Understanding Lipid Oxidation in Low-Moisture Food PDF
Understanding Lipid Oxidation in Low-Moisture Food PDF
Understanding Lipid Oxidation in Low-Moisture Food PDF
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Doctoral Dissertations Dissertations and Theses
Fall 2014
Recommended Citation
Barden, Leann M., "Understanding Lipid Oxidation in Low-Moisture Food" (2014). Doctoral Dissertations. 155.
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A Dissertation Presented
September 2014
A Dissertation Presented
Eric A. Decker, Chair
David J. McClements, Member
Richard J. Wood, Member
Eric A. Decker, Department Head
Department of Food Science
It takes only a single village to raise a child. All things considered, it seems a
reasonably simple feat. Raising a doctoral candidate, however, requires nothing short of a
and secondary education teachers, Girl Scouts, science clubs, multiple universities,
internship mentors and co-workers, technical communities, committees, and many others
met along the way. While the list of people who’ve both helped and inspired me would
literally be longer than my actual dissertation, I must acknowledge a few key individuals.
My two previous faculty advisors, Rich Hartel and Allen Foegeding, were
dissertation advisor, Eric Decker, who spent even more long hours poring over data with
me, prepping me for conferences, prodding me to dig deeper and think harder, and
encouraging me to pursue great opportunities outside the lab. I’m proud to be a “fat
scientist” from your lab! I also thank David J. McClements, Richard Wood, and Pierre
Villeneuve for their precious time and constructive advice toward this dissertation.
I thank all past and present labmates who offered friendship, guidance, and sanity,
especially Bingcan, Dan, Cansu, Carlos, David, Emily, Get, Gokhan, Kla, Laurena, Leqi,
Natsuko, Raffaella, Rika, Sibel, Sezer, Xu, Yi, and my labmates in France. Special thanks
to my mentee, Amanda, who put in hours of hard work, kept me on my toes with
questions, and reminded me that the scientific journey is ultimately one of excitement.
Special thanks, also, to Jean Alamed for technical support, keeping our lab clean and
well-managed, brownies, and her valuable friendship. It has been nothing but a pleasure
to be a part of our lab group. Special thanks to Barbara for opening her home to our large
group for many wonderful lab potlucks. Thank you to the other professors in the
department and my other friends in the Amherst community for all of your advice and
I thank Steve Hill, Dennis Romero, and countless other informal mentors for their
candidate career advice. I wouldn’t know where I was headed next if you hadn’t made
time for my questions. I am dedicating this work to all mentors because I never would
have made it this far if not for the time dedicated by such selfless, amazing individuals.
You’re all my heroes and my role models to this very day, and my greatest goal in life is
I would like to express my gratitude to the USDA National Needs program for
Ultimately, I would like to thank my best friend, Sarah Ethier, for sharing every
success and pitfall with me over the last 10 years and for helping me laugh my way out of
the more difficult situations. Likewise, I am deeply grateful to my family for their
unconditional support. Their love and encouragement allowed me to finish this journey
Low-moisture snacks account for much of the saturated fat in the diet, making
them a key target for improving consumers’ health. However, it is not currently feasible
to maintain the same shelf life when replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats in these
system and determined the impact of iron, chelators, and free fatty acids (FFA) on lipid
oxidation kinetics. Confocal microscopy showed that lipids form a continuous layer
surrounding the small and/or minimally gelatinized starch granules. Lipid-starch, lipid-
air, and starch-lipid-protein interfaces all existed. Oxidation studies showed a large
crackers. Crackers containing 10X the usual amount of reduced iron were as oxidatively
stable as the control. FFA decreased hexanal lag phases only when added at
concentrations greater than 1.0% (w/w) of the total lipid weight. Metal chelators (citric
extending the headspace hexanal lag phage. These results suggested that transition metals
were not as strongly prooxidative in the crackers as they are in oil-in-water emulsions and
bulk oil.
model system. Rosmarinic acid esters of varying polarity exhibited different partitioning
behavior (viewed with confocal microscopy) and antioxidant activity. Surprisingly, the
in-water emulsions where the 20-carbon ester is a very poor antioxidant. Degradation of
the 20-carbon ester was slower than the other rosmarinic acid derivative’s as determined
by HPLC. The activity of the 12-carbon ester of rosmarinic acid varied as a function of
how it was added to the cracker model with increased effectiveness observed when the
antioxidant was added to the lipid phase prior to formation of the dough. Synthetic,
commercial antioxidants followed a similar trend with the most nonpolar being the most
effective. This research highlights the need to gain a better understanding of lipid
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................v
1.1. Introduction.............................................................................................................1
1.2. Mechanism of lipid oxidation .................................................................................3
1.3. Lipid oxidation kinetics ..........................................................................................5
1.4. Effect of water and aw on lipid oxidation .............................................................10
1.4.1. Monolayer theory ........................................................................................11
1.4.2. Glass transition theory .................................................................................13
1.4.3. The role of water in lipid oxidation—other hypotheses ..............................15
1.5. Abatement and reduction strategies for low-moisture foods ................................17
1.5.1. Reformulated products and controlled processing conditions ....................17
1.5.2. Coatings .......................................................................................................21
1.5.3. Antioxidant addition ....................................................................................25
1.5.4. Packaging ....................................................................................................28
1.6. Future research needed to develop improved antioxidant technologies for low-
moisture foods ......................................................................................................33
1.7. New technologies to study lipid oxidation in complex foods...............................37
1.8. Conclusion ............................................................................................................42
1.9. References.............................................................................................................42
2.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................55
2.2. Materials and methods ..........................................................................................57
2.2.1. Materials ......................................................................................................57
2.2.2. General sample manufacture and preparation .............................................57 Addition of confocal dyes to samples ................................................58 Addition of iron ..................................................................................59 Addition of FFA and chelating agents ...............................................59
2.2.3. Basic analyses..............................................................................................60
2.2.4. Measurement of lipid oxidation ..................................................................60
2.2.5. Imaging by microscopy ...............................................................................61
2.2.6. Statistical analysis .......................................................................................62
2.3. Results and discussion ..........................................................................................63
2.3.1. Composition and microstructure .................................................................63
2.3.2. Lipid oxidation in crackers ..........................................................................67
2.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................72
2.5. References.............................................................................................................73
3.1. Introduction...........................................................................................................78
3.2. Materials and methods ..........................................................................................80
3.2.1. Materials ......................................................................................................80
3.2.2. General sample manufacture and preparation .............................................81
3.2.3. AOX and dye incorporation into the crackers .............................................82
3.2.4. Measurement of lipid oxidation ..................................................................82
3.2.5. Measurement of rosemary AOX .................................................................84
3.2.6. Confocal microscopy ...................................................................................84
3.2.7. Statistical analysis .......................................................................................85
3.3. Results and discussion ..........................................................................................85
3.3.1. Homologous AOX series.............................................................................85
3.3.2. Commercial AOX........................................................................................93
3.3.3. Discussion ...................................................................................................94
3.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................96
3.5. References.............................................................................................................96
4. CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................................99
5. BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................100
Table Page
Figure Page
1.1. Example of oxidation curves for three different compounds where the y-axis might
represent a measurement of primary or secondary oxidation products. At values
above the sensory cut-off line, trained panelists found the product unacceptably
oxidized. ......................................................................................................................7
1.2. Fitting straight lines through oxidation data does not accurately assess reaction rates
because no single line fits through all data. Dashed lines correspond to line A (from
Fig. 2), while dotted lines correspond to line A. .........................................................9
1.3. Comparison between monolayer values and the lowest water activity value for
greatest stability ........................................................................................................12
1.4. Model cracker imaged on confocal microscope. Green areas represent lipid; red
areas represent protein. Scale bar is 50 μm...............................................................39
2.1 Confocal microscopy fluorescence of Bodipy 493/503 (green; lipid) and Rhodamine
B (red; protein) in (A) the interesterified soybean oil; (B) dough before kneading;
(C) kneading by hand and (D) after sheeting through pasta roller. All images taken
before baking. Scale bar: 20 μm. ..............................................................................64
2.2 Confocal microscopy fluorescence of Bodipy 493/503 (green; lipid) and Rhodamine
B (red; protein) in control crackers. Scale bar: 50 μm. .............................................66
2.3 Lipid hydroperoxides and hexanal in control crackers stored at 55C in the dark.
Standard error bars are smaller than data points in some instances. .........................67
2.4 (A) Lipid hydroperoxides and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers made with 1, 1.5,
2.0, 5.0, and 10 times the amount of reduced iron found in the control cracker
dough (0.004% iron) and stored in the dark at 55C. Standard error bars are smaller
than data points in some instances. ...........................................................................69
2.5 (A) Lipid hydroperoxides and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers made with citric
acid (CA), desferrioxamine (DFO), and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
and stored in the dark at 55C. Standard error bars are smaller than data points in
some instances. .........................................................................................................70
2.6 (A) Lipid hydroperoxides and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers made with 0-3%
added oleic acid on a lipid basis and stored in the dark at 55C. Standard error bars
are smaller than data points in some instances. ........................................................72
3.1 Fluorescence of Nile Red dye (green) and either (A) rosmarinic acid, (B) dodecyl
(R12) rosmarinate ester, or (R20) eicosyl rosmarinate ester (blue) phase partitioning
of lipid and antioxidant, respectively, in crackers at Day 0. Antioxidants were
incorporated by mixing with the lipid phase. Scale bars: 20 μm in A and B; 50 μm
in C. ...........................................................................................................................86
3.2 (A) Lipid hydroperoxides and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers with rosmarinic
and its ester (chain lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons) incorporated into the lipid prior
to dough formation. Crackers were stored in the dark at 55C. Standard error bars
are smaller than data points in some instances. ........................................................87
3.3 (A) Lipid hydroperoxide and (B) headspace hexanal formation in crackers made by
incorporating rosmarinic ester antioxidants (chain lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons)
into the aqueous phase prior to dough formation. Crackers were stored in dark at
55C. Standard error bars are smaller than data points in some instances. ..............88
3.4 Fluorescence of Nile Red dye (green) and either (A) rosmarinic acid, (B) dodecyl
(R12) rosmarinate ester, or (R20) eicosyl rosmarinate ester (blue) phase partitioning
of lipid and antioxidant, respectively, in crackers at Day 0. Antioxidants were
incorporated by mixing with the aqueous phase. Scale bars: 50 μm. .......................90
3.5 Loss of rosmarinic ester antioxidants (chain lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons) added to
the lipid phase during storage at 55C in darkness as determined by HPLC. Vertical
lines indicate standard error for each point. ..............................................................92
3.6 Loss of rosmarinic ester antioxidants (chain lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons) added to
the aqueous phase during storage at 55C in darkness as determined by HPLC.
Vertical lines indicate standard error for each point. ................................................92
3.7 (A) Primary and (B) secondary oxidation products in crackers made by
incorporating propyl gallate (PG), tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), or butylhydroxy
toluene (BHT) into the lipid phase. Crackers were stored at 55C in darkness.
Standard error bars are smaller than data points in some instances. .........................94
proportion of the saturated fat in the diet, making these foods a key target for improving
consumers’ health. However, it is not currently feasible to maintain the same oxidative
shelf life when replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats, which are generally
groundwork for new lipid oxidation rate-reduction strategies. Research deficits needing
attention and new methods for assessing lipid oxidation in low-moisture foods are also
Saturated fat, monolayer, lipid oxidation kinetics, antioxidants, surface oxidation, shelf
1.1 Introduction
product quality, alter textural properties, and adversely affect the color and nutrition of a
food product. In foods, unsaturated fatty acids—typically those once esterified to the
glycerol backbone of a triacylglycerol (TAG) or phospholipid—decompose into volatile
compounds with low molecular weights that produce off-aromas associated with
rancidity. Many of these volatile lipid oxidation products are detectable by humans at the
parts per million and even parts per billion threshold (Labuza and Dugan, 1971).
