Temple of The Snake God Printer Friendly
Temple of The Snake God Printer Friendly
Temple of The Snake God Printer Friendly
A Heroic Rescue
by Eric Moss
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Temple of the Snake God
The world of men is dreaming, it has
gone mad in its sleep, and a snake is A two tier, squared off building lies
strangling it, but it can’t wake up. before you. In the center a long
—D.H. Lawrence staircase winds its way up to a large,
square opening. From this vantage point,
you cannot make out what it beyond the
Preface entrance.
In an ancient temple, hidden away
right under civilization’s nose, a There are, in fact two other ways
dark cult worships a primordial evil. inside the temple outside of this
This elder deity frequently demands first entrance. On the eastern and
a sacrifice in his honor when the western faces of the temple, there are
stars are right. His followers, of two secret doors that open to a ramp
course, are all but too happy to which leads into the bottom floor of
abide. the temple.
The god mentioned in this adventure This secondary area is unknown even
can be any god that is appropriate for to the cult that resides above, and
your setting. Some examples include holds something far darker than even
Set, Shulassakar, Sseth, Apep, Dendar, their ilk.
and many others. Entering the temple from the main
The specifics of this adventure are entrance can be a bit tricky. The
left intentionally vague. This small party, first off, would need to look
adventure is intended to be played as the part of the cultists, and then
part of a larger campaign, and the they would need to offer the proper
locations can be modified to fit your greetings to the sentries at the door.
setting. The reasons for the adventure Most of the temple’s inhabitants
party heading toward the temple are will greet each other with a
entirely up to you, however, below are particular whispered pass phrase (see
some good sample adventure hooks. below). If the other person responds
with an incorrect pass phrase, they
Adventure Hooks will be immediately recognized as
The party is attempting to stop the outsiders.
sacrifice of someone important In order to overhear any nearby
The party happens upon the temple cultists greet each other, a DC 19
while exploring the dense jungles Wisdom (perception) check is required
The party has been hired to take down due to the whispered nature of the
the high priest greetings.
A local city hired the heroes to run The party could potentially attempt
out the cult to hide themselves at the end of a
The party, in search of treasure, has line of cultists entering the temple,
found the temple and plans to raid assume they have the correct attire
it and passphrases. If they gain entry in
this way, so long as they are able to
Approach keep their ruse up, they would be able
to move amongst the temple without
Regardless of the adventure hook, the worry.
party approaches the temple from the Any low ranking cultist (including
south. the party pretending to be with the
From this vantage point, they can cult) who comes face to face with a
see the front of the temple (as yuan-ti in the temple is required to
depicted on the map) and see a large, prostrate themselves while the
squared doorway at the top of a creature passes instead of exchanging
staircase. pass phrases.
Read or paraphrase the following to
the party:
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Passphrases If all responses are returned
Greeting Reply satisfactorily, they will be admitted
into the temple.
May you find peace May your days be long
If the party fails the above test,
Hail, friend Friend, I am your or approaches without the requisite
brother appearance, the sentries will be
Always walk the I will slither it
immediately hostile.
winding path dutifully
Secrecy is our way Never shall my lips The sentries each use the stats of a
betray Cult Fanatic. One the first turn of
Long have I waited to I shall strive to combat, one of the sentries will
see you again keep our time apart attempt to bang on the door and scream
short warning to whoever is inside before
turning on the party.
If he is successful, this puts the
The Temple temple on high alert. If the temple is
If party either climbs the stairs to on high alert, then gaining surprise
approach the front they arrive at the on any encounter will be virtually
temple in area 1. impossible.
If they instead scout the outside The door is otherwise unlocked.
perimeter and find the hidden passages
to the lower temple, they arrive at 2. Main Hall
area 27. To find a hidden passage, the This main hallway is the connector
party must succeed on a DC 16 for most rooms in the temple. As
Intelligence (investigation) check, or such, it is highly trafficked.
a DC 18 Wisdom (perception) check. Every time the party makes their way
Unless otherwise specified in an through this hallway, roll 1D20 and
area description, the walls are made consult the chart below. The will run
of stone 5 inches thick, the ceiling into an encounter as appropriate to
is 10 feet high, and doors are that entry.
reinforced wooden doors. Any looted These rolls could move an encounter
humanoid carries their weapons, armor, from one room to another. A sheet has
and 3D6 GP of assorted valuables on been provided to track encounter
them. movement (see appendix). If all the
All humanoids within the temple are encounters for a rolled entry have
evil. The humanoids can be of any race already been defeated, there will be
you see fit, but most tend to be no encounter in the hallway.
