Pima Indians Diabetes Database Analysis - Kaggle
Pima Indians Diabetes Database Analysis - Kaggle
Pima Indians Diabetes Database Analysis - Kaggle
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1/27/2019 Pima Indians Diabetes Database Analysis | Kaggle
Luis Bronchal
Exploratory Data Analysis [EDA]
Data loading and cleaning
Variable analysis
Correlation between variables
Univariable analysis
Machine learning model
Baseline model
Improving baseline model
Feature importance analysis
Explanatory models
Predictive model
Model comparasion
Next things to try
This is an analysis of the Pima Indians Diabetes Database, obtained from Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/pima-
diabetes-database) It is a small dataset with missing values. We have used imputation techniques and tryied some exp
(classification tree and linear regression) and predictive models (random forest and xgboost)
registerDoMC(cores = detectCores() - 1)
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It looks like there aren’t explicit missing values, but if we see in detail we can see some biological measurements have
dataset, and that’s impossible:
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1/27/2019 Pima Indians Diabetes Database Analysis | Kaggle
Let’s see how many rows are affected with this problem:
[1] 234
[1] 0.3046875
biological_data[biological_data<=0] <- NA
dat[, names(biological_data)] <- biological_data
We have very few data and we can’t get rid off these rows. We are going to try to impute missing data.
Report analysis Code Data Log Comments
Let’s see the proportion of the outcome output.
X0 X1
0.6510417 0.3489583
Let’s see the correlation between numerical variables. There are variables which are highly correlated. That’s the case
Univariable analysis
for (x in 1:(ncol(dat)-1)) {
univar_graph(names(dat)[x], dat[,x], dat, dat[,'Outcome'])
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There are variables with high right skew (Insulin, DiabetesPedigreeFunction, Age) and other with high left skew like Blo
Baseline model
Let’s create a baseline model. We’ll see later if it is necessary to improve it.
dindex <- createDataPartition(dat$Outcome, p=0.7, list=FALSE)
train_data <- dat_original[dindex,]
test_data <- dat_original[-dindex,]
We are going to impute the missing data in training and testing set separately.
X0 X1
350 188
Prediction X0 X1
X0 129 29
X1 21 51
Accuracy : 0.7826
95% CI : (0.7236, 0.8341)
No Information Rate : 0.6522
P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1.156e-05
Kappa : 0.5094
Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.3222
Sensitivity : 0.6375
Specificity : 0.8600
Pos Pred Value : 0.7083
Neg Pred Value : 0.8165
Prevalence : 0.3478
Detection Rate : 0.2217
Detection Prevalence : 0.3130
Balanced Accuracy : 0.7488
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'Positive' Class : X1
X0 vs. X1 0.8595833
The accuracy is not quite bad , but this is not the best metric in this case.
The auc has a value of 0.8595833
The F1 score is 0.6710526
The recall (Sensitivity) is quite bad 0.6375
Next things to consider in order to build a better model than these baseline one:
We have to think about the features to include in the model, because some are highly correlated (we can try PCA,…
We have to work with the unbalanced problem (oversampling, synthetic cases,…)
We can try different machine learning models
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boruta_results <- Boruta(Outcome~., train_data)
All the variables are important except BloodPressure. Glucose is the most important one.
If we see the correlation matrix between variables, we can see some correlation, but they are below 0.75 , so that’s coh
Boruta and it looks like we can’t ride off any feature:
findCorrelation(correlat, cutoff=0.75)
We are going to use a different aproach. We are going to recursively explore which are the best feature set for a linear
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From this approach it looks like that all features are needed.
We are going to try explanatory models: logistic regression and classification trees.
