Yeast Biomass Production: A New Approach in Glucose-Limited Feeding Strategy
Yeast Biomass Production: A New Approach in Glucose-Limited Feeding Strategy
Yeast Biomass Production: A New Approach in Glucose-Limited Feeding Strategy
Research Paper
Érika Durão Vieira1, Maria da Graça Stupiello Andrietta2, Silvio Roberto Andrietta2
Faculdade de Engenharia Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Centro Pluridisciplinar de Pesquisas Químicas, Biológicas e Agrícolas,
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Paulínia, SP, Brazil.
The aim of this work was to implement experimentally a simple glucose-limited feeding strategy for
yeast biomass production in a bubble column reactor based on a spreadsheet simulator suitable for in-
dustrial application. In biomass production process using Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, one of
the constraints is the strong tendency of these species to metabolize sugars anaerobically due to
catabolite repression, leading to low values of biomass yield on substrate. The usual strategy to con-
trol this metabolic tendency is the use of a fed-batch process in which where the sugar source is fed
incrementally and total sugar concentration in broth is maintained below a determined value. The
simulator presented in this work was developed to control molasses feeding on the basis of a simple
theoretical model in which has taken into account the nutritional growth needs of yeast cell and two
input data: the theoretical specific growth rate and initial cell biomass. In experimental assay, a com-
mercial baker’s yeast strain and molasses as sugar source were used. Experimental results showed an
overall biomass yield on substrate of 0.33, a biomass increase of 6.4 fold and a specific growth rate of
0.165 h-1 in contrast to the predicted value of 0.180 h-1 in the second stage simulation.
Send correspondence to E.D Vieira. School of Chemical Engineering, University of Campinas, Cidade Universitária “Zeferino Vaz”, C.P. 6066,
13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected].
552 Vieira et al.
1991; Dynesen, 1998). Additionally, not only glucose but simulated experimentally using sugar cane molasses as car-
also fructose has shown to triggers catabolite repression on bon source.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (Dynesen, 1998). This
catabolite repression renders low biomass yield when culti- Materials and Methods
vating Saccharomyces cerevisiae in batch cultures and neg-
atively affects biomass yields due to the low ATP yield Operational system
from alcoholic fermentation. Despite this, biomass forma- The operational system is shown in Figure 1. The re-
tion can be achieved by innumerous metabolic pathways actor design used in this work was a cylindrical acrylic ves-
(Frick and Whitmann, 2005) and biomass yield on substrate sel of 5.5 liter volume with a conic bottom. At the end of the
can reach values up to 50% in pure oxidative growth conic bottom it was connected a 1 cm tube for air entrance
(Akinyemi, Betiku and Solomon, 2005). without any kind of air distributor. Five equally spaced
To overcome these constraints on yeast biomass pro- transversal 4-hole baffles were added to the design to create
duction two important variables are of major importance: turbulence and shear which could break up the air bubbles.
oxygen transfer rate and glucose concentration in the broth. The design also included small outlet tubes from were mo-
In heterogeneous gas-liquid reactions, e.g., in aerobic fer- lasses could be fed and cells could be circulated out through
mentation, the liquid phase controls mass transfer pro- a glass coil heat exchanger connected to a 34 °C thermo-
cesses due to the relative insolubility of gases. This limita- static bath. Aeration was estimated by scale down of typical
tion is minimized by the use of bubble column reactors due industrial conditions: 0.3 vvm for the first stage and
to its good oxygen transfer with low cost operation when 1.3 vvm for the second stage. The scale down was based on
compared to stirred tank reactors (Kantarcia, Borakb and the criterion of geometric similarity of the reactors and
Ulgen, 2005). The minimum sugar concentration in broth identical mass transfer coefficient (kLa1 = kLa2) (Aiba,
can be reached by the use of a fed-batch process. This pro- 1971). It resulted in 2.5 vvm (9 lpm) for first stage and
cess concept is the current one in industrial scale and ren- 1.3 vvm (approximately 30 lpm) for the second stage. The
ders good biomass yields when appropriate process control reactor was washed previously with 5% sodium hydroxide
strategy is used. Traditionally, in industrial production, mo- solution to prevent excessive bacterial contamination.