Random Hall Encounter
1. Main Entrance 1D20 Encounter
When the party approaches the top of 1 Guard change. Any encounter in Area 3
the stairs, read or paraphrase the moves to Area 11, 12, 13, 7, and the
following. corresponding encounter moves to 3.
2 Meal time. Any encounter in areas 3,
13, 7, move to area 11 and the
At the top of the stairs, you come to a corresponding encounter moves to the
large set of double doors carved with an opposite location.
intricate mural of a snake about to 3 Cook staff change. Any encounter in
strike. To either side of the doors area 12 moves to area 3, 13, 11, 7,
stands a robed sentry. and the corresponding encounter moves
to 12.
4 Prayer time. Any encounter in area 13
If the party is trying to sneak in moves to area 7. Any encounter in
to the temple, and is appropriately area 7 remains there. If this result
clothed, the sentries will whisper one comes up a second time, this
of the greetings to each party member encounter moves back to area 13.
in turn and await the proper response.
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5 Offering. Any encounter in area 13 mundane weapons or armor worth less
moves to area 8. The priests force than 100 GP can be found.
one of their acolytes to perform an If the party loots out this room,
offering at the shrine in area 9. If they can find a total of 10D6 x 10 GP
this result comes up a second time,
this encounter moves back to area 13.
worth of assorted armors and weapons.
6 Yuan-ti prayers. Any encounter in Every guard change will see any
area 14 moves to area 18. Any creatures in area 3 come in here and
encounter in 18 moves to 14. unload their non-personal weaponry
7 Yuan-ti guard change. Any Yuan-ti and armor and new arrivals stock up
purebloods in area 15 moves to area on guard duty weapon and armor.
19, and area 19 purebloods move to
15. 5. Refuse Room
8 Yuan-ti party time. Any encounter in
area 14 or 15 moves to area 22. The
corresponding encounter replaces the Several sacks and boxes are piled within
encounter from area 14 or 15. this room. A foul odor emanates from
9 Ritual Guard Change. Any encounter in within.
area 25 moves to area 16. Any
encounter in area 16 moves to 25.
10 - No Encounter This room is where the refuse
20 generated by the temples day to day
3. Guard Room activities is collected.
If the party spends at least 15
minutes searching through refuse,
Two large tables fill this room, they can find 1D10 x 20 GP worth of
scattered on which are cards, mugs, and valuable trinkets, but will gain a
plates. very distinct odor in the process.
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8. Snake Room dagger of venom used for ceremonial
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A large bed dominates this sleeping Several extravagant, long beds fill this
chamber. The room is clad in fine silk room.
and exquisite furnishings.
This is the room where the Yuan-ti
At current, three priests are in abominations sleep.
private studies or lessons, with four Currently here are two Yuan-ti
acolytes each in attendance (a total abominations.
of twelve), usually with two standing If the party loots out this room,
in the hall as guards or to announce they can find 3D6 X 10 GP worth of
guests. Any disturbance in the hall fine silks.
or a bedroom alerts all the others.
If the party loot out these rooms, 17. Yuan-ti Secret Stash
they find 500 GP worth of fine silks,
and 200 GP worth of tapestries and Several piles of gems, coins and
art. religious idols fill this room
14. Yuan-ti Lounge
This room is where the Yuan-ti hide
away their valuables from the humans
Several long couches dot this room for of the temple. Ever untrustworthy,
lounging. the Yuan-ti don’t let any of the
humans of the cult know about this
This is the common area for all the room under any circumstances.
