History-Cartoon Modified Version
History-Cartoon Modified Version
History-Cartoon Modified Version
Professor J S Rao
President Academics
About 15000 years ago, the ice age In tropical and temperate forest
ended and men began to move around and regions, Paleolithic tools were chipped to
venture out protect themselves and gather food by
killing animals.
People began to settle and built During this time the slow potter’s
villages 5000 years ago as in ancient wheel, was invented by Egyptians which
Indus Valley Civilization. developed into the fast wheel, first
used at Ur in Mesopotamia.
The wheel is probably the most to automobiles
important mechanical invention of all
time. From tiny watch gears
1500 years ago the wheel became In ancient times, Religion and
widely used for war machines. The superstition ruled in different parts of
grinding wheel was introduced in the world.
Arabia that greatly improved the
There is very little or no evidence that
effect of bladed combat weapons.
suggests philosophical or scientific
thinking existed till the tracing of
Algebra to ancient Babylonian
mathematicians roughly 4000 years
ago, who developed a positional number
Ancient Egyptian algebra dealt mainly
with linear equations while the
Babylonians found these equations too
elementary and developed mathematics
to a higher level than the Egyptians.
Sushruta was an ancient Indian Sushruta was the first to make use of
surgeon around this time and is the the magnet for surgical purposes.
author of the book Sushruta Samhita,
in which he describes over 300 surgical
procedures and 120 surgical
instruments and classifies human
surgery in 8 categories. He lived,
taught and practiced his art on the
banks of the Ganges in the area that
corresponds to the present day city of
Benares in North India.
Thales of Miletus (624 BC – 546 BC)
was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher
from Miletus in Asia Minor, and one of
the 7 Sages of Greece. He attempted
to explain natural phenomena without
reference to mythology and was
tremendously influential in this
respect. Thales used geometry to solve Use a stick to
problems such as calculating the height measure height
of pyramids and the distance of ships of pyramid?
from the shore.
About 2700 years ago geometry from Dark ages or medieval period follow
Egypt was imported and Greeks began after these golden years of beginnings
to develop it and arithmetic into on thinking in a logical manner. Over a
separate branches of mathematical millennium would be lost and science
science. In the next several hundred takes a backward seat to religion and
years, Socrates (469-399 BC), superstition. Renaissance will take
Hippocrates (460- 370 B.C.), Plato place as precursor to a revolution on
(428-348 B.C.), Aristotle (384-322 science in 17th century that will see an
B.C.), Euclid (323-285 B.C.), and others unprecedented growth and awakening
systematized what was then known in the future of world.
about geometry and arithmetic.
Socrates lived during the time of the Philosophy and Logic from Socrates
transition from the height of the may have given to birth to Science in
Athenian hegemony to its decline with this transition period of human
the defeat by Sparta and its allies in settlements that were raged on one
the Peloponnesian War. Despite the hand by religion and superstition and
troublesome and chaotic period, wars on the other hand. Can we expect
Socrates was able to make profound that even from birth that science shall
influence on Philosophy and Logic that be perfect? Evidently not. It would
laid the foundations for next two and take another two painful millennia to
half millennia of scientific and develop and perfect an understanding
technological development. of science during scientific revolution.
Hippocrates is credited with being the
God has
first person to believe that diseases The boy
nothing to
were caused naturally and not as a is sick
do with this
result of superstition, and Gods. He
separated the discipline of medicine
from religion, believing and arguing
that disease was not a punishment
inflicted by the gods but rather the
product of environmental factors, diet,
and living habits.
Substances are divided into corruptible In the absence of science that got
and incorruptible. developed in 17th century, these are
deductions based on some kind of logic
Bodies are classified as absolute heavy
and perception.
bodies & absolute light bodies and seek
their places, the light bodies on top. Unfortunately they have been the root
cause for retarding progress in science
Motions are classified as natural
and in particular mechanics which is
motions and violent motions.
necessary to develop machines.
Large bodies fall quicker than small
Archimedes (287-212 BC) of Syracuse
in Sicily is believed by many to be the
first mathematical genius the world
has so far produced.
