Genetic selection could allow parents to choose traits for their children like hair and eye color. However, this raises ethical issues about eugenics and genetic discrimination. While selection against diseases is widely accepted, choosing superficial traits could marginalize those who are not selected and erode natural human variation. We must consider how far is too far in using genetic selection and what traits should be in or out of bounds.
Genetic selection could allow parents to choose traits for their children like hair and eye color. However, this raises ethical issues about eugenics and genetic discrimination. While selection against diseases is widely accepted, choosing superficial traits could marginalize those who are not selected and erode natural human variation. We must consider how far is too far in using genetic selection and what traits should be in or out of bounds.
Genetic selection could allow parents to choose traits for their children like hair and eye color. However, this raises ethical issues about eugenics and genetic discrimination. While selection against diseases is widely accepted, choosing superficial traits could marginalize those who are not selected and erode natural human variation. We must consider how far is too far in using genetic selection and what traits should be in or out of bounds.
Genetic selection could allow parents to choose traits for their children like hair and eye color. However, this raises ethical issues about eugenics and genetic discrimination. While selection against diseases is widely accepted, choosing superficial traits could marginalize those who are not selected and erode natural human variation. We must consider how far is too far in using genetic selection and what traits should be in or out of bounds.
V …………….……….……….. : être marginalisé / …………….……….……… : être standardisé/normalisé
…………….……….……….. : faire don / offrir …………….……….……….. : porter /être porteur de
Complete the following expressions with a VERB , an ADJECTIVE , a NOUN or a PREPOSITION
a- to …………….……….. miles parcourir des kilimomètres
b- to …………….……….. to (…………….…) lengths en faire beaucoup ; aller très loin ; prendre des mesures importantes ; faire des pieds et des mains ; se donner beaucoup de mal c- to go to any …………….… to do sth ne reculer devant rien pour faire qch/faire n’importe quoi d- We are …………….……….. God here! ……………………………………………………………….………..
e- It’s (not) …………… .……….. us ! ……………………………………………………………….……
f- It is (not) .…………….…… to be c’est censé (ce n’est pas censé) être…