Ultimately, lipid oxidation reduces shelf life and therefore causes food spoilage, an
important factor in food security as understood to be the availability to, and accessibility
(PUFAs) are generally viewed as healthier for consumers, but if manufacturers abide by
the latest Dietary Guidelines (WHO, 2003; EFSA, 2007; U.S. Dept. of Health and Human
Services, 2010) to reduce solid fats by simply substituting PUFAs for saturated fats, they
Although rancidity has been studied in many types of foods, little systematic
research has been conducted on low-moisture foods—those with water activity (aw)
below 0.5 and whose shelf life is primarily limited by lipid oxidation and non-enzymatic
browning (Labuza et al., 1970). Unfortunately, most research relating aw and lipid
oxidation rates dates back to the 1970s with little recent research. It is important to
expand studies in this area since surveys have shown that grain-based desserts and
snacks—including many low-moisture foods like cookies and granola bars—are among
the top three contributors of saturated fat to the American diet (National Cancer Institute,
2010b). Crackers rank among the top 15 fat-contributing foods, specifically accounting
for 1.5% of total solid fat consumption among youth aged 2-18 years (National Cancer
Institute, 2010a). This suggests that if the nutritional profiles of low-moisture products
could be improved by substituting their saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids,
then this could have an important impact on consumer health. However, this is not
currently feasible because many of the basic mechanisms of lipid oxidation in low-
moisture foods are still not well understood. Thus, there is a clear need to revisit this
topic and understand where, how, and why lipid oxidation occurs in low-moisture
systems. Only then can manufacturers implement abatement and reduction strategies to
The process by which lipid oxidation proceeds has been extensively reviewed
elsewhere (Labuza and Dugan, 1971; Kamal-Eldin, 2003; Frankel, 2005; McClements
and Decker, 2008). Briefly, lipid oxidation is characterized by three phases: initiation,
propagation, and termination. Initiation begins when a hydrogen is abstracted from a fatty
hydrogen and its methylene carbon is reduced. As more double bonds are added to the
fatty acids, oxidation susceptibility increases due to the addition of more methylene-
interrupted carbon reaction sites. Research has shown that the addition of one double
bond to a PUFA at least doubles the rate at which the fatty acid oxidizes (Holman and
Elmer, 1947; Bolland, 1948; Buttery et al., 1961), with the cis form often oxidizing more
readily than the trans form (Sargis and Subbaiah, 2003). Therefore, the likelihood of lipid
oxidation and formation of deleterious sensory products increases with increasing
irradiation can all promote lipid oxidation in the initiation stage as they primarily
accelerate oxidation via reactions that produce free radicals and/or reactive oxygen
After initial hydrogen abstraction from the fatty acid, the energy of the resulting
followed by propagation where the alkyl radical undergoes addition with atmospheric
oxygen to form a peroxyl radical (ROO•). This peroxyl radical has sufficient energy to
promote the abstraction of hydrogen from another unsaturated fatty acid, thus forming
another alkyl radical and a lipid hydroperoxide (ROOH). Thus, propagation involves the
transfer of a free radical from one fatty acid to another. Lipid hydroperoxides themselves,
however, are not volatile and therefore do not contribute to rancid aromas. β-Scission
lipid hydroperoxides into alkoxyl radicals (RO•). This step represents the formation of a
second free radical which can attack additional fatty acids and causes an exponential
increase in oxidation rates. In addition, alkoxyl radicals are high energy allowing them to
break the aliphatic chain of the fatty acid and generate the low molecular weight volatiles
that are associated with the characteristic rancid smell of oxidized fats. Many researchers
measure both hydroperoxide content and aldehyde content in final products when
determining the extent of lipid oxidation to monitor both propagation and β-scission
During the termination phase, two radicals react to form one, non-radical
molecule such as fatty acid dimers, trimers and oligomers. Consequently, these polymers
often either precipitate or lead to increases in oil viscosity. Polymeric products are
common in frying oils, where the high temperatures reduce oxygen solubility and thus
reactions are not as important in other foods because higher oxygen allows -scission
reactions to predominate and because most foods are deemed rancid before termination
When monitoring lipid oxidation over time, one typically observes a lag phase
where accumulation of lipid oxidation products is slow. This lag phase is the result of the
reactions and also the presence of antioxidants which are preferentially oxidized and thus
prevent free radicals from attacking fatty acids. Food manufacturers strive to maximize
the duration of the lag phase where the concentration of the products responsible for
rancidity are below sensory threshold levels. Therefore, the lag phase is the best
Kinetics of lipid oxidation are often analyzed when determining the shelf life of a
product. Rate constants must be determined experimentally and depend upon parameters
such as temperature, pH, oxygen concentrations, surface area, and ionic strength.
Oxidative reactions are fastest—and thus, shelf life experiments are shortest—at high
temperatures, but using high temperatures runs the risk of changing factors such as aw,
oxygen solubility and partial pressure, and/or forming antioxidative side reaction
al., 1977; Sullivan et al., 2011). As expected, rate constants determined under cycling
temperatures differ from those determined under constant temperatures (Labuza and
Bergquist, 1983).
Lipid oxidation reaction kinetics are not simple since each step—initiation,
propagation, and termination—has its own rate constant (Labuza and Dugan, 1971). Even
products, Sullivan et al. (2011) found the data fit first-order kinetics only within certain
temperature ranges and depending on the particular PUFA composition of the oil. To
simplify the complications of lipid oxidation kinetics, some scientists assume a linear
approach when, in fact, the overall lipid oxidation reaction does not follow simple first
order kinetics. For example, after the lag phase, the reaction is exponential. Foods with
the same duration of lag phase—like samples A and B in Fig. 1.1—may exhibit different
rates of oxidation in the exponential phase. After the lag phase, sample B initially
oxidizes at a slower rate than sample A but then continues to oxidize during storage. Why
two foods would oxidize by such different kinetics could be due to many reasons. For
example, product A could have very low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore,
after oxidation started it could rapidly end as substrate is consumed and thus no more
lipid oxidation products would be formed. In sample B, there could be large amounts of
PUFAs and thus oxidation products would continue to increase during prolonged storage.
Finally, sample C depicts a sample that is stable for a long period (longer lag phase) but
then rapidly oxidizes. For instance, perhaps the sample was manufactured with
tocopherols. These antioxidants would extend the lag phase but once they were consumed
Figure 1.1 Example of oxidation curves for three different compounds where the y-axis might represent a
measurement of primary or secondary oxidation products. At values above the sensory cut-off line, trained panelists
found the product unacceptably oxidized.
because they do not evaluate their data with a sensory perspective in mind. The shelf life
detect lipid oxidation volatiles that impact flavor. Since some lipid oxidation products
have very low sensory threshold values, sensory perception of rancidity can sometimes
occur prior to being able to chemically detect oxidation products. However, once lipid
oxidation products are detected (the end of the lag phase) then it is highly likely that the
sensory properties of the product are compromised. From Fig. 1.1, we can only gather
that compound C has the longest lag time and the best shelf life. Compounds A and B
have the same lag time but different rates of oxidation following the lag period. The
mistake made in numerous publications is that samples are compared after the lag phase.
If this is done at time X, then one would conclude that the shelf life was in the order of
C>B>A. However, if comparisons are made at time Y, the conclusions would be B>A>C.
However, a comparison at time Y does not determine shelf life since all the products are
rancid. Therefore, the length of the lag period is the most important factor in determining
shelf life. If fortunate enough to have sensory data corresponding to the chemical data,
then it matters only whether the extent of oxidation is above or below the sensory cut-off
take data like that illustrated in Fig. 1.1 and convert it to kinetic plots to find a linear
Attempts to determine a Q10 for the entire reaction are similarly flawed because of the
implicit linearity assumption. (Examples of these approaches can be seen in Labuza and
Bergquist, 1983; Tazi et al., 2009) The glaring problem with this approach is that it is
impossible to fit a linear line to curve containing both linear and exponential areas (Fig.
1.2). Fitting a straight line through the entire data region of Fig. 1.1 (both lag and
exponential phases) is simply inaccurate and useless. Fitting a straight line through the
exponential region of Fig. 1.1 merely yields the rate of rancidity development and does
not predict lag phase and thus shelf life. Furthermore, many oxidative reactions are
1971; Labuza and Bergquist, 1983; Ortolá et al., 1998) and a single line cannot be fit to
both reaction regions when this occurs. For example, lipid hydroperoxides will both form
and decompose during lipid oxidation reactions so unique approaches are needed to
Figure 1.2 Fitting straight lines through oxidation data does not accurately assess reaction rates because no single line
fits through all data. Dashed lines correspond to line A (from Fig. 1.2), while dotted lines correspond to line A.
Researchers should use great caution when trying to summarize kinetic reactions.
Unfortunately, the literature does not always reflect such caution resulting in
misinterpretation of results. Overall, more accurate shelf life predictions could be made if
the kinetics of chemical reactions could be made before fatty acid oxidation and thus
rancidity development begins, e.g. during the lag phase. This could be done by measuring
the kinetics of antioxidant degradation or free radical generation and may provide a
mechanism to predict the end of the lag phase. This could be particularly important in
low-moisture foods which have long shelf-lives, and thus these methods could greatly
1.4 Effect of water and aw on lipid oxidation
with increasing aw. For many other chemical reactions, a decrease below aw = 1.0 can
initially cause an increase in reaction rates as substrates and reactants become more
amylopectin models, Chou et al. (1973) found that aw primarily affects matrix swelling
and thus substrate/reaction site availability as well as catalyst mobility. More recent
studies of powders (Kwok et al., 2010) and solid-state pharmaceuticals (Waterman et al.,
2012) have reached the same conclusions. Most food systems exhibit hysteresis in
sorption isotherms such that the rate of reaction at a given aw depends on whether the
system is gaining (absorption) or losing (desorption) water, with desorption rates always
being greater than absorption rates, as first observed by Labuza and Dugan (1971) and
Chou et al. (1973). Researchers commonly create these sorption curves because real
foods tend to show greater lipid stability at one aw than another. Overall stability is
However, in freeze-dried beef, both lipid oxidation and protein solubility must be
maintained to ensure quality and these processes are affected by aw differently, and
protein solubility can even influence lipid oxidation reactions (Sun et al., 2002).
1.4.1 Monolayer theory
models and freeze-dried salmon led to a proposal that lipid oxidation is unique among
reactions because the reaction rate increases at very low aw (Maloney et al., 1966;
Martinez and Labuza, 1968; Labuza et al., 1970; Labuza and Dugan, 1971; Chou et al.,
1973). For example, lipid oxidation is significantly faster in peanuts stored at water
activities of 0.19 versus 0.60 (Reed et al., 2002). Based on observations in specific food
products, it has been suggested that a monolayer of water—or rather, the water saturation
of polar groups in lipids—is necessary to cover the surface of the lipid, preventing it from
direct exposure to air. This monolayer is essentially “bound” water with limited mobility
reaction medium, or freeze/evaporate as readily (Almasi, 1978). Poole and Finney (1983)
found saturation of the charged and polar groups, i.e. the monolayer, was the lowest aw
that allowed for chain rotation and conformational changes of proteins in dried egg white.
Several studies have found that a variety of foods (Iglesias and Chirife, 1976) such as
most spices (Marcos et al., 1997) and peanut flakes (Hill and Rizvi, 1982) are most stable
The problem with this monolayer theory, however, is that it cannot be applied
universally; even the researchers who promote this theory have found conflicting
evidence. For instance, Martinez and Labuza (1968) found that the primary lipid
above the monolayer content; the authors concluded that lipid stability and pigment
Other foods that are most stable at an aw above their respective monolayers are illustrated
in Fig. 1.3.
monolayer value
0.4 (calculated)
Figure 1.3 Comparison between monolayer values and the lowest water activity value for greatest stability. Sources:
(1) Han et al., 1973
(2) Jensen and Risbo, 2007
(3) Homma and Fujimaki, 1982
Finally, the monolayer value is not exact. Its value is temperature-dependent such that
increased temperatures are associated with decreased monolayer values for a single food
product, and the differences between values cannot be explained by the thermal
expansion of water alone (Iglesias and Chirife, 1976; Almasi, 1978). Furthermore,
the dated research on monolayer applicability, researchers today still find it an easy way
lipid oxidation but is highly empirical and applicable only in some circumstances.
1.4.2 Glass transition theory
Because aw fails to universally predict lipid stability, others argue that food
stability should be evaluated using glass transition concepts, particularly in foods whose
stability is characterized by textural defects like stickiness, structural collapse, and/or loss
of crunchiness (Sun et al., 1996; Rahman, 2009; Ergun et al., 2010). Research
consistently shows that water added to a glass will have a plasticizing effect, thereby
decreasing the glass transition temperature (Tg), stability of the food, and shelf life (Slade
and Levine, 1991). However, it is important to note that most foods have only glassy
regions and are not homogenous glasses (Peleg, 1992; 1996). By using electron spin
resonance in a freeze-dried emulsion with stripped rapeseed oil, Orlien et al. (2000)
found that the glassy matrix effectively trapped hydrophilic radicals and prevented their
detrimental reactivity. However, radicals in the non-glassy oil phase still promoted
hydroperoxide formation, and oxygen was also able to diffuse, albeit slowly, through the
glassy matrix.
Stability at the glassy region differs markedly from that of low aw (e.g., stability at
the monolayer). The principle behind the stability of glassy regions is that, again, water is
regions, mobility is limited by the high viscosity of the product rather than the aw (Roos
and Karel, 1991); rapid changes in temperature—rather than aw—induce the changes that
are associated with transitions to a glass (Peleg, 1996). Furthermore, aw concepts assume
a product is at thermodynamic equilibrium with its environment, whereas the glassy state
is a kinetically metastable state. Thus, some researchers claim that the glass transition
theory is more applicable to real-world foods, notably those containing protein and/or
saccharide polymers (Slade and Levine, 1991; Roos, 1993). This difference in
applicability likely explains why water activity and glass transition concepts often yield
different predictions for product stability in complex foods. For instance, one research
group measured monolayer values (fitting with both BET and GAB) and the critical
water activity required to reach the glass transition point (defined by dynamic oscillation
2004) and shark (Sablani and Kasapis, 2006). Regardless of the source of freeze-dried
muscle or testing temperature, they found the glass transition approach predicted stable
foods at an aw around 0.5, whereas the monolayer approach predicted stable foods at a
lower aw near 0.2. Their conclusions were not, however, correlated to sensory data or
actual measurements of lipid oxidation. In another muscle study, Rahman et al. (2009)
and concluded that the glass transition (measured using differential scanning calorimetry)
concept better described stability than the monolayer concept. Differences between the
applicability and validity of the glassy state and aw concepts have been extensively
reviewed elsewhere (Bell, 1994; Kasapis, 2005; Abbas et al., 2010; Jacob et al., 2010). In
other cases, water activity simply is not a relevant parameter for dictating stability.
