the process repeated.
An initial layout of the fuselage is shown in Figure AD5.5 and this is sufficient to give
a reasonably good indication of the overall dimensions. However, it may need to be
refined when the wing and tail geometry are determined.
394 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
[ ....
o m
_ I
Fuel tank- i : : l _ . ~ l
! Landing gear bay / }
Figure AD5.5 Uninhabited ai rcraft- fuselage layout
AD5.4.5 Powerplant model
The demanding high altitude and long endurance requirements of the specification imply
the need for an accurate model of the powerplant characteristics. In this case the
following procedure was adopted:
i) A datum powerplant type was selected. This was the General Electric
F118-GE- 101 engine as used in the later versions of the Lockheed U2 high
altitude reconnaissance aircraft. This was assumed to have an overall
pressure ratio of 34, a bypass ratio of 0.76 and a mass flow of 134 kg/s.
ii) These assumed values were used in the Cranfield University
"Turbomat ch" program to produce a performance deck (see Palmer, J. R. -
"The TURBOMATCH Scheme for Gas Turbine Performance
Calculations", S.M.E. Cranfield Institute of Technology, October 1983).
The performance deck covered operating conditions from sea level static
up to a Mach number of 0.7 and 24.5 km altitude.
iii) The low bypass ratio engine thrust model of Chapter 3, paragraph
and Table 3.2 was then compared with the performance deck. It was found
that to obtain close agreement at altitudes above 9 km it was necessary to
Examples of the synthesis procedure 395
use a value of 0.85 for the altitude lapse factor, s, rather than the 0.8
suggested in Table 3.2. This did result in some discrepancies at lower
altitudes but this is considered to be acceptable as these conditions are not
critical phases of the flight.
The specific fuel consumption model of Chapter 3, paragraph and
Eq (3.12a) was also compared with the derived performance deck. It was
found that a good match was obtained over all the altitude range by
selecting c ~ to be 0.9 and by increasing the 0.28 factor of the MN term to
0.4. This gave an exact match at a Mach number of 0.65 at high altitudes
and was otherwise slightly conservative.
AD5.4.6 Spreadsheet formulation (SPREADSHEET AD5.3)
AD5.4.6.1 Initial inputs and assumptions
The parameters selected for primary optimisation are aspect ratio and thickness to chord
ratio, but provision is also made for the adjustment of bypass ratio subject to the
representation of the model described in the previous paragraph. An aspect ratio of 35
and thickness to chord ratio of 0.21 were selected as the initial values in this case by
reference to high performance sailplane characteristics.
The Requirements were derived directly from the specification of paragraph AD5.4.3
together with the interpretation of paragraph AD5.4.4. For completeness certain
additions have been made:
Wa ma x
N bar
SusTrn Rate
SusTrn V
SusTrn Sig
Approach speed to be 30 m/s to ensure adequate control in landing
The structural design speed to be 180 m/s EAS. This enables a
Mach number of 0.65 to be flown at altitudes above 6 km with
appropriate margins.
Ultimate normal acceleration factor of 3.375 (based on a limit value
of 2.25 in this case, but subsequent analysis could indicate a more
severe condition due to discreet gust conditions)
Effective ultimate design factor of 3.7125 (taken to be 1.65 times
the limit manoeuvre factor, see Ch.6, para
Sustained turn rate of 1 deg/s at cruise altitude
Sustained turn velocity of 194 m/s which is MN = 0.65 at 24.5 km
Relative density of 0.03488 at 24.5 km altitude
The assumptions made are:
M1/Mo Ratio of start of climb mass to t ake-off value, taken to be 0.99
(Ch.7, para 7.3.6)
396 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
SA-0.1 Wing area parameter initially taken to be 0.60, but subject to subsequent
correction (Ch.6, Figure 6.1, large combat aircraft value)
Rw Wetted area factor taken to be 3 as for a sailplane (Ch.6, Table 6.3)
Type Fac Taken to be 1.1 for this aircraft (Ch.6, Table 6.4)
TE flap No flaps fitted
SS alpha ~ Second segment climb out factors, not relevant here and set to zero
SS ganmm'j
Flap Fac 0.133 for no flap (Ch.6, para
a Cruise Speed of sound at nominal cruise altitude (24.5 km)
C1 EAS sig Relative density at altitude where constant equivalent airspeed climb is
assumed to end (6 km)
PP Fac -s Altitude dependency of powerplant thrust, 0.85 here [see para AD5.4.5,
also Ch. 3, para and Eq (3.9b)]
Lam Chrd degree of laminar flow predicted, taken as 0.45 [Ch.6, para, Eq
Gust Sen Gust sensitivity switch, 0 for off and 1 for on [see Preliminary
calculations, (Mg/S)o gt]
a sus tn Speed of sound at sustained turn condition (cruise altitude in this case)
AD5. 4. 6. 2 Initial calculations
MI/Mo Landing mass ratio (derived from Ch.7, Table 7.1)
Mcrl /Mo Mass ratio at start of first stage of cruise, in the case where cruise
commences below 11 km altitude (uses Ch.7, Table 7.2)
(Clm)o ae Basic aerofoil maximumlift coefficient, assumed to be 1.5 here [as Ch.6,
para but could be somewhat higher for the section chosen, see
( C1 use )o]
Del tip (TO) Take-off high lift device, lift increment (zero here as no flap)
Del flp (L) Landing high lift device lift increment (zero here)
(C1 use)o Allowable lift coefficient in cruise, taken to be 0.8 [Ch.6, para
suggests 0.65, but increased here because of selection of MS (1) 0.3
series aerofoil section, see paragraph AD5.4.4]
Zero lift drag coefficient at zero Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a) with
laminar flow]
Mass ratio at start of cruise in the case where the cruise commences
above 11 km altitude (derived from Ch.7, Table 7.2 with Mcrl /Mo)
Mass ratio at the start of the first phase of a constant Mach number climb
(derived from Ch.7, Table 7.2 with M1/Mo)
Mcl l /Mo
Examples of the synthesis procedure 397
AD5.4.6.3 Preliminary calculations
cos delta
Delta deg
Wave Dr F
Cosine of quarter chord sweep, derived from aerofoil data and critical
Mach number, (Mn)crit
Quarter chord sweep
Wave drag factor [term in Ch.6, Eq (6.13a) raised to power of 20]
Zero lift drag coefficient at cruise Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a)]
Corrected climb out zero lift drag coefficient [Ch.6, Eq (6.15)]
Induced drag factor at zero Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.14a)]
Induced drag factor at cruise Mach number [Ch.6, Eq (6.14a)]
Tau(C1Mnl) Thrust ratio at start of constant Mach number climb (Ch.3, para
Tau(C1Mn2) Thrust ratio at start of constant Mach number climb when cruise is
above 11 km altitude (Ch.3, para, 1 l km conditions)
(Cdz)sustn I Drag values for sustained turn conditions [Ch.6, Eqs (6.13a) and (6.14a)]
(Kv)sustn J
(Beta) sustn Product of previous two values
Sustn n Normal acceleration factor in sustained turn [Ch.7, Eq (7.39b)]
C1 max Maximum lift coefficient [sum of (Clm)o ae and del flp (L) corrected
for sweepback, Ch.6, Eq (6.2)]
C1 us Unstick lift coefficient [sum of (Clm)o ae and del flp (L) factored by 0.8
and corrected for sweepback, Ch.6, Eq (6.4)]
C1 a Approach lift coefficient [C1 max factored by 0.6, Ch.6, Eq (6.3)]
C1 use Usable lift coefficient in cruise [(C1 use)o corrected for sweepback]
Va calc Maximum approach speed consistent with required landing distance
[Ch. 7, Eq (7.6b)]
Va The lower of Va calc and Va as specified, in this case Va as specified
(Mg/S)o ld Take-off equivalent wing loading derived from Va and MI/Mo [Ch.7,
Eq[(7.6e), no reverse thrust]
(Mg/S)ogt Take-off equivalent wing loading to meet gust sensitivity requirement
[Ch. 5, Eq(5.9b)] (Gust Sen switch used to equate to zero here)
Cor L legth Corrected value of landing length when Va is limited by specified value
[Ch.6, Eq (6.6a) no reverse thrust]
AD5.4.6.4 First stage analysis
The range of take-off wing loading, (Mg/S)o, has been selected somewhat arbitrarily on
the basis of the usable cruise lift coefficient, cruise speed and air density at 24.5 km
altitude. Although it was not found to be necessary in this case it is possible for a
situation to arise where the range would need to be extended to cover the eventual
optimum value.
398 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
1 st app
First estimate of required take-off thrust to weight ratio [uses Ch.7, Eq
(7.1b) with (T/Mg)o set to zero in right-hand side]
Second evaluation of take-off thrust to weight ratio [uses value of
(T/Mg)o from first approximation in right-hand side of equation; no
further corrections considered to be needed here]
Acc. Stop:
(T/Mg)o Take-off thrust to weight ratio required to meet engine failed
acceleration-stop requirement [Ch.7, Eq (7.3a)]
Sec Seg Climb:
Tau co
Not relevant to this case, the second segment climb condition, but
the values are based on a speed of 1.1 times the unstick speed to give tau co
[uses Ch.7, Eq(7.4a)]
Sustained turn:
D bar Zero lift drag to weight ratio in sustained turn case [Ch.7, Eq (7.13e)]
(T/Mg)sustn Thrust to weight ratio required in sustained turn [Ch.7, Eq (7.40a)]
(T/Mg)o Equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio (allows for mass reduction and
altitude effect on powerplant)
C1 case Lift coefficient in sustained turn, to check acceptability of value
Start of cruise:
Fac Qm
C1 case
Factor in climb prediction [Ch.7, Eq (7.22b)]
Equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio required to achieve a residual
rate of climb of 1.5 m/s at a cruise altitude of 11 km [Ch.7, Eq (7.23b);
included to cover the case when the climb ends at or below 11 km]
Equivalent take-off thrust to weight ratio required to achieve a residual rate
of climb of 0.5 m/s at a cruise altitude above 11 km [Ch.7, Eq (7.27b) is
assumed to apply to this condition although strictly it is for altitudes up to
20 km, not the 24.5 km here; this implies that the speed of sound is
constant from 11 km up to 24.5 km which is about 1% in error]
Lift coefficient at start of 24.5 km altitude cruise condition
Total drag coefficient at start of 24.5 km altitude cruise
Cruise lift to drag ratio (C1 case/Cd)
Product of cruise Mach number and lift to drag ratio, for reference
Landing-rev thrust:
(T/Mg)o Selected as maximum value derived from all other conditions
L length Reverse thrust landing length [uses derived (T/Mg)o in Ch.7, Eq (7.6e)]
Examples of the synthesis procedure 399
All the first stage analysis calculations are summarised together with the landing and
gust sensitivity wing loadings previously derived. The sutmrmry is used to produce the
diagram of (T/Mg)o vs (Mg/S)o. Inspection of the diagram shows, as could be
anticipated, that the critical performance condition is start of cruise at 24.5 km altitude
and that a wing loading somewhat less than the landing equivalent value may be the
optimum. While the actual value can only be determined by the optimisation process,
a take-off wing loading of about 700 N/m 2 appears to be likely. (Subsequent
optimisation gives a value of 681.66 N/m2.)
The values of the various parameters relevant to (Mg/S)o of 681.66 N/m 2 are given.
Included is an evaluation of the Structural Parameter, SP [using Ch.5, Eq (5.8a)].
AD5.4.6.5 Second stage assumptions and input data
Climb path:
Climb EAS The relatively high installed thrust enables the initial climb to be made
at the structural limit cruise speed, Vo taken here to be 150m/s EAS
C1 EAS H2 /Constant EAS climb assumed to end at 6km altitude, with the relative
C1 EAS sig )density value at that altitude
C1Mn Remainder of climb assumed to be at constant Mach number of 0.65, the
limiting critical value
Sig cr 1 First stage of constant Mn climb ends at 11 km altitude with relative air
density value given for that altitude
Sig cr 2 Second stage of constant Mn climb ends at 24.5km altitude with
appropriate relative air density (Set to zero should cruise start below 11
km altitude)
End C1 1 Altitude at the end of first stage of constant Mn climb, 11 km as above
(T/Mg) eng
Op It Fac
Y ear }
Vv bar
Wing taper ratio chosen to be 0.35 by comparison with high performance
Bare engine thrust to weight ratio [Ch.6, Eq (6.26a) taken to be 6 in this
Operational items factor assumed to be zero in this case
Fuel used in descent and approach as ratio of take-off mass (Ch.7, para
Horizontal and vertical tail volume coefficients (selected from Ch.8,
Table 8.1A as for sailplanes)
400 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Input data:
Fus L
Fus B
Fus H
Del lw
1 Fus
1 Tail
1 PP
10 P IT
Del 1 Fuel
Fuselage overall length, L, maxi mum width, B, and maximum height, H,
as derived from the initial fuselage layout, Figure AD5.5
Lifting surface mass coefficient, value for long range subsonic aircraft
assumed to be 0.0007 (Ch.6, Table 6.7, this requires further
investigation when the actual take-off mass is determined. Allows for
use of composites)
Fuselage mass coefficient, value for land based combat aircraft with
allowance for use of composites (Ch.6, Table 6.6 reduced to 0.03 due
to absence of manned cockpit requirement)
Powerplant installation factor (Ch.6, Table 6.8)
Systems mass factor, taken as general military value (Ch.6, Table 6.9
reduced to 0.11 as payload already includes avionics items)
Lifting surface mass ratio (Ch.6, Table 6.10)
Centre of gravity of wing mass relative to overall centre of gravity of
aircraft (c.g.) (assumed to be 0.1 wing mean chord aft of aircraft c.g.)
Location of fuselage structure centre of gravity aft of nose (estimated
from fuselage layout)
Location of tail unit centre of gravity aft of nose (assumed to be 0.9 of
Fus L )
Location of powerplant centre of gravity aft of nose (estimated from
fuselage layout)
Location of systems mass, excluding landing gear, aft of nose (estimated
from fuselage layout)
Location of payload mass aft of nose (estimated from fuselage layout)
Location of operational items mass aft of nose (estimated from fuselage
layout, although in this case the allocated mass is zero)
Location of centre of gravity of fuel mass relative to aircraft centre of
gravity (all fuel is assumed to be located in the wing and at 0.1 wing
mean chord aft of the aircraft centre of gravity)
AD5. 4. 6. 6 Second stage cal cul ati ons
(S/Mo)^-0. 45
Power of wing loading used in lifting surface mass calculation.