Yuan-ti. The Yuan-ti generally don’t In total in this room, there is 780
allow humans in to their areas, so GP, 360 EP, and 200 PP in coinage.
anyone attempting to enter this room There are 3 Jades worth 50 GP each,
would already be under heavy 7 pearls worth 5 GP each, and 20
suspicion. The yuan-ti expect the rubies worth 1 GP each.
average humanoid members of the cult The religious paraphernalia includes
to follow their commands without totems, idols, holy symbols, censers
question. and other such items, and totals 250
Lounging here are one Yuan-ti GP in value.
abomination, two type 1 Yuan-ti Among the piles is a +1 Scimitar, a
Malisons, and two Yuan-ti purebloods. bag of holding, and bracers of
15. Yuan-ti Servants Room
18. Yuan-ti Shrine
Several straw pallets for sleeping lie
around the room This room is divided into four chambers.
In each chamber, and altar is at the
center with a different depiction of a
This is the room where the Yuan-ti
Malisons and Purebloods sleep. god on each.
Currently here are three Yuan-ti
malisons, one of each type, and six This is where the Yuan-ti in the
yuan-ti pureblood. temple come to worship on their own.
The secret door to area 17 can be Each altar is dedicated to a
found with a DC 16 Intelligence different aspect of their god that
(investigation) check and is not the humanoids of the temple don’t
locked. particularly recognize.
The northwestern altar symbolizes
16. Yuan-ti Leaders Room power, the northeastern altar
symbolizes trickery, the southwestern
altar symbolizes wealth, and the
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southeastern altar symbolizes party approaches the dais or attempts
nobility. to go for a pile of treasure, read
Currently worshipping here are three the following aloud.
Yuan-ti Abominations.
Among all the shrines, 320 GP, 450 As you move forward, something at the
EP, and 1140 SP comprise the dais catches your eye. The eye sockets on
offerings. the skull seem to have blood red
pinpricks of light that seem to follow
19. Yuan-ti Guard Room you.
Shortly after noticing, a whispered
This room is bare of any particular voice fills the room.
furnishings “What would you do with my wealth?” it
This room is where Yuan-ti Purebloods
stand guard. The Yuan-ti don’t allow Roleplaying Ezra: Some portions of
their guards any luxuries like the Ezra’s soul still cling to his body.
humanoids do. Over the millennia, he has become
Currently here are ten Yuan-ti weary and only wishes to rest
purebloods. peacefully.
However, he cannot do so while the
20. Ancient Room cult occupies the temple. If the party
responds with anything along the lines
The air in this room smell stale. Cobwebs of putting an end to the cult, or
hang from every corner and dust covers driving them from this temple, he will
the floor. This room appears to have gone be satisfied with their answer, and
undisturbed for a very long time.
allow them to take whatever they
If the party decides to tell him
The cult doesn’t know about this room that they are going to deliver the
as they are unaware of the lower wealth to the cult, or insinuate in
floor. any way that they wish to help them
with their goals, he deems them
21. The Ancient Priest unworthy.
If he deems them unworthy and they
This long, pillared room ends with a still attempt to loot this room, he
throne upon a dais. Several piles of will try to stop them by using the
gold, jewels and other valuables dot the last remaining power he has to fill
room. On top of the throne, and ancient the room with necrotic energies,
skeleton slumps, in tatters of what must burning out his soul and crumbling his
have been very fine silk. Some sort of bones to dust.
jewel encrusted ceremonial headdress Have everyone in the room make a DC
adorns the skull.
18 Constitution saving throw, and take
10D10 damage, half as much on a
success. The headdress he wear will be
This room was the final retreat and destroyed in this scenario.
now tomb of the leader of a religion Treasure: This room contains a total
so old that the world has forgotten of 1200 GP, 700 PP, 950 EP, and 2500
its name. When the temple was set SP. Among the piles of treasure are 10
upon in ages past the leader, Ezra, opals worth 2 GP each, 3 rubies worth
fled here and barred himself in. 20 GP each, and 8 emeralds worth 15 GP
The bar has long molded and fallen each.
apart, but his bones remain. Also in the piles are a +1 short
Unfortunately, some vestige of him sword, a candle of invocation,
still clings to his corpse. When the gauntlets of ogre power, and a gem of
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brightness. The headdress on the skull The secret door can be found with a
is a Helm of Brilliance. DC 18 Intelligence (investigation)
22. Yuan-ti Revelry Room Currently posted here is one Yuan-ti
abomination, one Cult Fanatic, and
This large room is filled with empty four Cultists.
flagons, splotches of dried blood, and
broken furniture items.