lasses or another feedstock feeding follows a strategy built
on the basis of factory historic data and so it is peculiar to a
determined strain and other process conditions. Nowadays, The microorganism evaluated in this assay was a
not only for economic reasons but also because of environ- commercial baker’yeast strain of Saccharomyces
mental policy, some industries are investing in new strate- cerevisiae named Y167 from CPQBA yeast collection.
gies of process control to avoid emission of toxic pollutants This strain was chosen due to its known characteristic of
(EPA, 1995). In scientific literature, many articles can be possessing a high cell growth rate. The microorganism was
found about baker’s yeast production dealing with yeast preserved in potato-dextrose agar (PDA) submerged in
growth modeling and aiming at different goals such as pro- mineral oil and stored at 4 °C. The propagation was initi-
ductivity, yield and yeast quality as well as new and robust ated by transferring the preserved microorganism to a fresh
online sensors (Reyman, 1992; Rigbom, Rothberg and PDA slant that was incubated at 32 °C for 24 h.
Saxen, 1996; Rendez-Gil, Sanz and Priteo, 1999; Jones and
Kompala, 1999; Di Serio et al., 2001; DiSerio, Tesser and
Santacesaria, 2001; Soley, 2005). However, there are few
simple theoretical models for yeast biomass production that
could fit to any strain and process and could be applicable
to industrial scale.
The objective of the present work was, therefore, to
develop and implement experimentally a simple theoretical
model for yeast growth based on few parameters aiming at
achieving a glucose-limited feeding strategy applicable to
industrial scale. For this purpose, a spreadsheet was devel-
oped in which the theoretical model could predict at each
time interval the nutritional growth needs of yeast cell
based on two major input data: the theoretical specific
growth rate and initial cell biomass. The model was vali-
dated in a laboratory scale experiment. Biomass production
was performed in a 5-liter bubble column reactor using a Figure 1 - Operational system: (1) acrylic vessel, (2) molasses flask, (3)
commercial baker’s yeast strain. The first two stages of glass coil heat exchange, (4) thermostatic bath, (5) rotameter, (6) Mas-
yeast cell propagation, common in industrial process, were terflex peristaltic pumps and (7) two digits balance.
Yeast biomass production 553
50% of the carbon consumed was transformed in biomass, Table 2 - Definition of the variables.
i.e., biomass yield on substrate (YX/S) equal to 0.5. Table 1
Variable Value Definition Unit
shows the spreadsheet backbone implemented in Microsoft
Excel Software. Table 2 shows the definitions of the vari- X0 To be set Initial cell mass g
ables used in the spreadsheet simulator. m To be set Specific growth rate h-1
FC 0.47 Carbon weight fraction in yeast cell -
Results NF 0.085 Nitrogen weight fraction in yeast -
The calculated spreadsheet used to estimate the nec- PF 0.0113 Phosphorus weight fraction in yeast -
essary amount of nutrients in the first stage assay is shown cell
in Table 3. The needed quantity of raw molasses and nitro- H 0.4 Carbon weight fraction of hexose -
gen and phosphorus salts were estimated considering a 70 g sugars
biomass content in the reactor at the end of the first stage. YX/S 0.5 Biomass yield on substrate -
This consideration was made on the basis of a estimative of d To be set Molasses dilution factor -
biomass increase of 100-fold, from 0.7 g to 70 g of total bio- MP To be set Molasses sugar purity (TRS per Mo- wt/wt
mass, not considering the exponential growth model. The lasses, g/g)
calculated spreadsheet used in the second stage assay is NFS 0.26 Nitrogen weight fraction in NH4Cl -
shown in Table 4. It was adopt a specific growth rate of PFS 0.23 Phosphorus weight fraction in -
0.18 h-1 and an expected initial cell mass of 7.0 g estimated KH2PO4
by centrifuged wet cell volume of the inoculum. The molas- W 10 Salt concentration %wt/wt
ses purity was 56% as determined by sugar HPCL (fruc-
tose, glucose and sucrose) and Brix analysis. The distillated
water volume added in the reactor was calculated by de- because of the loss of water stripped by aeration. The final
ducting the nutrient volume to be added until the end of the volume was approximately 3 liters and all the concentration
12 h and the inoculum volume from the total operational data was corrected based on this effect.
