6 Uncertainty and Risk Analysis
6 Uncertainty and Risk Analysis
6 Uncertainty and Risk Analysis
6.1 Introduction
In this age of advancing technology, successful managers must make
informed investment decisions that determine the future success of their
companies by drawing systematically on the specialized knowledge, accu-
mulated information, experience and skills of many people. In evaluating
projects and making choices between investment alternatives, every manager
is painfully aware that he cannot and will not always be right. Management
pressure is increased by the knowledge that a company's future depends on
the ability to choose with a high degree of consistency those investment and
market opportunities that have a high probability of success even though the
characteristics of future events are seldom precisely known.
In the previous chapters in the text investment analyses all were consid-
ered to be made under "no-risk" conditions. That is, the probability of suc-
cess was considered to be 1.0 for each investment evaluated. This means
that by expressing risk and uncertainty quantitatively in terms of numerical
probabilities or likelihood of occurrence, where probabilities are decimal
fractions in the range of zero to 1.0, we implicitly considered that the proba-
bility of achieving projected profits or savings was 1.0 for investment situa-
tions evaluated. We are all aware that due to risk and uncertainty from innu-
merable sources, the probability of success for many investments is
significantly different than 1.0. When faced with decision choices under
uncertain conditions, a manager can use informal analysis of the risk and
uncertainty associated with the investment or he can analyze the elements of
risk and uncertainty in a quantitative manner. Informal analysis relies on the
decision makers experience, intuition, judgement, hunches and luck to
determine whether or not a particular investment should be made. The quan-
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analysis
value or expected net present value or rate of return analysis to account for
risk associated with finite prubabiility of failure., The,use of, sensitivity anaty-
sis is advocated for most economic analyses and the use of expected value
analysis is advisable if finite probability of projectfailure exists. Sensitivity
analysis is described in the first half of this chapter and expected value
analysis is described in the second half.
Sensitivity analysis is a means of evaluating the fficts of uncertairul,^ on
investment by determining how investment profitability varies as the param-
eters are varied that affect economic evaluation results. Sensitivity analysis
is a means of identifying those critical variables that, if changed, could con-
siderably affect the profrtability measure. In carrying out a sensitivity analy-
sis, individual variables are changed and the effect of such a change on the
expected rate of return (or some other decision method) is computed. Once
all of the strategic variables have been identified, they can be given special
attention by the decision maker. Some of the typical investment parameters
that often are allowed to vary for sensitivity analysis include initial invest-
ment, selling price, operating cost, project life, and salvage value. If proba-
bilities of occurrence are associated with the various levels of each invest-
ment parameter, sensitivity analysis becomes probabilistic sensitivity
It may now be evident to the reader that the term "uncertainty" as used in
this text refers to possible variation in parameters that affect investment
evaluation. "Risk" refers to the evaluation of an investment using a known
ntechanism that incorporates the probabilities cf occurrence for success
and failure and/or of dffirent values of each investment parameter. Botll
uncertainty and risk influence almost all types of investment decision, but
especially investment involving research and development for any industry
and exploration for minerals and oil or gas.
Using the most expected cost and revenue parameters gives:
PW Eq: 240,000 = 67,000(P/A;,5) + 70,000(p/F;,5)
The "most expected" project ROR is 18%. How will this ,,most
expected" 18% ROR vary as parameters are changed?
286 Economic Evaluation and lnvestment Decision Methods
The range approach involves estimating the most optimistic and most
pessimistic vzrlues (or the best and worst) tor each thctor in addition to esti-
mating most expected values. This approach will make investmcnt decision
ruraking easier fbr the cases where (1) a project appeats desirable even when
pessimistic values are used and therefore obviously should be adopted from
an economic viewpoint, (2) when a project appears to be undesirable even
when optimistic values are used and therefore rejection is dictated on eco-
nomic grounds. When a project looks good with optirnistic values but bad
with pessimistic values further study of the project and the risk and uncer-
tainty surounding the project should be made. Application of this method
is shown in Example 6-2.