25. Temple Guard Post
This room is used to protect any
This room is used by the yuan-ti to ritual going on in area 26. The
engage in general debaucheries that secret door here is used by anyone
they enjoy. Some come here to drink, fleeing from area 26 to try to
others come here to feast upon a confuse pursuers.
human they snatched up. Humanoids Currently posted here are two Yuan-
occasionally enter to serve yuan-ti to abominations.
wines and spirits, food, or any other The guards let any humanoid through
things they desire, so any humanoid who reasonably passes for a cult
who comes in here isn’t likely to member.
draw too much suspicion.
However, most of the yuan-ti will
26. Ritual Chamber
stare at the humanoids with a hungry
look in their eyes. This large, ornate room is covered in an
Currently, there are three Type 2 uncountable number of murals depicting
yuan-ti malisons and 5 yuan-ti snakes and snake-like entities devouring
purebloods here, in various states of humanoids.
inebriation. In the center of the chamber, a raised
dais is topped by an altar. On top of the
23. Yuan-ti Dining Room altar, a young woman in her small clothes
is bound and gagged.
A large table dominates this room. Surrounding the altar are a number of
Several expensive looking cushions, chanting humanoids and yuan-ti. One
couches and other such accoutrements fill particular aged man towers over the woman
this room. with a dagger held high.
This room is where the yuan-ti eat The man holding the dagger is the
formalized dinners. For the most leader of the cult, Octaveon. The
part, this room goes unused when a woman being sacrificed is named
special occasion is not going on. Omorah.
There is no encounter here. If the The forces surrounding the altar
party loots the room, they can find include six cultists, two yuan-ti
3D10 x 100 GP in fine silks, 4D6 x 5 purebloods, one yuan-ti malison type
GP in exquisite dinnerware. 1, one yuan-ti type 3 malison, and
Octaveon, who uses the stats of an
24. Backup Guard Post high priest (see appendix). Ocatveon
carries and uses a staff of the
This room is used to post backup
guards for the guards in area 25. Roleplaying Octaveon: Octaveon is
Guards are always posted here when
cocky and believes through the powers
any important event is going on in
of worship and his followers he
area 26 (like right now). Guards here
wields supreme power. If the
respond immediately to disturbances
characters try to stop him, he’s
in area 25.
likely to try to toy with them.
If the fight goes badly, he’s likely
to flee before fighting to the death.
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He will try to run through the secret
door in area 25 unseen to give the
characters the slip. 28. The Dark Altar
Roleplaying Omorah: Omorah is a
frightened young woman who was This large chamber contains murals of a
capture by the cult and intended as a curious nature. Most show tentacled
sacrifice. She is the daughter of a
beasts savaging helpless humans, others
powerful merchant and if saved, will
show strange, eldritch horrors coming
insist upon giving the party a
from the skies. At the far wall, an altar
rewards back in her home town.
adorns this chamber. Atop the altar is a
Plot twist: Should you feel it
fair skinned woman with cold eyes staring
appropriate for you campaign, after
the party has saved Omorah, she could at you.
turn on them and reveal herself as
the true power behind the cult. If This area is completely unknown to
you decide to do this, after Octaveon the cult above. This altar area is
has been defeated, Omorah turns on the last remaining vestige of a dark
the party. cult that once called this temple
In this instance she uses the stats home.
of an Archmage. This dark cult was previously led by
Ezra (see area 21), but when he
27. Labyrinth abandoned in its hour of need, the
leadership of this cult fell to his
After carefully making your way down the second in command, a human woman by
steep slope, you emerge into a hallway the name of Galida.
with several twists and turns. You seem
Galida still persists to this day,
and is imprisoned within this room.
to have stumbled upon a maze.
Gifted a dark life, she longs to live
this prison and spread her vile
The pit traps in the maze require a influence.
passive perception of 15 to notice, Galida uses the statistics for a
or a DC 13 Intelligence investigation Mummy Lord, but instead of shield of
check. Anyone who triggers the trap faith, she has Disguise self
must make a DC 13 constitution saving prepared.
throw or fall 10 feet on to spikes. The only way for Galida to be freed
Anyone falling in to the pit takes from this room is to have two willing
3D6 piercing damage. individuals stand on the pentagrams
The stairs in each corner of the map on either side of the altar and let a
lead up to the corresponding stairs single drop of their own blood fall
on the upper floor of the temple. to the floor.
