This document contains a crosstabulation and chi-square test results. It analyzes the relationship between two variables: knowledge level (baik, cukup, kurang) and election plans (memilih, tidak memilih). The crosstabulation shows the count and percentage breakdown of observations across the variable combinations. A chi-square test was run and found a significant relationship between the two variables (p=.034).
This document contains a crosstabulation and chi-square test results. It analyzes the relationship between two variables: knowledge level (baik, cukup, kurang) and election plans (memilih, tidak memilih). The crosstabulation shows the count and percentage breakdown of observations across the variable combinations. A chi-square test was run and found a significant relationship between the two variables (p=.034).
This document contains a crosstabulation and chi-square test results. It analyzes the relationship between two variables: knowledge level (baik, cukup, kurang) and election plans (memilih, tidak memilih). The crosstabulation shows the count and percentage breakdown of observations across the variable combinations. A chi-square test was run and found a significant relationship between the two variables (p=.034).
This document contains a crosstabulation and chi-square test results. It analyzes the relationship between two variables: knowledge level (baik, cukup, kurang) and election plans (memilih, tidak memilih). The crosstabulation shows the count and percentage breakdown of observations across the variable combinations. A chi-square test was run and found a significant relationship between the two variables (p=.034).