Whole milk powder, for instance, typically has a water activity near 0.2, but rancidity
remains problematic. One group stored whole milk powder (aw = 0.23) at temperatures
just above (55) and below (37 and 45C) its glass transition temperature (Tg = 48C) and
chromatography) and free radical generation (via electron spin resonance) (Thomsen et
al., 2005). The authors found that lipid oxidation was not affected by changes in lactose
crystallization, a process found to affect aw but not the total moisture content.
As with the monolayer value, glass transition temperatures are typically not exact
and are dependent upon the experimental parameters and conditions under which they are
defined (Hutchinson, 2009) and will likely vary depending on whether calorimetry or
rheological methods are used. Furthermore, the concept of infinite stability below the Tg
is not always true. In the aforementioned milk powder study, for instance, Thomsen et al.
(2005) found that lipid oxidation increased directly with temperature, following zero-
order kinetics. Milk powder stored 3C below the Tg still exhibited significant increases
in free radicals and both secondary and β-scission oxidation products. Most problematic,
however, is improper use of the kinetic models for studying regional glass transitions.
Specifically, the kinetics—and their respective models—vary for a glassy state versus the
same material that is transitioning to a glassy state or that is fully placticized (Peleg,
1996). The other major problem is that many researchers have accepted “universal”
constants for the WLF (William, Landel, Ferry) equation, and these constants are too
The above discussion shows that water plays both protective and prooxidative
roles in lipid oxidation. In some foods at low aw near the monolayer moisture content,
water is protective, presumably because it provides a barrier between the lipid and
oxygen. While the classic food stability map proposed by Labuza et al. (1972) shows
lipid oxidation having a U-shaped relationship to aw, studies on freeze-dried emulsions
(Ponginebbi et al., 2000) and freeze-dried beef at 60 days (but not always at earlier time
points) (Sun et al., 2002) showed lipid oxidation increased only at low water activities. In
other words, no U-shape was observed; lipid oxidation actually slowed as aw increased.
The authors concluded that increasing aw caused structural collapse in the freeze-dried
foods, thereby eliminating pores and decreasing oxygen exposure. The effect of pores in
food will be discussed in greater detail in an upcoming section on coatings. While this
finding may minimize lipid oxidation, the structural collapse means the resulting food
thereby increasing their relative stability (Labuza et al., 1970; Karel and Heidelbaugh,
al. (1992), who found that increasing the concentration of water from 0 to 2% slowed the
number of binding sites, which explains why the greatest improvements in stability
occurred between 0 and 1% water concentration. Water was also found to complex with
metal ions such that increasing the water concentration to 2% decreased the rate of
hydroperoxide decomposition in the presence of 100 ppm Co2+ (Chen et al., 1992).
prooxidants like metal ions. Further complicating matters, researchers suspect water
influences the formation of lipid oxidation secondary products (Prabhakar and Amla,
1978). When studying carbonyl formation in walnut oil, the researchers found the
directly with water activity in oxidized samples. The effect was not observed, however, in
samples with low hydroperoxide concentrations (i.e. fresh). The authors hypothesized
this effect on secondary oxidation products may explain why some products are stable at
water activities about their monolayer values. To our knowledge, no similar recent
Overall, monolayer and glass transition concepts might not effectively predict
lipid oxidation reactions in some foods if oxidation is primarily occurring in the lipid
phase and thus would not be significantly impacted by water and the physical state of
proteins and carbohydrates. On the other hand, water can play a major role in lipid
such as metals. Unfortunately, the causes of lipid oxidation in low-moisture foods are
poorly understood, which could be why measurements of water activity, monolayers, and
chocolate, nuts, and many baked products like crackers and ready-to-eat cereal. While the
composition and processing operations for these foods varies greatly, some
Monitoring the quality of lipid ingredients is the first step in increasing shelf life
as poor quality fats high in lipid hydroperoxides will lead to rapid oxidation. Ingredients
containing high amounts of prooxidants could also promote lipid oxidation. Ingredients
that could be a source of transition metals (e.g. iron), lipoxygenases, and photosensitizers
(e.g. riboflavin and chlorophyll) should be avoided if possible. Destroying the physical
Finally, any ingredients that alter aw may also have a measurable impact on lipid
products to be higher in saturated fats as they are more stable to oxidation. However,
such a substitution goes against nutritional recommendations (U.S. Dept. of Health and
Human Services, 2010). One might think that using fat mimetics—commonly made of
totally replaced. However, even very small amounts of lipids can cause rancidity since
sensory detection thresholds for lipid oxidation products can be very low. Even the small
problem that is seen in nonfat dried milk and whey powder (Bassette and Keeney, 1960;
occasionally quite effective. For instance, Lin et al. (1998) found that lipid oxidation of
extruded dry pet food was a function of fat type (poultry fat oxidized faster than beef
tallow), although they also found, surprisingly, that fat-free control treatments oxidized
Food manufacturers can also modify processing conditions to help control lipid
supercritical fluid extrusion occurs at lower temperatures than traditional extrusion, and it
has been shown to both improved vitamin retention and reduced lipid oxidation in whole
grain puffed rice (Paraman et al., 2012). Similarly, vacuum frying has been shown to
preserve carotenoids and ascorbic acid content in fried potatoes, apples, and carrot chips
(Dueik and Bouchon, 2011) because the lower temperatures needed for vacuum
advantages to using high temperatures do exist. Vegetables are typically blanched before
freezing because the heat deactivates the aforementioned problematic enzymes (lipase
important for eliminating pathogens and generating characteristic flavors. Thus, reducing
processing temperatures can act as antioxidants, as was found in fried carrot, potato, and
apple chips (Dueik and Bouchon, 2011). Bressa et al. (1996) found that the Maillard
products generated during the baking of butter cookies were antioxidative against peroxyl
radicals, although Trolox, a vitamin E derivative, was 20 times more effective per gram
basis. Similarly, Borrelli et al. (2003) found melanoidins isolated from the surface of
bakery products were not toxic to Caco-2 cells and were able to inhibit certain enzyme
reductases and transferases. Thus, Maillard browning products are not purposefully added
involving high temperatures. Interested readers should consult Rosario and Francisco
(2005), who provide an excellent review on the interactions between Maillard browning
and lipid oxidation pathways and products, a topic beyond the scope of this article.
Like temperature, minimizing oxygen should be another target for reducing lipid
change the physical structure of the food can both affect the lag period duration.
minimized by drying vegetables under nitrogen (vs. air), as was shown in potatoes (2%
less loss), carrots (15% less loss), and paprika (13% less loss) (Ramesh et al., 1999).
Mixing parameters can further affect lipid oxidation. For example, Caponio et al. (2008)
found that significant lipid oxidation occurred during the kneading step of Italian biscuit
kneading were volatilized during baking so that quality was not immediately
compromised. However, identifying this step as a key oxidation point may allow
manufacturers to adjust their methods since any processes that promote oxidation will
lead to the destruction of antioxidants even if they do not immediately degrade sensory
properties. If processing destroys antioxidants then the shelf life of the product will likely
oxidative stress and ultimately increase shelf life. Lin et al. (1998) found lipid oxidation
rates in extruded dry pet food could be controlled by altering the feed moisture content
ultimately change the product microstructure. For instance, Desobry et al. (1997) blended
β-carotene with maltodextrin and dried the emulsion by spray, drum, and freeze driers.
Drum drying caused the greatest initial loss in β-carotene but ultimately produced the
most stable product, which had lower surface carotenoids and larger particle size (smaller
surface area). Lin et al. (1998) found that pet food extruded at 300 rpm had a significantly
higher lipid oxidation rate than the treatments extruded at 200 and 400 rpm. The
researchers concluded that the extrusion rate affects extrudate expansion and that
products with a higher degree of expansion are more likely to have larger cells and
thinner cell walls, thereby increasing oxygen exposure and making them more susceptible
to oxidation. King and Chen (1998) reached a similar conclusion when comparing beef
and pork dried by freeze drying vs. vacuum dehydration. Freeze drying produced dried
meat with greater surface area, i.e. greater exposure to oxygen. Their conclusion that beef
and pork are better dried by low-temperature vacuum dehydration was supported by the
observation that myoglobin degradation, a factor that increases the prooxidative activity
of myoglobin, was greater in the more porous freeze-dried products. These problems of
difficult for manufacturers who are looking to maintain sensory quality while increasing
throughput, automation, and efficiency for as little cost as possible, and optimization is
1.5.2 Coatings
between the food and air would improve shelf life. For example, commercially available
nuts are traditionally subjected to thermal treatment to improve microbial safety and
digestibility, in addition to enhancing color and flavor. Such thermal treatments may
include frying in oil and dry roasting, with both methods generating lipid oxidation
products not found in raw nuts. Commercially prepared fried nuts oxidize primarily on
the surface, which suggests that (1) the quality of the frying oil may greatly impact
overall stability during storage, (2) frying may compromise the physical protection of
only the outermost layer of the nut, and (3) oxygen only penetrates the outmost layer of
the nuts preventing oxidation on the interior lipids. This latter case would suggest that
surface oxidation may be the determining factor of shelf life of nuts (Marmesat et al.,
2006). Even in dry-roasted nuts, surface oxidation is the determining factor because
endogenous oil migrates to the nut surface and interacts with atmospheric oxygen (Lin
and Krochta, 2006; Wambura and Yang, 2010). As expected, ground coffee oxidizes
faster than whole coffee beans under ambient conditions (Baesso et al., 1990).
could be any place where the food has direct contact with air, be it enclosed air bubbles
or cracks at the surface of the product. For example, starch extrudates—which also
contained linoleic acid—with glassy regions have a shorter shelf life than do rubbery-
state extrudates, and it is assumed the difference is due to microscopic cracks at the
surface of the glassy regions (Gray et al., 2008). This is similar to the findings by Lin et
al. (1998) on extruded pet food and by King and Chen (1998) on freeze-dried meat—two
Coatings, like packaging technologies (see below), may function by influencing
oxygen and moisture parameters in foods. If surface exposure is indeed the greatest
contributor to lipid oxidation, then the exposure could be minimized to decrease lipid
oxidation. In nature, antioxidant-rich skins encase the edible parts, and the exterior shells
may also provide some oxidative protection in seeds and nuts (Lou et al., 2004;
Rodrigues et al., 2006; Pinheiro do Prado et al., 2009), but such protection is obviously
lost when the nut/seed is processed for consumption. For example, unmilled oats are
much more oxidatively stable than dehulled oats (Girardet and Webster, 2011).
Researchers have developed coatings from a wide array of materials. For instance,
antioxidant-rich prickly pear syrup has been used to coat peanuts and reduce oxidation
during roasting and storage (Mestrallet et al., 2009). Colzato et al. (2011) found that
coating macadamia nuts with edible, zein-based films reduced lipid oxidation in the
unshelled nuts because the hydrophobic films decreased permeation of oxygen. Zein,
whey protein, and carboxymethylcellulose have also been used successfully to reduce
lipid oxidation in roasted peanuts, although the coatings were most effective when the
peanuts were first sonicated to remove surface lipids, presumably improving coating
attachment and decreasing the concentration of oxidizable lipids at the surface (Wambura
and Yang, 2010). The removal of surface lipids might be difficult at the industrial level,
however, since practices like ultrasonication are typically reserved for benchtop studies.
altering the food’s native texture and flavor. Alternatively, the confectionary industry
uses chocolate and compound coatings as moisture and oxygen barriers. Spray drying is
another means of coating because emulsified active ingredients are typically encased in
either a protective glassy or crystalline shell of carrier material like maltodextrin or sugar.
Spray drying is most effective if the active ingredients are successfully encased by the
wall material because PUFAs at the surface of spray-dried particles oxidize faster than
internal PUFAs (Desobry et al., 1997). Optimizing the carrier material can, however,
significantly improves encasement efficiency or change pore size. Vega and Roos (2006),
for example, provide an excellent review of how encasement efficiency has been
maximized in dairy-like products. Rather than using whey protein for a carrier, for
instance, it is now common to use sodium caseinate because it is a better emulsifier and
more readily resists heat denaturation. As noted in the review, sodium casseinate is even
more effective when used in a 1:1 ratio with lactose because rapid drying of the sugar
enhances glass formation. Pore size is important in spray-dried powders because it limits
the access of oxygen to the encapsulated materials. Research has shown that the addition
of mono and disaccharides to the maltodextrin carrier will improve oxidative stability of
the powder by reducing pore size and slowing oxygen diffusion (Desobry et al., 1999).