288 Economic Evaluation and lnvestment Decision Methods
The results indicate that the project is satisfactory for the best and
most expected conditions but unsatisfactory for the worst conditions.
More information is needed on the expected probability of occur-
rence of the worst case conditions to reach a valid and meaningful
The best, worst and most expe-cted sensitivity analysis results give very
useful information that bracket the range of project ROR results that can
reasonably be expected. This is the type of information that managers need
to reach investment decisions. It is very important to recognize that
although a project ROR greater than the minimum rate of return is predicted
for the most expected parameters, the result is based on parameters which
are subject to variation. This variation should be analyzed over the full
range of possible results utilizing the best engineering and management
judgments of people involved with a project.
uJ trl
O o
zul - MEAN
(r ,r'
f :)
() o
u- IL
tJ F
co co
o o
(L o-
Figure 6-1 Frequency Distribution Graphs lllustrated
(LL = Lower Limits; UL = Upper Limits)
1.0 1.0
i 0.7
,! ,:1
:C 0.6 0.6
>x 0.5 0.5
o.4 0.4
O 0.3 0.3
4.2 0.2
0. 1
0.0 0.0
Pa:a;'le'er Values i-: Para;rete:- ', a jues tJL
lnt€rinei;ate fiange Small Range
Example 1
Example 2
.>; 0.5
E= 0.4
O 0.3
0. 1
LL parameter Values UL
Large Range
Example 3
sales projections, operating costs, project life and salvage value. For each of
these variables and/or other variables to be investigated, a frequeney distribu-
tion plot of probability of occurrence versus para=meter vatue similar ,o tr,"
examples in Figure 6-l is prepared by the person or persons most familiar with
and capable of projecting future values of the parameter involved. These fre-
quency distribution data are then converted to cumulative probability of occur-
rence versus parameter value graphs similar to the examples in Figure 6-2.
when these graphs are available for each parameter that is considered to vary,
the use of Monte carlo simulation is applied. This generally involves curve-fit-
ting a mathematical expression to describe each cumulative probability of
occrurence versus parameter value so that picking a random number between
0.0 and 1.0 analogous to the cumulative probability of occurrence will auto-
matically fix the parameter at the corresponding value. Different random num-
bers are selected to fix each of the different parameters being varied. Then
using the randomly selected parameter values, the economic analysis criterion
such as rate of return is calculated. Then you iterate and do the same thing over
again picking a new set of random numbers to determine a new set of parame-
ters used to calculate rate of retum. This is done over and over again for some-
where between 100 and 1000 times and then a histogram (frequency distribu-
tion plot) of these rate of return results versus probability of occurrence is
prepared. The number of iterations (RoR results) that are required is the num-
ber that will give the same shape of frnal RoR results frequency distribution
graph that would be obtained if many more iterations were made. To illustrate.
consider hypothetical cases I and 2 shown ih Figure 6-3.
s \o
() 25
o o
20 :20
15 o15
o Ero
6 a6
o 5 -o-
o- (L1
5 't0 15 20 25
Rate of Return, 7o Flate of Return, 9,o
100 Simulations 500 or 1000 Simulations
(Note multimodal maxima) (Constant shape, unimodal)
Case 1 Case 2
histograrn fbr case t has murti-modar (more
than one maxima) peaks
indicating that statisticalry we have
not mad-e enough simurations to get ,a
rate of return frequency distribution
with constant shape. If the input data
frequency clisuibution is unimodal (having
one peak as'iitusirated in Figure
5-l; the ourtrrut rare of return freirue,cy ciistribuiion
plot str,;urd be uni_
mcdal. case 2 iiemonstrates for this hyporheticar
situation thar if we to to
5il0 or 1000 simulations we g"t a unimtdar
graph *.ith the same shape indi_
;;iting that 500 simulations are sufiicient
fbr anaryzing this hypotheticar
iuresrment using probabilistic sensitivity
An iniportant thing to.note about probabilistic
sensitivity anarysis resurts
is that y'ou i-ro not gei a single resrrt,iut
instead you get a iarg" over which
the results vary as a function or prouaurtity
of occunJr""aJ*so you get a
m'st expected result. In many iuvestmenisituations
is more important rt,
tt.,tup" ot this curve
varue. For exampri
a most expecred RCR ofln:-ryl,rr.*p..i.o
25vc with ara,ge of po-rsibre ,.Ji;
a project with
RoR to positi'e 4c7o might be consideri from negative
ress cssirabt. tt un a r_,rcrject wirh
a i,lr)it expecied ROR oi lgvo and
a range u.f pos.;ible resurts from rQvo
25vc because the certainiy associateJ to
,rirtr, tn. tsz, mosi-expected RoR
inr"estment is greater.tho,t th"..rtointy
r.socrieted with the other investment.
