Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) On An Invasive Edge
Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) On An Invasive Edge
Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) On An Invasive Edge
doi: 10.1093/jme/tjy209
Population and Community Ecology Research
The Asian tiger mosquito [Aedes albopictus (Skuse)] is an invasive species of public health importance that is
currently expanding its range in the Northeast United States. Effective Ae. albopictus control depends on a thorough
understanding of factors influencing their abundance, spatial distribution, and habitat preference. We conducted a
series of container surveys for Ae. albopictus larvae/pupae over 2 yr across nine sites in neighborhoods along
its invasive range in southern New York. Selected sites represented a gradient of percent impervious surface and
median household income. Two hypotheses were tested: 1) Ae. albopictus larval/pupal abundance increases and
spatial distribution becomes less clustered as site-level median income decreases and percent impervious surface
increases because of increased larval habitat quality and availability; and 2) container-level characteristics are
predictive of Ae. albopictus larval/pupal infestation across a range of sites. In 2016, neither median household
income nor impervious surface predicted Ae. albopictus abundance. In 2017, sites with greater impervious surface
were more heavily infested by some measures. In both years, Ae. albopictus larval/pupal spatial distribution
as measured by K-function was more clustered in with greater median household income. Most container
characteristics were either not predictive of Ae. albopictus or varied between years. Based on the variability of
predictive container characteristics, we conclude that identification of key containers is not useful in this region.
However, Ae. albopictus can be nonhomogenously distributed or abundant based on income level and impervious
surface. Improved control of immatures should consider these regional predictors of Ae. albopictus populations.
In the 30 years since its introduction into Texas, the Asian tiger mos- Aedes albopictus larval and pupal abundance depends on environ-
quito [Aedes albopictus (Skuse)] has rapidly moved into the east- mental context. Impervious surface and socioeconomic status are two
ern United States. Aedes albopictus is now invading southern New important environmental measures that affect mosquito habitat qual-
York State and has become a serious health concern. The public is ity through variation in ambient temperature or availability of resting
at high risk of exposure to Ae. albopictus, because this mosquito and oviposition sites (Alirol et al. 2011, Little et al. 2017, Murdock
readily and aggressively bites humans, adults host-seek diurnally, et al. 2017). While most studies of the related urban mosquito Ae.
and females oviposit in peridomestic habitat (Hawley 1988, Koehler aegypti agree that abundance increases with increasing impervious sur-
and Castner 1997). In addition to being a serious biting pest, Ae. face (Landau and van Leeuwen 2012, Rubio et al. 2013, De Azevedo
albopictus transmits at least 20 viral pathogens including dengue, et al. 2018) and there is some evidence that larval habitat increases
chikungunya, West Nile, and Zika viruses, making it a potential risk with decreasing socioeconomic status (De Azevedo et al. 2018, Walker
to public health (Paupy et al. 2009a). Because most regional control et al. 2018), this is less clear for Ae. albopictus. A few studies have
of Ae. albopictus focuses on immature mosquitoes, it is of particular compared a limited number of sites of variable levels of urbanization,
importance to study larval and pupal ecology. To monitor and con- a measure closely related to impervious surface, but have produced
trol immatures of this species, we need a thorough understanding of conflicting results. Comparisons of Ae. albopictus density have dem-
their abundance and distribution across the region. onstrated that they can be the most abundant in suburban (Barker
et al. 2003, Tsuda et al. 2006), urban (Bagny et al. 2009, Beilhe et al. Another strategy to better target monitoring and control
2012, Li et al. 2014), and rural (Hornby et al. 1994, Braks et al. 2003a, of immature urban mosquitoes is to identify the most heavily
Honório et al. 2009) environments. In part, these studies are hard to exploited and highly productive container categories (key con-
compare because urbanization has been defined multiple ways; using a tainers) in order to focus limited resources. Although this can
more specific measure such as impervious surface can help hone in on be successful for Ae. aegypti (Maciel-de-Freitas and Lourenco-
precise aspects of the environment. From similarly conflicting studies de-Oliveira 2011), studies of Ae. albopictus have produced
of socioeconomic status, surveys of limited numbers of sites of different unclear results (Maciel-de-Freitas and Lourenco-de-Oliveira
incomes have found that adults (Unlu et al. 2011) and pupae (LaDeau 2011, Bartlett-Healy et al. 2012, Unlu et al. 2013). To this end,
et al. 2013) are more abundant in sites of lower income, whereas we attempted to complement existing studies to establish what, if
Fig. 1. A map of the nine survey sites in Rockland, Westchester, and Suffolk counties, New York. Each shaded county indicates a surveyed county and each
number indicates a single survey site.
