Septic Peritonitis: CE Article
Septic Peritonitis: CE Article
Septic Peritonitis: CE Article
Septic Peritonitis
William T. N. Culp, VMD, DACVS
University of California-Davis
Abstract: Bacterial septic peritonitis is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. The pathogenesis is complex,
and the list of diagnostic differentials is extensive. The keys to successful treatment are early recognition of the condition and
elimination of the causative organism. Multiple options for draining the peritoneal cavity exist, and further studies are neces-
sary to establish specific, evidence-based guidelines. The prognosis is generally guarded in dogs and cats. Much depends on
whether the patient develops concurrent sepsis, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, or multiple organ dysfunction
eptic peritonitis is a life-threatening condition that Neutrophils, Macrophages, and Mast Cells
occurs secondary to many intraabdominal diseases in Normally, the peritoneal cavity contains a diverse array of
dogs and cats. This article reviews bacterial peritonitis cells capable of reacting to antigens.10,11 When a peritoneal
and sepsis and describes treatment options and prognosis. injury occurs, vasoactive substances (e.g., histamine) are
released. Histamine from degranulating resident peritoneal
Anatomy and Intrinsic Defense Systems of the mast cells stimulates vasodilation and exudation of fluid con-
Peritoneal Cavity taining complement and opsonins that are capable of coat-
Mesothelium ing bacteria, promoting phagocytosis and encouraging an
The peritoneal cavity is lined with a serous layer of meso- influx of neutrophils and macrophages into the peritoneal
thelial cells.1–3 After peritoneal injury, regeneration begins cavity.7,10,11 Peritoneal mast cells, neutrophils, macrophages,
with an influx of round cells that eventually transform into and lymphocytes interact to promote cytokine expression,
mesothelial cells. This regeneration can occur as rapidly as chemoattraction, and phagocyte recruitment. Phagocytes
4 hours after injury.2 kill bacteria by generating reactive oxygen species, acidify-
ing vacuoles containing phagocytosed bacteria, and releas-
Intraperitoneal Fluid ing hydrolytic lysosomal enzymes.11
A small amount of fluid is normally found within the perito-
neal cavity. This fluid constantly lubricates organs to prevent Complement System
friction. Normal human peritoneal fluid has been shown to Complement system proteins control inflammation and
have antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram- assist in bacterial phagocytosis.10 The complement system
negative bacteria.4 can be activated by the presence of antigen–antibody com-
Fluid injected into the abdomen is dispersed throughout plexes, endotoxin, damaged cells, and other components of
the peritoneal cavity within 15 minutes to 2 hours.5 It is likely bacterial cell walls.12 Activated forms of complement com-
that peritoneal contaminants are disseminated by a similar ponents 3 and 5 are formed and act as anaphylotoxins. The
movement of peritoneal fluid.2,6 Fluid moves toward the dia- secondary effects of these complement proteins are vaso-
phragm, where it is absorbed by diaphragmatic lymphat- dilation, chemotaxis of neutrophils, degranulation of mast
ics.6–8 Bacteria in contaminated peritoneal fluid penetrate cells and basophils, clearance of immune complexes, and
the diaphragm through 8- to 12-μm gaps (stomata) between cytolysis.7,10,11
the peritoneal mesothelial cells and enter specialized lym-
phatic collecting vessels (lacunae).7 The bacteria travel from Fibrin and Abscesses
these vessels to the mediastinal lymph node and eventually The fluid exuded into the inflamed peritoneal cavity con-
to the thoracic duct system and bloodstream.8,9 tains plasma proteins, including fibrinogen and thrombo-
Leakage of contents from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is
the most common cause of septic peritonitis in dogs and
cats. GI diseases account for 38% to 75% of cases of sec-
ondary septic peritonitis,20–25 and GI ulceration accounts for
24% to 35% of GI-associated peritonitis cases21,23,25 (FIGURE
1). Conditions that predispose dogs to GI ulceration include
underlying hepatic disease (33%) and administration of
NSAIDs and corticosteroids.26 Concurrent administration of
