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Namd-Qm/Mm Tutorial: Unix/Macosx Version

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modelling and Bioinformatics

Beckman Institute
Computational Biophysics Workshop

Unix/MacOSX Version

NAMD-QM/MM Suite Developers: Marcelo C. R. Melo, Rafael C.


NAMD Tutorial Contributors: Marcelo C. R. Melo, Rafael C.

Bernardi, João Ribeiro, Maximilian Scheurer, Till Rudack, James
Phillips, John Stone, Zaida Luthey-Schulten

December 2017

A current version of this tutorial is available at

Join the [email protected] mailing list for additional help.

1 Basics of QM/MM 6
1.1 What is Needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Preparing Your System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Preparing Your QM/MM Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Advanced 16

3 Acknowledgment 17

This tutorial provides a first introduction to NAMD-QM/MM interface and its
basic capabilities. It can also be used as an introduction for the non-expert
QM/MM user.
The tutorial assumes that you already have a working knowledge of VMD
and that NAMD 2.12 or later has been installed correctly on your computer.
For installation instructions, please refer to the NAMD User’s Guide. For the
accompanying VMD tutorial go to

For a detailed description of NAMD the reader is referred to the NAMD

User’s guide located at
The examples in the tutorial will focus on the study of a Calcium coordina-
tion site from a carbohydrate binding module, a protein that tightly binds sug-
ars. Throughout the text, some material will be presented in separate “boxes”.
Some of these boxes include complementary information to the tutorial, such
as details about QM/MM simulations, and tips or shortcuts for using NAMD.
These boxes are not required for understanding the tutorial and may be skipped
if you are short on time.
Boxes with an exclamation sign are especially important and should not be

Warning! The goal of this tutorial is to introduce QM/MM by per-

forming some short molecular dynamics simulations. Therefore, the
examples provided are optimized so simulations can be done in a rea-
sonable period of time on a common computing facility. This means
that some parameters and conditions under which simulations are
done in this tutorial are not suitable for scientific studies. Whenever
this happens it will be pointed out and alternatives or more ap-
propriate parameters/conditions will be provided in case you want
to improve the simulations and/or you have more computer power

System Requirements
The QM/MM interface of NAMD/VMD is available for MacOS X and Unix.

• Mac
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4.7 or later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz CPU (or comparable)
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, or comparable

• Linux
Operating System: Any reliable Linux distribution released within the
last three years.
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz CPU (or comparable)
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, or comparable

The speed of a QM/MM calculation is heavily dependent on the level of the

QM treatment, and the size of the QM region. Performing larger and more
complex calculations than those presented in this tutorial will likely require a
more powerful computer.

Required Programs
For more details check http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/qmmm/

The following programs are required for this tutorial:

• NAMD: Available at http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/namd/ (for

all platforms). QM/MM support is available in version 2.12 or newer,
for both UNIX and MacOS. We recommend the use of the nightly build
version of NAMD, as it will include recent bug-fixes.
• VMD: Available at http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/ (for all
platforms) QM/MM support is available in version 1.94 or newer. A VMD
version with the most up-to-date QM/MM implementations is available
in: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/qmmm/
• ORCA: Available at https://orcaforum.cec.mpg.de/.
• MOPAC: Available at http://openmopac.net/downloads.html.

Installation Guide
Both NAMD and VMD are distributed pre-compiled. In both cases instala-
tion can be performed in less than a minute. More information available at
• NAMD: A NAMD binary distribution need only be untarred or unzipped
and can be run directly in the resulting directory. When building from
source code, “make release” will generate a self-contained directory and
.tar.gz or .zip archive that can be moved to the desired installation loca-
tion. Windows and CUDA builds include Tcl .dll and CUDA .so files that
must be in the dynamic library path.
• VMD: To install the pre-compiled MacOS X bundle version of VMD,
open the VMD disk image and drag the VMD application into an appro-
priate directory. Once the VMD application has been placed appropriately
it should be ready for immediate use as no other installation steps are re-

To install the pre-compiled Unix version of VMD, then only three steps
remain to be done after you uncompress and untar the distribution.
Edit the configure script. If necessary, change the following values:
$install bin dir
This is the location of the startup script ’vmd’. It should be located in
the path of users interested in running VMD.
$install library dir
This is the location of all other VMD files. This includes the binary and
helper scripts. It should not be in the path.
Next generate the Makefile based on these configuration variables. This
is done by running ./configure .
After configuration is complete, cd to the src directory and type make
install. This will put the code in the two directories listed above. After
this, you just type vmd to begin, provided that vmd is in your path.
• ORCA: Instructions available at:
• MOPAC: Instructions available at:
http://openmopac.net/manual/Installing MOPAC.html

Getting Started
• If you have downloaded this tutorial at home, you will also need to down-
load the appropriate files, unzip them, place them in a directory of your
choosing, and then navigate to that directory.