volume of the reactor. Diluted molasses density was con- The compiled data of the first stage and second stage
sidered to be 1.06 g/mL. It is worth to mention that final of cell growth assays are shown in Table 5. In the first stage,
volume in the second stage did not reach the expected 3.5 L biomass yield reached 0.20 as expected in an environment
Table 3 - First stage spreadsheet data built with the following input variables: X0 = 0.7 g/L, YX/S = 0.22, MP = 0.56 and d = 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
t X(t) C(t) N(t) P(t) DC(t) DTRS(t) DM(t) DN DNS DP DPS
(h) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
0 0.70 0.33 0.06 0.01 32.57 370.1 660.9 5.89 22.49 0.78 3.44
16 70.0 32.90 5.95 0.79 - - - - - - -
Yeast biomass production 555
Table 4 - Second stage spreadsheet data built with the following input variables: X0 = 7.0 g/L, m = 0.18 h-1, MP = 0.56 and d = 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
t X(t) C(t) N(t) P(t) DC(t) DTRS(t) DM(t) DN DNS DP DPS
(h) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (mL) (g) (mL)
0 7.0 3.29 0.60 0.08 0.65 3.2 11.6 0.12 4.5 0.02 0.7
1 8.4 3.94 0.71 0.09 0.78 3.9 13.9 0.14 5.4 0.02 0.8
2 10.0 4.72 0.85 0.11 0.93 4.7 16.6 0.17 6.4 0.02 1.0
3 12.0 5.65 1.02 0.14 1.11 5.6 19.9 0.20 7.7 0.03 1.2
4 14.4 6.76 1.22 0.16 1.33 6.7 23.8 0.24 9.2 0.03 1.4
5 17.2 8.09 1.46 0.19 1.60 8.0 28.5 0.29 11.0 0.04 1.7
6 20.6 9.69 1.75 0.23 1.91 9.6 34.1 0.35 13.2 0.05 2.0
7 24.7 11.60 2.10 0.28 2.29 11.4 40.8 0.41 15.8 0.05 2.4
8 29.5 13.89 2.51 0.33 2.74 13.7 48.9 0.50 18.9 0.07 2.9
9 35.4 16.62 3.01 0.40 3.28 16.4 58.5 0.59 22.6 0.08 3.5
10 42.3 19.90 3.60 0.48 3.93 19.6 70.1 0.71 27.1 0.09 4.1
11 50.7 23.83 4.31 0.57 4.70 23.5 83.9 0.85 32.5 0.11 5.0
12 60.7 28.53 5.16 0.69 - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - 126.19 450.68 4.56 174.3 0.61 26.7
Initial Data
Volume of added nutrients (mL) 1186
Inoculum volume (mL) 560
Total Final Volume (mL) 3500
Distilled water volume (mL) 2314
with excess of glucose where anaerobic respiration is pre- The cell growth pattern of the second stage is shown
ferred by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Biomass in- in Figure 2. Exponential regression curve fitted well within
crease reached 112.8 fold so that the goal of having a high the experimental data. The specific growth rate was
biomass increase on this first stage was fulfilled. In con- 0.165 h-1 what confirms the Y167 strain good growth pa-
trast, in the second stage, the overall biomass yield was rameters and a good initial estimative of 0.18 h-1.
higher reaching 0.33 and biomass increase was 6.4 fold, Figure 3 shows the biomass concentration profile.