NSAIDs and corticosteroids or administration of NSAIDs at
a higher-than-approved dosage may increase the risk of GI
ulceration.27 Many different NSAIDs28–30 have been linked
to ulcer-associated peritonitis in dogs. Carprofen was a
Perforated gastric ulcer. potential cause of a duodenal ulcer in a feline case report.31
Corticosteroid administration has been associated with
plastin.7 Tissue thromboplastin converts prothrombin to colonic perforation and peritonitis in dogs with interverte-
thrombin, which activates fibrinogen. Fibrin is generated, bral disk disease.32
polymerizes, and accumulates—in part because fibrinoly- Septic peritonitis can also occur after GI resection and
sis is down-regulated.13 Fibrin walls off bacteria, preventing anastomosis.33,34 In one study of 121 dogs that underwent
phagocytosis by neutrophils and macrophages and leading this procedure, the overall dehiscence rate was 15.7%, and
to abscess formation.6,7,11 However, fibrin also prevents sys- dehiscence was often fatal (73.7% mortality).33 Dogs that
temic bacterial spread. In one study performed in mice, pre- required resection and anastomosis for foreign-body entrap-
vention of adhesion formation resulted in earlier systemic ment or traumatic injury were significantly more likely to
spread of bacteria and higher mortality.14 have anastomotic dehiscence. Risk factors associated with
anastomotic leakage in another retrospective study included
Etiology preoperative peritonitis, hypoalbuminemia, and the pres-
Primary Peritonitis ence of an intestinal foreign body.34 The leakage rate for
In human medicine, peritonitis is generally categorized as dogs in that study was 14%. None of the 25 cats in the study
primary, secondary, or tertiary. Primary peritonitis occurs developed leakage.34
spontaneously, meaning that no obvious intraperitoneal Primary GI neoplasia and non-GI neoplasia (gastrinoma,
cause of bacterial contamination is found.8,15,16 This process mast cell tumors)26 can cause GI perforation. Neoplasia is
is more common in people than in companion animals and a common cause of GI leakage in cats, accounting for 25%
is generally associated with the presence of ascites sec- of septic peritonitis cases in one study.35 Adenocarcinoma
ondary to alcoholic cirrhosis.15,16 The presence of bacteria and lymphosarcoma were the most common neoplasms
in the peritoneal cavity in primary peritonitis is attributed reported.35
to spread via a hematogenous or lymphogenous route or Other documented causes of GI leakage include gastric
to bacterial translocation through an intact intestinal wall.15 necrosis secondary to gastric dilatation–volvulus (GDV),
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is the most common cause gastropexy site leakage, megacolon perforation, postopera-
of primary peritonitis in companion animals.8,17 FIP occurs tive GI biopsy site dehiscence, uremic gastropathy, stress-
in two major forms: dry (granulomatous) or wet (effusive).18 induced GI lesions, and traumatic wounds.8,17,26,34–36
The wet form is characterized by abdominal effusion and Bite wounds to the abdomen should be explored imme-
peritonitis. The pathogenesis of this process is complex and diately to evaluate for viscus rupture that may result in the
still not fully elucidated.18 A retrospective study evaluating leakage of bacteria into the peritoneal cavity.37,38 Bacteria
peritoneal effusion in 65 cats found only four cases of effu- from the attacking animal’s mouth can contaminate the peri-
sive FIP.19 toneal cavity even in the absence of GI perforation. Gunshot
injuries can cause extensive damage to the stomach and
Secondary Peritonitis intestines. Five dogs in one series of 84 gunshot wounds had
Secondary peritonitis is the most common form of perito- peritoneal penetration.39 All five dogs had multiple, severe
nitis encountered in companion animals and results from intestinal injuries, emphasizing the need for early surgical
leakage of bacteria-containing fluid into the peritoneal cav- intervention in such cases.39
due to hypovolemia from intraperitoneal fluid loss and the Radiography and Ultrasonography
effects of SIRS. Animals may present in one of three broad Survey radiography is generally a first-line diagnostic tool
stages of shock: compensatory, early decompensatory, and when evaluating a dog or cat with suspected peritonitis.