1 Basics of QM/MM
In this section you will learn how to use the NAMD-QM/MM interface to set
up basic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations that use classical and quantum
mechanical calculations. You will learn about typical input and output files, and
basic options available to set up your simulation.

NOTE: You will be generating output data in this section by performing

simulations and using other features of NAMD. If you are not able to produce
the output, correct versions have been provided for each section and may be
found in the example-output folder.

1.1 What is Needed

In order to run any QM/MM simulation, NAMD requires at least four things:

• a Protein Data Bank (pdb) file which stores atomic coordinates and/or
velocities for the system. Pdb files may be generated by hand, but they are
also available via the Internet for many proteins at http://www.pdb.org.
• a Protein Structure File (psf) which stores structural information of the
protein, such as various types of bonding interactions.

• a force field parameter file. A force field is a mathematical expression of

the potential which atoms in the system experience. CHARMM, X-PLOR,
AMBER, and GROMACS are four types of force fields, and NAMD is able
to use all of them. The parameter file defines bond strengths, equilibrium
lengths, etc.

• a configuration file, in which the user specifies all the options that NAMD
should adopt in running a simulation. The configuration file tells NAMD
how the QM/MM simulation is to be run and how the QM code is to be
• a “QM”-PDB file which indicates how atoms are partitioned in different
QM regions. QM-PDB files may be generated by hand or by using VMD’s
QwikMD interface, as will be demonstrated in this tutorial.

1.2 Preparing Your System

In order to set up a system that will be studied with QM/MM simulations, we
will use QwikMD to download a protein structure, prepare it for classical MD
simulations, and then use the result to initiate a QM/MM simulation where
only a small portion of the system is simulated using Quantum Mechanics.

1 Open VMD and then open QwikMD by clicking Extensions -> Simulation
-> QwikMD menu item in the VMD main window.

Figure 1: a) QwikMD main window showing the system automatically down-

loaded after entering the PDB code in the top navigation bar, and clicking
“Load”. b) Highlight for the selection drop-down menu.

2 Type 4b9f in the navigation bar and click “Load”. This will automatically
download the PDB file form the PDB databank.

You should see the window populated with information from the downloaded
structure (Figure 1a) and the structure will be displayed in VMD’s main window
(Figure 2). We will only use one of the protein chains displayed in the X-ray
structure, so our system will only contain one protein chain and one Calcium-
binding site.

3 Click on “Chain/Type Selection” and un-select the protein, “hetero” and

water selections for the “B” chain (Figure 1b).

We will use the “Structure Manipulation” window to remove sulfates used

for the crystallization buffer. This window can also be used to make mutations
and changes to your structure before the beginning of the simulation.

Figure 2: VMD main window showing the loaded system.

4 Click on “Structure Manipulation” and scroll down to residue 1153 named

“SO4”. Select the residue and click on the “Delete” button. Now click on
the “Apply” button. (Figure 3a).

5 Still on the “Structure Manipulation”, select the residue 153 and click on
the “Rename” button. Now click on the “Res NAME” field of the line
and select “Calcium” from the drop-down list. Now click on the “Apply”
button (Figure 3b).

QwikMD automatically re-names several atoms and residues to match the

naming system of parameters sets like that of the CHARMM force field. In this
case, the Calcium ion was already re-named from the PDB naming system to
the CHARMM naming system, but this served as an example for future systems
that may not have known names among CHARMM parameter sets.

6 Run the structural verification by clicking the “Check” button in the

“Structure Manipulation” window. The red box next to “Topologies &
Parameters” should become green. This indicates QwikMD has all the
parameters required to simulate the molecules in the system. Close the

Now that we have the desired protein and ion complex, we need to prepare
the system for an MD simulation, where we will equilibrate the structure before
beginning a QM/MM simulations. The protein-ion complex will be placed in a
water box with counter ions.

Figure 3: a) QwikMD “Structure Manipulation” window indicating the deletion

of a residue from the system. b) Highlight for the “Rename”option and drop-
down menu for residue names.