Explanatory models
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.7007 -0.7340 -0.4207 0.7024 2.4104
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.831720 0.114078 -7.291 3.08e-13 ***
Pregnancies 0.359195 0.127200 2.824 0.004745 **
Glucose 1.125086 0.149146 7.544 4.57e-14 ***
BloodPressure 0 006958 0 124510 0 056 0 955433
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BloodPressure 0.006958 0.124510 0.056 0.955433
SkinThickness 0.043982 0.145204 0.303 0.761969
Insulin -0.102950 0.134696 -0.764 0.444682
BMI 0.510131 0.154228 3.308 0.000941 ***
DiabetesPedigreeFunction 0.314418 0.114818 2.738 0.006174 **
Age 0.153331 0.130900 1.171 0.241452
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The more relevant feature related with diabetes is Glucose, followed by BMI, Pregnancies and DiabetesPedigreeFuncti
Prediction X0 X1
X0 132 35
X1 18 45
Accuracy : 0.7696
95% CI : (0.7097, 0.8224)
No Information Rate : 0.6522
P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 7.748e-05
Kappa : 0.4656
Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.02797
Sensitivity : 0.5625
Specificity : 0.8800
Pos Pred Value : 0.7143
Neg Pred Value : 0.7904
Prevalence : 0.3478
Detection Rate : 0.1957
Detection Prevalence : 0.2739
Balanced Accuracy : 0.7212
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'Positive' Class : X1
We achieve some better results that with the baseline model, but not very good ones:
Predictive model
note: only 7 unique complexity parameters in default grid. Truncating the grid to 7 .
Prediction X0 X1
X0 122 28
X1 28 52
Accuracy : 0.7565
95% CI : (0.6958, 0.8105)
No Information Rate : 0.6522
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Kappa : 0.4633
Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1.000000
Sensitivity : 0.6500
Specificity : 0.8133
Pos Pred Value : 0.6500
Neg Pred Value : 0.8133
Prevalence : 0.3478
Detection Rate : 0.2261
Detection Prevalence : 0.3478
Balanced Accuracy : 0.7317
'Positive' Class : X1
Model comparasion
We are going to compare these models over the training and resampling data:
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This is the correlation between models. This info can be used if we decide to combine some models to build a stacked
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We are going to see the models results when they are applied over the test data:
Sensitivity F1 AUC
results_glm 0.6375 0.6710526 0.8595833
results_glmnet 0.5625 0.6293706 0.8586667
results_rpart 0.6375 0.6071429 0.7812500
results_rf 0.6375 0.6500000 0.8317500
results_xgbTree 0.4500 0.5413534 0.8252917
results_knn 0.5625 0.5625000 0.7662917
Simple logistic regression looks like to be the best model here: best sensitivity, F1 score and AUC.
We have developed some explanatory models (classification tree and linear regression). They show us what are the mo
factors in order to have a person diabetes. Predictive models should be improve prediction performance but they don’t
outstanding results.
This kernel has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.
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Code This kernel has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.
1 ---
2 title: "Pima Indians Diabetes Database Analysis"
3 author: "Luis Bronchal"
4 date: "March 12, 2017"
5 knit: (function(inputFile, encoding) {
6 out_dir <- '../output';
7 rmarkdown::render(inputFile,
8 encoding=encoding,
9 output_file=file.path(dirname(inputFile), out_dir, 'analysis.html'))
11 output:
12 html_document:
13 theme: lumen
14 toc: true
15 html_notebook: default
16 ---
18 ```{r setup, include=FALSE}
19 knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment=NA, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)
20 ```
22 # Summary
24 This is an analysis of the *Pima Indians Diabetes Database*, obtained from [Kaggle](https://
25 It is a small dataset with missing values. We have used imputation techniques and tryied som
28 # Exploratory Data Analysis [EDA]
30 ```{r}
31 library(needs)
32 needs(ggplot2,
33 dplyr,
34 corrplot,
35 gridExtra,
36 rpart.plot,
37 e1071,
38 mice,
39 DMwR,
40 pROC,
41 caTools,
42 caret,
43 doMC)
45 registerDoMC(cores = detectCores() - 1)
46 ```
48 ## Data loading and cleaning
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50 ```{r}
51 dat <- read.csv("../input/diabetes.csv")
52 ```
54 ```{r}
55 str(dat)
56 ```
58 ```{r}
59 dat$Outcome <- factor(make.names(dat$Outcome))
60 ```
62 Let's take a look to the data:
63 ```{r}
64 summary(dat)
65 ```
67 It looks like there aren't explicit missing values, but if we see in detail we can see some
68 impossible:
70 ```{r}
71 biological_data <- dat[,setdiff(names(dat), c('Outcome', 'Pregnancies'))]
72 features_miss_num <- apply(biological_data, 2, function(x) sum(x<=0))
73 features_miss <- names(biological_data)[ features_miss_num > 0]
74 features_miss_num
75 ```
77 Let's see how many rows are affected with this problem:
78 ```{r}
80 rows_errors <- apply(biological_data, 1, function(x) sum(x<=0)>1)
81 sum(rows_errors)
82 ```
84 These are a lot of rows. It is more than 30% of the dataset:
85 ```{r}
86 sum(rows_errors)/nrow(dat)
87 ```
91 ```{r}
92 biological_data[biological_data<=0] <- NA
93 dat[, names(biological_data)] <- biological_data
94 ```
96 We have very few data and we can't get rid off these rows. We are going to try to impute mis
99 ```{r}
100 dat_original <- dat
101 dat[,-9] <- knnImputation(dat[,-9], k=5)
