Plastics: Siddhartha Veliganti/ Baba Sharat Chandra L

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Siddhartha Veliganti/ Baba Sharat Chandra L

17.DFM/ A

2 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Course Objectives

• Basic understanding of plastics.

• Types of plastics their characteristics and applications.
• Understanding the different types of molds and molding
• Understanding various design considerations and design

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• The wo rd plastic s is fro m the Gre e k wo rd Plastikos,
m e aning “able to be shape d and m o lde d”.
• Plastic is the general common term for a wide range of
synthetic or semi synthetic organic amorphous solid
materials used in the manufacture of industrial
• Plastics are typically polymers of high molecular mass ,
and may contain other substances to improve
performance and/ or reduce costs. .
• Plastic can be molded into an almost infinite variety of
shapes, so yo u can find it in toys, cups, bottles, utensils,
wiring, cars, even in bubble gum. Plastics have
revolutionized the world.

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Origins of Plastics - synthetic plastics.
• The m ain so urc e o f synthe tic plastic s is crude

• Coal and natural gas are also used.

• Petrol, paraffin, lubricating oils and high

petroleum gases are bi- products, produced
during the refining of crude oil.

• These gases are broken down into

monomers. Monomers are chemical
substances consisting of a single molecule.

• A process called Polymerisation occurs

when thousands of monomers are linked
together. The compounds formed as called

• Combining the element carbon with one or

more other elements such as oxygen,
hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine and nitrogen
makes most polymers.

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The re are two m ajo r c lassific atio ns o f Plastic s

1. Thermoplastics :
 The se plastic s so fte n whe n he ate d and harde n whe n c o o le d – pro c e sse s that
are to tally re ve rsible and m ay be re pe ate d. The se m ate rials are no rm ally
fabric ate d by the sim ultane o us applic atio n o f he at and pre ssure .
 The rm o plastic m ate rials c o nsist o f individual m o le c ule s, pro pe rtie s o f
the rm o plastic s are large ly influe nc e d by m o le c ular we ight. Fo r instanc e ,
inc re asing the m o le c ular we ight o f a the rm o plastic m ate rial inc re ase s its
te nsile stre ngth, im pac t stre ngth, and fatigue stre ngth
 Co m m o n the rm o plasts are : Ac rylic s, PVC, nylo ns, po lypro pyle ne , po lystyre ne ,
e tc .

Granule s Pro duc ts

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2. Thermosets:
 The se plastic s re quire he at and pre ssure to m o ld the m into shape . The y are
fo rm e d into a pe rm ane nt shape and c ure d o r ‘se t’ by c he m ic al re ac tio ns suc h
as e xte nsive c ro ss- linking.

 The te rm The rm o se t im plie s that he at is re quire d to pe rm ane ntly se t the

plastic .

 The y c anno t be re - m e lte d o r re fo rm e d into ano the r shape but de c o m po se

upo n be ing he ate d to to o high a te m pe rature . Thus The rm o se ts c anno t be
re c yc le d, whe re as the rm o plasts c an be re c yc le d.

 Epo xie s, vulc anize d rubbe rs, phe no lic s, unsaturate d po lye ste r re sins, and
am ino re sins (ure a's and m e lam ine 's) are e xam ple s o f the rm o se ts.

Granule s Pro duc ts

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 Plastic s c an pro vide the fo llo wing advantage s fo r pro duc t de signe rs and m anufac ture rs:

 De sign Fle xibility

 High Stre ngth and To ughne ss Co rro sio n Re sistanc e

 Re duc e d Manufac turing Co sts

 Alm o st Any Co lo r o r Surfac e Te xture

 Wate rpro o f

 Stiffne ss o r Duc tility

 Lo w We ight

 High Manufac turing Thro ughput

 High Re pro duc ibility o f Parts

 Ele c tric al Insulatio n

 The rm al Insulatio n

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 Plastic s have the fo llo wing disadvantage s:

 Lo w stre ngth

 Lo w use ful te m pe rature range (up to 60 0 o F)

 Le ss dim e nsio nal stability o ve r pe rio d o f tim e (c re e p e ffe c t)

 Aging e ffe c t, harde ns and be c o m e brittle o ve r tim e

 Se nsitive to e nviro nm e nt, m o isture and c he m ic als

 Po o r m ac hine ability

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 Ac rylo nitrile Butadie ne Styre ne (ABS)

 Ac rylic (po ly- m e thyl- m e thac rylate )

 Fluo ro c arbo ns (PTFE o r TFE )

 Po lyam ide (PA) o r Nylo n

 Po lyc arbo nate (PC)

 Po lye thyle ne (PE)

 Po lypro pyle ne (PP)

 Po lystyre ne

 Po lye ste r (PET o r PETE)

 Po lyvinyl Chlo ride (PVC)

 Po lyure thane (PU)

 Epo xie s & Phe no lic s

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a. The rm o plastic s

 Ac rylo nitrile - butadie ne - styre ne (ABS):

ABS is pro duc e d by a c o m binatio n o f thre e m o no m e rs: Ac rylo nitrile ,

butadie ne , and styre ne . Eac h o f the m o no m e rs im part diffe re nt pro pe rtie s,

Charac te ristic s:
» O utstanding stre ngth and to ughne ss,
» Go o d e le c tric al pro pe rtie s and re sistanc e to he at disto rtio n
» Flam m able and so luble in so m e o rganic so lve nts.

Applic atio ns:

» Auto m o tive (instrum e nt and inte rio r trim pane ls, glo ve
c o m partm e nt do o rs, whe e l c o ve rs m irro r ho usings, e tc .)
» Re frige rato rs, sm all applianc e ho usings and po we r to o ls applic atio ns
(hair drye rs, ble nde rs, fo o d pro c e sso rs, lawnm o we rs, e tc .)
» Te le pho ne ho usings, type write r ho usings, type write r ke ys
» Re c re atio nal ve hic le s suc h as go lf c arts and je t skis.

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 Ac rylic s (po ly- m e thyl- m e thac rylate ):

Ac rylic is a use ful, c le ar plastic that re se m ble s glass, but has pro pe rtie s that m ake it
supe rio r to glass in m any ways. Co m m o n brands o f high- grade ac rylic inc lude Po lyc ast,
Luc ite and Ple xi glass

Charac te ristic s:
» O utstanding light transm issio n and re sistanc e to we athe ring
» O nly fair m e c hanic al pro pe rtie s.

Applic atio ns:

» Auto m o tive (signal light de vic e s, instrum e nt
pane ls)
» Me dic al (blo o d c uve tte s)
» Industrial (vide o disc s, lighting diffuse rs, display she lving)
» Co nsum e r (drinking tum ble rs, statio ne ry ac c e sso rie s)

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 Fluo ro c arbo ns (PTFE o r TFE ):

Fluorocarbons, sometimes referred to as per- fluorocarbons, are organo-

fluorine compounds that contain only carbon and fluorine bonded together in
strong carbon– fluorine bonds.