Differential pressure appropriate to cruise altitude relative to dat um
24.5 km (not actually used here as the aircraft is uninhabited)
Reqd (T/Mg) Reciprocal of cruise lift to drag ratio gives thrust to weight ratio at
start of cruise
Examples of the synthesis procedure 401
Available cruise thrust to weight ratio [derived from estimated
static thrust to weight ratio (T/Mg)o in conjunction with Ch.3, Eq
(3.7a) and Table 3.2]
Ratio of two previous values
Design datum specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)
modified as stated in para AD5.4.5]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Constant EAS climb:
Z Speed factor in climb [ (Ch.7, Eq (7.15c)]
Tau Mn 1 Thrust factor appropriate to Mach number at the start of constant
equivalent airspeed climb and sea level [Ch.7, Eq (7.7a) and Table 7.2]
(Vv) EAS Average climb rate in constant equivalent airspeed climb [Ch.7, Eq
(7.15a) with Eqs (7.15d), (7.16a) and (7.16b)]
Dist EAS Ground distance covered in constant equivalent airspeed climb [Ch.7,
Eq (7.21) with the cosine term assumed to be unity]
Constant Mach number climb to 11 km altitude:-
Qm Factor in climb prediction [Ch.7, Eq (7.22b) allowing for fuel used in
constant equivalent airspeed climb and take-off]
Tau 1 Thrust factor at Mach number of 0.65 and start of constant Mn climb
altitude [Ch.3, Eq (7.7a) and Table 7.2]
(Vv) Mn 1 Average climb rate in constant Mn climb up to 11 km altitude [Ch.7, Eq
Dist Mn 1 Ground distance covered in constant Mn climb up to 11 km altitude [Ch. 7,
Eq (7.25) with the cosine term asst ur ~ to be unity]
Constant Mach number climb from 1 l km up to cruise altitude:-
Tau 2 Thrust factor at Mach number of 0.65 and 1 l km altitude [Ch.3, Eq
(7.7a) and Table 7.2]
(Vv) Mn 2 Average climb rate in constant Mn climb from 11 km to cruise altitude
[Ch.7, Eq (7.26a) with powerplant factor, s, taken as unity above 11 km,
with allowance made for reduced rate of climb near ceiling, factor X2]
X2 Allowance for reduced rate of climb near ceiling [Ch.7, Eq (7.26b)]
(Dist Mn2) Calculated ground distance covered in climb above l l km altitude.
[Ch.7, Eq (7.25) with the cosine term assumed to be zero]
DistMn2 Actual ground distance covered in climb above 11 km altitude. From the
previous cell, or zero when the cruise starts below 11 km altitude
Desc Dist Ground distance covered in descent to land [Ch.7, Eq (7.56)]
402 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Specific fuel consumption at start of constant equivalent airspeed climb
[Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
Ratio of fuel used in constant equivalent airspeed climb to take-off
weight [Ch.7, Eq (7.17)]
C1 Mn:
Specific fuel consumption at start of const. Mn climb [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
Ratio of fuel used in constant Mn climb to 11 km to take-off weight
[Ch.7, Eq (7.24)]
C1 Mn 2:
(Wff(Mg)o) Ratio of fuel used in constant Mn climb from 11 km to cruise altitude
to take-off mass [Ch.7, Eq (7.28)] (See also C1Mn 2: Wf/(Mg)o at far
end of this row)
Mcl / Mo
M fus
cl bar
Mop it
M fixed
Ratio of start of cruise mass to take off mass (Mo less fuel used in take
off, constant equivalent airspeed, and two stages of constant Mn climbs)
Fuselage mass [Ch.6, Eq (6.20b)]
Factor in prediction of lifting surface mass [Ch.6, Eq (6.24b)]
Mass ratio of powerplant installation [uses value of c3, calculated thrust
to weight ratio and assumed (T/Mg)eng]
Systems mass ratio (coefficient c4)
Mass of operational items (Zero in this case)
Fixed mass (Sum of fuselage mass, payload and operational items mass)
Net range
Log 10
Mcl / Mc2
Kappa Mo
x bar (0.25)/
root chord
C1 Mn 2
Range to be covered in cruise (specified range less ground distance
covered in climbs and descent)
Logarithm to base 10 of mass ratio of start to end of cruise [Ch.7, Eq
Cruise mass ratio (antilog of previous value)
Ratio of end of cruise to take off mass
Total mass of fuel as ratio of take-off mass [Mo less (Mc2 plus descent
Sum of terms directly proportional to mass, as ratio of mass (fuel,
systems and installed powerplant masses)
Location of 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord on wing centreline chord.
[uses geometry as subsequently defined and Ch.8, Eq (77b)]
Selection of fuel weight ratio in second phase of constant Mn climb from
(Wf/(Mg)o) or equated to zero when cruise starts below 11 km altitude
Examples of the synthesis procedure 403
AD5. 4. 6. 7 Second stage analysis and calculated take-off mass
The first part of the second stage analysis uses the calculated values to deduce the actual
take off mass of the aircraft. The second part then uses this value to make a first estimate
of the wing position along the body which brings the centre of gravity to the 0.25
aerodynamic mean chord position. Use of the assumed volume coefficients then enables
the equivalent tail sizes to be calculated, based on the horizontal and vertical values.
(Mo)estl A first estimate of the take-off mass derived by assuming that the lifting
surface mass is 12% of the total.
(Mo)est2 Initially this has the same value as (Mo)est l , and is entered directly as
a number
Kappa*Mo Mass of the terms directly proportional to Mo [uses c 1 bar with (Mo)est2]
M lift surf Mass of lifting surfaces [Uses cl bar with (Mo) est2]
(Mo) calc Initially this is the sum of (M fixed), (Kappa*Mo) and (M lift surf) to
give the total mass. This is the target cell used for optimisation by
invoking SOLVER. The value is minimised in this case by changing
aspect ratio, thickness to chord ratio, wing loading and (Mo)est2,
subject to the following constraints:
(Mo)calc to be equal to (Mo)est2
Wi ng loading to be less than or equal to the equivalent landing and
manoeuvre values
(when applicable the wing loading to be greater or equal to the gust
sensitivity value)
Thickness to chord ratio to be equal to or less than 0.21
Cruise lift coefficient to be equal to or less than 0.788
Structural parameter, SP, to be equal or less than 40
(aspect ratio is also constrained at a later stage, see paragraph
The difference between (Mo) calc and (Mo)est2 as a check on the
1CG Location of 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord point aft of the fuselage nose,
derived from the longitudinal balance of all the mass items (the nose
landing gear and main landing gear positions being derived from the
fuselage layout)
1 WG APX Locat i on of leading edge of wing centreline chord aft of the nose
[derived from 1 CG and x bar (0.25)/root chord]
1 TL ARM Distance between the centre (Derived from 1 CG and 1 Tail)
S Hor Tail ~ Equivalent areas of horizontal and vertical tail surfaces (Derived from
S Vert Tail J wing area, mean chord, 1 TL ARM and assumed volume coefficients)
404 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
A5. 4. 6. 8 S umma r y of fi nal resul ts
The sununmy of the final results is directly derived from the previous calculations.
Individual masses, as used for the centre of gravity calculations, are obtained as
i) Wi ng mass is isolated from the tail mass by using coefficient c5 in conjunction
with the total lifting surface mass.
ii) Landing gear is assumed to account for 4% of the 11% allocated to systems with
the nose gear being 0.15 of the total landing gear value.
iii) Initially all the fuel has been assumed to be located within the wing.
iv) Wi ng area, S, follows from (Mg/S)o and the wing geometry follows from the
aspect ratio, A, taper ratio, lambda, and sweepback (Del 0.25).
v) Sea level static thrust follows from (T/Mg)o and (Mg)o.
75 --12
a i
, ~ ~
~: 70:-10
65 "8
6 0 - - -
Mi n. mass - A = 60
~ ~ Mi n. span-A = 3 4 /
30 40 50 " 6 0
Aspect ratio
Fi gur e AD5. 6 Uni nha bi t ed ai r cr af t - ef f ect of a s pec t r at i o c ons t r a i nt
AD5. 4. 7 Use of results to exami ne wing span
As was anticipated the opt i mum solution in this case coincides with a very high aspect
ratio and correspondingly large wing span. An aspect ratio of almost 60 is required with
a wing span of 73.2 m and with a take-off mass of 6210 kg. The structural parameter
has a value approaching 40 and even if it is possible to construct a wing of this
configuration with adequate strength it can be predicted that its flexibility would make
ground operations virtually impossible. The effect of constraining the aspect ratio is
illustrated in Figure AD5.6. As the aspect ratio is reduced towards about 34 the wing span
also decreases and so does the structural parameter. However, total mass, of course, does
Examples of the synthesis procedure 405
increase. Further reduction of aspect ratio below 34 results in increased wing span, due
to the increased wing area required to meet the cruise lift coefficient limit condition as
the mass increases. It is not possible to use an aspect ratio below 26 which gives
a wing span of about 72 m. In passing it is worth noting that the whole range of possible
aspect ratios from 26 up to 60 have thrust requirements which can be met by the size of
powerplant used for the fuselage layout.
While other solutions may be acceptable, and possibly preferable, it is concluded that
for the present purposes the best solution is the one which gives the minimum wing span.
The aspect ratio of 34 is within high performance sailplane experience and the indicated
structural parameter of 27.4 is not unreasonable. The take-off mass and thrust values are
8164 kg and 42930 N respectively. Even here the wing span is large at 63.2 m and the
operational feasibility of the concept demands very careful consideration.
0 rn 10
Figure AD5.7 Uninhabited ai rcraft- general arrangement
AD5.4.8 Preliminary general arrangement
The data for the case having an aspect ratio of 34 are shown in Spreadsheet AD5.3, and the
406 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
geometric information can be used in conjunction with Figure AD5.5, the fuselage
layout, to produce a general arrangement drawing of the aircraft. This is shown in
Figure AD5.7 where use has been made of typical tail geometry from Chapter 8, Table
8.1B and the equivalent horizontal and vertical tail areas to derive a butterfly
configuration. More detailed analysis may now be undertaken. This must include an initial
design of the wing structure to assess the spanwise bending flexibility as well as a
review of all the assumptions made to derive the concept. In many respects this
design is only marginally achievable and detailed analysis might possibly indicate
that the required performance, especially range and cruise altitude, may have to be
reduced somewhat to yield a practical design.
AD5.5 Short take-off/vertical landing supersonic combat aircraft
AD5. 5. 1 I nt roduct i on
There have been many proposals for a supersonic successor to the British Aerospace
Harrier. A key issue in the design of such an aircraft is the means of deriving and applying
the vertical thrust required for low speed operations. Methods investigated include:
a) Independent direct lift engines. The weight and volume penalties of this concept rules
it out for an advanced combat aircraft where the conventional performance requires an
installed thrust to weight ratio of the order of one in any case.
b) Tilting main propulsion engines. The usual configuration suggested is for two engines
to be located out along the wing. This can introduce layout constraints but the main
objection is the difficulty of roll control in the event of the failure of one engine.
c) Development of the Rolls-Royce Pegasus engine used in the Harrier by adding fuel in
the forward, bypass, flow to augment thrust. This so-called "plenum chamber burning"
modification introduces problems of ground erosion and ingestion of hot gases into the air
intakes. Apart from these problems the propulsive system is large in frontal cross-section
and aircraft layout is restricted by the need to locate the engine at the centre of gravity of
the aircraft.
d) Retention of the pair of rear nozzles of a Pegasus-type engine, but splitting the exhaust
flow between them and a further deflected exhaust located towards the rear of the aircraft.
This arrangement requires the basic powerplant to be well forward in the fuselage so that
much of the volume is occupied by it and the exhaust systems. The likelihood of hot gas
ingestion is still present even though the nozzles are relatively further aft than with
plenum chamber burning. Nevertheless this concept was adopted for the Boeing X-32s
design for the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) competition. The hot gas ingestion problem
Examples of the synthesis procedure 407
requires the introduction of an air screen derived from fan flow between the intakes and
the two side hot gas nozzles. One advantage of this concept is that the modifications
needed to a conventional engine are relatively small.
e) Movement of the main powerplant aft, retaining a single, rear deflecting nozzle. There
are various ways of obtaining vertical thrust balance about the longitudinal centre of
Provision of a forward remote lift nozzle supplied by air bled from the
main engine bypass flow. In one version of this arrangement additional
fuel is added at the front nozzle to augment its effect, leading to the RALS
concept (Remote Augment ed Lift System). However, this also introduces
hot air ingestion difficulties. As an alternative the augmentation may be
dispensed with but this implies a much larger bleed air requirement and the
strong possibility of a need for a variable cycle engine.
The introduction of an extra, forward, fan to the engine with Pegasus type
nozzles deflecting its flow downwards for vertical flight. This so-called
' t andem fan' configuration also results in a long powerplant.
The provision of one or two special vertical lift engines in the forward
region of the fuselage, as on the YAK 141 aircraft. Since this part of the
system is used only for vertical flight it represents a substantial design
As an alternative to dedicated lift engines it is possible to incorporate a
vertical lift fan driven from the main engine. Compressed air drive is
advantageous in giving layout flexibility but is inefficient in propulsion
terms. An alternative is a direct mechanical drive to the fan through a 90
gearbox. The Lockheed X-35s JSF design used such a system where it is
claimed that the presence of the front fan flow effectively prevents the
possibility of hot gas ingestion.
Whichever concept is employed it is necessary to provide means for pitch, roll and yaw
control of the aircraft during vertical flight. This requires the introduction of control
nozzles fed by air bled from the main powerplant. Roll control nozzles are inevitable for
the accepted situation where a single propulsion system is located within the fuselage.
However, pitch and yaw control may possibly be provided from the main vertical lift
nozzles by such means as nozzle deflection and variation of the fore and aft thrust split.
In summary, it may be concluded that all feasible vertical lift systems introduce some
penalties, the relative severity of which is critically dependent upon the layout of the
aircraft. Vertical lift requirements inevitably reduce the flexibility in the layout of the
design due to the need to balance the thrust components about the centre of gravity,
regardless of the actual concept employed.