102 ```
106 ## Variable analysis
108 ### Outcome
110 Let's see the proportion of the outcome output.
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112 ```{r}
113 prop.table(table(dat$Outcome))
114 ```
116 It is quite unbalanced with twice cases of non diabetes.
118 ### Correlation between variables {.tabset}
120 Let's see the correlation between numerical variables.
121 There are variables which are highly correlated. That's the case of Age for example.
123 ```{r}
124 correlat <- cor(dat[, setdiff(names(dat), 'Outcome')])
125 ```
128 #### Correlation matrix
129 ```{r}
130 corrplot(correlat)
131 ```
133 #### Data
134 ```{r}
135 correlat
136 ```
138 ## Univariable analysis
141 ```{r}
142 univar_graph <- function(univar_name, univar, data, output_var) {
143 g_1 <- ggplot(data, aes(x=univar)) + geom_density() + xlab(univar_name)
144 g_2 <- ggplot(data, aes(x=univar, fill=output_var)) + geom_density(alpha=0.4) + xlab(univa
145 grid.arrange(g_1, g_2, ncol=2, top=paste(univar_name,"variable", "/ [ Skew:",skewness(univ
146 }
148 for (x in 1:(ncol(dat)-1)) {
149 univar_graph(names(dat)[x], dat[,x], dat, dat[,'Outcome'])
150 }
151 ```
153 There are variables with high right skew (Insulin, DiabetesPedigreeFunction, Age) and other
155 # Machine learning model
157 ## Baseline model
159 Let's create a baseline model. We'll see later if it is necessary to improve it.
162 ```{r}
163 set.seed(1234)
164 dindex <- createDataPartition(dat$Outcome, p=0.7, list=FALSE)
165 train_data <- dat_original[dindex,]
166 test_data <- dat_original[-dindex,]
167 ```
169 We are going to impute the missing data in training and testing set separately.
171 ```{r}
172 mice_train_mod <- mice(train_data[, features_miss], method='rf', seed=1234, printFlag = FALS
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173 mice_test_mod <- mice(test_data[, features_miss], method='rf', seed=1234, printFlag = FALSE)
174 ```
176 ```{r}
177 train_data[, features_miss] <- complete(mice_train_mod)
178 test_data[, features_miss] <- complete(mice_test_mod)