» Che m ic ally ine rt in alm o st all e nviro nm e nts, e xc e lle nt e le c tric al
pro pe rtie s.
» Lo w c o e ffic ie nt o f fric tio n
» Re lative ly we ak and po o r c o ld- flo w pro pe rtie s.

Applic atio ns:

» Antic o rro sive se als, c he m ic al pipe s and valve s
» Be arings
» Anti adhe sive c o atings
» High te m pe rature e le c tro nic parts.

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 Po lyam ide s (nylo ns):

A polyamide is a polymer containing monomers of amides joined by peptide

bonds. They can occur both naturally and artificially, examples being proteins,
such as wool and silk, and can be made artificially through step- growth
polymerization, examples being nylons, aramids, and sodium poly(aspartate).
Polyamides are commonly used in textiles, automotives, carpet and
sportswear due to their extreme durability and strength.

Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic polymers known

generically as polyamides.

» Go o d m e c hanic al stre ngth, abrasio n re sistanc e , and to ughne ss.
» Lo w c o e ffic ie nt o f fric tio n
» Abso rbs wate r and so m e o the r liquids.

Applic atio ns:

» Be arings, ge ars, c am s, bushings, handle s, and
jac ke ting fo r wire s and c able s.

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 Po lyc arbo nate s:

Polycarbonate is a versatile, tough plastic used for a variety of applications,

from bulletproof windows to compact disks (CDs). The main advantage of
polycarbonate over other types of plastic is unbeatable strength combined
with light weight.

» Dim e nsio nally stable
» Lo w wate r abso rptio n and Transpare nt
» Ve ry go o d im pac t re sistanc e and duc tility

Applic atio ns:

» Safe ty he lm e ts, le nse s light glo be s, base fo r pho to graphic film .

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 Po lye thyle ne :

Polyethylene is chemically synthesized from molecules that contain long

chains of ethylene, a monomer that provides the ability to double bond with
other carbon- based monomers to form polymers.

» Che m ic ally re sistant and e le c tric ally insulating
» To ugh and re lative ly lo w c o e ffic ie nt o f fric tio n
» Lo w stre ngth and po o r re sistanc e to we athe ring.

Applic atio ns:

» Fle xible bo ttle s, to ys, tum ble rs, batte ry parts,
ic e trays, film wrapping m ate rials.

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 Po lypro pyle ne :

Polypropylene is a plastic polymer, of the chemical designation C3H6. It is

used in many different settings, both in industry and in consumer goods. It can
be used both as a structural plastic and as a fiber.

» Re sistant to he at disto rtio n
» Exc e lle nt e le c tric al pro pe rtie s and fatigue
stre ngth
» Che m ic ally ine rt, re lative ly ine xpe nsive
» Po o r re sistanc e to UV light.

Applic atio ns:

» Ste rilize d bo ttle s, pac kaging film , TV c abine ts, luggage ,
Bum pe rs, garde n furniture , auto m o bile parts

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 Po lystyre ne :

Polystyrene is a type of polymer with thermoplastic properties produced from the

petroleum- derived monomer, styrene. In solid form, polystyrene is a colorless and rigid
plastic. However, this material may also be returned to a liquid state by heating and used
again for molding or extrusion.

» Exc e lle nt e le c tric al pro pe rtie s and o ptic al c larity
» Go o d the rm al and dim e nsio nal stability
» Re lative ly ine xpe nsive

Applic atio ns:

» Wall tile , batte ry c ase s, to ys, indo o r lighting pane ls,
applianc e ho usings.

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 Po lye ste r (PET o r PETE):

Polyester is a manufactured product made from synthesized polymers. It tends to be very

resilient, quick drying, resistant to biological damage such as mold and mildew, easy to
wash, and able to hold forms well. While polyester is often maligned as a textile, it has
many useful applications.

Polyester is not just a textile. It is made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the same
material used to make plastic drink bottles. Many drink bottles are recycled by being
reheated and turned into polyester fibers, which in addition to being an efficient use, also
helps keep polymers out of landfills.

» One o f the to ughe st o f plastic film s
» Exc e lle nt fatigue and te ar stre ngth, and re sistanc e
to hum idity ac ids, gre ase s, o ils and so lve nts

Applic atio ns:

» Magne tic re c o rding tape s, c lo thing, auto m o tive tire c o rds,
be ve rage c o ntaine rs.

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 Po lyvinyl Chlo ride (PVC):

Polyvinyl chloride, better known as PVC or vinyl, is an inexpensive plastic so versatile it

has become completely pervasive in modern society. The list of products made from
polyvinyl chloride is exhaustive, ranging from phonograph records to drainage and
potable piping, water bottles, cling film, credit cards and toys.

Polyvinyl chloride is produced from its monomer, vinyl chloride. PVC is a hard plastic that
is made softer and more flexible by the addition of phthalates. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a
flexible or rigid material that is chemically non reactive.

» Co m patibility with m any diffe re nt kinds o f additive s,
m aking it a highly ve rsatile po lym e r
» PVC is intrinsic ally fire re tardant
» Exc e lle nt e le c tric al insulatio n pro pe rtie s
» Go o d we athe r re sistanc e

Applic atio ns:

» Nuts, filte rs, signs, tanks, pipe s, bo lts, valve s, bushings,
tank and po o l line rs, labo rato ry e quipm e nt duc ts,
sprinkle r syste m s, wall c o ve rings, pum p parts, fittings

20 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

 Po lyure thane (PU):

Polyurethane is an incredibly resilient, flexible, and durable manufactured

material that can take the place of paint, cotton, rubber, metal, and wood in
thousands of applications across all fields. Polyurethane might be hard, like
fiberglass, squishy like upholstery foam, protective like varnish, bouncy like
rubber wheels, or sticky like glue.Polyurethane is a unique material that offers
the elasticity of rubber combined with the toughness and durability of metal.

» Abrasio n re sistant
» O il and so lve nt re sistant, Lo ad be aring c apac ity
» Te ar & We athe r re sistant
» High fle x- life

Applic atio ns:

» Be lts, Me tal fo rm ing pads, We ar strips, Bum pe rs, Be llo ws
» Mac hine ry m o unts, So und- dam pe ning pads
» Pro to type m ac hine d parts, Fo am , Gaske ts, Se als

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b. Thermosets

 Epo xie s:

Epoxy or polyepoxide is a thermosetting polymer formed from reaction

of an epoxide "resin" with polyamine "hardener". Epoxy has a wide range
of applications, including fiber- reinforced plastic materials and general
purpose adhesives.

» Exc e lle nt c o m binatio n o f m e c hanic al pro pe rtie s and c o rro sio n
re sistanc e
» Dim e nsio nally stable
» Go o d adhe sio n
» Re lative ly ine xpe nsive
» Go o d e le c tric al pro pe rtie s.

Applic atio ns:

» Ele c tric al m o ldings, sinks, adhe sive s, pro te c tive c o atings,
use d with fibe rglass lam inate s.