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX 3
calculated. To see the median household income and percent impervi- our calculated control function – the greater the positive difference
ous surface for each site, see Supp Table I (online only). between the observed distribution and the calculated control function,
the greater the degree of clustering (Supp Fig. 1C [online only]).
Site-level degree of infestation We next tested whether the degree of spatial clustering was pre-
The degree of Ae. albopictus larval/pupal infestation for each site was dicted by either percent impervious surface or household median
analyzed as total positive containers per containers surveyed, total income using a general linear model, which requires a single con-
positive containers per 100 houses surveyed, and total estimated tinuous response variable for each site. We reduced our output from
quantity of Ae. albopictus per site. This measure of total estimated the full range of spatial scales to the degree of clustering at 150 m
quantity was taken to account for container productivity. To calculate to produce a single K-value at a single scale for each site. Then, we
Table 1. Counts of survey results by site, 2016 (A) and 2017 (B)
Site Houses Containers Larvae Aedes albopictus Percent of containers Aedes albopictus
surveyed surveyed positive positive containers Ae. albopictus positive positive containers
containers per 100 houses
(A) 2016
Babylon 43 (23) 235 (110) 44 (22) 16 (14) 0.068 (0.127) 37.21 (60.87)
Central Islip 40 (16) 222 (95) 61 (25) 21 (14) 0.095 (0.147) 52.50 (87.50)
For 2016, the results for the full date range of surveys are shown first, and the results for surveys restricted to the 2017 survey dates for comparison between
the 2 yr are shown afterward in parentheses.
Numbers of Houses and Containers Surveyed surface for both measures (β = 0.00124, P = 0.0401; β = 0.674,
In 2016, across the full sampling date range, we surveyed 412 houses P = 0.0412). For 2017, greater impervious surface led to higher per-
and 1,820 containers. In total, 436 containers (23.95%) had mos- cent positive containers and positive containers per 100 houses sur-
quito larvae; 132 (7.30%) were Ae. albopictus positive (Table 1A). veyed (Fig. 2A and B, Table 2). For 2016, impervious surface had no
When the results are restricted to the same period as the 2017 effect on either measure. When the outlier was retained, the percent
surveys, we surveyed 212 houses and 852 containers. About 229 of containers positive and the positive containers per 100 houses
(26.88%) of those containers were larvae/pupae positive, and 102 surveyed were not significantly predicted by site-level impervious
(12.00%) contained Ae. albopictus (Table 1A). Other species col- surface (β = 0.00136, P = 0.367; β = 1.17, P = 0.251). When Ae.
lected were Aedes japonicus, Aedes triseriatus, Culex pipiens/res- albopictus larval/pupal abundance was measured by total estimated
tuans (Diptera: Culicidae), and Anopheles punctipennis (Diptera: abundance, there was once again a significant interaction between
Culicidae). The distribution of estimated Ae. albopictus per positive year and impervious surface (β = 0.700, P = 0.0287); in 2017, sites
container was bimodal; most containers had 1–25 larvae/pupae, few of higher impervious surface had higher total estimated abundance
had 25–80 larvae/pupae, and slightly more had >80 larvae/pupae. (Fig. 2C, Table 2), but there was no effect for 2016.