If you don’t wish to map out the Roleplaying Galida: Galida has been
maze, you can instead have the party imprisoned in this room for many
make a group wisdom (insight) check millennia. Her physical form has long
to navigate through the maze. Consult decayed and withered, but she vainly
the chart below for the check uses her magic to make her appear as
results. she did in life.
Galida squanders most of her spells
Insight results every day renewing Disguise Self on
D20 Result her. Depending on the time of day
1-5 Stumbles on to a pit trap when the party arrives, subtract one
6-8 Lost in the maze spell slot for every hour of the
9-12 Arrives at area 28
13-15 Arrives at Southwest stairs
adventuring day that has elapsed.
16-18 Arrives at Southeast stairs Galida is desperate to leave this
19-21 Arrives at Northeast stairs chamber. She will first try to use
22+ Arrives at Northwest stairs
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her feminine wiles to try to persuade
the characters to free her.
She will promise anything she can
and will make up any lie plausible to
obtain her freedom. She will not,
however, turn hostile, because she
requires the people who free her to
be completely willing. Because of
this, she will only fight in self-
If the party tries to leave without
freeing her, she will resort to
begging. She would even be willing
to, even potentially excited to,
assist the party in battling the cult
in the upper temple.
If the interactions result in
violence, she will fight to the
death, knowing she will just be
revived within the temple area
anyways. While she is sealed in the
temple, the entire temple counts as
her heart for rejuvenation purposes.
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Cantrips (at will): Guidance, Light, Sacred Flame,
Appendix Thaumaturgy
This section contains all 1st level (4 slots): Cure Wounds, Bless, Inflict
miscellaneous info presented Wounds, Shield of Faith
throughout this adventure as a
reference. New monsters, items, and 2nd level (3 slots): Spiritual Weapon, Hold Person
magic items will show up here. 3rd level (3 slots): Spirit Guardians, Revivify, Dispel
High Priest 4th level (3 slots): Banishment, Guardian of Faith
Medium Humanoid (any race), any alignment
5th level (1 slot): Flame strike
Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Hit points 63 (9D8 + 18) Actions
Speed 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha MultiAttack. A high priest makes two melee
14(+2) 10(+0) 14(+2) 10(+0) 16(+3) 13(+1) attacks.
Mace. Melee weapon attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft,
Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +5, Religion +4 one target. Hit: 6 (1D6+2) bludgeoning damage.
Senses passive perception 13
Languages Any two languages
Challenge 6 (2,300 xp) Divine Intervention. In response to a weapon
attack against the high priest or its allies, the high
Divine Strike. Once per turn, a high priest can priest can expend a single spell slot. For every
empower their weapon with divine powers. As a level of the spell slot expended in this way, roll
free action when the high priest hits with a melee 1D6 and add that number to the defender’s AC
weapon attack, it can cause the attack to deal an until the end of the current turn.
extra 7 (2D6) radiant damage.
Spellcasting. The High Priest is a 9th level
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is wisdom (spell
save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attack). The High
Priest has the following Cleric spells prepared:
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Movement Tracker
Due to the amount of movement encounters can have within the temple, the following movement tracker has been
added to make it simple to determine where an encounter currently is located.
Movement Tracker
Starting Current
Encounter Area Area Dead
2x Acolyte
4x Cult Fanatic 3
1x Veteran
2x Cult Fanatic
2x Priest 7
2x Veteran
4x Acolyte
3x berserker 11
2x cult fanatic
4x Cult Fanatic 12
10x Cultist
3x Priest 13
12x Acolyte
1x Yuan-ti Abomination
2x Type-1 Yuan-ti Malison 14
2x Yuan-ti Pureblood
1x Type 1 Yuan-ti Malison
1x Type 2 Yuan-ti Malison 15
1x Type 3 Yuant-ti Malison
6x Yuan-ti pureblood
2x Yuan-ti abomination 16
3x Yuan-ti Abominations 18
10x Yuan-ti pureblood 19
3x Yuan-ti Malison Type 2 22
5x Yuan-ti pureblood
2x Yuan-ti abomination 25
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