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Encyclopedia of Juvenile


Laura L. Finley

Greenwood Press

Edited by

Westport, Connecticut • London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Encyclopedia of juvenile violence / edited by Laura L. Finley.

p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-313-33682-2 (alk. paper)
1. Juvenile delinquency—United States—Encyclopedias. 2. Violence in children—United
States—Encyclopedias. 3. Juvenile delinquency—Encyclopedias. 4. Violence in
children—Encyclopedias. I. Finley, Laura L.
HV9104.E59 2007
364.360973'03—dc22 2006029960

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.

Copyright © 2007 by Laura. L. Finley

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be

reproduced, by any process or technique, without the
express written consent of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2006029960

ISBN: 0-313-33682-2

First published in 2007

Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881

An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

Printed in the United States of America

The paper used in this book complies with the

Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National
Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984).

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Preface vii
Acknowledgments xi
Chronology of Key Events xiii
List of Entries xvii
Guide to Related Topics xxi

Useful Web Sites and Recommended Reading 315
Index 323
About the Editor and Contributors 331

Crime and violence have long been topics of public concern. In particular, juvenile violence
has drawn the attention of people from all facets of society, including citizens, educators,
religious figures, and policymakers at all levels. Without a doubt, media has covered juvenile
violence, perhaps ad nauseum. Too often, however, media focuses on juveniles as violent per-
petrators, overlooking the ways juveniles are victimized.
The year 2005 marked the fifteenth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Child. This watershed agreement, with 192 signatory nations, was intended to
acknowledge the myriad ways children are victimized. Using a broader definition of
violence, it recognizes that young people are victimized through unfair labor practices, by
warfare, through social policies that do not meet their basic human needs, and through the
application of unfair and even cruel juvenile justice policies. The United States has yet to
sign this historic agreement, according to Human Rights Watch, because many policies and
practices regularly used with youth would fall far short of the convention’s goals. This vol-
ume is both important and timely, as it includes entries about juvenile-perpetrated violence,
but also utilizes a broader definition of violence to include entries on the many ways
juveniles are victims of violence.
While numerous texts examine the topic of juvenile violence, this volume provides readers
with a more thorough and up-to-date reference about this critical topic. In addition to simply
providing information about the frequency and types of juvenile violence, this text provides
readers with historical information, an assessment of relevant theories, examination of issues
regarding the media, information on the primary measures of juvenile violence, and back-
ground about a vast array of responses to juvenile violence. Further, since juvenile violence
is a complex phenomenon, this text provides readers with the most current information about
who is most likely to commit different types of violence, including drug, gang, sexual, and
school-related offenses. Importantly, this text also includes attention to the victims of these
forms of juvenile violence. Juveniles are not simply offenders; they are victims of violence,
both from other juveniles as well as from adults. This, too, is covered in this important
volume. Although the primary focus of the entries is on the United States, global juvenile
violence is addressed in many places.
The entries in the encyclopedia are arranged alphabetically. Each entry provides a general
overview of the topic, utilizing the most current and well-respected sources. Entries also
include, where appropriate, discussion of controversial issues as well as evaluations of
programs or theories. Many entries are cross-referenced so that readers can easily refer to
other related entries. Also included in each entry is a list of further readings that will provide
readers an important resource for research and education. Front matter sections that comple-
ment the encyclopedia include a chronology of key events, an alphabetical list of entries, and
a guide to related topics.

Juvenile violence has been studied extensively by academics in fields such as criminal
justice, sociology, psychology, education, and history. Because it is of such great concern
to so many, a reference book that utilizes scholars from all these fields to describe the most
current and important trends and issues in juvenile violence is an invaluable tool. The
Encyclopedia of Juvenile Violence does this.
Historians have much to offer in regard to a greater understanding of juvenile violence.
As this volume documents, approaches to juvenile justice have changed dramatically
throughout the history of the United States. In colonial times there was no system of juvenile
justice, so juvenile offenders, both violent and nonviolent, were treated with the same heavy
hand as were adult offenders of the era. Over time, events in the United States as well as
globally, changes in political administrations, and shifting public attitudes led to significant
changes in juvenile justice, from policing to the courts and sentencing. This volume
addresses those changes, looking at the colonial period, the civil war and reconstruction era,
each decade of the twentieth century, and the present decade. Historians also help us to
understand violence trends over time, including who is most likely to perpetrate and receive
violence, the most common types of violence, and the responses to them.
Psychologists have contributed a great deal to our understanding of juvenile violence,
primarily in offering and empirically testing theories to explain whyadolescents become
violent. This book includes a number of psychology-based theories, such as learning and
psychodynamic theories. Psychologists can provide insight into the role of the family in juve-
nile violence, as well as the best ways to treat violent youth offenders and their families. In
addition, psychologists have added much to the study of school violence and have also
stressed the importance of victims of violence.
Sociologists have also contributed to our theory base regarding juvenile violence, from
early theories about social disorganization to the conflict-based theories of the late 1960s and
the more recent development of integrated theories, like age-graded theory. Sociology adds a
broader view to the study of juvenile violence, emphasizing its social roots and the need for
social policies for prevention and intervention. In addition, both psychologists and sociolo-
gists have addressed the important distinctions among juveniles who commit violent acts,
emphasizing that boys and girls offend differently, at different rates, and are likely the
recipient of different amounts and types of violence. Similarly, juvenile violence is different,
albeit no less problematic, in urban, rural, and suburban areas. Sociologists have also been
critical in adding to the knowledge base about gangs and gang-related violence, as well as
addressing the media’s role in representing and even perpetuating juvenile violence.
The fields of social work, policing, and education have been helpful in providing an under-
standing of juvenile violence from a practitioner’s perspective. Social workers deal with juve-
nile offenders in a highly personal way and are thus able to offer predictions about an
individual’s behavior as well as important treatment ideas. Further, social workers have been
important advocates for the rights of juveniles, both those involved in the juvenile justice
system as well as the victims. Police officers are often the frontline in dealing with juvenile
offenders, and their decisions impact not only the likelihood of an arrest for a specific incident
but also overall policy changes in regard to juvenile offenders. Many of our statistics about
juvenile violence are derived from police sources, such as the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR).
Others contend that, aside from the family, educators have the most potential for influence
with youth, as they are charged with the care of most juveniles in the United States during the
daytime hours. As such, educators can inform us about all types of school violence, from
shootings to systemic violence, as well as the ways educational access and success are tied to
juvenile violence and, consequently, how education can be used as a form of treatment.

In sum, this book brings together work from a number of fields to provide readers a
thorough examination of many facets of the problem of juvenile violence. While each entry
includes the most important and up-to-date information, readers are provided still another
great resource in the back matter of the book. References on many of the topics, including
easy-to-use websites, are listed at the back of the book. It is my hope that readers will find the
Encyclopedia of Juvenile Violence a well-written, informative tool in understanding the
complex phenomenon of juvenile violence and that this greater understanding will contribute
in some capacity to the end of violence by and against juveniles.

Editing a volume, I have learned, is both rewarding and challenging. I have worked with
many talented and wonderful people in the process of putting this work together, all of whom
I owe tremendous gratitude. Most notably, I thank all the contributors for their efforts.
Balancing a teaching schedule, other research, and a family myself, I understand how
difficult it was for contributors to meet deadlines and to write quality entries. I believe all the
contributors have succeeded in writing useful and engaging information and wish to
acknowledge their sacrifices in doing so. In addition, thank you to the members of my
advisory board—Shelby, Kristen, and Kristin. I also want to thank former Greenwood
Acquisitions Editor Steven Vetrano, who not only allowed me the opportunity to do this work
but also guided me through most of the process. I appreciate the helpful yet hands-off
approach. Thanks also to Suzanne Staszak-Silva, who was helpful in the later stages of
completing this project and got “stuck” with the tedious parts!
On a personal note, I thank my students, both at the University of Northern Colorado,
where I was when I started this project, and Florida Atlantic University, where I was when
I finished. You always inspire me. Most of all, thanks to my loving husband Peter, who suf-
fered through my long work hours with little complaint. Your support is appreciated and your
love needed. And to my daughter Anya—how hard it must be to be two-and-a-half-years old
and have your mom want to write all the time! Your beautiful smile (and incessant talking)
both helped and distracted!

1642 The first recorded state execution of a juvenile in Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts
1648 Massachusetts authorizes the death penalty for any child over sixteen who “shall curse
or smite their natural father or mother”
1704 Pope Clement XI built the Hospice at San Michele in Rome, the first prison for youth
1721 English case of Duke of Beaufort v. Berty first to determine juveniles should be treated
differently than adults
1763 Rex v. Deleval established the notion of individualized justice for youth
1817 Foundation of the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, an early attempt to care
for at-risk youth
First “good time” law, a precursor to parole, established in New York
1825 First House of Refuge in New York City founded
1838 Ex parte Crouse affirms parens patriae philosophy
1841 First official probation officer begins work in Boston
1847 State institutions for juvenile delinquents open in Boston and New York
1849 First House of Refuge for Colored Delinquents opens in Philadelphia
1852 First compulsory school law in Massachusetts
1853 New York Children’s Aid Society formed
1856 Massachusetts opens first reform school for girls
1862 Massachusetts adopts a law allowing for the incarceration of chronic truants at reform
1875 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (SPCC) formed in New York
1887 Formation of the Protective Agency for Women and Children to assist those who had
been swindled, abused, or sexually assaulted
1890 Children’s Aid Society, a foster home for delinquent youth, opens in Pennsylvania
1899 Illinois Juvenile Court Act establishes first juvenile court
1907 Establishment of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency
1909 First Juvenile Psychopathic Institute in Chicago
1912 Children’s Bureau created
1913 First woman assistant judge assigned to hear cases regarding delinquent girls
1920 Child Welfare League of America created
1930 First Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) collected
1950 Publication of Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck’s Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency
1954 Brown v. Board of Education establishes separate schools are inherently unequal

1962 Gallegos v. Colorado determines juveniles must receive due process during interrogations
1966 Kent v. U.S. mandates that juveniles being waived to adult courts receive full due process
1967 In re Gault establishes that juveniles have the right to counsel, notice, and confrontation
of witnesses
1968 The National Institute of Justice is born as part of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act
1969 Tinker v. DesMoines holds that juveniles have the right to free speech in schools
1971 First National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
McKeiver v. Pennsylvania holds juveniles have no right to a jury by their peers
1972 Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin’s Delinquency in a Birth Cohort originates the concept of the
“chronic 6 percent”
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is born
1973 Children’s Defense Fund established
Formation of the Drug Enforcement Agency
1974 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act requires deinstitutionalization of status
offenders and housing juveniles apart from adults; also establishes the Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)
1975 Goss v. Lopez determines that a student facing school suspension has the right to due
First Monitoring the Future survey
1976 First National Youth Survey
1977 Juvenile Justice Amendment Act
First Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program started in Seattle,Washington
1979 International Year of the Child
1984 Schall v. Martin establishes that states may use preventive detention with juveniles
1985 New Jersey v.T.L.O determines students have reduced privacy rights in schools
1988 Beginning of Rochester Youth Development study of high-risk youth and their families
Publication of Sampson and Laub’s reanalysis of the Gluecks’ data
1989 Supreme Court upholds death penalty for children under sixteen
Attack on Central Park Jogger draws attention to juvenile “wilding”
Gang rape of a mentally retarded girl in Glen Ridge, New Jersey
Start of successful mentoring initiative Quantum Opportunities Program (QOP)
1993 Establishment of the Center for the Prevention of School Violence (CPSV)
Public attention to the sexual exploits of the Spur Posse
1994 Safe and Drug Free Schools Act (SDFSA) calls for the elimination of violence and drugs
from schools
First year of Operation Ceasefire in Boston, Massachusetts
1996 School shooting in Moses Lake,Washington
1997 School shooting in Pearl, Mississippi
1998 School shootings in Jonesboro, Arkansas and in Edinboro, Pennsylvania

1999 Columbine shooting leaves thirteen plus the two killers dead. One month later, school
shooting in Georgia
2000 Sentence of twenty-five years to life for fourteen-year-old Nathaniel Brazil draws
national attention
2001 SDFSA reauthorized as part of the No Child Left Behind Act
2005 Supreme Court strikes down death penalty for juveniles
Jeff Weise kills eight people and himself in Red Lake, Minnesota

Abused/Battered Children Delinquency as Problem Solving Theory

ADD/ADHD Delinquency in a Birth Cohort
African Americans and Juvenile Violence Detached Street Workers
Aging Out Developmental Theories
Alcohol Differences between Juvenile Justice
Anomie/Strain Theory and Criminal Justice
Arousal Theory Differential Association Theory
Asians and Juvenile Violence Differential Identification Theory
Assault Differential Opportunity Theory
Biochemical Theories Diversion
Biosocial Theories Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Boot Camps Educational Opportunity and Juvenile
Boston Youth Strike Force Violence
Brazil, Nathaniel Family Relations and Juvenile Violence
Bullying Film, Juvenile Violence and
Carneal, Michael Gang Involvement,Theories on
Center for the Prevention of School Violence Gang Sweeps
(CPSV) Gang Types
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Gang Units, Police
Central Park Jogger Case Gang Violence, against Bystanders
Chicago Area Project Gang-On-Gang Violence
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Gangs, Female
(CAPTA) Gender, Frequency of Perpetrating
Child Savers Violence by
Children in Need of Services (CHINS) Gender, Frequency of Receiving Violence by
Children’s Aid Society Gender,Treatment of, in the Juvenile Justice
Children’s Defense Fund System
Chivalry Hypothesis Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence
Chronic 6 Percent Received by
Cocaine and Crack Cocaine Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by
Cognitive Theories General and Specific Deterrence Theory
Community Treatment General Strain Theory (GST)
Conflict Resolution General Theory of Crime
Conflict Theories Genetic Theories
Control Theories Glen Ridge, New Jersey (1989)
Corporal Punishment Glueck, Sheldon and Eleanor
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Golden, Andrew (and Mitchell Johnson)
Curfews GREAT
Death Penalty Gun-Related Violence, Rates of
Delinquency and Drift Theory Gun-Related Violence,Types of

Hallucinogens Neurological Theories

Harris, Eric (and Dylan Klebold) New York Houses of Refuge
Hate Crime News, Juvenile Violence and
Hazing Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Heroin Prevention (OJJDP)
Hispanics and Juvenile Violence Operation Ceasefire
Home Confinement/Electronic Monitoring Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC)
Homelessness and YouthViolence Parens Patriae
Hormonal/Chemical Explanations for Gender Peaceable Schools
Differences Personality Theories
Illinois Juvenile Court Policing Juveniles
In Loco Parentis Power-Control Theory
Intensive Aftercare Prescription Drugs
Intensive Supervised Probation (ISP) Pride Surveys
Interactionist Theories Probation
Juvenile Detention Centers Problem Behavior Syndrome (PBS)
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Psychodynamic Theory
Act, 1974 (JJDPA) Public Health Approach
Juvenile Justice Reform Act, 1977 Quantum Opportunities Program (QOP)
Juvenile Violence, 1600–1800 (Colonial Era) Rational Choice Theory
Juvenile Violence, 1861–1865 (Civil War Era) Restitution
Juvenile Violence, 1865–1899 (Reconstruction Restorative Justice
and Late 1800s) Rochester Youth Development Study
Juvenile Violence, 1900–1910 Rolland, Kayla, Shooting of
Juvenile Violence, 1910–1919 Routine Activities Theory
Juvenile Violence, 1920–1929 Rural Juvenile Violence
Juvenile Violence, 1930–1939 Safe and Drug Free Schools Act
Juvenile Violence, 1940–1949 Sampson and Laub’s Analysis of
Juvenile Violence, 1950–1959 Gluecks’ Data
Juvenile Violence, 1960–1969 School Crime Victimization Survey
Juvenile Violence, 1970–1979 School Police Officers
Juvenile Violence, 1980–1989 Seductions of Crime Theory
Juvenile Violence, 1990–1999 Sexual Violence, Rates of
Juvenile Violence, 2000 to Date Sexual Violence, Types of
Juveniles in Adult Prisons Situational Crime Prevention
Kinkel, Kip Social Development Model
Labeling Theory Social Disorganization Theory
Liberation Hypothesis Social Learning Theories
Loukaitis, Barry Solomon,T. J.
Marijuana Specialized Courts
Mentoring Spur Posse
Methamphetamines Stimulants
Monitoring the Future Subcultural Theories
Music, Juvenile Violence and Suburban Juvenile Violence
National Center for Juvenile Justice Suicide
National Council on Crime and Delinquency Surveillance in Schools
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Systemic Violence in Schools
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse Tate, Lionel
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Techniques of Neutralization
National School Safety Center (NSSC) Teen Courts
National Youth Survey Television, Juvenile Violence and
Native Americans and Juvenile Violence Trait Theories

Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) Waivers to Adult Court

United States Department of Weise, Jeff
Justice (USDOJ) Wilkins, Heath
Urban Juvenile Violence Williams, Andy
Victims in the Media Woodham, Luke
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Adults as Wurst, Andy
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Juveniles as Youth Violence Strike Force
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Treatment of Youthful Offender System
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Very Young Zero Tolerance Laws

Drugs and Measuring Drug Use Power-Control Theory

Victims of Juvenile Violence,Treatment of
Cocaine and Crack Cocaine
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Juvenile Justice System
Boot Camps
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
Child Savers
Monitoring the Future
Children in Need of Services (CHINS)
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
Children’s Aid Society
Prescription Drugs
Community Treatment
Pride Surveys
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CTSA)
Death Penalty
Differences Between Juvenile Justice
Gangs and Gang Interventions and Criminal Justice
Home Confinement/Electronic Monitoring
Boston Youth Strike Force Illinois Juvenile Court
Detached Street Workers Intensive Aftercare
Gang Involvement, Theories on Intensive Supervised Probation (ISP)
Gang Sweeps Juvenile Detention Centers
Gang Types Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Gang Units, Police Act, 1974 (JJDPA)
Gang Violence, against Bystanders Juvenile Justice Reform Act, 1977
Gang-On-Gang Violence Juveniles in Adult Prisons
Gangs, Female New York Houses of Refuge
GREAT Parens Patriae
Policing Juveniles
Gender and Juvenile Violence Waivers to Adult Court
Chivalry Hypothesis
Gender, Frequency of Perpetrating
Policies and Organizations
Violence by
Gender, Frequency of Receiving Violence by Children’s Defense Fund
Gender,Types of Juvenile Violence Curfews
Received by National Center for Juvenile Justice
Gender,Types of Violence Perpetrated by National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Hormonal/Chemical Explanations for Gender National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Differences Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Liberation Hypothesis Prevention (OJJDP)

Situational Crime Prevention Hispanics and Juvenile Violence

United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) Native Americans and Juvenile Violence
Youthful Offender System (YOS)
Zero Tolerance Laws
Other Interventions
Social Class and Juvenile Violence Diversion
Educational Opportunity and Juvenile Operation Ceasefire
Violence Public Health Approach
Family Relations and Juvenile Violence Quantum Opportunities Program (QOP)
Homelessness and Youth Violence Restitution
Rural Juvenile Violence Restorative Justice
Suburban Juvenile Violence Specialized Courts
Urban Juvenile Violence Teen Courts
Youth Violence Strike Force

Time Periods
Juvenile Violence, 1600–1800 (Colonial Era) School Violence and Interventions
Juvenile Violence, 1861–1865 (Civil War Era) ADD/ADHD
Juvenile Violence, 1865–1899 (Reconstruction Carneal, Michael
and Late 1800s) Center for the Prevention of School Violence
Juvenile Violence, 1900–1910 (CPSV)
Juvenile Violence, 1910–1919 Conflict Resolution
Juvenile Violence, 1920–1929 Corporal Punishment
Juvenile Violence, 1930–1939 Golden, Andrew (and Mitchell Johnson)
Juvenile Violence, 1940–1949 Harris, Eric (and Dylan Klebold)
Juvenile Violence, 1950–1959 Hazing
Juvenile Violence, 1960–1969 In Loco Parentis
Juvenile Violence, 1970–1979 Kinkel, Kip
Juvenile Violence, 1980–1989 Loukaitis, Barry
Juvenile Violence, 1990–1999 National School Safety Center (NSSC)
Juvenile Violence, 2000 to date Peaceable Schools
Rolland, Kayla, Shooting of
Safe and Drug Free Schools Act
Measuring Juvenile Violence School Crime Victimization Survey
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) School Police Officers
Chicago Area Project Solomon,T. J.
Delinquency in a Birth Cohort Surveillance in Schools
Glueck, Sheldon and Eleanor Systemic Violence in Schools
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Weise, Jeff
National Youth Survey Williams,Andy
Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC) Woodham, Luke
Rochester Youth Development Study Wurst,Andy
Sampson and Laub’s Analysis of Gluecks’ Data
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
Significant Cases
Brazil, Nathaniel
Minorities and Juvenile Violence
Central Park Jogger Case
African Americans and Juvenile Violence Glen Ridge, New Jersey (1989)
Asians and Juvenile Violence Spur Posse

Tate, Lionel Biosocial Theories

Wilkins, Heath Cognitive Theories
Conflict Theories
Control Theories
Types of Juvenile Violence Delinquency and Drift Theory
Bullying Developmental Theories
Gun-Related Violence, Rates of Differential Association Theory
Gun-Related Violence,Types of Differential Identification Theory
Hate Crime Differential Opportunity Theory
Sexual Violence, Rates of General and Specific Deterrence Theory
Sexual Violence, Types of General Strain Theory (GST)
Suicide General Theory of Crime
Genetic Theories
Interactionist Theories
Rates of Juvenile Violence Labeling Theory
Aging Out Neurological Theories
Chronic 6 Percent Personality Theories
Gun-Related Violence, Rates of Problem Behavior Syndrome (PBS)
Sexual Violence, Rates of Psychodynamic Theory
Rational Choice Theory
Routine Activities Theory
Victims and Juvenile Violence Seductions of Crime Theory
Social Development Model
Victims in the Media
Social Disorganization Theory
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Adults as
Social Learning Theories
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Juveniles as
Subcultural Theories
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Treatment of
Trait Theories
Victims of Juvenile Violence, VeryYoung

Theories about Juvenile Violence Media and Juvenile Violence

Abused/Battered Children Film, Juvenile Violence and
Anomie/Strain Theory Music, Juvenile Violence and
Arousal Theory News, Juvenile Violence and
Biochemical Theories Television, Juvenile Violence and

Types of Child Abuse

Child abuse takes in a host of actions that are harmful to children. Abuse or neglect can be
defined as injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, negligent treatment, or maltreatment of a
child by any person under circumstances that indicate that the child’s or adult’s health,
welfare, or safety is harmed. The degree of physical injury necessary for abuse is somewhat
ambiguous, given the right of parents to utilize corporal punishment. What differentiates
child abuse from appropriate parental discipline varies. Usually corporal punishment is
limited in some manner, such as spanking that results in transient pain, but does not leave red
marks or bruising. For abuse, injury must transcend common conceptions of appropriate
parental discipline.
There are many definitions of child sexual abuse, but the central issue focuses on the use
of the dominant position of the adult to force or coerce a child into sexual activity. Sexual
abuse does not necessarily have to involve actual contact. It may involve sexual forms of
exploitation. Sexual exploitation includes allowing, permitting, or encouraging a child to
engage in prostitution by any person; or allowing, permitting, encouraging, or engaging in
the obscene or pornographic photographing, filming, or depicting of a child by any person.
Negligent treatment can mean any act or omission that evidences a serious disregard of
consequences of such magnitude as to constitute a clear and present danger to the child’s
health, welfare, or safety. Examples of negligent treatment would include failure to provide
adequate nutrition, clothes, educational support, and medical care.
While the above definitions seem to focus upon the physical aspects of child abuse, there
is also emotional abuse. Emotional abuse may include actions or omissions that cause or
could cause serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or mental disorders. Examples of
emotional abuse range from bizarre punishments, such as being locked up in a dark closet, to
being used as a scapegoat or belittling name-calling.

Measuring Child Abuse

Accurate statistics on the prevalence of child and adolescent abuse are difficult to collect
because of problems of underreporting and a lack of recognition of abuse. There is a general
agreement among mental health and child protection professionals that child abuse is not
uncommon and is a serious problem in the United States. The best national data on child
abuse is collected by the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System and began with
federal legislation in 1974. The last report covered years 1986 to 1993. It concluded that a
child’s risk of experiencing harm-causing abuse or neglect was one and one-half times the

child’s risk in 1986. Physical abuse nearly doubled, sexual abuse more than doubled, and
emotional abuse, physical neglect, and emotional neglect were all more than two and one-
half times their 1986 levels. The total number of children seriously injured and the total
number endangered both quadrupled during this time.

Risk Factors
Specific risk factors have been identified. Girls are sexually abused at a rate three times that
of boys. However, boys have a greater risk of emotional neglect and of serious injury.
Children of single parents are at greater risk of being harmed by physical abuse or physical
neglect and at greater risk of suffering serious injury or harm from abuse. Children from large
families have a greater risk of being physically neglected. Children from the poorest families
were more likely to be sexually abused, educationally neglected, and more likely to be
seriously injured from maltreatment.
A national study in 2002 estimated that there were 1,400 child fatalities resulting from
abuse and neglect. This came to a rate of 1.98 children per 100,000 children in the general
population. Very young children (ages 3 and younger) are the most vulnerable and most fre-
quent victims of child abuse fatalities because they are dependent, of small size, and unable
to defend themselves. The perpetrators of fatal abuse or neglect are usually the individuals
responsible for the care and supervision of their victims. Males (in particular, fathers) cause
most fatalities from physical abuse, and mothers are most often held responsible for deaths
resulting from child neglect.
In 2003, child protective services agencies (CPS) found 45.9 per 1,000 children in the
national population were abused or neglected. An estimated 906,000 children were found to
be victims. Most of the victims experienced neglect, followed by physically abused, followed
by sexual abuse. Girls were victimized more often than boys, and the youngest children had
the highest rate of victimization. Pacific Islander children, American Indian or Alaska Native
children, and African-American children had the highest rates of victimization. Children
with a disability tended to be abused more often as well.

Impact of Child Abuse

In addition to the immediate deleterious effects of abuse, the long-term impact of abuse and
neglect is significant. The long-term impact includes educational performance problems, sub-
stance dependence, and mental health risks, such as depression, suicidal behavior, promiscuity,
anger/aggression, social isolation and anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Some of these
issues follow victims into adulthood and adversely impact relationships such as marriage.

Historical Trends
The notion of child abuse is relatively new. Prior to the late 1800s, children were seen as the
property of their parents. Child rearing was a private matter. Bolstered by religious teachings
in the Old Testament, parents were free to severely whip their children. In 1875, the only
applicable laws for prevention of abuse pertained to cruelty to animals. In 1976, the medical
community began to recognize “battered child syndrome.” Today, child abuse is recognized
as a problem. A variety of approaches have been developed to detect and to protect children
from child abuse. Many states now mandate that certain classes of adults must report
suspected child abuse and neglect to the police or child protective services. Further, some
states allow child protection services workers to interview children without notice to parents

and to place them in foster care situations for protection. The rights of parents that abuse their
children can be terminated. Lastly, shelters have been developed to house and maintain
runaway youth from abusive homes.

See alsoCorporal Punishment

Boos, S. (2003). Abuse detection and screening as it appears in child abuse and neglect: Guidelines for
identification, assessment, and case management. In M. Strachan-Peterson & M. Durfee (Eds.),
Child abuse and neglect: Guidelines for identification, assessment and case management
(pp. 7–14). Volcano, CA: Volcano Press.
Child maltreatment. (2003). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Available at:
Connell-Carrick, K., & Scannapieco, M. (2006). Ecological correlates of neglect in infants and toddlers.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, (3),
21 299.
Cooke, P., & Standen, P. (2002). Abuse and disabled children: Hidden s .need
. . ?Child Abuse Review,
11(1), 1–18.
Crosson-Tower, C. (2004). Understanding child abuse and neglect , 6th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Elliot, G., Cunningham, S., Linder, M., Cloangelo, M., & Gross, M. (2005). Child physical abuse and
self-perceived social isolation among adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, (12), 20
Feerick, M., & Snow, K. (2005). The relationships between childhood sexual abuse, social anxiety, and
symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in women. Journal of Family Violence, 20 (6), 409.
Haskett, M., Marziano, B., & Dover, E. (1996). Absence of males in maltreatment research: A survey of
recent literature.Child Abuse and Neglect, (12),
20 1175–1182.
Illinois Dept. of Children and Family Services. (2003). A manual for mandated reporters. Available at:
Liang, B., Williams, L., & Siegel, J. (2006). Relational outcomes of childhood sexual trauma in female
survivors: A longitudinal study.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(1), 42.
Mignon, S., Larson, C., & Holmes, W. (2002). Family abuse: Consequences, theories, and responses.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Sedlak, A., & Broadhurst, D. (1996). Executive summary of the Third National Incidence Study of
Child Abuse and Neglect.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration
for Children and Families. National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect . Available from:
Statistics and Interventions. (2004). National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information
2004. Available at: http://nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/pubs/factsheets/fatality.cfm.
Turner, H., Finkelhor, D., & Ormrod, R. (2006). The effect of lifetime victimization on the mental
health of children and adolescents.Social Science & Medicine, 62 (1), 13.
William Gladden Foundation. (1989 ). About child sexual abuse
. York, PA: William Gladden Foundation.

Mike Olivero

ADD/ADHD. Today, ADHD is one of the most frequently occurring diagnoses in child
and adolescent psychiatry. The typical symptoms of ADHD are attention difficulties, short
attention span, motor hyperactivity, restless behavior, impulsivity, temper outbursts, and
being distractible in different degrees. The above-mentioned symptoms start early in
childhood and often interfere with social integration within the child’s family as well as in

the extra-family context. This includes social integration in nursery schools, elementary and
secondary schools, and, consequently, with adequate social integration and education in gen-
eral. In some cases, children and adolescents are truant from school for a number of reasons
related to their ADHD. They act aggressively both physically and/or verbally; their reactions
are unpredictable and out of context; they frequently exhibit violent behavior; and they show
little or no response to educational methods or to punishment. These children are often
expelled from school(s). Children and adolescents with ADHD/ADD often demonstrate
hostile attributional biases, meaning they have a tendency to interpret ambiguous social cues
as having hostile intent. This often leads to problems in their social environment.
It is important to mention that children and adolescents diagnosed with these disorders
often have certain characteristic risk factors in their family system, including a broken family
background, early exposure to parental violence, family discord, physical abuse by their par-
ents, callousness, high levels of stress from living in a violent home, frequent family change,
low parental support, parental psychopathology and criminality, insecurity or avoidant attach-
ment, inconsistent and arbitrary educational methods, lack of education of their parents, and
emotionally overstrained single parents. It should be mentioned that some research studies
show certain evidence for genetic influence on the development of ADHD/ADD.
Educationally, individuals with ADHD/ADD are less likely to reach the level of achieve-
ment that is expected on the basis of their intellectual abilities. This increases the risk for
them to be sent to special schools for the disabled or special schools for children with
conduct disorders, which often limits their chances to find an apprenticeship or vocational
training. It also increases the risk of unemployment and frequent job changes so that an
occupation, which is important for the social status and social integration of a person,
becomes a factor of instability.
Children with ADHD often have other disorders and social and emotional disturbances.
Characteristic comorbid disturbances/disorders are conduct disorders, learning disabilities, tics
or Tourette’s syndrome, anxiety disorders, affective disorders, alcoholism, substance abuse,
incapacity to love, and personality disorders like impulsive personality disorder (IPD) and anti-
social personality disorder (APD). Children and adolescents with ADHD/ADD, in connection
with the comorbid disturbances/disorders, are at high risk of becoming criminal offenders. It is
difficult to clearly differentiate between the risk factors that have their origin in ADHD/ADD
and the risk factors that originate in the widespread comorbid disorders. Higher rates of serious
motor vehicle accidents have also been linked to ADHD. Characteristic crimes for comorbid
disorders, like alcoholism and substance abuse, are drug-related robbery and theft. Violent
crimes are also related to personality disorders, such as impulsive personality disorder.

Barkley, R., & Murphy, L. (1998).Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. A clinical workbook.
New York: Guilford.
Biederman, J., Parone, S., Spencer, T., Willens, T., Norman, D., Lapey, K., Mick, E., Lehman, B., &
Doyle, A. (1993). Pattern of comorbidity, cognition, and psychosocial functioning in adults with
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
American Journal of Psychiatry
, 150, 1792–1798.
Jensen, P., Martin, D., & Cantwell, D. (1997). Comorbidity and ADHD: Implications for research, prac-
tise, and DSM-V. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescence Psychiatry , 36,
Mannuzza, S., Klein, R., Bessler, A., Malloy, P., & LaPadula, M. (1993). Adult outcome of hyperactive
boys: Educational achievement, occupational rank, and psychiatric status. General Psychiatry,
50, 565–576.

Piatigorsky, A., & Hinshaw, S. (2004). Psychopathic traits in boys with and without attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder: Concurrent and longitudinal correlates. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology,32 (5), 535–550.
Plizska, S. 1(998). Comorbidity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with psychiatric disorder: An
overview.Journal of Clinical Psychiatry , 59 (supplement 7), 50–58.
Rösler, M., Retz, W., Retz-Junginger, P., Hengesch, G., Schneider, M., Supprian, T., Schwitzgiebel, T.,
Pinhard, K., Dovi-Akune, N., Wender, P., & Thome, J. (2004). Prevalence of attention deficit/
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) comorbid disorder in young male prison inmates. European
Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience , 254, 365–371.
Sprengelmeyer, P. (1997). Individual, family, and peer characteristics of juvenile offenders exposed to
interparental violence . Dissertation presented at the University of Missouri-Columbia, UMI
Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Wender, P. (1995). Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults.
New York: Oxford.
Woodward, L., Pergusson, D., & Horwood, J. (2000). Driving outcomes of young people with atten-
tional difficulties in adolescence. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry,39, 627–634.

Ruth Erken


has been prevalent in poor, African-American communities since the early- to mid-twentieth
century, especially in urban ghettos, yet much of the scholarly attention during this period
focused on understanding delinquent behavior among white ethnic, immigrant youth.
African-American cultural and literary critics, such as Gordon Parks, Claude Brown, and
James Baldwin, generally examined juvenile violence and related activities in African-
American communities, as well as their underlying causes.
Violence became a principal concern among African-American activists and civil rights
leaders in the 1980s, after the sharp increase in youth-related crimes. Interestingly, violent
offenses, such as sexual assaults, robbery, and non-firearm assaults, and nonviolent offenses
associated with drug use and distribution have been similar among whites and African-
American youth. Yet what stood out in poor, African-American communities was the disturb-
ing increase in gun-related offenses during this decade.
The number of firearm deaths among African-American youth between the ages of 15 and
19 increased from about 700 in 1985 to over 2200 in 1993 (an increase of 214 percent).
Among African-American youth and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24, homicide
resulting from gun violence was the leading cause of death. The increase of gun violence had
a disproportionate impact on African-American males living in urban ghettos, and much of
this violence was intra-racial or what is known as “black-on-black” crime. Between 1980 and
1997, African Americans consisted of 15 percent of the juvenile population, but homicide
rates were five to seven times greater among African-American youth compared to their
white counterparts. These crimes tended to invite more punitive responses, and lawmakers
have used them to legitimate the passage of laws transferring juveniles to adult prisons.
There are numerous explanations for the rise in serious violent crimes among African-
American youth: the elimination of safety net programs in poor communities; the intensifica-
tion of poverty among African-American children and families; the loss of manufacturing
jobs in urban centers that left working-class youth and young adults isolated from stable
employment industries; and the breakdown of the black family and the growth of single-
parent (primarily female-led) homes. Most social scientists and community activists also

attributed the escalation of violence to the over-participation of poor, African-American

youth in the drug culture. More specifically, the mushrooming ofcrack the cocainetrade
ignited competition between rival drug gangs, comprised primarily of unemployed and
underemployed African-American youth.
Juvenile violence points to larger, unresolved problems concerning African-American
youth who grew up after the end of the civil rights movement. An important concern for civil
rights groups is whether they can develop effective programs that can reduce juvenile
violence. A host of community organizations, health care professionals, social service
providers, civil rights and faith-based groups have developed antiviolence prevention strate-
gies and programs to curtail this trend. For example, in the mid-1990s, the Children’s
Defense Fund’s Black Student Leadership Network (BSLN) and the NAACP Youth Council
developed national days of action promoting antiviolence initiatives.
Another concern is the substantial number of African-American youth incarcerated in secure
detention facilities. African-American youth, despite their minority status, make up the largest
percentage of youth confined detention
in centers. Many policymakers attribute this to the
involvement of African-American youth in gun and drug-related offenses. Youth advocates, on
the other hand, contend that disproportionate sentencing between African-American and white
youth is related to systemic racism in the juvenile justice system. The Youth Law Center’s
Building Blocks for Youth Initiative found that African-American youth who commit violent
crimes are incarcerated for longer sentences than white youth who commit similar crimes.
Civil rights groups and youth organizations have raised additional concerns that the
media’s portrayal of African-American youth promotes stereotypes regarding their involve-
ment in violent crimes. They claim the media unfairly depicts African American youth as
prone to crime, violence, and lawless behavior. In recent years, several youth groups have
shed light on the unequal treatment of African-American youth by the mainstream media.
We Interrupt This Message, a prominent media advocacy group, organized several media
studies to examine the coverage by news’ organizations of African-American (and Latino)
youth. Two of these studies, cosponsored by the Youth Force of the South Bronx and the
Youth Media Council in the San Francisco Bay Area, evaluated the media coverage of
African-American and Latino youth by The New York Times and KTVU Channel 2 in the Bay
Area. They found biases in the coverage of these youth, which tended to focus on their
involvement in criminal activities with little mention of their participation in politics, civic
life, education, sports, and recreation.
Unfortunately, juvenile violence will remain a persistent problem in the African-American
community unless activists and policymakers develop and lobby for effective prevention and
antipoverty programs. Civil rights groups must also create public education campaigns that
are able to combat the racialization of juvenile violence and the negative stereotypes of
African-American youth in the media.

Hoyt, E., et al. (2002).Pathways to juvenile detention reform: Reducing racial disparities in juvenile
detention. Baltimore, MD: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
McFate, K. (1991). Urban violence: Drugs, gangs, and juveniles. Mimeographed.
Mendel, R. (2000). Less hype, more help: Reducing juvenile crime, what works—and what doesn’t.
Washington, DC: American Youth Policy Forum.
Poe, E., & Jones, M. (2000). And justice for some: Differential treatment of minority youth in the justice
system. Washington, DC: Youth Law Center’s Building Blocks for Youth Initiative.
Snyder, H. (2003). Juvenile Arrests 2001.
Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

We Interrupt This Message. (2001).

Soundbites and cellblocks: An analysis of the juvenile justice media
debate & a case study of California’s Proposition. 21
San Francisco: We Interrupt This Message.
Youth Force. (2000).In between the lines: How the New York Times frames .youth New York:
We Interrupt This Message.
Youth Media Council. (2001). Speaking for ourselves: A youth assessment of local news coverage
San Francisco: We Interrupt This Message.

Sekou Franklin

AGING OUT. Aging out is a term criminologists use to refer to people’s tendency to
decrease criminal activity as they age. All crime statistics, including official and self-report
surveys, indicate that juveniles are arrested at a rate that is disproportionately higher than
their representation in the population, and this disproportion has remained stable over time.
The groups with the highest crime rates tend to fall into the 15 to 18 age range, but this can
differ slightly depending on the crime type. Moreover, these figures can differ across race,
gender, socioeconomic status, and other demographic factors. Regardless, the overall peak
age for most property crimes is 16, while it is roughly 18 years of age for violent crimes.
There are a number of potential explanations for the aging out phenomenon, mostly
theoretical in nature. One group of explanations centers on the powerlessness of juveniles in
society and their natural tendency to rebel and to seek money and other resources typically
unobtainable for them. Another group of explanations falls under a deterrence perspective, con-
tending that juvenile punishments, or at least juveniles’ perceptions of punishments, are low.
Indeed, research has indicated that juveniles have lower expectations of punishment than do
college students.

Sampson, R. (2003). Life-course desisters? Trajectories of crime among delinquent boys followed to
age 70. Criminology 41: 555–592.

Brion Sever

ALCOHOL. The type of alcohol normally ingested for its psychoactive properties
(known as ethanol, ethyl alcohol, or grain alcohol) comes in a variety of forms, such as beer,
whiskey, wine, and vodka. Alcohol can be produced from several natural foods, such as
grain, fruit, and honey, and is believed to be the single oldest substance synthesized by
humans, with beer having been brewed in Egypt as early as 3700 B.C. Alcohol is a depres-
sant that affects the chemistry of the brain, releasing dopamine and serotonin. Consequently,
the user experiences a variety of sensations, inclusive of a general sense of well-being, a
reduction of behavioral inhibitions, a slowing of the spinal cord reflexes, and (when an
excessive quantity is consumed) dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and memory loss.
Owing to the addictive properties of alcohol, alcoholism is considered to be a disease. The
experience of alcoholism has been described as a transformation and division of the self,
wherein the alcoholic suffers from a psychological conflict between the parts of the psyche
that recognize the detrimental impact that alcohol has on the individual’s life and the parts of
the psyche that crave the effects of alcohol. In addition, the regular consumption of alcohol
has been proven to damage vital organs (e.g., heart, liver) and to increase the likelihood of
several diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, cancer).

In contrast to many psychoactive drugs (e.g.,

cocaine,heroin, marijuana), alcohol can be
legally produced and consumed in many nations. Owing to its widespread availability, alcohol
arguably poses a greater threat to the world population than any other psychoactive substance.
Research conducted in the United States, for instance, shows that alcohol is the most commonly
used drug among young people age 12 to 20 and is the leading contributor to violent deaths
(homicide, suicide, and motor vehicle crashes) among youths. Moreover, research indicates that
the brain continues to develop until a person is in his/her early twenties and that heavy drinking
during adolescence and young adulthood can negatively impact intellectual development and
increase the likelihood of alcohol dependency. Concisely stated, alcohol poses a serious risk to
the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the world’s juvenile (and adult) population.

Brown, Sandra A., Tapert, Susan F., Granholm, Eric., & Delis, Dean C. (2000). Neurocognitive func-
tioning of adolescents: Effects of protracted alcohol use.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research 24, 164–171.
Denzin, N. (1993).The alcoholic society: Addiction and the recovery of the. New
self Brunswick, NJ:
Transaction Publishers.
Liska, K. (1997).Drugs and the human body with implications for society
, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2003). Results from the 2002 national
survey on drug use and health: National findings
. Rockville, MD: Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Ben Brown

ANOMIE/STRAIN THEORY. Beginning with Emile Durkheim’s contributions,

anomie or strain theories have provided a framework for examining crime and delinquency for
more than one hundred years. Durkheim wrote during the late 1800s and early 1900s and is most
famous for coining the term anomie. He is also credited with being the first French sociologist.
Durkheim’s work focused on the relationship between individuals and society. He was the
first theorist to view society’s institutions as structures that use boundaries, or laws, to main-
tain equilibrium. Durkheim contended that if this equilibrium was disturbed, institutions and
society would be thrown into a state of lawlessness, or anomie. He therefore saw laws as
society’s glue, because they defined sanctioned conduct, reflected the society’s common
consciousness, and prescribed punishment.
Durkheim also recognized that anomie could occur at the individual level. In his study of
suicide, Durkheim proposed that the loss of cohesion in modern society and the absence of
suitable moral norms by which to orient oneself can result in confusion and vulnerability,
which ultimately may lead to deviant behavior, crime, and higher rates of suicide. Thus, indi-
vidual anomie is also caused by social structures. It is this idea that was used as the founda-
tion for modern strain theory.

Modern Strain Theory

The first modern theorist to develop Durkheim’s ideas was Robert Merton. Merton’s theory
has probably played the most important role in the development of modern-day juvenile
delinquency theory and subsequent legal interventions. Referred to as anomie theory
or classical strain theory, it purports to explain some forms of crime, deviance, and drug use.

Like Durkheim, Merton sees social disorder as the cause of strain. However, the two theorists
disagree on the causes of social disorder—Durkheim blames social disorder on sudden social
change, while Merton cites social competition or the need to “keep up with the Joneses’.”
Merton contended that everyone in society was socialized to accept the American dream as
their life goal. The American dream is a commonly recognized group of goals based on mate-
rial success, such as owning a big house, early retirement, and so on. Not everyone in society
has the means or the opportunities to achieve the American dream, however. According to
Merton, anomie, or strain, was experienced by individuals who felt a disjuncture between the
goals of society and the means to achieve them.
In response to strain, Merton proposed that people could adopt any of five modes of behav-
ior: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, or rebellion. Conformity, the most common
response, occurs when an individual accepts both the means and the ends prescribed by
society. Innovation is the second form of adaptation and the most frequently adopted
nonconformist mode of adaptation. Innovators do not accept that prescribed goals are limited
to those with access to appropriate means, so they try to invent new and illegitimate ways to
achieve goals. Examples of innovators include youth gangs that participate in economic
deviance, organized crime families, rackets, and drug dealers.
The third form of adaptation to strain is ritualism, where people give up the unrealistic
struggle to get ahead and concentrate on retaining what has been achieved by zealously stick-
ing to norms and rules. In essence, they water down cultural ends and means. Retreatism is
the fourth mode of adaptation and occurs when people abandon both the prescribed goals and
the legitimate ways to achieve them. Retreaters are society’s dropouts and no-hopers, such as
alcoholics, drug addicts, and vagrants.
The fifth and final mode of adaptation is rebellion. In this mode, both the means and the ends
prescribed by society are rejected and replaced by new goals and means. This mode is usually
collective rather than individual and can be deviant as well as criminal. Religious cult groups,
Green Peace, militia groups, and Neo-Nazis are modern-day examples of rebellious groups.
Other strain theorists proposed different causes of strain than Merton’s. In his book
Delinquent Boys(1955), Albert Cohen suggested that the inability to gain status and accep-
tance in society produced strain. Cohen wrote that status deprivation or status frustration was
especially acute among lower-class males, because unlike members of the middle and upper
classes, they were often not in positions that allowed them to gain status and acceptance from
peers and adults. Further, they did not have the means to conform to middle-class standards,
even in such everyday things as dress and appearance. As a result, lower-class males suffered
from feelings of failure, diminished self-worth, and status frustration. Cohen maintained that
delinquent subcultures were born out of a reaction formation to this strain.
Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin further developed strain theory by proposing that when
people experience strain, they react depending on the types of opportunities they are
presented. They called their theory Differential Opportunity . They argue that individuals
will pursue legitimate or illegitimate opportunities contingent on which are more readily
available. Further, individuals who experience the same types of strain and have the same
opportunities may band together to form subcultures.
Cloward and Ohlin identified types of delinquent subcultures that strained youth may
form. First is a criminal subculture that is found primarily in lower-class neighborhoods and
is organized around stable adult criminal patterns. The second subculture is conflict groups,
typified by fighting gangs found in lower-class, socially disorganized neighborhoods with fit-
ful illegal opportunities and fewer legal opportunities. Status is achieved in these subcultures
by acts of aggression and violence. The third type of subculture is retreatist and is focused

primarily on the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Members of such gangs have given up on
all types of goals and means and are failures in both legitimate and illegitimate worlds.
As a result of Cloward and Ohlin’s research, the Mobilization for Youth program was
established in several New York communities during the 1960s. The program provided youth
with education, job training, and conventional role models. Variations are still used today,
such as Big Brother and Big Sister programs.

See alsoGang Involvement, Theories on; General Strain Theory (GST); Mentoring

Cloward, R., & Ohlin, L. (1960).Delinquency and opportunity . New York: Free Press.
Cohen, A. (1955).Delinquent boys . New York: Free Press.
Durkheim, E. (1951).Suicide. (J. A. Spaulding & G. Simpson, Trans.). New York: Free Press. (Original
work published 1897).
———. (1984). The division of labour in society
. (W. D. Halls, Trans.). New York: Free Press. (Original
work published 1893).
Merton, R. (1938). Social structure and anomie.
American Sociological Review, 672–682.
———. (1957).Social theory and social structure . Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
Ritzer, G., & Goodman, D. (2004). Modern sociological theory, 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Monica L. P. Robbers

AROUSAL THEORY. Arousal theory is an attempt to link the propensity for violent
behavior to biologically based preferences for arousal. Arousal is a psychological and physi-
ological state involving the autonomic nervous system (involuntary functions), somatic
nervous system (voluntary functions), and the endocrine system (involuntary release of
hormones). Normally, the body tends to maintain an internal state, a process known as
homeostasis. Similar to the operation of a thermostat, homeostasis attempts to maintain the
body at a constant, optimal (or preferred) level. This preferred internal state of arousal is
maintained through the regulation of the previously listed bodily systems. Under arousal
theory, then, human behavior is driven by an attempt to achieve or maintain this optimal level
of arousal. For example, if a person’s arousal levels are too high, which might be caused by
exposure to too many new or intense experiences, the person may experience stress and
anxiety. This would result in the drive to get away from intense experiences, thereby reduc-
ing stress and anxiety, resulting in homeostasis. If a person’s arousal levels are too low,
which might be caused by exposure to too few new experiences, the person may experience
boredom. This would result in the drive to have new experiences, thereby reducing boredom,
resulting in homeostasis.
A central premise of arousal theory is the idea that individuals vary on what is considered
an optimal level of arousal. That is, people vary in terms of how they react to new and intense
experiences (such as committing a violent act), with the same experience eliciting more or
less arousal, depending on the individual in question. While there is little disagreement that
brain functioning is different from individual to individual, arousal theorists maintain that it
is this variation that explains why some people are more prone to violence and crime than
others. Critics of arousal theory maintain that this variation is not enough to explain the large
differences in behavior among those committing violence and those who do not.

In order to illustrate how the variation in arousal may lead to differences in violent behavior,
the three general possibilities that exist for an individual’s base rate of arousal will be repre-
sented by three different people (A, B, C). First, we have individual A, who is optimally
aroused under ordinary circumstances. This is what we would expect to find in the majority of
people, according to arousal theory. Committing violence would be too arousing for individ-
ual A, especially if there was a sizable risk of being punished. Thus, individual A would not be
driven to commit violence. Instead, there would be a drive to avoid exposure to that intense of
an experience. Second, we have individual B, who is overly aroused under ordinary circum-
stances. This person’s behavior is directed to reduce arousal most of the time. For this person,
even the thought of violence would be too arousing. Thus, individual B would be driven to
avoid exposure to even thinking about violence. Finally, we have individual C, who is under-
aroused under ordinary circumstances. This person’s behavior is directed to increase arousal
most of the time. For this person, the committing of a violent act, possibly even upon them-
selves, would be pleasurable, as it would alleviate boredom. Thus, individual C may be driven
to think about and commit violent acts in order to achieve optimal levels of arousal.
While violent behavior is arousing, there are other ways to achieve this arousal. Some are
also destructive, such as drug use and risky sexual behaviors. Others are more creative, such
as skateboarding and mountain climbing. Dr. Marvin Zuckerman, a prominent arousal theo-
rist, has suggested that such behavior is characteristic of individuals who are at the high end
on the trait of sensation seeking, which typically peaks in adolescence and diminishes in
adulthood. For Zuckerman, these are individuals who risk physical, social, legal, and finan-
cial risks for the opportunity to have varied, novel, and intense experiences. Through the
examination of fraternal and identical twins raised in the same or different families, he has
found strong evidence that high-sensation seeking has a genetic component. Zuckerman has
also found evidence that high-sensation seekers also have low levels monoamine
of oxidase
(MAO), an enzyme in the blood that seems to regulate neurochemicals associated with
arousal. While the role that MAO plays in behavior is still unclear, low MAO levels seem to
be associated with high-sensation seeking behaviors and increased risk of criminal behavior.
High MAO levels seem to be associated with depression and bipolar disorders. Additional
support for arousal theory is found through studies that demonstrate lower resting heart rates
and skin conductance activity for people who are criminally prone than those who are not.
Such physiological findings seem to confirm that those who are criminally prone are more
under-aroused than those who are not criminally prone.
A question remains as to what differentiates high-sensation seekers who are violent or
destructive and those who are creative in their behavior. Arousal theory is limited in that it
does not address this question. Instead, the focus of arousal theory is on the propensity for
violent behavior to occur, not the effect that upbringing, personal experience, and other envi-
ronmental factors might have on the expression of high-sensation seeking behavior. It is pos-
sible that high-sensation seekers who develop in stable family settings would use their need
for sensation-seeking more positively and creatively than those born into disorderly and
unpredictable family settings.

See alsoGeneral Theory of Crime; Neurological Theories; Trait Theories

Ellis, L. (1996). Arousal theory and the religiosity-criminality relationship. In P. Cordella & L. Siegel
(Eds.),Readings in contemporary criminology theory (pp. 65–84). Boston, MA: Northeastern
University Press.

Raine, A. (1993).The psychopathology of crime: Criminal behavior as a clinical disorder

. San Diego,
CA: Academic Press.
Zuckerman, M. (1994). Behavioral expression and biosocial bases of sensation .seeking
New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Dave D. Hochstein

ASIANS AND JUVENILE VIOLENCE. While a sharp upswing in crimes commit-

ted by youth was globally experienced, juvenile violence in Asia has been increasing at
alarming rates since the outset of the last decade. In a number of countries in Asia, including
Japan, China, Korea, and Singapore, the outburst of some serious delinquent acts has demon-
strated the need for a resolution. As juvenile crime is a complex phenomenon caused by
diverse cultural, socio-economic, ethnic, and demographic factors, no single strategy will
suffice to prevent it. Although the growing rate of Asian youth delinquency was lower than
that of adult crime, public concern has been generated about a series of immoral deeds and
offensive lifestyles led by juveniles, such as organized crime, alcoholism, drug abuse, prosti-
tution and sex work, rape, robbery, and theft. More critically, violence perpetrated by Asian
youth living abroad has become another source of concern.
While the decade-long economic malaise in Far East, East, and Southeast Asian countries
has engendered many unemployed, depressed juveniles being vulnerable to offenses, chronic
poverty and wider disparity in wealth and privilege go hand-in-hand with youth crimes in the
nations of South Asia. The lack of involved legal and organizational orders, as well as the
changing climate due to the forces of globalization, further heightens the challenges to resolv-
ing the issue. Population growth and migration creating dysfunctional families, fragile family
ties, intergenerational conflict, as well as the nature and degree of parental relationships are
some significant considerations in Asian juvenile violence. Peer delinquency is also one of the
vital contributing components in self-reported delinquency among the four major ethnic groups
in Asia including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese American. Peer groups may even
be more important for Asians owing to their adoption of collectivistic cultural values that place
group superiority beyond individual autonomy and representation. There is further a reciprocal
relationship between commitment to school and delinquency. In Japan, for example, in 1997, a
fourteen-year-old boy in Kobe killed an eleven-year-old child and left the severed head in front
of his school with a written message threatening to kill again in order to claim his “revenge
against the compulsory education system and the society that has designed it.” The boy, who
came from an ordinary middle-class family, was regarded as sensitive and cheerful. But after
entering his junior high school, a strict, test-oriented institution, he reportedly grew isolated and
frustrated. The youngster was first bullied and then regrettably became a bully himself.
A closer look at the Asian experience demonstrates that the latest juvenile violent crimes
are not simply scattered occurrences, but rather the outbreak of delinquency has its deeper
roots in the continuing societal dislocation spurred by the profit motive in both richer and
poorer Asian economies, which has left thousands of youngsters insecure, diverted, and, to
some extent, acutely agitated. Asia’s cracked juvenile justice framework is also responsible
for hundreds of victimized children and for minor crimes, as incarcerated youth survive
immense tragedy and hardship in crowded jails where they are allegedly abused by adult
inmates and prison guards.
Regarding juvenile violence among Asian youth in the United States, according to a 2003
report of the U.S. Census Bureau, Asian Americans represent one of the fastest growing

ethnic minority groups in the country, with current tabulations at about 12.5 million Asians.
Most of the Asian immigrants are now well settled in metropolitan areas, including New
York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, and have formed organized ethnic enclaves throughout the
nation. The socioeconomic situation, immigration status, culture of origin, place of settle-
ment, entrenchment in U.S. society, among other factors, are components influencing the
degree to which Asian adolescents engage in criminal behavior. For instance, due to diver-
gent social structures, assimilation paradigms, and practical exposures, Chinese, Vietnamese,
and Filipino youth have the highest arrest rates over the years, whereas Japanese Americans,
Asian Indians, Laotians, and Cambodians have the lowest. However, as the rate of youth
crimes, including murder cases, in the United States has comparatively been much higher
than in other developed nations, there is a need for further improvement of its juvenile justice
system. More specifically, more steadfast steps can be accelerated toward reducing
victimization, school-based violence, and the frequency of domestic delinquency involving
Asian youth.

Choi, A., & Tit-Wing, L. (2004). Fighting youth crime: Success and failure of two little dragons
Singapore: Times Academic Press.
Foljanty-Jost, G. (Ed.). (2003).
Juvenile delinquency in Japan: Reconsidering the ‘crisis.’
Japan: EJ Brill.
Paymar, M. (2005).Teens in South Korea (Teens around the world)
. Hersteller, CA: Lucent Books.
Sheu, C. (1986).Delinquency and identity: Juvenile delinquency in an American Chinatown
. New York:
Harrow and Heston.
Song, J., Dombrink, J., & Geis, G. (1992). Lost in the melting pot: Asian youth gangs in the United
States. Gang Journal 1, 1–12.

Monir Hossain Moni

ASSAULT. There are two types of assault: simple and aggravated. Simple assault, gener-
ally defined, is an unlawful attack by one person on another. It does not involve the use of a
weapon. Simple assault is the most common of all crimes against persons and generally
occurs approximately five times more frequently than aggravated assault. Aggravated assault
is more serious; it is categorized as a Part I offense in
the Crime Reports (UCR).
It involves an unlawful attack involving the use or display of a weapon or in which the victim
suffers obvious severe damage, such as broken bones, loss of teeth, or internal damages.
As noted in other entries, official data, such as the UCR and the National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS), may not accurately reflect the number of assaults because of
their numerous flaws.
In 2002, UCR data show a total of 894,348 aggravated assaults. They tend to occur with
greater frequency in metropolitan areas and in the most populous areas of the South. Most
aggravated assaults involved personal weapons, which generally includes hands, fists, or
other body parts. Firearms were used in 19 percent of the aggravated assaults in 2002,
and knives and other articles were used in 17.8 percent. Police made arrests in just over
one-half—56.5 percent—of all reported aggravated assaults in 2002. Of these, only
1.8 percent involved only persons under the age of 18, although others might have involved
a young person as either victim or offender. Males constitute almost 80 percent of arrests for
aggravated assault.

Between 1980 and 1994, arrests of juveniles for aggravated assault more than doubled.
According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), which
defines “juvenile” as under age 18, juvenile arrests for aggravated assault increased
150 percent between 1980 and 1999. While rates for males increased, arrest rates for males
increased even more dramatically, 270 percent compared to 120 percent. Many criminolo-
gists and policymakers, such as John DiIulio of the Brookings Institute and James Alan Fox,
dean of Northeastern University’s College of Criminal Justice, cited this increase as evidence
of a coming wave of “Juvenile Superpredators.” Media publicized these claims, People
featuring the headline “KIDS Without a Conscience” and Time and U.S. News & World
Reportwarning of “Teenage Time Bombs.” These claims never came true, as assault rates
plummeted even though the number of teenagers in the population grew. Interestingly, aggra-
vated assault rates for females continued to rise throughout the 1990s. Noted criminologist
Franklin Zimring of the University of California at Berkeley maintains this increase was gen-
erally due to two factors: the availability of guns and changes in police practice. According to
Zimring, only one in eight assaults perpetrated with a gun ends in death, so the remaining
87.5 percent are either called attempted murder or aggravated assault. In addition, police
changed the way they classified aggravated assault, which increased the likelihood of arrest.
Others maintain that efforts to crack down on gang activity inflated these rates, as police
aggressively arrested alleged gang members. Further, juveniles may be more likely caught
for crimes against the person than adults. Race also seems to be a factor. Arrests of black
juvenile males for aggravated assault were significantly greater than for white males or for
white and black juvenile females.
Assaults by juveniles are most likely to occur in specific locations or contexts. Assaults
involving a family member, at school, within a gang, or in some form of confinement (prison
or detention center) are the most common, as these are the locations where juveniles spend
the majority of their time.
In schools, students may assault other students, or they may assault teachers or adminis-
trators. Assaults on students may occur in the form of a fight (with or without weapons), or it
may occur in the course of athletic or clubhazing. While these forms of school violence have
received a great deal of attention in recent years, most notably assaults with weapons, in real-
ity school is still one of the safest places for people of all ages. Rates of school violence have
been steady since 2002 and continue to be half what they were in 1992. In 2003, students
between the ages of 12 to 18 were victims of 740,000 reported violent crimes in school, with
9 percent of those classified as aggravated assault. People in that age group are twice as likely
to be violently victimized in any setting outside of school. In 2003, one-third of high school
students said they had been involved in a fight somewhere, while 13 percent said they had
been involved in a fight at school. Research has shown that approximately 1.5 million high
school students are hazed each year, with 22 percent experiencing dangerous hazing.
Dangerous hazing often involves some form of physical assault. Violent victimization of
teachers is also more rare than the public has been lead to believe; between 1995 and 1999,
only three in 1,000 teachers were the victims of serious violent crimes.
Aggravated assault is among the more commonly reported crimes among gangs. Of all the
serious violent crimes reported in the early 1990s, one-half involved groups of offenders,
most likely in gangs. Most commonly, a rival gang member is the target of the assault, which
might include a drive-by shooting. Gang violence tends to occur in spurts and most
frequently involves firearms. Like other forms of assault, gang-related violence increased
through the 1980s and early 1990s, although there are great concerns over what is classified
as “gang-related.”

Research shows that juveniles are more likely than adults to be the victims of violent
assaults, whether perpetrated by peers or by adults. Based on National Crime Victimization
Survey (NCVS) data from 2000, people ages 12 to 17 are 2.7 times more likely than adults to
be the victims of an aggravated assault. Finkelhor, Ormrod, Turner, and Hamby (2005) found
in one large study of youth ages 12 to 17 that over 50 percent had experienced some physical
assault in the past year of study. In addition, those who had been victimized once had a
69 percent chance of experiencing victimization in another year. In the family, juvenile
assaults are often in self-defense or in response to abuse. In the mid-1990s, 10 percent of
juveniles admitted hitting their parents, although the reasons for this behavior are not clear.
Likewise, many assaults that occur in institutions are for self-defense or out of a perception
that being aggressive will prevent attacks by others. In 2003, there were at least 300 attacks
in California’s Stark Youth Correctional Facility alone. In addition, there were 52 assaults on
staff members, although it is not clear whether these were provoked or in response to abusive
treatment. In addition, fights between gangs in prisons or detention centers are not uncom-
mon and, in fact, may sometimes be encouraged by correctional authorities, as Sanyika
Shakur documents in his autobiography, Monster.

See alsoBullying; Gang-On-Gang Violence; Gang Violence, against Bystanders; Gun-

Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of

Cannon, A., & Beiser, V. (2004, August 9). Juvenile injustice.
U.S. News & World Report, 137 (4),
Englander, E. (2003). Understanding violence,
2nd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R., Turner, H., & Hamby, S. (2005). The victimization of children and youth:
A comprehensive national survey.Child Maltreatment, 10(1), 5–25.
School Violence Fact Sheet. (2004).
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
. Available at:
Shakur, S. (1993).
Monster: The autobiography of an L.A. gang member. New York: Penguin.
Thomas, D. (2005). School Safety Report Released. U.S. Department of Education. Available
at: www.ed.gov/news/pressreleases/2005/11//11202005.html.

Laura L. Finley
BIOCHEMICAL THEORIES. There are a number of biochemical theories that have
been used to explain juvenile violence. Some involve exposure, either prenatal, postnatal, or
both, to environmental contaminants. Others suggest our diets may influence our proclivity
toward violence. Another part of biochemical research involves examining the role hormones
play in shaping violent behavior. In particular, hormonal research has focused on explaining
gender differences.

Environmental Contaminants
To date, exposure to lead has received the most attention. Research examining lead concen-
trations in the air found that the areas with the most lead also had the highest homicide rates.
Other research done with teenagers found that those arrested for crimes had lead levels four
times higher than those without criminal records. Even low levels of exposure have been
linked to aggression and other behavioral problems. Rick Nevin conducted a study of U.S.
crime rates and lead consumption in 2000. He found that gasoline lead exposure between
1879 and 1940 explained approximately 70 percent of the variation in murder rates between
1900 and 1960, and exposure between 1941 and 1986 explained approximately 90 percent of
the variance in violent crime rates between 1960 and 1998. Nevin concluded that only child-
hood exposure had a significant effect. Earlier research has linked lead exposure to lowered
IQ, so the impact on behavior may be indirect.

Dietary Explanations
A high intake of artificial food coloring and an excessive consumption of sugar and caffeine
have all been associated with violent behavior. Other food additives, such as monosodium
glutamate and artificial flavorings, have also been linked in some research.
In addition, intake of foods with little nutrient value takes away from a person’s ability to
consume needed nutrients. Some research has shown a correlation between deficiencies in
certain nutrients and violent behavior. For instance, a study by British researchers found that
inmates who received a vitamin supplement were 25 percent less likely to break prison rules
than those who received a placebo. Essential fatty acids seem to be a key nutrient in con-
straining violet behavior, as they build and maintain bran cells. Research has repeatedly
linked depleted levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, most commonly found in fish, with higher
rates of depression, bipolar disorder, and suicide. In addition, B vitamins and magnesium are
critical in the production of neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, which affect
peoples’ moods. Other research has suggested that either an undersupply or an oversupply of
certain vitamins, including C, B3, and B6, may be linked to restlessness and antisocial
behavior among young people.

Longitudinal research published in 2004 by scholars at the University of Southern

California found that certain vitamin deficiencies in the first three years of life are connected
to behavioral problems later in life. Children deficient in zinc, iron, vitamin B, and protein at
age three were more likely to be irritable and pick fights at age eight. At age eleven, these same
children were more likely to swear, cheat, and get into fights, and at seventeen these children
stole, bullied others, and were more likely to use drugs. Those with a greater degree of nutri-
ent deficiency were more antisocial. Stephen Schoenthaler conducted randomized, controlled
studies with elementary school students, teenage delinquents confined in detention centers,
and confined adult felons. Those receiving dietary supplements equivalent to a diet with more
fruit, vegetables, and whole grains exhibited significantly less violent and nonviolent antiso-
cial behaviors when compared to control groups. Some researchers posit that the link may
be indirect: poor nutrition is linked with lower IQ, which is then linked with school frustration
and antisocial behavior. Studies of children and teens in four countries and in California,
Arizona, Missouri, and Oklahoma found those taking dietary supplements had IQ scores
sixteen points higher than those receiving a placebo.
Food allergies might also be linked to violence. Milk, citrus fruit, chocolate, corn, wheat,
and eggs all swell the brain of an allergic person, which then reduces the person’s learning
ability and may be indirectly linked to delinquency.

Hormonal Explanations
Hormonal rates are said to help explain antisocial behavior and violence, as both peak during
adolescence. High levels of testosterone in the uterus have been connected with later aggres-
sive behavior. Further, the notion that steroid use, which is an addition of testosterone to the
body, leads to aggressive behavior is well documented.

The biggest criticism of these theories is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to isolate the
effects of biochemical factors. The specific studies conducted to date are often criticized for
failing to control for all the appropriate factors. Regarding excessive consumption of caffeine
and sugar, it is unclear whether these substances cause more aggressive behavior or whether
more “excitable” people are drawn to them.

Policy Implications
There are important policy implications of these theories. If it is true that environmental
contaminants are linked with violent and criminal behavior, then governments have an even
greater incentive to ensure these contaminants are not spread to land, water, and air. This might
require additional laws or better enforcement of existing laws. In addition, governments will
need to be more diligent in cleaning up environmental contaminants. Experts advocate check-
ing all children at age one or two for high lead levels. Further, schools could offer extra support
for kids identified with high levels of lead. If diet is truly linked to crime and violence, then
more efforts to educate the public will be necessary. Parents will need to ensure that their
children have access to adequate nutrients and that they limit their children’s intake of items
such as sugar and artificial colors. Movements are already in place in many schools, driven by
obesity concerns, to provide students with more healthy lunch and snack alternatives. Clearly
these will need to continue and expand.

Fishbein, D. (1996). Selected studies on the biology of antisocial behavior. In J. ConklinNew
perspectives in criminology (pp. 26–28). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Lawson, W. (2003). Fighting crime one bite at a time: Diet supplements cut violence in prisons.
Psychology Today, 22 (1) [Online edition].
Poor diet linked to bad behaviour. (2004, November BBC22). News.Retrieved February 23, 2006 from:
Roberts, M. (2005, February 19). Lead ‘turning children to crime.’
BBC News.Retrieved February 23,
2006 from: www.bbcnews.co.uk.
Schauss, A. (1980). Diet, crime, and delinquency.
Berkeley, CA: Parker House.
Schoenthaler, S., & Bier, I. (2000). The effect of vitamin mineral supplementation on juvenile delin-
quency among American schoolchildren: A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice, and
Policy, 6,7–18.
Stretesky, P., & Lynch, M. (2001). The relationship between lead exposure and homicide.
Archives of
Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 155, 579–582.

Laura L. Finley

BIOSOCIAL THEORIES. Biosocial theories examine the relationship between

biological and social factors to understand juvenile delinquency. These theories are useful
when trying to understand juvenile crime because adolescents deal with an interaction of
transforming biological and social factors.
Biological theorists look at behavior as caused by something internal to the person. They
also focus on physical differences between criminals and those who are not criminals. In con-
temporary times, most do not feel physical characteristics will definitely cause someone to
become a criminal, but they believe certain characteristics can affect a person’s chances of
exhibiting criminal behavior. Social theorists look at society outside of the individual and
how a person’s environment may help lead that person toward crime or violent behavior.
Biosocial theories try to combine these two theoretical perspectives, and they look at how a
predisposition toward violent behavior may be carried out when paired with the right social
environment. This approach is often used to try to explain juvenile delinquency, since during
adolescence many changes occurring internally to the person happen in conjunction with
social environments that can be hard to handle.
Adherents of this perspective find it nonsensical to look at only biological or environmen-
tal factors; rather, they believe both need to be looked at within the same context. Discoveries
now show that it is not only nature (biology) or nurture (environment) that affects a person’s
outcome, but both together. Developmental biology has shown that a person is not predeter-
mined and fixed to be a certain way, but that from the earliest stages of development, they are
constantly being affected by their environment. Contemporary neuroscience research
indicates that the relationship between biology and environment may be more complex than
it seems, and many feel more research is needed on the subject. However, many feel it is the
best explanation of violent behavior thus far, explaining aggression better than just biological
or social explanations alone.
Some environmental factors that can contribute to juvenile delinquency are a low
socioeconomic status, an unstable family, peers, and stress. These can interact with biological

predispositions, such as a low heart rate, hormones, or biological defects. Some suggest
that living in a neighborhood with a high amount of crime influences a predisposition
toward being antisocial. According to this argument, these environmental factors coincide
with factors of cognition and temperament, resulting in antisocial behavior.
Biosocial theories have shown that the interaction between brain deficiencies and a lack of
good parenting during early development can lead to continual criminal offending. For
example, there has been evidence of the combination of delivery difficulties and the rejection
of a mother resulting in male violence, especially adolescent violent arrests. It has also been
shown that some people’s brains do not react correctly to threatening situations or environ-
ments. The same areas of the brain seem to process fear and aggression, and while many
people may react to a threat with fear, people with brains unable to regulate these emotions
may react with aggressive behavior. Other offenders, which usually include antisocial
children, have lower resting heart rates, possibly resulting in a lack of fear. This lack of fear
could make these children lack inhibition to engage in violent encounters and could account
for their lack of response to punishment. Another explanation for this is that they may be
under-aroused, which could account for them trying to find situations that will increase their
level of arousal, usually including violent or aggressive situations.
A significant relationship has been found between certain individual characteristics and
processes of social development. Signs of depression, a lack of concentration, antisocial
attitudes, and introversion have amplified the chances of a juvenile becoming a part of
antisocial interaction. It also decreased their interaction skills and their chances of being
involved in prosocial activities.
Hormones are another biological factor than can be influenced by the environment.
Hormones can create a propensity toward aggression, especially in adolescent males, and
then the environment can determine the instances in which that aggression is used. It has also
been suggested that testosterone determines how the social environment is perceived, so it
helps to determine a reaction to that environment.
Complex traits develop and mature with the aid of both internal factors and the
environment. For example, temperament is affected by the environment. A child will exhibit a
certain temperament and, in response to others’ reactions to that temperament, will keep it the
same or change it. If the child is met with negative reactions, it could lead to negative behav-
ior from the child, and this can shape the child’s temperament into the future. This same inter-
action occurs with other behaviors. Environmental factors, including social exchanges, have
lasting consequences on the neurobiological processes that trigger behaviors. In other words,
positive interactions between biological factors and environmental factors lead the person
to behave in a manner accepted by society. In the same way, negative interactions lead to
negative behaviors, including violence and delinquency.
Biosocial theorists believe that intervening with either the biological or environmental
problem would help prevent criminal behavior because both factors are necessary for the delin-
quency to occur. Some people have biological traits that could encourage them to antisocial
behavior, but their environment lacks the opportunities to carry out this behavior, so they do not
engage in it. This helps to show that the interaction between biology and social environment is
important and that one on its own may not cause the behavior.

See alsoArousal Theory; Biochemical Theories; Hormonal/Chemical Explanations for

Gender Differences; Neurological Theories

Brennan, P. (1999). Biosocial risk factors and juvenile violence. U.S. Courts website. Available at:
Farrington, D. (Ed.) (2005).Integrated developmental & life-course theories of offending
. New
Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Niehoff, D. (1999).The biology of violence. New York: Free Press.
Shoemaker, D. (2005). Theories of delinquency: An examination of explanations of delinquent be-
havior, 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sharon Thiel

BOOT CAMPS. In the early 1990s, the use of boot camps for juvenile offenders was
believed to be the answer to solving the juvenile crime issue, promising lower operating costs
and less recidivism. This directly coincided with the belief that intermediate sanctions in
corrections were the new remedy for an overburdened juvenile correctional system.
Boot camps are highly structured residential programs generally modeled after military
basic training. They emphasize rigorous physical exercise, regimented activities, strict
supervision and discipline, and military drill and ceremony. Military-style battle dress uni-
forms and boots are the standard uniforms for offenders, who are often referred to as
“cadets,” as well as staff. The cadets are expected to learn and use basic military courtesy,
drill, and ceremony. This expectation of military courtesy and discipline are continued
throughout the stay of the cadet at the boot camp, with the belief that it will continue outside
of the boot camp.
The use of boot camps for juveniles is a relatively new phenomenon, rising out of earlier
programs, such as “shock probation” and “scared straight.” The initial use of boot camps for
juveniles was a way to provide order, structure, and discipline, while alleviating the need for
placement in already overcrowded juvenile detention centers. The blend of rigid format and
deliberate strictness found political and public support. This short sanction was tough enough
to satisfy those who wanted harsher sanctions, and it was believed to be a way in which to
reform hardened juveniles who were not being helped by traditional juvenile punishments.
While the trend of using boot camps by government agencies has dwindled in the 1990s and
into the twenty-first century, they have found a new surge of use by parents who are looking
to cure their “troubled teens.”
The Internet has a large number of websites that are designed to assist parents who
are looking for military-type options for out-of-control teens that parents feel may need
structure and discipline. Participation in these programs is not sanctioned by the courts or the
juvenile justice system but they are often seen by parents as a last resort for teenagers who
are acting out. While boot camps that are used by the court usually are seen as a short-term
sentencing option, private boot camps may house children for a year or longer, depending
upon the parents and the treatment team recommendation. Many boot camps, whether they
be privately owned and operated or run by the government, only accept willing participants,
as boot camps are an alternative to incarceration; it is believed that true success in any form
of rehabilitative effort must come from an individual’s own personal willingness to change.
While the promised benefits of using boot camps for juveniles were large, there is still debate
regarding the overall effectiveness of juvenile boot camps.

Critics of juvenile boot camps often cite abuse and mistreatment as their primary concern.
According to the National Mental Health Association (NMHA), a confrontational model
employing tactics of intimidation and humiliation is counterproductive for most youth in the
juvenile justice system. The NMHA also contends that juvenile boot camps are not cost-
effective and do not reduce recidivism rates among juveniles. The NMHA believes
that changes that often occur in the boot camp setting do not last when juveniles are returned
back into the community. Critics see the demand for discipline and adherence to rules
characterized by the military model as rigid, dehumanizing, humiliating, and breaking the
spirit. Opponents believe that juveniles should be allowed to talk at the dinner table, teaching
them proper etiquette and conversational skills. Does the strict regimentation and paramilitary
style teach people to listen, to control their bodies, and to pay attention, as it is intended?
Research about the effectiveness of juvenile boot camps has found mixed results, and their
popularity has faltered as the reduced recidivism it has promised is called to question. Further,
many have questioned whether boot camps are abusive to juveniles. In particular, the death of
fourteen-year-old Martin Lee Anderson in 2006 at a Florida boot camp called attention to this
issue. That camp will be closed and the remaining four in the state are to be improved. Despite
criticisms, proponents still maintain that intermediate sanctions are important sentencing
options for juvenile offenders and the use of boot camps for juveniles.

Boot camps for teens. (n.d.). Available from: http://www.bootcampsforteens.com.
Fins, A. (Ed.).Juvenile and adult boot camps.
New York: American Correctional Association.
Juvenile boot camps. (n.d.). Available from: http://www.nmha.org/children/justjuv/bootcamp.cfm.
Szalavitz, M. (2006).Help at any cost.New York: Riverhead.

Kelly Cheeseman

BOSTON YOUTH STRIKE FORCE. Perhaps more appropriately known as the

Boston Youth Violence Strike Force, this multiagency, coordinated law enforcement team
was created as a unit within the Boston Police Department’s Special Operations Division.
An interagency working group of criminal justice practitioners initially formed the strike
force. Members of this strike force traditionally include local police, parole, and probation
officers, affiliates of other law enforcement agencies, such as the Massachusetts State Police,
as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, local clergy members, and other
youth service workers. Utilizing three approaches to crime control and deterrence, the
Boston Youth Violence Strike Force incorporates prevention, intervention, and apprehension
into their mission. Common goals include strict law enforcement and a decrease in violent
assault rates and homicide.
During the late 1980s, Boston’s youth violence and homicide rates increased dramatically.
Much of the violence was attributed to gang activity. To reverse such trends and deter violent
crime, the city of Boston initiated a comprehensive community-based approach targeting
at-risk and violent youths. The strike force became a primary law enforcement entity behind
crime control strategies employed throughout the city of Boston, namely Operation
Ceasefire. In order to better understand the workings of the Boston Youth Violence Strike
Force, the following synopsis is offered.
Enforced by the Boston Police Department’s Youth Violence Strike Force, Operation
Ceasefire was first implemented in May of 1996 and was the primary tactic employed

throughout Boston to combat youth violence. The Boston Youth Violence Strike Force first
set up formal and informal meetings with violent and at-risk youths. A zero-tolerance
message was delivered, expressing that the consequences of violent actions would result in
the use of intensive law enforcement tactics. Defiant youths were targeted, and delinquent
acts, such as illegal drinking and motor vehicle violations, were strictly enforced.
Shortly after the implementation of Operation Ceasefire, researchers from Harvard
University’s Kennedy School of Government noticed a significant reduction in the annual
rates of youth homicides. A formal evaluation of Operation Ceasefire revealed that the
intervention enforced by the Boston Youth Violence Strike Force was associated with a
significant decrease in the monthly number of youth homicides, as well as a significant
decrease in the monthly number of gun assaults.
The Boston Youth Violence Strike Force continues to be a leading enforcement agency
behind prevention, intervention, and apprehension programs throughout Boston. Prior to the
Boston Youth Violence Strike Force, law enforcement and criminal justice agencies operated
independently of one another and not as a multiagency system. The Boston Youth Violence
Strike Force and initiatives such as Operation Ceasefire are examples of this multiagency
approach, collaborating crime-combating elements used to address the complexities associ-
ated with youth crime.

See alsoGun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of

Braga, A., Kennedy, D., & Tita, G. (2001), New approaches to the strategic prevention of gang and
group-involved violence. In R. Huff (Ed.),
Gangs in America,3rd ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Eagley, A., Maxson, C., Miller, J., & Klein, M. (Eds.). (2005).
The modern gang reader, 3rd ed.
Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Emily I.Troshynski

BRAZIL, NATHANIEL. On May 26, 2000, thirteen-year-old Nathaniel Brazil shot and
killed his thirty-year-old, seventh-grade language arts teacher, Barry Grunow, with a .25 cal-
iber gun. Earlier that day, Nathaniel was suspended for throwing water balloons in the school
cafeteria. He returned later in the day and asked Mr. Grunow if he could speak to two students.
When his request was denied, he pointed the gun at Mr. Grunow’s head and pulled the trigger.
The single gunshot killed Mr. Grunow and, in an instant, Nathaniel’s case was thrust into the
national spotlight.
The prosecutor transferred Nathaniel’s case to the adult criminal court. In Florida, prose-
cutors (as opposed to judges) have the authority to decide if a juvenile should be charged as
an adult. The trial was wrought with a great deal of controversy because of Nathaniel’s age
and the severity of his crime. According to reports, there were three critical points in the trial.
The first critical point, which had a chilling effect on the jury, was the jury’s viewing of the
school surveillance tape showing the actual shooting of Mr. Grunow. The second critical
point occurred when the jury viewed Nathaniel’s three-hour police interview tape where
he confessed to the shooting, helping the jury to find that this murder was not premeditated.
The final pivotal point was Nathaniel’s testimony and subsequent cross-examination, where
he was perceived as emotionless, cold, and calculating.

On May 16, 2001, Nathaniel was convicted, as an adult, of second-degree murder.

The jury failed to convict him of first-degree murder because they did not find sufficient
evidence that the crime was premeditated. Under Florida’s sentencing laws, the judge was
required to impose a sentence of twenty-five years to life. On July 27, 2001, at the age of
fourteen, Nathaniel was sentenced to twenty-eight years in prison without the possibility of
parole. Following his twenty-eight-year sentence, he will serve a mandatory two-year house
arrest, followed by five years’ probation.
There are two sets of questions that crimes such as this raise: why do children commit
violent crimes, and what should be done about it? There are a multitude of theories that are
helpful in understanding juvenile delinquency. There are, however, perhaps two theories that
may be relevant for Nathaniel’s crime. Social control theory proposes that serious and
violent juvenile crime happens because of the weak social bonds to prosocial entities, such as
schools or parents. Despite Nathaniel’s status as an honor student, his bonds to school were
likely tenuous, since he had an undiagnosed learning disability. In addition, his bond to his
family may have been weak since his family background included witnessing the domestic
abuse of his mother.
A second potentially relevant theory is basedsocialon disorganization. This theory
proposes that children’s likelihood of involvement in delinquent behavior increases when
they grow up in areas of social decay marked by high levels of community-level violence,
unemployment, and physical deterioration. Consistent with this theory, Nathaniel’s back-
ground was such that he grew up in an impoverished area where he was exposed to the
environmental conditions that were conducive to his participation in delinquent behavior,
including easy access to a gun.
It is perhaps equally important to understand what legal statutes guide the punishment of
juveniles and how they have changed in the recent era. The arrest rates for violent crimes
among juveniles increased at an unprecedented and rapid pace during the 1980s and 1990s.
In response, forty-five states began constructing new penalties and reforms to address the
problem. A chief response was to increase the penalties associated with both nonviolent and
drug offenses as well as violent offenses, thus making the offenders eligible for prosecution
in the adult criminal justice system, a process knownwaiver.
as a
Proponents of adult punishment for juvenile offenders contend that the intent of harsher
sentences is to deter crime by holding juveniles accountable for their actions, especially
those who commit serious and/or violent crimes. Advocates for juvenile offenders, however,
contend that these punishments are often arbitrarily implemented, not focused on rehabilita-
tion as their primary goal, and affect minorities disproportionately.
The proponents of adult punishment for serious and/or violent juvenile offenders feel that
the punishment that Nathaniel received was lenient, in that he was not charged with first-
degree murder and thus did not receive a life sentence or the death penalty. Their view is that,
irrespective of age, individuals should be held accountable for their actions, and the need
for these young offenders to receive treatment should not override the need to punish them for
the severity of their crimes. As such, they consider the issue of punishment to be one of
protecting the public from potential harm.
Finally, but not exhaustively, proponents of adult punishment for serious and/or violent
juvenile offenders also point to the fact that juvenile crime, overall, has declined in the last
decade as punishment has increased.
Advocates for juvenile offenders who oppose the use of adult punishment for adolescents
point to the original justification for the implementation of the juvenile court; namely the
issues of maturity, judgment, and competence. These advocates contend that adolescents do

not possess the same levels of maturity nor the same capacity for judgment as adults.
The issues of maturity and judgment are related not only to the decisions the offenders made
as they engaged in crime, but also their understanding of the legal proceedings. Finally, these
advocates question the ability of adolescents to effectively participate in a court trial.
Finally, but not exhaustively, youth advocates are concerned with the increased frequency
with which juvenile offenders have been remanded to adult prisons. In the past twenty years, we
have seen more than a 300 percent increase in the numbers of juvenile offenders in adult pris-
ons. This is problematic because of the increased likelihood of physical and sexual abuse as
well as a reduced likelihood of rehabilitation in adult facilities. Thus, adult prisons may boost
the criminal tendency of youth who are released after confinement in an adult prison.

Building blocks for youth. Available at: http://www.buildingblocksforyouth.org/issues/transfer/studies
Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (2003).Criminological theory: Past to present
, 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Roxbury
Publishing Company.
Potter, M. (2001, May 2). Friend says she saw teen-ager pull trigger. CNN.com.Available at:
Randall, K. (2001, August 3). Another Florida teenager receives harsh adult prison sentence.
Socialist Web Site.
Available at: www.wsws.org/articles/2001/aug2001/flor_a03.shtml.

Paula Smith


Types of Bullying
Bullying may be defined in other contexts as “sexual harassment,” “gay (queer) bashing,” or
homophobia. In the present sense, bullying can be defined as any intentional, hurtful act that
typically involves a recurring pattern of harassment and typically entails an imbalance of
strength or power. Bullies can include children, adolescents, and sometimes adults, such as
teachers. Bullying is distinguished from fighting or “roughhousing.” Fighting between equal
parties is “merely” escalated conflict. Roughhousing is normal, aggressive play. Bullying
occurs when there is an imbalance in power exploited by the bully over the victim. The goals
of a bully are to increase his or her power, social capital, or status.
The most common form of bullying is physical. However, bullying has been categorized
into three forms: physical, relational, and verbal. It is further classified as being mild,
moderate, and severe. Generally, bullying progresses from mild to more severe levels unless
stopped. Physical bullying includes hitting, shoving, and violation of the victim’s personal
space. Verbal bullying involves name-calling, threats, and intimidation. Finally, relational
bullying involves an attempt at exclusion through leaving others out and manipulating
Bullying is widely prevalent. Both rural and urban schools indicate the presence of
bullying, and significant numbers of students have experienced it prior to their senior
year in high school. Some research suggests that bullying is on the rise. Research also
suggests that the issue is a global phenomenon with many countries finding bullying to be

Who Bullies
Bully profiles seem to be mixed. Some children who bully have low school bonding and adjust-
ment, which is associated with poor educational performance and truancy. Researchers also
suggest that bullies are more likely to be involved in self-destructive or antisocial behaviors,
including fighting and getting in trouble with the law. Other studies suggest that bullies can also
be popular, seek social status, be intelligent, and so on. In any case, it would appear that boys of
all ages are more likely to be involved in physical forms of bullying. Further, race/ethnicity and
urban/rural environments may play significant but minor roles in predicting bullying.

The Impact of Bullying

Bullying can have negative physical, emotional, and social ramifications for bully victims.
These include somatic symptoms, such as problems with sleeping, bed-wetting, headaches,
stomachaches, and so on. The victims may experience low self-esteem, anxiety, depression,
and suicidal ideation or an increased risk of suicide, as well as feeling rejected or isolated
from their peers. Repeated victimization can cause harm to a child’s physical and emotional
development. In fact, while there are physical damages resulting from bullying, most of the
harm is emotional in nature.
Victimization from bullying has also been linked as a contributing factor in famous incidents
of school violence. In some instances, victims have brought guns to school and shot their
tormentors. Possibly the most high-profile case wasColumbine
the High School massacre,
where the actions of the two killers were attributed to the result of their being bullies and a
failure by school officials to intervene. The social climate at Columbine was described as being
horrific for students who were anxious and shy. Athletes or “jocks” were known to bully other
students and were specifically sought out for shooting during their murder spree.

There exists a host of intervention strategies to manage bullying in the schools. Some involve
anti-bully education workshops in the classroom setting, including the teaching of strategies
for conflict resolution.Zero tolerance policies have grown in popularity, but there is little
evidence that they have deterred bullying. Some schools seek to train faculty to intervene
and provide counseling for individual victims and bullies. Other schools have trained and
empowered peer group members to intervene and avoid bystander reinforcement for bullying.

Recent Developments
Two of the most recent developments stemming from bullying issues include
“Cyberbullying” and school litigation. Cyberbulling includes bullying through the sending of
harassing emails, cell phone text messages, unwanted pictures through camera phones, and
embarrassing or humiliating postings on blogs. School districts have been successfully sued
for failing to deal with bullying and harassment.

Brown, B., & Merritt, R. (2002).No easy answers: The truth behind death at Columbine.
New York:
Lantern Books.
Brown, S., Birch, D., & Kancherla, V. (2005). Bullying perspectives: Experiences, attitudes, and
recommendations of 9- to 13-year-olds attending health education centers in the United States.
Journal of School Health, 75, 384–393.

Conn, K. (2004).Bullying and harassment: A legal guide for educators. Alexandria. VA: Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Kroll, J. (2006, January). Bullies can be beat.
Current Health,29, 18–23.
Leff, S., Patterson, C., Kupersmidt, J., & Power, T. (1999). Factors influencing teacher identification of
peer bullies and victims.School Psychology Review , 28(3), 505–517.
Mulrine, A. (1999). Once bullied, now bullies, with guns.
U.S. News & World Repo rt, 126, 24–26.
O’Connell, P., Pepler, D., & Craig, W. (1999). Peer involvement in bullying: Insights and challenges for
intervention. Journal of Adolescence,22, 437–452.
Olweus, D. (1994). Bullying at school: Long-term outcomes for the victims and an effective school-
based intervention program. In L. R. Huesmann (Ed.), Aggressive behavior: Current perspectives
(pp. 97–130). New York: Wiley.
Packman, J., Lepkowski, W., Overton, C., & Marlowe, S. (2005). We’re not gonna take it: A student
driven anti-bullying approach. Education,125, 546–557.
Salmivalli, C. (1999). Participant role approach to school bullying: Implications for interventions.
Journal of Adolescence , 22, 453–459.
———. (2001). Peer-led intervention campaign against school bullying: Who considered it useful, who
benefited? Educational Research , 43(3), 263–278.
Stevens, V., De Bourdeaudhuij, L., & Van Oost, P. 2002. Relationship of the family environment to
children’s involvement in bully/victim problems at school.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31(6),
Twemlow, S., & Fonagy, P. (2005). The prevalence of teachers who bully students in schools with dif-
fering levels of behavioral problems.
American Journal of Psychiatry , 162, 2387–2390.
U.S. Department of Education. (1998). Preventing bullying: A manual for schools and communities.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Available at: www.cde.ca.gov/spbranch/ssp/

Mike Olivero
CARNEAL, MICHAEL. Michael Carneal is currently serving a life sentence for the
shooting deaths of Jessica James, 17, Kayce Steger, 15, and Nicole Hadley, 14, as well as
five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary. On December 1, 1997, just one
month after Luke Woodham shot and killed three and wounded seven fellow classmates at
Pearl High School in Mississippi, Carneal opened fire on a prayer group in the lobby of
Heath High School located in Heath, Kentucky. Carneal, who was fourteen years old at the
time of the incident, pleaded guilty but mentally ill to all charges. The families of the three
dead girls brought suit against Carneal as well as twenty-one media companies, claiming that
Carneal had been desensitized to violence by his frequent exposure to video games and vio-
lent movies. Although their suit against the companies was ultimately dismissed, it did spark
a national debate on violence in the media.
By all accounts, Carneal was a normal fourteen-year-old freshman who had been at Heath
less than a semester when the shooting occurred. His sister Kelly, a senior, was a member of
the marching band, the choir, and a regular contributor to the school newspaper. His parents,
John and Ann, were heavily involved in the school community and often accompanied the
band on trips and volunteered at the concession stand. John, an unemployment compensation
and injury lawyer, and Ann, a homemaker with some postgraduate education, were also
actively involved in their church and local community. Carneal’s home life was one that
valued education and service.
Although Carneal’s sister excelled academically, his grades had begun to slip while he was in
middle school. Additionally, Carneal’s career in the marching band was less than successful, as
he was relegated to the sidelines during competitions. Furthermore, he was self-conscious and
uncomfortable in the often harsh high school social world and was a frequent target of bullying
and teasing because of his small size. He was interested in video games and computers, and
much of his time was devoted to using the Internet, visiting chat rooms and answering e-mail.
After his arrest, the police seized his hard drive and uncovered a stash of pornographic and vio-
lent materials. Fellow students reported that Carneal often sold or gave away such materials at
school in an effort to impress the “Goths,” a group whose long black coats and other trappings
of Goth clothing and makeup made them unconventional participants in Heath’s social scene.
Several weeks before the shootings, Carneal stole a .38 special from his parents’ bedroom.
He later claimed that he had considered committing suicide, but brought the gun to school
instead, where he showed it to several classmates and offered to sell it. An older student
demanded that Carneal sell him the gun or he would alert the police; Carneal handed over the
gun but never received payment. A few days before Thanksgiving, Carneal broke into a
friend’s father’s garage and stole a .22 caliber pistol and ammunition, both of which he
brought to school in an effort to impress his friends. Additionally, he warned many students
that “something big” was going to happen and to stay away from the school’s lobby the

following Monday. His classmates claimed that Carneal had made empty threats on previous
occasions and therefore did not take his warnings seriously. Nor did they report the gun to
school authorities.
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Carneal loaded a duffle bag with two shotguns and two
.22 rifles he retrieved from his parents’ gun locker. He placed the stolen pistol and hundreds of
rounds of ammunition in his backpack. On December 1, 1997, Carneal entered the lobby of
Heath High School and opened fire on a prayer group that met each morning before classes
began. After firing eight shots, Carneal noticed Nicole Hadley lying in a pool of blood and
placed the gun on the ground. Bill Bond, the school’s principal, rushed out of his office and led
Carneal to a conference room.
Carneal was charged with three counts of murder, five counts of attempted murder, and
one count of burglary. Although just fourteen at the time of the shootings, Carneal was
charged as an adult in accordance with Kentucky statutes that allow juveniles accused of
murder to be waived for trial in criminal rather than juvenile courts. The day before his trial
was set to begin, Carneal’s defense team agreed to a plea bargain. Carneal pleaded guilty but
mentally ill to all charges and received a life sentence with the possibility of parole after
twenty-five years.
Following his conviction in October 1998, the families of the girls he killed filed a
$33 million lawsuit against Carneal, his family, the school, the students who failed to report
him, and several media companies, including AOL Time Warner, Nintendo, and Sega.
The families alleged that Carneal’s parents, his classmates, and the school knew of the dangers
he posed and failed to take action to prevent the shootings. Additionally they blamed the enter-
tainment industry for inciting Carneal’s violent behavior. All of the cases, with the exception
of that against Carneal, were dismissed before trial. In August 2000, Carneal entered a settle-
ment with the families for $42 million, an amount the parents of the slain girls are unlikely
ever to see.

See alsoMusic, Juvenile Violence and; Television, Juvenile Violence and

Harding, T. (2001). Fatal school shootings, liability, and sovereign immunity: Where should the line be
drawn? Journal of Law and Education, 30162–170.
Kimmel, M., & Mahler, M. (2003). Adolescent masculinity, homophobia, and violence: Random school
shootings, 1982–2001. American Behavioral Scientist 46, 1439–1458.
Messerschmidt, J. (2000).Nine lives: Adolescent masculinities, the body, and violence
. Boulder, CO:
Westview Press.
Moore, M., Petrie, C., Braga, A., & Mc Laughlin, B. (Eds.). (2003).Deadly lessons: Understanding
lethal school violence. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Newman, K., Fox, C., Harding, D., Mehta, J., & Roth, W. (2004).Rampage: The social roots of school
shootings. New York: Basic Books.

Angela Winkler Thomas


Established in 1993 as one of the nation’s first school safety centers, the Center for the
Prevention of School Violence serves as a resource center and think tank for efforts that pro-
mote safer schools and foster positive youth development. The Center’s efforts in support of

safer schools are directed at understanding the problems of school violence and developing
solutions to them. The Center focuses on ensuring that schools function so that every student
who attends does so in environments that are safe and secure, free of fear, and conducive to
learning. Positive youth development efforts are emphasized as the Center focuses beyond
the school into the community and works to prevent juvenile violence and in support of
youth-serving programs and agencies that target the development of attitudes, behaviors, and
conditions that enable youth to grow and become productive members of their communities.
The Center began with the purpose of providing information, program assistance, and
research and evaluation expertise. Its initial clientele were members of the education and law
enforcement communities. As time passed, the Center was able to develop expertise on the
many issues that fall into the realm of school violence. The Center established a widely rec-
ognized definition of school violence (any behavior that violates a school’s educational mis-
sion or climate of respect or jeopardizes the intent of the school to be free of aggression
against persons or property, drugs, weapons, disruptions, and disorder) and put into words its
vision for safer schools (Every student will attend a school that is safe and secure, one that is
free of fear and conducive to learning.). The Center’s Safe Schools Pyramid was developed,
and its emphasis of comprehensive approaches to school safety that rely on data-driven
processes rather than quick-fix programs was molded. Because it was one of the nation’s first
state school safety centers, it was increasingly turned to as a resource by people outside the
state of North Carolina.
The Center’s placement in 2000 into North Carolina’s Department of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention allows it to refine its purpose and continue to meet needs.
Emphasizing safer schools and positive youth development and serving as a think tank about
issues related to these efforts enable the Center to continue putting into practice its long-
standing philosophy of service and support to the ever-increasing number of stakeholders
concerned about school safety and youth development. The provision of information and
technical assistance to schools and communities continues to be the task pursued by the
Center, but it now also serves as a resource for the Department of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention and its initiatives. As part of the Department, it also pursues and
emphasizes early prevention efforts that include focusing upon violence prevention for
younger children, precursor behaviors that lead to violence, and the modification of adult
attitudes and actions. The Center also serves as a facilitator of collaborative efforts that are
needed to ensure that schools are safe and all youth are provided opportunities to develop in
positive ways.

Website: www.cpsv.org

Joanne McDaniel


Control is probably the most respected governmental agency in the United States. This
respect is due to the agency’s track record of investing scientifically to find cures for all dis-
eases, including violence. Surveillance is the agency’s backbone in public
the health
approach to youth violence. It reveals the magnitude of a problem, tracks the magnitude over
time, and uses the information gained from such monitoring to help shape actions to prevent
or combat the problem. It is CDC’s position that youth violence is widespread in the United

States and typically involves children, adolescents, and young adults between ages 10 to 24,
who may become the perpetrator, the victim, or both.
The CDC is particularly concerned with school violence, dating violence, and other vio-
lent victimization of juveniles. CDC data shows that 877,700 young people ages 10 to 24
were injured from violent acts and 1 in 13 required hospitalization in 2004. Overall, the
agency claims that homicide was the second leading cause of death among young people
ages 10 to 24. Furthermore, in 2001, 5,486 youths in the same age group were murdered for
an average of fifteen each day.
CDC funds programs and research in several centers, including the University of
California in Riverside and San Diego. The agency is relentless in developing new, innova-
tive, and empirically sound strategies to prevent juvenile and all violence and injuries. CDC
has credibility not only because of the agency’s dedication to the prevention of juvenile vio-
lence but also because of the fact that it has successfully conquered several potentially
destructive diseases around the world.
CDC uses two approaches to measuring the magnitude of youth violence. The first relies
on official crime statistics and the second approach surveys young people. In fact, evidence
makes it clear that most crimes by young people do not reach the attention of the justice sys-
tem. Self-reports are well suited to helping researchers understand the proportions, types,
volume, and trends of youths violence. These questions and many others are the thrust of
CDC’s research-minded investments across the globe.

Anderson M. A., Kaufman, J., Simon, T., Barrios, L., Paulozzi, L., Ryan, G., et al. (2001). School asso-
ciated violent deaths in the U.S., 1994–1999.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 286 ,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2005). Web based injury statistics query and reporting
system (WISQARS). Available from: www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars.
Department of Health and Human Services. (2004, May). Youth violence: A report of the surgeon
general. Available from: www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/youthviolence.
Uniform crime reports. (n.d). The Federal Bureau of Investigation. Available at: http://www.fbi.gov/

Evaristus Obinyan


General Description and Significance of the Case

The Central Park Jogger case was a significant event in American criminal justice, bringing a
number of concerns to the attention of the general public. Although the brutal beating and
rape of a female is by no means a trivial event in any city, the surrounding issues of this case
seemed to take on gravity beyond that of the crime or the harm done to the victim. In fact, the
identity of the victim was not even known during the media circus that followed the case
through the arrest, prosecution, and sentencing of the defendants.
The Central Park Jogger case brought a number of criminal justice issues to the center
stage of American media. For instance, the case did much to demonstrate the polarization
that exists between many minorities and nonminorities on issues of race and criminal justice.

Public opinion surrounding the treatment of the defendants in this case differed significantly
based on race, the largest controversy having to do with the police net used to round up
suspects and then the controversial use of interrogation tactics to acquire confessions from
the defendants.
This case also highlighted what many criminologists had been studying for decades: the
impact of the mediaon fear of crime. The frenzy surrounding the case eventually brought the
media behavior under the microscope of theorists interested in the sensationalism following
criminal justice cases. Many argued that media hype surrounding the case was causing more
damage via the spread of fear than the actual damage done by the crimes.

Description of the Case

The crime that became known as the Central Park Jogger case was actually the culmination
of a series of attacks, all occurring on the night of April 19, 1989. According to police, about
forty teenagers between 14 and 16 years of age entered Central Park on that night at 110th
Street and 5th Avenue between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. Many of these teens later admitted that
they intended to assault and rob people that they encountered, with the term “wilding” being
later used by the media to describe this activity. There were at least nine attacks that night,
ranging from badly beaten and robbed joggers to others who were merely threatened and
harassed. The worst of the attacks occurred to a female jogger who was found brutally
beaten, raped, and unconscious at 1:30 a.m. The evidence at the scene indicated that she had
been initially assaulted on a jogging trail at 102nd Street and then dragged two hundred feet
into the woods where the major attack occurred.
Police responded to a number of calls regarding the attacks and quickly arrested two sus-
pects, Raymond Santana and Kevin Richardson, based upon eyewitness descriptions of the
night’s events. Another defendant, Anthony McCray, voluntarily turned himself in without
being contacted by police, and two final suspects, Kharey Wise and Yusef Salaam, were
arrested after being implicated by other suspects. Although five other suspects were arrested
in relation to the events of that night, only these five suspects were charged with the assault
on the Central Park jogger. Four of these defendants were convicted of assault, riot, robbery,
and rape, while Kharey Wise was found guilty of only sexual abuse.
The major controversy surrounding police activity involved the confessions received from
the defendants in the case, which they later revoked. It is alleged by some that officers created
an atmosphere in which the teens felt they would be immune to punishment if they just cor-
roborated the theory of the police about the attacks. Accordingly, police provided the defen-
dants with too much information surrounding the attacks and should have seen the
inconsistencies in the teens’ stories as evidence that they were not being truthful in their
admissions. The police countered with a panel that found that the inconsistencies in testimony
were outweighed by the many consistencies between the teens’ description of the basic events
of the night, as well as some of the details surrounding the victim that police had not provided.

Recent Developments
The controversy of the Central Park Jogger case was revisited in 2002 when the DNA
evidence found on the defendant was matched with a sixth defendant who had been previously
unknown. Matias Reyes’s DNA matched the DNA found on the victim, and even more signif-
icantly, he claimed that he undertook the assault on the Central Park Jogger by himself. Based
on this new evidence, the five defendants were released from their prison sentences.

This new evidence has not settled the controversy, however, as the police still maintain that
these five defendants participated in the assault of the Central Park jogger. Although the
jogger, who has now been identified, has no memory of the attacks, police cite as evidence
the teens’ statements describing the jogger as well as the hair, blood, and semen analysis
found on the defendants’ clothing.
Despite the controversial nature of the Central Park Jogger case, it did manage to alter
departmental policy within the New York Police Department and other departments with
regard to interrogation of suspects. The size and comfort of interrogation rooms, the taping of
interrogations, and the administrative oversight of the interrogations were all part of the focus
of change. Moreover, this case continues to serve as a reminder of the potential panic that the
media can create as well as the struggles still apparent in the relations between minority
populations and the police.

See alsoAfrican Americans and Juvenile Violence; Assault; Hispanics and Juvenile
Violence; Sexual Violence, Rates of; Sexual Violence, Types of

Benedict, H. (1993).Virgin or vamp? How the press covers sex crimes . New York: Oxford University
Hancock, L. (2003, January). Wolfpack: The press and the Central Park jogger. Columbia Journalism
Review, 38,pp. 38–42.
Kassin, S., Meissner, C., & Norwick, R. (2005). I’d know a false confession if I saw one: A comparative
study of college students and police investigators.
Law and Human Behavior, 29 , 211.
Shepherd, R. (2003). Wolfpack: The press and the Central Park jogger false confessions: How they
happen. Juvenile Justice Update, , 9–20.
Smith, J. (1996). And the blood cried out.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 87 , 362–363.
Sullivan, T. (1992).Unequal verdicts: The Central Park jogger trials. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Brion Sever

CHICAGO AREA PROJECT. Social disorganizationtheorists Clifford Shaw and

Henry McKay attempted to put theory into practice in the early 1930s by establishing
the Chicago Area Project (CAP). Through social disorganization theory they argued that
delinquency was the result of economically deteriorated neighborhoods that were too
mobile and ethnically heterogeneous to establish informal control mechanisms against
delinquency. They argued that in these poverty-stricken neighborhoods, delinquency
attitudes, characters, and behaviors were transmitted to younger generations in a process they
termed cultural transmissions. Youth that were living in these lower socioeconomic
neighborhoods were learning the criminal trade from older more experienced criminal
The Chicago Area Project was the first community-based delinquency prevention program
in the United States. It was an attempt to eliminate the conditions that caused delinquency
through: (LL) (a) the use of recreational activities, summer camps, workshops and respective
facilities; (b) the renovation and restoration of physically decayed neighborhoods and
schools; (c) enhancing communication between troubled youth and law enforcement with the
assistance of citizen participation and mediations; and (d) educating youth on the importance
of obtaining an education. The project offered over twenty different programs to Chicago

youth, including counseling services, mentoring services, discussion groups, tutoring, hobby
groups, and recreational activities.
The Chicago Area Project was implemented under the idea that the community should
assist in the development of its youth, as opposed to simply abandoning them to the juvenile
justice system. Through the assistance of professional individuals and volunteers in the
community, the program’s mission was to eradicate juvenile delinquency. The Chicago
Area Project has always solicited the assistance of individuals that have been in contact
with the criminal justice system. It is believed that these individuals understand many of the
problems facing youth and are able to relate to them through their personal experiences.
Many of the projects current volunteers have been former participants of the Chicago Area
Project in the past.
From its inception, the program focused on neighborhoods that had high delinquency and
crime rates. The program was initiated in three areas of Chicago: South Chicago, the Near
North Side, and the Near West Side. The program has grown to twenty-two area projects
throughout the city, and several others have been established throughout the state of Illinois.
In 2004, the Chicago Area Project celebrated its 70th year in operation. The program is
still fighting delinquency using Shaw and McKay’s original three-pronged approach: direct
service, community organization, and youth advocacy. Even though the program has been
criticized for not dealing with the most serious forms of delinquency, it has been successful
in many other areas, such as increasing youth activities, having communities solve their own
problems, and building a partnership between the youth and its community. However, the
program’s most noteworthy success has been the reduction of juvenile delinquency through
the use of the community and its resources.

Shaw, C., & McKay, H. (1942).Juvenile delinquency in urban areas
. Chicago: University of Chicago
The Chicago Area Project. Available at: www.chicagoareaproject.org.

Georgen Guerrero


Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) is the most significant piece of legisla-
tion enacted on child abusein the United States. The general purpose of CAPTA is to pro-
vide funding through the federal government to public agencies in support of the suppression
of emotional, sexual, and physical abuse and neglect of children. Specifically, federal funds
are provided to agencies that support the treatment, prevention, investigation, and prosecu-
tion of child abuse and neglect. Moreover, funding is also provided for research examining
the causes of child abuse and neglect and evaluating prevention strategies undertaken by
CAPTA was originally enacted in 1974 and has been refined on a number of occasions,
being extensively restructured in 1988 and amended as recent as 2005. In addition to serving
as a funding source, CAPTA disseminates literature on child abuse and neglect strategies and
consults states on their child abuse programs. It also created the National Clearinghouse on
Child Abuse and Neglect Information, which collects various statistics on child abuse. Due to
the impact of CAPTA legislation, many states have their own CAPTA programs designed to
provide state funding for abuse and neglect initiatives.

About CAPTA: A legislative history. (2004). National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect
Information. Available at: http://nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/.
Davidson, H. (1999). Child protection policy and practices at century’sFamily
end. Law Quarterly,
33, 765–774.

Brion Sever

CHILD SAVERS. The second half of the nineteenth century, from about 1850 until
1890, is sometimes known as the era of the Child Savers. What differentiated the child-
saving movement from earlier efforts was the widespread recognition that significant social,
political, and economic reforms were needed. At the same time, these reformers sought to
preserve the existing class system and distribution of wealth, which, in general, favored
them. Child-savers saw delinquents both with contempt and with benevolence. Delinquents
were less than human, an idea derived from nativist and racist ideologies of the time, includ-
ing the criminological theory of Cesar Lombroso and the Social Darwinism of Herbert
Spencer. Criminals were described as “creatures” who lived in “burrows” and as “little
Arabs” who were “shiftless,” “ignorant,” and “indolent.” Progressive child-savers based
their strategies on two contradictory notions: while assigning families the primary role for
socializing children, progressives also advocated greater state involvement to oversee this
The most common form of action by any social service agency in the 1900s was removal
of the child. In the winter of 1873, Etta Wheeler, a church worker in Hell’s Kitchen,
New York, was informed about a case of child cruelty involving a young girl named Mary
Ellen Wilson. At that time, there were no child protection laws and agencies to assist her, so
Etta Wheeler decided she would use the next best thing—legislation prohibiting cruelty
against animals. This successful attempt to remove Mary Ellen from her abusive parents led
to the 1875 creation of the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. In
that same year, the New York state legislature authorized the establishment of branches of
the organization in every county in the state. Just over a decade later, similar laws and agen-
cies were passed in the United Kingdom. Agents of child-saving organizations, such as
the Children’s Aid Society, also urged urban youth to submit to being placed with farm
Lucy Flower and the Chicago Women’s Club helped create the Protective Agency for
Women and Children in 1887. The agency provided legal assistance, housing, and employ-
ment to women and girls who had been swindled, violently beaten by fathers or guardians, or
sexually assaulted. This effort was in stark contrast to the predominant view that women and
girls were carriers of disease, temptation, and immorality
These efforts are generally seen as a dramatic departure from earlier times. Historians
claim, however, that there was some recognition in the previous century that children were
treated poorly by parents and that at least some mechanisms were in place to condemn and
punish parents and to remove children. Others contend that historians simply desire to repre-
sent the progressive era and the “child savers” as fundamentally different than those before
them. While reformers were certainly concerned about the welfare of children, the real
concern was that neglected and abused children had become an eyesore.

See also Parens Patriae


Feld, B. (1999). Bad kids: Race and the transformation of the juvenile . court
New York: Oxford
University Press.
Ferguson, H. (2004). Protecting children in our time: Child abuse, child protection and the conse-
quences of modernity . New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Grossberg, M. (2002). Changing conceptions of child welfare in the United States, 1820–1935. In
M. Rosenheim, F. Zimring, D. Tanenhaus, & B. Dohrn (Eds.). A century of juvenile justice
(pp. 3–41). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Platt, A. (1977). The child savers: The invention of delinquency,
2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago

Laura L. Finley

CHILDREN IN NEED OF SERVICES (CHINS). Children in Need of Services,

also known as CHINS, is a legal option developed in the early 1970s to intervene in a child’s
life before more serious interventions are required. Specific CHINS purposes and proce-
dures vary by state, but in general, a CHINS petition may be filed if a child is truant, runs
away, is disruptive at home or school, lives in a dangerous circumstance, or is injured by a
parent. CHINS offenses are considered those that harm the child as opposed to harming
society. Thus, CHINS are noncriminal proceedings intended to determine helpful services for
the child.
A CHINS petition is filed by an interested party, such as a parent, truant officer, or the
police, and alleges that the child’s behavior or condition is a significant threat to his or her
well-being. The court then determines whether the child is in need of services. If so, the child
becomes eligible for a variety of support services, including a family needs assessment, crisis
counseling, parent education, and substance abuse evaluations. CHINS has been criticized
because many CHINS children become delinquents anyway, parents lose control over
decision-making for their children, and the services provided are often inadequate, disorga-
nized, and poorly funded.