22 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Phenolics:

Phenolic is the name usually given to a resin made of phenol and an aldehyde.
It is used anywhere rigid materials are needed, particularly to create moldings
for consumer products, for some bearings, for insulation, and as a binder.

» Exc e lle nt the rm al stability to o ve r 150 o C
» May be c o m po unde d with a large num be r o f re sins, fille rs, e tc .
» Ine xpe nsive .

Applic atio ns:

» Mo to r ho using, te le pho ne s, auto distributo rs, e le c tric al fixture s

23 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


SMC or Sheet Molding Compound


 A fibe r glass re info rc e d the rm o se tting c o m po und in she e t fo rm , usually ro lle d

into c o ils inte rle ave d with plastic film to pre ve nt auto adhe sio n.

 Made by dispe nsing m ixe d re sin, fille rs, m aturatio n age nt, c atalyst and m o ld
re le ase age nt o nto two m o ving she e ts o f po lye thyle ne film .

 The lo we r o ne also c o ntains c ho ppe d glass ro ving o r glass m at. SMC c an be

m o lde d into c o m ple x shape s with little sc rap.

Advantage s

 Pro c e ssing o f SMC by c o m pre ssio n o r inje c tio n m o lding e nable s the
pro duc tio n o f bo dywo rk o r struc tural auto m o tive c o m po ne nts, and e le c tric al
o r e le c tro nic m ac hine ho usings in large industrial vo lum e s.

 The pro c e ss also pe ne trate s se c to rs suc h as sanitary ware (baths) and urban
furniture (stadium and c ine m a se ating) e tc

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SMC or Sheet Moulding Compound

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 Part Consolidation: A well designed composite part can easily eliminate the
assembly of many metal parts by allowing you to mold them as one complete
piece. In addition, inserts can be molded into the SMC material to aid in the
assembly process.

 Design Flexibility: Parts molded in polyester or vinylester composite materials can

reproduce almost any shape desired.

 Dimensional Stability: Products made from composite materials offer a greater

degree of dimensional stability when compared to thermoplastics, wood, and some

 Light Weight: Composite parts offer more strength per unit of weight than any un-
reinforced plastic and most metals.

 High Strength: Composite parts can be designed to provide a wide range of impact,
tensile, and flexural strength properties, depending on the specific requirements of
the application.

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 Corrosion Resistance: Composites do not rust or corrode, and offer various levels
of chemical and environmental resistance.

 Low Electrical and Thermal Conductivity: Composites can offer a wide range of
insulating properties to meet specific requirements for electrical and thermal

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DMC or Dough Molding Compound also called as BMC or Bulk Molding Compound


Molding compound consisting of thermosetting plastic resins mixed with stranded

reinforcement, fillers, and other additives. This viscous compound can be used for
compression or injection molding.

DMC is a combination of chopped glass strands with resin in the form of a bulk prep

BMC is suitable for either compression or injection molding.

Injection molding of BMC is used to produce complex components such as

1. Electrical equipment
2. Car components (headlamps are an important application for BMC)
3. Housings for electrical appliances
4. Tools, in large industrial volumes.

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BMC or Dough Moulding Compound

BMC Manufacturing Machine

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Technical Advantages:
 Ve ry rigid and stiffe r than the rm o plastic s
 Ability to inte grate all the ho using func tio ns.
 No m e c hanic al re wo rk ne e de d
 No paint: BMC c an be m ass c o lo ure d
 Re duc e d c yc le tim e c o m pare d to alum inum
 Lo nge r life o f BMC to o ls
 Dim e nsio nal stability and highe r pre c isio n c o m pare d to alum inum
 No ise re duc tio n : BMC has a dam pe ning e ffe c t o n vibratio ns

Economic Advantages:
 50 % to tal c o st savings in c o m pariso n to c ast alum inum

32 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

 Ve ry rigid and stiffe r than the rm o plastic s
 Dim e nsio nal ac c urac y
 Dim e nsio nal stability (c re e p re sistanc e ) o ve r a bro ad range o f te m pe rature s
 Go o d pro pe rty re te ntio n o ve r lo ng te rm / high te m pe rature c o nditio ns (age ing)
 Lo w the rm al line ar expansio n (sam e as ste e l)
 High m e c hanic al pro pe rtie s (stre ngth, stiffne ss and im pac t)
 Exc e lle nt e le c tric al pro pe rtie s
 De sign flexibility, thin to thic k variable c o m po ne nt se c tio ns
 Inse rts c an be inte grate d in the m o ulding pro c e ss
 Dire c t sc re w asse m bly witho ut pre vio us thre ading
 Co rro sio n re sistanc e in aggre ssive e nviro nm e nts inc luding so lve nts
 No n- m e lting, flam e re tardant , lo w sm o ke de nsity, lo w to xic ity and no halo ge ns
 Fire re sistant UL94 V- 0 ; glo w wire 960 0
 Custo m izing to m e e t spe c ific ne e ds, go o d spe e d to m arke t
 BMC c an be m ass c o lo ure d to m atc h c usto m e r spe c ific atio ns
 Lo we r m o uld c avity pre ssure
 Faste r c y cle tim e (at m e dium to high wall thic k ne ss)
 Mac hine wo rkability & Lo w c o st pe r litre Ability to inte grate all the ho using func tio ns.

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 Re sin transfe r m o lding (RTM) is a lo w pre ssure c lo se d m o lding pro c e ss fo r m o de rate
vo lum e pro duc tio n quantitie s, filling the gap be twe e n the slo w, c o ntac t m o lding
pro c e sse s and the faste r, c o m pre ssio n m o lding pro c e ss, whic h re quire s highe r
to o ling c o sts.

 Co ntinuo us strand m ats and wo ve n re info rc e m e nt is laid up dry in the bo tto m m o ld

half. Pre fo rm e d glass re info rc e m e nts are o fte n use d fo r c o m ple x m o ld shape s.

 The m o ld is c lo se d and c lam pe d, and a lo w visc o sity, c atalyze d re sin is pum pe d in,
displac ing the air thro ugh strate gic ally lo c ate d ve nts.

 Me te re d m ixing e quipm e nt is use d to c o ntro l re sin/ c atalyst ratio s that are m ixe d
thro ugh a m o tio nle ss/ static m ixe r and inje c te d into the m o ld po rt.

 Co m m o n m atrix re sins inc lude po lye ste r, vinyl e ste r, e po xy, and phe no lic s.

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 Auto bo dy pane ls

 Truc k air de fle c to rs

 Wind blade s

 Che m ic al sto rage tanks

 So lar c o lle c to rs (40 ft diam e te r, 36 parts)

 RV c o m po ne nts

 Pro pe lle rs

 Bathtub/ sho we r units

 Ante nna dishe s

 Chairs

 Swim po o l pane ls

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1. Compression Mould
2. Transfer Mould
3. Extrusion Mould
4. Injection Mould
5. Hot Runner Mould
6. Blow Mould

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Compression Moulding is one of three processes used to mold parts.

Compression molding is the oldest and simplest way to make products. In
some specific applications, compression molding is still the best way.