While decreasing pore size can potentially decrease oxidation rates, one should also
realize that the formation of the glassy regions by maltodextrins during spray and freeze
drying can trap oxygen within the particle core, and this oxygen can be sufficient to
promote oxidation (Andersen et al., 2000). This is especially true with lipids such as
omega-3 fatty acids whose oxidation products have extremely low sensory perception
levels. Furthermore, oxygen is diffusible, albeit at very slow rates, through the glassy
matrix (Orlien et al., 2000). The type of carrier used will affect oxygen’s ease of diffusion
and rate of lipid autooxidation. Drusch et al. (2009) reached that conclusion by using
emulsion with fish oil. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy revealed that
differences in free volume elements existed amongst the carriers, even though they
controlled the viscosity of the feed emulsion, oil droplet size, and particle size, density,
and surface area. Nevertheless, the protective coating afforded to liquid emulsions by
powdering technologies represents a key preservation method for food, cosmetic, and
pharmaceutical applications. One need only search for “dried emulsions” to find any
number of papers varying carrier material, drying parameters, use of agglomeration, and,
more often, the emulsion itself via interface structure (multi vs single-layered), interface
type (proteins vs carbohydrates), interfacial charge and charge density, oil source, and
other variables. The end concept remains the same: encapsulating oil offers protection
from lipid oxidation, but this is not a magic bullet as additional antioxidant strategies are
Finally, saturated fat may even be used as a protective coating, such as when it is
sprayed on the surface of pet foods (Clark, 2004). As previously explained, fats are more
are inherently more stable. The quantity of saturated fat sprayed on the surface will affect
approaches, care must be given to consider the food system and its purpose.
add antioxidants directly to products like crackers, chips, cereal, and spray dried
emulsions, i.e., foods not naturally rich in antioxidants and/or high in endogenous
prooxidants. Antioxidants are those compounds that, at a particular concentration, inhibit
are found in any number of external sources (Madhavi et al., 1996; McClements and
like polarity, the food matrix, side reactions, volatility, and the presence of regenerating
move for “natural” antioxidants like vitamin E (-tocopherol), vitamin C (ascorbic acid),
carotenoids (β-carotene and vitamin A), and plant phenolics as many manufacturers strive
for their products to contain only “words you can pronounce” or “ingredients found in the
kitchen.” Unfortunately, that leaves manufacturers with fewer and, in some cases, less
effective options. For instance, researchers found that the synthetic antioxidants BHA
than were -tocopherol or isopropyl citrate (Ragnarsson et al., 1977). In contrast, ferulic
acid and sodium phytate were used to successfully replace BHA in sugar snap cookies
without any loss in shelf life or sensory characteristics (Hix et al., 1997). Rosemary
extract was more effective than either mixed tocopherols or TBHQ (tertiary
phenolics in meat are suspected to reduce lipid oxidation in extruded, ground meats
(Rhee et al., 1999). Viscidi et al. (2004) found benzoin, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin
all reduced hexanal formation up to 12 weeks in extruded oat cereals, but only quercetin
Unfortunately, 24-46% of the added phenolics were lost during the extrusion process,
making these antioxidants potentially expensive ingredients to add. As can be seen by the
lack of consistent antioxidant performance in the above samples, the best antioxidant for
each food usually needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This is because free
radical scavenging activity predicted by in vitro assays often does not relate to
antioxidant activity in food (Alamed et al., 2009), presumably because so many factors
can impact antioxidant activity in complex food systems. For example, the effectiveness
of an antioxidant can be influenced by its physical location within the food (is it at the
site of oxidation?), survival during food processing operations, and interactions with
Due to labeling laws, high purification costs, and/or an inability to pinpoint the
most effective, single antioxidant compound, manufacturers may often use whole foods
and extracts to help control oxidation. For example, rosemary leaves and/or rosemary
added to ground turkey. Extracts from mangoes, bananas, guava, and other fruits have
been proposed as antioxidant sources for used in baked products due to their high
polyphenol content (Nanditha and Prabhasankar, 2009). Green tea extract containing any
number of phenols and/or catechins also appears commonly on labels. Grape seed extract,
often used as an antioxidant in meat systems, has recently been found to extend the shelf
life of extruded corn chips (Rababah et al., 2011). Wheat bran has been found to have
scavenging activity for hydroxyl radicals, making it an ideal antioxidant for use in cereal
products (Martínez-Tomé et al., 2004). Klensporf and Jelen (2008) found that inclusion
of defatted red raspberry seed extract in dry muesli cereal decreased hexanal formation
by 29% in an 11-day period. The phenolics and flavonoids in hemp powder have been
shown to reduce oxidation in extruded rice bars when hemp powder was incorporated at
20% (Norajit et al., 2011). Unfortunately, many of these natural antioxidant sources
antioxidants are more likely to be diffusion-limited than they are in bulk oil or food
fried crackers containing fish oil found it was more effective to add TBHQ to the frying
oil rather than the cracker dough (Ahmad and Augustin, 1985). Other studies found it
better to add antioxidants to the surface of fried foods because the protective species were
too volatile in the hot frying oil. For example, Sharma et al. (1997) found sprinkling
BHA, BHT, and TBHQ at 2% (w/w) directly on the surface of fried potato and banana
chips immediately after frying significantly improved shelf life at 37C with TBHQ and
1.5.4 Packaging
provide light and air barrier properties, incorporate antioxidants, or control storage
contains laminates that minimize moisture migration, and a number of materials can be
used such things as thermoplastic, petrochemical polymer resins (e.g. polyethylene
(using starch or cellulose or biopolymers from soy, corn, peas, and other bio-degradable
materials) (Coles and Kirwan, 2011). Like everything else, package selection requires
optimization. Linoleic acid in commercial corn flour is better protected from lipid
oxidation when stored in pouches of ethyl vinyl alcohol rather than pouches of
derived from fish proteins was shown to effectively reduce oxidation in dried fish powder
(Artharn et al., 2009). Specifically, round scad protein-based film containing 25% palm
oil (to reduce water vapor permeability) and 40% chitosan (to improve mechanical
properties and reduce oxygen transfer) was found to minimize formation of thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances in samples of dried fish powder covered with film better than the
control (no film), fish protein film without chitosan, fish protein film without palm oil, or
high-density polyethylene film. The authors attributed this reduced lipid oxidation to the
the polymer packaging itself or to preserve the packaged foodstuff. In the latter case,
antioxidants are typically released from the packaging because they either volatilize or
chloride packaging all show the capability to hold and release antioxidants (Dopico-
García et al., 2007), and this has helped prolong the shelf life of crackers and breakfast
cereals (van Aardt et al., 2007). The protective effects likely depend on both the polymer
and antioxidants used. For instance, low-density polyethylene film with BHT prolonged
the shelf life of oatmeal, but -tocopherol offered no protective benefits presumably due
to its low volatility (Wessling, 2001). Recently, poly (lactic acid) films (PLA) have
garnered attention for their ability to incorporate and release bioactive compounds and
2012). For instance, Ortiz-Vazquez et al. (2011) found that BHT, when added to PLA
films, would release into its surrounding environment and more readily migrate towards
oil than either ethanol or water. The authors concluded “PLA-BHT functional membranes
BHA have also been shown to extend the shelf life of whole milk and buttermilk
powders. Authors speculate that the mechanism is by direct antioxidant contact with
milkfat since there was not enough moisture in the dried systems for hydrolytic
degradation of the packaging to occur to release the antioxidant (van Aardt et al., 2007).
A common trend in all articles is that large quantities of the antioxidant are lost during
polymer extrusion and/or the storage process, making the process somewhat costly.
However, adding antioxidants to the packaging allows manufacturers to reduce the load
of antioxidants added directly to the product, and problems with volatilization can be
remedied by adding excess antioxidant, as was done for oatmeal stored in high density
polyethylene film with BHT (Miltz et al., 1988). Finally, it should be noted that other
researchers have developed packaging with iron-chelators, but this has not yet been tested
with low-moisture foods (Tian et al., 2012). Numerous reviews (such as Shin and Lee,
2003; Lopez-Rubio et al., 2004) discuss other active packaging strategies that may not
that it may cause undesired changes in bulk properties or the polymer (flexibility,
transparency, etc.), may be difficult to store while also maintaining activity (e.g.
antioxidant activity), and may be subject to regulatory issues (Goddard et al., 2012).
maximum product stability. Unfortunately, results are often mixed. For instance,
packaging peeled almonds in nitrogen reduced conjugated diene formation, but the same
results were not achieved with roasted almonds. In addition, nitrogen atmosphere had no
(Sanchez-Bel et al., 2011). On the other hand, Scussel et al. (2011) found that packaging
shelled Brazil nuts in ozone both improved consumer sensory scores and increased
aflatoxin degradation. Storage under vacuum, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen all extended
the oxidative stability of commercial corn flour compared to the control, but carbon
dioxide and nitrogen exhibited the most promising effects during the 160-d study at 55C
existed between freeze-dried beef stored in vacuum packaging versus ambient air,
however (Sun et al., 2002). Vacuum packaging effectively prevents staling. A sealed bag
at 156 d has the same oxidative values as an opened bag at 64 d (Baesso et al., 1990).
packaging for many snack products is often flushed with nitrogen gas with the
assumption that limiting oxygen will increase shelf life. The results vary, however, with
some studies showing varied degrees of success, while others show no statistical
difference between the inert gas and oxygen (Paik et al., 1994; Del Nobile, 2001). The
the packaging itself and the efficiency of producing a hermetic seal after packing.
Unfortunately some studies do not take care to separate these convolutions. The
inconsistency in these results may be attributed to other factors as well, particularly the
presence of atmospheric oxygen. First, the product itself contains air. This is especially
true of products like crackers that rely on air pockets to achieve the desired texture.
Second, to our knowledge, no studies have examined the efficiency of nitrogen flushing.
It is probable that the air in the corner of a bag of chips, for example, is not entirely
flushed out due to packaging dimensions (corners are difficult to reach) and hindrance of
food (some chip may block the corner from being flushed). Third, while pure nitrogen is
inert, the nitrogen gas used for flushing typically contains some oxygen. Manufacturers
of nitrogen gas generators for the food industry advertise that different products produce
nitrogen gas in a purity range from 95 to 99.999%, with respective escalating costs. One
can therefore imagine that pure nitrogen is rarely used in food manufacturing and
oxygen in the food product or packaging, and essentially any amount of oxygen is
sufficient for promoting lipid oxidation because of the exponential nature of the reaction.
1.6 Future research needed to develop improved antioxidant technologies for low-
moisture foods
Most of the original research on lipid oxidation in low-moisture foods has focused
the work on water activity provides some insight into lipid oxidation mechanisms in low-
moisture food, there are probably many other factors that also impact lipid oxidation
pathways and mechanisms. For example, what are the major prooxidants and reactive
oxygen species; what is the location of the lipids and in particular the lipids most
Low-moisture foods such as baked goods present some unique physical and
chemical environments that likely impact chemical reactions. Like all foods, the surface
of baked goods in contact with air could be the site of oxidation. However, baked goods
often contain some type of leavening agent. The presence of a leavening agent—in
air bubble development. These leavening agents could impact oxidation as they can alter
addition, air is hydrophobic so it is possible that these endogenous air bubbles affect
partitioning of lipids. If lipids associate with air bubbles, is this interface a site of
oxidation? How will the solid fat content of lipids added to baked goods impact their
partitioning? Would liquid oils be in different locations than solid lipids, and could this
effect their interactions with air interfaces? Another trait of low-moisture foods is that
they are made from flours and these flours contain different amounts of lipids. All
purpose and whole wheat flour contains 1.0 and 2.5% lipids respectively. Whole wheat
about how the location, physical properties and composition of these endogenous lipids
impact the oxidation of baked goods. For example, after milling, could they be high in
lipid hydroperoxides and free fatty acids which could promote oxidation? Do they
contain antioxidants that contribute to the oxidative stability of baked goods? The role of
the proteins in flours (e.g. glutens) in lipid oxidation is also not known. Since proteins
can be surface active, could they be associated with the lipid fraction. If they are, could
they impart a charge to the lipid interface that would attract or repel prooxidant metals
they could alter oxidation rates? Glutens are also high in sulfhydryls and other free
radical scavenging amino acids and, as with other proteins, could chelate metals. Could
these properties inhibit oxidation, and could they be manipulated to further change
oxidation pathways?
prooxidants. For instance, flour naturally contains iron and all-purpose flour is typically
fortified with iron. Lipid oxidation in rice crackers containing only glutinous rice flour
and water has already been attributed to endogenous iron (Maisuthisakul et al., 2007).
Only trace amounts (< 50 ppb) of iron are needed to decompose hydroperoxides to free
radicals (Decker and McClements, 2001; Waraho et al., 2011), so eliminating the iron
from food is generally not feasible. Questions that need to be answered to better
understand the role of iron as a prooxidant in baked goods includes: Do both endogenous
and added iron promote oxidation; where does the iron partition in baked goods; does the
iron interact with other baked good components in a manner that decreases (proteins) or
increases (reducing agents) their reactivity. Baked goods could also contain
photosensitizers (e.g. riboflavin) that can produce singlet oxygen in the presence of light.
However, very little is known if these photosensitizers are active in low-moisture foods.