See alsoPolicing Juveniles

Citizens for Juvenile Justice. CHINS Report Card: The Unfinished Agenda [Online, May 2005].
Citizens for Juvenile Justice Website: www.cjjj.org.

Melanie Moore

CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY. Founded in 1853 in New York City, the Children’s
Aid Society (CAS) serves the needs of disadvantaged children and their families. Today, the
CAS operates from approximately forty sites located throughout metropolitan New York and
administers more than one hundred programs related to its mission.
Founded by Charles Loring Brace and like-minded social progressives, the CAS was
conceived as a more compassionate and efficacious alternative to the almshouses and orphan
asylums that, in the middle of the nineteenth century, provided the only safety net for
parentless, homeless, and severely impoverished children. In its outreach efforts, the CAS

emphasized the establishment of more secure and healthful home environments, the expan-
sion of educational opportunities, and the availability of meaningful employment. At the time
that he established the CAS, Brace estimated that there were between 30,000 and 40,000
homeless children in New York City.
Because the number of children in need in New York continually increased as immigration
increased, the CAS began to sponsor “orphan trains.” Trainloads of orphans would be trans-
ported to preselected communities throughout the American heartland. At each stop, children
would be adopted into families that could provide the sort of wholesome home life that the CAS
saw as the most fundamental factor in a child’s developing into a productive adult. Between
1853 and 1929, the CAS, in conjunction with agencies such as the New York Juvenile Asylum
and the Orphan Asylum Society of the City of New York, placed approximately 150,000 of these
children with new families in some forty-five states, as well as in Canada and Mexico.
The “orphan trains” were not without their critics. Some observers charged that some of
the “upright” families with whom orphans were placed were actually abusive, that some of the
children were simply being exploited as “indentured” labor, and that, in any case, there was too
little follow-up investigation of the conditions under which the children were living. However
valid such charges may have been, the “orphan trains” are viewed today as a precursor to the
foster-care system. In addition, the program produced many unquestionable successes, with
many orphans achieving considerable success in their new communities as businessmen,
educators, and political figures, including at least two governors and a U.S. congressman.
Over the last century and a half, the CAS has taken the lead in the development of indus-
trial education, free-lunch programs, parenting education, visiting nurses’ services, kinder-
gartens, nurseries for preschoolers, support services for working women, rural summer
camps for urban children, convalescent facilities for seriously ill and injured children, and
educational opportunities for children with physical and mental limitations. The accomplish-
ments of the CAS in New York encouraged the establishment of parallel agencies in urban
areas throughout the United States.

Clarke, H. (2001).Orphan trains and their precious cargo: The life’s work of Rev. H. D. Clarke.
Bowie, MD: Heritage.
Inskeep, C. (1996).The Children’s Aid Society of New York: An index to the federal, state, and local
census records of its lodging houses, 1855–1925
. Baltimore, MD: Clearfield Co.
Langsam, M. (1964). Children west: A history of the placing-out system of the New York Children’s Aid
Society, 1853–1890 . Madison, WI: State Historical Society of Wisconsin for the Department of
History, University of Wisconsin.
Patrick, M., & Goodrich, E. (1997).
Orphan trains to Missouri. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.

Martin Kich

CHILDREN’S DEFENSE FUND. The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) was created
in 1973 to ensure that all children, especially the most vulnerable, have a healthy and safe
start. The CDF is a private, nonprofit organization supported by foundations, corporate
sponsors, and individual donations; it receives no government monies. Fifteen regional CDF
offices are located throughout the country.
Because children cannot vote or lobby for themselves, the CDF acts as their voice, educat-
ing Americans about children’s needs and supporting child-centered programs and policies.

Through their research, media campaigns, political lobbying, and program development,
the CDF has lessened the rate of neglect, illness, poverty, pregnancies, and gun deaths in
children. Additionally, the CDF has increased children’s access to health care, Head Start,
mental health resources, and protections in the social service and criminal justice systems.
In terms of juvenile violence, the CDF emphasizes the role and cost-effectiveness of preven-
tion programs that include quality housing, education, child care, nutrition, and family and
community supports, such as living wages, tax credits, and after-school programs. To this
end, the CDF officially opposes the 2006 Budget Resolution that reduces funding for such

Children’s Defense Fund Website: www.childrensdefense.org.

Melanie Moore


General Description
The chivalry hypothesis refers to a theoretical explanation for the disproportionately lower
involvement of women in the criminal justice system. The theory is based on the concept of
“chivalry,” which began as a term depicting the benevolent nature of knights toward common
people during the Middle Ages. It has since been popularized to describe the protective
nature of men toward women. Although many perceive the idea of chivalry as an archaic
stereotype of women, chivalrous behaviors, such as men opening doors for women, allowing
women to take an open seat on a bus, and the notion of women and children first during a cri-
sis, are still common in modern-day society.
The chivalry hypothesis was a popular theory relating to female criminality in the middle
of the twentieth century, but has lost some of its influence because of gender research over
the past thirty years. The hypothesis holds that because criminal justice is a male-dominated
institution, women who come under the focus of criminal justice personnel for their criminal
behavior will receive less severe punishment due to men’s penchant for protecting women.
Therefore, female involvement in the criminal justice system may be somewhat misleading
in relation to the actual amount of their criminal behavior.

Chivalry as an Explanation of Gender Differences in Crime

The potential for chivalry exists in the discretionary power of criminal justice personnel at
every stage of the criminal justice system. This includes law enforcement, prosecution, sen-
tencing, corrections, probation, and parole. Just as criminologists who study race and crime
often argue that each step of the process is unfavorable to minorities, chivalry theorists con-
tend that each step has the opposite impact on females.
Perhaps the group in criminal justice that has been accused most of partaking in chivalrous
behavior is the group that has the most contact with the public. Indeed, since law enforce-
ment is the most male-dominated and generally least-educated group of the criminal justice
practitioners, their discretionary decisions have received much attention from researchers.
The stereotype has been that they are more lenient on women, particularly those who are

attractive, because they want to protect them from the rigors of the criminal justice system.
Perhaps this idea has been amplified by the popularity of stories surrounding attractive
women receiving no ticket for violations when being pulled over by a male officer.
Although prosecutors and judges typically have more education and less discretion than
law enforcement officers, they have also come under the focus of chivalry theorists. Indeed,
women convicted of crimes are generally less likely to receive prison terms than men and are
given lesser sentences when they are incarcerated. Many attribute these differences to
chivalry in the charging decisions of male prosecutors as well as the sentencing decisions of
male judges.
While it has been challenging to offer statistical proof of chivalry in police decisions, deci-
sions within the court process are less difficult to document. For instance, there has been
research indicating that prosecutors offer females better plea offers than male defendants.
Moreover, other researchers have found that judges are more lenient on women in sentencing
and more likely to consider mitigating factors for women, such as marital status, family back-
ground, and dependent children, than for men.

Legacy of the Chivalry Hypothesis

The chivalry hypothesis has lost a great deal of popularity over the past thirty years, with
many suggesting that it is an outdated theory containing only historical importance. Indeed,
some researchers point toward increasing female arrest rates as a sign that police are exercis-
ing chivalry less frequently, particularly those of the newer generation.
Some criminologists critique the simplistic nature of the chivalry hypothesis as a theory of
gender differences, adding that it does not recognize the contextual nature of the sentencing
of female offenders. Research has indicated that police are actually tougher on some females
than males, often depending on the nature of the crime and the image that the offender por-
trays. For instance, females who resemble men or who participate in male-oriented violent
crime and gang involvement have been less likely to receive chivalry from police and judges.
Also, police are typically tougher on female runaways than males.
Ethnicity has been found to have an impact on the treatment of females as well, and racial
differences may have an effect on the criminal justice practitioners’ perceptions of the female
involved in crime. Research has supported this idea in that minority females have been found
in a number of studies to receive tougher penalties than nonminority females.
Finally, the impact of chivalry has also been examined on females working in the field of
criminal justice, and many argue that women in criminal justice face an uphill battle due to
chivalry. Others have contended, however, that women have been able to use the chivalry of
offenders effectively, particularly in policing and corrections. In theory, male offenders are
less likely to attack female officers, and thus female officers have been successful in calming
down situations that may have escalated with only male officers present.
Although many would argue that chivalry remains in the criminal justice system, the future
of the chivalry hypothesis is uncertain. Common thoughts hold that as women continue to
make up a greater proportion of personnel within the criminal justice system, the notion of
chivalry will become less valuable as an explanation of gender differences in crime.

See alsoGender, Frequency of Perpetrating Violence by; Gender, Frequency of Receiving

Violence by; Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by; Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence
Received by; Liberation Hypothesis

Avekame, E., & Fyfe, J. (2001). Differential police treatment of male-on-female spousal violence:
Additional evidence on the leniency thesis.
Violence Against Women , 7, 22–45.
Crew, K. (1991). Sex differences in criminal sentencing: Chivalry or patriarchy? Justice Quarterly,
8, 59–83.
Goethals, J., Maes, E., & Klinkhamers, P. (1997). Sex/Gender-based decision-making in the criminal
justice system as a possible (additional) explanation for the underrepresentation of women in official
criminal statistics: A review of international literature.
International Journal of Comparative and
Applied Criminal Justice, 21, 207–240.
Leiber, M., & Mack, K. (2003). The individual and joint effects of race, gender, and family
status on juvenile justice decision-making. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency,
40, 34–70.

Brion Sever

CHRONIC 6 PERCENT. The label “chronic 6 percent” has become a famous phrase
in delinquency research. Representing an empirical breakthrough in 1972, Wolfgang, Figlio,
and Sellin found that, in a given year, a small proportion of arrested juveniles perpetrate most
of the delinquent acts. This reinforced prevention efforts in the identification of youth who
engage in numerous offenses compared to delinquents who are not chronic offenders (those
who commit only a few offenses).
The study examined a cohort of juveniles (9,945 boys) born in the same year and moni-
tored their police arrest documents. Chronic offenders were boys with five or more police
arrests, further subdivided into types. Delinquents were boys arrested infrequently for nonse-
rious offenses. Serious offenders engaged in violent crimes (homicide, rape, robbery, assault,
and sexual assault) and more serious property crimes, such as theft and arson, while violent
offenders were arrested for only violent offenses.
The key finding was that 6 percent of the chronic offenders and 18 percent of the delin-
quents perpetrated 52 percent of Philadelphia’s juvenile arrests in a given year. It under-
scored the fact that a smaller number of delinquents (chronic) are much more frequent in
their offense rates compared to most delinquents (not chronic). This has tremendous policy
implications today, as both preventative and law enforcement efforts should target those most
likely to be multiple offenders.

See alsoAging out; Delinquency in a Birth Cohort; Developmental Theories

Loeber, R., & Farrington, D. (Eds.). (1998).
Serious and violent juvenile offenders: Risk factors and
successful interventions
. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wilson, J., & Howell, J. (1993).A comprehensive strategy for serious, violent and chronic juvenile
offenders. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Wolfgang, M., Figlio, R., & Sellin, T. (1972).Delinquency in a birth cohort
. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.

James Steinberg

COCAINE AND CRACK COCAINE. Cocaine is an illicit stimulant and

psychoactive drug in a powder form that can also be chemically processed to produce a solid
resin called crack cocaine. Cocaine made its way to the United States by the 1970s and was
used by middle- and upper-class users. Initially thought to be nonaddictive, it became glam-
orized as a high-status drug in comparison to marijuana. By the early 1980s, crack cocaine
began appearing in Miami, Detroit, Los Angeles, and later in New York. This solid form
popularized smoking the drug, as it had more immediate and intense euphoric effects. An
unanticipated cultural turn in crack use led to the recognition of abuse and addiction and the
shift in use and trafficking from the middle and upper classes to the lower social classes.
Being a stimulant, cocaine increases blood pressure and heart rate and generates increased
alertness while reducing appetite and the need for sleep. Large doses and chronic use of
either form of cocaine may produce cravings and addiction. This is to offset uncomfortable
side effects of irritability, paranoid ideation, and mood swings. Using cocaine with alcohol
other illegal substances creates a synergistic effect and speeds up physical problems and
addiction. Medical problems include heart arrhythmias, respiratory failure, digestive disor-
ders, malnourishment, and the risk of AIDS in IV users. Youth involved in dealing and using
crack have a risk addiction, especially if they begin use before fourteen years of age.
The presence of crack in economically depressed inner cities in the 1980s resulted in
increased use, abuse, addiction, trafficking by singletons and some youth gangs, criminal
activity, and violence. The crack epidemic became a very serious social problem. Trafficking
mushroomed as minorities faced fewer employment opportunities, took up the crack trade,
and armed themselves with guns for status and protection. Two forms of criminality
emerged; territorial disputes among trafficking gangs and increased crimes by users to
purchase the drug or as a defensive tool by dealers. The presence of guns led to increased
rates of youth homicide, drive-by shootings, and tragic bystander fatalities. By the 1990s
some researchers found a link between gun violence, prior drug convictions, and dealing
crack; however, major trafficking is by adult organizations. The policy response to the crack
epidemic included increases in prison sentences for gun and drug convictions, prevention and
treatment programs, drug screening, confiscation of the property of drug dealers, and prose-
cution of low-level dealers—all aimed at deterring the spread of crack and illicit drugs.
In the Monitoring the Future: National Results of Drug Use Survey (MTF), annual
self-reports of high school youth show cocaine use peaked during 1980–1987 when 11 to
13 percent reported use in the last twelve months. By the 1990s, crack use dropped 10 percent,
showing a steady 2 to 3 percent annual use rate; thirty-day use rates, moreover, were consider-
ably lower. The MTF found 95 percent of seniors have disapproved of crack use since the early
1990s. Although crack remains a threat, as do all illicit drugs, increased public awareness of the
damaging effects of drugs and their severe consequences combined to contain its use.

See alsoDrug Enforcement Agency (DEA); Gang-On-Gang Violence: Gun-Related

Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of; Stimulants

Agar, M. (2003). The story of crack: Towards a theory of illicit crime trends.
Addiction Research and
Theory, 11(1), 3–29.
Howell, J., & Decker, S. (1999, January). The youth gangs, drugs, and violence connection.
OJJDP Bulletin.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

James Steinberg

COGNITIVE THEORIES. A psychology-based approach, cognitive theories focus

on mental processes as the source of delinquency. Specifically, the way people perceive and
make sense of their world and how they solve problems is said to shape their delinquent
involvement. Likedevelopmental theories, cognitive theories tend to utilize a life course
perspective. In contrast to most life course theories, which largely address criminal desis-
tance, cognitive theories are more interested in why delinquent behavior persists.
Building on the work of Jean Piaget, cognitive theorists look first at childhood, as this is
when reasoning processes are developed. Piaget posited there are four stages of cognitive
development that begin at birth. By age twelve, most have entered the fourth stage, called the
formal operational stage, and are able to use logic to solve problems and understand abstract
concepts. Although Piaget did not specifically discuss delinquency, those who apply his work
have maintained that delinquent youth are “stuck” in stage three, the concrete operational
stage, characterized by dualistic morality. These juveniles are unable to recognize ambiguity,
seeing the world and their decisions as “black or white.”
Another influential cognitive theorist, Lawrence Kohlberg, addressed the mental processes
involved in moral development. Kohlberg suggested that there are six stages of moral devel-
opment and that offenders may have a different moral orientation than law-abiding people.
The first of Kohlberg’s stages involves making decisions based on obedience or to avoid pun-
ishment and the second involves making decisions to meet one’s own needs. Evaluations of
Kohlberg’s work have found delinquents are more likely in these first two stages, whereas
nondelinquents were more likely to put themselves in others’ shoes (stage three), maintain
rules that are needed for the benefit of a group or society (stage four), recognize that rules
and laws are part of a social contract (stage five), or apply principles of justice to their
decision-making (stage six). The most hard-core delinquents are said to be stuck in stage one.
Kohlberg, as well as many psychologists and sociologists, has been accused of being
androcentric. That is, his work is based on males and designed to explain the moral reasoning
of males. Carol Gilligan and others assert male moral reasoning differs significantly from
that of females, who base their decisions on an ethic of justice and care. A study of 846 Dutch
youth between 1991 and 1997 that measured moral reasoning three times at three-year inter-
vals found delinquency decreased as moral reasoning developed. This study found gender
differences in delinquency, but not in reported delinquency.
Another focus for cognitive theorists is in understanding the link between delinquency and
information processing. Violence-prone youth, it is suggested, may not process information
in the same way, may retrieve it differently, or may be too slow to make decisions. This is
because they developed flawed “mental scripts” early in life that tell them how to respond
and what to expect. They may have learned these mental scripts from parents and may even
have been abused or neglected. In particular, women who are abused may have developed
flawed mental scripts. As a child tries out violent behavior and finds little response or even
positive responses, they may continue to use those same mental scripts.
Expectancy-Value theory posits that individuals choose behaviors based on the outcomes
they expect and the values they ascribe to those outcomes. This theory also emphasizes
that youth learn what to expect and how to value those expectations via socialization. Neo-
cognitive theories are beginning to stress the ways institutions alienate youth and how that
alienation may reinforce the flawed mental scripts these juveniles already hold. Research by
Giordano, Cernkovich, and Rudolph with seriously delinquent adolescent females has
demonstrated that offenders are agents in achieving the milestones needed for personal trans-
formation. They identify four types of cognitive transformation: the offender’s openness to
change; the offender’s exposure to a “hook” or set of hooks for change; the ability to envision

a transformed self; and a change in the way the offender views the delinquent behavior. Their
research shows that women may be more likely to have religious transformations, as well as
using childbirth as a “hook” to change their views on delinquency.

Research has demonstrated that violent children perceive people as aggressive. Studies
generally confirm that delinquent youth hold more negative attitudes toward parents, teach-
ers, police, and the law than do their nondelinquent peers. Aggressive youth generally
attribute fewer positive intentions to people when given problem-solving tasks. Further,
delinquents use fewer cues to process information than do nondelinquent peers. Oftentimes,
violent youth misread situations and respond violently when it is not necessary. Another
study comparing incarcerated with nondelinquent youth found the delinquent group was
more likely to externalize and use proactive aggression than their more educated peers, but
not more likely to do so than their nondelinquent but lesser educated peers. An evaluation of
Expectancy-Value theory found that delinquents do not necessarily believe aggressive behav-
ior will be an effective way to solve their problems; rather, juveniles use aggressive behavior
because they perceive no other valued options. These studies would suggest education may
be the key to teaching youth to respond nonviolently. In regard to what cognitive transforma-
tions may help offenders desist, Gini Sikes’s research with hard-core female gang members
supports Giordano, Cernkovich, and Rudolph’s contention that childbirth may lead to
significant cognitive transformation for females.
Research to date has found little significant difference between delinquents and non-
delinquents in regard to moral reasoning. Further, some research supports that, while moral
reasoning affects delinquency, it is also affected by it—a more reciprocal relationship than
generally posited.

Some criticize cognitive theories, asserting flaws in the basic premises. For instance, critics
point out that Jean Piaget’s theory was based largely on studies of his own children, hardly a
representative sample. Many of the studies of moral reasoning and information processing
involve small samples as well. In regard to moral reasoning and its impact on delinquency,
critics note that not all delinquent behavior is clearly immoral. In addition, self-reports are
the primary tool used to measure moral reasoning, information processing, and all other inde-
pendent variables. Likewise, delinquency is typically measured via self-reports. These might
not be very accurate measures of complex concepts. Several researchers have pointed out that
the longitudinal studies used to evaluate cognitive theories often include few or no seriously
violent offenders.

Policy Implications
Clearly, educating youth about alternatives to violence follows logically from these theories.
Hence,peaceable schools and conflict resolution make a great deal of sense. Specifically,
improving the moral reasoning of young people is a logical response if delinquency is truly
due to cognitive explanations. Evaluations of a program designed to increase moral judgment
and social skills, EQUIPPE, have not found it to do so.

See alsoInteractionist Theories; Social Development Model


Borders, A., Earlywine, M., & Huey, S. (2004, Fall). Predicting problem behaviors with multiple
expectancies: Expanding Expectancy-Value theory.
Adolescence[Online edition].
Giordano, P., Cernkovich, S., & Rudolph, J. (2002). Gender, crime, and desistance: Toward a theory of
cognitive transformation.
American Journal of Sociology, 107
(4), 990–1064.
Nas, C., Oroboide Castro, B., & Kops, W. (2005). Effects of the EQUIPPE programme on the moral
judgement, cognitive distortions, and social skills of juvenile delinquents and antisocial youth.
Psychology, Crime, and the Law,(4),
11 421–434.
———. (2005). Social information processing in delinquent adolescents.Psychology, Crime, and the
Law, 11(4), 363–375.
Raaijmakers, Q., Engels, R., & Van Hoof, A. (2005). Delinquency and moral reasoning in adolescence
and young adulthood.International Journal of Behavioral Development,(3),
29 247–258.

Laura L. Finley

COMMUNITY TREATMENT. In order to fully understand community-based treat-

ment for juvenile offenders, it is beneficial to understand individual treatment. Individual
treatment attempts to identify and treat the individual in order to prevent acts of delinquency.
Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals use a variety of personality and psychi-
atric tests to determine if a youth is in danger of getting into trouble with the law.
Community-based treatments then seek to assist in the rehabilitation of a juvenile offender in
lieu of incarceration.

Probation is a common method of community treatment. Probation allows the juvenile
offender to complete his or her sentence in the community. While on probation, offenders
must comply with various stipulations, such as attending school or maintaining solid
employment. In order to make sure that the juvenile is on track, the juvenile court assigns
each child a probation officer. It is the probation officer’s job to oversee the youth’s progress.
The probation officer also acts as a liaison between the juvenile court and the minor.

Parole, also known as aftercare, is release from an institution based on the conditions set by
the juvenile court. Unlike those on probation, juvenile offenders must serve part of their sen-
tence in a juvenile detention center. They are then released to complete their sentence in the
community. If a criminal act is performed while on parole, the prisoner may be sent back to
juvenile hall to complete a full sentence. Parolees are also assigned a parole officer, who, like
a probation officer, oversees the parolee and makes sure that the conditions of parole are
being adhered to.

Intensive Supervised Programs

An intensive supervised probation (ISP)is a median between probation and institutional-
ization. Because some offenders may need or even want more individualized attention, they
are placed with ISP probation officers assigned by the juvenile court. These probation
officers have smaller case loads than regular probation officers and can concentrate more

of their time and energy on a smaller amount of clients. Ultimately, the goal of an ISP is to
reduce overcrowding in juvenile detention facilities.

Group Homes/Group Care

Instead of being sent to a correctional facility or parolled, a juvenile court may send a minor
to a group home where they can receive more individualized attention. There they are classi-
fied by age, gender, and severity of the crime committed. The severity of their crime also
determines the level of security put in place. For example, secure care facilities are for more
violent and repetitive offenders. They are indicative of a correctional facility in environment
and restrictions. In these secure care facilities, offenders are encouraged to maintain commu-
nication with family and others in the community in an attempt to build a support system that
is available upon completion of their time served.
Upon evaluation of the minor’s progress in the secure care facility, they may be permitted to
transfer into a staff-secure facility. These facilities are for nonviolent offenders who, without
structured supervision, are at risk to re-offend. In both a secure care and a staff-secure facility,
rehabilitative programs include drug abuse treatment, family and individual counseling,
educational and vocational training, and sports.

Foster Care
In supervised foster care, nonviolent offenders are placed with trained foster care parents.
This arrangement is temporary and is not a substitute for a detention center, but rather a
short-term residence in lieu of adjudication or until permanent arrangements can be made.
Supervised foster care does not offer rehabilitative treatment.

Day or Evening Reporting Centers

By judicial order, nonviolent juvenile offenders go to day or evening reporting centers during
peak crime hours throughout the day in an effort to prevent re-offending. Day centers are
supervision for those who are not enrolled in school. Evening centers are after-school alter-
natives for those who are enrolled in school. These centers offer alcohol, drug, and mental
health counseling and vocational training. The centers operate in partnership with various
social service groups that help fund them.

Home Confinement
Home confinement, also known as house arrest, is the most common alternative to the juve-
nile detention center. A minor released under home confinement is allowed to live at home or
with relatives, but is assigned a curfew. Home confinement allows the juvenile to attend
school and other activities approved by juvenile court. Those under house arrest are assigned
probation officers who make scheduled visits to the youth’s home and school.

Electronic Monitoring System

In the event that a nonviolent high-risk juvenile offender violates his or her probation, does
not attend school or their day/evening center regularly, or fails to abide by the rules and reg-
ulations set forth by the juvenile court, he or she may be charged to wear
an mon-
itoring bracelet. It is irremovable and is usually locked to the juvenile’s ankle. The youth
must live in a house under adult supervision that has a working telephone. The monitoring

system is linked to a transmitter within the phone line, and if the offender ventures beyond
their designated areas, it is documented and the proper authorities are notified. This violation
may result in the minor being placed back in a juvenile detention facility.

Juvenile Boot Camps

Juvenileboot camp is an alternative to lengthy sentences within a juvenile correctional
facility. It is a military-style program that emphasizes discipline as well as physical training.
There are state-run and privately run camps. Minors that attend the boot camps may also be
placed on a period of probation following the program. Not necessarily rehabilitative in the
mental health aspect, these camps focus on the behavioral problems of the juvenile.

Wilderness Camps
Wilderness therapy, also known as adventure therapy, is the concept behind wilderness
camps. Wilderness camps are the alternative to traditional military-style boot camps. Instead
of a barracks-style armed forces setting, troubled youth are placed in a wilderness setting
where they are encouraged to form relationships with other youth within their camp in order
to perform various wilderness activities. They utilize psychological treatment through coop-
erative activities to build self-esteem and self-confidence.

Albanese, J. (1993). Dealing with delinquency: The future of juvenile justice
. Chicago: Nelson-Hall
Boot Camp Information. (n.d.). What are boot camps for troubled teens? Available from:
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice. (n.d.). Reforming the juvenile justice system. Available from:
Circuit Court of Cook County. (n.d.). Court programs: Juvenile probation and court services depart-
ment. Available from: http://www.cookcountycourt.org/services/programs/juvenile/detention
Kipnis, A. (1999). Angry young men: How parents, teachers, and counselors can help “bad boys”
become good men . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Lundman, R. (1993). Prevention and control of juvenile delinquency, 2nd ed. New York: Oxford
University Press.
National Mental Health Association. (n.d.). Juvenile Boot Camps. Available from: http://www
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (n.d.). Available from: http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/.
Outward Bound Wilderness. (n.d.). Available from: http://www.outwardboundwilderness.org.

Dionne R. Pusey

CONFLICT RESOLUTION. There are many methods being used to address

violence in schools. One of these involves implementing conflict resolution programs.
Conflict resolution is based on the idea that conflict is inevitable. It is how we deal with it
that matters most. Youth today are repeatedly taught that violence is the way to deal with
conflict, and conflict resolution programs attempt to teach students that there are other meth-
ods to resolve conflict. Conflict resolution programs take many forms, including those that

are part of a school-wide, systemic effort, to individual classroom efforts, to special programs
like peer mediation. The basic premise underlying these programs is that most issues teach-
ers and students deal with in schools are about differences of opinion and interpersonal con-
flict, not overt acts of violence. Further, research has demonstrated that most acts of physical
violence are in retaliation for some verbal provocation. Essentially, conflict is about unmet
needs. Thus students and teachers must be taught the skills needed to constructively resolve
these conflicts.
An example of one curriculum modeled on conflict resolution is called Open Circle. Open
Circle has been approved by the U.S. Department of Education and is designed for grades
K-5. Its primary purpose is to teach communication, responsibility, cooperation, respect, and
assertiveness. Open Circle also recognizes the importance of parental involvement in
decreasing violence and encourages parent-teacher communication. Evaluations show Open
Circle decreases violent and antisocial behavior, as well as drug and alcohol use. It is also
said to improve conflict resolution skills and impulse control, although the credibility of
these studies is unknown.
Another curricular program is Second Step, which has been implemented in thousands of
U.S. schools. Second Step teaches the social skills of empathy, impulse control, problem
solving, and anger management. All evaluations to date have found Second Step to result in
decreased student suspension rates, perhaps because Second Step goes beyond teaching these
skills just to students but also teaches them to all members of the faculty, even custodians.
Peer mediation is a means of resolving disputes and conflicts by using a third party. In
contrast to arbitration, the third party in peer mediation remains neutral and is involved only
to assist in communication between the two parties in dispute. By 1994, there were more than
8,000 peer mediation programs in schools, and there have been many more added in the 21st
century. The parties in dispute are each provided the opportunity to tell their side of the story
in a setting where ground rules are established and maintained. Peer mediation has been
widely implemented at all levels, although it is more common at the high school level.
Mediators are generally given ten to thirty hours of training and then mediate cases with a
supervisor at first. Mediators are trained in active listening, paraphrasing, and eliciting infor-
mation and solutions from disputants. Typically teachers select the mediators, but some
schools allow students to participate in the selection process.
Evaluations have shown that peer mediation decreases disciplinary referrals as well as
suspensions and expulsions. One study found 85 to 95 percent of mediated conflicts resulted in
some lasting agreement between the disputing parties. Too frequently, though, schools fail to
conduct any form of evaluation of their peer mediation programs. Consequently, it is not clear
precisely how effective they may be. To work best, peer mediation must be thoroughly sup-
ported by school personnel, which sometimes does not occur. A 2002 study found teachers did
not allocate time to peer mediation as they felt they already lacked adequate instructional time.
Peer mediation works best when students are involved in all parts of the process, from organi-
zation to implementation. Ideally, peer mediation teaches students to resolve conflict nonvio-
lently in both school and nonschool settings, although research to date has not examined
whether this goal has been achieved. Further, some students may not feel comfortable using a
peer mediator. Peer mediation seems to be most useful when disputes are relatively minor and
does little to address the multiple forms of violence that occur in schools, such as racial
violence, sexual violence, and systemic violence. Teachers also need to be trained in conflict
resolution so they can support the mediation program, which is not always guaranteed.
The most well-known conflict resolution effort is the Resolving Conflict Creatively
Program (RCCP). RCCP was started by the New York City Public Schools in 1985 and is

now used at over 4,000 schools and with students at all grade levels. It is a comprehensive,
multiyear strategy that involves staff, students, families, and communities in the effort to
make less violent and more peaceable schools
. The primary goal is to change the school cul-
ture so that conflict is minimized and, when it occurs, managed peaceably. These concepts
are integrated into the curriculum through a variety of cooperative learning exercises.
Teacher training and observation of teachers are important components of RCCP. After one
year in the program, schools may begin to develop a peer mediation program as well. The
Carnegie Foundation has rated RCCP one of the top ten violence prevention programs.
Research by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in conjunction with several private
foundations, found great teachers and parental satisfaction with RCCP. Teachers report less
physical violence in the class and an increase in student cooperation, while parents report the
program increases their own communication skills. Both in and out of school suspension
rates decrease with RCCP. The biggest drawback of RCCP is the cost and time investment; it
runs approximately $35 per student, which may be prohibitive for some districts that could
benefit from it. In addition, much of the evaluation of RCCP has come from self-reports,
which have certain limitations.
The biggest problem with conflict resolution programs is that they tend to be piecemeal.
They have been poorly supported and poorly funded add-on programs, expected to work

About the RCCP. (n.d.). Educators for Social Responsibility. Available at: www.esrnational.org/
Baldauf, S. (1999). Programs to prevent violence before it starts.
Christian Science Monitor, 91
: 105.
Eisler, R. (2000).Tomorrow’s children. Boulder, CO: Westview.
Selfridge, J. (2004). The resolving conflict creatively program: How we know it works.
Theory into
Practice, 43(1), 59–67.
Webster, D. (1993). The unconvincing case for school-based conflict resolution programs for adoles-
cents. Health Affairs, 12(4), 126–41.

Laura L. Finley


General Description
Conflict theorists view crime as the outcome of a class struggle between the haves and have-
nots within society. Those in power use the law and criminal justice system in a subtle man-
ner that protects their interests against those not as satisfied with the order of society or their
place within that order. Thus, crime is partly the result of the focus of the law on controlling
the have-not members of society, while at the same time preserving the position of the elite.
Criminals are not necessarily amoral misfits or sociopaths, but often people who have not had
success in life and have come under the focus of the power elite when attempting to find
alternative ways to achieve that success.
Conflict theorists contend that evidence to support their ideas is quite obvious within the
criminal justice system. Illegal corporate crime and corporate executives are investigated,
prosecuted, and sanctioned much less severely than those who commit lower-class crime.

Accordingly, this is due to the influence that the corporate elite have on governmental
decision-making as well as the economical stakes that governmental elite often have in such
organizations. Similarly, conflict theorists contend that victims of crime who are wealthy and
have influence receive quick reactions from criminal justice agents, while these same agents
are often disinterested in crimes against the lower class.

The philosophical underpinnings of conflict theory can be found in the writings of Karl Marx
and his successors. Marxist theorists focus on the structure of capitalist societies and, specif-
ically, the natural crime-causing tendencies of such class structures. Part of the focus of
Marxist theory is on the preferential treatment that businesses and those in the upper class
receive from the government and law. Thus, Marxist theory is in complete contrast with
consensus theorists, who contend that the law is designed to maintain a fair and unbiased
society and is based on the consensus of thought in a democratic society. By focusing on the
government’s role in crime and criminal justice, Marxist ideology undeniably provides the
groundings for conflict theory.
Conflict theory became a popular sociological theory during the 1960s, a time of social
and political upheaval when distrust of the government was perhaps at its highest in
American history. Adding to the popularity of this theory was research highlighting the
weaknesses of official statistics whereby crime is represented by arrests or reported crime.
Indeed, self-report studies indicated that crime was not as much a phenomenon of the lower
class as had been commonly asserted. This added fuel for conflict theorists, who contended
that the elite used the criminal justice system to control the lower class and maintain the
status quo, rather than to provide justice in an objective and evenhanded manner.
Conflict theory began to have a strong impact on criminology in the 1970s, when new
attention was being placed on white-collar crime. At this time, many criminologists split
from labeling theory, stating that it focused too much attention on the impact that criminal
justice agents have on blue-collar crime, thus causing it to be vastly incomplete. Conflict the-
ory melded well with the attention being given to white-collar crime and helped the criminal
justice system in its understanding of the incongruity between the serious negative impacts
that white-collar crime has on society and the lack of focus placed on pursuing and punishing
this crime type.

The Legacy of Conflict Theory

As all theories, conflict theory is not without its critics. A number of criminologists have
argued that conflict theory is too general in describing the elite or the haves. For instance, are
the elite a part of the government? Are they interest groups? Are they businesses? Many
would argue that the elite in society is a complicated arrangement made up of a plurality of
groups that is complex, ever-changing, and differs across regions. Moreover, there are ques-
tions surrounding the actual control that the elite have over the criminal justice system. In
fact, some research has provided support for consensus theory by finding that police disper-
sion and patrol decisions have sometimes been based on the desires of constituents, many
being from the lower class.
Critics also have questioned the causal order surrounding conflict theory’s assertions
about the attention placed on blue-collar crime. Specifically, perhaps the criminal justice
system’s lack of attention toward white-collar crime is not based on the motivations that con-
flict theorists posit. Indeed, there is much historical literature suggesting that society’s focus

on blue-collar crime is rooted in tradition, stretching back to a time before the industrial
revolution and insurance coverage when blue-collar crimes, such as theft and burglary, were
catastrophic, and white-collar crimes of industrial and corporate groups were not an issue.
Such critics would contend that conflict theorists are taking a complicated phenomenon of
law that is based on years of tradition and socialization and adding a simple explanation with-
out quantifiable or historic merit.
Yet, despite the critics, it is difficult to deny the impact that conflict theory and related ide-
ologies have had on criminology. It has increased the field’s understanding of the complexi-
ties of crime and the role that society has in defining and thus shaping crime. In the beginning
of the century, many groundbreaking criminological theories focused on blue-collar crime
and largely ignored the creation of law and, in turn, crime. Conflict theory has helped
make criminologists aware of their own subjective interpretations of crime and decreased the
acceptance of official statistics and classifications of crime.

Chambliss, W., & Seidman, R. (1971). Law, order and power. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Mosher, C. (2001). Predicting drug arrest rates: Conflict and social disorganization perspectives.
and Delinquency , 47, 84–104.
Petrocelli, M., Piquero, A., & Smith, M. (2003). Conflict theory and racial profiling: An empirical
analysis of police traffic stop data.
Journal of Criminal Justice
, 3, 1–31.
Pratt, T., & Lowenkamp, C. (2002). Conflict theory, economic conditions, and homicide. Homicide
Studies,6, 61–83.

Brion Sever

CONTROL THEORIES. Control theory is a perspective seeking to explain the genesis

of delinquent behavior. It attempts to explain why youth
refrain from engaging in delinquent
behavior. This shifts the emphasis generally used in other theories from the question “What
causes delinquency?” to the question “What causes youthnotto engage in delinquency?” There
has been considerable empirical research performed that offers explanations and analysis. The
key mechanism in control theory is an elucidation of various types of social and psychological
controls that will stop or prohibit the onset of delinquent behavior. Consideration of youth
violence would focus on the question “What factors would prevent youth from engaging in
violent crimes?”
Control theories put forth certain assumptions that are held to be generalizations about
delinquent and criminal behavior. First is that individual’s must be restrained or controlled to
reduce delinquency. Second, youthful delinquency is common, so this redirects attention
to the accurate identification of factors that stop delinquency. A third assumption is that
delinquents lack the particular restraint mechanisms that operate to prevent delinquency in
nondelinquents. Fourth, control theories hold that society clearly delineates accepted norms,
values, and laws that serve as guideposts for behavior. There are three main versions of
control theory.
Psychoanalysis is an early form of control theory that proposes that humans’ personalities
are composed of three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. The impulsive id requires
restraint by operation of other parts of the personality and is accomplished by way of social-
ization. This restraint from delinquency is exercised by the ego and, most importantly, the
superego. This part of the personality energizes when a potential norm violation requires a

decision to restrain from inappropriate behavior. Thus, based on early learning experiences
in the family and society, the superego overrides the urges from the id. Empirical tests of
psychoanalysis have not been as extensive as with other control theories, as the concepts are
abstract in nature.
The second control theory was offered by Reckless. It contends that low self-esteem (or
self-concept) is associated with delinquency and high self esteem contains delinquency.
Reckless states that there are many social and psychological inducements that make delin-
quency appealing. A youth’s strong self-esteem is the key inner mechanism that provides
them with the strength to resist delinquency. For Reckless, there are outer and inner pressures
that may generate delinquency and outer and inner containments that insulate a youth from
delinquency, if they are developed. Inner containment originates from strong self-esteem,
which is derived from favorable socialization and child development. Self-esteem then
buffers or insulates one from delinquency. Outer containment originates from primary groups
and acceptance of role expectations derived from intensive group participation.
Research has shown that in some samples of delinquents, their self-esteem ratings are
lower than nondelinquents. Self-report studies involve sampling youth who report delin-
quency but may not have been in contact with police. Self-concept may be important for its
indirect effects that operate through more important causes, such as the family, peer affilia-
tions, and social class.
Social control theory is the third version of control theory and was advanced by Hirschi in
1969. The key mechanism that restrains delinquent and criminal behavior is referred to as the
social bond. There are four components of this bond: attachment, commitment, involvement,
and belief. The assumption is that the absence or weakness of these bonds reflects a defi-
ciency in juveniles compared to nondelinquents. If the social bonds are intensive and strong,
this reduces the youth’s inclination toward delinquent behavior.
Attachment is the strength of one’s emotional connection with important individuals and
groups. If a youth has ties of affection and identification with these groups, they will inter-
nalize group norms opposing delinquency. Commitment is a developed sense of investment
in and orientation to reference groups that makes the potential pain of group rejection a deter-
rent to delinquency. The bond involvement ranges in strength from low to very strong group-
orientation, based on the time spent establishing allegiance with conventional groups and
individuals. Finally, belief involves the internalized endorsement by the youth to maintain
conformity to legal codes. If any four of the bonds are weakened, the social bond is less con-
trolling of a youth’s behavior and more predictive of delinquency.
Considerable research has been conducted to evaluate control theory. There have been
three societal processes studied: the family, school, and religion’s influence on delinquency.
Studies on the family that posit a breakdown in controls usually look at disorganized com-
munities and families; however, control theories look at family structure (death and divorce)
and family process (supervision, affection, cohesion, and abuse).
Research on broken homes has found some connection with delinquency; however, many
studies claim a more important factor is the quality of family relationships, such as supervision,
happiness, and parental involvement. In general, research finds modest confirmation between
effective family supervision (time spent), reciprocal happiness in a family atmosphere, and par-
ticipation in activities. All are linked with lower propensities toward delinquency. Hirschi found
that attachment to school and school grades are also linked to delinquency. The connection
between religious attendance and delinquency has had inconsistent findings.
Research evaluating control theories shows more application to property offenses and drug
offenses than to violent crime. Research comparing the relative importance of family, abuse,

and school variables has suggested that school-based variables are more important. Thus
youth who are disconnected and unattached to school and teachers ostensibly are linked to
juvenile violence.
Gottfredson and Hirschi offered the fourth control theory in 1990, calledGeneral
Theory of Crime (GTC). Their theory states that delinquency is likely by offenders who
lack self-control in concert with having opportunities to commit delinquent acts. Delinquents
have faulty inner impulse control in a social context of delinquent temptations. The youth’s
personality can not muster the internal strength to refrain and to use moral reasoning to desist
the appeal of immediate gratification and excitement-seeking. This model suggests that some
delinquency is contextual and based on opportunities that override a rational cost-benefit
analysis of the delinquent act.
Control theories continue to be expanded and tested in criminology today. While they may
have weak power explaining youth violence, they do explain some garden-variety delin-
quency, such as property, drug, and status offenses.

See alsoPersonality Theories; Psychodynamic Theory; Rational Choice Theory

Gottredson, M., & Hirshi, T. (1990).
A general theory of crime. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press.
Hirschi, T. (2001).Causes of delinquency
. Somerset, NJ: Transaction.
Pfohl, S. (1994).Images of deviance and social control
, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill.
Shoemaker, D. (2000). Theories of delinquency: An examination of explanations of delinquency be-
havior. New York: Oxford University Press.

James Steinberg

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of

pain intended as correction or punishment. This type of punishment is generally held to differ
from torture because it is only applied for disciplinary reasons and is therefore intended to be
limited, rather than intended to jeopardize the will of the victim. Historically, parents have
used corporal punishment on their children for disciplinary purposes. It has also been used by
societies to curb norm violation, especially by juvenile violent offenders.
Some social scientists see corporal punishment as a disciplinary tool for incorrigible
children and as a stress relief for parents. Schools use corporal punishments to deliver cor-
rective discipline to children and youth for the purpose of socialization. One form of corpo-
ral punishment that is still used at some schools to discipline children is paddling. Every
industrialized nation, except the United States, Canada, and one state in Australia, have
banned corporal punishment in schools. Twenty-three states still allow corporal punishment
of students, and best estimates are that almost 350,000 students are subjected to it each year.
This system of punishment is also used in boot camps for violent juvenile offenders to keep
them in check and in military types of discipline.
Historically, slaves received corporal punishment from their owners from instruments such
as canes or whips. The goal was to assure that slaves were disciplined and put in their places.
Sometimes beating them to death was said to enforce supremacy.
Colin Farrell, in Birching in the Isle of Man, 1945 to 1976 , stated that birching was
principally a punishment for boys under fifteen years of age who were convicted of larceny.
Violent juvenile offenders suffered similar punishment as well. Other examples of corporal

punishment include the “cat-o-nine-tails,” which is an instrument consisting of leather

thongs with pieces of metal inserted. It was once used in America, Britain, and by the
Russians. Later on in the twentieth century, people who were locked up in prison yards or in
correctional facilities were regularly beaten and flogged whenever they broke rules or
became unruly. One example of this is the Parchman Prison Farm in Mississippi. The true
symbol of authority and discipline at Parchman was a leather strap, three feet long and six
inches wide, known as “Black Annie,” which hung from the driver’s belt. Whipping had a
long history in the South, of course, and not only on the slave plantation.
Corporal punishment is lawful as a sentence for crime because, although the Constitution
recognizes the right not to be subjected to torture or to other cruel, inhuman, and/or degrading
treatment or punishment, other legislation allows for corporal punishment. Whipping is lawful
as a sentence for young male offenders under the Corporal Punishment Ordinance (1889).
Corporal punishment has existed since the beginning of man. It is still regarded as a social-
ization and disciplinary tool. Conservative politicians are more comfortable with this tool. In
the Bible there are various scriptures that mention violence against children and how children
should behave: “He that spareth the rod hateth his son.” This passage demonstrates how far
society has evolved.
Opponents maintain the United States has elevated corporal punishment to capital punish-
ment for youths. Corporal punishment can damage the lives of children wherever and whenever
it is imposed. In severe cases, experts say children who have received corporal punishment may
suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Opponents argue corporal punishment is not
healthy for children in any society and should be restricted if not eliminated in favor of other
forms of discipline.

Crowell, D., Evans, I., & O’Donnell, C. (Eds.). (1987).Childhood aggression and violence: Sources of
influence, prevention, and control . New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Farrell, C. (n.d.). Birching in the Isle of Man, 1945 to 1976. Available from: www.corpun.com.
Greven, P. (1990).Spare the child: The religious roots of punishment and the psychological impact of
physical abuse. New York: Vintage.
Hyman, I., & Snook, P. (1999). Dangerous schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Miller, F., Jenkins, J., & Keating, D. (2001). Social economic status, parenting practices, and childhood
disturbance. In D. Williams (Ed.), Vulnerable children
. Edmonton, Canada: University of Alberta
Website on corporal punishment: www.stophitting.com.

Evaristus Obinyan


special advocate (CASA) is appointed by a judge to represent the best interests of maltreated
children. These advocates help free up an overburdened legal system while providing unique
attention to each child. They work closely with professionals in the educational, medical, and
legal fields, reporting their findings directly to the court. They stay with each case until the
child is placed in a safe and permanent home. Some states call the advocates guardians ad
litem (GAL).
Concerned that he did not have the amount of information necessary to make a confident
decision on the welfare of abused and neglected children, the Honorable David Soukup

created the first CASA program in 1977 in Seattle, Washington. The success of the Seattle
program has since been replicated across the country with now over 900 CASA programs
that help over 280,000 children.
The National CASA office is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and is not a political
organization. They do not remove the children from their homes or prevent their safe return.
They know there is not a universal generic solution applicable to all children.
The advocates are responsible for investigation, mediation, reporting, and monitoring.
Through this process, they come to understand the child and their family, thus allowing them
to make recommendations to the court that represent their best interests. Maintaining the pri-
vacy of the children is of the utmost importance.
Advocates are carefully screened and are required to complete between thirty to forty
hours of training as well as attend lectures on sexual and physical abuse. They learn how to
write court reports and conduct interviews. In addition, each advocate is required to attend
twelve hours of national or local continuing education each year.
The U.S. Department of Justice has supported CASA since 1985 through Office
its of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) . In 1990, Congress encouraged the
expansion of the CASA program with the passage of the Victims of Child Abuse Act.
In 1991, CASA was declared a commendable national program in the prevention of juvenile
In 2003, Congress approved a bill, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
(CAPTA), in which CASA proposed an amendment that all GALs have appropriate training
and an increase in funding for child abuse prevention and education.
The national CASA public policy is also concerned with improving educational outcomes
for foster children. In some communities, CASA maintains facilities that allow supervised
visitation in a homelike environment between the children and their families. Games, books,
hobbies, and snacks are provided. The advocate protects the child from abuse while keeping
a careful account of the encounter for the court record. In addition, parents that are going
through a divorce can use the CASA house as well.

See alsoChild Savers; Children in Need of Services (CHINS);

Parens Patriae

About CASA. (2005, June). CASA Website: http://www.nationalcasa.org/htm/about.htm.
National CASA 2003 Annual Report. (2005, July). CASA Website: http://www.nationalcasa.org/

April C.Wilson

CURFEWS. The application of curfews on juveniles has a long history in the United
States. For example, curfews were initiated during World War II to maintain control over
adolescents while their parents were at war or working in the war industry. They were
resumed in the 1980s and gained popularity in recent years. In 2005, seven hundred cities had
and enforced teen curfews.
There is widespread support for curfews among the general population, minority communi-
ties, and politicians. Those in support of teen curfews suggest they will keep teens safe and
they reduce the risk of traffic accidents. Further, supporters say curfews lessen juvenile crime,
including vandalism. Others counter that curfews are unfair. Opponents argue that curfews

stereotype or penalize good kids, the majority, for the actions of a few troublemakers.
Some maintain they are unconstitutional. In addition, minority youth appear to be over-
represented among curfew violators, and there is concern that the police will use curfews to
focus upon race, ethnicity, or nonconformity.
Research has not tended to support the claims of curfew proponents. Research on curfews
does not indicate a significant impact on juvenile crime. In fact, juvenile crime peaks in the
late afternoon, while most curfew laws focus upon nighttime hours. However, at least one
study indicated that curfews were effective in curtailing gang activity. In summary, it is very
difficult to scientifically determine whether curfews are effective or ineffective. They do hold
significant political support, even in minority communities where police may use the law in a
discriminatory manner.
The Supreme Court has not addressed the constitutionality of teen curfews, so the consti-
tutionality remains unresolved. The federal courts are not in concert as to the constitutional-
ity of curfew laws, however juvenile curfews have not been judged to be inherently
unconstitutional. The typical constitutional challenge to curfew laws is that they violate
fundamental rights, including the First Amendment, and may also be vague. The constitu-
tional rights of youth are not as expansive as those for adults. Therefore, some curfew laws
hold exceptions that allow the right of association or activities protected by the First
Amendment. Exceptions have also been infused into curfew laws to allow teenagers to drive
during proscribed hours if they are engaged in driving associated with their employment
duties. In conclusion, the issue is not whether curfews are legal, but rather an issue about the
language and exceptions.

See alsoPolicing Juveniles

Adams, K. (2003). The effectiveness of juvenile curfews at crime prevention. The Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science , 587 Annals, 136–159.
Bilchik, S. (1996, April). Curfew: An answer to juvenile delinquency and victimization? OJJDP
Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Available at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/txtfiles/curfew.txt.
Grounded . . . every night. (2005).Current Events, 105(6), 3.
Indiana uses curfews to cut summer crime. (2003). Juvenile Justice Digest, 31
(15), 3.
Kaminsky, T. (2003). Rethinking judicial attitudes toward freedom of association challenges to teen
curfews: The first amendment exception explored. York University Law Review, 78 (6), 2278.
Krull, K., & Divito, A. (1999). A kids’ guide to America’s Bill of Rights: Curfews, censorship, and the
100-pound giant . New York: Avon Books.
McCollum, S. (2005). Mall curfews: Teen discrimination? Literary Cavalcade, 57(4), 18–20.
Note: Juvenile curfews and the confusion over minor rights. (2005). Harvard Law Review, 118 ,
Slavick, P. (1996).Juvenile curfew and parental responsibility ordinances in Washington . State
Olympia: Washington State Institute for Public Policy.
The impact of curfew laws in California. (n.d.). Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice. Available at:
Zink, J. (2004, November 19). Court says no to cities’ curfews.St. Petersburg Times(Florida), 1B.

Mike Olivero

Until 2004, the United States was the only Western country, and one of only a few coun-
tries in the world, to execute juveniles. The first recorded execution of a juvenile in
the United States was in 1624 in Massachusetts, where Thomas Graunger was executed
after being convicted of bestiality. During this time, the death penalty was used as a pun-
ishment for a wide range of crimes, including the striking of one’s mother or father.
Juveniles were treated like miniature adults and were punished like adults. The recognition
that juveniles did not think and make decisions like adults was the driving force behind
the establishment of the juvenile justice system in the United States. However, due to
juvenile waiver to adult jurisdictions, twenty-two juveniles have been executed in
the United States since 1976, with thirteen of those executions taking place in the state
of Texas.

Arguments for the Juvenile Death Penalty

Like the death penalty for adults, pro-death penalty arguments for juveniles center on retri-
bution and deterrence
. Deterrence is the idea that harsh punishment for murder will dissuade
others from committing murder. Deterrence is basedrational
on choice theory, which
assumes that individuals make rational choices to commit crime. Retribution is the notion of
an eye for an eye, or payback. Often in capital cases, the victim’s family maintains that the
offender’s execution will provide some closure.

Arguments against the Death Penalty for Juveniles

Perhaps the most compelling argument against the death penalty for juveniles in recent years
has been that of differing brain functioning. Medical research has indicated that the frontal
lobes, which regulate impulse control and reasoning, are the last areas of the brain to develop,
and full development may not occur until the early twenties. Therefore, juveniles may not be
held responsible for their actions to the same degree as adults.
Another new area of study is the relationship between childhood trauma, in the form of
abuseor neglect, and criminal behavior. A number of studies conducted under the auspices
of the Department of Justice have indicated that violent victimization can predict future vio-
lent behavior. Juveniles are unique in that they often cannot escape an abusive environment,
and they may not have the maturity to adopt coping skills.

The Supreme Court and the Juvenile Death Penalty

Criminologists have argued that the Supreme Court has been slow to align its practices with
overwhelmingly negative public opinion about the juvenile death penalty. Most of the legal
debates have focused on Fourteenth and Eighth Amendment issues. One of the most influen-
tial Supreme Court opinions came about from a case in Oklahoma, where a sixteen-year-old
boy named Eddings shot and killed a police officer and was sentenced to death. The Supreme
Court ruled that the mitigating circumstances of the case, which were the petitioner’s turbu-
lent and abusive family history, the offender’s emotionally disturbed state, and the offender’s
age, were not adequately considered in lower courts. The Supreme Court vacated Edding’s
death sentence. This was the first time the Supreme Court had viewed age as an important
factor in determining the death sentence (Eddings v. Oklahoma, 455 U.S. 104, 1982).
Several years later, the Supreme Court heard another juvenile death penalty case, also
from Oklahoma. InThomson v. Oklahoma , the petitioner had, at age fifteen, participated in
the killing of his brother-in-law and was subsequently sentenced to death. The Court debated
whether the Eighth Amendment was violated because the state of Oklahoma had not set a
minimum age limit for the death penalty. The Supreme Court held that executing someone
who was under sixteen at the time of the offense was considered cruel and unusual, and the
death sentence was again vacated (487 U.S. 815, 1988).
A third Supreme Court case that was influential in the development of the death penalty
for juveniles was Stanford v. Kentucky . This case was also an Eighth Amendment challenge,
as the petitioner claimed that sentencing a seventeen-year-old to death was cruel and unusual
punishment. The Supreme Court held that it was constitutional to execute sixteen- and
seventeen-year-olds and upheld the sentence. This case therefore set the minimum age limits
for executing juveniles (492 U.S. 361, 1989).
Recent Supreme Court opinions set a more lenient tone for juveniles convicted in capital
cases. In 2002, the Supreme Court held that juveniles who were mentally retarded could not
be executedAtkins
( v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304, 2002). The most influential case to date was
heard in 2004. In this case, Simmons was seventeen when he committed a murder in
Missouri and was subsequently convicted and sentenced to death. Simmons appealed on the
grounds that the death penalty for offenders under the age of eighteen was cruel and unusual.
The appeal was launched on the premise of the decision Atkins
in v. Virginia.
The Missouri Supreme Court agreed with the petitioner and vacated the death sentence.
The case then moved to the Supreme Court. By a vote of 5 to 4, Supreme Court justices held
that executing juveniles violated both the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments, as both pro-
hibit the execution of offenders who were under the age of eighteen at the time of their crime
(Roper v. Simmons, 633 U.S. 1962). The Supreme Court opinion in this case refers often to
evolving standards of decency that go hand-in-hand with evolving societies, thus justifying
the shift in philosophy. This decision has ended the long-standing debate over the juvenile
death penalty and has converted juvenile death sentences to life sentences without parole
across the United States. However, if the pendulum in criminal justice swings again in favor
of more punitive sentences, this decision could be challenged in the future.

See alsoAbused/Battered Children; Child Savers; Cognitive Theories

Death Penalty Information Center: http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org.
English, D., Widom, C., & Brandford, C. (2001). Childhood victimization and delinquency, adult criminal-
ity, and violent criminal behavior: A replication and extension.
Washington DC: Department of Justice.

Morreale, M., & English, A. (2004). Abolishing the death penalty for juvenile offenders: A background
paper.Journal of Adolescent Health, ,35 335–339.
Oritz, A. (2004).Cruel and unusual punishment: The juvenile death penalty, evolving standards of
decency.Washington DC: The Juvenile Justice Center of the American Bar Association.
Skovron, S., Scott, J., & Cullen, F. (1989). The death penalty for juveniles: An assessment of public
support.Crime and Delinquency, 35 (4), 546–561.
Vogel, B., & Vogel, R. (2003). The age of death: Appraising public opinion of juvenile capital punishment.
Journal of Criminal Justice, 31
(2), 169–183.

Monica L. P. Robbers


The 1950s and 1960s was a period of social turbulence in the United States. The Korean War
had ended, the Vietnam War was in full swing, the Cuban missile crisis was publicized, and
there was cultural upheaval provided by the hippie and civil rights movements. During this
time, sociologists David Matza and Gresham Sykes proposed a theory of social control called
drift theory to explain why people change their behavior from law-abiding to lawbreaking.
The drift hypothesis states that delinquents do not blindly follow delinquent cultural values,
but instead are influenced by both conventional cultural values and delinquent cultural
values. Therefore, such individuals find themselves drifting back and forth between the two
sets of values.
The subculture of delinquency provides delinquents with values that enable them to
disengage the demands of conventional society, thus allowing them to commit delinquent
activities. Sykes and Matza developed a model techniques
of of neutralizationthat delin-
quents follow when committing crime, helping them to rationalize their criminal actions.
Matza developed the idea of drift further. He proposed that individuals are capable of
drifting from being completely law-abiding to being completely free of restraint. Although
Matza maintained that most people live somewhere in between, some individuals move from
one extreme in behavior to the other. This is not an overnight process, but is instead gradual.
The very nature of the gradual drift process helps define an individual’s behavior, similar to
the process found in differential association.
Initially, when someone commits a delinquent act, he or she would feel guilty and counteract
the delinquent act by behaving in a strict law-abiding manner. Then gradually he or she may
drift back to delinquency. Matza describes drift as soft determinism in that the delinquent act is
a combination of choice and determinism. Individuals will choose to commit crime when either
preparation or desperation is present. Desperation is often involved during the first time that an
offender commits a crime and is usually the result of dire circumstances. Preparation refers to
the second time an individual commits a crime after the offender acknowledges that the crime
was worth the risk and can be done again.
One of the most important reasons for drift from law-abiding behavior to lawbreaking
behavior, wrote Matza, was a sense of injustice that a delinquent may feel. Injustice could be
experienced through cognizance, competence, consistency, commensurability, and compari-
son. The level of injustice perceived by an individual directly affects their likelihood of drift.
Cognizance refers to the level of ownership a delinquent associates with the delinquent
act. If he or she neutralizes the act, thereby taking little responsibility for it, the level of

cognizance is low. Competence refers to the expertise of authority. If the delinquent feels that
the person in authority is behaving unfairly toward him or her, drift toward delinquency is
likely to increase, as the sense of injustice is likely to be great.
If a delinquent feels that not everyone is being treated the same, their perception of
consistency in the justice system is distorted, and their level of perceived injustice will
increase. Commensurability refers to whether the individual believes the act should even be
punishable. Comparisons affect injustice and therefore drift when a delinquent perceives that
laws apply to their group but not others. The best example of how comparison can affect
perceptions of injustice and then drift is status offenses that apply to juveniles but not to
Matza won the prestigious C. Wright Mills book award from the Society for the Study of
Social Problems for his book on delinquency in drift in 1964.

Applications of Drift Theory

Applications of drift theory have appeared in both sociology and criminology. John Hagan
and colleagues tested the premise of subterranean influences of self-interest on subcultural
delinquency (the drift from law-abiding to lawbreaking behavior) and found that males were
more likely to drift. Another study by Hagan and others examined Matza’s ideas that adoles-
cent friendships can add to drift toward delinquent subcultures. In this study, results indicated
that girls were more affected by intimate friendships, and these friendships tend to support
law-abiding behavior rather than lawbreaking behavior.

Criticisms of Drift Theory

One of the most oft-cited criticisms of drift theory is that it is difficult to empirically test.
The concepts in the theory are largely cognitive, such as the sense of injustice and its impact
on drift toward lawbreaking behavior. Another criticism is that the theory does not clearly
specify how exactly the drift process begins. Travis Hirschi also criticized the theory, saying
that it did not accurately describe delinquent behavior. He saw delinquency occurring
because of a lack of social bonds and social controls, rather than a conscious decision to be

See alsoDevelopmental Theories; Social Learning Theories; Subcultural Theories

Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (2003).Criminological theory: Past to present,
2nd ed. Los Angeles: Roxbury
Einstadter, W. (1995).Criminological theory: An analysis of its underlying assumptions.
Fort Worth,
TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Hagan, J., Hefler, G., Classen, G., Boehnke, K., & Merkens, Hans. (1998). Subterranean sources of
subcultural delinquency beyond the American dream. Criminology, 36(2), 309–342.
Hirschi, T. (2001).Causes of delinquency.
Somerest, NJ: Transaction.
Matza, D. (1964).Delinquency and drift. New York: Wiley and Sons.
Sykes, G., & Mazta, D. (1957). Techniques of neutralization: A theory of delinquency. American
Sociological Review,,5664–670.

Monica L. P. Robbers


the world, especially industrialized ones, juvenile delinquency is an increasing problem. All
researchers agree that young people who live under difficult social and economic circum-
stances are most at risk of becoming delinquent. However, which particular circumstances
these are and how they have to be weighted is still under discussion.

The Family
Problems in the family are identified as the ultimate source of juvenile delinquency.
Cumulative family stressors significantly increase the likelihood that children develop behav-
ioral problems. The family stressors identified include: parents having an unskilled or semi-
skilled job; overcrowded or large family; mother with depression or neurotic disorders; child
who has been in the care of child protective services; criminal conviction of father; and mar-
ital discord. A family stressor in isolation has no significant effect on the likelihood of behav-
ioral problems, but the interaction of two or more does, especially when the stressors tend to
be chronic. Others mention further family stressors like high debts, alcohol and drug abuse of
the parents, death of one or more family members, parents who suffer from psychosis, are
unemployed, or are illiterate. On the other hand, research shows that children who receive
careful upbringing less likely tend to start a criminal career.
In the underdeveloped world, youth often face additional stressors. Risk factors typical for
underdeveloped regions of the world are HIV/AIDS and the death of parents during armed
conflicts. Orphans of both are typically without a means of subsistence, housing, and other
basic necessities, thus making them at greater risk for delinquency.
The consequences of a defunct family life for the juvenile can be dramatic and are best
illustrated by case studies of domestic violence. Children who experience domestic violence,
either as a witness or as a victim, are more likely to have psychological and cognitive prob-
lems than children raised in more stable families. Children who witness domestic violence are
more endangered to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of PTSD can
include the reexperiencing of the trauma in their thoughts, preoccupation with the event, a
reduction of normal activities, anxiety, fear, sleep problems, somatic complaints, and, what is
especially important here, explosive outbursts of aggression. A recent study found children
with PTSD to have greater externalizing behavioral problems than children who do not have
PTSD. Witnessing violence between the father and mother, both directly and indirectly, affects
the normal development of a child. These parents normally are not able to adequately accom-
pany their child’s development and address his or her everyday needs. They are also more
likely to be inconsistent in their parenting style. Moreover, by witnessing spousal violence, the
children may copy strategies of conflict resolution that are based on physical and verbal vio-
lence. Several studies suggest that children who observe violence in the parental environment
may repeat this behavioral pattern later in life. Sons who have witnessed their father’s vio-
lence are 1000 percent more likely to mirror this abusive behavior toward their partners as an
adult. Moreover, children who are themselves exposed to violence in the family or in the com-
munity are at a greater risk of becoming either an offender or a victim of violence.
Children from disadvantaged families have fewer chances to find a legitimate occupation
and are thus exposed to a higher risk of social marginalization, which results in their over-
representation among perpetrators. This is especially true of boys, whereas girls are more
prone to internalize behavioral problems, thus suffing greater rates of depression.
Alcohol and drug abuse as “self medication” are thought to serve a variety of functions for
abused and neglected youth, including psychological and/or emotional escape from their

abusive environment, alleviation of depression and anxiety, reduction of feelings of isolation

and loneliness, and enhancement of self-esteem.

The Criminal Identity of Delinquents

The identity of a juvenile delinquent is complex, since it is, on the one hand, influenced by
the delinquency itself and, on the other hand, by the person’s ethnicity, social class, and gen-
der. Construction of individual identity is often carried out within a peer group. The peer
group plays an important role in the construction of gender roles and relations, including
delinquent behavior.
Violence and conflict are constituent strategies in the construction of group and delinquent
identities. Group identity and activity are established and maintained through conflict rela-
tions with other juvenile groups and society as a whole. Violence functions as a means for the
integration of members into a gang, reinforcing their sense of identity, and thereby accelerat-
ing the process of group adaptation to the local environment. Those most likely to participate
in delinquent activities are members of such “territorial gangs.” According to statistical evi-
dence, they commit three times as many crimes as juveniles and youths who are not gang
members. Fighting, street extortion, and school violence are the most frequent offenses com-
mitted by these groups. In many cases juvenile delinquent groups are the starting point for an
adult career in organized crime.
Peer groups are often ethnically based. Immigrants tend to exist at the margins of society
and frequently fail to comply with social, legal, and economic standards of the majority. Thus
they often seek refuge in groups that represent their social and cultural ideologies. Difference
in cultural norms, as well as the acceptance of ethnic subcultures into mainstream society,
results in cultural conflicts, which is linked to criminal activity. Violence can thus be seen as
a means of “solving” violent conflict.

See alsoAbused/Battered Children; Developmental Theories; Gang Involvement, Theories on

Carlson, B. (1990). Adolescent observers of marital violence.Journal of Family Violence, 5,285–299.
Cavaiola, A., & Schiff, M. (1989). Self-esteem in abused, chemically dependent adolescents. Child
Abuse and Neglect, 13 , 327–334.
Collins-Hall, L. (2001). Application of a social interactionist perspective to examine the effects of
children’s experiences of domestic violence on the development of juvenile delinquency and
substance use. Unpublished dissertation, UMI Dissertation Services.
Dembo, R., Dertke, M., LaVoie, L., Borders, S., Washburn, M., & Schneider, J. Structural analysis
among high risk adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, ,10 13–33.
Dembo, R., Williams, L., Getreu, A., Berry, E., LaVoie, L., Genung, J., Schmeidler, J., Wish, E., & Kern, J.
(1990a). A longitudinal study of the relationship among alcohol use, marijuana/hashish use, cocaine
use, and emotional/psychological functioning problems in a cohort of high risk youth.International
Journal of Addiction, 25,1341–1382.
Dembo, R., Williams, L., LaVoie, L., Berry, E., Getreu, A., Wish, E., Schmeidler, J., & Washburn, M.
(1987). Physical abuse, sexual victimization, and illicit drug abuse: Replication of a structural
analysis among a new sample of high risk youths. Violence and Victims, 4,
Eth, S., & Pynoos, R. (1994). Children who witness the homicide of a parent.
Psychiatry, 57,287–307.
Fantuzzo, J., & Lindquist, F. (1989). The effects of observing conjugal violence on children: A review
and analysis of research methodology.Journal of Family Violence, 4, 77–95.

Graham-Bermann, S., & Levendosky, A. (1998). Traumatic stress symptoms in children of battered
women.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13,111–128.
Ireland, T., & Widom, C. (1994). Childhood victimization and risk of alcohol and drug arrests.
International Journal of Addiction, 29,
James, O. (1995) Juvenile violence in a winner-loser culture: Socio-economic and familial origins of
the rise in violence against the person.
New York: Free Association Books.
Kilpatrick, K., & Williams, L. (1998). Potential mediators of post-traumatic stress disorder in child
witnesses to domestic violence. Child Abuse & Neglect319–330.
Youth at the United Nations. World Youth Report, 2003. Available at: www.un.org/esa/ socdev/

Ruth Erken

DELINQUENCY IN A BIRTH COHORT. Referring to a 1972 research-based

book bearing this title, Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin’s study is often called the Philadelphia
Birth Cohort Study. Using a cohort sample of 9,945 adolescent males born in 1945, the
researchers followed the boys from age ten to age seventeen. The entire cohort lived in
Philadelphia, and records from police contacts were used to tally the number of offenses over
a seven-year span. Thirty-five percent (3,475) of the boys had one or more police contacts.
While this seems high, it also demonstrated that many boys did not experience police
encounters. Of the subgroup with police encounters, the authors recorded 10,214 total
contacts. They further examined the initiation of delinquent acts, age differences, offense
seriousness and frequency, and the specialization in delinquent acts.
One-time offenders made up nearly half of the boys with police contacts (46.4 percent).
This demonstrates that some boys do not continue and escalate their offenses. They are
episodic in their delinquency and had no other police contact. Statistics on offenders
committing two to four offenses revealed a proportion of 28 percent of the contact cohort.
Finally, 6 percent of the juvenile cohort had police documents of five or more offenses. In
total, this 6 percent had 5,305 police contacts, which was 52 percent of all documented
offenses. The authors deemed those who had five or more police contacts chronic offenders. It
is this finding that created an important social fact; a small proportion of juveniles—chronic
delinquents—perpetrated a disproportionately large amount of delinquent acts. This group is
often called the chronic 6 percent . Key additional findings were that offenders started
delinquency by age fourteen and that some of them continued engaging in crime as adults.
Following this trailblazing publication, numerous studies created a new genre of delin-
quency research called cohort studies. These studies attempted to replicate and expand on the
original findings by following juveniles into adulthood. Youth in Ohio and Wisconsin were
subject to cohort studies. Overall, they confirmed the original Philadelphia Birth Cohort
Study. The percentage of chronic delinquents, however, varied from 6 to 25 percent.
Additional refinement in cohort research was generated with improvements in measurement
and sampling.
A distinction began to be made among chronic delinquents: those committing serious
offenses and those committing violent offenses. Chronic delinquents are those who are
persistent offenders over a longer time period. Moreover, later studies demonstrated that
chronic delinquents tend to be involved in serious offenses, violent offenses, and some in
both. However, some violent and serious offenders are not chronic offenders, so an important
distinction in criminology is between chronic/unchronic and serious/violent offenders.

The 2001 Philadelphia-Juvenile-Adult Career Study examined 27,160 males and females
born in 1958 and examined juvenile police contacts until age twenty-six. Males were found
to be much more chronic than females, and nonwhites had greater rates of chronicity. Males
that were recorded as chronic delinquents are linked to adult crime involvement. Violent
offenses are also predictive of some juveniles moving into adult crime. Now, many juvenile
justice probation agencies engage in the identification of chronic, violent, and serious juve-
nile offenders and focus interventions and incapacitation toward the chronic few.

Hamparian, D., Davis, J., Jacobson, J., & McGraw,The R. young criminal careers of the violent .few
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
Kempf-Leonard, K., Tracy, P., & Howell, J. (2001). Serious, violent and chronic juvenile offenders: The
Justice Quarterly,18, 449–478.
relationship of delinquency subtypes to adult criminality.
Wilson, J., & Howell, J. (1993).A comprehensive strategy for serious, violent and chronic juvenile
offenders. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Wolfgang, M., Figlio, R., & Sellin, T. (1972).Delinquency in a birth cohort
. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.

James Steinberg

DETACHED STREET WORKERS. The goal of detached street or gang worker

programs was to intervene in the lives of the most violent and delinquent gang members and
channel their antisocial behaviors into more positive and prosocial activities. Street workers
were truly detached from their office desks and spent their working hours in the gang’s
environment interacting with gang members in the streets, on their own turf, and in their
clubhouses. Workers were expected to gain acceptance and establish a strong rapport with
gang members by demonstrating empathy, understanding, and concern for each member.
Detached street workers fulfilled many functions and carried out numerous roles that
required them to act as counselors, social coordinators, tutors, mentors, positive adult role
models, and advocates or liaisons between gang members and the juvenile justice system.
A street worker’s typical day, or night, might involve planning a dance or athletic contest,
trying to avert retaliatory violence against a rival gang, researching employment opportuni-
ties, facilitating a group counseling session, discussing a child’s truancy with their parents, or
simply hanging out with the gang members on the street corner.
The concept of the detached street worker evolved from Chicago
the Area Project, which
sought to revitalize disorganized inner-city communities by actively engaging residents in
community planning, organizing, and problem solving. The New York City Youth Board
began using street workers extensively in 1947, and the popularity of these programs grew
considerably during the 1950s and into the mid-1960s, with street workers appearing in
Los Angeles, Boston, Seattle, and San Francisco.
Research and evaluation of street worker programs, primarily studies of the Chicago Youth
Development Project and the Roxbury Project, revealed that the impact and effectiveness of
street worker programs was at best negligible or in most cases nonexistent. Many gang mem-
bers who were assigned street workers actually incurred more police contacts, arrests, and
court appearances than their counterparts who did not have an associated worker.
Paradoxically, the use of street workers may have served to heighten the gang’s negative

reputation on the streets as only the most violent and volatile gangs were afforded street
workers. Thus the gang’s image, to both its members and rival gangs, may have been
Critics have also put forth the theory that street workers unintentionally strengthened gang
cohesiveness and unity through many of their organized events, which often inadvertently
produced a prime opportunity for recruitment and subsequent growth in the gang’s member-
ship. The failure of street worker programs has also been attributed to poor program
implementation, a lack of clearly defined goals and objectives, as well as role confusion
among many of the workers who faced the dilemma of trying to build rapport while honoring
their moral and legal obligation to report any criminal activities that were perpetrated by
gang members.

See alsoGang Sweeps; Gang Units, Police

Klein, M. (1971).Street gangs and street workers
. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Youth Gang Programs and Strategies (2005). United States Department of Justice, Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Available at: http://www.ncjrs.org/html/ojjdp/
summary_ 2000_8/intervention.html.

Douglas L.Yearwood


The Gluecks and Sampson and Laub

Many scholars and researchers maintain that the only way to truly understand juvenile delin-
quency and violence is to understand how it develops over time. These theorists generally use
longitudinal studies to examine the life cycle of delinquent careers. Some of these are also
called integrated theories, as they generally combine elements from a number of other theo-
ries. The earliest of this type of work was thatSheldon
of and Eleanor Glueckof Harvard
University in the 1930s. The Gluecks conducted a series of longitudinal studies involving
known delinquents and utilized a variety of methods, including interviews and secondary
analysis. Their goal was to determine which factors predicted continued offending. After
comparing 500 delinquents with 500 nondelinquents, their primary conclusion was that early
onset of delinquency was most linked with persistent offending. While the Gluecks identified
a number of personal and social factors leading to persistent offending, they felt the most
important was the family. The most vulnerable to delinquency, they determined, were chil-
dren raised in large families with only one parent and with limited funds and educational
access. They also found that physical and mental factors are associated with persistent delin-
quency, most notably low intelligence and mental disorders. In the 1980s,
John Laub and
Robert Sampsonrekindled interest in the Gluecks’ work, reanalyzing data found in the
basement of the Harvard Law School Library. They published their book, Crime in the
Making: Pathways and Turning Points through Life , in 1993. Sampson and Laub’s analysis
generally affirmed the Gluecks’ findings. In recognition of the fact that different factors
impact people throughout the life course, Sampson and Laub developed a theory they
referred to as “sociogenic” and named Age-Graded. They assert that there are two critical life
events that enable young delinquents to desist: marriage and career. Sampson and Laub also

maintain that social capital, or positive relations with individuals and institutions, and social
bonds can reduce the likelihood of long-term delinquency. An interesting adaptation of
Sampson and Laub’s work is focusing on how victimization as a child or adolescent impacts
life-course offending.

The Cambridge Youth Study

Another important longitudinal study of delinquent careers followed 411 boys from London
who were born in 1953. Self-reports, interviews, and psychological testing were used to iden-
tify factors involved in crime over the life-course. Persistent offenders exhibit deviant traits as
early as eight, including dishonesty and aggressiveness, according to this study. Chronic
offenders typically began as property offenders, were born into low-income families with crim-
inal parents, and have delinquent siblings. As young people, the career criminals received poor
parental supervision and were often dealt with inconsistently and harshly. Most chronic offend-
ers had delinquent friends and had little educational success. They were more likely to get into
fights and to have erratic work histories. The Cambridge Youth Study, as it is known, found that
most career criminals do not specialize in a particular type of offense. Drawing on the results
of this study, researchers attempted to identify factors that caused offenders to desist. Shy indi-
viduals, those with few friends at age eight, those having nondeviant families, and those who
are highly regarded by their mothers, are least likely to persist in crime as adults.

Contemporary Developmental Theories

Contemporary developmental theories still emphasize the age of onset as a critical variable in
persistent offending. Research has continued to support this notion, finding that the most
serious adult offenders began very early, even at preschool age, and exhibited a variety of
antisocial behavior, including truancy, animal cruelty, lying, and theft. One study found
males who begin offending prior to the age of fourteen were most likely to engage in serious
offending by age eighteen, and those who were involved in the most serious offenses had
exhibited antisocial behavior the earliest.
Some developmental theories stress the importance of important events, or life transitions,
in guiding whether an individual persists or desists in offending. Important transitions, which
are supposed to occur in succession, include completing education, leaving the parents’
home, entering the workforce in a career, finding permanent relationships, marrying, and
beginning their own family. When transitions occur too early—as in the case of teen preg-
nancy—or too late—when a student fails to graduate on time—delinquency may result.
Further, disruption of one transition is likely to disrupt others as well. For instance, teen
pregnancy may set back graduation. Some people are more at-risk than others, thus are more
susceptible to delinquent involvement when a transition is disrupted. Impoverished teens that
become pregnant, for instance, are less likely to graduate and consequently are more likely to
engage in delinquent activity. In contrast, positive transitions can help an individual cease
being delinquent. Students who graduate and move on to college, work, or military service
may cease delinquent activity.

Delinquent Pathways
One specific form of developmental theory stresses that there are multiple pathways to a life of
crime. Rolf Loeber and associates used longitudinal data to develop three distinct paths:
authority-conflict, covert, and overt. In the first path, stubborn behavior at an early age may

lead an individual to become defiant or disobedient. That individual may then become author-
ity-avoidant, doing such things as staying out late, running away, and skipping school. The
covert pathway begins with minor devious behavior, such as lying and shoplifting, which
escalates to property damage. The behavior then escalates to more serious criminality, such as
stealing cars, dealing drugs, and breaking and entering. In the overt pathway, individuals begin
by exhibiting aggressive behavior, such as annoying others or bullying peers. They next
engage in physical altercations and then to criminal acts of violence, such as robbery and
assault. A person might enter more than one pathway. These individuals are the most persis-
tent offenders. Some research has supported the idea of distinct delinquent pathways.

Delinquent Trajectories
Terrie Moffitt developed a theory called Delinquent Trajectories. Moffitt posits that, for most
people, antisocial behavior peaks in adolescence. She calls these people adolescent-limiteds
(AL). These offenders generally engage in minor forms of delinquency considered typical of
teenagers. Until the age of sixteen, the peer group is highly influential. For others, called life-
course persisters (LC), offending continues into adulthood. It is the combination of family
dysfunction and neurological problems, according to Moffitt, that makes some persist. Poor
parenting prior to age fourteen leads these individuals to commit deviant behaviors and to
become involved with delinquent peer groups, who reinforce the deviant behavior. Those
who start their delinquent behavior after the age of fourteen follow a slightly different path;
they first become involved with delinquent peers, who then lead them to delinquent involve-
ment. Life-course persisters tend to have limited verbal ability, which often impacts their suc-
cess in school. They seem to mature faster and thus are more prone to early sexual
involvement and drug use. While adolescent-limiteds focus mostly on one form of misbehav-
ior, such as drug abuse or shoplifting, life-course persisters tend to engage in a variety of
deviant behaviors. More recently, Moffitt has adapted her theory to explain that some AL
offenders may persist into adulthood if certain “snares,” such as drug dependency or failure
to complete an education, are present.

While many agree with the basic idea that any theory should explain delinquency over the
life course, critics maintain these theories are too broad to have a great deal of explanatory
power. Surely their predictive and explanatory power for all forms of delinquency of all age
groups is somewhat limited, critics contend. Further, many of the studies testing these theo-
ries are with small, homogeneous samples. In particular, these theories may not adequately
address gender differences. Loeber et al’s theory, for instance, was derived from a longitudi-
nal study of males in Pittsburgh, and the Gluecks (as well as Sampson and Laub) studied only
poor white males. Longitudinal work has found that Sampson and Laub’s two key factors for
desistance—marriage and military service—did not explain desistance among serious ado-
lescent female delinquents. More recent research is attempting to better discern gender dif-
ferences in life-course offending.

See alsoInteractionist Theories; Social Development Model

Giordano, P., Cernkovich, S., & Rudolph, J. (2002). Gender, crime, and desistance: Toward a theory of
cognitive transformation.
American Journal of Sociology, 107
(4), 990–1064.

Hagan, J. (2003). S/He’s a rebel: Toward a sequential stress theory of delinquency and gendered
pathways to disadvantage in emerging adulthood. Social Forces, 82
(1), 53–87.
Loeber, R., Farrington, D., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., Moffitt, T., & Caspi, A. (1998). The development of
male offending: Key findings from the Pittsburgh Youth Study. Studies in Crime and Crime
Prevention, 3,197–247.
Macmillan, R. (2001). Violence and the life course: The consequences of victimization for personal and
social development. Annual Review of Sociology,,1–22.
Moffitt, T. (1993). “Life-course-persistent” and “adolescent limited” antisocial behavior: A develop-
mental taxonomy.Psychological Review, 100, 674–701.
Sampson, R., & Laub, J. (1983). Crime in the making: Pathways and turning points through life.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Shoemaker, D. (2005). Theories of delinquency,
5th edition. New York: Oxford.
Thornberry, T. (1997). Developmental theories of crime and delinquency. New Brunswick,
NJ: Transaction.

Laura L. Finley


JUSTICE. The juvenile justice system is fundamentally different from the adult (criminal)
justice system. The current American system of juvenile justice was founded on the British
doctrine of parens patriae, or the state as parent, wherein the state intervenes as necessary
according to its interest in the welfare of a child. It was based on several other underlying
premises: that children are worth “saving,” which can occur through nonpunitive measures;
children need to be nurtured, and part of nurturing is to avoid stigmatizing labeling
processes; justice must be individualized in order to reform a delinquent youth; and non-
criminal procedures are necessary to address the needs of the child. Primary goals of the
juvenile justice system are rehabilitation and treatment rather than punishment and deter-
rence, as with the adult criminal system.
There are several important distinctions between the systems. At the earliest phase of the
process, juveniles can be apprehended for acts, called status offenses, that are not criminal
when committed by adults. The standards for arresting a juvenile are looser as well. Access
to juvenile court records is usually highly restricted, whereas adult criminal court records
are open to the public. Juvenile justice is handled under a casework approach. The case-
worker attempts to ensure the system acts in the child’s best interest. The child attends a
hearing rather than a trial. Protections for juveniles are far more limited than they are for
adults. Juveniles have fewer protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, particu-
larly in school settings, and self-incrimination provisions may vary as well. Whether juve-
niles can waive Miranda rights is also in question. In addition to legal facts, the hearing takes
into consideration the child’s specific needs and personal history. Thus, parents and others
may be very involved through the entire process. Consistent with the philosophical differ-
ences, terminology differs between the courts. Rather than being “indicted,” a “petition” is
filed against a juvenile. Rather than being judged “guilty,” as in the case of criminal offend-
ers, juvenile offenders are judged “delinquent.” Juveniles have no right to trial by jury, as
adults do.
Because a juvenile’s case is heard only by a judge and with far fewer formalities, juvenile
cases are processed far more quickly than are adults in the criminal courts. Sentencing
includes a significant rehabilitative component and is usually flexible compared to adult

sentences, which are often predetermined by the nature of the offense and criminal history.
Where adult defendants have the right to apply for bond or bail, juvenile offenders do not. At
the discretion of law enforcement, juveniles may be held indefinitely under preventative
detention (for the protection of the child and/or community). In general, however, juveniles
are not held beyond their twenty-first birthday, and the most commonly assigned punishment
is probation. Many juveniles are released into their parents’ care, something that cannot
occur in the adult system. While it was common practice for some time, juveniles are no
longer to be held in facilities with adults. The usewaivers
of has muddied this issue some,
and some rural areas have difficulty establishing separate facilities. Until recently, both juve-
niles and adults could be assigned the death penalty. The Supreme Court declared that
capital punishment for juveniles unconstitutional in 2005.
Modern schools of thought tend to believe a preventative approach to violence is more
effective than a punitive approach. Research has also shown that sending juveniles through
adult criminal court rather than juvenile court does not lower recidivism. Over the past few
decades, however, there has been a shift in societal opinion about the juvenile justice system.
In response to a spike in juvenile violent crime during the early 1990s, there was a public
outcry for reform, stating the juvenile justice system was ineffective in its response to juve-
nile violence. Many state legislators pushed for a “get tough” approach that would send more
violent juvenile offenders through the adult criminal courts. Today, more juveniles are being
tried as adults in cases of violent crime.
Research shows that, in contrast to public opinion, juveniles are not committing more vio-
lent acts. A greater number of juveniles seem to be committing violence, but these statistics
may be skewed given the increase of juveniles sent through the justice system as a result of
the legislation from the mid-1990s. Arrests of juveniles for violent crimes have decreased
consistently since 1994. Adults still commit the large majority of violence and have higher
recidivism rates than juveniles.
Some, such as Barry Feld, have called for the abolition of the juvenile justice system. They
feel the trend toward making the juvenile system more like the adult system, without signifi-
cantly altering the protections juveniles are afforded, is making the distinctions between the
two systems obsolete. For instance, in 2000, California voters, believing juvenile crime was
out-of-control, passed Proposition 21, the Gang Violence and Juvenile Crime Prevention Act.
Proposition 21 seriously reduces the confidentiality in the juvenile court, limits the use of
probation with certain juvenile offenders, and increases the ability of prosecutors to waive
juveniles to adult courts. Critics such as Feld maintain the system cannot be fixed due to con-
flicting purposes and shifting priorities.
The federal government has also passed legislation that alters the role of juvenile courts.
The Department of Justice Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 operates on the premise
that juveniles must be accountable for their crime, and thus must face swift and certain sanc-
tions proportionate to their offense.

Feld, B. (1999). Bad kids: Race and the transformation of the juvenile court. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Humes, E. (1996). No matter how loud I shout: A year in the life of juvenile court.
New York: Simon &
Krisberg, B., & Austin, J. (1993).
Reinventing juvenile justice.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Mahoney, K. (2005, May). Juvenile justice tips & information. Relentless Defense Website:

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (2005, May). Juvenile justice: A century of
change. National Criminal Justice Reference Service Website http://www.ncjrs.org/html/ojjdp/
WGBH Educational Foundation. (2005, May). Juvenile vs. adult justice. Public Broadcasting System
Website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/juvenile/stats/juvvsadult.html.

Adam Doran


General Description
Edwin Sutherland established differential association when he took some existing theoretical
ideas and formed them into a theory of criminal behavior in 1939. Sutherland believed that
crime was not biologically or economically driven, but rather is learned through the processes
of socialization. He argued that since crime is a socially or politically defined phenomenon,
we can learn to take part in it just as we would any other socially created phenomena.
The key premise in Sutherland’s theory is that criminal behavior is learned through the
same process that any other behavior is learned. It is not thought up anew by every individ-
ual, but learned from others. Accordingly, the most significant learning comes via face-to-
face interaction through communication, rather than from television, movies, or media
outlets. From these interactions, individuals learn techniques of crime from those around
them, just as one would learn techniques to undertake any other occupation.
Differential association theory contends that people learn behavior through developing a
series of definitions that are either favorable or unfavorable to carry out that behavior. These
definitions can change over time because one is likely to encounter people with diverse opin-
ions about breaking the law. A person commences criminal behavior when the ratio of defin-
itions favorable to breaking the law outweighs those unfavorable toward breaking the law.
Another important component of this theory involves the source of the communications that
one encounters. Associations that are more intense, have a longer duration, are given more pri-
ority, and are more frequent have the greatest ability to influence one’s behavior. Some theo-
rists contend that the intensity and priority of an association can outweigh other significant
relationships, such as those with peers that occur with greater frequency. Therefore, defini-
tions provided by a parent having an intense relationship with a child may still outweigh
definitions provided by other children who the child is around for six hours a day.

Differential association theory was formed in part via early imitation theory, which focused
on people’s tendency to imitate and repeat behavior that they observe. These imitation
theories were, in part, a response to the biological theories present at the turn of the twentieth
century. These theories critiqued the notion that behavior was biologically determined and
focused attention on the socialization process.
Again, Edwin Sutherland was the father of differential association, but a number of differ-
ent researchers have continued and popularized his work, starting with Donald Cressey.
Differential association theory is classified by some today as a social learning theory. Others
see it as being separate from social learning theories, which have taken the ideas of imitation
and differential association and integrated them with psychological and biological processes.

Legacy of Differential Association Theory

As with most popular theories that have existed for a significant amount of time, differential
association has withstood a number of criticisms. Perhaps the most consistent criticism is
that it is difficult to thresh out the impact of learning from biology in explaining violent
crime. For instance, if a father abuses his wife in front of their child and that child later
abuses his wife, it is difficult to determine whether the underlying cause is biologically
impacted or is learned behavior. In addition, while violent criminals may learn to use certain
techniques in their trade or mimic certain styles or strategies, learning still may not explain
the underlying motivation to commit the attacks or the lack of conscience or neutralized con-
science that it may take to undertake some of the actions. Also, while one may learn behavior
from others, his or her abilities, skills, confidence, and opportunity may play a greater role in
the likelihood of undertaking crime.
Despite criticism, differential association theory remains one of the most popular theories
in criminology and criminal justice. Many theorists are impressed by its ability to explain
white-collar as well as blue-collar crime. It also is helpful in attempts to explain individual dif-
ferences in behavior between two similar children living in the same neighborhood or essen-
tially the same environment. Differential association theory contends that everyone encounters
different definitions toward law-breaking, even those living next door to one another. For
instance, the definitions provided by one strong grandmother figure with an intense hold on a
child may be given priority over the communications given by others in the community.
Differential association theory has also had a significant impact on criminal justice and
social policy. Community revitalization plans often use the premises of this theory in pursu-
ing stronger Boys and Girls clubs, Police Youth Leagues, Big Brothers and Big Sisters oper-
ations, and other programs that include positive mentoring of youth.
All one has to do is look at the popularity of the phrase “he fell in with the wrong crowd”
to realize the powerful impact that differential association theory has on the beliefs of
Although Sutherland lived in a time before television and when the impact of the media was
less obvious, future generations of researchers have now begun researching this topic. Today,
policy surrounding television and movie viewing, as well as Internet activity, has been signifi-
cantly impacted by differential association theory. Given this information age in which we now
live, it is likely that differential association theory will be a popular theory for years to come.

See alsoDifferential Identification Theory

Adams, M. (1996). Labeling and differential association: Towards a generalsocial learning theory of
crime and deviance. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 20, 147–163.
Alarid, L., Velmer, B., & Cullen, F. (2000). Gender and crime among felony offenders: Assessing the
generality of social control and differential association theories. Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency,37, 171–201.
Hochstetler, A., Copes, H., & DeLisi, M. (2002). Differential association in group and solo offending.
Journal of Criminal Justice, 30, 559–573.
Merton, R. (1997). On the evolving synthesis of differential association and anomie theory: A perspective
from sociology of science.Criminology, 35, 517–525.

Brion Sever


theory is a learning theory of crime, first introduced in 1956 by Daniel Glaser as an extension
to Edwin Sutherland’s differential association theory. Differential identification embraces
a differential association learning perspective on criminality; however, Glaser’s theory posits
that the process of learning criminality may begin before an individual is directly exposed to
others who exhibit patterns of criminal behavior. According to differential identification the-
ory, the criminal learning process starts when an individual self-identifies with real or imagi-
nary criminal role models. Thus, in differential identification theory, the process of becoming
a criminal is primarily guided by a set of psychological factors that steer an individual’s
desires toward emulation of criminal roles rather than noncriminal role interpretations.
Differential identification recognizes a preliminary or anticipatory phase of socialization
where an individual actively seeks potential mentors from among a range of groups with
whom he or she wishes to be associated. The differential identification process not only
guides the selection of associates but also affects the impact and potential influence of any
given association on individual behavior.
Differential identification theory also emphasizes that potential role models need not be
physically proximate or even real to be effective in the learning process. Individuals can just
as easily identify with distant figures or mass media personas as they can with real people in
interactive social settings. This aspect of differential identification makes the theory practical
for use in explaining the impact of television, comic books, video games, and other media on
juvenile violence.
Critics of differential identification theory argue that the theory is limited because it inter-
prets the learning process as primarily autistic as opposed to social and interactive. Other
critics argue that identification is neither necessary nor sufficient for a learning process to be

Glaser, D. (1956). Criminality theories and behavioral images.American Journal of Sociology, 61,
Glaser, D. (1960). Differential association and criminological prediction.
Social Problems, ,86–14.
Laub, J. (1983). Criminology in the making: An oral history.
Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Williams, F., & McShane, M. (2004). Criminological theory. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Edward L. Powers

DIFFERENTIAL OPPORTUNITY THEORY. Building on concepts from social

disorganization, strain, differential association, and subcultural theories, Cloward and Ohlin
propose three primary ideas about delinquency. First, from social disorganization theory,
Cloward and Ohlin maintain that crime is largely focused in lower-class neighborhoods.
Second, from Robert Merton’s strain theory, Cloward and Ohlin maintain that economic
opportunities are severely limited, at least in conventional institutions, for some Americans.
Blocked aspirations cause people to have low self-concept and to become frustrated. Third,
they assert that these frustrations lead to delinquency, more specifically, gang subcultures. This
is learned behavior, as Edwin Sutherland pointed out in differential
his association theory.
Cloward and Ohlin proposed four categories of lower-class, delinquent youth. Type I youth
seek to improve their economic position by moving toward the middle class. Type II youth wish
to improve their status, but are not improving their economic position. Type III youth are

working on improving their economic position but are not interested in attaining middle-class
membership. Type IV youth reject both middle-class membership and improvement of their
economic position. According to Cloward and Ohlin, Type III youth are the most serious
delinquents. They prefer conspicuous consumption—fancy cars and clothes, for instance—yet
they are not interested in adopting middle-class means to get them.
Cloward and Ohlin then identified three types of gangs that Type III youth will form.
A criminal gang is primarily involved in theft, a conflict gang is most prone to be violent, and
a retreatist gang is mostly involved in drug-related behaviors. The formation of a specific
type of gang is dependent on neighborhood characteristics. Individuals in different neighbor-
hoods learn to adjust to the frustrations of “position discontent” in distinct ways.
Criminal gangs are generally formed when there is highly organized adult criminal activ-
ity in a lower-class neighborhood. Here, the criminal adults become role models for youth, as
well as their tutors in “how to” commit specific offenses. Cloward and Ohlin propose that, in
this type of neighborhood, there is a stable relationship between the criminal adults and the
conventional adults. Some even operate between the two, acting as “fences” in which they
sell illegal goods through conventional businesses. Further, law enforcement and politicians
in the area often look the other way or even accept bribes from the criminals. The effect is
that gang activity in these communities tends to be more businesslike and thus is more likely
to involve theft than violence—more like the common notion of organized crime. Youth learn
to adjust to the frustrations of blocked goals by serving as apprentices to adults.
Other lower-class communities that also legitimate opportunities are characterized by far
less stability and seem to have no form of adult role models. In these communities, youth
form conflict, or violent, gangs as a means of obtaining some form of status and success.
Violence is expressive, not instrumental. Those adult criminals who do reside in these com-
munities are generally involved in low-skill, disorganized, and typically unsuccessful efforts.
Retreatist gangs are referred to as “double failures,” those who succeed in neither the legit-
imate nor criminal world. Some will not become complete failures; rather, they will take the
position of “corner boys.” Many times, retreatist gangs are the result of failed involvement in
either of the two other forms.

Interviews with lower-class youth, including gang members, do not typically support the
notion that they feel their aspirations have been blocked. What seems to matter is whether
aspirations and expectations are similar. Research has found the most delinquent youth are
those with both low aspirations and expectations, rather than those with high aspirations and
low expectations. Some research supports that the relationship is actually the reverse—that
the delinquency occurs first, and this leads to blocked aspirations and opportunities.
Research has offered more support for the notion that different types of gangs form in
different communities, although some find different types than those outlined by Cloward
and Ohlin. Some research supports a “parent delinquent subculture” that explains all gangs
and from which specific gang subcultures emerge. In sum, evaluations tend to confirm
Cloward and Ohlin’s ideas on what gangs do, but not on why they form.

One problem with research assessing differential opportunity theory is how the concepts
of aspirations, expectations, and opportunities are measured. Self-reports on question-
naires may simply be inadequate to measure these complex concepts. Further, most tests of

differential opportunity theory, as well as other anomie or strain theories, involve the use of
official government statistics that may not be valid or reliable. Like many strain-related theo-
ries, Cloward and Ohlin are criticized for focusing only on lower-class delinquency.

Policy Implications
There are really two primary types of interventions that follow strain-related theories: reduc-
ing aspirations and increasing opportunities. Many are leery of reducing aspirations in any
organized fashion, asserting this would be far too close to a caste system. Consequently, most
programs are intended to increase opportunities.
In the 1960s, delinquency prevention programs founded on differential opportunity and
other strain and social disorganization-related theories were popular and received federal
funding. Robert Kennedy, then attorney general, read Cloward and Ohlin’s book and asked
Lloyd Ohlin to help craft federal policy regarding delinquency. The result was the Juvenile
Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1961, which was intended to improve education,
create job opportunities, organize lower-class communities, and provide services to those in
need. The 1961 legislation was a precursor to Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” One of
the more ambitious programs was New York City’s Mobilization for Youth (MOBY), which
received more than $50 million in federal funding. MOBY was intended to create employ-
ment opportunities, increase job skills of youth, help minorities overcome workplace
discrimination, coordinate social services, and sponsor social action groups in the sixty-
seven-square-block area of Manhattan. MOBY also spawned at least seventeen similar
programs in the early 1960s. Despite what sounds like a great deal of money, MOBY was
always underfunded, and many question whether any of the goals were ever truly achieved.
Some assert that MOBY and programs like it were simply too radical for the politicians who
initially supported them and not radical enough to effect the dramatic social change needed
to reduce delinquency rates. Poor citizens did begin to support changes, including rent
strikes, legal action for welfare recipients, and the collection of data about discrimination and
housing code violations. Unfortunately, these participants were often denounced as
“Commies.” In other cases, once a movement began, it was taken over by bureaucracies to
serve their own interests. According to criminologist Richard Quinney, the idea that a mass
movement of the poor might be gaining momentum scared the powers that be. Richard B.
Nixon dismantled these programs when he became president in 1968.

Cloward, R., & Ohlin, L. (1960). Delinquency and opportunity: A theory of delinquent gangs.New
York: Free Press.
Helfgot, J. (1981).Professional reforming: Mobilization for youth and the failure of social science.
Lexington, MA: Heath.
Shoemaker, D. (2005). Theories of delinquency,
5th ed. New York: Oxford.
Vold, G., Bernard, T., & Snipes, J. (1998).
Theoretical criminology,4th ed. New York: Oxford.

Laura L. Finley

DIVERSION. In 1967, The President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and

the Administration of Justice set forth a call for local communities to create options for
addressing the needs of youthful offenders. In large measure, the recommendation was dri-
ven by concerns that experiences in the traditional juvenile justice system may invite effects

that are more harmful than beneficial. Scholars particularly contended that the juvenile jus-
tice system stigmatized young people for relatively minor violations of the law. Diversion
programs, as a consequence, were developed as an alternative means of attending to the
needs of youths facing legal charges. The general purposes of diversion programs are to
focus on bettering young people’s social skills, self-concepts, and attitudes; to educate
youths about the legal system while appropriately redressing offenses; and to reduce the like-
lihood of continued involvement with illegal activity.
Although not confined to such populations, diversion program officials often work with
first-time offenders who are charged with relatively petty crimes. Examples of well-known
models include detention diversion, such as The Key Program, Inc. based in Boston,
Massachusetts, and teen courtsthat exist throughout the nation. When creating diversion
programs, agencies are urged to consider the following questions: (1) What ages will be
included? (2) Which crimes will be included and excluded? (3) How will parents, guardians,
and families be included? (4) What linkages, if any, will exist with other stakeholder organi-
zations? (5) How long will the program last, including follow-up procedures? and (6) How
will the program be evaluated?
Supporters of diversion initiatives argue that youth participation meets a variety of needs
ranging from those of the young people involved to the elements of the juvenile justice
system. For example, scholarly investigations suggest that a program’s success is influenced
by several key factors. On one level, professionals are assigned fewer cases in comparison to
officials with the juvenile court system. The reduced load enables individuals to work closely
and intensely with the young people in their charge. Diversion initiatives, on a second level,
frequently target nonviolent crimes. Hence, alternative arrangements work to alleviate over-
crowding in traditional courts and detention facilities that are assigned the responsibility of
working with individuals who have committed serious offenses. Critics, however, contend
that youth services suffer from an inadequate number of agencies to meet current needs. Such
limitations may give rise to a number of unintended consequences, such as net widening, in
which diversion aims are subverted by increasing rather than decreasing the number of young
people in the juvenile justice system.
Additionally, researchers have developed serious concerns regarding patterns of differential
treatment based on race. To date, a number of studies provide compelling evidence that youths
of color are less likely to be diverted to alternative programs than whites. Discrepancies in
diversion rates, social scientists argue, seem to demonstrate that people of color are processed
and retained through the juvenile justice system at elevated rates. Further, people of color are
more likely sentenced to detention and incarceration. Data gathered from studies of diversion
programs have led some authors to conclude that disproportionate incarceration rates among
African Americans, in particular, are linked with an absence of diversion options.
Despite a growing knowledge base focused on the role of diversion programs, researchers
continue to possess a narrow understanding of such efforts from the perspectives of program
participants themselves. Future scholars are encouraged to forge new directions in their work
by conducting robust qualitative studies that capture the experiences and perspectives of pro-
gram officials, families, and, of course, youths themselves. Studies conducted in this vein
would mark an important step toward identifying ways to best meet the needs of juveniles in
local communities.

Chernoff, Nina W., & Watson, Bernadine H. 2000.
An investigation of Philadelphia’s youth aid panel:
A community-based diversion program for first-time youthful offenders . Philadelphia, PA:
Public/Private Ventures.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 1999.

Detention diversion advocacy: An evalu-
ation.Washington, DC: Office of Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Carla R. Monroe

DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (DEA). The Drug Enforcement Agency

(DEA) is a law enforcement agency that concentrates on deterring the sale, manufacture, and
distribution of illicit drugs. It was formed in 1973 by the Department of the Treasury and the
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare and has since coordinated with other fed-
eral and state agencies to deter the supply and demand for drugs. The resources and mission
of the DEA have expanded considerably since its inception, with the number of special
agents and total employees more than tripling in a little over thirty years. Today, the DEA is
involved in the investigation of major violations of drug laws, investigation of drug gangs,
drug intelligence, drug seizure and forfeiture, training other governments in suppression
strategies, and liaison work in international drug control programs. Moreover, the DEA is
increasing its presence in aviation control, computer forensics, money laundering, and border
control. Although often lauded for its highly organized and high-tech response to drug abuse,
the DEA has also come under much scrutiny by critics of the drug war and proponents of
drug policy change.

Lock, E., Timberlake, J., & Rasinski, K. (2002). Battle fatigue: Is public support waning for war-
centered drug control strategies?
Crime and Delinquency, 48, 380–398.
U.S. Department of Justice Website: http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/.

Brion Sever
Moral Education, Emile Durkheim talked about the importance of circular education, espe-
cially as it relates to children. Durkheim’s position is that education is the vehicle through
which members of society, especially youths, are socialized to meet the needs of our values
and culture. When that same society decides that a segment of its citizens are not worth the
exposure to this mechanism of socialization, the society must blame itself for the conse-
quences of such a decision. Several researchers are clear on the fact that when society isolates
a segment of the population, that group becomes bound to set their own values, which may
not be consistent with those of the popular culture.
Race socialization is one of the tools used to separate one’s group values from those of the
dominant group. African-American youths are usually in the middle of this debate. Research has
shown, however, that the lack of understanding of youths of color is responsible for their behav-
ior more frequently being defined as aggressive, violent, or delinquent. Educational opportunity
and quality education are necessary to fight the problem of youth violence. It was not too long
ago, in Brown v. Board of Education , that African Americans were legally allowed access to
legitimate education that had been available to most Americans for many decades. Some minor-
ity groups distrust the political and economic systems of the society and therefore any institution
within them. The past denial to quality educational opportunities is seen by many scholars as a
crucial contributor to youth violence, especially among minority groups and particularly African
Americans. There is what some refer to as an achievement gap among various groups.
In addition, there is significant poverty in the United States, particularly in minority com-
munities. Ten years ago, child poverty reached epidemic proportions within the United
States. Over fourteen million children, according to the Bureau of the Census, were living in
poverty. Eighteen percent of them experience extreme poverty. This situation interacts with
the lack of quality education and is a constant correlate of juvenile violence. In impoverished
homes, single parenthood dominates family arrangements. Youths who are raised in impov-
erished, single-parent homes, who are unsupervised, and who are denied educational oppor-
tunity or quality education may experience low self-esteem and are more prone to violence.
A series of violent criminal events in our schools has shown legislators across the country
that they must find solutions to juvenile violence. Some of our nation’s schools are referred to
as “persistently dangerous,” and some believe that our public schools have become the most
dangerous environment in our society. Researchers have verified that long-term public educa-
tion campaigns on violence prevention, family education, alcohol and other drug prevention,
and gun safety curriculums in school are effective strategies to help prevent juvenile violence.
A significant number of youths in our public schools fear victimization to and from school.
Some research indicates that almost one-fifth of our nation’s students are afraid to use school
bathrooms because they are often sites for assaults and other forms of victimization.

Studies show that from 1998 to 2002, teachers were the victims of approximately 234,000
nonfatal crimes at school, including 144,000 thefts and 90,000 violent crimes. The U.S.
Department of Education School Safety Report indicates that more than 6,000 teachers are
threatened each year, and 200 are physically injured by students. This type of environment is
not conducive to a quality education.
Unfortunately, many communities in the country are plagued with disorganization.
disorganization is more likely to be found in minority communities where poverty, violence,
and delinquency interact. Children who are raised in disorganized communities are more likely
to be poor, unsupervised, and exposed to drug use and violence, and experience inadequate
education and a lack of proper nutrition and clothing. Research has shown that birth weight,
nutrition, housing quality, and access to health care contribute to the relationship between
Socioeconomic status (SES) and educational outcome. Many children come to school hungry,
dirty, and angry, and they lack enough sleep. These kids can be disruptive in class and are usu-
ally punished by those who supervise them. The inadequate response to the children’s cry for
help was manifested in several violent criminal events across the country. Furthermore,
bullying and sexual harassment has increased tremendously on our public school grounds.
While no school can claim to be without violence, some schools are safer than others. This
safety is dependent on the presence or absence of a variety of characteristics, including
school-based risk factors of poor design and use of school space, overcrowding, lack of car-
ing but firm disciplinary procedures, insensitivity and poor accommodation to multicultural
factors, student alienation, rejection of at-risk students by teachers and peers, and anger and
resentment at school routines and demands for conformity. Characteristics of safer schools
include a positive school climate and atmosphere with social and emotional learning, clear
and high performance expectations for all students, inclusionary values and practices
throughout the school, strong student bonding to the school environment and the schooling
process, high levels of student participation and parent involvement in schools, and provision
of opportunities for skill acquisition and social development.
In sum, violence is preventable as several causal factors have been indentified: poverty,
institutionalized and individual racism, intolerance of differences, abuse, lack of parental
involvement, and the breakdown in family structures. Youth violence is fueled by lack of
hope, a disjuncture between an individual’s dream and the American dream, including the
belief that there is nothing to lose. Involving youth and developing community consensus is
essential to an effective public education process to deal with the problem of educational
opportunity and juvenile violence.

Dedman, B. (1999). Government team seeks explanation for violence.Register Guard(Iowa) 8A.
Jones, N., & Martinez, S. (2005, October). The violence prevention initiative: Accomplishments,
challenges and lesson learned. Available from: www.tcwf.org/pub_lesson.
National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice. (n.d.). Available at: www.edjj.org.
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights. (n.d.). United Nations guidelines
for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Available at: www.ohchr.org/english/law/juvenile.html.
Smith, B. (2000). Marginalized youth, delinquency, and education: The need for critical-interpretive
research. Urban Review, (3).
U.S. Department of Education. (1993). Annual report on school safety 2004. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.

Evaristus Obinyan
socializing agent for children. Positive family relations, therefore, can minimize the risk of
juvenile violence, while negative family relations can promote antisocial behavior, violence,
and delinquency. Research on family relations shows that juveniles who lack parental super-
vision and appropriate punishment and who are not attached to prosocial family members are
more likely to be violent. Negative family relations often must be found in combination with
other risk factors to produce actual violence.
Other terms used to describe the concept of family relations include “family functioning,”
“family control,” “parental efficacy,” and “family process.” Regardless of terminology used,
there are several key dimensions of the concept. They are attachment, support, and parental
control (See Control Theory). Family relations are dynamic by nature and how relations
affect juvenile violence may change over time, yet there are some relatively consistent find-
ings on these key dimensions.
Research shows that attachment to parents and parental morals and values are important.
Juveniles who are positively attached to parents with prosocial attitudes are less likely to be
antisocial, violent, or delinquent. Positive attachments to parents also insulate juveniles from
the temptations of peers. Juveniles who are positively attached to parents who do not hold
conventional morals and values, however, are at greater risk for violence.
The home environment is an integral piece of the family relations/juvenile violence link.
Parents who provide emotional support and instrumental resources to their children, who are
involved in their children’s lives, and who demonstrate caring are a buffer against juvenile vio-
lence. The lack of a caring and supportive environment is associated with juvenile violence. Yet
research also shows that juveniles from highly enmeshed families have higher rates of violence
and delinquency. There is, then, a balancing point of appropriate family support and cohesion
that minimizes the risk of violence. That balancing point may differ by demographics.
Age, sex, ethnicity, and class have been associated with violence, but research findings are
not consistent across studies. For example, some research points to an age-graded effect of
family relations on juvenile violence, in which family relations are correlated with violence
at younger ages. Other research suggests that family relations have more of an effect on juve-
nile violence as juveniles mature. Overall, more research on demographic differences and
juvenile violence needs to be conducted in order to understand these influences.
Violence in the family of origin also must be taken into account. Juveniles who have been
maltreated, who have witnessed family violence, or who have families with excessive con-
flict, have higher rates of violence than those juveniles whose families do not display such
characteristics. In addition, juveniles exposed to multiple forms of family violence are more
likely to be violent than those who have not been exposed to violence or those who have been
exposed to only one form of violence.

Parental management, or parenting style, can influence juvenile violence. Juvenile vio-
lence is more likely to occur in families where parents are either too lenient or too harsh.
Generally, research has found that an authoritative parenting style in which parents set clear
standards, ensure supervision, give appropriate consequences, and provide a caring environ-
ment is a protective factor against violence. Violence by juveniles can alter parenting styles,
but studies have shown that parents also can adjust to such behavior changes and apply
appropriate parenting techniques.
The mechanisms by which family relations affect juvenile violence are filtered through the
juvenile’s own perceptions. A juvenile’s perceptions of such things as rules, support, and
attachment play a role in violence. For example, some research has found that girls are mon-
itored more closely by parents than boys, but because of the negative perceptions of such
monitoring by the girls themselves, parental monitoring is a risk factor for violence, not a
protective factor.
Other research points to the importance of family structure, but family structure variables
are often mediated by the dimensions of family relations. Juvenile violence has been corre-
lated with female single–parent-headed households. When controls for the decreased lack of
supervision and family financial strain have been included in studies, the effects of female-
headed households on violence often disappear. Similarly, some research shows that the
more children in the household, the greater the likelihood of juvenile violence. The ability to
monitor and punish is decreased with more children. Once this is controlled for in studies, the
effects of family size are diminished almost entirely.
The impact of family relations on juvenile violence also operates indirectly. Ample
evidence suggests that family relations influence the juvenile’s personality, which, in turn,
influences the selection of peers. Juveniles from disorganized, high-conflict homes select
peers from the same backgrounds. Family relations then combine with peer influences to
increase the risk of violence.
Juvenile violence prevention and intervention measures need to address family issues, par-
ticularly at the parental level. Areas of parental focus include parenting skills that encourage
good child-rearing practices, recognition and appropriate punishment of violent behavior, and
techniques to enhance family cohesion. Because family relations can produce juvenile violence
in combination with other factors, some of the most effective juvenile violence intervention
efforts, such as multi-systemic therapy or functional family therapy, focus on influencing the
major spheres of juveniles’ lives: family, individual, peer, school, and community.

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence. Available at: http://www.colorado.edu/cspv.
Flannery, D., & Huff, R. (Eds.). (1999).Youth violence, prevention, intervention, and social policy
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Hawkins, J., Herrenkohl, T., Farrington, D., Brewer, D., Catalano, R., Harachi, T., & Cothern, L. (2000).
Predictors of youth violence . Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Loeber, R., & Southamer-Loeber, M. (1986). Family factors as correlates and predictors of juvenile
conduct problems and delinquency. In M.Tonry & N. Morris (Eds.). Crime and justice: An annual
review of research(pp. 129–149). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Wright, J., & Cullen, F. (2001). Parental efficacy and delinquent behavior: Do control and support
matter?Criminology, 39, 677–705.