7 In the main QwikMD window, click on the “Advanced run” tab, and then
on the “MD” tab. Then check the box for “Minimal Box”. and select a
12 Åbuffer of solvent molecules around our protein (Figure 4a).

8 Finally, in the “Protocol” section, select the “MD” line and click the “-”
(minus) button to remove this simulations step. Prepare your simulation
under the “Simulation Setup” section and run it. The results will be used
to initialize the QM/MM simulation.

We run a classical simulation so that we can equilibrate the molecule we just

downloaded from the PDB, as well as the solvent atoms created to represent
the solution where the protein is found.

1.3 Preparing Your QM/MM Simulation

After your classical simulations have ended, re-start VMD (if VMD was never
closed, click on the “Reset” button under the “Simulation Setup” section).

1 Go to QwikMD’s “Simulation Setup” section and load your previous MD

simulation (Figure 5a).

Figure 4: a) QwikMD main window indicating the selection of the “MD” simula-
tion step. b) Highlight for the “Prepare” option with all simulation parameters

In this tutorial, you should load only the data from the equilibration trajec-
tory, and mark that only the last step of the simulation should be loaded. We
are using the last step form the classical equilibration step to select our QM
region and initiate the QM/MM simulation.

2 In the “QM Options” section, make sure the “QM Software” indicates
MOPAC. If it does not, select it form the drop-down menu (Figure 5b).

3 In the “QM Regions” section, click the “+” (plus) button to define a
new QM region in your system. A new line should appear in this section
(Figure 5b).

4 Click on the “n Atoms” column (see Figure 5b) to open the “QM Region
Selection” window (Figure 7a) .

Figure 5: a) QwikMD windows indicating the steps for loading a previously

ran MD simulation. Loading only the last simulation step will save time and
memory space. b) QwikMD main window indicating the loaded data from
previous simulations, the “QM Options” section with a highlight for the drop-
down menu where MOPAC should be selected, a highlight for the button used
to add QM regions to your system, and a highlight for the column indicating
the size of each QM region, .

Semi-Empirical QM Calculations. Since semi-empirical methods

only explicitly represent a fraction of all the electrons in a system,
heavily charged molecules tend to present a big problem for the dis-
tribution of charges, occasionally generating abnormal charge dis-
tributions. For this reason, QwikMD will check the total charge of
the QM region and, in case a simulation is being ran with MOPAC,
will help you fine-tune your selection by indicating charged residues
near your QM region. After adding and/or removing residues, the
total charge for each QM region should be between +1 and −1.

Figure 6: VMD main window showing the loaded MD system.

Total charge in semi-empirical calculations Semi-empirical calculations

can display problems when distributing electrons across a QM region that is
heavily charged. For this reason, when MOPAC is selected as the QM software,
QwikMD will not allow the user to perform a simulation if a QM region which
has a charge larger than ±1. If a selection is made that brakes this rule, QwikMD
will warn you and indicate neighboring residues that could be added to (or
removed from) the selection in order to neutralize some of the charge. As an
initial test, we will select a small region that will have a total charge of +2
(assuming you loaded the pre-ran MD results provided with this tutorial). This
will show you how QwikMD helps you adjust the QM region selection as to
neutralize (or reduce) the total charge.

5 In the “QM Region Selection” window (Figure 7b), change the radius
for solvent within the QM region to 5 Å. Now scroll down the residue
list in the same window until you find the Calcium residue (Res ID: 153;
Res NAME: CAL) and click on that line. The calcium ion and two water
molecules should be selected. Click “Apply” so QwikMD can process your

The new selection will be displayed by QwikMD with 7 atoms (the calcium
ion and two water molecules) and the total charge shown on the window will be
updated to +2. Since this is outside the ±1 range, a representation similar to

Figure 7: a) QwikMD “QM Region Selection” window, indicating the selection

of the Calcium ion, and the radius for inclusion of solvent molecules in the
QM region. b) QwikMD main window indicating the different simulation steps
pre-prepared for QM/MM simulations.

Figure 8 will be created, indicating charged residues near the QM region (red
for negatively charged and blue for positively charged).

6 Click on the transparent red residues and note the charge of the QM region
changing to reflect the new selection.

NOTE: Every time you add or remove a residue from the QM region selec-
tion, QwikMD will update the selection of water molecules to reflect the new
QM region selection.

Effective QM Region Selection In order to make a more effective selection

for a QM/MM simulation of the ion binding pocket, we will re-define our QM
region and select residues and water molecules around the Calcium ion.