179 ```
182 The training set contains both possible cases and it is unbalanced.
183 ```{r}
184 table(train_data$Outcome)
185 ```
187 Let's try a logistic regression model with all the features
189 ```{r}
190 fitControl <- trainControl(method = "cv",
191 number = 10,
192 classProbs = TRUE,
193 summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)
194 ```
196 ```{r}
197 model_glm <- train(Outcome~.,
198 train_data,
199 method="glm",
200 metric="ROC",
201 tuneLength=10,
202 preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
203 trControl=fitControl)
204 ```
206 ```{r}
207 pred_glm <- predict(model_glm, test_data)
208 cm_glm <- confusionMatrix(pred_glm, test_data$Outcome, positive="X1")
209 cm_glm
211 ```
213 ```{r}
214 pred_prob_glm <- predict(model_glm, test_data, type="prob")
215 roc_glm <- roc(test_data$Outcome, pred_prob_glm$X1)
216 colAUC(pred_prob_glm$X1, test_data$Outcome, plotROC = TRUE)
217 ```
219 We can see the result of this baseline model:
221 - The accuracy is not quite bad `r model_glm$overall['Accuracy']` , but this is not the best
222 - The auc has a value of `r auc(roc_glm)`
223 - The F1 score is `r cm_glm$byClass['F1']`
224 - The recall (Sensitivity) is quite bad `r cm_glm$byClass['Sensitivity']`
226 Next things to consider in order to build a better model than these baseline one:
228 - We have to think about the features to include in the model, because some are highly corre
229 - We have to work with the unbalanced problem (oversampling, synthetic cases,...)
230 - We can try different machine learning models
232 ## Improving baseline model
234 We can decide to build an explanatory model or a highly predictive model.
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235 We will try both cases:
237 ### Feature importance analysis
239 We are going to use the Boruta technique to find the most relevant features
240 Let's take a look to see if there are unimportant variables with Boruta technique:
242 ```{r}
243 library(Boruta)
244 boruta_results <- Boruta(Outcome~., train_data)
245 boruta_results
246 plot(boruta_results)
247 ```
249 All the variables are important except BloodPressure. Glucose is the most important one.
251 If we see the correlation matrix between variables, we can see some correlation, but they ar
252 it looks like we can't ride off any feature:
253 ```{r}
254 findCorrelation(correlat, cutoff=0.75)
255 ```
258 We are going to use a different aproach. We are going to recursively explore which are the b
260 ```{r}
261 caretFuncs$summary <- twoClassSummary
262 rfe_ctl <- rfeControl(functions=caretFuncs,
263 method = "cv",
264 number = 10,
265 returnResamp="final",
266 verbose = FALSE)
267 ```
269 ```{r}
270 rfe_glm <- rfe(train_data[ , setdiff(names(dat), 'Outcome')],
271 train_data$Outcome,
272 sizes=c(1:8),
273 rfeControl=rfe_ctl,
274 method="glm",
275 metric = "ROC",
276 preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
277 trControl = fitControl)
278 ```
280 It looks like that one of the features (SkinThickness) can be ommited
281 ```{r}
282 rfe_glm
283 predictors(rfe_glm)
284 ```
286 ```{r}
287 plot(rfe_glm, type=c("g", "o"))
288 ```
290 From this approach it looks like that all features are needed.
292 We are going to try explanatory models: logistic regression and classification trees.
294 ### Explanatory models {.tabset}
296 #### Logistic Regression with regularization
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298 We used as baseline model a Logistic Regresion. We can see there that:
299 ```{r}
300 summ_model_glm <- summary(model_glm$finalModel)
301 summ_model_glm
302 ```
304 The model shows which are the most relevant features:
306 ```{r}
307 coef_glm <- summ_model_glm$coefficients %>%
308 as.data.frame() %>%
309 mutate(Feature=rownames(summ_model_glm$coefficients)) %>%
310 filter(Feature != "(Intercept)")
313 ```
315 ```{r}
316 coef_glm %>% filter(`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.05) %>% arrange(`Pr(>|z|)`)
317 ```