Erika Gebo

FILM, JUVENILE VIOLENCE AND. Shortly after its inception at the turn of the
twentieth century, the medium of film attracted the ire of child-saving reformers for allegedly
inspiring juvenile delinquency. In the United States, nickelodeon theatres (“cheap nickel
dumps” to their detractors) located in urban slums became gathering spots for youth gangs,
as well as thrill-seeking adolescents more generally. However, these objections soon receded
before concerns about the content of violent films and their effect on adolescent behavior.
Such anxieties became especially pointed after World War II, when films made all over the
world (but especially in the States) began to depict adolescent as well as adult characters
engaged in all manner of violent acts.
Films featuring juvenile violence can be broken into three broad and sometimes overlapping
categories: “social problem” films showcasing adult concerns; “teenpics” marketed to young
viewers; and what can be called “nonconformist” films offering multiple perspectives and
appealing to diverse audiences. This last set has grown in number in recent decades, reflecting
the work of a generation of filmmakers working independently of previously extant industry
and government restraints and a growing awareness of the complex roots of delinquent behav-
ior emerging from theories of the social and behavioral sciences. At the same time, recent
murders on school campuses have reinvigorated old criticisms of movies; observers have
blamedThe Basketball Diaries ( U.S., 1995) for inspiring the mass murders at Columbine High
School and Battle Royale (Japan, 2002) for eliciting “copycat” murders throughout Japan.
Social problem films typically present juvenile violence from an adult perspective. For
example, inThe Blackboard Jungle ( U.S., 1955), we see a multiracial, multiethnic group of
inner-city students at the dilapidated North Manual Trades High School through the eyes of
their reform-minded teacher, Richard Dadier. The film depicts numerous episodes of youth-
on-adult violence: the attempted rape of a female teacher; a vicious beating of Dadier and
another teacher by a gang of students; the smashing of one teacher’s collection of jazz
records; and a climactic showdown between Dadier and a knife-wielding student. After sug-
gesting numerous socioeconomic reasons for the students’ violent behavior, the film resolves
improbably with Dadier forging a personal connection with most of his students. This theme
of middle-class uplift of “dangerous” adolescents would resurface in subsequent American
films (Up the Down Staircase, 1967; To Sir With Love, 1967;Dangerous Minds, 1995),
although recent treatments of this subject offer darker outcomes The Substitute,
( 1996;
Eighty-Seven, 2002).
By contrast,Los Olvidados / The Young and the Damned (Mexico, 1950) portrays Mexican
slum youth in an objective, naturalist fashion. Poverty, parental neglect, and a criminal street
culture overwhelm any chance that Jaibo or Pedro, the two youthful lead characters, may rise
out of their circumstances. The film depicts street kids who rob and even kill, but reserves its
harshest indictments for adults and adult society, offering no tidy resolution. A similar tone,
albeit with far more graphic violence, is struck in City of God / Cidade de Deus (Brazil,
2002), which shows the path of gun-toting adolescent gangsters in the slums of Rio de
Janeiro from the 1960s to the 1980s. SeeMy alsoName is Harlequin / Menya Zovut Arlekino
(Russia, 1988), featuring a neo-fascist youth gang that preys on commuters in Minsk. As
these examples illustrate, American “social problem” films about juvenile violence tend to
place greater faith in Horatio Alger-like narratives of upward mobility than do their counter-
parts in the international cinema, where redemption comes less often or easy. One notable
exception,Colors(U.S., 1988), depicts black and Latino youth gangs in Los Angeles through
the eyes of two white cops.
The influence of Hollywood upon filmic representations of juvenile violence becomes
apparent when one considers “teenpics,” pioneered by American filmmakers and popular in

Western societies in the mid-to-late 1950s. Aimed at a growing teenage market, these films
told stories of peer pressure, youth culture, and generational rebellion. In “JD films” such as
Rebel Without a Cause (U.S., 1955),Die Halbstarken / Teenage Wolfpack (West Germany,
1956), orThe Cool and the Crazy (U.S., 1957), corrupt or incompetent adults prove unable to
prevent adolescents from becoming embroiled in violence. By the 1970s and 80s, violent
teenpics omitted parents altogether; compare the uncomprehending parents I Wasina
Teenage Werewolf (1959) to the invisible ones in “slasher” films like Friday the Thirteenth
(1980) or I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997).
As youth-oriented films moved away from the generational conflicts that had helped
define the teenager as a cultural category, they began offering more complex explorations of
juvenile violence. Films such as A Clockwork Orange(England, 1971) and Heathers (U.S.,
1989) punctuate satires of their respective societies with stunning scenes of brutality and
murder. In the United States, long-ignored social groups began to tell their own stories of
gang violence. Films such as Boyz n the Hood (1991),Juice (1992),Menace II Society
(1993), andMi Vida Loca / My Crazy Life(1993) give shocking yet sensitive portraits of
African-American and Latino youth coming of age amid drive-by shootings, easily acquired
drugs, lethal codes of respect, and a dominant white society that prefers to act as if they did
not exist. The drive for authentic representation of misunderstood groups that motivated
these important films has animated independent productions such Kidsas
(U.S., 1995),
La Haine / Hate(France, 1995),Thirteen(U.S., 2002), the aforementioned City of God
(Brazil, 2002),Elephant(U.S., 2003), andCerti Bambini / A Children’s Story (Italy, 2004).
Several of these recent films employ a documentary realism that forces viewers to see violent
or delinquent youth through their own eyes in ways never imagined by the purveyors of
commercially oriented “teenpics” or reform-minded social problem films. Although still
controversial, juvenile violence on film is less a Hollywood phenomenon than in past years
and is less likely to offer comforting answers for viewers of any age group.

See alsoMusic, Juvenile Violence and; Television, Juvenile Violence and

Arai, A. (2003). Killing kids: Recession and survival in twenty-first century Japan.
Postcolonial Studies,
6(3), 367–379.
Considine, D. (1985).The cinema of adolescence . London: McFarland.
Doherty, T. (2002). Teenagers and teenpics: The juvenilization of American movies in the , 1950s
2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Goldstein, R., & Zornow, E. (1980). The screen image of youth: Movies about children and adolescents
Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
McGee, M., & Robertson, R. (1982). The J.D. films: Juvenile delinquency in the movies . London:
Shary, T. (2002).Generation multiplex: The image of youth in contemporary American cinema . Austin:
University of Texas Press.

Bill Bush
GANG INVOLVEMENT, THEORIES ON. Some theories on gang involvement
focus on social factors such as poor housing and unemployment, while others stress attitudes
and behaviors. There are many subcategories to these theories, but the foundational argu-
ments remain the same.

The theories of biochemistry blame the biological makeup of a criminal for their predisposi-
tion toward criminal activity. One who is in a gang is predisposed to do so by their genetic
makeup. Those wanting to join a gang are prone to criminal behavior, thus joining others
with the same biological makeup.

Conflict Theory
The conflict theorist perspective says that gangs are a byproduct of a capitalist culture that
creates social and racial inequality. Minority populations, in an effort to survive in a capital-
ist society, must resort to criminal activity. At an attempt to make money because of the lack
of jobs caused by jobs moving overseas, one would become involved in a gang in an effort to
accumulate money. Due to capitalism, conflict theorists would argue that money has been
taken out of community establishments, such as schools, police stations, and parks, letting
gangs become the predominant social order.

Control Theory
The basis ofsocial control theory is that the failure of adequate social control accounts for
criminal behavior; crime happens because there is a lack of social mechanisms in place for
youth to become bonded (i.e., families, youth groups, sports teams, jobs). The lack of jobs,
school funding, and after-school activities creates a void in the opportunities available for
children to become engaged, therefore leaving them open to other forms of distraction. Also,
with the breakdown of the home, where consistent social control is enacted, youth look out-
side of the home for family-like relationships.

Cultural Deviance Theory

Cultural deviance theory states that deviance is directly related to one’s environment. In
socially decaying areas, gangs create an idio-culture that is attractive to an individual within
a lower-class environment as they rebel against cultural norms set by the upper classes. The
desire to be in a gang and conform to their cultural values is greater than the desire to con-
form to the idea of being a part of middle-class society.

Labeling Theory
Those who support the labeling theory might ask what constitutes a group being called a
gang. They are concerned with the labels that we place on groups of individuals and the
effect of these labels. Perhaps being labeled “at-risk” for gang involvement may actually
propel individuals to pursue that type of behavior.

Learning Theory
According to social learning theory, one learns delinquent behaviors the same way one learns
to become anything else: through watching the actions and behaviors of those individuals
that are in their surroundings. It is probable that youth living in a community with a strong
gang presence will have interactions with gang members throughout their daily activities.
These interactions are said to aid in the formation of beliefs and attitudes about gang behav-
ior that propel these youth to actually become a part of a gang.

Psychological Theories
Psychological theories aim to prove that criminal behavior has to do with functions of the
mind. The predisposition to commit crime has nothing to do with the biological makeup
of the individual, but rather their psychological aspects, such as IQ, a personality disorder, or
a mental reaction to stress.

Social Disorganization Theory

Social disorganization theorists believe the likelihood of gang involvement is directly related to
a community’s characteristics (i.e., poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, poor schools).
The most significant use of the social disorganization theory as a way to solve the creation of
gangs was done by a group called the Chicago School, namely because they were a group of
professors from the sociology department of the University of Chicago during the 1920s
and early 1930s. Mapping out where most of the crime within Chicago took place, they soon
found that in areas lacking strong social institutions (i.e., families, schools, local governments,
hospitals), a subculture of criminality emerged, replacing traditions and values once held.

Rational Choice Theory

Rational choice theoryproposes that crime is a product of rational choices one makes
everyday. There is a rationality of belonging to a gang in the lower classes. Although youths
may rationalize the dangers of belonging to a gang, their cost-benefit analysis says it is more
profitable to be a part of this group, regardless of delinquent behaviors, than to uphold moral
beliefs learned at institutions such as church and school. They weigh the costs of abiding by
the law, which they may not have seen enacted on their behalf, and they find the benefits of
camaraderie found within the gang outweigh the risks of imprisonment and/or death.

Strain Theory
Anomie is a state in which norms, values, and expectations of conduct are blurred. Emile
Durkheim came up with the anomie theory as a way to explain deviance found in society. His
thought was that with norms and expectations not fully outlined, deviance is eminent. Robert
Merton applied Durkheim’s theory to modern-day societies, creating strain
the theory. He
theorized that individuals involve themselves in criminal behavior in an effort for economic

gain due to high levels of social ills within their perspective communities. These forms
of deviance are tolerated due to the lack of strong institutions and the need to meet the goal of
material success set by a capitalist society. Gangs become an alternative social institution, therefore
setting the standards and values of their community and providing alternate sources of capital gain.

See also Biochemical Theories; Differential Association Theory; Differential Opportunity

Theory; Gang Types; Gangs, Female

Collins, K. (2003). Anomie and strain theory. International Encyclopedia of Justice Studies. Available
at: http://www.iejs.com.
Coser, L. (n.d.). The function of theory is to provide puzzles for research.
In theories:MegaLinks
in criminal justice. Retrieved January 26, 2006 from http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/rest.
Curry, D., & Decker, H. (2003). Confronting gangs: Crime and community . Los Angeles: Roxbury
Publishing Company.
Shelden, R., Tracy, S., & Brown, W. (2004). Youth gangs in American society. Belmont, CA: Thomson
and Wadsworth.
Thabit, W. (n.d.). How did East New York become a ghetto? Social
In disorganization theories of crime
MegaLinks in criminal justice. Retrieved January 28, 2006 from: http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/rest.
Vigil, J. (1993). Gangs, social control and ethnicity: Ways to redirect. In S. Brice-Heath &
M. McLaughlin (Eds.),Identity and inner city youth: Beyond ethnicity and gender (pp. 94–119).
New York: Teachers College Press.

Dionne R. Pusey

GANG SWEEPS. Conducted by police to break up gangs, sweeps are efforts focused
on arresting, prosecuting, convicting, and incarcerating gang leaders. Some specialized
police gang units also conduct curfew and truancy sweeps. Los Angeles police have long
been known for their gang sweeps, in which they will swarm gang-infested areas with more
than 1,000 officers. Officers are supposed to intimidate gang members as well as show the
neighborhood they care. The LAPD’s “Operation Hammer” was a preannounced sweep.
Almost 1,500 people were arrested, but 1,350 were released without charge. Many accused
the operation as being “all for show.”
In the mid-1990s, federal antigang efforts were limited. Responding to criticisms, the FBI
created seventy-three special gang task forces. The terrorist attacks of September 11th
diverted much of this work to homeland security efforts. In 2004, the LAPD and the FBI col-
laborated to conduct a sweep involving 400 officers and agents intended to target the Bounty
Hunters, an ultra-violent gang terrorizing a housing project in Watts. The sweep led to fifteen
federal indictments. Some are critical of the FBI’s involvement, saying they should
be focused on the war on terror. Director Robert Mueller responded that, “Outside of New
York, al Qaeda isn’t killing people [in the United States]; gang violence is” (Ragavan,
Guttman, & Elliston, 2004, p. 20).
To date, gang sweeps have not been terribly effective in the long term, although some
research shows a short-term decline in gang-related crime. However, little research about
the effectiveness of gang crackdowns has been conducted. Some assert gang sweeps will never
work with gangs that focus on drugs, as they operate more like organized crime. Research has
demonstrated that targeted, or “hot spot,” policing is effective, so it may be that gang sweeps

are too broad in their mission and need to be focused on a specific type of crime, such as gun
crime. Other experts, such as Malcolm Klein, professor emeritus of the University of Southern
California, maintain that responding to the gang problem with only law enforcement tactics
will never be very effective.
Critics also contend that gang sweeps are targeted at minorities who are most likely to
reside in the public housing projects where sweeps are common. In addition, some maintain
the FBI pressured Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) officers to deport immi-
grants caught via gang sweeps in Los Angeles, despite little evidence that most were “hard-
core” gang members. Rarely do sweeps lead to the apprehension and conviction of gang
leaders. This is especially true in the case of curfew and truancy sweeps, which generally
catch young, lower-level members. These youth may then be labeled and harassed by police.

See alsoDetached Street Workers; Gang Units, Police

Decker, S. (Ed.).Policing gangs and youth violence. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Juvenile curfews and gang violence: Exiled on Main Street. (1994). Harvard Law Review, (7), 107
Klein, M. (2006).Street gang patterns and policies
. New York: Oxford.
Klein, M., Maxson, C., & Miller, J. (2001).The modern gang reader , 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Ragavan, C., Guttman, M., & Elliston, J. (2004). Terror on the streets.
U. S. News & World Report, 137
, 20.

Laura L. Finley

GANG TYPES. The earliest gang researchers concluded that gangs vary tremendously
based on characteristics of members, types of leaders, the organization of leadership, their
activities, and how they are regarded in the community. Gang researchers in the 1950s and
1960s continued describing many types of gangs. In the 1980s, research continued to identify
numerous types, but began to stress that some gangs are highly organized. By the 1990s, crit-
ics asserted that most gangs were actually not very organized. While early gang research
generally identified white members, by the 1970s, approximately 80 percent of gang mem-
bers identified by law enforcement were black or Hispanic, up to 90 percent in the 1990s.
Close to half of all gangs in the mid-1990s had multiethnic members.
One major indicator of the number and type of gangs is the National Youth Gang Survey
(NYGS), which has sampled over 3,000 law enforcement agencies since its inception in
1996. The NYGS does not provide respondents with a definition of a gang; rather, respon-
dents are to use their own definitions. The characteristic of a gang most commonly cited on
the 1998 survey was “commits crimes together.”
Today, the following nine types of gangs constitute the broad category of “street gangs”:
hedonistic/social gangs, party gangs, instrumental gangs, predatory gangs, scavenger gangs,
serious delinquent gangs, territorial gangs, organized/corporate gangs, andrug dgangs.
Hedonistic/social gangs generally spend their time getting high and hanging out. They are
not typically involved in crime, especially not violent crime. Party gangs also spend
most of the time using drugs, but may also sell them. Party gangs
also engage in vandalism.
Instrumental gangs are generally found to commit property crimes. Predatory gangs and
serious delinquent gangs are involved in serious crime, but predatory gangs are far more
involved with seriou drug abuse. Scavenger gangs commit petty crimes, generally as a means

of survival, although they will occasionally engage in violence for fun. These gangs are
loosely organized and generally include members with the poorest education. Territorial gangs
are associated with specific areas, or turf. Organized/corporate gangs are very involved in the
use and sales of drugs but, in contrast to other types, they run much like a business focused on
discipline and merit. Drug gangs are the smallest and most cohesive type, focused solely on
the drug business. Two other groups that are often called gangs are stoners and taggers.
Stoners are generally white youth who form in groups much like cults. They tend to be of
higher socioeconomic status and of greater intelligence than other gang members, although
many are nonachievers who never complete their education. Stoners are largely involved in
drug abuse. Taggers are groups of youth who are known for graffiti. Rather than identifying
turf, taggers use graffiti to express themselves. Most engage in underage drinking and some in
recreational drug use, but, for the most part, taggers are not violent.
In addition, some gangs have joined together, often for protection, to form what has been
called “supergangs” or “nations.” For example, the People and Folks joined together in
Illinois prisons as a form of protection. Other gangs are so large they are broken into sets. The
most famous of this sort are the Los Angeles Bloods and Crips. Another type of gang is the
hybrid gang. First identified by Thrasher in the 1920s, early hybrid gangs were racially or
ethnically mixed. Today, hybrid gangs are still racially or ethnically mixed, and they also
tend not to have an identifiable gang color, may co-opt the symbols of other gangs, and may
change names or merge with other gangs. Also, hybrid gang members may shift affiliations
between gangs or claim multiple affiliations. Most researchers agree that the spread of gangs
to rural and suburban areas has escalated the creation of hybrid gangs. Another type of gang,
albeit one that includes other forms, is the prison gang.
Another way to classify gangs is to look at the racial and ethnic composition of members.
Some of the oldest gangs in the United States are Chicano gangs from Southern California,
often referred to as cholos (marginalized). Family and community are most important to these
gang members, most of whom live in the impoverished barrios. Members of these Chicano
gangs generally see each other as brothers. Chicano gangs are known for their hypermasculine
front and are said to be more involved in “turf-related” offenses. Asian-American gangs are
more commonly involved in property offenses, and when they do commit violence, it is typi-
cally instrumental, rather than expressive, and generally impacts fellow Asians. Asian-
American gangs are known to be highly secretive, and, because members act polite and
respectful, police often find members difficult to apprehend. African-American members are
more commonly involved in entrepreneurial activities and are likely to advertise their gang
affiliation through distinctive dress, slang, and gestures. The Bureau of Indian Affairs docu-
mented over five hundred gangs on Indian reservations with over 6,000 members at the start of
the twenty-first century. Research has demonstrated that white youth are only about 10 percent
of all gang members in the United States, although some argue this is due to racist definitions
and classification of members. Skinheads are perhaps the most widely known type of white
gang. Contrary to public perception, there are both racist and non-racist skinheads. Non-racist
skinhead groups may have members of many different ethnic groups. Some skinheads are polit-
ical in nature and are strong critics of the U.S. government, while others are survivalists who
seek to be alone and denounce government involvement. Skinheads are generally involved in
violent activity, with racist groups committing
hate crimes.
Researchers have identified eight types of gang members, ranging from those most
attached to and involved in the gang to those with little attachment or involvement:
regulars/hard core members, peripheral members, temporary members, situational members,
at-risk members, wannabe members, veteranos/O.G.s, and auxiliary members. Regulars or

hard-core members participate regularly and have few non-gang attachments. Peripheral
members, or associates, are strongly attached but participate with less regularity as they have
some interests outside the gang. Temporary members are not nearly as committed, tend to
join later and leave earlier, and are less intensely involved. Situational members join the
group for specific activities, avoiding the most violent ones. At-risk members are actually not
members but those who have expressed interest and may fantasize about involvement. They
may have family members already involved in the gang. Wannabes admire gang members
and may emulate their dress and talk. Some may join the gang upon invitation, while others
never participate. Veteranos, or Original Gangsters (O.G.s), are in their twenties or older but
still participate occasionally in gang activities. Chicano gangs prefer the term Veteranos,
while African-American gangs more frequently call these members O.G.s. Auxiliary mem-
bers hold limited responsibilities, perhaps because they have a fairly active life outside the
gang.Female gangsor female members of mixed-gender gangs have often been said to hold
auxiliary roles.

See alsoAfrican Americans and Juvenile Violence; Asians and Juvenile Violence; Hispanics
and Juvenile Violence; Native Americans and Juvenile Violence

Howell, J. (2004). Youth gangs: An overview. In F-A. Esbensen, S. Tibbetts, & L. Gaines (Eds.),
American youth gangs at the millennium (pp. 16–51). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Shelden, R., Tracy, S., & Brown, W. (2004). Youth gangs in American society
, 3rd ed. Belmont, CA:
Starbuck, D., Howell, J., & Lindquist, D. (2004). Hybrid gangs. In F-A. Esbensen, S. Tibbetts, &
L. Gaines (Eds.),American youth gangs at the millennium (pp. 200–214). Long Grove, IL:
Waveland Press.
Worth, R. (2002).Gangs and crime . Philadelphia, PA: Chelsea House.
Zatz, M., & Portillos, E. (2004). Voices from the barrio: Chicano/a gangs, families, and communities.
In F-A. Esbensen, S. Tibbetts, & L. Gaines (Eds.), American youth gangs at the millennium
(pp. 113–141). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.

Laura L. Finley

GANG UNITS, POLICE. Generally, local police departments are responsible for
gang control. Most typically, police departments use suppression techniques to respond to
gangs. Under the suppression approach, law enforcement sees their primary responsibility as
responding to gang crime. Based on deterrence theory, suppression techniques assume that
swift apprehension and severe punishments for gang crimes, like assault, drug sales, drive-by
shootings, and even graffiti, will reduce gang activity. In addition, suppression is said to
reduce gang membership. Prevention is not a priority.
There are three primary types of police units that deal with gangs. One is through youth
service programs, in which police personnel assigned to youth units also deal with gangs.
The second is through gang details. Here, one or more police officers, again generally from
youth units or perhaps detectives, are given exclusive control over gang activity. These two
forms were more common until the 1980s. The third form of police gang control is the
specialized gang unit formed solely to deal with the problem of gangs.

A 1992 national assessment found that fifty-three of the seventy-two police departments they
surveyed had separate gang units. By 1999, over 55 percent of the large police departments in
the United States had a specialized gang unit, with more than 85 percent formed since the late
1980s. These units have at least one of the following four functions: intelligence, suppression,
investigation, and prevention. Departments vary regarding which of these functions receives
priority, although research has found that over 80 percent stress intelligence first. Intelligence
involves gathering and disseminating information about gang members, including their street
names, legal names, addresses, known associates, photographs, and gang affiliation. Research
about the activities of police gang units has found most to be highly selective regarding the
cases they choose to investigate. Investigations are only conducted on cases where officers feel
there is a high probability of obtaining an arrest, valuable information, or those gang members
considered high profile. In most cases, the decision regarding which cases to investigate is not
made by superior officers or based on a specific mission or goal. Suppression and enforcement
activities tend to take up the most time and receive the most public attention. Suppression tech-
niques generally involve directed patrol of known gang areas, most often public housing dis-
tricts, parks, and parking lots.Gang sweepsare a form of suppression. Most specialized units
perform some form of prevention, generally speeches at local schools and to community
groups, although prevention generally receives the lowest priority of the four functions.
Community relations divisions of police departments are generally responsible for presenting
the educational program Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT) , rather than the
gang unit. Specialized units generally have different administrative structures than the rest of
the department and typically feature officers with specific training. Approximately 85 percent
of the units provide personnel with specialty training about gangs.
The rapid growth in specialized police gang units can be explained by four main theories.
Contingency theory maintains that police gang units are a rational response to the growth of
gangs and gang-related crime in the 1970s and 1980s. Constructionist theory asserts that, like
many policy initiatives, specialized police gang units are in response to a moral panic about
gangs and gang crime more than a serious and growing gang problem. Advocates of this the-
ory express concern that specialized gang units, if not really needed, will crack down on
other, less serious offenses, even those committed by non-gang members. Institutional theory
maintains specialty police gang units are the result of pressure from important community
stakeholders. They are needed to maintain a positive public image and to convince the public
that police are indeed responding to the problem of gangs. Following resource dependency
theory, specialized police gang units were created in order to allocate federal grant monies.
Many units were formed upon receiving support from U.S. the Department of Justice,
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services’ (COPS) Anti-Gang Initiative.
The Chicago police department has one of the larger specialized gang units, with over four
hundred officers. Officers identify gang members and enter them into a computerized
database that provides all officers in the department with an alert if a member is arrested. The
Chicago gang unit also coordinates community activities, presents lectures at schools, and
offers counseling and assistance to parents and community organizations.
Another specialized gang unit that received a great deal of attention was the LAPD’s
Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums (CRASH) unit. Many said the unit dramati-
cally cut down on gang-related crime with their aggressive tactics, but the unit was dissolved in
March 2000 amid tremendous scandal. One officer, Rafael Perez, implicated seventy antigang
cops for corruption, excessive force, and planting and falsifying evidence when he was arrested
in 1998. In all, eight officers were indicted. Los Angeles Chief of Police Bernard Parks replaced
CRASH with Special Enforcement Units, which had had very restrictive rules.

Some police units today are seizing new technology to help them identify and apprehend
gang members involved in criminal activity. In Florida, one police agent is spending fifteen
to twenty hours per week scanning websites and chat rooms for information about local
gangs, as many gangs have now taken to “Netbanging.” Gangs are using the Web to recruit,
as well as to communicate and sometimes even to pick online fights with other gangs. Police
in Boston and Texas have broken up fights that were scheduled on gang websites. The sites
are also useful to police in identifying new gang symbols, language, and dress.
Specialized police gang units have been criticized in a number of ways. First, specialized
units tend to be isolated from other units in the department, generally by their own choice.
This isolation reduces the department’s ability to share information. The FBI recommends that
all officers receive training on gang awareness and identification. Because the units often
operate autonomously, there is greater risk that officers will abuse their powers as there are
fewer checks to ensure their accountability. Units tend to develop distinct subcultures that may
not be positive. For instance, the aforementioned CRASH unit of the LAPD Rampart Division
was found to have created their own culture and maintained their own rules with little over-
sight, which contributed to the group’s corruption. Further, specialized units are often isolated
from the community, thus some communities see them as unresponsive to their needs.
Many criticize gang units for overemphasizing suppression techniques they say are racist.
Policing only public housing projects, for instance, will likely result in more arrests of poor
minorities. As noted in a number of other gang-related entries in this volume, critics also
complain that how these units define and identify gangs is based on race; they assert that
groups of white youth who commit crimes are generally not defined as a “gang” and thereby
do not receive the same treatment.
In addition, many gang experts maintain that more emphasis needs to be on prevention in
order to truly disrupt gang activity. Gang units are not likely the best method to achieve this
end. In particular, prevention requires collaboration between police, schools, and other com-
munity organizations, yet, as noted above, specialized units tend to be very isolated and to act
largely alone.Boston’s Youth Violence Strike Forceis a good example of a multiagency,
collaborative effort.

Briscoe, D. (2006, March 13). “Netbangers,” beware; Street gangs are going online to compare notes
and pick fights. But the cops are right behind them.Newsweek, 31.
Decker, S. (Ed.).Policing gangs and youth violence . Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Langston, M. (2003). Addressing the need for a uniform definition of gang-involved crime. The FBI
Law Enforcement Bulletin, 72(2), 7–12.
McCarthy, T. (2001, September 3). L.A. gangs are back. Time, 158, 46.
Schaefer, D. (2002). Police gang intelligence infiltrates a smallSocial
city. Science Journal, (1),
39 95–109.

Laura L. Finley


Preliminary Concerns
In understanding gang-related violence, it is important to examine several critical issues,
including how membership is determined and how violence is measured. Depending on

whether a jurisdiction applies a “gang membership” definition, which involves classifying

incidents committed by known members as gang violence, or a “gang motivated” definition,
which requires that a gang-related purpose be the motivation for a violent incident, one ends
up with estimates of the volume of gang violence that are either “twice as great” or “half as
great.” The Los Angeles Police Department generally uses a membership-based definition,
while the Chicago Police Department uses a gang-motivated definition. Only 50 to 60 per-
cent of the gang-related homicides in Los Angeles would meet the more restrictive definition
used in Chicago. There are flaws with each. Gang-membership definitions generally assume
that gang-member databases are accurate, which certainly may not be true. In some areas,
police gang units may devote a great deal of time to collecting and classifying members,
whereas in other locations there may not be a specialized gang unit. Motive-based definitions
require more complicated investigations into an offender’s purpose, which is always tricky.
Measuring homicide rates also presents difficulties, as it is often done from databases
maintained by law enforcement. Not only do these data suffer from the same definitional
issues described above, but crime rates are often tallied for only one city or police agency.
Further, because of intimidation, information from witnesses is often incomplete. Both mea-
surement and definitional problems do not always result in valid estimates of gang violence,
let alone gang violence against innocent bystanders.

Gang Homicides
Acknowledging the shortcomings presented above, Maxson and Klein developed a survey in
1992 to assess the number of homicides involving gang members. They analyzed data from
792 cities that reported gang activity. Of those, 60 percent reported no gang homicides in the
previous year. Of the remaining 299 with gang homicides, more than 80 percent had fewer
than ten incidents. Twelve cities reported 40 percent of the total number of gang homicides for
1991. Eight of the twelve were located in California. Research from Chicago using the Illinois
Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) homicide data from 1965 to 1995 has found
that gang-motivated homicides represented an increasing percentage of all homicides in the
city. Gang homicides averaged about 5 percent through the 1970s, just under 9 percent in
the 1980s, then spiked to 17 percent through the early 1990s. In 1994 and 1995, gang homi-
cides were more than a quarter of all Chicago homicides. Los Angeles experienced a similar
increase in the proportion of homicides attributed to gangs, recording 805 gang-related
murders in 1995. The mid-1990s started a drop in gang-related violence, with Los Angeles
documenting two hundred gang-related murders in 1996. None of these projects, however,
measured the number of innocent bystanders who were victims. It is presumed that the bulk of
these homicides involved fellow gang members.

Innocent Bystanders
Gang violence in general, and gang violence involving innocent bystanders, typically
involves firearms. Greater rates of violence in the last few decades can, in part, be traced to
greater access to high-powered weapons. Bystanders might also be injured as part of gang
initiation requirements, which might require robbery or assault of a nonmember. In 1997,
gang members slashed the faces of at least 135 innocent New Yorkers as part of their initia-
tion rites. In 1989, the U.S. News & World Report
reported that gangs were increasingly vic-
timizing innocent bystanders, citing a wheelchair-bound man killed in gang crossfire in
Miami and a three-year-old in Brooklyn who was used to shield a drug dealer. The article

cites a report from the Crime Control Institute documenting that the number of bystanders
injured or killed by gangs had tripled in just three years in New York, Los Angeles, Boston,
and Washington DC. They documented 135 incidents of gang violence against bystanders in
1989. At the time, criminologist Lawrence Sherman maintained that these gangs differed
from the more organized violence of the mafia in that the young gangsters made no efforts to
avoid harming innocents; rather, they took pride in it. While this may be an oversimplifica-
tion, first-person accounts, such as Sanyika Shakur’s (“Monster” Kody Scott) autobiography
do highlight that, to some gangs, violence against bystanders may gain a member the respect
of his peers.
Since there are no good national measures of the number of innocent bystanders killed, it
is difficult to discern whether this trend has reversed. Surges in gang violence do lead to
surges in bystanders being injured or killed, though. Los Angeles experienced this type of
surge between January 2004 and June 2005, when gang violence killed forty-four people,
half of whom were said to have no gang affiliation. Canada has been experiencing greater
gang activity in the twenty-first century. Officials blame the surge in gang violence on greater
access to guns. Officials argue the new gangs like the attention they receive when innocent
bystanders are involved, as was the case when seven bystanders but no intended victims were
shot in Toronto on Boxing Day.

Media Sensationalism
Part of the issue is that, even though the number of innocent bystanders wounded or killed
by gangs has always been relatively low, they receive a great deal of attention when they occur.
For example, the death of blond-haired, blue-eyed Stephanie Kuhen in 1995 in Los Angeles
spawned outrage and led to the creation of a citywide task force. In November 2004, the gang-
related shooting of Louis Olander in Brooklyn received a great deal of attention. He and two
others received wounds that were not life-threatening, but because Olander made it through a
year of service as an army medic in Baghdad, Iraq, the media publicized the irony of his domes-
tic injuries. These reports make it appear that no one is safe from gang violence. They also gar-
ner support for a number of antigang measures, such as those listed below.

A number of strategies have been proposed to reduce gang violence in general and to mini-
mize the effects on innocent bystanders.
Police gang unitsgather intelligence, arrest gang
members, and educate the public on gang awareness. Gang sweeps
involve aggressive efforts
to arrest gang members for any type of offense. The Boston Youth Strike Force and
Operation Ceasefireare often held up as examples of how to reduce gang violence through
collaborative efforts. Some maintain that more severe sanctions would act as a deterrent,
although this seems unlikely given that gang members convicted of these crimes often are
given lengthy prison sentences already. In some cases, gang members who kill innocent
bystanders have received death sentences. Many maintain that bystanders will be injured as
long as the social conditions that prompt youth to join gangs remain unchanged and the
access to lethal weapons remains relatively easy.

See alsoGang Types; Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of

A slaughter of innocents. (1989, July 10).
U.S. News & World Report, 107 , p. 12.
Dillon, N. (2005, November 24). Survives Iraq only to be hit on B’klynNew
St. York Daily News
, p. 8.

Edwards, P. (2005, December 31). Fewer killings than 1991, but bystanders more at risk Toronto
Star, p. E03.
Egley, A., Maxson, C., Miller, J., & Klein, M. (2006). The modern gang reader
, 3rd ed. Los Angeles:
Garvey, M. (2005, December 17). L.A. county targets racial gangLos war.Angeles Times, p. B4.
Maxson, C. (2004). Gang homicide: A review and extension of the literature. In F-A. Esbensen,
S. 1Tibbetts, & L. Gaines (Eds.), American youth gangs at the millennium (pp. 275–296). Long
Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Maxson, C., Gordon, M., & Klein, M. (1985). Differences between gang and non-gang homicides.
Maxson, C., & Klein, M. (1990). Street gang violence: Twice as great, or half as great? In R. Huff (Ed.),
Gangs in America: Diffusion, diversity, and public policy
. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Mays, L. (1996).Gangs and gang behavior . Chicago, IL: Nelson-Hall Publishing Company.
Thompson, C., Young, R., & Burns, R. (2003). Representing gangs in the news: Media constructions of
criminal gangs. In T. Calhoun & C. Chapple (Eds.), Readings in juvenile delinquency and juvenile
justice(pp. 206–219). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Worth, R. (2002).Gangs and crime . Philadelphia, PA: Chelsea House.

Emily I.Troshynski and Laura L. Finley

GANG-ON-GANG VIOLENCE. According to Lewis Yablonsky’s seminal work on

gangs in 1962, there are three types of gangs: delinquent gangs, violent gangs, and social
gangs. Violent gangs are the most persistent and problematic. They tend to form in response
to safety threats and are perceived by initiates to offer a form of protection for members.
While all gangs may commit acts of violence against rivals, violent gangs do so with greater
frequency. Gang-on-gang violence is said to be more common on Native American reserva-
tions than in other areas.
Although gangs may use violence for a number of reasons, the most common is in
response to actual or perceived threats to the gang’s territory. Honor is of utmost importance
to gangs, and violence in response to actual or perceived threats demonstrates that a gang is
not to be messed with. Consequently, gang members see gang-on-gang retaliatory violence
as rational and purposeful acts.
Contrary to media presentations, most victims of gang violence are members of a gang
themselves, not the so-called “innocent bystander.” A study of gangs in Chicago revealed
that violence is more frequently turf-related than it is drug-related and that most of the non-
lethal, nondrug offenses by gangs were violent assaults, most frequently perpetrated on rival
gangs. In further support that gang-on-gang violence is turf-related, gang-related shootings
tend to be concentrated in specific regions of a given city. By the end of the 1980s, however,
some cities had seen an increase in gang-on-gang violence connected to the distribution of
crack. Research has demonstrated that the threat of violence from a rival gang serves a
positive function, as it actually increases solidarity between members. Increased gang mem-
bership in the 1980s, as well as increased rivalry among factions within a particular gang,
increased gang-on-gang violence.
A gun is the most commonly used lethal weapon in gang-related homicides, which tend
to occur in bursts. Increased availability of high-powered assault weapons in the 1980s had
a dramatic effect on the amount of gang-on-gang violence. The number of gang-related
homicides committed with an automatic, semiautomatic, or high-caliber nonautomatic
weapon in Chicago increased from 24 to 70 percent between 1987 and 1990.

One of the more common and more publicized means of gang-on-gang violence is the drive-
by shooting. A drive-by involves a member or, more typically, multiple members of one gang,
driving into a rival gang’s area and shooting at someone. Drive-bys also happen when gang
members arrive in a location by car, but leave the car to chase and assault a rival gang member.
The percentage of gang assaults that were drive-by shootings increased dramatically through
the 1980s, from 23.7 percent in 1981 to 41.8 percent in 1988. The goal of a drive-by may not
always be to kill or even injure; some drive-bys are intended to send a message instead. Parties
are often targeted so that a gang can demonstrate their willingness to attack a large group.
Drive-bys often occur after a gang has hung out at a party, become intoxicated and/or high,
and then decides to make a “hit.” Drugs and alcohol are not the only explanation for a drive-
by, however, as most gang members are “drunk and loaded” a vast majority of the time. Some
drive-bys happen somewhat spontaneously. Gang members may be driving around with
weapons in the car, when a member says something to a rival out the car window, typically an
insult or challenge. In other cases, the target initiates the assault by saying or doing some-
thing to antagonize those in the car. In another form of the drive-by, the assault is prompted
when a rival gang is seen driving through another’s turf, and the home gang mobilizes to
attack the drivers. Other drive-bys occur with no direct precipitation by the target, such as
when a rival gang defaces another’s placaso, or gang signature. The responding gang then
decides to execute a drive-by at a specified time.
Gangs, like any other group, have norms. While it is acceptable to execute a drive-by on
a dwelling where non-gang members may be inside, it is typically not acceptable to single
out innocent family members of a rival gang. Gangs tend also to demonstrate remorse when
innocent children and women are killed, although they generally see this as a natural conse-
quence of their gang warfare.
The drive-by is a type of hit-and-run attack that originated with gangs shortly after World
War II. Called “japping,” it was derived from some of the unorthodox strategies used by
Japanese soldiers in the war. Prior to the introduction of hit-and-run tactics, the most frequent
type of gang-on-gang violence was the rumble, exemplified in filmsWest like Side Story.
Early hit-and-run assaults were often made on foot or even via public transportation. Use of
automobiles for the hit-and-run began on the West Coast, where neighborhoods were farther
apart and less densely populated, and public transportation was scarce.
While seemingly a sneaky and nefarious tactic, drive-bys are actually one method to keep
episodes of gang-on-gang violence brief and may be far less lethal than if rival gangs were to
line up, arsenal in tow, opposed to one another. Drive-bys are difficult for law enforcement to
control, as a car driving through a particular area is not particularly suspect. Police efforts
to help gang members cool off after an incident tend only to prolong the retaliation.
Despite their support for and use of violence, gangs tend to be surprised when one of their
own is severely wounded or hurt in a drive-by. Those who have maimed or killed others in a
drive-by talk about it as though it was an act of bravery. Further, to have executed a drive-by
typically raises a gang member’s status in the group, as not all members have the mettle to
carry out such an assault.
While there are growing numbers of female gang members, research to date has found
females commit fewer acts of violence of all types than do males. It seems this type of violence is
less critical to maintaining or increasing a female member’s status than a male’s. In fact, it is
fairly common that a male gang member will commit an act of violence against a rival member in
defense of a female member’s virtue or in retaliation for an assault or rape of the female member.
One difficulty in discerning how frequent gang-on-gang violence occurs lies in how gangs
are defined. In some locations, anyone who was related or even acquainted with a known or

suspected gang member was classified as a member themselves. Consequently, tallies of

gang violence would be skewed upwards.

See alsoAssault; Gang Types; Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types
of; Native Americans and Juvenile Violence

Decker, S., & van Winkle, B. (1996). Life in the gang: Family, friends, and violence. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Dudley, W., and Gerdes, L. (Eds.). (2005). Gangs: Opposing viewpoints . Farmington Hills, MI:
Greenhaven Press.
Hernandez, A. (1998).Peace in the streets: Breaking the cycle of gang violence . New York: Child
Welfare League of America.
Miller, J., Maxson, C., & Klein, M. (2001).The modern gang reader , 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Shakur, S. (1993).Monster: The autobiography of an L.A. gang member . New York: Penguin.
Shelden, R., Tracy, S., & Brown, W. (2003).Youth gangs in American society . Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Sikes, G. (1997).8-ball chick: A year in the violent world of girl gangsters
. New York: Anchor.

Laura L. Finley

GANGS, FEMALE. Historically, female gang members were not the focus of gang
studies. Girls, it seemed, were “invisible.” Early accounts of female involvement came from
male members, were given to male researchers, and publicized by male academics. In the
mid-1970s, female gang members were classified into three groups: auxiliary subgroups
affiliated with male gangs, independent or autonomous gangs, or part of a mixed-gender
gang. When they are involved with gangs, researchers have generally stressed females’ aux-
iliary role, and autonomous female gangs were said to be rare. For instance, girl gangs gen-
erally emerge after a male gang has been formed and often take a feminized version of the
male name, such as the Vice Queens, whose name came from the Vice Kings. Recent
research, from the late 1990s to the present, is more likely to find autonomous and mixed-
gender gangs. One study found 92 percent of gang youth claiming their gang had both male
and female members. Further, the role of female members seems to vary by race and ethnic-
ity. Chicana/Latina gangs are most likely to describe themselves as affiliated with male
groups, while African-American females more commonly describe their gangs as mixed-
gender. The autonomous female gangs identified to date are more likely to be African-
American as well. In addition, more recent research has found that female auxiliary gangs are
more independent than previously thought, as many maintain their own rules for membership
and other autonomous actions.

Numbers of Female Members

Research in the late 1990s was more likely to find female members, in particular in known
gang localities. Because definitions of gang membership vary tremendously, as do method-
ologies to discern membership, it is difficult to get precise numbers on membership of either
males or females. Interview and survey research in a number of cities in the 1990s found as
few as 8 percent of known members were female and as many as 46 percent in other cities.

Surveys of law enforcement tend to show smaller numbers of female gang members, perhaps
due to definitional issues, differential policing practices, and gender biases. One study found
that some police agencies in the early 1990s purposely excluded females from their gang
count. Some maintain that police simply do not see female gangs as a priority, perhaps
because females in general are viewed as less threatening. Also, female gang members tend
to be younger, in part because females leave gangs earlier than do males. Thus, if researchers
are taking samples from older youth, they may reflect a different number of female members
than if they were to sample a younger group.

Reasons for Joining

Regarding why young people join gangs, research has identified engaging in sexual activity
and having delinquent peers to be important to both male and female members, although sex-
ual activity was less important to females. Other research tested twenty-six risk variables,
with eighteen identified for males and eleven for females. Males shared eight of the eleven
characteristics with females, including poor performance in school, access to and positive
attitudes toward drugs, and delinquent involvement. Neighborhood integration was important
for females but not for males. Also unique as a risk factor for females was low parental
involvement. Another study found females are more likely to join for socialization reasons,
while males join for protection, for excitement, and for the opportunity to belong. Qualitative
research with female members has demonstrated that they often join as a way to cope with a
bleak existence in which they are economically marginalized and subordinated to males.
Female members are more likely to come from homes with significant problems, including
abuse and regular drug use. Some research has found female members have lower self-
esteem and are more socially isolated than male members, although other research has not
found these to be significant variables regarding gang membership.

Initiation Rites
Like males, females generally go through some form of initiation into the gang. Being beaten
or kicked by members, participating in a violent crime like a drive-by shooting or robbery,
getting tattooed, fighting multiple members at once, having sex with multiple male members,
engaging in a stealing spree, or some form of mental test are all ways a recruit may be initi-
ated. One study found that female recruits might be asked to fight a male member. In some
gangs, a female recruit rolls a pair of dice and must have sex with the number of males she
rolls, an initiation process called rollins.

Gang Violence
As a whole, gang youth are more delinquent than their non-gang peers. Gang females are more
delinquent than non-gang boys. Most research has found female members commit fewer seri-
ous, violent crimes than do male members, although at least one study found they commit more
serious, violent offenses. There is tremendous variation between gangs and locales regarding
the number and type of crimes committed. Female gang members generally do not seek out
violence; rather, when violence occurs, it is simply an acceptable part of their daily existence.
Male and female gangs are about equally likely to engage in alcohol use, drug sales, extortion,
and property damage. Most studies confirm that gun use is far more prevalent among male
gangs. In some mixed-gender gangs, males purposely exclude females from some activities,
such as drive-by shootings. One analysis of the GREAT project found that majority female or

all female gangs were the least delinquent, followed by all-male gangs, while other research has
found all-male groups to be the most delinquent. Many gang girls do not consider victimless
offenses to be criminal, and they use a variety
of of neutralizationto differentiate
themselves from serious, “crazy” criminals. Similarly, other studies have found female gang
members feel more guilt about committing violent crimes than do male members.

Risks of Membership
In contrast to the argument that gangs provide members protection, there is substantial evi-
dence that members are at higher risk for victimization. Research has found gang girls more
likely to be sexually assaulted, threatened with a weapon, or stabbed and more likely to have
witnessed stabbings, shootings, drive-bys, and other homicides, than nonmembers.

Female Gangs as Liberating

Some scholars have maintained that, because gang activities generally defy gender stereo-
types, female gang involvement is a form of liberation
. Little research backs up that conclu-
sion. Even all-female gangs operate within a male-dominated street culture. Gang girls face
social sanctions for their gender inappropriate actions, both within and outside the gang.
Girls who are “too hard-core” risk offending other members and have limited dating
prospects among nonmembers. While females, by and large, want to be respected by male
gang members, they are often seen as possessions, used only for sexual purposes. Male
members often have “respectable,” non-gang girlfriends. Gang girls do, however, often see
themselves as different from non-gang females. Qualitative studies have found that gang girls
see their involvement as a rejection of community norms.

Leaving the Gang

Female members are at greater risk for a number of problems after leaving the gang. While
legitimate work opportunities are often severely limited in gang areas to begin with, having
been involved with a gang further reduces a person’s chance at gainful employment. Research
with Chicano/a gangs in Los Angeles found three categories of ex-gang members: tecatos,
cholos, and squares. Approximately 25 percent of the sample tecatos,
were or heroin addicts,
although males were far more likely in this group. About one-third of the males and even more
females werecholos, who persisted in gang activity into adulthood. These people rarely had
stable jobs or marriages. About 40 percent of the men and fewer women lived conventional
lives, called squares. Several qualitative studies have found childbearing prompts females to
desist gang involvement and that female members value being a good mother.

See alsoAfrican Americans and Juvenile Violence; Gang Types; Gender, Frequency of
Perpetrating Violence by; Gender, Frequency of Receiving Violence by; Gender, Types of
Violence Perpetrated by; Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence Received by; Hispanics and
Juvenile Violence

Chesney-Lind, M., & Hagedorn, J. (Eds.). (1999). Female gangs in America
. Chicago: Lake View Press.
Maxson, C., & Whitlock, M. (2002). Joining the gang: Gender differences in risk factors for gang
membership. In R. Huff (Ed.),
Gangs in America(pp. 19–36). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Miller, J. (2002). The girls in the gang: What we’ve learned from two decades of research. In R. Huff
(Ed.). Gangs in America (pp. 175–198). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Miller, J., & Brunson, R. (2004). Gender dynamics in youth gangs: A comparison of males’ and
females’ accounts. In F. A. Esbensen, S. Tibbetts, & L. Gaines (Eds.),
American youth gangs at the
millennium(pp. 163–190). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Shelden, R., Tracy, S., & Brown, W. (2004). Youth gangs in American society , 3rd ed. Belmont, CA:
Sikes, G. (1997).8-ball chicks: A year in the violent world of girl gangsters
. New York: Anchor.

Laura L. Finley


a number of ways to explore the frequency of perpetrating violence for juveniles in general
and, more specifically, based on gender. Juvenile violence takes many forms and can include
simple assault, aggravated assault, carrying a weapon, domestic violence situations, murder,
and manslaughter. It is crucial to realize that there are a number of ways to define violence,
and when dealing with juveniles, violent acts could very well include schoolyard fights or
other instances that are unaccounted for in arrest statistics. Given this, it becomes difficult to
acquire a perfect idea of the frequency of perpetrating juvenile violence by gender. One other
issue to consider is the way in which boys and girls commit violent acts as juveniles. This, in
turn, could affect the frequency of the violent behavior. Boys may be more prone than girls to
be involved with peers who are likely to engage in violent behavior. In some instances, boys
belong to gangs or groups in which violence is more likely to occur. Official data on gangs
reveals that upward of 95 percent of the members are male and that half of the gang mem-
bership is under the age of eighteen. Minorities make up nearly three-quarters of gang
members, with Hispanics making up the majority of the minority representation followed by
blacks and Asian-Americans. Black juvenile males have been overrepresented in the
officially recorded arrest data for violent crimes. During the mid-1990s black juvenile males
were significantly more likely to be arrested for murder, robbery, and aggravated assault than
white juvenile males, as well as white and black juvenile females.
The idea that girls are violent or would act in a violent manner contradicts gender norms
within society. Girls are not necessarily perceived as being violent, and when they do engage
in violent behavior, it may be perceived more negatively than when a boy engages in similar
behavior. However, it must be noted that girls have seen more activity as part of gang-related
offenses in recent years, and this can contribute to some of the explanations for the increase
of arrests in the mid-1990s for girls who were involved in certain types of assaults.
Girls and boys perpetrate violence at different rates. Frequency of perpetrating is measured
through arrest rates of juveniles and through the use of self-report surveys. Since the 1980s,
arrest records indicate that there was a significant increase in the number of arrests for violent
crimes for both juvenile males and females, with some decline coming since the late 1990s.
However, when it comes to juvenile females and males who were arrested for aggravated and
simple assault from 1993–2002, statistics indicate that juvenile males saw a decline in the
numbers of arrests, while juvenile arrests involving females remained near their highest levels.
Boys are much more likely than girls to be arrested by the police for violent crimes on the
whole. Discretion of the police could also affect the amount of juvenile violence that is offi-
cially reported, given that the police may or may not arrest someone depending upon the
severity of the violent behavior. Official data on arrests show us one aspect of violent behavior

on the part of juveniles, while self-report data gives us a deeper understanding of the fre-
quency of perpetrating. When examining self-report surveys, such as the National Youth
Survey, one finds that juvenile males are more likely to indicate that they have been involved
in violence-related activities, such as carrying a handgun, involvement in gang activity, aggra-
vated assaults, hitting students in school, and sexual assault, than their female counterparts.
Trends in the self-report survey data show the amount of physical fighting that takes place has
declined in the past decade for both juvenile males and females.
As the twenty-first century progresses, it is uncertain as to whether or not there will be a
rise in violent behavior perpetrated by juveniles, either male or female. However, there is
some indication of a downward trend in the frequency of perpetrating violence for both juve-
nile males and females. A number of factors must be considered when assessing the future of
juvenile violence. These include the amount of gang involvement by male and female juve-
niles, the issue of violent peers and their influence, the amount of school violence that takes
place, and the overall rates of violence in the country, which could give rise to the amount of
violence perpetrated by juveniles.

See alsoAssault; Gang-On-Gang Violence; Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence Received by;
Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by; Gun-Related Violence; National Youth Survey

Belknap, J., Holsinger, K., & Dunn, M. (1997). Understanding incarcerated girls: The results of a focus
group study. Prison Journal,77, 381–405.
Chesney-Lind, M., & Sheldon, R. (2004). Girls, delinquency, and juvenile justice
. Belmont, CA:
Steffensmeier, D. (1993). National trends in female arrests: 1960–1990: Assessment and recommenda-
tions for research. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
, 9, 411–437.

Dale J. Brooker


adults, juveniles are more than twice as likely to be the recipients of violence (rape, sexual
assault, robbery, and simple or aggravated assault). More specifically, statistics show that
individuals from ages 12 to 19 are most at risk for being the victims of violent crimes than
any other age group. Homicide victimization decreased for juveniles in the late 1990s. One
group of juveniles that saw an increase in homicide victimization since the late 1990s was
black juvenile (ages 14 to 17) females. Juvenile males are more likely than girls to be
officially receiving violence.
It is crucial to understand the dynamics in which the frequency of receiving violence
occurs. Juvenile females, despite recently (last two decades) reported increases in gang
involvement, are less likely to be on the receiving end of such violence that includes
aggravated assault, simple assault, and murder. It is the juvenile male who is most at risk for
being the recipient of a violent act, but it must be recognized that one violent act alone is the
exception to this—sexual assault. The majority of juvenile victims of sexual assault are
females, according to official statistics and self-report victimization surveys such as the
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
There are four major dimensions that must be considered when assessing gender and the
frequency of receiving violence. They are (1) involvement in gang activity, (2) sexual assault,

(3) family violence, and (4) school violence. Juvenile males are more likely to be involved
with gangs than juvenile females, and this fact alone creates a dynamic whereby they will
be more prone to receiving violence. Gang-related homicide and assaults have been
on the increase over the past two decades and have accounted for an increase in the victimiza-
tion of juvenile males. While gang involvement is not restricted to one gender, the majority
of those individuals that make up the gang membership are males; females, on the other hand,
are often viewed as taking an auxiliary role in the gang organization, although this has
changed somewhat in the recent past with girl gangs coming to be examined in the criminal
justice literature. Therefore, it is the gang lifestyle and the gang involvement that may
account for some of the fluctuation in the frequency of receiving violence between the
The one major difference in the frequency of receiving violence is for sexual assault.
Females, according to official data, are three times more likely than juvenile males to be the
victims of sexual assault. Within this context it must be noted that a great number of cases
of sexual abuse can go unreported if the offender was a family member. In terms of self-
report surveys that focus on receiving violence, juvenile girls indicate that they have been the
victims of sexual abuse or sexual violence at much higher rates than their male counterparts.
To further this point, the family dynamic must be noted as having some influence on the
amount of receiving violence for juveniles. Family violence can, and oftentimes does,
include violence against juvenile boys and girls. Furthermore, approximately one-third of all
sexual assaults of juveniles are committed by a family member. The victim-offender rela-
tionship reveals more about the receiving of violence in that girls, more than boys, are likely
to be sexually assaulted by a family member, especially those under twelve years of age.
Finally, when assessing the frequency of receiving juvenile violence, school violence must
be explored with emphasis on the differences in gender. Male students are more likely to be
the recipient of a violent act in the school setting than female students. This, of course, is
inclusive of the idea that boys are more likely to be in fistfights that are reported to school
officials. Juvenile males are also more likely to bully other boys in a violent manner, which
could account for more frequently occurring instances of receiving violence. It is quite possi-
ble, however, that girls receive a great deal of violence at school that goes “under the radar”
because it takes less traditional forms.
The twenty-first century looks questionable in terms of how much violence juveniles will
face. However, there are indications that juveniles will be less victimized based on data that
indicates a decrease in family violence as well as an overall decrease in the amount of vio-
lence on the part of adults. Major cities across the United States are working to reduce the
amount of violent gang activity and therefore can reduce the amount of juvenile victims that
are the result of such violent behaviors. School violence may very well decrease given the
last decade’s refocus on school safety. This, in turn, would lead to less violence experienced
by both juvenile males and females.

See alsoAssault; Gang-On-Gang Violence; Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by; Gun-
Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of; National Youth Survey

Bottcher, J. (2001). Social practices of gender: How gender relates to delinquency in the everyday lives
of high-risk youths.Criminology,39, 893–932.
Chesney-Lind, M., & Sheldon, R. (2004). Girls, delinquency, and juvenile justice
. Belmont, CA:

Herrera, V., & McCloskey, L. (2003). Sexual abuse, family violence and female delinquency: Findings
from a longitudinal study.Violence and Victims,
18, 319–334.

Dale J. Brooker


juvenile justice system attempts to treat both males and females successfully; however,
researchers speculate that there may be gender-related differences in juveniles’ needs that
could result in varying degrees of treatment effectiveness for both males and females. This
may create the need for gender-specific programming. To date, however, there are generally
not gender-specific treatment programs that are used in the juvenile justice system. This is
because males have traditionally been more delinquent than females, and treatment in the
juvenile justice system has been tailored to meet their needs. Treatment of females thus far
has fallen under a “one size fits all” model.
Recently, though, research on the gender-related concerns, differences, and treatment in the
juvenile justice system has begun. This has revealed that, among other factors, juvenile female
offenders are more likely to have been abused, depressed, engaged in suicidal or self-inflicted
harmful behaviors, and become pregnant early, while male juveniles are more likely to be vio-
lent, destructive, and exhibit behavior problems both in and out of school settings. Because
of these differences, it appears that females benefit from treatments that provide supportive,
nonconfrontational, and noncompetitive environments, utilize cognitive behavioral therapies,
provide educational programs, and are based on social learning models. Males also benefit
from cognitive behavioral and educational treatments based on social learning models, as well
as behavior modification techniques, and some types of individual and group counseling.
Treatment in the juvenile justice system is provided in both institutional and community-
based settings. Juvenile treatment programs vary across states and jurisdictions. Generally,
however, the treatment modalities used in the juvenile justice system fall under six types
of treatments, including individual and group counseling, behavioral, group-centered, educa-
tional, multimodal, and deterrence-based treatment programs. Incorporated in these are
individual and group psychotherapy, transactional analysis, role-playing, reality therapy, behav-
ior modification, therapeutic communities, guided group interaction, cognitive therapy, family
therapy, drug and alcohol interventions, boot camps, and scared straight programs.
Psychotherapy, transactional analysis (TA), and role-playing are types of counseling programs
that can be conducted in an individual or group setting. Psychotherapy provides an opportunity
for children to talk about their thoughts, feelings, and past personal experiences with a therapist
or clinician. Because of its focus on feelings, this type of therapy has been more effective for
females than males. Transactional analysis (TA) is a counseling program that attempts to make
youth aware of the types of interaction they have with others around them. Juveniles learn to
identify when they are engaging in childlike and parental behavior, while striving to engage in
mature, adultlike interactions with others. Role-playing provides an opportunity for juveniles to
act out their emotions and is therefore considered a type of psychodrama.
Behavior modification and reality therapy are types of behavioral treatments used in the
juvenile justice system. Behavior modification uses either operant or classical conditioning
techniques to change a delinquent’s behavior by manipulating the elements in their environ-
ment that reinforce antisocial behaviors. These treatments are based on the assumption that
the environment influences an individual’s behavior and that changing the contingencies
in the environment may change a person’s behavior. Most research to date has focused on the

effectiveness of behavior modification techniques on delinquent boys’ behavior. Reality ther-

apy asserts that respect and social relations are basic human needs that, when not met, cause
a child to behave inappropriately. This treatment approach trains adolescents to focus on their
current behaviors and the consequences of those actions and teaches them how to fulfill their
basic needs in prosocial ways.
Guided group interaction and therapeutic communities are group-centered treatment
modalities that are used most often in institutional settings. These approaches focus on how
the institutionalized community, or a group of juveniles living in close quarters, can set
boundaries, make rules, and reinforce appropriate behavior. Because they are based on the
social learning model and attempt to provide a supportive and prosocial environment, these
types of treatment modalities have been most effective with female juveniles, although they
are also used with and are effective for male juveniles. Guided group interaction gives
decision-making power to the residents, while therapeutic communities focus on making the
environment conducive to social therapy.
Educational and substance abuse programs are used in community and institutional
settings. Substance abuse programs help youths identify their chemical dependencies and
they also provide youths with information about the harmful effects of drug addiction.
Educational programs help juveniles obtain diplomas or certificates, such as their GEDs.
Both males and females benefit from educational programs, but substance abuse programs
have shown to produce varying degrees of effectiveness.
Cognitive behavioral and family therapies are multimodal types of treatments used in the
juvenile justice system. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches juveniles to identify their dys-
functional thinking patterns, take responsibility for their actions, and understand how their
thinking errors lead to inappropriate behavior. This treatment modality teaches juveniles to
think and, subsequently, act differently. Family therapy focuses on teaching effective com-
munication and problem-solving skills to both parents and children. It also teaches parents
how to be more consistent and effective in their disciplinary techniques.
Deterrence-based treatment programs include boot camps and scared straight programs.
Most research to date has examined the impact of these programs on male juvenile offenders,
while very little research has been conducted with female juvenile offenders. Boot teach
youth the value of discipline and hard work and operate on the assumption that punishments
teach juveniles that there are consequences to their actions. Scared straight programs attempt to
scare a juvenile from engaging in delinquent behaviors by exposing them to harsh realities of
confined or institutional living conditions. These have typically been used with males.

See alsoChivalry Hypothesis; Gender, Frequency of Perpetrating Violence by; Gender,

Frequency of Receiving Violence by; Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by; Gender, Types
of Juvenile Violence Received by

Bartollas, C., & Miller, S. (2001).Juvenile justice in America, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Ellis, R., O’Hara, M., & Sowers, K. (1999). Treatment profiles of troubled female adolescents:
Implications for judicial disposition. Juvenile and Family Court Journal
, 25–87.
Lipsey, M., & Wilson, D. (1999). Effective intervention for serious juvenile offenders: A synthesis of
research. In R. Loeber & D. Farrington (Eds.), Serious and violent juvenile offenders: Risk factors
and successful interventions (pp. 313–345). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Emily Wright


common terminologies used to describe violence as it differs by gender are “gender violence,”
“gender-based violence,” “partner violence,” or “domestic violence.” The ultimate key to
understanding the types of violence received by gender and why this differs lies in understand-
ing the concept of gender. Juvenile gender-based violence takes many forms—physical, sexual,
emotional, and psychological. The behavior occurs in both the public and private realm.
Males are more likely to both perpetrate and be the victims of violent crime. The 2004 FBI
data show that older juveniles were at higher risk of being murdered. For both male and females,
the murder risk was relatively high during the first year of life but increases during the teenage
years. In 2004, males comprised 82.2 percent of arrestees for violent crime. The Unified
Crime Report (UCR) figures indicate that of the 15,935 murders in which police made arrests,
males were responsible for 10,262 and females were responsible for killing 1,130 victims. The
juvenile data indicate that of the 854 victims of juvenile violence of murder, juvenile males were
responsible for 794, while female juveniles were responsible for 59 victims. Violent crimes
committed by girls differ significantly from boys’ offenses in that boys are two to three times
more likely to carry weapons, and girls are more likely to use knives than guns. Girls are more
likely than boys to murder someone as a result of a conflict rather than during a crime and to
murder and fight with family members. Research indicates that adolescent girls are less likely
than boys to be arrested for violent crimes of homicide, forcible rape, aggravated assault, bur-
glary, and arson. Females are now outpacing males in all offense categories, according Office to
of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) data. OJJDP data indicate simple
assault cases increased for both males and females more than any other offense.
Academic literature on juvenile gender-based violence suggests that a major gender-based
problem is boys’ violence toward girls. The focus in academia is on relationship violence,
primarily on the battery of girls or women by boys or male partners. The National
Association of Social Workers defines gender-based violence as the perpetration or threat of
emotional, verbal, or physical violence or sexual assault targeted toward adolescent girls
within the context of a dating relationship. Advocates for youths tell us that female teenagers
are more likely to suffer dating violence and are more likely to be injured as a result of dating
violence. Girls are three times more likely to suffer a beating and to suffer emotionally than
their male peers. A 1997 study indicated that nearly one in five high school young women
report having been physically or sexually abused. Centers
The for Disease Controldefines
violence as a disease and in 2000 determined that “although partner violence transcends all
racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, African American teenage girls are more likely to
report being slapped or hit by a boyfriend.” Furthermore, the Commonwealth Fund (1999)
tells us that “the impact of intimate partner violence on the overall health and well being of
young girls is significant . . . dating violence has severe consequence s . . . in addition to
physical injuries that may be sustained, young women are three times more likely to report
severe emotional trauma when a violent episode occurs in a dating n situatio
. . . other long
term consequences can include continued or chronic health problems, increased use of med-
ical services and hospitalizations, and poor self-rated health status.” A single act of physical
violence increases the impact of subsequent threats of violent behavior and other psycholog-
ically abusive acts.
Rape is another crime primarily committed against girls and young women, and adoles-
cents are considered to be at highest risk for sexual assault, with more than half of reported
assaults occurring in dating situations. Research has shown that age fourteen is a young
woman’s year of greatest risk of sexual assault. The Centers for Disease Control in 2000
found that 12.5 percent of young women in grades nine through twelve reported being forced
to have sexual intercourse.

Sexual harassment, particularly in school settings, is also an issue that disproportionately

affects adolescent girls, though often it is not reported. When boys are the recipients of sex-
ual harassment, they are even less likely to report it to officials or authorities.
The types of violence received by gender is rooted in the gender differences of masculinity and
femininity and the prescribed norms and definitions of what it means to be a man or a woman.
These gender differences allow for or encourage violent behavior within a context of assumed
privilege and hierarchical power for certain groups of men. Included in the literature as factors that
provide for this phenomenon are the influence of childhood experiences and family dynamics,
social institutions, gender socialization, and especially socially permissive attitudes.
Gender-based violence is an articulation of, or an enforcement of, power hierarchies and
structural inequalities that are informed by belief systems, cultural norms, and socialization
processes. It is grounded in patriarchy, a system that positions men over women (and other
men) and instills a sense of entitlement and privilege in many men. Patriarchy also institu-
tionalizes the social, cultural, and legal contexts that permit gender violence. But gender vio-
lence is also based in the pressures, fears, and stifled emotions that underlie “hegemonic
masculinity,” or many of the dominant forms of manhood espoused in cultures around the
world. Added to this are the personal experiences of violence for individuals—being nurtured
in a culture of violence—and learning and experiencing violence from the environment,
including the family, the media, and the community.
The scope and effect of gender-based violence are profound. Gender-based violence plagues
every society in every region of the world. No one group, regardless of the culture, class, or
location, is immune to its devastation. It incapacitates families and partnerships and the ability
for many to relate to themselves or others with love, compassion, or respect. In a macro sense,
gender-based violence restricts the achievement of development, peace, and freedom.
Because women in U.S. society experience systematic oppression, they have fewer options
in responding to abusive behavior in their intimate relationships. Moreover, abusive behavior
by men toward their female partners further reinforces men’s dominant position in relation-
ships and maintains the oppression of women. African-American women are even more
affected by this phenomenon due to their status as both women and African Americans.

See also Gender, Frequency of Perpetrating Violence by; Gender, Frequency of Receiving
Violence by; Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by

Butts, J. (1994). Delinquency cases in juvenile court 1992.
Office of Justice Programs
. Available at:
FBI Uniform Crime Report (2004). Available at: www.fbi.gov/ucr.
Girls and violence: Is the gender gap closing? (2005, October). Available at: www.hamfish.org/
Kwong, M., & Bartholomew, K. (1999). Gender differences in patterns of relationship violence in
Alberta. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Sciences,

Evaristus Obinyan


all forms of physical violence with greater frequency than females. This is true of adults as well as
juveniles and across a variety of settings. It is also important to note that, with the exception of

sexual assault, males are more likely to be violently victimized than females (see the entry on
Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence Received by). Two specific types of violence that stand out
regarding the gender of perpetrators are sexual violence and school violence. Many theories have
been proposed to explain these gender differences, ranging from purely biological to purely soci-
ological in their emphasis. It is important to understand the incidence and types of offenses perpe-
trated by each gender, as well as why there are differences. If there are indeed different reasons
why males and females become violent, then gender-specific interventions might be required.

Official Crime Data

Males are far more likely to commit murder than females. The Uniform
2001 Crime Report
(UCR) data shows that 508 males under the age of eighteen were arrested for murder com-
pared to 69 females. When females do commit murder, it is far more likely against a family
member (32 percent) or a very young victim. Twenty-four percent of females who murdered
victimized someone under the age of three, compared to just 1 percent of boys. When girls
commit murder, they are more likely to kill alone, whereas boys are more commonly joined
by an accomplice. The primary motive for murder by girls is interpersonal conflict.
Using the same 2001 UCR data, males under the age of eighteen were also more frequently
arrested for robbery (11,695 compared to 1,104 for girls) and burglary (44,560 compared to
6,896 for girls). Many have pointed to the fact that female arrests for aggravatedassault
increased, going from 6,325 in 1992 to 7,814 in 2001, which suggests that females are becom-
ing more “like males” in terms of violent offending. This is known asliberation
the hypoth-
esis. While it is true that there was a 23.5 percent increase in female arrests, males are still
arrested for aggravated assault almost four times more often. Some researchers point out that
the increase in females arrested for assault may be a function of relabeling certain offenses.
For instance, a girl hitting her mother was once labeled “incorrigible” and dealt with largely
by the family. In the early 1990s, some states relabeled this as an assault and dealt with it in the
juvenile or criminal justice systems. In addition, police practices and recommendations may
have changed, leading to more arrests of females. For example, some police advised parents of
“unruly girls” to block the doors when their daughters attempted to leave, then to call in law
enforcement if the young woman pushed past them. In sum, official crime data continues to
verify that females constitute a very small portion of those arrested for violent crimes.

While there are valid criticisms of the UCR, self-report data confirm that males are more
involved in physical violence. For instance, the 2001 Youth Risk Behavior Survey showed that
43.1 percent of males under the age of eighteen had been involved in a physical fight, compared
to 23.9 percent of females. Only 2.7 percent of females reported being injured in a physical
fight, while 5.2 percent of boys reported injury. The primary reason for fights between juvenile
females, according to qualitative research, has to do with boys. Other things that prompt girls to
fight include rumors and name-calling. Males are more prone to respond violently to verbal
attacks on their competence or their sexuality. Occasionally, girls fight boys. This is, most typi-
cally, the result of sexual harassment or misconduct, either real or perceived.

Sexual Violence
One of the most striking differences between juvenile male and female offending is in the
commission of sexual violence. Once again drawing on UCR data from 2001, juvenile males

arrested for rape outnumber juvenile females arrested for rape 2,312 to 30. National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS) data generally shows that 99 percent of rapists are males,
while National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data from 1997 and 1998 indi-
cated 92 percent of sexual assault offenders were male. Studies with college-aged males have
found that many would not rule out rape if they could guarantee they would not be caught
and punished. One study found one in twelve college-aged males had committed an offense
that met the legal definition of rape or attempted rape, yet did not call themselves rapists.

School Violence
Male shooters have perpetrated all of the high-profile school shootings from the 1990s to the
present. The primary motive for the Pearl, Springfield, Jonesboro, and Littleton shootings
seems to have been revenge against those who had rejected and alienated the young men.
Survey research has found that students of all types tend to define aggressive boys as popu-
lar, whereas only other girls who are violent rate aggressive girls as popular. When girls are
involved in school violence, it tends to involve indirect aggression, such as verbal abuse,
gossip, and social exclusion. Some have argued, however, that these forms of violence are
every bit as damaging as physical forms. Although both genders are involved hazing
in in
high school, males are involved more frequently and in more serious, violent forms.

Theories Regarding Gender Differences

The field of criminology has long been androcentric, first ignoring female criminality
altogether, then chalking it up to pathology. Some even argued that females were every bit as
deviant as males, they were simply more devious and secretive, hence they “got away with it.”
In his seminal text on gangs in Chicago, Thrasher spends approximately one page out of 600
on females. Social disorganization theory , which emerged from the University of Chicago in
the 1930s, was founded on analyses of male delinquency rates. Sutherland’s differential
association theorycould be applied to females, although Sutherland, too, focused on male
case studies to formulate the theory. There is support, however, for the contention that females
who have greater contact with deviant females engage in more deviant acts themselves. Many
delinquency theorists in the 1950s and 1960s clearly stated that they were explaining behavior
by males. Likewise, Travis Hirschi created his social bond theory, arguably the most cited
theory in criminology, by studying males. Even into the 1980s, major research projects, like
the Philadelphia longitudinal study, included only males. Some theories pose obvious prob-
lems when gender is considered. For instance, Merton’s strain theory, which proposes that
individuals offend when they cannot reach socially desirable goals through socially desirable
means, would seem to suggest that females should offend at greater rates, as they experience
more strain due to blocked opportunities.
More recently, theorists have made efforts to consider gender when formulating and test-
ing theories. Many point to gender role socialization, asserting that females are socialized to
be passive and nurturing, while males are socialized to take risks and to be aggressive. Being
aggressive is simply part of “doing” masculinity. Cases like the sexual assault
New Jerseyand those perpetrated by the Spur Possehighlight this idea. Hagan’s power-
control theory maintains that patriarchy is the root cause of male offending. The workplace
is still patriarchal, so males are still in a dominant role structurally. Relations in the family
mirror relations in the workplace. Because patriarchal families monitor girls more closely
while providing males more opportunities for risk-taking, boys are more delinquent. Hagan’s
theory retains remnants of the liberation hypothesis, as he maintained that when more

women are in the workplace and have more egalitarian relationships, females will be more
prone to delinquency.

See alsoGender, Frequency of Perpetrating Violence by; Gender, Frequency of Receiving

Violence by; Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence Received by

Alder, C., & Worrall, A. (Eds.). (2004).Girls’ violence: Myths and realities. Albany: State University of
New York Press.
Artz, S. (1999). Sex, power, & the violent school .girlNew York: Teachers College Press.
Chesney-Lind, M., & Pasko, L. (2004). The female offender: Girls, women, and crime, 2nd ed.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Messerschmidt, J. W. (1993). Masculinities and crime. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield.
Rabrenovic, G., Kaufman, C., & Levin, J. (2004). School violence: Causes, consequences, and inter-
ventions. In S. Holmes & R. Holmes (Eds.), Violence: A contemporary reader (pp. 115–132). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Simmons, R. (2002). Odd girl out: The hidden culture of aggression in girls
. New York: Harcourt.

Laura L. Finley


Deterrence theory first appeared in classical criminology in the late 1700s in the writings of
Cesare Beccaria (1738–1794). Beccaria believed that people wanted to choose pleasurable
experiences over painful ones. Crime could provide pleasure, and so Beccaria maintained
that punishment for committing crime must be just severe enough to outweigh the pleasure.
Beccaria’s ideas were extended by philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748–1833), who called
for proportionality of punishments to crimes.
The principle behind deterrence theory is that punishments are set in order to deter or dis-
suade people from committing crime, rather than punishment being about vengeance or retri-
bution. However, in order for punishments to deter more serious criminals, they must be
proportionate to the crime. For example, if the punishment for burglary was execution and
the punishment for murder was execution, a criminal might not think twice about murdering
someone during a burglary.
Another essential element to deterrence theory is the certainty and swiftness of punish-
ment. If a criminal feels that there is very little chance that he or she will be caught and con-
victed for a crime and that apprehension may take years, the deterrent effect of a punishment
is weakened considerably.
Classical criminology became popular again in the 1970s after rehabilitative approaches to
punishment were criticized. Much of the loss of faith in rehabilitation came after a study con-
ducted by justice policy analyst Martinson, who concluded that, “nothing works.”

Types of Deterrence
There are two main types of deterrence: general and specific. General deterrence is used
when policy makers want to deter the general public from committing crimes. This means

that people are fearful of the punishment and do not commit the crime. For example, the
threat of capital punishment is supposed to deter everyone from committing murder. Another
example would be the threat of legislativewaiver for juveniles, which is designed to deter
juveniles from committing serious or violent offenses.
Specific deterrence occurs when punishments are given to individual offenders to try to
prevent them from committing future criminal acts. For example, a juvenile may be sen-
tenced to an indeterminate community-based sentence so he or she can be monitored, with
the threat of more severe punishment upon subsequent criminal acts.
Both types of deterrence can be absolute or marginal. Absolute deterrence occurs when a
punishment stops a crime altogether. This is difficult to achieve. An example of this would be
if police ticketed every speeding driver on a particular road. Everyone who was speeding has
been punished, and the crime would be stopped, if only for a brief period. Marginal deter-
rence occurs when a proposed punishment for an offense will provide some reduction in
crime. For example, the threat of chemical castration in sex offenders is likely to deter some
sex offenders from committing sex offenses.

Research on Deterrence
There have been a number of studies on the deterrent effect of the death penalty. The premise
tested in these studies is that if the death penalty is an effective general deterrent, the homicide
rate should decrease after a publicized execution. This decrease is expected because potential
murderers will be reminded that the punishment for homicide is execution. Empirical evidence
collected by a number of researchers actually indicates that the murder rate increases after a pub-
licized execution, thus providing little support for the deterrence argument. Other studies that
have examined the murder rates across different countries have also found that the threat of cap-
ital punishment has little impact on the murder rate as many countries that do not have the death
penalty have lower murder rates than those countries that do have it. However, Bentham may
argue that execution is too severe a punishment and therefore has little deterrent effect. Others
may argue that it takes too long to execute someone on death row to be an effective deterrent.
Other researchers argue that deterrence works better for other types of crimes. For exam-
ple, when one is given a speeding ticket on a particular stretch of road, one is likely to slow
down on that stretch in the future. Punishments for drinking and driving offenses, such as
stiff fines and loss of one’s driver’s license also provide an effective deterrent.
Critics of deterrence theory maintain that punishment based on this principal will not work
because none of the other circumstances surrounding the crime are addressed, for example,
the criminal’s reasons for committing the crime. If the prison environment is better than the
community environment where the offender lived, there is no deterrent. Further, if the culture
is such that incarceration adds to one’s reputation, there is also no deterrent effect.
Despite strong criticism, deterrence theory remains one of the most popular foundations
for modern criminal sanctions.

See alsoDeath Penalty; Delinquency and Drift Theory; Rational Choice Theory

Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (2003).Criminological theory: Past to present
, 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Roxbury
Einstadter, W. (1995).Criminological theory: An analysis of its underlying assumptions
. Fort Worth,
TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Pogarsky, G., Piquero, A., & Paternoster, R. (2004). Modeling change in perceptions about sanction threats:
The neglected linkage in deterrence theory.
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 20
, 4, 343–360.
Schuck, A. (2005). American crime prevention: Trends and new frontiers. Canadian Journal of
Criminology and Criminal Justice, 47 , 2, 447–463.

Monica L. P. Robbers

GENERAL STRAIN THEORY (GST). Robert Agnew wrote the general strain
theory (GST) in 1985 in response to several criticisms of classic strain theories. Agnew
proposed that the inability of classic strain theories to cite more than one cause of strain limited
their theoretical application. Agnew suggested that strain could be produced by different cir-
cumstances, with delinquency just one in a number of adaptations to strain. The second criti-
cism of traditional strain theories that Agnew cited was that they looked to macro causes of
strain, such as social institutions, and did not focus on individual experiences of strain.
Where Durkheim’s concept of strain refers to a state of disorder in society, Agnew’s concept
of strain refers to aversive situations and environmental adversity, suggesting that Agnew con-
ceptualized strain as an emotional, frustrated state, similar to the modern conceptualization of
stress. As GST continues to be refined, the terms stress and strain are becoming synonymous.
GST has been used extensively in juvenile justice literature to help explain gender differences
in delinquency, different community crime rates, and even young white-collar delinquency.
Agnew’s GST identifies three types of strain-producing situations. First is the failure to
achieve goals, which is the traditional notion of strain seen in Merton’s strain theory. This
type of strain also extends to the disjuncture between expectations and achievements or
fair outcomes and actual outcomes. An individual’s response to the failure to achieve goals
could include anger, frustration, depression, or withdrawal. Second is the removal of posi-
tively valued/desired stimuli or other significant changes in life circumstances. The loss or
anticipated loss of positively valued stimuli may lead to delinquency, particularly if the
individual tries to prevent the loss or seeks revenge.
A third strain-producing situation occurs when individuals are confronted with other peo-
ple’s negative actions, such as victimization at school or physical abuse at home. Negative
stimuli may lead to delinquency as the adolescent tries to escape, alleviate, or seek revenge
against the source of the stimuli.
Agnew maintained that responses to strain can vary and can be delinquent or nondelin-
quent. Nondelinquent responses include depression, deflection, escapism (this can also be
delinquent), frustration, or catharsis through sports. Nondelinquent options are often limited
by legal constraints, which may preclude the juvenile’s escape from the strain-producing sit-
uation; for example, exposure to negative stimuli such as sexual abuse in the home.
Delinquent responses are most likely to occur when a juvenile reacts to strain with anger
toward other people or social structures. Mediating factors, such as peer associations, moral
values, self-efficacy, sports involvement, and religious beliefs, can all influence an individ-
ual’s response to strain.
Criminologists initially viewed GST with skepticism, claiming it did not offer different
or new insights than other leading perspectives. In response to these claims, Agnew revised
the theory in 1992 to distinguish GST from both social control/social learning theories
and differential association. Agnew claimed that several factors differentiate GST from
social control theories. First, social control theories cite a lack of valued relationships
with significant others and social institutions as the cause of delinquency, and no special

motivation is needed to commit delinquent acts. When social controls are minimized, people
will act deviantly. GST, however, maintains that negative relationships, or situations in which
juveniles feel they are treated badly, may lead to delinquent actions. Second, social control
theories focus on why individuals conform to social norms, whereas GST focuses on nega-
tive coercion toward delinquency.
According to Agnew, the differences between GST and differential association are clear-
cut. Differential association maintains that adolescents model their behavior on the behavior
of others. Modeling is usually based on the behavior of individuals with whom adolescents
spend the most time and whose behavior they accept as normal. When accepting behavior,
adolescents do not consider whether the behavior conflicts with societal norms. Thus, delin-
quency is a learned behavior, and juveniles who spend their time in the company of a
delinquent gang are more likely to commit delinquent acts. GST views delinquency as an
adaptation to strain, which is produced by different circumstances. Where differential associ-
ation emphasizes cognitive processes, strain theory looks to emotional responses.
In 2000, Agnew redefined GST to fit the context of school violence and delinquency. In
the school setting, Agnew proposed four strain-producing situations. The first is negative
peer relations, such as being picked on, bullied, or any other interpersonal conflicts between
students. In the school setting, a student victim may be picked on in a public forum, which
adds to the victim’s experience of strain. The second form of strain Agnew cited is negative
teacher relations, such as teachers who show an open disrespect for students and/or who have
low expectations of students. Negative teacher relations may have an especially strong effect
on a student if the student values the teacher’s opinion and is motivated by the teacher’s
encouragement. The third strain-producing situation is low grades. Students who are diligent
and strive to maintain high grade point averages can be greatly affected by poor grades. Last,
Agnew proposed that school dissatisfaction could also cause strain. Students who feel that
school is a waste of their time, materials learned have no relevance to the real world, and have
few school bonds, experience this type of strain. Agnew notes that these students are likely
the very ones that have a great deal of trouble learning.
GST continues to evolve. In 2002, Agnew and colleagues extended the original GST to
include the conditioning effects of personality traits on strain, specifically negative emotion-
ality and constraint. Findings from this study indicated that juveniles who had high levels
of negative emotionality and low constraint were far more likely to respond to strain with

See alsoGender and Juvenile Violence entries

Agnew, R. (1985). A revised strain theory.
Social Forces, 64
, 151–167.
Agnew, R. (1986). Work and delinquency among juveniles attending school. Journal of Crime and
Justice, 9, 19–41.
Agnew, R. (1992). Foundation for a general strain theory of crime and delinquency.
Criminology, 30(1),
Agnew, R. (2001). Building on the foundation of general strain theory: Specifying the types of strain
most likely to lead to crime and delinquency. Unpublished paper.
Agnew, R., Brezina, T., Wright, J., & Cullen, F. (2002). Strain, personality traits, and delinquency:
Extending general strain theory. Criminology 40(1), 43–71.

Agnew, R., & White, H. (1992). An empirical test of general strain theory. Criminology, 30(4),
Akers, R. (2000).Criminological theories: An introduction and evaluation
, 3rd ed. Los Angeles:

Monica L. P. Robbers

GENERAL THEORY OF CRIME. Authored by Michael Gottfredson and Travis

Hirschi, the general theory of crime (GTC) is the most widely cited trait theory. It builds on
Hirschi’s control theory and integrates elements from biosocial and psychological theories,
as well as rational choice and routine activities theories. In general, the theory considers the
offender to be separate from the act, and the interplay of the two is what matters. Further,
Gottfredson and Hirschi asserted that their theory could explain all forms of crime or delin-
quency, hence the word “general” in the title.
Drawing on rational choice and routine activities theories, Gottfredson and Hirschi posit
that delinquency is rational and predictable. It is the result of an offender weighing the costs
and benefits of his or her actions and deciding to do that which he or she perceives as being
advantageous. Following this logic, the threat of punishment shoulddeterrent.
be a
From the biosocial and psychological theories, Gottfredson and Hirschi draw the notion
that some delinquents are predisposed to offend. While these juveniles are not constantly
offending—much of their time is spent like that of other juveniles, attending school, after-
school activities, working, and the like—when an opportunity for delinquency arises, these
individuals are more prone to seize it. According to GTC, an individual’s propensity to be
delinquent remains stable throughout their lifetime; rather, it is the opportunities to offend
that change.
The trait that Gottfredson and Hirschi assert makes one delinquent-prone is self-control.
Those with limited self-control are more impulsive and adventuresome, tend to be physical
risk-takers and be active physically, are often insensitive to the feelings of others, are short-
sighted, and often do not have well-developed communication skills. Further, they tend to lack
perseverance. They often feel little shame when they engage in various forms of delinquency,
instead finding them pleasurable. As these individuals get older, they are more likely to be
involved in dangerous behaviors, such as drinking, reckless driving, and smoking, and they
tend to have unstable work patterns and relationships. Since delinquent acts often involve
stealth, agility, speed, and power, individuals with low self-control are more likely to get
involved and find enjoyment in them. In sum, these individuals seek short-term gratification.
People are not born with low self-control, these authors argue. Rather, self-control is
developed, generally by age eight, through socialization. The root cause of inadequate self-
control is poor child rearing, according to Gottfredson and Hirschi. Parents might be inade-
quate in a number of ways. They might fail to or do a poor job of monitoring their child’s
behavior. They may not punish deviant behavior when it occurs; in fact, many parents do not
even recognize deviant behavior in their children. Children of deviant parents are even less
likely to develop adequate self-control. GTC maintains that male delinquency rates are
higher than female’s because males have less self-control; likewise, certain racial groups
offend more frequently because they, too, lack self-control. In addition to families, schools
are a key source for the development (or lack thereof) of self-control. Further, individuals
with low self-control are prone to seek out peers who also lack self-control.
Gottfredson and Hirschi maintain that their theory explains why some with low self-
control never offend (the opportunities are not presented) as well as why those with

high self-control still might offend (they are presented with too many and/or too enticing

Many researchers have attempted to evaluate GTC. One method involves identifying measures
of impulsivity and self-control, then assessing whether these correlate with delinquency rates.
Some research from the United States and other countries has supported this correlation.
Further, research has demonstrated that those who begin delinquent patterns early in life are
less likely to be helped by rehabilitation or treatment, suggesting a fixed trait. One study ana-
lyzing youth from four countries (United States, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Switzerland)
also affirmed the connection between self-control and delinquency. Few research studies have
focused on testing the link between child rearing and self-control.

Ronald Akers has been one of the most vocal critics of GTC, asserting it is tautological, that is,
the only way to determine if someone lacks self-control is by measuring their “low self-control
behaviors.” Critics maintain that there are significant differences in the way impulsivity and
self-control have been measured, thus research using one definition or one form of measure-
ment may differ significantly from research using different terms or measures. Further, most
measures of impulsivity and self-control come from self-reports, which may not be accurate.
Some also argue that impulsivity interacts with other characteristics, such as anger. Critics also
maintain there is little support that males are more impulsive than females or that certain racial
groups lack self-control. Using arrests rates to measure delinquency may simply reflect racial
or gender biases in policing, rather than an individual’s traits. GTC also underestimates
people’s power to change and to control their own impulsivity, according to critics. Some are
also leery of any theory that purports to explain “all” crime and delinquency.

Colder, C., & Stice, E. (1998). A longitudinal study of the interactive effects of impulsivity and anger on
adolescent problem behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,(3), 27 255–275.
Forde, D., & Kennedy, L. (1997). Risky lifestyles, routine activities, and the general theory of crime.
Justice Quarterly, 14, 265–294.
Gibbs, J., Giever, D., & Martin, J. (1998). Parental management and self-control: An empirical test of
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime.Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency,
35, 40–70.
Gottfredson, M., & Hirschi, T. (1990). A general theory of crime
. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Grasmick, H., Tittle, C., Bursik, R., & Arneklev, B. (1993). Testing the core empirical implications of
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime.Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency,
30, 5–29.
Shoemaker, D. (2005). Theories of delinquency, 5th ed. New York: Oxford.

Laura L. Finley

GENETIC THEORIES. Historically, many have asserted that violence and aggression
are passed on genetically. It is believed that behavioral characteristics and mental disor-
ders making one prone to crime and violence are passed along in the same way that height

and eye color are inherited traits. The earliest theories focused on specific families as
delinquency-prone and stemmed from Cesare Lombroso’s claim that he could identify a
“born criminal.” One of the more popular family studies was Richard Dugdale’s analysis of
the infamous Jukes family of New York in the late nineteenth century. Dugdale concluded
that the large number of criminals and prostitutes in the Jukes family was evidence that
crime was inherited. In the early twentieth century, H. H. Goddard followed in Dugdale’s
footsteps, using “family tree” research to pronounce a link between genetics, feebleminded-
ness, and crime.
Recent genetic research often involves studying siblings and even identical twins. Since
families are also the primary socialization agent of young people, it is difficult to discern
precisely the role of genetics, even in studies of twins and adopted children. Further, genetic
theories are always controversial, as they bring up important social control questions and
concerns. The work of Dugdale and Goddard helped usher in the policy of eugenics, whereby
those deemed feebleminded were subject to coerced sterilization in the name of societal
betterment. Minorities and the poor were disproportionately subject to forced sterilization,
and today genetic theorists are often accused of racism. In addition, the eugenics movement
was an important influence in Adolf Hitler’s development of the final solution. In 1992,
researchers attempted to hold an interdisciplinary conference on genetic theories and the
social policy implications. The meeting was cancelled when it was denounced for being
racist, then rescheduled in 1995 for a smaller and more remote location. Nonetheless,
protesters arrived at the conference.

Twin Studies
Comparing twins with similar non-twins is a common method to explore possible genetic
explanations for crime and violence. The agreement in behavior among pairs of individuals
is called concordance rates. Twins are still brought up in the same household, however,
so researchers have compared monozygotic (MZ) (identical) twins, who share 100 percent of
their genetic makeup, with dizygotic (DZ) (fraternal) twins, who share only 50 percent
of their genetic makeup. Studies like this have found that identical twins are closer in many
personal characteristics, including intelligence. Most studies of this nature have found iden-
tical twins have more similar antisocial behavior patterns and delinquency rates than do
fraternal twins. A meta-analysis of thirty-eight published twin studies concluded that there
is some genetic influence on delinquency, but it is much smaller than previously thought.
One problem is that few twin studies have been conducted with juveniles. One study of
340 pairs of same-sex twins found that adult criminality may be genetically inherited, but
that juvenile delinquency, especially among females, is largely due to social factors. Critics
also contend that since identical twins are more likely to look and act alike, so they are more
likely treated similarly as well. Thus, nurture, not nature, may still be the explanation.
Other studies have looked at identical twins reared separately. The most famous of these
studies, from Minnesota, found that identical twins reared apart are quite similar in personal style
and behavior. In contrast, fraternal twins reared apart are rarely similar in these qualities.

Adoption Studies
Another method used to explore the role of genetics in shaping delinquent behavior is
to compare adopted children with their biological parents. The idea is that if the child’s
criminal behavior is similar to their biological parent, whom they never met, and not similar

to their adoptive parent who raised them, then the behavior is likely inherited. Studies have
shown that adoptees share behavioral and intellectual characteristics with their biological
parents. In one study, researchers found that 31 percent of the biological fathers of adjudi-
cated delinquent youths had criminal records, compared with just 13 percent of the adoptive
fathers. Further, adoption studies have highlighted the fact that heredity and delinquency may
be indirectly linked. For instance, adopted hyperactive children are more likely to have
hyperactive biological parents. Other forms of learning disabilities may be genetically inher-
ited and thus provide an indirect genetic link to delinquency. Another important indirect link
between heredity and delinquency may be intelligence, since intelligence, as well as success
in school, are both linked with delinquency. Current genetic research is largely focusing on
the heritability of conduct disorders, ADHD, and other temperamental traits.

Critics point out that genetic theorists have tended to oversimplify delinquency, assuming
that there is a specific gene linked to crime and violence. This has simply not been proven to
date. Further, critics note that genetic theorists assume any genetic trait causing delinquency
or violence must be abnormal or aberrant. Even genetic researchers admit that simply pos-
sessing a particular gene is not problematic; what matters is whether that gene is expressed.
In addition, twin studies are often criticized in a number of ways. Most twin studies involve
small samples that are not generalizable. It is not always clear whether twins are DZ or MZ,
so researchers may be making faulty assumptions. As noted earlier, it is difficult to control
for all possible environmental factors. Also, most twin studies begin by identifying at least
one of the pair who has been involved in crime or delinquency, generally using police
records. This assumes that police records are an accurate measure of delinquency. A more
accurate method is to first identify sets of twins, then trace their delinquent behavior.
Researchers who used this technique in Norway found slight differences between DZ and
MZ twins, but they were not statistically significant.
Recent research examining genetic explanations for crime and violence is more sophisti-
cated. Advances in understanding genetic markers in the late 1980s and 1990s have helped in
addressing some of the early criticisms of genetic theories. In 1993, researchers identified a
genetic marker and then a gene they thought to be associated with aggression in male mem-
bers of a Dutch family. The affected gene produces monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), which is
involved in metabolizing serotonin, the neurotransmitter associated with impulse control.
A longitudinal study of youth by researchers from New Zealand in 2002 supported the
importance of MAOA, but concluded that it was indirectly linked. Low levels of MAOA
failed to protect young people from the psychological effects of abuse or maltreatment,
making them more vulnerable to the effects of that maltreatment.

See alsoADD/ADHD; Biochemical Theories; Biosocial Theories; Neurological Theories;

Trait Theories

Bouchard, J., Lykken, D., McGue, D., Srgal, N., & Tellegen, A. (1990). Sources of human physiologi-
cal differences: The Minnesota study of twins reared apart. Science, 250, 223–228.
Rowe, D. (1995). The limits of family influence: Genes, experiences, and behavior
. New York: Guilford.
Shoemaker, D. (2005).Theories of delinquency, 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Walters, G. (1992). A meta-analysis of the gene-crime relationship. Criminology, 30, 595–613.

Wasserman, D. (2004, Spring). Is there value in identifying individual genetic predispositions to vio-
lence? Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics,(1),
32 24–34.

Laura L. Finley

GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY (1989). On March 1, 1989, a mentally disabled teenage
girl (who will be called Christina in this entry for purposes of protecting her privacy) was raped in
the basement of a home where two high school athletes lived with their parents in the city of Glen
Ridge, New Jersey. This crime, known as the Glen Ridge Rape, was prosecuted and the suspects
brought to trial in 1993. Four of the seven defendants indicted on various criminal charges were
convicted; three served detention sentences. Two other defendants made plea bargains with the
prosecutor’s office, and one other had the charges against him dropped. This crime brought
national attention to juvenile sexual violence and to the vulnerability of disabled teens.
On March 1, 1989, Christopher Archer lured Christina, a seventeen-year-old girl with an
IQ of 64 and the mental capacity of an eight-year-old, from the park where she was playing
basketball and into the basement of the home where twins Kyle and Kevin Scherzer lived.
Christina was promised a date with Archer’s brother, Paul, if she went to the basement. When
she arrived, she found several other teenage boys waiting.
The Archer brothers, the Scherzer brothers, Richard Corcoran, Peter Quigley, and Bryant
Grober proceeded to command Christina to perform sex acts on herself and on them as sev-
eral other boys watched. The attack also involved using a broomstick and a fungo bat (a base-
ball bat used for practice) to sexually assault Christina. After the attack, was over, the boys
threatened to tell her mother what happened if she discussed the attack with anyone.
Even though Christina did not tell about the attack for several days, rumors were rampant at
the boys’ school that some type of rape had occurred. One student, Charles Figueroa,
complained to school officials and was met with skepticism. Christina, who attended a different
school that had programs for mentally disabled students, finally chose to tell her swimming
coach. After the disclosure, the police were notified of the attack. Officers questioned Christina
and the suspects in the case. After it was determined that Corcoran had been present, his father,
a lieutenant for the Glen Ridge Police Department, was removed from the investigation. On the
morning of May 24, 1989, the Scherzer twins, Peter Quigley, and the Archer brothers were
arrested and charged with various crimes. Corcoran was arrested a few months later.
The time in between the arrests and the trial was difficult for the victim and the city in
which she lived. The crime left Glen Ridge, an affluent upper-class neighborhood, largely in
denial that this type of crime could occur in their city. Many citizens blamed Christina for
what happened, citing her history of inappropriate sexual behavior as reason to doubt the
truthfulness of her story. Students at Glen Ridge High School openly defended their class-
mates, and one tried to trick Christina into admitting the sexual acts were consensual. Other
citizens defended Christina and asserted that it was well known she was mentally disabled. It
has since been discovered that several of the boys involved had histories of violence and mis-
behavior, with some incidents involving Christina.
Prior to the trial, Christopher Archer and Peter Quigley accepted plea bargains and agreed to
testify for the prosecution against the other defendants. The trial took five months to complete,
during which time jury members heard graphic testimony from Christina about what happened
to her in the Scherzers’ basement. The defense strategy focused on proving that Christina was a
sexually active teenager who was not forced to participate in the crimes the defendants were
accused of committing. The prosecution argued that Christina was so mentally disabled that she

could not give informed consent. The Glen Ridge trial marked the first time that evidence about
rape trauma syndrome was permitted to be entered into evidence in New Jersey.
After twelve days of deliberation, a jury of seven women and five men convicted each of
the defendants on various charges. In the summer of 1997, Christopher Archer and the
Scherzer twins were remanded to jail for the first time since a jury found them guilty in 1993.
They were classified as young adult offenders and sentenced to detention facilities with
looser restrictions than those that govern prisons and jails.
Kyle Scherzer was scheduled to be released from prison on parole December 6, 1999.
Corcoran, who was never tried and won $200,000 in a lawsuit against the Essex County
prosecutor’s office for malicious prosecution, shot his wife and another man and then killed
himself near Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he was stationed as a Special Forces sol-
dier (Associated Press, 2005). No further information is available on Kevin Scherzer and
Chris Archer.

Associated Press. (2005, February 7). Man from Glen Ridge rape case kills self in bloodbath.
New York
Daily News.
Greenberg, K., & Hall, M. (1989, May 26). Assault case shakes affluent New JerseyUSA
, 3A.
Hanley, R. (1997, July 1). 3 men are jailed in Glen Ridge sexual assaultThe case.
New York Times
[Online edition].
Laufer, P. (1994).A question of consent: Innocence and complicity in the Glen Ridge rape . case
San Francisco: Mercury House.
Lefkowitz, B. (1997).Our guys. New York: Vintage Books.
Man jailed for rape in Glen Ridge is paroled. (1999, OctoberThe
30).New York Times.

Wendy Perkins

GLUECK, SHELDON AND ELEANOR. Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck were two
of the most influential researchers in life course criminology during the twentieth century. In
what is now considered a classic study in juvenile delinquency, they examined the careers of
500 delinquent and 500 nondelinquent boys in a longitudinal study while working at Harvard
in the 1930s. EntitledUnraveling Juvenile Delinquency , the study was designed to examine
the early onset of delinquency as a precursor to crime in adulthood. They examined various
biological, psychological, and social causes to delinquency; focusing on sociocultural,
somatic, intellectual, and emotional-temperamental origins.
Sheldon and Eleanor followed a delinquent population from Westboro, Massachusetts to
determine what factors contributed to their offending behavior. The population was matched
to a nondelinquent youth population from the Boston, Massachusetts area. The two cohorts
of juveniles were matched by age, ethnicity, intelligence, and area of residence.
Original data were collected through psychiatric interviews with subjects, their parents,
reports from their teachers, and official records from police departments, court systems, and
correctional agencies. The subjects were followed and their activity was measured.
Measurements were taken through the years of 1940–1948 (Time I), the years of 1948–1956
(Time II), and the years of 1954–1963 (Time III).
Their findings included several social and personal causes of delinquency that would
change over an individual’s life course. At the psychological level, they found that an

individual who suffered from mental disease was more likely to commit delinquent acts than
an individual who did not.
At the social level, family structure was found to be the single most important factor related
to criminal offending. The child that was raised in a large, single-guardian household without
a solid economic and educational foundation was more likely to commit delinquency.
At the biological level, they found that one of the major attributes related to delinquency
was the subject’s physical body type. Their findings supported William Sheldon and his
somatotype theory. His theory stated that the mesomorph, the individual who is athletic and
muscular, is more likely to commit delinquent activity than the endomorph (soft and round)
and the ectomorph (thin and fragile).
Finally, they noted that if an individual was a delinquent early in life, the chances of
becoming a criminal as an adult were greater. Initially their work was well received in the
field, but was harshly criticized after their deaths, as it became popular to criticize any
research that linked criminal behavior to biological or psychological traits.
The Gluecks and the life course perspective returned to the forefront of criminology in
1993, when famed criminologists Robert Sampson and John Laubpublished their book
entitledCrime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points through. Life The data that were
used for this book originated from the initial study conducted by Sheldon and Eleanor
Glueck in the 1930s, after the researchers found it in the basement of the Harvard Law
School Library.

Glueck, S., & Glueck, E. (1950). Unraveling juvenile delinquency. New York: The Commonwealth
Glueck, S., & Glueck, E. (1968). Delinquents and non-delinquents in perspective
. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Laub, J.H., & Sampson, R.J. (1993).
Crime in the making: Pathways and turning points through. life
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Georgen Guerrero


General Description and Significance of the Case

This shooting was one of the few juvenile school shootings in American history that involved
more than one lone shooter and was a precursor to the Columbine shootings Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold just one year later. It established a new level of fear and outrage
among Americans due to the youth of the shooters and the methodical and deliberate nature
of their acts.
This act occurred during the high point of school shootings in America, the late 1990s, and
a time of fear and sometimes sweeping policy changes. A number of issues came under the
microscope of officials, parents, and the media during this time period, including stricter
penalties for gun-owners whose weapons are accessible to others, particularly juveniles.
Similarly, some officials and policy makers were facing new concerns surrounding the
protection of children in schools. A number of schools implemented metal detectors and

additional school resource officers, while others created programs that would be more
proactive in recognizing warning signs in youth.

Description of the Case

On March 24, 1998, Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden, ages thirteen and eleven, opened
gunfire at students and teachers at the middle school they attended in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The
boys’ plan had begun earlier that morning, when both boys skipped school and acquired trans-
portation and weapons. Mitchell Johnson stole his stepfather’s van and drove it to Andrew
Golden’s house, whose parents were at work. The boys then attempted to break into the cache
of guns and weapons stored in the house, but were only successful in taking three short-range
guns. Since they needed long-range weapons to carry out their attack, they then drove to
Andrew Golden’s grandparents’ house and broke in, stealing a number of rifles.
After loading the guns into the van, the boys then drove to Westside Middle School, park-
ing and walking up to a hill above the school facing the schoolyard. Andrew Golden then pro-
ceeded to walk down to the school and pull a fire alarm, quickly running back up and taking
his place a short way away from Mitchell, setting up a cross fire. The two boys, both dressed
in camouflage, waited for students to exit the school and began to open fire on them after
enough had entered the schoolyard.
The attack lasted less than five minutes, but four students and one teacher were killed and
another ten were injured. Police responded immediately to the shootings and quickly threw a
net over the area, trying to block off any escape for the two shooters. They captured the two
boys trying to exit the woods and make it to their van, where they later discovered over a
dozen weapons and a sizeable stock of ammunition. Both boys were charged as juveniles and
placed into juvenile institutions.

Aftermath and Explanations of the Shootings

As would be expected, outrage and shock followed the shootings, and Jonesboro was said to
be a town that was torn apart. The search for answers began, and some details about the two
boys soon emerged. Although Mitchell Johnson was seen by many to be a normal,
respectable thirteen-year-old who was even a choirboy in his church, others had seen warning
signs. There were some instances where he deliberately defied authority and then made
threats when scolded. For instance, he once wore a hat into class and had to have it forcibly
removed, and on another occasion he wrote out threats during detention, stating that his
English class may no longer exist in the future.
Mitchell had recently experienced a breakup with his girlfriend and was said to be enraged
at her. He also was reported to have made threats toward her on a number of occasions. Many
claim that the warning signs for Johnson were visible, and they simply were not given any
credence because of a disbelief that such a thing could occur in Jonesboro. Golden, the
younger of the two, was considered to be more of the follower, but some contended he was
not simply a naïve child who was led into the acts. In fact, some parents living in his neigh-
borhood stated that he acted so strangely that they would not allow their children to play
with him.
Although this attack had similarities with the Columbine shootings that occurred a year
later (i.e., there were two shooters with one leader and a follower), there were also major
differences between the two shootings. This is not surprising due to the age difference
between the two sets of shooters, one involving high school seniors and the other middle
school students. Rather than being aggravated or bullied by schoolmates, the Jonesboro

shooters, particularly Mitchell Johnson, were considered more as bullies than the bullied.
Moreover,suicidedid not seem to be an option for the Jonesboro shooters, while many psy-
chologists have concluded that it was one of the central motivations behind the Columbine
shooting. Both shootings, however, shared similar accusations made in hindsight about
missed warning signs during a period of unsuppressed threats and rage by the students lead-
ing up to the attacks.
Because both Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden were prosecuted and sentenced as
juveniles, they both can only be held until their eighteenth birthdays under Arkansas law.
Federal prosecutors used federal gun charges, however, to increase their release age to
twenty-one. On August 12, 2005, amid heavy criticism from the Jonesboro community,
Mitchell Johnson was released from a Tennessee facility, his record wiped clean because he
is no longer a juvenile. Johnson does not plan to live in Arkansas. Andrew Golden is sched-
uled to be released in 2007.

Burns, R., & Crawford, C. (1999). School shootings, the media, and public fear: Ingredients for a moral
panic.Crime, Law and Social Change , 32, 147–169.
Clete, S., Bailey, C., Carona, A., & Mebane, D. (2002). School crime policy changes: The impact of
recent highly-publicized school crimes. American Journal of Criminal Justice,
26, 269–288.
Newman, K. (2004).Rampage: The social roots of school shootings
. New York: Basic Books.
Ruddell, R., & Mays, L. (2003). Examining the arsenal of juvenile gunslingers: Trends and policy
implications. Crime and Delinquency, 49, 231–252.

Brion Sever

GREAT. Conceptualized by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) and the
Phoenix, Arizona Police Department in 1991, the Gang Resistance Education and Training
(GREAT) program was first implemented in 1992. It is a school-based, law enforcement-
instructed program intended to help minimize delinquency and violence among youth, as
well as to prevent youth involvement in gangs. The program teaches young people life skills
and problem-solving strategies that can replace violence as a response and that can reduce
the inclination for involvement with gangs. In 1999, in response to evaluation data, the pro-
gram was revamped to include more active learning.
Today, there are four components of GREAT: An elementary school program, a middle
school program, a summer program, and a program for families. The elementary school
program is designed for fourth and fifth grade students and consists of six 30- to 45-minute
lessons. The middle school program is more extensive. It includes thirteen 45- to 60-minute
lessons designed for sixth and seventh grade students. These lessons are skills-based and
are meant to effect knowledge, attitude, and behavioral change. They have also been designed
to integrate national English/language arts and health curriculum standards. Interested stu-
dents can enroll in the GREAT summer program closest to their neighborhood. Summer pro-
grams vary in length and specifics, but all include educational and recreational activities, such
as field trips, sporting events, and community service. There are two parts to the GREAT
program for families. One part is a six-session family curriculum designed for implementation
with 10 to 14 year olds. The other part is a resource guide for GREAT facilitators.
GREAT officers are trained at one of five regional sites in LaCrosse, Wisconsin;
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Orlando, Florida; Portland, Oregon; and Phoenix, Arizona.

GREAT is supported by the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ)

, the Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Full-time, sworn officers with at least one year of experience must complete a one-week
(40 hours) training session. They must also have teaching or public speaking experience or
hold elementary or secondary teaching certification. To date, more than 8,000 officers have
been trained.
All fifty states and the District of Columbia had implemented GREAT programs by 1997.
To date, more than four million students have graduated from a GREAT program. Evaluations
have found GREAT to be somewhat successful. A five-year longitudinal evaluation in 1995
found those who completed the training experienced lower levels of victimization, held more
negative views of gangs,but more positive views of police, reported decreased risk-taking
behavior, and had more positive associations with peers in prosocial activities. A 1999 evalua-
tion of eleven sites including surveys of 5,935 eighth grade students found those who com-
pleted the program reported less drug use and less total delinquency, but found no difference
in current or previous gang membership, selling of drugs, or commission of status offenses.
This evaluation has been critiqued for not using pretests to assess baseline characteristics of
students. A 2001 evaluation that did use pretests and surveyed over 3,500 students found those
who completed GREAT engaged in fewer property offenses, but did not find significant
change in gang membership, drug use, violence against persons, or status offenses.

Esbensen, F-A., & Osgood, D. (1999). GREAT: Results from a national evaluation.
Journal of Research
in Crime and Delinquency, 34 (2), 194–225.
Esbensen, F-A., Osgood, D., Taylor, T., Peterson, D., & Freng, A. (1999). How great is GREAT? Results
from a longitudinal, quasi-experimental design. Criminology and Public Policy,
(1), 87–118.
GREAT officer training. (n.d.). Available at: http://www.great-online.org.
History of the GREAT program. (n.d.). Available at: http://www.great-online.org.
Programs that work. (n.d.). Promising Practices Network. Available at: http://www .promising
Welcome to the GREAT Web site. (n.d). Available at http://www.great-online.org.

Laura L. Finley

GUN-RELATED VIOLENCE, RATES OF. Concerns about violence among juve-

niles stemming from the use of firearms and other weapons are well founded. Mirroring the
drop in juvenile violence from 1994, the prevalence or rate of weapon carrying has declined
among high school students from 1991 (26.1 percent) to 2003 (17.1 percent), according to the
National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2004. Research indicates, however, that juveniles have
relatively easy access to firearms, and youth involved in delinquent acts are more likely to
carry weapons than nondelinquent-involved youth. According to data from Centers
the for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , the leading cause of death among all youth ages 7
to 17 is firearms (48.1 percent). Among the same age group (7 to 17), firearms were the cause
of death in approximately 75 percent of all homicide cases. The type of violent crime is related
to the presence of a weapon. For example, robbery is more likely to involve a weapon than
sexual assault. Sources of information on rates of weapon-related violence are drawn from
large national survey data such as the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), health
behavior data from the CDC, official records from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system, and studies by university researchers using
Although a number of factors have been identified, relatively little is known about what
drives some youth to be involved in weapon-related violence and not others. Demographic
factors related to weapon carrying show that males are more likely than females to carry
weapons. There is evidence that weapon choice is influenced by gender, resulting in men
more likely to carry guns and women knives or mace. Youth from urban settings report higher
levels of weapon carrying than youth from suburban and small town areas. Other behavioral
and interpersonal variables have been found to be associated with weapon carrying and sub-
sequent violence. These variables include gang affiliation, peer misbehavior, marijuana and
other drug use, selling drugs, physical fighting, sexual activity, and low levels of family
attachment and perceived social support. The involvement of gangs in selling drugs, physical
aggression, and the need for self-protection have been found to be primary determinants
of weapon carrying among gang-involved youth. Youth who report lower levels of family
attachment and perceived social support are also more likely to carry a weapon. This
is thought to be due to the importance that interpersonal social networks—parents, care-
givers, friends, teachers, and coaches—play in exerting positive control and attachments.
Findings are revealing that multiple pathways exist to the carrying of weapons and that these
pathways are interrelated and influence overall rates.

See alsoCenter for the Prevention of School Violence (CPSV); Gun-Related Violence, Types
of; Public Health Approach

Bureau of Justice Statistics. Available at: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at: www.cdc.gov.
Gaensbauer, T., & Wauboldt, M. (2000, January 5). Facts about gun violence.
American Academy Of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry . Available at: www.aacap.org/info_families_NationalFacts/
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (n.d.). Promising strategies to reduce gun
violence. Available at: http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/pubs/gun_violence/contents.html.

Michael G.Vaughn

GUN-RELATED VIOLENCE, TYPES OF. Violence generated by gun use or

gun possession by a juvenile includes a range of violent crimes, such as armed robbery, gang-
related shootings, homicides, and attempted homicides. Accidents may also be classified as
unintentional firearm deaths that are negligence-related. Concealed gun carrying for
nonsporting purposes is a nonviolent illegal act and is included in weapons violations by
juveniles in theUniform Crime Reports (UCR). Injury, death from homicide, bystander
homicide, suicide, and threat of injury caused by the actual brandishing of a gun during a
crime is gun-related violence.

Reasons for Carrying

Self-report studies on gun carrying are helpful in identifying motives for carrying a gun and
the frequency of carrying a gun. Longitudinal studies that examine gun carrying individuals

at different ages can determine the trends in carrying and reasons and circumstances of gun
carrying. Gun carrying trends show that the 1990s was the peak of youth gun carrying. The
major reason that juveniles report gun carrying is for self-protection from other juveniles;
however, it can lead to offensive use during a situation of opportunity or strain. The statistics
on gun carrying are not the equivalent to gun-related violence, as fewer youth use the
weapon. Gun carrying for sport was not found to be connected to crime, focusing the risk on
gun carrying in general and bringing a gun to school. The percentage reported for gun carry-
ing has declined since the peak rates of 18 percent to current statistics of 3 percent (carrying
in the last month), which is similar to statistics for carrying a gun to school.