One of Archimedes famous sayings is Ancient Indian legend has it that the
“Give me a place to stand and I will Vamana avatar was taken by Lord
move the earth”. Vishnu to punish the demon king
Mahabali. Given a promise of three
steps of land, Vamana grows so huge
that he could cover from heaven to
Archimedes used “Hydrostatics” Archimedes received his education at
principle (known as Archimedes’ the University of Alexandria, where
principle) “a body immersed in a fluid groups of mathematicians and
experiences a buoyant force equal to scientists worked, devoting themselves
the weight of the fluid it displaces” to to the construction of numerous
solve this problem. fascinating machines. The greatest and
Meanwhile, Babylonian mathematics The Babylonian placeholder was not a
which had a sophisticated sexagesimal true zero because it was not used
(sixty as base) positional numeral alone. Nor was it used at the end of a
system suffered the lack of a number. Thus numbers like 2 and 120
positional value (or zero) which was (2×60), 3 and 180 (3×60), 4 and 240
indicated by a space between (4×60), looked the same because the
The religion dominated in what follows Approximately 2,000 years ago
called dark ages or medieval period. humankind began to harness water-
power to turn the stones that ground
The excellent contributions from
its grain. It was probably the first tool
Babylonian, Egyptian, Greeks and
for creating mechanical energy to
Indian schools have abruptly come to
replace direct human and animal power.
an end until renaissance began with
Leonardo da Vinci in 15th century with The first description of a water wheel
some exceptions in the medieval is from Vitruvius, a Roman engineer
periods. about 2100 years ago; this is in the
form of an Overshot Wheel
Aryabhatta might have been the head The concept of zero as a number and
of the Nalanda university; he had the not merely a symbol for separation is
knowledge of zero was implicit in attributed to India where by the 9th
Aryabhatta’s place-value system as a century AD practical calculations were
place holder for the powers of ten carried out using zero, which was
with null coefficients. treated like any other number, even in
case of division. This was indeed a
Aryabhatta believed that the earth
great invention that makes modern
rotates about its axis and states that
mathematics possible.
the movement of the stars is a relative
motion caused by earth’s rotation.
Prototypes of windmills were probably Various religions evolved in different
known in Persia (present day Iran) as parts of the world in an independent
early as the 7th century AD with their manner at different times, all of them
sails mounted on a vertical axis with a common purpose and approach,
viz, inculcation of good behavior in
humans that had been elevated from
the mammal kingdom. Any belief
preached in these religions was
vehemently opposed if a thinker
expressed a different opinion based on
scientific evidence.
In it you maintain that the earth Despite urgings from many quarters,
moves; that the sun occupies the Copernicus delayed publication of his
lowest and thus the central, place in book, perhaps from fear of criticism—
the universe... Therefore with the a fear delicately expressed in the
utmost earnestness I entreat you, subsequent dedication of his
most learned sir, unless I masterpiece to Pope Paul III. Scholars
inconvenience you, to communicate this disagree on whether Copernicus'
discovery of yours to scholars, and at concern was limited to possible
the earliest possible moment to send astronomical and philosophical
me your writings on the sphere of the objections, or whether he was also
universe together with the tables and concerned about religious objections.
whatever else you have that is relevant
By 1616 the attacks on the ideas of Galileo was ordered to stand trial on
Copernicus had reached a head, and suspicion of heresy in 1633 and
Galileo went to Rome to try to sentenced him for life to be under
persuade the Catholic Church house arrest.
authorities not to ban Copernicus'
Thus it is nearly a century of
ideas. Galileo was advised to give
retardation in scientific thinking and
arguments for and against
Galileo paid heavily for defending
Heliocentrism in the book “Dialogue
Concerning the Two Chief World
Systems, published in 1632”, and to be The world had to wait for another
careful not to advocate Heliocentrism. century to have scientific revolution.
René Descartes (1596 – 1650) was a
French philosopher, mathematician,
physicist, and writer who spent most
of his life in the Dutch Republic.
Amongst various things he studied
include algebra and vision. He has been
dubbed the "Father of Modern
Philosophy", and much subsequent
Western philosophy is a response to
his writings, which are studied closely
to this day.
The first electric generator was Stephen Ányos Jedlik (1800 – 1895)
invented by Michael Faraday in 1831, a was a Hungarian inventor, engineer and
copper disk that rotated between the physicist and formulated the concept
poles of a magnet. of the self-excited dynamo in 1861.