In 2017, we surveyed 242 houses and 854 containers and found Median household income was not a predictor of Ae. albopic-
a much higher proportion of containers positive both for mosqui- tus larval/pupal estimated total abundance, nor was there any sig-
toes and for Ae. albopictus. About 210 of houses surveyed (82.64%) nificant interaction by year (β = 0.145, P = 0.621; β = 7.18e-07,
were previously surveyed in 2016, and 32 were only surveyed in P = 0.621). Median household income was also not predictive of
2017. About 316 containers were larvae/pupae positive (37.00%) the percent of Ae. albopictus-positive containers in each site or the
and 243 were Ae. albopictus positive (28.45%; Table 1B). Other number of containers per 100 houses surveyed and there was not a
species collected were Ae. japonicus, Ae. triseriatus, Cx. pipiens/ significant interaction by year for either measure (percent positive
restuans, Toxorhynchites rutilus (Diptera: Culicidae), and An. punc- containers: β = 0.00155, P = 0.405; β = 7.67e-07, P = 0.405 and
tipennis. The numbers of Ae. albopictus per positive container fol- positive containers per 100 houses surveyed: β = −0.145, P = 0.595;
lowed the same distribution as in 2016. β = 0.0300, P = 0.830).
Distribution was significantly predicted by median income at a scale In 2016, water temperature, shading, and plants were significant
of 150 m. When the dependent variable was the degree of clustering predictors of positive containers, whereas container category, con-
of positive containers for each site, the results of the multiple regres- tainer material, and water volume were not significant predictors
sion indicated that the predictors explained 66.15% of the variance (Table 3). Aedes albopictus were more likely to be found in contain-
(R2 = 0.661, F(5, 12) = 3.94, P = 0.0132). The clustering of Ae. albopictus- ers with dead plants over no plants (coeff. = −1.927, SE = 0.343,
positive containers was predicted by income with higher degree of clus- z-value = −5.616, P = <0.0001) and with dead plants over live
tering of positive containers and estimated number of Ae. albopictus in plants (coeff. = −2.283, SE = 0.845, z-value = −2.702, P = 0.00689).
higher income sites (β = 8.87e-8, P = 0.0177). This effect was stronger in In addition, they were more likely to be found in containers in
2016 than 2017, with a significant interaction between year and income full shade over those with no shade (coeff. = −2.114, SE = 0.838,
(β = −1.073, P = 0.0366; Fig. 3A). When the dependent variable was z-value = −2.521, P =0.0117) or partial shade (coeff. = −0.649,
the degree of clustering of estimated quantity of Ae. albopictus for each SE = 0.291, z-value = −2.232, P = 0.0256). Increasing water tem-
site, the predictors explained 44.14% of the variance (R2 = 0.441, F(5, perature increased the likelihood of a container being Ae. albopictus
= 5.53, P = 0.0510). There was a borderline significant interaction positive (coeff. = 0.119, SE = 0.0531, z-value = 2.248, P = 0.0246).