408 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD5.5.2 Configuration background and powerplant
Over a period of time the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield University, has investigated
the application of several vertical lift systems in various project studies. The coverage has
included plenum chamber burning and remote augmented and un-augmented lift systems
in conjunction with a deflecting rear nozzle. The S-95 project originally developed by R.
Hewson and M. Rosa, used this latter concept and forms a starting point for the present
example (see S-95 project specification, DAeT 9500, prepared by Fielding, Howe, Rosa,
Smith, Young and Jones and reported by Smith. H, in College of Aeronautics Aerogram,
Vol. 8 No 4, June 1997). The aircraft configuration was based on a close-coupled canard
layout associated with a low wing and it incorporated low observability features.
The powerplant used for the S-95 project was a "selected bleed variable cycle" concept
designed in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield University (see ASME91-
GT-388, June 1991, by Do Nascimento and Pilides). This powerplant was intended to
operate with a bypass ratio of one at Mach numbers below about 0.9, but with a bypass
ratio of 0.4 at higher Mach number. Provision was made for afterburning which could be
used in either mode. In the high bypass ratio mode a valve located at the end of the low
pressure compressor could be opened to supply a large quantity of air to the un-augmented
front nozzle system. Change of engine cycle was achieved by closing this low pressure
valve and opening a high pressure valve located between the intermediate and high
pressure compressor stages. This high pressure bleed was equivalent to the bypass airflow
and was subsequently mixed with the core flow ahead of the afterburning stage. An
important feature of this engine concept was that the low pressure, high bypass ratio,
mode was only unavailable at the front nozzle system and therefore its application to
forward thrust was dependent upon the deflection capability of the front nozzles. In the
case of the S-95 design study the front nozzle deflection was limited to small change
from the vertical to provide control force components. Hence the high bypass ratio mode
could only be used for nominally vertical flight and, possibly, during subsonic
manoeuvres. For conventional flight at both subsonic and supersonic speeds the engine
operation was in the lower bypass ratio mode. This difficulty could be overcome by
arranging for the deflection of the front nozzle system to an aft, horizontal mode. The
consequent penalty on the layout of the aircraft would have to be balanced against the
better potential performance in subsonic cruise. However, the use of the lower bypass
ratio in all conventional flight is comparable with that of an aircraft using a constant
cycle powerplant matched for a compromise between subsonic and supersonic flight.
For the purposes of the present example the powerplant system is assumed to be the
same as that described for the S-95 study, thereby providing a basis for the design and
facilitating comparison. For the purpose of powerplant modelling the engine is assumed
to be of conventional design with no cycle variation. It will be further assumed that there
is a provision for sufficient low pressure bleed to enable a longitudinal thrust split of
40 - 60% between the front and rear nozzles, respectively, to be achieved.
Examples of the synthesis procedure 409
AD5.5.3 Specification
The speci fi cat i on is conveni ent l y pr esent ed in three parts, namel y poi nt performance,
mi ssi on r equi r ement s and suppl ement ary data.
a) Point performance:-
i) Level flight: MN = 1.1 at sea level
MN = 1.2 at 11 km altitude (wi t hout aft erburni ng)
MN = 1.6 at 11 km altitude
ii) Sust ai ned turn rates: 16 deg/s at MN = 0.5 and sea level
11 deg/s at M N = 0.9 and sea level
12 deg/s at M N = 0.9 and 6 km altitude
8 deg/s at MN = 1.2 and 6 km altitude
iii) Instantaneous turn rates: 20 deg/s at M N = 0.55 and 3 km altitude (wi t hout
the use of thrust defl ect i on)
25 deg/s at MN = 0.5 and sea l evel
iv) Specific Excess Power: 150m/s at M N = 1.4 and 9 km altitude
300m/s at MN = 0.9 and sea level
190 m/s at MN = 0.9 and 6 km altitude
v) Fi el d performance: Shor t t ake- of f roll of 125 m; dry concr et e at
Inernat i onal St andard At mospher e (ISA)+15C
zero wi nd (full internal weapons and fuel)
Vertical landing at appropriate mission landing
mass at ISA+15C and in head winds of up to 10 m/s
b) Mission requirements:
i) Ai r super i or i t y- Mission A
Weapon load: 2 x short range air to air missiles
4 x medi um range air to air missiles
(any combi nat i on of 4 missiles carried internally)
1 x 20 mm M61 A 1 Vul can gun with 400 rounds
Wa r m up and taxi (5 mi n at gr ound idle) and short t ake-off
Accel erat e and climb to MN = 0.8 and 11 km altitude
Crui se for 436km at MN = 0.8 and 11 km altitude
Accel erat e to MN = 1.5 at 9 km altitude
Supersoni c combat at MN = 1.5 and 9 km altitude: one 360 sust ai ned 3g
Descend to sea level and MN = 0.9
410 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Subsonic combat at MN = 0.9 and sea level: two 360 sustained 8g turns
(all missiles and ammunition expended by end of subsonic combat)
Climb to 11 km altitude and M~ = 0.8
Cruise for 436 km back to base
Descend to sea level and hover for 1 min out of ground effect
Vertical landing with at least 5% internal fuel remaining
Offensi ve suppor t - Mission B
Weapon load: 4 x air to ground missiles (e.g Maverick)
2 x short range air to air missiles
(any combination of 4 missiles carried internally)
1 x 20 mm M61 A 1 Vul can gun with 400 rounds
War m up and taxi (5 min at ground idle) and short take-off
Accelerate to MN = 0.6 at 80 m altitude (nominally sea level)
Cruise at MN = 0.6 at 80 m altitude for 200 km
Accelerate to MN = 0.8 at 80 m altitude
Cruise at MN = 0.8 at 80 m altitude for 100 km
Fly at MN = 0.9 at 80 m altitude for 2 minutes
Subsonic combat at M N = 0.9 and sea level: four 360 sustained 8g turns.
(all missiles and ammunition expended by end of combat).
Cruise at MN = 0.8 at 80m altitude for 100km
Cruise at MN = 0.6 at 80m altitude for 200km
Hover for 1 min out of ground effect
Vertical landing with at least 5 % internal fuel remaining
c) Supplementary data
i) Avionics fit Integrated communications, navigation and identification
Internal navigation and global positioning system
Controls and displays as relevant
Radio altimeter
Digital computers
Airborne radar
Radar warning system
Radar j ammi ng system
Weapons management system
ii) Structural Desi gn speed, Vo, 386 rn/s EAS
design Desi gn maxi mum Mach number, Mo, 1.8
Limit normal manoeuvre factors at combat mass: +9 a nd- 3.
Ultimate factor 1.5
Desi gn vertical landing velocity 4.45 m/s
(Runway CBR of 8 for 100 passes at design landing mass -
see paragraph AD 1.3.3)
Examples of the synthesis procedure 411
(Bird impact of 1.8 kg at 260 m/s and sea level)
iii) General Chaff and flare dispensers required
Low observability characteristics required
Consideration of vulnerability, reliability and maintainability
Life cycle costs to be as low as feasible
(Note that not all of these requirements are relevant to the conceptual design phase)
AD5.5.4 Configuration development
Cross sections
Powerplant module
L.P. offtake Air intake face
~ ~ - i , ' ~ _ _ ~ _ ~ A ~ - ~ /Datum ~ ' ~
1 ~ -
Weapons bay- 2 Air to ground __[-'-~__ I \ ~ / Datum
- ! ~ - / . . . .
_ \ 1
Weapons bay
. ,
Landing gear , Aft nozzle
Figure AD5.8 STOVL combat ai rcraf t - fuselage modules
The S-95 project study referred to in paragraph AD5.5.2 was based on a close-coupled
canard configuration with a low wing. The wing was blended into a rather wide body with
the weapons being carried on semi-submerged pallets located either side of the
powerplant installation. The air intake system was split to pass either side of the forward
412 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
nozzle, the pair of inlets being positioned just behind and below the cockpit region. To
avoid acoustic damage the fuselage behind the main, rear, propulsive nozzle was split
laterally to take the form of a rudimentary twin boom configuration. Each boom carried
an outwards inclined fin. A wing quarter chord sweep of 20 associated with an aspect
ratio of 3 resulted in a diamond-shaped planform, which was reproduced on the canard
surface. Both leading and trailing edge flaps were found to be necessary to meet the
demanding manoeuvre requirements in spite of the advantage of the close-coupled canard
layout in this respect Although careful attention was given to detail stealth considerations
the association of the canard with semi-submerged weapons resulted in unfavourable
characteristics from this aspect. A further difficulty became apparent in that the structural
layout of the low wing was seriously compromised by the need to gain access for engine
As a consequence of the perceived disadvantages of the configuration selected for the
S-95 study the present concept is based on the use of a high wing which allows the engine
to be removed by lowering it through access doors in the fuselage underbelly. As it is
difficult to effectively combine a close-coupled canard with a high wing a conventional
tailed configuration will be adopted. Provision will be made for the carriage of any four
missiles in two weapons bays located in the sides of the fuselage, alongside the
powerplant. The penalty on the stealth characteristics of the external carriage of two
further missiles will be accepted on the basis that an operational compromise is
acceptable. Two further side fuselage bays positioned behind the weapons bays will be
used to accommodate the retracted main landing gear units. The nose inlet and rear
fuselage layout of the S-95 will be retained, albeit being subject to detail change.
Likewise the wing quarter chord sweep of nominally 20 will be kept, at least initially.
While the fuselage layout of a supersonic aircraft must be considered together with the
lifting surface configuration in order to determine an acceptable longitudinal area
distribution, it is possible to investigate an initial layout by consideration of the cross-
section shapes needed to accommodate the various items located within the fuselage. As
suggested in Chapter 4 this is best done by utilising appropriate combinations of modules
such as powerplant, crew, weapons, etc. Figure ADS.8 shows the relevant modules for
this design together with cross-sections developed from them. These form the basis of the
layout of the fuselage as shown in Figure AD5.9, from which the overall dimensions may
be established. The lifting surfaces shown in Figure AD5.9 are those derived at the
conclusion of the initial design synthesis, see paragraph AD5.5.6. They are included for
completeness since the fuselage layout cannot be finalised without them, but a notional
arrangement has to suffice for the commencement of the synthesis process. The effective
length to diameter ratio needed to evaluate the wave drag contribution of the fuselage is
derived by finding the equivalent diameter of the area defined by the maximum fuselage
cross-section less the engine intake face area, see Chapter 6, paragraph
E x a mp l e s o f t h e s y n t h e s i s p r o c e d u r e 4 1 3
2 : - - _ , - . . . . . . . . . . . : - - - ' , - . . . . . . . . . .
' ~ L - _ . ~ ,,-.i ~ _ I i J I
~ 1 - - r - r - - ~ - - , - - . - , , . . _ , I , , , ~ \ i ', l
' . l - ~ - - ~ ' - , . k r ~ ~ , " I ~
- - ~ _" ? - _ ~ ; -.' : ' - - - - - - 4 . . . . . : ~ J - ? - ' - - - - - - : - - - - - " t - - - ~ - -
, ~ - - ; . . . . . ~ - \ - . . . . , . . . . . ~ /
~ - - ~ , _ [ Weapo~ , _ _
,,O J
; m' 2
. . . . . .
. ,
,,. , ~ - ; :
' Fuel ~ ~ ' ~ - ~ - "- r - - , _ L_Z_" . _ ~__
_ ~ t i i ~ " I i I [ - T " " - F - - 7 - , ~ - - -
~ ! _ >~L~_ _ -'ll ~ - ~ = : = . . = - : ' - . . . . . ,---,."~/4+ I / _ , ) . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - t " - ~ - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - I 1 " - - " I ?
t ~ C _ ~ / r - ~ - ' ; , - - - - , - = ' ~ I , , IT . ,
e ' - = ~ - - - - , t - S - , 7 . ~ = L - . - I . - - J I I i I j I 1 . . . L . . . . = _ ~ ' ~ . . . / _
" L L , _ . . . . - - j ~ = . - - - - - " - " - - - [ - ~ _ ~ _ _ _ . - .
- . . . - , , - . . . .
Figure AD5.9 STOVL combat ai rcraf t - fuselage and lifting surface layout
A D 5 . 5 . 5 Spreadsheet formulat ion (SPREADSHEET AD5. 4)
AD5.5.5.1 Initial inputs and assumptions
The paramet ers selected for opt i mi sat i on are wi ng aspect ratio, t hi ckness to chord ratio,
quart er chord sweep, engi ne bypass ratio and number of engi nes. However , in this case
the latter t wo paramet ers have been not been varied. The Requi r ement s have been deri ved
di rect l y f r om the speci fi cat i on gi ven in par agr aph AD5. 5. Engi ne bypass ratio has been
t aken as 0.4, see par agr aph AD5. 5. 2.
414 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Assumed values are:
M1/Mo Ratio of climb to take-off mass, taken to be 0.99 as standard (Ch.7,
para 7.3.6)
S^-0.1 Wi ng area parameter (Ch.6, Figure 6.1 gives 0.665 for combat
aircraft as an initially assumed value, to be subsequently corrected)
Rw Wetted area factor (Ch.6, Table 6.3 suggests 4 to 5, assume 5 here)
Type Fac. Assume 1.2 (Ch.6, Table 6.4)
Ko Area distribution factor (Ch.6, para 6.3.3 suggests 1.7 to 2.0 for a
"reasonable" combat aircraft area distribution, assume 1.9 in this case)
Kf Fuselage shape factor (Ch.6, para 6.3.3, assume 1.0 as a
conservative value when associated with Ko =1.9)
Kw Wi ng shape factor in induced drag term (Ch.6, para 6.3.3 gives 0.2
when conical camber is not used)
S/1^2 Aircraft shape parameter (Ch.6, Table 6.5 suggests values in the
range 0.14 to 0.2 for conventional tail with stealth features, assume
0.14 as an initial value, to be subsequently corrected when the
actual geometry becomes defined)
Flap Fac 1.0 for single slotted flaps which are assumed here (Ch.6, para
C1 EAS sig Air density at end of constant equivalent airspeed climb, assume that
this climb phase ends at 7.5 km for the fLrSt estimation of the fuel usage
C1 Mn sig Air density at end of constant Mn climb, assume that this climb
constant is up to 11 km altitude
Trans sig Altitude for transonic acceleration is 9 km as given in the
specification (Mission A - Air Superiority)
SS alpha / Second segment climb parameters, not applicable to this example
SS gamma
a Cr l Speed of sound for cruise 1 condition, sea level case
a Cr 2 Speed of sound for cruise 2 condition, cruise at 9 km altitude as given
in specifications (Mission A - Air superiority), speed of sound
Assumed wing configuration is variable camber leading edge
flaps (Ch.6, para 6.2.5, variable geometry leading edge)
Lift coefficient increment at low speed (Ch.6 Table 6.2 gives 0.4
for the chosen configuration)
Lift coefficient increment at high speed (Ch.6, Table 6.2 gives 0.8
for the chosen configuration)
For the first approximation for use in calculations assume (T/Mg)o
is 0.8 (actual value is not critical to final output).