Prohabilistic sensitivity anarysis .*.ot.i-tr,"
decision get a firmer
fecirng concerning rhoeff-ecis or.irirra "r"t.r^,"
uncertainty on economic anarysis
resuirs than an-v otlrer analysis approxsh gi1.sE.
The weak pr:int of trre prooauriistic
ariarysis method ries in the subjectire
assi,uning of probabiritie. of occurrence
to the rer,.els of pararneters that go
int. the arrarysis' it is gene'aily considered to be best to specifi-
'o::.u:r, of o.-.r.."n.. based on the
callv staie the probabililies
peopic invoh'ed rvith a project best judgement of
and then to ba.se the anaiysis on these
maies even though they are subjective esti_
in nature. In the finar analysis any
evaluatio, technique is only as gooo
as the estimates of the input parameters
and rnust be used in conjunction
with good engineering logic and managerial
judgement' Assigning probabilities
to"pararneter estimates is just one more
step in quantifying the assumptions
thai are made. These rechniques provicle
managcment with addirionai toors to
aiir in the decision-.uung'p.o."rr.
Folloiving is a simprified exampre that
ilrustrares the principles of appry-
ing probabilistic analysis to project
ROR sensitivity analysis.
have initial cost of $50,000, a life of five years and zero salvage
value. There is a 40"/" probability that an improved process will be
selected with iriitial cost of $4O,OOO, a life of five years and zero sal-
vage value. With either process there is a 50ol" probability that
annual profit will be $20,000 for the five year project life and a 25"/o
probability that the annual profits will be $15,000 or $25,000 per
year. Plot project ROR versus probability of occurrence assuming the
parameter values are independent of each other.
The following table presents the possible combinations of different
investment costs, annual profits, probabilities of occurrence and ROR.
Annual Probability of
lnvestment Profit Occurrence P/Ai.s RoR (%)
50,000 15,000 (.6X.25) =.15 3.334 s.2
50,000 20,000 (.6X.50) =.so 2.500 28.7
50,000 25,000 (.6X.25) =.15 2.000 41.1
40,000 15,000 (.4X.2s) =.to 2.667 25.4
40,000 20,000 (.4X.50) =.zo 2.000 41.1
40,000 25,000 (.4X.25) =.10 1.600 56.0
The most probable project ROR is 41.1"/" with a 35% probability of
occurrence. The cumulative probability diagram shows a cumulative
probability o175"/" that the ROR will be 28.7% or above in Figure 6-5.
Instead of mathematically determining the probability of occurrence of the
various ROR results for this problem we could have used the general Monte
Carlo simulation technique to get the same results. The general idea of this
method as described earlier is to first develop curves for cumulative probabil-
ity of occurrence versus the economic ltarameter similar to Figure 6-4. Then
random numbers between zero and one are related to cumulative probability
of occurrence so that selection of a random number fixes the initial invest-
ment for a calculation. Selection of another random number selects the cash
flow for that calculation. ROR is then calculated using these values. This pro-
cedure is then repeated several hundred or maybe a thousand times until the
shape of the ROR versus probability of occurrence curve does not change
with additional calculations. For a large number of Monte Carlo simulations
the results using this technique for Example 6-3 will be identical to those
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analvsis
given in Figure 6-5. The Monte carlo simulation data are evaluated by
ing a histogram from the RoR results. For instance, if one thousand runs are
made tlren approximately tluee hundreci of the RoR rcsults ,rrorr.i bc 2g.i7o,
since we know the mathematical probability of occurrence of this resylt is .30.
