Artificial Intelligence: Governance and Leadership

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Artificial Intelligence:

governance and
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Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership • White paper • 2019

ISBN 978-1-921449-99-4

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The Australian Human Rights Commission is Australia’s National Human Rights Institution. It is an independent
statutory organisation with responsibility for leading the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia. Further
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The World Economic Forum is the International Organisation for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages
the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Further
information about the World Economic Forum can be found at

Authors: Nicholas Davis, Sophie Farthing, Edward Santow and Lisa Webber Corr.


• The World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and particularly Kay Firth-Butterfield, for her
• Australian Human Rights Commission staff Darren Dick, John Howell, Katerina Lecchi, Zoe Paleologos, Lauren
Perry and Phoebe Saintilan.
• Expert Reference Group for their peer review and advice in the preparation of this Paper: Amanda Alford, The
Honourable Justice Margaret Beazley AO, Professor Genevieve Bell, Peter Dunne, Dr Tobias Feakin, Dr Alan Finkel
AO, Verity Firth, Peter Leonard, Brooke Massender, Sean Murphy, Myfanwy Wallwork and Professor Toby Walsh.
• Major project partners for contributing expertise and resources: the Australian Government Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade, Herbert Smith Freehills, LexisNexis, The University of Technology Sydney.
• The Australian Government Digital Transformation Agency.
Artificial Intelligence:
governance and leadership
White paper
January 2019

Australian Human Rights Commission and World Economic Forum 2019


1 Foreword 5

2 Introduction 7

3 Protecting human rights in the context of AI 9

4 Does Australia need a Responsible Innovation Organisation? 11

4.1 The case for a new form of governance for AI 11
4.2 Assessing the business case for change 12
(a) Economic impact 12
(b) Why does responsible AI matter? 13
(c) How would a Responsible Innovation Organisation directly
add value to Australian organisations? 13

5 What should a Responsible Innovation Organisation look like? 15

5.1 Vision, objectives and guiding principles 15
5.2 Functions and powers 16
5.3 Partnership with government and industry 16
5.4 Timeline: evaluation and monitoring 16

6 Consultation questions 18

7 Consultation process and outcomes 19

1 Foreword
The Australian Human Rights Commission and the World Economic Forum are working together to
explore models of governance and leadership in artificial intelligence (AI) in Australia. This White Paper
has been produced to support a consultation process on this issue.

AI can enable prediction and problem-solving approaches that save the lives of seriously ill hospital
patients.1 Yet AI can also be used to threaten human rights. For example, we have seen allegations of
AI entrenching bias and discrimination in the United States (US) criminal justice system,2 as well as in
policing in Australia.3

Scandal and controversy connected to new technologies have increased public concern regarding
decision-making that uses AI, data privacy, cyber security, political influence and labour market shifts.

Powerful new technological capabilities are rapidly increasing and are changing our world. AI,
biotechnologies, neurotechnologies, new materials and distributed ledgers are being developed.
As costs fall in data storage, processing and communication, innovative private sector players are
particularly active in making these technologies more widespread.

AI and Machine Learning (ML)—thanks to vastly expanded data sets, purpose-designed chipsets and
low-cost cloud computing—are enabling breakthroughs, including:

• new forms of communication

• medical diagnosis and treatment
• industrial and consumer robotics
• business analytics
• facial recognition
• natural language processing.

Our challenge as a nation is to ensure these technologies deliver what Australians need and want,
rather than what they fear. There is added urgency because other countries are investing heavily in
these areas.

Globally, we are witnessing a fundamental shift. Leaders in the technology industry are increasingly
abandoning a long-standing hostility to government intervention. Many are starting to call for new
forms of governance and regulation.

At the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in January 2018,4 Uber Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Dara Khosrowshahi said: ‘My ask of regulators would be to be harder in their ask of accountability.’

Similarly, Salesforce’s Marc Benioff said that ‘the point of regulators and government [is] to come in
and point true north’.5

In April 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said:

[T]he real question, as the Internet becomes more important in people’s lives, is what is
the right regulation, not whether or not there should be regulation.6

In November 2018, Apple CEO Tim Cook stated:

We have to admit the free market is not working … and it hasn’t worked here. I think it’s
inevitable that there will be some level of regulation.7

But what are we looking to regulate or govern better? The new, post-digital age—the so-called ‘Fourth
Industrial Revolution’—encompasses a variety of digital, biological and physical technologies. Many of
those new technologies are powered, at least in part, by a variety of algorithmic techniques, described
collectively as AI and ML.

Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership • White paper • 2019 • 5

1 Foreword

To date, community concern has focused on the right to privacy: such as who owns, controls and
exploits the personal data of individuals using AI-powered social media.

The potential impact of AI, including on other human rights, goes beyond privacy. For example, AI and
related technologies could:

• bring radical changes in how we work, with predicted large-scale job creation and destruction
and new ways of working
• transform decision-making that affects citizens’ basic rights and interests
• increase our environmental impact
• become so important in how we live that accessibility of that technology becomes an even
more important human rights issue
• have a profound impact on our democratic institutions and processes.

Adopting the right governance framework is difficult, because AI technologies are complex, are
applied across all sectors of the Australian community, and have enormous capacity for social good,
social harm—and often both simultaneously. However, Australian stakeholders need to consider and
experiment with innovative models for ensuring that the economic gains, social influence and security
impact of AI is positive for all.

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine K Albright pointed out that ‘citizens are speaking to their
governments using 21st century technologies, governments are listening on 20th century technology
and providing 19th century solutions’.8 If our governance solutions are so far out of step with the
powerful technologies we are collectively deploying, unanticipated risks are inevitable.

Protecting Australians, while powering our future economy, requires innovation that reinforces
Australia’s liberal democratic values, especially human rights, fairness and inclusion. Making this vision
real is a complex task. It will involve, for example, carefully crafted laws supported by an effective
regulatory framework, strong incentives that apply to the public and private sectors, and policies that
enable Australians to navigate an emerging AI-powered world.

The Australian Human Rights Commissioner is currently leading a project focusing on human rights
and technology. An Issues Paper, that seeks to address many of these issues, was published by the
Commission in July 2018. One question the Issues Paper sought feedback on is whether Australia
needs a better system of governance to harness the benefits of innovation using AI and other new
technologies, while effectively addressing the threats to our human rights.

The Commission and the World Economic Forum have produced this White Paper to expand on that
question posed in the Commission’s Issues Paper. Based on early analysis of data received by the
Commission, this White Paper starts with the hypothesis that Australia needs to match the rising
levels of innovation in AI technologies with innovation in AI governance, and focuses on the practical
challenge of exploring what that might look like. The White Paper, therefore, focuses on one key
question: whether Australia needs an organisation to take a central role in promoting responsible
innovation in AI and related technology.

We invite you to share your perspectives.

Nicholas Davis Edward Santow

Head of Society and Innovation Human Rights Commissioner
Member of the Executive Committee Australian Human Rights Commission
World Economic Forum

2 Introduction

This White Paper aims to identify how Australia can simultaneously foster innovation and protect
human rights through the application of new technologies, in particular AI.

AI is a key driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and is expected to transform the global economy
within the next decade, adding 40 per cent to the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030.9
Today, only 9 per cent of Australia’s listed companies are making sustained investments in AI, lagging
behind the 20 per cent in the United States.10 However, many have recognised AI’s transformative
potential and have begun to deploy AI in their businesses.11 AlphaBeta reports that AI has opened
up new markets and new opportunities in critical areas such as health care, transportation, criminal
justice, the environment, and economic inclusion,12 and ‘will be the ultimate tool because it will help us
build all possible tools’.13

The scope and pace of change generated by AI also pose unprecedented challenges, with radical
disruptions to our social, governmental and economic systems.14 Despite AI’s potential for beneficial
use, its use creates important risks to Australians, including exclusion, discrimination, privacy, skill
loss, economic impacts, security of critical infrastructure, and social well-being.15