terminal decompensatory. The clinical signs depend on Loss of abdominal serosal detail, ileus, and pneumoperi-
when the animal is evaluated.78 In the compensatory stage toneum are radiographic signs suggestive of intraperito-
of shock, animals are generally hypermetabolic with tachy- neal disease. Loss of serosal detail can be caused by free
cardia, tachypnea, and hypertension and may have injected peritoneal fluid or a mass effect. Ileus can be seen as a
mucous membranes with a rapid capillary refill time. In result of bowel obstruction secondary to neoplasia or for-
early decompensatory shock, tachycardia continues, but eign body ingestion but may also be induced by peritoni-
blood pressure decreases. In addition, the animal may have tis.84 Pneumoperitoneum that occurs without any history of
depressed mentation, poor pulse quality, pale mucous mem- recent surgery or penetrating wounds is most commonly
branes, and a prolonged capillary refill time. Tachycardia is of GI origin85 and warrants immediate surgical explora-
not as common in cats as in dogs during this stage. When tion (FIGURE 5). Radiography can also be used to diagnose
terminal decompensatory shock is reached, bradycardia, specific diseases, including GDV, GI foreign bodies,86 pyo-
hypotension, pale or cyanotic membranes, weak or absent metra,53 cholelithiasis, biliary emphysema,43 and organo-
pulses, and severe mental depression develop. Renal failure megaly secondary to intraabdominal abscessation (hepatic,
and pulmonary edema may also be encountered.78,79 splenic, renal, prostatic)46,47,49 or neoplasia.86
Ultrasonography can generally localize a tumor or mass
Diagnostics to a specific organ and guide sampling of free peritoneal
Clinicopathologic Findings fluid. Specific findings on ultrasonography relative to the
Anemia and leukocytosis are common abnormalities noted many disease processes that can lead to septic peritonitis
on complete blood cell count in animals with septic peri- are beyond the scope of this article.
tonitis. Band neutrophils are often present, and if the
infection is long-standing, the animal may be leukopenic. Peritoneal Fluid Analysis
Coagulation profiles may be normal in the early stages of Sample Collection
septic peritonitis, but prothrombin time (PT) and activated Several techniques can be used to obtain a sample of fluid
partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) often become pro- from the peritoneal cavity and have been detailed else-
longed. In animals with DIC, thrombocytopenia and higher where.87–91 All techniques involve clipping the hair in the
levels of fibrin degradation products and D-dimer may be area that will be tapped, preparing the abdomen with ster-
encountered. A hypercoagulable state can be detected by ile technique, and sterile introduction of a needle or an
thromboelastography.80 over-the-needle catheter. Ideally, this procedure should
Serum biochemistry findings vary widely depend- be performed with ultrasonographic guidance. Although
ing on the underlying cause and stage of the peritonitis. definitive studies are lacking, clinical experience with ultra-
Extravasation of protein-rich fluid rapidly leads to hypoal- sound-guided fluid aspiration suggests that this technique
buminemia. Increases in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine has a much higher yield than blind peritoneal tapping and
values may be prerenal (i.e., from decreased kidney perfu- decreases the need for diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL).
sion) or associated with primary renal disease such as pyelo- DPL is likewise superior to blind needle paracentesis.92 A
nephritis or (rarely) renal abscessation. Uroperitoneum may study comparing needle paracentesis, catheter paracentesis,
also result in azotemia or alterations in electrolytes. Liver and DPL found an accuracy rate of less than 50% for needle
enzyme levels increase with many primary hepatic and bil- paracentesis compared with 94.6% for DPL. DPL was 100%
iary diseases, such as biliary mucocele, gallbladder infarc- accurate in dogs with septic peritonitis.92
Normal cell counts for the peritoneal cavity are <3000 ×
106/L in small animals.89 One study 93 evaluated the use of Peritoneal fluid cytology shows (1) predominantly neu-
trophils that are mildly to moderately degenerate in
DPL preoperatively and postoperatively to assess cell count
morphology and (2) occasional mononuclear cells. A large
and intraabdominal enzyme content. The surgeries per- mesothelial cell is present in the center of the image.