Gangs and Guns

Longitudinal studies of gangs report that while some future members carry a gun, most
important is that a large increase in carrying is reported when youth join a gang. Thus mem-
bership increases gun possession for reasons of protection. Gun carrying is short-term, which
is up to a half-year. When a youth leaves the gang, gun ownership decreases. Crimes linked
to gangs that involve guns include homicide, drug dealing, and nonviolent serious crimes.
The crack cocaine epidemic has been given as a reason for increases in gun-related violence.
There is partial evidence that drug markets may contribute to homicides, but it does not
account for all of the murders.
Gangs in many metropolitan areas maintain neighborhood regions. As automobiles gained
use among gang youth, gun discharging—the infamous drive-by shooting—became a tragic
problem. Homicide caused by discharging a firearm from a motor vehicle at a person outside
the vehicle gained national attention. Offenses, such as gun threats in car-jackings, firing at
a dwelling, a motor vehicle, an airplane, or a recreational camper, include legal respon-
sibility by the driver and occupants. By specifying laws on drive-by shootings, three-strikes
laws, targeted enforcement, and gun exchange and turn-in programs, the frequency of
shootings has declined. Random gun violence is a continuing problem in major cities and
receives aggressive enforcement and prosecution. Prevention programs to reduce gun carry-
ing involve intensive unscheduled police visits of high-risk gang youth on probation.

Guns and Homicides

The late 1980s and the 1990s showed a considerable increase, both in the number of juvenile
victims killed with firearms and the number of juveniles arrested for homicide. Overall,
about 60 to 80 percent of homicides involved a firearm. This increase is even greater than
self-reports of violent behavior, showing that this trend was the key violence problem of the
1990s. By 2002, the murder rates that were perpetrated by a juvenile dropped to 1984 levels.
The UCR subdivides homicides into three types: a juvenile acting alone, a juvenile acting
with at least one other juvenile, and a juvenile acting with an adult (usually under twenty-
four years of age). Overall, homicide levels dropped considerably; proportionately, half are
solos, a third act with an adult, and a tenth act with another juvenile.
Currently, juveniles perpetrate a tenth of murders (approximately 1,300 victims annually).
Two-thirds of the victims were killed (by males) with a firearm. A third of female offenders
used a gun and consistently have about 200 victims annually. Demographically, most victims
are male, half are white and nearly half are black, and they are concentrated in urban cities
over one million in population. Characteristics of homicides are that victims are nonfamily
members or acquaintances with the perpetrator using a handgun to murder them. The

scenario of homicide involves either a family or friendship dispute or the murder of a victim
during the commission of another crime, such as robbery, rape, arson, and assault. While
juveniles perpetrate firearm violence, adult criminals’ prevalence in homicides is much

Guns and Suicides

Youth suicide rates peaked in the 1990s and recently leveled off, so for every two youth vic-
tims of a homicide there is a youth who commits suicide. Black males showed the greatest
increases (nearly tripling) in firearms suicides, followed by white males (growth by a third).
Current rates have decreased and are stable. Increased gun availability has been argued as a
cause; however, where amounts of guns are limited, other methods of suicide are used, which
diminishes this argument.

Guns and Schools

Juveniles’ involvement in violent crimes involving a firearm show a similar temporal pattern
with adults. Peak gun violence is reported between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., however some gun
violence appears from after school to 9 p.m. In comparing school and nonschool days, there
is no difference when gun violence is recorded. Schools, however, are involved in reporting
weapons laws violations during all hours of the school day. Security measures in schools,
such as random locker searches, metal detectors, and security professionals, are used to pre-
vent gun contraband.

See alsoAssault; Gang-On-Gang Violence; Suicide

Braga, A. (2003). Serious youth gun offenders and the epidemic of youth violence in Boston.
Journal of
Quantitative Criminology, 19
(1), 33–54.
Lizotte, A., & Sheppard, D. (2001).
Gun use by male juveniles: Research and prevention
. Washington,
DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (2006). Juvenile offenders and victims: 2006 national report
. Washington,
DC: National Center for Juvenile Justice.

James Steinberg
HALLUCINOGENS. As the term hallucinogens implies, “Hallucinogens are drugs
that cause hallucinations—profound distortions in a person’s perception of reality” (National
Institute on Drug Abuse, 2001, p. 1). Different hallucinogens affect the brain in different
ways, but the primary impact of hallucinogens is a disruption of the neurotransmitter
serotonin. One of the best-known hallucinogens, LSD, was discovered by Dr. Albert
Hoffman in the 1940s. Then, during the 1960s, young people throughout the United States
began using LSD based on the belief that LSD expands human consciousness. This belief
was best elaborated by Dr. Timothy Leary (1968), a popular social philosopher of the mid-to-
late twentieth century who used LSD and conducted a variety of experiments with the
drug, inclusive of giving it to prison inmates based on the dubious speculation that LSD
could rehabilitate criminals by broadening their consciousness. LSD use declined during
the late 1970s and 1980s, but other hallucinogens gained popularity. By far the most
dangerous is PCP which, in addition to being a hallucinogen, has depressive, stimulative, and
anesthetic properties and can produce extremely violent behavior. Fortunately, PCP use has
significantly decreased since the 1980s. Nonetheless, hallucinogens remain popular among
young people.
Most recently there has been an increase in the use of MDMA, a hallucinogen amphet-
amine derivative which produces energy, peaceful feelings of euphoria, and mild hallucina-
tions (usually a distortion of light). The Merck pharmaceutical company in Germany first
manufactured MDMA in the early 1900s, and over the next several decades the drug
was experimented with and prescribed by psychotherapists for a variety of disorders.
During this time it acquired the nickname Adam because of the peaceful feelings of inno-
cence it induces. MDMA gained popularity as a recreational drug during the 1980s among
young people who frequented dance clubs in Austin and Dallas, Texas, and came to be
known as Ecstasy. Since that time, MDMA has continued to gain popularity among the
youth populations of Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom. In particular,
MDMA is popular among youths who frequent dance clubs and parties known as
Raves. There is no evidence that MDMA causes violent behavior, but there is a risk of
death from heat stroke, especially when the drug is taken at a Rave wherein the user may
dance for hours and be unaware of the rise in body temperature and dehydration that are

Beck, J., & Rosenbaum, M. (1994). Pursuit of ecstasy
. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Leary, T. (1968).High priest. New York: World Publishing Company.
Liska, K. (1997). Drugs and the human body with implications for society,
5th ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.

Hallucinogens and dissociative drugs. (2001). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Bethesda, MD:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on
Drug Abuse.

Ben Brown


On April 20, 1999, many people sat watching their televisions, horrified at the events that
unfolded at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Two students, Eric Harris, aged
eighteen, and Dylan Klebold, aged seventeen, marched into Columbine High School armed
with shotguns that they had sawed the barrels off, a semiautomatic handgun, and a dozen or
so homemade bombs. The two went on a rampage and killed twelve students and one teacher.
Both then committed suicide. According to journal entries from blogs and websites, Harris
and Klebold had been planning the attack on the town of Littleton and Columbine High
School since April of 1998.
Events at the school were going to begin at 11a.m., when the largest number of students
would be in the cafeteria and, therefore, the most harm could be inflicted. The two had
chosen April 20 because it was the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birthday. In addition to the
weapons that the boys had on their persons, they had planted bombs around the school and
around the town of Littleton. The largest bomb was placed in the school cafeteria, but
fortunately it did not detonate. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department estimated that
there were twelve detonations around Littleton, but none caused any injuries.

Since the Columbine incident, a great deal of information about Harris and Klebold has been
released to the public, not all of which is accurate. It does appear, however, that there were
warning signs of the attack, although no one could have foreseen its scope. Some months
before the attack, a deputy at the Jefferson County Sheriff’s office was directed to Harris’s
website by the father of a schoolmate of Harris. The website outlined a plan of mass murder
in Littleton, including the use of explosives. The website also touted racist messages and
anti-homosexual rhetoric and had material depicting hatred of teachers at Columbine High
School and people in Littleton. There was even evidence on the website that the two boys
were building and experimenting with pipe bombs. An affidavit for a search warrant was
written, but it was never filed.
Another hint at the boys’ potential for violence was found in a video that Klebold and
Harris made as part of a school project. The video showed them with fake firearms, killing
students, and acting as hired hit men. The video was not shown to other students after a
teacher decided it was too graphic.
The two boys planned the Columbine incident while in a youth violence prevention
program that served asdiversion
a program for juvenile, Harris and Klebold were assigned
diversion when they were caught breaking into a van. This was the first time that either Harris
or Klebold had been in trouble with the law, but it was not the first time that either had
undergone counseling.

Eric Harris came from a startlingly normal middle-class family. His father was an ex-air
force pilot, and his mother worked for a catering company. The family moved around due to
military requirements and settled in Littleton in 1993. Eric wanted to join the Marine Corps,
but shortly before April 20, 1999, the Corps turned him down because he was undergoing
drug therapy and psychiatric counseling for depression and was in anger management
classes. His father was worried about his son, and when he heard about the attack on the high
school, he immediately called police and expressed fear that his son was involved.
Dylan Klebold grew up in Littleton. His father was a geophysicist, and his mother worked
for the State Consortium of Community Colleges. Many say that Klebold was greatly influ-
enced by Harris and that his behavior changed for the worse after he became good friends
with Harris. The two had a common interest in computers and computer games, although
Harris appeared to be the most talented in this arena, designing and writing software for
video games. Harris wrote software for the game Doom, which is still available.
Both Harris and Klebold were suspected of being members of the Trench Coat Mafia, but
members of this group claim that the two were actually only acquaintances with students
in the group. Classmates do claim that the two boys were picked on by other students,
particularly the athletes, but they were not singled out, and, therefore, unlike other school
shootings, the main motivation behind the attack does not seem to be repeated victimization
at school.
An FBI clinical psychologist has proposed that Klebold was hurting inside, while Harris
externalized his pain by wanting to hurt people. Harris has been dubbed a psychopath by a
number of psychologists. This diagnosis was made based on his inability to feel empathy; he
did not quite understand love, hate, or fear. It is the opinion of many experts that Harris was
the driving force behind the attack.
Robyn Anderson, an eighteen-year-old student at Columbine High School made the straw
purchase of two shotguns for Harris and Klebold. She was never charged with this offense.
The semiautomatic handgun was one of several firearms purchased by Mark Manes and
Philip Duran for the boys. These two were charged.
In the aftermath of the Columbine incident, controversial filmmaker Michel Moore
released the documentary film Bowling for Columbine . The film’s title comes from Harris
and Klebold’s class schedule, which had them in bowling class on the morning of the attack.
In his documentary, Moore tackles many of the post-Columbine issues, such as the influence
of Marilyn Manson’s music on Harris and Klebold. In an interview with Manson, Manson
says that his appearance provides people with a fitting image of fear, but blaming the incident
on his music is about as ridiculous as blaming the incident on bowling. Manson suggests that
the failure to listen to Harris and Klebold, and the inability to provide effective solutions to
their teenage problems, was more likely the cause of the incident.

See alsoBiochemical Theories; Biosocial Theories; Center for the Prevention of School
Violence (CPSV); Conflict Resolution; Diversion; Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-
Related Violence, Types of; National School Safety Center (NSSC); Peaceable Schools

Center for the Prevention of School Violence. Available at: http://www.juvjus.state.nc.us/cpsv/
Columbine High School massacre. (n.d). Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia. Available at: http://en

DeVoe, J., Ruddy, S., Miller, A., Planty, M., Peter, K., Synder, T., et al. (2002).
Indicators of school
crime and safety, 2002. Washington, DC, Department of Education and Department of Justice.
NCJ 196753.
Owens, Bill. (2001). Governor’s Columbine review commission report. Denver, CO: State of Colorado
Governor’s Office. Available at: http://www.state.co.us/columbine.

Monica L. P. Robbers

HATE CRIME. Also known as “bias crime” and “ethnoviolence,” the term “hate crime”
was first used in the 1980s in reference to a racial incident in the Howard Beach section of
New York City, where a black man was killed while trying to evade a mob of white teens.
Specifically, hate crime refers to crimes committed against individuals, groups, or property
based on real or perceived race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, national
origin, or ethnicity of the victim. While certainly hate crimes have occurred throughout
history, it wasn’t until Congress passed the Hate Crime Reporting Statute in 1990 that any
systematic form of tracking was put into place. In the 1990s, the federal government, as well
as most states, enacted various forms of hate crime laws. By 1995, thirty-seven states and the
District of Columbia had one or more of the following four types: sentence enhancements;
substantive crimes; civil rights statutes; and/or reporting statutes.
Sentence enhancements, which add penalties for offenders convicted of hate crimes, are the
most common form of hate crime law. The 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Act mandated a sentence enhancement of three levels above the base sentencing level in hate
crime cases. Hate crime statutes that define new offenses are referred to as substantive
offenses. These might include crimes like “intimidation” and “institutional vandalism.” There
is great variation between the states regarding what prejudices hate crime laws cover. For
instance, Washington, DC includes discrimination based on personal appearance, family
responsibility, and matriculation, while a few states include political affiliation and marital
status of the victim. Most hate crime laws are predicated on the notion that hate crimes are
more harmful than other offenses with different motivations. In contrast to other countries like
Great Britain, France, Canada, and Germany, the United States does not prohibit hate speech.
Critics contend these laws are not the most useful way to address hate crimes. They main-
tain that there is no conclusive data to show that hate crimes are worse than other offenses,
that “protected” groups are receiving unfair treatment, and that police and prosecutors are not
well-prepared to apply hate crime laws. Further, critics maintain that those committed to
engaging in hate-related offenses are not very deterrable.
According to data collected through the National Incident Based Reporting System
(NIBRS), there were 5,855 hate crime incidents between 1995 and 2000. In 2003, the FBI
counted 7,489 incidents. The most common form of hate crime offense is race-related,
specifically, against blacks. In 2003, anti-black hate crimes represented 34 percent of all hate
crimes reported. Offenders are more commonly Caucasian. Between 1997 and 1999, 62.3
percent of all offenders were white. Geographically, California, New York, New Jersey,
Michigan, and Massachusetts accounted for almost 50 percent of all recorded hate crimes.
People under the age of eighteen represented 29.1 percent of the total number of offenders,
the largest proportion of all age groups. The most common hate crime scenario involves a
juvenile victim and a juvenile offender; between 1997 and 1999, this accounted for 64 percent
of reported hate crimes. When juveniles commit violent hate crimes, they are far more likely
to use a knife or other blunt object than a firearm, according to NIBRS data.

From 1997 to 1999, juveniles (under the age of eighteen) were 23 percent of the victims
of hate crimes, compared to 11 percent of victims of all other types of crime. Between 1995 and
2000, NIBRS data showed that people between the ages of 25 and 39 were more likely to be
victims of a hate crime, 30.6 percent compared to 26.7 percent. Males are far more likely to
be both victims and perpetrators. Between 1997 and 1999, males constituted 69 percent
of all victims. Males under the age of eighteen were 81 percent of the victims. Hate crimes
against juveniles tend to be more serious; between 1997 and 1999, 63 percent of hate
crimes against juveniles involved simple or aggravated assault, in contrast to 39 percent of hate
crimes with adult victims. Other differences between juveniles and adults are the locations of
the hate offenses and the relationship between victim and offender. While 10 percent of all
other types of crimes occur at school, 21 percent of reported hate crimes between 1997 and
1999 occurred there. Thirty-nine percent of adult victims of hate crimes knew their offender,
whereas 56 percent of juvenile victims did.
In addition to hate crime laws, many efforts have been taken to prevent and respond to hate
crimes, both in general and specific to juveniles. In 1992, the Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention Act required states to include hate crime efforts in their juvenile
justice plans. It also authorized and funded a national assessment of hate crimes, as well as
provided grant monies for curricular efforts addressing hate crime. The Anti-Defamation
League recommends alternative sentencing and rehabilitation of juveniles convicted of hate
offenses. They have sponsored a nine-week diversion program called Learning about
Discrimination, which involves lessons on racism, anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and civil
rights. Partners against Hate, a collaborative effort among several civil rights groups, has
prepared a middle school program guide for teaching about hate crimes. Since research has
shown that children ages five to eight begin to identify similarities and differences among
people and that, by fourth grade, students have largely formed their racial attitudes, it seems
early efforts at teaching the importance of diversity are critical.
Others maintain that, while these efforts are important, until broader structural problems are
addressed, hate will continue in the United States and so will hate crimes. Research has demon-
strated, for instance, that poor young people, in particular jobless males, are more likely to relate
to the message of hate organizations such as the Aryan Nations. Hence, some argue that address-
ing youth unemployment and poverty would also help address the problem of hate crimes.

See alsoGun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of;

Ezekial, R. (1995).The racist mind
. New York: Penguin.
Hate crimes against juveniles reported to police. (n.d.). University of New Hampshire Crimes Against
Children Research Center. Available at: www.unh.edu/ccrc/factsheet/hatecrimes.html.
Jacobs, J., & Potter, K. (1998).
Hate crimes: Criminal law & identity politics. New York: Oxford.
Levin, J., & McDevitt, J. (2002).Hate crimes revisited: America’s war on those who are different
Boulder, CO: Westview.

Laura L. Finley

HAZING. Acts of hazing occur when groups seek to make initiation difficult for new
recruits. Acts that are intended to humiliate and degrade the newcomers through physical and
emotional means are considered hazing, even if the recruits agree to participate. Hazing is

most common when the “group” can be clearly defined and there is little or no question as to
whether someone is in the group. For example, athletic teams and clubs are known for the
commitment required for participation, and, as such, rookies are often subjected to hazing
before they can be considered “true” members.
Commonly, hazing is used to establish an order of status among group members, with the
most senior, or important, group members directing new initiates through often barbaric rites.
Among athletic teams, such rites as freshmen carrying water bottles to the practice field are
generally not considered hazing, although they met official definitions of hazing. Acts that
are intended to humiliate and degrade newcomers are considered to be hazing by all groups.
According to experts (see stophazing.org), there are three levels of hazing that occur. Subtle
hazing is used to demonstrate the imbalance in power among group members and is endured
by newer members who believe that it is inevitable for group membership. Subtle hazing
includes denying privileges to newcomers, assigning menial tasks, calling newcomers by
insulting nicknames while demanding they refer to older members in reverent terms, and
socially isolating newcomers. Harassment hazing involves causing undue stress and frustra-
tion through threats, verbal abuse, sleep deprivation, and being forced to simulate sexual acts.
Newcomers may also be denied the right to clean themselves for long periods. Finally,
violent hazing has the potential to cause serious harm, whether physically, emotionally, or
psychologically (and often would result in a combination of all three). These include beating
or paddling recruits, forcing them to consume alcohol, forcing them to be naked in public
(and even to touch each other’s bodies), kidnapping, and tying up newcomers.
Participants often defend hazing (including those being hazed), as do coaches and
communities, under the guise that it is “tradition” that bonds members together and clearly
defines status among group members. While group membership is often a positive experi-
ence for teenagers, it can come with negative consequences, such as when enduring hazing is
requisite for membership. A study from Alfred University revealed that 48 percent of high
school students who belonged to groups had been hazed (about 1.5 million students per year)
and 43 percent had suffered humiliating activities in the process. Typically, students who
had been hazed suffered their first experience before the age of fifteen. Male students tended
to haze and be hazed more often than females (although members of both genders are at risk),
and students with lower grade point averages were hazed more than better students.
The study also revealed that hazing is not limited to athletic teams and clubs: Of students
involved in church-related clubs, 24 percent had been hazed to gain entry.
Even at the college level, as another study from Alfred University revealed, hazing occurs
frequently, and there is little effort to stop it. Results of the study indicated that 80 percent of
college athletes had been subjected to at least one of the three levels of hazing, and, in spite
of this, many coaches and athletic directors did not identify hazing as a problem among their
teams (see www.alfred.edu for more on these important studies).
Perhaps the most egregious example of hazing in recent years comes from an incident at a
preseason football camp for Mepham High School in Long Island, New York. Sixty players
had traveled to western Pennsylvania to practice for five days. While there, three players, aged
15, 16, and 17, used broomsticks, pine cones, and golf balls to sodomize three freshmen play-
ers. The assailants allegedly brought the broomstick with them, as well as stereos that were
used to drown out the boys’ cries for help. Other young players were sprayed with shaving
cream, had powder and gel put in their eyes and hair, and had their hair ripped from their legs
and buttocks with duct tape. The coaches claimed to have no idea that these events were occur-
ring. Upon returning home, the victims initially remained silent, but then they had to tell their
parents as they suffered persistent bleeding from the attacks. The school board voted to cancel

the football season before it got underway because so many players knew the events occurred
and did nothing to intervene or to inform the coaches. The assailants were later charged with a
range of crimes, including aggravated assault, kidnapping, and unlawful restraint.
A similarly nasty event occurred among females at an off-campus Powderpuff football
game between seniors and juniors from Glenbrook North High School (near Chicago,
Illinois). Thirty-one seniors were expelled after they punched, kicked, and beat members of
the junior class, even dousing the victims in urine, paint, fish guts, trash, pig intestines, and
feces. One victim needed stitches and another suffered a broken ankle. The event was
videotaped and the world watched in shock at the behavior of girls from a school that many
considered elite.
In lieu of hazing initiates, groups can, and should, consider team activities that will bond
members in a positive manner. Many respondents to the Alfred University study indicated they
had participated in initiation rites, including maintaining a minimum grade point average,
going on trips (such as camping), dressing up formally for events, attending banquets and
picnics, mentoring new members, and taking part in group singing, cheering, or chanting.

High school hazing. (n.d.). Alfred University Hazing Site. Available at: www.alfred.edu/hs_hazing/.
Nuwer, H. (2000).High school hazing: When rites become wrongs . New York: FranklinWatts.
Nuwer, H. (2004).The hazing reader . Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Sports hazing. (n.d.). Alfred University Hazing Site. Available at: www.alfred.edu/sports_hazing/.
Stop Hazing. www.stophazing.org.

Peter S. Finley

HEROIN. Heroin is an addictive opiate that releases dopamine into the brain, causing an
intense rush followed by hours of euphoric drowsiness. Heroin can be inhaled, smoked,
injected into a muscle, or injected directly into the bloodstream. It is unknown how much
heroin a human can use, as some addicts could inject quantities that would kill an inexperienced
user, but the potential for taking a lethal dose is considerable even among addicts. The Bayer
pharmaceutical company coined the name “heroin” in 1898. At this time, they used the drug in
a cough syrup. During the early 1900s, heroin was commonly used for treating morphine addic-
tion, the result being that morphine addicts became heroin addicts. Heroin eluded the notice of
legislators in the United States until 1924, when it was classified as an illegal substance; as a
consequence, heroin addicts (many of whom had become addicted while under the care of
physicians) were forced to resort to illegal means of obtaining the drug.
Since that time heroin, has achieved a unique mystique, having been glamorized and
vilified perhaps more than any other drug. For instance, heroin has been used by a number of
famous entertainers, such as Billie Holiday, Ray Charles, Courtney Love, and Robert
Downey, Jr., and been featured in numerous entertainment productions, such as the movies
The French Connection and Trainspotting, the Rolling Stones’ song “Brown Sugar,” and the
HBO miniseries The Corner , which was adapted from Simon and Burns’ (1997) ethno-
graphic study of heroin addicts. But perhaps the best indicator of heroin’s cultural signifi-
cance is the fact that the term “junkie” was derived from heroin’s street name “junk.”
There is no evidence that heroin causes violent behavior, but owing to heroin’s debilitating
and addictive properties, many addicts have difficulties holding legitimate jobs and resort to

illegal activities (e.g., theft, prostitution) in order to obtain money to purchase heroin. In
addition, the practice of sharing hypodermic syringes and needles for the purpose of injecting
heroin has resulted in a high transmission of HIV among heroin addicts. Fortunately, the use
of heroin among adolescents is uncommon. Recent research indicates that only a small
minority (fewer than 2 percent) of high school students have used heroin, that the majority of
heroin users do not try the substance prior to the age of eighteen, and that the bulk of heroin
users are adults age twenty-six and over. Nonetheless, owing to the potential for addiction,
heroin continues to pose a threat to the youth population.

Alter, J. (2001, February 12). The war on addiction.
Newsweek,137, 36–39.
Heroin and drug addiction. (2005).
National Institute on Drug Abuse
. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Rudgley, R. (2000).The encyclopedia of psychoactive substances
. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Simon, D., & Burns, E. (1997).The corner. New York: Broadway Books.

Ben Brown

HISPANICS AND JUVENILE VIOLENCE. While juveniles of all races/ethnicities

engage in and are subject to violent actions, research suggests that Hispanic youths engage in
and are the victims of violent activities at disproportionately high rates. With respect to school
violence, for instance, research indicates that Hispanic youths are more likely than white youths
to be involved in fights on school grounds and to carry firearms to school. To provide another
example, there is evidence to suggest that Hispanic youths are more likely than white youths to
engage in weapon-related violence and that Hispanic youths are more likely than youths of all
other races/ethnicities to report gang activity in schools and to participate in gang activity.
As to victimization, prior to the late 1990s, victimological research consistently showed
that Hispanics were victimized at disproportionately high rates, but in recent years there
has been a lack of consensus among scholars as to whether Hispanics are disproportionately
victimized. Whereas some research shows that victimization rates are disproportion-
ately high in Hispanic communities, analyses of recent National Crime Victimization
Survey (NCVS) data show few differences in the rates of victimization of Hispanics and
non-Hispanics. Nonetheless, analyses of NCVS data show that Hispanics age twelve to
seventeen are victimized at substantially higher rates than Hispanics of all other age groups.
In addition, reports from theCenters for Disease Controlshow that homicide is the second
leading cause of death among Hispanics age fifteen to thirty-four.
Although it is not clear why Hispanic youths are disproportionately likely to engage in and
be the victim of violent activities, any plausible explanation would need to incorporate three
interrelated variables: education, poverty, and immigration. As to the first two variables,
education and poverty, it is necessary to acknowledge the facts that (1) Hispanics have the
lowest rate of educational attainment of any racial/ethnic group in the United States;
(2) Hispanics are a disproportionately impoverished demographic group, and (3) Persons with
limited education and/or persons of low socioeconomic status are more likely to be arrested,
incarcerated, and victimized than persons with a high school or postsecondary education
and/or persons in the middle or upper socioeconomic tiers. With respect to the issue of
immigration, it is important to consider the facts that (1) Approximately half of all immigrants
who entered the United States since the 1980s (legally or otherwise) have been of Latin

American origin and that by the early 2000s there were an estimated 15 million Hispanic
immigrants residing in the United States; (2) Hispanic immigrants are more likely to be poorly
educated and impoverished than native-born U.S. citizens; (3) Hispanic immigrants are
disproportionately concentrated in impoverished urban neighborhoods (areas where crime
tends to be concentrated), and (4) Hispanic immigrants constitute the bulk of the migrant labor
force in the United States. Consequently, many Hispanic immigrants and their descendants
feel themselves to be isolated from mainstream America and unable to access the educational
and economic opportunities in the United States, which, in turn, may affect their likelihood of
victimization and likelihood of engaging in crime. Some scholars have gone so far as to
employ the term “choloization” to describe the process of Hispanic youths being marginalized
from mainstream American society and resorting to gang activity as a means of developing a
sense of community, a cultural identity, and a connection to their Latin American heritage.
It is essential to note, however, that violence and victimization among Hispanic youths are
poorly understood phenomena and that studying these issues has proven difficult. One prob-
lem is that Hispanics are often classified as an ethnic group rather than a racial group by
government researchers. Thus, in many government reports pertaining to racial differences in
rates of arrest and victimization, Hispanics are classified as whites and/or separate analyses
are conducted for ethnic differences in rates of arrest and victimization wherein people of all
races are classified as being either Hispanic or non-Hispanic. Another issue to consider is that
many Hispanic immigrants do not speak English and are concerned about contact with
government officials. In addition, many Hispanic immigrants work as migrant laborers and
spend much of each year moving throughout the United States as the seasons (and need for
agricultural labor) change. It is therefore likely that Hispanic immigrants are underrepre-
sented in survey research projects and that many Hispanic immigrants are unwilling or
unable to contact law enforcement agencies to request assistance, which means that many
crimes committed against Hispanics go unreported. In brief, much of the data pertaining to
violence and victimization among Hispanics are of uncertain validity.

See alsoEducational Opportunity and Juvenile Violence; Family Relations and Juvenile
Violence; Gang Types

Alaniz, M., Cartmill, R., & Parker, Robert. (1998). Immigrants and violence: The importance of neigh-
borhood context.Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences , 20, 155–176.
Davis, R., & Erez, E. (1998).Immigrant populations as victims: Toward a multicultural criminal justice
system(NCJ 167571). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
Egley, A. (2002).National Youth Gang Survey Trends from 1996 to 2000 (FS 200203). Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Justice.
Lopez, D., & Brummett, P. (2003). Gang membership and acculturation: ARSMA-II and choloization.
Crime and Delinquency, 49 , 627–642.
McNulty, T., & Bellair, P. (2003). Explaining racial and ethnic differences in serious adolescent violent
behavior.Criminology, 41, 709–748.
Peacock, M., McClure, F., & Agars, M. (2003). Predictors of delinquent behaviors among Latino youth.
Urban Review,35, 59–72.
Rennison, M. (2002).Hispanic victims of violent crime, 1993–2000 (NCJ 191208). Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Justice.

Ben Brown


toring and home detention have become the latest methods to alleviate jail and prison over-
crowding. These methods occur whenever an offender is ordered to stay in his or her home in
lieu of being confined in a correctional facility. Often this can occur as part of an offender’s
probation or parole requirement. In other cases, however, an individual can be ordered to
wear an anklet even before he or she is found guilty. Some celebrities, such as Charlie Sheen
and former heavyweight boxing champion Riddick Bowe, have been forced to wear elec-
tronic anklets rather than serve lengthy jail sentences. The business guru Martha Stewart was
also forced to wear an electronic anklet following her release from the federal prison system.
The sixty-three-year-old Stewart even spent time with fans online complaining that her
anklet was uncomfortable and interfered with daily exercise routines. Other celebrities,
including Robert Blake, have been subjected to home confinement. After being acquitted of
killing his wife, Blake made a public display by cutting off his electronic monitoring ankle
bracelet in front of media cameras.
While home confinement is occasionally utilized as a means to monitor celebrities who
break the law, it is more often used for everyday criminals. Juvenile delinquents can also be
sentenced to home detention. Because juvenile offenders tend to be very impulsive and unpre-
dictable, some officials believe that twenty-four-hour-a-day monitoring can keep these clients
from committing further crimes. In some states, such as California, juvenile offenders are
tracked by sophisticated mapping software via the Internet. This technology can be used to
locate an offender within thirty feet. In addition to this, additional programs can be utilized in
order to determine whether or not a juvenile offender refrains from drinking alcohol. Sobrietor
is one type of alcohol monitoring service that administers random breath tests to juvenile
delinquents in their homes. Generally, companies such as Sobrietor administer these tests by
installing unobtrusive devices inside the offender’s telephone receivers. These devices are
capable of detecting the presence of alcohol anytime the client talks into his or her telephone.
If an offender commits a particularly heinous crime, such as sexual assault, it increases the
chance that he or she will be required to wear an electronic anklet. These bands tend to
be extremely durable and are usually the size of a cell phone. It is not unusual for offenders
to be required to pay for the anklets themselves. Occasionally, an offender is unable to afford
this and opts to serve his or her sentence in a correctional facility instead. Generally, clients
must shower and sleep with these anklets, and the band is not to be removed at anytime. In
most jurisdictions, if a client attempts to remove his or her anklet, a signal will be sent to
officials. Once officials are notified, the client can be apprehended by local authorities. If an
offender persists in tampering with his or her electronic anklet, it increases the likelihood that
he or she will be sent to a correctional facility.
Juvenile offenders who are sentenced to home confinement generally are allowed to work,
attend classes, and participate in religious services. All of these exceptions must be made in
writing before a client is granted home confinement in lieu of incarceration in a correctional
facility. In most cases, a client who is sentenced to home confinement is not even permitted
to go to the grocery store or visit a neighbor’s house unless he or she has official permission.
A task that seems very innocent and mundane, such as getting a haircut, is seldom permitted.
Also, some technology enables officials to implement safeguards that will notify authorities
if a client encroaches upon a restricted area. For example, if a sex offender on home confine-
ment comes within a certain distance of a daycare center or school, some jurisdictions have
software that will immediately notify the police of his or her presence.
Home confinement can undoubtedly be stressful for juvenile offenders, but it may also be
difficult for the delinquent’s family members as well. They too must endure frequent contacts

that are designed to ensure that the client is indeed staying in one designated area. Sometimes
these contacts may be made by a probation or prison official who arrives unannounced at the
juvenile’s home. In many cases, this may be embarrassing for family members, especially if
they themselves have never been in any type of trouble with the law. In other instances,
random phone calls generated by a computer may be made to a juvenile’s home. This has the
potential to be inconvenient and intrusive to other members of the juvenile client’s family. If
a juvenile is sentenced to home confinement, his or her family members may feel as though
their lives are also being monitored, even if they themselves have not committed any type of
a crime.
Not all juveniles who are sentenced to home confinement are forced to undergo electronic
monitoring. In any case, if an offender is required to stay at home, he or she may understand-
ably become plagued with boredom or “cabin fever.” This is especially true for the juvenile
offender who is forced to wear an electronic anklet. This individual will generally not have the
option of attending social functions, such as dances, athletic events, or other extracurricular
activities that teenagers and young adults typically enjoy. Juveniles sentenced to twenty-four-
hour supervision may also feel humiliated by having to wear the device and may even be
subjected to ridicule by their peers. There is also the potential that the client will be labeled in
a negative manner by teachers and school administrators. In spite of these shortcomings,
however, home confinement and electronic monitoring are cost-effective alternatives to
incarceration. It is very likely juveniles will continue to be sentenced to this form of
punishment in lieu of jail time.

Bartollas, C., & Miller, S. (2005). Juvenile justice in America,
4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Education, Inc.
Gibbons, S., & Rosecrance, J. (2005). Probation, parole, and community corrections. Boston, MA:
Allyn and Bacon.
McCarthy, B. (1987). Intermediate punishments: Intensive supervision, home confinement, and elec-
tronic surveillance. New York: Criminal Justice Press.

Robert Worley

HOMELESSNESS AND YOUTH VIOLENCE. American social science atten-

tion to the homeless, generally, and to their criminality, specifically, dates to the sociological
ethnographies of the 1920s. Research on the homeless through the 1970s continued an
ethnographic orientation to the phenomena, but assumed a critical and conflict approach.
While the majority of sociological and criminological attention to the homeless has focused
on adults, there is also an established knowledge base on the criminality of homeless youth,
generally, and on their violence, specifically. Homeless youth are generally considered those
youth that have run away or been expelled from their homes and spend some or all of their
time in public areas.
In 2003, the homeless youth population was estimated at being between 1.3 million and
1.5 million, an alarming figure likely much higher than what most Americans might think.
A fundamental focus of research on the topic has been generating a knowledge base regard-
ing the causes, activities, and consequences of homelessness. Research has shown that there
is a link between homelessness and a number of social problems and deviance, ranging from
property crime for survival purposes to various forms of youth violence. While the exact

nature of the homelessness and violence link is still debated within the field, with
background effects and related behavior prior to homelessness status being complicating
issues, family dysfunction is widely acknowledged as a primary contributing factor. Such
dysfunction ranges from various forms of parental neglect, including physical and sexual
abuse, substance abuse in the home, and firsthand observation of violence, to daily assaults
and minor confrontations commonly associated with “throwaway youth” and “latchkey
kids”: typically lower-class youth in marginally stable living situations largely left to fend for
themselves. With little opportunity to form conventional, prosocial bonds, many marginal
youth eventually become homeless. They enter this situation following codes of violence
wherein social capital is measured in terms of physical toughness. Such social learning is a
precedent to cyclical violence, a point partially evidenced by the fact that homeless youth are
typically victims of violent crime as well as being perpetrators.

Background Effects and Violence

Homeless and street youth have life paths that are characterized by violent experiences. Many
have histories of both physical and sexual abuse that began at home, and they have been
exposed to domestic violence within their families. Exposure to these acts of violent victim-
ization in the home may make youth more likely to model these types of behavior and use
violence as a way of injuring others and gaining respect on the street, essentially behavior
predicted by both cultural transmission,social learning, and imitation theories. Witnessing
coercive discipline to solve problems in one’s family can lead to the creation of definitions
favorable to violence, which then make these youths more prone to violent forms of delin-
quency. However, despite these negative predisposing background variables, many researchers
argue that street youth participate in crime as the result of the homeless experience itself.

Conditions of Homelessness Conducive to Violence

It appears that youth who are homeless face a heightened risk of criminal involvement regard-
less of their backgrounds. Various theories have been invoked to explain this link, including
strain, economic deprivation and poverty, peer variables, development subcultural
of values,
routine activities, and substance abuse effects. However, subcultural values seem to be the tie
that binds all of these ideas together. Street youth acquire values that are supportive of violence
through deviant peer associations, living in adverse socioeconomic conditions that produce
social isolation and shield them from positive interactions, and through victimization experi-
ences that produce a desire to fight back. While subcultural theories provide a logical explana-
tion as to why street youth commit crimes involving violence, they do not provide a complete
explanation. The link between homelessness and youth violence is very complex and is still
being researched to determine exactly what factors play a role in mediating the relationship.
Overall, it appears that aspects of predisposing background variables, the street subcultural
lifestyle, structural and economic factors, and victimization all work together to explain
street youth violence. Violence among street youth is produced by a combination of belong-
ing to certain groups, having certain values, and living in certain situations. All of the
researchers on this topic produce implications for policy, intervention strategies that focus on
the issues of homelessness itself, and the factors leading to youth violence and their various
interaction effects. A particular policy-relevant finding addresses the role of co-offending.
Homeless youth, much like delinquent youth generally, commit a wider range of offenses
and do so with greater frequency than in an independent context.

See alsoEducational Opportunity and Juvenile Violence

Anooshian, L. (2005).Violence and aggression in the lives of homeless children: A review . Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press.
Bandura, A. (1962). Social learning through interaction.
Aggression and Violent Behavior, 10,
Baron, S. (2003). Street youth violence and victimization.
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 4,
Baron, S. (2004). General strain, street youth, and crime: A test of Agnew’s revised theory.
Criminology, 42,457–483.
Baron, S., & Hartnagel, T. (1998) Street youth and criminal violence.
Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency, 35,166–192.
Baron, S., Kennedy, L., & Forde, D. (2001). Male street youths’ conflict: The role of background, sub-
cultural, and situational factors.
Justice Quarterly, 18,759–789.
Chambliss, W. (1964). A sociological analysis of the law of vagrancy.
Social Problems, 12, 67–77.
Cohen, A. K. (1955).Delinquent boys: The culture of the gang. New York: Free Press.
Fleisher, M. (1995).Beggars and thieves . Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Kipke, M., Unger, J., O’Connor, S., Palmer, R., & LaFrance, S. (1997) Street youth, their peer group
affiliation and differences according to residential status, subsistence patterns, and use of services.
Adolescence, 32, 655–669.
McCarthy, B., & Hagan, J. (1991). Homelessness: A criminogenic situation? British Journal of
Criminology, 31,393–410.
McCarthy, B., & Hagan, J. (2005). Homelessness and criminal behavior. In R. Wright & J. M. Miller
(Eds.),Encyclopedia of Criminology . London: Taylor and Francis.
Miller, W. (1958). Lower class culture as a generating milieu of gang delinquency.
Journal of Social
Issues, 14, 5–19.

J. Mitchell Miller with research assistance from Casey Bowers


DIFFERENCES. Hormonal theories of juvenile violence try to show the ways in which
hormones may affect an individual’s levels of aggression and violence. Hormonal theories
examine differences between genders in relation to juvenile delinquency by mainly focusing
on the male hormone testosterone and its connection to aggression in males.
The connection between testosterone and aggression or violent behavior is a complex one,
filled with controversy and inconsistent results. Many feel that hormones are not directly
related to aggression and that more research is needed in this area. Also, a lot of experiments
done on testosterone levels have been carried out on rodents, which can be flawed when
trying to relate the results to humans.
Testosterone is a hormone made in the testicles of males that leads to the development of
secondary sex attributes, including muscular growth, the growth of facial and pubic hair,
maturity of the penis, and the deepening of the male voice. Testosterone is often used to show
that males engage in more violent behavior than females because the hormone is linked with
aggression. Hormonal theories are especially used to account for juvenile violence, since
adolescent males have increased levels of testosterone and exhibit the most aggression.
Although females produce some testosterone, males produce much more than females.
Males make up most of all juvenile arrests and are more likely to be arrested for more
violent crimes, such as murder and robbery, than female juveniles, who are more likely to be

arrested for offenses such as prostitution and running away from home. Males tend to be
more violent than females in general. They are more likely to have antisocial personality dis-
order, to become rapists, stalkers, mass murderers, and serial sexual killers, and to commit
suicide. Some research has correlated males with higher levels of testosterone with more
violent crimes, such as murder or rape, as opposed to theft or burglary. Some studies have
shown that female rodents, when exposed to testosterone, show levels of aggression close to
that of males. This helps to show that testosterone can lead to aggression without other
factors involved, although the results could be different on humans than on animals.
Modern biological explanations for delinquency and violence use testosterone to account
for the age-crime curve, which states that violent crime appears in preadolescence, drasti-
cally increases during adolescence, and decreases slowly with age. This explanation says that
there has been a positive correlation between physical violence and testosterone, with signif-
icant increases of testosterone from early to late adolescence and decreases during adulthood,
following the same pattern as the amount of violent crime in each age group.
A number of studies have been done that link testosterone to aggression by taking testos-
terone out of various male animals. With less testosterone, time and again, the male animals
are much calmer, and when given testosterone, they become aggressive. However, those with
previous fighting knowledge continued to be aggressive after a reduction in their testosterone
levels. This suggests that environmental factors are in play with hormones in relation to
aggressive behavior. In relation to humans, hormonal levels seem to correspond to levels of
violence as well, but experiments have not always come to this conclusion.
Although some dispute that testosterone directly causes violent behavior, some arguments
find testosterone to be indirectly related to violence. Hormones may cause a person to have a
stronger predisposition toward aggressive behavior in response to certain events. Some
arguments find that hormones work together with a person’s external environment, saying that
hormones react to environmental factors. One argument claims that testosterone is important
in male sexual behavior, which may lead to issues of status, power, and a desire to win that
could result in violence. Testosterone can rise and fall in relation to changes in a person’s
social environment. Winning seems to stimulate testosterone, as losing lowers it, so confronta-
tion over dominance and winning can turn into physical aggression. Further support for this
idea is that psychological experiments have shown that sexual maturity causes rodents to
become more aware of external signals. This helps to show how testosterone can be connected
to perceptions and reactions to them. Another way environment can affect hormones is
through responding to a threat. Studies noticed that instead of starting the aggressive behavior,
testosterone caused adolescent males to respond to certain threatening situations, or situations
where they were provoked, in magnified ways. Testosterone works with neurotransmitters,
chemicals in the brain that carry messages between nerves, in this threat-perceiving and
responding process. During puberty, strong hormonal changes react with the brain’s first
mature responses to threatening situations. Before this time, a child will run and hide from a
threat. After this time, a person will decide whether or not to fight. So testosterone can cause
an adolescent to become aggressive when faced with a threatening situation.
Although a number of studies have pointed at hormones to explain the gender difference in
aggressive behavior, the results are not always consistent, and many argue that this expla-
nation is lacking. One argument against using hormonal theories to explain juvenile
delinquency is that they fail to account for levels of female violence and delinquency. This
side argues that although female juveniles may not engage in as much violence as males, they
do account for a significant amount of juvenile violence, and this should not be ignored.
Hormonal theories do not account for this.

See alsoGender, Frequency of Perpetrating Violence by; Gender, Frequency of Receiving

Violence by; Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by; Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence
Received by

Archer, J., Willard W., & Tremblay, R. (Eds.). (2005). Developmental origins of aggression
. New York:
Guilford Press.
Krohn, M., & Thornberry, T. (Eds.). (2003). Taking stock of delinquency: An overview of findings from
contemporary longitudinal studies. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Niehoff, D. (1999).The biology of violence. New York: Free Press.

Sharon Thiel
ILLINOIS JUVENILE COURT. The first juvenile court in the world was established
in Chicago, Illinois on July 3, 1899. The court was established by the Illinois Juvenile Court
Act and was formed to supervise the treatment of children ages sixteen years and younger
who were neglected, dependent, or delinquent. Until that time, children were adjudicated in
the adult system.
Juvenile courts mostly handled cases of delinquency, status offenses, and child abuse and
neglect. Juvenile delinquency cases are acts committed by minors, which, if committed by
adults, would be crimes. On the other hand, status offenses are noncriminal acts that are ille-
gal only for minors.
The Illinois Juvenile Court Act provided judges broader control in dealing with children
and changed the way they were treated. Some of the changes included focusing on rehabili-
tation rather than punishment, separating juveniles from adults in facilities, making juvenile
records confidential, providing civil proceedings rather than criminal proceedings to avoid
the stigma of criminality, providing a more informal system of parens patriae
, and eliminat-
ing the formal rules of procedure found in the adult system.
The child-saversmovement was the impetus for treating children different than adults in
regards to various social issues, including labor practices and the care of neglected and
orphaned children. The philosophy of the juvenile court was based parens upon patriae ,
which can be traced back to England. Parens patriaemeant that the state could act as the par-
ent when a child violated the law or their parents were believed to be unfit.
Juvenile courts spread quickly, and by 1925 only two states had not passed legislation to
create a separate court. By 1950, every state had a juvenile court system. Juvenile courts are
not without their critics. In the 1960s it was found that courts were not standardized through-
out the states, and judges often were either too harsh or too lenient in sentencing. As a result
of several court cases, the juvenile system today closely resembles the adult system. Supreme
Court cases such as Kent v. United States (1966) and In re Gault(1967) applied many of the
same due process protections formally guaranteed only to adults.
Today, every state has at least one juvenile court. Some states refer to these courts as fam-
ily or probate courts. In 2000, juvenile courts handled approximately 1.6 million delinquency
cases, with the majority of the cases being property offenses.

See alsoDifferences between Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice

Fox, S. (1998). A contribution to the history of the American juvenile court.
Juvenile and Family Court
Journal, 49, 4.
Hurley, T. (1977).Origin of the Illinois Juvenile Court Law
. New York: AMS Press, Inc.

Puzzanchera, C., Stahl, A., Finnegan, T., Tierney, N., & Synder, H. (n.d.). Juvenile court statistics, 1999.
National Center for Juvenile Justice. Available at: www.ncjrs.org/pdffiles1/ojjdp/209736.pdf.
Shepherd, R. (1999). The juvenile court at 100 years: A look back.
Juvenile Justice, VI, 2.
The juvenile court: One hundred years in the making. (n.d.). Building Blocks for Youth. Available at:

Nicolle Parsons-Pollard

IN LOCO PARENTIS. Translated,in loco parentismeans “in place of the parent.” This
term is used to describe the legal authority by which public or private institutions take the
place of the parent within proscribed boundaries. For the most part, the practice in locoof
parentishas centered on the degree to which public and private schools function in regard to
punishment and disciplinary guidelines.
American schools adopted the custominofloco parentisin part from European colleges,
where higher education was integrated with residential living. William Blackstone, writing in
1765, is nominally credited with the earliest American recognition of the validity in loco
parentis in noting that a father “may also delegate part of his parental authority, during his
life to the tutor or schoolmaster of the child; who is then
in loco parentis.” For the most part,
American courts in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries refused to hear challenges to the
practice. When they did, for example State
in v. Pendergrass(1837) and Pratt v. Wheaton
College(1866), they affirmed educational institutions’ rights to stand in place of the parent
regarding guidelines for and sanctions against behavior and conduct.
In loco parentiswas not seriously challenged until the 1960s. In the early 1960s, students
were expelled from the Alabama State College for their role in sit-ins related to the civil
rights movement. This decision was eventually overturned Dixon
in v. Alabama State Board
of Education.In the later 1960s, the practice was also challenged, both formally and infor-
mally, as students demanded increased rights concerning their own behavior as well as a
stronger voice in administrative decisions. The expansion of suffrage to eighteen-year-olds in
1972 furthered the notion that students were now adults not subject to the extension of
parental authority once given to colleges.
The whittling away ofin loco parentis did not last long, however. By the mid-1980s, uni-
versities and colleges adopted new arguments in favor of the practice, due in part to several
highly publicized deaths related to drinking and the liability issues that ensued from these
deaths. This argument was bolstered by the de facto change in drinking age from eighteen to
twenty-one in 1987. This change put colleges in a stronger position to police the activities of
their students, and many colleges have since developed policies of informing parents of drug
or alcohol use, based in part on changes made in 1998 to the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act.
By the 1990s, colleges were also arguing that mental health problems and increasing rates
of depression and suicide furthered the need for increased supervision over students’ lives. A
well-publicized incident in 2000 at MIT, where a student set herself on fire, brought national
attention to the apparent inability of colleges to adequately address mental health issues.
Today, whilein loco parentisis not as totalizing as it once was, it has gained significant sup-
port once again through the implementation of student codes of conduct, increased parental
notification, and counseling for students who evidence problems with alcohol, drugs, and
depression. It has been used as a justification for greater surveillance of students and for
policies like zero tolerance laws.

See also Parens patriae

Lonte, A. (2000).In loco parentis: Alive and well.Education, 121(1), 195.
Nuss, E. (2003). The development of student affairs. In S. Komives & D. Woodard (Eds.),Student ser-
vices: A handbook for the profession , 4th edition (pp. 65–88). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

William R.Wood

INTENSIVE AFTERCARE. Intensive Aftercare Programs (IAP) are highly struc-

tured and specialized twenty-four-hour-per-day court-ordered service programs. It is a juve-
nile court program intended to protect the community, youths, and families. Intensive
aftercare reintegrates juvenile offenders who are released from institutional placement into
the community, much like parole in the adult system. Research has indicated that surveil-
lance and intensive monitoring through, for example, drug testing, employment training,
supervision, group or foster homes, electronic monitors, and graduated progress/sanctions,
can reduce and control recidivism.
Intensive aftercare is a multiphase program offered to juveniles in some jurisdictions that
may include assessment, classification and evaluation, survey, development of strategic
model, training and technical assistant delivery. It usually targets those youths who are
deemed to pose the highest risk of recidivism when released to their communities. In some of
these programs, youths are placed in a designated residential treatment program where an
intensive aftercare worker, liaison, and residential staff member work to develop an aftercare
plan for successful transition of these youths back to the community.
Other intensive aftercare programs include some form of graduated progress program
whereby, after release from residential aftercare, the youth may graduate to a community
phase system in which intensive contacts, services, and supervision is emphasized. These pro-
grams vary slightly in origin, design, and approach, but all share the aftercare concept: incar-
ceration and a follow-up period characterized by surveillance and the provision of community
services. Some examples of these include the Philadelphia Intensive Probation Aftercare
Program, the Juvenile Aftercare in Maryland Drug Treatment Program, the Skillman Intensive
Aftercare Project, and the Michigan Nokomis Challenge Program.
Success in these programs is measured by their performance in areas such as family and
peer relations, education, jobs, substance abuse, mental health, and recidivism without nega-
tively affecting the community. Evaluations of these programs have produced mixed results,
mostly because of poor program design and implementation rather than a faulty concept.
There are five pillars or elements that are crucial in developing, implementing, and evalu-
ating IAP: risk assessment and classification, individualized case planning, a mix of intensive
surveillance and services, a balance of graduated incentives and consequences, and links with
community resources and social networks.
To maximize its potential for crime reduction, IAP focuses on high-risk offenders.
Jurisdictions intent on implementing the IAP model need to use a validated risk-screening
instrument to accurately identify high-risk youth.
Individualized case planning must incorporate family and community perspectives to develop
a plan to address everyone’s needs during incarceration, transition, and community aftercare.
Although the IAP model offers close supervision and control of high-risk offenders in the
community, it also emphasizes the need for intensive services and treatment. This dual

approach requires both a sufficient number of qualified staff to keep caseloads small and
funds to support the provision of services. Ideally, IAP services parallel those that are initi-
ated in institutional care.
The IAP model requires the use of sanctions to punish inappropriate behavior or program
infractions and rewards to encourage compliance and mark progress. Because intensive
supervision programs are intrusive, numerous technical violations are likely to occur. Instead
of relying on a one-size-fits-all solution, the IAP model requires a range of graduated sanc-
tions that are directly and proportionately tied to the seriousness of the violation.
To meet the broad range and depth of services required for high-risk, high-need parolees,
the IAP model creates alliances and partnerships among a host of departments, agencies, and
organizations. Because interventions focus on family, school, peer, and community issues,
case managers and service agencies need to create strong working relationships among these
social networks.
The most current review of intensive aftercare programs by Spencer and Jones-Walker
(2004) indicates support for these programs, but they add that high levels of intensive struc-
ture, program duration of nine or more months, clear expectations and consequences, sensi-
tivity to interpersonal dynamics and cognitive-behavioral skills orientation are characteristics
required for a successful intensive aftercare.
The problem with the system is that the probation officers who are in constant interaction
with the youths ordered by the court to participate in the intensive aftercare are not well paid.
In fact, the beginning salary for such positions in many jurisdictions is between $25,000 and
$30,000 annually. These officers are often swamped with too many cases, reducing their abil-
ity to provide the best care and services.

Altschuler, D., & Armstrong, T. (1994). Intensive aftercare for high-risk juveniles: A community care
model.Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Armstrong, T. (Ed.). (2002).
Intensive interventions with high-risk youths: Promising approaches in juve-
nile probation and parole.
Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Spencer, M., & Jones-Walker, C. (2004). Interventions and services offered to juvenile Offenders
reentering their communities: An analysis of program effectiveness.Youth Violence and Juvenile
Justice, 2, 88–97.

Evaristus Obinyan


Probation for juveniles is an alternative to lengthy commitmentdetention
in a center. It is a
community-based sentencing option for seriously at-risk juvenile offenders who can be
safely managed in the community. The purpose of the program is to provide meaningful
intervention with juvenile offenders by addressing major areas of risks and needs and, at the
same time, providing more intense supervision for juvenile recidivists, lowering the cost of
commitment, providing intervention locally, and giving juveniles a voice in corrections. It is
frequently used for a variety of purposes and affects a significant number of juveniles within
the juvenile justice system. Juvenile
probation is the most often used medium through which
a plethora of court-ordered services are delivered.
When the court orders probation as a dispositional, alternative, community-based corrections
program, the juvenile offender remains in the community and is allowed access to regular

activities, such as school and work. The juvenile probationer must be in compliance with
court-stipulated conditions of the probation. This can either be by mandate or with voluntary
compliance. Over 60 percent of juvenile probationers are on mandatory probation placement.
The specialized, school-based probation program is regarded as an intensive probation in which
the officer works directly in the school rather than using traditional methods of monitoring.
Intensive probation supervision ensures personal responsibility and public safety. It is said
to reduce recidivism through increased juvenile offender monitoring and use of appropriate
sanctions to induce treatment and rehabilitation, as the offender’s needs are identified and
addressed through programming and community referrals. Furthermore, restorative justice
is emphasized in certain cases, and retribution through fines, restitution , curfews, drug
counseling, weekend confinement, community service, and full-time employment and/or
full-time educational programming are sometimes required.
Juvenile ISP differs from regular probation in that surveillance is more intensive, there is a
higher availability of treatment services, and caseloads are usually smaller. The term for
probation can be for a specific number of months or years until the youth is eighteen years
old and could even be open-ended. Each juvenile case on probation is reviewed periodically
to enforce compliance and monitor progress. The court terminates the case if conditions are
not met during the probation period, or probation can be revoked if conditions are violated,
leading to harsher sanctions. In 2002, 55 percent of the 1.1 million delinquency cases
received probation orders. Though a large number of juveniles adjudicated delinquent and
placed on probation were property offense violators, those placed on mandatory probation
were more likely to be drug and public order cases (i.e, drunkenness, curfew violations).
White juveniles were more likely than African-American youths to be placed on probation.
There is an alarming increase in the number of juveniles on probation for drug law
violations, as evidenced in the current (2004) national report on crime in the United States.
In some jurisdictions, such as Texas, intensive supervision probation is a program that
specifically provides services as an intermediate, community-based alternative for juveniles
requiring a higher level of control. The cost per probationer in Texas is $14.34, but costs vary
across jurisdictions. Furthermore, because of the continuing problem of overcrowded juvenile
facilities across the country, it is no wonder that ISP is a popular alternative. Krisberg and
Howell (1998) surveyed research using a meta-analytic approach and concluded that
“alternatives to secure confinement for serious and chronic juveniles are at least as effective in
suppressing recidivism as incarceration, but considerably less costly to operate.”
Opponents argue that the relative lack of punishment, increased risk to the community, and
increased social costs seem to be persistent problems of juvenile ISP. Research shows that the
recidivism rate among offenders assigned to intensive probation supervision programs is
only about one-quarter to one-half of that among offenders who do not participate in such a
program. Successes in some jurisdictions can be attributable to smaller caseloads, lack of
bureaucratic impediments, whites supervising whites and blacks supervising blacks, and
emphasis on rehabilitative services. The Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center summary of eval-
uations of community-based programs agrees that the outcomes of surveyed programs were
positive, showed improvements, and reduced recidivism rates.

Abadinsky, H. (2003).Probation and parole: Theory and practice , 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Austin, J., Johnson, K., & Weitzer, R. (2005, September).
Alternatives to secure detention and confine-
ment of juvenile offenders.
Available from: www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/ojjdp/208004.pdf.

Cauffman, E., & Steinberg, L. (2000) (Im)maturity of judgment in adolescence: Why adolescents may
be less culpable than adults.
Behavioral Sciences and the Law
, 18, 741–760.
Champion, D. (2001). Probation, parole, and community corrections
, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center. (2004). Summary of community-based program evaluations.
Available at: www.jrsa.org/ijec/programs/community/index.html.
Krisberg, B., & Howell, J. (1998). The impact of juvenile justice system and prospects for graduated
sanctions in a comprehensive strategy. In R. Loeber & D. Farrington (Eds.).
Serious and violent
juvenile offenders(pp. 346–66). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Petersilia, J. (2001).Reforming probation and parole in the 21st century . New York: American
Correctional Association.
Rittenour, M., & Miller, L. (2005, October 25).Crawford County Common Pleas Court: Intensive
Supervised Probation. Available from: www.crawfordcocpcourt.org/ISP.

Evaristus Obinyan

INTERACTIONIST THEORIES. The interactionist perspective, founded by George

Herbert Mead (1863–1931), is typically used as an explanation for social deviance. The
central idea of this theory is that delinquency cannot be understood simply by examining the
individuals who commit delinquent acts. Instead, those acts must be examined through the
context of what is defined as delinquent behavior and what is defined as a delinquent individ-
ual. A social deviant is characterized as an individual who is not only different from the major-
ity in society, but different in a way that causes society to treat that individual in a negative
manner. A key aspect of this theory is that there is no such thing as an intrinsically deviant act.
It only becomes deviant if observers label it as being deviant. For instance, the majority of
people typically view violence against others as deviant. However, there are cases, such as
sporting events, in which violence is not labeled as deviant.
Interactional theory’s approach to understanding criminal and delinquent behavior is
through the combination of three distinct foci: the developmental change in the individual,
the interaction between that individual and their environment, and the individual’s method of
defining their place or role in the world. This makes interactional theory different from theo-
ries of criminality and delinquency that only focus on static or unchanging variables, such as
trait or integration theories.
Developmental change in the individual is considered essential, which is made evident by
the differing causal models of criminality required by this theory to explain criminality over
the course of development. Three general causal models, based on the research of Terence
Thornberry and others, suggest that criminal behavior, in general, follows a pattern during
development. This pattern starts around ages twelve or thirteen (initiate phase), rapidly
increases by ages sixteen or seventeen (maintenance phase), and then ends in the mid-
twenties (termination phase). One of the advantages of this approach is that it allows for
different causal factors to have more or less influence, depending on the age of the individual.
For instance, unemployment as a causal factor may be more reasonable for a twenty-year-old
than for a twelve-year-old. Parental influences, on the other hand, may be more influential
for the twelve-year-old than the twenty-year-old.
The second focus of interactionist theory is the dynamic between individuals and the
environment. Over time, individuals interact with others, thereby affecting other people’s
behavior. In turn, interactionist theory states that the behavior of those other people is not

only changed, but it also changes the behavior of the original individual. The whole interac-
tion pattern is circular, with the situation and the individual influencing one another at the
same time. To illustrate this, imagine a child gets reprimanded at school (a negative impact
on behavior) for delinquent behavior involving a teacher. Once the parent is informed of that
reprimand, the parent’s behavior is presumably going to be negatively impacted by this
knowledge. In turn, the way that the parent interacts with the child is also presumed to be
impacted negatively. The child’s behavior, then, is not only affecting the relationship with the
teacher and parent, but is also indirectly having effects on how those individuals are going to
interact with the child in the future. This can lead to a cycle of behavior, where the child in
the prior example commits more delinquent or even violent behavior in response to the con-
tinued negative interactions with these individuals. A static model of delinquency, as opposed
to interactionist theory, would predict that the child’s initial delinquent behavior would cause
repercussions with the teachers and the parents, but the effects of the initial delinquent behav-
ior would end there.
The third focus of interactionist theory is on how individuals define their own place or role
in the world. The child in the prior example may define their role in the world based on the
feedback that labeled them as delinquent. Based on this, delinquent behavior during the initi-
ate phase may lead to the child identifying with a peer group that is also considered delin-
quent. Once this occurs, interactions with that peer group will result in the child impacting
that peer group’s behavior and the peer group impacting that child’s behavior. One key idea
here is that while we know that people have an effect on other’s behavior, people also often
choose which people they will be near to and thus affected by. This emphasis on the choices
people make allows interactionist theory to offer a method of preventing or reducing violent
or delinquent behavior. For example, an examination of the interactions that juveniles have
with others may reveal the beginnings of the labeling of that child as a delinquent or self-
identification of the child with delinquent peer groups. This may result in opportunities to
intervene in the previously described cycle of delinquency, emphasizing to the child more
positive labeling or different interpretations of prior interactions.
A criticism of interactionist theory is that the description of delinquent behavior being
influenced by as much as it influences peer groups is too simplistic. For example, while
interactionist theory emphasizes the effects that peer groups and delinquent behavior have on
each other, other theories, such as integrated theory, go a step further and suggest that
exposure to a delinquent peer group more often leads to delinquent behavior than the other
way around. One advantage to interactionist theory is the focus on following individuals
through the span of development. Relatively few studies have done so. Thus, interactional
theory may spur more research into this area, which will benefit our understanding of
criminal behavior, regardless of theoretical orientation.

See alsoDevelopmental Theories; Labeling Theory

Blumer, H. (2004).George Herbert Mead and human conduct . Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Lillyquist, M. (1980). Understanding and changing criminal behavior . Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Thornberry, T. (1996). Empirical support for interactional theory. In J. Hawkins (Ed.),
Delinquency and
crime(pp. 198–235). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Dave D. Hochstein
JUVENILE DETENTION CENTERS. The first placement decision made by the
juvenile justice system involves whether a youth should be held in a juvenile detention cen-
ter. Juvenile detention centers are short-term, secure facilities that hold youths at various
points during the juvenile court process. Juvenile detention centers hold juveniles awaiting
their adjudication hearing. Two generally accepted uses of preadjudication detention are to
ensure that a juvenile will appear for an upcoming hearing and to maintain public safety.
The Supreme Court upheld preventive detention for violent juvenile offenders Schall
in v.
Martin (1984). In Schall, the court upheld New York’s preventive detention statute, which
allows detention before hearings for juveniles who present a serious risk of committing
another offense. In the decision, the court ruled that the juvenile’s due process rights may be
subordinated to the state’s parens patriae interests of promoting the welfare of the child as
well as protecting society. However, the case also established a due process standard for
detention hearings that included notice and a statement of facts/reasons for the detention.
Despite these procedural safeguards, opponents argue that preventive detention deprives
juveniles of their freedom since guilt has not been proven. They also argue that it is unfair to
punish youths based on a prediction of what they may do in the future.
Detention centers also hold juveniles who have been adjudicated delinquent and are await-
ing residential or institutional placement. Juveniles may also be detained for evaluation
purposes. Unlike the adult court system, juveniles may also be detained for their own protec-
tion (i.e., to protect the child from an abusive parent or neglectful home or to prevent a child
from harming himself or herself). Federal law and many states bar the confinement of status
offenders in secure detention facilities, although exceptions allow for the placement of
youths who have committed such offenses. These exceptions include youths who have
violated a valid court order or juveniles who are already on probation. On the other hand, use
of detention centers as a separate disposition or punishment is becoming increasingly popu-
lar. Although detention centers are intended as preadjudication holding facilities, they are
increasingly being used for postadjudication purposes.
The Advisory Commission on Accreditation for Corrections provides that placement in a
juvenile detention center should not exceed 30 days. Approximately 20 percent of formally
petitioned juveniles are held in a detention center until the final disposition of their case.
A large number of youths will be released at detention intake or after a few days. This prac-
tice explains why the average length of stay for all detained youths is about 15 days. Federal
law requires that holding in police lockups is of very short duration and that youth should be
moved to an appropriate juvenile facility as soon as possible. Further, this law requires strict
“sight and sound” separation of juveniles from adult offenders.
Juveniles were detained in 20 percent of the cases processed in 2000, compared to 21 percent
of the cases processed in 1985. Although the percent of cases processed is quite similar, the

number of cases processed between 1985 and 2000 increased 41 percent, from 234,600 to
329,800. Of all juvenile delinquency cases resulting in detention in 2000, 28 percent were
offenses against persons, 33 percent were for property offenses, 11 percent were for public
order offenses, and 11 percent for drug offenses.
Racial minorities, especially African American youths, are overrepresented in juvenile
detention centers. Although African American youths were involved in 28 percent of all delin-
quency cases in 2000, they represented 35 percent of the detained cases. The Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1988 requires states to reduce the overrepresentation of
minorities in secure facilities and, beginning in 1995, states applying for federal funding for
juvenile justice programs must show in their proposal that attempts are being made to deal with
disproportionate confinement of minorities. Research demonstrates that youths who have been
in detention are more likely to be formally processed and receive more punitive sanctions at dis-
position than those not placed in detention, after controlling for demographic and legal factors.
Nearly one-half of public detention centers in the United States were filled above capacity
in 2000. Consequences of overcrowding in detention center include affects on the provision
of basic services such as education and medical treatment, in addition to creating unsafe con-
ditions for juveniles and staff. Overcrowded conditions have been found to be associated
with increased altercations between juveniles and staff and increased injuries to juveniles.
The overcrowded conditions in many detention centers and the negative affects of being
detained have led to investigations of alternatives to detention. Research on alternatives to
secure detention have, to date, not found them to pose greater risks to the public than secure
detention. In addition, such alternatives tend to be less costly.

See alsoCommunity Treatment; Restorative Justice

Frazier, C.E., & Bishop, D.M. (1985). The pretrial detention of juveniles and its impact on case dispo-
sitions. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 76(4), 1132–1152.
Frazier, C.E., & Cochran, J. K. (1986). Detention of juveniles: Its effect on subsequent juvenile court
processing decisions. Youth and Society
, 17(3), 286–305.
Krisberg, B. (2005).Juvenile justice: Redeeming our children
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Puzzanchera, S., Stahl, A., Finnegan, T., Tierney, N., & Snyder, H. (2004).Juvenile court statistics
2000. Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Rust, B. (1999). Juvenile jailhouse rocked.
Advocacy, 1–16.
Shelden, R.G. (1999). Detention diversion advocacy . Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (1999).Juvenile offenders and victims: 1999 National Report .
Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Wordes, W., & Jones, M. (1998). Trends in juvenile detention and steps toward reform. Crime and
Delinquency,44(4), 544–560.

LaVerne McQuiller Williams


(JJDPA). The JJDPA of 1974 was the first legislation to provide an integrated national
program addressing juvenile delinquency prevention and control within the context of law
enforcement and criminal justice efforts. The JJDPA replaced the Juvenile Delinquency

Prevention and Control Act (JDPCA) of 1968, which was responsible for the creation and
implementation of juvenile delinquency plans for states that received federal funds.
The JJDPA stipulated that juveniles could no longer be placed in any institution in which
they may have regular contact with adults that have been convicted of criminal charges.
States that participated in the JJDPA were ordered to remove status offenders from secure
detention and correctional facilities within two years.
The JJDPA was also responsible for creating a National Advisory Committee, a Federal
Coordinating Council, and the National Institute for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention. The JJDPA was authorized for three years with a budget of $350 million.
Discretionary funds were used to support programs developed by public and private agencies
for America’s youth.

See alsoJuvenile Justice Reform Act, 1977; National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 (n.d.). Available at: http://www.ncjrs.org/.

April C.Wilson

JUVENILE JUSTICE REFORM ACT, 1977. The Juvenile Justice Act of 1977
established rules pertaining to procedures in the juvenile justice system, the juvenile court
system in particular. Under this act, the juvenile court system added some of the procedural
methods commonly found in the adult system and expanded its scope. This was particularly
true for the trial system, which took on some of the procedures found in the adult court of
the time. It also addressed pertinent issues already considered in the adult court, such as the
child’s capacity to understand the procedures as well as the process used to attend to
this issue.
Under this new system there were also changes in the personnel responsible for various
procedures impacting the juvenile process. For instance, prosecutors instead of probation
officers were now responsible for charging decisions, based on the juvenile’s prior record
and the strength of the particular case. Moreover, juveniles were now to be adjudicated in
order to determine whether the accusation for which they were accused was accurate. While
this act resulted in some new procedures for the juvenile system, many of the traditional
protections for juvenile defendants remained.

See alsoJuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, 1974 (JJDPA)

Krisberg, B. (1998). The evolution of an American institution.
Crime and Delinquency
, 44, 1–5.

Brion Sever

JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1600–1800 (COLONIAL ERA). In order to

understand the state of juvenile justice and violence during colonial times in America, it is
important to frame it within the context of the social mores of that time. Juvenile justice, as it
exists today, has evolved throughout most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries into a

model wherein juvenile offenders are generally thought of as youths in need of treatment and
rehabilitation, not as adults who must be incapacitated from further offending. This is an
important distinction to consider when examining the model of juvenile justice and violent
crimes committed by juveniles during colonial America.

Attitudes Toward Children

Children, from a relatively young age, were expected to assume adult culpability for crimes
they committed. Punishments for children rivaled those for adults. Juveniles in colonial times
did not have the same luxuries as contemporary juveniles. For example, they were forbidden
to engage in playtime, leisure, or idleness—activities thought to be works of the devil.
The colonies, within one decade of their founding, had passed laws demanding children obey
their parents. In 1648, Massachusetts prescribed the death penalty for any child over sixteen
who “shall curse, or smite their natural father or mother.” Colonial America’s favored
punishment for juvenile offenders was to have parents “beat the devil” out of their child if he
or she committed a crime. Since fathers were held accountable for their children’s actions
and had full authority to punish them, fathers could be required by the community to publicly
execute, whip, or even banish their children if society found them to be criminally liable. Due
process for juvenile offenders simply did not exist in the same way as it exists today.
These harsh disciplinary responses were deemed necessary to maintain compliance with
social and religious mores, to transmit educational information, and even to expel evil spirits
that were thought to possess children, as was most evident during the Salem Witch Trials.
The control of family, church, and community over colonial children was complete; no legal
machinery was necessary.

Punishment of Delinquents
In early colonial times, children who committed serious, violent offenses were jailed with
adults. Courts generally subjected children to the same punishments as adults. Punishment
for juveniles who misbehaved fell within the realm of the family, the community, and the
church. However, those who defied internal familial controls, and who were accused of
certain criminal actions, were adjudicated in the British common law tradition. The justice
system considered that children between the ages of one and seven were not responsible for
commission of a crime; those between seven and fourteenwereresponsible for their actions
and received appropriate punishment decided in an adult court; those older than fourteen
were believed capable of the act Actus
( Reus—the actual criminal act) and of the intent to
commit the act (Mens Rea—able to understand the intent of the act) and were eligible for
more severe punishment. Another category of criminal behavior was created exclusively for
children. Either parents or the community could punish colonial youth who engaged in what
was then considered to be immoral conduct like rebelliousness, disobedience, playing ball in
public streets, or sledding on the Sabbath.

School Violence
Unlike the school-related violence endemic in our modern society, in colonial America
most young children were taught at home. Those who did attend school, however, were just
as prone to be disorderly as today’s youths (although certainly not at the level of the
Columbine shooting). Teachers kept problem children in line with corporal punishments
that are illegal today: They tied children to whipping posts and beat them or branded them

for their crimes—a “T” for thievery, a “B” for blasphemy. For the most part, common
punishments for children were whipping and caning. The exception was execution of
juveniles. The first recorded state execution of a condemned juvenile was in 1642, when
Thomas Graunger was put to death in Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts. Graunger was
“indicted for buggery with a mare, a cow, two goats, divers sheep, two calves, and a turkey,
and was found guilty, and received sentence of death by hanging until he was dead.”
In sum, juveniles who committed serious and/or violent crimes in colonial America faced
the same harsh punishments as adults did. For less serious trespasses, the juvenile was sub-
ject to family- or church-controlled punishments.


Aviva Twersky-Glasner

JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1861–1865 (CIVIL WAR ERA). Reliable juvenile

violence rates during and after the Civil War years (1860–1890) are unknown. There was no
uniformly collected criminal data on adults or juveniles during this period. Information about
crime and juvenile violence during the Civil War period comes from historians, U.S. census
reports, and police records from a few cities. These sources indicate that there was an
increase in overall crime after the Civil War and that the increase stabilized after the war
through the end of the nineteenth century. While the sources cannot be relied on to document
juvenile crime rates, they do provide a good indication of society’s responses to social
problems at the time.
Until 1820, American juveniles were imprisoned with adults. This began to change in
1824 when the Quakers developed the House of Refuge. It was an institution to help
juveniles and separate them from adult offenders, and it was partly prison, school, and job
training. In 1825, the State of New York enacted legislation that provided funding for the
first House of Refuge. Twenty-five years after New York’s House of Refuge opened, it had
transformed into a reformatory where secured custody, rather than help, became its main
purpose. By 1860 there were twenty, and by 1885 there were forty-five, juvenile reformato-
ries in the United States.
The reformatories held a disproportionate share of Irish immigrants, and in some states,
black youth were not allowed in them unless there was room in a limited number of segre-
gated dormitories. When there was no room, they were sent to adult prisons.
An increase in crime during the Civil War has been attributed to complex changes in the
American social structure. In addition to the problems of slavery and the war, the country was
becoming industrialized, and economic conditions were changing. Families frequently
moved from rural to urban living situations and vice versa. The authoritarian method many
families used to control youth was challenged by the loss of fathers and older brothers who
went to fight in the war. It is also estimated that between 250,000 and 450,000 boys, and a
few girls, under the age of fourteen fought in the Civil War.
The 1850 U.S. Census reports numbers of people (including juveniles) imprisoned in
poorhouses and prisons, which total around 18,000. By 1890, census reports state that there
were 14,840 (11,535 male and 3,311 female) inmates in juvenile reformatories. The ages of

the juveniles ranged from under age five to twenty-nine years. The average age of inmates
was fourteen. Less than three hundred inmates were over the age of twenty. The problems of
putting younger juveniles with the older, more hardened juveniles were apparent to prison
officials at the time. Officials saw the need to separate them, but lacked funding for separate
The 1890 census report compares the number of juveniles incarcerated in 1880 with the
1890 number and indicates a slight increase in the rate of juvenile inmates in reformatories
over the decade. In 1880, 11,468 juveniles were incarcerated, compared to 14,846 incarcer-
ated in 1890. The resulting rate was 229 per million of the total population in 1880 and
238 per million in 1890.
Out of the 14,846 juvenile offenders, only 308 were incarcerated for violent offenses,
which included 16 homicides, 16 rapes, 1 kidnapping, and 275 assaults. The remaining juve-
nile offenders were imprisoned for offenses “Against the government,” “Against society,”
“Against property,” and “Miscellaneous,” which included twenty-one children under the age
of five. Twenty-nine older juveniles were “Held as witnesses.”
After offenses against property, which 4,515 juveniles were imprisoned for, the next
largest group of 4,069 was imprisoned for “incorrigibility.” In addition to being imprisoned
for this vague offense, over 2000 juveniles were imprisoned for other social reasons, includ-
ing 1,760 for being poor, 196 for not having a home, 22 for unfit parents, 102 for exposure to
criminal contagion, 230 for juvenile delinquency, and 79 who had vicious habits.
The issue of imprisoning juveniles for social problems, and not crimes, was determined
unconstitutional in 1870 by the Illinois Supreme Court case People
in ex rel. v. Turner, 55 Ill.
280 (1870). The court found the state had violated a teenager’s due process rights when it
imprisoned him for “misfortune,” which included being a “vagrant, destitute of parental care,
growing up in mendicancy, ignorance, idleness or vice.” This case was part of the impetus for
establishing juvenile courts, which Cook County, Illinois did first in 1899.
During the Civil War period, several cities, including New York, collected police department
data, including some arrest and conviction statistics of juveniles. New York City was especially
plagued by social problems because of an expanding and newly diverse population and a lack
of social support for people. Thousands of children, estimated between 5,000 and 30,000, lived
on the streets during the nineteenth century. Some juveniles became involved in gangs, but most
of their criminal behavior concerned theft, not violence, and most of the theft in New York City
concerned juveniles. In 1854, 80 percent of felony indictments and 50 percent of petty offenses
for larceny were for juveniles under age twenty-one. A review of indictment samples between
1859 and 1876 for pickpocketing shows only 19 percent of the youth were accused of being
physically aggressive, for instance, by snatching a purse or wallet and then running away with
it. Despite the lack of violence involved in most crimes committed by juveniles, New York
increasingly imposed harsh sentences on them. Before 1873 it never sent more than six
juveniles a year to prison, but in 1874 and 1876, fifty teenagers were sent to Sing Sing Prison.

A reformatory for juvenile criminals. Annual report of the board of directors and of the superintendent of
the state’s prison, for the year ending December 31, .1894
Available from: http://docsouth.unc.edu/
Conward, C. (2004). There is no justice, there is “just us”: A look at overrepresentation of minority youth
in the juvenile and criminal justice system. Whittier Journal of Child and Family Advocacy
, 4, 35–63.
Gilfoyle, T. (2004). Street-rats and gutter-snipes: Child pickpockets and street culture in New York City,
1850–1900. Journal of Social History,,37 853–882.

Inciardi, J., & Faupel, C. (Eds.). (1980). History and crime: Implications for criminal justice policy
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Lane, R. (1997).Murder in America. Columbus: Ohio University Press.
Murphy, J. (1990).Boys’ war: Confederate and union soldiers talk about the Civil.War New York:
Clarion Books.
Reef, C. (2002). Childhood in America: An eyewitness history
. New York: Facts on File.
Stone, R. (2005). History and philosophy of the juvenile court.Florida Juvenile Law and Practice.
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education.
Sutton, J. (1983). Social structure, institutions, and the legal status of children in the United States.
American Journal of Sociology , 88(5), 915–947.
Sutton, J. (1988). Stubborn children: Controlling delinquency in the United States,–1981. 1640
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Tonry, M. (1999). Rethinking unthinkable punishment policies in America. UCLA Law Review,46,
U.S. Census Bureau. Compendium of the Seventh Census: 1850, Part I. Analysis,. Available
1854 from:
U.S. Census Office.Report on crime, pauperism, and benevolence in the United .States
Eleventh Census:
1890, Part I. Analysis. Available from: http://www.census.gov/prod/www/abs/decennial/1890.htm.
Wolcott, D. (2003). Juvenile justice before juvenile court.
Social Science History,
27(1), 109–136.

Lorenn Walker


1800s). In colonial America, no distinction was made between juvenile offenses and adult
offenses. Not only did courts treat juveniles harshly, but parents were taught that they must as
well, following the “spare the rod, spoil the child” philosophy. Both common law and custom
assumed that a child accused of some type of mischief was automatically guilty.
Reforms began in the late eighteenth century. So-called “Child Savers”were responsible
for many reforms, most importantly the recognition that children were in need of protection
and guidance.

Types of Crimes
The industrial era brought new challenges as cities grew rapidly. Many families, immigrants
in particular, struggled financially. Some children were abandoned by families in times of
hardship and turned to gangs for protection and a sense of belonging. Immigrant gangs, such
as the Irish Dead Rabbits, popularized in the Gangs
film of New York
, were common in some
areas. The most notorious gang of the time period was the Five Points Gang, named for their
home turf in the Five Points section of Manhattan. The Five Points Gang was essentially a
feeder system for the mafia, and it spawned perhaps the most notorious mobster, Al Capone.
Mexican street gangs were common in the West.
In addition to gang activity, juveniles were most likely to be arrested for crimes, in contrast
to adults who were more commonly arrested for public order offenses, like drunk and
disorderly. It might be, however, that police dealt informally with juveniles committing public
order offenses, thus records may not accurately reflect the actual incidence of crimes. Most of
the arrests of young boys were for crimes against property, rather than violent crimes. Boys
typically stole relatively insignificant items and rarely used or threatened to use violence.

Violent offenses seem to have been quite rare; in Detroit, for instance, they were less than
10 percent of the arrests of juveniles. Many of the arrests of young boys in this time period
were for status offenses or offenses that were not actually criminal, such as incorrigibility.
Racial violence was a major problem, as the country worked to recover from the Civil War.
Lynching of black males, especially younger ones who had been accused of sexual violence
involving white women, occurred with some frequency. The law allowed for the execution of
men convicted of rape, a punishment disproportionately given to black males.

Based on Christian principles that eschewed idleness, child savers started reform schools for
delinquent and pre-delinquent youth. The first, the New York House of Refuge, opened its
doors in 1825. Despite their popularity with historians, houses of refuge were never the
primary means of dealing with wayward youth, as they could generally only house small
numbers at a given time. These houses were criticized for their paternalistic and often harsh,
even abusive, approach, and by 1890 foster homes for delinquent juveniles were created in
some states as an alternative

The Role of Police

Police had the primary duty of maintaining order among children and teens in many cities.
Police were also charged with enforcing state compulsory education laws. It was believed
that truants would become criminals if not addressed promptly. Police often used truancy
laws as a guise to arrest those they felt were
likely to be delinquents. Police, as they do today,
had a great deal of discretion in handling juveniles. Many juveniles were simply discharged
to parents or other family members.

Juvenile Justice
In the 1870s, states further recognized the need to protect juveniles in trouble. Massachusetts
was the first state to mandate separate court hearings for juveniles, with other states follow-
ing soon thereafter. Some states began to prohibit the incarceration of juvenile and adult
offenders together, although the practice remained common. In 1899, Illinois became the first
state to create a separate juvenile court. The court was built on recognition of the differences
between adults and juveniles, and it thus used new terminology and different procedures.
The Illinois court had jurisdiction over three classes of children: dependent children,
neglected children, and delinquent children. The juvenile courts were based on the principle
of parens patriae, or the state as parent. Since juveniles were handled less formally and
actions taken were allegedly in their best interests, they were not afforded the due process
rights given to adults, a point of some controversy today. Other states soon added juvenile
courts, and in 1938, the federal government established a law much like the one in Illinois.
By 1945, every state had some type of juvenile court.

Explanations for Crime

Prior to the 1870s, few criminology textbooks were available in the United States. Theorists
early in this time period were influenced by the work of Cesare Lombroso, who saw crimi-
nality as a genetic phenomenon. Richard Dugdale followed Lombroso’s lead, examining
inmates incarcerated in New York and arguing there was a family link. Also popular were
theories addressing the link between intelligence and crime and violence. Newly developed
152 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1900–1910

intelligence tests were used to demonstrate that some delinquents were intellectually inferior
and thus could not be rehabilitated. This led to policies like eugenics that sterilizied those
dubbed “feeble-minded” under the rationale that this would, among other things, prevent a
new breed of delinquents.
In the early 1900s, Freudian ideas added a challenge to the notion that criminality is
innate. Freud asserted that environmental influences in the form of childhood socialization
experiences influenced later delinquency. These ideas helped shape the budding juvenile
justice system. Lombroso and Freud, as well as Freud’s followers, were reflective of their
time in that they rarely addressed female delinquency. Lombroso did briefly, maintaining that
female offenders were atavistic and hysterical. Because of these biases, little is known about
the incidence or reasons for female violence or delinquency.
In the 1920s, new theories, more sociological in nature, were being developed. Many of the
new ideas emanated from Chicago and postulated that crime and violence are the result of
social disorganization. In places experiencing rapid change, people may not feel connected to
or invested in their communities. Consequently, minor crimes and acts of violence may occur.
These then escalate into more serious incidents, as social controls also tend to break down.

Hwang, A., Lafond, R., Hansen, E., & Robinson, P. (2002). Is juvenile delinquency and aggression
produced by permissive parenting: Re-evaluating 50 years of research. Paper presented at the
American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences National Convention. Available from:
Mennel, R. (2003). Origins of the juvenile court: Changing perspectives on the legal rights of juvenile
delinquents. In T. Calhoun & C. Chapple (Eds.), Readings in juvenile delinquency and juvenile
justice(pp. 72–81). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Platt, A. (2003). The rise of the child-saving movement. In T. Calhoun & C. Chapple (Eds.),
in juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice
(pp. 82–99). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Wolcott, D. (2003). Juvenile justice before juvenile court: Cops, courts, and kids in turn-of-the-century
Detroit. Social Science History, (1),
27 109–136.

Laura L. Finley


Historical Introduction
On December 17, 1900, Ellis Island reopened as the official immigration station. During this
second mass wave of migration, society’s attitude toward foreigners had changed. For
instance, in 1907, although many Japanese had already migrated to America, President
Theodore Roosevelt banned the immigration of Japanese laborers. Similarly, Congress
enacted one of the first “No Fly Zones” because a German individual flew a zeppelin around
the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington. The influence of these sanctions served to reinforce
the fear of foreigners on American soil and to further segregate diverse populations.
Additionally, the industrial revolution influenced American’s views of immigrants.
Between 1901 and 1909, eight million immigrants arrived in the country. The big cities were
becoming overcrowded, leaving only the slums available to ethnic populations. Similarly,
these ethnic groups were taking job opportunities. Americans were beginning to harbor
resentment toward all ethnic populations. With the influx of immigrants into America, most
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1900–1910 153

families settled in the big cities, such as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
These cities provided the greatest opportunity for wealth. However, with this opportunity
came the cost of discrimination and segregation for most immigrant families. New York
experienced a mass migration of Irish, Germans, Scandinavians, and Italians. These families
longed for the traditions and values of their homeland and found it difficult to relate
to American values. Ethnic segregation occurred, further alienating these populations from
American mainstream society. Disputes often broke out between neighborhoods, hence the
formation of the first territorial gangs in New York City.

Adult and Juvenile Gangs

The most notorious of these street gangs became known as the Five Points Gang. This gang
gave birth to the modern gangster and was a turning point in the history of gang violence.
The leader of this gang was an Italian who was able to mingle with the socialites and devel-
oped great wealth and reputation. Although the Five Points Gang consisted primarily of
adults, this elite club fed the poverty-stricken youth by providing small jobs, such as running
numbers for gambling operations, delivering letters of extortion, and working as lookouts for
the speakeasies. The enamored youth learned from these gangsters and were later accepted
into many of the Five Points Gang’s smaller divisions. One of the most famous of these
teenagers was Al “Scarface” Capone.

Other Types of Juvenile Crime and Violence

During the industrial revolution, with fewer than half of the juvenile population able to go to
school, boys and girls as young as seven years old worked in factories and in the coal mines.
Many of these children were immigrants. Some had lost their parents during the war. Others
were separated from their parents due to the discriminatory implementation of the 1907
immigration laws. These orphans, if jobless, parentless, and homeless, found ways to survive
by banding together, committing delinquent acts such as petty thievery and pickpocketing.
The pickpocket gangs were notorious during this era and divided territories, often with the
knowledge of the police.
Truancy was actually a form of delinquency offense prior to the establishment of the juve-
nile courts. It was used with some regularity; of the children jailed at the Bridewell (Chicago
House of Correction) in 1898, one-quarter were there for truancy. It was thought that truancy
reflected poor parenting and was a precursor to more serious delinquency. Yet only two of the
178 children tracked for school absence in 1906 were found to be truly incorrigible.

Responses to Juvenile Crime and Violence

Police behavior was shaped by the values of the society. With no formal training, police often
acted as catalysts for violence and enforced the violent acts committed by gangs.
In 1899, the State ofIllinois established the first juvenile court system. This system
provided for confidential and protective measures to treat the offender as a child and not an
adult. The confidentiality of the youth was to ensure that rehabilitation could be accom-
plished without a tarnished name. The family was also allegedly protected from society’s
judgment. Houses of Refuge were used as homes to rehabilitate and deter delinquents.
Juveniles who were fourteen were treated as adults and housed in prison. Another major
addition to the juvenile court was the installation of psychiatric clinics, the first being the
Juvenile Psychopathic Institute in Chicago in 1909.
154 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1910–1919

The case of Commonwealth v. Fisher in 1905 was an early challenge to the constitutionality
of the new courts. Frank Fisher had been committed to the Philadelphia House of Refuge, and
his attorney maintained his incarceration was unlawful on three grounds: (1) Fisher had not
received due process in the way he was brought to court; (2) he was not provided a jury trial;
and (3) his indeterminate sentence to the reformatory was a form of age-based discrimination.
The appellate court of Pennsylvania rejected these arguments. The appellate court rejected the
discrimination claim, contending that parens patriaeallows the court to exercise its power
over children, just as a parent exercises restraint of their children.
In the early twentieth century, civic groups began to pay attention to the “girl problem.” Local
organizations, such as PTAs and women’s clubs, began sponsoring lectures and discussions
about female delinquency and began to sponsor organizations to address the problem, includ-
ing girls’ clubs, the YWCA, and even the Girl Scouts. In Chicago between 1899 and 1909,
59 percent of boys appearing before the court received probation compared to 37 percent of girls.
Fifty percent of the girls were committed to reformatories in contrast to 20 percent of the boys.
The laws in the early 1900s did not generally hold children under the age of fourteen
responsible for crimes. Parents or guardians were held as neglectful, and having delinquent
children gave the family a bad name. Police acted as surrogate parents for orphans by disci-
plining these children, often beating them. Many believed this was more of a deterrent than
arrest and incarceration. The decade also saw the introduction of probation, which was used
widely by the end of the decade.

Dohrn, B. (2002). The school, the child, and the court. In M. Rosenheim, F. Zimring, D. Tanenhaus, &
B. Dohrn (Eds.),Juvenile justice century
(pp. 267–309). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Tanenhaus, D. (2002). The evolution of juvenile courts in the early twentieth century: Beyond the myth
of immaculate construction. In M. Rosenheim, F. Zimring, D. Tanenhaus, & B. Dohrn (Eds.),
Juvenile justice century
(pp. 42–73). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Tompkins, V. (Ed.).American decades, 1900–1910 . Detroit, MI: Gale Research Group.

Celene Andreano


Historical Introduction
This decade was a period of unrest and reform. In addition to the immigration of large num-
bers of Italians, Poles, Greeks, Russians, and Jews, the black population from the South was
migrating north and west to pursue unskilled labor opportunities. Simultaneously, America
was dealing with the Mexican Revolution and the buildup to World War I. In the West, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, California, and El Paso, Texas were experiencing a population
growth from Mexican immigrants.
In the early years of this decade, two publications influenced an already segregated society
where large immigrant populations were fighting over territories and jobs. Heredity in
Relation to Eugenicsessentially promoted racial purity by advocating sterilization, con-
trolled breeding, and executions of those populations that were darker, smaller in stature, and
allegedly prone to immorality. In 1907, Pennsylvania passed the first coercive sterilization
law. Many well-known progressives, including birth control advocate Margaret Sanger,
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1910–1919 155

supported coerced sterilization. Mental testing was conducted in reformatories, starting in

the 1910s, in order to discern which inmates were so inferior they were to be sterilized.
The Dillingham Commission Reports, published in 1910–1911, claimed that the immi-
grant population increased social and economic problems in America. These publications
further isolated all ethnic populations and validated the fears and disdain of the native
American population. These reports also created justifications for one immigrant population
to use another as scapegoats for social and economic instability. During the decade, there
were a number of race riots in response to several decades of mob lynchings across America,
yet another illustration of the racial tensions.
In 1914, the Harrison Narcotics Act, a tax on narcotics, was the first step toward criminalizing
most drug use.

Adult and Juvenile Gangs

During this decade, territorial and scavenger groups evolved into organized gangs. Street
gangs were common in most immigrant populations, mostly to protect their territories.
However, in the big cities, the mafia was forming from smaller groups like the Five Points
Gang in New York and Chicago. The mafia became highly structured and organized crime by
utilizing smaller “clubs” for its profits. It infiltrated the political, social, and economic realms
of society and solicited juveniles to work for the members of the organization. In 1915, the
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was re-established. This occurred five years after the first legalization
of segregated neighborhoods in America. The KKK is essentially a gang of white suprema-
cists, and they were responsible for many lynchings across the states. Members consisted of
disgruntled farmers, politicians, and even police officers. Many of their recruits were youth
that were easily influenced by adult conversation and so became close observers of the
KKK’s affairs, even attending mob lynchings. The KKK was similar to the mafia in that both
gangs were glorified and feared. These organized gangs provided juvenile recruits with
training, money to provide for their families, and a sense of belonging.

Other Types of Juvenile Crime

Most juvenile crime in the decade involved minor incidents. Twenty-five percent of the cases
heard by the New York Children’s Court in 1914 were for petty offenses and another 38 percent
were for children in need of care. Of the 37 percent of “serious offenses,” the most common
was burglary.

Responses to Juvenile Crime and Violence

Progressives of the era began to advocate for children as a national resource, following key
publications, such as Denver Juvenile Court Judge Ben Lindsey’s Children in Bondagein
1913. They were now to be protected against harm in many institutions. Most notably, child
labor laws were passed in a number of locations.
To deal with what was perceived to be a growing youth gang problem, by 1910, thirty-two
states had juvenile court systems. The laws providedparens for patriae, or the state as
parent. This meant that the state was to act in the best interest of youth under eighteen and
was given full power and responsibility for the juveniles’ and society’s well-being. The pro-
gressive movement during this decade concluded that juveniles lacked mens rea, or criminal
intent, were easily influenced by immoral ideas, and therefore could not be held responsible
for delinquent activity and charged in an adult manner.
156 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1920–1929

The decade between 1910 and 1920 saw the opening of twenty-three new facilities for
female delinquents, in contrast to just five that were opened in each of the decades prior since
1850. In 1913, the Juvenile Protection Association reported that one-third of the girls in the
Cook County jail were African American.

Schlossman, S. (1977).Love and the American delinquent. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Schlossman, S., & Wallach, S. (1998). The crime of precocious sexuality: Female juvenile delinquency
in the progressive era. In P. Sharp & B. Hancock (Eds.),
Juvenile delinquency: Historical, theoreti-
cal, and societal reactions to youth
, 2nd ed. (pp. 41–63). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Tompkins, V. (Ed.).American decades, 1910–1919 . Detroit, MI: Gale Research Group.

Celene Andreano


Historical Introduction
On January 16, 1920, Prohibition began. The temperance movement called the Eighteenth
Amendment’s prohibition of alcohol a great success, even though they had already influ-
enced more than half of the forty-eight states by 1916 to prohibit alcohol. The Eighteenth
Amendment banned the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol. This meant that posses-
sion and consumption was still legal. As a consequence, many of America’s politicians and
social elites kept alcohol in their homes and offices. The public found these politicians, even
Presidents Harding and Coolidge, to be hypocrites in trying to enforce a policy that they
violated. Police were the primary enforcement agencies, but laws prevented them from
entering speakeasies or other establishments by force. Often, these agents ended up working
for organized crime gangs. Prohibition created contempt for the law and fostered corruption
throughout American society. The enforcement of Prohibition was influential in the
emergence of violence and weapons into the psyche of young gang members. Also evolving
within the gang culture were new concepts of respect, reputation, and revenge. Each member
earned each of these traits in order to gain higher status within their “club.”
The invention of the Ford automobile in 1908 originally provided mobility only to the
elite at a cost of $1,000. By 1920, the assembly line decreased costs to less than a $400
purchase price. Gangsters relished in the opportunities provided by this new mobility. Drive-
by shootings began, transporting of liquor across state lines was made convenient, and
kidnapping for ransom became common. Liquor was in such high demand that hijackings
would occur. The “hijacking gangs” formed to boost profits for organized crime. These
hijacking gangs often used the infamous Thompson machine gun, which became known as
the gun to hold up or murder opposing liquor runners. For gangsters, revenge became easy,
earning one a national reputation of violence and power. Juvenile gang members waited for
opportunities to make a name for themselves, allowing for a profitable return to provide for
their families.
By the mid-1920s, a recession began that led to the Great Depression beginning in 1929.
Taxes and tariffs were exceedingly high and President Calvin Coolidge chose not to aide
those families that lost their livelihoods. Americans, depleted of energy, life savings, and
hopeful futures, turned toward the gangsters that were still thriving well into the thirties.
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1920–1929 157

Adult and Juvenile Gangs

By the 1920s, America was a melting pot of cultures. Juvenile gangs existed in all corners of
the United States. In the big cities, New York, Chicago, and Boston, for instance, many of the
juvenile gang members of the earlier 1900s had evolved into organized crime leaders. Many
of these gangsters provided opportunities for juveniles during the Prohibition era. These
youth were trained under the guidance of adult gangsters and often made “little members” for
these organizations. Juveniles participated in crimes such as driving getaway vehicles, being
lookouts at the speakeasies, and running messages regarding racketeering, gambling, bribery,
or death threats to prostitutes, politicians, or any member of society that was involved.
Juveniles were also involved in transporting alcohol, burglary, robbery, and working the
trains, which were privatized by the Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920.
The enforcement of prohibition proved nearly impossible in the 1920s. By 1925, six states
banned local police from investigating violations. Bootleggers, speakeasies, moonshine,
bathtub gin, and rum runners outnumbered and outpaced law enforcement. Essentially,
enforcement would cost too much money. Organized crime was reaping the benefits of
Prohibition, while the American economy was beginning to suffer.
The Irish and Jewish gangs that existed in the earlier decades in New York were overrun by
the Italian mafia, and Chicago was nicknamed the crime capital of the world. The Hispanic
gangs had a stronghold from California to Texas. These gangs survived with little or no lead-
ership and committed crimes such as burglary, armed robbery, and vandalism. With the influ-
ence of Prohibition, an underground alcohol trade was rampant across state lines, bringing
opportunity and money to Hispanic immigrants from Texas to California. The youth, influ-
enced by bootlegging, speakeasies, and profits, were easily lured in to helping any side that
could provide financial security for their family.
The 1920s brought the beginning of African-American gangs. These gangs surfaced from
Los Angeles to Harlem, primarily as a means to portray the tough guy image during
Prohibition and in contrast to the growing white supremacy movement in the South. In 1922,
the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist gang, named Hiram Evans as its Imperial Wizard.
Membership in this gang grew to nearly four million members by 1925. Many of its members
became politicians from as far south as Texas to as far west as Oregon. Other African-
American gangs in the big cities were formed with friends and family to operate small-time
criminal activities, such as prostitution and robbery. The African-American juvenile gangs
were not territorial and existed with little or no leadership.

Other Types of Juvenile Crime and Violence

In May of 1924, the nation was stunned by the murder of a fourteen-year-old by two wealthy
teens. Leopold and Loeb, two incredibly smart young men, murdered a boy they barely knew
in an attempt to commit “the perfect crime.” They were caught quite easily and were tried for
a capital offense. Famous defense attorney Clarence Darrow succeeded in obtaining life
sentences, as opposed to death, for the boys.

Responses to Juvenile Crime and Violence

In 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt invited a number of social service professionals to
the White House Conference on the Care of Dependent Children, the first national effort to
promote a social services agenda. Their primary determination was that the federal govern-
ment should establish a national agency devoted to children. In 1912, the Children’s Bureau
158 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1930–1939

was created for this purpose. In 1920, the Child Welfare League of America was founded
with a similar mission.
Like today, many alleged there were race, gender, and social class biases in the juvenile
justice system. In 1923, 16 percent of the girls at the Geneva Reformatory in Cook County,
Illinois were black, yet they were only 2 percent of the Illinois population at the time.

Baughman, J. (Ed.). American decades, 1920–1929 . Detroit, MI: Gale Research Group.
Dohrn, B. (2002). The school, the child, and the court. In M. Rosenheim, F. Zimring, D. Tanenhaus, &
B. Dohrn (Eds.),A Century of Juvenile Justice
(pp. 267–309). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Krisberg, B., and Austin, J. (1993).
Reinventing juvenile justice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Platt, A. (1998). The child-saving movement and the origins of the juvenile justice system. In P. Sharp &
B. Hancock (Eds.),Juvenile delinquency: Historical, theoretical, and societal reactions to youth
2nd ed. (pp. 3–17). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Watkins, J. (1998).The juvenile justice century. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Celene Andreano


Incidence and Types of Offenses

In general, violent offenses by youth were relatively rare in this decade. For instance, in
Massachusetts during the years 1930–1932, violent offenses made up 2.6 percent of all the
offenses of boys and girls aged fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen. The term “violent” in this case
includes vicious attacks on persons, crimes against property that involve force or violence, or
fear against the personality or body of another. Among children aged eighteen, the rate rose
to 3.9 percent.
It is interesting to note the gender differences of these youthful offenders. During this
two-year period, Massachusetts statistics show that only 384 seventeen-year-old girls were
brought into court for any offense—and only three of those 384 offenders were deemed
violent. Out of 5,715 seventeen-year-old boys who were brought into court for any offense,
205 of them were deemed violent.
Because of the Great Depression, youth gangs were growing very rapidly across the
country. In large cities, especially in the West, Pachucos, often referred to as “Zoot Suiters,”
were gangs of Mexican Americans that formed for protection as well as criminal enterprises.
The next decade would see riots involving these gangs, largely on the West Coast.

Juvenile Justice
Since its inception in the nineteenth century, the American juvenile justice system has seen
myriad changes. By the year 1925, all but two states in the country had created juvenile
courts. Juvenile courts generally focused on treatment rather than punishment for youthful
offenders. The period between 1930 and 1940 is one in which the courts worked to refine
their mission and procedures.
From the fifty-year period between 1925–1975, most of the country’s juvenile courts held
exclusive jurisdiction over all youthful offenders under the age of eighteen who were accused
of committing criminal crimes. If the juvenile court relinquished its jurisdiction over a case,
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1930–1939 159

only then could the youth be relocated to a criminal court to be tried as an adult. These
decisions were made on a case-by-case basis, using parens ,patriaeor the state as parent, as
justification. In the 1930s, youthful offenders were often granted more leniency than mature
offenders. In general, in cases where there was no penal policy guiding the judge, the child
offender was treated more mercifully regarding his/her sentence.
Between 1930–1932, several Massachusetts court officials asked if raising the juvenile
court age would help to diminish violent youth offender numbers. But raising the court age of
juveniles would not lower the crime rates themselves; it would merely illustrate lower
numbers for that age group, while the older offenders would be thrown into the criminal court
system instead of staying in the juvenile court system. In 1936, the FBI reported that the
average age of criminals was nineteen.
It is important to note that the juvenile courts did not control every aspect of the judicial
process at this time. The police had a great deal of discretion when dealing with youthful
offenders. When a juvenile crime was committed, it was the police alone who held the
discretionary power to decide which cases should be referred to the juvenile courts. At that
time the police—not the courts—decided if they would hold youthful offenders until their
scheduled court dates. Therefore, the police could discipline juvenile criminals in whatever
way they saw fit.

Prevention Efforts
Many social programs sprung up in this time period as well, which seemed to help keep
youthful offenders out of the criminal court system. An annual report from the decade
observed that during routine visits to foster homes, social workers took more time out of their
visit to study the foster child’s emotional status. Because of this, four times as many children
were taken to “child guidance clinics” in 1935 than in 1934. In Connecticut, several town
police departments, as well as juvenile courts, began referring children to the Connecticut
Children’s Aid Society instead of sending them straight to reform school.
The Chicago Area Project(CAP) was pioneered in 1934, and to this day it is the most
widely known juvenile delinquency prevention program in our country’s history. Organized
by sociologist Clifford R. Shaw, CAP focused on the poorest neighborhoods of Chicago.
CAP strove to improve the quality of life in poor communities by helping youth and their
families solve difficult problems.
On the other side of the country, social groups were hoping to lower the rate of juve-
nile violence by establishing crime prevention groups. The Los Angeles Coordinating
Councils (LACC) broke new ground when it focused on the “community approach to
crime control.” The LACC advocated social programs and focused on the environmental
factors contributing to youth crime, which differed greatly from the federal war on crime in
that era.

Alper, B. (1939). Teen-age offenses and offenders.
American Sociological Review,(2),
4 167–172.
Appier, J. (2005). The Los Angeles Coordinating Councils during the Great Depression. Journal of
Urban History,31(2), 190–218.
Males, M. (1999, November 21). Generation gap: For adults, “today’s youth” are always the worst.
L. A. Times.
Shulman, H. (1932). A statistical study of youthful offenders in New York City.
Journal of the American
Statistical Association,
27(177), 19–29.
160 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1940–1949

Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (1999, December). Juvenile justice: A century of change.1999 National
Report Series, Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Available at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/9912_2/
Whittaker, D. (2001, Winter). Chicago Area Project Newsletter
. Available at: www.chicagoareaproject.org/
Wolcott, D. (2001). “The cop will get you”: The police and discretionary juvenile justice, 1890–1940.
Journal of Social History, 35(2), 349–371.

Kristin Emanuel


Incidence and Types of Offenses

The end of the Great Depression did not bring an end to juvenile violence. Economic
tensions caused by the Great Depression extended to the 1940s and into the World War II era.
Racial tensions also aided in high juvenile crime rates in the 1940s. In the fall of 1941, a
series of muggings in the Central Park area perpetrated by black youths from Harlem
attracted nationwide attention. Newspaper headlines claimed there was a crime wave, and
most citizens believed it because of the widespread repetition in the print media. There really
was no crime wave among black offenders in 1941. In fact, the number of offenses commit-
ted by blacks in 1941 Harlem was only slightly greater than in the corresponding period of
1940. Juvenile delinquency rates among New York blacks were much higher than whites at
the time. These high juvenile crime rates in New York are often attributed to poverty and
parental neglect.
Whereas the gangs of the 1930s were predominantly white, major American cities in the
1940s saw the growth of all-black gangs who were constantly fighting over neighborhood turfs.
In 1943, Mexican gang members, known for wearing “zoot suits,” clashed with white soldiers
in what is now called the zoot suit riots. These riots highlighted the growing racial tensions
around the country. Another event that demonstrated the nation’s racism was the misidentifica-
tion and trial of several Chicano teenagers for murder in Sleepy Lagoon in 1942. One of the ear-
liest Chicano gangs, the White Fence, formed in the 1940s as a form of protection against racist
bullying. The White Fence is said to be one of the first to use chains and guns as weapons. In the
Northeast, the massive influx of Puerto Ricans into New York City spawned the creation of
Puerto Rican gangs, as depicted in the musical andWest film Side Story.

Explanations for Juvenile Violence

One possible explanation for the rise in youth crime in this era is that with so many fathers
leaving home to fight for their country, families were left broken and without a strong male
role model in the home. In the first three months after the United States entered World War II,
juvenile delinquency among all races in New York City increased 10 percent over the corre-
sponding three months of the year previous.
Yet another explanation for youth crime lies in economic status alone. Gustav L.
Schramm, a wartime juvenile court judge, cited one case in which the juvenile delinquent in
question, Richard, was sent to court for excessive truancy. The boy’s reasoning was clear: his
father was dead, and his mother, who was left to raise eight children on her own, needed
money. Richard’s only brother still living at home was responsible for providing the family’s
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1940–1949 161

total income. Richard firmly believed that by quitting school he could get a job to help bring
in more money to support his family.

Policing Juveniles
Because law enforcement perceived a wave of youth crime, police began to arrest increasing
numbers of youth in the early 1940s. For instance, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
reports that arrests for girls went up 55 percent between 1941 and 1942, although these
arrests were generally not for violent offenses. Rather, they were an attempt to police
females’ sexuality, as there was great concern that adolescent females were “cruising” for
soldiers. Caseloads for boys also increased by about one-third between 1942 and 1943.

Juvenile Justice
By 1950, all fifty states as well as Washington, DC, had juvenile court systems in place.
The movement of all states to create specialized juvenile courts spread quickly because it
offered a new approach to handling youthful offenders who were previously dealt with in
criminal courts. Social change advocates liked the new juvenile court system because it was
extremely informal (compared to criminal court) as well as personal, accounting for the
unique circumstances of each case. Juvenile court judges liked the new system because it
made it possible for them to take the time to talk to every offender brought into court.
Probation officers could (ideally) thoroughly inspect each juvenile delinquent’s home life.
Due process protections for accused youths were seen as unnecessary because the court was
to always follow the best interests of the youth.
Unfortunately, this informality of the juvenile courts sometimes posed a problem. Because
juvenile court judges were allowed to sit privately with each offender and discuss the youth’s
offenses, these judges would sometimes abuse their discretionary power. Judges, too, held
biases that might come out in their dealings with poor and racially diverse youth. There were
more problems with the juvenile justice system, problems that stemmed from the social
reformers’ “excessive idealism.” Justine Wise Polier reports that by the 1940s “youths
charged with offenses sat for hours in airless waiting rooms. Noisy verbal and physical
battles had to be broken up by court attendants. The hard benches on which everyone was
forced to sit and the atmosphere, like that in lower criminal courts, resembled bullpens more
than a court for human beings” (Butts & Mitchell, 2000, p. 76).
World War II brought about some significant changes to the juvenile justice system. One
new program that began during the war involved boys who had already been through
the juvenile court system and who had improved their situations while on probation. These
young men volunteered for the armed services, and if they were honest about their prior
records to recruiting officers, the juvenile courts would usually allow them to join the service.
Those offenders whose records prohibited from joining the service oftentimes slipped back
into delinquent behaviors.

Other Prevention Efforts

New social programs were still being created during this war-time era. In 1941, the
California Youth Authority (CYA) was founded in hopes of rehabilitating juvenile delin-
quents. The CYA is committed to treating “juveniles as individuals who are still capable
of changing their behavior, their thinking, and their lives if the correct outside influence is
provided.” Programs that had already been in play for years were still active during wartime
162 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1950–1959

as well. For instance, in 1946, the Connecticut Children’s Aid Society encountered a
67 percent increase in requests for help.

Blanshard, P. (1942). Negro delinquency in New York. Journal of Educational Sociology , 16(2),
Butts, J., & Mitchell, O. (2000). Brick by brick: Dismantling the border between juvenile and adult
justice. Journal of Criminal Justice,
2, 167–213.
California Youth Authority. (1994). State/local juvenile corrections in California—A systems perspec-
tive. Little Hoover Commission , 127.
Carmichael, B. (2004). Urban change and criminal patterns: An historical context. National Social
Science Journal , 21(2), 8–15.
Mihailoff, L. (2004). Youth gangs. Available at: http://parenting.families.com/youth-gangs-916-917-ecc.
Schramm, G. (1942). The juvenile court in wartime. Journal of Educational Sociology
, 16(2), 69–81.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (1999, December). Juvenile justice: A century of change. 1999 National
Report Series, Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Available at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/ 9912_2/

Kristin Emanuel


Incidence and Types of Violence

Although the economic strains of the Great Depression and World War II had lifted some-
what, Americans still saw a rise in juvenile crime rates in the 1950s. Perhaps the most preva-
lent type of juvenile crime in this decade was the growth of street gangs. During this time,
gangs in New York seemed to overrun low-income housing projects. The gangs spent their
time committing random acts of vandalism and violence. They experimented with drugs,
drank cheap alcohol, and sometimes maimed and killed one another.

Explanations for Juvenile Violence

One possible reason for this rise in youth crime could be attributedtelevision.
to The “Nifty
Fifties” was the decade when the majority of American families bought their first home
television set. Whereas in previous decades gang violence was confined to the country’s
larger cities, television helped to bring gang activity to even the quietest of suburbs.
One might argue that television programs of the 1950s were, for the most part, wholesome
in nature. Shows like The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet, I Love Lucy, Leave
and It to Beaver
portrayed solid families with good American moral values. But a closer examination shows
subtle influences, even in shows such as these. Take, for instance, how angry Ricky Ricardo
would get at his dramatic wife, Lucy. Ricky often yelled and fumed at Lucy. One has to ask
whether constant exposure to the heated arguments the Ricardos often had actually had a
negative effect on youths’ perceptions of relationships.
Other popular programs, such as Gunsmoke andBonanza, also modeled violence. It is true
that in shows like these Americans watched the “good guys” battle it out with the “bad guys,”
yet this too could be blamed for the rise in youth violence. Television shows like these show
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1950–1959 163

violence in a positive light—that it is perfectly all right, even expected—for the “good guys”
to use excessive (i.e., deadly) force to defend their way of life.
For families in more rural areas of the country, television was their link to the larger world.
While the more discerning viewer may be able to differentiate between real-world and
fictional situations, perhaps some of the more rural American viewers had no idea
that what television portrayed was not actual reality in the big city. Further, if adults have
such problems discerning truth from fiction on television, it must be even harder for children.
A study done much later, in 1969, revealed that television is an important source
of “incidental learning” from which children learn “a variety of concepts, ideas, and

Juvenile Justice
Even more so in the 1950s than in previous years, many Americans began to worry about the
state of our juvenile court system. People began questioning the juvenile court’s ability to
rehabilitate juvenile offenders. The basic philosophy behind the juvenile court system was
not in question, but professionals had legitimate concerns about the escalating number of
youth who had been institutionalized indefinitely.
During the 1950s, youth advocates and legal activists started challenging the broad discre-
tionary powers given to juvenile court judges. A particularly significant law review article in
1957 questioned whether juvenile courts were completely benevolent, arguing that “an adju-
dication of delinquency, in itself, is harmful and should not be capriciously imposed”
(Butts & Mitchell, 2000, p. 176). Yet another article, published in 1960, accused juvenile
courts of violating essential principals of equal protection and made a case that juveniles
deserved real trials with real due process guarantees.