All-purpose flour is also subjected to other treatments; to our knowledge, no studies have
looked at the effect of flour bleaching agents on lipid oxidation in the baked goods. These
bleaching agents could oxidize the endogenous lipids, antioxidants and proteins resulting
structures that increase their oxidative stability and then be added for baking. For
(e.g. multilayer emulsions or hydrogels) to decrease interactions between the lipids and
prooxidants in the flour and/or, have a positive interfacial charge to repel prooxidative
metals, (reviews in Coupland and McClements, 1996; Waraho et al., 2011). Furthermore,
layer that is impermeable to oxygen. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that encapsulated
lipid can be stable in low-moisture foods (e.g. omega-3 oils in bread). However, for the
encapsulated lipids to be effective, their structures must survive during the processing
and storage of the low-moisture foods. Very little is actually known about which
encapsulation methods would be most effective and which conditions are ideal to
Finally, researchers need to understand the behavior of antioxidant in low-
moisture foods. It is generally agreed that antioxidants are most effective when they
partition into the lipids most susceptible to oxidation. Antioxidant partitioning has been
shown to vary with the polarity of the antioxidant (e.g. increasing partitioning into the
lipid with increasing antioxidant hydrophobicity). In some food systems (e.g. emulsions)
antioxidants that partition at the oil-water interface are often more effective (Panya et al.,
2012). In addition, antioxidant partitioning can also be impacted by pH which can alter
the charge of the antioxidant and other food components such as proteins which can bind
phenolic compounds. To our knowledge, nothing has been published on the partitioning
Most low-moisture foods are thermally heated, often by baking or extrusion. This
can cause loss of antioxidants by thermal destruction, increasing oxidation rates and
partitioning as the lipid melts and re-solidifies as the crystallization of lipids can often
cause the expulsion of minor lipid components (Berton-Carabin et al., 2013). Additional
foods include: Does a lack of moisture prevent diffusion of antioxidants to the site of
lipid oxidation? Does oxidation occur at the surface of a baked good meaning that
topical application of antioxidants could be more effective than inclusion in the initial
1.7 New technologies to study lipid oxidation in complex foods
The above discussion highlights the need to gain a better understanding of lipid
and lipid hydroperoxides) and volatile secondary oxidation products that negatively
methodologies for assessing lipid oxidation in all food systems, as well as improvements
made upon those methodologies within the last decade. However, these methods alone
cannot provide all the information needed to learn more about lipid and antioxidant
oxidation mechanisms in foods. A major limitation of these methods is that they cannot
predict the kinetic end of the lag period. As previously mentioned in the discussion on lag
phases, new methods are needed to measure oxidation in the early stages of storage,
before the product fails sensory analysis. A potential technique for monitoring free
radicals in the early stages of storage is electron paramagnetic resonance (see below).
Also, since antioxidants preserve foods by being oxidized before fatty acids, the loss of
antioxidants during storage could provide information on oxidative processes in the lag
phase and which antioxidant are at the site of lipid oxidation. Both of these techniques
could also provide information that could be used to predict the length of the lag phase
New methods are also needed to determine how the physical properties of foods
impact lipid oxidation chemistry. Such physical properties are likely key to understanding
the unique oxidation patterns of low-moisture foods versus bulk oils and liquid
spin probes, and Raman spectroscopy to understand lipid oxidation. Fluorescent dyes are
BODIPY 581/591 is a probe commonly used in biological studies and its decay has, for
example, been related to the concentration of peroxyl radicals in lipophilic solutions and
liposomes (Naguib, 1998). Since this particular dye also undergoes shifts in emission
wavelength upon oxidation, Pap et al. (1999) used it to visualize and quantify oxidation
in cellular membranes. However, care must be taken when interpreting results. For
instance, BODIPY 581/591 is sensitive to hydroxyl radicals but not to reducing metals or
superoxide anion (Drummen et al., 2002). Furthermore, researchers fear interactions with
some antioxidants and have found that the dye overestimates lipid oxidation due to its
high susceptibility to oxidation (Itoh et al., 2007; MacDonald et al., 2007). Researchers
recently used new dyes they argue allows for is real-time and continuous in in vitro and
in vivo studies. Changes in the fluorescent intensity of these dyes have already been used
to directly assess the barrier properties of structured delivery particles (Tikekar and Nitin,
The above flurometric probes could also be used in conjunction with other probes
visualize lipids and proteins. The lasers used in CSLM are strong enough to penetrate
thick samples such that the researcher need not worry about slicing delicately thin
samples—a tremendous boon since many low-moisture foods are crumbly, fracture
easily, or rely on air pockets to contribute to their inherent texture. Furthermore, raster
scans are used to image a single plane of the specimen (z-stacks) and then compiled into 3-D
reconstructions that can elucidate large structures like air bubbles. Unlike scanning and
information about the physical location of lipids in low moisture foods (Fig. 1.4).
Oxidatively sensitive fluorescent probes can then be used to determine which lipid
fluoresce (e.g. rosmariniac acid) can be used to determine antioxidant locations. The
determining which antioxidant would partition into the oxidizing lipids and thus
Figure 1.4 Model cracker imaged on confocal microscope. Green areas represent lipid; red areas represent protein.
Scale bar is 50 μm.
Another in situ method gaining popularity in food research is electron
unpaired electrons when they are subjected to magnetic fields, typically from microwave
radiation (Andersen and Skibsted 2002). These unpaired electrons have paramagnetic
properties and are typically free radicals. Highly stable free radicals called spin probes
are commonly added during experiments to measure radical quenching and molecular
mobility, and unstable endogenous radicals can be quantified using a technique called
spin trapping. Because EPR is sensitive to free radicals, it can be used to assess the
which are typically quantified as a primary oxidation products (Andersen and Skibsted,
2002). EPR and spin traps have even been used to detect previously unidentified
hydroxyl and sulfite radicals in oxidized wine and also provided the first evidence of the
Fenton reaction in wine suggesting that these techniques might also be applicable in low
moisture foods (Elias et al., 2009). This type of spectroscopy has proven in useful for
cream cheese (Westermann et al., 2009) and measuring oxygen permeation in foods with
glassy regions (Andersen et al., 2000; Orlien et al., 2000). EPR may be particularly suited
for low-moisture foods as the radicals are likely to be more stable and should not require
the spin-trapping technique that has been criticized for introducing foreign substances
and potentially promoting side redox reactions (Andersen and Skibsted, 2002).
Stapelfeldt et al. (1997) found direct correlations between EPR concentration of free
substances), and sensory scores in whole milk powders and have recommended EPR for
used to both quantitate and visualize lipid oxidation product directly in foods. SERS
enhances the inherently weak Raman molecular signatures tremendously because of the
large electromagnetic field induced by the excitation of the localized surface plasmon
resonance (Haynes et al., 2005). SERS has rapidly developed into a powerful new
analytical tool due to its extremely high sensitivity (down to the single molecule level in
some cases (Haynes et al., 2005)), ability to measure multiple oxidation products
chemical changes in complex matrices. However, the development and application of this
technique for studying lipid oxidation is only now being evaluated. The power and higher
sensitivity (100 times higher than that of HPLC fluorescence) of SERS was clearly
mentioned, such high sensitivity means SERS could provide more information on
oxidative processes earlier in the shelf life of foods thus providing important information
While the aforementioned methods have elucidated key information, they, too,
fail to answer all of the questions of the previous section. Thus, our understanding of
lipid oxidation in low-moisture food may advance only with the development of even
1.8 Conclusion
chemical (e.g., antioxidant inclusion) and physical (e.g., formation of crystalline regions)
parameters. Consumer demand for more “natural” and “clean” labels has limited the
antioxidants in low-moisture foods, leaving manufacturers with few options. This has
recently become even more of a challenge for the food industry due to the removal of
hydrogenated oils and the desire to improve the nutritional profile of their products by
adding more polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, there is a clear need for systematic
improve shelf life. Such research is key to reducing consumers’ saturated fat intake by
developing healthful products high in unsaturated fats that meet expectations for high
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Low-moisture foods contribute greatly to dietary saturated fat intake, making these foods
a key target for improving consumers' health. However, it is not currently feasible to
maintain the same oxidative shelf life when replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats,
and rancidity mechanisms in low-moisture foods have not been systematically studied.
Confocal microscopy showed that lipids formed a continuous matrix surrounding starch
granules, and starch-lipid, lipid-air, and protein-lipid interfaces were observed. Unlike
food systems such as bulk oils, meats, and oil-in-water emulsions, lipid hydroperoxides
products such as hexanal was delayed by more than 20 d. Iron, added at 10 times the
concentrations normally found in enriched flour, did not increase oxidation rates
compared to the control. Endogenous iron activity could be slightly reduced by EDTA.
Addition of fatty acids up to and including 1.0% of total lipid weight did not statistically
affect lipid oxidation lag phases. Overall, this research suggest that metals are not a major
Lipid oxidation, antioxidants, free fatty acid, crackers, low moisture foods, prooxidant
2.1 Introduction
Lipid oxidation causes rancidity that leads to loss of shelf life, product nutrition,
and ultimately, saleable product and profits. Strategies to postpone lipid oxidation are
needed for both economic and consumer health, particularly because the healthier
unsaturated fats are at greater risk for oxidation then saturated fats (Holman and Elmer,
1947; Buttery et al., 1961). The shelf-life of low-moisture foods, those with water activity
(aw) below 0.5, is primarily limited by lipid oxidation and non-enzymatic browning
Low-moisture foods are a large contributor of saturated fat in the American diet.
For instance, grain-based desserts and snacks—including many low-moisture foods like
crackers, cookies, and granola bars—are among the top three contributors of saturated fat
to the American diet (National Cancer Institute, 2010b), and crackers rank among the top
15 fat-contributing foods, specifically accounting for 1.5% of total solid fat consumption
among youth aged 2-18 years (National Cancer Institute, 2010a). This suggests that
fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids could have an important, positive impact on
consumer health. However, this is not currently feasible because many of the basic
mechanisms of lipid oxidation in low-moisture foods are still not well understood,
especially since little research has been done on this food category since the 1970s. In
this research we use “low-moisture foods” in the context of prepared foods like ready-to-
eat cereal, extruded pet foods, and crunchy snack foods (cookies, granola bars, etc). We
do not assume the results are applicable to low-moisture emulsions like peanut butter or
Low-moisture foods present unique challenges. For instance, the limited mobility
high-moisture foods where lipids, enzymes, antioxidants, and prooxidants are highly
mobile and interactive (Labuza et al., 1972; Chou et al., 1973; Harnkarnsujarit et al.,
2012; Lavelli et al., 2013; Sacchetti et al., 2014). Furthermore, iron-fortified flours are
typically a primary ingredient in these snack foods and may have detrimental effects on
stability due to transition metals’ known prooxidant effects (McClements and Decker,
2008). In addition, iron is often further fortified in low-moisture foods such as ready-to-
eat breakfast cereal to increase the percent daily value provided by these products.
moisture model system (crackers) throughout the steps of dough formation, sheeting, and
baking. The effects of added iron, free fatty acid (FFA) concentration and iron chelators
on oxidative stability were also tested. The research is important in updating the body of
Ultimately, this has broad and long-lasting implications on the development of stable
2.2 Materials and methods
2.2.1 Materials
Baking soda (Arm & Hammer), iodized table salt (Morton), all-purpose flour
(Gold Medal, original), traditional saltine crackers (Savoritz), and whole-wheat saltine
crackers (Nabisco) were purchased from local grocery stores. Interesterified soybean oil
Company (Decatur, IL) and selected for its recommended use in cracker applications.
Dry goods were stored in closeable freezer bags; ISO was kept frozen (-20C) until use.
The non-polar dye Bodipy 493/503 (“Bodipy”) was purchased from Invitrogen (Carlsbad,
CA). The fluorescent probes Nile Red and Rhodamine B and all other chemicals were
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). All solutions were prepared using
Crackers were prepared by traditional baking methods (Table 2.1). Sifted flour,
baking soda, and salt were mixed together and then added to the ISO (~1 min; speed 2 on
powder formed. After exchanging the mixer’s standard beater for a dough hook, water
was added (speed 2; ~1 min) to form dough. This dough was briefly kneaded by hand
until all flour was visibly incorporated. A measured amount of additional flour was
sprinkled on the surface of a baking mat to prevent sticking. The dough was flattened by
twice passing it through a pasta roller (Kitchen Aid KPSA attachment; thickness setting
2; Mississauga Ontario) to simulate industrial sheeting. The dough was then cut with a
pizza cutter along the horizontal and vertical axes to form 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm crackers. The
crackers were baked on an ungreased cookie sheet at 163C for 21 min in a General
Electric electric oven (GE model JB350DFWW; Fairfield, CT). After baking, crackers
were coarsely crumbled using a mortar and pestle and 0.5 g was placed into acid-washed,
10-ml glass GC vials (Supelco Analytical; Bellefonte, PA), closed with aluminum caps
containing PTFE/silicone septa (Supelco Analytical; Bellefonte, PA), and stored at 55C
in the dark. Treatments were produced in duplicate, and three samples were tested per
treatment batch.
