Scoot: Adaptive Traffic Control System
Scoot: Adaptive Traffic Control System
Scoot: Adaptive Traffic Control System
What is SCOOT?
SCOOT coordinates the operation of all the traffic
signals in an area to provide good progression of
vehicles through a network. It responds intelligently
Customised congestion management
and continuously as traffic flows change and fluctuate
Typical delay reductions of 15%
throughout the day. SCOOT removes the dependence
of less sophisticated systems based on signal plans Maximised network efficiency
which can be expensive to update and maintain. Flexible communications architecture
Public transport priority
There are a number of key benefits from the Vehicle emissions estimation
installation of an effective SCOOT Urban Traffic Comprehensive traffic information
Control System: Pedestrian priority
TRL Software, Crowthorne House, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3GA United Kingdom
t +44 [0] 1344 770558 e [email protected] w
How SCOOT works
Information on the physical layout of the road
network and how traffic signals control the
individual traffic streams are stored in the SCOOT
database. SCOOT detects vehicles at different
locations around each controlled intersection. It
models the progression of the traffic from the
detectors through the intersection whilst taking due
account of the signal state and any consequent
queues. The information from the model is used to
optimise the signals to minimise overall network
Traffic Management
There are many tools available within SCOOT to
manage traffic and meet local policy objectives such
as favouring particular routes or movements,
minimising network delay, discouraging and delaying
“Rat Run” opportunities and gating traffic in certain
areas of the city. Because of its highly-efficient
control and modelling of current conditions, SCOOT
has a great deal more scope to manage traffic than
less efficient systems.
TRL Software, Crowthorne House, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3GA United Kingdom
t +44 [0] 1344 770558 e [email protected] w