In general, the variations ir.r input crata such as seiling price, oirL-raiing
cost. production rale, borrowed money interesr rete and so forth that are
evaluated will be continuous functions of cumulative probability of occur-
rence rather than the step functions illusrrated in Figure 6-4. Coniinuous
input data give a continuous RoR versus probabiliiy of occurrence his-
tograrn graph for lrlonte Carlo simulation in general.
1.00 1.00
.80 .80
.60 .60
.44 .40
.20 .24
0 0
15,000 25,000
Initial lnvestment Profit
(a) (b)
Figure 6-4 Cumulative Probability Diagram
Probability .60
Occurrence .40
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
ROR, %
Figure 6-5 Cumulative probability of Occunence
296 Economic Evaluation and lnvestment Decision Methods
. ,:,DrillingVenture
lf you spend $500,000 drilling a wildcat oil well, geologists esti-
mate the probability of a dry hole is 0.6 with a probabiiity of 0.3 that
! the well will be a producer that can be sold immediately for
l $2,000,000 and a probabiiity of 0.1 that the weil will produce at a rate
I that will generate a $1,000,000 immediate sale value. What is the
{ oroject expected value?
f Solution, All Values in Thousands of Dollars:
Expec'ied Va ue
: il:ffi :;ffi ; :lT:::::H, _ o 6(500)
I = +$200
or rearrangtng:
Expected value = 0.3(2,000) + 0.1(1 ,000) - 1.0(500) = +$200
Over the long run, investments of this type will prove rewarding,
but remember that the +$200,000 expected value is a statistical long-
term average profit that will be realized over many repeated invest-
I ments of this type. The expected value of an investment alternative is
the average profit or loss that would be realized if many investments
of this type were repeated. ln terms of Example 6-5 this means if we
dritied 100 wells of the type descrrbed, we expect statistics to begin
to work out and assuming our probabilities of occurrence are correct,
we would expect about 60 dry holes out of 100 wells with about 30
t wells producing a $2,000,000 income and about 10 wells producing
i a $1,000,000 income. This makes total income of $70,000,000 from
I '100 wells drilled costing
a total of $50,000,000 leaving totai profit of
$20,000,000 after the costs, or profit per well of +$200,000, which is
the expected value result for Example 6-5.
of project because there is only a 4avo chance of success on any given try.
only if you can stick with this type of investment for many times can you
expeci statistics to work in your fuvor. This is one important reason why
most large companies and individuals carry insurance oi various types even
though in nearly all cases the expected profit from self-insuring ii positive
and therefore favorable to the company or individual. If a disaster from
can break a company cr individual financially, that company cannot
to self-insure. This is why insurance companies spread large policies over
many insurance companies. If disaster does strike a large poti.y holder,
loss will be distributed over several companies, lessening the iikelihood
financial disaster for any one company. It is also the r"u.on most individuals
carry fire insurance, homeowners or tenant insurance, and car insurance.
The direct financial loss or lawsuit loss potential is so great that most
of us
cannot afford to carry that risk alone even though exp-cted value is
able to us if we self insure. The conclusion is thit a pisitive expected
is a necessary br.tt not a sfficient condition
for a satisfactory iivestment.