between year and income (β = 0.0106, P = 0.0510). For 2017, greater When number of positive containers was analyzed by container
income surface led to greater clustering of estimated quantity of Ae. characteristics for 2017, water temperature, container category,
albopictus (Fig. 3B). For 2016, income had no effect. Aedes albopictus water volume, and plants were significant predictors of Ae. albopic-
larval distribution, as measured by both positive containers (β = −6.32e- tus presence (Table 3). In contrast to 2016, two container categories
8, P = 0.346) and estimated number (β = 0.0188, P = 0.494), was not – planters and piping/tubing – significantly predicted the presence
related to impervious surface in either year. of Ae. albopictus (coeff. = 0.871, SE = 0.354, z-value = 2.461,
P = 0.0139; coeff. = 1.0690, SE = 0.466, z-value = 2.293, P =
Positive Container Variables 0.0219), increasing water volume increased the likelihood of a con-
We looked for container measurements that predicted the presence tainer being positive (coeff. = 0.237, SE = 0.0476, z-value = 4.974,
of Ae. albopictus in order to identify variables that could focus P < 0.0001), increasing water temperature decreased the likeli-
future control efforts. Together these data show that, while there hood of a container being Ae. albopictus positive (coeff. = −0.0597,
were significant variables in both years, the significant measurements SE = 0.0302, z-value = −1.976, P = 0.0481) and shading was not sig-
varied from 2016 to 2017. nificant. Similarly, as in 2016, Ae. albopictus were more likely to be
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX 7
Intercept 0.16 (0.09 to 0.22) 0.003 52.18 (−6.78 to 111.13) 0.192 20.44 (−2.26 to 43.13) 0.164
Year 0.11 (0.01 to 0.20) 0.113 16.96 (−11.59 to 45.50) 0.373 −2.60 (−34.69 to 29.50) 0.896
Impervious surface −0.00 (−0.00 to 0.00) 0.859 0.22 (−0.63 to 1.07) 0.683 −0.00 (−0.33 to 0.32) 0.984
Income −0.42 (−0.91 to 0.06) 0.180 −144.74 (−571.06 to 281.59) 0.595 −58.48 (−222.59 to 105.63) 0.569
Year by impervious surface 0.00124 (−0.08 to 0.002) 0.040 0.67 (0.27 to 1.08) 0.041 0.70 (0.24 to 1.16) 0.029
Year by income −0.08 (−0.77 to 0.61) 0.858 29.58 (−185.40 to 244.56) 0.830 71.69 (−160.40 to 303.78) 0.621
Random Effects
σ2 0.00 56.00 76.67
τ00 0.00 Site 461.39 Site 0.00 Site
ICC 0.08 Site 0.89 Site 0.00 Site
Observations 17 17 18
Marginal R2/conditional R2 0.906/0.913 0.579/0.954 NA
found in containers with dead plants over no plants (coeff. = −0.986, Variation Year to Year
SE = 0.217, z-value = −4.550, P < 0.0001), with dead plants over live We found the percent containers positive for Ae. albopictus
plants (coeff. = −1.875, SE = 0.590, z-value = −3.180, P = 0.00147), dramatically increased from the first to second year of this
and container material was not significant. study. Although surveys for 2016 were conducted over an entire
season of adult activity and those in 2017 were completed over
3 wk, this trend held even when comparing data from the same
Discussion period in both years. For data within the same date range for
Our study describes the abundance and distribution of Ae. albopictus both years, the proportion of containers positive for any mos-
larvae and pupae along impervious surface and socioeconomic gradi- quitoes was greater in 2017 than in 2016. However, the per-
ents on a northern border of its invasive range. Uniquely, we covered cent rise in the number of Ae. albopictus-positive containers
a full spectrum of sites along landscape gradients with unprecedented was larger than for mosquito-positive containers overall. This
scope and coverage for the Northeast region. Our first hypothesis, suggests that Ae. albopictus did not just increase because mos-
that increasing site-level impervious surface and decreasing household quito populations increased, but that they were more successful
median income would predict higher abundance and less clustered dis- than other container species. There is no obvious connection
tribution of Ae. albopictus larval habitat because of increased quality to weather; while we would expect that a hotter and wetter
and availability of larval habitat was partially supported. Our second weather would predict greater mosquito abundance, using
hypothesis that Ae. albopictus-positive larval habitat would be pre- data from the NOAA, Northeast Regional Climate Center at
dicted by container characteristics that have been previously identified Cornell University, 2017, was both slightly cooler and slightly
as important, such as shading or container type, was not consistently drier than 2016 (Supp Fig. 3 [online only]). The variation we
supported enough to be useful for targeted mosquito control. These observed over just 2 yr is not sufficient to identify long-term
results contribute to our knowledge of how landscape shapes Ae. patterns, but it highlights the necessity of systematic surveil-
albopictus distribution and abundance and identifies container charac- lance to track long-term population trends over time and more
teristics related to the presence of this species. clearly pinpoint the factors driving changes.