Other Prevention Efforts

At a time when the judicial system was getting so much flak from legal and social advocates,
social welfare groups became even more imperative. During the 1950s, the number of
children who needed “emergency permanent placement” into alternative homes grew rapidly.
In Connecticut, for example, the Hartford Orphan Asylum merged with the Connecticut
Children’s Aid Society. A second merger occurred not much later with the Family Service
Bureau of Norfolk. The children that came to the Connecticut Children’s Aid Society would
stay at the Children’s Village between six months and two years.

Butts, J., & Mitchell, O. (2000). Brick by brick: Dismantling the border between juvenile and adult
justice. Journal of Criminal Justice,
2, 167–213.
Carmichael, B. (2004). Urban change and criminal patterns: An historical context. National Social
Science Journal , 21(2), 8–15.
Delgado, C. (1997). Teens rebel against authority. Borderlands,
15, 14.
Hwang, A., Hansen, E., Lafond, R., & Robinson, P. (2002). Is juvenile delinquency and aggression
produced by permissive or punitive parenting: Re-evaluating 50 years of research. Paper presented
at The American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences National Convention.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (1999, December). Juvenile justice: A century of change.1999 National
Report Series, Juvenile Justice Bulletin . Available at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/9912_2/
164 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1960–1969

Sykes, G., & Matza, D. (1957). Techniques of neutralization: A theory of delinquency. American
Sociological Review
, 22, 664–670.
Taylor, H., & Dozier, C. (1983). Television violence, African-Americans, and social control,
1950–1976. Journal of Black Studies
, 14(2), 107–136.

Kristin Emanuel


Historical Overview
Many people who specialize in juvenile justice or delinquency regard the 1960s as the age of
youth, as 70 million children from the postwar baby boom reached adolescence and became
teenagers and young adults during the decade. Child labor laws had previously excluded
youth in general from the labor force, and compulsory education laws ensured that youth
began to create peer cultures in unprecedented numbers. A movement away from the conser-
vative fifties eventually resulted in new ways of thinking, which led to social movements
across the United States. Due to these and other factors, the number of juveniles incarcerated
increased steadily until the end of the decade. Juveniles also increased the frequency of drug
use as well as experimentation with different types of drugs.

Explanations for Violence

New theories such as Sykes and Matza’s (1957) delinquency and drift influenced the field
of criminology. Sykes and Matza contended that the great majority of juveniles are engaged
in normal law-abiding behavior most of the time. Juveniles may drift into occasional delin-
quency when social control is weakened, but most “age out” (grow out of) of delinquency
entirely as they approach adulthood. Based on the work of Wolfgang, Figlio and Sellin,
scholars began to look tosubcultural explanations for juvenile crime and violence. Also
popular during the 1960s were a variety of learning theories, each in some way positing that
delinquency, like other behaviors, is learned. Included were Burgess and differential
association-reinforcementand Daniel Glaser’sdifferential identification . As people
became concerned about the impact of punitive methods of social control,labeling theories
also began to have influence in the field of juvenile justice. At the end of the decade,
or critical theories emerged from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Travis
Hirschi’s social bondtheory, posited in 1969, was widely used to explain delinquency into
the 1970s and beyond.
As all forms of media became more available to youth, scholars began to recognize the
influence media may have on the developing minds of youths, prompting societal debates
regarding the relationship to juvenile violence. The media also played an important role in
juvenile violence during the 1960s by portraying violent images of youth.

Incidence and Types of Violence

During this decade, the crime rate outpaced population growth, 4 to 1. There were 160.9 vio-
lent crimes per 100,000 citizens during this decade. Police records of violent youth show that
young Americans between the ages of thirteen and twenty-four were involved in homicide,
robbery, and aggravated assault. The 1960s set the stage for the evolution of juvenile violence
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1960–1969 165

to the extent that, following this decade, arrests for persons under eighteen years of age for
eight serious crimes increased more than 231 percent. From 1960 until the mid-1990s,
juvenile crime escalated. Juveniles were responsible for as much as 84 percent of homicides,
and overall rates for violent crimes perpetrated by juveniles against individuals increased
1,200 percent between 1960 and 1993.
Violence was just one of the crimes associated with the youth. Strong social movements
led thousands of young Americans to experiment with illicit drugs. Many of the drugs had
specific neurological effects. Accordingly, teenage drug arrests in the United States rose to
1,451 percent by 1965.

Juvenile Justice
The 1960s also saw the beginning of the so-called court unification. Juvenile court process-
ing became more like adult court processing than the original design that utilized the concept
of parens patriae. The U.S. Supreme Court in this decade began to alter the direction and
shape of the juvenile justice system. The first full-scale alteration beganKent withv. U.S.
(1966), when a sixteen-year-old rapist was transferred for trial in adult criminal court.
The court ruled that waivers , or transfers, should be accompanied by a special hearing, the
assistance of counsel, access to records by such counsel, and a written statement of reasons
for the transfer. In the same decade, the court, In in
re Gault (1967), ruled that juveniles
deserve the right against self-incrimination, adequate notice of charges, the right to confront
and cross-examine accusers, assistance of counsel, and the rights of sworn testimony and
appeal. The system became much more adversarial and less informal. These drastic erosions
of the traditional juvenile justice system were possible because of the explosion in crime
during the decade. Further, new criticisms of the juvenile court suggested that juveniles had
“the worst of both worlds,” that is, they received none of the protections of adult court yet
virtually all of the same punishments.
Many writers were very critical of landmark cases, blaming the decline in morality and
the subsequent upsurge in crime in the country on a so-called liberal Supreme Court. Teen
pregnancies, drug abuse, juvenile violence, and many other deviant and immoral behaviors
were blamed on certain Supreme Court decisions, including Engel v. Vitale,Abington
Township v. Schempp , and Murray v. Curlett, that expanded or extended civil rights to juve-
niles. The upsurges in crime, delinquency, and violence that characterized the 1960s, some
argued, may not have occurred until the Supreme Court decisions of 1962–1963. Others main-
tained that these decisions were critical to empower young people in a democratic nation.
The 1960s also saw furious fights for civil rights for African Americans, women’s rights
activism, protests against the Vietnam War, increased drug use, the appearance of hippies,
and more juvenile gang violence. There was racial tension, which turned deadly in the riots at
Watts and elsewhere. In the first nine months of 1967 alone, there were 164 urban race riots.
It is very important to note that African Americans were not allowed access to legitimate or
legal education until the Supreme Court decision in 1954 Brown
in v. Board of Education .
Even then, especially in the southern states, minorities continued to be denied equal access to
services. Juveniles are not robots. They too can see, feel, hear, and touch. They began to rebel
against the middle-class values imposed on society at large, as they saw their parents do.
Perhaps because of this rebellion, in the beginning of the 1960s, most studies regarding
juveniles indicated that discipline was a key concern among parents and teachers.
The Gilbert research survey indicated that the number one complaint of teachers regarding
juveniles was lack of courtesy and respect for elders. Others, however, maintain that
166 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1970–1979

juveniles were not nearly as bad as critics suggested, and that they were simply expressing
themselves in many cases.

Social Factors
It is pertinent to note that America embarked on several wars just prior to and during the
1960s, drug use increased during the 1960s, divorce rates increased, tension between races
became very nasty, tension between citizens and law enforcement was very deadly, and
segregation in education and housing as well as high poverty rates, particularly among immi-
grants and blacks, paralyzed some communities. As a result, a crime wave of vast proportions
overwhelmed large cities like New York and Chicago. In New York, for example, between
1960 and 1968, robbery increased over 825 percent and burglary by 480 percent according to
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) 1973. Another important phenomenon that fostered violence
in the 1960s was corruption that particularly engulfed political campaigns and strengthened
organized crime. While not specific to juveniles, these trends most certainly impacted
juvenile crime and violence.

Burgess, R., & Akers, R. (1966). A differential association-reinforcement theory of criminal behavior.
Social Problems, 14, 363–83.
Chambliss, W. (1973). The Saints and the roughnecks. In D. Henslin Down (Ed.). to earth sociology
(pp. 180–194). New York: The Free Press.
Cohen, L., & Land, K. (1987). Age structure and crime: Symmetry versus asymmetry and the projection
of crime rates through the 1990s. American Sociological Review , 52, 170–183.
Glaser, D. (1956). Criminality theories and behavioral images. American Journal of Sociology, (5),
Hirschi, T. (1969).Causes of delinquency . Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Layman, R. (1994).American decades, 1960–1969 . Detroit, MI: Gale Research Group.
Shannon, L. (1998). Alcohol and drugs, delinquency and crime: Looking back to the future . New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Sykes, G., & Matza, D. (1957). Techniques of neutralization.
American Sociological Review, ,22664–670.
Wolfgang, M., Figlio, R., & Sellin, T. (1972).Delinquency in a birth cohort. Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Press.

Evaristus Obinyan


Historical Introduction
The 1970s were a transitional period in regard to crime and violence; that is, they were less
explosive than the tumultuous 1960s but predated the crime surge of the mid-1980s. Major
concerns included the growing population of teens and young adults as baby boomers came
of age, as well as the economic woes many faced in light of a global oil crisis.
Researchers were also developing new theories and using new research methods. Further,
the federal government established measures helpful in tracking crime and violence.
The 1970s was a period of widespread concernparensthat patriaewas a failure and that
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1970–1979 167

juveniles must also face stiff punishments for their actions. Consequently, it was the start of a
more punitive phase in juvenile justice, one that has not abated to the present.

Types of Violence
Gang membership grew tremendously in the 1970s and had become more violent. In Los
Angeles and Chicago, the well-known gangs—the Bloods, the Crips, the Surenos (all in
Los Angeles), the Latin Kings and the Gangster Disciples (Chicago)—had formed and were
becoming organized. Many of these gangs spread through the prison system.
While not unheard of, violence in schools generally took a form different than the sensa-
tionalized images of school shooters many have today. Reports of assaults, robberies, and
vandalism at schools were on the rise in the late 1960s and early 1970s, but seemed to level
off by 1975. Recent research has demonstrated that schools today are no more violent than
they were in the 1970s, but suspension and expulsion are far more common today.
Contrary to popular opinion, drug use was a far greater problem in the 1970s than in the
1960s and 1980s. Several new nationwide surveys began in the 1970s and still play an impor-
tant role in measuring drug use among juveniles and adults. The Monitoring the Future study
was established in 1975 by a team of researchers at the Institute for Social Research. When it
began it only measured drug use among high school seniors, but later college students and
eighth and tenth grade students were added. Its primary benefit is the huge sample used—
between 15,000 and 20,000 young people—and the high response The
Household Survey on Drug Abusewas started in 1971. Sponsored by the federal govern-
ment, this survey involves interviews with randomly selected people over the age of twelve.
Drug use rose sharply in the early 1970s, reached a peak in the late 1970s and early 1980s,
and declined again in the 1980s. For instance, 31 percent of respondents to the Monitoring
the Future survey in 1975 had used one or more illegal drugs in 1975. By 1979, 39 percent
had done so. Adolescent attitudes about drugs have changed as well. The proportion of young
people who thought marijuana use was harmful and disapproved of its use was quite low in
the 1970s. This proportion rose until the early 1990s, when it declined again. There is little
evidence, however, that the drug use of the 1970s was associated with an increase in juvenile
As the feminist movement gained speed in the 1970s, both female and male scholars
expressed concern that prior theories and research did not adequately address violence by
and to females. Scholars like Freda Adler proposed that, as females gained more freedom and
had greater access to work, education, and other social institutions, they would commit more
crime. Known as theliberation hypothesis, this notion was widely accepted but has not
seemed to bear out in research. The 1970s was also a critical time period in the recognition of
violence against females, in particular, various forms of sexual and domestic violence.

Changes in Juvenile Justice

Several critical court decisions came out of the decade as well. While many provided greater
protections for juveniles, some contributed to the trend of making juvenile justice more like
criminal justice for adults. In the late 1960s, the
Gault case established that juveniles, too,
must be provided due process throughout the court process. Inin1970,re Winshipestablished
that a juvenile’s guilt must be established beyond a reasonable doubt, as in the adult courts,
if the juvenile faces detention. Juvenile courts were still allowed to use the lower standard, a
preponderance of evidence, with status offenders. In 1971, McKeiver
in v. Pennsylvania, the
168 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1970–1979

high court ruled that juveniles have no right to a jury by their peers. In 1974, Congress passed
the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act . JJDP provided for federal
grants to states and cities wishing to improve the way they handled juvenile offenders. To
accept federal monies, states had to agree to house juveniles in facilities separate from adults
and to deinstitutionalize status offenders.

Research Studies and Methods

In 1972, Marvin Wolfgang, Robert Figlio, and Thorsten Sellin published their seminal study,
Delinquency in a Birth Cohort . They had followed a cohort of almost 10,000 boys born in
Philadelphia from their birth until age eighteen. Their most significant discovery was that of
the chronic offender, known today as the chronic 6 percent. William Chambliss published his
famous “Saints and Roughnecks” work in the early 1970s as well. Based labeling
on theory,
Chambliss’s work addressed how societal reaction impacts juvenile delinquency.
In 1972, the Bureau of Justice initiated the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
Intended to account for weaknesses inUniform
the Crime Reports (UCR), the NCVS surveys
households about victimization, rather than asking police to report arrest rates. It is less useful
in measuring juvenile victimization, however, as it only addresses those over twelve. Use of
self-reports became a popular means to study violence and delinquency. The National Youth
Survey, initially surveying 1,725 adolescents about their delinquency, debuted in 1977.

Theories about Crime and Violence

The perceived failure of the War on Poverty and other social programs rooted in strain
theories prompted many to challenge some of the sociological theories forwarded in the
1960s.Control theories were popular, in particular Hirschi’s social bond theory. This theory
posits that we all have the potential for crime, so we need to study why people
not offend,
rather than why they do. Hirschi further posited that there are four critical social bonds that
constrain people from committing crime and violence: attachment, commitment, involve-
ment, and belief. Labeling theories were also popular. These theories suggest that how a
society reacts to an offense is important in shaping future delinquency; thus, the label
“delinquent” may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Learning theories, such as Bandura’s
social learning theory, were also widely accepted.
As noted above, feminists began to establish theories and conduct research that in-
cluded women. In another trend, conflict-based theoristswere further articulating their
beliefs that the economic structure of the United States contributed to crime, delinquency,
and violence.

Goode, E. (2003). Drug use in America: An overview. In T. Calhoun & C. Chappel (Eds.),
Readings in
Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
(pp. 238–246). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Savelli, L. (2000). Introduction to east coast gangs.
National Alliance of Gang Investigators
Associations. Available from: www.nagia.org/east_coast?gangs.htm.
Siegel, L., Welsh, B., & Senna, J. (2003).
Juvenile delinquency: Theory, practice, and ,law
8th ed.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Laura L. Finley
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1980–1989 169


Historical Introduction
The 1980s was a turning point for the juvenile justice system and the evolution of juvenile
violence. Although delinquency and violence were reoccurring problems throughout the
twentieth century, the 1980s experienced a sharp increase in violent crimes among juveniles.
Juvenile justice advocates argued that comprehensive prevention programs could be used to
curb youth violence. Others, however, believed zero-tolerance policies and incarceration
could remedy juvenile violence.

Incidence and Types of Juvenile Violence

There were some noticeable trends about juvenile violence in the 1980s that caught the
attention of juvenile justice advocates and lawmakers. First, girls “began” to perpetuate some
of the same types of violent behavior as boys. In fact, there is some evidence that violent
crimes among girls were beginning to increase at a faster rate than boys. Second, because of
continued patterns of racial segregation, much of the serious violent offenses were intra-
racial—that is, the perpetrators and victims tended to be of the same race.suiciderates
or self-inflicted violence also increased in the 1980s. Fourth, the hysteria over juvenile
violence led to new methods of policing schools, such as heavy police presences on school
campuses and the use of metal detectors in public schools. Fifth, rural communities also
experienced a sharp increase in juvenile violence.
Interestingly, the most serious offense among juveniles—homicide victimization—peaked
in the first two years of the decade, stabilized shortly afterwards, and dramatically increased
in the late 1980s. It is difficult to explain why this occurred. One plausible explanation is that,
throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, gangs institutionalized their influence in central cities.
This may have laid the groundwork for the spike in juvenile violence in the latter part of
the decade.
The illegal drug trade—more specifically, the explosion of crack cocaine —also
contributed to the sharp increase in juvenile violence. This sparked violent competition
between rival gangs over the control and distribution of the drug trade. Invariably, those
young people who were among the most isolated and alienated in these communities were
also the most likely to fall prey to the drug culture, gun violence, and other types of juvenile

Juvenile Violence and Guns

The proliferation of guns in vulnerable communities, especially high-powered assault
weapons and poor gun control policy, were also viewed as major reasons why there was an
increase in juvenile violence. Groups such as the Children’s Defense Fund and the Violence
Policy Center believed poor communities were disproportionately targeted by gun manufac-
turing industries, which increased their production in the 1980s in order to boost slumping
gun sales.
Whether gun manufacturing industries intentionally targeted poor youth is debatable and
perhaps will never be fully verified. Nonetheless, the point remains that the rise in gun pro-
duction significantly contributed to the rise of illegal gun re-sales on the street. In fact, the
increase in gun production, along with juvenile gun violence, crack cocaine proliferation,
and poverty, and their collective impact upon primarily poor African-American and Latino
170 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1980–1989

youth, was unprecedented in the twentieth century. Moreover, it led to record increases of
drug-related arrests among poor youth and the increase in the overrepresentation of African-
American youth in the juvenile justice system.

Responses to Juvenile Violence

The rise of juvenile violence also caught the attention of Congress. Beginning in the early
1980s, congressional representatives from the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on
Juvenile Justice and the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice held a series of hearings investi-
gating juvenile delinquency and violence in urban jurisdictions throughout the country.
These hearings drew upon the testimony of local law enforcement officials, district attorneys,
ex-gang members, activists, and policymakers.
Although proponents of zero-tolerance began to reassert their influence in the 1980s,
Congress passed some important measures, which, if utilized properly and given the appropri-
ate enforcement power, could be used to combat juvenile violence in selected areas. Congress
passed the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act of 1980 (later reauthorized in 1997).
This allowed the U.S. Justice Department to investigate abuses in public institutions, including
juvenile facilities that can become laboratories of violent activities. In 1980, it reauthorized for
the second time the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Act that initially created a uni-
fied national program to deal with juvenile delinquency and prevention and created the Office
of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The 1980 reauthorization provided for the
removal of juveniles from adult jails and lockups after five years from the date of the enactment
of the legislation. This was particularly important for juvenile offenders who committed violent
crimes, since they were often transferred to adult courts. Congress reauthorized the act in 1988.

See alsoGun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of; Rural Juvenile
Violence; School Police Officers; Suicide; Surveillance in Schools; Urban Juvenile Violence;
Zero Tolerance Laws

Black Community Crusade for Children. (1994). Saving our children from the violence: The ounce of
prevention. Necessary: News of the Black Community Crusade for Children
, 2(3), 6.
Canada, G. (1995). Fist, stick, knife, gun: A personal history of violence in America
. Boston, MA:
Beacon Press.
Howell, J. (1995). Guide for implementing the comprehensive strategy for serious, violent, and
chronic juvenile offenders. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Miller, W. (2001). The growth of youth gang problems in the United States: 1970–1998
. Washington,
DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (1999).Juvenile offenders and victims: 1996 national report
. Washington,
DC: National Center for Juvenile Justice.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (2006).Juvenile offenders and victims: 2006 national report
. Washington,
DC: National Center for Juvenile Justice.
Surgarmann, J., & Rand, K. (1994).Ceasefire: A comprehensive strategy to reduce firearms violence
Washington, DC: Violence Policy Center.

Sekou Franklin
JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1990–1999 171


Incidence and Types of Juvenile Violence

Juvenile violence followed two divergent patterns in the 1990s. The period of 1990–1993
was the nadir for juvenile justice advocates, because youth violence, firearm deaths, and
homicide victimization rates reached an all-time high. Yet, by the end of the decade, juve-
nile violence experienced a sharp decline. In 1993, over 4,300 youth under eighteen years
of age were arrested for homicide, but by 1999, this number declined to about 1,800. In
addition, juvenile arrests for violent crimes, such as firearm rape/sexual
use, assault, and
burglary, decreased by over 35 percent in the same time period.

Explanations for Juvenile Violence

There was no universally shared viewpoint among criminologists and advocates that
explained the decline of juvenile violence in the late 1990s. Some attributed this
phenomenon to the entrenchmentzero-tolerancepolicies
of and longer periods of confine-
ment for chronic offenders (those arrested multiple times). Others believed the eco-
nomic growth during Bill Clinton’s presidency gave at-risk youth better access to jobs. Still
another argument contends that central cities, with the highest crime rates in the
1980s and early 1990s, underwent a phase of depopulation, due to rising housing
prices and the demolition of public housing. This may have forced poor youth to relocate
to communities that lacked the high-density poverty clusters of their original neighborhoods.
Notwithstanding the reduction of juvenile violence, it remains a major problem for juve-
nile justice advocates and the poor communities that produce at-risk youth and juvenile
offenders. During the 1990s, youth in their mid-teenage years were more likely to be victim-
ized by violence than adults in their late twenties and early thirties. These youth were more
likely to commit crime and violent acts between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. during the school year
and 11:00 p.m. during the summer months.
Research on juvenile violence further revealed that most youth—over half in some
studies—have been involved in violent activities of some type, such as school yard or neigh-
borhood fistfights. Yet there was a distinction between these minor acts of violence and
serious violent offenses. Serious violent offenses, such as the use of firearms, were primarily
carried out by chronic offenders. Estimates suggest that 5 to 15 percent of the youth in
impoverished neighborhoods fall within this category or will be involved in serious violent
Furthermore, because of continued patterns of racial segregation, peer-to-peer violence
in the 1990s was mostly intra-racial. Black, Latino, and white youth were more likely to
harm other youth in their respective racial/ethnic groups. However, it was not uncommon
for violent offenses to occur between racial/ethnic groups who live in close proximity to
each other.
Moreover, juvenile violence was a principal concern among youth during the decade.
A 1994 nationwide survey of 421 youths (ages eleven to seventeen), conducted by the
Children’s Defense Fund’s Black Community Crusade for Children and the Peter G. Hart
Research Associates, Inc., found that among youth surveyed for the poll, 70 percent indicated
that gun distribution was among their greatest concerns. Another 64 percent indicated a deep
concern about gun violence in their schools.
172 JUVENILE VIOLENCE, 1990–1999

Responses to Juvenile Violence

Throughout the 1990s, lawmakers, activists, and intellectuals debated juvenile violence and
remedies to this phenomenon. They also investigated the relevance of the juvenile justice
system and its ability to combat juvenile delinquency and violence. Not surprisingly, there
was a concerted effort by lawmakers to implement “get-tough” measures as correctives to
violent (and nonviolent) juvenile offenders. Some states enacted “blended sentencing” poli-
cies that combined juvenile and adult sentences. Congress further considered legislation such
as the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, the Violent Youth Predator
Act of 1996, and the Consequences for Juvenile Offenders Act of 1999.
In the mid-to-late 1990s, lawmakers were heavily influenced by the research of political
scientist and criminologist John Dilulio, who popularized the term “super-predators” to
describe violent youth. “Super-predators” depicted chronic juvenile offenders as menacing
preys who were uncontrollable and committed to a life of violence—similar to the monster
creature in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1987 film, The Predator. The assumption was that
these super-predators could be tamed only by harsh, zero-tolerance policies.
Dilulio’s commentary angered many civil rights groups and African-American activists,
despite the fact that
African-American youth were not specifically identified as the super-
predators. Civil rights groups believed the concept was racially coded or implicitly linked to
Africa-American youth and feared it might be used to justify harsh policies that had a dis-
parate impact on poor African Americans. Although Dilulio later apologized for popularizing
this concept, its underlying rationale was used to promote a series of zero-tolerance policies
at the national and state levels.
During the late 1990s, a new cadre of activists, youth organizers, and legal advocates
attempted to mobilize their communities against what they perceived as the unequal treatment
of youth by the juvenile justice system. This included groups such as the Maryland Juvenile
Justice Coalition, the Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana, the Prison Moratorium Project,
and the Justice 4 Youth Coalition in New York and California’s Books Not Bars, all of whom
reflected a renewed interest in juvenile justice policies among grassroots activists.
These activists brought attention to the epidemic of violence in America’s youth detention
centers, such as the Tallulah correctional facility in Louisiana, the Cheltenham and Hickey
facilities in Maryland, New York City’s Spofford detention center, and in the California
Youth Authority. All of these institutions were known for their high incidences of violence. In
fact Human Rights Watch, an international human rights organization, investigated the harsh
conditions and violence in Tallulah. The U.S. Justice Department also opened up investiga-
tions of Tallulah and both of the Maryland facilities, and investigated physical, mental, and
sexual abuses in over eighty-five other juvenile detention centers.

See alsoGun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of; Hispanics and
Juvenile Violence

Casamento Musser, D. (2001). Public access to juvenile records in Kansas.
Corrections Today
, 63(3),
Cavanaugh, S., & Teasley, D. (1998, FebruaryJuvenile
5). justice act reauthorization: The current
debate. CRS Report for Congress.
Howell, J. (1995). Guide for implementing the comprehensive strategy for serious, violent, and chronic
juvenile offenders. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Mills, K. (1994, May 27). Black adults found to be pessimistic on children’s futures. Philadelphia
Inquirer, A03.
Snyder, H. (1998). Juvenile arrests 1997.
Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1–12.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (1999). Juvenile offenders and victims: 1996 national report
. Washington,
DC: National Center for Juvenile Justice.
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (2006). Juvenile offenders and victims: 2006 national report
. Washington,
DC: National Center for Juvenile Justice.
Youth Violence Statistics. (n.d.). Rockville, MD: National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center.
Available at: http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/facts/docs/statistics.pdf.

Sekou Franklin


Incidence and Types of Juvenile Violence

Juvenile violence has declined significantly across the United States since 1993, as evi-
denced by downward trends in arrest rates, victimization data, and hospital emergency room
records. In 2003, the last year for which complete data is available, the Juvenile Violent
Crime Index arrest rate was at its lowest since 1980 and was 48 percent below the peak year
of 1994. 2003 represented the ninth consecutive year that the juvenile arrest rate for violent
crimes declined. However, 2003 data shows that juveniles are both more likely to commit
crimes in groups and more likely to be arrested than adults.
In 2003, U.S. law enforcement agencies made approximately 2.2 million arrests of persons
under the age of eighteen. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), juveniles
accounted for 16 percent of all arrests and 15 percent of violent crime arrests that year.
The juvenile arrest rate for each of the following has declined steadily since the mid-1990s:
murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The juvenile arrest rate for murder,
specifically, fell 77 percent from its peak in 1993. Of all violent crimes cleared by arrest in
2003, juvenile offenses accounted for 5 percent of murders, 12 percent of forcible rapes,
14 percent of robberies, and 12 percent of aggravated assaults. In 2003, 20 percent of juvenile
arrests involving youth eligible for processing in their states’ juvenile justice systems were
handled within law enforcement agencies, while 71 percent were referred to juvenile court
and 7 percent were referred directly to criminal court. In general, the proportion of youth sent
to juvenile court increased from 58 percent in 1980 to 7 percent in 2003.
Between 1980 and 2003, juvenile arrest rates for simple assault increased 269 percent for
females and 102 percent for males. Arrest rates for aggravated assault indicate a similar
inconsistency: female rates increased 96 percent while male rates increased 13 percent.
Although male juvenile arrests for assault fell from the mid-1990s through 2003, female
juvenile arrests for assault remained at their highest levels. Females accounted for 24 percent
of all juvenile arrests for aggravated assault and 32 percent for other assaults in 2003. This
may not, however, represent an increase in female offending as much as it might represent a
change in police arrest policies.
Twenty-nine percent of 2003 juvenile arrests involved females, and arrest trends
show females account for an increasing proportion of the juvenile justice population. A dis-
proportionate involvement of minorities in juvenile arrests persists, although the black-to-white

disparity in violent crime arrest rates declined substantially between 1980 and 2003 (from 6-to-
1 in 1980 to 4-to-1 in 2003). Juvenile arrests in 2003 accounted for 11 percent fewer than the
number of arrests in 1999.

School Violence
School violence has consistently increased in frequency since the 1990s, bullying
with being
one of the main indicators of such violence. In 2003, 7 percent of students ages twelve to
eighteen reported they had been bullied in the last six months, up from 5 percent in 1999;
9 percent of students in grades 9 through 12 reported being threatened or injured with a
weapon on school property. One-third of high school students reported having been in a
physical fight that year, and 13 percent reported having been in a fight on school property.
Students aged twelve to eighteen were victims of approximately 684,000 nonfatal violent
crimes in 2002. While exact statistics on the number of school shootings since 2000 are
unavailable,gun-related violencecontinues to occur in schools across America.
According to the 2003 Criminal Victimization Survey, youth are one of three groups
historically most vulnerable to violent crime and continue to be victimized at higher rates
than other groups of people. Although violent crime fell significantly (16.6 percent) from
2000–2001 to 2002–2003 for persons aged twelve to fifteen and fell 7.4 percent for persons
aged sixteen to nineteen, persons aged twelve to nineteen as a whole experienced violence at
higher rates than those aged twenty-five and above. An estimated 1,550 juveniles were
murdered in 2003, the lowest since 1984. Of those murdered, 40 percent were under the age
of five, 68 percent were male, 50 percent were white, and 45 percent were killed with a
firearm. Suicide was the third leading cause of death for youth ages ten to twenty-four in
2004, accounting for approximately 12 percent of all deaths in that age group. The suicide
rate has increased slightly in recent years, following six consecutive years of decline in
the 1990s and a steady rate in 2000. Juvenile suicide rates have tripled since 1970, and
suicide continues to be a significant factor in juvenile mortality rates.

Catalano, S. (2004, September). Criminal victimization, 2003.Bureau of Justice Statistics National
Crime Victimization Survey. Available from: http://www.usdoj.gov.
Crews, G., & Montgomery, R. (2001). Chasing shadows: Confronting juvenile violence in America .
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
DeVoe, J., et al. (2004). Indicators of school crime and safety: 2004.
U.S. Departments of Education
and Justice. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Snyder, H. (2005, August). Juvenile arrests 2003.
Juvenile Justice Bulletin
. Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention. Available from: http://www.ojjdp.gov.

Allison Wright Munro

JUVENILES IN ADULT PRISONS. Since 1985, there has been a proliferation of

juveniles (i.e., anyone under the age of eighteen) being committed to adult corrections (e.g.,
jails and prisons) as a result of increased juvenile participation in violent and serious crimes
and policy changes. In 1985, there were 3,400 juveniles admitted to state prisons and 1,629
admitted to adult jails. By 1997, the admittance rate had more than doubled to 7,400
juveniles in state prisons and 9,105 in local jails, representing a yearly 2 percent increase in

admittance rate. Overall, at year-end 1997, there were 14,500 juveniles incarcerated in adult
facilities, including local jails (9,100) and adult prisons (5,400) nationwide. The demo-
graphic profile of these juveniles indicated that most are male (92 percent), black or Hispanic
(73 percent), and seventeen years old (79 percent). The majority (61 percent) was convicted
of violent offenses, which represents a 52 percent increase since 1985.
Public perception has also played a role in the increased incarceration rate of juveniles
in adult corrections. As a result of the steady rise in crime in the 1970s, there was a public
outcry for stricter punitive sanctions for violent juvenile offenders that resulted Juvenile
in the
Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974 . The Act governed the placement
of juveniles in adult correctional facilities and required that certain conditions be met before
juveniles can be incarcerated in adult institutions. The original mandates of the JJDP Act of
1974 were reaffirmed with the JJDP Act of 2002 reauthorizations. Initially, the goals of the Act
provided assistance to states and local governments in the prevention and control of juvenile
delinquency, provided protection for youth placed in adult facilities, and assisted in the facili-
tation of community-based treatment for offenders. With the reauthorization in 2002, status
offenders were deinstitutionalized (DSO) (e.g., children who commit an offense that would
not be criminal if committed by an adult, such as truancy or running away), ensuring that they
will not be placed in secure detention or correctional facilities. Further, the reauthorization
required separation from adults by sight and sound, and removal of delinquents from adult
jails and lockups. The jail removal provision allowed for detention or confinement in adult
jails and lockups for up to six hours (the “rural exception” allows for up to 48 hours confine-
ment in rural localities) for processing, identification, interrogation, appearance in court,
release to parental custody, and transfer to a juvenile facility. Reaffirmation of the JJDP Act
also addressed disproportionate minority contact in the juvenile justice system with the goal of
reducing disparity by requiring states to develop and implement strategies for delinquency
prevention and system improvement initiatives for compliance. Eligibility for grant funding
for states is based on compliance with these core requirements.
Juveniles are at risk of victimization when placed in adult correctional facilities. In an
effort to comply with the sight and sound mandate of the JJDP Act, juveniles are placed in
solitary confinement when housed with adults, which can have a psychological impact that
may lead to the increased potential for suicide. Research indicates that juveniles confined in
adult jail facilities are five times more likely to commit suicide than other offenders.
Additionally, these juveniles are eight times more likely to commit suicide than their coun-
terparts housed in traditional juvenile facilities. Juveniles in adult correctional facilities are
also more likely to be victims of rape and sexual assault. Research indicates that sexual
assault is five times more likely to occur in prison than in traditional juvenile facilities.
Additionally, 47 percent of juveniles in adult prisons suffer violent victimizations as
compared to 37 percent of those in juvenile facilities.
Traditionally, juveniles who commit crimes are generally processed juvenile
in the justice
systemand placed in juvenile facilities that are more conducive to providing resources for
mental, physical, psychological, and educational rehabilitation. In 1997, however, all states
allowed provisions mandated by state legislation for juveniles under certain circumstances to
be waived (transferred) to adult court for adjudication (trial and sentencing) where they
are subject to punishment in adult correctional institutions. Based on these provisions, most
states allow certain categories of offenders under eighteen to be incarcerated in adult prisons
and housed with older offenders. Furthermore, since 1992, forty-nine states have enacted or
amended legislation that is more expedient for prosecuting juveniles as adults and thereby
sentencing them to confinement in adult correctional institutions.

Austin, J., Johnson, K., & Gregoriou, M. (2000). Juveniles in adult prisons and jails: A national
assessment. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance.
McShane, M., & Williams, F. (2003). Encyclopedia of juvenile justice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (2003). Guidance manual for monitoring
facilities under the JJDP Act. Washington, DC: United States Department of Justice.
Sickmund, M. (2003). Juveniles in court. Juvenile Offenders and Victims: National Report Series
Bulletin. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Washington, DC: United States
Department of Justice.
Sickmund, M. (2004). Juveniles in corrections.
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: National Report Series
Bulletin. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Washington, DC: United States
Department of Justice.
Strom, K. (2000). Profile of state prisoners under age 19, 1985–97. Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Washington, DC: United States Department of Justice.
Urban, L., St. Cyr, J., & Decker, S. (2003, November). Goal conflict in the juvenile court: The evolution
of sentencing practices in the United States.Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice , 19(4).
Available from: http://ccj.sagepub.com.proxy.library.vcu.edu/cgi/reprint/19/4/454.pdf.

Patricia Hylton Grant

KINKEL, KIP. Kip Kinkel is the infamous fifteen-year-old school shooter who, after
murdering his parents, killed two students and wounded twenty-five others at Thurston High
School in Springfield, Oregon on May 21, 1998. Kinkel’s spree was the last student-
conceived rampage in a school year marred by high-profile shootings in Pearl, Mississippi
(October 1, 1997), West Paducah, Kentucky (December 1, 1997), and Jonesboro, Arkansas
(March 24, 1998).
By all accounts, Kinkel was a mildly problematic child in an otherwise stable middle-
class family. Kinkel was born August 30, 1982, the second child of Bill and Faith Kinkel,
two well-respected high school Spanish teachers. As a young child, Kinkel struggled
with verbal tasks in school and was diagnosed with a learning disability in the fourth
grade. Kinkel’s junior high school years were marked by several delinquent episodes, includ-
ing using the Internet at school to order books on how to build bombs (seventh grade), an
arrest for shoplifting (eighth grade), and throwing rocks at cars from a highway overpass
(eighth grade). The rock-throwing incident inspired Kinkel’s parents to send him to
counseling where he was treated for depression. Psychological treatment continued for six
months but was discontinued in July 1997 when Kinkel was assessed to be significantly
During Kinkel’s junior high years, his fascination with guns and bombs also became
noticeable. According to Kinkel’s older sister Kristen (from a post-rampage interview),
Kinkel had expressed high interest in guns and bombs from the time he was a little boy.
Kristen notes, “He was not interested in violence. He was interested in guns—how they
worked, what made them have the power that they had” (PBS, Frontline Transcript). In a
1997 school assignment, when given the option to make a speech on a topic of his choice, he
chose, “How to Make a Bomb.” In an attempt to redirect Kinkel’s interests into a positive
hobby of recreational target shooting, Kinkel’s father helped purchase a 9mm Glock and
Ruger .22 semiautomatic. These guns were purchased with the understanding that they
would only be used with adult supervision and that Kinkel’s father would control them until
Kinkel turned twenty-one years old. Unbeknownst to his parents, Kinkel also purchased
another handgun from a friend during this period.
Most accounts indicate that an arrest and suspension from school were the key precipitat-
ing events to the ultimate shootings. On the morning of May 20, 1998, Kinkel was caught at
school in possession of a stolen handgun he had recently purchased from another student.
Kinkel was arrested, taken to the police station, and charged with both possession of a
firearm in a public building and receiving a stolen weapon. He was released to the custody of
his father, who took him home. According to Kinkel’s confession transcript, once they
arrived home, Kinkel went upstairs, found and loaded the Ruger semiautomatic, and, without
further provocation, sneaked up behind his father and murdered him with a single shot to the

back of the head. Approximately three hours later, Kinkel’s mom returned home after work.
Kinkel met her in the garage and shot her six times.
After spending the night in the house with his parents’ corpses, Kinkel put on a trenchcoat,
loaded his backpack with ammunition, grabbed three guns, and drove himself to school in his
parents’ Ford Explorer. At approximately 7:55 a.m., Kinkel entered Thurston High School,
walked toward the cafeteria, shot two students along the way, then entered the cafeteria and
shot off what remained of the Ruger semiautomatic rifle’s 50 round clip. Kinkel was eventu-
ally wrestled to the ground by five other students but not until he had killed two and injured
twenty-five others.
In September 1999, Kinkel plead guilty to four counts of murder and twenty-six counts of
attempted murder. In November 1999, he was sentenced to 111 years in prison without the
possibility of parole. By accepting the plea bargain agreement, Kinkel waived his right to the
insanity defense. However, during the sentencing phase of Kinkel’s trial, substantial
evidence was presented by child psychologist Orin Bolstad suggesting that Kinkel “suffered
from a psychotic disorder with major paranoid symptoms, potentially some form of early
onset schizophrenia” (PBS, Frontline Transcript).

Dwyer, K., Osher, D., & Warger, C. (1998). Early warning, timely response: A guide to safe schools
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Available at: http://cecp.air.org/school_
Oregon Supreme Court, 2003, ruling on Kinkel’s appeal. Available at: http://www.publications.ojd
PBS, Frontline documentary. (2000). The killer at Thurston High
. Associated resources including
transcripts available at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kinkel/.

Edward L. Powers
LABELING THEORY. Labeling theory is an approach to the study of criminology and
deviance that focuses on the social construction of deviance and the effects of negative label-
ing and stigmatization. Alternatively called social reaction theory, labeling theory argues that
individuals acquire certain labels or stigmas through social interaction and that negative
labels in turn often lead to deviance and crime.
Within criminology and studies of deviance, labeling theory emerged in the 1950s and
1960s, partially as a critical response to structural-functional analyses of crime and deviance
and, later, in relation to the radical social changes of the late 1960s. Whereas the structural-
functional approach emphasized various functions of crime and deviance, labeling theory
represented a shift toward the study of the effects of negative labels such as “troublemaker,”
“delinquent,” “drug user,” “criminal,” and so forth. Drawing from the symbolic-interactionist
theories of American sociologists Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead, early
proponents of labeling theory argued that crime and deviance are not fixed within any given
social order, but are rather conferred through social interactions. Labeling theory may then be
considered a “micro-theoretical” approach, as it is concerned primarily with the effects and
consequences of social interactions, the use of social control in daily life, and the manner by
which people acquire and adopt negative labels.
For labeling theorists, no act is inherently deviant or criminal, but rather becomes so
through interaction with others who are in a position to apply labels, for example, teachers,
police officers, psychologists, and social workers. Howard Becker has referred to people who
are in such a position as “moral entrepreneurs.” One strength of labeling theory is that, as a
micro-theoretical approach, it nevertheless recognizes larger social structures that enable
differential relationships of power and social control. Its primary focus, however, remains
rooted in the understanding of how individuals make sense and meaning out of these
structures in their daily lives.
While labeling, both positive and negative, occurs frequently within social interactions,
labeling theorists are more concerned with labels that have the power to cause negative long-
term or permanent effects for the individual who is labeled. One crucial element is the
relationship between those being labeled and those doing the labeling. Negative labels from
those with whom the individual has a close relationship (for example, parents) may be far
worse than labels from peers. Likewise, negative labels from those able to make substantial
decisions about one’s future or direction (for example, teachers) are also crucial. Moreover,
labeling theorists argue that negative labels often emerge not only from deliberate acts on the
part of the individual, but often from conditions outside of the person’s control: rumors or
suspicions, associations, or medical conditions (including mental illness).
Labeling theorists, however, do not see the attachment of labels as occurring haphazardly.
Rather, labeling mirrors larger inequalities of social relations. Those with less personal power

are more likely to be negatively labeled through processes of “differential enforcement.”

For example, poorer children are often at greater risk than middle- or upper-class children for
being arrested in relation to criminal and status offenses. The official label of criminal or
deviant, argue proponents of this theory, often begets further labeling, as well as internalizing
of the label on the part of the individual. Edwin Lemert has called this process “secondary
deviance.” While most individuals engage from time to time in “primary deviance,” or minor
deviant acts, secondary deviance occurs when others around an individual begin to apply a
particular negative label (i.e., thief, drug user, cheater) that eventually serves as a type of
stigma. The movement from primary deviance to secondary deviance and stigma is often
achieved through “degradation ceremonies,” such as a court trial, expulsion or incarceration
where public shame is evident, and a high level of permanence is attached to the label. At this
point, stigmatized individuals find their legitimate opportunities limited and, having internal-
ized the label to a lesser or greater extent, often join with others sharing similar stigmas.
One consequence of the work of labeling theorists is the recognition that deviants and
criminals may be, at least in part, created by the very social agencies designed to prevent or
dissuade such behaviors. Primary education, for example, includes not only formal education
that leads to greater opportunities, but also processes of negative labeling from teachers and
peers. Policing agencies and the juvenile justice system, which function in part to rehabilitate
or correct deviant juvenile behavior, may in fact create “delinquents” through the attachment
of secondary labels.
Labeling theory provides important insights into how people may become identified as
deviants or criminals, but it has also been criticized by sociologists and criminologists for
several reasons. Notably, critics of labeling theory argue that this approach fails to take into
account well-established relationships between crime and environment. For example, if
crime is an outcome of negative labeling, why do particular crimes occur with more
frequency in warmer climates or in summer months? Other critics have pointed out that
negative labels may have positive effects, for example, in the use of reintegrative shaming,
where labeling may be used in conjunction with techniques designed to reintegrate juvenile
offenders back into their families and communities. Finally, labeling theory is often criticized
for failing to articulate initial conditions of deviant or criminal behavior.
Today, labeling theory is not as commonly used or cited in sociological literature as it once
was. However, it remains a useful and necessary theory insofar as criminological literature,
particularly studies of juvenile crime, routinely identify the problems associated with label-
ing and social control agencies, such as schooling, juvenile justice systems, and social
welfare programs. Moreover, where labeling theory has been less successful in delineating
root causes or conditions of criminal behavior, it has become more useful as a means of
understanding how differential enforcement is enacted through social interactions, particu-
larly in the case of the poor and minorities, once they are labeled.

See alsoInteractionist Theories

Becker, H. (1963).Outsiders: Studies in the sociology of deviance
. New York: Macmillan.
Garfinkle, H. (1956). Conditions of successful degradation ceremonies.
American Journal of Sociology,
61, 420–424.
Lemert, E. (1951). Social pathology
. New York: McGraw-Hill.

William R.Wood

LIBERATION HYPOTHESIS. First proposed in 1975, the liberation hypothesis

posits that as women become more liberated they will engage in crimes traditionally associ-
ated with males. This notion emerged from the women’s movement, which grew in popularity
and strength across the nation throughout the 1970s. Women’s movement reformers advanced
new ways of thinking that challenged the androcentrism in the theory and research of prior
decades. Specifically, feminists maintained that criminology theretofore had involved male
researchers studying male subjects and developing theories to explain male violence and
delinquency. Further, the liberation hypothesis is derived from sociological theories of crime
and violence popular at the time. If social opportunities were what made males more likely to
commit violent offenses, then females should begin to offend in similar ways and at greater
rates as social opportunities became available. Like all sociological theories, the liberation
hypothesis rejects the notion that males are inherently more violent than females.
Rita Simon was perhaps the first to offer this viewpoint in her 1975 Women text, and
Crime. Simon felt that women’s greater participation in the workplace would lead to greater
involvement in white-collar crimes. She did not feel, however, that violent crimes by females
would be altered by their increased presence in the workplace. While women may feel
violent urges due to their exploitation and subservience in society, their participation in the
workplace would offset any inclination to act on those urges.
Freda Adler more clearly articulated the liberation hypothesis in 1975 with the publication
of her book,Sisters in Crime: The Rise of the New Female Criminal . Adler cited skyrocket-
ing arrest statistics for a number of offenses to argue that women were indeed engaging in
more and different types of crime. For instance, between 1960 and 1972, female arrests for
burglary went up 168 percent, and for robbery, embezzlement, and larceny, they increased
277 percent, 280 percent, and 300 percent, respectively. In later studies, Adler claimed to
have found support for her thesis in England, Canada, Norway, Germany, Japan, India, and
Poland. She harshly criticized prior criminological thought, which, when it addressed
females at all, tended to presume they were hysterical, biological aberrations. Further, Adler
maintained that competition in the workplace required women to take more risks and to be
more aggressive. Interestingly, antifeminists promoted the theory to enforce their argument
that women should stay in the home.
There are three primary criticisms of the liberation hypothesis. First, many assert that
statistics from the era really do not reflect the dramatic change Simon and Adler described.
In addition, because arrest rates for females were generally so low, any change might appear
significant but is really not. While arrest rates for females did rise in this time period, they
rose for males as well. Further, the most dramatic changes were in arrests for nonviolent
crimes, those more typically associated with females, which is inconsistent with Adler’s
claims. Second, the notion that females’ participation in the workforce would prompt
them to commit more crime seems in contrast to what was and is still known about most
female offenders. That is, female offenders are more likely to come from the subgroups
least involved in the workplace—the poor and otherwise economically marginalized.
Steffensmeir, Steffensmeir, and Rosenthal (1979) maintained that the greatest increases in
the time period Adler referenced were for larceny, check forgery, and fraud—all offenses
more likely committed by impoverished females. Some have asserted that, rather than
increase women’s criminal involvement, equality might decrease it. Research has shown that
support for feminism did not connect to greater participation in delinquency; in fact, incar-
cerated females tend to advocate more traditional gender roles. Third, radical feminists criti-
cized Adler, Simon, and others for under-theorizing the role of patriarchy in women’s
oppression. Liberal feminists like Adler and Simon, these critics contend, were too quick to

accept incremental legal change instead of demanding dramatic overhaul of patriarchal insti-
tutions. Critics maintain that Adler falsely assumed attitudes about female equality had
changed along with legal changes. Regardless of these criticisms, proponents of the libera-
tion hypothesis were instrumental in the effort to develop a criminology that considered
females and that denounced earlier pathological explanations.
The 1990s saw a revival of the liberation hypothesis, albeit sometimes titled differently.
Again, academics cited statistics showing rapidly growing arrests for females to assert that
females were offending like males. Between 1978 and 1988, female arrests for violent crime
went up 41.5 percent. Department of Justice statistics showed the violent crime rate for
women more than doubled between 1987 and 1994. Arrests for girls for all violent crimes
grew 12 percent between 1992 and 2001, with the biggest increase, at 23.5 percent, in arrests
for aggravated assault. Juvenile females constituted 16 percent of arrests for violent crime.
Deborah Prothrow-Stith, professor of public health at Harvard University, maintained that it
was no surprise females were committing more violent crimes in a society that equates
violence with power. Prothrow-Stith also pointed to the increasing number of violent females
in video games and movies, such as Lara Croft in the video and Tomb
film Raider. Further,
Prothrow-Stith speculated that “we have socialized girls to solve problems like boys”
(Beaucar, 2001).
Regardless of whether factual evidence supports it, the liberation hypothesis became one
of the media’s favorites. Rather than based on academic theories, however, much of the cov-
erage of the supposed female violent crime spike seemed to be based on fear that females
were no longer just “sugar and spice and everything nice.” In this iteration, the main focus
was on females’ increased involvement in gangs, stressing not only that girls were joining in
record numbers, but that they, like their male counterparts, were hyper-violent. In 1992, CBS
aired an episode called “Girls in the Hood” on its program Street Smarts. The program
began with a voice-over announcing, “Some of the politicians like to call this the Year of the
Woman. The women you are about to meet probably aren’t what they had in mind. These
women are active, they’re independent, and they’re exercising power in a field dominated by
men” (cited in Chesney-Lind & Pasko, 2004, p. 32). In addition, these female gang
members supposedly joined and committed violence not out of need, but out of desire to
own fancy things. As in the 1970s, conservatives pointed the finger at women’s liberation.
Once again, critics contend that the issue is far more complex than simply girls going bad.
Changes in police practices, for instance, may lead to more arrests but do not necessarily
indicate an increase in the incidence of offenses. Further, while it may be true arrests for girls
for violent offenses have increased over specific time periods, the fact remains that males still
commit the vast majority of violent offenses. Despite decreases, boys were still 89 percent of
arrests for murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, 91 percent of robbery arrests, and 76 per-
cent of aggravated assault arrests over the last decade.

See alsoAssault; Gangs, Female; Gender, Frequency of Perpetrating Violence by; Gender,
Frequency of Receiving Violence by; Gender, Types of Juvenile Violence Received by;
Gender, Types of Violence Perpetrated by; News, Juvenile Violence and

Adler, F. (1975).Sisters in crime: The rise of the new female criminal
. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Adler, F. (Ed.). (1981).The incidence of female criminality in the contemporary world.
New York:
New York University Press.
Artz, S. (1999). Sex, power, & the violent school .girl
New York: Teachers College Press.

Beaucar, K. (2001, August 8). Spike in female juvenile violence prompts multitude of explanations.
Fox News. Retrieved May 1, 2006 from: www.foxnews.com.
Chesney-Lind, M., & Pasko, L. (2004). The female offender: Girls, women, and crime, 2nd ed.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (1999).Criminological theory: Past to present
. Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Hanna, C. (1999). Ganging up on girls: Young women and their emerging violence. Arizona Law
Review, 41,93–141.
Leventhal, G. (1977). Female criminality: Is “women’s lib” to blame? Psychological Reports, 41,
Smart, C. (1979). The new female offender: Reality or myth? British Journal of Criminology,
19(1), 50–59.
Steffensmeir, D., Steffensmeir, R., & Rosenthal, A. (1979). Trends in female violence.
Focus, 12(3), 217–227.

Laura L. Finley


On February 2, 1996, fourteen-year-old honor student Barry Loukaitis walked into Frontier
Junior High School in Moses Lake, Washington, dressed as the man with no name from the
film Fistful of Dollarsand armed with a high-powered hunting rifle and two pistols. He went
into his algebra class, took the class hostage, killed two students, Manual Vela, Jr. and Arnie
Fritz, and his algebra teacher, Leona Caires, and seriously wounded several other students.
He was eventually overpowered by physical education teacher Jon Lane, who managed to
talk his way into the classroom. This shooting was the first of a series of multiple victim
homicides perpetrated by students on school grounds. Many consider the Frontier Junior
High School incident as the one that triggered copycat-type incidents around the country.

Mitigating Factors?
Because Loukaitis was fourteen years old at the time of his offense, a hearing was held in
juvenile court to assess in what jurisdiction he should be tried. The juvenile court judge
declined jurisdiction over the case because of the severity of the crimes. Loukaitis was
waived to adult criminal court where he was tried on multiple counts of murder. This case
brought up a number of issues for juveniles, such as age, accountability, mental illness, and
genetic predispositions toward violence.
As the Loukaitis trial unfolded, so did details of Loukaitis’ bizarre family life. Loukaitis’
parents were divorced, and his mother told him repeatedly that she was going to take his
father and his father’s lover hostage, tie them up, and force them to watch her kill herself.
She told Loukaitis she was going to do this on Valentine’s Day. Loukaitis tried to talk her out
of her plan. The court eventually heard that both parents’ families had long histories of
Life at school for Loukaitis did not appear to be much better than it was at home. In his
trial, a number of his classmates testified that one of Loukaitis’ victims, Manual Vela, often
taunted Loukaitis at school, calling him a faggot in front of other students. It appears that
Vela was the intended target of the attack. Other students also ridiculed Loukaitis, and

classmates testified that he was an easy target because of his seriousness, gangly build, and
the cowboy outfits that he frequently wore.
This case also reignited speculation and research about copycat media violence. Among
Loukaitis’ personal effects recovered from his home was a copy of theRagewritten
book by
Stephen King. This book was one of Loukaitis’ favorites, and its plot has an uncanny resem-
blance to what happened at Frontier Junior High School. The protagonist Rageis
in a high
school student who is victimized and bullied and eventually goes insane. He goes to school,
holds his class hostage, kills his teacher, and takes revenge for prior mistreatment.
Rageis the
only novel that Stephen King has publicly regretted publishing, given its connection to this
case and other school shootings.
Loukaitis also seemed to be preoccupied with the Naturalfilm Born Killers. Records
indicated that he had rented the film numerous times, and classmates said he could quote the
film’s lines by heart. The third factor discussed at the trial was Loukaitis’ obsession with
Pearl Jam’s song Jeremy, which is about a boy who shoots his classmates after repeatedly
being taunted by them. This song has also appeared in connection to other school shootings.
Loukaitis entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. Legal experts for the state
argued that the precise nature by which Loukaitis planned the attack, down to details of his
costume, indicated a rational thinker. Defense experts argued that Loukaitis’ planning was
part of his psychosis as he was living in a fantasy world. The jury rejected the insanity plea
and found Loukaitis guilty of aggravated first-degree murder and a number of other offenses.
He was sentenced to life without possibility of parole. In 1999, the Washington State Court of
Appeals denied his request for a new trial.
One factor about this case that has been discussed in legal circles was Loukaitis’ defense
counsel. As many as five contracted defenders were assigned to Loukaitis at some point, but
the attorney who defended Loukaitis for most of his trial, including his juvenile court hearing,
was Guillermo Romero. A number of agencies are investigating Romero, including the
Washington State Bar Association, for providing inadequate legal council following numerous
client complaints. Garth Dano sought to defend Loukaitis at public expense after reviewing
two hundred of Romero’s cases and finding little evidence of any kind of case preparation.
Loukaitis expressed little confidence in Romero’s ability to defend him, and the social worker,
the psychiatrist, and the corrections expert in the Loukaitis case shared his sentiments.

The Effects of the Incident

The Moses Lake community is a small community and relied heavily on community social
support as a coping mechanism. Immediately after the shootings, the school closed tem-
porarily, and the area of the school in which the shootings occurred was renovated so students
would not be constantly reminded of the incident. The families of some of Loukaitis’ victims
filed wrongful death suits against the school district, citing poor school security, and failure
to monitor Loukaitis’ strange behavior. With the latter, they argue that Loukaitis displayed
warning signs of possible criminal behavior in his poems that detailed his enjoyment of
killing classmates.
The school district has since implemented a strict dress code, has increased security, and
has guards at some schools. They have also added money for recreational and after-school
programs to keep students occupied.
One positive outcome of this incident was a renewed interest in school bullying prevention
programs and a reexamination of how school administrators deal with threatening behavior,
including written threats.

See alsoBiosocial Theories; Bullying; Center for the Prevention of School Violence (CPSV);
Conflict Resolution; Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of;
National School Safety Center (NSSC); News, Juvenile Violence and; Peaceable Schools;
Surveillance in Schools; Television, Juvenile Violence and; Waivers to Adult Court

Center for the Prevention of School Violence. Available at: http://www.juvjus.state.nc.us/cpsv/
DeVoe, J., Ruddy, S., Miller, A., Planty, M., Peter, K., Synder, T., et al. (2002).
Indicators of school
crime and safety, 2002. Washington, DC: Department of Education and Department of Justice.
NCJ 196753.
Ericson, N. (2001). Addressing the problem of juvenile bullying. Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) FactSheet,. 27
Fox, J., Elliot, D., Kerlikowske, R., Newman, S., & Christenson, W. (2003). Bullying prevention is
crime prevention. Washington, DC: Fight Crime: Invest in Kids. http://www.fightcrime.org/
reports/BullyingReport.pdf 2003.

Monica L. P. Robbers
MARIJUANA. Marijuana is produced in all fifty states and is the most commonly used
illegal drug in the United States. Roughly 60 percent of juveniles who use drugs use mari-
juana exclusively. Marijuana use among juveniles dropped 11 percent from 2001 to 2003, the
largest decline in juvenile drug use in more than ten years. While recent studies indicate
decreasing trends in use among juveniles, more than half of teenagers say they could obtain
marijuana easily if they wanted to. First-time users of marijuana are predominantly under
eighteen years of age. During the late 1960s, less than 50 percent of those using marijuana
for the first time were juveniles. Now, that figure has increased to more than 65 percent.
More than half of juveniles who use marijuana get it for free or share it with someone else.
The vast majority obtain the drug from a friend.
A product of the hemp plant, cannabis sativa, marijuana is green to greenish-gray in color
and is composed of shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers that have been dried. It is usu-
ally smoked in the form of hand-rolled cigarettes called “joints” and cigars called “blunts” or
by using glass pipes. Marijuana is also smoked in larger quantities by groups using water
pipes or large glass containers called “bongs.” The active ingredient that gives marijuana its
intoxicating characteristics is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC causes marijuana to
act as a depressant in the user’s system, similar to alcohol. The levels of THC in marijuana
manufactured in the United States have continued to increase over the past twenty years,
making it more potent.
Research shows an association between marijuana use and violence among juveniles. Data
obtained by the National Household Survey (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
in 1994–1996 indicated juveniles with a higher frequency of marijuana use were more likely to
attack others or destroy property. A report by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration revealed that juvenile marijuana users themselves said they were more
likely than nonusers to attack other teens or destroy property. The same report indicated juve-
nile marijuana users were four times more likely than nonusers to engage in violence. The
majority of youths who engage in violence also report using marijuana. However, violence and
aggression usually precede the use of drugs as part of a dangerous lifestyle developed over time.

Marijuana and teens: Fact sheet. (2004, August 24). Office of National Drug Control Policy National
Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. Retrieved May 9, 2005, from: http://www.mediacampaign.org/
Marijuana and youth violence. (2003). Alcohol and Drug Information Clearinghouse. Nebraska
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and
Addiction Services Website. Retrieved August 14, 2005, from: http://www.prevlink.org/getthefacts/

NIDA InfoFacts: High school and youth trends. (2004, December).

National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Retrieved May 9, 2005, from: http://www.nida.nih.gov/infofacts/HSYouthtrends.html.
ONDCP drug policy information clearinghouse fact sheet. (2004, February). Office of National Drug
Control Policy. Retrieved May 9, 2005, from: http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/publications/
Teen drug use and violence. (n.d.).
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
. Retrieved May
15, 2005, from: http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/teens/drugs.asp.

Adam Doran

MENTORING. Activists, juvenile justice advocates, and policymakers have created a

host of mentoring programs for at-risk youth in almost every city and county that experi-
enced juvenile violence since the 1980s. These mentoring programs typically fell under
seven categories: initiatives sponsored by intergenerational and youth-based organizations,
identity-based programs that appeal to youth based on their specific identities or unique
experiences (i.e., gender, race/ethnicity, immigrant status), large-scale community organizing
campaigns, diversionary and aftercare programs, public-private partnerships involving
government agencies and community activists, mentoring projects inside of juvenile
detention centers, and cultural initiatives.
Intergenerational and youth-based programs are the most widely used mentoring initiatives.
These programs offer leadership development seminars and rites of passage programs, and
many groups develop anticrime or deterrence projects for at-risk youth. These programs
usually target the most marginalized youth, including ex-offenders and gang members, some
of whom have previously committed violent offenses. Some examples of these programs are
the San Francisco Bay Area’s Omega Boys Club, founded by Joe Marshall and Jack Jacqua in
1987; Boston’s Ten Point Coalition, founded by a coalition of clergy leaders in the
1990s; Dante Wilson’s Reclaiming Our Children and Communities, Inc. in Baltimore,
Maryland; Hall of Fame football player Jim Brown’s Amer-I-can organization in Los Angeles
County; the Southwest Youth Collaborative in Chicago; the Youth Justice Coalition/Free LA
organization; and Al-Malik Farrakhan’s Cease the Fire, Don’t Smoke the Brothers and Sisters
in Washington, DC.
The Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana (JJPL) also sponsors two mentoring pro-
grams: Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children (FFLIC) and the Youth
Empowerment Project (YEP). FFLIC offers a support network for parents and family members
of incarcerated youth and helps them facilitate mentoring programs for youth exiting juvenile
facilities. YEP assists and mentors youth and young adults ages twelve to twenty-one who
are leaving the state’s juvenile facilities.
Identity-based mentoring is another approach used to assist juveniles and at-risk youth.
This approach identifies youth who may be victimized by violence and crime because of
their racial/ethnic background, immigrant status, gender, or sexuality. It attempts to reduce
discriminatory and abusive practices that are specifically tailored to harm these youth.
This approach further emphasizes consciousness-raising activities as a tactic for addressing
inferiority and improving self-esteem among these youth.
One example of identity-based mentoring is exhibited in several programs developed for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered (LGBT) youth, who are frequent targets of phys-
ical harassment and abuse inside and outside of juvenile facilities. The Gay Youth Project of
the Urban Justice Center and the Audre Lorde Project in New York City; the Nelly Velasco

Project, sponsored by the Center for Young Women’s Development in San Francisco; and the
North Carolina Lambda Youth Network, are examples of programs that mentor LGBT youth.
Furthermore, the children of undocumented workers or illegal immigrants have been the
disproportionate targets of violence. Since the 1990s, mentoring programs for Latino and
Asian immigrants have been formed by the Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence
(CAAAV) of New York City, the ESPINO organization in California’s Central Valley,
the Community Youth Organizing Campaign in Philadelphia, Calpulli Tlapalcalli/Esperanza
Unida in Brownsville, Texas, and the Providence (Rhode Island) Youth Student Movement.
These groups also have an expansive interpretation of violence that includes not only
physical harassment and assault, but also deportation, detainment, and work in unhealthy and
hazardous conditions.
Another form of identity-based mentoring focuses on at-risk girls. In fact, there has been a
noticeable increase in violent acts perpetuated by and against young females. Much of the
violence against girls occurs in the home and in personal relationships and results from
sexual or domestic abuse. The Women and Girls Leadership Project in Chicago, Brooklyn’s
Sista II Sista program, Washington, DC’s Sister to Sister/Hermana a Hermana program, and
Sisters in Action for Power in Portland, Oregon are some of the well-known gender-based
mentoring programs.
The third type of initiative is the development of large-scale organizing campaigns that
mentor and attempt to improve the environment that shapes the daily experiences of margin-
alized youth. An innovative project that existed in the 1990s was the Democracy Multiplied
Zone developed by the Youth Force of the South Bronx (New York City). The DMZ was a
strategically targeted area in the South Bronx, delineated by marked neighborhood bound-
aries that functioned as a safe zone for youth. The youth living in this zone received special
attention, mentoring, and developmental resources. This initiative resembled a similar
project called the Harlem Children’s Zone that was created in 1970.
Another initiative that offers mentoring, conflict resolution, and violence prevention activi-
ties is the Community Conferencing Center in Baltimore founded by a Johns Hopkins
University professor, Laura Abramson. It mediates conflicts between juvenile (and adult)
offenders and the victims of crime through a process that it calls “conferencing.” From 1994
to 2003, the Community Conferencing Center mediated conflicts involving over 4,000 people.
Community activists have developed transnational mentoring programs. Michael Zinzun,
a former member of the Black Panther Party and a Los Angeles gang counselor, has orga-
nized several trips for gang and ex-gang members to London, England and Rio de Janeiro’s
(Brazil) favelas(ghettos). The trips offer a cross-cultural exchange where youth can learn
about different mentoring strategies from similarly situated youth throughout the world.
The fourth and fifth types of mentoring initiatives are diversionary and aftercare
programs, as well as public-private partnerships between government agencies and
community-based organizations. Diversionary and aftercare programs monitor at-risk youth
or juveniles exiting juvenile facilities. Policymakers in Missouri have developed the most
successful diversionary and aftercare programs in what is known in juvenile justice circles as
the Missouri Model.
Public-private partnerships have also been successful throughout the country. Community
justice andyouth courts have been formed throughout the country to deter juvenile offend-
ers from violent crimes. The Community Conference Center has partnered with the
Baltimore police department, the school system, and the Departments of Juvenile Services
and Social Services to develop diversionary programs. Boston also has a public-private
partnership called Alternatives to Incarceration Network that involves the police, probation

officers, and service providers. The initiative counsels youth offenders exiting juvenile
detention centers.
A pioneering project is the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative developed by Bart
Lubow of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Although the initiative focuses on reforming
the entire juvenile justice system, it has a prevention and aftercare component in which
community-based organizations work with juvenile services. This initiative has been imple-
mented in Cook County, Illinois; Multnomah, Oregon; Sacramento, California; and to a
lesser extent, in New York City.
Another type of mentoring initiative occurs inside of juvenile detention centers. Cameron
Miles, the Community Outreach Director for the Maryland Juvenile Justice Coalition,
formed a program called Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood. Part of this program entails
working with juveniles in Baltimore’s Gay Street Detention Center. The Youth Force of the
South Bronx developed a mentoring program in the Spofford Juvenile Detention Center
called Ujima Productions. The Center for Young Women’s Development also offers support
services to incarcerated girls in San Francisco’s juvenile facility.
Finally, community activists have used cultural activities to mentor youth. This includes
the use of hip-hop, poetry, and media/film and is designed to educate youth about the
negative consequences of violence.

See alsoAfrican Americans and Juvenile Violence; Asians and Juvenile Violence; Conflict
Resolution; Gang Units, Police; Hispanics and Juvenile Violence; Native Americans and
Juvenile Violence; Quantum Opportunities Program (QUP); Restorative Justice

Boston Police Department. (1996). Youth violence: A community-based response: One city’s success
story. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.
Checkoway, B., Figueroa, L., & Richards-Schuster, K. (2003). Democracy multiplied in an urban
neighborhood: Youth force in the South Bronx. Children, Youth and Environments, 13(2), 1546–2250.
Feinstein, R., et al. (2001).
Justice for all? A report on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered youth
in the New York juvenile justice system. New York: Urban Justice Center.
Franklin, S. (2005, April 7–10).Policing and protesting juvenile (In)justice. Panel presentation at the
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Miao, V., et al. (2005).Pipeline. New York: Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing.
Stein, N. (1997). The gang truce: A movement for social justice.Social Justice, 24
(4), 258–268.

Sekou Franklin

METHAMPHETAMINES. Methamphetamine is a stimulant that affects the central

nervous system and increases the levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, causing an increase
in attention capacity and energy and a suppression of the appetite. Methamphetamine
can be orally ingested, smoked, snorted, or injected and is known by a number of street names,
such as “meth,” “ice,” and “crank.” The primary danger of methamphetamine is the high
potential for addiction. Because of the increased energy methamphetamine provides, addicts
go through a “binge and crash” cycle, wherein they may stay awake for several days, sleep for
a day, and then restart the cycle. The combination of the drugs’ effects and the accompanying
food and sleep deprivation can result in psychotic behavior, including paranoia, hallucina-
tions, and repetitive behaviors (stereotypy), such as hours spent pacing.

Methamphetamine is unique among the so-called “hard drugs” cocaine,heroin)

(e.g., in
that methamphetamine is relatively easy to produce using substances that can be legally
purchased in the United States. Thus, whereas trafficking in drugs such as cocaine and heroin
(i.e., drugs produced from plants that do not fare well in the United States) requires a combi-
nation of foreign suppliers, international smugglers, and regional distributors virtually
anyone can produce methamphetamine in their own home. As a result, methamphetamine use
has spread rapidly, even in isolated rural areas where other hard drugs are somewhat difficult
to obtain. For instance, research conducted in Nebraska shows that cocaine use is more
common among urban denizens than residents of rural areas, but methamphetamine use is as
common in rural areas as in urban areas.
Another danger is that methamphetamine production involves combustible materials.
Consequently, numerous methamphetamine producers (many of whom are themselves
addicts) have been killed in explosions while attempting to manufacture the drug. And,
because many clandestine methamphetamine laboratories are operated by inexperienced
methamphetamine producers, there is extreme variation in the composition of methampheta-
mine. This has no doubt contributed to the more than 10,000 methamphetamine-related
admissions to hospital emergency rooms that occur in the United States every year. Finally,
although research suggests that methamphetamine use is decreasing among adolescents,
analyses of recent data show that more than 6 percent of high school students have used
methamphetamine, which indicates the drug poses a serious risk to the adolescent populace.

Herz, D. (2000). Drugs in the heartland: Methamphetamine use in rural Nebraska . Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Liska, K. (1997). Drugs and the human body with implications for society,
5th ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2002).
Methamphetamine abuse and addiction . Bethesda, MD: U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on
Drug Abuse.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2004).
High school and youth trends.
Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Ben Brown

MONITORING THE FUTURE. Surveying attitudes and drug use patterns of stu-
dents and adults each year, Monitoring the Future (MTF) has reported trend data on high
school seniors since 1975. Based at the University of Michigan’s Institute of Social
Research, the principal researchers are Lloyd Johnston, Jerald Bachman, John Schulenberg,
Patrick O’Malley, and John Wallace. The MTF study has obtained representative samples of
students from which to report student and adult prevalence rates for various types of licit and
illicit drugs. A total of 50,000 randomly selected students are used for the study. The study
measures prevalence three ways: lifetime use, use in the past year, and use in the last thirty
days. Use of representative samples enables users of MTF research to apply the rates to the
U.S. student and adult population (until the age of forty-five).
Each year the study releases a two-volume National Survey Results. The first looks at
trends in drug use for students in eighth, tenth (started in 1991), and twelfth grade. The sec-
ond volume follows previously sampled students as college students and adults from age

nineteen to forty-five years of age. Additional publications such as an overview of key

findings and press releases, focus on particular trends, such as teen smoking. Social scien-
tists, educators, and policymakers use the study to keep track of the ebbs and flows of drug
use. When drug use rates increase or new drugs of abuse are found, this illustrates problems
that need to be addressed in prevention, research, and policy. The survey also addresses ease
of access, a critical concern in substance abuse prevention.
Being funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the research program maintains an
Internet website that provides many publications for consumers, including topical press
releases. The website reviews the purposes, research design,and methods of sampling and
explains how the survey is administered.
There are other studies that attempt to track drug use, but MTF does so in a unique way.
The National Survey on Drug and Health(changed from the National Household Survey
of Drug Abuse) links drug abuse with measures of mental health. It provides details on the
prevalence and correlates of individuals who use drugs and manifest mental problems.
The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey focuses primarily on alcohol and other licit and illicit
drugs reported by college students. The MTF study provides a longer trend line and also
studies early adolescence, the age when the onset of drug use is initiated.
Beginning in 2000, the Monitoring the Future study revealed some declines in illicit drug
use among youth. The 2004 MTF National Results on Adolescent Drug Use reported
declines in cigarettes, marijuana, LSD, steroids, and ecstasy. Hallucinogens other than LSD,
heroin, cocaine and crack, and tranquilizers are reported as stable. Two drugs show increases,
especially for eighth graders: inhalants and OxyContin (a narcotic
prescription drug). Most
illicit drugs have monthly use rates considerably less than 10 percent of students. Monthly
prevalence rates for alcohol were 48 percent for high school seniors, and 30 percent reported
binge drinking in the last two weeks. Cigarette smoking in the last month was 23 percent
while marijuana’s rate was 19.9 percent.
Perceived risk and personal disapproval toward specific drug use is also assessed by the
MTF and reveals students increasingly view illicit drugs and binge drinking as unacceptable.
These attitudes influence drug use behavior.

Bachman, G., O’Malley, P., Johnston, L., Merline, A., Ludden, A., & Schulenberg, J. (Eds.). (2002).
The decline of substance use in young adulthood
. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Johnston, L., O’Malley, P., Bachman, J., & Schulenberg, J. (2005).
Monitoring the future: National
results on adolescent drug use, overview of key findings,. 2004
Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services.

James Steinberg

MUSIC, JUVENILE VIOLENCE AND. Although various forms of media have

long been blamed for violence, recent events have drawn greater attention to the role violent
motion pictures, television, music, and video games might play. It is clear a number of the
school shooters of the 1990s and 2000s enjoyed a variety of forms of violent media; what
remains unclear is the degree that their viewing, listening, and playing might have influenced
their actions. In 1999, shortly after the Columbine shooting, President Clinton asked the
Federal Trade Commission to study whether the motion picture, music, computer, and video
game industries market and advertise violent material to children and teens and whether the

current rating and labeling systems are effective at controlling young people’s access to
violent material. The commission found that only the video game industry specifically pro-
hibited marketing products rated as violent to young people, yet it still happens. They also
concluded that marketing and media plans were most likely to reach people under the age of
seventeen, as they are advertised on the most popular television shows, websites, magazines,
and even in sporting goods and other stores.
Over one thousand studies have been conducted addressing the effect of media violence,
and groups such as the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics,
and the National Institute of Mental Health have all pronounced there is a relationship
between violent media and violent actions. What research has not definitively answered to
date is whether the relationship is causal or correlational. Most of these studies, however,
have addressed viewing violent television or film, rather than listening to music. A few stud-
ies have focused on the role of music. One Swedish study found those who developed an
early interest in rock music were more likely to be influenced by their peers. Another study
of college students found those who listened to more antisocial music were more accepting
of antisocial behaviors. Yet another study found that, after listening to “tense music”—music
with no lyrics but that was dubbed intense—people wrote more unpleasant stories.
Regardless of the actual impact of media on violent behavior, polls repeatedly show the
U.S. public is concerned about media violence. Even teens themselves often recognize there
is a correlation; A Time/CNN poll found 75 percent of teens age thirteen to seventeen think
the Internet is partly to blame for violent crime, 66 percent think movies, television, and
music are, and 56 percent think video games are partly to blame.
Music is of concern because teens are voracious consumers. Research has demonstrated
the average teen listens to 10,500 hours of rock music between seventh and twelfth grade.
Teens listen to more than 40 hours of music each week, some of which likely contains violent
Those who express concern point to a number of cases in which the violent act followed
listening to violent music or watching violent videos. There were 144 law enforcement
officers shot on duty in 1992. Interviews with the killers revealed that violent music, such as
Ice T’s “Cop Killer,” made them feel powerful and gave them a sense of purpose. Some were
reported to have sung this and other violent, antipolice songs at the police station when they
were arrested. A seventeen-year-old was charged with stabbing a fourteen-year-old girl in
front of a satanic altar he had built. He reportedly had watched a Marilyn Manson video with
a similar altar.
Even when no specific incident is recorded, many express concern over the potential for
some violent lyrics to lead to actual violence. Nine Inch Nail’s song “Big Man with a Gun,”
for instance, glorifies a sexual assault at gunpoint. Marilyn Manson asks in one of his songs,
“Who says date rape isn’t kind?” Tool has a song called “Jerk Off,” which states, “I should
play god and shoot you myself.” Other musicians or groups who have received much atten-
tion for their violent lyrics are Jay Z, Limp Bizkit, Cypress Hill, NWA, Eminem, and Ice
Cube. Another concern is that violent content leads teens to commit suicide. A Marilyn
Manson song says, “I throw a little fit, I slit my teenage wrist.” Teen suicide was the major
issue in the 1980s, after several so-called “epidemics.” The lyrics of Ozzy Osbourne, Judas
Priest, and Metallica were all under fire and prompted the creation of the Parents Music
Resource Center, led by Tipper Gore.
Most studies have not found an effect of listening to violent lyrics. Recently, however, the
American Physicians Association announced results of a study indicating that listening to
violent lyrics leads to an increase in aggression-related thoughts and emotions. Violent

videos represent another concern, as they combine the issue of violent lyrics with violent
imagery. One analysis found thirty-six instances of weapon carrying and/or violence in just
one song by the Beastie Boys and one song by Guns-N-Roses.
Many argue, however, that blaming violent music for teens’ actions is unfair and overlooks
the realities teens face that are the primary cause of their actions. These people posit that any
relationship is correlational and that violent teens may be drawn to more violent music.
Research also supports this contention. One study found a preference for heavy metal music
was a marker for alienation, substance abuse, psychological disorders, suicide risk, sex-role
stereotyping, and risk-taking behavior. Teens themselves tend to adhere to this view.
They often say that the music they listen to simply reflects reality. Others contend that listen-
ing to violent music is cathartic for teens; that is, as Freud posited, we all have violent urges
for which we need outlets. The catharsis notion has never borne out in research, however.
Further, many times a listener cannot discern the content of specific lyrics nor do they pay
attention to them, thus some maintain they cannot possibly impact a juvenile’s behavior.
The notion that listening to violent music is a factor in violent behavior is rooted in
learning theories. Interventions, then, should also be based on learning theory as well.
Recognizing that it is difficult to completely eliminate violent media, the American Academy
of Pediatrics recommends a nationwide media education program.
Those who are convinced that media plays a primary role in juvenile violence often go
overboard in their response. While many organize boycotts of controversial musicians, others
have gone so far as to ban the wearing of clothes depicting a group or artist. In one area, local
law enforcement recommended educators carefully monitor any teen interested in rap or heavy
metal music and even search their lockers. Parents were told to take their kids in for psycholog-
ical assessments. In August 2005, a judge overturned the expulsion of a fourteen-year-old who
had written violent and profane rap lyrics for a school assignment. The judge determined the
lyrics were expression, not true threats.

See alsoFilm, Juvenile Violence and; News, Juvenile Violence and; Television, Juvenile
Violence and; Victims in the Media

Freedman, J. (2002). Media violence and its effects on aggression: Assessing the scientific. evidence
Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Gerdes, L. (Ed.). (2003).
Media violence: Opposing viewpoints. New Haven, CT: Greenhaven.
Grossman, D., & DeGaetano, G. (1999). Stop teaching our kids to kill: A call to action against T.V.,
movie, and video game violence. New York: Crown.
Rich, M., Woods, E., Goodman, E., Emans, S., & Durant, R. (1998). Aggressors or victims: Gender and
race in music video violence.
Pediatrics, 101(4), 669–674.
Sternheimer, K. (2003). It’s not the media: The truth about popular culture’s influence on children
Boulder, CO: Westview.

Laura L. Finley
assembler or compiler of juvenile justice qualitative and quantitative information is the
National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ). The Center tracks state juvenile justice issues,
reforms, and innovations and publishes descriptions of the organizational and administrative
structure of state delinquency services. The agency is a nonprofit private organization.
The National Center for Juvenile Justice is the research division of the National Council of
Juvenile and Family Court Judges and was established in 1973.
The Center has been an information source for those interested in research related to
juvenile justice. NCJJ is the only national, private research organization that has juvenile
justice as their exclusive subject matter. The agency established its own budget and is respon-
sible for its own upkeep. In order to remain operating, the agency must generate its own
operating funds.
NCJJ is composed of three departments, including systems research, applied research, and
legal research. The goal of the applied research division is to assist the nation’s juvenile and
family courts and juvenile probation departments in solving their daily problems. The goal of
the legal research division is to conduct comparative analyses of state juvenile codes, model
acts, national standards, and family law. The goal of the systems research division is to
provide policymakers, justice professionals, the media, and the public with the most current
statistical information available on children as both victims and offenders and about the juve-
nile justice system. Through the three departments, the Center has developed resources and
capacities that make it unique in the juvenile justice field with substantial support from both
public and private sources.
“The mission of the National Center for Juvenile Justice is effective justice for children
and families . . . our primary means of accomplishing that mission is through research and
technical assistance” (NCJJ, 2005). The agency’s services to the public include but are not
limited to: law/statute analysis, statistical research (creates data files and custom analysis),
program planning and evaluation, facility evaluation and/or planning, court services and
administration, technical assistance, and information dissemination. The Center deals with
issues such as confidentiality, crime statistics, the death penalty, delays in the justice system,
detention, family court, female offenders, legislation, parental responsibility, probation, and
transfers to criminal/adult courts.
The Center compiles juvenile justice information about all of the states in the United
States. The Center also compiles lists of initial contacts and summary information from
NCJJ’s own records, state and local suppliers to national juvenile court data archives, various
published directories including the National Directory of Children and Youth Services, the
American Correctional Association’s National Juvenile Detention Directory, probation and
parole directories, directories of juvenile and adult correctional departments, institutions,

paroling authorities, and various state court and state juvenile corrections agency websites
and annual reports. The Center can also answer questions regarding each state’s organiza-
tional and administrative services.

Cohill, B. (n.d.). National center for juvenile justice: Celebrating 30 years. Available from:
Snyder, H. (1999). Juvenile arrests, 1998. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Snyder, H., & Sickmund, M. (1999). Juvenile offenders and victims: 1999 national report. National
Center for Juvenile Justice. Available from: www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org.

Evaristus Obinyan


Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) is a nonprofit organization that aims to promote
fairer and more economically sound solutions to family and community problems of crime
and delinquency. In order to achieve this mission, the NCCD makes connections not only
with individuals, but also other public and private organizations and the media in order to
prevent and reduce criminal activities and delinquency.
When the juvenile court system began to expand in the early twentieth century, the NCCD
was established in 1907. Working to prevent children from facing the perils of the country’s
criminal justice system, the NCCD’s earliest mission was to develop and lobby for new sys-
tems of determent and punishment for children and youths, including probation and parole.
A strong organization from the beginning, the NCCD was influential in many states and was
able to promote and help establish their first juvenile court systems. Additionally, the NCCD
interested itself in promoting the rehabilitation of all offenders, not just children and youths,
without making them face the harsh realities of incarceration.
As the organization progressed, it began to reach out more to citizens. In 1954, it estab-
lished a program to better incorporate citizens into its attempts at reform. The involvement
program not only had a research component to gather information about criminal justice
reform awareness, but also a consultation component to seek out potential citizen support.
The Ford Foundation sponsored the program, and the NCCD was able to establish citizen
committees in twenty-one states. The citizen committees concentrated themselves upon
the NCCD’s traditional goals of reform and improvement of criminal justice from their
beginning and have remained and expanded to other states.
Other foundations began to also support the NCCD throughout the 1960s and 1970s,
including the Mary Babcock Reynolds Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the
National Institute of Mental Health, allowing the NCCD to better promote awareness and to
become a stronger organization. With this new financial power, a council of judges was
established to research and lobby for reform. Once again, the Ford Foundation strongly
supported the NCCD, allowing it to solicit more nationwide contributions to the new council.
Soon, the NCCD became influential enough to gain the full attention and support of the
presidency. In 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson was strongly in favor of the establishment
of the National Emergency Committee (NEC), also supported by the NCCD. The NEC went
on to propose and hold many conferences in cities nationwide and involved business leaders
who wished to discuss and debate new methods for justice reform and crime reduction.

More recently, the NCCD inaugurated its Children’s Research Center (CRC) in 1991,
which aims to influence juvenile and child protection systems and standards nationwide by
working with relevant state and local agencies. Through all of its work, the NCCD has gained
not just national influence, but also an international reputation for working for improvement
and reform of the criminal justice system. As the organization has become more powerful, it
is able to propose and support the implementation of new standards in the areas of women
and justice, violence prevention, and community-based crime action plans. To this day, the
NCCD works to ensure that punishment is never the only solution.

Home. (n.d.). National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Available from: http://www.nccd-crc.org/
Mission. (n.d.). National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Available from: http://www.nccd-crc.org/
More about NCCD: Our history. (n.d.). National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Available from:

Arthur Holst


the National Crime Victimization Survey is distributed and administered by the U.S. Census
Bureau for the Bureau of Justice Statistics. It is the authoritative source of information on
crime victimization in the United States. Goals of the survey include gathering detailed infor-
mation about victims and consequences of crime, estimating the volume and types of crimes
that have not been reported to law enforcement, providing a uniform system of measuring
specific, select crimes, and allowing accurate comparisons over time of the different types of
crimes and areas in which they occur.
The survey is taken twice yearly from a nationwide representative sample of about
100,000 people age twelve years and older. Due to the age range of survey participants, a
valid criticism is that juvenile victimization is likely underreported. Mainly, the National
Crime Victimization Survey tracks crime rates and trends. In contrast Uniform
to the Crime
Reports (UCR), it reveals figures on crimes not reported to police and illustrates the
frequency, characteristics, and consequences of being a crime victim. Taken from the
victim’s perspective, it avoids police bias and more accurately reflects specific characteristics
(race, gender, context of the crime, etc.) of the victim, offender, and crime. The survey
intends to indicate the likelihood of victimization for the U.S. population as a whole and for
special populations, such as women, the elderly, minority groups, rural residents, and urban
Crimes listed on the survey are categorized as either “personal” or “property” crimes.
Personal crimes include: rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and
purse-snatching/pickpocketing. Property crimes include: burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft,
and vandalism.
The National Crime Victimization Survey serves as an informational resource for law
enforcement, lawmakers, policymakers, administrators, and researchers. Information gained
from the survey is utilized to place emphasis on reducing and preventing chronically prob-
lematic crimes. By tracking crime and victimization trends, governmental administrators can
prioritize policies and operations by importance with regard to the existing needs of victims

and communities. With regard to juvenile violence, an effort can be made to reduce the
number of juvenile victims of specific crimes. In the past, the National Crime Victimization
Survey has revealed such specific trends in crime victimization as what hours of the day were
the highest risk for juveniles in being the victim of a violent crime. This information has been
used by teachers and school administrators to create policies and programs that reduce the
risk during specific times of the day, thus reducing overall risk to potential juvenile victims.

National Crime Victimization Survey. (2005, June). Data sets: Crimes & victims. Center for
Criminology & Criminal Justice Research . University of Texas at Austin Website. Available at:
National Crime Victimization Survey Resource Guide. (2005, June).
National Archive of Criminal Justice
Data. University of Michigan Website. Available at: http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/NACJD/NCVS/.

Adam Doran


Household Survey on Drug Abuse, recently renamed the National Survey on Drug Use and
Health (NSDUH), is administered by the federal Department of Health and Human Services
in order to research and summarize the pervasiveness and consequences of drug and alcohol
abuse among the U.S. citizenry. It is the federal government’s main source of nationwide
information on drug and alcohol abuse and has been conducted since 1971. Performed and
analyzed annually, roughly 70,000 citizens of the fifty states and the District of Columbia
above the age of twelve participate in the survey every year. This report, once published, is
available to the public online.
Information is collected from households and noninstitutional establishments, such as
shelters, dormitories, and military bases. Certain groups of people are excluded from the sur-
vey, including those who are in prison, on active military duty, or on long-term hospital stays.
Data is solicited from all fifty states based upon an independent and multistage probability
sample. Interestingly, data samples collected from the eight largest states are substantial
enough to draw conclusions and make estimates about drug and alcohol abuse in those states.
Concerning sampling, youths and young adults are over-sampled in order to provide a
more equal distribution of age ranges. These three groups are youths from twelve to seven-
teen years old, young adults from eighteen to twenty-five years old, and adults from twenty-
six and older.
Data collection methodology involves many in-person interviews performed at their home
or place of residence. Before the introduction of the computer-assistant system used currently,
a paper-based interviewer method was used, known as PAPI methodology. Since 1999, CAPI
and ACASI methodology has been used, incorporating computers to allow for a more confi-
dential way of answering the questions presented by the survey. As a result, many researchers
at the NSDUH believe that the survey attained a new level of confidentiality and honesty.
The survey not only inquires about a subject’s current drug and alcohol use, but also about
use during the last year and the entire lifetime. Since current use only refers to consumption
during the last month, these inquiries allow the survey to cover a much larger time frame.
Nine classes of drugs are researched and analyzed, made up of marijuana, cocaine, inhalants,
hallucinogens, heroin, and misused prescription drugs that are dealt with individually as pain
relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives. For alcohol, abuse is categorized as binge

use, which is five or more drinks on one occasion, and regular heavy use. Additionally,
inquiries are also made about tobacco use.
Processing the data, NSDUH performs numerous edits, consistency checks, and conducts
statistical imputation to replace missing data. Survey controls are placed upon non-responses,
sample populations, and extreme responses only when absolutely necessary. Lastly, the sam-
pling error is calculated and reported before final analysis and publication is undertaken.
Currently, the final survey report is made public by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, an agency of USDUH.

About SAMHSA. (n.d.). SAMHSA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Available from:
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). (n.d.). Office of Applied Science: U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services. Available from: http://www.oas.samhsa.gov/2k3/NSDUH/
SAMHSA. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). National Survey on Drug Use and Health
methodology reports and questionnaires. Available from: http://www.oas.samhsa.gov/nhsda/

Arthur Holst

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE (NIJ). The National Institute of Justice

(NIJ) originated in 1968 as part of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act.
Congress formed the Institute to act as a federal criminal justice research agency. The NIJ
was designed as a progressive effort, assisting local governments with the improvement of
police services, courts, and corrections. Research conducted by the NIJ also seeks to reveal
new information and understandings of criminal behavior. The main goal of the organization
is to create critical knowledge in the fields of crime and justice, then share and implement
that knowledge.
The NIJ is an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice, overseen by a director who is
appointed by the president and approved by the Senate. In addition to conducting new
research, the NIJ continuously evaluates modern governmental programs and offers grants to
independent researchers for new information on crime and justice. The Institute seeks to find
objective, independent, and evidence-based information in order to best guide policy and
practice in the justice system.
In order to reduce costs and improve efficiency, the NIJ was reorganized in 2003. Today, the
Institute manages such programs as the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (a clear-
inghouse of criminal justice information), the National Commission on the Future of DNA
Evidence (seeks to maximize the value of DNA evidence to the justice system), Mapping and
Analysis for Public Safety (authority on crime-mapping), and Violence Against Women and
Family Violence Research. The information these and other programs have produced is
disseminated through numerous publications that provide up-to-date research and statistics as
well as suggested policies and practices. The NIJ plays a significant role in the fight against
juvenile violence, acting as an important source of research and information. The Institute
releases reports frequently on topics including school safety, juvenile gangs, and monitoring
juvenile drug abuse. Some recent examples of the agency’s work to prevent juvenile violence
are:EvaluatingGREAT A School-Based Gang Prevention Program (NIJ Report, June 2004),

Youth Gangs in Rural America

(NIJ Journal Article, July 2004) and Toward Safe and Orderly
Schools: The National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools
(NIJ Research In Brief,
November 2004).

About NIJ. (n.d.). National Institute of Justice. Available at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/about.htm.
Programs. (n.d.). National Institute of Justice. Available at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/programs.htm.
Publications. (n.d.). National Institute of Justice. Available at: http://nij.ncjrs.org/publications/

Adam Doran


Safety Center (NSSC), an organization that advocates safe and peaceful schools, not just in
the United States but also worldwide, is located in Westlake Village, California. In order to
achieve its goals, NSSC acts as a resource for school communities and those who work in
conjunction with school districts to provide information, resources, training, and consulta-
tions for the improvement of school safety. Going further, NSSC develops and promotes its
own strategies that it in turn shares with school districts and school safety personnel.
This mission to create a safe and peaceful learning environment is based upon NSSC’s
belief that the feeling of being “safe” is essential to a successful learning and growth envi-
ronment. The security that NSSC aims to promote creates more effective schools free from
violence and other distractions.
To achieve this vision and mission, NSSC offers a variety of programs and services to
school districts and education personnel. First, it advocates for school safety not as the only
solution to bettering schools worldwide, but as part of a more holistic approach where safety
is only one component of an effective school. It offers training to everyone who has an
impact upon school safety, particularly educators, law enforcement officials, and other pro-
fessionals who work at schools. It is active at school safety conferences and workshops, often
delivering keynote addresses on particular aspects of school safety, depending on hot topics,
trends, or strategies. Every strategy or program offered to a certain school is customized by
NSSC to meet specific needs. Lastly, it provides on-site technical assistance to schools and
communities who request it when they are facing rather significant and demanding crises.
Additionally, NSSC performs on-site assessments of school safety, provides international
leadership and research on school safety, publishes media commentaries, resources, and an
informative website. Most often, schools and communities utilize videos and publications
produced by NSSC to develop their own strategies in conjunction with NSSC’s suggestions.
It is also an active participant during “Safe Schools Week” that occurs annually in October.
Most recently, NSSC has been busy preparing and presenting its programs and strategies
geared toward the issue of terrorism and school safety. It offers two programs to address this
issue: “Safeguarding Schools against Terror” and “Managing Schools Under the Threat of
Terror.” Within each program, NSSC explains the Department of Homeland Security’s
risk alert status color-coded scheme, details why schools are at risk for potential terrorist
attacks, and offers assistance in finding the appropriate actions and responses to these trou-
bling and demanding issues. Advocating safe and secure schools, NSSC offers up-to-date
services and programs to schools worldwide in order to achieve its vision of a peaceful
learning environment.

NSSC Homepage. (n.d.). National School Safety Center. Available from: http://www.nssc1.org/
Students Against Violence Everywhere: Safe School Week. (n.d.). SAVE. Available from: http://www

Arthur Holst

NATIONAL YOUTH SURVEY. The National Youth Survey (NYS) is a longitudinal

probability study of 1,725 adolescents between the ages of eleven and seventeen that began
in 1976. It is an influential study utilized by many disciplines whose focus is on attitudes and
behaviors of the respondents on such topics as education, family relationships, and condi-
tions of their neighborhoods. The survey is concerned with subject matter about career goals,
family and community involvement, and violence, drugs, and social values. Currently, the
survey has data on three generations.
Del Elliott is the creator and founder of the NYS. Since the beginning of the survey,
participants have been interviewed in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.
The respondents for the National Youth Survey were randomly chosen from across the
United States and are thought to represent views, attitudes, and behaviors of other American
inhabitants of roughly the same demographic characteristics.
The gender distribution is 53 percent male and 47 percent female. The majority of partici-
pants are white (79 percent), with 15 percent African Americans, 4.5 percent Latino or
Hispanic, 1 percent Asian American/Pacific Islander, and less than 1 percent is Native
American. As of 1992, over 80 percent of the original respondents have continued participat-
ing with the survey.
Information collected on the demographics of the respondents includes gender, ethnicity,
date of birth, age, marital status, and employment. Marital status and employment of the par-
ents of the participants are included as well. All interviews were originally conducted with
the young respondents, as well as one of their parents.
Beginning in 1993, the survey included a section on the original respondent’s family,
interviewing not only the original respondent, but their children and partners as well.
To accommodate this expansion, the study changed its name to the National Youth
Survey–Family Study (NYS–FS) in 2000. This was to account for the aging of the partici-
pants and the growth of their families. The NYS–FS includes questions about the respon-
dent’s family and their careers.
Currently, interviews last approximately ninety minutes. The respondents are interviewed
about their attitudes, values, and beliefs on both conventional and deviant behavior.
This includes disruptive events in the home, problems in their neighborhood, parental
aspirations for the participants, labeling, integration of family and peers, deviance, parental
discipline, involvement in their community, drug and alcohol use, victimization, pregnancy,
depression, outpatient services, spousal violence, and sexual activity.
There have been eleven waves conducted thus far for the NYS–FS, beginning with the
original cohort in 1976 and continuing through the year 2004. In the year 2002, they
started collecting DNA of the respondents for the first time. Currently the research labs
for the NYS–FS are located at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The Institute of
Behavioral Science and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics collaborate on data collection

National Youth Survey (NYS) Series. (n.d.). National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. Available at:
National Youth Family Study. (n.d.). University of Colorado. Available at: http://www.colorado.edu/

April C.Wilson


European immigrants, Native Americans and their youth have been stripped of their cul-
tural identity, colonized, oppressed, and discriminated against. Native American youth
were eventually forced into military-style boarding schools where they were forced to
speak English and give up traditional ways. While the practice of boarding schools
has diminished, the educational experience for Native youth remains poor. Today, around
30 percent of native students drop out annually, reflecting the highest dropout rate of all
ethnic groups.
In addition to problems with education, Native youth experience significant other social
problems. Thesuiciderate for Native American youth is three times that of the national aver-
age. Native American youth represent 1 percent of the population. They also reflect 2 to 3
percent of the youth arrested for larceny-theft and liquor law violations. Native Americans
between the ages of twelve to twenty stand a 58 percent higher risk of becoming crime vic-
tims than whites and blacks. Native American and Alaska Native children have twice the rate
of death caused by injuries or violence as do other children. Indians under fifteen years of age
are murdered at twice the rate of white teenagers. Native Americans ages fifteen to twenty-
four have alcohol-related deaths seventeen times higher than the national average. Alcohol-
related deaths are more than ten times higher among Indian teens than those of other races.
Discrimination against Native Americans is associated with early onset of substance abuse
with Indian children.
There is a disparate number of Native American youth in secure confinement when
compared to their representation in the population in twenty-six states. For example, South
Dakota’s Native American youth population is approximately 13 percent, and represented
approximately 45 percent of the youth incarcerated at the South Dakota State Training
School in 2000. By 2001, the number of Native American youth in the Federal Bureau of
Prisons system increased by 50 percent. In midyear 2000, Native American youth
represented nearly 16 percent of inmates in custody in Indian country facilities.
A current concern in Indian country is the spread of gangs. A survey of Indian communi-
ties in 2000 revealed that 23 percent indicated the presence of active gangs. These gangs
were primarily Native American gangs (78 percent). The Native American gangs spawned on
reservations include Thug Rida, Red Pride, Eastside Brown Dawgs, Brown Tribe Krew, Born
Strictly Rotten, and Everybody Killers. Imported gangs, like the Crips and the Bloods, were
brought onto reservations by tribal members who lived in urban areas and then returned
home. Gangs accounted for one homicide in 14 percent of the cases and two or more homi-
cides in 8 percent of the instances. In 2000, the Bureau of Indian Affairs estimated that there
were 520 gangs on Indian reservations, with a total of more than 6,000 members.
Various approaches have been used to bring a halt to the problems that plague Native
American youth. These include traditional spirituality or culturally relevant and sensitive
approaches to therapy or social work.

See alsoEducational Opportunity and Juvenile Violence; Gang Types; Weise, Jeff

Arrillaga, P. (2001, April 15). ‘Stuck between two worlds’: Tribal youth ravaged by violence, drug
abuse, depression, culture.Los Angeles Times, B1.
Associated Press. (2004, August 10). Program targets Natives’ drinking.
Lincoln Journal Star, 02.
Associated Press. (2000, July 14). Crime rate rises among Indian Denver
youth. Post, A06.
Beiser, V. (2000, July 10/July 17). Boyz on the rez.
New Republic,2/3, 15–17.
Bighorn, E. (2005, August 4). Suicide ‘epidemic’ grips reservations: Young American Indians gather in
Montana to find ways to stop the trend. Orlando Sentinel, A12.
Building Blocks for Youth. (n.d.). Native American youth fact sheet. Available from:
Clark, J. (1996). No reservations about gangs: Urban youth-crime problem infects Indian country.Law
Enforcement News , 447, 1.
Clemmons, L. (200l). We find it a difficult work.
American Indian Quarterly,24(4), 570–602.
Creno, C. (1995, July 11). Seeds of hope from cultural roots: Native American woman guides at-risk
youths and others in spiritual journey to sense of identity.
Arizona Republic, D1.
Duarte, C. (2002, November 24). Gangs find new land. Arizona Daily Star, A1.
Henderson, E., Kunitz, S., & Jerrold, L. (1999). The origins of Navajo youth gangs.
American Indian
Culture and Research Journal , 23(3), 243–264.
Kurilovitch, M. (1998, February 8). After school program helps Tuscarora students walk News
Niagara Correspondent , NC1.
Lincoln, J. (2000, March 13). School not for them, many Indian youths feel an academic star that is
unhappy that his Ho-Chunk peers resent his success: The drop out rate for Native American students
is higher than any other ethnic group.Lincoln (Neb.) Journal Star
, 1A.
Listug-Lunde, L. (2004). A cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression in Native American middle-
school students. Doctoral dissertation. University of North Dakota.
Major, A., Egley, A., Howell, J., Mendenhall, B., & Armstrong, T. (2004, March 4). Youth gangs in
Indian country. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Juvenile Justice .Bulletin
Available at: http://www.ncjrs.org/html/ojjdp/jjbul2004_3_1/contents.html.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (2003, May 30). Native Americans, violent
crime, children and youth. Juvenile Justice Digest,
31(10), 4.
Piere, R. (2004, March 31). Northwest tribe struggles to revive its language: Project a challenge for
Klallam, others as Native speakers age. Washington Post, A3.
Shillinger, S. (1995). “They never told us they wanted to help us”: An oral history of Saint Joseph’s
Indian Industrial School. Doctoral dissertation. University of Pennsylvania.
Strickland, D. (1995, May 16). Reservations trying to chase gangs away—Washington tribes turn to
counseling, increased vigilance to combat problem. Seattle Times
, A1.
Whitebeck, L., McMorris, B., Xiaojin, C., & Stubben, J. (2001). Perceived discrimination and early
substance abuse among American Indian children. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 42(4),
Wright, G. (2000, November 24). Gangs lure Native Americans, Indian youths mirror urban blacks,
Latinos who search for identity. Detroit News, 18.
Youth violence: A report of the Surgeon General. (n.d.). Available at: www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/

Mike Olivero

NEUROLOGICAL THEORIES. Neurological theories focus on the role of the

brain and nervous system in explaining violent behavior. Empirical tests of these theories
generally involve the use of medical technology to measure brain waves, heart rate, arousal
levels, skin conductance, and attention span. In other cases, psychological tests and even
standardized tests are used to measure cognitive ability and specialized learning. Most
commonly, these theories involve a deficiency or damage to some part of the brain.
Sometimes this is the result of a genetic defect. Brain damage in utero and in early childhood
have also been correlated with increased tendencies toward both youth and adult violence.
Some of history’s most notorious serial killers, including David Berkowitz (better known as
“The Son of Sam”), Kenneth Bianchi, and John Wayne Gacy, all suffered childhood head

The Neuroendocrine System

This view asserts that an imbalance in the neuroendocrine system, which controls brain
chemistry, may be linked to antisocial behavior. Research has demonstrated a connection
between abnormalities in the way the brain metabolizes glucose and substance abuse.
This may develop while a fetus is developing. The fetus requires a steady stream of glucose
in order for the brain to grow. If the mother is not providing the fetus with adequate nutrition,
the brain may not receive the needed amounts of amino acids and proteins that produce
serotonin and dopamine. Low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that provides for
communication with the brain, may also be the result of genetic error. In addition, studies
have shown that inadequate nurturing early in life can lead to a deregulation of these
Depleted serotonin levels can reduce inhibitions, thus making an individual more impul-
sive and perhaps more likely to act out violently. The combination of high noradrenaline and
low serotonin is the most likely to lead to impulsive forms of behavior. When noradrenaline
and serotonin are both low, the individual may be more prone to high-risk behavior as they
seek to be aroused. Low levels of serotonin are correlated with suicidal tendencies, violence
and aggression, depression, alcoholism, and impulsive behavior. Studies have demonstrated
that individuals diagnosed with violent personality disorders have both low serotonin levels
and high testosterone levels, which might explaingender differences in violent crime rates
among juveniles.

Neurological Dysfunction
Another neurological theory posits that neurological dysfunction, rather than an imbalance,
causes violent behavior. Some research has supported this view, in that some children who
act violently have minimal brain damage (MBD) or an abnormality in the brain structure.
MBD can significantly alter a person’s cognitive abilities and even their IQ. Both cognitive
ability and IQ are associated with delinquency. Other behaviors correlated with brain
dysfunctions or abnormalities include poor impulse control, limited social ability, hostility,
temper tantrums, destructiveness, and hyperactivity. MBD can be inherited or can occur
during traumatic labor or from accidents later in life. Some research has found that 95 percent
of all serious head injuries are the result of child abuse. Babies born with low birth weight are
also more likely to suffer from MBD. Research has linked brain damage to mental disorders,
such as schizophrenia and depression. In one of the most significant attempts to empirically
test the role of neurological damage in regard to violent behavior, researchers found habitually

aggressive youth had, on average, a 57 percent abnormality rate on an electroencephalogram

(EEG), compared to an average 12 percent abnormality rate for youth who had committed
only one violent act. A 1986 study examined the neurological histories of fifteen death row
inmates and found that every member of the experimental population had experienced severe
head injury prior to incarceration. Similarly, every one of a sample of fourteen juveniles on
death row in 1988 had sustained a serious head injury.
Similarly, dysfunctions in the frontal lobe of the brain have been linked with delinquency.
The frontal lobe is responsible for the brain’s ability for abstract thinking, planning, and
self-monitoring, all of which might be connected to a juvenile’s violent behavior. Some
researchers have said that frontal lobe damage is a key factor in the development of
sociopathic, “cold-blooded” criminals. Dysfunctions in the brain’s left hemispheres have
been linked to low IQ, which is itself linked to delinquency.

Learning Disabilities
Research has demonstrated that teens that are arrested and incarcerated are more likely to
have learning disabilities than those in the general population. Estimates are that approxi-
mately 10 percent of all American youths have some form of learning disability, but rates for
adjudicated delinquents ranged from 26 percent to 73 percent. Other research has shown that
between 28 and 43 percent of incarcerated youth have special education needs, with learning
disabilities the most common form. Research on adolescent females with learning disabilities
shows they are also more likely to be delinquent. More recent research has focused on
the specific learning disability of ADHD, which has been linked with higher risk for aggres-
sive behavior, family violence, low academic achievement and academic retention, substance
use and abuse, emotional problems, and antisocial behavior. Boys are five to seven times
more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, a fact that could help explain why males are over-
represented for violent crimes.
While it is not clear precisely how learning disabilities (LD) connect with delinquency,
there are two main lines of thought. One is that the effects of learning disabilities, including
impulsivity and inability to pick up on important social cues, are what lead to delinquency
and violence. The other argument is that frustration from the learning disability leads
to school failure, and thus the student may act out both inside and outside of school.
LD students may be more easily frustrated, and the rigid expectations of traditional public
school education may make it difficult for them to feel successful. Thus,
educational oppor-
tunity may be the critical variable.
Some maintain, however, that these rates do not necessarily tell us who is committing acts
of violence; rather, they tell us who is getting caught for them. Further, biases may lead to
greater focus on these young people in schools, by police, and in other institutions.
Additionally, when other sources are used, such as self-reports, there seems to be no differ-
ence in violent behavior between LD and non-LD youth. Critics also are concerned that
neurological explanations for delinquency serve to minimize if not completely ignore social
factors. Critics maintain that these theories easily become deterministic; that is, if a person
has sustained a serious head injury, for instance, then they will automatically become violent.
Clearly, this is not the case. Research has shown, for instance, that many issues related to
serotonin can be addressed through nurturing.

See alsoArousal Theory; General Theory of Crime (GTC); Trait Theories


Brown, G. L., et al. (1982). Aggression, suicide, and serotonin: Relationships to CSF metabolites.
American Journal of Psychiatry , 139, 741–746.
Karr-Morse, R., & Wiley, M. (1997).Ghosts from the nursery . New York: Atlantic Monthly Press.
Lewis, D. O., et al. (1986). Psychiatric, neurological, and psychoeducational characteristics of 15 death
row inmates in the United States.American Journal of Psychiatry, 143
, 838–845.
Monroe, R. (1987).Brain dysfunction in aggressive criminals. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath.
Seguin, J., Pihl, R., Harden, P., Tremblay, R., & Boulerice, B. (1995). Cognitive and neuropsychologi-
cal characteristics of physically aggressive boys. Journal of Abnormal Psychology,, 614–24.
Winters, C. (1997). Learning disabilities, crime, delinquency, and special education placement.
Adolescence, 32(126), 451–463.

Laura L. Finley

NEW YORK HOUSES OF REFUGE. Houses of Refuge were early juvenile

facilities that housed delinquents and neglected, abused, poor, and orphaned children.
These houses were managed by superintendents who focused on moving away from a
family-style upbringing and toward a societal-style religious upbringing with an emphasis on
education and hard work. Even though these early institutions were designed to replace the
family and provide a religious atmosphere, they were quickly organized and managed much
like authoritative penal institutions.
The first house of refuge housed eight children, which included three females housed
separately from the males, and was opened in New York City on January 1, 1825. The house
of refuge concept quickly spread to other states and was duplicated in Rochester, New York
in 1849. These houses were established with strong religious convictions. The religious influ-
ence promoted the notion that all the residents were intrinsically evil and needed to be
reformed toward goodness.
Originally, the development of the houses of refuge was a movement away from housing
juveniles with adult offenders. These houses were intended to prevent young delinquents from
learning criminal trades from their adult counterparts and falling into a life of crime. Upon
entry to the houses, parents, who were looked down upon by society for their inability to raise
their children, would give total control and responsibility of the child’s upbringing to the super-
intendent of the house. The superintendent provided strict discipline to his residents. Even the
smallest infractions would result in vigorous whippings with the use of a cat-o’-nine-tails.
A usual day consisted of waking up at sunrise and following a rigorous schedule that
included daily chores, religious worship, education, and work. Even though religious and
educational activities were performed twice a day, the main focus at the houses of refuge was
physical labor. In the summer months the children could be expected to work up to fourteen
hours a day. The children were required to learn a trade in preparation for an apprenticeship
upon their release. Trades for the males included the manufacturing of commercial goods,
such as chairs, brass nails, brushes, and shoes. The females focused on domestic duties, such
as sewing uniforms and doing laundry. Upon the completion of their chores, schooling, wor-
ship, and work, children would return to their cells and remain silent throughout the night.
Harsh work conditions and strict discipline resulted in numerous children running away.
In accepting wayward children into the houses of refuge and taking the responsibility to
raise and care for them away from the parents, these houses of refuge were initiating a juve-
nile justice concept that would later become known parens
as patriae, or in the best interest

of the child. Under this medieval English concept, the king (the state in America) would
assume control of the child and act as its parent. Despite criticism of harsh treatment of the
children, the New York concept of houses of refuge lasted for over one hundred years.

See alsoChild Savers; Juvenile Detention Centers

Sharp, P., & Hancock, B. (Eds.). (1998). Juvenile delinquency: Historical, theoretical, and societal
reactions to youth
, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Vito, G., & Simonsen, C. (Eds.). (2004). Juvenile justice today, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.

Georgen Guerrero

NEWS, JUVENILE VIOLENCE AND. Violent crimes committed by juveniles

receive extensive coverage by the news media. As a result, the general public tends to believe
that rates of juvenile violence are increasing, irrespective of the fact that violent juvenile
crime has been steadily decreasing for at least a decade. It is surmised that many citizens use
the media as their primary source about crime and form opinions based upon what the news
media reports, regardless of inaccuracies.
The general public has long had its fears about juveniles driven by the media. In the 1950s,
people were deeply concerned that unflattering media portrayals of youth could influence
their children to behave in the same undesirable ways. These fears were furthered by the
government’s attention to the rise in juvenile delinquency after World War II. These fears
continued in the 1970s, as the perception prevailed that younger children were involved in a
large amount of violent crime. The development of national news networks, cable television,
and other advances in media technology has also contributed to the nature of citizens’ fears.
For instance, it is now permissible to cover stories that were once considered unfit for public
consumption or that could not be covered due to location. These developments have turned
what would once only be local news into national news stories with extensive coverage.
With stories of criminal activity on every television, in every newspaper, and in many
newsmagazines, society’s fear has come to include the threat of juvenile violence. Some
accuse the media of fearmongering through the way stories are framed and delivered and
contend media coverage of violent juvenile crimes contributes to “moral panic.” A moral
panic occurs when people experience intense fear as a result of the shaping of events by
people who are presumed experts on a subject. The experts contributing to most news
stories about crime are the police. Many officers and other officials refer to juvenile violence
when making statements to the media, emphasizing it as a social issue in the minds of
the public.
Studies about fear of crime indicate that most people believe juvenile violence is increas-
ing, when in fact there have been steady declines since 1994. Statistics from the Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention demonstrate that juvenile arrest for violence has
reached its lowest rate since 1983. Media reports of juvenile violence are frequently out of
proportion to the amount of juvenile violence that actually occurs. Juveniles commit more
property crime than violent crime, but property crimes committed by anyone are rarely
reported in the news.