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2 Introduction

Creating an effective, efficient Australian governance The governance of AI could be achieved in multiple ways,
regime, adapted to the range of different approaches to including by assigning a leadership role in this area to a new
and applications of AI, is not a mere matter of overcoming or existing organisation, which this White Paper calls the
technical challenges. Technologies can influence our ‘Responsible Innovation Organisation’.
environment and behaviour, with wide-ranging social
impacts. A technology is never just a tool. It is imprinted Such an organisation could combine capacity building,
with design choices that can lead to both intended and expert advice, governance, leading practices and innovative
unintended consequences. This, in turn, determines interventions that foster the benefits of AI while mitigating
how benefits are distributed or life is experienced for the risks. In testing these hypotheses, it is then necessary
different groups of people that come into contact with the to consider what would be the Responsible Innovation
technology in question.16 For example, socio-economic Organisation’s key features — its aims, functions, powers,
and other characteristics can significantly affect access to structure and so on.
technology for children as they grow, learn and socialise.
Accordingly, the questions in this White Paper invite
There is strong evidence to suggest that Australia’s stakeholders to comment on:
continued economic and social progress relies on AI to
• the nature and scope of the challenge for human
drive growth, improve productivity and solve a wide range
rights protection posed by the rise of AI
of social and economic challenges. Simultaneously, AI can
unleash serious harm. If that harm is not addressed, it will • whether Australia needs a new or existing
undermine public confidence in this technology. That, in organisation to lead in the promotion of responsible
turn, will stall AI-powered innovation and its associated innovation in AI
• if so, what might be the aims, functions and roles
This White Paper proposes an approach to AI and of such an organisation.
associated technologies that is forward-looking and agile,
while simultaneously fostering innovation and human
rights. It starts with the hypothesis that Australia needs to
match the rising levels of innovation in AI technologies with
innovation in AI governance.

3 Protecting human rights in the context of AI

International and Australian human rights law requires that individuals be treated without
discrimination.17 Governments must uphold human rights, while businesses have a responsibility to
respect human rights in all their operations.18

The most effective way of complying with these obligations in the context of AI is to ensure that it is
designed and used responsibly, by protecting privacy, fairness, equality and other human rights.

This is, of course, not solely an Australian challenge. Public and private sector organisations globally
are exploring ways to understand and manage the impact of bias in AI and ML. The interconnected
nature of the global economy, combined with the fact that such explorations in innovative governance
are at an early stage in all jurisdictions, means that Australian institutions have an opportunity to lead in
developing new structures, policies and relationships that can help address these important issues on
behalf of all Australians.

Accordingly, a responsible innovation framework could accommodate imperatives that sometimes sit
in tension, by anticipating and addressing the potential harms of AI, so that it can be deployed in a way
that is safe and beneficial for Australia.

Case study: artificial intelligence and the risk of discrimination

Bias and discrimination in technology have entered the public consciousness along with
our increasing reliance on and understanding of AI and ML. AI systems can discriminate
and operate unfairly for many reasons.

For example:

• AI is designed by human beings who possess inherent biases and is often trained
with data that reflects the imperfect world that we live in.19
• Training AI systems with data that is not representative, or using data that reflects
bias or prejudice (for example, sexism or racism), can lead to an AI-supported
decision that is unfair, unjust, unlawful or otherwise wrong.20
• AI’s algorithms can include discriminatory variables (for example, including a variable
for private school attendance in a loan application algorithm) that results in further
• Where users do not understand AI’s limitations, especially if they assume AI’s
predictions to be more accurate and precise (and thus more authoritative) than those
made by people, this can result in unfairness.22
• AI can be deployed in an inappropriate context (for example, deploying a model in a
different cultural context from that in which it was originally trained).23
• Personal data is the ‘fuel’ for AI.24 It can be at risk when deployed in ML models,
as hackers can often threaten individual privacy by reverse-engineering algorithms,
which could allow access to the personal data the algorithm is trained on.25

Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership • White paper • 2019 • 9

3 Protecting human rights in the context of AI

There are three primary reasons for Australia to be The first set of consultation questions focuses on
concerned about bias and discrimination in AI systems: understanding your sense of the challenge itself and the
general approach that you feel the Government should take
1. Automated decision-making systems will be in this area.
applied more often by both the private and public
sectors and at a greater scale across a wide
variety of essential services, from decisions in
health care to financial services. Discrimination
in these decisions is both more likely and of
greater consequence for groups that are already
Consultation questions
2. It is difficult to know the decision-making process 1. What should be the main goals of
adopted in an AI system, because ML tends government regulation in the area of
to involve opaque proprietary algorithms.27
artificial intelligence?
Without understanding this process, it is hard to
discern whether, when or how such systems are
discriminating against a group or individual. This
2. Considering how artificial
fundamentally challenges the concept of procedural intelligence is currently regulated and
fairness in administrative decision-making. influenced in Australia:
3. Hasty implementation of AI puts at risk its benefits
by undermining public trust in new technologies. (a) What existing bodies play an
Public trust in Australian businesses, the important role in this area?
government, media and civil society has fallen
rapidly in the last decade to record lows.28 If (b) What are the gaps in the
this trust is further eroded by the emergence of
widespread discrimination through the deployment current regulatory system?
of AI systems, it may slow adoption in ways that
prevent Australians from harnessing the many
positive impacts of AI and ML.