To put it simply, compression molding involves squishing a chunk of uncured

material into a pocket in the mould. After time, heat and pressure the material
cures in the shape of the pocket. The mold can then be opened and the part removed

Step # 1 - A piece of uncured material is placed in the mold.

Step # 2 & 3 - The mold is closed up and held under hydraulic pressure while the
material cures.

Step # 4 - When the mold opens the part can be removed. The excess material,
called flash, needs to be trimmed off the part.

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Compression Mould - Closed

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Advantages of Compression Molding

 Lo we st c o st m o lds

 Little "thro w away" m ate rial pro vide s advantage o n e xpe nsive c o m po unds
 O fte n be tte r fo r large parts

Disadvantages of Compression Molding

 O ffe rs le ast pro duc t c o nsiste nc y
 Diffic ult to c o ntro l flash
 No t suite d fo r so m e type s o f parts

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Transfer Molding involves having a "piston and cylinder"- like device built into the
mold so that the rubber may be squirted into the cavity through small holes.


Step # 1 - A piece of uncured material is placed into a portion of the mold called
the "pot." The plunger (on the top- most part of the mold) fits snugly into the "pot."
Step # 2 - The mold is closed up and under hydraulic pressure the material is
forced through the small hole (the ”sprue") into the cavity. The mold is held closed
while the material cures.
Step # 3 - The plunger is raised up and the "transfer pad" material may be
removed and thrown away. Mold is opened and the part can be removed. The
flash and the gate may need to be trimmed.

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Step # 1 - A piece of uncured material is placed into a portion of the mold

called the "pot." The plunger (on the top- most part of the mold) fits snugly into the
Step # 2 - The mold is closed up and under hydraulic pressure the material is
forced through the “cull” and to the gate into the cavity. The mold is held
closed while the material cures.
Step # 3 - The plunger is raised up, Mold is opened and the part can be
removed. The flash and the Cull may need to be trimmed.

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Advantages of Transfer Molding
 Pro vide s m o re pro duc t c o nsiste nc y than c o m pre ssio n m o lding
 Cyc le tim e s are sho rte r than c o m pre ssio n m o lding
 Be tte r than c o m pre ssio n m o lding fo r rubbe r- to - m e tal bo nding

Disadvantages of Transfer Molding

 The transfe r pad is sc rap
 Cyc le tim e is lo nge r than inje c tio n m o lding
 Pro duc t c o nsiste nc y is po o re r than inje c tio n m o lding

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Extrusion moulding is a method used to form thermoplastic materials into

continuous sheet film, tubes, rods, and other shapes, and to coat wiring and cable.

The process produces continuous two dimensional shapes like sheet, pipe, film,
tubing, gasketing, etc.

The material is fed into the extruder where it is melted and pumped out of the
extrusion die.

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Blowing molding is the primary method to form hollow plastic objects such as
soda bottles.

Blow molding is another common type of plastic molding. In this process a plastic
tubular form, produced by extrusion or injection molding, is used to form the part.
This form, called a parson, is softened inside a mold and then injected with air or
other compressed gas. This expands the parson against the sides of the mold
cavity, forming a hollow object the size and shape of the mold.

Step # 1 - The Parision is Extruded from injection Unit

Step # 2 - The mold is closed onto Parision and then the Parision is inflated
against the walls of the Mould by using a Air.
Step # 3 - The Mould is opened and the Part is collected

46 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Injection Molding is the most advanced typical method of molding plastic

products. Injection molding produces the most consistent results by automating all
aspects of how the material gets into the mold.

In injection molding, the material is worked and warmed and then squirted into the mold at
controlled speeds, pressures and temperatures.

Step # 1 - Mold is closed and clamped.

Step # 2 - A shot of melt is injected under high pressure into the mold cavity.
Step # 3 - The screw is rotated and retracted and the polymer in the mold has
completely solidified.
Step # 4 - The mold is opened, and the part is ejected and removed.

47 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Advantages of Injection Molding

 Pro vide s the m axim um pro duc t c o nsiste nc y

 Allo ws the m o st c o ntro l o f flash

 Be c ause the m ate rial is warm e d be fo re go in g into the m o ld, faste st c yc le

tim e s.

Disadvantages of Injection Molding

 No t suite d fo r all c o m po unds
 Mo st e xpe nsive m o lds
 Typic ally has so m e runne rs o r o the r "thro w away" po rtio n in e ac h sho t

48 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


49 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Locating Rings:
This part is fitted on to the front face of the mold to serve the purpose of
locating the mould in the correct position in alignment to the machine
nozzle and directly align the sprue bush hole.

Sprue Bush:
It is the connecting member between nozzle and the runner system. The
plasticized material is transferred to the impression through a passage
termed as a “Sprue”. The Sprue Bush radius is always more than the nozzle
radius to avoid leakage of plastic material.

Top Clamp Plate:

It is the top most part of the mould assembly and is used for clamping top
assembly on the machine platen.

50 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Cavity Plate (A Plate) :

This plate incorporates the cavity inserts and also help to
incorporate cooling media into the mold.

Guide Pillars:
The accurate mould assembly need the perfect alignment
between top half and bottom half at any point of time in a
mould cycle. The needed services is provided by guide pins
which guided into the guide bush in other half.

The space inside a mold into which material is injected. The
material injected will take the form of the cavity profile.

51 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



Over molding is an injection molding process using two separate moulds of which you
mould one material over another to create or touch appeal such as a
handle or knob.

52 Co nfide ntial Dell Services





53 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


This process produces a soft feel to the product as well

as improved impact properties and an increased value.


This process has been used for keycaps and buttons on

telephones and other products for many years. The molded in
graphics are embedded in the part and will not wear off
with use. Clear sections can be utilized with back lighting for
readability in dim or dark applications.


This application is relatively new to the plastics industry.

Using IMD, multiple colors and graphics can be added in
a single operation.

54 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Grabs c o nsum e r atte ntio n - a pro ve n c o nc e pt to build m arke t share

 Im pro ve d fe e l and appe aranc e
 Pro vide s a so ft grip o r fe e l
 Im pro ve d e rgo no m ic s
 Pro vide s a safe , tac tile grip in we t e nviro nm e nts
 Elim inate s / re duc e s asse m bly labo r
 Elim inate s ne e d fo r m e c hanic al faste ne rs and adhe sive s
 Ease o f c o lo r m atc h with no se c o ndary painting re quire d
 Im pro ve d im pac t re sistanc e
 Se aling in fluid e nviro nm e nt
 Pro vide s high fric tio n surfac e
 Vibratio n dam ping
 So und abso rptio n

55 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


The Gas Injection Technique (GIT) is a special injection molding method. After the
actual injection molding operation, a permanent cavity is created in the molding as a
second step by means of an inert compressed gas (nitrogen).

The plastic is pressed against the mold wall by maintaining the gas pressure during the
solidification process, thus defining the external contour of the component.