Several factors, such as age and gender of the suspect and/or victim, have been found to
influence media reporting of juvenile violence. Younger violent juveniles tend to receive
more reporting coverage than older juveniles, and violent crimes involving juvenile female
offenders tend to receive more coverage than violent crimes committed by adult females. In
addition, while juveniles account for a very small percentage (10 percent) of suspects
arrested for murder, television news stories about juvenile murderers are significantly out of
proportion to what really occurs across the nation.
Another factor that is believed to influence reporting of juvenile violence is the race of the
suspect and victim. There is some indication that if the suspect and the victim are both black,
news coverage occurs less frequently. It has been suggested that because a vast amount of
crime occurs with black victims and suspects, crimes of this nature are not perceived as novel
by the police or as newsworthy by the media. Others, however, believe that black suspects are
overrepresented in the media, creating incorrect public visions of minorities.
Further contributing to the images of juvenile violence that people have is the couching of
stories in past events, such as school shootings. These, like much other criminal activity
reported in the news, are relatively rare events. However, they became important on a
national level because of the extensive attention they received by national news media. By
keeping these rare events in the forefront of society’s mind, the media seemingly “cultivates”
crime in the minds of its consumers. Only further research will determine the extent of the
media’s impact in the future.

See alsoFilm, Juvenile Violence and; Music, Juvenile Violence and; Television, Juvenile
Violence and; Victims in the Media

Boulahanis, J., & Heltsley, M. (2004). Perceived fears: The reporting patterns of juvenile homicide in
Chicago newspapers. Criminal Justice Policy Review,
15, 132–60.
Feld, B. (2003). The politics of race and juvenile justice: The “due process revolution” and the conser-
vative reaction.Justice Quarterly,20, 765–800.
Gilbert, J. (1998). Mass culture and the fear of delinquency: The 1950s.
Journal of Early Adolescence
5, 505–16.
Glassner, B. (2004). Narrative techniques of fear mongering.
Social Research, 71, 819–26.
Laub, J. (1983). Trends in serious juvenile crime.
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 10, 485–506.
Sacco, V. (1995). Media constructions of crime. Annals of the American Academy of Political and
Social Sciences, 539, 141–54.
Snyder, H. (2005). Juvenile arrests 2003. Juvenile Justice Bulletin
. Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.
Welch, M., Fenwick, M., & Roberts, M. (1997). Primary definitions of crime and moral panic: A con-
tent analysis of experts’ quotes in feature newspaper articles on crime. Journal of Research in Crime
and Delinquency , 34, 474–94.
Yanich, D. (2005). Kids, crime, and local television news.
Crime and Delinquency , 51, 103–132.

Wendy Perkins
PREVENTION (OJJDP). The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
was established by Congress in 1974 under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preven-
tion Act. The OJJDP seeks to improve juvenile justice policies and practices, conduct
relevant research, and provide funding for research and programs directed at preventing
juvenile violence and improving juvenile justice and the welfare of America’s youth.
Through the dissemination of current information and financial support via federal
grants, the OJJDP works toward providing better public safety, better accountability of
juvenile offenders, and more effective programs that meet the needs of youth, families, and
The OJJDP is part of the U.S. Department of Justice , Office of Justice Programs. The
organization consists of five divisions and is overseen by an administrator. Some of the pro-
grams the OJJDP coordinates include the Gang Reduction Program, Internet Crimes Against
Children Task Force Program, Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center, and Safe Start: Promising
Approaches for Children Exposed to Violence. The OJJDP releases numerous publications,
including a bimonthly newsletter, regular bulletins, journals, fact sheets, reports, and research
summaries covering topics of youth development, gangs, education issues, families, and
youth violence prevention.

About OJJDP. (2005, June). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Available at:
Programs. (2005, June). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Available at:
Publications. (2005, June). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Available at:

Adam Doran

OPERATION CEASEFIRE. Operation Ceasefire was part of a coordinated problem-

solving policing enterprise seeking to deter illegal gun possession and gun violence by
targeting high-risk youths and violent juvenile offenders from the ages of eight to eighteen.
Operation Ceasefire was part of a collaborative and comprehensive strategy that was devel-
oped over a two-year span (1994–1996) and implemented in Boston, Massachusetts
in May 1996 to address Boston’s escalating crime rates. The Boston Gun Project—gun

suppression and prohibition—and Operation Night Light—a police-probation partnership—

accompanied Operation Ceasefire’s gang abatement approach. There are two components to the
Ceasefire strategy: direct attack on illegal gun traffickers and deterring gang violence.
The Boston Police Department’s Youth Violence Strike Force (YVSF), a multiagency
task force working in collaboration with several agencies and institutions from all levels of
government, developed the strategy. Agencies participating consisted of volunteers from the
Boston Police Department; Massachusetts Department of Parole; the Suffolk County District
Attorney; the United States Attorney’s Office; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
(ATF); Massachusetts Department of Youth Services; Boston School Police; gang outreach
programs; and Boston Community Centers Program.
The primary goal of Operation Ceasefire was to warn gangs that violence would no longer
be tolerated or the full weight of law enforcement and criminal justice agencies would be
brought upon them. This was accomplished by targeting noncomplying gangs with enforce-
ment any outstanding warrants and probation surrenders. The zero tolerance message quickly
spread among the other gangs. The logic behind Ceasefire was a “pulling levers” deterrence
strategy that focused criminal justice attention on chronically offending gangs that were
responsible for many of the homicides in Boston.
Operation Ceasefire was a concerted effort between researchers, practitioners, law
enforcement, and prosecution. The concentrated focus was aimed at recovering illegal guns,
prosecuting dangerous felons, increasing public awareness, and promoting public safety.
The objectives were to assemble an inter-agency working group of line-level criminal justice
and other practitioners; to use research techniques in creating an assessment of the nature and
dynamics of youth violence in Boston; to develop an intervention that would impact youth
homicide; and the ability to evaluate the impact of this intervention.
Boston experienced an epidemic of youth homicide between the late 1980s and early
1990s. Homicides averaged forty-four per year between 1991 and 1995. Since Operation
Ceasefire, Boston has witnessed a dramatic decrease in homicides. This is most likely due to
a combination of the three strategic programs as well as neighborhood policing, tougher
youth offender laws, and more prevention and intervention programs.
The outcomes of this strategy resulted in a citywide collaboration that informed communi-
ties, allowing Boston to become a national model for the reduction in youth gun violence.
The Boston Police Department won the Innovations in American Government award from
the Ford Foundation in 1997, as well as the Herman Goldstein award for the best program
using problem-solving strategies.

See alsoGun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of; Policing
Juveniles; Urban Juvenile Violence

Kennedy, D. (1997, March). Juvenile gun violence and gun markets in Boston. National Institute of
Justice. Available at: www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/fs000160.pdf.
Kennedy, D., Braga, A., & Peihl, A. (2004). Reducing gun violence: The Boston gun project’s
Operation Ceasefire . New York: Diane Publishing Co.
Operation Ceasefire. (n.d.). Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management. Available from:

April C.Wilson


Learning Center (OSLC), an independent research center, identifies factors that lead to juvenile
delinquency. Based in Eugene, OSLC focuses on family, peer group, and school experiences
that influence social adjustment in the home, school, and community during childhood. OSLC
Community Programs, a division of OSLC that became independent in 1999, implements
treatment and prevention programs that were developed according to OSLC research.
OSLC formed to help communities prevent antisocial behavior by juveniles. Since an
increasing number of states place young delinquents in group homes or in boot camps, OSLC
researchers conducted studies to judge the effectiveness of such programs. Psychologists at
OSLC examined the development of a group of two hundred boys over five years. They dis-
covered that rule-breaking children trained others in misconduct. Boys who did not use alco-
hol or drugs before age thirteen, but who became friends with boys who did, became
substance abusers two years later. The boys who received deviant training admitted to acts of
delinquency. In conclusion, OSLC recommended that young delinquents should not be
housed together because doing so magnifies the problem of juvenile delinquency.
Ineffective parenting strategies help create juvenile delinquents. Accordingly, OSLC
examined parental responses to temper tantrums. Temper tantrums in preschool children can
be an indication that a pattern is developing in which the children will become increasingly
disobedient, rebellious, and aggressive as they grow older. Researchers studied aggressive
boys in angry families. They found that when an angry exchange between a child and other
family members lasts longer than eighteen seconds, the family had an increased chance of
becoming violent. When talking or yelling continued, it often led to hitting. The child
responds aggressively, the aggression is rewarded when the attacker withdraws, and the
child learns to repeat such tactics.
To treat seriously emotionally disturbed children, OSLC developed several specialized
foster care programs that were tested in Oregon in the 1980s. In the “Transitions” program,
foster parents implemented a daily treatment plan that was similar to a school individual edu-
cational plan. A chart set out a child’s daily schedule, with specific expectations about self-
care, chores, school performance, and social behaviors. Completion of an activity earned
points that could be traded for small prizes and special privileges. Points could also be lost
for problem behaviors. Children who participated in the program had more success in adjust-
ing outside of a hospital setting than children in a control group. In the “Monitor” program,
teenagers with a history of chronic delinquency, who have been placed or who are at risk for
placement in the state training school, are treated in foster care with systematic behavior
management programs. The teenagers were subsequently incarcerated less frequently and
for shorter periods of time than comparison youths. The specialized foster care programs
have been operated by OSLC Community Programs since 1999.

See alsoEducational Opportunity and Juvenile Violence; Mentoring

Chamberlain, P., & Weinrott, M. (1990). Specialized foster care: Treating seriously emotionally dis-
turbed children.Children Today, 19(1), 29–36.
OSLC Community Programs. (n.d.). Oregon Social Learning Center. Available from: www.oslccp.org.

Caryn Neumann
PARENS PATRIAE. Originating in medieval England, parens patriaeis a doctrine that
considers the king to be the benevolent father of the country. It then authorized the Crown to
intervene in a family’s affairs when a child’s welfare appeared to be threatened.
Parens patriaewas established as precedent in the states by theEx 1838
Parte Crouse
case, when Mary Ann Crouse was committed to the Philadelphia House of Refuge. Crouse’s
mother committed her for “vicious conduct” without the knowledge of her father. The court
rejected the claim that Mary Ann’s incarceration without a jury trial was a violation of the
Sixth Amendment. In doing so, they determined that houses of refuge were primarily educa-
tional institutions, not punitive places. A key idea that emerged from the case was that the
government can incarcerate children in order to prevent delinquency. The state, it was said,
will act “in the child’s best interest.”
Although the concept of parens patriaewas intended to protect children, it did not affect
all types of children in the same way. Slave children were generally not offered the protec-
tions of parens patriae . Further, the vast majority of children taken from parents belonged to
the lower socioeconomic classes. In addition, once a child was removed from his or her
“incapable” parents and incarcerated in a reformatory, it was quite difficult for the parents to
convince the courts they were actually able.
The concept of parens patriae was critical in the formation of juvenile courts that are
distinct from criminal courts. The more central role of the judge, the less formal procedures,
and the involvement of more players in the adjudication process all stem from the idea that
children should be treated in court as an “ideal” parent might treat them outside of court.
Hence the terminology differences—youth involved in juvenile justice are “delinquents,” not
criminals, and they are “adjudicated,” not guilty. In addition, the idea that the state should not
only respond to delinquency but can work to prevent it led to the establishment of status
offenses, or acts that are only prohibited because of the offender’s age. Under-age drinking
and curfew lawsare examples.
Critics contend that parens patriae is typically invoked as a form of elitism. Who gets
to decide what is in a child’s best interest? Critics maintain that the juvenile court today
is far more like the adult criminal justice system in regard to procedures and punish-
ments, but that juveniles are not afforded the same due process as adults. Further, many do
not see the juvenile justice system as helpful to young people but as a way to control and
label them.

See alsoDifferences between Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice; Illinois Juvenile Court;
In Loco Parentis

Schlossman, S. (1977).Love and the American delinquent. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Watkins, J. (1998).The juvenile justice century. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Laura L. Finley

PEACEABLE SCHOOLS. In recent years, there has been great concern over vio-
lence in schools. In actuality, schools are still among the safest places for young people.
Experts put the risk of dying in a school shooting at one in two million. Yet the public has
demanded that schools provide a safe place for students to be educated, and they want to see
districts take obvious measures to this end. These demands have largely been addressed via
technological and punitive responses. Schools have increasingly used a variety of surveil-
lance methods intended to deter students from being violent, such as metal detectors and
school police officers. A number of legal and disciplinary responses have also been imple-
mented with the goal of making schools safer, including zero tolerance laws, dress codes, and
drug testing. In essence, these interventions are focused on controlling student behavior,
which is often ineffective and may bring about greater violence.
These measures, however, do very little to address the climate or culture of the school,
which contributes significantly to the amount of violence that will occur. Nor do they address
systemic violence; violence against students that is built into the way schools operate.
Examples of systemic violence include tracking programs that create unnecessary hierar-
chies that limit some students and promote elitism, discipline policies that treat all students
as though they are bad, and teaching practices that do not allow students creativity and power.
Concurrent with the trend of implementing greater security measures, however, has been
a powerful but less visible movement toward creating peaceable classrooms and peaceable
Peaceable classrooms are places where peace-related themes are integrated into the cur-
riculum. More than that, though, they are classrooms where teachers share power with stu-
dents, where hierarchical relationships are minimized and cooperative endeavors are
emphasized, where all people are treated with respect and all views are welcomed, and where
conflict is positively managed. Students do not simply work in groups, but do so in ways that
stress the important and unique contribution of each individual. Peaceable schools use these
same concepts on a broader scale, integrating them into schoolwide policies and practices.
The notion of peaceable schools goes well beyond just violence reduction. Peaceable schools
are places where everyone feels important and where all students have ample opportunity to
explore their learning potential. More than simply teaching about peace and justice, peace-
able schools recognize that students learn from the way schools are structured and the meth-
ods used. Social justice, then, is an important component of peaceable schools. In sum,
peaceable schools are a comprehensive approach that uses multiple strategies to address the
multiple facets of students’ lives.
The foundation of a peaceable school is the community. Schools alone cannot eliminate
violence. Communities can support the goal of developing a peaceable school by establishing
community approaches stressing nonviolence, both for juveniles and adults. This ensures that
what is being taught at school is reinforced elsewhere. Community efforts are most success-
ful when they involve young people in creating and maintaining services. Further, communi-
ties must recognize peacemaking as a long-term effort.

Creating a peaceable school requires commitment by staff and staff training conflict
resolution as well as student involvement. All involved must understand that conflict is
inevitable and learn to manage it, not through force and domination but by reason and
understanding. Another important component of peaceable schools is the notion of emotional
intelligence; that is, all people have a need to express their emotions, and schools must be
designed to allow this expression. If students cannot express emotions, and schools do not
work with students on appropriate ways to express their feelings, violence may occur.
Peaceable schools operate in ways that provide multiple, diverse means for students to
express themselves. Peaceable schools also use controversy in a constructive manner, helping
students to hone their critical thinking skills.
The concept of peaceable schools has been implemented at all levels, but is more common
in elementary schools. Peer mediation programs are more popular with middle and high
schools, although these are limited in that they tend only to affect the mediators and those
being mediated, not the entire school.
Little evaluation of the peaceable schools movement has occurred to date. One state that
has widely embraced the notion is Tennessee, where 75 percent of schools are involved in
creating a peaceable setting. From 1997 to 2000, these schools saw a 14 percent drop in sus-
pension rates, suggesting peaceable schools are effective. Some districts saw up to 80 percent
reductions. Further, students in the state have increased critical thinking skills.
Evaluations of programs similar in nature, such as the Resolving Conflict Creatively
Program (RCCP), widely used in New York, have found that students retain more positive
behaviors throughout the school year in comparison with students not exposed to the pro-
gram. Teachers who have been trained in and are working toward creating peaceable schools
remark that, while it does not eliminate problems, problem behavior is minimized. Teachers
report that students take responsibility for resolving their problem behavior much quicker
than those without the skills provided through the peaceable schools initiative. Teachers
report using discipline as a learning experience, rather than as a punishment. Research with
students has shown they feel as though adults care more about them in a peaceable school
setting. They also feel more comfortable expressing themselves. In sum, they felt that not
only student-to-student violence had been decreased, systemic
but violenceas well.

Brock-Utne, B. (1985).Educating for peace: A feminist perspective. New York: Pergamon Press.
Caulfield, S. (2000). Creating peaceable schools.
Annals, AAPSS, 567
, 170–185.
Deutsch, M. (1993). Educating for a peaceful world.
American Psychologist, 48
(2), 510–517.
Eisler, R. (2000).Tomorrow’s children. Boulder, CO: Westview.

Laura L. Finley

PERSONALITY THEORIES. Personality, typically defined as characteristic ways of

thinking and behaving, plays an important role in understanding individual differences in
violence among juveniles. Unlike sociological theories of juvenile violence, which focus
attention on groups, communities, and societies, personality theories focus on individuals.
Personality theories relevant to the study of juvenile violence can be organized into two broad
categories: structural models and syndrome-specific models.
Structural models of personality attempt to capture the whole of human personality into a
set of domains or factors and are thus thought of as universal, in the sense that everyone can

be located within its structure. There are four examples of these universal structural models
that are important for understanding violent and antisocial behavior among juveniles. These
include the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality, Cloninger’s temperament and character
model, Eysenck’s three-factor model, and Tellegen’s three-factor model.
The FFM of personality consists of neuroticism (i.e., emotional stability), extraversion (i.e.,
sociability), openness to experience (i.e., trying or considering new things), agreeableness,
and conscientiousness. Cloninger’s model is comprised of three temperament factors: novelty
seeking, harm avoidance, and reward dependence, as well as four character domains: persistence,
self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence (i.e., spiritual activities). Eysenck’s
model includes psychoticism (i.e., callous, unemotional, and impulsive), extraversion, and
neuroticism factors. Finally, Tellegen’s model consists of positive emotionality, negative emo-
tionality, and constraint (i.e., self-control). As one can readily see, there is significant overlap
in the contents of these structural models. Likewise, all four have achieved good reliability and
validity in multiple studies. With respect to antisocial behavior, all four models contain certain
factors, such as agreeableness, psychoticism, novelty seeking, and negative emotionality, that
have been shown to be related to a range of problem behaviors. However, it should be noted
that the majority of these studies were with samples of adults. These models are likely to be
useful with juveniles but may require some modification.
Syndrome-specific models, exemplified by the study of psychopathic personality (some-
times termed sociopathic personality or antisocial personality disorder), have emerged
in recent years with a flurry of empirical investigations of juveniles. Although many descrip-
tions of psychopathic personality have been put forth, most assert that psychopathic
personality consists of individuals who are mostly male, aggressive, self-centered, callous,
guiltless, impulsive, sensation-seeking, interpersonally exploitive, deceptive, low in fear, and
unable to learn socially approved ways of satisfying immediate needs. One rationale
for studying psychopathic traits in childhood and adolescence is that a small number of
offenders,the Chronic 6 Percent, commit a noteworthy number of violent crimes, and early
identification of these juveniles might forestall lengthy and costly patterns of violent
behavior. In addition, past research on psychopathic personality traits among adults has
shown considerable success in predicting future violence. It seems probable that psycho-
pathic personality traits are recognizable in childhood and adolescence and do not appear
suddenly in adulthood. Identification of psychopathic personality traits in children and
adolescents could facilitate targeted prevention and intervention efforts to these youth.
Research on violence and adolescent psychopathic traits has found consistent positive
associations between measures of violence and psychopathic traits in numerous studies of
juveniles. As such, findings from these studies of juveniles parallel findings in the adult psy-
chopathological literature. The proliferation of juvenile psychopathy studies has not involved
cross-national samples outside of North America. However, differences between ethnic
groups have been reported. Overall, there is a trend in the evidence suggesting that the con-
struct applies to all ethnicities.
Some theories pertaining to the origins or etiology of psychopathic personality traits
include frontal lobe dysfunction theory (seat of executive governance and self-control),
genetic theory, lateralization theory (processing emotional meanings related to language dif-
ferently than non-psychopaths), and low fear. Despite numerous unresolved theories as to the
origins of psychopathic personality, few theories have attempted to integrate the study of psy-
chopathic traits into a general theory of delinquency and antisocial behavior. Recent applica-
tions of psychopathic personality to juveniles have met with controversy when used as a basis
for decision-making in the juvenile justice system. The concern raised by clinical or juvenile

justice applications of this personality syndrome involves the potentially harmful labeling
effects on youth.
Supporters of psychopathic personality assessment believe that appropriate uses of
the model are predicated on its reliable and valid measurement. The most widely accepted
current measure of psychopathy is Psychopathy
the Checklist: Youth Version
(PCL: YV). The
disadvantages of this measurement instrument are the amount of time necessary to adminis-
ter it (i.e., up to three hours) and the required access to sensitive legal and psychiatric case
file information. There are two primary approaches to assessing psychopathic personality
traits among adolescents. The first is to use existing personality inventories, such as the
instrument that assesses personality based on the five-factor model previously described,
the NEO-PI-R or Cloninger and colleagues’ (1993) Temperament and Character Inventory
(TCI). This approach is consistent with the theory that psychopathic personality, like other
personality disorders, can be characterized as extremes of common personality traits.
The second approach involves the use of the PCL:YV or other recently developed self-report

See alsoBiosocial theories; Chronic 6 Percent; Cognitive Theories; Psychodynamic

Theories; Trait Theories

Edens, J., Skeem, J., Crusie, K., & Cauffman, E. (2001). Assessment of “juvenile psychopathy” and its
association with violence: A critical review.
Behavioral Sciences and the Law,, 19
Hare, R. (1993).Without conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among . New
Simon & Schuster.
Miller, J., & Lynam, D. (2001). Structural models of personality and their relation to antisocial
behavior: A meta-analytic review. Criminology,,39765–798.
Vaughn, M., & Howard, M. (2005). The construct of psychopathy and its role in contributing to the
study of serious, violent, and chronic youth offending.Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice: An
Interdisciplinary Journal, 3, 235–252.

Michael G.Vaughn

POLICING JUVENILES. Police handling of juveniles has undergone several major

changes in philosophy and practice throughout history. As the gatekeepers of the juvenile jus-
tice system, the decisions an officer makes while in contact with a juvenile sets the stage for
other decision-making points in the juvenile justice system, making police a critical compo-
nent of this process. Policing juveniles should not be equated with arresting juveniles. While
juvenile arrests accounted for 16 percent of all arrests and 15 percent of all violent crime
arrests in 2003, police officers spend a lot of their time with juveniles resolving situations
in which no law has been broken, such as quieting noise. In addition, police officers are also
responsible for helping children who have been victims of crime or who may need other
The practice of policing juveniles has undergone vast changes over the past several
decades. Police have evolved from treating juveniles the same as adults to developing
specialized units to process juveniles. Many juvenile matters that are now considered
criminal or status offenses (behavior that is not illegal but that may be dangerous to the child
or the public) were ignored or handled informally until the late 1800s and early child

saving movement. At this point, police officers began to handle offenses they previously
ignored on a more formal level. Female police officers were often hired in police departments
as specialists who tended to juvenile matters.
Until the 1960s, the response to juvenile crime was primarily reactive and juveniles were
denied many due process rights. While juveniles gradually gained many of the same rights
as adults, policing juveniles was still primarily reactive in nature. It was not until the
community policing era emerged that police officers began to take a more proactive approach
with juveniles in the community.
With the continuing development of new policing strategies, police departments and
individual officers have become more proactive in their efforts to stop juvenile delinquency
before it starts. Officers in community-oriented units believe that becoming closer to the
juveniles in their patrol areas ultimately helps them prevent juveniles from committing
crimes. They also believe a hands-on approach helps police enforce laws because juveniles are
willing to share information about area crime. School police officers
are used in many areas
to help bring police departments closer to the juvenile populations they serve. Officers are able
to informally handle many cases, resolving issues without formally processing the juvenile
of interest. Some police departments are partnering with probation offices to help monitor
juveniles on probation to provide more supervision in an effort to prevent recidivism.
Another goal of the hands-on approach with juveniles is to improve juvenile opinions
about the police. Juveniles tend to be more negative or neutral in their opinions about police
than adults. Opinions about the police seem to vary according to race and gender. This is
important information to consider because one factor influencing the police decision to arrest
juveniles is suspect demeanor. A more negative demeanor toward police officers increases
the chances of being arrested.
Police officers also provide services to juvenile victims of crimes. Most crimes against
juveniles are not reported to the police, and the crimes that are reported present special
issues. Children are most frequently victimized by someone they know, often a family mem-
ber. This necessitates that police coordinate with other service agencies, such as child protec-
tive services, to determine the proper course of action. School resource officers are now a
prime resource for children who experience criminal victimization of all types. This is impor-
tant given the high level of violence experienced by children at school or en route to or from
school. Officers also enforce some laws, such as curfew, to protect children from harm. After
several juveniles had been violently victimized in Indianapolis, police have been citing juve-
niles with curfew violations in efforts to protect them. Other police departments do the same,
demonstrating the variety of activities involved in policing juveniles.

Bazemore, G., & Senjo, S. (n.d.). Police encounters with juveniles revisited: An exploratory study of
themes and styles in community policing. Policing, 20. Available from Proquest Database.
Finn, P., McDevitt, J., Lassiter, W., Shively, M., & Rich, T. (2005).
Case studies of 19 school resource
officer programs. Document Number 209271. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
Hurst, Y., Frank, J., & Browning, S. (2000). The attitudes of juveniles toward the police.
Policing: An
International Journal of Police Strategies and Management , 23, 37–53.
Myers, S. (2004). Police encounters with juvenile suspects: Explaining the use of authority and
provision of support, executive summary report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
Office for Victims of Crime. (2002).Reporting school violence. Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Justice.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (1996). Juvenile offenders and victims: 1996
update on violence . Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
Piliavin, I., & Briar, S. (1964). Police encounters with juveniles.
American Journal of Sociology, 70,
Platt, A. (1999). The triumph of benevolence: The origins of the juvenile justice system in the United
States. In B. Feld (Ed.),Readings in juvenile justice administration
, pp. 20–35. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Snyder, H. (2005). Juvenile arrests 2003.Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.
Taylor, T., Turner, K., Esbensen, F., & Winfree, L. (2001). Coppin’ an attitude: Attitudinal differences
among juveniles toward police. Journal of Criminal Justice
, 29, 295–305.
TheIndyChannel.com. (n.d.). IPD to step up enforcement of youth curfew. Available from:

Wendy Perkins

POWER-CONTROL THEORY. Power-control theory, as formulated by sociologist

John Hagan, mixes elements of conflict, control, and feminist theories and contends that
criminal behavior is highly influenced by family structure, a structure that is reflective of the
patriarchal nature of the greater society. Issues of class and gender and their relation to delin-
quency are at the core of Hagan’s structural criminology.
Theories based on power are conflict approaches in which it is posited that there are
unequal levels of power in relationships, such as employee/employer associations. Control
theories normally focus on patterns of conflict within the institution of family. Hagan synthe-
sizes these two institutional concepts in his sociological theory of deviance behavior.
According to the theory, individuals, especially juveniles, are products of various levels of
control that are exercised by their families. In his analysis, Hagan differentiates between two
types of family patterns: patriarchal and egalitarian. The former type is traditional and
assumes that there are two separate spheres that govern behavior. The men’s sphere positions
the adult male in families as being the undisputed head of the household and focuses on
men’s role as the provider, therefore seeing the male as oriented toward occupational aspects
of life. The women’s sphere places adult females in subservient roles, occupying a subordi-
nate status to males and an orientation to family, reproduction, and household concerns.
In egalitarian families, which have become more prevalent only in recent decades, there is
a general sharing of familial responsibilities, a narrowing of the division of labor based on
gender status and less emphasis placed on specific gender roles. Patriarchal families are still
the norm in most modern societies, while egalitarian families are less common.
In Hagan’s theory, types of control over boys differ from that of girls, especially in
patriarchal families. Boys have lower levels of parental control while the actions of girls are
dominated more closely through techniques used to limit their freedom. Due to more direct
and consistent contact with the children, it is normally mothers, rather than fathers, who apply
the controls and perpetuate the ideology of the separate spheres for males and females.
Borrowing a typology from social psychologist Carol Gilligan, Hagan states that the two types
of control exerted on children are either relational (referring to control measures that involve
affective or relationship ties) or instrumental (referring to control strategies that involve sur-
veillance and restrictions on freedom). Families of the patriarchal type will have higher rates

of male delinquency due to the relative freedom allowed boys and lower rates of female delin-
quency due to higher levels of social constraint from their families. This has traditionally been
the case in Western society. As social changes have developed in which married women are
now more prevalent in the occupational sphere, an egalitarian structure has emerged in some
families, and in these families, it is expected that there will be less differentiation in male and
female delinquency rates. It is due to this greater level of freedom for girls that they will expe-
rience similar risk factors, resulting in higher delinquency rates for girls.
Hagan conceptualizes three levels, moving from a micro to macro level of analysis. The
first involves the social-psychological process that accounts for the juvenile behavior under
study. The second level refers to the social positions that are reflective of gender and delin-
quency status. The last level is the class structure in which families are organized, based on
the prevailing cultural structure as designated by the state.
Generally, Hagan’s theory assumes that social norms governing gender power relations,
especially as it relates to power derived from employment and financial status, will be passed
down to individual families, who in turn use certain methods to control the behavior of the
adolescent children. Delinquency is fun, according to Hagan, and is basically an expression
of freedom. In patriarchal families, these expressions are allowed for young males, who fre-
quently go further than society allows in pursuit of enjoyment. At this point, delinquency
occurs. Girls, having fewer options for pursuing these pleasurable and risky activities, are
less likely to engage in acts deemed by society to be deviant.
In an elaboration of the theory, Hagan added two other elements that have caught the atten-
tion of other sociologists and criminologists. He suggests that adolescents often experience
“deviant role exits” in which teens attempt to deal with the pressures that extend from the
resistance of familial control; the situation is especially grave for females who often turn to
suicidal ideation or ideas about running away from home. Later, Hagan expanded the role
exit concept to age as well as gender stratification, adding a developmental aspect to the con-
cept. The other element is “vulnerability to crime,” which refers to the phenomenon that vic-
timization and offending behaviors are linked. As it affects females, an implied contract
exists in which women in traditional families trade freedom for protection from victimization
while women in more egalitarian families trade a level of protection for increased freedom,
whereby they increase both their chances for offending and being victimized.
Hagan tested his theory in Canada and found empirical support for power-control theory.
Other researchers have tested the power-control theory but have obtained mixed results.
Recently, Hagan has broadened the theory by suggesting that offending behavior by juveniles
has its basis in stressors from developmental and social processes. The resulting stress mani-
fests itself in differential consequences; the consequence for females is depression and for
boys, it is the excessive use of intoxicants. He further proposes that the despair that is related
to the developmental stage of adolescence has implications into later life that could lead to
various types of failure.

Blackwell, B., Sellers, C., & Schlaupitz, S. (2002). A power-control theory of vulnerability to crime and
adolescent role exits revisited. Review of Sociology and Anthropology
, 39, 199–219.
Hagan, J. (1989). Structural criminology
. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Hagan, J., McCarthy, B., & Foster, H. (2002). A gendered theory of delinquency and despair in the life
course. Acta Sociologica , 45, 37–47.

Leonard Steverson

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. Prescription drugs have the capability to alter brain

activity and lead to addiction. Given this potential and the rise of prescription drug abuse,
there are well-founded concerns about these drugs contributing to juvenile violence. One
of the major ways to track the drug use trends of American youth is a large national survey
known as theMonitoring the Future Study (MTF). According to data from the 2003 MTF
survey, approximately 10 percent of high school seniors reported nonmedical use of the opi-
oid hydrocodone. To place this figure in perspective, the use of hydrocodone was the third
most-abused illicit substance, next to marijuana and amphetamines. Findings indicate that
girls and boys abuse prescription drugs equally.
Prescription drugs fall into three broad classes: opioids, central nervous system (CNS)
depressants, and central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. Opioids include such medica-
tions as morphine and codeine and are also termed narcotics. Other common opioids abused
by youth are oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), propoxyphene (Darvon), and
hydromorphone (Dilaudid). These drugs are prescribed for their analgesic or pain-relieving
properties. CNS depressants work by decreasing brain activity and are used to treat anxiety,
sleep disorders, and other stress-related disorders. It is common for the abuse of these
drugs to occur in tandem with other drugs of abuse, such as alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine.
Examples of CNS depressants include barbiturates and benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are
more commonly abused and include diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), and
chlordiazepoxide (Librium). CNS stimulants work by increasing brain activity. Thus, attention
and alertness are heightened. Commonly abused prescription stimulants are methylphenidate
(Ritalin) and the amphetamines Dexedrine and Adderall. Ritalin and Adderall are typi-
cally prescribed for attention deficit-disorder (ADD) and attention deficit-hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD).
Either through physical dependence or compulsive taking, all three classes of prescription
drugs can have serious health consequences. Opioid misuse, for example, depresses breath-
ing and can lead to death. Like opioids, CNS depressants are physically addictive. These
drugs also have the potential to cause seizures and death, particularly when mixed with alco-
hol or other prescription medications. With respect to stimulant abuse, dangerous increases in
body temperature and heart rate are possible.
The relationship between prescription drug abuse and juvenile violence is poorly under-
stood. Although it is known that there is an association between substance abuse and violent
behavior, the mechanisms, both physiological and social, are unresolved. Because prescrip-
tion drug abusers also tend to use other drugs, it is difficult to sort out the direct association
between a prescription drug and a violent episode. For stimulant abuse, the potential for vio-
lent behavior can be a result of heightened feelings of hostility and paranoia.

See alsoAlcohol; Cocaine and Crack Cocaine; Heroin; Marijuana; Methamphetamine;

National Household Survey of Drug Abuse; Stimulants

Colvin, R. (1995).Prescription drug abuse: The hidden epidemic. Omaha, NE: Addicus Books.
Johnston, L., O’Malley, P., & Bachman, J. (2004).
Monitoring the future: National results on adolescent
drug use; Overview of key findings, 2004
. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Department of Health
and Human Services.
Roberts, J. (2000).
Prescription drug abuse
. New York: Rosen.

Michael G.Vaughn

PRIDE SURVEYS. Pride Surveys is an independently owned company created to

produce a low-cost and effective means of collecting self-report evaluation measures of
juvenile participation in drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. The activities of Pride Surveys were
once part of the National Parents’ Resource Institute for Drug Education (P.R.I.D.E.),
a nonprofit organization devoted to drug abuse prevention through the education of parents
and youth. Pride Surveys split off as its own company in 1998.
The original Pride Survey was created in 1982 in an effort to bridge the gap between national
drug and alcohol usage data and local level substance abuse-related issues. The first surveys
were administered to students in grades six through twelve. Shortly thereafter, in 1988, the
survey was expanded to include students in grades four through six, and eventually parents as
well as faculty and staff were participating in the questionnaire process. The initial survey was
further expanded to measure a wide range of youthful behavioral influences that impact student
learning, including family, discipline, gang involvement, violence, and safety concerns.
The objective of Pride Surveys is to help schools, school districts, and other community-
based organizations evaluate and understand the activities that juveniles are participating in,
with particular emphasis on drug, alcohol, and tobacco usage. Juvenile participation in drug
and alcohol experimentation and usage has been a concern for decades, with much of the
empirical data suggesting a general increase in participation and a general decline in
the age of involvement. Measurement techniques and prevention efforts are widespread and
take many forms throughout the United States. In 1998, Pride Surveys was designated by
federal law as an official measurement of adolescent drug use in the United States.
Pride Surveys allow for the collection of strictly anonymous data from four population
groups: students in grades four through six, grades six through twelve, parents, and faculty and
staff. The grades four through six surveys ask students to respond to questions pertaining to
usage within the past year, tolerance for drug usage, accessibility of drugs, conduct at school,
family life and discipline, violent behavior, and more. The survey most often used is the grades
six through twelve questionnaire, which asks respondents about the age of onset of usage, per-
ceived risks, ease of obtaining, location of usage, family life, academic achievement, and more.
The parental survey is designed to facilitate parental involvement in the school-based sur-
vey. The parent questionnaire asks respondents to report information about their child and
their child’s peers at school, in the home, and in the community. Parents are asked to reflect
on their child’s behaviors and their own perceptions about drug usage. The faculty and staff
questionnaire asks teachers and staff questions pertaining to their perception of student drug
use, school safety, knowledge of school drug policies, and more.
Pride Surveys provide all necessary questionnaires to be disseminated to a population
of juveniles in school. The surveys take approximately twenty minutes to complete and are
then returned to Pride Surveys by the contracting agency for thorough analysis. Results
then are
reported and are compared nationally, across states, and over time.

Greenfield, T. K., & Rogers, J. D. (1999). Who drinks most of the alcohol in the U.S.? The policy
implications. Journal of Studies on Alcohol
, 60(1) 78–89.
Pride Surveys. (n.d.).
Measuring student behavior . Pride Surveys Website: http://www. pridesurveys
2002–2003 National Summary, Grades 6 through 12. (2003). Pride surveys . Available at:

Jeffrey A.Walsh

PROBATION. One of the first efforts at addressing the dehumanizing conditions used
with youth in criminal justice was the introduction of probation in 1841. Massachusetts was
the first state to use probation with juveniles in an effort to help them avoid prison, and all but
Wyoming had juvenile probation laws by 1927. By 1890 probation was a mandatory feature
of the court. The use of probation was an important precursor to the development of the juve-
nile justice system, which recognizes the developmental differences between youth and
adults and was designed to help, not punish, delinquent youth.
Probation today involves the assignment of an offender to the control of the county
probation department with a set of rules and conditions to follow. Those who do not follow
the rules and conditions may have their probation revoked and may be incarcerated.
Probation is supposed to emphasize treatment and is based on the idea that the offender is not
a threat and can be better rehabilitated in the community than in jail or prison. Juveniles on
probation can be placed in a number of different community programs, including drug treat-
ment, counseling, and anger management. Further, youth on probation typically face condi-
tions such as mandatory school attendance and curfew restrictions, as well as restrictions on
where they must reside and with whom they can associate. Conditions might also include
restitution or some type of reparation. Probation is the most commonly used sentence for
juveniles who are adjudicated delinquent.
Despite the “get tough” trends of the 1980s and 1990s, use of probation with youth has
only expanded. The nature of probation has become more conservative, however, focusing
less on rehabilitation and more on control. Generally, this has meant additional conditions
and more restrictive penalties.
Probation officers play a critical role throughout the entire juvenile justice process. They
are involved at four different stages: intake, predisposition, post-adjudication, and post-
disposition. During the intake process, probation officers are the primary screening mechanism
in determining whether a case needs to be referred for judicial action or to a community ser-
vice agency. The officer has discussions with the offender and his or her family to discern
whether the situation would best be handled in court or elsewhere. During predisposition, the
probation officer helps guide the decision to release or detain a juvenile. This is done largely
through the predisposition report, a clinical diagnosis of the youth’s problems and needs sub-
mitted to the court. Included in the report are the juvenile’s feelings about the incidence, as
well as a summary of relations with peers and family, success in school, and a number of
other environmental factors that might affect the way the youth should be handled. At post-
adjudication, the probation officer helps the court to reach their decision regarding disposi-
tion. The largest amount of a probation officer’s time is spent in the post-disposition phase,
where he or she supervises juveniles placed on probation. Sometimes the probation officer is
a source of counseling, but more typically makes referrals to other agencies for needed ser-
vices. Further, recommendations from probation officers typically dictate when an offender’s
probation is terminated, as well as when probation is revoked.
There are a number of forms of probation. Juvenile intensive supervised probation
involves treating a special group of serious offenders who would normally have been sent to a
secure treatment facility. The main goal of intensive supervised probation is to keep these
juveniles out of jail, and an officer with a small caseload checks in with juveniles on an almost
daily basis. A secondary goal is control; the more frequent and intense scrutiny helps ensure
these offenders are not a danger to the community. Third, intensive supervision is intended to
help juvenile offenders establish community ties and work toward reintegration. An important
facet of reintegration is completing education, something far easier for a juvenile in intensive
or traditional probation than one who is incarcerated. Research has offered mixed results

about intensive probation programs. The failure rate does tend to be high, although it is
unclear if that is because of the youth or because the conditions are too harsh. Younger offend-
ers who commit petty crimes are the most likely to fail in intensive programs. A study from
Mississippi also found intensive probation to be less cost-effective than traditional probation
or a special cognitive behavioral treatment. Further, many probation officers assert that inten-
sive probation caseloads are still too high for it to be truly effective.
Another innovation used in conjunction with probation is that of house arrest, whereby an
individual may be allowed to stay in the community rather than jail but is confined to his or
her home for specific periods and may only leave for specified reasons, such as school or
work. Offenders on house arrest can be monitored via home visits, random phone calls,
and/or electronic devices.
Balanced probation is another form of probation. Balanced probation seeks to integrate
community protection with holding the juvenile accountable and meeting his or her individ-
ualized needs. Here the probation officer establishes a specific program to help the offender
while also helping the offender take responsibility for his or her actions. Balanced
approaches have met with great success in a number of places. In Florida, juvenile offenders
on probation help create shelters for abused, abandoned, and HIV-positive infants. The
California 8% Solution is a comprehensive, multiagency program run by the probation
department and directed at the most chronic offenders. The program provides those identi-
fied as at-risk with outside schools, transportation to and from school, drug and alcohol abuse
counseling, employment preparation and job placement, and intensive family counseling.
Wilderness probation is another form of probation designed to use outdoor activities to
help juvenile offenders improve social skills as well as self-esteem and self-control.
Wilderness programs are often modeledboot on camps. Evaluations have produced mixed
results, but more research is needed, as few programs have been evaluated to date.
Proponents of probation assert that it is an appropriate disposition for nonviolent offend-
ers. They also maintain it allows the court to tailor the program specifically to the offender,
allowing for greater chance of rehabilitation and better opportunity for reintegration. Further,
probation is far cheaper than incarceration. Finally, keeping youth out of jail or prison
decreases the chance they will socialize with and learn from other offenders. Evaluations
have found it to be effective when adequate surveillance and supervision are included.
Opponents express a number of concerns. Some are opposed to the notion of probation, see-
ing it as too lenient and a danger to the community. Others express concern with the adminis-
tration of probation services. First, there is much concern that probation caseloads are far too
large to be effective. Second, since probation is often assigned for an indefinite period, proba-
tion officers have a great deal of discretion in making length of assignment and revocation deci-
sions. This provides great potential for abuse. The great variation in the probation conditions a
youth might be assigned can also result in bias. Research has found that probation officers are
more likely to consider delinquency among black youth a feature of internal attributes rather
than environmental factors, and consequently black youth serve longer terms with stricter rules
and conditions. Appellate courts have invalidated probation conditions that are cruel or unfair.

Abadinsky, H. (2003).Probation and parole: Theory and practice , 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Champion, D. (2001). Probation, parole, and community corrections
, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Getis, V. (2000).The juvenile court & the progressives. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Petersilia, J. (2001).Reforming probation and parole in the 21st century

. New York: American
Correctional Association.

Laura L. Finley

PROBLEM BEHAVIOR SYNDROME (PBS). Problem behavior syndrome

(PBS) is the phrase used to describe the tendency for a number of distinct negative character-
istics of youth and adolescents to cluster together. As youth engage in negative behavior in
one characteristic, they are more likely to be involved in other negative characteristics as
well. The study of a series of problem behaviors in adolescence originated with Jessor and
Jessor’s pioneering longitudinal studies on the onset and combining of selected problem
behaviors among youth in 1977. Since then, research has mushroomed, and the number
of problem behaviors included in studies varies from three to over ten characteristics. One
challenge is to determine actual measures of problem behavior in studies.
Common types of PBS clusters include a basic scheme of three items: problem drinking,
cigarette smoking, and general delinquency. A four-item scheme generally includes serious
delinquency, drug use, poor academic grades, and externalizing behavioral problems, such as
hyperactivity and aggression. The five-item scheme presented in problem behavior theory is
problem drinking, marijuana use, other illicit drug use, cigarette smoking, and general
deviant behavior. Items are measured separately, and in some research, the items form
a cumulative measure referred to as the multiple problem behavior index. A ten-item scale
has also been used with some of the same behaviors: alcohol, smoking, marijuana, hard
drugs, sexual activity, major delinquency, minor delinquency, direct aggression, indirect
aggression, and gambling.
Problem behaviors are generally prohibited conduct for youth, and being considered unac-
ceptable, violation will lead to punishment. In the family and in school environments, these
problem behaviors are counterbalanced with conventional behaviors, such as getting strong
grades, church and civic involvement, and refraining from deviance.
The longitudinal research method is used to study the emergence of these problem behav-
iors among cohorts of youth who are reinterviewed as they move through youth, adolescence,
young adulthood, and adulthood. Each phase is called a wave, and by examining the onset
and extent of problem behaviors, researchers can determine the age that problem behaviors
begin, the number of problem behaviors reported, and the persistence of these problem
behaviors into adulthood.
Samples for PBS studies are self-report questionnaires administered in schools or ques-
tionnaires sent to the home. Cohort samples may be a random selection of youth prior to
problem behaviors or focused on at-risk youth.
A theoretical model forms the basis of problem behavior syndrome. Problem behavior the-
ory is an extensive theoretical explanation of human development of problem behaviors. The
model posits that problem behaviors are a function of the effects of socio-environmental and
context variables and social psychological variables. Both of these variables can generate risk
factors leading to problem behaviors and protective factors reducing problem behaviors and
increasing conventionality.
Initial research findings using youth samples showed that problem behavior reveals a clus-
tering that is deemed a syndrome, a simultaneous existence of multiple problem behaviors
at nearly the same time. An examination of problem behaviors (not including delinquent
behavior) over two time periods has been a standard approach, assessing subjects once in

adolescence and once in adulthood over ten years later. The same youth are compared
in measures of problem behavior and conventionality. Research generally finds that the prob-
lem behavior cluster in adolescence is still found when the adolescents mature and, as adults,
reveals a conventional (avoid problem behaviors) or unconventional (engage in problem
behaviors) response to problem-solving. Other research did not incorporate all variables in
problem behavior theory; as a consequence, the term PBS has limited use and has generally
been replaced with the term problem behaviors (PB).
Other research developments examine co-occurrence of problem behaviors, comparing
serious delinquency, school problems, drug use, and mental health problems. Overlap in PBs
would be shown by a high percentage of the sample involved in most of the PBs. The find-
ings showed that most problem behavior is temporary, lasting less than a year. Persistent PBs
were shown in approximately 9 percent of the sample (three years of serious delinquency),
which correlates to juvenile violent behavior, particularly in assault and robbery. While the
connections among persistent PBs are statistically significant, most serious delinquents are
not drug users and do not have school problems and mental health problems. The research
shows that persistent delinquent youth may not have additional PBs in all cases. However,
youth showing PBs of mental health, school, and drug problems that also are seriously
delinquent range from a third to half, further diminishing the applicability of the medical
term “syndrome.”
The weakness of PBS is that it is deterministic in suggesting that the display of one
problem behavior invariably links with other problem behaviors. While PBs show clustering,
it is not inevitable nor is it demonstrated in every case. Few studies adopt the comprehensive
problem behavior theory model; rather, most modify it for their own purposes. While the
PBS-based studies are useful for intervention approaches, it also may be used as a tool to
stereotype youth with multiple problems as hardened personalities, so they may be unre-
sponsive to services and treatment. The assumption of PBS research underscores prevention
and intervention, but it does not address concerns about adjudication and sentencing
of youth. Although some studies show co-occurrence in PBS, the persistence may be short-
lived, perhaps less than several years. Finally, not all the problem behaviors co-occur; select
items may co-occur in pairs or more but not necessarily all at once.
PBS represents an extensive multidisciplinary research stream that has produced trailblaz-
ing developmental studies on the onset of delinquency. It promotes interventions that can
prevent violence and delinquency more effectively than punitive measures.

See alsoDevelopmental Theories; Personality Theories; Social Development Model

Donovan, J., Jessor, R., & Costa, F. (1988). Syndrome of problem behavior in adolescence: A replica-
tion. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
, 56(5), 762–765.
Jessor, R. (Ed.). (1998). New perspectives on adolescent risk behavior. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Jessor, R., & Jessor, S. (1977).
Problem behavior and psychosocial development: A longitudinal study
of youth.New York: Academic Press.
Willoughby, T., Chalmers, H., & Busseri, M. (2004). Where is the syndrome? Examining co-occurrence
among multiple problem behaviors in adolescence.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
72(6), 85–92.

James Steinberg

PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY. The term psychodynamic refers to a broad range

of psychological theories that explore the influence of instinctive drives, forces, and develop-
mental experiences on one’s personality. Psychodynamic theories range in focus from
unconscious motives, unconscious conflicts, conscious experiences and their interaction
with the unconscious to the impact of social factors on the human psyche. Accordingly,
psychodynamic theorists argue that juvenile violence can be understood by examining inter-
nal processes, personality development, motivation, drives, and childhood experiences.
Psychodynamic theories emerged from Freudian psychoanalysis, which emphasizes the
unconscious components of one’s personality. Sigmund Freud proposed that childhood
sexuality and unconscious motivations influence personality. Therefore, mental illness/
personality disorders are caused by unconscious and unresolved conflicts in the mind
that arise in early childhood. This conflict impedes the balanced development of three
systems that constitute the human psyche: the id, the ego, and the superego. These concepts
were first presented by Freud in his book, The Ego and the Id (1923). The id is a completely
unconscious reservoir of primitive energy that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive
drives. The ego is the part of the id that is in touch with reality because it has been influ-
enced by the external world. It mediates and maintains psychic balance between the
unconscious id and the conscious superego. The superego is the part of the ego that is our
conscious. It is an abstract representation of cultural, ethical, and moral values that imposes
standards of behavior. The superego translates the drives of the id into appropriate social
Some of Freud’s students, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung, broke away but maintained a basic
element of Freudian theory, the unconscious. They assumed that much of our mental life is
unconscious. We are often experiencing inner struggles among our wishes, fears, and values.
What differentiates these theorists from Freud is the view that childhood experiences, not
sex, shape personalities and ways of becoming attached to others.
Alfred Adler’s (1870–1937) theory proposes that we are all born with and experience feel-
ings of inferiority as children. We are constantly trying to overcome this feeling. We strive for
superiority. Therefore, juveniles participating in violent behavior are utilizing violence as a
means to overcome feelings of inferiority and achieve feelings of superiority to others.
Carl Jung (1875–1961) built upon Freud’s theory of the unconscious. He agreed that the
unconscious was essential in understanding the human psyche. However, he argued that
there was mu ch more to the unconscious than Freud had theorized. Jung believed that there
are fears, behaviors, and thoughts that are universal and generational. He called them the col-
lective unconscious. This collective unconscious influences personality, which is made up of
many parts. In order to study juvenile violence from this perspective, one would have to
investigate the unconscious negative side of a personality.
Erik Erikson (1902–1994) is another theorist most often associated with the psychody-
namic perspective. Erikson built upon Freud’s concept of ego. He saw the ego as a positive
driving force in personality development. The ego helps establish and maintain a sense of
identity. According to Erikson, a person with a strong identity has a sense of uniqueness,
belonging, and wholeness. Erikson also focused on the impact of early caregiving on person-
ality development. He theorized that children who experience sensitive, loving parenting will
have a strong sense of security, identity, and basic trust. He also theorized that personality
develops in distinct stages. Failure to successfully complete a stage impedes one’s ability to
complete further stages. This will result in an unhealthy personality and sense of identity.
Hence, juvenile violence is a symptom of an unhealthy personality, a poor sense of identity, and
deficient caregiving.

No matter which theory is used to understand juvenile violence, there are basic assump-
tions of psychodynamic theories. Primarily concerned with internal psychological processes,
psychodynamic theories assume that the causes of behavior have their origins in the uncon-
scious and are motivated by instinctual drives. Different parts of the unconscious are
assumed to be in constant struggle. Another assumption of psychodynamic theories is the
existence of ego and superego.
There are a number of strengths and weaknesses of psychodynamic theories. Major strengths
are the significant impact they have had on the discipline of psychology, development of the
case study method, some experimental support (widely used outside psychology), and the abil-
ity to tie together varied aspects of experiences. Major weaknesses of psychodynamic theories
include little or no predictive value, unscientific methods of data collection, and unreliability,
and they are also primarily androcentric, meaning they are male-focused.

See alsoAbused /Battered Children; Family Relations and Juvenile Violence; Personality

Geen, R. (1998). Aggression and antisocial behavior. In D. Gilbert, S. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.),
The handbook of social psychology(pp. 317–356). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Gilligan, J. (1996).Violence: Our deadly epidemic and its cause. New York: Grosset/Putnam Books.
Myers, D. (2005).Exploring psychology , 6th ed. New York: Worth Publishers.
Pollack, W. (1998).Real boys: Rescuing our sons from the myths of boyhood
. New York: Owl Books.
Schellenberg, J. (1978). Masters of social psychology
. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Joanne Ardovini

PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH. The public health approach contends that juvenile
violence is not solely a law enforcement issue, but an epidemic that must receive the same
treatment and comprehensive care as infectious diseases or injuries. Thus, remedies to
juvenile violence and delinquency should focus on preventive measures rather than punish-
ment. Accordingly, this approach suggests that community activists, physicians, nurses,
psychologists, and mental health professionals are as instrumental to violence deterrence and
prevention as are social service providers and law enforcement officials.
The linkage between public health and juvenile violence was first discussed in the late
1970s and early 1980s. Mark Rosenberg, the director of public health services for the
Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) , urged the U.S. Surgeon General to incorporate
community violence in the nation’s public health agenda. A year later, the Federal Alcohol,
Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration organized a symposium of physicians, psy-
chiatrists, psychologists, and academicians to look at the intersection between public health
and violence. Five years later, Surgeon General C. Everett Koop sponsored a conference on
this subject, and the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Task
Force on Black and Minority Health published a report that examined homicides among
African-American youth and young adults.
The public health approach is popular among community activists and child advocates.
The traditional approach to violence deterrence, which is opposed by public health propo-
nents, gives law enforcement agencies and prosecutors the primary responsibility for com-
bating juvenile crime. It focuses on punishment, the incarceration of at-risk youth and

juveniles, “get-tough” measures, and zero tolerance policies. Advocates of the public health
approach maintain these methods are ineffective at curbing juvenile violence and are actually
detrimental to juveniles.
Public health professionals have used a number of intervention strategies to reduce
juvenile violence. One of the most widely used strategies is Multisystemic Therapy (MST),
which closely monitors the settings—family/home, community, neighborhood, peer
group, school—into which youth come in contact on a daily basis. Parental training and
school-based counseling are also instrumental to the MST strategy. This strategy has been
particularly useful for reducing violence among youth with acute conditions, such as mental
Additionally, the public health approach has been used to promote dialogue among profes-
sionals and advocates who come into contact with violent offenders in their various agencies
and departments, such as mental health professionals, educators, juvenile justice officials,
and social workers. Advocates in Louisiana created the Youth Enhanced Services (YES) to
encourage cooperation between the New Orleans’ Department of Education, the child wel-
fare system, mental health services, and juvenile services. Prior to this, these departments
and agencies rarely shared information about their youth populations or engaged in cross-
agency collaborations.
In the early 1990s, juvenile justice and child advocates were heavily influenced by
Deborah Prothrow-Stith’s book, Deadly Consequences: How Violence is Destroying Our
Teenage Population and A Plan to Begin Solving the Problem , which reflected much of the
thinking of Mark Rosenberg a decade earlier. Prothrow-Stith’s research also insisted that
poverty, racism, and the violent images portrayed in the media contribute to delinquent
behavior among juveniles. Hence, her research integrated antipoverty and public education
initiatives into the public health approach.
Prothrow-Stith’s research and activism altered community activists and educators’ percep-
tions of juvenile violence. During the 1990s, she worked closely with municipal leaders and
child advocacy groups in developing comprehensive antiviolence measures. She collaborated
with the Children’s Defense Fund , the nation’s leading advocacy group for children, and
served on the Black Community Crusade for Children’s Task Force on Violence.
Despite attention given to the public health approach in the last two decades, it has run into
some difficulties. One challenge is whether this approach can be successful in rural, poor
communities that have a shortage of health care professionals, advocates, community organi-
zations, and physicians. In addition, legislators have been less receptive to this approach than
activists and health care professionals. In fact, this approach gained popularity among
activists at the same time lawmakers were endorsing “get-tough” measures and zero toler-
ance policies.
Support among lawmakers may very well determine the success of the public health
approach in the next decade. Members of Congress and state legislators control funds and
budgets that can support the comprehensive intervention strategies promoted by advocates
who utilize this approach. Yet lobby groups that support zero tolerance policies—
prosecutors, the gun lobby, and the prison industr—tend to have more influence in the
legislative arena than public health professionals and juvenile justice advocates. This
may impede the progress that proponents of the public health approach have made since the
late 1970s.

See alsoCommunity Treatment; Film, Juvenile Violence and; Mentoring; Music, Juvenile
Violence and; News, Juvenile Violence and; Television, Juvenile Violence and

Louisiana YES. (2003, August 3).Comprehensive community mental health services for children and
adolescents with serious emotional disturbances and their families
. A Proposal to the Department of
Health and Human Services Center for Mental Heath Services for the Child Mental Health Services
(CMHS) Initiative RFA No. SM-03-009. Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Louisiana
Office of Mental Health.
Mendel, R. (2000). Less hype, more help: Reducing juvenile crime, what works—what .doesn’t
Washington, DC: American Youth Policy Forum.
Prothrow-Stith, D. (1991). Deadly consequences: How violence is destroying our teenage population
and a plan to begin solving the problem
. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Satcher, D. (2001, January).
Youth violence: A report of the Surgeon General
. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General, SAMHSA.

Sekou Franklin
the Quantum Opportunities Program (QOP) is one of the most successful programs to use
mentoring to prevent and address juvenile delinquency. Originating in 1989, the primary goal
of QOP is to improve the life opportunities of disadvantaged high school youth who are at-
risk for delinquent involvement. Goals include increased graduation rates, decreased preg-
nancy rates, and decreased violent behavior. There are three “quantum opportunities”
stressed in the program: educational activity, including peer tutoring, computer-based
instruction, and assistance with homework; service activities in the community; and develop-
mental activities, including curricula that focuses on life and parenting skills, as well as
career planning. Specific curricula varies by program site. Students are also offered incen-
tives to carry out the above activities, with the idea that they will stimulate motivation.
Incentives include cash and college scholarships. Staff involved in the program can also
receive incentives and bonuses if they keep youth in the program.
QOP was implemented in five cities: Milwaukee, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Saginaw
(Michigan), and San Antonio. At each cite, twenty-five students were recipients of the pro-
gram and another twenty-five served as a control group for comparison. Students selected
had all completed the eighth grade, and their families had received public assistance. The
program ran for four years or until the students graduated. Rather than end the program each
summer, its services were provided continuously. On average, participants spent 1300 hours
involved in the program.
One evaluation of the program, conducted six months after it ended, found significantly
lower arrest rates for those involved in the program. Follow-up evaluations two years later
found QOP participants were more likely to graduate from high school and more likely to be
enrolled in some type of postsecondary education. Participants were three times as likely to
attend a four-year college and twice as likely to attend a two-year college than was the
comparison group. They were also more likely to have been involved in community service.
Pregnancy rates also decreased, as did the likelihood of fathering a child. While these evalua-
tions did not focus on violence per se, it seems as though QOP was helpful in reducing
violence rates as well. It should be noted, however, that the most significant effects were found
at the Philadelphia site. In 1996, theCenter for the Study and Prevention of Violence
(CSPV) initiated a program called Blueprints for Violence Prevention. Their goal was to iden-
tify the most successful youth violence prevention efforts in the United States and replicate
these programs. They identified eleven model programs out of the more than five hundred they
reviewed, referring to them as “Blueprints.” One of the programs on that list is QOP.
Other evaluations of mentoring programs, however, have found less positive results. The
most important variable for success seems to be the one-on-one attention afforded students in
programs like QOP that allows staff the opportunity to form critical social bonds with at-risk

students. Critics also express concern over the way students come to be labeled “at-risk.”
Some see this as another example of elitism, whereby lower-class youth, often minorities, are

Hahn, A., Leavitt, T., & Aaron, P. (1994).
Evaluation of the quantum opportunities program: Did it
work?Waltham, MA: Brandeis University.
Quantum Opportunities Program. (2002, JanuaryGuide
29). to effective programs for children and youth
Available from: www.childtrends.org/Lifecourse/programs/QuantumOpportunitiesProgram.htm.
Siegel, L., Welsh, B., & Senna, J. (2003).
Juvenile delinquency: Theory, practice, and ,law8th ed.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Laura L. Finley

Rational choice theory focuses on behavior choices that people make after weighing the risks
and benefits of different actions. The theory is derived from expected utility theory in eco-
nomics that emphasizes maximizing profits while minimizing losses. Rational choice theory
is linked with deterrence theoryand is usually classified as a branch of deterrence theory.
The main difference between the two is that deterrence theory is based on events, and rational
choice is based on economics.
Rational choice theory has a number of underlying assumptions. First is that all individu-
als have goals, or they strive for utility, such as wealth. The second assumption is that
individuals behave and live within their means when working toward their goals. Third, the
rational choice is the choice that best achieves the goal using the least means.
Notions of rational choice first appeared in criminology in the late eighteenth century
when Cesare Beccaria applied Enlightenment thinking to crime and punishment. Beccaria
maintained that individuals had free will to choose to commit criminal acts, and decisions to
commit crime would be based on a rational assessment of the risks and benefits of the act. He
wrote that people want to experience pleasure and avoid pain, and while criminal acts can
bring pleasure of various sorts, possible punishment can bring pain. Thus, Beccaria said that
in order for the risks of crime to outweigh the benefits, punishment must be certain and swift.
Rational choice theory was popular in criminology and sociology during the 1960s and
was referred to as exchange theory. Later, the principles in rational choice theory appeared in
control theory and routine activities theory. Since the mid-1970s, there has been a marked
loss of faith in rehabilitative approaches to crime policy in the United States, and policymak-
ers began to look again to classical explanations of crime. This was fueled by James Q.
Wilson’s proposal that punishment was not certain or swift, and so criminals thought that
crime did pay.

Applying Rational Choice to Crime

One of the best illustrations of applying rational choice theory to crime is burglary. Assume a
juvenile is part of a burglary ring that is planning to break in and rob a home. According to
rational choice theory, the juvenile will have to assess the expected benefits or utility of the
crime by weighing the odds of detection, arrest, and conviction, the severity of the punish-
ment if convicted, and other variables, such as different ways to make money, opportunity
costs, social consequences of conviction, his or her own belief system, material costs of
committing the crime, and so forth. The benefits of the crime will then be weighed against

the risks. Benefits can extend beyond financial gain and may include psychological plea-
sure, excitement, revenge, and reputation. The calculation of pleasure versus pain can also
be applied to crimes like drug dealing, white-collar crime, prostitution, and other property
Criticisms of rational choice theory have focused on the tendency of humans to make only
partially rational decisions. Typically, other factors such as emotion, tradition, or even con-
formity may influence decision-making. For example, a violent crime may be inspired by a
passionate response to an event, rather than the rational process of cost-benefit analysis.

Research on Rational Choice Theory

There have been a number of studies conducted on criminal behavior from a rational choice
perspective, with varying results. One study of repeat property offenders found that offenders
did weigh the expected costs of the crime, particularly the odds of serving prison time.
Subjects in this study felt that they probably would not be caught, and if they did, their
sentences would be short. They also reported that they thought the benefits of the crime, that
is, the financial gain, was greater than the risk of arrest and conviction. This study provides
some support for rational choice theory; however, subjects in this study also reported know-
ing at least one other offender who did not weigh the risks of arrest and conviction against the
benefits of the crime. Another study of burglars conducted in 1991 indicated partial support
for rational choice theory.

Policy Implications
Rational choice theory has practical policy implications. The principle that punishment
must be severe enough so that it outweighs the benefits of crime is the one from rational
choice theory that is most reflected in criminal justice policy. The use of capital punishment,
indeterminate sentences, “three strikes and you’re out” sentences for repeat offenders, and
tougher sentences are all examples of policies where the intent was to make potential crimi-
nals think about the consequences of criminal behavior. In the juvenile justice system,
juvenile waivers to adult jurisdictions, whether automatic, judicial, or prosecutorial, also
reflect increased severity of sentences.
Special programs have been developed for juveniles based on principles of rational choice
theory. For example, the Scared Straight program, first established in Rahway Prison, New
Jersey, was an effort to show juveniles what prison was really like and what their lives would
be like if they continued to offend. In this program, juveniles who had committed minor
offenses spent the night in an adult prison. Again, the intent of this program was to make the
risks and consequences of crime far outweigh the benefits.

See alsoRoutine Activities Theory; Waivers to Adult Court

Cromwell, P., Olson, J., & Avary, D. (1991).Breaking and entering: An ethnographic analysis of
burglary. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Felson, M., & Clarke, R. (1998). Opportunity makes the thief: Practical theory for crime prevention.
Police Research Series, Paper. 98
London, UK: Policing and Reducing Crime Unit.
Tunnell, K. (1992).Choosing crime: The criminal calculus of property offenders
. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

Monica L. P. Robbers

RESTITUTION. Restitution, broadly defined, is the process by which offenders provide

money or services to victims to compensate for their damages. Although the idea of restitution
has ancient origins, the concept was mostly absent from the formal criminal justice system prior
to the 1960s, when the growing victims’ rights movement renewed interest in remedying the
harm to victims of crime. In 1982, the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime recom-
mended that restitution be customary in all criminal cases. The Victim/Witness Protection Act
of that same year mandated that federal judges provide written justification in cases in which
they did not impose full restitution. Currently, nearly all fifty states have restitution legislation;
many states require mandatory restitution sentencing, regardless of an offender’s ability to pay.

Restoring the Victim

A popular rationale for restitution involves restoring victims. In fact, victims are frequently
influential advocates for restitution legislation. Victims often experience pain, suffering,
difficult times, and financial losses at the hands of their offenders. Thus, many believe every
effort should be made to restore victims as much as possible to their pre-victimized state.
Receiving money or services from the offender can be beneficial to victims by helping to
diminish some of the victim’s losses and by giving the victim the opportunity to address their
offender. For victims, being able to face offenders and detail how the crime has impacted
them is believed to be psychologically beneficial and may assist in the healing process.

Rehabilitating Offenders
Some suggest that the process of restitution can be beneficial for offenders and prevent future
crime. Rather than simply receiving punishment, offenders must come to terms with the pain
they have caused others. Confronting the reality of their crimes and attempting to correct
their wrongs is thought to be rehabilitative for offenders. In addition, some believe that mak-
ing restitution diminishes any gains offenders receive from their crime. By returning property
or repaying money, the offender is returned to his/her pre-crime state and thus is left with no
benefits from the crime. Taking away the benefits of crime is believed to deter offenders from
committing future offenses.

An Alternative to Incarceration
Consistent with the rationale of rehabilitation, another justification for restitution is that other
sentence types, such as incarceration, are too severe for some offenders. The underlying
thought is that the conditions and stigma associated with incarceration is detrimental for
offenders and may increase the likelihood of further criminal behavior. Thus, juveniles and
low-level or first-time offenders may be better served by the community-based process of
restitution. Often these individuals, particularly juvenile offenders, receive restitution in
addition to community service and other types of restorative treatments. Rather than
condemning them (or, alternatively, simply excusing their offenses), restitution both holds
people accountable for their actions and allows them to “correct” their wrongdoings and rein-
tegrate back into the community.

Evaluating Restitution
Studies suggest that there are several obstacles to enforcing restitution. One difficulty is
determining who is responsible for collecting restitution payments. The responsibility of
restitution compliance varies across jurisdictions, including specialized governmental

departments, probation offices, clerks of court, and other agencies. Often, there is little
communication or coordination across agencies, hindering effective monitoring of restitution
orders. Furthermore, the success of restitution collection can vary significantly across
administrations. In particular, research reveals that agencies in which restitution was a top
priority were more aggressive in their efforts and subsequently yielded more successful
collection rates. Thus, victims in some jurisdictions are more likely than similar victims in
other areas to receive restitution payments.
Another factor troubling restitution collection involves the imposition of restitution with
other punishments. Individuals sentenced in the criminal justice system tend to be dispropor-
tionately from lower socioeconomic conditions. Many offenders have no, unsteady, or low-
paying employment. Often, these offenders do not have the means to make restitution
payments. Moreover, the fact that restitution is frequently imposed in addition to other costs
and fines makes the completion of restitution orders even more daunting.
Research on recidivism and restitution has yielded mixed results. Early studies found that
offenders who completed restitution orders were less likely to be rearrested than those who
received incarceration. However, critics argue that such findings may merely reflect selection
bias; that is, prosecutors and judges perceive restitution as a less severe penalty than incarcera-
tion and thus may pursue restitution sentences in lieu of incarceration for offenders who commit
lesser crimes or seem most amenable to rehabilitation. Those individuals who successfully
complete restitution orders tend to be primarily low-level and first-time offenders; some suggest
these offenders are least likely to re-offend anyway, regardless of any particular sanctioning.
Furthermore, critics argue that restitution is antithetical to the purpose of the criminal
justice system. The United States has a state-centered system of justice, in which crimes are
considered crimes against the state rather than against the individual. Therefore, incorporat-
ing restitution into sentencing focuses attention on the victim rather than the state and
detracts from the purpose of the criminal justice system. Restitution orders change that crim-
inal court system from a society orientation to an individual orientation. Critics believe that
restitution essentially involves individuals seeking compensation, and such matters are more
appropriately handled under civil litigation.
Despite criticism and mixed research findings, restitution remains an increasingly popular
sentencing tool. Recommendations for improving restitution include making the practice
mandatory nationwide, increasing victim awareness of their right to receive restitution,
improving monitoring, and increasing penalties for offender noncompliance. In addition,
a number of governmental organizations and victims’ rights groups advocate for increasing
victims’ authority to seek restitution orders by having the right to petition the court regarding
any unordered restitution or to dispute the payment schedule or amount.

See alsoCommunity Treatment; Restorative Justice

Bright, C. (2004, October 16). Restitution. Restorative Justice Online
. Available at: www.restorative
Caputo, G. (2004).Intermediate sanctions in corrections
. Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press.
National Crime Prevention Council. (1995). Strategy: Restitution by juvenile offenders. Available at:
Office for Victims of Crime. Available at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/.

Mindy S. Bradley

RESTORATIVE JUSTICE. Restorative justice (RJ) is an approach to crime that seeks

to “restore” the harms caused to victims and the community. Although utilized in both crim-
inal and juvenile justice, in the United States this approach is more commonly associated
with juvenile courts. The basic philosophical premise of RJ is that current justice systems in
the United States and other nations are not effective in addressing the effects of crime for all
parties involved, focusing instead primarily on prosecution and punishment of the offender.
In the conceptualization of crime merely as the breaking of laws, the current system neglects
to address injuries to crime victims, cycles of victimization and violence, and long-term
community effects and reactions to crime.
Restorative justice advocates often argue this approach is rooted in ancient or indigenous
systems of justice, although there is considerable debate about this point. What is more clear,
however, is the convergence in the 1970s of victims’ rights movements, family group confer-
encing, victim offender mediation, and other approaches in Canada, New Zealand, and the
United States that sought to bring together offenders, victims, family members, and commu-
nity members for purposes of addressing the roots and effects of specific crimes. Somewhat
retroactively, this grouping has become known as “restorative justice.”
As an approach to criminal justice, RJ currently functions both within and outside of
governmental justice agencies. Many earlier restorative approaches were private or non-
governmental, working outside or in conjunction with adult and juvenile courts. Today, the
macro organization of RJ is decidedly mixed and encompasses private, quasi-public, and
public organizations. It is not uncommon, for example, for a juvenile court to work with an
outside organization to conduct mediations between victims and offenders. Notably, how-
ever, there is considerable disagreement among practitioners regarding the appropriate rela-
tionship of RJ to the criminal justice system, with purists arguing that RJ risks being co-opted
by the state, and pragmatists arguing that RJ is most needed within a justice system that has
turned toward increasingly punitive sanctions.
Approaches to restorative justice differ substantially but share several key characteristics.
Victims are encouraged to voice the effects of crime in their lives to the court, community
members, and the offender. These effects are often integrated with sentencing recommenda-
tions includingrestitution , community service, and personal service to the victim. Offenders
are asked not only to admit guilt, but to take accountability for harm by means by restitution,
service, and self-reflection, including, where necessary, counseling and treatment. This
process serves a dual function of restoring harm caused to victims, as well as reintegrating
the offender back into the community. Finally, community members are often asked to par-
ticipate in restorative practices in order to give support to the victim, to help offenders under-
stand the importance of making amends, and to actively engage in the construction of local
justice expectations and policies.
Today, RJ approaches are quite varied. One commonly used practice in restorative justice
is victim offender mediation (VOM). This technique brings together offenders, victims, and
mediators with a primary goal of allowing the victim a means by which to explain the harm
the offender has caused, to inquire into the motives of the offender, and to address further
concerns the victim may have regarding personal safety. A secondary and not uncommon
goal of VOM is the forging of an agreement between the victim and the offender regarding
restitution and other appropriate means of redress. Numerous studies have shown that vic-
tims find this process meaningful, particularly in resolving unanswered questions regarding
their victimization, the motives of the offender, and concerns about safety or retaliation.
VOMs are usually conducted by staff trained in mediation techniques and occur only after
both victims and offenders have been screened for appropriateness.

One variation of VOM is called family group conferencing, which extends participation to
family members of offenders and victims, as well as other affected parties. This approach is
most common in juvenile cases, where the family of the juvenile plays an important role in
ensuring that he or she understands the effects of their actions and successfully fulfills their
obligation to the court and the victim.
Another common RJ approach is the use of community restorative boards. These boards are
comprised of community members trained in RJ goals. Offenders appear in front of these boards
as a condition of their sentence. Community boards are often used when there is no identifiable
victim of a crime (i.e., drug possession) or when victims cannot participate in VOMs. Normally,
community boards seek to help the offender understand how his or her actions affect the com-
munity, and they often decide upon a course of action by which the offender can make amends
through the setting of an agreement between the board and the offender.
A third approach is often referred to as a sentencing circle. This approach is most closely
aligned with indigenous practices of justice that stress a multi-tiered method of culpability and
reintegration for the offender and support for the victim. Unlike VOM, sentencing circles often
involve several meetings leading up to the large circle meeting that includes victims, offend-
ers, family members, community members and leaders, prosecutors, and other vested parties.
Prior to this meeting, the offender may be asked to meet with members of the circle to admit
blame and explain possible means by which to restore harm. Victims as well usually meet with
members of the circle to receive support and guidance. Finally, prior to the meeting of all par-
ties, members of the circle meet to decide upon a sentencing plan and meeting agenda.
Research is varied on the effectiveness of RJ. Meta-studies have shown that RJ can reduce
recidivism in offenders; however, proponents also argue that recidivism is not an appropriate
indicator for measuring the full effects of RJ. Victim satisfaction is a commonly cited indicator in
the literature, and several studies exist that suggest RJ is more beneficial to victims than current
practices of victim contact and support. One problem facing RJ researchers is the development
of benchmark indicators that allow researchers to compare studies of different RJ programs.
While RJ has grown in the United States since the 1970s, it is not without its critics who
argue that this approach leads to wildly different sentences for similar crimes, deflects
decision-making away from prosecutors and judges, and cannot be applied to more serious
violent crimes.

See alsoVictims of Juvenile Violence, Treatment of

Braithwaite, J. (2002).Restorative justice and responsive regulation
. New York: Oxford University
Department of Justice, Canada. (2001).
The effectiveness of restorative justice practices: A meta-analysis
Research and Statistics Division Methodological Series.
Zehr, H., & Toews, B. (Eds.). (2004).Critical issues in restorative justice
. Monsey, NY: Criminal
Justice Press.

William R.Wood


Development Study is a continuing inquiry into the causes and manifestations of antisocial
behavior. Housed at the Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center at the School of

Criminal Justice of the University of Albany, the study is directed by Marvin D. Krohn in col-
laboration with co-directors Alan J. Lizotte and Carolyn A. Smith.
In 1988, initial interviews were conducted with a group of 1,000 high-risk adolescents and
their parents. The adolescents were enrolled in the seventh and eighth grades at the time. The
sample included 729 boys and 271 girls, with the much larger percentage of boys reflecting
the higher incidence of antisocial behavior among boys. Similar reasoning led the researchers
to include a disproportionate percentage of children who lived in high-crime areas. Over the
subsequent decade, a dozen further interviews were conducted with these individuals, semi-
annually from 1988 to 1992 and annually from 1994 to 1997. Of the original 1,000 subjects,
846, or 85 percent, remained involved in the study until the end. A slightly lower percentage
of parents, 83 percent, remained involved.
Researchers gathered data from child interviews, parent interviews, observations of the
interactions between children and parents, and the public records of schools, social service
departments, and law enforcement agencies. Subsequent funding of the study has allowed for
five annual assessments of the data gathered on the oldest participants in the study, empha-
sizing the ways in which antisocial behavior may be transmitted from one generation to the
next and the factors that may mitigate that sort of transmission.
The study has produced data on the following influences on delinquency: familial rela-
tionships, educational performance, peer relationships, gang affiliations, socioeconomic
background, community of residence, and access to and use of firearms. The study also
produced data on such consequences of delinquency as high school dropout rates and the
incidence of teen pregnancies. Drug abuse was considered as both a cause and an effect of
delinquency. The study has quantified the dramatic increase in the likelihood of delinquency
as strong familial influences are replaced by strong gang affiliations.
The study has prompted a great deal of analysis and synthesis of its data. By April 2003,
sixty-eight books, chapters in books, federal bulletins, and articles in refereed journals had
been published on the study, as well as another twenty-four reports and twelve doctoral dis-
sertations. The most widely reprinted of these secondary sources remains Terrence P.
Thornberry’s article on the study’s rationale and initial findings, “Toward an Interactional
Theory of Delinquency,” originally published in 1987 in the journal Criminology (25:
863–891). It has been reprinted in a number of collections and has even been translated for
publication in collections in other languages, including Chinese.

See alsoInteractionist Theories

Battin-Pearson, S., Thornberry, T., Hawkins, J., & Krohn, M. (1998). Gang membership, delinquent
peers, and delinquent behavior.
Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.
Huizinga, D., Loeber, R., & Thornberry, T. (Eds.). (1994).
Urban delinquency and substance abuse:
Initial findings. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
U.S. Department of Justice.
Huizinga, D., Loeber, R., Thornberry, T., & Cothern, L. (2000).
Co-occurrence of delinquency and
other problem behaviors. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
U.S. Department of Justice.
Lizotte, A., & Sheppard, D. (2001).
Gun use by male juveniles: Research and prevention
. Washington,
DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.
McCluskey, C. (2002).Understanding Latino delinquency . New York: LFB Scholarly.

Thornberry, T. (Ed.). (1997).

Developmental theories of crime and delinquency. New Brunswick, NJ:
Thornberry, T., & Krohn, M. (Eds.). (2003).
Taking stock of delinquency: An overview of findings from
contemporary longitudinal studies . New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.
Thornberry, T., Krohn, M., Lizotte, A., Smith, C., & Tobin, K. (2003).
Gangs and delinquency in devel-
opmental perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Thornberry, T., Wei, E., Stouthamer-Loeber, M., & Van Dyke, J. (2000). Teenage fatherhood and de-
linquent behavior . Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
U.S. Department of Justice.

Martin Kich

ROLLAND, KAYLA, SHOOTING OF. On February 29, 2000, the nation was
once again stunned by an act of school violence. In contrast to the incidents in the 1990s that
garnered national media coverage, which all involved teenaged perpetrators, this time both
the perpetrator and the victim were in elementary school. The shooting of six-year-old Kayla
Rolland prompted national discussions about how best to respond to crime by young people,
as well as heated debate about gun control and the role poverty plays in explaining violent
juvenile crime.
Kayla Rolland, known as “Kay-Kay,” was a happy first grade student at Buell Elementary
school in Mt. Morris Township, home to some 25,000 people and adjacent to the north side
of Flint, Michigan. Friends, neighbors, and her teachers described her as a nice girl who
seemed to get along with everyone, who enjoyed playing with Barbie dolls, and who prayed
before lunch. On February 29, 2000, a young classmate with whom she had quarreled shot
her with a .32 caliber handgun he took from his uncle’s house, where he was staying since his
mother and siblings had been evicted from their home. The shooting occurred when the
classroom teacher had let a few students, including Kayla and the shooter, stay behind in the
classroom while she took the others to the computer room. The boy claims he only brought
the gun to school to frighten Kayla, who was killed by the single shot. She died approxi-
mately thirty minutes after the shooting.
Classes were canceled the days after the shooting as the community and people all over the
nation dealt with the tragedy. The school building remained open, however, so that students
and community members could meet with counselors. The shooter and his siblings were
immediately removed from their mother, Tamarla Owens, and the Michigan Family
Independence Agency (FIA) threatened to take permanent custody of the children. The
shooter was not charged with any crime, as prosecutors agreed he was too young to under-
stand his actions. The boy’s uncle and two others were charged with weapons violations later
in 2000. Jamelle Andre James was charged with involuntary manslaughter, as he admitted to
providing the boy access to the gun. In 2004, Kayla Rolland’s mother, Veronica McQueen,
filed a suit against the Beecher School District, the district superintendent, the principal of
Buell Elementary School, Kayla’s first grade teacher, and several other teachers claiming
they were negligent to have left Kayla and the shooter unattended.
In trying to explain the incident, many people examined the role of poverty. Flint itself,
a former booming industrial city, has suffered tremendous economic woes since the closure
of the General Motors plant in the 1980s. Many of the people residing in the Beecher School
District are especially poor; at the time, 87 percent of the students were receiving free and
reduced lunch at school. Tamarla Owens, some say, was a victim of the 1996 Personal

Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act pledged by President Clinton to “end welfare as
we know it.” The goal of the legislation was to reduce welfare rolls by limiting the time an
individual could receive aid (five years) and by mandating that recipients work or go to
school a total of thirty hours per week. Michigan was one of the states that most aggressively
implemented the welfare-to-work mentality, and results indicated that fewer people were on
welfare rolls as a result. On the other hand, critics contend that people were still impover-
ished; now they just had no assistance. Further, many states did not help those complying
with the work or school requirements find adequate day care for their children. In Tamarla
Owens’ case, her eighteen-year-old daughter often watched the younger siblings while she
worked, often at two jobs. Because she did not have reliable transportation, she was taking a
bus to her job at a store in the Great Lakes Crossing mall in affluent Auburn Hills. To get
there, she often had to leave the home at 7:30 a.m. and returned at 11:00 p.m. Because she
had gotten delinquent on rent payments, Owens and her family were evicted eight days
before the shooting. It was then that she let her son stay with her brother in what many claim
was a crack house. Perhaps the most vocal critic of welfare reform at the time was filmmaker
and author Michael Moore, who included coverage of the shooting in his award-winning
documentary,Bowling for Columbine .
Moore and others also used the shooting to prompt debate about gun control. Moore
criticized National Rifle Association (NRA) leader Charlton Heston for coming to Flint for a
pro-gun rally shortly after the shooting. Others accuse Moore of misleading, asserting that
the NRA rally was over a half a year later.
Others expressed concern that the school and the family missed critical warning signs that
the boy was at risk. Prior to the shooting, he had been suspended for fighting and had repeat-
edly told people he “hated everyone.” Further, some maintain that he was the victim of a
dysfunctional family. Tamarla Owens was convicted in 1992 of child abuse, and the boy’s
father, Dedric Owens, had fathered six children by three different mothers. He was not really
in the picture at the time of the shooting, as he was incarcerated for a parole violation.

See alsoGun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of; Homelessness
and Youth Violence; Victims of Juvenile Violence, Very Young

Brehm, E. (2000, April 28). Michigan school shooting a tragic consequence of U.S. welfare “reform.”
World Socialist Website. Available at: www.wsws.org/articles/2000/apr2000/welf-a28.shtml.
Kozlowski, K., & French, P. (n.d.). Tribute to Kayla Rolland.
VisionFusion.net. Retrieved April 10,
2006 from: www.visionfusion.net/kayla_rolland.
Moore, M. (2002).Bowling for Columbine[Motion Picture]. New York: MGM Studios.
More indictments in school shooting. (2000, March 16).CBSNews.com . Retrieved April 10, 2006,
from: www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/02/29/nationalmain166184.shtml.

Laura L. Finley

ROUTINE ACTIVITIES THEORY. Routine activities theory is a perspective in

criminology that has aroused much interest since the late 1970s. This theory, also called
lifestyle theory, derives its name from the proposition that the “routine activities” of people in
their everyday lives place them in greater positions for criminal victimization. These
recurrent activities occur at home, at work, and other venues away from home and consist of

family activities, leisure activities, other social activities, employment, and activities involv-
ing the general provision of food and shelter, such as shopping.
Using a temporal and spatial (time and location) approach, the theory attempts to target the
conditions that tend to make criminal victimization a probable event. Drawing on rational
choice perspectives that posit that criminal behavior is a result of conscious choice by
offenders, routine activities theory, as proposed by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson (and
also later advocated by Ronald Clarke), states that due to structural changes in American
society, especially those occurring during the 1960s and 1970s, conditions became highly
amenable to criminal activity. The authors use demographic data to theorize reasons for ris-
ing theft-related offenses during this period and provide some insights into prevention of
criminal activity.
The theory is based upon the idea that in order for crime to occur, three elements or vari-
ables must be present: a desired object or potential victim, a person or persons motivated to
commit a crime involving the valued object, and the absence of a capable guardian.
Examples of desired objects are valued possessions, such as a diamond ring, a luxury auto-
mobile, or a drawer containing cash. Objects can even be people, such as a potential rape vic-
tim or an elderly person who is victimized by scam artists. Examples of motivated offenders
are an adolescent wishing to break into a liquor store, a gang member who is attempting to
harm a person traveling through town, or a child molester who is pursuing children.
Examples of capable guardians are the police, a neighborhood watch program, an in-store
camera, a watch dog, a metal detector, or any such entity that would likely prevent the crime
from occurring. Although law enforcement agencies would normally be considered the ideal
guardian since they are the primary social control agents in society, this in fact is usually not
the case, as police officers normally appear after the victimization has occurred.
While Felson and Cohen analyzed the micro-level situations of people involved in their
daily affairs, they also adopted a macro-level of reference by reviewing crime trends and
relating these trends in a social-cultural context. For example, using crime data, they com-
pared crime rates from 1960 to 1971 and found a sizable increase in criminal behavior, espe-
cially those crimes involving theft. The researchers also examined demographic data and
changes in product design and manufacture from the same period as well; these changes
reflected cultural changes in a larger social milieu. The data revealed that several routine
activities removed people from their households during the day and at night, for example,
employment, college attendance (especially by females), out-of-town travel, and long vaca-
tion times, much more in 1971 than in 1960. An increase in being away from the home, it was
hypothesized, was related to the higher level of victimization by theft. The more the
occupants were away from their homes and the more predators realized that the homes were
unoccupied resulted in an increase in victimization rates.
Another trend during this period was the increase in technological advancements that aided
in the routine activities of the general population. The greater use and increased monetary value
of vehicles during the period made them highly desired objects for motivated offenders.
Another by-product of technological advancements was a general decrease in the size of elec-
tronic durable goods, such as televisions, household appliances, radios, and so on, making them
easier to illegally obtain, conceal, and transport. Increased financial and social value combined
with easier access to and theft of these items resulted in higher rates of criminal theft.
The researchers offer several policy and social changes that they believe will thwart
victimization rates. For example, they propose increasing guardianship, especially through
“environmental design” strategies that make it difficult for victimization to occur, for exam-
ple, placing a high fence or installing a security alarm system at a residence. Another strategy

involves using “target hardening” techniques to make it difficult to obtain, damage, or

injure the object, for instance, packaging that makes it difficult to conceal the object or that
can be detected if it leaves a store without payment occurring. Another measure involves
taking personal actions to ensure safety, for example, avoiding places that are known to be
dangerous, refraining from going out late at night, or using ATM machines or gas stations
that are well lighted. It is posited that these strategies will have a marked effect on levels of
Cohen and Felson (and later Felson and Clarke) have reported empirical validation for
their theory and, as noted, suggest that policies should be promulgated that increase capable
guardianship, especially in the form of situational prevention measures. Critics of the theory
maintain that the routine activities approach fails to explain criminal motivations and that
increasing guardianship simply allows displacement, that is, offenders simply going to areas
where such guardianship is not present. The theory, which is primarily a theory of victimiza-
tion rather than crime causation, has been supported by some studies but not by others. Its
greatest value lies in its examination of crime prevention efforts.

See alsoGeneral and Specific Deterrence Theory; Rational Choice Theory; Situational
Crime Prevention

Clarke, R., & Felson, M. (1993). Introduction: Criminology, Routine Activity and Rational Choice.
Advances in Criminological Theory, 5, 1–14.
Cohen, L., & Felson, M. Social change and crime rate trends: A routine activities approach.
Sociological Review, 44, 588–608.
Felson, M. (1994).Crime and everyday life. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Felson, M., & Clarke, R. (1997).
Business and crime prevention
. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.

Leonard Steverson

RURAL JUVENILE VIOLENCE. Arrest statistics indicate that the overall rate of
juvenile violence has continued to decline since the early 1990s. However, it seems that pub-
lic awareness of juvenile violent crime and punitive attitudes toward these offenders has
increased throughout this time. This seems particularly true of rural violent juvenile offenses
for a variety of reasons, including the occurrence of some extremely violent recent incidents
involving juveniles living in rural areas, media portrayals of a growing menace among rural
youth, and a greater presence of rural gangs. Though the rate of juvenile violence in cities
continues to surpass that of regions with rural populations, in the absence of sufficient crim-
inological research on rural juvenile violence, perceptions of growing rural juvenile violence
have incited various reactions aimed at decreasing this particular social problem. There is a
lack of agreement, however, on the precise actions the juvenile justice system should make in
order to prevent, treat, and punish violent rural juvenile offenders.

Juvenile Arrests
Arrest statistics for juvenile offenders show that juveniles as a whole account for approximately
15 percent of all violent crime arrests in 2003. For nine consecutive years, juvenile arrests for
murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault have steadily declined. In fact, the

murder rate for juveniles has dropped 77 percent since 1993. There is much less information
available on the breakdown of rural versus urban juvenile arrests for violent crimes.
Traditionally, juvenile violence has been assumed to be an urban phenomenon, so most studies
on this social problem have tended to be centered in these areas. Only recently have studies
expanded to try to discover qualities of rural juvenile violence. An examination of rural juvenile
violence rates over time suggests that rural areas today experience substantially less violent
crime than their urban counterparts but that they are also experiencing more juvenile violence
than they did in the past, which may create some troubling problems. Juveniles arrested for vio-
lent crimes appear to be treated similarly by the justice system in rural and urban areas, with
71 percent of rural juveniles and 70 percent of urban juveniles being dealt with in juvenile court.

Prominent Episodes
Rural juvenile violence in America became an extremely prominent issue in the late 1990s
when three highly publicized rural school shootings occurred. In October 1997, a sixteen-
year-old teenager killed two girls and injured seven others at Pearl High School in Pearl,
Mississippi. In December of that year in Paducah, Kentucky, a teenage boy shot and killed
three girls and injured five others. Four months after that, in March 1998, two boys in
Jonesboro, Arkansas brought guns to their school to kill four classmates and a teacher and
injure eleven others. Similar incidents of extreme juvenile violence have followed, creating
various degrees of moral panic throughout the United States. Since these very visible acts of
juvenile violence, U.S. policymakers have been searching for answers about kids who kill
and who are especially violent, particularly in rural towns.
As shocking as these cases are, however, they are not typical of juvenile delinquency in
general. The truth is that they run contrary to recent juvenile homicide trends and represent
more of a deviation from the norm. Juvenile homicides have fallen sharply over the past few
years and are still extremely rare in rural communities. According to FBI data, juvenile homi-
cide arrests dropped approximately 30 percent since 1994. It seems that the primary difference
in juvenile violence between rural and urban settings pertains to the nature of the events; while
there are clearly more perpetrators involved in urban juvenile violence, it is more likely that
there are multiple victims in rural shootings.

Media Portrayals
Several studies suggest that the media’s portrayal of juvenile delinquency has been a major
contributor to the notion that juvenile violence is a growing threat to rural communities.
Although recent reports indicate that serious juvenile violence is about twice as likely to
occur in urban areas than in rural places, the media’s focus on violent rural aberrations gives
the appearance that these are much more common occurrences than they actually are. Many
episodes of rural juvenile violence are reported in the media because their rural nature makes
them newsworthy. In content analyses of news stories on juvenile violence, it has been con-
cluded that violent juvenile episodes are much more prominently highlighted when they have
occurred in rural settings. Instances of urban violence were generally viewed as more
expected and therefore not deemed as newsworthy.

Rural Juvenile Gangs

In rural counties, residents widely agree that juvenile gang violence is a growing problem.
Statistics indicate that rural gangs are proliferating and becoming more violent, thus creating

more concern among those living in these areas. Attitudes of rural citizens vary widely,
though, in terms of the most appropriate way of dealing with these juvenile gang offenders.
The nature of juvenile gangs in rural and urban settings appears to be similar. In both
settings, illegal drug use and gun ownership contribute to gangs’ proclivity for violence.
Research suggests that although the rates of drug use are comparable across rural and urban
settings, the types of drugs that juveniles are using may be different. This may be one reason
why the violence associated with drug use is much lower in rural communities than in urban
cities. On the other hand, gun ownership continues to be much more prevalent in rural areas
than in cities. However, crime statistics indicate that guns are much more likely to be used
during the commission of a crime among urban gang members. It has been argued that guns
have different social meanings in rural areas, resulting in less use during violent acts. Despite
the fact that gang activities appear to be similar in rural and urban areas and that pressure to
join juvenile gangs is similar in both settings, urban juveniles are significantly more likely to
say that they have friends in gangs or had been threatened by gangs, resulting in greater con-
cerns for personal safety and violence in their schools and communities.

See alsoGangs Types; Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of;
News, Juvenile Violence and

Bouley, Jr., E., & Wells, T. (2001). Attitudes of citizens in a southern rural county toward juvenile
crime and justice issues.
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 17, 60–70.
Donnermeyer, J. (1993). Rural youth usage of alcohol, marijuana, and “hard” drugs. International
Journal of Addictions, 28(3), 249–55.
Evans, W., Fitzgerald, C., Weigel, D., & Chvilicek, S. (1999). Are rural gang members similar to their
urban peers? Implications for rural communities. Youth & Society,
30, 267–282.
Fischer, C. (1980). The spread of violent crime from city to countryside, 1955 toRural
45, 416–434.
Goldstein, A., & Soriano, F. (1994). Juvenile gangs. In L. Eron, J. Gentry, & P. Schlegel (Eds.),
in America(pp. 315–333). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Lowry, R., Powell, K., Kann, L., Collins, J., & Kolbe, L. (1998). Weapon-carrying, physical fighting,
and fight related injury among U.S. adolescents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 14,
Maxson, C. (1993). Investigating gang migration: Contextual issues for intervention.Gang Journal,
2, 1–8.
Triplett, R. (1996). The growing threat: Gangs and juvenile offenders. In T. Flanagan & F. Longmire
(Eds.),Americans view crime and justice: A national public opinion survey . Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
Weisheit, R., Falcone, D., & Wells, L. (1996).Crime and policing in rural and small-town America.
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland.
Weisheit, R., & Wells, L. (1996). Rural crime and justice: Implications for theory and research.
& Delinquency, 42, 379–397.
Wood, R., Zalud, G., & Hoag, C. (1996). Opinions of rural mid-western principals toward violence in
schools. Education, 116(3), 397–403.

Kelly Welch
SAFE AND DRUG FREE SCHOOLS ACT. The Safe and Drug Free Schools
(and Communities) Act (SDFSC) was originally authorized by the America’s Schools Act of
1994, addressing the seventh goal that called for the elimination of all illegal drugs and
violence from schools by the year 2000. SDFSC was reauthorized as Title IV, Part A of the
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001. The SDFSC provides federal funding for the
prevention of illegal drug use and violence in and near schools.
Based on the premise that academic achievement is optimized in schools with no drug use,
violence, firearms, and illegal tobacco and alcohol use, the SDFSC funds programs and
research in local school districts. In addition to programs that increase awareness about the con-
sequences of illegal drug use and violence, funded activities include character education, law
enforcement services, emergency intervention after traumatic events, parent and community
involvement, youth suicide warning trainings, and various mentoring and referral programs.
The Safe and Drug Free School Program in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
(OESE) offers model violence and drug prevention programs for schools, related research
results, a variety of publications, and applications for SDFSC prevention grants.

See alsoCenter for the Prevention of School Violence (CPSV); National School Safety
Center (NSSC)

No Child Left Behind Website: www.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml?src=pb.
The Safe and Drug Free Schools Program Website: www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osdfs/index.html?

Melanie Moore


and Eleanor Glueck, a husband-and-wife team of researchers at Harvard University,
performed a number of crime-related studies over a forty-year period. Their purpose was to
obtain a better understanding of juvenile delinquency and the development and maintenance
of criminal careers. The Gluecks produced four major databases on crime and juvenile delin-
quency; the most famous of these culminated in a book entitled Unraveling Juvenile
Delinquencyin 1950.
The Gluecks maintained a multidisciplinary focus during their research projects and never
wed themselves completely to any one academic discipline. As a result, they did not focus
exclusively on biological, psychological, or sociological perspectives; their main goal was

uncovering or “unraveling” the complex causes of juvenile delinquency and determining

the effectiveness of programs designed to thwart delinquent behavior. They conducted
their research by interviewing not only their subjects (500 juveniles determined to be
“delinquents”), but also parents, teachers, and others involved in the juveniles’ lives. In addi-
tion to these interviews, the Gluecks reviewed police, court, and detention data. They utilized
a control group (of 500 “nondelinquents”) whose subjects were closely matched with
characteristics thought to be correlated with crime, such as age, racial and ethnic back-
ground, intelligence, residence, and income. The Gluecks’ approach was also longitudinal as
they re-interviewed the delinquents again between 1949 and 1965. Their conclusion was that
there are several variables associated with delinquency in youth, especially age and family
process. In fact, according to the Gluecks, the primary difference between the delinquents
and nondelinquents was the child-rearing practices of their families.
In the 1990s, two professors at Harvard,
John H. Laub and Robert J. Sampson , found
much of the Gluecks’ data in a basement at Harvard Law School. They were generally
impressed with the large data sets generated in the early studies and reviewed and reanalyzed
the data using a refined computer system. Despite criticisms of the Gluecks’ data collection
and analysis by key social scientists of the day, notably sociologist Edwin Sutherland, the
two believed that the Gluecks’ data was in many ways superior to many contemporary longi-
tudinal data sets and that the information could be of great value to the study of delinquency.
In a now famous article, Laub and Sampson confirmed the Gluecks’ findings that certain
family process variables, that is, supervision, attachment, and discipline, are the primary
determinants of serious and persistent delinquent behavior. In addition, their analysis of the
Gluecks’ data also suggested that appropriate family functioning has a mediating effect on
delinquency. The two researchers proposed that two other underestimated variables—
parental deviance and alcoholism—were key determinants of delinquency. Laub and
Sampson concluded the article with a call for other researchers to analyze the Gluecks’ data.

Glueck, S., & Glueck, E. (1950).
Unraveling juvenile delinquency. New York: Commonwealth Fund.
Laub, J., & Sampson, R. (1988). Unraveling families and delinquency: A reanalysis of the Gluecks’
data.Criminology, 26, 355–380.
Sampson, R., & Laub, J. (1993).
Crime in the making
. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Leonard Steverson


Survey is administered in selected years as a supplement to the National
annual Crime
Victimization Survey. The National Crime Victimization Survey has been conducted since
1973 on a representative sample of 42,000 households in the United States and collects infor-
mation on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of crimes, including those not
reported to the police. All persons over the age of twelve in a selected household are inter-
viewed about crimes in which they were the victim during the six-month period preceding
the interview.
The School Crime Victimization Survey, also known as the School Crime Supplement, is
designed specifically to collect data on crime victimization in schools. It is conducted by the
Bureau of Justice Statistics within the U.S. Department of Justice and was administered in
1995, 1999, 2001, 2003, and 2005. The School Crime Victimization Survey is administered

to persons within households included in the National Crime Victimization Survey who are
aged 12 to 18 years (12 to 19 years in 1989 and 1995), who attended school at any time in the
previous six months, and who are enrolled in an academic program leading to a high school
diploma. The following types of questions are included in the School Crime Victimization
Survey: (1) time, date, and location of crimes that occurred within a school building, on
school grounds, or on a school bus; (2) the type of school, the distance from the student’s
home, the school’s attendance and monitoring policies, and the student’s attendance in the
previous six months; (3) violence and availability of drugs within the school and school
response and student reactions to rule violations; (4) demographic characteristics of house-
hold members, such as age, race, sex, and employment. Data from the School Crime
Victimization Survey is available for download from the National Archive of Criminal
Justice Data website housed at the University of Michigan within the Inter-University
Consortium for Political and Social Research. Besides the data itself, this archive includes a
brief description of the School Crime Victimization Survey, codebooks, data collection
instruments, SAS and SPSS data definition statements, and references (and sometimes links)
to analyses that use School Crime Victimization Survey data. Online data analysis is also
available through both the Bureau of Justice and the National Archive of Criminal Justice
Data websites, so that basic analyses may be conducted without downloading the data and
bringing it into a statistical analysis program.

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data: The Source for Crime and Justice Data. Available at:
Riedel, M. (2000). Research strategies for secondary data: A perspective for criminology and criminal
justice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics.Indicators
of school crime and safety, 2005
. Available at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/iscs05.htm.

Sarah Boslaugh

SCHOOL POLICE OFFICERS. A school police officer is a law enforcement

official whose duties center on enhancing school security and the welfare of primary and
secondary school students. To adequately conceptualize school police officers as public
servants who are distinct from other law enforcement officials, it is essential to bear in mind
the fact that juvenile students are a partially institutionalized demographic group; they are
legally required to attend school and are subject to greater limitations on their basic freedoms
than the general population. For example, while at school a youth may be subject to a dress
code, be subject to screening by metal detectors, be denied the liberty of possessing
items that he/she would be free to possess while away from school (for example, cell phone,
pocketknife), and have his/her personal movements restricted (for example, times during
which a student may go to the bathroom).
Thus, school police officers function in a manner somewhat similar to correctional officers
or attendants in drug rehabilitation facilities insofar as school police officers tend to a captive
clientele who are subject to numerous restrictions on their basic liberties. It is necessary to
clarify, however, that school police officers are different from school security guards/officers
in that school police officers have the same legal authority as any local law enforcement
agent; they are sworn law enforcement officers with special powers of arrest that exceed

those of the ordinary citizen. And in the United States, school police officers normally carry
sidearms, whereas school security guards/officers do not carry firearms.
As to the origins of the school police officer, it is clear that the concept originated in the
United States, but it is not clear precisely when and where the first school police officer
served. Suffice it to say that although some school districts developed security services as
early as the 1930s, prior to the 1990s there were relatively few school police officers serving
in the United States or anywhere else in the western hemisphere. During the 1990s, however,
the number of school police officers rapidly increased, and by the early 2000s there were
more than 20,000 school police officers serving throughout the United States.
The most common types of school police officers in the United States are the school
resource officer and the school district police officer, with the distinction between the two
being based on the type of agency for which the officer works. In some states (for example,
Arizona and Florida) municipal police officers and/or county deputy sheriffs may be
assigned to serve in the schools, while in other states (for example, California and Texas),
school districts can maintain independent police departments. This is similar to the practice
of universities maintaining independent police departments. School police officers who are
employed by a local law enforcement agency are usually referred to as school resource offi-
cers and school police officers who are employed by an independent school district police
agency are generally known as school district police officers. In the United Kingdom, there is
no substantive evidence that any schools have developed independent police/constabulary
agencies, but there are a number of police/constabulary agencies that assign officers the task
of serving in the schools. These officers are known as school liaison officers.
With regard to the responsibilities of school police officers, the officers tend to a plethora of
duties. The sample job description for a school resource officer (serving at the high school
level) prepared by the National Association of School Resource Officers contains a list of duties
inclusive of, but not limited to traffic supervision at the beginning and end of the school day;
patrolling school grounds throughout the school day to maintain a visible law enforcement
presence; gathering intelligence on criminal activities in the schools and sharing the intelli-
gence with local criminal justice officials; attending teacher-parent meetings; attending faculty
meetings; giving presentations at faculty in-services, parent-teacher gatherings, and community
meetings; attending extracurricular school activities, such as dances and athletic competitions;
traveling with athletic teams to away games; assisting with delinquency prevention programs,
such as Drug Abuse Resistance and Education (D.A.R.E.); and providing a positive role model
for students. Moreover, some of the school district police departments in metropolitan areas
have officers who perform specialized duties. The Los Angeles School District Police
Department, for instance, has a canine unit and a paramilitary response team (that is, a SWAT
team). It is important to note, however, that school police officers in the United Kingdom focus
on the provision of social services, such as programs designed to increase juvenile awareness of
road safety and the hazards of drug use, rather than tending to the general law enforcement and
patrol duties that occupy much of the time of school police officers in the United States.

See alsoSurveillance in Schools

Avon and Somerset Constabulary. (2002).What is schools liaison?
Avon and Somerset, UK: Avon and
Somerset Constabulary. Retrieved October 15, 2004 from: http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk.
Beger, R. (2002). Expansion of police power in public high schools and the vanishing rights of students.
Social Justice, 29
, 119–130.

Benigni, M. (2004, May). The need for school resource officers

. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 73
, 22–24.
Burke, S. (2001, September). The advantages of a school resource. Law officer
and Order, 49, 73–75.
Girouard, C. (2001).School resource officer training program (FS 200105). Washington, DC: Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Hopkins, N., Hewstone, M., & Hantzi, A. (1992). Police-schools liaison and young people’s image of
the police: An intervention evaluation.
British Journal of Psychology, 83
, 203–220.
Jackson, A. (2002). Police-school resource officers’ and students’ perception of the police and offend-
ing. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management,, 631–650.
Johnson, I. (1999). School violence: The effectiveness of a school resource officer program in a south-
ern city. Journal of Criminal Justice, 27
, 173–192.

Ben Brown

SEDUCTIONS OF CRIME THEORY. The seductions of crime approach is a rela-

tively new theoretical perspective that focuses attention on psychological variables, especially
the highly pleasurable benefits that are associated with criminal activity. As such, it has special
association with younger offenders to whom the “thrill” of crime is often highly noticeable.
The originator of this “seduction theory” of crime, Jack Katz, is of the opinion that most
theories of crime causation do not adequately address the importance of the internal
gratification of criminal behavior. Therefore, his focus is on the seductive nature of potential
criminal acts and the rewards experienced by the offenders. In fact, according to Katz in his
prominent workSeductions of Crime: Moral and Sensual Attractions in Doing, Evil the pri-
mary motivation to offend is the crime itself. In this work, Katz advances his ideas through the
use of comments from victims and perpetrators of crime obtained from ethnographic sources.
Most theories of criminology, according to the seduction theory, pay too much attention to
“background” forces or those biological, psychological, or sociological conditions that
compel people to commit criminal acts. The “foreground” or the enticements that people
experience when considering a particular criminal act constitute the pulling force to deviate
from social norms. Since the background of a person does not change, Katz is concerned
with the experiential motivators and how the actors respond to these motivators. Katz notes
that general descriptions of criminal acts leave out the sights, sounds, tactile, and other
sensory experiences of the person committing the act. He feels the visual images and sounds
of someone being physically attacked, for instance, must be considered in order to fully
understand the tempting influences of crime. The “sensual dynamics” of crime account for a
vast array of behaviors, from the stealing of items in a store to the extreme act of taking
another person’s life.
According to the theory, people delight in their actions of deviance but are often severely
shamed and humiliated when caught in these acts. The humiliation turns to rage, often erupt-
ing into violent episodes of anger. People handle this humiliation differently and, as is often
the case within adolescent gangs, games are created in which the juveniles perform a series
of aggressive rituals against those they determine are their enemies: rival gangs. The fear of
humiliation is in itself exciting and seductive.
In his theoretical perspective, Katz espouses a symbolic interactionist paradigm in that
he focuses on the micro-level interactions and the idea that phenomena are socially con-
structed. Within this framework, meaning is constructed through interactions via the use of sym-
bols, verbal and physical, that communicate meaning, often through the use of metaphors.
This is evident in Katz’s metaphorical descriptions of the stimuli that describe criminal

behavior as “seductive,” “thrilling,” “sensuous,” and “magical.” The criminal actions are
termed “righteous slaughter,” “sneaky thrills,” and “doing stickup.” Terms describing the
perpetrators of criminal activity include “badasses,” “street elites,” and “hardmen.”
Adolescents who commit delinquent acts play a prominent role in Katz’s work. He describes
the thrills experienced by delinquents when they engage in behavior such as minor theft and
vandalism as “sneaky thrills.” He also examines the more serious violent offenses committed
by juveniles. His term “badass” is used to describe those adolescents who have succumbed to
the lures of aggressive criminal behavior and who use a number of techniques to maintain their
“badness.” These techniques include the use of certain types of clothing, scars, tattoos,
sunglasses, aloofness, mumbling, angry facial gestures, guttural sounds, cursing, and gang
signs. Members of adolescent gangs do not consider themselves members of “gangs” but of
groups with a collective identity; however, those in opposing gangs are considered gang
members. Katz describes different types of American gangs (African-American, Latin
American, middle-class white adolescents) as well as gangs of other countries in his analysis.
Those adolescents who take on mythical omnipotence in their gang activity are referred to
as the “street elites.” These teens have a unique posture that is intended to elevate them to a
higher status than others. Violence is a key aspect of being a street elite and has the power to
symbolically elevate their lived experiences to those of “glorious combat,” to promote a
façade of independence and respectability, and to maintain their personae in spite of the obvi-
ous dangers of their urban environments. Although the image of street gangs is normally one
of constant turf warring, in reality one of the major characteristics of gang life is boredom.
Often to alleviate feelings of boredom, gang members will formulate means of dealing with
the unpleasantness, such as walking in unison in an intimidating manner throughout different
areas of town in an activity called “parading.”
One common characteristic of adolescent gang members is the resistance, and often out-
right defiance, of authority. What makes gang membership seductive, according to Katz, is
the potential that exists for the street elites to reveal the mundane absurdity of the world
fueled by a fantasy that gives the gang members a superior position to others around them.
Katz takes issue with many of the sociological theories of deviant behavior, especially the
strain theory as proposed by Robert K. Merton. Katz believes this perspective fails to capture
the meanings given to the crime by the criminal. For example, the criminal “innovator” in
Merton’s theory is a nonconformist who uses illicit means in order to obtain socially favored
goals. Obviously, many types of inner-city crime are perpetrated with no intent to obtain the
“American Dream.” It has been difficult to explain the etiology of white-collar and corporate
deviance in similar terms as to what Katz terms “ghetto deviance.” However, the seduction
hypothesis provides a means of understanding that a deviant act has the same psychological
reward structure for the inside trader and the inner-city bank robber as it does for the adolescent
gang member who finds a genuine delight embarrassing a teacher with threats and intimidation.
While Katz’s theory is provocative and is included in most juvenile delinquency text-
books, it has not generated empirical testing. This may be a result of the difficulty of testing
the basic premises of the theory or a variety of other reasons.

Ferrell, J. (1995). Culture, crime, and cultural criminology. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular
Culture, 3(2), 25–42.
Katz, J. (1988).Seductions of crime: Moral and sensual attractions in doing. New
evil York: Basic Books.

Leonard Steverson

SEXUAL VIOLENCE, RATES OF. Rates of juvenile sexual offending and

victimization are likely underestimated because crimes against juveniles are highly under-
reported. While rates of juvenile sexual violence vary because of differences in data used to
estimate offending and victimization, two important pieces of information have emerged
from the data collected thus far. First, juveniles are at a high risk for sexual victimization by
adults and by other juveniles. Second, there are differences between male and female
juvenile victimization and offending experiences.
Based upon data from the Uniform Crime Reports, the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Preventionhas determined that the arrest rate for forcible rape committed by juve-
niles has steadily declined since 1993, reaching its lowest point in 2003. This does not mean that
the number of juveniles committing sex offenses has decreased or that the number of juvenile-
perpetrated sex offenses has decreased. Rather, these rates indicate that the number of juveniles
arrested for the crime of forcible rape has declined. Juveniles who sexually offend victimize
other juveniles 95 percent of the time, and the majority of these assaults involve acquaintances.
While juveniles represent 12 percent of all crime victims in the NIBRS (National Incident
Based Reporting System, a national crime statistics database), they comprise over 70 percent
of all victims of sexual assault. Children under the age of fifteen are the most at risk for being
sexually victimized by adults or other children, and half of all victims of violent sexual
assaults are under age twelve. Most child victims of sexual assault are victimized by family
members or acquaintances.
Juveniles are more susceptible to sexual violence than are adults, and juvenile females are
more likely to be sexually assaulted than juvenile males. Juvenile females represent at least
three-fourths of the victims of sexual assaults. However, most male victims of sexual assault are
juveniles, creating a unique victim population. Juvenile sexual offending also demonstrates
gender differences. Ninety-two percent of all juvenile sexual assault victims were victimized by
males in 1997 and 1998. Eight percent of all sexual assault victims were victimized by females
during that same time period. Since females are most likely to commit crimes against other
females, it is likely that the victims of these sexual offenders were primarily female. The low
arrest rate for female sex offenders and lack of information about their victims makes it difficult
to determine trends. Regardless, it is clear that gender differences exist in the sexual victimiza-
tion and offending experiences.