Engine data for low bypass ratio suggests a value of 0.8 (See Ch.3,
Engine reheat thrust factor (Ch.3, para data for the engine
model indicates 1.13)
Wi ng
Del L
Del H
PPFac s
F tau
Examples of the synthesis procedure 415
Datum specific fuel consumption factor (Ch.3, para, 0.96
assumed here)
AD5.5.5.2 Initial calculations
Mcrl /Mo
l/d body
M-CIMn/Mo Ratio of start of constant Mn climb to take-off mass (Ch.7, Table
7.2 gives the fuel used in constant equivalent airspeed climb, hence
this ratio may be derived)
Ratio of start of cruise 1 to take-off mass, cruise is at sea level, so
the ratio is M1/Mo
Ratio of transonic acceleration to take-off mass (this is derived
from the mass used in the constant equivalent airspeed and
constant Mn climbs Ch.7, Table 7.2)
Ratio of start of cruise 2 to take-off mass (derived from mass at
start of transonic acceleration by assuming fuel used in the
transonic acceleration is 0.01M0, Ch.7, para
Landing mass ratio (derived from Ch.7, Table 7.1)
Effective overall length to diameter ratio of body, value of 8 is
derived from the initial fuselage layout (see Figure AD5.9)
AD5.5.5.3 Preliminary calculations
The large number of point performance requirements leads to an extensive set of
preliminary calculations.
The first row contains general details:
cos delta
(C1)H o
(C1)Instn 1
(C1)Instn 2
Va calc
WDF crl
(Cdw) bar
Zero lift drag coefficient in incompressible flow [Ch.6 Eq (6.13a)]
Cosine of wing quarter chord sweep
Maximum lift coefficient at low speed [Ch.6, Eq (6.8)]
Maximum lift coefficient in high speed conditions [Ch.6, Eq (6.7)]
Unstick lift coefficient [taken to be 0.75 times (C1)L]
Approach lift coefficient [approach assumed to be a 1.2 times stall
speed and hence value is 0.7 times (C1)L]
Lift coefficients at instantaneous turn conditions 1 and 2 [product of
(C1)H o and (1-0.25 respective Mn), Ch.6, Eq (6.7)]
Calculated approach speed to meet the landing length requirement
[Ch.7, Eq (7.6b)]
The lower of Va calc and Va as specified, in this case the latter value.
Wave drag factor corresponding to the first (subsonic) cruise case
[the term in brackets to power of 20 in Ch.6, Eq (6.13a)]
Coefficient of the volume wave drag coefficient [Ch.6, Eq (6.17b)]
The second row of the preliminary calculations gives the values of the zero lift drag
416 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
coefficient for the numerous flight conditions. These can be identified with the
specification point performance requirements except for (Cdz)9 and (Cdz)10sb which
are the values for Mach numbers of 0.9 and 1.0 using the subsonic equation, and
(Cdz) 10sp (Cdz) 11, (Cdz) 12, (Cdz) 15 and (Cdz) 16 which are for Mat h numbers of 1.0,
1.1, 1.2, 1.5 and 1.6 respectively based on the supersonic equation [Ch.6, Eqs (6.13a) and
(6.17a) respectively]
The third row gives the values of the induced drag factor Kv, for the same conditions
as those covered for the zero lift coefficients [Ch.6, Eqs (6.14a) and (6.18) respectively].
The fourth and fifth rows give the thrust parameters (r). D for the dry and W
for the wet (afterburning) engine conditions respectively [Ch.3, Eqs (3.7a), (3.7b) and
(3.8) and Table 3.2]. The altitudes are appropriate to the specification cases.
The sixth row give the values of Beta, the product of (Cdz) and (Kv), for the various
conditions outlined above. Also in this row are:
(Cdz/C1)co The ratio of (Cdz) and (C1) in the climb out condition with flaps
(Cdw/Cdz) The ratio of the volume wave drag and basic zero lift drag
coefficients used in the Cr2 supersonic cruise case
The seventh row of the preliminary calculations gives the normal acceleration factors
associated with the required instantaneous and sustained turn rates. In the case of the
instantaneous turns the calculated values are compared with the structural design limit of
9g and the lower value taken [Ch.7 (Eq 7.39b)]. The other terms in the seventh row are:
(Mg/S)o ld The take-off equivalent wing loading for a conventional landing as
def'med by approach speed Va [Ch.7, Eq (7.6a) without reverse thrust]
(Mg/S)o gt Take-off wing loading equivalent to gust sensitivity case (Not used
on this example)
(Mg/S)olT1 / Take-off equivalent wing loadings of the instantaneous turn cases
(Mg/S)olT2J based on the available lift coefficients
(T/Mg)oVL Take-off equivalent thrust to weight ratio to enable the vertical
landing to be undertaken [the ratio of landing to take-off mass
factored by 1.15 to allow for control, Ch.7, para 7.4.5]
The eighth row gives values of the parameters used for calculation of the supersonic
climb and transonic acceleration.
Supersonic climb:
Mn bar
tau bar
Kv bar
A bar
B bar
C bar
Mach number/height change factor [Ch 7, Eq (7.340]
Mach number change factor [Ch 7, Eq (7.34h)]
Thrust ratio correction factor [Ch 7, Eq (7.34g)]
Zero lift drag correction factor [Ch 7, Eq (7.34j)]
Induced drag correction factor [Ch 7, Eq (7.341)]
Terms to correct thrust, zero lift drag and induced drag respectively
[Ch.7, Eqs (7.34c), (7.34d) and (7.34e)]
Examples of the synthesis procedure 417
Transonic acceleration:
T a bar Thrust correction factors [Ch 7, Eqs (7.44a) and (7.44b)]
Tbba r
AD5.5.5.4 First stage analysis
The range of take-off wing loading (Mg/S)o has been selected by reference to Chapter
5, Table 5.3 and extended at both low and high values because of the special
characteristics of this requirement. The already derived value of the equivalent landing
case is covered as are the instantaneous manoeuvre values.
Conventional take-off:
1st app The previously assumed value, (T/Mg)ass, is used to make a first
estimate of the required (T/Mg)o [Ch.7, Eq (7.1b)]
(T/Mg)o The second calculation of (T/Mg)o uses the first approximation (a
further iteration could be needed if convergence is not satisfactory)
Acc stop:
(T/Mg)o The thrust to weight ratio needed to meet the engine failed condition in
take-off within the specific conventional distance [Ch. 7, Eq (7.3b)]
Sec Seg Climb:
(Tau)co Dry Thrust factor at climb out speed [Ch.3, Eq (3.7a) and Table 3.2 no
(T/Mg)o D The equivalent take off thrust to weight ratios[(Uses Ch.7, Eq (7.4a), no
afterburning, but zero here since condition is not relevant]
(Tau)co W Thrust factor at climb out speed [Ch.3, Eq (3.7a) and Table 3.2, with
(T/Mg)o W The equivalent take off thrust to weight ratios[(Uses Ch.7, Eq (7.4a),
with afterbuming, but zero here since condition is not relevant]
Deflected Thrust Take-Off:
(T/Mg) This performance condition is best analysed by using assumed values of
(T/Mg) to derive the equivalent wing loadings
Theta Optimum thrust deflection angle [Ch.7, Eq (7.5d))]
(Mg/S)o Wing loading corresponding to assumed (T/Mg) values to enable take-off
to be achieved in the specific ground roll [Ch.7, Eq (7.5c)]
(T/Mg)o Corrected value of (T/Mg) allowing for control requirements [the assumed
value of (T/Mg) divided by 0.92, see Ch.7, para 7.3.5]
Specific Excess Power (SEP):
The required (T/M)o values are calculated for four conditions, subsonic 1,2 and 3 and
supersonic, ss:
418 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
D bar Drag factor relevant to flight condition [Ch.7, Eq (7.13e), using case
(T/Mg)o D /Required dry and wet thrust to weight ratios to give the specified SEP
(T/Mg)o W J[Ch.7, Eq (7.13f), using case data]
Sustained Turn:
The required (T/Mg)o values calculated for four conditions, subsonic 1, 2 and 3 and
supersonic, ss:
D bar Drag factor relevant to flight condition [Ch. 7, Eq (7.13e), using case
(T/Mg)o D /Required dry and wet thrust to weight ratios to give the specified
(T/Mg)o W Jsustained turn rate [Ch.7, Eq (7.40a), using case data]
Maxi mum Mach number at low level:
D bar Drag factor and thrust to weight ratios required to achieve specified low
(T/Mg)o D level Mach number (derived from same equation as sustained turns with
(T/Mg)o W unit normal acceleration)
Maximum Mach number at high level:
D bar Drag factor and thrust to weight ratios required to achieve specified high
(T/Mg)o D level Mach number at assumed combat mass (derived from same
(T/Mg)o W equations as above)
Start of Subsonic Cruise - Crl at Mn = 0.9 at sea level:
Fac Qm Factor in climb prediction at constant Mach number [Ch.7, Eq (7.22b)]
(T/Mg)o D Dry and wet thrust to weight ratios needed to achieve a residual rate of
(T/Mg)o W climb of 1.5 m/s at the high level cruise altitude of 9 km at a Mach
number of 0.9 [Ch.7, Eq (7.23b)]
C1 Case lift and drag coefficients and lift to drag ratio appropriate to start of
Cd climb condition at sea level (for Mn = 0.9 cruise at sea level)
L/D Ratio of two previous terms
Start of Supersonic Cruise - Cr 2 (end of supersonic climb at 17 km altitude):
Fac Qvm Factor in prediction of supersonic climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.34b)]
(T/Mg)o D Dry and wet thrust to weight ratios required to achieve a residual rate of
(T/Mg)o W climb of 1.5 m/s at supersonic cruise altitude of 17 km [Ch.7, Eq
Transonic Acceleration at 10 km altitude:
Da bar / Drag factors for acceleration from Mn = 0.9 to 1.0, and Mn = 1.0 to 1.2
Db bar J [Ch.7, Eqs (7.44a) and (7.44b) respectively]
Examples of the synthesis procedure 419
E bar ~ Factors in evaluation of transonic acceleration [Ch.7, Eq (7.45c)]
F bar J
(T/Mg)o W Afterburning thrust to weight ratio required to achieve the transonic
acceleration in the specified time [Ch.7, Eq (7.45c)]
Supersonic Cruise 2 at Mn = 1.5 at 9 km altitude:
Case C1 Case lift and drag coefficients and lift to drag ratio at start of Mn = 1.5
Cd supersonic cruise
L/D Ratio of the two previous terms
The first summary table states the dry thrust to weight ratios as a function of wing
loading for the relevant performance conditions. Also included are the wing loading
values previously derived for the conventional landing, gust sensitivity (zero in this
case as it is not relevant), the instantaneous turns and deflected thrust take-off. The
sunanaary values have been used to produce the left hand of the two diagrams showing
the variation of thrust to weight ratio with wing loading. The second sutmrmry table
gives the corresponding values for afterburning thrust to weight ratios, where this
engine condition is relevant. The fight hand of the two diagrams represents these
values. It can be seen that the first instantaneous turn case places an upper limit on
the wing loading of 4435 N/ m 2 which is, of course, independent of thrust to weight
ratio. The supersonic sustained turn requirement determines the required thrust to
weight ratio for both engine conditions, although the supersonic specific excess power
case is almost as critical. Interestingly the deflected thrust take-off and vertical landing
conditions, evaluated only for dry engine conditions, are well below the required value
if the dry thrust necessary to meet the manoeuvre cases is installed. However, when
reheat is used to meet the critical manoeuvre and SEP cases the matching is much
better. The required dry equivalent thrust to weight ratio, corresponding with the wing
loading of 4435 N/ m 2 is 1.05 for the optimised condition shown.
The results for the given parametric case are shown in the box below the Summary.
AD5. 5. 5. 5 Effect of change of aspect ratio and thi ckness to chord ratio on the
required thrust to weight ratio.
It is of interest to investigate how the aspect ratio and thickness to chord ratio influence
the required thrust to weight ratio. This has been undertaken for the ranges 2 _<_A_< 5 and
0.04 _< t/c _<0.07. (Note that the optimised value of t/c as given in Spreadsheet AD5.4 is
outside this range at 0.09014.) The data required for this analysis are shown below the
Results box and are illustrated in the carpet plot located immediately below the two
diagrams of (T/Mg)o variation with (Mg/S)o. It can be seen that increase of thickness to
chord ratio results in a rel at i vel y small increase of requi red thrust to wei ght ratio while
420 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
increase of aspect ratio is accompanied by a significant reduction of required thrust to
weight ratio. (Because it is necessary to input the particular result for a given combination
of parameters into the data list, the results presented here become invalid if any of the
stage one input data or calculations are changed.)
AD5.5.5.6 Second stage analysis; input data and assumptions
Requirements for Missions:
The specification given in paragraph AD5.5.3 defines two specific missions, Mi s s i o n
A - Air superiority and Mi s s i o n B - Offensive support. The performance conditions
appropriate to these are listed in the Requirements for Mission Box.
lambda Assumed taper ratio of 0.15 as being typical for this class of aircraft (Ch.
5, Table 5.2)
(T/Mg)eng Basic thrust to weight ratio of engine, from given engine data (assumed
to be 6.5, see Ch.6, para
Crew One crew member only
Op It Fac 100 kg assumed (Ch.6, para
App Fuel/Mo Ratio of approach fuel to take-off mass, value of 0.01 assumed (Ch.7,
para 7.4.4)
V bar Horizontal tail volume coefficient, 0.4 assumed (see Ch.8, Table 8.1A)
Vv bar Vertical tail volume coefficient, 0.065 assumed (see Ch.8, Table 8.1A)
Input data:
Fus L
Fus B
Fus H
Fuselage length determined from layout, Figure AD5.9.