Ernst Werner von Siemens (1816 –
1892) was a German inventor and
Pearl Street Station was the first This is hardly 130 years ago and power
central power plant located at 255- generation has revolutionalized the
257 Pearl Street in Manhattan on a world; The world is never the same. It
site measuring 50 by 100 feet. It
is hard to imagine that there was no
started generating electricity on
electric power just over a century ago.
September 4, 1882, serving an initial
load of 400 lamps at 85 customers. By
1884, Pearl Street Station was serving
508 customers with 10,164 lamps. It
was built by the Edison Illuminating
Company, which was headed by Thomas
The achievement of Hero of Despite this, there were several
Alexandria nearly 2200 years ago in attempts in obtaining a pure rotating
demonstrating a rotating machine, a machine which would be free of
reaction steam turbine, much before vibrations as the case of reciprocating
the renaissance period still remained a machines. Huge amounts of energy are
distant dream. There was little required to make mankind free of
understanding of a rotor and it was animal labor and also provide lighting,
unfortunately postulated by William heating amongst other luxuries that we
Rankine in 1861 that there is a know today like air-conditioning. These
threshold of speed beyond which the efforts paid rich dividends in 1883-84
rotor cannot be run. and the world is never same.
About the year 1837 several reaction This effort is similar to Hero and as
steam wheels were made by Avery at yet there was no understanding of
Syracuse, New York, and by Wilson at extracting this energy in large
Greenock, for driving circular saws and quantities. Moreover, the principle of
cotton gins. Steam was introduced into electric dynamo or generator is not yet
it through a hollow shaft, and, by the demonstrated by that time. Despite
reaction of the jets at the the scientific revolution, James Watt,
extremities, caused rotation. while attempting to build a steam
turbine, came to the conclusion that it
could not be built given the state of
contemporary technology.
Karl Gustaf Patrik de Laval (1845 -
1913) was a Swedish engineer who built
the first steam turbine (impulse
turbine). High pressure steam was
blown through nozzles and expanded to
low pressure. Its velocity was then
greatly increased, and when the steam
jets hit the turbine wheel’s bent vanes,
the wheel was set in motion. The
turbine axle is mounted in its bearings
fixed in spherical segments.
Wright brothers used a four cylinder The twin propellers are driven by
internal combustion gasoline engine to sprocket chain drives from bicycle
power their flight technology
Steam turbines and Internal Hans Joachim Pabst von Ohain (1911 –
Combustion engines prevailed as prime 1998) was a German-American
movers even till date; however gas engineer; he designed the first self-
turbines remained a dream until jet contained jet engine to run, and he was
engines were invented. Until then the first to power an all-jet aircraft.
aviation was also limited to piston
Although none of his designs entered
engines. The Second World War has
production, his contributions to the
seen a race to develop the jet engine in
development of the jet engine in
1940s; Von Ohain in Germany and
Germany are invaluable.
Frank Whittle in England succeeded in
this effort.
Robert Noyce also came up with his In the early days of integrated
own idea of an integrated circuit half a circuits, only a few transistors could
year later than Kilby. Noyce's chip be placed on a chip, as the scale used
solved many practical problems that was large because of the contemporary
Kilby's had not. Noyce's chip, made at technology. As the degree of
Fairchild Semiconductor, was made of integration was small, the design was
silicon, whereas Kilby's chip was made done easily. Later on, millions, and
of germanium. Noyce’s chip made mass today billions, of transistors could be
production easier. placed on one chip.
Today supercomputers, Tianhe-1A They also help in designing advanced
located at National Supercomputing aircraft structures and engines with
Center in Tianjin, China has a minimum weight and maximum life
theoretical peak performance of 4.701 through simulation.
petaflops, (a petaflop is thousand
million million or thousand billion)
floating point operations per second.
They can be used to ease scientific
problems like climate change enabling
scientists to test global climate models
with accuracy.
Man observed nature over long periods He is weakest animal in strength and
and gathered information about stars needs a few years to gain full mobility,
and planets in the sky. For a long time yet he is the cleverest of animals and
he believed (erroneously) that his learnt to master over them.
earth is at the center of universe and
other celestial objects went around.