7 In the “QM Region Selection” window, click on the Clear Selection button
(if you closed the window, just go to QwikMD’s main window, go to “QM
Regions”, and click on the QM region line under the “n Atoms” column).

Figure 8: VMD main window showing the selected QM region in solid colors,
and nearby charged residues in transparent red representation for negatively
charged and transparent blue for positively charged.

8 Change the solvent selection radius to 0 (zero).

9 Place the cursor in the Atom Selection text field and type the following
selection: same residue as (within 5 of (resname CAL)).

The parenthesis are not necessary in this selection, but helps us parse the
statement. This selection is made using VMD’s atomselect language, which
allows easy and flexible selection of regions within your system using logical
statements and direct access to properties of atoms and residues. To understand
this selection, we will read it starting from its inner most statement: First, we
select every residue with name CAL, which only occurs once in this particular
system, and is the Calcium ion. We then extend the selection to include every

atom within 5 Åof the residue, and then expand it again to include all atoms of
residues that were partially included in the 5 Åradius around the Calcium ion
(Figure 9). Once again, assuming you loaded the pre-ran MD results provided
with this tutorial, a total of 148 atoms will be selected by this “Atom Selection”

Figure 9: a) Simplified representation of the example used in the tutorial. At

the center, the green sphere represents the Calcium ion, two water molecules are
surrounding it, and a portion of an Aspartate residue. The dashed circle repre-
sents a 5 Å radius around the Calcium ion. b) The same system is represented
in colors matching the atomselect statement.

We can now proceed to prepare the simulation by clearing the path shown in
the Simulation Setup section, and clicking on “Prepare”. You will give a path
to the location where all input and configuration files will be saved, and when

asked which starting step you would like to use, select Equilibration.

NOTE: Reduced output files are provided with this tutorial, since a 500
thousand step simulation accumulates too much information for it to be feasi-
ble to download and analyze quickly.

2 Advanced
Speeding-up every-step I/O
If you are using a Linux distribution, it is possible to create a folder for tem-
porary files mounted directly on RAM, usually by creating a folder under
/dev/shm. You can change where NAMD stores temporary files from QM ex-
ecutions by clicking on a protocol, such as the QMMM-Min line, under the
Protocol section, and clicking on the Edit button. This will show you the com-
plete NAMD configuration file, where you can change any detail for the selected
simulation step. The path given to the qmBaseDir keyword is the one used to
run QM calculations, and can be substituted by the folder you created. Changes
must be made to each protocol individually.

Dynamic Bonds in VMD

To improve the visualization of chemical reactions we added new features to
two of the most used Representations of VMD, namely Licorice and CPK. Us-
ing VMD’s “Tk Console” (VMD Main > Extentions > Tk Console), a new
representation with dynamic bonds can be created or modified:

creation commands:
• mol representation CPK 1.1 0.3 8.0 6.0 1.5

• mol material Opaque

• mol selection all
• mol addrep 0
modify an existing rep (rep index 0 for molecule 0):

• mol modstyle 0 0 CPK 1.1 0.3 8.0 6.0 1.5

In both cases the last digit after CPK (1.5) represents the maximum bond

3 Acknowledgment
The developement of NAMD and the tutorials are funded by the National In-
stitute of Health (P41- RR005969 - Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and
Bioinformatics). Proper citation is a primary way in which we demonstrate the
value of our software to the scientic community, and is essential to continued
NIH funding for NAMD. The authors request that all published work which
utilizes NAMD/VMD include the primary NAMD/VMD citations:

Scalable molecular dynamics with NAMD. James C. Phillips, Rosemary

Braun, Wei Wang, James Gumbart, Emad Tajkhorshid, Elizabeth Villa, Chris-
tophe Chipot, Robert D. Skeel, Laxmikant Kale, and Klaus Schulten. Journal
of Computational Chemistry, 26:1781-1802, 2005
VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics William Humphrey, Andrew Dalke,
and Klaus Schulten. Journal of Molecular Graphics, 14:33-38, 1996
NAMD goes quantum: A new integrative suite for QM/MM sim-
ulations. Marcelo C. R. Melo, Rafael C. Bernardi, Till Rudack, Maximilian
Scheurer, Christoph Riplinger, James C. Phillips, Julio Maia, Gerd B. Rocha,
João V. Ribeiro, John E. Stone, Frank Neese, Klaus Schulten, Zaida Luthey-
Schulten. Submitted (2017)

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