Ingredient Mass (g) (w/w)
Flour 62.50 50.6
DI Water 39.00 31.6
Interesterified Soybean Oil 10.00 8.1
Salt 1.50 1.2
Baking Soda 0.58 0.5
Flour for sprinkling on surface 10.00 8.1
Total 123.58 g 100
Nile Red alone was added to some treatments, while a combination of Bodipy and
Rhodamine B were added to other treatments. A stock solution of Nile Red was prepared
at 0.5% (w/w) in ethanol, and 1 mL of this solution was mixed with the lipid (10 g) until
even dispersal of colored dye was visually observed (~20 s) before incorporating the dry
ingredients. Bodipy and Rhodamine B were added based on Matalanis and McClements
(2012). Specifically, Bodipy (1.0 mg) was dissolved in 1 mL ethanol, and this entire
amount was mixed with the lipid in the same manner as Nile Red. In contrast, 0.3 mg of
Rhodamine B was dissolved in the double distilled water added directly to the dough
when the dough hook was attached. One milliliter ethanol was added to control
The iron content of the control dough was determined by Covance (Madison, WI)
using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry so that total iron concentrations
from all dough ingredients could be determined. Crackers were then made with 1.0, 1.5,
2.0, 5.0, and 10 times the endogenous iron in the dough. Reduced elemental iron
(product #R140100; 300 mesh) from Watkins (West Haven, CT) was added because this
Liquid FFA (oleic acid) was mixed directly into the lipid (~20 s) before the
addition of dry ingredients at concentrations of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0% of the total
lipid. The chelating agents, desferrioxamine (DFO), citric acid (CA), and
and added to the dough at a final molar mass of 0.2 mmol, which is equivalent to the
maximum concentration of EDTA allowed in any food product (500 ppm in canned
2.2.3 Basic analyses
forming a slurry in double distilled water, and measuring the pH. Measurements were
crackers was determined at 24-25C using a Decagon Devices AquaLab Series 3 water
activity meter (Pullman, WA). Crackers were crushed to form a consistent layer across
the base of the sampling cup. Measurements from each treatment batch were conducted
in quadruplicate and averaged. Water content was determined on control crackers using
an A&D MX-50 digital moisture balance (Elk Grove, IL). Specifically, % moisture was
Shantha and Decker (1994). Cracker samples (0.105 g) were pulverized using mortar and
pestle and added to a mixture of chloroform and methanol (5 mL; 2:1 v/v), vortexed
briefly, and centrifuged (3400g) for 10 min to extract the hydroperoxide fraction. This
extract (200 μl) was mixed with 16.7 μl of a 50/50 solution (ferrous sulfate dissolved in
double distilled water + barium chloride dissolved in 0.4 N HCl) and 16.7 μl of
ammonium thiocyanate dissolved in water. The final mixture was vortexed, covered to
prevent evaporation, and allowed to sit 20 min as color developed. Absorbance was
MA). The concentration of hydroperoxides was calculated from a cumene hydroperoxide
standard curve.
(Shimadzu; Kyoto, Japan) based on the method by Panya et al. (2012). A 50/30 μm
phase microextraction (SPME) fiber (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA) was inserted through the
vial septum and exposed to the sample headspace for 10 min at 55C. The volatiles on the
SPME fiber were desorbed at 250C for 3 min in the GC detector at a split ratio of 1:7.
flame ionization detector were 65, 250, and 250C respectively. Sample run time was 6
min. Peak integration was calculated using Shimadzu EZstart (version 7.4).
Concentrations were calculated by using a standard curve made from cracker crush
FLUOTAR ELWD 20.0x0.45 objective lens was used to capture the confocal images. An
air-cooled argon ion laser (Model 376 IMA1010 BOS; Melles Griot; Carlsbad, CA) was
used to excite Nile Red at 488 nm in the lipid phase, and emission spectra were collected
at 515 ± 30 nm. Crackers containing both Bodipy (lipid soluble) and Rhodamine B
(protein specific) were imaged sequentially, and the resulting images were overlaid.
Bodipy was excited at 488 nm, and emission spectra were collected at 515 ± 30 nm;
Rhodamine B was excited at 543 nm with a Melles Griot helium-neon laser (Model 05-
381 LGP-193; Carlsbad, CA), and emission spectra were collected at 605 ± 75 nm.
Bodipy was used instead of Nile Red in the experiments with Rhodamine B because the
broad emission spectra of Nile Red (525 – 605 nm) overlaps with that of Rhodamine B.
Detector pinhole size was always 150 μm. All resulting images consisted of 512 × 512
pixels, with a pixel size of 414 nm, and a pixel dwell time of 10.40 μs. Confocal
microscopy images were analyzed using EZ-CS1 (version 3.8) software (Nikon; Melville,
NY), while optical images taken on the same microscope were analyzed using using NIS-
Oxidation lag phases were defined as the first data point that was significantly
greater than the time-zero value and followed by points that also all exceeded the time-
zero value. In all cases, comparisons of the means were performed using analysis of
variance (General Linear Model with Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference test as a
post hoc test). A significance level of p<0.05 was defined as being statistically different.
All calculations were performed using XLSTAT statistical software (version 2006.3,
2.3 Results and discussion
Moisture content (3.2% w/w) and water activity (0.17) that the final crackers met
the criteria for defining classic low-moisture foods. The water activity of two commercial
saltine crackers was measured for comparison and determined to be 0.22 for both regular
and whole wheat products. The pH of the model crackers was 8.7 and did not vary
significantly with the addition of chelators, confocal dyes, or oleic acid at any of the
tested concentrations.
The ISO was selected based on its use in commercial manufacture of baked
goods, making the model system a good representation of products currently available to
consumers. According to the supplier’s literature, the ISO was comprised primarily of
10.9% (w/w) palmitic acid, 31.1% stearic acid, 13.8% oleic acid, 35.1% linoleic acid, and
4.9% linolenic acid. Saturated fatty acids accounted for 43.0% of the composition, while
1.2% of the unsaturated fatty acids were present in the trans form. This composition
meant the model system contained significant amounts of omega-6 fatty acids which
Bodipy and Rhodamine dyes were added to view the lipid and protein fractions,
respectively, under confocal microscopy. Starch granules were identified based on their
size and shape, non-absorption of protein and lipid-specific confocal dyes, and ability to
be stained with a Lugol’s iodine solution (visualized using the basic light microscopy
function of the Nikon microscope, data not shown). Air bubbles were identified based on
Samples were removed during each stage of cracker development, including after
the lipid was mixed with dye; after water was added to form the initial dough ball; after
the final 10 g flour was incorporated but before the dough was sheeted through rollers;
and after dough sheeting. Images of just the lipid showed that the solid ISO was able to
entrapped air (Fig. 2.1a). Addition of the flour shows the presence of protein (Fig. 2.1b).
(This particular image seems to show very little because the dough was not pressed in
any way to avoid any unwarranted gluten development. Thus, only a fraction of the
topographically curved dough is actually in focus and able to be imaged.) After the
kneading of the final 10 g flour into the dough ball by hand and sheeting through the
pasta roller, gluten development was observed as striated patterning of the protein (Fig.
2.1c and 2.1d). Sheeting the dough through the pasta roller appeared to decrease the
Figure 2.1 Confocal microscopy fluorescence of Bodipy 493/503 (green; lipid) and Rhodamine B (red; protein) in (A)
the interesterified soybean oil; (B) dough before kneading; (C) kneading by hand and (D) after sheeting through pasta
roller. All images taken before baking. Scale bar: 20 m.
Images (not shown) were taken of crackers after 0, 5, 10, 15, and 21 min of
baking. The microscopy software was used to manually measure the diameter of
individual starch granules in each image (data not shown since changes were small and
difficult to distinguish in the micrographs). During the first 10 min of baking, starch
However, as baking proceeded, the starch granules decreased in size.. Looking at three
different varieties of wheat starch, Wilson et al. (2006) found three general ranges of
granule size: <5 µm, 5-15 µm, and >15 µm. Granule size found in crackers matched
those of the two smaller ranges, which could be because the granules were not fully
In the final crackers, several key features were observed. Protein and lipid often
appeared in similar regions, but the protein did not appear to emulsify the lipid. The
protein was typically present in banded, striated patterns. Such patterning is consistent
with gluten development—an important part of cracker quality (Slade and Levine (1994)
and Kweon et al. (2014) recently found that the low-sugar environment of crackers
Figure 7
Figure 2.2 Confocal microscopy fluorescence of Bodipy 493/503 (green; lipid) and Rhodamine B (red; protein) in
control crackers. Scale bar: 50 m.
Lipid produced a continuous lipid phase that surrounded the starch granules,
(polysaccharides, proteins, gums) surrounds lipids, which has been shown to reduce lipid
oxidation rates (Anandaraman and Reineccius, 1986; Kagami et al., 2003; Jimenez et al.,
2006). Protein-starch-lipid, lipid-air, and starch-lipid interfaces were all observed within
the cracker, which contrasts with the oil-water interface typically observed with bulk oils
and emulsions. This suggests that strategies to slow lipid oxidation in crackers might
differ greatly from those strategies used with lipid dispersions oils (Chaiyasit et al., 2007;
2.3.2 Lipid oxidation in crackers
both measured in the crackers during storage at 55C. Interestingly, the lag phases for
these two measurements differed by approximately 23 d and this trend was consistently
seen in all experiments (Figs. 2.3-2.6). In control crackers, the lipid hydroperoxide lag
phase was 7 d. It is logical that hydroperoxides should exhibit a shorter lag phase since
they are the primary oxidation product. The difference in lag phases is likely due to
bulk oils, meats or emulsions where lipid hydroperoxides and heaxanal lag phases differ
by only a few days (for examples, see Frankel et al., 1996; Pignoli et al., 2009). This may
be because prooxidants that decompose lipid hydroperoxides (e.g. transition metals) are
not readily diffusable in the low-moisture environment and so cannot readily interact with
Figure 8
Hydroperoxide 12
mM hydroperoxide / g cracker
0.00 0
0 10 20 30 40
Figure 2.3 Lipid hydroperoxides and hexanal in control crackers stored at 55C in the dark. Standard error bars are
smaller than data points in some instances.
The most abundant ingredient in crackers is all-purpose white flour, which is
metals like iron are known prooxidants because they can decompose hydrogen peroxide
and lipid hydroperoxides into free radicals through a redox cycling pathway
fortified flours are essential to good consumer health and minimizing iron-based anemia
with more iron is has been reported (McKevith, 2004). But even if fortified flour were
not used in commercial products, transition metals could remain problematic because of
the inherent metals in unenriched flour. In addition, processing equipment containing iron
only in ppb quantitites—to promote lipid oxidation. Furthermore, most products are
manufactured with tap water, another potential source of iron (Taylor, 1987). Thus, it is
assumed that iron contributes to the oxidation of low-moisture foods, although its role is
To better understand the role of iron on the oxidative stability of the model
cracker systems, increasing amounts of iron were added to the cracker dough. The
cracker dough was found to contain 0.004% iron, which matches the USDA’s reported
value of 0.0046% iron in enriched, bleached, all-purpose flour. Increasing the iron
hexanal lag phases (Fig. 2.4). The system’s low water content likely limited iron
diffusibility, preventing the higher iron concentrations from having any greater
prooxidative effect than the control. These results suggest that iron fortification of low-
moisture foods is an effective nutritional strategy as the iron in these products has
Figure 9
control (1.0)
mM hydroperoxide / g cracker
0.20 A 1.5X
0.15 5X
0 10 20 30 40
mmol hexanal / kg cracker
0 10 20 30 40
were added to the crackers. As mentioned, the water in which the chelators were
dissolved (and the water for the control treatment) was pH-adjusted to 7.0 to insure all
chelators were charged and could bind metals. All chelator treatments exhibited the same
lipid hydroperoxide (~7 d) lag phase as the control but prolonged the headspace hexanal
lag phase by at least 9 d. (Fig. 2.5). While DFO and CA extended the hexanal lag phase
to 31 d, EDTA was the most effective chelators, extending the hexanal lag phase to 36 d.
Figure 10
0.3 A CA
mM hydroperoxide / g cracker
0 20 40
mmol hexanal / kg cracker
0 20 40
Oxidation time (d)
Figure 2.5 (A) Lipid hydroperoxides and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers made with citric acid (CA),
desferrioxamine (DFO), and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and stored in the dark at 55C. Standard error
bars are smaller than data points in some instances.
These results suggest that metals are not very active in the cracker system. A
study using flour fortified with ferrous sulfate (0-75ppm), EDTA, and folic acid to make
naan flatbread showed that iron fortification significantly affected color, texture,
flexibility, and chewability but not taste or flavor (Alam, 2007). These latter two sensory
attributes would be most closely related to oxidative rancidity suggesting that EDTA had
emulsions increasing secondary lag phases at least four- and threefold, respectively
(Mancuso et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2012). This again shows that lipid oxidation
mechanisms are very different in the low-moisture crackers, probably because of low
FFA are considered prooxidants because they can locate at water-lipid interfaces,
and their negative charged is thought to attract positively charged iron to the reaction site
(Miyashita et al. 1986; Waraho et al., 2009; Gomes et al., 2010). In the case of crackers,
both the flour and lipid in crackers are potential sources of FFA since enriched, bleached,
all-purpose flour has been shown to contain 0.6% fat(USDA, 2013). Figure 2.6 shows
that the control, 0.2%, 0.4%, and 1% FFA concentrations exhibited statistically similar
lipid hydroperoxide (~6 d) and hexanal (~32 d) lag phases. In contrast, treatments with
2.0 and 3.0% FFA exhibited significantly shorter lag phases of only ~3 d
(hydroperoxides) and ~22 d (hexanal). Crackers in general, however, are more stable to
the prooxidant effects of FFA than bulk oil and emulsion systems. For instance, addition
of oleic acid at concentrations as low as 0.1% of the lipid increased lipid hydroperoxide
2011). Likewise, both saturated and unsaturated FFA were shown to accelerate lipid
acid and 0.5% lauric, palmitic, or stearic acid (Yi et al., 2013). The shorter lipid
hydroperoxides and hexanal lag phases of the treatments containing 2 and 3% FFA
suggests that, at great enough concentrations, the FFA may help solubilize metal thus
mM hydroperoxide / g cracker
A 0.0
0.04 0.2
0.03 1.0
0 20 40
mmol hexanal / kg cracker
0 20 40
Oxidation time (d)
Figure 2.6 (A) Lipid hydroperoxides and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers made with 0-3% added oleic acid on a
lipid basis and stored in the dark at 55C. Standard error bars are smaller than data points in some instances.