8 Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX
Table 3. Container variables predictive of the presence of Ae. albopictus in 2016 and 2017
Site-Level Degree of Infestation by Impervious little research has been conducted on Ae. albopictus across its diverse
Surface and Household Median Income and wide geographic range, and our results suggest caution when
We found differences between 2016 and 2017 in the effect of imper- extrapolating results from one region to another.
vious surface on mosquito abundance; no relationship was found in We did not see a relationship between household median income
2016 and, by some measures, Ae. albopictus were more abundant and overall Ae. albopictus abundance. Socioeconomic status using
in sites of greater impervious surface in 2017. Impervious surface median income as a measure has been correlated with Ae. albopic-
is an important environmental factor for urban container breeding tus infestation. For example, Becker et al. (2014) and LaDeau et al.
mosquitoes like Ae. albopictus. Densely covered areas with concrete (2013) reported different infestation levels between sites of varied
and asphalt can create heat islands and increase the availability of socioeconomic status; however, ours is the first study conducted
habitat (Murdock et al. 2017). It is possible that sites with greater with sufficient sites along a socioeconomic gradient to have enough
impervious surface are of greater quality and can support larger Ae. statistical power to analyze income as a causative factor. Beyond
albopictus populations or sustain faster population growth. It may larval counts, one previous study found more ‘disused containers’
be that in 2016 other factors limited population size regardless of (containers not in use or regularly dumped or treated by residents)
impervious surface and abundance was not high enough to detect in low-income sites and a higher likelihood of Ae. albopictus occur-
any patterns across sites, but in 2017 better conditions allowed rence in these disused containers; concluding that lower-income
populations to grow, and they grew larger in the higher-quality, high neighborhoods are at greater risk for high Ae. albopictus abundance
impervious surface sites. However, the percent of containers posi- (Dowling et al. 2013). In our study, we did not detect differences in
tive for Ae. albopictus was only significantly predicted by impervious abundance by household median income, nor did we see any clear
surface when one outlying site was removed, and it is unclear how relationship between income and average number of suitable ovipos-
this trend would hold when analyzed over a greater number of sites. ition containers per site. Although we did not use the used/disused
This further highlights the needs for more comprehensive surveys metric of Dowling et al. (2013), we also did not find that container
over a larger range and number of sites than was within the scope category and material was a consistent predictor of Ae. albopictus
of this study. infestation. Altogether, our results reinforce that control campaigns
Our results do not support the current literature which typically should equally target sites across income groups.
portrays Ae. albopictus as a suburban or rural species, especially in
locations where their range overlaps with Ae. aegypti (Braks et al.
2003b, Rey et al. 2006, Reiskind and Lounibos 2013). At least in
Spatial Distribution by Household Median Income
southern New York, which is free of Ae. aegypti, our results demon- and Impervious Surface
strate that Ae. albopictus populations can be higher in sites of high However, household median income did explain spatial distribution of
impervious surface. This discrepancy may stem from the fact that larvae/pupae, with Ae. albopictus-positive containers more clustered in
Journal of Medical Entomology, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX 9
higher-income sites in 2016 and overall abundance more clustered in adult population sizes, at least for Ae. aegypti (Tun-Lin et al. 1996).
2017. These results may be connected to the distribution of the contain- This means that no conclusions can be drawn to quantify biting
ers themselves, which were more clustered in higher income sites. Ae. risk or to recommend control that targets adult populations. These
albopictus are considered poor dispersers with an average flight distance results can only be used to make recommendations regarding control
of 50–200 m (Marini et al. 2010), so even distribution of containers in targeting immature stages, such as dumping or treating containers.
low-income neighborhoods may facilitate more even dispersal of gravid In the long term, more research is necessary to address these limi-
females across the landscape. In contrast, in high-income neighborhoods, tations: a systematic, region-wide approach studying larvae, pupae,
Ae. albopictus movement may be restricted to ‘islands’ of clustered ovi- and adults will be essential to allow us to gain a clear understanding
position habitat. This is supported by a study of residential populations of Ae. albopictus ecology and population dynamics. Unfortunately,
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