Fuselage maximum width determined from layout
Fuselage height determined from layout
Lifting surface mass coefficient from Ch.6, Table 6.7 (low value of
0.0062 assumed to allow for use of composites)
Fuselage mass coefficient from Ch.6, Table 6.6 (low value of 0.036
assumed, again to allow for composite construction)
Powerplant installation mass coefficient (Ch.6, Table 6.8, value of 1.5
chosen assumes fixed geometry intakes but does allow for front air duct
and nozzle)
Systems mass coefficient (Ch.6, Table 6.9, value of 0.19 allows for
landing gear and advanced control systems)
Lifting surface factor (Ch.6, Table 6.10, typical value of 1.24 is
Examples of the synthesis procedure 421
Location of component mass centres, based on the layout Figure AD5.9:
Del l W Location of wing structure mass assumed to be 0.1 mean aerodynamic
chord aft of 0.25 MAC [nominal centre of gravity of aircraft (c.g.)]
1 Fus Fuselage centre of gravity position aft of nose, derived from layout
1 Hor TI Horizontal tail position aft of nose, derived from layout assumptions
1 Vert T1 Vertical tail position aft of nose, derived from layout assumptions
Del 1 PP Powerplant centre of gravity aft of aircraft centre of gravity, derived
from powerplant data and assumed balance of nozzle forces in vertical
flight about aircraft centre of gravity
1 SYS Assumed location of systems mass aft of nose, again based on layout
Del 1 PAY Location of payload mass aft of aircraft centre of gravity, derived from
Del 1 wg fue Location of centre of wing fuel mass aft of centre of gravity of aircraft,
assumed to be the same as the wing structure mass
1 fus fu Location of fuselage fuel mass aft of aircraft nose, derived from layout
Del 1 mngr Location of main undercarriage mass aft of aircraft centre of gravity,
derived from layout
1 nose gr Location of nose undercarriage mass aft of nose, derived from layout
AD5.5.5.7 Second stage calculations
The second stage calculations are undertaken for each mission separately.
Mission A
(S/Mo)A-0.45 Power of wing loading used in lifting surface mass calculations, initially
assumed to be 0.66 (Ch.6, Figure 6.1)
p bar Cabin pressure differential (taken to be 0.272 bar, but not actually
needed for subsequent analysis in this case)
Initial Climb A1- Mn = 0.8 to 11 km altitude:
Tau Mn 1 Thrust factor at Mach number 0.8 and sea level [Ch.3, Eq ( 3. 7) and
Table 3.2)]
(Cd)zC1A1 Zero lift drag coefficient at Mn = 0.8 [Ch.6, Eq (6.12a)]
(Kv)C1A1 Induced drag factor at Mn = 0.8 [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a)]
(Qm)C1A1 Factor in constant Mach number climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.22b)]
(Vv)Mn 1 Mean rate of climb from sea level to 11 krn altitude at Mn = 0.8 [Ch.7,
Eq (7.22a)]
DistC1A 1 Distance covered in climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.25) including cosine term]
(c)CrA1/A3 Specific fuel consumption (dry) at start of Mn = 0.8 climb [Ch.3, Eq
422 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Cruise A1- Mach number 0.8 at 11 km altitude:
Dist Cr A1 Required cruise distance (specified radius of operation less distance
covered in climb to 11 km)
Cr A 1 C1 Lift coefficient at start of Mn = 0.8 cruise at 11 km altitude
Reqd(T/Mg) Required thrust to weight ratio in Mn = 0.8 cruise at 11 km (the
reciprocal of the lift to drag ratio obtained from the required lift
coefficient and the previously calculated drag terms at Mn = 0.8)
Av(T/Mg) Available thrust to weight ratio derived from static thrust to weight ratio
with allowance for the fuel used in climb
Av/Reqd Ratio of available to required thrust to weight ratio
(c)des. Design specific fuel consumption at Mn = 0.8 and 11 km [Ch.3, Eq
(c)od Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Transonic Acceleration at 9 km altitude, Mach number 0.9 to 1.2 (wet):-
(c)0.9 Specific fuel consumption (wet) at Mn = 0.9 and 9 km altitude [Ch.3, Eq
(c) 1.2 Specific fuel consumption (wet) at Mn = 1.2 and 9 km
(Wf/Mg)o Ratio of fuel used in transonic acceleration to take-off weight [Ch.7, Eq
Supersonic Acceleration/Climb A2 - to Mn = 1.5 at 9.001 km altitude (wet):
(Note supersonic acceleration/climb must have a nominal change in altitude to avoid
a singularity in the equations, hence the small increment in altitude shown here.)
Mn'ssC1 Factor in supersonic climb prediction [Ch.7, Eq (7.34f)]
(Vv)ssC1 Mean rate of climb in supersonic climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.34a)]
Dist ss C1 Ground distance covered in supersonic climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.38)]
Supersonic Cruise A2 - Mn = 1.5 and nominally 9 km altitude (wet):
Reqd(T/Mg) Required thrust to weight ratio in cruise (reciprocal of previously
determined lift to drag ratio)
Av(T/Mg) Available thrust to weight ratio derived from static thrust and relevant
thrust factor (wet), with allowance for fuel used in climbs and transonic
Av/Req Ratio of available to required thrust to weight ratios
(c)des Design specific fuel consumption (wet) at Mn = 1.5 and 9 km altitude
[Ch. 3, Eq (3.13)]
(c)od Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Combat at 9 km altitude and Mn = 1.5 (wet):
D bar Drag factor at Mn = 1.5 and 9 km altitude based on assumed combat
mass ratio (Mcr2/Mo) [Ch.7, Eq (7.13e)]
Examples of the synthesis procedure 423
Reqd(T/Mg) Required thrust to weight ratio in combat manoeuvre [Ch.7, Eq (7.40a)]
Dist (ss)
Available thrust to weight ratio, based on recalculated combat mass
Ratio of available to required thrust to weight ratios
Design specific fuel consumption (wet) [Ch.3, Eq (3.13)]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Distance aircraft travels in combat manoeuvre of one 360 sustained turn
at 3g
Ratio of fuel used to take-off weight during supersonic
climb/acceleration and combat
Combat at Mn = 0.9 and sea level (dry):
(Mg/S)sub Wing loading at subsonic combat conditions (allows for all fuel used
previously during the flight)
D bar Drag factor at Mn = 0.9 and sea level [Ch.7, Eq (7.13a)]
Reqd(T/Mg) Required thrust to weight ratio in combat manoeuvre [Ch.7, Eq (7.40a)]
Av(T/Mg) Available thrust to weight ratio at Mn = 0.9 and sea level and wing
loading condition appropriate to subsonic combat, (Mg/S)sub
Av/Req Ratio of available to required thrust to weight ratios
(c)des Design specific fuel consumption at Mn = 0.9 and sea level (dry) [Ch.3
Eq (3.12a)]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Distance aircraft travels in combat manoeuvre of two 360 sustained
turns at 8g
Ratio of fuel used to take-off weight in subsonic combat turns.
Dist (sb)
Return Climb A3 - Mn = 0.8 (dry):
(Mg/S) C1A3 Wing loading at start of return climb, allows for all fuel used previously
(Qm) C1A3 Factor in climb prediction using case data [Ch.7, Eq (7.22b)]
(Vv) MnA3 Mean rate of climb in return climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.22a)]
DistC1 A3 Ground distance covered in return climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.25)]
Return Cruise A3 - Mn = 0.8 at 11 km:
DistCrA3 Distance to be covered in return cruise (specified value less climb
(Mg/S)strt Wing loading at start of return cruise (allows for all fuel used
(C1)CrA3 Lift coefficient at start of return cruise (derived from Cruise A 1 value
with allowance for reduced wing loading)
Reqd(T/Mg) Required thrust to weight at start of return cruise (reciprocal of lift to
drag ratio)
Av(T/Mg) Available thrust to weight at start of return cruise
424 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Ratio of available to required thrust to weight ratios (Derived from
Cruise A 1 case with allowance for wing loading difference)
Off design specific fuel consumption (dry) [Based on previous value of
(c)des and Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
M fus
cl bar
M/op it
M fixed
Mass of fuselage structure [Ch.6, Eq (6.20b)]
Factor in prediction of lifting surface mass [Ch.6, Eq (6.24)]
Mass ratio of powerplant installation [uses value of c3 associated with
the static thrust to weight ratio and the assumed (T/Mg)eng]
Systems mass ratio (coefficient c4)
Mass of operational items (product of the Op It Fac and number of crew)
Fixed mass (sum of fuselage structure, payload and operational items)
(Note this is the initial payload and so it reduces when weapons are used)
Fuel usage:
T.O Assumed fuel used in take-off as ratio of take-off weight (0.01)
(Wf/Mg)o Ratio of fuel used to take-off weight in Mn = 0.8 climb [Ch.7, Eq (7.24)]
Cr AI:
log (M1/M2) Logarithm of mass ratio over Mn = 0.8 cruise [Ch.7, Eq (7.50b)]
M1/M2 Antilog of previous value
M2/Mo Ratio of mass at end of Mn = 0.8 cruise to take-off value (allows for fuel
used in initial climb)
Cr A2:
log(M1/M2) Logarithm of mass ratio over supersonic cruise[Ch.7, Eq (7.50b)] (It is
zero in this case since there is no supersonic cruise requirement)
M1/M2 Antilog of previous value
M2/Mo Ratio of mass at end of supersonic cruise to take-off value (allows for fuel
used previously, including transonic acceleration and supersonic climb)
End Supersonic phase:
Mss/Mo Mass ratio at end of supersonic phase, including combat (allows for
combat fuel)
End Subsonic Combat phase:
Msb/ Mo Mass ratio at end of subsonic combat (allows for subsonic combat fuel
and disposal of payload)
Examples of the synthesis procedure 425
CI A3:
(Wf/Mg)o Ratio of fuel used to take-off weight in second subsonic climb at Mn =
0.8 [Ch.7, Eq (7.24)]
Cr A3:
log (M1/M2) Logarithm of mass ratio over return subsonic cruise at Mn = 0.8 and 11
km altitude [Ch.7, Eq (7.50b)]
M1/M2 Antilog of previous value
M2/Mo Ratio of mass at end of return cruise to take-off value (allows for fuel
used in climb to 11 km altitude, CI A3)
Hover for 1 minute:
Reqd(T/Mg) Thrust to weight ratio required to hover at end of return flight (based on
previous M2/Mo value factored by 1.15 to allow for control
requirements, Ch.7, para 7.3.5)
Av(T/Mg) Installed dry static thrust to weight ratio, corrected for reduced mass at
landing condition
Av/Req Ratio of previous two values
(c)des Design specific fuel consumption (dry) at hover condition [Ch.3, Eq
(c)od Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
(Wf/Mg)o Ratio of fuel used for 1 min in hover to take-off weight
End Flight:
Fuel used
Tot Fuel
x bar (0.25)/
root chrd
Root chrd
Final landing mass ratio
Ratio of weight of fuel used to take-off weight (difference of landing
and take-off weights with allowance for disposal of payload)
Total fuel ratio required (1.053 times previous value to allow for reserve)
Sum of terms dependent on take-off mass (fuel, powerplant and systems)
Location of 0.25 mean aerodynamic chord on centreline chord of wing
[Ch.8, Eq (8.7b) using geometry to be defined]
Wing centreline chord (defined subsequently)
Wing mean aerodynamic chord (defined subsequently)
Mission B
Cruise B 1- Mn = 0.6 at sea level (dry):
(Cd)zCrB 1 Zero lift drag coefficient at Mn = 0.6 [Ch.6, Eq (6.12a)]
(Kv)CrB 1 Induced drag factor at Mn = 0.6 [Ch.6, Eq (6.13a)]
CrB 1C1 Lift coefficient in cruise at Mn = 0.6 and sea level
426 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Reqd (T/Mg)
Reciprocal of lift to drag ratio in case to give required thrust to weight
Available thrust to weight ratio [uses Ch.3, Eq (3.7) and Table 3.2]
Ratio of previous two values
Design specific fuel consumption (dry) [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Log (M 1/M2)Logarithm of mass ratio in cruise over specified range [Ch.7, Eq (7.50b)]
M1/M2 Antilog of previous value
M2/Mo Ratio of mass at end of Mn - 0.6 cruise to take-off value (allows for fuel
used in take-off)
Cruise B2-
log (M1/M2)
Mn = 0.8 at sea level (dry):
Lift coefficient at Mn = 0.8 and sea level
Required thrust to weight ratio, the reciprocal of case lift to drag ratio
(drag terms previously evaluated)
Available thrust to weight ratio [Ch.3, Eq (3.7) and Table 3.2]
Ratio of previous terms
Design specific fuel consumption (dry) [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Logarithm of mass ratio in cruise over specified range [Ch.7, Eq
Antilog of previous value
Ratio of mass at end of Mn = 0.8 cruise to take-off value (allows for fuel
used previously)
Combat at sea level and Mn = 0.9 (dry):
D bar
Drag factor in this case [Ch.7, Eq (7.13e)]
Required thrust to weight ratio in manoeuvre [Ch.7, Eq (7.40a) allows
for fuel used up to combat phase]
Available thrust to weight ratio [Ch.3, Eq (3.7) and Table 3.2]
Reciprocal of previous two values
Design specific fuel consumption (dry) [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Distance covered in four 360 sustained 8g turns at Mn = 0.9 at sea level
Ratio of weight of fuel used in combat to take-off weight
Return Cruise B3 - Mn = 0.8 at sea level (dry):
M/Mo Mass ratio at start of return cruise (allows for all fuel used previously
and disposal of payload)
CrB3C1 Lift coefficient at mass M in cruise at Mn = 0.8 and sea level
Examples of the synthesis procedure 427
Reqd(T/Mg) Reciprocal of lift to drag ratio in return cruise B3 (drag terms previously
Av(T/Mg) Available thrust to weight ratio [uses Ch.3, Eq (3.7) and Table 3.2]
Av/ Reqd Ratio of previous two terms
(c)des Design specific fuel consumption (dry) [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
(c)od Off design specific fuel consumption[Ch.3, Eq (12b)]
log (M1/M2) Logarithm of mass ratio in Mn = 0.8 return cruise [Ch.7, Eq (7.50b)]
M1/M2 Antilog of previous value
M2/Mo Ratio of mass at end of Mn = 0.8 return cruise to take-off value
Return Cruise B4- Mn = 0.6 and sea level (dry):
CrB4C1 Lift coefficient at Mn = 0.6 and sea level (allows for all fuel used)
Reqd(T/Mg) Required thrust to weight ratio as reciprocal of lift to drag ratio
Av(T/Mg) Available thrust to weight ratio [Ch.3, Eq (3.7) and Table 3.2]
Av/Reqd Ratio of two previous values
(c)des Design specific fuel consumption (dry) [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
(c)od Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
log (M1/M2) Logarithm of mass ratio in Mn = 0.6 return cruise at sea level [Ch.7, Eq
M1/M2 Antilog of previous value
M2/Mo Ratio of mass at end of return cruise to take-off value
Hover for 1 minute:
Reqd(T/Mg) Required hover thrust to weight ratio at end of return flight (based on
previous value, M2/Mo, factored by 1.15 for control requirements, Ch.7,
para 7.3.5)
Av(T/Mg) Available thrust to weight ratio (static thrust with weight corrected to
M2 mass value)
Reciprocal of previous two values
Design specific fuel consumption (dry) [Ch.3, Eq (3.12a)]
Off design specific fuel consumption [Ch.3, Eq (3.12b)]
Fuel used in 1 min hover as ratio of take-off weight
End Flight:
Fuel used
Tot Fuel
K* Mo
Final landing mass ratio
Ratio of fuel used in mission to take-off weight (difference of landing
and take-off values with allowance for load disposed)
Total fuel ratio required (1.05 times previous value)
Sum of terms dependent upon take-off mass (fuel, powerplant and
428 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
M fixed
root chord
Root chord
Mass fixed (sum of fuselage structure, payload and operational items)
(note this is the initial payload and so it reduces when weapons are used)
x bar*(0. 25)/Locat i on of 0.25 mean aerodynamic chord on wing
root chord [Ch 8,
Eq (8.7b) using geometry to be defined]
Wing centreline (root) chord (defined subsequently)
Wing mean aerodynamic chord (defined subsequently)
AD5.5.5.8 Second stage analysis: optimisation
It is necessary to optimise the design for each of the two missions independently. Thus
there are two sets of Analysis and Results Boxes. The first part of the second stage
analysis uses the calculated values to determine the actual take-off mass for a given mission,
which is optimised. The second part uses the resulting component mass values to
make a first estimate of the wing position along the body which brings the centre of
gravity to the 0.25 mean aerodynamic chord position. Use of the assumed volume
coefficients then enables the sizes of the horizontal and vertical tails to be predicted.