It should now be evident that although expected value has deterministic
meaning only if many trials are performed, if we consistently follow
a deci-
sion-making strategy based on selecting projects with positive expected
ues, over the long run statistics will work for us and income
should be more
than sufficient to cover costs. on the other hand, if you consistently
take the
garnbler's ruin approach and invest or bet on investments or gambling
games with negative expected values, you can rest assured that
over the
long run, income will not cover your costs and if you stick with negative
expected value investments long enough, you will of course, lose all your
capital. This is exactly the situation that exists with all of the gambling
garnes in places such as Las vegas, Reno and Atlantic city. The
odds are
alrvays favorable to rhe house, meaning the gambling housl has a positive
expected value and therefore the gambler has negative expected value.
gambler has absolutely no realistic hope for success over the long
run under
these negative expected value conditions. He will lose all the money
aside to gamble with if he sticks with the games long enough..
The reader should notice that in Example 6-5, two different, but equiva-
lent equations were usec to calculate expected value as follows:
300 Economic Evaluation and lnvestment Decision Methods
50,000(P/A1,5) - 90,000 = 0
consistent with the other criteria, the risk free pVR indicales very
rcceptable economics which is the opposite conclusion reached with
lxpected PVR.
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analysis
(D) (c)
Times 1 and 1+ are effectively the same point in time, the end of
year 1. Normally drilling and completion time are separated by weeks
or months which puts them at the same point in time wittr annual
periods. Times 1 and 1+ are separated on the diagram to make room
for the probabilities of occurrence associated with different events.
Expected Value
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analysis g0
- 40(.4) - 500xP/Fz},i _ 100 = _49.26
Thisresurt is onry- srighfly ress than zero compared
ject costs of $1 miilion, therefore, srighily tc the totar pro.
unsatisfact"iy o,, break.
even economics are indicated.
-500(P/F20,1X1 .0) - 100 = -49.26
Risk Adjusting the Cash Flows
_ use Expected NpV and pVR anarysis for a minimum rate of return of
2a.0"/" to evaluate the economic potentiar
of buying ano Jevetoping the
rights to a new process with the foilowing
estimated costs, revenues
and success probabilities. The process rights
would cost g100,000 at
306 Economic Evaluation and lnvestment Decision Methods
P=1.0 C- P=0.6 P=0.35 l=300 l=300
P=0.4 P=0.1 5
(D) (c)
C=40 Salv=250
Expected Value
- 40(.4) - s00)(p/F2},i - 100 = _4s.26
This result is only slighfly less than zero compared to the total pro-
. costs of million,
ject $1 therefore, slightly unsatisfactory or break_
even economics are indicated.
P=(0.4) P=(0.10)
(c) (B)
$o -$2s0
Expected Value
There are three (3) possible outcomes in this solution:
Let X equal the additional cost to be incurred at time zero.
P=(0.2) P=(0.1)
0 (c) -250 (B)
Economic Evaluation and lnvestment
Decision Methods
ENPV Approach:
Ecohomicary equivarent, mutuary_excrusive
always have equar net preseirt arternatives wi,
at equating the current project
r"ir".. Therefore, this sorution rooks
Npr;ith the Npv br tnlr"uired prob_
abilities based on the new invest*.ni,
x at time zero as forows:
477 .77 = [400(p/A
eX,g)(0.9) _ 500J(p/ F ex,[email protected])
- 250(p/F12/",2)(0.1)(0.S) _ z7O _ X
477.77 = [400(s.s2825X0.9) _
_ 2s0(0.7e71exo.1x0.8) _270
477.77 = 1012.98_ 15.94 _270_X
X = 249.27
Risk Adjusted Cash Flow Approach,
-x -270 P=(0.8) _5W P=(0.9) 4OO 400. .400
;; . -, (n)
P=(0.2 P=(0.1)
0 (c) -250 (B)
Risk Adjusted Cash Flow Catcutations:
-270(1.0) -500(o.s) -250(0.08) 4oo((0.72)
01 0.......... 10
Risk Adjusted Cash Ftows:
-.270 _4oo
268 288 . . .288
ENpv = - o-
27 400(p?F81Yji"?, + z6s@ /{1\ir,
4.9676 o.7g71g
+ 2Eg(p / A1
2"7",g) (p / F 1 2y",2)
ENPV = 727.02
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analysis
nl n factorial
r!(n-r)l r factorial times (n-r) factorial
Expected Total
Levee Damage Annual Expected
Size Annual Levee Cost + PerYear + Maint. = Annual Cost
1 120,O00(A/P15,20)=19,180 16,000 4,000 $39,'180
2 '140,000(0.1598)
= 22,370 11,000 5,000 38,370
3 160,000(0.1598) = 25,570 6,250 6,000 37,820
4 200,000(0.1598) = 31,960 3,750 7,000 42,710
Typically, investor
,?:,",ffi ::Tfl ffi I
316 Economic Evaluation and lnvestment Decision Methods
price and make a profit, if the stock price moves above the strike price.