formed in that study included GI resection and anastomosis,
cystotomy, gastrotomy, pyloromyotomy, and repair of a dia- the peritoneal fluid total nucleated cell count was >13,000
phragmatic laceration. Macrophages and segmented neutro- cells/μL.96 Cytology was diagnostic for septic peritoneal effu-
phils were the most common cells found in the peritoneal sion in 86% of the cases in the latter study.96 Other reports
fluid, and preoperative nucleated cell counts ranged from 71 have found cytology to be accurate in diagnosing septic
to 697 cells/μL. White blood cell and nucleated cell counts peritonitis 57%,25 87%,26 and 100%96 of the time.
were significantly increased in postoperative fluid compared
with preoperative fluid.93 pH
Septic effusions generally contain increased numbers of Peritoneal fluid pH as an indicator of septic peritonitis has
neutrophils and macrophages, and intracellular or extracel- been evaluated in dogs and cats. In one study,96 the pH of
lular bacteria may be present (FIGURE 6). Peritoneal fluid the fluid in septic effusions in cats was significantly lower
samples are specifically evaluated for degenerate neutro- than the pH of the fluid in nonseptic effusions. This study
phils. Bacterial toxins cause changes in the cell membrane did not find the same to be true in dogs. Comparison of
permeability of neutrophils, leading to cell and/or nuclear blood pH to peritoneal fluid pH was not found to be useful
swelling, nuclear fragmentation, and eosinophilic nuclear for dogs or cats.96
chromatin.88,90 The lack of degenerate neutrophils does not
rule out septic peritonitis,88 and it is important to differen- Glucose
tiate degenerate neutrophils from aging and toxic neutro- A study has found that comparing blood glucose levels to
phils.94 The presence of intracellular bacteria is diagnostic peritoneal glucose levels is diagnostic for peritonitis in 100%
for septic peritonitis.90 of dogs and 92% of cats.96 When the blood glucose concen-
Reagent strips that test for the presence of leukocytes in tration exceeded the peritoneal fluid glucose concentration
peritoneal fluid have been used to diagnose primary perito- by >20 mg/dL, the sensitivity and specificity were 100% in
nitis in humans. A PMN count of ≥250 cells/μL in ascitic fluid dogs and 86% and 100%, respectively, in cats.96
is considered the “gold standard” for diagnosis of primary
peritonitis, and in humans, the sensitivity and specificity of Lactate
some of these strips have been reported as high as 88.2% Peritoneal fluid lactate concentration has been evaluated in
and 99.6%, respectively.95 The use of these strips to diagnose two studies. In the first,96 a blood-to-peritoneal fluid lactate
peritonitis in small animals has not been evaluated. concentration of less than −2.0 mmol/L was found to be 100%
Results of using total peritoneal fluid leukocyte counts sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of a septic peritoneal
and cytology to diagnose septic peritonitis have been vari- effusion in dogs but did not reach statistical significance in
able. Peritoneal leukocyte counts ranged from 5,400/μL to cats. The second study97 reported an accuracy of 95% in the
43,100/μL in an experimental peritonitis model.93 One study diagnosis of septic peritonitis in dogs when the peritoneal
found an 86% sensitivity and a 100% specificity for peritoni- fluid lactate concentration was >2.5 mmol/L. When using a
tis in dogs and 100% sensitivity and specificity in cats when blood-to-peritoneal fluid lactate concentration difference of
as significant an increase in colloid osmotic pressure (COP) with biliary obstruction and rupture because fat-soluble
as do synthetic colloids. Synthetic and natural colloids are vitamins, including vitamin K, cannot be absorbed without
often administered simultaneously because natural colloids bile emulsification of fat. Coagulation abnormalities are also
can provide other important substances such as coagulation commonly associated with nonbiliary peritonitis. In one
factors and albumin. study, septic dogs were found to have significantly longer PT
Several factors should be considered when administering and aPTT and higher levels of fibrin degradation products
crystalloids and colloids. In a patient with shock, boluses of and D-dimers than control dogs.74 When the PT and aPTT
both fluid types may be necessary. A shock bolus of crys- are prolonged, plasma should be given until these values
talloids in dogs (90 mL/kg) and cats (55 mL/kg) should be are within normal limits.