The layout of the procedure is identical for both missions:
M lift sur
(Mo) calc
A first estimate of the take-off mass derived by assuming that the lifting
surface terms are 12% of the total mass
Initially the same value as (Mo)estl entered directly as a number, but
subsequently changed on optimisation
Mass of terms directly proportional to take-off mass (product of K*Mo
and (Mo)est2)
Mass of lifting surfaces [uses c 1 bar with (Mo)est2]
Initially this is the sum of (M fixed), (Kappa*Mo) and (M lift sur) to give
the total mass. This is the target cell used for optimisation by
invoking SOLVER. The value is minimised, in this case by changing
the aspect ratio, thickness to chord ratio, wing loading and (Mo)est2.
The constraints imposed are:
Structural Parameter, SP to be less than 18
(Mo)calc to be equal to (Mo)est2
Wing loading to be less than or equal to the landing and two
instantaneous turn conditions
Wi ng loading to be greater than gust sensitivity condition (when
The difference between (Mo)calc and (Mo)est2 as a check on the
Examples of the synthesis procedure 429
S Hor Tail
S Vert Tail
Location of 0.25 aerodynamic mean chord point aft of the fuselage nose,
derived from longitudinal balance of all the mass items, using fuselage
layout where appropriate (assumed position of aircraft c.g.)
Location of leading edge of wi ng centreline chord aft of the nose
[derived from 1 CG and x bar (0.25)/root chord]
Distance between the centre of gravity and nominal centres of pressure
of vertical and horizontal tails (derived from 1CG and 1 TAIL)
Areas of horizontal and vertical tail surfaces (derived from wing area,
wing mean chord, 1 TL ARM and assumed volume coefficients)
The opt i mi ser can handl e onl y one set of condi t i ons on a gi ven spreadsheet thus it is
necessary to apply it to each of the two missions in turn. However, application to a given
mission can alter the values of the other and hence the following procedure is adopted:
i) Optimise Mission A and separately record (Mo)calc in the cell below the
Analysis Box.
ii) Optimise Mission B and separately record the appropriate (Mo)calc as
iii) Select the mission which gives the critical case, that is the highest required
take-off mass. In this case it is found to be Mission B. (Mission A optimum
mass is 16,052 kg and Mission B is 20,352 kg).
iv) Adjust the assumed values of S^-0.1 and s/1A2 in the knowl edge of the first
set of optimised values for Mission B and re-optimise until the assumed and
output values of these two parameters are coincident to three significant
v) Using the final value of the operating empty mass for Mission B,
recalculate the take-off mass for Mission A using the "Goal Seeker" tool.
The result of this is shown in the Revised Mass - Mission A Box (final
Mission A mass is 19,092 kg).
AD5. 5. 5. 9 Summary of final results.
The summary of the final results for the Mi ssi on B design is shown in the relevant box.
The data have been derived directly from the previous calculations as follows:
i) Wi ng mass has been isolated from the total lifting surface mass by use of the
coefficient, c5.
ii) The wing geometry defined from the assumed and derived values of aspect ratio,
A, taper ratio, lambda and sweepback, (Del 0.25).
iii) Wi ng area follows from the take-off wing loading, (Mg/S)o.
iv) Of the total landing gear allowance of 4% of the aircraft mass some 15% has been
allocated to the nose unit.
430 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
AD5.5.6 Finalised configuration
The lifting surface data and centre of gravity evaluation for Mission B enables the
configuration of the aircraft to be completed. This is shown in Figure AD5.9, to which
reference has already been made. It is inevitable that with such a complex design as this
advanced combat aircraft further stages of analysis will result in changed values of many
of the assumed terms. Nevertheless the initial synthesis process can be expected to
provide a sound basis for a detailed design study.
AD5.6 Concl usi ons
The five case studies, that given in Chapter 8 and the four in this Addendum, cover the
great majority of aircraft types, or can be readily adapted to do so. For example the single
seat piston engine trainer can be simply changed to cover twin-engine types. The
turboprop feeder aircraft may be altered to cover turboprop trainers and the high altitude
subsonic example also covers subsonic military aircraft generally providing the engine is
of low bypass ratio. Higher bypass ratio subsonic types may be studied by modification of
the short haul transport example. Finally the supersonic V/STOL combat aircraft
spreadsheet has been arranged to cover other supersonic types, including airliners.
I ndex
Accel er at i on- st op di st ance - 172, 175
Accommodat i on - s e e Crew, Passenger accommodat i on
Advanced aer of oi l - 116
Advance r a t i o- 67, 72, 74
Aer obat i c ai rcraft - 42, 364
Aer odynami c cent re - 311
Aer odynami c der i vat i ves - l at er al / di r ect i onal - 328
l ongi t udi nal - 311
Aer odynami c t wi s t - 124
Aer oel ast i c effect s - 5, 37, 126
Aer of oi l charact eri st i cs and sel ect i on - 114, 141, 225, 287, 393
Af t er bur ni ng- 59, 408
Ai l er on - general - 122, 287
geomet r y - 256, 336
s i z e - 336, 365
vol ume coef f i ci ent - 256
Ai r br a ke - 122
Ai r condi t i oni ng - s e e Envi r onment al cont r ol syst em
Ai r densi t y - 65, 113, 185
Ai r cr af t Cl assi f i cat i on Number ( ACN) - 295, 297
Ai rfi el d t ypes - 294
Ai r i nt akes - l ocat i on - 27, 393, 411
pressure r e c ove r y- 55
Ai r wor t hi ness r equi r ement s - 5
Ai s l e - 105
Al i ght i ng gear - s e e Landi ng gear
Al l fl yi ng tail - 33, 320
Al l up wei ght ( AUW) - s e e Mass
Amphi bi ous ai r cr af t - 52
Angl e of at t ack - 114
Anhedr al - s e e Di hedr al
Ant i - i ci ng- s e e Envi r onment al cont rol syst em
Appr oach - fuel used - 182
general - 168, 229
lift coef f i ci ent - 141, 181
speed - 172, 229
Ar ea di st ri but i on - 151, 412
Ar mament mass - 360
Aspect r a t i o- 118, 125, 131, 136, 140, 143, 146, 147, 149, 150, 152, 158, 225,
338, 343, 367, 376, 390, 393, 404, 412, 419, 429
432 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
At mospheri c properties - 185
Auxi l i ary power unit - 101, 358
Avi oni cs - 100, 161, 308
Axl e travel - s e e Landi ng gear
Baggage- 107
Bal anced field l engt h- 166, 170, 175
Baul ked l andi ng- 136, 168, 173, 181, 230
Bi cycl e landing gear - 41
Bi pl ane confi gurat i on - 42, 364
Bl eed a i r - s e e Power offtakes
Bogi es - s e e Landi ng gear
Boundary layer - 146, 147
Braced wing mass - 157, 345
Brakes - s e e Landi ng gear
Braki ng decel erat i on - 176, 180
Breguet range equat i on - 213
Buffet - 140, 142
Butterfly tail - 43, 393
Bypass engine - 59, 63, 64, 65, 160, 227, 391, 408
Bypass ratio - 59, 67, 227, 391, 408
Cabi n l ayout - length - 106, 238, 379
overall - 103, 238, 378
Cal i forni a Beari ng Rat i o (CBR) - 295
Camber - 114
Canard - close coupl ed - 45, 50, 143, 320, 411
confi gurat i on - 45
layout on fuselage - 99
long coupl ed - 45, 320
procedure for design - 320
with forward swept wing - 45
Cei l i ng - absolute - 166, 189
general - 166, 192, 197, 203, 231, 390
limiting lift coef f i ci ent - 143
service - 166, 231
Cent re of gravity - 252
Certification - 9
Cl i mb - constant equi val ent ai rspeed - 189, 190
const ant Mach number - 189, 196
general - 134, 166, 230
ground distance covered - 196, 198, 201, 204, 230
limiting lift coef f i ci ent - 196
second s egment - 134, 166, 172, 176, 229, 244
simplified analysis - 189, 230
third segment - 166, 172
Cl i mb - variable Mach numbe r - 189, 202
Cockpi t - s e e Cr ew . accommodation
Combat aircraft - 25, 49, 102, 152, 406
Index 433
Co mmu t e r ai r cr af t - 376
Compos i t e mat er i al s - 154, 157, 344, 345
Compr e s s i bi l i t y - 115, 117
Conc e pt ua l des i gn p h a s e - 1, 6, 8, 15
Conf i gur at i on - convent i onal - 23
sel ect i on - 16, 237
st udi es - 14, 237
Cons t r ai nt s - 236
Cont ai ner si zes - 108
Cons uma bl e s ma s s - 156
Cont r ol - 282, 288, 3 1 3 , 3 1 5 , 3 1 7 , 324, 334
Cont r ol s ur f ace - s e e Ai l er on; Hor i zont al t ai l ; Ver t i cal t ai l
Cont r ol s ys t e m mass - 356
Cos t s - c r e w - 11
de ve l opme nt - 7, 11
di r ect oper at i ng - 11
engi neer i ng - 11
fi rst ( acqui s i t i on) - 2, I 0
f u e l - 11
gener al - 2, 7, 9, 289
i ndi r ect oper at i ng - 11
i ns ur ance - 11
l i fe cycl e - 12
ma i nt e na nc e - 11
oper at i onal char ges - 11
p r o c u r e me n t - 12
ut i l i sat i on - 11
Cr e w - a c c ommoda t i on - 101, 284, 364, 365
cost s - 11
l ocat i on - 101
ma s s - 156
n u mb e r - 156
pr ot ect i on mas s - 360
vi si bi l i t y - 89
Cr i t i cal engi ne - s e e Engi ne f ai l ur e
Cr i t i cal Ma c h n u mb e r - 117, 127, 169
Cr os s - wi nd l andi ng - 328, 3 3 1 , 3 3 6
Cr ui s e - e n g i n e f ai l ed case - 222
gener al - 134, 167, 2 1 1 , 2 1 4 , 217, 235
l i ft c oe f f i c i e nt - 138, 142
Da mp i n g - s e e La ndi ng gear ; St abi l i t y, dyna mi c
Deci s i on s peed - 171
Def l ect ed t hr ust t ake- of f - 177
De- i ci ng - s e e Envi r onme nt a l cont r ol s ys t e m
Del t a wi n g - 38, 143, 157
De s c e nt - angl e on appr oach - 180
gener al - 135, 168, 182, 222
Des i gn - anal ys i s - 21
434 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Des i gn - det ai l - 8
i nf or mat i on - 22, 279
l ayout - 257, 262
mas s - s e e Mas s
poi nt - 226, 247, 250, 251
r e f i n e me n t - 289
s pace - 20, 225
Des i gn s peeds - ma noe uvr e - 5, 169
ma x i mu m - 5, 167
ma x i mu m oper at i ng - 167
ma x i mu m st r uct ur e ( Vo ) - 5, 136, 155, 158, 170
( S e e a l s o Speed)
De ve l opme nt cost - s e e Cost s
Di hedr al - 130, 328, 332
Di r ect - l i ft engi nes - 49, 406
oper at i ng cost s - s e e Cost s
Di r ect i onal st abi l i t y - s e e St abi l i t y, st at i c
Di sc l oadi ng - powe r - 69
t hr ust - 60
Di s pos abl e l o a d - 361
Di ve r ge nc e - s e e Aer oel as t i c ef f ect s
Door s - 105, 109
Dor s al fi n - 33, 39, 330
Doubl e sl ot t ed f l aps - s e e Hi gh lift devi ces
Do wn wa s h - 312, 220
Dr a g - 19, 113, 117, 129, 145, 183, 191, 196, 202, 205, 208, 2 4 1 , 2 8 7
Dr ag coef f i ci ent - baul ked l andi ng - 150
c l i mb out - 148
gener al - 113, 145
l andi ng gear - 181
l i ft i n d u c e d - 145, 147, 150, 187
wa ve - 151
zer o l i f t - 145, 147, 148, 150, 187
Dut c h rol l - s e e St abi l i t y, dynami c.
