Activity Planner 3
Activity Planner 3
Activity Planner 3
At this station children will be aided in conducting Mat session Children will be supplied with cotton balls to glue
an experiment in which children will be exposed to Introduction: All children will be seated on the mat at the top of a coloured piece of paper to resemble
the way in which rain fall from the clouds in the to begin the lesson. The teacher will read the book the clouds in the sky. Children will be given a
sky. Various different sized clear jars will be ‘The Little Raindrop’ by Joanna Gray to the class. variety of different coloured food colouring and
supplied, filled with water. Shaving cream will be The book outlines the path a raindrop will take eye droppers. Children will use the droppers to
sprayed onto the top of the jar to create a layer from falling out of a cloud onto the ground and collect a colour of their choice and drop onto the
resembling clouds in the sky. Children will be able then back again. This will prompt children to cotton ball. The piece of paper will be stood up and
to use blue food colouring to drop on top of the consider that rain falls from the sky in clouds. The the dye will fall through the cotton wool ball to
shaving cream. Children will wait and watch for the teacher will then facilitate conversation about drip down over the page to mimic the rain falling
food dye to drip through the ‘clouds’ as rain would rainy weather, by drawing on the book that has from the clouds.
fall from the sky. just been read, with focus placed on the question
‘Where did the little raindrop come from?’.
Assessment & Recording: (What are we assessing? How are we assessing? How are we recording?)
- Children will be assessed on their ability to identify where rain comes from
- The children will be assessed through direct questioning throughout the lesson, from the teacher to the children as they are completing activities
- The children’s answers will be recorded upon a checklist in which the teacher will identify if they were able to or unable to identify the sky, more
specifically clouds, as the source of rain
Highlight one or two outcomes specifically connected to your objective/s.