given over 10 to 15 minutes.8 The initial bolus of hetastarch An animal receiving a transfusion of blood products
in shock patients is 10 to 20 mL/kg given as quickly as should be watched carefully. It is especially important to
possible.99 Further boluses of these fluids may be required monitor pulse, temperature, and respiratory rate during the
depending on the patient’s status. If further colloidal sup- first 30 minutes of the transfusion. If a patient appears to be
port is necessary, synthetic colloids can be continued as experiencing a transfusion reaction, the transfusion should
a constant-rate infusion (CRI) at a dose of 1 mL/kg/h.99 be stopped immediately.103
Higher doses may be necessary if the COP remains low.
When administering CRIs of crystalloids and colloids simul- Antibiotics
taneously, the amount of crystalloid can be decreased by as If septic peritonitis is suspected, antibiotic use is manda-
much as 40% to 60%.99 tory. Ideally, the antibiotic regimen should be based on the
Fluid resuscitation goals include maintaining the mean results of culture and susceptibility testing. However, in
arterial blood pressure above 80 mm Hg and the heart rate most cases, empirical therapy is instituted while awaiting
between 80 and 120 bpm in dogs and 180 and 200 bpm in these test results. Dosing should be based on an under-
cats. Other parameters to maintain include central venous standing of the pharmacodynamic properties that predict
pressure (6 to 8 cm H2O) and urine output (>1 mL/kg/h). antimicrobial efficacy.
New human guidelines focus on arterial lactate levels and Antibiotic pharmacology is reviewed extensively else-
mixed venous oxygen saturation as more sensitive and spe- where.104 In general, β-lactam drugs (e.g., penicillins,
cific indicators of tissue perfusion.100 When administering cephalosporins) are classified as time-dependent, meaning
synthetic colloids, a COP of 17 mm Hg should be main- that their bactericidal effect corresponds to the amount of
tained while avoiding volume overload.99,101 time their plasma and tissue concentrations remain above
the minimum inhibitory concentration for the pathogen.
Blood Products Therefore, β-lactams should be administered frequently
Blood products can be required in animals with septic peri- to enhance efficacy. Conversely, fluoroquinolones and
tonitis for a variety of reasons. Animals with bleeding GI aminoglycosides are concentration-dependent drugs with
ulcers, peritonitis secondary to trauma, GDV, or avulsion maximum effect when a high peak plasma concentration is
of the short gastric blood vessels may need transfusions attained, even if only for a short period of time. Therefore,
of whole blood or packed red blood cells. The decision to the entire dose of these drugs is appropriately administered
transfuse an anemic patient with whole blood or packed once daily. General recommendations for broad-spectrum
red blood cells depends on several factors. In dogs and empiric antibiotic treatment in cases of septic peritonitis
cats, transfusions should often be given if the packed cell include either a penicillin or cephalosporin for gram-pos-
volume (PCV) drops below 20%.102 Other factors to consider itive coverage combined with either a fluoroquinolone or
include a massive loss of blood volume (>30%), ongoing an aminoglycoside for gram-negative coverage until culture
hemorrhage, inadequate response to fluid resuscitation, or and susceptibility data become available.