Dyna mi c st abi l i t y - see St abi l i t y
Ec o n o my cl ass - s e e Pa s s e nge r a c c ommoda t i on
Ef f i ci ency - i deal pr opul s i on - 55
over al l pr opul s i on - 55, 61, 212, 217
p o we r p l a n t / a i r f r a me - 282
p r o p e l l e r - 57, 67
s hock a b s o r b e r - 299
Ej ect i on s e a t - s e e Seat , cr ew
El ect r i cs mas s - 357, 358
El ect r oni cs - s e e Avi oni c s
El e v a t o r - s e e Hor i zont al t ai l
Eme r ge nc y exi t s - 105
Emp e n n a g e - conf i gur at i on - 32
l ayout on f us el age - 98
Index 435
Empennage - ( S e e a l s o Hor i zont al tail and Vert i cal tail)
Empt y mass - s e e Mass
Endur ance - 216, 220
Ener gy - cl i mb ki net i c - 182
shock absor ber - 299
Ener gy hei ght - 182
Engi ne - di rect l i ft / vert i cal lift - 48, 406
failure, headi ng change - 334
failure, s pe e d- 170, 176, 327, 329
mass - 159, 160, 163
power to wei ght rat i o - 160, 163
r e mo v a l - 25, 411
t hrust to wei ght rat i o - 160, 163
(See a l s o Power pl ant )
Engi neer i ng cost s - s e e Cost s
Envi r onment al cont rol syst em - 100, 112, 357, 359
Equi pment mass - 161, 355
Equi va l e nt - ai r s peed- 6, 169
sea l evel static t hr us t - 65, 69, 70, 73
si ngl e wheel l o a d - 295
ETOPS ( Ext ended t wi n engi ne oper at i ons) - 24
Exha us t - a r e a - 54
noz z l e - 56
Fan engi ne - s e e Bypass engi ne
Fan l i f t - 48, 407
Fan - t andem (for V/ STOL) - 406
FAR (Federal Avi at i on Regul at i ons) - s e e Ai r wor t hi ness r equi r ement s
Feeder line ai r cr af t - 376
Feasi bi l i t y st udy - 6
Fi n - s e e Ver t i cal tail
stall - 330
Fi rst cl ass - s e e Passenger accommodat i on
Fi xed e qui pme nt - s e e Equi pment mass
Fl ap - s e e Hi gh lift devi ces
Fl are, l andi ng - 168, 172
Fl i ght - cont rol syst ems - s e e Cont r ol syst em
d e c k - s e e Cr ew accommodat i on
r egi me/ power pl ant t ype - 62, 391
Fl oa t pl a ne s - 52
Fl oor - 108
Fl ut t e r - s e e Aer oel ast i c effect s
Fl yi ng boat - 52
Fl yi ng qual i t i es - 288
For epl ane - s e e Canar d
For war d sweep - s e e Sweep
Fowl er flap - s e e Hi gh lift devi ces
Fr ei ght ai rcraft - 40, 96, 97, 109
Fr ei ght hol d - di mensi ons - 109
436 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Fr ei ght hol d - door s - 109
e qui pme nt mass - 156
ge ne r a l - 109
Fr i ct i on coef f i ci ent , gr ound - 176, 181
Fuel - c o n s u mp t i o n char act er i st i cs - 75
cost s - s e e Cost s
ener gy equi val ent - 212
f r act i on - s e e Mass used
mass u s e d - 153, 162, 163, 178, 182, 193, 196, 1 9 8 , 2 0 1 , 2 0 4 , 2 1 1 , 2 1 4 ,
217, 235, 227, 228, 230
r eser ves - 216, 218
speci f i c f uel cons umpt i on - 75, 77
syst ems mass - 357
t anks i n f usel age - 101, 112
u n u s a b l e - 356
vol ume - 101, 131, 250
Fur ni s hi ngs mass - 355, 357, 360
Fus el age - c e nt r e sect i on shape - 90
concent r at ed l oad i nput s - 95
cr oss- sect i on - 82, 89, 108, 146
cr ew - s e e Cr ew, a c c ommoda t i on and vi si bi l i t y
cut out s - 94
di amet er , e f f e c t i ve - 146, 151
door s - 105, 109
e me r ge nc y exi t s - s e e Eme r ge nc y exi t s
e mpe nna ge l ocat i on - 98, 99
e qui pme nt - 100
f l oor s -108, 109
f uel t anks - s e e Fuel , t anks i n f usel age
f unct i on o f - 81
hei ght ( de pt h) - 89, 108, 151, 155
l andi ng gear - 99, 284
l ayout - gener al - 18, 238, 284, 365, 378, 393, 411
modul es - 111, 112
pr ocedur e - 110
l engt h - 90, 109, 155
l engt h, ef f ect i ve - 151
mass - 154, 155, 346
nose shape - 89
payl oad r equi r ement s - 82, 284
power pl ant l ocat i on - 25, 86, 284
pr essur i sat i on - 82, 154
shape gener al l y - 89
sl ender ness r a t i o- 90, 109
st r uct ur e - 93, 284
Fus el age - t ai l shape - 91
t wi n booms - 4 0 88, 352
vol ume - 109
weapons bay - 102
Index 437
Fus el age- wi dt h ( br eadt h) - 89, 108, 151, 155
wi ng j unct i on - 92, 285
wi ng vertical location - 30, 96
Gal l ey - 105, 107
Gas turbines - 58
Geared fan - 60
Geomet ri c t wi s t - s e e Wi ng
Gross mass - s e e Mass
Gr ound cl earance - 309
Gr ound run - s e e Landi ng and Take- of f
Gun installation - 103
Gus t - f act or - 6, 343
sensitivity in cruise - 136, 236
He a dr oom- s e e Fusel age, cross-sect i on and hei ght
Hi gh lift devi ces - e xt e ns i on- 121
general - 114, 140, 240, 287
l eadi ng edge flaps and Kr uger flaps - 114, 119, 121, 140
lift i ncrement s - 123, 140
mass - 342, 345
trailing edge, plain, slotted and Fowl e r - 119, 140
Hi gh wi ng- 30, 96, 97, 377
Hi nge mome nt - 315
Hori zont al st abi l i ser - s e e Hori zont al tail
Hori zont al tail - all fl yi ng tail - 33
area - 254, 318
desi gn pr ocedur e- 318
desi gn requi rement s - 313
el evat or - 32, 314, 318
geomet ry - 256
l ayout on fusel age - 98, 99
l ocat i on- 33, 98, 99
ma s s - 353
t ype - 32, 45, 318, 320
vari abl e i nci dence- 33
vertical l ocat i on- 33
vol ume coeffi ci ent - 254
Hot gas i ngest i on - 4 0 6
Hydraul i c syst em mass - 358
Indi cat ed ai rspeed - s e e Equi val ent ai rspeed
Indirect operat i ng costs - s e e Cost s
Induced drag - s e e Dr ag and Dr ag coeffi ci ent
Inlet - s e e Ai r intakes
In-line engi ne (piston) - 58
Inst rument mass - 358
Inst ant aneous turn rate - s e e Manoeuvr e
Insurance - s e e Cost s
Int eri or l ayout - s e e Cr ew accommodat i on, Frei ght hol d, Fusel age l ayout and Passenger
438 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
J AR (Joi nt Ai r wor t hi ness Regul at i ons) - s e e Ai r wor t hi ness r equi r ement s
Jet engi ne - 59, 64, 65
Ki net i c ener gy - s e e Ener gy
Kr uger fl aps - s e e Hi gh lift devi ces
Lami nar f l ow - 146, 147, 393
Landi ng - air di st ance - 172
appr oach lift coef f i ci ent - 140, 141, 144
at t i t ude- 304
fi el d l e ngt h- 136, 172, 180, 230
fuel used in descent , appr oach and l andi ng - 182
gr ound rol l - 171, 172
mass - s e e Mass
t ransi t i on di st ance (fl are) - 180
vert i cal - 48, 406
Landi ng g e a r - axl e t ravel - 299
br a ke s - 35
bogi e l ayout - 35, 284, 298, 309
conf i gur at i on - 33, 284, 294
de s i gn- 284
d r a g - 150
l ayout - on f usel age - 99
overal l - 294, 304, 309
pl an - 308
side el evat i on - 305, 306
mass - 161, 354
number of mai n gear uni t s - 35, 41, 284, 309
r et r act i on- 304, 378, 393, 411
shock absor ber - 299, 301
s t eer i ng- 35, 307
st owage vol ume - 284
st ruct ural at t achment s - 284
t yr e - s e e Tyr e
vert i cal descent vel oci t y - 300
Leadi ng edge - ext ens i on ( LEX) - 143
fl aps - s e e Hi gh lift devi ces
radi us - 116
s we e p - 126, 128
Lever suspensi on - see Landi ng gear, shock absor ber
Li f e cycl e cost - see Cost s
Li f t - 19, 113, 114, 139, 240
Li f t coef f i ci ent - cl i mb out - 196
general - 113, 125, 140, 143
hi gh lift devi ce i nc r e me nt s - 123, 141, 142, 144
ma x i mu m- 123, 141, 144
Li f t cur ve sl ope - 114, 118, 136
Li f t fan engi ne - 49, 406
Li f t / dr ag rat i o - 187, 212, 214, 217
Index 439
Lifting surface mass - 156, 163, 342, 352
Limit load f act or - 5, 158
Load Classification Number/Group (LCN/ LCG) - 296, 297
Longitudinal control and stability - s ee Control and Stability
Low observables - s ee Stealth
Low wi ng- 30, 96, 98, 131
Mach number - 117, 118, 127, 129, 136, 140, 147, 151,152, 196, 202
Main landing gear - s ee Landing gear
Maintenance costs - s ee Costs
Manoeuvre - f act or - 5, 187
instantaneous - 135, 167, 207, 234
lift coeffi ci ent - 140. 142, 143, 207
speed - 5, 169
sustained - 135, 167, 205, 234
( S e e a l s o Turn)
Mass - absolute - see fixed
breakdown - 286, 341
component - 154, 156, 159, 161, 342, 346, 352, 354, 355
cl i mb- 189, 190, 196, 202
dat a- 286
disposable - 361
di st ri but i on- 252
empty - 361
f i xed- 153, 247, 248
general - 13, 19, 153, 186
gr owt h- 279
landing - 179
operating empt y- 283, 361
opt i mum- 247, 250, 251, 258, 260
prediction methods - 285, 341, 342, 346, 355
r amp- 304, 361
ratios - 243
take-off (total) - 163, 247, 250, 361
variable - 153, 247, 249
zero f uel - 344
( S e e a l s o individual component masses)
Mass flow - 53, 54
Maxi mum- lift coefficient - s ee Lift coefficient
range - s ee Range
speed- s ee Design speeds
Mean - aerodynamic chord (MAC) - 254
geometric chord/standard chord (SMC) - 113, 252
quarter chord posi t i on- 254
Mid-wing - 96, 97, 130
Mi ni mum - control speed, air - 169
control speed ,ground - 170
dr ag- s e e Drag
drag speed - s ee Speed
440 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Mi s s i l es - 103
Mi ssi on - profile - 409
Mi ssi on - fuel - 429
Moment of i ner t i a- 312, 315, 328
Mul t i vari at e anal ysi s - 15
NACA/ NASA aerofoils - 116
Navi gat i on communi cat i on equi pment - s e e Avi oni cs
Never exceed speed - s e e Speed
Noi se - 57, 282
Normal operat i ng speed - s e e Speed
Nose radius - s e e Aerofoi l
Nose l andi ng ge a r - s e e Landi ng gear
Nozzl e - s e e Exhaust
Of f desi gn condi t i ons - s e e Fuel , consumpt i on
Ol eo-pneumat i c shock abs or ber - s e e Shock absorber
Operat i ng - costs - s e e Cost s
mass - s e e Mass
Operat i onal - consi derat i ons - 8
items mass - 156, 163
Opt i mum desi gn poi nt - 260
Opt i mi sat i on - ai m - 141
cr i t er i a- 13
gener al - 13, 20
procedures - 14
mass- 247, 250, 251, 258, 260
Overal l - ef f i ci ency - s e e Effi ci ency
length of aircraft - 146; 151
Over nose vision - s e e Crew, visibility
Overt urni ng - s e e Landi ng gear, l ayout pl an
Oxygen s ys t e m- s e e Envi ronment al cont rol syst em
Paramet ri c anal ysi s/ st udi es - 14, 20, 224, 247
Pas s enger - accommodat i on - 103
number ( capaci t y) - 103, 156
Pavement cl assi fi cat i on number ( PCN) - 295, 296, 297
Payl oad mass - 153, 154, 156, 163
Performance - approach - 168
bal anced field l engt h- 175
baul ked appr oach- 168, 173
cei l i ng- 166, 189, 192, 196, 197, 199, 201, 203
c l i mb- 166, 189, 190, 196, 202
crui se - 167, 211, 214, 217
defl ect ed thrust t ake- of f - 177, 406, 409
descent - 168, 222
energy hei ght - 182
engi ne failed t ake- of f - 175
general - 8, 287
l andi ng - 168, 172
Index 441
Pe r f or ma nc e - ma noe uvr e - 167
ma x i mu m s peed - 167
nor mal t ake- of f , l andpl anes and s eapl anes - 174, 175
oper at i ng speed - 167
p h a s e s - 166
poi nt - 182, 2 0 5 , 2 0 7 , 409
r ange - 211, 214, 217
r epr es ent at i on - 20, 165
s econd s egment c l i mb ( engi ne f ai l ed) - 176
t ake- of f - 166, 170
t r ans oni c accel er at i on - 208
ver t i cal l a n d i n g - 182, 406, 409
Phugoi d osci l l at i on - s e e St abi l i t y
Pi st on engi ne - 58, 161, 227, 364
Pi t chi ng mo me n t - 113, 313
Pi t chi ng mome nt coef f i ci ent - 113, 311, 314, 315
Pi t ch u p - 124
Pl ai n f l ap - s e e Hi gh lift devi ces
Pl e n u m c ha mbe r bur ni ng - 49, 406
Pne uma t i c s y s t e m- s e e powe r s uppl y s ys t ems