56 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Gre ate r de sign fre e do m (thic k- walle d, ro d- shape d parts po ssible )

 High de gre e o f rigidity due to large r c lo se d c ro ss- se c tio n pro file s

 Re duc tio n o f sink m arks and Unifo rm shrinkage and thus le ss disto rtio n

 Sho rte r c yc le tim e s as c o m pare d to thic k- walle d c o m pac t parts

 With ro d- shape d parts we ight savings o f up to appro x. 50 %


 Additio nal c o sts fo r gas, gas pre ssure syste m and inje c tio n de vic e

 Highe r expe nditure fo r quality assuranc e m ay be ne c e ssary

 Risk o f surfac e faults (e .g. switc ho ve r m arkings)

 Po ssibly gre ate r startup lo sse s with m o re c o m plex m o ldings

 Re stric tio ns in the se le c tio n o f m ate rial and with subse que nt m ate rial
c hange o ve rs

57 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Rotational or Roto molding is an extremely popular and well- used process for
producing items that are usually hollow.

 Use d fo r ve ry large artic le s whic h are usually m ade in sm all quantitie s.

 Ite m s suc h as c hildre n's to ys, garde n furniture are m anufac ture d by
ro tatio nal m o ulding.

Ro to m o lding use s PVC in paste (plastiso l) fo rm whic h is intro duc e d into the m o uld
alo ng with any additive s suc h as pigm e nts o r finishe rs. The m o uld is c lo se d and the n
spun bo th ve rtic ally and ho rizo ntally and m o ve d into an o ve n.
As the paste starts to m e lt and the m o uld c o ntinue s ro tating, it's flung to the walls o f
the m o uld by c e ntrifugal fo rc e whe re it fo rm s a skin. Afte r a fixe d pe rio d, the m o uld is
re m o ve d fro m the o ve n and allo we d to c o o l c are fully to avo id the pro duc t shrinking o r

58 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


The delivery system design has a great influence on the filling pattern
and thus the quality of the molded part.

The delivery system, which provides passage for the molten plastic
from the
machine nozzle to the part cavity, generally includes:

 A Sprue

 Co ld slug we lls

 A m ain runne r

 Branc h runne rs

 Gate s

59 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Re stric ts the flo w and the dire c tio n o f m o lte n plastic s.

 Sim plifie s c utting o f a runne r and m o ldings to sim plify finishing o f


 Q uic kly c o o ls and so lidifie s to avo id bac kflo w afte r m o lte n plastic s
has fille d up in the c avity.

 Ge ne rate s she ar he at by go ing thro ugh the narro w gate , raising the
te m pe rature o f m o lte n plastic s and im pro ving the filling in the c avity.

 Re duc e s re sidual stre ss, and thus re duc e s part de fe c t suc h as

warpage .

 As the c o o ling so lidific atio n tim e is sho rte ne d, m o lding c yc le is also

sho rte ne d.

 As the gate trac e is le ss, it is po ssible to c o m ple te finishing pro c e ss in

a sho rt tim e .

60 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 The Sprue gate is m ainly use d fo r c ylindric al parts

 The Parts are balanc e d and c o nc e ntric

 Have ve ry go o d we ld- line stre ngth

61 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

 The m o st c o m m o n gate .

 Put to the side o f parts.

 The gate trac e will be le ft.

 O fte n use d fo r the struc ture with m o re than two c avitie s.

62 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Suitable fo r large and flat plate parts.

 Finishing is diffic ult and c o st is high due to the wide gate .

 The gate trac e will be le ft.

63 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Suitable fo r m o lding m ultiple parts.

 The po sitio n is re lative ly fle xible .

 The struc ture is c o m plic ate d due to Thre e Plate m e tho d o f die .

64 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Suitable fo r Ro und Ho llo w parts.

 The part c o nsiste nc y is m o re ..

 The Mate rial lo ss is m o re .

65 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 The gate will be auto m atic ally c ut o ff during m o ld o pe ning.

 The po sitio n is fle xible (fro nt, side , o r bac k o f parts).

 The gate ne e ds to be tho ught abo ut no t to be le ft inside the

c avity.

66 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 Suitable fo r thin plate parts.

 Finishing is diffic ult and c o st is high due to the wide gate .

 The gate trac e will be le ft.

67 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Cold Slug Wells are highly desirable in an Injection Mold. The Cold Slug Well provides a
small reservoir (well) to trap air, and impurities before they enter the Runner, Gate and

A Cold Slug Well is located above the Sprue Puller Pin. Typically, as the runner changes
from a primary to secondary, and, secondary to tertiary there is
also a cold slug well at each intersection.

68 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Cooling time is by far the most dominate time consumer in the injection molding
cycle. A long cycle time means that the molder must charge more for the same part.

During Product Design we should use thermal analysis capabilities to specify

the cooling design for the tools.

The result will be a low cost tool that will run fast and keep your cost per part as low as

69 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Cooling channels or lines

Most commonly used cooling design. Cooling channels should be placed close to the
mold cavity surface with equal center distances in between.

70 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Baffle cooling

A baffle is actually a cooling channel drilled perpendicular to a main cooling line, with
a blade that separates one cooling passage into two semi- circular channels.

This design is used for core insert

71 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Bubbler cooling

A bubbler is similar to a baffle except that the blade is replaced with a small tube.

This design is used for slender core insert.

72 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Spiral Cooling

A spiral is similar to a bubbler except that the coolant flow in a spiral slots.

This design is used for long large core (above 40mm ).

73 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Thermal pins

This design is used for long slender core

A thermal pin is an alternative to baffles and bubblers. It is made of copper or sealed

cylinder filled with a fluid.

74 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Air Cooling

Air is blown at the cores from the outside during opening or flows through a central
hole from inside.

This design is used for very slender core (less than 5mm)

75 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

 Pro ble m s c an o c c ur at all stage s in the inje c tio n m o lding pro c e ss. The o rigins o f the se
pro ble m s are o fte n diffic ult to ide ntify thanks to the c o m ple x inte rre latio nship be twe e n
the m o lde d part and the m o uld.

 Suc c e ssful tro uble sho o ting sho uld be gin at the de sign stage no t o n the sho p flo o r so
that m istake s c an be ide ntifie d and re m e die d be fo re the y be c o m e c ritic al. As a part
de signe r it is a ve ry go o d Ide a to be aware o f yo ur o ptio ns in to o ling and to c o nside r
tho se while de signing yo ur part.

 Fo r e xam ple , have po te ntial gate lo c atio ns in m ind. Try to gue ss whe re knit line s will
o c c ur and ho w diffe re nt gate lo c atio ns will affe c t the m .

Are as whic h are c o nc e ntrate d during Pro duc t De sign to ge t a de fe c t fre e c o m po ne nt

76 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Dull discolored or whitish area on the surface of the part, usually at
the gate. May also occur where there is a sudden change in part

Discoloration usually black, brown or dark yellow/ brown depending
upon severity. Feels rough and crunchy. Most often seen in deep,
blind ribs where a lot of air can be forced into a small space.