See alsoSexual Violence, Types of

Finkelhor, D., & Ormrod, R. (2000).Characteristics of crimes against juveniles . Washington,
DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.
McCurley, C., & Snyder, H. (2004). Victims of violent juvenile crime
. Washington, DC: Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.
Snyder, H. (2001). Law enforcement and juvenile crime. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice.

Wendy Perkins

SEXUAL VIOLENCE, TYPES OF. Juveniles who commit sexual violence are a
diverse group. They may commit nonsexual criminal behavior, such as aggravated assault, or
display signs of antisocial behavior. Sexually abusive behaviors can range from offenses

involving no contact to those involving actual penetration. Sexual aggression has been
reported in children as young as three and four, with the most common age of onset between
the ages of six and nine.
Sexual violence poses a serious problem, the cost of which is considerable to victims and
society. The scope of the problem may be underestimated because juvenile sexual offenders
are known only when they are introduced into the criminal justice system. For treatment to be
successful, it is of the utmost importance that a program should work at stopping the abusive
It is thought that those juveniles who commit crimes of sexual violence share many of
the same characteristics as those who commit crimes of nonsexual violence. For example,
juveniles who have committed sexual violence differ on victim and offense characteristics,
histories of maltreatment, sexual knowledge and experiences, and level of academic and
cognitive functioning, as do their nonsexual offending counterparts.
Because of these differences, it is difficult to classify them into groups. Some types of
offenders can be thought of as naïve experimenters, sexually aggressive, child molesters, or
rapists. Others exhibit deviant sexual arousal and antisocial behaviors, whereas others may
not fit into any category.
A history of child abuse and its role in sexual violence is a complex issue. Some studies
have found that physical abuse, neglect, and the witnessing of family violence are associated
with sexual violence, whereas others have found no difference in childhood abuse history
between sexual offenders and nonsexual offenders.
Some characteristics observed in abused children, such as a lack of empathy, the inability
to feel compassion or to recognize appropriate emotions in others, and the inability to hold
another person’s perspective, may have some bearing on juvenile sex offenders. Impulse
control disorders, conduct disorders, antisocial traits, and depression have also been observed
in young sex offenders.
Family instability and violence may be prevalent among juveniles who commit sexual
violence. Many offenders have stated that they experienced physical and/or emotional separation
from one or both of their parents. These juveniles may exhibit a lack of social competence and
social skills, resulting in poor relationships with their peers and experiencing social isolation.
Many young sex offenders have had consensual sexual experiences, which at times
exceeded those experienced by nonsexual offending juveniles. Some juveniles expressed that
sex was used as a demonstration of love or caring or for feelings of power and control; it was
also used to dissolve anger, to hurt, degrade, or punish. Problems with sexual dysfunction,
such as impotence and premature ejaculation, have been reported.
The role of pornography in sexual violence is unclear. A small portion of juvenile sexual
offenders claimed they did not use pornographic materials, whereas others stated they were
exposed to pornography before they committed sexual violence.
Some of these juveniles have academic difficulties that may or may not stem from neuro-
logical impairments. Other juveniles are considered above average. In addition, some of
these sexual offenders may experience cognitive distortions, for example, blaming the victim
for the sexual violence.
Evidence on the role of substance abuse is not adequate enough to claim drugs or alcohol
as a causative factor in sexually violent behavior, although drugs and alcohol can have a
disinhibiting effect. Substance abuse should be differentiated from normal experimentation
that is part of the adolescent developmental process.
Recently, research has found a higher incidence of sexual violence committed by girls than
previously thought. These incidents may be underestimated more for girls than for boys, due

to the reluctance of society to acknowledge that girls can be capable of committing sexual
violence. Characteristics of female offenders have shown that they tend to be younger than
their male counterparts and less likely to have committed acts of rape. Girls are also more
likely to have experienced sexual abuse.
Victims of very young offenders tend to be girls between the ages of four and seven, who
may be victimized by their siblings, friends, or acquaintances. These very young offenders
tend to have experienced higher rates of sexual victimization and neglect compared to their
adolescent offenders. Many preadolescent sexual offenders have also been found to experi-
ence academic and learning difficulties, as well as impaired relationships with their peers.
There remains the same problem with classifying preadolescent sexual offenders as there
is with adolescent offenders. Some are classified as sexually reactive, sexually aggressive,
highly traumatized, or rule breakers. As with the adolescent sexual offenders, the sexual
behaviors range on a continuum of gradually excessive and abusive sexual behaviors.
Research has shown that a small group of juveniles who have committed sexual violence
are later charged with another sex crime. However, there are a few characteristics thought to
be associated with sexual recidivism: psychopathy, deviant arousal, truancy, a prior sex
offense, blaming the victim, and the use of threat or force. Problems associated with the
accuracy of predicting sexual recidivism arise from the infrequency and hidden nature of
sexual offenses, resulting in inadequate information needed to predict recidivism.
Treatment programs have proliferated during the past decade that address community
safety and the prevention of further victimization, while helping the juveniles to control their
abusive behaviors and to stop further development of psychosexual problems. This is accom-
plished by increasing prosocial interactions that helps them to develop age-appropriate
The National Task Force on Juvenile Sexual Offending states that individualized interven-
tions with periodic assessment are necessary to treat these offenders. Treatment approaches
may include individual, family, and group interventions. They focus on sex education,
correcting cognitive distortions, empathy training, clarifying values, anger management,
controlling impulses, social skills training, reducing deviant arousal, and relapse prevention.

See alsoAbused/Battered Children; Central Park Jogger Case; Family Relations and
Juvenile Violence; Glen Ridge, New Jersey; Sexual Violence, Rates of

Myers, W. (2002).Juvenile sexual homicide. New York: Academic Press.
Righthand, S., & Welch, C. (2005).
Juveniles who have sexually offended: A review of the professional
literature. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

April C.Wilson

SITUATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION. Situational crime prevention is the pre-

vention of crime by reducing the opportunity to offend. The importance of situational crime
prevention is the ability to target specific types of offenders, geographic areas, and/or certain
crime targets with increased scrutiny and/or penalties. Situational crime prevention has been
used by criminal justice, and specifically physical security, professionals for many years and
can generally restrict the access of perpetrators to an area. For example, the U.S. Secret

Service (and many other law enforcement agencies) routinely controls entrances and specific
portions of facilities in order to control the access of unauthorized people and potentially an
With respect to juveniles, situational crime prevention is used routinely to displace
types of crime. For example, harsher penalties exist for possessing or selling illicit drugs
within a certain geographic area of a school. The reality of using such a policy to control drug
sales near schools is that such control encourages drug dealers to find new locations to
commit their crime. An important example of situational crime prevention addressing
juvenile violence is to examine a trend within schools across the United States during recent
years. In many states (and the District of Columbia), juveniles have been robbed, assaulted,
and even killed by juveniles in order to obtain high-priced designer clothing (for example,
sneakers and coats) and jewelry. Many schools have responded to this violence by instituting
mandatory uniform policies for students to reduce the opportunity for this type of violence.
This aspect of situational crime prevention is knowndiffusion,
as meaning that in this case,
schools have attempted to reduce violent crime against juveniles, but this practice of uniform
clothing might also help prevent other types of crime (for example, kidnapping by adults)
against these same juveniles due to their being more visible than normal.

See alsoRational Choice Theory; Routine Activities Theory

California Attorney General’s Crime and Violence Prevention Center. (n.d.).
Creating a drug free zone.
Available at: http://www.stopdrugs.org/drugfreezone.html.
Homel, R. (1996).The politics and practice of situational crime prevention . Monsey, NY: Criminal
Justice Press.
La Vigne, N. (1997).Visibility and vigilance: Metro’s situational approach to preventing subway crime
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of
Newman, G., Clarke, R., & Shoham, S. (1997). Rational choice and situational crime prevention:
Theoretical foundations. New York: Ashgate.
Protection. (n.d.). United States Secret Service. Available at: http://www.secretservice.gov/
Von Hirsch, A., Garland, D., & Wakefield, A. (2000). Ethical and social perspectives on situational
crime prevention . Oxford: Hart.
Wortley, R. (2002).Situational prison control: Crime prevention in correctional institutions
. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

David R. Montague

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT MODEL. The social development model is a general

theory of human behavior that attempts to explain and predict both prosocial and antisocial
behaviors. Antisocial behaviors, such as stealing or abusing drugs, are considered deviant
because they run contrary to behaviors that are accepted and viewed as normal by society.
Prosocial behaviors, on the other hand, are normative behaviors that are accepted by society. This
might include respecting other’s possessions by not stealing them and not using drugs
deemed harmful and illegal. The social development theory focuses on the socialization
processes of children and adolescents and incorporates the effects of both risk and protective

factors when explaining the development of antisocial behavior. Risk factors are aspects of a
person’s life that may arise from within themselves, their family, friends, school, or commu-
nity environments, and increase the likelihood of that individual engaging in antisocial
behavior during their lifetime. Having antisocial values, beliefs, attitudes, and peers are some
risk factors that may lead to antisocial behaviors. Protective factors are aspects in a person’s
life that reduce the impact of such risk factors and therefore reduce the likelihood that a
person will engage in antisocial behavior during their lifetime. This might include close
bonds with parents and family members or involvement in a religious youth group.
The social development model hypothesizes that children learn patterns of behavior,
whether prosocial or antisocial, from “socializing agents,” such as their peers and the family,
school, and religious and community institutions. It further predicts that an individual’s
behavior will be affected by and closely resemble the behavior, values, norms, and beliefs of
the people to whom they are most closely bonded.
The social development model is considered to be an integrated theory of criminal behav-
ior because it combines aspects of the control, social learning, and differential association
theories.Social control theory asserts that antisocial behavior is a result of an individual’s
weak bonds to prosocial influences, such as prosocial peers or family members. Social
learning theory asserts that antisocial behavior is learned through the reinforcement of such
behavior.Differential association theory maintains that antisocial behavior is learned
through interaction with other persons who engage in antisocial behavior. The social
development model integrates the features of these theories into a theory that hypothesizes
that bonds develop between a child and another socializing agent, such as the family, and that
behavior is then learned and reinforced by the interaction of the child and socializing agents.
The social development theory recognizes that an individual, as well as their social environ-
ments and corresponding social agents, will change over time and incorporates this variation
in its explanation of antisocial behavior.
The social development model is based on a developmental perspective of behavior, which
posits that behavior results from the interaction of internal and external developmental
processes; such an interaction accounts for the fact that different patterns of behavior occur at
different periods of an individual’s development. For instance, the social development model
specifies four developmental periods from birth through high school and predicts that the
primary socializing agents (that is, peers, family, or school) of a child will change at each
stage. While the family is the primary socializing agent of a child during the preschool
period, parents, teachers, and school influences are the significant socializing agents during
the elementary school period. Peers become the primary socializing agents in the middle
school period and throughout the high school period.
The social development model specifies two general pathways: one pathway explains the
processes that lead to prosocial behavior, while the other explains the processes that lead to
antisocial behavior. An individual’s pathway will be either prosocial or antisocial depending
upon how strongly they are bonded to prosocial or antisocial socializing agents.
This theory was developed in 1981 and has been evaluated for its ability to predict and
explain prosocial and antisocial behaviors. The social development model has been found to
predict violence and drug use, as well as explain alcohol misuse of youth in the late adoles-
cent years. Although it is a powerful predictive theory for these types of behaviors, it is most
effective when using longitudinal data or data that is collected over a long period of time,
which is often difficult to obtain.

See alsoDevelopmental Theories


Catalano, R., & Hawkins, J. (1996). The social development model: A theory of antisocial behavior. In
J. Hawkins (Ed.),Delinquency and crime: Current theories (pp. 149–198). New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Huang, B., Kosterman, R., Catalano, R., Hawkins, J., & Abbott, R. (2001). Modeling mediation in the
etiology of violent behavior in adolescence: A test of the social development model.
39, 75–108.

Emily Wright


General Description
Social Disorganization Theory explains crime through examination of the ecology of an area.
Crime will be highest in areas where there is the least organization and fewest stakes in the
neighborhood. In such disorganized areas, there is a high amount of turnover, and thus, less
bonding by the residents to their neighborhood. Accordingly, the goal of most community
members is to leave these areas, and they become uninterested in their community, neigh-
bors, schools, business opportunities, and on. The turnover also leads to a cycle of disinterest
that makes it difficult for policies that urge community involvement in attempts to solve
social problems.
Key to the ideas within Social Disorganization Theory is the deteriorated conditions found
within the disorganized areas. Such conditions cause a lack of concern for the area, which
leads to alienation between residents and diminished attention to neighbors, upkeep of the
neighborhood, or the institutions found within. For example, residents may lose care for the
adolescents within the neighborhood and view them with fear, rather than take an interest in
their well being.
Perhaps even more critical is that the residents with the greatest conventional ties and values
often leave these communities at their earliest opportunity, taking their connections, resources,
and values with them. This makes it difficult for such communities to develop stability and
overcome the cycle of disorganization and distrust often present. It also decreases the potential
that such neighborhoods have in connecting with opportunities outside of their geographical
limits, thus insuring their isolation from opportunities outside of the disorganized zone.

The roots of Social Disorganization Theory can be found in the research by Ernest Burgess
and Robert Park, who were part of the Sociology Department at the University of Chicago,
known as the Chicago School, in the early 20th Century. They examined the social ecology
of Chicago and were able to divide the city into distinct zones in which different social
groups lived with a host of diverse social patterns and problems. Their work influenced
future scholars, including Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, who focused the ideas of
Burgess and Park to the specific phenomenon of crime.
Shaw and McKay examined Chicago during a time of extreme turnover in the early to mid
1900s, with a number of groups entering the city, including immigrants from foreign lands
and southerners. Shaw and McKay studied distinct areas within Chicago, which included the
inner city, the old city or zone of transition, the working class area, and suburbs. They found

that the highest crime rates were in the inner city and the zone of transition. While inner city
crime generally consisted of theft and other petty crimes, a larger variety of crimes, including
violent crime, were found in the zone of transition.
Several generations of researchers have followed Shaw and McKay’s work, and social dis-
organization has since become one of the most highly researched theories in criminology.
Indeed, social disorganization theorists have expanded beyond Chicago and have examined
cities with diverse structures, heterogeneity, and culture in an attempt to better understand
how disorganization impacts crime in the United States and abroad.

Legacy of Social Disorganization Theory

A major criticism of Social Disorganization Theory is its limited scope. Specifically, it
focuses on blue-collar crime and the mechanisms that cause it, and largely ignores crime of
the middle and upper class. The theory’s premises focus on explaining crime such as robbery,
murder, burglary and theft, and its explanations are limited to such blue-collar crime.
Moreover, most researchers who have tested the ideas found within social disorganization
have used official crime measures, which are argued to disproportionately magnify the crim-
inal activity of the lower class.
Social Disorganization Theory’s impact is without question, however, and its ideas have
done much to increase the knowledge within the fields of criminology and criminal justice.
Perhaps the first myth that it helped quell was that immigrants and minorities were prone to
commit crime due to their race or ethnicity. By focusing on the city of Chicago over time,
researchers found that habitants of disorganized areas committed the most crime regardless
of their race. Thus, increased criminal behavior was described as a normal response to disor-
ganized social conditions found in the zone of transition.
A number of criminal justice policies have also been significantly influence by the
premises found in Social Disorganization Theory. One popular policy in the field that falls
into this category is the Weed and Seed Program. This program attempts to weed out the
disorganizing influence of incivilities within a neighborhood and replace them with
programs, policies, and other strategies that bring stability to the area. Such strategies include
developing Boys and Girls clubs, encouraging residents with incentives to buy property,
become involved in school, and on.
One final impact of Social Disorganization Theory is found in its interconnectivity to fear
of crime research. Indeed, a focus of this theory has been on the impact that fear of crime
has in the disorganization of the community structure. Thus, many have given Social
Disorganization Theory credit for our increased awareness and understanding of the role that
fear of crime, or lack thereof, has in the mental health and well being of a community. Today,
many theorists and criminal justice practitioners see fear of crime as one of the leading
causes of alienation within communities, and modern day theorists have increasingly
combined this phenomenon into their research on disorganized areas.

Kubrin, C., & Weitzer, R. (2003). New directions in Social Disorganization theory.
The Journal of
Research in Crime and Delinquency , 40, 374–392.
Markowitz, F., Bellair, P., Liska, A., & Liu, J. (2001). Extending Social Disorganization Theory:
Modeling the relationships between cohesion, disorder, andCriminology,39,
fear. 293–320.
Silver, E. (2000). Extending Social Disorganization theory: A multilevel approach to the study of
violence among persons with mental illnesses.Criminology,38, 1043–1074.

Veysey, B., & Messner, S. (1999). Further testing of Social Disorganization theory: An elaboration of
Sampson and Groves’s community of structure.
The Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
36, 156–174.

Brion Sever

SOCIAL LEARNING THEORIES. Social learning theory is one of the most widely
used modern theories to explain violent behavior exhibited by juveniles. According to the
theory, the behavior of individuals is learned and influenced primarily through their own
personal experiences and relationships. Behaviors are learned by observation, imitation, and
modeling, then reinforced through social rewards.
Origins of social learning theory date back to 1912 when French social theorist Gabriel
Tarde introduced his three laws of imitation: close contact, imitation of superiors by inferi-
ors, and insertion. Tarde’s law of close contact attempted to explain behaviors that were
passed from person-to-person and group-to-group. It simply stated that an individual is most
likely to imitate those with whom they have the closest contact. The law of imitation of
superiors by inferiors stated that inferiors would imitate superiors in an effort to gain the
rewards enjoyed by the superiors. The law of insertion stated that the social insertion of new
behaviors would either reinforce or replace old behaviors.
In 1934, Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey developeddifferential
their association
theory, stating that criminal behavior was learned, that it was a process, and that learning
occurred in primary groups (peers, family, etc.). Sutherland and Cressey said individuals
were subject to influences where the law was defined in both favorable and unfavorable
terms. For example, parents would usually raise their children defining the law in favorable
terms. However, those children would have contact with peers at school who participated in
illegal activities and defined the law in unfavorable terms. Based on the ratio (differential)
of associations with either criminal or noncriminal groups, individuals could be socially
influenced to commit crime.
Ronald Akers and Robert Burgess introduced differential reinforcement theory in 1966,
expanding Sutherland’s theory to include ideas of reinforcement. Akers and Burgess added
that criminal behavior could be encouraged through social and nonsocial rewards, as well as
the avoidance of punishment. They said learned behavior could be explained as a function of
rewards or punishment received from the environment. In other words, behavior that
produced rewards would tend to increase in frequency, while behavior that resulted in
punishment would tend to decrease in frequency.
Albert Bandura, a psychology professor at the Stanford University, is credited as the
father of modern social learning theory. Bandura developed his theory in the early 1950s
while studying for a Ph.D. at the University of Iowa. Bandura believed juveniles were
especially vulnerable to learning violent behaviors and that they learned by observation,
either in person or through media and the environment. Bandura claimed juveniles’ aggres-
sive behavior is strongly influenced by the behavior they witness in adults. The formulation
of Bandura’s theory included the well-known “Bobo Doll Experiment.” For the experiment,
children were seated in a room where they watched an adult on videotape interacting
violently with the Bobo doll. The adult sat on the doll, punched it, threw it into the air, kicked
it, beat it over the head with a mallet, and threw balls at it. The adult was then given social
rewards for their behavior. After viewing the videotape, children were put into a room with a
Bobo doll, and the vast majority of them (over 80 percent) exhibited similar violent behavior.

The Bobo Doll Experiment is so well known perhaps because it was one of the few attempts
at empirical research in regard to social learning theory. Many sociologists have contributed
to the theory through thought and reasoning, but there is little documentation of empirical
studies actually testing the theory. This may be due to the difficulty of quantifying applicable
data or of attempting to control specific factors affecting learning (behavior, cognitive
processes, environment, and so forth).
Despite the convincing results illustrated by the Bobo Doll Experiment, Bandura said that
four conditions must exist before a learned behavior can be modeled: (1) Attention (observer
must pay attention); (2) Retention (behavior must be coded into long-term memory);
(3) Motor reproduction (observer must have physical capability to reproduce behavior); and
(4) Motivation (observer must want to demonstrate behavior through incentive). While per-
son and environment played a role, Bandura believed violent behavior could produce its own
social rewards, such as self-esteem building, financial gain, and praise from others.
Modern social learning theorists believe that while a behavior may be learned, it may or
may not be exhibited by a change in behavior (modeling). A cognitive process is involved,
wherein the observer considers the possible rewards and punishments for the behavior and
those considerations have an influence on whether the behavior is exhibited. However, mod-
ern theorists also believe reinforcement and punishment are not the sole influencers on
learning and that they only have indirect effects. Most critics of social learning theory say it
is too simplistic and undermines the importance of other factors, especially biological factors
such as genetics.
In sum, social learning theorists see violent behavior as a function of individual socializa-
tion, wherein the person, behavior, and environment all affect each other and the social
learning process. This theory remains popular, yet controversial today. While it has support
grounded in past and modern research, biological and behavioral theories do as well. This
theory is still the most applied social theory to explanations of juvenile violence and is the
method of thinking behind most juvenile crime prevention programs.

See alsoDifferential Identification Theory

Learning theories of crime. (n.d.). North Carolina Wesleyan Faculty Pages. Available at: http://faculty
Ronald Akers and social learning theory. (n.d.). Florida State University School of Criminology and
Criminal Justice. Available at: http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/crimtheory/akers.htm.
Social learning theory. (n.d.). Florida State University School of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Available at: http://www.criminology.fsu.edu/crimtheory/bandura.htm.
Social learning theory. (n.d). University of Texas at Austin, College of Education. Available at:
The social learning tradition: Interpersonal relationships and deviant behavior. (n.d.). Socprobs
.netWebsite. Available at: http://deviance.socprobs.net/Unit_3/Theory/DA.htm.

Adam Doran

SOLOMON, T. J. Anthony Solomon, known as T. J., is currently serving a sixty-year

sentence, with the possibility of parole after eighteen years, after pleading guilty but mentally
ill to twenty-nine criminal charges, including aggravated assault, cruelty to children, and
illegal possession and use of firearms. On May 20, 1999, one month to the day following the

school shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, Solomon opened fire in
the commons area of Heritage High School in Rockdale County, Georgia, a suburb of
Atlanta. Although there were no fatalities, six students were wounded, one of them critically.
The Heritage High shootings were one in a series of school-related attacks that occurred
throughout the United States during the later part of the 1990s.
Solomon was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on September 6, 1983. Five years later his
parents divorced, and he moved with his mother and sister to Denim Springs, Louisiana.
His mother later remarried, and the family moved to Pembroke Pines, Florida, where
Solomon was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and began taking the medication
Ritalin. After another move, the family finally settled in Rockdale County, Georgia in the fall
of 1996. During this period, Solomon began to display signs of depression; his grades
declined, he lost interest in sports, and he failed to make friends. Solomon would later
acknowledge that his parents’ divorce and the abrupt separation from his father had a perma-
nent effect on his psychological development. Furthermore, Solomon’s family history indi-
cated the presence of mental illness; his father had been institutionalized following a suicide
attempt. However, by outward appearances, Solomon was a normal teenaged boy from an
upper-middle-class home whose parents were actively involved in every aspect of his life.
Although he was a loner who preferred hunting to organized sports and dating and his grades
declined after the move to Georgia, he had never been arrested nor had he displayed patterns
of serious violence.
It was not until his sophomore year that Solomon began to show signs of trouble. In the
months prior to the incident, he began to express suicidal thoughts, stole a gun from his step-
father’s boat, experimented with alcohol and marijuana, and became obsessed with the
Columbine shootings.
On the morning of May 20, Solomon broke into his stepfather’s gun cabinet and
retrieved a .22 caliber rifle as well as a .357 magnum handgun. After sawing the stock off
of the rifle, he concealed it inside his pants and placed the handgun in his book bag.
Solomon boarded the bus for school and arrived shortly before 8:00 a.m. As he walked
toward the rear entrance of the school’s commons area, he removed the handgun from his
book bag, which he left near some woods behind the school. When Solomon entered the
commons area, he fired twelve shots from the rifle, emptying its magazine. Eight students
were hit; however, two escaped injury because the bullets lodged in a backpack and a book.
Two male students pursued Solomon as he exited the building. He dropped the rifle and
fired several shots from the handgun before he stopped, dropped to his knees, and placed
the barrel of the gun in his mouth. Two assistant principals eventually subdued him and
coaxed him to put down the gun and surrender. Solomon’s shooting spree had lasted twelve
minutes. The police arrived four minutes later, and by 8:40 a.m. Solomon was in custody
and awaiting police interrogation.
On August 2, 1999, Solomon appeared before Rockdale County Juvenile Court Judge
William Schneider, whose task was to determine whether Solomon should be tried as an
adult. Because the facts of the case were not in dispute, Solomon’s mental state became the
central issue at the transfer hearings. According to Georgia statute, a juvenile may not be
transferred to superior court if the juvenile is committable to an institution for mental illness
because he/she suffers from a disorder that significantly impairs judgment and behavior or
poses a demonstrable risk to the safety of others or himself/herself. Defense attorneys argued
that Solomon’s actions were the result of a mental illness so severe that it required his
involuntary committal to a mental institution. They further claimed that Solomon demon-
strated suicidal tendencies and therefore posed a substantial risk of imminent harm to

himself. While the court-appointed psychologist conceded that Solomon displayed signs
of depression, these signs indicated only a mild dysthymic disorder, not major depression.
As such, the psychologist concluded that Solomon, if kept confined and given appropriate
medication, could be tried as an adult.
After three days of testimony, Schneider ruled that under the standards established by
Georgia statutes, Solomon was not committable to a mental institution and waived his case to
superior court. Schneider’s decision was based in part on testimony provided by the prosecu-
tion that suggested Solomon’s actions were a copycat of the Columbine shootings that
occurred a month earlier. Schneider concluded that the viciousness of the crime and society’s
need to prevent such shootings outweighed Solomon’s interest to remain in the juvenile
Fourteen months later, Solomon was indicted in superior court and entered a plea of guilty
but mentally ill. During the sentencing hearing, Judge Sidney Nation relied heavily on
transcripts from the transfer hearing as well as testimony provided by Solomon’s parents,
four of the six victims, and psychological experts for the state and the defense. Although
Nation acknowledged that Solomon suffered a form of mental illness, he was not convinced
that Solomon could be rehabilitated and therefore sentenced the defendant to sixty years of
custody by the corrections department and forty years of probation. Solomon would be
eligible for parole after eighteen years.
In May 2001, the state parole board released a statement concluding that under their
guidelines, Solomon would serve a minimum of thirty-six, rather than eighteen, years before
he became eligible for parole. Nation responded to this finding by reducing Solomon’s
original sentence so that he would serve the minimum of eighteen years as originally
intended. Nation further modified his original ruling to include a requirement that Solomon
submit to psychiatric treatment or risk violating his probation. The latter was a response to
Solomon’s unsuccessful suicide attempt shortly after arriving at Arrendale.
Solomon is currently housed at Arrendale and is eligible for parole in 2018.

Moore, M., Petrie, C., Braga, A., & Mc Laughlin, B. (Eds.). (2003).
Deadly lessons: Understanding
lethal school violence. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Newman, K., Fox, C., Harding, D., Mehta, J., & Roth, W. (2004).
Rampage: The social roots of school
shootings. New York: Basic Books.

Angela Winkler Thomas


In recent years, there has been a shift in juvenile justice toward promoting greater account-
ability in juvenile courts and implementing sanctions that are more meaningful and long
lasting. One innovative practice in juvenile justice that accomplishes this is the use of
specialized courts. Specialized courts may be established in juvenile or family court jurisdic-
tions, and they adjudicate cases involving specific types of offenses. They sometimes handle
cases involving juveniles of a certain age and background. Such courts are modeled on adult

drug courts. Currently, there are a number of specialized courts for juveniles, such as drug
courts, gun courts, and
teen courts.

Drug Courts
The most common specialized court for juveniles is drug courts. Juveniles who have
committed, and usually have been adjudicated for, drug or alcohol-related offenses are
referred to drug courts if they meet certain criteria outlined by the jurisdiction. In these
courts, intensive treatment is offered to juveniles and their families. Treatment programs
combine multiple services, such as substance abuse treatment, mental health programs, basic
medical care, family counseling, mentoring, and general and specific education programs.
Once the juvenile has completed the program, the drug court maintains continued supervi-
sion over that juvenile for a set period. There are an estimated two hundred of these courts
around the United States.
The key personnel in drug courts are similar to regular juvenile court, but also include treat-
ment providers, evaluators, and school representatives. These additional personnel ensure that
specific needs of each case are identified and treated. The judge oversees the process, but in
drug courts, decision-making is more collaborative than in regular juvenile court.
Continued supervision of the juvenile is essential in the success of drug courts. Such super-
vision may involve regular drug and alcohol screening, monitoring of school attendance, and
community service. Many drug courts have implemented incentive programs for successful
compliance, such as promotion to the next treatment phase, which is normally less restrictive,
awards such as vouchers or sports tickets or certificates of achievement and public recognition.
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) estimates from
current drug court statistics that recidivism rates for alcohol and drug-related offenses are
significantly less than they are for juveniles who go through traditional juvenile court for the
same type of offenses. OJJDP also report that substance use significantly declines for
juveniles who go through drug courts, and school participation significantly increases.

Gun Courts
Juveniles charged with gun-related offenses, particularly first-time offenses, may be referred
to a juvenile gun court. Other juveniles referred to this type of specialized court may be
juveniles who have demonstrated risk factors for firearms-related offenses, such as gang
members or juveniles who were charged with an offense and had a firearm in their possession.
Most juvenile gun court programs are based on early intervention, which means that the
juvenile is referred before a disposition has been decided. They are typically short-term,
intensive programs, lasting only a few months. Programs are designed to teach juveniles
about gun safety, the effects of gun violence on victims and communities, laws regarding
guns, nonviolent conflict resolutions, and the types of consequences juveniles are likely to
face from the criminal justice system if they are caught with guns in their possession.
Successful gun court programs rely on a number of different personnel. The judge acts as
the legal advisor and oversees the planning of the team required to work with the juvenile.
The team consists of juvenile justice personnel, such as probation officers, police, detention
officers, and people from the community. Research conducted by the OJJDP indicates that
some of the most successful gun court programs use community members who are living
with the effects of gun violence, for example, a parent who has lost a child to gun violence, a
victim who copes with a gun-related injury, or a juvenile who was involved in gun violence
but who has made life changes.

Recent research on gun court programs also indicates that mandatory attendance in the
program results in less recidivism. Emphasis on nonviolent dispute resolution also decreases
recidivism, as many juveniles carry guns for protection or self-defense.

Teen Courts
In the late 1980s, a number of teen courts were established in jurisdictions around the United
States. Juveniles referred to teen courts are usually under the age of sixteen and are first-time
offenders who have been charged with minor offenses, such as theft, misdemeanor assault,
disorderly conduct, possession of alcohol, or vandalism.
Most teen courts are part diversion
of programs for teens. Therefore, the teen court does
not actually determine guilt or innocence; rather they sentence the juvenile. Most commonly,
this sentence is community-based, with restitution to the victim in the form of money,
service, or written apology included.

Specialized Court Concerns

Specialized courts are designed to offer collaborative treatment approaches to particular prob-
lems that were not being adequately addressed by traditional courts. For example, prior to the
establishment of drug courts, there was a revolving door relationship between juvenile substance
abusers and the juvenile justice system. Specialized courts have not been without criticisms.
Critics maintain that individuals lose a certain amount of due process in specialized courts since
the prosecutor and the defense work together. Further, individuals in many specialized courts can
only go through programs if they plead guilty. There is also no adversarial system in specialized
courts. Further, judges may be overextended in their roles as coordinators of multiple services.
The criticisms of specialized courts have been far outweighed by the courts’ successes in
preventing recidivism, reducing substance abuse, and reducing jail and prison costs.

See alsoCommunity Treatment; Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence,

Types of; Zero Tolerance Laws

Butts, J., Hoffman, D., & Buck, J. (1998). Teen courts in the United States: A profile of current
programs. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Available at:
Center for Court Innovation. Available at: http://www.problem-solvingcourts.org.
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Available at: http://www.samhsa.gov/centers/csat/csat.html.
National Association of Drug Court Professionals. Available at: http://www.nadcp.org.
Sheppard, D., & Kelly, P. (2002). Juvenile gun courts: Promoting accountability and providing treat-
ment. Washington, DC: Department of Justice, Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants
Program. Available at: http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org.

Monica L. P. Robbers

SPUR POSSE. The Spur Posse was a group of boys who implemented a points system
to track and compare their sexual conquests. While high school students in Lakewood,
California, the boys formed the group and agreed to don the jersey of a professional athlete
with a number that corresponded to their point total. They would also take on the name of the

athlete. Points were earned only if penetration occurred, and a girl could only count once.
Thus, the goal was to engage in sexual intercourse with as many girls as possible. One mem-
ber claimed to have had intercourse with sixty-seven girls over a four-year period.
The group was named for the San Antonio Spurs basketball team because a founding
member was fond of David Robinson, who had been traded to the Spurs at the time.
The group drew nationwide attention on March 18, 1993, when police officers entered their
high school and placed nine members under arrest for various sex crimes, ranging from rape
to lewd conduct with a ten-year-old. Prosecutors later dropped all but one of the charges,
deeming most of the acts to be consensual. One member was convicted of engaging in lewd
conduct with a ten-year-old girl and spent one year in the Kirby Juvenile Detention Center.
He would later explain that he engaged in a sexual act with the girl because he needed the
point to enhance his reputation and to make a name for himself.
In fact, “making a name” was the impetus for Spur Posse. They even compared their points
system to participating in sports, suggesting that both are about standing out and achieving
excellence. To justify their actions, they took the position that the girls they had sex with
were “no-names,” while they were famous for their exploits. Worse yet, they referred to the
girls as whores and often engaged in group sex to rack up points. As they sought to bring
additional excitement to their sexual trysts, they began to videotape themselves and to watch
each other perform.
It is clear that these boys did not define their actions as criminal. In seeking to explain
them, the most applicable theories seem to be those related to gender roles, as well as
techniques of neutralization. Gender-related theories, such as Hagan’s power-control
theory and a number of feminist-originated theories, assert that the way a culture defines
gender roles shapes criminality. In the United States, males are encouraged to take risks and
to be “macho,” which often involves demonstrating their heterosexuality. Thus some men
may approach women not as equals in sexual relations, but as subordinates, leading to sexual
harassment, assaults, and rape. Techniques of neutralization are the mental processes an
offender goes through to rationalize his or her criminal actions. Commonly used techniques
include denial of the victim and denial of harm, both applicable in this case.
Members of the group were invited to appear on a number of television shows, including
Maury Povichand The Jenny Jones Show , as America fixated on the apparent decline in
morals among its youth. Media attention was not limited to talk shows; members appeared on
the front page of the New York Times
and in Newsweek, Sassy, and Penthouse. While the boys
basked in the light of the media attention, believing themselves to be celebrities, their home-
town was saddled with the nickname “Rapewood” by those who were less than impressed.
Several of the members believed that the attention they received would translate into career
opportunities in entertainment. One boy wanted to be a stand-up comedian and another
dreamed of being an actor or model. They believed that through their recognition as Spur
Posse members, they would build a brand image that would open doors for them later.
As the media sought to define the group, the term “gang” was applied. However, the mem-
bers deny that they were any more than a loose group of friends who felt compelled to
become closer after their story gained national exposure. Members claimed that they would
later see teens wearing Spurs gear and claiming to be members of the Spur Posse Gang. The
founding members claimed that no such gang ever existed and that kids were looking for an
easy way to attach themselves to a group that had achieved a minute of fame.
Contrary to the images of the Spurs on television talk shows, they were not all academic
underachievers. One member, Billy Shehan, was in accelerated courses for gifted high school
students and graduated with honors. However, attending college and becoming successful

adults escaped most of the Spurs. Several members of the Spur Posse served jail time for
unrelated offenses. The founder, Dana Belman, was sentenced to ten years in state prison for
burglary and fraud. His crime spree included stealing a credit card and using it to fund a
gambling trip to Las Vegas. Another member served time for assault. A third member, Chris
Albert, was shot to death in a street fight.
The Spur Posse events have been compared to another sex scandal involving high school
students in Glen Ridge,New Jersey. In this case, privileged athletes sexually assaulted a
mentally retarded girl. Prior complaints with the boys involved had been dismissed with
a “boys will be boys” mentality.

Faludi, S. (1999).Stiffed: The betrayal of the American man
. New York: William Morrow &
Company, Inc.

Peter S. Finley

STIMULANTS. One cannot say for sure when stimulants first appeared on earth, but
full account of their use is recorded in both ancient and contemporary history. Stimulant is a
concept used to describe several groups of drugs that tend to increase alertness and physical
activity. Stimulants are substances that speed up the body’s metabolism. Certain forms of
stimulants occur naturally, like caffeine in coffee and nicotine in tobacco. However, a major-
ity of stimulants are synthetic and are primarily used in the treatment of hyperactivity in
children. Stimulants have also been used historically to treat asthma and other respiratory
problems, obesity, neurological disorders, and a variety of other human and animal ailments.
Today, stimulants are mainly prescribed for narcolepsy, attention-deficit hyperactivity dis-
order, and depression that has not responded to other treatments. Some maintain the United
States is far too quick to prescribe stimulants for young people. Current estimates suggest
that 15 to 20 percent of boys in the United States are taking methylphenidate, or Ritalin.
A 2003 study found Ritalin prescriptions for two to four-year-olds increased 300 percent
between 1991 and 1995. The FDA found that, since 1994, more than 3,000 prescriptions for
Ritalin have been written for children under one year of age. Many use stimulants for the
euphoric effect. Stimulants are pharmaceuticals such as amphetamines and other controlled
substances, including street drugs like “uppers,” “speed,” and cocaine. Ritalin has become so
common as a street drug that it has been given the street names “Vitamin R,” “R-ball,” and
“the smart drug.” Undercover narcotics officers have said Ritalin is even easier to obtain on
playgrounds than on the streets.
Methamphetamines are the most commonly abused stimulants in the twenty-first
century. The long-term effect of stimulant use may include tolerance, dependence, violence,
aggression, and malnutrition due to suppression of appetite. The 2004 crime report compiled
by the FBI indicates that of the 15,416,973 arrests for abuse violations, 12.4 percent were of
juveniles. During the decade of 1994–2003, law enforcement made 1.9 million arrests of
juveniles for drug abuse violations. Nearly 84 percent of the juvenile arrests were for posses-
sion in 2003.
A review of the 2004 data indicates that there was a 22.9 percent overall increase for
juvenile arrests for drug abuse violations. Arrests for marijuana rose 60.5 percent, but arrests
for synthetic narcotics (methamphetamines, for example) rose 162.8 percent—by far the
highest proportional increase. The 2004 data show that juvenile males accounted for the

largest proportion of drug arrests, but females showed a higher proportion of those arrested
at younger ages (fifteen and under). White juveniles accounted for 74.9 percent and black juve-
niles 39.4 percent for all drugs combined. For synthetic narcotics, white juveniles represented
86.9 percent and black juveniles 10.9 percent according to the 2004 data.
Self-report studies conducted in 2004 and reported in the Bureau of Justice statistics about
high school seniors do not include dropouts or truants and likely underrepresent youth drug
use. However, 47.8 percent and 85.8 percent of seniors could obtain marijuana and other stim-
ulants on campus. The study indicates an increase from 2003.
All stimulants excite the central nervous system by increasing the heart rate, breathing, and blood
pressure. Caffeine, known as the world’s most popular drug, can be consumed in coffee and in
soft drinks. Caffeine affects people differently; some may get jittery, nervous, or. Another very
powerful additive stimulant that directly affects the brain is cocaine. Inhalants, volatile solvents,
aerosols, gases, nitrites, ketamine, magic mushrooms, fly agaric, philocybe,
hallucinogenic mush-
rooms, LSD, and Ecstacy are also stimulants. Juveniles’ immature physical and psychological
development makes them especially vulnerable and susceptible to the harmful effects of stimu-
lants. The behavioral patterns following juvenile use of stimulants include violent outbursts, loss
of control, self-degradation, disruptive conduct, and family unity disintegration that often
produce tragic outcomes.
Certain juvenile violence is associated with feelings of hostility or paranoia. OJJDP
show that juveniles who are high are more likely to carry guns for protection. They feel threat-
ened and are consumed by a distorted feeling and a need to strike first and quick. National
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) research indicates teen drug use is associated with psychiatric
disorders in later life. The Institute of Medicine report (2005) indicated that incidents of mental
illness related to drug use are on the rise.

Bach, J., Bender, D., & Leone, B. (1988). Drug abuse: Opposing viewpoints
. Westhaven, CT: Greenhaven
Office of National Drug Control Policy. Available at: http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/pubs/
Uniform Crime Report. (2004). Available at: www.fbi.gov/ucr.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Available at: http://www.health.org/yourtime.
Walker, P., & Wood, E. (2004).
Stimulants. New York: Lucent.

Evaristus Obinyan

SUBCULTURAL THEORIES. Subcultural theories emerged in the middle of the

twentieth century as a variation of bothsocial disorganization theoryand strain theory.
Social disorganization theorists had argued as early as the 1920s that crime rates could be
linked to the social ecology of different types of neighborhoods. Sociologists such as McKay
and Shaw found that high levels of social disorganization existed in so-called “transitional
neighborhoods,” where social services and constant resident turnover weakened cultural values
as well as community resolve against crime. Robert Merton’s strain theory argued that
deviance and crime were arguably the products of two conflicting structural conditions of
American life, namely culturally defined goals that promoted middle-class aspirations and
socially approved means for obtaining these goals. Differing levels of strain existed, argued

Merton, among socioeconomic classes insofar as they were able to achieve cultural goals
through legitimate means.
Utilizing both the findings of social disorganization theorists, as well as the strain theory
of Merton, sociologists such as Albert Cohen argued that when lower-class groups were
unable to achieve dominant culturally defined goals, they often responded through the
formation of values and norms in conflict with those of the perceived status quo. In his well-
known work,Delinquent Boys , Cohen (1955) labeled this conflict “status frustration” and
suggested that this frustration was a causal factor in the formation of delinquent and criminal
youth subcultures. Unable to adapt to “middle-class measuring rods,” such as schooling and
employment, Cohen argued that such youth were likely to fail at legitimate attempts to gain
entry into the middle class and turned instead to varying subcultures as a means to both
financial opportunity and belonging.
Cohen detailed subcultural groups common to boys and young men in lower-class neigh-
borhoods: the corner boy, the college boy, and the delinquent boy. The corner boy Cohen saw
as the most common response to middle-class rejection, typified by petty crime, recreational
drug and alcohol use, and affiliation with a group of peers with which he feels a close
personal connection. Mostly, these groups are not “gangs,” as they lack an organized
structure or hierarchy. Corner boys generally age out of their delinquent or deviant behaviors.
College boys were those who embrace the values of the American dream by attempting to
gain access to legitimate opportunities, usually to fail for lack of skills, education, and social
norms appropriate to the middle class. Delinquent boys were those who most actively
adopted values and norms in opposition to conventional society in what Cohen called
“reaction formation.” Delinquent boys often join street or criminal gangs, engage in vio-
lent behavior, and reject authority figures perceived to be in line with larger cultural or
societal norms.
In their work Delinquency and Opportunity , Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin (1960)
argued in a similar vein to Cohen that delinquent subcultures were most likely to thrive
where social disorganization was greatest and opportunity for legitimate means of success
was limited. Cloward and Ohlin called this concept differential
“ opportunity ,” when all
members of society share similar cultural goals and values (financial success, prestige, etc.),
but are divided by means of legitimate opportunity. Moving beyond the work of Cohen,
however, Cloward and Ohlin suggested that youth who were denied legitimate opportunity
could be further divided into subcategories related to levels of community or neighborhood
stability. Poorer communities that evidenced some degree of stability in terms of close
personal relationships between members were most able to support or engender “criminal
gangs,” subcultural groups that evidenced a relatively high degree of criminal organization,
including hierarchies, division of labor, and rational planning. Less stable communities,
however, provided both less legitimate and illegitimate opportunity. In these areas, “conflict
gangs” were more likely to form, where criminal enterprise was less organized and more
emphasis was placed on violence both as a means of obtaining goods as well as a sign of
status. Finally, Cloward and Ohlin argued that, in certain cases, “retreatist gangs” were likely
to form when individuals were unable to achieve cultural goals either through legitimate or
illegitimate opportunity. Unable to achieve success, individuals and groups thus retreat to the
fringes of society, for example, by centering their lives and pursuits around drugs and
alcohol, sex, music, and other forms of pleasure-seeking designed to inhibit feelings of
failure or inadequacy.
Importantly, subcultural theories recognize that while shared values and norms contrary to
conventional society serve to define such groups, group cohesion or organization may differ

substantially between or among different subcultures. Many individuals, for example, belong
to more than one subcultural group. Groups such as street gangs may be highly integrated.
Other more retreatist groups may be united in their shared values, but evidence little cohesion
or organization. Moreover, varying descriptions of subcultures, such as Cloward and Ohlin’s
criminal, conflict, and retreatist gangs, or Cohen’s corner boys, college boys, and delinquent
boys, suggest that no easy categorizations exist from which to explain and understand
subcultures. Finally, subcultures themselves are constantly changing in relation to various
political, economic, and cultural factors, leading to constant evaluation and reevaluation of
previous theories and groupings.
Today, while social disorganization theory and strain theory are less common within soci-
ology as they once were, subcultural theory remains somewhat vibrant, due at least in part to
the proliferation of street gangs in the latter twentieth century. Research into street gangs
continues to validate the findings of earlier subcultural theorists insofar as gang members
often see their involvement as both a means to obtain opportunity and a rejection of larger
cultural values. One important addition to subcultural theory has been the recognition of
race, and its relationship to class, as a central feature in the formation of deviant subcultures.
The work of Mercer Sullivan, for example, shows that among black, Latino, and white poorer
communities in Brooklyn, white youth retained better access to legitimate means of opportu-
nity and were thus less likely to engage in or join serious deviant or criminal subcultures.

See alsoGang Involvement, Theories of; Generalrain

St Theory (GST);Social Disorganization

Cloward, R., & Ohlin, L. (1960).Delinquency and opportunity
. New York: Free Press.
Cohen, A. (1955).Delinquent boys . New York: Free Press.
Sullivan, M. “Getting paid”: Youth crime and work in the inner city
. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University

William R.Wood

SUBURBAN JUVENILE VIOLENCE. Recent arrest data collected by the U.S.

Department of Justice show that juvenile violence has declined every year since 1994,
despite the fact that the problem of juvenile violence seems to have become more salient
during this time. Statistics indicate that, although juvenile violence continues to be largely an
urban phenomenon, it seems to be growing in nonmetropolitan areas. While violence appears
to be less common among younger suburban youth than younger urban youth, violent
episodes are comparable across the groups once juveniles in suburban, urban, and rural areas
become older teenagers. Though there is still relatively little research on rural juvenile
violence compared to that in cities, there seems to be even less about the nature of juvenile
violence in suburban neighborhoods.
Oftentimes, it seems that both rural and suburban juvenile violence is compounded into
one context that is assessed against the more traditional, urban context of youth violence.
A closer examination of this phenomenon indicates that the proliferation of youth gangs,
guns, and drugs in suburban towns has been partly responsible for the prevalence of juvenile
violence there. However, this clearly cannot entirely explain the occurrence of all suburban
juvenile violence.

Columbine High School Massacre

It is likely that the public first became aware of suburban violence as a result of the violent
Columbine High School murders in Littleton, Colorado in 1999. Two rural teenagers, Eric
Harris (age seventeen) and Dylan Klebold (age eighteen), were responsible for using
machine guns in their Denver suburb to kill twelve students and one teacher and injuring
twenty-three others. This killing spree ended when the two students killed themselves in the
library of their school. Graphic photos of this incident’s aftermath were printed in most news
media outlets. Television news programs broadcast live footage of students and faculty
running for their lives as shots were heard in the background. Recorded cellular telephone
calls to emergency services operators were played for the public’s consumption. It was
various media sources that allowed readers, viewers, and listeners throughout the nation to
learn about the horrifying events of that day. Some have suggested that these events were
shocking not only because the violence involved juveniles, but because they occurred in a
suburban setting. While many may expect extreme juvenile violence in urban centers, few
would expect it in areas with less population density.

Media Portrayals of Suburban Juvenile Violence

Many claim that media portrayals of various other acts of juvenile violence have contributed
to the widespread perception that it presents a mounting menace for American suburbs.
Content analyses of news media show that, during the 1990s, crime was the most common
story type, with approximately two-thirds of these crime news stories focusing on juvenile
violence. However, statistics indicate that juveniles are only responsible for about 15 percent
of all violent crime. This skewed portrayal of juvenile violence is exacerbated by the fact that
a highly disproportionate number of media stories focus on suburban juvenile violence. It has
been suggested that these stories are much more prominent in the media because they are less
common and, therefore, newsworthy. However, the result is that the public may incorrectly
believe that suburban juvenile violence is a greater threat than is actually true.

Gangs, Guns, and Drugs

There has been some disagreement among criminologists and law enforcement practitioners
regarding the definition of gangs, which is especially problematic when trying to account for
gangs in a variety of regions. However, most concede that many gangs are comprised of minors
and involve illegal activities, including varying degrees of violence. There is a widespread belief
that gangs are a social problem mostly found in inner-city neighborhoods, though this is defi-
nitely not the case any longer. Over the last few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in
the number of gang problems in smaller suburban cities and towns. In 1999, 47 percent of sub-
urban counties and 27 percent of smaller cities reported active juvenile gangs. It appears that the
gangs in suburban areas are quite different from gangs in large cities in several ways. Research
indicates that they involve more members that are younger, female, and white. Suburban juve-
nile gangs are also more likely to have racially and ethnically diverse memberships.
The increasing number of guns and illegal drugs available in suburban communities may
also increase the likelihood of juvenile violence. Studies suggest that although the presence
of guns and drugs is growing, the problems that accompany their prevalence among suburban
youth are intrinsically different from those facing urban and even rural juveniles. Though the
available data is preliminary and somewhat limited, it seems that juvenile involvement with
drugs and guns in suburban areas leads to fewer and less severe subsequent violent acts than

for juveniles using drugs and guns in cities. The issue of suburban juvenile violence is in
need of further research in order to provide more insight.

See alsoAssorted Drug entries; Assorted Gang entries; Film, Juvenile Violence and;
Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of; Music, Juvenile Violence
and; News, Juvenile Violence and

Baker, D. (1999). Children and the law: How safe is your ’burb?
American Bar Association Journal
, 3, 1–5.
Glicklich-Rosenberg, L. (1996). Violence and children: A public health issue. Psychiatric, 13
Miller, W. (2001). The growth of youth gang problems in the United States: 1970–98 . Washington,
DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
National Youth Gang Center. (2000). 1998 National youth gang survey. Washington, DC: Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Snyder, H. (1997).The prevalence of serious, violent, and chronic juvenile offenders in a delinquent
population. Pittsburgh, PA: National Center for Juvenile Justice.
Snyder, H. (2005).Juvenile arrests 2003. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Weisheit, R., & Wells, L. (2001). The perception of guns as a problem in nonmetropolitan areas.
Criminal Justice Review, 26, 170–192.
Wells, L., & Weisheit, R. (2001). Gang problems in non-metropolitan communities: A longitudinal
assessment. Justice Quarterly,18, 791–823.

Kelly Welch

SUICIDE. Authors in the field of juvenile suicide research agree that there is no single
moment, no special event, and no single mechanism sufficient enough to explain the cause of
a suicide. Research perspectives, rather, focus on a conglomeration of different factors that
may prompt a biologically or psychologically vulnerable person to commit suicide, including
family, peers, and broader social patterns. Psychological or physiological factors, or those
found within an individual person, are called endogenous factors. Some authors, for instance,
consider major depressive disorder (MDD) as biologically founded because it is associated
with abnormalities of several hormonal systems. Exogenous factors are those occurring out-
side the individual, for instance, with the peer group, with other pupils and teachers at school,
or with colleagues or superiors at work. Young people who have been arrested are also more
likely to become suicidal, with those serving the lengthiest sentences and those involved in
violent crimes, such as rape and especially murder of a family member or close friend, most
at risk. There cannot, however, be a sharp dividing line drawn between endogenous and
exogenous factors because they interact with each other in a complex manner.
The bridge between endogenous and exogenous factors is family-related factors, because
this is the social environment that mingles nature and nurture. For example, a depressive
mother passes on to her child genetic factors as well as special affective and attachment
problems. Actual studies suggest that juvenile suicide can be correlated with changes in the
structure and stability of families. Studies dealing with the family background of young
suiciders found out that these youthful persons often come from families with one, some, or
all of the following characteristics: intra-family discord; physical abuse by their parents or
other family members; frequent family change; low parental support; insecurity or avoidant

attachment; broken homes due to death and divorce; emotionally overstrained single-parent
families; parental unemployment due to a lack of education in the parents; parents with
mental illness like personality disorders, major depressive disorder, or psychosis; addiction
(e.g., drug abuse, gambling, alcoholism); and criminality in the parents.
Involvement with a dysfunctional family brings a number of psychological stresses that
might lead an individual to commit suicide. Suicidal adolescents often have some or all of the
following characteristics: a pattern of unstable interpersonal relationships; inappropriate,
intense anger or lack of control of anger; identity disturbance; affective instability; intolerance
of being alone; physically self-damaging actions; chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom;
and impulsivity or unpredictability in at least two areas that are potentially damaging, e.g.,
drug abuse or gambling. Further, social isolation within the peer group and criminal activity
are often found in the biographical background of young suiciders.
In addition to individual suicides, young people commit various types of group suicides.
Double suicide and homicide-suicide acts, amok, rampage killing, suicide by the police, and
school massacres with suicides are infrequent, but some have received international atten-
tion, such as the 1999 mass killing by two students at Columbine High School in Littleton,
Colorado. These types of suicides are prompted by similar factors as those involved in indi-
vidual suicide, especially depression, borderline disturbances, narcissistic neuroses together
with triggers like social losses, but the aggressive dynamics of homicide-suicide acts differ
from that of individual suicide. The development of auto- and hetero-aggressive tendencies
combined with the wish to get a form of compensation for social losses by a spectacular
event can lead to homicide-suicide, such as school massacres.

See alsoFamily Relations and Juvenile Violence

Ambrosini, P., Rabinovich, H., & Puig-Antich, J. (1984). Biological factors and pharmacologic treat-
ment in major depressive disorder in children and adolescents. In H. Sudak, A. Ford, & N. Rushford
(Eds.),Suicide in the young. Boston, MA: Year Book Medical Publications.
Duffy, D., & Ryan, T. (Eds.) (2004).
New approaches to preventing suicide: A manual for practitioners
London: Jessica Kingsley Press.
Ford, A., Rushforth, N., & Sudak, H. (1984). The causes of suicide. In H. Sudak, A. Ford, &
N. Rushford (Eds.),Suicide in the young. Boston, MA: Year Book Medical Publications.
Friedman, R., Corn, R., Aronoff, M., Hurt, S., & Clarkin, J. (1984). The seriously suicidal adolescent:
Affective and character pathology. In H. Sudak, A. Ford, & N. Rushford (Eds.),
Suicide in the young.
Boston, MA: Year Book Medical Publications.
Haenel, T., & Elsässer, P. (2000). Double suicide and homicide-suicide in Switzerland.
Crisis, 21(3),
Hayes, L. (2005). Juvenile suicide in confinement in the United States: Results from a national survey.
Crisis, 26(3), 146–148.
Richman, J. (1984). The family therapy of suicidal adolescents: Promises and pitfalls. In H. Sudak,
A. Ford, & N. Rushford (Eds.), Suicide in the young
. Boston, MA: Year Book Medical Publications.

Ruth Erken

SURVEILLANCE IN SCHOOLS. Surveillance in schools takes many forms, from

formal methods, like the use of video cameras and metal detectors, to informal methods, such

as teachers monitoring the halls during passing periods and at lunch. Schools are increasingly
adopting more technological means of surveillance as concern over school shootings
magnified in the late 1990s. Further, federal monies are available for these types of surveil-
lance, which are generally supported by the Bush administration. In addition, more schools
have hired school police officers to watch over students. In the mid-1990s, the New York
City Board of Education employed more officers than the entire Boston Police
Department. The federal government has allocated over $350 million per year for school
police officers. Over 45 percent of public schools had an officer or security guard on campus
in 2002.
The idea behind surveillance of students in schools is that it willgeneral
be a deterrent.
That is, students will be less likely to commit acts of delinquency or violence if they know they
are more likely to be caught by some type of monitor. Some forms of surveillance can also be a
specific deterrent, as particular students who have demonstrated a proclivity to delinquency or
violence can be more closely monitored to ensure they will not repeat those actions.
Metal detectors are one of the most commonly used forms of surveillance in schools.
In 1998, an elementary school in Indiana was the first primary school to install a metal detec-
tor. Exact figures are not known, but it is estimated that approximately 10 percent of schools
have metal detectors, while up to 37 percent of urban schools use them. Advocates maintain
that detectors can reduce if not completely eliminate the number of weapons in schools, thus
significantly impacting the amount of violence that may occur. Some schools use walk-
through detectors, like those commonly found in airports and courthouses. All students and
staff can be made to walk through this type of detector. Others cannot afford these, so they
use handheld wands. These require staff members to use some form of random scanning, as
it is impossible to search everyone entering the school.
Opponents of metal detectors maintain they are an inexact method, and the money spent
on the equipment and supplies would be better spent elsewhere. Students committed to bring-
ing a weapon to school can easily get around the detectors, either by passing their weapon to
another student who was not selected for a random search, sneaking it in through another
entry, or some other method. Several of the schools where shootings occurred had both metal
detectors as well as police officers. Further, there is concern that metal detector searches are
not always done randomly and that they may lead to very invasive searches. Some students
have reported feeling as though they are being sexually assaulted via a search from a
scanning wand.
Video cameras are another common form of surveillance in schools. Schools often spend
thousands of dollars on installing video cameras, both inside the school building and in
parking lots. Proponents feel these cameras cannot only prevent acts of delinquency and
violence, but can assist in identifying perpetrators in the event that an act does occur. Not
only do video cameras help keep students safe from other students, but they can also keep
students safe from outsiders.
Opponents of video cameras tend to dislike the concept that students are constantly being
watched. Depending on how many monitors a school has and where they are placed, students
may have little privacy in schools. In some schools the video feed is even sent directly to the
local police. Further, these cameras are expensive, with the more extensive systems running
close to $100,000.
School police officers or security guards are being used in many schools to monitor
students’ behavior. While having a police officer on campus can deter students from commit-
ting acts of delinquency or violence, it can also make students more fearful and resentful.
In addition, officers on campus may serve to “widen the net.” Widening the net refers to the

involvement of criminal justice and/or other social agencies in areas that would once have
been dealt with informally. Little formal evaluation of the impact of school police officers
has occurred to date; what has been done tends to show mixed results.
Another method of surveillance commonly used in schools is identification badges. Some
schools have even experimented with innovative methods, including tracking devices that
monitor students’ whereabouts on campus using radio signals.
Schools employ informal means of surveillance with even greater frequency than they do
formal means. Teachers are often instructed to “be visible,” meaning they need to step out of
their classrooms and monitor hallways during busy times, such as passing between classes and
lunch. School officials are also able to search students, as well as their lockers, bags, and
vehicles and items contained within lockers, bags, and vehicles, if they have a reasonable
suspicion they will find something in violation of school or criminal laws. This is a lesser stan-
dard than what is needed for a police search, which requires probable cause. As more officers
are assigned to campuses, courts will need to further address search standards in schools.
One advantage of informal methods is that they can help prevent violence of many sorts,
from physical assaults to sexual and other forms of verbal harassment. On the other hand,
teacher or administrator monitoring can easily become profiling, where certain students are
targeted. Further, many are concerned that surveillance in schools, in particular the use of
searches, is a violation of students’ privacy rights.
Some maintain that both formal and informal means of surveillance, rather than reducing
violence, are simply examples systemic
of violenceagainst students. That is, they harm
students by limiting their potential. Rather than concentrating on the social, emotional, and
academic growth of students, opponents of school surveillance maintain these means of
surveillance are like micro-management in the business place and represent a form of distrust
that will likely lead to student alienation or apathy.

Devine, J. (1996).Maximum security. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
DiGuilio, R. (2001).Educate, medicate, or litigate? What teachers, parents and administrators must do
about student behavior . New York: Corwin Books.
Finley, L., & Finley, P. (2005).Piss off! How drug testing and other privacy violations are alienating
America’s youth . Monroe, MN: Common Courage Press.
Hyman, I., & Snook, P. (1999). Dangerous schools . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Spina, S. (Ed.). (2000). Smoke and mirrors: The hidden context of violence in schools and society.
Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield.

Laura L. Finley

SYSTEMIC VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS. When people think of school violence,

they tend to envision physical acts perpetrated by students, either on other students or on
teachers. Most often today, the image of school violence is one of a school shooter, although in
reality shootings in school are quite uncommon. School violence encompasses much more than
physical acts, however. Violence in schools also takes the form of verbal harassment and bully-
ing, sexual harassment, and racial violence. In addition, it is not just students who perpetrate
violence; school faculty also commits violence against students. Some of this is physical, such
as when a first-grade teacher duct-taped a student for talking too much. Much of the violence
committed by faculty is verbal and harms students psychologically and emotionally.

Further, schools often commit systemic violence. Systemic violence refers to institutional
practices or procedures that adversely impact individuals or groups psychologically, men-
tally, culturally, spiritually, economically, or physically. Award-winning Brazilian educator
Paulo Freire said that any situation in which people are prevented from learning is violence.
Systemic violence involves acts of violence that are embedded into the practices and proce-
dures of daily life in schools. They are typically not done intentionally; that is, educators are
not plotting to commit violence. Rather, educators often use practices harmful to students,
but with the students best wishes in mind.
Systemic violence includes practices that appear neutral but result in discriminatory
effects. Because systemic violence is “for their own good,” sometimes victims do not even
recognize what has occurred as an act of violence. For instance, tracking programs in schools
are a form of systemic violence, as they merely reproduce social inequalities and limit
students’ potential. Yet often parents and even students support tracking, buying into the
rhetoric that it is being used to help students and that any resultant inequalities are accidental.
Another example is school disciplinary practices. These are said to ensure a safe learning
environment, but are often conducted in discriminatory and dehumanizing ways.
One obvious example of systemic violence in schools is the use corporal
of punishment.
Contrary to popular belief, corporal punishment is still legal in twenty-three states. It is a
practice banned by every industrialized nation except the United States, some provinces in
Canada, and one state in Australia. Many schools within the states that still allow corporal
punishment elect not to use it, yet it is by no means an uncommon practice. Official figures
show almost 350,000 students endured corporal punishment in schools in the 1999–2000
school year. Corporal punishment is more common in southern states, such as Texas,
Mississippi, and Arkansas. Opponents argue that corporal punishment is wrong. For one rea-
son, it is more frequently used against minority students; Black students are hit at a rate more
than twice their representation in the student population. Opponents also maintain corporal
punishment teaches that violence is an acceptable means to deal with problems; that it can
result in major injuries; that corporal punishment is not allowed in other institutions, such as
prisons, mental hospitals, and the military; that it is ineffective in reducing violence and other
disciplinary problems; that it is frequently used for minor infractions; and that there are a
number of other more effective disciplinary measures. Many well-respected organizations
have argued for the complete abolition of corporal punishment in schools, including the
American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Bar Association, the American Medical
Association, the National Education Association, and the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
Some of the most commonly practiced teaching methods in schools can be considered sys-
temic violence. Students are typically regarded as passive recipients and have no voice in
what they learn or how they do it. Passive teaching practices tend not to address the affective
domain, stressing that knowledge is only academic, not emotional. Students who do not
adapt well to these methods are punished, as the emphasis in schools is on obedience.
Research with students shows they often feel that teachers ignore verbal harassment by students
and that they frequently contribute to it by using put-downs, favoritism, and inconsistent and
unequal punishment. Traditional pedagogy has repeatedly been shown to favor boys’ learn-
ing styles, which is a form of systemic violence. In addition, despite attempts at more multi-
cultural inclusion, most schools still teach a largely “white” curriculum. Standardization of
curriculum, and the subsequent standardization of assessment, is a form of systemic violence
that assumes all students can and should be able to perform at the same level at the same
time. Many studies have found standardized tests to be culturally biased.

Some maintain that inflicting punishment on kids “for their own good” does little but
destroy their sense of self and their belief in their personal worth. Students may respond to
systemic violence in a number of ways, including defiance, neglect of duty, withdrawal, or
addiction. Students may become self-destructive, sometimes ignoring opportunities. Further,
those who survive a hostile environment often end up reproducing it unconsciously.
They cannot seem to see an alternative to the violence they experience. While systemic vio-
lence harms all students, it is most harmful to those already disadvantaged. Those privileged
by the system are also harmed, though, as they are taught their superiority, which reproduces
Acknowledging that school violence is more than simply physical acts committed by one
individual against another is an important step in reducing violence in schools and making
the educational experience more positive and useful for all.

Epp, J. (1996). Schools, complicity, and sources of violence. In J. Epp & A. Watkinson Systemic
violence: How schools hurt children(pp. 1–23). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Finley, L. (2006, forthcoming). Examining school searches as systemic violence.
Critical Criminology.
Hyman, I., & Snook, P. (1999).Dangerous schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Iadicola, P., & Shupe, A. (1998).Violence, inequality, and human freedom. Dix Hills, NY: General
Hall, Inc.
Watkinson, A. (1997). Administrative complicity and systemic violence in education. In J. Epp &
A. Watkinson (Eds.),Systemic violence in education: Broken promises
(pp. 3–24). Albany, NY: State
University of New York Press.

Laura L. Finley
TATE, LIONEL. Lionel Tate is the twelve-year-old African-American boy who was
sentenced in 2001 to life in prison for the 1999 murder of a six-year-old girl, Tiffany Eunick.
The trial gained national attention by identifying controversies in juvenile and criminal justice
in the United States. The Florida state legislature had a year earlier allowed
for vio-
lent juveniles to be tried in adult court instead of juvenile court. The aim of the move was to
enable the court to impose longer prison and probation sentences to deter dangerous juveniles,
yet others vehemently oppose the practice. The initial prosecution of the case also brought
considerable media coverage due to the public’s fascination with extraordinary murders. Tate
was the youngest adolescent to be sentenced to life without parole in the United States.
Initially, Florida prosecutors sought to plea bargain with Tate’s defense attorneys. In return
for a guilty plea from Tate, the prosecution would recommend a three-year sentence, followed
by ten years probation. Tate’s legal team, in concert with his mother, Kathleen Grosett-Tate,
rejected the plea bargain and young Tate pleaded not guilty to murder. Facing a trial by jury in
the adult criminal court, Tate’s legal team attempted to demonstrate Tate’s immaturity.
The televised trial detailed the circumstances of the offense and was highlighted by the
physical descriptions of the injuries to Tiffany Eunick. Eunick was killed when Tate claimed
he mimicked wrestling moves he watched on televised matches involving World Wide
Wrestling Federation (WWF) celebrities. Tiffany Eunick’s injuries were extensive and
severe, and the prosecution gave detailed listings of thirty-five traumas. They also empha-
sized that Tate was nearly 120 pounds heavier than Eunick. The defense described the violent
incident as “playing gone bad” and reframed it as a tragic accidental death.
While the trial was underway, the print and television media expanded on numerous story
lines concerning the case. One was the history of Tate’s childhood, with descriptions of his
misbehavior in school. He was characterized as a bully and was suspended from school
numerous times for disruptive behavior.
The main defense used by Tate’s attorney centered on his imitation of professional
wrestlers (WWF). Their point was that Tate was naïve and believed that displaying the series
of moves he did on Eunick would not injure her. They indicated Tate was immature and did
not believe that the WWF wrestlers’ moves and reactions were stage-managed. The defense
even showed wrestling videos to the jury to emphasize that point. In contrast, the prosecution
stressed Tate could understand Eunick’s injury.
The wrestling defense was not convincing to the jury, given the extensiveness of the
injuries. They handed down a first-degree murder conviction. It was the judge, however, who
made the March 9, 2001, sentencing decision. Following the decision, the defense appealed
the case to the Fourth District Court of Appeals.
After the trial, a nonprofit organization, the Parents Television Council (PTC) condemned
the WWF (later changed to World Wrestling Entertainment [WWE]). Their claim was that

televised wrestling activity is in reality teaching children to be violent and engage in violent
actions toward others. The PTC made allegations that the WWF is responsible for being
the model for the youth’s murderous actions. In response to the allegations, the WWF won
a 2002 suit that asserted the PTC’s allegations could not be demonstrated, that tele-
vised wrestling matches are not generative of youth murder. They settled out of court for
3.5 million dollars. The PTC continues to raise objections to violent television programming
and seeks to educate the public about the dangers of youth modeling violent behavior from
television and movies.
Following the sentencing hearing, Tate was turned over to corrections officials for
incarceration at a maximum security prison for juveniles. Further, Tate’s attorneys filed a
clemency application that was forwarded to Governor Jeb Bush. Bush refused consideration,
given evidence by corrections officials that Tate engaged in serious misbehavior in prison.
During his incarceration, Tate’s mother continued to make the case that her son’s sentence
was excessive. Picked up by the major media, Barbara Walters ABCoftelevision inter-
viewed sixteen-year-old Tate, his mother, and the parent of Tiffany Eunick. A year later,
Kathleen Tate was in the Vatican and met the pope, which served to maintain publicity about
her son’s case.
In December 2003, the Fourth District Court of Appeals made a decision to allow a new
trial for Lionel Tate. They asserted that Tate should have had a mental competency evaluation
prior to trial proceedings. During the trial, the appellate court ruled, Tate’s lawyers discussed
his immaturity, but the court did not take proper steps to document his mental level and
ensure that Tate understood the consequences of the plea bargain if he turned it down. This
enabled prosecutors to once again permit a plea bargain, which was accepted by Tate’s attor-
neys. The deal required a sentence of three years in prison and ten years of probation. Having
nearly served the three-year sentence, Tate was released from jail to live once again with his
The rules of Tate’s probation were to be in school or at a place of employment or church.
In September, Tate was arrested for violation of his probation by being out past curfew and
possession of a knife. The judge in the case added five years to Tate’s probation.
On May 23, 2005, Tate was again arrested on charges of armed robbery and battery and of
violating probation. Now aged eighteen, Tate is expected to plead guilty in exchange for a
sentence of 10–30 years in prison. In May 2006, Tate received the maximum sentence.
The Florida case raised legal questions concerning proper procedures in the waiver of
juveniles to adult court. Youth under the age of fifteen in particular need to be assessed for
incompetence due to developmental immaturity. The Supreme Court decision Drope v.
Missouri has been the legal standard for competence to stand trial. Following the Tate deci-
sion, it appears that prosecutors may follow Drope closely and waive offenders who meet its
Although Tate’s record shows repeated crimes, research establishes that some chronic
offenders cease after a single offense. The decision to waive violent juveniles to adult court
will be revised as problems arise, as was the case with Lionel Tate.

See alsoSocial Learning Theories; Television, Juvenile Violence and; Victims of Juvenile
Violence, Very Young

Brink, D. (2004). Immaturity, normative competence, and juvenile transfer: How (not) to punish minors
for major crimes. Texas Law Review, 82(6), 1555–1558.

Scott, E., & Grisso, T. (2004). Developmental incompetence, due process and juvenile justice
. policy
University of Virginia Law School Public Law and Legal Working Paper Series, Paper 11.

James Steinberg

TECHNIQUES OF NEUTRALIZATION. Referring to verbal statements used

by youth to rationalize and initiate delinquent behavior, techniques of neutralization are also
called verbalized motives. David Matza’s 1964 book titled Delinquency and Driftset forth
the theory, called either drift theoryor neutralization theory. The key actors in this theory
are minors or juveniles, usually seventeen years old and under. What is problematic for
Matza is the interpersonal process involved when youth make the decision to engage in
illegal behavior. He uses the concepts of drift and neutralization to explain youth’s thinking
and potential use of neutralizations.
Juveniles, according to Matza, both internalize law-abiding norms and are exposed to
delinquency-provoking routine influences and circumstances that may present themselves.
Drift involves juveniles temporarily loosening their grip on conformity and engaging in
delinquency. Situational elements and emotional states may generate drift. After the commis-
sion of the delinquent act, juveniles revert to being a conforming individual and resist engag-
ing in delinquency, unless a subsequent circumstance presents itself that steers the juvenile
toward verbalizations and then delinquency once more. Delinquency is seen as episodic, an
infrequent lapse of judgment. Youth elicit delinquency and then reverse back to conformity,
thus their identity and behavior is not centered around persistent delinquency.
The process that causes the delinquent act involves a youth’s decision to use excuses or
rationalizations to justify acts before and after they are committed. Techniques of neutraliza-
tion is a concept in which a youth verbally frees himself or herself from inner moral
constraints. For youth, experiencing a sense of injustice or lack of fairness in a particular
situation generates an emotional reaction of perceived hypocrisy. This loosens the usual
restraining forces of one’s moral code of avoiding law violation and associated feelings of
guilt. Matza contends that delinquency generally involves more than one offender. The pres-
ence of other peers increases exposure to the member’s mutual use of neutralizations.
Matza proposed five types of techniques of neutralizations that are used individually or in
combinations. These refer to a verbal class of excuses that are used to justify delinquency,
some prefaced with the concept “denial,” the rejection of a particular social value.
Denial of responsibility occurs when a juvenile rationalizes his or her illegal action as not his
or her fault because other factors are the actual reasons for the victim’s fate. The identification
of specific social factors responsible for the act are race, poverty, and family characteristics.
Denial of injury involves explaining away the infliction of fear and pain. It is used to infer
that, with no injury, there is no crime. This technique minimizes or ignores actual injury, and
in crimes without actual visible injuries, the act is dismissed. In violent crimes, the injury is
reframed as minor or exaggerated by the victim.
Denial of a victim involves an explanation that the victim was in some way culpable and
deserving of the illegal act, thus the act is not actually serious. Even as harm is inflicted,
verbalizations that imply the victim is deviant, and thus deserving, dissipate the youth’s
illegal action as justifiable. Dehumanization is the result of some verbalizations. This type
would be used in crimes of violence in which the delinquent injured a victim.
Condemnation of the condemners is a verbal style in which the juvenile accuses authority
figures, such as teachers, police, and truant officers, of being involved in corruption or abuse

of youth. Amplifying their hidden abuses may ostensibly cancel out any illegal actions or
violence that the juvenile perpetrates.
Appeal to higher loyalties is an abstract vocalization in which youth justify their actions by
claiming a higher moral cause is being accomplished. This gives the act a cachet of moral
superiority and importance that redefines the delinquency as actually a noble act. Usually the
cause is related to a particular group-based and defined value that is deemed more important
than legal standards. This technique may also be used by gang youth, who assert that leaders
made them commit an act of crime or violence.
Neutralization theory is seen as similar to assumptions of Sutherland’s differential
association theory. Both theories concentrate on particular circumstances that need to be
taken into consideration. Thus, delinquent acts are situational and not an inflexible character-
istic of the delinquent. A second assumption is that delinquents engage in both nondelinquent
and delinquent behavior and vacillate between the two. Techniques of neutralizations in a par-
ticular situation foster delinquency in that they push juveniles toward the delinquent behavior.
Finally, delinquency is viewed largely as a group phenomenon. Most delinquency involves the
participation of others that collaborate in the attitudes conducive to delinquency.
Drift theory contrasts with Hirschi’s control theory. According to Hirschi’s model,
attachments are more permanent, so delinquents are viewed as more established in their
actions and identity. For Matza, youth have more tenuous ties to a permanent delinquent
identity and move back and forth as inducements in delinquent groups lead them to
occasionally use a verbalized motive to justify delinquency.
Middle-class delinquency theorists, a form of control theory, stress that most delinquents
age out of delinquency. Through maturation, youth become more enmeshed in adult respon-
sibilities, such as work and family roles. Both theories agree that youth are not committed to
a career of delinquency.
Critics of neutralization theory contend that the theory does not consider sources of struc-
tural strain that may facilitate delinquency. In addition, the actual forces imbedded in the
circumstances facilitating delinquency are unclear. There is no distinct process by which
the juveniles makes the decision to use a verbalization and engage in action, nor is it
clear whether whether each excuse inevitably leads to law violation. Because the theory is
abstract and difficult to empirically verify, it has not been subject to extensive research in
The theory has been expanded beyond delinquent groups. Consumers, medical profession-
als, pedophiles, sex offenders, and college students are additional samples that have been
subject to an expanded application of the theory. Modifications of the theory focus on the
rationalization of behavior through elaborate verbal and written reasoning, the mechanisms
that redefine illegal behavior as normal or acceptable.

Agnew, R., & Peters, A. (1986). The techniques of neutralization: An analysis of predisposing and
situational factors. Criminal Justice and Behavior,(1),
Matza, D. (1964).Delinquency and drift. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
McCaghy, C. (1968). Drinking and deviance disavowal: The case of child molesters.
Social Problems
16(1), 43–49.
Shoemaker, D. (2005). Theories of delinquency: An examination of explanations of delinquency
behavior, 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

James Steinberg

TEEN COURTS. Teen courts, additionally referenced as youth courts, peer courts,
student courts, and peer juries, provide an alternative means of addressing legal issues
involving young people. The purpose of teen courts is twofold. On one level, the initiative
aims to expose young people to the workings of the U.S. legal system by enabling them to
assume key responsibilities associated with law proceedings. For instance, participants may
serve as a lawyer, bailiff, clerk, or juror. On a second level, teen courts allow youths charged
with legal violations to be held accountable for their actions by their peers. Proceedings
parallel the structure of the juvenile justice system by requiring participants to be sworn in,
creating space and time for students and their families to receive legal counsel, and so forth.
Court activities themselves generally follow a trial or peer jury model.
Programs based on the trial model include two basic models as well as a variety of hybrid
choices. The adult judge model, the most popular version, requires youth volunteers to serve
in all major capacities except that of the judge. The youth judge model, in contrast, permits a
minor to fulfill the responsibilities of the judge. In peer jury models, youths who serve as
jurors as well as youth advocates are permitted to question defendants directly without the
participation of court attorneys. In all cases, young people complete training appropriate to
their roles to uphold the integrity of the judicial process. Examples include learning how to
complete direct and cross-examinations of witnesses, identifying questions that allow for
courtroom objections, and gaining skills in the preparation and delivery of opening and
closing statements. Instruction in such areas is frequently provided by retired court officers
or community volunteers who possess legal expertise. Guidelines set by the National
Youth Court Center (NYCC) recommend an average of sixteen to twenty hours of youth
training. Moreover, the organization encourages all teen court programs to provide educa-
tional insights into the following areas: (1) program planning and community mobilization;
(2) program staffing and funding; (3) legal issues; (4) identified respondent population and
referral processes; (5) program services and sentencing options; (6) volunteer recruitment
and management; (7) volunteer training; (8) youth court operations and case management;
and (9) program evaluation. States that host teen court programs generally set regulations and
mandates specific to their needs.
Examinations of teen court programs suggest that most defendants are first-time offenders
between the ages of seven and nineteen who are charged with misdemeanor criminal activity
such as vandalism. Program advocates argue that teen courts fulfill a critical role by attend-
ing to criminal behavior that is unlikely to receive serious attention from the traditional
justice system. In many conventional cases, supporters argue, offenders may receive a mild
sanction that fails to resonate with young people. Experiences in teen courts, in contrast,
appear to reduce the likelihood of future offenses by connecting with students from an
educational standpoint and demonstrating the ways in which breaking the law invites
consequences. For example, defendants who are found guilty of a given crime may be
required to write letters of apology to victims and parents or write essays, complete tours of
jails or boot camps, or complete reparations for their actions. Yet, because teen courts
operate on a voluntary basis, defendants may reject decisions reached by these bodies and
elect to resolve their cases in the traditional juvenile court system.
Researchers largely trace the conceptualization and implementation of modern teen courts
to the 1970s. However, such programs primarily gained national popularity during the 1990s
as a result of increased financial assistance, particularly from the Justice Department’s
of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) . Other sponsors include a vari-
ety of agencies, such as juvenile courts, schools, probation departments, and community
organizations. Currently, more than three hundred teen court programs operate in over half of

the nation. In their totality, the efforts aim to redress youth crime while simultaneously
engaging young people in the civic process, promoting responsible behavior, educating
youths about judicial processes, and seeding life skills and job opportunities. Program
advocates argue that teen courts have been successful based on the courts’ cost-effectiveness,
low rates of recidivism, and high degree of satisfaction among youths and their families
with court outcomes—even when defendants are found guilty and penalties are assigned.
Critics, however, contend that empirical research is limited and that commonly cited bene-
fits appear to be grounded in anecdotal evidence derived from “cream of the crop” offenders.

See also Specialized Courts

Godwin, T. (1996, Winter). Teen courts: Empowering youth in community prevention and intervention
efforts. American Parole and Probation Association Perspectives
, 20–24.
Mullins, T. (2004).Selected topics on youth courts: A monograph
. Washington, DC: National Criminal
Justice Reference Service.
Pearson, S. (2004). Policymakers support youth court growth: Voices and recommendations from the
field. Lexington, KY: National Youth Court Center.
Williamson, D., & Wells, J. (2004). Making youth court as effective as possible. Chicago: American Bar

Carla R. Monroe

TELEVISION, JUVENILE VIOLENCE AND. For decades, violence on televi-

sion has been a controversial subject among researchers, parents, and policymakers.
Research on the effect of televisual violence on juveniles has been of special concern given
the easy access to televisions, especially in comparison to other media. However, although
over 60 percent of all television programs contain some violence, a recent study found that
the amount of serious violence on television decreased by 17 percent from 1999 to 2001.
Limited research suggests television characters under age eighteen commit fewer acts of
violence than do young adult and adult characters. Nonetheless, a child who watches three
hours of American television per day will see at least two incidents of violence perpetrated by
a character under the age of eighteen during that time. Children and teens in poverty watch
more television than do their more affluent peers, and African-American children and teens
watch more television than do Caucasian children and teens. Consequently, these groups are
exposed to more violent imagery.
Various studies have shown that televisual violence can influence future aggressive
behavior on the part of child and adolescent viewers. The National Television Violence Study,
a longitudinal examination of violence on American television, lists three main effects of tele-
vised violence: viewers can learn aggressive attitudes and behaviors; viewers can become
desensitized to violence; and viewers can experience an increased fear of victimization. Such
authorities as the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, the
National Academy of Sciences, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the U.S. Surgeon
General have all agreed that television violence can have various adverse effects on children
and adolescents. In all, more than 3,000 studies have found a connection between television
violence and actual violence. A longitudinal study from the 1960s and 1970s found the heavi-
est viewers were the most likely to have been in trouble, including greater numbers of arrests

as well as aggression at home. As early as 1972, the Surgeon General declared a causal rela-
tionship between viewing television violence and aggressive behavior.
Not all viewers are affected in the same way by televised violence, however. Children age
seven and below are the most vulnerable because of their inability to distinguish fantasy from
reality. Children in this age group also have trouble connecting events that occur in different
scenes, so that if punishment occurs several scenes after the violent act is perpetrated, chil-
dren may not acknowledge it or associate it with the violence. The National Television
Violence Study found that cartoons are most likely to showcase high-risk portrayals of vio-
lence that teach aggression to children seven years of age and younger. Cartoons are also the
most likely television shows to feature heroes participating in justified violence that goes
unpunished and results in a minimum amount of harm to the victim.
Furthermore, not all televisual violence is equal; certain characteristics make violence seem
more acceptable to viewers. Television characters portrayed as good or heroic are attractive to
juvenile viewers, and characters (good or bad) that show little or no remorse and that experi-
ence no negative repercussions help make violent behavior seem appropriate. Also, violence
appears acceptable when no physical pain or harm is done to victims and the short- and
long-term consequences are not addressed. Finally, the use of humor trivializes violence.
Given that humor is a mainstay of children’s cartoons, this is tremendously important.
One recent study of child and adolescent television perpetrators found that such younger
violent characters are often portrayed as attractive to viewers, are less likely to be punished
than adult perpetrators, and their victims experience fewer negative consequences than those
of violent adult characters. Research suggests that juvenile television viewers are more likely
to emulate characters portrayed as attractive and characters with whom they can relate or
who they perceive to be similar to themselves, especially with respect to age, race, and
gender. The vast majority of young television perpetrators are male. Televisual juvenile
violence tends to target victims of similar age, and juvenile television perpetrators are more
likely than adults to use physical means of violence and less likely to use guns. While one in
three juvenile television perpetrators engage in lethal violence, both the prevalence and the
rate of younger characters engaging in violence on television are lower than those of adult
Music television, first introduced twenty-five years ago, continues to be most popular
among youth. When violence occurs in music videos, it is both gendered and raced. Males
are usually portrayed as the aggressors, black males disproportionately so. White females are
usually portrayed as victims.
There are two theories that best explain the role televised violence may play in regard to
actual violence. Social learning theory , based on Bandura’s classic Bobo doll experiment,
asserts people learn violence from their environment. Differential identification, which
built on differential association, maintains that we learn violence not just from those with
whom we are intimately and frequently associated, but also those with whom we identify.
Thus a violent television character might serve as a behavioral model for children and teens.

See also Film, Juvenile Violence and; Music, Juvenile Violence and; News, Juvenile Violence
and; Victims in the Media

Carter, C., & Weaver, C. (2003).
Violence and the media. Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press.
Federman, J. (Ed.). (1998).National television violence study
. Santa Barbara, CA: University of
California, Santa Barbara. Available from: http://www.ccsp.ucsb.edu/ntvs.htm.

Wilson, B., Colvin, C., & Smith, S. (2002). Engaging in violence on American television: A comparison
of child, teen, and adult perpetrators.
Journal of Communication , 52(1), 36–60.

Allison Wright Munro

TRAIT THEORIES. Trait theory is a model of personality that seeks to identify the
basic traits necessary to describe personality. The term “traits” refers to the enduring
dimensions of personal characteristics along which people differ. While people may share the
same traits, individuals may vary in the degree they express those traits. For instance, while
everyone may share the trait of agreeableness, people vary from each other on the degree to
which they are agreeable (on a continuum from very agreeable to very disagreeable).
The list of traits considered important for measurement has constantly evolved for trait
theorists. In 1936, one of the earliest trait theorists, Dr. Gordon Allport (1897–1967), devel-
oped a list of 18,000 trait names by recording all of the separate terms used to describe
personality in an unabridged dictionary. Even after eliminating words with the same mean-
ing, he was left with 4,500 descriptors. Allport later suggested the existence of central traits,
which make up the major characteristics of an individual, and secondary traits, which affect
behavior in fewer situations and are less influential than central traits. In 1965, Dr. Raymond
Cattell (1905–1998) developed the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) to
provide scores for each of the sixteen source traits that his research suggested represented the
basic dimensions of personality. Currently, the “Big Five” trait approach is the most influen-
tial description of personality. The Big Five are five broad trait factors, consisting of
openness to experience (imagination, independence), conscientiousness (responsibility,
self-control, persistence), extraversion (sociability, assertiveness), agreeableness (coopera-
tiveness, friendliness), and neuroticism (emotional stability). Scientifically, there is no trait
theory that has the “right” number or division of personality characteristics. Any trait theory
that is plausible and addresses the needs of the particular situation is acceptable for use.
Studies that examine violent behavior through trait theory approaches typically either
examine differences in traits between violent and nonviolent individuals or the similarities in
traits among violent individuals. By determining which scores on which traits separate vio-
lent and nonviolent individuals from each other, the likelihood of predicting violence-prone
individuals is increased.
An individual’s score for a particular trait can usually be measured easily. Testing is typi-
cally done through self-report measures of personality, such as the 16PF, or through projec-
tive methods of personality, such as the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). In a self-report
measure, people report about their own behavior through a series of questions. The projective
method has people describe or tell stories about ambiguous pictures, with those responses
interpreted by trained interpreters. In both types of testing, individuals receive numerical
scores on the traits that are being measured. This allows easy comparisons to be made.
In addition to the previously mentioned advantages to trait theory, there are numerous
disadvantages as well. It is often difficult to determine which particular traits might be impor-
tant and should be measured. Only the traits that have been measured can be used in such a
comparison. In addition, even when a comparison is made, the results may not be applicable
to anyone other than those that were tested in the first place. For example, low agreeableness
scores may be an indicator of susceptibility to violent behavior in one culture, but not in
another. Another disadvantage is that the measurement of a trait occurs at a single point in
time, while human behavior changes across time. While traits are enduring dimensions of

personal characteristics, there may be secondary traits that only influence behavior under
certain circumstances. As an example, we may record the level of physical agitation that a
violent offender exhibits. This is a trait that may change over the course of time and may vary
depending on the behavior the offender is committing at that time. Unless we measure the
level of physical agitation before, during, and after a violent act, we might not have an
accurate snapshot of the relationship that particular trait has with violent behavior.
Finally, even if consistent differences between violent and nonviolent groups of people are
found to exist, there exists yet another problem. Trait theories can only describe a correla-
tional relationship between traits and behavior. They cannot, by themselves, explain the
cause of the measured traits or how the measured traits caused the violent behavior. In fact,
there can be no certainty that the traits caused the violent behavior at all. For instance, we
could measure the levels of violence and the levels of agreeableness in several neighbor-
hoods. We might then compare the levels of agreeableness for the violent neighborhoods
with those of nonviolent neighborhoods and find that the more violent the neighborhood, the
less agreeable the residents are. The decreased level of agreeableness among the residents
may be the cause of the increased violence. However, the increased violence could be the
cause of the decreased agreeableness, with scared residents being less friendly than non-
scared residents. A third alternative is the possibility of a third variable in this equation.
Perhaps the presence of illicit drug use has caused both the violence levels to increase and the
agreeableness levels to decrease.
Because of these disadvantages in trait theory, it is typically not used to explain violent
behavior by itself. Instead, it is used in conjunction with other theories, where trait measure-
ment is a valuable tool for describing potential susceptibilities to violence.

See alsoGeneral Theory of Crime; Problem Behavior Syndrome (PBS)

Allport, G. (1961).Pattern and growth in personality
. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Cattell, R. (1965). The scientific analysis of personality
. Chicago: Aldine.
Dorfman, W., & Hersen, M. (2001). Understanding psychological assessment
. Dordrecht, Netherlands:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Zucker, R., Aronoff, J., & Rabin, A. (1984). Personality and the prediction of behavior
. Orlando,
FL: Academic Press.

Dave D. Hochstein
UNIFORM CRIME REPORTS (UCR). Overseen by the FBI since 1930, the
Uniform Crime Reporting Program was created in 1929 by the International Association of
Chiefs of Police. The program was based on a need to provide uniform, reliable crime
statistics for the United States on an annual and ongoing basis. The FBI collects, publishes,
and archives all data obtained through the program. Annually, the FBI produces and distrib-
utes several nationwide statistical publications, suchCrime
as in the United States , Hate
Crime Statistics , and Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted. These publications
provide information including volume and rates of crime on national, state, and local levels,
incident information, victim information, bias involved in specific (hate) crimes, weapons
used in crimes, accidental and intentional deaths of law enforcement officers, and circum-
stances surrounding crimes. The uniform format in which crimes are documented under the
Uniform Crime Reporting Program is set forth in theUCR Handbook , also a publication of
the FBI.
In 1982, the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the FBI made a collaborative effort to study
and revise the existing Uniform Crime Reporting Program. The National Incident Based
Reporting System (NIBRS) was born as the result of a five-year revision effort to produce
more detailed and comprehensive crime statistics. The current UCR program is still in the
process of being converted to NIBRS. Under the current summary system, agencies report
the number of crimes by type monthly to the FBI. Under NIBRS, each crime reported will
come with an individual record providing specific details about the incident. At present,
about half of the states in the United States are certified by the FBI and submit monthly
reports under the NIBRS format. In an effort to increase participation in NIBRS, the
Bureau of Justice Statistics sponsored a project through the Police Executive Research
Forum (PERF) in 2001. PERF designed an information resource manual to assist law
enforcement agencies with implementing NIBRS-compatible reporting systems and has
since held two annual conferences aimed at the progressive implementation of NIBRS in the
United States.
The implementation of NIBRS hopes to provide more incident-specific information
about victims and crimes, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of juvenile
violence. More information will exist as a resource for teachers, parents, counselors, law
enforcement, and school administrators. Still, the UCR system is limited in its informational
capabilities. When compared with data gathered byNationalthe Crime Victimization
Survey, the UCR system reflects that only about 35 percent of all crimes are reported to the
police. In addition, the UCR system is under police discretion, meaning some crimes,
while they occurred, may not be documented. For these reasons, other governmental studies
have been implemented to better study and prevent crime and more accurately reflect

Uniform Crime Reports. (n.d). The Federal Bureau of Investigation Website.
Available at: http://www
About the National Incident-Based Reporting System. (n.d.). Bureau of Justice Statistics. U.S.
Department of Justice. Available at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/nibrs.htm.

Adam Doran


immediately following the Civil War, there was a dramatic increase in the number of cases
involving litigation against the U.S. government. As a result, a large number of private sector
attorneys were retained to handle the increasing workload at an extremely high cost to the U.S.
government and its taxpayers. In response, Congress passed an act in 1870 that officially
established the Department of Justice (DOJ) as a governmental agency, with the U.S. attorney
general as its leader. The newly created DOJ was to handle the primary legal business of
the United States, including all criminal prosecutions and civil matters. Furthermore, the 1870
act gave the DOJ control over all divisions and agencies of federal law enforcement.
Over the last century, the internal structure of the Department of Justice has changed
dramatically, especially with regard to the establishment of the various agencies falling under
the purview of the DOJ, including the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
In 1974, Congress enacted the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, establish-
ing the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention as part of the Department of
Justice. The mission of the OJJDP is to provide a national base of leadership and centralized
resources to assist local and state governments with issues of juvenile delinquency and
victimization and to facilitate improvements in prevention, community involvement, and the
treatment of juveniles.

Kelley, B. T., Thornberry, T. P., & Smith, C. A. (1997).
In the wake of childhood maltreatment .
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Mission Statement and History. (2005, November). U.S. Department of Justice. Available

Jeffrey A.Walsh

URBAN JUVENILE VIOLENCE. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, women activists organized settlement homes and charitable organizations to
address the problems associated with urban juvenile delinquency and violence.
these efforts, most of the concerns about juvenile violence relied upon controversial interpre-
tations about its origins and causes.
The dominant viewpoint among criminologists during this period was that a select number
of juveniles inherited biological traits that made them prone to commit violence.socio-
biological approach, influenced by social Darwinists and the work of Cesare Lombroso,
insisted that violent juveniles had a certain genetic makeup that predisposed them to

violence. This approach was reinforced by the negative stereotypes of central city inhabi-
tants, who were seen as unruly, unsocialized, and in direct conflict with the provincial char-
acter of rural and small-town life at the turn of the twentieth century. Not surprisingly, many
central city dwellers and urban youth who committed violence were poor European immi-
grants who faced the brunt of discriminatory policies and practices.
The early frameworks of juvenile violence also failed to account for state-sponsored forms
of violence against youth. Although urban youth were viewed as the perpetuators of violence,
the state—the collective power of government, political institutions, and law enforcement
agencies—was considered an innocent bystander. Yet in the nineteenth century, many groups
of youth and juveniles were targets of state-sanctioned violence: black slave youth in north-
ern urban localities, white and black youth who were indentured servants, and immigrant
children who were brutalized by unfair (and violent) labor practices.
By the turn of the century, there was a subtle shift in some of the thinking about juvenile
delinquency and violence. The state of Illinois created the nation’s first juvenile court in
1899, which signaled a move toward the rehabilitation, rather than punishment, of violent
youth offenders. Additional attention was given to the unique problems facing juveniles,
exemplified by the passage of protective labor laws for children, the expansion of public edu-
cation to at-risk youth, and the emergence of academic research countering social Darwinist
interpretations of juvenile violence.
Urbanization, industrialization, and the continued influx of immigrant groups brought
attention to the challenges confronting urban youth in the 1930s and 1940s. Chicago became
a laboratory for studying juvenile delinquency and violence during this period. Clifford Shaw
of the Institute of Juvenile Research organized the Chicago Area Project (CAP), which
studied the causes of and remedies for youth violence and crime. He believed youth violence
was not biological or hereditary, but was mostly attributed to poverty, discrimination, and
other structural factors. Over a decade later, Shaw’s sentiments were echoed Life maga-
zine photojournalist, Gordon Parks. Yet, whereas Shaw’s research studied white immigrant
youth, Parks documented the activities of a black street gang called the Midtowners in
Harlem, New York.
In the 1960s and early 1970s, juvenile delinquency garnered the attention of national-level
politicians who implemented a series of measures to address this problem. Presidents Lyndon
B. Johnson and Richard Nixon created the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement
(1967), the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence (1969), and the
National Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals (1973). Congress also passed
two pieces of legislation called the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968
and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 . The renewed attention
to juvenile violence was partially due to the wave of civil disturbances and riots. These
disturbances, which occurred in almost every major American city in the 1960s, usually
involved confrontations between ghetto youth and the police.
The federal judiciary further debated remedies for juvenile delinquency and violence in
the 1960s and 1970s. The locus of the debate centered on civil liberties for juvenile offend-
ers. For youth who committed the most violent offenses, the judiciary debated whether they
should be transferred to adult courtsand subsequently to adult prisons. This debate also
spilled into the state legislatures. New York, for example, was one of the first states since the
early twentieth century to implement harsh penalties for juvenile violent offenders.
It allowed thirteen-year-olds convicted of murder and fourteen-year-olds who committed
other serious violent offenses to be prosecuted as adults. Civil rights activists believed this
adversely affected urban youth from the state’s poorest communities.

By the 1980s and 1990s, zero tolerance policieshad become the central theme of public
discourse and policies on juvenile justice. Some attributed this to the soaring rates of violent
crimes in urban communities. Others believed lawmakers used juvenile violence as political
cannon fodder—that is, to mobilize their constituents to support prison expansion and the
downsizing of social programs and civil liberties. Regardless, urban juveniles during this
period were often viewed as “super-predators,” or as lawless, uncontrollable, and absent of
any redeemable virtues.
The shift toward zero tolerance policies underscores a larger policy debate about how best
to address urban juvenile violence. Those favoring punitive measures argue that juvenile
violence is a consequence of dysfunctional families, pathological behavior among urban
youth, and the overdependence of poor families on social welfare programs, which under-
mined their individual initiative and personal responsibility. Their opponents believe juvenile
violence is the result of poor gun control policy, the loss of jobs in urban communities as a
result of deindustrialization and suburbanization, the elimination of social welfare and
antipoverty programs, and the unequal treatment of poor youth by law enforcement officials.
Notwithstanding these disagreements, juvenile justice and child advocates contend that
remedies and policies that address the persistent problem of juvenile violence must take into
account several interrelated phenomena. First, the more exposure youth have to violence—
either as the victims, witnesses, or through the media—the more likely they are to commit
violence. Second, children who have been victimized by or witnessed abuses and violence in
the home may be more inclined to commit violent acts. Third, incarceration encourages vio-
lence instead of curbing it. Youth confined for violent and nonviolent offenses, the latter of
which consists of most urban youth, are more likely to commit violent acts during their
adolescent years. All of this suggests that for urban youth, violence, either as victims of or
witnesses to it, only begets violence.

See alsoAbused /Battered Children; Illinois Juvenile Court; Juvenile Violence 1920–1929;
Juvenile Violence 1930–1939; Juvenile Violence 1940–1949; Juvenile Violence 1950–1959;
Juvenile Violence 1960–1969; Juvenile Violence 1970–1979; Juvenile Violence 1980–1989;
News, Juvenile Violence and

Dilulio, J. (1995, November 27). The coming of the super-predators. NewWeekly
York Standard , 23–28.
Feld, B. (1999). Bad kids: Race and the transformation of the juvenile . court New York: Oxford
University Press.
Finkelhor, D., & Ormrod, R. (2001, October). Homicides of children and youth. Juvenile Justice
Bulletin. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs, 1–12.
Howell, J. (1997).Juvenile justice and youth violence
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Loeber, R., & Farrington, D. (Eds.). (1998). Serious and violent juvenile offenders: Risk factors and
successful interventions
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Magnani, L., & Wray, H. (2006).A new interfaith paradigm for our failed prison system
. Minneapolis,
MN: Fortress Press.
Parry, D. (2005). Essential readings in juvenile justice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Tanehaus, D. (2004). Juvenile justice in the making. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Sekou Franklin
VICTIMS IN THE MEDIA. The role of the media is essentially to report the news,
which oftentimes is focused predominately on crime and crime victims. As such, the trau-
matic nature of victimization dictates that a precarious relationship exists between the media
and victims. The media, on the one hand, has to report the news, which at times can be
demoralizing for the victim. On the other hand, the victim has a certain expectation of the
right to privacy, which requires that the media demonstrate compassion and respect for vic-
tims. When reporting stories involving victims, the media should remain objective while
deciding whether the potential harm to the victim outweighs society’s right to know about
crimes in their localities, as well as the media’s right to freedom of speech.
The media functions under the provisions of the First Amendment, which prohibits the
government from restricting free speech or a free press. Under the First Amendment, the
media has the right to publish any relevant information about a story, which includes any
public information found in police and/or court records. This information includes the names
and addresses of victims of crimes, information regarding the offender, and the circum-
stances surrounding the alleged incident.
Most media outlets also function under professional codes of ethics designed to establish
criteria for journalists to consider when reporting news stories. One example, the Code of
Ethics established by the Society of Professional Journalists (2005), contends that only an
overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyone’s privacy. This code further recom-
mends that journalists should be cautious about identifying juvenile suspects or victims of
sex crimes and suggests that ethical journalists treat sources, subjects, and colleagues with
While most media outlets are governed by and subscribe to professional codes of ethics
that address to some extent the individual rights of citizens, these codes do not necessarily
preclude journalists from reporting the names and addresses of victims. However, the code
does recommend that the media treat victims and children with sensitivity and compassion
and that they balance the rights of the victim with the right of freedom of the press and the
public’s right to know and make a decision based on fairness and equity.
There is a dearth of research regarding the media and victims of crime. The majority of
research that is available has focused on satisfaction/dissatisfaction with interview tech-
niques, reporting by race and gender, and reporting and naming of rape/sexual assault
victims. Most research indicates that victims often receive less attention than perpetrators in
the media because the media predominately focuses on stories that are designed to capture
the public’s attention. Further, when addressing the media’s response to victims, research
suggests that victims are concerned about the news media practices of interviewing
victims/survivors at inappropriate times, which can further traumatize victims. Additionally,
there is a concern that journalists will take inappropriate videos and/or pictures, focus on the

negative aspects of victims’ lives, and print or broadcast the name and address of the victim.
Consequently, journalists may have an ethical responsibility to weigh the benefits and harm
when reporting incidents of victimization that is consistent with protecting the rights of
Furthermore, the media tends to focus its reporting efforts on the victimization of men
rather than women. Research indicates that the media personalized reporting of male victim-
ization more than female victims and that the media also provided more personal information
about male victims than females. The names of the male victims were also more likely to be
reported than females, thereby minimizing the impact of victimization on females.
A particular victimization that is noteworthy is the crime of rape. Currently, most media
outlets will not report the names of rape victims unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
However, the hesitancy of the media to report the names of rape victims may be more of a
response to public opinion than out of respect for the victim. Research indicates that the public
strongly supports protecting the rights of rape victims, with a majority of women (75 percent),
rape victims (78 percent), and rape service agencies (91 percent) supporting legislation that
would prohibit the media from disclosing the names of rape victims.
The National Victims Assistance Academy (NVAA) provides several recommendations for
the media when dealing with victims. NVAA suggests that the media engage in sensitivity to
reduce the amount of trauma to victims, indicating that the coverage sometimes provided by
the media is viewed as insensitive, voyeuristic, and uncaring and can compound victims’
emotional and psychological suffering. The public also supports this view, with research
indicating that 82 percent of respondents think that reporters are insensitive to people’s pain
when covering disasters and accidents.
There have also been some positive impacts of the media’s involvement with victims.
Reporting by the media on the plight of some victims has facilitated significant changes in
laws relative to victim rights and victim notification pending offender release, among other
laws. Additionally, victims use the media to promote their agendas in an effort to improve
programs and services. Each of these initiatives has promoted the influx of additional
resources to assist victims in the recovery process and has facilitated increased coverage of
victims’ issues in the media.

See alsoFilm, Juvenile Violence and; Music, Juvenile Violence and; News, Juvenile Violence
and; Television, Juvenile Violence and

Anastasio, P., & Costa, S. (2004). Twice hurt: How newspaper coverage may reduce empathy and
engender blame for female victims of crime. Sex Roles, 51, 535–542.
Code of ethics. (n.d.). Society of Professional Journalists
. Available at: http://www.spj.org/ethics_code.asp.
Hackney, S. (n.d.). Covering crime and victims. Criminal Justice Journalists . Available at: http://www
Kawamoto, K. (n.d.). Best practices in trauma reporting. Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma .
Available at: http://www.dartcenter.org/media/da_best_practices.pdf.
Sacco, V. (2000). News that counts: Newspaper images of crime and victimization statistics.
Retrieved August 5, 2005, from: http://www.erudit.org/revue/crimino/2000/v33/n1/ 004744ar.html.
Seymour, A. (2000). Chapter 18: The news media’s coverage of crime and victimization. National
Victims Assistance Academy . Retrieved August 5, 2005, from: http://www.ojp.gov/ovc/assist/

U.S. Department of Justice. (n.d.). Office of Victims of Crime Bulletin. Available at: http://www.ojp

Patricia Hylton Grant


more likely to be violently victimized by adults, in some cases children and teens commit
violent crimes against adults. In the most serious cases, juveniles kill. Perhaps the most
common and most disturbing example of teens victimizing adults is parricide, when young
people kill their own parents. In each of the years between 1977 and 1986, more than three
hundred parents were killed by their own offspring. In 1995, several cases made national
news, all occurring within the months of February and March. A sixteen- and seventeen-year-
old, both skinheads, killed their parents and younger brother in Pennsylvania, and only a few
miles away and a few days later, a sixteen-year-old killed his parents. Girls are more likely to
murder family members than are boys. Girls are also more likely to perform secondary roles
in attacks on adults, especially in regard to gang-related assaults.
Parricide happens for a number of reasons. The explanation used most frequently is that
young people kill parents who have been abusive. One psychologist estimates that young
people who have been severely abused commit 90 percent of all parricides. These young
people were generally not violent prior to the killing and typically have no criminal record.
Most of these young people consider running away, but perceive that they have nowhere to
go. Most sought help, often repeatedly, only to have teachers, relatives, and other adults
turn them away or fail to provide any real assistance. In addition to being physically, sexu-
ally, and/or emotionally abusive, parents who are killed by their children are frequently sub-
stance abusers. The actual murder typically takes place after some escalating event, such as
a caring family member moving out. The young person then sees no hope left and no way
out of the abusive situation. After the killing, most of these teens feel a great deal of
remorse. Oftentimes, they do not remember killing their parents, although they do not deny
they did it.
Sometimes, young people perceive abuse, although what is happening might not meet the
legal definition. For instance, a fourteen-year-old in China stabbed his father, mother, and
grandmother because he felt he was inadequately cared for, even though his evidence was
that his mother told him to go back to bed, rather than see a doctor, when he complained of
being ill. The most infamous case of parricide involving a claim of abuse was the killing by
Erik and Lyle Menendez of their parents, Kitty and Jose. Teenagers at the time of the
murders, the brothers claimed they killed Jose because he had been sexually abusive through-
out their childhoods. They asserted that the killing was really a form of self-defense, as
they knew more abuse would come. They killed Kitty because she did nothing about the
abuse. Psychiatrists testifying for the defense said that the brothers suffered from post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as do many victims of abuse. In 1996, jurors rejected the
claim of self-defense, and both the Menendezes were convicted of first-degree murder and
sentenced to two consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole. The brothers are
now in their 30s.
Other kids who commit parricide are seriously mentally ill, although this is fairly rare. The
most well-known cases involve young people who are dangerously antisocial, not because
these are more common but because they attract the most media attention. Some argue the
Menendez brothers were not abused but were in fact sociopaths. The most common form of

mental illness associated with teen killings is conduct disorders, such as oppositional
defiance disorder, disruptive behavior disorder, adjustment disorder, and antisocial disorder.
Many of these disorders occur in conjunction with ADHD. Youth violence experts maintain
that the number of young people in need of professional mental health services has more than
doubled in the last quarter century. At the same time, there are fewer child psychiatrists than
ever. Further, many schools do not provide adequate counseling for juveniles with mental
health issues.
Young people also victimize adults that are not relatives. Teens commit hate crimes
against both adults and fellow juveniles. Sometimes, teens who commit violent hate crimes
against adults are members of hate groups, as in some of the parricide cases mentioned ear-
lier. More frequently they are not actual members. In recent years, much media attention has
been given to examples of teenagers beating and even killing homeless adults. These attacks
tend to be especially brutal. In Wisconsin, three teenagers murdered a homeless man when
they came across his forest campsite. They beat the man with rocks, a flashlight, and a pipe,
then smeared him with feces. In New York City, two teenagers kicked, punched, and blud-
geoned a homeless man in a churchyard. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, two teenagers killed
one homeless man and beat at least one other on a single night. These teens were caught on a
surveillance camera, and nationwide coverage ensured public outrage. Gangs also victimize
adults, although rival gang members are typically the primary target for violence, and they
are generally of similar age as the offender(s).
Yet another form of teen violence in which adults are victimized is attacks on teachers.
Barry Loukaitis, fourteen at the time, killed his teacher and two classmates in 1996.
Andrew Wurst killed one teacher, injured another, and injured two students in his 1998
school shooting in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed one
teacher and twelve classmates before killing themselves at Columbine High School in 1999.
It does not seem, however, that the adults are the primary targets of this form of violence. In
other examples, it is clear a teacher was the intended target. For instance, in 1995, a nine-year-
old boy repeatedly punched a substitute teacher in the chest because he did not like the
assignment the class was given. The substitute died later.
One explanation for teen violence against adults has focused on violent media. A widely
documented 1999 study found that, by age eighteen, the average American youth will have
seen 200,000 dramatized acts of violence and 40,000 dramatized murders. It was widely doc-
umented that the Fort Lauderdale teens had viewed a video seriesBumfights, called which
celebrate the beating of “bums.” In 2006, two brothers, ages twenty and fourteen, were
inspired to kill their mother after watching the murder and dismemberment of a New Jersey
gangster on HBO’s The Sopranos. In another macabre case, two teenaged boys stabbed one
of their mothers forty-five times, saying they were inspired by the slasher/comedy Scream.
Barry Loukaitis was a fan of the violent film Natural Born Killers
and identified with the bul-
lied student who seeks revenge in the Pearl Jam video Jeremy. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
loved to play the violent video game Doom . Andrew Wurst enjoyed the horror stories of
Stephen King, as did Barry Loukaitis.
When teens victimize adults, especially in cases where the attacks are brutal and lethal,
many call for them to be tried as adults. To date, jurors seem to be not terribly receptive to
arguments that their youth is a mitigating factor.