2.4 Conclusion
of the factors influencing lipid oxidation in low-moisture foods. Ultimately, it was found
that low-moisture foods differ in numerous ways from bulk oils and emulsions. From a
microstructure standpoint, it was observed that lipid formed a continuous phase around
the starch granules versus being dispersed as lipid droplets. The lag phases between lipid
these lag phases tend to be similar in most other food systems. The unusual stability of
the lipid hydroperoxides suggests that prooxidants that decompose hydroperoxides such
as iron are not very active. The lack of strong prooxidant activity of added iron, FFA and
the low antioxidant activity of chelators also suggested that transition metals are not a
emulsions, and bulk oils. The limited diffusion of metals in the low-moisture system
likely explains why they are not strong prooxidants even though the cracker had metal
levels that would be strongly prooxidative in other food systems. This research suggests
that free radical scavengers could be the best option to stabilizing lipids in low moisture
2.5 References
Alam, S. (2007). Comparative studies on storage stability of ferrous iron in whole wheat
flour and flat bread (naan). Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 58: 54-62.
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autoxidation of potato granules. J. Agric. Food Chem. 9: 245-252.
Chaiyasit, W., Elias, R. J., McClements, D. J., and Decker, E. A. (2007). Role of physical
structures in bulk oils on lipid oxidation. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 47: 299-317.
Chen, B., Han, A., McClements, D. J., and Decker, E. A. (2010). Physical structures in
soybean oil and their impact on lipid oxidation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 11993-11999.
Chen, B., Panya, A., McClements, D. J., and Decker, E. A. (2012). New insights into the
role of iron in the promotion of lipid oxidation in bulk oils containing reverse micelles. J.
Agric. Food Chem. 60: 3524-3532.
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reactivity: Lipid oxidation. J. Food Sci. 38: 316-319.
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activity of rosemary extracts, carnosol and carnosic acid in bulk vegetable oils and fish
oil and their emulsions. J. Sci. Food Agric. 72: 201-208.
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effects on stability of crystalline β-carotene in freeze-dried solids. J. Food Sci. 77: E313-
Holman, R. T. and Elmer, O. C. (1947). The rates of oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids
and esters. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 24: 127-129.
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(2003). Oxidative stability, structure, and physical characteristics of microcapsules
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68: 2248-2255.
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tomato pulp and peel as affected by moisture properties. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 700-
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04. <http://appliedresearch.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/solid_fats/table2a.html>.
National Cancer Institute. (2010b). Top Food Sources of Saturated Fat among US
Population, 2005–2006 NHANES.
Panya, A., Laguerre, M., Bayrasy, C., Lecomte, J., Villeneuve, P., McClements, D. J.,
and Decker, E. A. (2012). An investigation of the versatile antioxidant mechanisms of
action of rosmarinate alkyl esters in oil-in-water emulsions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60:
Pignoli, G., Bou, R., Rodriguez-Estrada, M. T., and Decker, E. A. (2009). Suitability of
saturated aldehydes as lipid oxidation markers in washed turkey meat. Meat Sci. 83: 412-
Sacchetti, G., Neri, L., Laghi, L., Capozzi, F., Mastrocola, D., and Pittia, P. (2014).
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of peroxidase in solutions. Food Chem. 144: 36-43.
Taylor, A. J. (1987). Effect of water quality on lipid oxidation. Food Sci. Technol. Today.
1: 158-159.
Waraho, T., Cardenia, V., Rodriguez-Estrada, M. T., Mcclements, D. J., and Decker, E.
A. (2009). Prooxidant mechanisms of free fatty acids in stripped soybean oil-in-water
emulsions. Journal Ag. Food Chem. 57: 7112-7117.
Waraho, T., McClements, D. J., and Decker, E. A. (2011). Impact of free fatty acid
concentration and structure on lipid oxidation in oil-in-water emulsions. Food Chem.
129: 854-859.
Wilson, J. D., Bechtel, D. B., Todd, T. C., and Seib, P. A. (2006). Measurement of wheat
starch granule size distribution using image analysis and laser diffraction technology.
Cereal Chem. 2: 259-268.
Yi, J., Zhu, Z., Dong, W., McClements, D. J., and Decker, E. A. (2013). Influence of free
fatty acids on oxidative stability in water-in-walnut oil emulsions. Eur. J. Lipid Sci.
Technol. 115: 1013-1020.
The effectiveness of antioxidants (AOX) has been associated with their polarity and
partitioning in lipid dispersions and bulk oils. No research has yet established if
determined that AOX efficacy increases with increasing hydrophobicity based on lipid
location of both lipids and rosmarinic esters. In the crackers the hydrophobic rosmarinic
esters partition more closely with the lipid than unesterified rosmarinic acid, presumably
placing the hydrophobic AOX at the site of oxidation. Partitioning and efficacy of the 12-
increasing antioxidant activity being observed when the antioxidant was incorporated into
the lipid prior to dough formation. The synthetic AOXs propyl gallate, butylhydroxy
toluene, and tert-butylhydroquinone gave similar results with the more hydrophobic BHT
and TBHQ being more effective at reducing lipid hydroperoxide and hexanal generation
than the more hydrophilic propyl gallate. These results provide important information on
butylhydroxy toluene; R0: rosmarinic acid; R12: dodecyl rosmarinate ester; R20: eicosyl
3.1 Introduction
lipid oxidation and thus increase shelf-life. Unfortunately, AOX selection is often on a
trial-and-error basis because antioxidant and prooxidant factors in different foods are
often poorly understood. The uncertainty and variability of AOX performance makes
systematic studies of their behavior in both model systems and real foods critical for
predicating AOX efficacy. Important factors to study include type and concentration of
Porter et al. (1980) observed that AOX effectiveness was governed by (1) the
hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of the AOX and (2) the surface-to-volume ratio of
the lipid (e.g. bulk oils vs. emulsions). This led to the development of the antioxidant
polar paradox hypothesis, which generally states that nonpolar AOX are most effective in
oil-in-water emulsions and membranes, whereas polar AOX are most effective in bulk
oils (Porter et al., 1989). Frankel et al. (1994) extended this hypothesis with research
suggesting that AOX that had a tendency to concentrate at interfacial regions in oil-in-
water emulsions, i.e. the site of lipid oxidation, were most effective.
2009; Sasaki et al., 2010) and rosmarinate (Laguerre et al., 2010; Panya et al. 2010;
Panya et al., 2012a; Lee et al., 2013) esters. These studies demonstrated the AOX “cut-
off” effect, which means AOX efficacy and hydrophobicity share a parabolic relationship
where AOX with intermediate polarity have the optimum activity and very hydrophobic
AOX (>18 carbon esters) can exhibit a dramatic loss in AOX activity. This loss of AOX
activity has been postulated to be due to the lack of surface activity of the most
general, lacking and somewhat dated. The aforementioned advances in untangling the
antioxidant polar paradox pertain only to emulsions and bulk oil systems. To our
systems such as ready-to-eat cereal, extruded pet foods, and crunchy snack foods
AOX were added separately to the lipid and aqueous phases to see if the mode of addition
affected AOX efficacy in a low-moisture system. The AOX efficacy was related to
cracker structure and AOX partitioning via imaging with confocal microscopy. Efficacy
of commercial antioxidants of varying hydrophobicities was compared to the relationship
implications. Development of new, tailored AOX that can extend product shelf lives,
thereby reducing industry loss and supporting development of foods with extended shelf-
life can have benefits to consumers as well as meals for space and military programs.
Improved AOX technologies will also improve the health and wellness of the food supply
3.2.1 Materials
Baking soda (Arm & Hammer), iodized table salt (Morton), and all-purpose flour
(Gold Medal) were purchased from local grocery stores. Interesterified soybean oil
Company (Decatur, IL). Dry goods were stored in closeable freezer bags to prevent
moisture sorption; ISO was kept frozen (-20C) until use. Dodecyl and eicosyl
rosmarinate esters (R12 and R20, respectively) were prepared by the laboratory of Pierre
Villeneuve as described previously (Lecomte et al., 2010). Rosmarinic acid (R0), the
fluorescent probe Nile Red, and all other chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, MO). All solutions were prepared using double distilled water.
3.2.2 General sample manufacture and preparation
Crackers (ingredients are shown in Table 3.1) were prepared by premixing dry
ingredients (sifted flour, baking soda, and salt) and then blending with the ISO for ~1
min, speed 2, on a Kitchen Aid mixer (model #KSM95; Mississauga, Ontario) until the
fat was homogenously cut into the flour. After exchanging the mixer’s standard beater for
a dough hook, water was added (speed 2; ~1 min) to form the dough. This dough was
briefly kneaded by hand until all flour was visibly incorporated. Ten grams of additional
flour was sprinkled on the surface of a baking mat to prevent sticking. The dough was
flattened by twice by passing it through a pasta roller (Kitchen Aid KPSA attachment;
thickness setting 2; Mississauga Ontario) to simulate industrial sheeting. The dough was
then cut with a pizza cutter along the horizontal and vertical axes to form 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm
crackers. The crackers were baked on an ungreased cookie sheet at 163C for 21 min in a
General Electric electric oven (GE model JB350DFWW; Fairfield, CT). After baking,
crackers were crumbled using a mortar and pestle and 0.5 g was placed into acid-washed,
10-ml glass GC vials (Supelco Analytical; Bellefonte, PA), closed with aluminum caps
containing PTFE/silicone septa (Supelco Analytical; Bellefonte, PA), and stored at 55C
in the dark. Treatments were produced in duplicate, and three samples were tested per
treatment batch. Crackers for confocal image analysis were stored in closeable freezer
2 Table 3.1: Ingredient Composition
Ingredient Mass (g) (w/w)
Flour 62.50 50.6
DI Water 39.00 31.6
Interesterified Soybean Oil 10.00 8.1
Salt 1.50 1.2
Baking Soda 0.58 0.5
Flour for sprinkling on surface 10.00 8.1
Total 123.58g 100
Rosmarinic acid and its 12- (R12) and 20- (R20) carbon esters (henceforth
in ethanol and mixed with ISO in the KitchenAid mixer for 1 min before adding to the
dry ingredients. Alternatively, antioxidants in ethanol were mixed with water before
dough formation in some experiments. Nile Red in ethanol (0.5 mL) was added to the
described by Shantha and Decker (1994). In short, crushed crackers (0.105 g) were
pulverized using mortar and pestle and added to a mixture of chloroform and methanol (5
mL; 2:1 v/v), vortexed briefly, and centrifuged (3400g) for 10 min to extract the
hydroperoxide-containing lipid fraction. This extract (200 μl) was mixed with 16.7 μl of a
50/50 solution of ferrous sulfate dissolved in double distilled water and barium chloride
dissolved in 0.4 N HCl and 16.7 μl of ammonium thiocyanate dissolved in water. The
final mixture was vortexed, covered to prevent evaporation, and allowed to sit 20 min as
(Shimadzu; Kyoto, Japan) based on the method of Panya et al. (2012a). A 50/30 μm
phase microextraction (SPME) fiber (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA) was inserted through the
vial septum and exposed to the sample headspace for 10 min at 55C. The SPME fiber
was desorbed at 250C for 3 min in the gas chromatograph detector at a split ratio of 1:7.
flame ionization detector were 65, 250, and 250C respectively. Sample run time was 6
min. Peak integration was calculated using Shimadzu EZstart (version 7.4).
Concentrations were calculated by using a standard curve made from crushed cracker
3.2.5 Measurement of rosemary AOX
0.005 g of pulverized cracker crush was mixed with 1 mL of methanol, sonicated for 30
min, and filtered (0.45 μm syringe filter Millex-FH, Millipore Corp.; Bedford, MA) into
amber vials with polyethylene snap cap (Waters, Milford, MA). HPLC determination of
rosmarinic acid and its esters was carried out with a Hypersil gold C18 reversed phase
column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) equipped with a Hypersil gold guard column (10 mm
× 4 mm, 5 μm) (Thermo Scientific, USA) using a LC-10ATvp HPLC system (Shimadzu,
USA). Peak integration was performed using Shimadzu EZstart (version 7.4). Samples
were injected into the HPLC at a flow rate of 1 mL/min at room temperature using a
mobile phase of either methanol (to detect rosemary antioxidants) or acetonitrile (to
detect caffeic acid). Pure rosmarinic acid and its alkyl esters and caffeic acid were
dissolved in methanol and used as standards. Rosmarinic acid and its esters were detected
FLUOTAR ELWD 20.0x0.45 objective lens was used to capture the confocal images. A
408 nm laser was used to excite the rosmarinic acid and esters and a 488 nm laser was
used to excite Nile red. Emission spectra were collected from 415-485 nm for the
rosmarinic acid and esters and 485-545 nm for the Nile red, and the resulting images
were overlaid. Detector pinhole size was 150 μm. All resulting images consisted of 512 ×
512 pixels, with a pixel size of 414 nm, and a pixel dwell time of 10.40 μs. Images were
Oxidation lag phases were defined as the first data point that was significantly
greater than the time-zero value and followed by consecutive data points that were also
all greater than the time-zero value. In all cases, comparisons of the means were
performed using analysis of variance (General Linear Model with Tukey's Honestly
Significant Difference test as a post hoc test). A significance level of p<0.05 was defined
as being statistically different. All calculations were performed using XLSTAT statistical
Rosmarinic acid and its alkyl esters were selected as a means of varying
hydrophobicity while keeping the antioxidant portion of the molecule constant (Lecomte
et al., 2010). Rosmarinic acid and its alkyl esters naturally fluoresce (blue), allowing their
location to be determined with confocal microscopy without the use of additional probes.