Wavy or streaked appearance on part surface. Looks like a
fingerprint or small waves like you would see on the surface of
water. Low melt temperature, low injection speed or low injection

77 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Cold Slug
Cold piece of plastic that has been forced into the part along with the melt. Add a cold
slug well at each intersection in the runner

Foreign particles embedded in the part

Separation of plastic surface layer giving a flaking or onion skin effect. Due to
contaminated resin.

Cold Slug Contamination Delamination

78 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Deviation from the original intended color of the material as
compared to the manufacturers color Chip. Contaminated
resin / Overheated resin / Incorrect regrind ratio / Incorrect
color mixing or blending.

Smooth shiny areas on the part surface. Hard to fill areas.

Squiggly line in part pointing to gate. Looks like a worm in the
part. Incorrect gate placement or size. The gate is positioned in
such a manner as to aim the plastic straight into an open area.
The plastic launches out into the open like a piece of "silly
string" and then stacks up.

79 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Knit line
A line where the molten polymer flow fronts meet in the mold.
Incomplete adhesion occurs along the knit line and causes a
weak point in the plastic part. Mould is not preheated to
molding temperature.

Pin push
Circular or semicircular white stress rings on the side of
the part opposite an ejector pin. May even be raised circular
bumps. Unpolished core or less draft on core side of
component. Inadequate ejector pins for ejection

Fine, straight lines scraped in the line of draw. Cavity Side
happens usually from insufficient draft for the texture. Core
side drag happens usually from inadequate draft, rough core,
or over packing.

80 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Sink Marks

 De pre ssio ns o r dim ple s in the part that are usually adjac e nt to thic k are as. In
c le ar parts, bubble s c an be se e n in thic k are as.

 As the plastic c o o ls it shrinks. If the re is an are a that is pro po rtio nally thic ke r
than the re st o f the part, the n the plastic will shrink m o re in the thic k spo t
c ausing it to c o llapse inward.

 Wall pe rpe ndic ular to ribs o r bo sse s that do n't c o nfo rm to the 66% rule.

 Inc o nsiste nt wall thic kne ss. i.e . thic k are as adjac e nt to thin are as.

81 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 The failure to m aintain flatne ss o f a plastic part that was inte nde d to be flat. Disto rtio n
fro m the inte nde d shape o f the plastic part.

 The c ause o f m o st part warpage is the shape o f the part itse lf. The patte rn, shape , and
thic kne ss o f ribs o n the part as the y unde rgo shrinkage have the gre ate st e ffe c t upo n
warpage .

 Pre se nt to so m e de gre e in m o st Inje c tio n m o lde d parts but m o st e asily de te c te d o n

large flat parts.

 Diffe re ntial m o ld c o o ling c an ge t yo u parts that are flatte r. Yo ur be st be t is to fo llo w the

66% rule and minimize rib height.

 Flat parts are m o re susc e ptible to warpage than c urve d parts.

82 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Parting Surface

Parting Surface is a line at which the two halves of mould meet and form a seal to
prevent the escape of material. The shape of the component, method of ejection, etc.
largely influence the selection of parting surface.

83 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Parting Surface

Avoid round edges along the parting line

84 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Parting Surface

Always look for simple tooling solutions

85 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Parting Surface

Always look for simple tooling solutions

86 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Parting Surface

Always look for simple tooling solutions

87 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Parting Surface

Always look for simple tooling solutions

88 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



In the production of plastic components melt is injected into the mold

cavity. After completion of the injection phase and the hold period the
molding is cooled down to the temperature for removal from the mold
during the cooling period. Due to physical factors, the plastic
component undergoes a dimensional change during the cooling
process that is specific to the material used. This dimensional change
is called shrinkage.

89 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Effects of Shrinkage in design

Wall thickness differences may lead to varying shrinkage behavior that is weaker
or stronger depending on the plastic used. In the case of semi- crystalline
materials, a large wall thickness results in slower cooling, which then leads to
greater shrinkage. The resulting shrinkage differences in the molding lead to
internal stresses in the molding, which are either absorbed through the inherent
rigidity of the structure or reduced through special processing conditions.

90 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Effects of Shrinkage in design

91 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


The purpose of draft is to first provide release from the cavity side of the mold upon
tool opening. Then upon ejection, draft allows instant release of the plastic part
without dragging. If plastic parts have completely vertical walls, drag marks will occur
on the plastic as it scrapes along the metal tool face. If money is no object vertical
faces may be obtained however with the use of slides and lifters

92 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Where should Design Consideration you give Draft ?

The answer is it should start from parting surface.

Draft must fall away from the parting lines on ALL vertical faces in the plastic part.
The widest point on the part is thus the parting line. The location of parting line and
subsequent application of draft to the plastic part are design decisions that affect both
the aesthetics and functionality of the part. These decisions should be made before the
part is sent to the mold maker if time to market is critical.

93 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

What is the correct draft angle?

The answer is it should start from parting surface.

Draft must fall away from the parting lines on ALL vertical faces in the plastic part.
The widest point on the part is thus the parting line. The location of parting line and
subsequent application of draft to the plastic part are design decisions that affect
both the aesthetics and functionality of the part. These decisions should be made
before the part is sent to the mold maker if time to market is critical.

0.0 degree:
Very small details under 0.040in tall that will get polished. The act of polishing will
apply some draft. Faces to be 100% relieved with side actions.
1/ 4 degree:
Emergency use only. Deep ribs, one internal side of a box where the other sides
have good draft, bosses ejected by sleeves.
1/ 2 degree:
Use sparingly and for good reason. Ribs, one internal side of a box, snaps, hooks, etc..
1.0 degree:
Standard draft, all features.
2.0 degree:
Standard draft, very light texture, cavity side to ensure good release.
3.0 degree:
Textured faces, faces that are in common with a shutoff.

94 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


What is the correct draft angle?

95 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


 The failure to apply draft to a CAD file be fo re se nding it to the m o ld m ake r

fo rc e s the m o ld de signe r to gue ss abo ut what the part de signe r inte nde d.
Fre que ntly the m o ld de signe r do e s no t e ve n kno w what yo ur part is.

 Tim e is c o nsum e d by so m e o ne unfam iliar with yo ur parts applying draft

arbitrarily witho ut kno wle dge o f yo ur m ating parts, she e t m e tal o r
c o m po ne nts.

 Fre que ntly yo ur m o ld de signe r is using a diffe re nt CAD pac kage and if he
se nd bac k a drafte d m o de l, it m ay be diffic ult fo r yo u to do a go o d
inte rfe re nc e analysis.

 Many to o l e ngine e rs will sim ply slap so m e draft o n and if the parts do n't fit,
its yo ur pro ble m .

 Whe n the m o ld is finishe d and yo ur parts do n't fit, tim e is lo st re wo rking the
to o l.

96 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


1. Use uniform wall thickness throughout the part.

This will minimize sinking, warping, residual stresses, and improve mold fill and
cycle times.

2. Use generous radius at all corners.

The inside corner radius should be a minimum of one material thickness.

3. Use the least thickness compliant with the process, material, or product design
Using the least wall thickness for the process ensures rapid cooling, short cycle
times, and minimum shot weight. All these result in the least possible part cost.