See alsoAbused/Battered Children; Film and Juvenile Violence; Gang-on-Gang Violence;

Gang Violence, Against Bystanders; Music, Juvenile Violence and; News, Juvenile Violence
and; Television, Juvenile Violence and

Davis, C. (2003).Children who kill: Profiles of pre-teen and teenage killers
. London: Allison and Busby.
Flowers, R. (2002).Kids who commit adult crimes: Serious criminality by juvenile offenders.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth.
Garbarino. J. (2000).
Lost boys: Why our sons turn violent and how we can save. New themYork: Anchor.
Heide, K. (1992, September). Why kids kill their parents. Psychology Today . Available at:
Heide, K. (1999).Young killers: The challenge of juvenile homicide
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kellerman, J. (1999). Savage spawn: Reflections on our violent children
. New York: Ballantine.
Males, M. (1999). Framing youth: Ten myths about the next generation . Monroe, Maine: Common
Courage Press.
Ramsland, K. (2005). The unthinkable: Children who kill. Court TV’s Crime Library. Available at:

Laura L. Finley


regarding who is most likely to be the victim of violent crime continued in both 2003 and
2004, according to FBI reports. They are males and youths. Males were victims of overall
violent crime, robbery, total assault, simple assault, and aggravated assault at rates higher
than females. However, females were more likely to be victims of rape or sexual assault.
In the years 2003 and 2004, there was a general pattern of decreasing crime rates for people in
the older categories. Juveniles between twelve and nineteen years of age experienced overall
violence at rates higher than rates for age twenty-five or older. Important to consider, how-
ever, is that violent crimes against females are more likely to be reported to police than those
against males.
In the United States, one of the leading causes of death for juveniles is homicide. In
2004, theUniform Crime Report (UCR) figures indicate that 12.1 percent of violent crime
clearances nationwide involved juveniles. A comparison of UCR data for 2004 and
2003 indicated that there was a 0.8 percent decline for juveniles arrested for violent crimes,
1.6 percent decline for juveniles arrested for aggravated assault, 0.4 percent decrease for
rape. The number of juveniles arrested for murder increased 21.6 percent and robbery rose by
0.3 percent. TheNational Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) shows that the average
annual rate of violent crime continues to be highest among youth between the ages of sixteen
and nineteen who were victimized at a rate of 55.6 per 1,000 persons in the 2002–2003
time period.
Homicide data compiled in the UCR for 2004 indicates that 9.8 percent of the total num-
ber of victims were juveniles. The 2004 data indicates that 49.8 percent of the victims were
white and 47.6 percent black. The 2004 UCR statistics show that for murders for which the
offenders were known, 91.7 percent of offenders were adults and 8.3 percent were juveniles.
For incidents in which the relationships were known, 76.8 percent of the victims knew their
killers, 29.8 percent were killed by family members, and 70.2 percent were killed by
acquaintances. The victim offender relationship was unknown for 44.1 percent of the
victims; 23.2 percent were murdered by strangers.
Nearly 38,000 juveniles were murdered between 1980 and 1997. A juvenile offender was
involved in 26 percent of these crimes when an offender was identified. In murders of

juveniles by juveniles, about 1 of every 6 also involved an adult offender. Between 1980 and
1997, the victim and the offender were the same race in 97 percent of murders of juveniles by
Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2004 indicated that more than 4 million
youths participated in a serious fight in school or elsewhere. About two-thirds of the victims
of nonfatal violent crime by juveniles were other juveniles between 9 and 16 years old;
54 percent of reported juvenile sexual assaults in the same period were committed against
juveniles younger than twelve years of age; 36 percent of the victims of sexual assaults were
younger than six years of age, 84 percent were younger than twelve. Furthermore, the
proportion of juvenile murders that involved a juvenile offender increased from 21 percent in
1980 to 33 percent in 1994—the peak year for all murders by juveniles. In 1980, an estimated
four hundred juveniles were killed by other juveniles, growing to nearly 900 in 1994.
By 1997, this figure had fallen to about five hundred, or about 1 of every 4 juvenile murders
that year. Of the juveniles killed by other juveniles between 1980 and 1997, 13 percent
were under age six. Of juveniles killed by other juveniles since then, 63 percent are age
fifteen or older.
Bureau of Justice Statistics data indicate that in 1993, there were 63,500 cases of violence
by juveniles against other juveniles, 30,400 cases of violence by juveniles against adults, and
31,300 cases of adult violence against juveniles. Nearly 9 of 10 violent crimes committed by
juveniles and 7 of 10 violent crimes committed against juveniles involved rape or assault. Of
the 1,367,009 estimated violent crimes committed in the United States in 2004, juveniles
were 25 percent of both perpetrators and victims.
Victim age is related to differences in medical care costs, especially for rape victims,
because of higher average mental health treatment costs for the juvenile victims. Estimated
total victim costs of all violent crime in the United States in 2003 exceeded $15.7 billion. Of
this total, juvenile violence accounted for $6.4 billion of victim costs (47 percent). Quality of
life losses accounted for 83 percent of total victim costs, and future earnings losses
accounted for 11 percent. Including Medicare and Medicaid costs, public programs targeted
toward the victims of juvenile violence cost an estimated $42 million. The victim costs of
violence against juveniles ($4.5 billion) greatly exceeded the victim costs of violence by
juveniles ($2.6 billion). Most juvenile violence occurred in the urban counties of the state,
which together accounted for 72 percent and nearly 71 percent of the total violent crimes
committed by juveniles and against juveniles, respectively.
As with the incidence of violent crime, victim costs were higher in urban counties than in
rural ones ($4.0 billion vs. $1.4 billion), accounting for nearly 7 percent of total victim costs.
In both urban and rural counties, the largest share of victim costs of juvenile violence was for
crimes by adults against juveniles; the smallest share was for violent crimes by juveniles
against adults. Several violent crimes—rape, assault, and robbery—were more likely to
result in physical injury when committed in rural areas.
The estimated total criminal justice costs for perpetrators of juvenile violence in the
United States exceeded $46 million in 1993 and nearly doubled in 2004 ($82 million).
Juvenile treatment program costs accounted for 55 percent of total perpetrator costs, and
probation costs and detention costs 20 percent each. Incarceration costs, although large per
unit, accounted for only 6 percent of total costs. Total public spending on victims and
perpetrators of juvenile violence was approximately equal. On a per capita basis, however,
spending per known perpetrator was nearly five times greater than spending per known
victim. Contrary to recent concerns over rates of violence among juveniles, the results of this
study suggest that violence against children and adolescents is a much larger problem than is

violence committed by youth. Although incidence data suggest that juveniles are 25 percent
of victims and perpetrators, our cost estimates show that because of differences in the distri-
butions of youth and adult victims across crimes and the impact on victims, greater losses are
associated with violence against youth than with violence by youth. The finding that total
public spending on victims of juvenile violence roughly equals total spending on juvenile
perpetrators of violence lacks both theoretical and methodological evidence. Public debate is
needed about whether equity in expenditures on victims versus perpetrators is appropriate, as
well as the extent to which resources should be directed toward prevention programs.

Elikann, P. (2002).Superpredators: The demonization of our children by the. law New York:
De Capo Press.
Moser, R., & Frantz, C. (Eds.). Shocking violence: Youth perpetrators and victims—a multidisciplinary
perspective. New York: Charles C. Thomas.
Polakow, V. (2000).The public assault on America’s children: Poverty, violence, and juvenile injustice
New York: Teachers College Press.
Sickmund, M., & Snyder, H. (1995). Juvenile offenders and victims: A national report. Washington,
DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Uniform Crime Report. Available from: www.fbi.gov/ucr.

Evaristus Obinyan


treatment of victims in the United States has centered on victims’ interaction with law
enforcement and prosecutors’ contact with victims regarding the prosecution of criminal
offenses. While numerous public and private organizations exist throughout the United States
that serve victims’ needs, only recently have the treatment and rights of victims of juvenile
crime gained visibility within federal, state, and local justice agencies.
Literature regarding the treatment of victims of juvenile crime suggests that victims have
been traditionally excluded from, even further victimized by, the juvenile justice system.
A 1997 study by the Office for Victims of Crime found that virtually all victims that partici-
pated in the study reported negative experiences regarding their treatment and participation
in court processes. Most often, the exclusion of victims of juvenile crime takes the following
forms: exclusion of victims from participation in and input into prosecution; exclusion from
sentencing recommendations; failure of notification regarding disposition and sentencing;
failure to inform victims of dropped court dates; failure of notification for release of offend-
ers; lack of victims’ support regarding restitution, trauma, and other victim needs; lack of
attention to victims’ personal safety; and lack of empathy regarding victimization. Moreover,
many victims, particularly victims of violent and sexual crimes, are further victimized by law
enforcement and prosecutors, who see victims as necessary for prosecution, but fail to take
steps to address harms that arise in the collection of evidence, victims’ testimony, and plea
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, victims’ rights advocates began to address the problems
and treatment of victims in the United States. At this point, significant effort was being
placed on the rehabilitation of offenders. Victims’ rights groups argued that funding and ser-
vices should be equally extended to the victims of these offenders. Also, beginning in the late
1970s and 1980s, significant media attention was given to several cases (most notably that of

Willie Horton) where convicted violent criminals were released on parole or furlough and
committed further violent crimes, either against their previous victims or new ones. As a
consequence, significant victims’ rights legislation was passed on both state and federal
levels. By 1970, five states had developed victim compensation programs under the growing
recognition that victims very often did not receiverestitution and that the costs of crime to
victims often far exceeds restitution. Victim impact statements, now commonly used in every
state, were first introduced in Fresno, California in 1976. These statements provide a crucial
“voice” for victims by allowing them to introduce the impact and effect of their victimization
to judges and prosecutors in their decisions on sentencing and plea agreements. Wisconsin
passed the first state “Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights” legislation in 1980, which provided
several statutory rights for victims of crime.
On the federal level, the 1982 Presidential Task Force on Victims of Crime issued recom-
mendations for legislation and initiatives regarding crime victims. Also in 1982, the Victim
and Witness Protection Act legislated standards of treatment for victims of federal crimes, the
inclusion of victim impact statements, criminal penalties for victim and witness intimidation
and harassment, and victim restitution. The 1984 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) mandated
the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), part of the U.S. Department of Justice, to assist
victims of crime with restitution and other needs and provide education for law enforcement,
prosecutors, and other agencies to improve the treatment and services available to victims.
Finally, the 1990 Crime Control Act included a provision that further codified victims’ rights
for federal crimes.
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, virtually every state adopted some form of victims’
rights legislation. However, the majority of these states did not include provisions for victims
of juvenile crimes, so that by 1988, only thirteen of the forty-five states that had passed some
form of victims’ rights legislation did so to include victims of juvenile crimes. Coupled with
the rise of violent juvenile crime in the late 1980s and early 1990s, this exclusion became
strikingly transparent; yet to date only about half of the states have adopted legislation
regarding victims’ rights to be notified of disposition and adjudication hearings and
decisions, to be present at these decisions, and to submit victim impact statements. Even
fewer states require victim notification or input regarding plea agreements and bail hearings.
A majority of states do allow for restitution as part of disposition and adjudication.
Moreover, as the Department of Justice notes, while over 30,000 statutes have been passed
regarding victims’ rights, only a small number of these include or address victims of juvenile
crime. This is important, as the juvenile justice system varies in significant ways from adult
courts, as well for the reason that victims of juvenile crime suffer unique hardships. Juvenile
offenders are often granted rights not afforded to adult offenders, such as confidentiality,
closed hearings, and mandated diversion . Consequently, victims of juvenile crime often have
less participatory rights than victims of adult offenders. They may not be able to attend
disposition and sentencing hearings or submit victim impact statements and are not generally
informed of outcomes. In terms of the effects of juvenile crime on victims, juvenile offenders
very often cannot pay full restitution due to their age and income. Also, court programs for
victims are usually designed around adult offenders and may be of little help to victims of
juvenile crime in terms of navigating and understanding local and state provisions regarding
juvenile court processes and the rights of juvenile offenders. Finally, few victim services
programs are able to address the specific trauma that may accompany victimization by a
child or young offender.
Finally, for victims of juvenile crimes, implementation of victim rights’ legislation varies
widely between states. Many states that do have laws for victims of juvenile crime enforce

them sporadically at best, according to a 1996 study by the National Victim Center. Many
states that do have laws have provided little or no funding for the development of programs
mandated by legislation.Restorative justiceis one alternative that provides greater involve-
ment of victims in the juvenile justice process.

See alsoRestitution; United States Department of Justice (USDOJ); Victims in the Media;
Victims of Juvenile Violence, Adults as; Victims of Juvenile Violence, Juveniles as

Crawford, A., & Burden, J. (2005).
Integrating victims in restorative youth justice
. Bristol: Policy Press.
Feld, B. (1999). Bad kids: Race and the transformation of the juvenile . court New York: Oxford
University Press.
Humes, E. (1997).No matter how loud I shout: A year in the life of juvenile court. New York:
Touchstone Books.
Moriarty, L., & Jerin, R. (Eds.).Current issues in victimology research . Durham, NC: Carolina
Academic Press.
Sickmund, M. (2003). Juveniles in court
. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Wolcott, F., Davies, C., & Bull, R. (2002). Children’s testimony [electronic reference]: A handbook
of psychiatric research and forensic practice
. New York: J. Wiley.
Zehr, H., & Toews, B. (Eds.). (2004). Critical issues in restorative justice
. Monsey, NY: Criminal
Justice Press.

William R.Wood


Cases in which very young juveniles fall victim to older juveniles have occurred worldwide.
Spectacular cases like that of Jon Venable and Robert Thompson in England alarmed the
public and led to scientific and less-scientific discussions in respect to the causes of this prob-
lem and promising ways to address it. Although the discussion is in full swing and producing
lots of results, there is no final answer so far.

A Case Study
In February 1992 two ten-year-olds lured two-year-old James Bulger away from his mother
in a shopping mall near Liverpool to the nearby railroad tracks. They sprayed paint in his eye
and beat him with bricks. Thinking that he was dead, the boys placed his badly injured body
on the railroad tracks. James Bulger died shortly thereafter. His small body lay on the
railroad track having been butchered by a train.

Violence in Schools
Due to the outstanding cruelty of the crime, it gained a lot of attention by scientists, politi-
cians, the press, and the public. However, there are lots of cases of nonlethal violence against
very young children, especially in school, which hardly become known to the public. School

violence includes extortion and bullying and very often takes place outside school grounds,
in subways, sporting grounds, and on the way home from school. This violence tends to
involve gangs of children rather than lone bullies. For instance, police were called to an
elementary school in Laval, Canada in 1997 to stop a group of ten-year-olds who were
running a protection racket against younger pupils, charging them $1 a week. Increasingly,
girls are getting into the act. Most of these cases do not get reported, however, because the
victims are afraid of retaliation from the culprits. Victims are often frightened into silence by
gang members brandishing a knife or gun or are told that their homes will be burned down,
their parents will be killed, and so forth. Moreover, the victims often don’t trust that the
adults can solve their problem. It also seems that there is little peer pressure to stop violence
against young and very young victims. Teachers and other children only infrequently
intervene to help them.

Explanations for Violence against the Very Young

Researchers point out that juvenile violence against very young victims may have multiple
causes. In the case of the Bulger murder, the distorted family background of the two culprits
was identified as one possible starting point for an explanation. Robert Thompson was one of
the youngest of seven boys. His mother, a single parent, was an alcoholic. His father, who left
home when Robert was five, was also a notorious drinker who beat and sexually abused his
wife and children. At home it was normal practice for the older children to violently attack
the younger ones, and Robert, as one of the weakest, was invariably on the receiving end. Jon
Venable’s parents were also separated. His brother and sister had educational problems and
attended special needs schools, while his mother suffered psychiatric problems. Following
his parents’ separation, Venable became isolated and was constantly seeking attention.
At school he would regularly bang his head on walls or slash himself with scissors. No effort
was made to find the cause of his obvious distress. Apart from the family situation, their
social environment also may have played a role: The boys and their families lived in the
Liverpool area, one of the most deprived areas of the United Kingdom. One of the aspects of
the case that gained much media attention was whether Venable and Thompson had been
watching violent films in the days prior to the killing and whether or not those movies had
contributed to making the two boys act in the way they did. One of the fathers possessed a
large collection of violent videos, and the two probably had access to them. Suspicion was
fed by the fact that Bulger’s death was similar to the death in a film. However, as of yet,
research cannot conclusively prove whether video violence causes crime. The case does
highlight the importance of family background and the offender’s own personality and
thoughts in determining the effects of film violence. The research points to a pathway from
having a violent home background to being an offender, to being more likely to prefer violent
films and violent actors. Distorted perceptions about violent behavior, underdeveloped empa-
thy for others, and low moral development all enhance the adoption of violent behavior and
violent film preferences.
School violence against young and very young victims is thought to originate from five
basic reasons. First, individual reasons, such as failure at school and distortions in the devel-
opment of personal identity can cause school violence. Second are parental factors. Unstable
and distorted family life, neglected education due to sheer laziness of the parents, and the fact
that the culprit has been a victim earlier in his life are primary parent-related factors. Third,
school-related factors include large classes, dilapidated school buildings, and lack of social
ties between teacher and student. The fourth reason is the media. Violence in the media may

model a strategy for the solution of problems. Fifth, classmates/other pupils are often a
factor. A multiplicity of effects combined with children’s sometimes less-developed under-
standing of the consequences of actions can all contribute, but none has been proven to date.

Impact on Very Young Victims

The impact of violence on very young victims may be dramatic. Behavior in everyday life
may change; a child may become afraid to go anywhere, or he/she may display eating and
sleeping disorders and learning difficulties. The Mental Health Association in New York
State maintains that clinically, children involved with frequent violence have altered brain
development. An infant is born with brain functions that control involuntary life-sustaining
functions, but the rest of the brain is not yet organized. Events in a child’s life prompt con-
nections between brain cells, forming circuits literally shaped by experience. The circuits get
stronger the more often an experience is repeated. Constant violence creates a fear circuit that
comes to dominate the brain of very young victims, changing their baseline resting state from
calm to fear.

See alsoBiochemical Theories; Biosocial Theories; Bullying; Film, Juvenile Violence and

Guarino, S. (1985). Delinquent youth and family violence: A study of abuse and neglect in the homes of
serious juvenile offenders. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Youth Services.
James, O. (1995). Juvenile violence in a winner-loser culture: Socio-economic and familial origins of
the rise of violence against the person.
New York: Free Association Books.
James Bulger. (n.d.).
Wikipedia: The online encyclopedia. Available at: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/
The Mental Health Association in New York State. Available at: http://www.mhanys.org/cc/

Ruth Erken
WAIVERS TO ADULT COURT. When a juvenile is arrested and begins the intake
process, criminal justice professionals make a determination if the charges and characteris-
tics of the offense warrant transferring the youth so that he or she can be tried or prosecuted
in an adult criminal court. This transfer is referred to as waiver. A waiver hearing may be held
to determine the adequacy of the case in meeting legal criterion, or in some states specific
offenses are automatically transferred to criminal court. Waiver of a juvenile is based on
requirements and procedures specified in state law, and these vary from state to state. One
important characteristic of juveniles in potential waiver decisions is what is known as person
offense cases. These cases are considered the most violent offenses and may involve serious
injury to a victim.
There are four major types of waivers, each with varying amounts of discretion allowed in the
waiver decision. The types of waivers are: judicial waivers, legislative exclusion, concurrent juris-
diction provisions, and blended sentencing. Thus, while all states use waivers, their particular
mechanisms depend on legislative decisions in the use of different combinations of waivers.
The oldest and most common type of waiver is referred to as the judicial waiver. There are
three types of judicial waivers. It provides for the juvenile judge to make the waiver decision.
This decision is based on a motion filed by the prosecutor. Referred to as a discretionary
waiver, it allows judges and prosecutors to make the waiver decisions based on their own
assessment of the gravity of the offense characteristics and background of the juvenile. The
second version of judicial waiver is a mandatory waiver in which the judge makes a determi-
nation of probable cause and verifies that the presumed offense is specified as a mandatory
waiver. In a third version, the presumptive waiver case, the judge is required by statute
to waive the offender to criminal court unless the juvenile can document that they are capable
of rehabilitation. These forms of waiver are more commonly referred to as various forms of
transfer, since waiver resides with judges.
The second type of waiver is the legislative exclusion, sometimes referred to as statutory
exclusion, in which state governments specify provisions that delineate which juveniles
should be waived to adult court. These provisions use very specific criteria, such as particu-
lar ages that are automatically waived, hence they are often referred to as mandatory transfer.
This results in making a judicial waiver presumptive as it is based on specified juvenile
offenses and other legal criterion. Generally, older youth and those involved in serious
are subject to statutory exclusion. These are usually person offenses, which include homi-
cide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, simple assault, other violent sex offenses,
and other person offenses. However, in some states younger and less violent offenders have
been added to mandatory waiver due to an increasingly strict legislative philosophy on pun-
ishment. Thus, if the juvenile meets the provisions they are automatically waived to adult
court. Twenty-eight states have enacted statutory exclusion provisions.

A third type of waiver is the concurrent jurisdiction provision, or prosecutorial waiver.

In this form, the prosecutor has the discretion to move a juvenile case directly to the adult
court or retain the case in juvenile court. The prosecutor bases their decision to file on the
provisions determined by state laws that specify the juvenile’s age and particular offense
characteristics. This waiver was used by approximately fifteen states by 1997.
The fourth type of waiver is blended sentencing, which permits the juvenile or criminal court
the power to render a juvenile and adult sentence at the same time. There are many variations on
blended waivers by state. In juvenile court, common variations are giving either juvenile or a
criminal sentence, imposing both sentences, or allowing for the contingency of imposing crimi-
nal sentence at a later date. For criminal courts, the two options are imposing either sentence or
imposing both. In cases where both sentences are imposed, the criminal sentence is tabled and
used only if the juvenile violates requirements of their sentence. This gives juvenile judges and
criminal judges the ability to sentence beyond the limit of usual juvenile court jurisdiction.
Two provisions related to waiver are reverse waiver and “once an adult, always an adult.” The
reverse waiver permits the criminal court to send the youth back to the juvenile court in the event
of additional offenses. The “once an adult, always an adult” posits that once a juvenile is trans-
ferred to adult court, all later offenses he or she may perpetrate will be handled by the criminal
court. As such, blended sentencing and provisions has its critics that argue that the array of
blended schemes creates confusion and brings more nonserious offenders into the adult system.
Since the early 1990s, many state legislatures have established exclusion laws (legislative,
prosecutorial, and blended transfers) that circumvent the authority of the juvenile court.
Only discretionary and mandatory judicial waivers involve the juvenile court prior to
adjudication. Thus, juvenile court statistics used alone do not provide a complete picture of
the total number of juveniles transferred to adult court. Juvenile court waivers, however,
reveal certain trends.
Judicial waivers to criminal court fluctuated from 6,000 to 12,000 cases, peaking in 1994
and gradually declining to 6,000 cases in 2000. Since the late 1990s, with the advent
of exclusionary laws that omitted serious offenders from the juvenile court, the actual num-
ber of cases is greater than 6,000 annually. The juvenile court tends to waive juveniles who
are older (age sixteen or seventeen) and were arrested for serious offenses that involved the
use of weapons, injured their victim, and had a longer history with the court. Youth who were
on probation or served in a residential facility were more likely to be waived. Violent
offenses are not the predominant reasons for waiver; in practice, property offenses were
similar to violent offenses in percent waived, as were drug offenses.
Exclusionary provisions result in transfers of younger youth that are charged with a violent
crime and used a deadly weapon or were adjudicated prior to the arrest. While the laws’
intentions are to incarcerate juveniles for longer periods, preliminary research shows similar-
ity in sentence length with juvenile court decisions.

See alsoDifferences between Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice: Juveniles in Adult
Prisons; Zero Tolerance Laws

Howell, J. (2003).Preventing & reducing juvenile delinquency: A comprehensive approach
. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. (2005).
Juvenile delinquency: Improving court
practice in juvenile delinquency cases. Reno, NV: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court

Snyder, H., Sickmund, M., & Poe-Yamagata, E. (2000).

Juvenile transfers to criminal court in the
1990s. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency

James Steinberg

WEISE, JEFF. On March 21, 2005, Jeff Weise, a high school student at Red Lake High
School in Red Lake, Minnesota, went on a shooting spree, first killing his grandparents at
their home and then six people at school. Weise’s victims included students as well as a
teacher and a security guard. After killing the others and wounding fourteen, Weise shot
himself. The shooting was the nation’s worst since the 1999 Columbine shooting by Eric
Harris and Dylan Klebold and was the second fatal shooting incident in a Minnesota school
in recent years. In September 2003, John Jason McLaughlin, a fifteen-year-old, killed two
students at Rocori High School in Cold Spring.
Weise used his grandfather’s guns to perpetrate the crime. After shooting Daryl Lussier and
his girlfriend, Michelle Sigana, Jeff stole the man’s police-issued weapons, bulletproof vest,
and squad car, which he drove to Red Lake High School. Lussier had been a longtime officer
with the Red Lake tribal police. Red Lake High School is on the Red Lake Indian Reservation.
The reservation is home to the Red Lake Chippewa tribe, one of the poorest in the state.
Red Lake High School did have an emergency response plan that called for a warning to
be broadcast over the school’s intercom. The warning never came, as Weise entered the
building, first shooting unarmed security officer Derrick Brun twice, killing him. He
allegedly tried to open several classroom doors before finally breaking into the classroom
where he shot five students and a teacher. According to students in the school at the time of
the shooting, Weise was grinning as he shot. He was wounded three times by a police officer
before he killed himself.
It was initially thought that Weise acted alone, but late in March tribal police arrested
Louis Jordain, son of the chairman of the Red Lake band of Chippewa, for his involvement in
the shooting. Authorities were lead to arrest Jordain after examining Weise’s computer,
including e-mails he exchanged with Jordain. Jordain allegedly helped plan the attack and
had been prepared to assist in executing the plan. At least twelve other students were said
to have heard of the attack prior to it.
There is much speculation about what might have motivated Weise to commit this crime.
Family members expressed shock, claiming not to have seen any warning signs. Yet they do
remember he preferred to play alone as a child and that even as a young child he wore dark
clothes. Weise did have a hard childhood. His father committed suicide in 1997 after a standoff
with police, and his mother suffered brain damage after a drunk-driving car accident. She had
to live in a nursing home in Minneapolis, where she, Jeff, and an aunt had been living, so Jeff
moved back to Red Lake to live with his grandfather. He expressed frustration with the move.
Some suggest that Weise, like Harris and Klebold, was obsessed with nazism. He had
allegedly posted a number of comments on a neo-Nazi website. Weise posted his comments
under the names “NativeNazi” and “Todensengel,” which means “angel of death” in German.
He was also a regular contributor to fiction sites. On one, he wrote a story about a school
massacre involving zombies. He also created flash animations and posted them on the
Internet, including one depicting a shooting with an assault rifle. The Southern Poverty Law
Center claims it is not unusual for a member of a racial minority to join a hate group or to
advocate a similar message.

There is some suggestion that Weise was bullied in school, as were many of the other
school shooters. Students classified him as a “goth,” meaning he wore black clothes, combat
boots, and liked dark music. He was also said to have affected the sullen mood of the gothic
culture. Weise drew strange pictures of skeletons, and others of people with bullets going
through their heads. According to some former classmates, he talked about death frequently.
In addition to his dress and behavior, Weise stood out for his size. He was six feet tall
and weighed 250 pounds. He had been held back in school several times. Students who had
classes with Weise say he was “terrorized” by other students who thought he was weird,
although sources say he rarely responded to the taunts.
Others speculate that, rather than overt bullying, it was social isolation that triggered
Weise’s rage. Former classmates called him a loner with no friends, and adults in the Red
Lake community claim he was not well known—unusual on a sparsely populated reservation
where everyone seems to know one another. A social worker familiar with Weise called him
“a mixed-up kid who seemed lost in life.” A few of Weise’s closer acquaintances said he was
suicidal and that he once said “that would be cool if I shot up the school.” One schoolmate
claims he attempted suicide in early 2005.
Weise had been in trouble before, although accounts vary regarding his actual responsibil-
ity for some of the incidents. Not long before the shooting, Weise was blamed for a bomb
threat at the school. He was also involved in numerous fistfights. He left school the year
before due to unspecified medical reasons and was receiving tutoring at home.
Some have suggested that a common link among many of the school shooters is the use of
prescription drugs. Weise had been taking Prozac for some time, and his dosage was
increased a week prior to the shooting. According to an aunt, he was taking three twenty-
milligram pills per day. Friends noted he got quieter after the dosage was upped. Recent
studies have shown an increased suicide rate among teens taking Prozac. Other possible side
effects include apathy, euphoria, hallucinations, neurosis, paranoid reaction, personality
disorder, psychosis, antisocial reaction, delusions, confusion, and violent behaviors.
Kinkel , who killed two and injured twenty-two at his Paducah, Kentucky high school had
been taking Prozac, whileEric Harris was taking Luvox, a similar antidepressant.

Bakken, R. (2005, March 27). Teen “seemed lost in life.”
Seattle Times[Online version].
Bystrianyk, R. (2005, March 27). Prozac—ingredient in a deadly rampage? Health Sentinel [Online
edition]. Available at http://www.healthsentinel.com.
Haga, C., Padilla, H., & Meryhew, R. (2005, March 23). Jeff Weise: A mystery in a life full of hardship.
Minneapolis Star-Tribune[Online version].

Laura L. Finley

WILKINS, HEATH. Heath Wilkins was the youngest person to be sentenced to death
in the state of Missouri. Although his sentence was initially upheld by the Supreme Court in
Stanford v. Kentucky(1989), the Court later ruled in Roper v. Simmons
(2005) that state laws
that authorized capital punishment for sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds violated the Eighth
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
On the night of July 27, 1985, Wilkins and his accomplices Patrick Kelly Stevens, Ray
Thompson, Jr., and Marjorie Filipiak, conceived a plan to rob Linda’s Liquors, a conven-
ience store located in Avondale, Missouri, and murder the store clerk so as not to leave any

witnesses. Wilkins and Stevens entered the store shortly before 11 p.m., whereupon Wilkins
distracted the clerk, Nancy Allen, a twenty-six-year-old mother of two, while Stevens hid in
the bathroom. When Allen turned her back, Stevens emerged from hiding, and Wilkins
brandished the knife he had kept concealed. As Stevens held her, Wilkins stabbed Allen a
total of seven times, penetrating both her heart and carotid artery. Before they fled the scene
and left Allen to die, Wilkins and Stevens helped themselves to liquor, cigarettes, rolling
papers, and approximately $450 in cash and checks.
At the time of his crime, Wilkins was sixteen years and six months of age, just short of the
age of majority for purposes of criminal prosecution in Missouri. Because he could not
be tried automatically as an adult, the juvenile court had to terminate its jurisdiction and
certify Wilkins for trial as an adult. The court did so based on the viciousness of the crime,
Wilkins’ maturity, and the apparent failure of the juvenile court system to rehabilitate him
after previous delinquent acts. Wilkins was charged with first-degree murder, armed criminal
action, and carrying a concealed weapon. After being found competent by the court, he plead
guilty to all charges and was sentenced to death on June 27, 1986. Upon mandatory review,
the Supreme Court of Missouri affirmed Wilkins’ sentence, rejecting the argument that the
punishment violated the Eighth Amendment.
Wilkins, who had urged the imposition of the death penalty at his punishment hearing,
later signed on to the state public defender’s Supreme Court appeal of his sentence. His case
was consolidated with that of Kevin Stanford, a seventeen-year-old sentenced to death for
first-degree murder, first-degree sodomy, first-degree robbery, and receiving stolen goods.
Both petitioners argued that the imposition of the death penalty on those who were juveniles
when they committed their crimes violated the Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel
and unusual punishment.
Stanford v. Kentucky (1989) fell on the heels of
Thompson v. Oklahoma (1988), in which
the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to execute a juvenile who had commit-
ted a capital offense prior to age sixteen, unless the state had a minimum age limit in its death
penalty statute. In its decision, the Court applied the three-part criteria established by
Furman v. Georgia(1972) for determining Eighth Amendment cases. A punishment is cruel
and unusual if: (1) the punishment was considered cruel and unusual by the framers of the
Constitution; (2) societal consensus holds that the punishment offends civilized standards of
human decency; and (3) the punishment is disproportionate to the severity of the crime or
makes no discernable contribution to either rehabilitation or deterrence. These criteria
supplemented those establishedKent in v. United States
(1966), the first juvenile case heard
by the Supreme Court. Kent limited the discretion of juvenile courts to waive cases to crimi-
nal court and provided for a number of factors the juvenile court judge had to consider when
making waiver decisions: the seriousness and type of offense, the sophistication and maturity
of the juvenile, the juvenile’s record and history, and the prospects for public safety and the
rehabilitation of the juvenile in question. Although this decision guaranteed juveniles certain
rights, they still faced potential prosecution and punishment as adults.
It was not until 1982 that the Supreme Court agreed to hear its first challenge to the Eighth
Amendment based on the defendant’s age. In Eddings v. Oklahoma , the Court, without
considering the constitutionality of the death penalty per se, held that chronological age was
a relevant mitigating factor in sentencing. That decision was informed by the Courts determi-
nation that youth are generally less mature and responsible than adults.
Like Eddings, the Thompsondecision refined, rather than challenged, the application of the
death penalty for juveniles. Although the Court had applied the three-part criteria
in ,
they rejected the third part inStanford v. Kentucky and based their decision instead on the

evolving standards of decency as reflected in the legislative authorization of the death penalty.
The Court determined that neither a historical or societal consensus existed that forbade the
imposition of the death penalty on juveniles who committed capital offenses at sixteen or sev-
enteen years of age. The death sentences of both Stanford and Wilkins were affirmed.
Although the sentences of Stanford and Wilkins were later commuted, the Supreme Court
reversed itself in 2005 and ruled that state laws authorizing capital punishment for sixteen-
and seventeen-year-olds violated the Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel and
unusual punishment. Roper v. Simmonsheld that a national consensus had emerged in oppo-
sition to the execution of juveniles. Furthermore, the Court determined that youth, like a
mental disability, could so reduce a criminal’s culpability as to require a constitutional ban.
As a result of this decision, seventy-two death sentences were commuted. Wilkins is cur-
rently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

See alsoDeath Penalty

American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Committee. (1991). Juvenile death penalty. Available
at: http://www.abanet.org/crimjust/juvjus/juvdp.html.
Amnesty International. (1991).USA: The death penalty and juvenile offenders . New York: Amnesty
International USA Publications.
Cothern, L. (2000, November). Juveniles and the death penalty. Coordinating Council on Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention Bulletin, 1–15.
Horowitz, M. (2000). Kids who kill: A critique of how the American legal system deals with juveniles
who commit homicide. Law and Contemporary Problems , 63, 133–177.
Rosenbaum, R. (1989, March 12). Too young to die? New York Times, 32.
Streib, V. (1987).Death penalty for juveniles
. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Angela Winkler Thomas

WILLIAMS, ANDY. Violence has been occurring in inner-city schools for years with
little media attention. In 1996, however, the violence that was occurring in urban American
schools arrived in suburban neighborhoods. As a result of the events of Pearl, Springfield,
Jonesboro, and Littleton, school violence, specifically school shootings, has been brought
into everyone’s focus, including the residents of Santee, California.
An Ohio University poll found that one-third of the nation’s adults believe that children are
safer in shopping malls and walking the streets than they are in school, while 81 percent of
the adults surveyed admitted to feeling that children are safer at home than they are in school.
These beliefs are in contrast to reality, where schools are still the safest places for youth and
the home is the least safe. Many will argue these and other survey findings are a result of the
media sensationalism of past school shootings. However, sensationalism and media grand-
standing is not what the residents of Santee California felt in early March of 2001.
On March 5, 2001, the members of the Santee, California community had their lives
forever changed when the local police department responded to a call of shots fired at the
local high school. Police officers entered Santana High School with concern and hesitation,
the school shooting of Littleton not far from their minds. The officers’ hesitation that day was
well warranted. When they entered the high school on that Monday morning they found a
hunch-framed fifteen-year-old named Charles Andrew “Andy” Williams slumped to the floor

in the boys’ restroom. Williams was sitting next to the dead body of one of his classmates and
the wounded body of another. This young man was not another victim of the shooter in the
school, but the perpetrator of this tragedy.
To the shock of the Santee Police Department, Andy Williams was not hidden behind a
makeshift bunker waiting to fire upon them, like many of the school shooters that came
before him had done. Instead, Andy sat patiently awaiting their arrival with his gun dropped
by his side. Andy acted alone on that sunny day in early March when he killed two of his
classmates—seventeen-year-old Randy Gordon and fourteen-year-old Bryan Zuckor.
Williams’ attack injured thirteen others.
On August 15, 2002, more than a year after gunfire shattered the Santee community,
Supreme Court Judge Herbert Exarhos sentenced Charles Andrew Williams, who had been
charged as an adult for his crimes, to fifty years to life in prison.
Some in the Santee community were outraged with what they felt was too lenient of a sen-
tence. The prosecutor, Kris Anton, had asked for the maximum sentence of 425 years to life
for Williams and was as disappointed with the judge’s sentence as were those seventeen
family members, friends, and victims that testified during the sentencing phase of the trial.
As Andy Williams serves his half-century sentence in a California state prison, one
must ask, why? Why would a young man slip into the stall of the restroom with a loaded
.22 caliber handgun and over a six-minute period cause such a tremendous tragedy? Was it
jilted love or a vendetta against a teacher or a member of the administrative staff?
According to the over five hundred pages of court documents that Williams’ trial attorneys’,
Randy Mize and Ronald Bobo, filed during the sentencing phase of the trial, the acts on that
Monday morning in March were a result of a “depressed, alienated boy who could no longer
handle the taunting and bullying by a group of neighborhood youths he had befriended” (Moran,
October 11, 2002: p. 19). According to the court reports, the depression that Andy was suffering
was exacerbated by the death of a friend, a desire to live with his mother (Andy’s mother and
father divorced when he was three years old), and a wish to return to rural Maryland.
According to a psychiatric report prepared by the defense expert, Dr. Charles Scott,
Williams had been suffering from depression throughout his life and it intensified when he
and his father left Brunswick, Maryland in June of 2000. According to Scott, Williams had
developed a support network of family and friends while in Maryland to help him cope with
his parents’ divorce and his mother living in South Carolina. When Andy and his father
moved to Santee, Andy became isolated and withdrawn. Shortly after a trip to South Carolina
to visit his mother in December of 2000, Andy began to have thoughts of suicide, running
away to Mexico, and ultimately carrying a gun to school as a way to get his neighborhood
friends to stop taunting him.
Williams stated he began thinking more and more about carrying a gun to school on
Friday, March 2, 2001, when he was reprimanded by one of his favorite teachers. These
thoughts intensified when he hung out with his friends, Josh Stevens and A. J. Gilbert, and
he talked about “shooting up the school on Monday” (Moran, August 18, 2002: p. 16).
According to his reports, Andy stated he felt obligated to carry out the attack he and his
friends had talked about the night before. According to the court report, Andy believed that
if he did not carry out their plan he would be “bullied and taunted by others and face humili-
ating consequences for not following through” (Moran, August 18, 2002: p. 16).
The rationale behind the actions of Charles Andrew Williams sound similar to many of the
school shooters that came before and others that have followed. Bullying, isolation, and
taunting seem to resonate so loudly in the minds of other teenagers in a suburban school that
he lashed out in a way that has left another community forever scarred.

See alsoHarris, Eric (and Dylan Klebold)

Cox, S., Bynum, T., & Davidson, W. (2004). Understanding the relationship between carrying weapons
to school and fighting. In S. Holmes & S. Holmes (Eds.),
Violence: A contemporary reader. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Makward, M. (2004). Does a sociological perspective contribute to understanding school shootings?
PsycCritiques, 49, 8, 112–115.
Moran, G. (2002, August 16). Teen’s explanation given in interviews with psychiatrist.
Available at: www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/santana.
Moran, G. (2002, August 18). Williams reluctant to discuss past, future.
Urban-Tribune. Available at:
Moran, G. (2002, October 11).Williams: 5,000 bullies in one place.Urban-Tribune. Available at:
Rabrenovic, G., Kaufman, C. & Levin, J. (2004). School violence: Causes, consequences, and interven-
tions. In S. Holmes & S. Holmes (Eds.), Violence: A contemporary reader. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Website on Andy Williams: www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/santana.

Robyn Diehl Lacks

WOODHAM, LUKE. Luke Woodham is currently serving three life sentences and
seven twenty-year sentences for the shooting deaths of Mary Woodham, 50, Christina
Menefee, 16, and Lydia Drew, 17, as well as the aggravated assault of seven others. With the
exception of Mary Woodham, his mother, the victims were fellow classmates at Pearl High
School, located in Pearl, Mississippi. Woodham’s killing spree marked the first in a series of
school-related attacks across the United States during the late 1990s.
Woodham, born in 1981, was raised by his mother following his parents’ divorce when he
was seven years old. At trial, he would claim that his father abused him emotionally and his
mother physically. Although no charges were ever filed, Woodham believed that his mother
neglected him and never loved him. A self-described loner and average student, Woodham
was frequently bullied, and until his association with Grant Boyette, 19, the leader of a cult-
like group called “The Kroth,” he had few friends.
On the morning of October 1, 1997, Woodham, then sixteen years old, beat his mother
with a baseball bat and stabbed her to death with a butcher knife while she was sleeping.
Three hours later, Woodham, armed with a rifle that he concealed under his trench coat,
drove to Pearl High School intent on killing Menefee, who had ended their short-lived rela-
tionship a year earlier. When he arrived, Woodham entered the school’s large indoor court-
yard, spotted Menefee and her best friend Lydia, and opened fire. Before the shooting spree
ended, seven students were wounded and both Menefee and Drew lay dead. As he attempted
to flee the scene, Assistant Principal Joel Myrick apprehended Woodham, who was armed
with a pistol he had retrieved from his car during the melee. Less than an hour after the shoot-
ings, Woodham was in police custody.
In his videotaped confession, Woodham stated that the school shootings were motivated
by a desire to exact revenge on Menefee, but after she was dead, he “snapped” and began
shooting at random. He further claimed that he could not remember the attack on his mother
and insisted that his actions were those of a sane individual. His defense team would later

attempt to quash his confession, which they argued was inadmissible because Woodham had
no guardian or attorney present to advise him when he waived his rights.
Days after his arrest, six other teens, including Boyette, the alleged mastermind behind the
attack at Pearl High School, were arrested as co-conspirators. During his subsequent trials,
Woodham testified that Boyette had befriended him shortly after his relationship with
Menefee ended. Woodham claimed that he had always been an outcast at school and was
devastated over the breakup. Boyette offered his friendship and promised to help Woodham
take revenge on Menefee through the occult. The boys often met at Woodham’s house to dis-
cuss the occult, Hitler, and death. It is also where they tortured and killed Woodham’s dog.
According to the district attorney, the attack at Pearl High School was part of a larger con-
spiracy to kill others in the Pearl community, including a local firefighter. Their plan also
included an escape to Louisiana, then Mexico, and a boat trip to their final destination, Cuba.
Although their plan never fully materialized, in February 2000, Boyette pleaded guilty to a
reduced charge of conspiracy; he was ordered to serve in a military-style prison program and
was placed on five years of supervised probation.
In June 1998, Woodham was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment for the mur-
der of his mother. Just a week later, he stood trial for the Pearl shootings, during which the
defense painted him as a pathetic loner who ached for acceptance by his peers. Informed by
Woodham’s obsession with demons and the occult, as well as psychiatric testimony that
claimed he suffered from psychotic processing and borderline personality disorder,
Woodham’s defense team argued that he was insane under Mississippi law because he could
not fathom the consequences of his actions. After three days of testimony and five hours of
deliberation, a jury found Woodham guilty of two counts of murder and seven counts of aggra-
vated assault. Circuit Court Judge Samac Richardson expressed regret that he could not sen-
tence Woodham to death; he ordered two life sentences and a twenty-year sentence for each of
the seven counts of aggravated assault. Further, he ordered Woodham to pay the victims or
their survivors $10,000 each, as well as restitution to the victims for their burial costs, to the
city for the damage to Pearl High School, to the county for his prosecution, and to the state for
all future costs of his incarceration.

Davis, C. (2003).Children who kill: Profiles of pre-teen and teenage killers
. London: Allison & Busby.
Espelage, D. (Ed.). (2004).
Bullying in American schools: A socio-ecological perspective on prevention
and intervention
. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Kimmel, M., & Mahler, M. (2003). Adolescent masculinity, homophobia, and violence: Random school
shootings, 1982–2001. American Behavioral Scientist, 46, 1439–1458.
Messerschmidt, J. (2000). Nine lives: Adolescent masculinities, the body, and violence. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press.
Popyk, L. (1998, November 9). Luke’s tormented world. Cincinnati Post, 1.

Angela Winkler Thomas

WURST, ANDY. At approximately 9:40 p.m. on Friday, April 24, 1998, Andrew
Jerome Wurst, then fourteen, carried out a school-related shooting in Edinboro, Pennsylvania.
Using his father’s .25 caliber semiautomatic handgun, Wurst fatally injured one teacher,
John Gillette, and injured another teacher and two
st The attack occurred just north of
Edinboro at “Nick’s Place,” a restaurant where Parker Middle School was hosting an eighth

grade dance. After psychological evaluation, Wurst was determined to be mentally competent
and was adjudicated in adult court. He received a sentence of thirty to sixty years with
eligibility for parole in thirty years.
On the day of the shooting, Andrew Wurst attended his eighth grade classes, after which he
took the school bus home. At approximately 5:00 p.m., Wurst dressed for his eighth grade
dinner dance, at which time he placed his father’s handgun in a holster under his shirt. Before
leaving for the dance, he left a suicide note on his pillow. At 5:30 Wurst’s parents dropped
him off at Nick’s Place, and the dinner dance began at 6:00.
Around 9:25 p.m., Wurst went into the bathroom where he removed the gun from its hol-
ster and placed it in his pocket. At approximately 9:40 p.m., Wurst was outside on the back
patio when teacher John Gillette, age forty-eight, went onto the patio to ask a group of stu-
dents to come inside. As students began to walk back into the restaurant, Wurst pulled out the
semiautomatic handgun and fatally shot Gillette in the face and back.
Wurst then went inside the building and began shouting for a fellow student, Eric Wozniak.
Students scrambled to get out of the way, sometimes pleading with Wurst not to shoot them
and asking him why he was doing this. As an explanation for his actions, Wurst replied that he
was crazy. Wurst fired the gun two more times, grazing another teacher, Edrye May Boraten,
age fifty-one, and wounding one student, Jacob Tury. At that time, Justin Fletcher, another stu-
dent, challenged Wurst to shoot him rather than anyone else. Wurst discharged the gun, graz-
ing Fletcher’s shirt, and hitting another student, Robert Zemcik, in the foot.
Andrew Wurst then left the reception hall and went into a grassy area behind the building.
Having heard gunshots, James Strand, the owner of Nick’s Place who lived next door,
grabbed his shotgun and ran toward the restaurant. At approximately 9:50 p.m., Strand con-
fronted Wurst behind the building. After pointing his gun at Strand, Wurst dropped his
weapon and got on the ground, saying that he was already dead and that none of this was real.
Strand and two teachers then walked Wurst back to the building to wait for the police to
arrive. The dance was scheduled to end at 10:00 p.m., and parents arrived alongside ambu-
lances and other emergency vehicles. Catherine Wurst, the shooter’s mother, arrived to pick
up her son, but discovered instead that he was in police custody.
Andrew Wurst was arraigned the following day on charges of criminal homicide. Given
the severity of the offense and since juvenile offenders are automatically released at age
twenty-one, the county district attorney sought to have Wurst tried as an adult. While crimi-
nal homicide might have been punishable by death, at the time the minimum age for execu-
tion was sixteen. Therefore, the strictest punishment Wurst could receive would be life
imprisonment without parole. However, before trial could proceed, the court requested a psy-
chological evaluation of Wurst’s mental state.
Experts disagreed regarding Andrew Wurst’s mental health and competency to stand trial.
A forensic psychologist and expert witness determined that Wurst had a mental illness charac-
terized by psychosis, delusional ideation, and paranoia, ultimately concluding that Wurst
needed significant treatment and hospitalization for his mental condition. The essence of this
determination lay in Wurst’s apparent feelings that nothing in the world was real, including
other people. While Wurst was too young to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, he nonetheless
was considered mentally ill and at risk for schizophrenia and serious depression. In contrast, the
psychological evaluation conducted for the prosecution concluded that Wurst did not suffer
from any significant mental illness. In the prosecution’s view, Wurst was not delusional, and
while he did have a history of emotional upset, he was nonetheless competent to stand trial.
Meanwhile, police and the media sought to unravel the context in which Andrew Wurst
executed his school-related shooting. Despite rumors that Wurst had as many as two

coconspirators, police were unable to reveal any evidence to support these rumors.
Therefore, police investigators have concluded that, while Wurst may have mentioned his
plans to others, he acted alone in planning and carrying out the shooting. While the media
reported that Wurst was a social outsider, interviews with friends have revealed that this is
inaccurate. Wurst had a small group of friends, but recently had changed peer groups to
associate with a rougher group. Peers noted Wurst experienced a change of demeanor
shortly before the shootings. In addition, Wurst had recently been rejected by at least
one girl.
In their investigation, the police and the media also discovered evidence that Andrew
Wurst had a slightly troubled childhood. At the time of the shooting, Wurst was about aver-
age size and weight for his age. While Wurst did like to read Stephen King novels, his grades
slipped over his middle school years so that he was earning D’s and F’s at the time of the
shooting. He also enjoyed heavy metal music, including Marilyn Manson. While there are
reports of Wurst having used alcohol and marijuana, lab analysis following the shootings did
not reveal any trace of the drugs in his system. Andrew Wurst evidently experienced night-
mares and slept poorly. As a child he had often wet his bed, and he claims to have begun hav-
ing suicidal thoughts at age ten. Investigation did not reveal any abuse at home, although the
marriage of Andrew Wurst’s parents may have been in trouble.
Despite the official disagreement about Andrew Wurst’s mental illness and competency to
stand trial, the court determined that Wurst would be competent to stand trial. Instead of
going to trial and risking a life sentence without parole, Wurst accepted a plea bargain in
which he pled guilty to third-degree murder.

See alsoDifferential Identification Theory; Music, Juvenile Violence and

DeJong, W., Epstein, J., & Hart, T. (2003). Bad things happen in good communities: The rampage
shooting in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, and its aftermath. In Mark H. Moore, Carol V. Petrie, Anthony
Braga, and Brenda L. McLaughlin (Eds.), Deadly lessons: Understanding lethal school violence
(pp. 70–100). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Popyk, L. (1998, November 9). Violence is seductive to new breed of killers.
Cincinnati Post. Available
from: www.cincypost.com/news/1998/2kill/110998.html.
Ramsland, K. (2005). The list. Court TV Crime Library . Available at: www.crimelibrary.com/

Glenn W. Muschert
YOUTH VIOLENCE STRIKE FORCE. A section of the Boston Police
Department’s Special Operations Division, the Youth Violence Strike Force, is a task force
consisting of forty-five officers from Boston and fifteen officers from police agencies beyond
the city, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Massachusetts State
Police, and the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services. The Strike Force is tasked with
responding decisively to violent incidents in gang-dominated areas of the city (Operation
Cease Fire), with facilitating prosecution of gang members who have committed crimes with
guns and monitoring the activities of those who have been paroled (Operation Night Light),
and with interdicting the illicit trade in guns (the Boston Gun Project).
In the 1980s, Boston’s murder rate had increased sharply from year to year, with the
increases largely traceable to increased use of firearms by youths and, in particular, by gang
members. The Youth Violence Strike Force was established in 1990 as a dramatic response to
an escalating problem that many observers believed had already grown beyond remediation.
Funded by a Department of Justice grant, researchers from the Kennedy School of
Government at Harvard University provided a rationale for the Task Force’s activities by sta-
tistically mapping the effects of youth violence in Boston. They also provided a tool for inter-
diction by mapping gang territories, by tracing relationships among the gangs, and by
identifying many of the gang members.
Although the Strike Force is not a program per se, officers on the task force have initiated
a complementary program to counter the glorification of gun use among gang members.
Working with local clergymen, the officers, while off-duty, visit the homes of high-risk ado-
lescents and attempt to define alternatives to the gang culture that seeks to legitimize gun
violence as a response to a broadening spectrum of situations. Other similar outreach pro-
grams have included the Summer of Opportunity, through which at-risk youth are placed in
vocational programs and even with companies to demonstrate the real opportunities for
realizing personal ambitions outside of the gang milieu. Likewise, the Department of Health
and Human Services has administered programs in community schools to provide a refuge
for young people who might be victimized by gangs or coerced into involvement in gang
In 1999, the success of the Youth Violence Strike Force in reducing gang violence was rec-
ognized when the International Association of Chiefs of Police selected the Strike Force to
receive the Webber Seavey Award. Although the Strike Force’s success extends beyond sim-
ple measures such as homicide rates, homicides committed by Boston youths did decline
from sixty-two in 1990 to fifteen in 1997.

See alsoGang Units, Police; Gang Violence, against Bystanders; Gang-On-Gang Violence;
Gun-Related Violence, Rates of; Gun-Related Violence, Types of

Bello, M. (1997, February 17). Clinton visit a nod to the hub—Officials cite success in fighting youth
crime. Boston Herald, 7.
Holmstrom, D. (1996, May 15). “Operation Night Light” keeps offenders in for the evening.
Science Monitor , 1.
McPhee, M. (2005, April 21). Narc officers to pump up youth force.
Boston Herald, 4.
Strangled. (1997, April 19).
The Economist.
Talbot, D. (1997, February 9). Youth force strikes at crime.
Boston Herald, 4.

Martin Kich

YOUTHFUL OFFENDER SYSTEM (YOS). Authorized by the state legislature

in a 1993 special session, YOS was created in response to a spike in gang-related violence in
and around Denver. YOS is intended to be a middle tier between youth corrections and the
Department of Corrections for youth convicted of violent felonies. The 231 line staff and ten
other staff members emphasize firm discipline, academics, work and prevocational skills,
interpersonal relations, and a positive peer culture.
To be sentenced to YOS, youth ages fourteen to eighteen must be convicted of a violent,
weapons-related Class 2-6 felony or be chronic offenders who were directwaived) filed ( to
be tried as an adult. In the case of a direct file, the court can suspend the adult sentence if the
youth completes a YOS sentence. All YOS sentences are indeterminate in length, generally
between two and seven years. The sentence includes a mandatory intensely supervised com-
munity release of six to twelve months.
There are four phases involved in a YOS sentence. Intake, diagnostic, and orientation
(IDO) occurs in the first thirty to forty-five days. Here, a youth is introduced to the system of
group discipline and incentives. Following a physical assessment, youth get started on the
intense physical regimen as well. In Phase I, the youth begins his or her intense residential
program, which might last between eight months and six years. Each youth must take a core
program of education, as well as cognitive restructuring and supplemental programs, such as
substance abuse counseling, if needed. Phase II is the prerelease time, which is three months
long. This phase involves individualized, community-based support programs designed to
ready the youth for community reintegration. IDO, Phase I, and Phase II all occur at the YOS
facility in Pueblo, Colorado. Phase III involves supervised community release, which might
take place anywhere in the state. In Phase III, a youth must check in, at minimum, with the
assigned community parole officer twice per week. In addition, youth electronic
wear mon-
itoring devicesthrough most of the phase, as well as an electronic paging program (EPP), an
alphanumeric pager to monitor the youth’s location, movement, and activities both day and
night. Youth in Phase III are also subject to weekly urinalysis, and community parole officers
must enforce curfew compliance. Community parole officers, in addition to their supervision
duties, serve as liaisons with local law enforcement, in particular with police antigang units.
It is recommended they have caseloads no larger than ten youth.
Under an agreement between YOS/Century High School and Pueblo School District No. 60,
high school diplomas are awarded to offenders meeting District 60 graduation requirements.
Unless the youth had previously obtained a diploma or Graduate Equivalency Degree (GED),
he or she is required to be enrolled in core courses.
If a youth is to return to live with family or guardians after completing his or her sentence,
YOS requires counseling as well as visits by the community parole officer for three months

to assess its appropriateness. If the youth is not returning home, he or she is involved in the
Emancipation Program. In the three to six months prior to release, the community parole
officer assesses a number of supervised group homes or apartments for their appropriateness.
Youth who will be living independently receive help from YOS staff in acquiring an appro-
priate living place and needed furniture and daily living items. Youth who live independently
after their sentence are subject to greater supervision.
During Phase III, the youth must get at least part-time employment in order to build a work
ethic, self-confidence, and work toward becoming independent and self-sufficient. In addi-
tion, YOS juveniles must complete one hundred hours of meaningful community service.
Youth who do not, or who violate any of the YOS rules and regulations, face sanctions. The
most typical sanction involves removal of privileges.
The 2004 evaluation of the YOS program found the program to be successful on a number of
measures. While only 10.3 percent of youth entered the program with a high school diploma or
GED, 59.1 percent received one of these while in the program. Attaining secondary education
was shown to increase the chance of success upon release from the program and decrease the
likelihood of re-offense. For instance, those who did not receive a diploma or GED were 3.8
times more likely to be revoked from YOS to prison, 1.6 times more likely to have a felony fil-
ing within two years after release, and 2.7 times more likely to be sent to prison for a new
charge. Recidivism rates for YOS youth were lower than for comparable Department of
Corrections inmates. The evaluation did, however, express some concerns. Reduction of staff
members and services had jeopardized the program’s ability to provide needed individualized
treatment for youth. Further, many staff members and detained youth expressed in focus groups
that there was tension and a lack of cohesiveness with the program’s philosophy, as in some
ways it was a rehabilitative program and in others ways it was a punitive setting.
While proponents maintain YOS is an innovative approach to dealing with the most seriously
violent youth without subjecting them to adult court, YOS has faced criticism. In 1997, Human
Rights Watch said conditions for youth in many Colorado facilities, including the YOS Pueblo
facility, did not meet international standards. They pointed to overcrowded and unsafe condi-
tions, with some facilities at two and a half times their capacity. In addition, Human Rights
Watch expressed concern about the overrepresentation of minorities in Colorado youth facili-
ties, as well as complaints by detained youth of chronic hunger and verbal and physical abuse.

Colorado Youthful Offender System (YOS). Available at: www.doc.state.co.us/Facilities/ YOS/yosasp.
Department of Corrections—Division of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and YOS. Available
at: www.doc.state.co.us/comcorr/yos_programs.
Human Rights Watch. (1997, September 11). Conditions of confinement in Colorado fail to meet inter-
national standards. HRW News . Available at: www.hrw.org/english/docs/1997/09/11/usdom
Ploughe, P. (2002, October).Corrections Today. YOS: Colorado Department of Corrections.
Rosky, J., Pasini-Hill, D., Lowden, K., Harrison, L., & English, K. (2004, November 1). Evaluation
of the youthful offender system (YOS) in Colorado. Available at: www.dcj.stateco.us/ors/pdf/
Youthful Offender System (YOS) annual report. (2003). National Institute of Corrections. Available
at: http://www.nicic.org/library/018803.

Laura L. Finley
ZERO TOLERANCE LAWS. The law and order agenda that emerged at the turn of
the century represents one of the major political shifts in state power that occurred in western
societies, and more specifically, in the United States. Opposing the welfare state progressive
policies, this coercive social control system was first voiced by the new right and progres-
sively endorsed in varying degrees by policymakers across the national political spectrum.
Zero tolerance doctrine conveys fully this ideological crusade. If this expression is borrowed
from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Asset Forfeiture Program designed to fight crime, its
inspiration stems from the “Broken Windows” thesis that was formulated in the 1980s by
George Kelling and James Wilson through various articles, books, and consultancies.
According to these two authors, low-level incivilities force law-abiding citizens to withdraw
from public spaces, providing an occasion for more serious offenders to perpetrate signifi-
cant crimes. Building on this assumption, proactive law enforcement of minor misdemeanors
could help to prevent crime. Even if the scientific accuracy of this theory has never been
established, policymakers drew on it to justify major changes, not only in the management of
cities such as Baltimore, San Francisco, and New York City, but also in the organization of
state schools.
The American educational system was permeated by the zero tolerance doctrine in order to
improve school safety. The first zero tolerance laws were enacted with the passing of the
Gun-Free School Zones Act, part of the Crime Control Act of 1990, which demanded expul-
sion for no less than one year of any student knowingly bringing a firearm in a school zone.
The Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 was passed under the Clinton administration and reau-
thorized in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 by the Bush administration. This firearm
regulation provided Elementary and Secondary Education Act funds for the enactment of
zero tolerance laws and mandatory minimum sentences. This act has been endorsed in all
fifty states. As a result, the vast majority of school districts have adopted their own discipli-
nary policies, even if their effectiveness on violence deterrence has not yet been demon-
strated. These punitive policies appear to have, on the contrary, depressing and critical effects
on the children’s personal development and educational achievement.
Extensive interpretations of the Gun-Free Schools Act have enabled state legislatures and
school authorities to justify the overuse of disciplinary sanctions, which, according to the
U.S. Department of Education, resulted in more than three million children suspended and
85,000 expelled during the 1997–1998 school year. State laws and student disciplinary codes
came to encompass a range of misbehaviors that extends far beyond the weapon possession
violations provisioned by the federal legislation. Suspensions or expulsions can be grounded
on offenses such as continued defiance of authority, consumption of alcoholic beverages,
physical aggression among students, and the use of profane language directed at school
employees or pupils. Disruptive adolescents, whose trivial misconducts were once treated by

social workers or guidance counselors, are increasingly deferred to law enforcement agen-
cies. These deferrals do not necessarily take into account the children’s personal history or
academic records, nor do they provide, in most cases, alternative educational programs for
the neediest students. In the wake of widely publicized school shootings, like the Columbine
massacre in April 1999, many schools introduced new stringent security policies against
firearms and threatening behaviors.
Low-income or minority children and, more specifically, African-American juveniles,
appear to bear the brunt of this sanctioning process. According to the U.S. Department of
Education, African-American children represented 33 percent of the out-of school suspen-
sions in 2000, yet they only constituted 17 percent of the national public school enrollment.
The Children’s Defense Fund had established in the mid-1970s that black students were pun-
ished more frequently by school authorities than white students. Further statistical surveys
carried out in the late 1990s seem to indicate the persisting minority overrepresentation in
school expulsions and suspensions. Different interpretations of this disparity have been
advanced, such as the lower socioeconomic status of the black children and school authori-
ties’ racial stereotypes in the management of African-American children’s misbehaviors.
Zero tolerance laws’ impact on minorities has been particularly highlighted in the “Decatur
Seven” case. The two-year expulsion of seven black students for a fistfight at a school foot-
ball game in 1999 began a national controversy over civil rights violations. The Reverend
Jesse Jackson launched a widely reported protest march in this Illinois city to denounce racial
inequalities in zero tolerance policies that had been set by a Decatur school board decision.
Zero tolerance policies appear to be counterproductive, both in terms of educational
opportunities and violence prevention. They contribute to the erosion of students’ confidence
in the educational system and alienate them from teachers and educators. Children who have
suffered suspensions and expulsions are more likely to have lower academic achievement
and to drop out of school. Without proper alternative schooling programs, juveniles are being
deprived of appropriate education but also disadvantaged in terms of the socialization
process. Harsh school sanctioning is an important predictive factor for further exposure to
street violence and for premature adolescence role exit. Criminologists and psychologists
have pointed out that the increasing penal treatment of juveniles arrested for low-level
offenses seem to put them at greater risk of delinquency.
If the legal status of the adolescent has been progressively institutionalized in the early
twentieth century, zero tolerance laws have undermined these social conquests and have sig-
nificantly corroded the educational system.

See alsoEducational Opportunity and Juvenile Violence; Systemic Violence in Schools

Advancement Project and the Civil Rights Project. (2000).
Opportunities suspended: The devastating
consequences of zero tolerance and school discipline policies
. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Casella, R. (2001).
At zero tolerance: Punishment, prevention and school violence
. New York: Peter Lang.
Noguera, P. (1995). Preventing and producing violence: A critical analysis of responses to school
violence. Harvard Educational Review, 65(2), 189–212.
Skiba, R., Michael, R., Nardo, A., & Peterson, R. (2000).
The color of discipline: Sources of racial and
gender disproportionality in school punishment
. Bloomington: Indiana Education Policy Center.

Jean-Philippe Dedieu


Children and Adolescents’ Health and Welfare

Children’s Defense Fund: www.childrensdefense.org
Kids Count: www.aecf.org/kidscount.html
Parenting Project: www.parentingproject.org

Drug Free Schools: www.drugfreeschools.com
Monitoring the Future: www.monitoringthefuture.org
NIDA for teens: www.teendrugabuse.gov
Safe Youth: www.safeyouth.org

Gangs and At-Risk Kids: www.gangsandkids.com
National Youth Gang Center: www.iir.com/nygc
Street Gangs Resource Center: www.streetgangs.com

Juvenile Detention/Alternatives
American Bar Association: www.abanet.org/child/capita/html
Annie E. Casey Foundation: www.aecf.org/initiatives/jdai.html
Boot Camps for Teens: www.bootcampsforteens.com
Center for Court Innovation: www.problem-solvingcourts.org
Death Penalty Information Center: www.deathpenaltyinfo.org
The Sentencing Project: www.sentencingproject.org
Youth Law Center: www.youthlawcenter.org

Juvenile Violence and Juvenile Justice

Center for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence: www.colorado.edu/cspv.index.html
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice: www.cjcj.org
Child Welfare League of America: www.cwla.org/programs/juvenilejustice/jjpublicpolicy.html
Children’s Rights Council: www.gogrc.com
Citizens for Juvenile Justice: www.cfjj.org

Coalition for Juvenile Justice: www.juvjustice.org/about/index_about.html

Florida State University—School of Criminology and Criminal Justice: www.criminology
Human Rights Watch: www.hrw.org
Justice Policy Institute: www.justicepolicy.org
Juvenile Law Center: www.jlc.org/home/juvenilejustice/
National Bureau of Justice Statistics: www.ojjdp.org/staeprofiles/
National Council on Crime and Delinquency—Children’s Research Center: www.nccd-crc.org
National Criminal Justice Reference Center: www.ncjrs.org
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center-Safe Youth: www.safeyouth.org/
Stopviolence.org: www.stopviolence.org
Violentkids.com: www.violentkids.com

Accuracy in Media: www.aim.org
Center for Media Literacy: www.medialit.org
National Coalition of Television Violence: www.nctvv.org

Minorities and Juvenile Justice

Material on Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC): www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/dmc.html
National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice: www.edjj.org
Tribal Institute (Native Americans): www.tribal-institute.org/lists/juvenile

School Violence
Center for the Prevention of School Violence: www.ccdjjdp.org/cpsv/
Information About Corporal Punishment: www.stophitting.com
Keep Schools Safe: www.keepschoolssafe.org
National Association of School Resource Officers: www.nasro.org
School Violence Resource Center: www.svrc.net

Crime Victims United: www.crimevictimsunited.org
National Center for Children Exposed to Violence: www.nccev.org/index.html
National Center for Victims of Crime: www.ncvc.org
Office for Victims of Crime: www.ovc.gov


Butts, J., & Roman, J. (Eds.). (2004).
Juvenile drug courts and teen substance abuse
. New York: Urban
Institute Press.
Dudley, W. (Ed.). (2001).Drugs. New Haven, CT: Greenhaven.
Ksir, C., Hart, C., & Ray, O. (2006).
Drugs, society, and human behavior
. Boston: McGraw Hill.

Anderson, E. (2000).Code of the streets: Decency, violence, and the moral life of the inner . New
York: W.W. Norton & Co.
Decker, S. (Ed.). (2003).Policing gangs and youth violence. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Klein, M. (2006).Street gang patterns and policies. New York: Oxford.
Shakur, S. (1993).Monster: The autobiography of an L.A. gang member . New York: Penguin.
Shelden, R., Tracy, S., & Brown, W. (2003). Youth gangs in American society . Belmont, CA:
Sikes, G. (1997).8-ball chick: A year in the violent world of girl gangsters
. New York: Anchor.

Chesney-Lind, M., & Hagedorn, J. (Eds.). (1999).Female gangs in America: Essays on girls, gangs,
and gender.Chicago, IL: Lake View Press.
Chesney-Lind, M., & Pasko, L. (2003). The female offender: Girls, women, and crime, 2nd ed.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chesney-Lind, M., & Shelden, R. (2003). Girls, delinquency, and juvenile justice. Belmont, CA:
Messerschmidt, J. W. (1993).
Masculinities and crime. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield.
Simmons, Rachel. (2002).Odd girl out: The hidden culture of aggression in girls
. New York: Harcourt.

General Discussion of Youth Violence

Barbour, S. (1998).Teen violence: Opposing viewpoints . Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven.
Calhoun, C., & Chapple, C. (Eds.).Readings in juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice
. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Canada, G. (1998). Things get hectic: Teens write about the violence that surrounds. Carmichael,
CA: Touchstone.
Crews, G., & Montgomery, R. (2000). Chasing shadows: Confronting juvenile violence in America .
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Elikann, P. (1999).Superpredators: The demonization of our children by the. New law York: Insight.
Fearnley, F. (Ed.). (2004).I wrote on all four walls: Teens speak out on violence . Toronto, Canada:
Hoffman, A., & Summers, R. (Eds.). Teen violence: A global .view New Haven, CT: Greenwood.
Holmes, S., & Holmes, R. (Eds.). (2004). Violence: A contemporary reader . Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Iadicola, P., & Shupe, A. (1998). Violence, inequality and human freedom. Dix Hills, NY: General
Hall, Inc.
Kappeler, V., Blumberg, M., & Potter, G. (2000).The mythology of crime and criminal justice. Prospect
Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
Kipnis, A. (1999).Angry young men . San Francisco; Jossey-Bass.
Males, Mike. (1999).Framing youth: Ten myths about the next generation . Monroe, ME: Common
Courage Press.
Moffatt, G. (2003).Wounded innocents and fallen angels . Westport, CT: Praeger.
Stevenson, L. (2003). From the inside out! A look into teen violence and rebellion.
Weill, S. (2002).We’re not monsters: Teens speak out about teens in trouble.
New York: HarperTempest.
Zimring, F. (2005).American juvenile justice. New York: Oxford.

Juvenile Justice and Alternatives

Ahranjani, M., Ferguson, A., & Raskin, J. (2005). Youth justice in America. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Anderson, J. (1999). Boot camps. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Bazemore, G., & Schiff, M. (2005). Juvenile justice reform and restorative justice: Building theory
and policy from practice. Portland, OR: Willan.
Bedau, H., & Cassell, P. (2005).Debating the death penalty . New York: Oxford.
Bellesiles, M. (2005). Documenting American violence. New York: Oxford.
Braithwaite, J., & Strang, H. (Eds.). Restorative justice and family violence
. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Champion, D. (2001). Probation, parole, and community corrections, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Feld, B. (1999). Bad kids: Race and the transformation of the juvenile . court New York: Oxford
University Press.
Humes, E. (1997).No matter how loud I shout: A year in the life of juvenile court. New York:
Touchstone Books.
Krisberg, B., & Austin, J. (1993).Reinventing juvenile justice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Maggy, L. (1998).Youth, crime, and police work . New York: St. Martins.
Myers, D. (2005).Boys among men . Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Platt, A. (1977).The child savers: The invention of delinquency, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Prothrow-Stith, D. (1991).Deadly consequences . New York: Harper Collins.
Schlossman, S. (1977). Love and the American delinquent . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sharp, P., & Hancock, B. (Eds.).Juvenile delinquency: Historical, theoretical, and societal reactions to
youth,2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Sullivan, D., & Tifft, L. (2005). Restorative justice: Healing the foundations of our everyday lives,
2nd ed. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.
Tanenhaus, D. (2005). Juvenile justice in the making. New York: Oxford.
Watkins, J. (1998).The juvenile justice century. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
Weitzer, R. (Ed.). (2003). Current controversies in criminology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Zehr, H., & Toews, B. (Eds.). (2004). Critical issues in restorative justice
. Monsey, NY: Criminal
Justice Press.

Bok, S. (1999).Mayhem: Violence as public entertainment. New York: Perseus.
Jones, G. (2003).Killing monsters: Why children need fantasy, super heroes, and make-believe
violence. New York: Basic.
Potter, W. (2002).The 11 myths of media violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rafter, N. (2000).Shots in the mirror
. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ravitch, D., & Vileritte, J. (2003). Kid stuff: Marketing sex and violence to America’s children
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Schechter, H. (2005).Savage pastimes: A cultural history of violent entertainment . New York:
St. Martin’s Press.
Singer, D., & Singer, J. (Eds.). (2002).
Handbook of children and the media
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Strasburger, V. (2002).
Children, adolescents, and the media
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Surette, R. (1992). Media, crime, and criminal justice. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Cole, D. (1999). No equal justice
. New York: New Press.
Males, M., & Macallair, D. (2000).The color of justice: An analysis of juvenile adult court transfers in
California. Washington, DC: Building Blocks for Youth.
Markowitz, M., & Jones-Brown, D. (Eds.). The system in black and white: Exploring the connections
between race, crime, and justice
. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Smith, A. (2005).Conquest: Sexual violence and American Indian genocide . Boston: South End.
Wilkinson, D. (2003).Guns, violence, and identity among African American and Latino .youthBoulder,
CO: LFB Scholarly Publishing.

Hagan, J. (1998). Mean streets: Youth crime and homelessness
. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Polakow, V. (2000).The public assault on America’s children: Poverty, violence, and juvenile injustice
New York: Teachers College Press.

School Violence
Aronson, E. (2000).Nobody left to hate: Teaching compassion after Columbine . New York:
W.H. Freeman & Co.
Casella, R. (2001a). At zero tolerance: Punishment, prevention, and school violence
. New York: Peter Lang.
Casella, R. (2001b). “Being down”: Challenging violence in urban schools. New York: Teachers College.
DiGuilio, R. (2001). Educate, medicate, or litigate? What teachers, parents and administrators must
do about student behavior . New York: Corwin Books.
Eisler, R., & Miller, R. (Eds.). (2004).
Educating for a culture of peace
. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Finley, L., & Finley, P. (2005).Piss off! How drug testing and other privacy violations are alienating
America’s youth . Monroe, ME: Common Courage.
Hyman, I., & Snook, P. (1999). Dangerous Schools. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Lawrence, R. (2006). School crime and juvenile justice,
2nd ed. New York: Oxford.
Newman, K. (2004).Rampage . New York: Basic Books.
Nuwer, H. (1990).Broken pledges. Atlanta, GA: Longstreet.
Nuwer, H. (2000).High school hazing: When rites become wrongs . New York: Franklin Watts.
Webber, J. (Ed.). (2001). Failure to hold: The politics of school violence
. Lanham, MD: Rowman &

Specific Cases
Lefkowitz, B. (1997).Our guys. New York: Vintage.
Sullivan, T. (1992).Unequal verdicts: The Central Pa
rk jogger trials. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (Eds.). (1999).
Criminological theory: Past to present
. Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Garbarino, James. (2000). Lost boys: Why our sons turn violent and how we can save . Newthem
Anchor Books.
Karr-Morse, Robin, Wiley, Meredith, & Brazelton, Terry. (1999).
Ghosts from the nursery: Tracing the
roots of violence
. Atlanta: Atlantic Monthly Press.

Katz, J. (1988). Seductions of crime. New York: Basic.

Oliver, J. (1995). Juvenile violence in a winner-loser culture: Socioeconomic and familial origins of the
rise of violence against the person
. London: Free Association Books.
Pepinsky, H., & Quinney, R. (Eds.). (1991). Criminology as peacemaking. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
Shoemaker, D. (2004). Theories of delinquency. New York: Oxford.
Vold, G., Bernard, T., & Snipes, J. (1998).
Theoretical criminology,4th ed. New York: Oxford.

Types of Crime
Cook, P., & Ludwig, J. (2002).Gun violence: The real costs. New York: Oxford.
Cox, V. (1997). Guns, violence and teens. Berkeley Heights, CA: Enslow.
Davis, C. (2003).Children who kill: Profiles of pre-teen and teenage killers
. Allison and Busby.
Flowers, R. (2002).Kids who commit adult crimes: Serious criminality by juvenile offenders.
Binghamton, NY: Haworth.
Graupner, H. (Ed.). (2005).Adolescence, sexuality, and the criminal .law
Binghamton, NY: Haworth.
Harcourt, B. (2006).Language of the gun: Youth, crime, and public policy . Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Heide, K. (2006).Kids who kill their parents. New York: Oxford.
Kohn, A. (2005).Shooters: Myths and realities of America’s gun cultures
. New York: Oxford University
Levin, J., & McDevitt, J. (2002).Hate crimes revisited: America’s war on those who are different .
Boulder, CO: Westview.
Mitchell, H. (2000). Teen suicide. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent.
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Elias, R. (1993).Victims still: The political manipulation of crime victims. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
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Contemporary Justice Review
Corrections Today
Criminal Justice Policy Review
Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society
Criminology and Public Policy
Critical Criminology
Homicide: An Interdisciplinary and International Journal

Journal for Juvenile Justice and Detention Services

Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Journal of Drug Issues
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice
Journal of Gang Research
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Journal of School Violence
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Justice Quarterly
Juvenile Justice Journal
Social Problems
Violence and Victims
Women and Criminal Justice
Youth and Society

Abused/Battered children, 1–3, 33–34, 55, 203, 188, 261, 279–2801; Youth violence strike
251, 297; Child Abuse Prevention and force, 21–22, 90, 209, 310–311
Treatment Act (CAPTA), 33–34, 53; Children American, 5, 12, 36, 21
in Need of Services, 35; Court Appointed American Academy of Pediatrics, 192
Special Advocates (CASA), 52–53; American Medical Association, 192
Children’s Aid Society, 35–36; Children’s Amendment, 211, 288
Defense Fund, 36–37, 227 Anderson, Martin Lee, 21
Abuse, 1, 3, 33 Anomie/Strain theory, 8–10, 70, 82, 104, 133,
Accused, 28, 41, 83, 114, 161, 150, 163 168, 249, 265
Activity, 31, 200, 229, 276 Antiviolence, 6, 227
Adaptations to strain, 9 Arousal theory, 10–12
ADD/ADHD, 1, 3–4, 112, 204, 291 Arrest, 16, 66, 192, 292
Adler, Alfred, 225 Asians and juvenile violence, 12–13, 85–86
Adler, Freda, 167, 181–182 Assault, 13–15, 103, 182
Adolescent, 19, 161, 287 Asset, 313
Adoption studies, 111–112 Atkins v. Virginia, 56
Adulthood, 223 Attack, 31, 158
Adult victims, 290–292 Authorize, 126, 244, 302
Affairs, 85, 201, 211 Awareness, 40, 195, 234, 241
African Americans, and gangs, 85–86;
juvenile violence, 5–6, 75; and media, 6; Bandura, Albert, 257–258
as “super-predators,” 172; and zero tolerance Battered, 1–3, 33–34, 55, 203, 251, 297
laws, 314 Beccaria, Cesare, 105, 231–232
Age-graded theory, 63–64, 244–245 Becker, Howard, 179
Agency, 194, 220, 238, 285 Behavior, 16, 28, 198, 287
Aggravated assault, 13–14 Big Brothers, Big Sisters, 69
Aging out, 7 Biochemical theories, 16–18, 81
Agnew, Robert, 107–109 Biosocial theories, 18–20
Akers, Ron and Burgess, 164 Bisexual, 187
Alcohol, 7–8, 201 Boot camps, 20–21, 45, 100, 222, 279
Allergies and juvenile violence, 17 Boston Youth Strike Force, 21–22, 90, 209,
Alternative interventions, and diversion, 72–74, 310–311
123, 126, 188, 262, 295; Mentoring, 69, Bowling for Columbine , 124, 239
187–189, 229; Operation ceasefire, 21–22, 90, Boys and girls clubs, 69
208–209, 310–311; Public health approach, Brace, Charles Loring, 35
226–228; Quantum opportunities program, Brazil, Nathaniel, 22–24
229–230; Restitution, 141, 233–234, 235, Brown v. Board of Education, 75, 164
295; Restorative justice, 141, 235–236, 296; Building Blocks for Youth, 6
Specialized courts, 260–262; Teen courts, Bullying, 24–26, 305

Bureau of Indian Affairs, 85 Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA),

Burgess, Ernest, 255–256 52–53
Cressey, Donald, 68, 257
Cambridge youth study, 64 Crime, 30, 288, 292
Carneal, Michael, 27–28 Cultural deviance theory, 81
Capital, 55, 157 Curfews, 53–54, 84, 141, 211
Capital punishment, 67, 302 Cyberbullying, 25
Capital offense, 303
Cases, 28, 184, 285, 299 Data websites, 246
Ceasefire, 90, 208 Darrow, Clarence, 157
Center for the prevention of school Death, 21, 27, 184, 284
violence, 28–29 Death Penalty, 55–57, 67, 147, 164
Centers for disease control, 29–30, 47, 101, Dehumanization, 277
118, 129 Delinquency and drift, 57–58, 164, 277
Central Park Jogger; 30–32 Delinquency as problem solving, 59–61
Chicago area project, 32–33, 62–63, 159, 286 Delinquency in a birth cohort, 61–62
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment act Department, 29, 76, 194, 209
(CAPTA), 33–34, 53 Detached street workers, 62–63
Child abuse, 1–3, 33–34, 55, 203, 251, 297 Deterrence theory, 55, 105–107, 109, 231, 271
Children, 29, 35, 36 Developmental theories, 41, 63–66
Child protective services, 2 Deviant, 64, 133, 218
Child savers, 34–35, 137, 150, 216 Diet and juvenile violence, 16–17
Children in Need of Services (CHINS), 35 Differences between juvenile justice and
Children’s Aid Society, 35–36 criminal justice, 66–68
Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), 36–37, 227 Differential association theory, 57, 68–72, 82,
Chivalry hypothesis, 37–39 104, 107, 164, 254, 278, 281
Chronic 6 percent, 39, 61–62, 214, 222 Differential association-reinforcement, 164
Chronic offenders, 311 Differential identification theory, 70, 164, 281
Cigarette smoking, 223 Differential opportunity theory, 9, 70–72, 266
Civil rights, 57 Diffusion, 253
Cloward, Richard, and Ohlin, Lloyd, 9, 70–72, DiIulio, John, 14, 172
266–267 Distortion, 122, 251
Cocaine/crack cocaine, 6, 8, 40, 169, Diversion, 72–74, 123, 126, 188, 262, 295
190, 264 Drug Abuse Resistance and Education
Co-conspirators, 307 (DARE), 247
Cognitive distortion, 251 Drug courts, 261
Cognitive theories, 40–42 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 74
Cohen, Albert, 9, 266–267 Drugs, and alcohol, 7–8, 20; Cocaine/crack
Columbine High School shootings, 25, cocaine, 6, 8, 40, 169, 190, 264;
116–117,268, 291, 301 Hallucinogens, 122–123; Heroin, 8, 128–129,
Commonwealth v. Fisher, 154 190; Marijuana, 8, 186–187; Prescription
Community treatment, 43–45 drugs, 191, 219, 302; Stimulants, 264–265
Conflict resolution, 42, 45–47, 213 Dugdale, Richard, 151
Conflict theories, 47–49, 81, 168 Durkheim, Emile, 8–9, 75
Conservative politicians, 52
Control theories, 49–51 Eddings v. Oklahoma, 56, 303
Convict, 28, 38, 263 Education, 25, 237, 295
Cooley, Charles Horton, 179 Educational opportunity and juvenile violence,
“Copycat”, 79 75–76, 130, 204
Corporal punishment, 1, 51–52, 273 Electronic devices, 222
Corporal punishment ordinance, 52 Electronic monitoring, 44–45, 131–132, 139, 222
Cost-effective, 222 Electronic Paging Program (EPP), 311

Emergency intervention, 244 theory, 217–218, treatment in the juvenile

Enforcement, 29, 37, 226 justice system; 99–100
Environmental, 16, 19, 135, 221 General and specific deterrence, 55, 105–107,
Erikson, Erik, 225–226 109, 231, 271
Ethnicity, 25 General delinquency, 223
Eugenics, 154–155 General strain theory, 107–109
Evidence, 11, 182, 276 General Theory of Crime (GTC), 51, 109–110
Examined, 39 Genetic theories, 110–113
Ex parte Crouse,211 Gilligan, Carol, 41, 217
Expectancy-value theory, 41–42 Glaser, Daniel, 70, 164
Expertise, 29 Glen Ridge, New Jersey, 104, 113–114, 264
Explosive, 59 Glueck, Sheldon and Eleanor, 63, 114–115,
Exposure, 27, 41 244–245
Expression, 11, 218 Golden, Andrew and Johnson, Mitchell,
Family relations and juvenile violence, 59, Government, 29, 234, 284, 299
77–78, 297 Graduate Equivalency Degree (GED), 311
Farrell, Colin, 51–52 Gun courts, 261
FBI, 83, 242, 292 Gun-related violence, 174, 268–269
Feld, Barry, 67 Gun-related violence, and rates of, 118–119;
Film and juvenile violence, 79–80, 184 and types of; 119–121; and 1980s,
Foster care, 44 168–170
Fox, James, 14
Freedom for girls, 218 Hagan, John, 58, 104, 217–218
Freedom of speech, 288 Hallucinogens, 122–123
Freud, Sigmund, 225 Harris, Eric, and Klebold, Dylan, 123–125
Hate crime, 125–126
Gang interventions, Boston Youth Strike Force, Hazards, 247
21–22, 90, 209, 310–311; Detached street Hazing, 14, 104, 127–128
workers, 62–63; Gang Resistance EducationHealth, 29, 74, 256
and Training (GREAT), 87, 117–118; Gang Heroin, 8, 128–129, 190
sweeps, 83–84, 87, 90; LAPD’s Community Hirschi, Travis, 50, 164, 278
Resources Against Street Hoodlums Hirschi, Travis and Gottfredson, Michael, 51,
(CRASH), 87; police gang units, 86–88, 90 109–110
Gang Resistance Education and Training Hispanics and juvenile violence, 129–130
(GREAT), 87, 117–118 Home confinement, 44
Gang sweeps, 83–84, 87, 90 Homelessness and juvenile violence, 132–134
Gangs, 6; African Americans, 85–86; Asians, Hormonal/chemical explanations for gender
85–86; and females, 92, 93–96, 182; differences, 134–136
gang-on-gang violence, 91–93; Latinos, Houses of refuge, 148, 151; and New York,
85–86; Native Americans, 85–86; 205–206
Theories on involvement, 81–83; and types Human Rights Watch, 172
of, 84–86; and violence against bystanders,
88–90, 91 Illinois Juvenile Court, 137–138, 153–154
Gender, and biosocial theories, 19; chivalry Imperative, 163
hypothesis, 37–39; differences in rates of Incarceration, 307
offenses, 37–38, 78, 96–97, 97–99, 203, Incident, 27, 275, 288
251; differences in types of offenses; 37–38,Individual, 20, 78, 125, 179
78, 101–102, 102–105, 203, 251; Information, 29, 87, 147, 245
hormonal/chemical explanations for In loco parentis,138–139
differences, 134–136; liberation hypothesis, In re Gault,137, 164, 167
95, 103, 167, 181–183; power-control In re Winship,167

Intensive aftercare programs, 139–140 1970–1979, 166–168; from 1980–1989;

Intensive Supervised Probation/Programs (ISP), 169–170; from 1990–1999, 170–172; 2000
43–44, 140–142, 221 to date, 173–174
Interactionist theories, 142–143
International cinema, 79 Katz, Jack, 248–250
Internet, 27, 69, 208 Kent v. U.S.,137, 164, 303
Interrogations of juveniles, 31–32 Kinkel, Kip, 177–178, 302
Intervention, 21, 35, 244 Klebold, Dylan, and Harris, Eric, 115, 268, 291,
Interview, 22, 53, 93, 288 301, 302
Knife-wielding student, 79
Japan, 12, 92, 152 Kohlberg, Lawrence, 41
Jung, Carl, 225 Ku Klux Klan, 155, 157
Juvenile detention centers, 6, 43–44,
144–146 Labeling theory, 48, 82; 164, 168, 179–180
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention LAPD’s Community Resources Against Street
Act (JJDPA), 145–146, 175, 286 Hoodlums (CRASH), 87
Juvenile justice organizations, and Children’s AidLaub, John and Sampson, Robert, 63–64, 115,
Society, 35–36; and Children’s Defense Fund, 244–245
36–37, 227; National Center for Juvenile Law-abiding norms, 277
Justice, 194–195; National Council on Crime Lead and juvenile violence, 16
and Delinquency, 195–196; National Institute Legislative exclusion, 299
of Justice (NIJ), 198–199; Office of Juvenile Leopold and Loeb case, 157
Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP),Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered
14, 53, 101, 208, 250, 261, 265, 279; United Youth (LGBT), 24–26, 187–188
States Department of Justice (USDOJ), 87, Liberation hypothesis, 95, 103, 167, 181–183
118, 208, 285 Loeber, Rolf, 64–65
Juvenile Justice Reform Act, 1977, 146 Lombroso, Cesare, 34, 151, 285–286
Juvenile justice system, 175; boot camps, 20–21, Los Angeles Police Department Rampart
45, 100, 222, 279; community treatment, Division, 87–88
43–45; death penalty, 55–57, 67, 147, 164; Loukaitis, Barry, 183–185, 291
differences with criminal justice, 66–68;
home confinement/electronic monitoring, Macro-level, 218, 240
44–45, 131–132, 139, 222; Illinois juvenile Marijuana, 8, 186–187
court, 137–138, 153–154; and parens Marx, Karl, 48
patriae,66, 137, 144, 151, 154, 155, 159, Matza, David, 57–58
164, 166, 205, 211–212; policing juveniles, McKay, Henry, 33–34, 255–257
215–217; probation, 43, 131, 140, 221–223; McKeiver v. Pennsylvania, 167–168
treatment by gender, 99–100; treatment of Mead, George Herbert, 142–143, 179
victims, 235–236, 294–296; waivers, 23, 55, Measuring drug use, and Drug Enforcement
106, 164, 175, 183, 275, 286, 291, 299–300; Agency (DEA), 74; Monitoring the Future
wilderness camps, 45. (MTF), 40, 190–191, 219; National
Juveniles in adult prisons, 174–176 Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 167, 191,
Juvenile victims, 292–294 197–198; National Institute on Drug Abuse
Juvenile violence, from 1600–1800 (NIDA), 265; National Youth Survey (NYS),
(Colonial era), 146–148; from 1861–1865 200–201; Pride surveys, 220
(Civil War era), 148–150; from 1865–1899 Measuring juvenile violence, and Centers for
(Reconstruction and late 1800s), 150–152; Disease Control, 29–30, 47, 101, 118, 129;
from 1900–1910, 152–154; from Chicago Area Project, 32–33, 62–63, 159,
1910–1919, 154–155; from 1920–1929, 286; Delinquency in a birth cohort, 61–62;
156–158; from 1930–1939, 158–160; from Glueck, Sheldon and Eleanor, 63, 114–115,
1940–1949, 160–162; from 1950–1959, 244–245; National Crime Victimization
162–164; from 1960–1969, 164–166; from Survey (NCVS), 15, 118, 129, 168, 196–197,

245, 287, 292; National Incident Based National Mental Health Association, 21
Reporting System (NIBRS), 125; National National Rifle Association (NRA), 239
Youth Gang Survey, 84–85; National Youth National Youth Gang Survey, 84–85
Survey (NYS), 200–201; Oregon Social National School Safety Center (NSSC), 199–200
Learning Center (OSLC), 210; Rochester National Youth Survey (NYS), 200–201
Youth Development study, 236–238; Native Americans and juvenile violence,
Sampson & Laub’s analysis of Glueck’s 201–202
data, Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), 13, Neglect, 1–3
101, 103, 119, 196, 250, 287, 292 Neurological theories, 203–205
Measuring school violence, Center for the Nevin, Rick, 16
Prevention of School Violence, 28–29; New Jersey v. T.L.O.
National School Safety Center (NSSC), New York Houses of Refuge, 205–206
199–200; Safe and Drug Free Schools Act, News, 242, 206
244; School Crime Victimization Survey, News and juvenile violence, 206–207
245–246 “Nonconformist”, 79
Media and juvenile violence, and film, 79–80, Nonviolent, 42, 73, 222
184; music, 191–193; news, 206–207; rural
juvenile violence, 242; sensationalism, 6, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
31–32, 90; television, 162–163, 280–282; Prevention (OJJDP), 14, 53, 101, 208, 250,
victims, 288–290 261, 265, 279
Medical, 40, 52, 203, 261 Offense, 35, 39, 187,
Menendez, Erik and Lyle, 290–291 Offense cases, 299
Mentoring, 69, 187–189, 229 Officials, 25, 72, 276
Merton, Robert, 8–10, 70, 249, 265 Open circle, 46
Metal detectors, 271 Operation Ceasefire, 21–22, 90, 208–209,
Methamphetamines, 189–190, 264 310–311
Micro-level, 240, 248 Operation Hammer, 83
Minimal brain damage (MBD), 203–204 Opinion, 56, 167, 216
Minorities and juvenile violence, African Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC), 210
Americans, 5–6, 75, 85–86; 172; Asians, Orphan trains, 36
12–13, 85–86; Hispanics, 129–130; Native
Americans, 201–202 Parens patriae, 66, 137, 144, 151, 154, 155,
Mobilization for youth, 10, 72 159, 164, 166, 205, 211–212
Moffitt, Terrie, 65 Park, Robert, 255–256
Monitoring the Future (MTF), 40, 190–191, 219 Parole, 43
Monoamine oxidase, 11 Parricide, 290
Music, 124, 266, 281 Pathway, 63, 64, 254
Music and juvenile violence, 191–193 Patrol, 87, 216, 247
Pattern, 59, 70, 254
National Association for the Advancement of Peaceable schools, 42, 47, 212–213
Colored People (NAACP), 6 People ex rel v. Turner,
National Center for Juvenile Justice, 194–195 Perception, 38, 241, 297
National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Personality, 78
195–196 Personality theories, 213–215
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), Petition, 35, 234
15, 118, 129, 168, 196–197, 245, 287, 292 Piaget, Jean, 41–42
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Police antigang units, 311
167, 191, 197–198 Police gang units, 86–88, 90
National Incident Based Reporting System Police Youth Leagues, 69
(NIBR), 125 Policing juveniles, 215–217
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), 198–199 Politics, 6
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 265 Population, 75, 216

Pornography, 251 27–28; corporal punishment, 1, 51–52, 273;

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 59 Andrew Golden and Mitchell Johnson,
Poverty, 37, 79, 238 115–117; Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,
Power-control theory, 104, 217–218, 263 123–125; hazing, 14, 104, 127–1281; in loco
Prescription drugs, 191, 219, 302 parentis,138–139; Kip Kinkel, 177–178,
Prevention, 21, 67, 184, 188 302; Barry Loukaitis, 183–185, 291; Kayla
Pride surveys, 220 Rolland, 238–239; T.J. Solomon, 258–260;
Probation, 43, 131, 140, 221–223 systemic violence, 46, 212–213, 272–274;
Problem behavior syndrome (PBS), 223–225 Jeff Weise, 301–303; Andy Williams,
Proclivity, 16, 243, 271 304–306; Luke Woodham, 306–307; Andy
Program, 29, 33, 279, 310 Wurst, 291, 307–309
Prominent episodes, 242 School violence interventions, and conflict
Prosecutor, 67, 294 resolution, 42, 45–47, 213; metal detectors,
Prothrow-Stith, Deborah, 227 271; peaceable schools, 42, 47, 212–213;
Psychiatric testimony, 307 school police officers, 216, 246–248, 271;
Psychoanalysis, 49–50 surveillance, 138, 270–272
Psychodynamic theory, 225–226 Seductions of crime theory, 248–249
Psychological theories, 82 Sensitivity, 140, 288
Public, 29, 40, 56 Service, 27, 33, 229, 233
Public health approach, 226–228 Sexual abuse, 1–3
Sexual harassment, 95, 98, 102, 103–104
Quantum Opportunities Program, 229–230 Sexual violence, assault/rape, 172; rates of,
250; types of, 250–252
Race, 10, 31, 246, 277, 288 Shakur, Sanyika, 15
Rates of juvenile violence, and aging out, 7; Shaw, Clifford, 32–33, 255–257
chronic 6 percent, 39, 61–62, 214, 222; Significant cases, Brazil, Nathaniel, 22–24;
gun-related violence, 118–119; sexual Central Park jogger, 30–32; Glen Ridge,
violence, 172, 250–252 New Jersey, 104, 113–114, 264; Menendez
Rational choice theory, 82, 231–232 brothers, 290–291; Spur Posse, 104,
Recidivism, 139, 234 262–264; Lionel Tate, 275–277; Heath
Reckless, Walter, 50 Wilkins, 302–304
Responsibility, 57, 287, 302 Significant court cases,
Atkins v. Virginia,56;
Restitution, 141, 233–234, 235, 295 Brown v. Board of Education,75, 164;
Restorative justice, 141, 235–236, 296 Commonwealth v. Fisher. 154;Eddings v.
Restoring Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP), Oklahoma,56, 303;Ex parte Crouse,211;
46–47, 212–213 Goss v. Lopez, and In re Gault,164, 167;
Risk factor, 59, 77 In re Winship,167;Kent v. U.S,164, 303;
Robbery, 196 Leopold and Loeb case, 157; McKeiver v.
Rochester Youth Development study, 236–238 Pennsylvania,167–168;People ex rel v.
Rolland, Kayla, 238–239 Turner,149;Roper v. Simmons, 56, 303;
Roper v. Simmons, 56, 303 Stanford v. Kentucky,56, 303;Thomson v.
Routine activities theory, 133, 239–241 Oklahoma,56, 303;
Rural juvenile violence, 241–243 Sikes, Gini, 42
Simon, Rita, 181–182
Safe and Drug Free Schools Act, 244 Simple assault, 13–14
Sampson & Laub’s analysis of Gluecks’ data, Situational crime prevention, 252–253
Scared straight programs, 232 Skinheads, 85
Schall v. Martin,144 Social bond theory/social control theory, 23, 50,
School Crime Victimization Survey, 245–246 104, 107, 164, 168, 254, 278
School police officers, 216, 246–248, 271 Social class and juvenile violence, Educational
School violence, ADD/ADHD, 1, 3–4, 204, opportunity and juvenile violence, 75–76,
291; Asians, 12–13; Michael Carneal, 130, 204; Family relations and juvenile

violence, 59, 77–78, 297; Homelessness and biosocial theories, 18–20; cognitive theories,
juvenile violence, 132–134 40–42; conflict theories, 47–49, 81, 168;
Social Darwinism, 34, 285–286 control theories, 49–51; cultural deviancy
Social development model, 253–255 theory, 81; delinquency and drift theory,
Social disorganization theory, 23, 70, 82, 104, 57–58, 164, 277; delinquency as problem
255–257, 265 solving, 59–61; developmental theories, 41,
Social learning theories, 133, 254, 257–258, 281 63–66; differential association theory, 57,
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 34 68–72, 82, 104, 107, 164, 254, 278, 281;
Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, differential association-reinforcement, 164;
Socio-environmental, 223 differential identification theory, 70, 164,
Solomon, T.J., 258–260 281; differential opportunity theory, 9,
Soldiers, 92, 161 70–72, 266; expectancy-value theory, 41–42;
Specialized courts, 260–262 general and specific deterrence, 55,
Spencer, Herbert, 34 105–107, 109, 231, 271; general strain
Spur Posse, 104, 262–264 theory (GST), 107–109; general theory of
Stanford v. Kentucky,56, 303 crime (GTC), 51, 109–110; genetic theories,
Stimulants, 264–265 110–113; interactionist theories, 142–143;
Strain theory, 8–10, 70, 82, 104, 133, 168, labeling theory, 48, 82; 164, 168, 179–180;
249, 265 neurological theories, 203–205; personality
Strike force, 21, 22, 209, 310 theories, 213–215; power-control theory,
Students, 7, 17, 75, 238, 278, 301 104, 217–218, 263; problem behavior
Subcultural theories, 133, 164, 265–267 syndrome, 213–125; psychodynamic theory,
Suburban juvenile violence, 267–269, 305 225–226; psychological theories, 82;
Suburbanization, 287 rational choice theory, 82, 231–232; routine
Suicide, 117, 121, 138, 169, 174, 175, 201, activities theory, 133, 239–241; seductions
269–270 of crime theory, 248–249; social bond
Supergangs 85 theory/social control theory, 23, 50, 104,
Superpredators 14, 172 107, 164, 168, 254, 278; social development
Supervise, 221 model, 253–255; social disorganization
Surveillance in schools, 138, 270–272 theory, 23, 70, 82, 104, 255–257, 265; social
Sutherland, Edwin, 68–72, 255–257, 278 learning theories, 133, 254, 257–258, 281;
Sykes, Gresham, 57–58 strain theory, 8–10, 70, 82, 104, 133, 168,
Sykes, Gresham and Matza, David, 57–58,164 249, 265; subcultural theories, 133, 164,
Systemic violence in schools, 46, 212–213, 265–267; techniques of neutralization, 57, 95,
272–274 263, 277–278; trait theories, 142, 282–283
Third-degree murder, 309
Tarde, Gabriel, 257 Thomson v. Oklahoma, 56, 303
Tate, Lionel, 275–277 Thornberry, Terrence, 237
Task force, 208, 226, 252, 310 Tinker v. Des Moines ,2
Techniques of neutralization, 57, 95, 263, Training, 44, 47, 210
277–278 Trait theories, 142, 282–283
Technology, 88, 131, 203 Twin studies, 11, 111
Teen courts, 188, 261, 279–280 Types of juvenile violence, assault, 13–15, 103,
Television and juvenile violence, 162–163, 182; bullying, 24–26, 305; gun-related violence,
280–282 118–121, 168–170; hate crimes, 125–126;
Televised wrestling activity, 276 sexual violence, 172, 250–252; suicide, 117,
The Key Program, 73 121, 138, 169, 174, 175, 201, 269–270
Theories on juvenile violence, abuse, 33–34,
55, 203, 251, 297; age-graded theory, 63–64, Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), 13, 101, 103,
244–245; anomie/strain theory, 8–10, 70, 82, 119, 196, 250, 287, 292
104, 133, 168, 249, 265; arousal theory, United States Department of Justice (USDOJ),
10–12; biochemical theories, 16–18, 81; 87, 118, 208, 285

Urban juvenile violence, 285–287 Wealth, 34, 153, 231

Urbanization, 286 Website, 246
Weise, Jeff, 301–303
Venable, Jon, and Thompson, Robert, 296–297Wilderness camps, 45
Vicious attacks, 158 Wilkins, Heath, 302–304
Victims of juvenile violence, and adults as, Williams, Andy, 304–306
190–192; juveniles as, 292–294; media, Wilson, James, 231
288–290; treatment of, 235–236, 294–296; Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin, 39, 61–62,164
very young as, 296–298 Woodham, Luke, 306–307
Video, 70, 199, 275, 288 Wurst, Andy, 291, 307–309
Violence, 6, 12, 123, 284 Wurst, Catherine, 308
Violent behavior, 28, 169, 251
Violent crimes, 277 Youthful Offender System (Colorado),
Violent material, 191 311–312
Vitamins and juvenile violence, 16–17 Youth Student Movement, 188
Youth Violence Strike Force, 21–22, 90, 209,
Waivers, 23, 55, 106, 164, 175, 183, 275, 286, 310–311
291, 299–300
Wallace, John, 190 Zero tolerance laws, 25, 138, 172, 227, 287,
Warning, 28, 123, 239 313–315
War on poverty, 72 Zuckerman, Marvin, 11

Celene Andreanois a student at Florida Atlantic University seeking a bachelor’s degree in

sociology. She is a graduate of Broward Community College and currently resides in
Broward County, Florida. Her work experience includes fine arts teacher, environmental
engineering assistant, and legal assistant.

Joanne Ardovini is an associate professor in the College of Human Services at Metropolitan

College of New York. She has written on issues such as juvenile boot camps, media portrayal
of rape, feminist methods, and violence against women. Her book,
It’s Cold and Lonely Here
at the Middle: Discrimination against Female Graduate Teaching Assistants
(2003), explores
issues of classroom climate and discrimination. In 2004, Dr. Ardovini won the United Who’s
Who of Executives and Professionals.

Sarah Boslaughis a senior statistical data analyst at the Washington University School of
Medicine. Her research interests focus on contextual influences on human behavior. In 2005
she publishedAn Intermediate Guide to SPSS Programming: Using Syntax for Data
Management(Sage Publications) and is currently writing Secondary Data Sources for Public
Health: A Practical Guidefor Cambridge University Press and editing Encyclopedia
the of
Epidemiologyfor Sage Publications.

Mindy S. Bradley is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminal

Justice at the University of Arkansas and a 2004 Ph.D. graduate of Pennsylvania State
University. Her research focuses on the organization and experiences of stigmatized groups; she
is currently involved in studies of victimization and deviant behavior among sexual minorities.

Dale J. Brookeris assistant professor of criminal justice at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine.
His research interests include the reentry process for inmates and the effect of the incarcera-
tion process on families and children. He has recent publications dealing with women in the
reentry process and correctional education.

Ben Brown is associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Texas at

Brownsville, where he teaches courses on criminological theory, research methodology, and
policing. His research has been published in a number of journals, including
Crime and
Delinquency, Criminal Justice Policy Review, Policing: An International Journal of Police
Strategies and Management,and Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice

Bill Bush is a visiting assistant professor in the Department of History, University of

Nevada-Las Vegas.

Kelly Cheesemanis a Ph.D. student at Sam Houston State University and is employed by
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice—Correctional Institutions Division as the unit cul-
ture profile coordinator. She is a coauthor for the book The Death Penalty: Constitutional
Issues and Case Briefsand has also published in other criminal justice journals.

Jean-Philippe Dedieuis a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en

Sciences Sociales (France). In 2004, he was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship at the University
of California at Berkeley. Apart from his contribution to the
Encyclopedia of Twentieth-
Century African History,edited by par Dickson Eyoh et Paul Zeleza (London & New York:
Routledge, 2002), he has published “L’intégration des avocats africains dans les barreaux
français,” Droit et Société. Revue Internationale de Théorie du Droit et de Sociologie
Juridique, 56/57, 2004, pp. 209–230.

Adam Doran has been a police officer in Kansas for four years. He is currently completing
a B.A. in sociology from Fort Hays State University. He specializes in creative, narrative, and
research writing.

Kristin Emanuel describes herself as a late-blooming, newly graduated English major with
ten compositions that will someday be published.

Ruth Erken received her M.A. from the University of Cologne in Germany, where she
studied education, sociology, and psychology. Her work focuses largely on human rights,
comparisons of international education, intracultural studies, and multi-problem families.
She is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Ulm in Germany working on a dissertation
comparing Tibetan and Bhutanese torture victims in India and Nepal.

Laura L. Finley, editor and contributor, earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from Western
Michigan University in 2002. She currently teaches sociology courses at Florida Atlantic
University, and does training for a domestic violence agency in Broward County, Florida.
She has co-authored two books, is under contract to write two others, and has written numer-
ous journal articles, encyclopedia entries, and book chapters.

Peter S. Finleyis professor of sport administration in the H. Wayne Huizenga School of

Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University. He has coauthored a book on
student privacy rights and has another coauthored book due to be published in the fall of 2006.

Sekou Franklin is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at Middle

Tennessee State University. His research focuses on social movements, civil rights policy,
and intergenerational politics. He has also researched statewide and locally based movements
seeking to reform juvenile justice systems throughout the country. His research on juvenile
justice was supported by a grant from the W.T. Grant Foundation.

Erika Gebo is an assistant professor of sociology at Suffolk University in Boston. Her

research interests and publications are in the areas of juvenile justice, family violence, and
juvenile and family policy and evaluation.

Patricia Hylton Grant is assistant professor and coordinator of the criminal justice program at
Virginia Commonwealth University’s Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs.

Georgen Guerrero is an assistant professor of criminal justice at Stephen F. Austin State

University and a criminal justice doctoral candidate at Sam Houston State University, where
his area of specialization is criminology. Through the years he has taught several courses in
criminal justice, such as Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Justice, Criminology, Penology,
Social Deviance, Community Based Corrections, the History of Criminal Justice,
Correctional Procedural Law, Ethics and Morality, and many others. His primary research
interests include incarcerated offenders, ethics in criminal justice, and criminal deviance. He
is a member of several local and national criminal justice organizations, including the
American Society of Criminology, the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice, and the
Texas Association of Criminal Justice Educators.

Dave D. Hochsteinis an assistant professor of psychology at Wright State University Lake

Campus, Celina. His research interests include memory for spatial location and the mnemonic
characteristics of computerized augmentative and alternative communication systems.

Arthur Holst received his Ph.D. in political science from Temple University. He is a govern-
ment affairs manager for the City of Philadelphia and teaches in the MPA Program at
Widener University. He has written extensively on politics, public administration, history,
and the environment.

Martin Kich is a professor of English at Wright State University—Lake Campus in Ohio.

Robyn Diehl Lacksis an assistant professor at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government
and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University.

Joanne McDanielis a chief of staff of the North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention (NCDJJDP). Prior to her current role, she served as the director
of NCDJJDP’s Center for the Prevention of School Violence. Her work in the arena of school
safety included research about school resource officers, safe schools planning, and compre-
hensive safe school programming.

J. Mitchell Miller is an editor of the Journal of Criminal Justice Education

and chair at the
University of Texas, San Antonio.

Monir Hossain Moni is currently a doctoral student in the fellowship program at the
Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. He is on
study leave from his position as assistant professor of social sciences at the University of
Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. His area of specialization is Asia-Pacific studies, and, in line
with his research interests, he contributed a number of research articles to international
refereed journals. His book-length publication titled “Japan in the New Era: Some Salient
Political and Social Aspects” has also been awarded generous support by the Japan

Carla R. Monroe is a codirector of the Spencer Foundation-funded study

Adolescents in a Black Suburb in the U.S. South: A Social Study of Schooling, Identity, and

Achievementbased at the University of Georgia. Dr. Jerome Morris serves as the study’s
principal investigator. Her work is published in the Journal of Teacher Education
Educational Horizons, and the Journal of Moral Education

David R. Montague is an assistant professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the

University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He holds a B.A. from Morehouse College, an
M.A. from George Washington University, and earned his Ph.D. from Howard University.
His research and teaching interests include drugs, public policy, national security, and social

Melanie Moore is a professor of sociology at the University of Northern Colorado. Her

research publications are varied, including articles about juvenile delinquency, value change,
gender prejudice, and family. In 1998, she received the College of Arts and Sciences
Teaching Excellence Award.

Allison Wright Munro is a Ph.D. student in American studies at the University of Texas at
Austin. Her research interests include youth culture, crime and punishment, girls’ culture,
and sports culture. Her M.A. thesis included an ethnographic study of girls’ cheerleading and
an examination of the history of cheerleading and its impact on American culture.

Glenn W. Muschert is an assistant professor of sociology and the criminology program

coordinator at Miami University. His research interests include school shootings, child
abductions, and mass media coverage of high-profile crimes. In 2002, he earned his doctor-
ate in sociology at the University of Colorado at Boulder, after he served an appointment in
the Law and Society Department at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

Caryn Neumann earned a B.A. and an M.A. from Florida Atlantic University. She is
currently a lecturer in the Department of History at Ohio State University.

Evaristus Obinyan earned his Ph.D. from the University of South Florida in 2005. He is
currently at Fort Valley State University in Georgia.

Mike Olivero received his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University in 1990. He is currently a
full professor in the Department of Law and Justice at Central Washington University and
served as a consultant with EPIC Youth Services in Yakima, Washington, working with at-
risk youth and their families.

Nicolle Parsons-Pollardis an assistant professor in the criminal justice program in the

L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth

Wendy Perkins is the violent crime resource specialist for the Indiana Coalition Against
Sexual Assault and is a doctoral student in the Division of Criminal Justice at the University
of Cincinnati. She is currently conducting a study on routine screening for violence by
physicians. Her research interests include adult and juvenile violent victimization and police
decision-making. She has been recognized locally and nationally for excellence in law
enforcement and victim advocacy.

Edward L. Powers is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Central

Arkansas. His current research interests include peer influence, chronic offending, and
deviant identity formation.

Dionne R. Puseygraduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science in

Clothing Textiles and Merchandising in the spring of 2001. In 2005, she went back to school
to complete her minor in sociology from Florida Atlantic University in preparation for enter-
ing a Master’s in Sociology program.

Monica L. P. Robbersis an associate professor of criminal justice and the chair of the crim-
inal justice and forensic science programs at Marymount University in Arlington, VA. She
has written numerous articles and chapters on delinquency, the death penalty, strain theory,
and school violence.

Brion Sever is a professor of criminal justice at Monmouth University.

Paula Smith is an assistant professor of human development at the University of Utah’s

Department of Family & Consumer Studies.

James Steinbergis an associate professor of sociology at Wright State University–Lake

Campus in Ohio. His writing ranges from topics in delinquency, science, and modern
Chinese history.

Leonard Steverson is an assistant professor of criminal justice at Valdosta State


Sharon Thiel is a graduate student of sociology and a teaching assistant at Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton. Her research interests include power struggles and inequality within

Angela Winkler Thomas has currently completed all the requirements for a Ph.D. in history
at the University of Iowa except the dissertation. She serves on the editorial board of
Cognitio: A Graduate Humanities Journal
. Her dissertation, “Can German Youth Be Saved?:
Juvenile Delinquency and Re-education in British Occupied Germany,” explores the inter-
section of crime, education, and reconstruction in postwar Germany.

Emily I. Troshynski has her Master’s in Sociology from the London School of Economics
and is currently a graduate student within the Criminology, Law and Society Department at
the University of California, Irvine. She is interested in transnational crime, critical criminol-
ogy, and feminist theory.

Aviva Twersky-Glasner has an M.A. and an M.Phil. She is also a doctoral candidate in
criminal justice at the graduate center of the City University of New York.

Michael G. Vaughn is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work at the University
of Pittsburgh. Publications have focused on adolescent substance abuse, juvenile offenders,
and theories of antisocial behavior.

Lorenn Walker is a Hawai’i-based public health educator. Since 1996 she has been design-
ing, implementing, and evaluating restorative justice (RJ) practices for adults and juveniles
through prisons, courts, police, schools, and public housing communities. Currently, she is
working with homeless youth and prison inmates, applying new RJ practices that she

Jeffrey A. Walsh is an assistant professor of criminal justice at Illinois State University.

He teaches courses in Juvenile Justice and studies predatory crimes and community struc-
tural correlates of crime.

Kelly Welch is an assistant professor of sociology at Villanova University where she teaches
in the criminal justice program. Her research interests include criminological theory, race and
crime, social justice, and the sociology of punishment.

LaVerne McQuiller Williams obtained her J.D. from Albany Law School and her M.S. in
Criminal Justice from Buffalo State College. She is an assistant professor of criminal justice
at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Her research interests include therapeutic justice
and intimate partner victimization. Prior to joining the RIT faculty, she was an assistant
district attorney specializing in sexual assault and domestic violence cases.

April C. Wilson contributed five entries for this volume. No biographical information is

William R. Wood is completing a Ph.D. in sociology at Boston College. His current research
focuses on restorative juvenile justice. He also studied at the Union Theological Seminary in
New York City, where he completed an M.Div in Religious History and Ethics.

Robert Worley is an assistant professor at the University of Texas, Permian Basin and a
former prison guard with the Texas prison system. His research interests include white-collar
crime, qualitative methods, and capital punishment.

Emily Wright is a graduate student in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University
of Cincinatti. Her interests are in juvenile psychopathy and the implications for sentencing
and assessment, as well as juvenile waivers.

Douglas L. Yearwoodis director of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center.
In addition to government reports, he has published articles and book reviewsJustice
Research and Policy, Criminal Justice Policy Review, Journal of Family Violence, American
Journal of Police, African American Male Research, Journal of Gang Research, FBI Law
Enforcement Bulletin, The Criminologist, Federal Probation, Police Chief,
and American
Jails. He is a coauthor, with James Klopone and Michael Vasu,Effective
of program prac-
tices for at-risk youth: A continuum of community-based programs
published by the Civic
Research Institute. He also serves as the current president of the Justice Research and
Statistics Association.

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