Nile Red was used as a lipid-soluble confocal probe to view the lipids (green) in the
cracker. In all treatments, the ISO was seen forming a continuous lipid phase surrounding
the starch granules (Fig. 3.1). Antioxidants were first added by incorporating them in the
lipid prior to dough formation. Figure 3.1a shows crackers containing free rosmarinic
acid. In this system, the blue rosmarinic acid tended to partition separately from the green
lipid region. This is likely due to the low lipid solubility of rosmarinic acid, which agrees
with the findings by Panya et al. (2012a) where less than 15% of rosmarinic acid was
found in the lipid phase of oil-in-water emulsions. In contrast, Fig. 3.1b shows that R12
ester of rosmarinic acid tends to overlap with the lipid thereby creating a large, turquoise
region of color in the confocal images. This is also in agreement with Panya et al. (2012a)
who found that > 90% of R12 was in the lipid phase of oil-in-water emulsions. The
partitioning behavior of R20 is shown in Fig. 3.1c. It differs from R0 and R12 in that it
formed distinct regions of blue scattered throughout the lipid regions. It is unclear why
this would occur since R20 is the most hydrophobic and would be soluble in the lipid.
However, these images suggest that instead of forming a homogenous mixture with the
ISO, some of the C20 is self-aggregating apart from the ISO. This could occur if the
concentration of the C20 used in these experiments exceeded its solubility in the ISO.
Figure 3.1 Fluorescence of Nile Red dye (green) and either (A) rosmarinic acid, (B) dodecyl (R12) rosmarinate ester,
or eicosyl (R20) rosmarinate ester (blue) in crackers at Day 0. Antioxidants were incorporated by mixing with the lipid
phase prior to dough formation. Scale bars: 20 m in A and B; 50 m in C.
The activity of each antioxidant was tested at 15.9 mmol because it corresponded
to 500 ppm of R0, a concentration typically used by industry for AOX applications. All
rosmarinate AOX significantly extended the lag phase of lipid hydroperoxide formation
when the AOX was incorporated into the lipid phase. R0 was the least effective with the
efficacy of R12 and R20 being similar. R0 increased the formation of headspace hexanal
compared to the control, thereby decreasing the hexanal headspace lag phase from 40 d
by binding and solubilizing prooxidant metals or reducing metals to their more reactive
state. R20 and R12 both extended the headspace hexanal lag phase—R12 to 48 d, and
R20 to 55 d.
mM hydroperoxide / g cracker
A R0
0 20 40 60 80
mmol hexanal / kg cracker
0 20 40 60 80
Oxidation Time (Days)
Figure 3.2 (A) Lipid hydroperoxides and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers with rosmarinic and its esters (chain
lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons) incorporated into the lipid prior to dough formation. Crackers were stored in the dark at
55C. Standard error bars are smaller than data points in some instances.
To determine how AOX partitioning and efficacy were affected by the mode of
incorporation, rosemary AOX (R0, R12, and R20) in methanol were also added to the
mM hydroperoxide / g cracker
A R12
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
mmol hexanal / kg cracker
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Oxidation Time (Days)
Figure 3.3 (A) Lipid hydroperoxide and (B) headspace hexanal formation in crackers made by incorporating
rosmarinic ester antioxidants (chain lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons) into the aqueous phase prior to dough formation.
Crackers were stored in dark at 55C. Standard error bars are smaller than data points in some instances.
Addition of the AOXs to the water altered antioxidant activity as R20 was more markedly
more effective than R12 at inhibiting hexanal formation by extending the lag phase by
almost 20 d (Fig. 3.3b). In addition, R12 increased the lag phase of hexanal formation
when added to the lipid phase but was ineffective when compared to the control when
added to the aqueous phase. R20 produced similar hexanal lag phases when added to the
lipid (54 d) or aqueous (49 d) phases. Finally, R0 was not prooxidative when added to the
water phase.
Confocal images of the crackers where the AOX were added to the water
suggested that R20 still formed distinct regions of blue scattered throughout the lipid
regions as it did when added to the lipid, which likely explains its continued efficacy
(Fig. 3.4c). Previously (Fig. 3.1a), we showed that R0, when added to the lipid phase,
partitioned separately from the lipid phase. This remained true even when the R0 was
added to the aqueous phase (Fig. 3.4a). When R12 was added to the lipid phase, the blue
AOX overlapped with the green lipid, creating a turquoise zone (Fig. 3.1b). However,
little overlap was observed when R12 was added to the aqueous phase (Fig. 3.4b). Very
little differences were observed in the confocal images when R0 and R12 were added to
the water which could help explain why their antioxidant activity was similar (Fig. 3.3).
The change in R12 partitioning could be due to its inability to solubilize in the solid fat
when added to the water phase. It’s also possible that R12 uniquely interacted with starch
and that these interactions were increased when it was added to the water phase. The
unbranched (1 4) glucan chains of starch are known to form a helical structure with a
hydrophobic interior that interacts with other nonpolar molecules and residues (Putseys et
al., 2010). Many published studies show that lauric acid (C12:0) is commonly complexed
with starch. The 12-carbon alkyl chain of R12 may have behaved like lauric acid, readily
forming complexes with the helical starch. In either case, this would partition R12 away
from the lipid thus decreasing its ability to inhibit lipid oxidation.
Figure 3.4 Fluorescence of Nile Red dye (green) and either (A) rosmarinic acid, (B) dodecyl (R12) rosmarinate ester,
or (R20) eicosyl rosmarinate ester (blue) phase partitioning of lipid and antioxidant, respectively, in crackers at Day 0.
Antioxidants were incorporated by mixing with the aqueous phase. Scale bars: 50 m.
Free radical scavenging AOX are degraded during lipid oxidation reactions so
their concentrations during storage can be used as a measure of oxidation. HPLC was
used to monitor the loss of rosmarinic acid and its esters during storage when they were
added to the lipid phase (Fig. 3.2). The loss of rosmarinic acid esters was in the order of
R0>R12>R20 (Fig. 3.5). In all cases, the rosmarinic acid homologues were completely
lost prior to formation of hexanal (Fig. 3.2b). HPLC was also used to monitor the loss of
rosmarinic acid and its esters during storage when they were added to the aqueous phase
(Fig. 3.3). In that case, the loss of rosmarinic acid esters was in the order of
R0=R12>R20 (Fig. 3.6). Again, the rosmarinic acid homologues were completely lost
prior to formation of hexanal (Fig. 3.3b). The similarity of R0 and R12 degradation rates
when they were added to the water again supports the observation that these two
It is unclear what made the R20 ester oxidize slower. Previous research has shown
that the rosmarinate esters in oil-in-water emulsions degraded into caffeic acid in the
presence of α-tocopherol. Since caffeic acid also has antioxidant activity, its formation
decreased the rate of R20 degradation and further decreased lipid oxidation (Panya et al.,
2012b). The formation of caffeic acid in the crackers was determined by HPLC as
described by Panya et al. (2012b). In the cracker systems, no quantifiable caffeic acid
was measured by HPLC regardless of alkyl chain length. This could be because the
crackers contained no quantifiable amounts of tocopherols which are not present in the
Another possibility for the decrease degradation rate of R20 compared to R0 and
R12 could be due to interactions with other food components. Phenolic AOX can interact
with transition metals resulting in the reduction of the metal and the degradation of the
antioxidant (Chen et al., 2012). Therefore, it could be possible that the R0 and R12 could
interact with metal more when they partition separately from the lipid and thus degrade
faster. The R20 which partitions in the lipid and forms concentrated pockets outside of
the lipid could have fewer interactions with metals and thus degrade slower thus leaving
Fraction AOX 0.75
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Oxidation time (d)
Figure 3.5 Loss of rosmarinic ester antioxidants (chain lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons) added to the lipid phase during
storage at 55C in the dark as determined by HPLC. Vertical lines indicate standard error for each point.
Fraction AOX
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Oxidation time (d)
Figure 3.6 Loss of rosmarinic ester antioxidants (chain lengths = 0, 12, or 20 carbons) added to the aqueous phase
during storage at 55C in the dark as determined by HPLC. Vertical lines indicate standard error for each point.
3.3.2 Commercial AOX
study AOX properties because they vary in hydrophobicity and yet their antioxidant
functionality is very similar (Lecomte et al., 2010). However, rosmarinate esters are not
approved food-grade ingredients. Hence the activity of approved food additives with
varying hydrophobicity was also investigated. This study tested the efficacy of PG (least
hydrophobic), TBHQ, and BHT (most hydrophobic) in the model cracker system. PG
(Fig. 3.7). This is similar to what was observed with the hydrophilic R0 which had little
when added to the lipid phase (Fig. 3.2). TBHQ and BHT are both more hydrophobic
than PG and exhibited greater antioxidant efficacy. Figure 3.7a shows that, after 33 days,
both TBHQ and BHT treatments were still in the lag phase of hydroperoxide formation.
Analysis of headspace hexanal formation led to the same conclusion: the hydrophobic
antioxidants BHT and TBHQ were more effective than PG treatments and similar to each
other at limiting lipid oxidation. This again agrees with the rosmarinate ester experiments
in that AOX efficacy increases with increasing hydrophobicity. Both BHT and TBHQ
0.150 PG
mM hydroperoxide / g cracker
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
mmol hexanal / kg cracker
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Oxidation time (days)
Figure 3.7 (A) Lipid hydroperoxide and (B) headspace hexanal in crackers made by incorporating propyl gallate (PG),
tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), or butylhydroxy toluene (BHT) into the lipid phase. Crackers were stored at 55C in
darkness. Standard error bars are smaller than data points in some instances.
3.3.3 Discussion
These results suggest that AOX efficacy in crackers increases with increasing
hydrophobicity, meaning that crackers follow markedly different trends than bulk oils
and oil-in-water emulsions (Frankel et al., 1994; Laguerre et al. 2009, 2010; Chen et al.,
2010; Panya et al., 2012a,b; Lee et al., 2013). Much of this likely relates to the unique
physical structure of low-moisture foods which impacts the physical location of the
antioxidants. The polar paradox, for instance, postulates that an AOX should be most
effective when they partition at the site of oxidation which in both oil-in-water emulsions
and bulk oils containing association colloids is oil-water interfaces (Porter et al., 1989;
Frankel et al., 1994; Chen et al., 2010). The ISO used in the model crackers formed a
continuous lipid phase that surrounds starch granules (Fig. 3.1). In addition, the crackers
are very low in water and, as in other low-moisture foods, the water that is in the crackers
is likely associated with molecules such as starch and proteins and therefore does not
exist as dispersed droplets (Haynes and Locke, 1995; Kweon et al., 2014). This means
that that there will be very few water-lipid interfaces where lipids and water soluble
prooxidant would interact as would be seen in oil-in-water emulsions and bulk oils with
association colloids.
The inability of highly polar R0 to inhibit lipid oxidation could be due to its exclusion
from the lipid phase making it physically separated from lipid oxidation reactions as
suggested by the confocal microscopy. The R12 ester had inconsistent activity given that
it was effective when added to the lipid phase prior to dough formation but ineffective
when added to the aqueous phase. R12 has intermediate solubility characteristics of the 3
rosmarinates tested (Panya et al., 2012a) suggesting that the method of introduction into
dough could impact on its partitioning. For example, when added to the lipid phase it
might be better retained in the lipid phase compared to when it is added to the aqueous
phase where it might interact with other molecules in the flour thus preventing it from
partitioning into the lipid phase. The consistent ability of R20 to inhibit lipid oxidation
suggests that it partitions at the site of lipid oxidation regardless of the method used to
introduce it into the dough. These results indicate that rosmarinate esters do not follow
the “cut-off effect” which is seen in oil-in-water emulsions since AOX efficacy increases
with increasing hydrophobicity. Results with the synthetic AOX supports the notion that
highly hydrophobic AOX are the most effective in low-moisture foods such as crackers.
3.4 Conclusion
Extending the lag phase of lipid oxidation correlates directly to extended shelf life
to oxidation. This research suggests that lag phase of lipid oxidation can be extended in
low-moisture crackers by using the most hydrophobic AOX option available. Such an
bulk oils. These antioxidants could be used in combination with other antioxidant
strategies such as control of transition metals and elimination of oxygen and light
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