319 The more relevant feature related with diabetes is Glucose, followed by BMI, Pregnancies and
322 It looks like that one of the features (SkinThickness) can be ommited
323 ```{r}
324 rfe_glm
325 predictors(rfe_glm)
326 ```
330 ```{r}
331 model_glmnet <- train(Outcome~.,
332 train_data,
333 method="glmnet",
334 metric="ROC",
335 tuneLength=20,
336 preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
337 trControl=fitControl)
338 ```
340 ```{r}
341 pred_glmnet <- predict(model_glmnet, test_data)
342 cm_glmnet <- confusionMatrix(pred_glmnet, test_data$Outcome, positive="X1")
343 cm_glmnet
344 ```
346 ```{r}
347 pred_prob_glmnet <- predict(model_glmnet, test_data, type="prob")
348 roc_glmnet <- roc(test_data$Outcome, pred_prob_glmnet$X1)
349 ```
351 We achieve some better results that with the baseline model, but not very good ones:
352 ```{r}
353 cm_glmnet$byClass
354 ```
356 #### Clasiffication trees
358 ```{r}
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359 model_rpart <- train(Outcome~.,
360 train_data,
361 method="rpart",
362 metric="ROC",
363 tuneLength=20,
364 trControl=fitControl)
365 ```
367 ```{r}
368 pred_rpart <- predict(model_rpart, test_data)
369 cm_rpart <- confusionMatrix(pred_rpart, test_data$Outcome, positive="X1")
370 cm_rpart
371 ```
373 ```{r}
374 pred_prob_rpart <- predict(model_rpart, test_data, type="prob")
375 roc_rpart <- roc(test_data$Outcome, pred_prob_rpart$X1)
376 ```
378 This is the best model at the moment:
379 ```{r}
380 cm_rpart$byClass
381 ```
383 ```{r}
384 rpart.plot(model_rpart$finalModel, type = 2, fallen.leaves = T, extra = 2)
385 ```
387 This is coherent with the results of the linear regression model. For people with high Gluco
390 ### Predictive model {.tabset}
392 #### Random Forest
394 ```{r}
395 model_rf <- train(Outcome~.,
396 train_data,
397 method="ranger",
398 metric="ROC",
399 tuneLength=20,
400 trControl=fitControl)
401 ```
403 ```{r}
404 pred_rf <- predict(model_rf, test_data)
405 cm_rf <- confusionMatrix(pred_rf, test_data$Outcome, positive="X1")
406 cm_rf
407 ```
409 ```{r}
410 pred_prob_rf <- predict(model_rf, test_data, type="prob")
411 roc_rf <- roc(test_data$Outcome, pred_prob_rf$X1)
412 ```
415 ```{r}
416 cm_rf$byClass
417 ```
420 #### XGBOOST
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422 ```{r}
423 xgb_grid_1 = expand.grid(
424 nrounds = 50,
425 eta = c(0.03),
426 max_depth = 1,
427 gamma = 0,
428 colsample_bytree = 0.6,
429 min_child_weight = 1,
430 subsample = 0.5
431 )
432 model_xgbTree <- train(Outcome~.,
433 train_data,
434 method="xgbTree",
435 metric="ROC",
436 tuneGrid=xgb_grid_1,
437 trControl=fitControl)
438 ```
440 ```{r}
441 pred_xgbTree <- predict(model_xgbTree, test_data)
442 cm_xgbTree <- confusionMatrix(pred_xgbTree, test_data$Outcome, positive="X1")
443 cm_xgbTree
444 ```
446 ```{r}
447 pred_prob_xgbTree <- predict(model_xgbTree, test_data, type="prob")
448 roc_xgbTree <- roc(test_data$Outcome, pred_prob_xgbTree$X1)
449 ```
451 We get not a great result:
452 ```{r}
453 cm_xgbTree$byClass
454 ```
456 #### KNN
458 ```{r}
459 model_knn <- train(Outcome~.,
460 train_data,
461 method="knn",
462 metric="ROC",
463 tuneGrid = expand.grid(.k=c(3:10)),
464 trControl=fitControl)
465 ```
468 ```{r}
469 pred_knn <- predict(model_knn, test_data)
470 cm_knn <- confusionMatrix(pred_knn, test_data$Outcome, positive="X1")
471 cm_knn
472 ```
474 ```{r}
475 pred_prob_knn <- predict(model_knn, test_data, type="prob")
476 roc_knn <- roc(test_data$Outcome, pred_prob_knn$X1)
477 ```
479 ```{r}
480 cm_knn$byClass
481 ```
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483 ### Model comparasion
485 We are going to compare these models over the training and resampling data:
487 ```{r}
488 model_list <- list(GLM=model_glm, GMLNET=model_glmnet , RPART=model_rpart, RF=model_rf, XGBO
489 resamples <- resamples(model_list)
490 bwplot(resamples, metric="ROC")
491 ```
494 This is the correlation between models. This info can be used if we decide to combine some m
