Authorized Service Center Application Form: (Information Shall Be Treated With Confidentiality)

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(Information shall be treated with confidentiality)

Business/Company Name: ________________________________

Complete Address: ________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________
City: _________________ Province: _______________________
Tel Nos. _________________ Fax No. _______________________
Mobile No. _________________
Email Add: _________________ YM/Yahoo Messenger ________________

Type of Organization:
___Proprietorship ___Partnership ___Corporation

Years of Business: _____________ Year Started: _____________

Name of Registered Owner/s ____________________________________

Officers ____________________________________
Residential Address ____________________________________
Telephone No/s ____________________________________
Civil Status _______ Name of Spouse: ________________________
No. of Personnel in the Company: ____________
Name Age Position

List Name According to Position

Describe Your Service Operations

Do you represent any major home appliance manufacturer? If yes, kindly enlist.

If no, describe any experience you may have in repairing major home appliances

What kind of products have you repaired?

Please sketch a vicinity of where your establishment is located.
(Indicate major landmarks)
Bank References
Name of Bank / Address Account Number Type

Customer References
Name Address Telephone

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ________________________ DATE: ____________

Print Name under Signature

Revised version Dec 2013

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