Based on either today's prices or the most expected future prices, a patent or
mineral property may have much smaller Npv value compared to the value
based on higher potential future prices and or lower future production costs.
This potential additional value can be captured with either of two
approaches. First, a mathematical formula calted the Black scholes equa-
tion usually is used to value common stock options. Modification of the
Black-Scholes model can make it applicable to valuing patents and mineral
rights. Most people consider this approach to be very mathematically
sophisticated, and therefore, often difficult to explain and sell to manage-
ment. The second approach to capturing the call option value of a patentor
mineral right type of asset is to use expected net present value (ENpv)
analysis. we have seen in previous examples that ENpv can measure both
uncertainty concerning the probability of failure and uncertainty concerning
the magnitude of a parameter and the timing when that parameter might bi
The authors of this text disagree with these perceived DCF analysis dis-
advantages and feel they represent misperceptions of the assumptions and
calculations upon which proper DCF analysis should be based. If you based
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analysis 317
DCF analysis on the assumptions given in the four DCF disadvantage srate-
ments, then DCF analysis would be improper and disadvantageous. Follow-
ing are our rebuttals to the perceired disudvanrages:
2. Investors dc not need to use today's dollars and probably should not
use today's dollars as the basis for most DCF analyses. Nerv project
and development or expansion options can be built into any year of an
evaluation. There is no reason to feel that DCF anaiysis precludes you
from accounting for possible future changes in production, product
prices, costs, productivity and other evaluation parameters. You must
project the future possibilities at the time you do the analysis for either'
DCF analysis or option pricing analysis. And the future assumptions
that you make will have a very significant impact on your analysis
results with either DCF analysis or the option pricing methodology.
3. DCF analysis does not have to assume that project development will
start today. With ENPV analysis you can build development and expan-
sion into analyses over unlimited years, taking advantage of new tech-
nology and product pricing information available at different stages.
6.10 Summary
Sensitivity analyses are a means of identifying those critical variables
that if changed, could considerably impact the profitability measure such as
rate of return or net present value. Three types of sensitivity were addressed
1. Single Variable
2. Multi-Variable or Best Case - Woist Case
3. Probabilistic Sensitivity (Monte Carlo)
Two software models that address the probabilistic sensitivity (Monte
Carlo) are known as @Risk and Crystal Ball. These template programs
interact with most spreadsheets providing users with a low cost methodol-
ogy to these approaches.
Risk analyses identify the likelihood of project failure and the subsequent
cost to the investor. In this text the subject of project risk was addressed uti-
lizing the decision theory approach based on expected value, (EV) which is
defined as:
EV = Expected Profit - Expected Cost
Examples then illustrated several approaches that could be used with equal
validity for the level of complexity presented in the textbook examples and
problems. These approaches included:
1. Chance Factor, (Expected Value)
2. Expected NPV, (Incorporated the probabilities of success and failure
directly into present worth equation)
3. Risk Adjusted Cash Flows, (By applying probabilities of occurrence
directly to the expected values each compounding period, one risk
adjusted cash flow results which can then be manipulated in a manner
consistent with examples and problems prior to Chapter 6.
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analysis
6-4 If you bet $5 on the outcome of 3 football games, you can win $25
total (not above the bet cost) if you correctly pick all 3 winners. If the
odds are considered even in each game or if point spreads are speci-
fied that are considered to make each game an even odds bet, what is
the expected value of your bet if you neglect tie game situations?