severe clinical signs (e.g., collapse). Transfusing 10 mL/kg Anaerobes are a large component of normal GI flora,
of packed red blood cells or 20 mL/kg of whole blood can especially in the colon. Not all anaerobes are susceptible
increase the PCV by 10%.102 to penicillins, and many are resistant to cephalosporins.105
Whole blood, packed red blood cells, and plasma can The addition of an antibiotic with documented or enhanced
be used for colloidal support, but these products can raise antianaerobic activity (e.g., metronidazole) is often justified
the oncotic pressure by only a limited amount.101 This and should be considered empirically while awaiting cul-
increase is often transient because of the ongoing loss of ture results.
albumin into the peritoneal cavity. However, fresh frozen
plasma transfusions are often used clinically to treat coagu- Analgesics
lation abnormalities associated with peritonitis and sepsis. Abdominal pain has been extensively described elsewhere86
Coagulation abnormalities should be suspected in animals and may be either visceral (dull) or somatic (piercing).
extending from just caudal to the xiphoid cartilage to just Diagnostic positive-contrast imaging of the urinary tract
cranial to the pubis. can generally locate the site of urine leakage before surgery.
Obvious contamination of the peritoneal cavity should Unilateral ureteral ruptures are treated by primary repair
be removed immediately and thorough abdominal explo- or unilateral ureteronephrectomy, provided the contralat-
ration performed. When the inciting organ is identified, it eral kidney is functioning normally. Bladder ruptures are
should be isolated from the rest of the peritoneal cavity with located and sutured with 3-0 or 4-0 polydioxanone suture in
laparotomy sponges. a simple interrupted pattern. Incomplete urethral tears may
Leakage from the GI tract is the most common cause of be managed with an indwelling urethral catheter for several
bacterial peritonitis. Perforated gastric ulcers can generally days to weeks; complete urethral transections often require
be treated by partial gastrectomy. Duodenal ulcer resection surgical repair.
may be performed by a local resection of diseased tissue, Copious peritoneal lavage is an appropriate part of the
Y-U antral advancement flap pyloroplasty, or biliary rerout- standard of care for animals with septic peritonitis. The
ing, depending on the location and size of the ulcer. It is peritoneal cavity is viewed as a large, contaminated wound,
essential that sutured bowel edges be healthy and demon- and lavage with a large volume of warm, balanced electro-
strate sufficient blood supply. If a previous GI anastomosis lyte solution is used to remove bacteria and proinflamma-
has dehisced, the entire area must be removed and another tory cytokines, GI contents, hemoglobin, mucus, and bile.
anastomosis performed. The anastomosis site is reinforced However, peritoneal lavage is not entirely benign and may
by omental wrapping or serosal patching.117 Serosal patch- impair normal peritoneal defense mechanisms. Bacteria
ing has been used to treat defects in the small intestine, adhere to the peritoneal surfaces and may not be removed
colon, and urinary bladder.118 This technique involves sutur- by low-pressure lavage. Lavage may disseminate bacteria,
ing loops of jejunum over an area of questionable viability. remove opsins and complement proteins necessary for
As pancreatic abscesses are uncommon and little stud- phagocytes, prevent phagocytes from gaining access to bac-
ied, results of various treatment methods should be inter- teria, and damage peritoneal mesothelial cells.122 Detailed,
preted with caution. Omentalization of the abscess cavity controlled clinical trials studying the efficacy of lavage in
and abdominal closure resulted in better survival (five of companion animals with septic peritonitis are lacking. The
eight patients) than treatment by open peritoneal drainage following recommendations are based on experimental and
(one of four patients) in one study.119 human clinical studies:
Omentalization has also largely replaced Penrose drain-
age or partial prostatectomy for the treatment of prostatic • A large volume of lavage fluid should be used (e.g., 500
abscessation.120 Long-term resolution of disease (>12 months) mL to 1 L in a cat, several liters in large dogs).
was achieved in 19 of 20 dogs treated with omentalization. • A ll of the lavage fluid must be aspirated from the perito-
One dog had a ruptured prostatic abscess before surgery but neal cavity.
was successfully treated by combining prostatic omentaliza- • The addition of antibiotics to the lavage fluid has not
tion with open abdominal drainage.120 proved beneficial, provided the animal is receiving appro-
Treatment of abscesses in other abdominal organs priate doses of antibiotics parenterally.