Podded engi ne - 26, 27, 238
Powe r - l oadi ng - 14
of f t akes - 78
pr opel l er engi nes - 57, 58, 70, 73, 193
s uppl y s ys t ems ma s s - 356
Powe r pl a nt - dat a - 281, 291
f ai l ur e - 134, 170
l ocat i on - 25, 86, 281
mas s - 78, 159, 355
numbe r o f - 24, 147
pe r f or ma nc e - s e e Power pl ant , r epr es ent at i on
r epr es ent at i on - 64, 227, 394, 408
sel ect i on - 18, 224, 2 3 8 , 4 0 8
st r uct ur e ma s s - 355
Powe r / we i ght r at i o - 14, 174, 375
Pr es s ur e - exhaus t - 54
free s t r e a m- 54
Pr es s ur i s at i on - 82, 155
Pr oc ur e me nt cost s - s e e Cost s
Pr oj ect - def i ni t i on pr oces s - 8
eval uat i on - 279, 280, 282, 284, 287
l i fe cycl e - 9
Pr opel l er - char act er i s t i cs - 67
di amet er - 67, 70, 73
ef f i ci ency - 57, 68
f l i ght r egi me - 62
mas s - 159, 355
numbe r of bl ades - 69
s l i ps t r eam - 141, 142, 382
442 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Pr opel l er - st at i c t hr ust coef f i ci ent - 67
t h r u s t - 57, 69, 70, 73
t i p s peed - 67
p ~ - s e e Speci f i c exces s powe r
Pus her engi ne - 2 5 , 4 0 , 88
Quar t er chor d - poi nt - s e e Me a n chor d
s we e p - s e e Swe e p
Radar - s e e Avi oni c s
Radi al engi ne ( pi st on) - 58
Radi us of gyr at i on - 312, 315
Ra mp wei ght - s e e Mas s , r a mp and t ot al
Range - 8, 156, 2 1 1 , 2 1 4 , 217, 235
Rat e of c l i mb - s e e Cl i mb and Cei l i ng
React i on cont r ol s y s t e m- 49, 407
Ref er ee des i gn - 14, 257
Ref er ence eye poi nt - s e e Cr ew, vi si bi l i t y
Reheat - s e e Af t e r bur ni ng
Re mot e lift nozzl e - 407
Re qui r e me nt - bas i c - 4
gener al - 4
hor i zont al t ai l - 313
ver t i cal t a i l - 327
Res er ve f uel - s e e Fuel
Rever s e t hr ust - 180
Reynol ds n u mb e r - 139, 393
Ri de qual i t y - s e e Gus t sensi t i vi t y
Rocket engi nes - 57
Rol l cont r ol - gener al - 122, 287
in l a n d i n g - 336
Rol l i ng - coef f i ci ent of f r i ct i on - s e e Fr i ct i on coef f i ci ent , gr ound
mo me n t - 336
r adi us - s e e Tyr e
Rot at i on s peed - 171
Rot ar y engi ne - 58, 161
Ru d d e r - s e e Ver t i cal t ai l
Saf et y - 281
Saf et y e qui pme nt mas s - 156
Sai l pl ane - 132, 393
Seapl ane - s e e Fl oat pl anes and Fl yi ng boat
Seat - a r r a nge me nt - 104
c r e w- 101
mas s - s e e Fur ni s hi ngs mas s
numbe r abr eas t - 105
pa s s e nge r - 105, 106
pi t ch - 105
Seat i ng l ayout - s e e Seat , a r r a nge me nt
Second s e gme nt c l i mb - 134, 166, 172, 176, 229, 244
Index 443
Se ns i t i vi t y s t udy - 14
Se r vi c e c e i l i ng - s e e Ce i l i ng
Sh o c k a bs or be r - e f f i c i e nc y - 301
ge ne r a l - 299
r e a c t i on f a c t o r - 301
s t r oke ( axl e t r avel ) - 299
s t r uc t ur e - 301
t ype - 301
Shor t t a ke - of f a nd l a ndi ng - 48
S i d e s l i p - 329, 334
Si ngl e s l ot t ed f l ap - s e e Hi g h l i ft de vi c e s
S l i p s t r e a m- s e e Pr ope l l e r
Sl at / Sl ot - s e e Hi g h l i ft de vi c e s
Sl ot t ed f l aps - s e e Hi g h l i ft de vi c e s
Spa r pos i t i on ( wi ng) - 131
Spe c i f i c a t i on - 7, 237, 364, 377, 392, 409
Spe c i f i c e xc e s s p o we r ( SEP) - 135, 186, 234, 409
Spe c i f i c f uel c o n s u mp t i o n - pi s t on e n g i n e - 77
t ur boj e t a nd t ur bof a n e n g i n e s - 79
t ur bos ha f t e n g i n e - 77
Spe c i f i c t hr us t - 54, 60
Spe e d - a p p r o a c h a nd l a ndi ng - 172
c l i mb - 181
de c i s i on - 170
de s i gn - ma n o e u v r e (VA) - 6, 169
ma x i mu m - 170
ma x i mu m o p e r a t i n g - 5, 170
ma x i mu m s t r uc t ur e ( I / ' o ) - 5, 136, 155, 158, 170
ge ne r a l de f i ni t i ons - 166
ma x i mu m a c h i e v a b l e - 8, 135, 170, 205, 234
mi n i mu m dr a g - 169, 188
ne ve r e x c e e d - 169
n o r ma l o p e r a t i n g - 5, 170
r ot at i on ( l i f t of f ) - 171
st al l - 169
t a ke - of f - 171
t ouc h d o wn - 172
uns t i c k - s e e r ot at i on ( l i f t of f )
Sp e e d b r a k e - s e e Ai r b r a k e
Spi n r e c ove r y - 328, 366
Spi r al d i v e r g e n c e - s e e St abi l i t y, d y n a mi c
Spl i t f l aps - s e e Hi g h l i f t de vi c e s
S p o i l e r - 122
St a bi l i t y - d y n a mi c - l at er al - Du t c h Rol l - 333
s p i r a l - 334
l ongi t udi na l - p h u g o i d - 317, 323
s hor t pe r i od - 316, 323
ge ne r a l - 282, 288
st at i c - di r e c t i ona l - 328
l at er al ( r ol l ) - 332
444 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
St abi l i t y - st at i c - l ongi t udi nal - 314, 323
St abi l i t y a ugme nt a t i on - 254, 288, 314
St al l - gener al - 114
s pe e d - 169
St a nda r d me a n c hor d - s e e Me a n c hor d
St at i c - gr ound l i ne - 306, 308
ma r gi n - 304
St eal t h - 49, 393, 412
St e e r i ng - s e e La n d i n g gear
S t i c k - f i xed st abi l i t y - 314
f r ee st abi l i t y - 314
St r et ch pot ent i al - 103, 378, 380
St r oke - s e e Sh o c k abs or ber
St r uct ur e - f unc t i on - 282
f us el age - 93, 284
gener al - 245, 282
l oad cases - 5
ma s s - 155, 156, 163, 342
wi ng - 1 3 1 , 2 5 0 , 283
Subs oni c l eadi ng e dge - 128
Su p e r c h a r g i n g - 73, 77, 161
Supe r c r i t i c a l aer of oi l - 116
Supe r s oni c l e a di ng edge - 130
Sus t a i ne d t ur n - s e e Ma n o e u v r e
Swe e p - 37, 118, 124, 126, 128, 132, 136, 140, 143, 146, 147, 158, 225
Synt he s i s pr oces s - 20, 22, 363
Sys t e ms mas s - 153, 162, 163, 355, 357
Tai l - b o o ms - s e e Twi n b o o ms
c l e a r a nc e angl e - 304, 3 0 5 , 3 0 6
hor i zont al - s e e Hor i z ont a l t ai l
ver t i cal - s e e Ver t i cal t ai l
v o l u me coef f i ci ent - 254, 255
( s e e a l s o Emp e n n a g e )
Ta i l e r ons - 287
Tai l l es s ai r cr af t - 44
Ta i l whe e l l a ndi ng gear - 41
Ta k e - o f f - anal ys i s - 174, 228
a t t i t u d e - 306
ba l a nc e d f i el d l e n g t h - 175
de f l e c t e d t hr us t - 177
di s t ance - e ngi ne f ai l ed - 175, 228
nor ma l l a ndpl a ne - 174, 228
nor ma l s e a pl a ne - 1 7 5 , 2 2 8
f i el d l e n g t h - 134, 1 7 1 , 1 7 4
f l i ght pat h - 166, 170
f uel us e d - 178
gr ound r un - 171
hei ght cl ear ance - 171
ma s s - s e e Ma s s
Index 445
Ta ke - of f - r ot at i on - 315, 323
uns t i ck l i ft coef f i ci ent - 142, 144, 174, 315, 322
ver t i cal - 48, 177
Ta nde m f an - 406
Taper r a t i o- 126, 131, 147, 158, 343
Tel escopi c shock absor ber - s e e Shock absor ber
Te s t i n g - 9
Thi cknes s / chor d r at i o - 117, 131, 132, 146, 147, 151, 158, 2 2 5 , 3 4 3
Thi r d s egment cl i mb - 166, 172
Thr ee sur f ace conf i gur at i on - 47
Thr ust - def i ni t i on - 53
def l ect i on - 48, 177, 229
gener al - 183, 186, 191, 196, 202, 205, 208, 212, 214, 215, 216
l apse rat e - 65, 189, 196, 202
r epr esent at i on - 66
r ever se - 180
Thr us t / wei ght r at i o - 14, 133, 165, 174, 180, 2 0 5 , 2 0 8 , 223, 226, 245
Ti l t engi ne/ nacel l e - 406
Ti me - cl i mb - 166
t r ansoni c a c c e l e r a t i on- s e e Tr ans oni c accel er at i on
Toi l et - 105, 107
Touc hdown - at t i t ude - 305
speed - 172
Tr act or engi ne - 25, 86
Tr ade of f st udi es - s e e Par amet r i c anal ysi s
Tr ai l i ng edge - angl e - 116
f l ap - s e e Hi gh l i ft devi ces
Tr ai ner a i r c r a f t - 364
Tr ans i t i on di st ance - s e e Landi ng
Tr ans i t i on poi nt - s e e La mi na r f l ow
Tr ans oni c accel er at i on - gener al - 135, 208, 234
mean a c c e l e r a t i on- 208
t i me - 208, 235
Tr ans por t ai r cr af t - 48, 82, 87, 90, 103, 109, 237, 376
Tr i cycl e l andi ng g e a r - 24, 35
Tr i m- l at eral - 327
l ongi t udi nal - 313, 322
Tr i pl e sl ot t ed f l ap - s e e Hi gh l i ft devi ces
Tr ue ai r speed - 169
Tur bi ne engi ne - s e e Gas t ur bi nes
Tur bof an engi ne - s e e Bypass engi ne
Tur bul ent f l ow - 115, 146
Tur bul ence sensi t i vi t y - s e e Gust sensi t i vi t y
Tur n - accel er at i on equi val ent - 205
r adi us - 205
r a t e - 205
( S e e a l s o Manoeuvr e)
Twi n - booms - 40, 88, 352
f i ns - s e e Ver t i cal tail
f us el age - 48
446 Aircraft conceptual design synthesis
Type factor ( dr ag) - 147, 149, 151
Tyre - def l ect i on - 298, 300
l ayout - 24, 35, 41, 298, 304
load capaci t y - 298
multiple arrangement s - 298, 304, 309
pr es s ur e- 295, 304
size - 298
Turbopropel l er engi ne - 60, 160, 227, 376
Turboshaft engi ne - 60, 161
Ul t i mat e load f act or - 6, 132, 156, 343
Undercarri age - s e e Landi ng gear
Unduct ed fan engi ne - 60, 63
Unpaved surfaces - 295
Unst i ck speed (lift off) - 171
Utilisation - s e e Cost s
Var i abl e- c a mbe r - 122
sweep - 44
Vect ored t hr us t - s e e Thrust defl ect i on
Vel oci t y - free s t r eam- 54
propul si on me di um- 53
Vertical - des cent velocity (t ouch down) - 300
location of wi ng - see Wi ng, vertical location
speed - 169, 184
take off and l andi ng - 48, 177, 182, 406
Vertical tail - all movi ng fin - 39
a r e a - 255
desi gn procedure - 329
desi gn requi rement s - 327
geomet r y- 255, 324, 332
l ayout on fusel age - 98, 366
mass - 353
r udde r - 32, 329, 332
Vertical tail - t wi n fins - 39
vol ume coeffi ci ent - 255
Vi si bi l i t y - s e e Crew, visibility
Vol ume - coeffi ci ent s - 254, 255, 256
di st ri but i on - 151, 411
Vort ex drag - s e e Dr ag and Drag coefficient, lift i nduced
V/ S TOL- 48, 87, 406
V Tail - s e e But t erfl y tail
Wa s hout - 124
Wat er bor ne ai r cr af t - 51
Wave drag - s e e Dr ag and Drag coeffi ci ent
Weapons - 102, 103, 411, 412
Weapons bay - 102, 411, 412
We i ght - s e e Mass
Wet t ed area ratio ( dr ag) - 145, 147, 148, 151
Index 447
Wheel - s e e Landi ng gear and Tyre
Wi ndmi l l i ng dr ag- 222
Wi ndow - s e e Passenger accommodation
Wi ndshi el d - s e e Crew, accommodation and visibility
Wi ng - airbrakes - 122
apex location - 252, 254
area - 119, 133, 146, 147, 151, 163, 251, 376, 390, 404, 429
aspect r at i o- 118, 125, 131, 132, 136, 140, 143, 146, 147, 149, 151, 158,
225, 343, 367, 376, 381, 390, 395, 404, 413, 419, 429
braced - 37
chord - 113, 254
configuration - 19, 113, 140, 225, 240, 366, 378, 393, 411
control surfaces - 122
design - 113
di hedr al - 130, 332
high lift devi ces - 119, 123 142, 144, 176, 182
l oadi ng- 14, 119, 133, 136, 137, 138, 140, 158, 163, 165, 223, 224, 229,
236, 245, 369, 383, 399, 419
mass - 132, 156, 342
pl anf or m- 124, 125
section - 114
span - 125, 132, 234, 404
structure - 132, 283
structural par amet er - 132, 236, 246, 260, 371, 385, 399, 404
s weep- 126, 140, 143
taper ratio - s e e Taper ratio
tip twist - s e e Washout
vertical l ocat i on- 30, 96, 238, 365, 378, 411
volume for fuel - 131
Winglets - 39, 131
Yaw - 328, 334
Yawing moment - 329
Zero - fuel mass - 344
lift drag - s e e Drag a n d Drag coefficient, zero lift

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