496 ```{r}
497 model_cor <- modelCor(resamples)
498 model_cor
499 corrplot(model_cor)
500 ```
502 We are going to see the models results when they are applied over the test data:
504 ```{r}
505 results_glm <- c(cm_glm$byClass['Sensitivity'], cm_glm$byClass['F1'], roc_glm$auc)
506 results_glmnet <- c(cm_glmnet$byClass['Sensitivity'], cm_glmnet$byClass['F1'], roc_glmnet$au
507 results_rpart <- c(cm_rpart$byClass['Sensitivity'], cm_rpart$byClass['F1'], roc_rpart$auc)
508 results_rf <- c(cm_rpart$byClass['Sensitivity'], cm_rf$byClass['F1'], roc_rf$auc)
509 results_xgbTree <- c(cm_xgbTree$byClass['Sensitivity'], cm_xgbTree$byClass['F1'], roc_xgbTre
510 results_knn <- c(cm_knn$byClass['Sensitivity'], cm_knn$byClass['F1'], roc_knn$auc)
512 results <- data.frame(rbind(results_glm, results_glmnet, results_rpart, results_rf, results_
513 names(results) <- c("Sensitivity", "F1", "AUC")
514 results
515 ```
517 Simple logistic regression looks like to be the best model here: best sensitivity, F1 score
520 # Conclusion
522 We have developed some explanatory models (classification tree and linear regression). They
524 # Next things to try
526 - Try different imputation techniques
527 - Split dataset into training, validation and testing set in order to find optimal threshold
528 - Try different machine learning models
529 - Build a stacked model
531 # Reference
533 - [Missing values](http://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-handle-missing-values-in-machine
534 - [Imputation kernel inspiration](https://www.kaggle.com/hinchou/d/uciml/pima-indians-diabet
535 - [Feature selection](http://machinelearningmastery.com/feature-selection-with-the-caret-r-p
Data Sources
Pima Indians Diabetes Database
Pima Indians Diabetes Database Predict the onset of diabetes based on diagnostic mea
Last Updated: 2 years ago (Version 1)
diabetes.csv 768 x 9
About this Dataset
This dataset is originally from the National Institute of Diabetes and
Kidney Diseases. The objective of the dataset is to diagnostically pre
not a patient has diabetes, based on certain diagnostic measuremen
the dataset. Several constraints were placed on the selection of thes
from a larger database. In particular, all patients here are females at
old of Pima Indian heritage.
The datasets consists of several medical predictor variables and one
Outcome . Predictor variables includes the number of pregnancies t
had, their BMI, insulin level, age, and so on.
Smith, J.W., Everhart, J.E., Dickson, W.C., Knowler, W.C., & Johannes,
Using the ADAP learning algorithm to forecast the onset of diabetes
Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications and Medic
-265). IEEE Computer Society Press.
Can you build a machine learning model to accurately predict wheth
patients in the dataset have diabetes or not?
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Comments (8)
All Comments Hot
Luis, nice work. When looking to your analysis of missing vales (for instance blood pressure cannot be z
same for BMI) you documented the remediation by invoking some function (kmi…) could you please ela
bit further?
You have to deal with the missing data. There are different approaches to do this. I have trie
KNN imputation (with the function knnImputation) to do a first analysis, but it is possible to
techniques (it is the first thing in the section 'Next things to try' of my report).
Here you can see an interesting intro about this subject:
the unit of insulin 2 hour serum test is muU/ml. can anybody tell me the normal range in order to differe
towards the diabetic prone person. i am able to find insulin test data in mg/dl or mol/l. so i am unable to
kindly help me either in conversion of muU/ml to mg/dl or mol/l, or kindly tell me the range of muU/ml
Luis Bronchal Kernel Author • Posted on Latest Version • 2 years ago • Options
I am not an expert on this business domain, so I can't help you with that.
Beautiful work! :)
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