4 Does Australia need a Responsible
Innovation Organisation?
4.1 The case for a new form of governance for AI
This White Paper is published alongside the Issues Paper for the Commission’s Human Rights
and Technology Project (the Commission’s Project). While the Commission’s Project is a separate
consultation process, a number of submissions to the Commission’s Project have raised issues related
to governance that are relevant to the issues considered in this White Paper. Some stakeholders, for
example, commented on the need for whole-of-government responses to protecting human rights
given rapid technological advances, emerging gaps between portfolio responsibilities and legislative
instruments and the likelihood that reform may be required across the range of government portfolios.29

Stakeholders also commented on the potential role of co- and self-regulation, as well as enforceable
sanctions and compliance monitoring, within a framework that incorporates Australian cultural, legal
and social norms.30

Submissions to the Commission’s Project have consistently expressed support for the concept of
a new type of regulatory body to govern and promote responsible innovation.

One stakeholder, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), made a central recommendation for
the Australian Government to establish a ‘Technology Assessment Office’ (TAO) in order to protect
Australia’s interests and ensure technology develops to promote the interests of all Australians in a
positive and human rights compliant way. UTS recommended the TAO perform a range of functions
to help shape the future of technological innovation and design in Australia, including research,
collaboration with relevant government bodies and other organisations and to conduct social outreach
and education in both the public and private sectors.31

This is also consistent with recent preliminary recommendations from the Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission (ACCC) for greater regulatory oversight of digital platforms.

Throughout 2018 the ACCC has undertaken an inquiry into the impact of online search engines, social
media and digital content aggregators (digital platforms) on competition in the media and advertising
services market. The preliminary report,32 released on 10 December 2018, acknowledges this is a
critical time ‘in the development of digital platforms and their impact on society’. The report notes,
amongst other things, concerns with the lack of transparency in digital platform operations (including
in their algorithms) as well as with consumer awareness and understanding of the extensive amount of
information collected about them.

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4 Does Australia need a responsible innovation organisation?

The ACCC considers that a regulatory authority could Meanwhile, Accenture analysed 12 developed economies
monitor, investigate and report on discriminatory and anti- and found that AI has the potential to double their annual
competitive conduct and provide assurances to businesses, economic growth rates by 2035 by acting as a new factor of
consumers and governments on the performance and production alongside capital and labour.37
impact of key algorithms and policies. Proposed powers
would include complaints investigations, referrals to other Such analysis suggests there is a strong comparative
government agencies and also to publish reports and business case for accelerating Australia’s deployment
make recommendations. Further, the ACCC suggests of AI across the economy. It also aligns with Australian
that the establishment of a digital platforms ombudsman Government policies that promote an open, innovative
could—without duplicating other regulatory functions— economy in an interconnected world. For example, the
deal with complaints from consumers, advertisers, media Australian Government provided $29.9m in the 2018–19
companies and other business users of digital platforms. Budget (over four years) to strengthen Australia’s capability
Terms of Reference would include remedies the proposed in AI and ML, supporting economic growth and the
ombudsman could recommend or implement. Other productivity of Australian businesses.38
preliminary recommendations include the development of
AI is expected to have the greatest direct impact on
an enforceable Code of Practice for digital platforms and
sectors and companies whose business models and data
amendments to the Privacy Act 1988 regarding the use and
infrastructure allow the immediate adoption of emerging
collection of personal information. The ACCC Final Report is
ML techniques. For example, Accenture research shows
due in mid-2019.
that information and communication, manufacturing and
The concept of a new regulatory and governance body also financial services are the three sectors that will see the
reflects similar ideas and processes that are being trialled in highest annual Gross Value Add growth rates in an AI
other countries. scenario, comprising 4.8 per cent, 4.4 per cent and 4.3 per
cent respectively by 2035.39 Another potential source of
The Government of the United Kingdom (UK), for example, Australian competitiveness is growing and hosting future
announced in November 2017 that it would establish a new leading companies for whom AI is at the heart of their
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation ‘to enable and ensure business model.
safe, ethical and ground-breaking innovation in AI and
data driven technologies’.33 Consultation was conducted However, Australia is not a leading nation in the
in mid-2018 on the anticipated activities and work of the implementation of automation and AI. Australia currently
Centre, with six possible areas proposed to strengthen lags global leaders across the G20 in the adoption of
governance of uses of data and AI (targeting fairness, automation: 50 per cent fewer Australian firms are actively
transparency, liability, data access and intellectual property investing in automation compared to firms in comparable
and ownership).34 The Centre has commenced operations, economies.40 To remedy this, the government and private
and is one of three new organisations being established by sector would need to work together to build a more
the UK Government to guide policy, develop opportunities dynamic innovation ecosystem, specifically in regard to
and harness the potential for AI.35 developing and implementing automation technologies.