generally involves removal of the organ in question. • The addition of chlorhexidine to the lavage fluid has not
Ovariohysterectomy is recommended in cases of pyometra; proved beneficial. Experimentally, 0.05% chlorhexidine
care should be taken to prevent leakage from the uterus reduced bacterial numbers in residual lavage fluid and
during its removal. Liver lobe resection, nephrectomy, and improved survival in a mouse peritonitis model,123 but it
splenectomy are recommended for abscessation of the liver, is potentially toxic to normal cells.
kidneys, and spleen, respectively. One study evaluating per- • Povidone iodine should never be added to lavage fluid,
cutaneous drainage and alcoholization of hepatic abscesses as it has been associated with high mortality and scleros-
in five dogs and one cat obtained favorable results in all six ing, encapsulating peritonitis.122
Uroperitoneum presents a specific and urgent challenge Early postoperative enteral nutrition appears to be bene-
because of potential life-threatening hyperkalemia. Every ficial in experimental peritonitis, but a distinct survival ben-
effort should be made to reestablish normal renal function efit has not been demonstrated. Potential benefits include
and urine flow. In cases of bladder rupture, an indwell- increased anastomotic strength and more rapid healing, pos-
ing urinary catheter and a peritoneal dialysis catheter are itive nitrogen balance, and decreased bacterial translocation
placed to drain urine from the bladder and peritoneal cavity, through a compromised GI mucosal barrier.
respectively. Serum potassium and calcium levels and acid– In a rat peritonitis model, early postoperative enteral
base status should be normalized, if possible, before the feeding resulted in a significantly higher nitrogen level,
animal is anesthetized for laparotomy. higher anastomotic bursting strength, and lower TNF-α lev-
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1. In dogs and cats, the bacteria that cause b. toxic neutrophils d. treatment of adrenal insufficiency
septic peritonitis most commonly origi- c. mesothelial cells e. promotion of wound healing
nate from the d. macrophages
a. uterus. e. intracellular bacteria 8. The options for surgical management of
b. bladder. septic peritonitis do not include
c. stomach/intestines. 5. When evaluated in a peritoneal effusion, a. omentalization.
d. liver. ________ has not been found to be use- b. serosal patching.
e. spleen. ful in the diagnosis of septic peritonitis c. copious lavage with a balanced electro-
in dogs. lyte solution.
2. Which of the following does not directly a. glucose d. removal of the nidus of infection.
contribute to the intrinsic defense sys- b. lactate e. lavage with iodine.
tem of the peritoneal cavity? c. total nucleated cell count
a. complement d. pH 9. ________ is not a disadvantage of open
b. neutrophils e. cytology peritoneal drainage.
c. macrophages a. Evisceration of abdominal organs
d. mast cells 6. The organism most commonly cultured b. Nosocomial infection
e. fibrinogen from peritoneal effusions in cases of c. Hypoproteinemia
septic peritonitis is d. Increased likelihood of anaerobic
3. What substance is the primary contribu- a. Streptococcus pyogenes. infection
tor to the pathophysiology induced by b. Clostridium perfringens. e. Formation of intestinal fistulae
gram-negative bacteria? c. Escherichia coli.
a. endotoxin d. Enterococcus faecalis. 10. ________ has been associated with a
b. teichoic acid e. Staphylococcus aureus. negative outcome in cases of septic
c. peptidoglycan peritonitis.
d. polysaccharide/hyaluronic acid capsule 7. Which is not a benefit of corticosteroids a. Respiratory dysfunction
e. slime layer in patients with septic peritonitis? b. Open peritoneal drainage
a. decreased vascular permeability c. Anemia
4. The presence of ________ in a perito- b. decreased negative effects of inflam- d. Hypertension
neal effusion is diagnostic for septic matory cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF e. Peritoneal fluid lactate concentration
peritonitis. c. promotion of production of antiinflam- >2 mmol/L
a. red blood cells matory factors such as IL-10