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PR 436

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• Dynamic Tare, Calibration & Deadband
Adjustment by simple pushbutton
• Automatic Zero Adjustment.
• Choice of Kgs/Hour or Tonnes/Hour Flow
Rate Display.
• Both Resettable and Non-Resettable
• Serial Interface RS232/485.
• Analogue Output and Bus Connectivity
options including: Profibus & CANopen.
The PR436 Belt Weigher Indicator
connects with 1-4 strain gauge load cells
fitted to a belt weigher mechanism from
which it generates a calibrated weight
signal. It also connects with a proximity
switch, operating as a digital tacho, from
which it receives pulses in proportion to
belt movement. From these two inputs and
from calibration and control data held in its
system memory it continually calculates the
rate of flow of material over the belt and
the total quantity of material transferred.
Optionally, in applications where belt speed
variations are insignificant, the indicator
may operate from an internal tacho pulse
The display may be selected to Flow,
Dynamic Tare Once started by simple pushbutton
Resettable or Non-Resettable Total at any
operation when the belt is running empty, the system
time via the front panel keys. Access may
automatically totalises the weight both +ve and -ve over
be gained to the control and calibration data
a number of belt movement pulses. When complete it
which is pass-number protected.
adjusts the weigher zero accordingly.
Technical Data
Dynamic Calibration Check & Recalibration Once
Model Nos:
PR436-6 Basic (includes RS232/485 Serial) similarly started by pushbutton operation, a known
PR436A6 Basic + Analogue Output weight is passed over the weigher, totalising is stopped
PR436C6 Basic + CANopen and the total is observed to make a calibration check.
PR436P6 Basic + Profibus DP
To make a recalibration the known weight is entered.
All AC powered. Add suffix ‘D’ for DC
powered option eg PR436-6D Deadband Adjustment A control parameter
Power Supply: determines the minimum flow rate below which the
Universal fused power supply 85-264VAC, indicator ceases to totalise.
or 10-36VDC (PR436xD versions only)
Load Cell Excitation: Auto Zero Adjustment The internal Dynamic Zero is
10V DC @ 125mA max, 1 to 4 x 350 automatically adjusted by a small amount whenever the
ohm load cells may be connected.
unit is running within the Dead Range.
Tacho Input:
Proximity Switch, 3 wire NPN. Digital Outputs Four relay outputs provide:
Or Shaft Encoder, push-pull output. • A Pulse Output that produces a pulse for every pre-set
Integral 12V DC power supply. quantity transfered over the weigher.
Range 500Hz
• Two Trip outputs which come on whenever the flow
Up to 16,384 +/- 0.5 divisions. rate is above pre-set values.
16 bit 1:65,000 internal resolution. • Belt Stopped and System Healthy monitoring.
Enclosure: Serial Output The RS232/485 interface provides:
Panel mounting DIN case
144mm wide x 72mm high x 132mm deep • Printed records with time and date.
Panel cut-out 138mm x 68mm • Multi-drop communication with host PC/PLC.
Optional IP65 transparent front cover is
available upon request. • Continuous transmission of flow rate or totals to a
Environment: remote display.
Operate 0-50°C, 20-80% RH • Uploading/Downloading calibration and configuration
non-condensing. Storage -40 to 80°C data.
Supplied by:

Practicon Limited
Chapel Lane, Rode Heath, Stoke On Trent, ST7 3SD, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1270 876211 Fax: +44(0)1270 878887
Email: [email protected] Website: www.practicon.co.uk

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