IDT Fbla Scavenger Hunt 15 16

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Name: ______________________________________ Period: IDT

FBLA Internet Scavenger Hunt

Helpful websites - and

1. Where is the FBLA-PBL national office? ______________________________

2. What does FBLA stand for? ______________________________________________________

3. What does PBL stand for? ______________________________________________________

4. Who chartered the first chapter and founded FBLA? ____________________________________

5. When was the first high school chapter chartered? (M/D/Y) ________________________

6. The high school level has over how many members nationwide? __________________

7. List four individual competitive events a student may enter in FBLA:

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

8. List two areas of competition for which you show strengths and think you would be a good
____________________________________ ____________________________________

9. What is the Georgia FBLA Theme for 2018-2019?


10. List two chapter events in which FBLA members may participate:
____________________________________ ____________________________________

11. When and where is the 2019 State Leadership Conference?


12. List three ways FBLA benefits students? __________________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

13. What are the FBLA colors? ______________________________________________________

14. What is the Georgia State Project for 2018-2019? ___________________________________

The FBLA-PBL Mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through
innovative leadership and career development programs.
Commented [WU1]:

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