both acceptable values in industrial biomass production. Calculated biomass concentration refers to the values cal-
Biomass yield, however, was expected to be closer to 0.5 as culated based on the spreadsheet and experimental biomass
it occurs in industrial bioreactors. concentration refers to the values calculated based on the
dry cell mass. These data shows that, after the 6th hour, the till the overall value of 0.33. In contrast with sugar profile,
real biomass concentration in the reactor was below the ex- the cumulative biomass yield drop is closely associated to
pected value and nutrients and sugar may have been fed in the TRS increase confirming the strong tendency of yeasts
excess. to shift metabolism from aerobic to anaerobic respiration
The sugar profile of the second stage is shown in Fig- when there is excess of sugar in the broth. Instantaneous
ure 4. TRS concentration was maintained below 1 g/L until biomass yield showed scattered values but it followed the
the 5th hour. After the 6th hour, TRS increased from ap- same tendency of the cumulative values.
proximately 1 g/L to 3 g/L probably due to the biomass con-
centration below the predicted value. Discussion
Other interesting variables that should help the data
In typical biomass production plant, yeast propaga-
analysis are presented in Figure 5. The biomass yield was
tion starts just like the assay presented in this work: from an
calculated as instantaneous and cumulative, i.e., the yield in
agar slant to a seed reactor until a 150.000 liters bioreactors
one hour interval (YX/S Instantaneous in the 5th hour is related to
(bubble column reactors). The yeast growth in the flask rep-
the interval from the 4th hour till the 5th hour) and the yield
resents the yeast growth in the seed reactor where a sterile
from the zero time till the current time respectively. The cu-
growth is necessary to guarantee a pure culture inoculum.
mulative biomass yield starts at a low value of 0.24 reach-
The first stage and second stage in the bubble column reac-
ing a maximum value of 0.45 at the 6th hour. After the 6th
tor represents the first and second stages of yeast propaga-
hour, it can be perceived a slightly tendency of lower values
tion on large bioreactors. In the first stage, the objective is
to obtain a high increase in biomass (productivity) so that
biomass yield on substrate is not an important variable and
there is no need to have a feeding control. In the second
stage, the objective is to maximize biomass yield on sub-
strate by feeding molasses incrementally in order to avoid
catabolite repression. This feeding strategy is used from the
second propagation stage until the final bioreactors where
biomass yield is of major importance on production costs.
The high cell density and high operation volume reached in
these stages of the process turn molasses consumption a
significant cost variable so that a good feeding strategy and
process control is necessary.
Another important variable in biomass production is
the aeration and oxygen transfer once biomass yield de-
pends on achieving a fully aerobic condition. This is not an
easy condition to be simulated in bubble reactors in labo-
ratorial scale due to the small reactor height that leads to a
Figure 4 - Sugar profile. short residence time of the air bubbles. In the case of the as-
say presented in this work, the bioreactor operational height
was too small compared to industrial bioreactors so that air
bubbles residence time was insufficient to achieve maxi-
mum dissolved oxygen in broth. The biomass yield values
showed on Figure 5 evidences that the experimental condi-
tions did not reach fully aerobic conditions. Therefore, the
relatively low biomass yield value obtained in this work is
attributed to a limited oxygen availability caused by a poor
oxygen transfer and a low residence time of the air bubbles
provided by the reactor design and size respectively (Fie-
cher, Käppeli and Meussdoerffer, 1987). Another fact that
supports evidences of the poor oxygenation of the broth
was the intense acetaldehyde odor in the laboratory during
the assay and the presence and continuously growing con-
centration of byproducts as detected by the HPLC analysis
(results not quantitatively computed).
Cell concentration in the broth after the 6th hour was
lower than the calculated value. This suggests that, from the
Figure 5 - Instantaneous and cumulative biomass yield profile. spreadsheet theory, the TRS quantity that was fed from this
Yeast biomass production 557
time till the end of the experiment was in excess. This can Di Serio M, Tesser R, Santacesaria E (2001) A kinetic and mass
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