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Flisk Analysis 323
6-7 Calculate the expecte,j net present value of a project which will cost
$70,000 at time zero, considering there is a 5OVo chance that the invest-
ment at time zero will be successful, which will require an additional
investment of $120,000 at year one. There is a70Vo chance of success
of the year one investment yielding profits over a six year period (years
2 to 7) equal to $125,000 per year. Failure at time zero will result in an
abandonment cost of $10,000 atyeat one and failure at year one will
result in a salvage value of $50,000 at year two. Should this project be
considered from an economic viewpoint if the minimum rate of return
is 20Vo? Compare your expected NPV result with risk-free NpV.
324 Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision Methods
What additional cost could be incurred at time zero and still give the
investor an ENPV of 2.0 (or $2,000) at time zero? Assume the addi-
tional investment in R&D or geological or geophysical work would
improve the initial probability of success.from 507o to 8-07o..reducing
the initial risk of failure at year 1 to 20Vo.
6-8 A project that would have a time zero cost of $170,000 is estimated to
have a 407a probability of generating :ret income of $60,000 per year
for each of years one through 10 with a zero salvage value, a 307o
probability of generating net income of $50,000 per year for each of
years one through 10 with a zero salvage value, a 207o probability of
generating net incomes of $40,000 per year for each of years one
through 10 with a zero salvage value and a lU%o probability of failing
and generating a $20,000 salvage value at year one. For a minimum
rate of return of 20Vo calculate the project expected NPV. What is the
project expected ROR?
6-9 Two years ago, a petroleum company acquired the mineral rights to a
' property for which an offer of $1 million cash has been received now
at year 0. Development of the property is projected to generate esca-
lated dollar cash flow in millions of dollars of -1.5 in time zero, and
+1.0, +1.8, +1.2, +0.8 and +0.4 in years one through five respectively.
If the minimum DCFROR is 207o, should the company keep and
develop the property or sell if there is considered to be a 607o proba-
bility of development generating the year one through five positive
cash flow and 407a probability of failure generating zero cash flow in
years one through five?
6-10 Two alternatives are being considered for the development of an invest-
ment project. Alternative 'A' would start development now with esti-
mated development and equipment costs of $10 million at time zero
and $20 million at yea-r one to generate net revenues of $6 million in
year one and $12 million per year uniformly at years two through l0
with a zero salvage value. Alternative 'B' would start development ttvo
years from now for estimated development and equipment costs of $15
million at year two and $30 million at year three to generate net rev-
enues of $9 million in year three and $ 18 million per year uniformly at
years four through 12 with a zero salvage value. Use NPV Analysis for
a minimum ROR of 207o to determine the economically better alterna-
tive and verify the NPV results with PVR Analysis assuming:
Chapter 6: Uncertainty and Risk Analysis 325
6-t 1 An investor has paid $100,000 for a machine that is estimated to have
a 70Vo probability of successfully producing 5000 product units per
year for each of the next 3 years when the machine is estimated to be
obsolete with a zero salvage value. The product price is the unknown
to be calculated, so it is estimated to be $X per unit in year I escalated
dollars and to increase lla/o in year 2 and 6Vo in year 3. Total operat-
ing costs are estimated to be $8,000 in year I escalated dollars and to
increase l5%o in year 2 and 87a in year 3. The annual inflation rate is
estimated to be 7Vo. What must be the year 1, 2 and 3 escalated dollar
product selling price if the investor is to receive a 127a annually com-
pounded constant dollar expected DCFROR on invested dollars? Con-
sider zero cash flow to be realized the 307a of the time the project
fails. This assumes that equipment dismantlement costs will exactly
offset any salvage value benefits.
A) Evaluate the project ROR and analyze the sensitivity of the result
to changing project life to 5 years or l5 years.
B) Evaluate the sensitivity of project ROR to increasing the time zero
capital cost to $600 million and $800 million for the l0 year proj-
ect life.