3. Use ribs or gussets to improve part stiffness in bending.

This avoids the use of thick section to achieve the same, thereby saving on part
weight, material costs, and cycle time costs.

4. Design parts to facilitate easy withdrawal from the mold by providing draft
(taper) in the direction of mold opening or closing.

97 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Wall thickness

The typical plastic part may be considered to have a shell type configuration with a
basic surface and features which are attached to it to meet functional

The actual determination of the wall thickness is based on a number of considerations.

Application Requirements
Structural requirements including strength, impact, fatigue or deflection.

The size of the part and the ability of the material to fill the furthest point can
determine the minimum wall

* From a cost standpoint, the thinnest wall utilizes the least material and results in the
fastest molding cycles.

98 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Influence of Wall Thickness

 Part c harac te ristic s

 Me c hanic al pe rfo rm anc e

 Co sm e tic appe aranc e

 Mo ldability

 Ec o no m y

Giving wall thic kne ss sho uld be c are fully c o nside re d in the de sign stage to avo id
e xpansive m o ld m o dific atio ns and m o lding pro ble m s in pro duc tio ns
The o ptim um thic kne ss is o fte n a balanc e be twe e n o ppo sing te nde nc ie s, like :

 Stre ngth Vs We ight

 Durability Vs Co st

99 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Wall thickness

10 0 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Wall thickness

10 1 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Wall thickness

10 2 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Wall thickness

10 3 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Wall thickness

10 4 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



Sharp corners greatly increase the stress concentration. This high amount of
stress concentration can often lead to failure of plastic parts.

High molded in stresses

Poor flow characteristics
Reduced mechanical properties
Increased tool wear
Surface appearance problems, (especially with blends).

Uniform cooling Crack due to Stress

Less warpage
Less flow resistance
Easier filling
Lower stress concentration
Less notch sensitivity.

No Crack due to Stress

10 5 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


What Radius should you give?

Standard tables for stress concentration factors are available and should be consulted
for critical applications.

As can be seen from the above chart, the stress concentration factor is quite high for
R/ T values less than 0.5. For values of R/ T over 0.5 the stress concentration factor gets

10 6 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Radius Should be?

 Radius sho uld be be twe e n 50 % o f the no m inal wall thic kne ss.

 If the part has a lo ad be aring func tio n the n the uppe r e nd is re c o m m e nde d.

 A m inim um radius o f 0.5m m is sugge ste d and all sharp c o rne rs sho uld be
bro ke n with at le ast a 0.125 m m radius.

10 7 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



10 8 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



Ribs increase the bending stiffness of a part. Without ribs, the thickness has to
be increased to increase the bending stiffness. Adding ribs increases the
moment of inertia, which increases the bending stiffness.

Functions of Ribs:

 The rib give s stiffne ss and stre ngth in m o lde d part witho ut
inc re asing o ve rall wall thic kne ss.

 Lo c ating and c aptivating c o m po ne nts o f an asse m bly.

 Pro viding alignm e nt in m atting parts.

 Ac ting as sto ps o r guide fo r m e c hanism s

10 9 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Rib design issues
 Thic kne ss
 He ight
 Lo c atio n
 Q uantity
 Mo ldability.

Rib Thickness:
Many fac to rs go into de te rm ining the appro priate rib thic kne ss. Be c ause thic k
ribs o fte n c ause sink and c o sm e tic pro ble m s o n the o ppo site surfac e o f the

110 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

If rib thickness is not a constraint but cosmetic

 The rib thic kne ss sho uld be le ss than the wall thic kne ss
 The thic kne ss range s fro m 40 to 60 % o f the m ate rial thic kne ss as
pe r 66% rule
 The rib sho uld be attac he d to the base with .125 X thic kne ss radius
at the c o rne rs and .5 de gre e draft sho uld be give n fo r e je c tio n,

111 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


What is 66% rule?

The divine 66% rule for ribs

The thickness of ribs should never exceed 66% of the nominal wall thickness.
If your ribs never exceed 50- 66% of nominal wall thickness you will never
have a problem with sink.

Sometimes you can get away with 66% to 75%

of nominal wall, but it is risky. Don't do it unless
you absolutely have to. If you do, be certain
that the area gets better than average plastic

Co nfide ntial Dell Services

What happens if we ignore 66% rule?

Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Rib Height?
Maximum rib height should not exceed 3 times the
nominal wall thickness as deep ribs become difficult
to fill and may stick in the mold during ejection.

Rib Location
The rib location is based on providing maximum
bending stiffness. Depending on orientation of the
bending load, with respect to the part geometry,
Ribs oriented one way increase stiffness. If oriented
the wrong way there is no increase in stiffness.

Co nfide ntial Dell Services
Rib Location

Another issue to be considered

If air is trapped, it will compress and create a burn mark on the rib, which
probably won’t fill anyway.
The best solution is to try to locate your ribs into the side walls or other
features to help convey the plastic and air through the part.
Another solution is to transition to a projection from the base wall with a
gusset or ramped rib.

Rib A will trap air in the top corner

Rib B has a better transition to the

base wall.

Rib C is the best since it's tied into

the side wall.

Co nfide ntial Dell Services
Rib Quantity

Rib Moldability
Ribs are preferably designed parallel to the melt flow as flow across ribs can
result in a branched flow leading to trapped gas or hesitation. Hesitation can
increase internal stresses and short shots.

Co nfide ntial Dell Services
Holes also are a major design element, The location of any holes may
significantly affect the part's overall strength. Trying to create a hole in the
side of a part is especially challenging, and the need for side holes should
be minimized in the initial design.

The Functions of the holes

1. The holes are given in molded parts to accommodate rivets or pins.
2. Locating and captivating components of an assembly.
3. Providing alignment in matting parts.

Hole spacing
The minimum spacing between two
holes or between a hole and side wall
should be one diameter.

Hole location
Holes should be located three
diameter or more from the edge of the
part to avoid excessive stress.

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Blind Holes

The depth of a blind hole should not exceed 3 times the diameter. For
diameters less than 5 mm this ratio should be reduced to 2.

Core pins supported by just one side of the mold tool create blind holes.
The length of the pins, and therefore the depth of the holes, are limited
by the ability of the core pin to withstand any deflection imposed on it
by the melt during the injection phase.

Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Blind Holes

For blind holes the thickness of the bottom

should be greater than 20% of the hole
diameter in order to eliminate surface defects
on the opposite surface. A better design is to
ensure the wall thickness remains uniform
and there are no sharp corners where stress
concentrations can occur.

Through holes

With through holes the cores can be longer

as the opposite side of the mold cavity can
support them. For through holes the length of
a given size core can be twice that of a blind
An alternative is to use a split core fixed in
both halves of the mold that have a gap equal
to wall thickness.

119 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Through holes

Another alternative is to use a split core fixed

in both halves of the mold that interlock
when the mold is closed.

In cases where even longer cores are

required, careful tool design is necessary to
ensure balanced pressure distribution on the
core during filling to limit deflection. Doing
this the core mismatch can be reduced

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Bosses are used for the purpose of

registration of mating parts or for attaching
fasteners such as screws or accepting
threaded inserts (molded- in, press- fitted,
ultrasonically or thermally inserted).

The divine 66% rule for bosses

The thickness of boss wall should never

exceed 66% of the nominal wall thickness

121 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

BOSS Design Standards
• Nominal boss wall thickness less than
66% nominal wall thickness.
• The boss height should be 3 times of
the wall thickness.
• The outer diameter should be within 2
to 2.4 times of internal diameter.
• A minimum radius of 25% the nominal
wall thickness or 0.4 mm at the base of
the boss is recommended to reduce
• The core pin should be given a radius
(min 0.25 mm) to reduce material
turbulence during filling and to help
keep stresses to a minimum.
• A minimum draft of 0.5 degrees is
required on the outside dimension and
inside also (if required) of the boss to
ensure release from the mold on

122 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


BOSS Design Standards

Greater wall sections for increased strength will increase molded- in stresses
and result in sink marks. So use this method.

Bosses located at corners can result in very thick walls causing sinks. Bosses
can be isolated using the techniques illustrated.

123 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


BOSS Design Standards

Alternative boss design can be used for bosses near a standing wall.

Strengthening a Boss

The boss can be strengthened by gussets at the base

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Strengthening a Boss

The boss can be strengthened by

attaching it to nearby walls with
connecting ribs.

Rib design

Avoid bosses that merge into side walls

by connecting ribs for support.

125 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Rib design

A minimum distance of twice the nominal

wall thickness should be used for determining
the spacing between bosses. If placed too
close together thin areas that are hard to cool
will be created. These will in turn affect quality
and productivity.

Failure of boss

Failures of a boss are usually attributable to:

1. Knit lines - these are cold lines of flow

meeting at the boss from opposite sides,
causing weak bonds. These can split easily
when stress is applied.
Knit lines should be relocated away from
the boss, if possible. If not possible, then a
supporting gusset should be added near
the knit line.

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Failure of boss

Failures of a boss are usually attributable


2. High hoop stresses caused because of

too much interference of the internal
diameter with the insert (or screw).

Hoop stresses are imposed on the

boss walls by press fitting or
otherwise inserting inserts.

127 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Mating of bosses

Excessively long bosses can often be replaced by two shorter bosses

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Gussets can be considered as a subset of ribs and the guidelines that apply to
ribs are also valid for gussets. This type of support is used to reinforce corners,
side walls, and bosses.
The height of the gusset can be up to 95% of the height of the boss or rib it is
attached to.
Depending on the height of the rib being supported gussets may be more
than 4 times the nominal wall thickness.
Gusset base length is typically twice the nominal wall thickness.
These values optimize the effectiveness of the gusset and the ease of molding
and ejecting the part.

129 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



Avoid sharp corners in your gusset design.

130 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


De sign fo r Manufac turability and Asse m bly (DFM/ A) is a ve ry bro ad to pic c o ve ring
m any are as. Re gardle ss, it c an be st be de fine d as any to o l o r pro c e ss that he lps a
de signe r o r e ngine e r think abo ut, and the re fo re avo id, m anufac turing and asse m bly
pro ble m s do wn the ro ad.

The de sign o f plastic parts is go o d disc ipline fo r the applic atio n o f DFM/ A princ iple s
be c ause de signe rs m ust be in tune with all the fac to rs that c an c ause a flawe d
de sign

131 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



Simplify design and assembly so that the assembly process is unambiguous.

132 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Assembly alignment
Simplify design and assembly so that
the assembly process is unambiguous.

Poka Yoke (Fail Proof design)

Components should be designed so
that they can only be assembled in one
way; they cannot be reversed. Roll pins,
dowel pins or offset mounting holes
can be employed.

133 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Design for orientation

Design for components orientation and handling to minimize non- value- added
manual effort, ambiguity or difficulty in orienting and merging parts. Basic
principles to facilitate parts handling and orienting are:

1. Parts must be designed to consistently orient themselves. Examples are dowel

2. Product design must avoid parts that can become tangled, wedged or
3. With hidden features that require a particular orientation, provide an external
4. feature, guide surface or design alignment fixturing or tooling to correctly
orient the part.
5. Design in fasteners large enough that are easy to handle and install

134 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Design Lettering for assembly

Base assembly component should have some sort of visual indicatives like
lettering or embossing to show where other parts is to be assembled.

Design for efficient joining and fastening

Threaded fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts and washers) can be time- consuming to
assemble. Consider design alternatives that will reduce fastener count.
Snap fits are very useful because they eliminate screws, clips, adhesives, or
other joining methods. The snaps are molded into the product, so additional
parts are not needed to join them together.

135 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


Snap fit assembly

Use of snap- fit assemblies can deliver many benefits:

1. An integral element of the plastic part – no other components

2. Can replace screws, nuts, and washers
3. Easy automation can reduce assembly costs
4. No other fasteners, adhesives, solvents, welding, or special equipment
5. Design can minimize risk of improper assembly
6. Can be designed to engage and disengage

Things To Be Aware of When Using Snap- Fits:

1. Some designs may require more complex or expensive tooling

2. Snap- fits that are assembled under stress will creep
3. It is difficult to design snap- fits with hermetic seals. If the beam or
ledge relaxes, it could decrease the effectiveness of the seal.
4. Can be damaged by mishandling and abuse prior to assembly

136 Co nfide ntial Dell Services



Type s o f Snap fits

Annular Snap Fit

An annular snap is de fine d as invo lving a
lo c ato r pair o r the e ntire m ating part- base
part syste m the y will c o nstrain in m o re the n
o ne de gre e o f m o tio n.

Cantile ve r Snap Fit

The Cantile ve r Snap de sign is the m o st
po pular whe n asse m bling two plastic parts.
A c antile ve r be am snap- fit asse m bly c o nsists
o f a c antile ve r be am with an o ve rhang
at the e nd o f the be am .

137 Co nfide ntial Dell Services


To rsio nal Snap Fit

A To rsio nal snap fit invo lve s prim arily
to rsio nal de fle c tio n fo r asse m bly altho ugh
the re is o fte n so m e be nding in the syste m
as we ll. The to rsio nal m e m be r is no t
ne c e ssarily ro und; the y c an be ro und o r
A to rsio nal snap fit is re lative ly
unc o m m o n but are use ful as an alte rnative
to the c antile ve r, the m o st use d snap- fit,
whe n c le aranc e s o r ac c e ss m ake the ho o k
lo c atio n fo r asse m bly diffic ult.

138 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

Questions and answ ers

1. Plastics are available in almost all colors and surface textures

a) True
b) False

2. Which type of gate is used for Molding cylindrical parts ________.

3. ________ ________ type of plastics can be recycled ?

4. State two applications of Nylon ?

5. Thermoset plastic can be processed though ________ _______type of molding ?

139 Co nfide ntial Dell Services

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