Accelerating the deployment of AI across Australia would

require organisations of all sizes—including a rising
4.2 Assessing the business case proportion of the small and medium-sized enterprises that
for change contribute more than half of the country’s GDP—to explore
new data-driven processes and business models that would
(a) Economic impact benefit from ML.

According to analysis by consultancy AlphaBeta, One potential goal of the Responsible Innovation
automation represents a more than two trillion dollar Organisation could therefore be to provide resources and
opportunity for the Australian economy, with the potential information that would lower the barrier for Australian
to add 2.2 trillion dollars to cumulative Australian GDP organisations to designing and deploying AI systems, while
between 2017 and 2030.36 This economic calculus is based ensuring that such systems are protective of human rights.
on the ability to prepare future workforces and transition
current workers to jobs and sectors where productivity is

(b) Why does responsible AI matter? Second, by creating a common benchmark for the
design and deployment of AI systems across Australia, it
The business case for a Responsible Innovation might reward companies and entrepreneurs that provide
Organisation would likely rest on the ability to accelerate automated services fairly and effectively. This creates
the adoption of technologies to maximise the economic and benefits that flow not only to Australian citizens and users,
social benefits. but also to local innovators able to provide the services.

To realise the social benefits of AI, jurisdictions must decide Third, raising the quality of AI deployment in Australia could
the critical objectives, and work to minimise trade-offs create competitive benefits for local organisations intending
between them. These may include, for example, ensuring to offer their products and services in other jurisdictions.
that automation is implemented in an equitable way,
addressing benefits, externalities and quality of life.

The business case should also take into account the costs
of failing to act. The loss of social benefits can undermine
the realisation of economic benefits. For example, Larry
Fink’s 2018 investor letter to Blackrock clients highlighted
Consultation questions
the importance of social responsibility and purpose — a 3. Would there be significant
potent signal given the more than six trillion US dollars that
Blackrock manages.41 economic and/or social value
for Australia in establishing
Beyond the opportunity costs, it is important to assess
the costs to businesses and citizens when innovation has a Responsible Innovation
directly negative impacts. Historically, these are most Organisation?
visible when new technologies threaten health, safety or the
environment. The increasing power of technologies such 4. Under what circumstances
as AI, and their ability to be used across a wide range of would a Responsible Innovation
industries and applications, makes it important to consider
other, indirect negative impacts. Organisation add value to your
organisation directly?
For example, understanding how individuals’ privacy,
autonomy and access to products and services are affected 5. How should the business case
by the introduction of AI systems is critical to keeping both
the economic and social costs low. In the public sector, the for a Responsible Innovation
recent Centrelink ‘robodebt’ controversy highlights that the Organisation be measured?
adoption of automated systems with efficiency as a primary
goal can have unintended consequences, including greater
consumer burdens, unjust outcomes, loss of trust, and cost
of ex-post interventions.42

(c) How would a Responsible Innovation Organisation

directly add value to Australian organisations?
There are at least three ways in which the link between
governance and economic impact may be considered.

First, by providing practical frameworks and other resources

for assessing the potential discriminatory effects of AI
systems, it could reduce the risk of the failed deployment of
systems due to the emergence of unfair bias, which could
have been anticipated and addressed with reasonable
measures. In addition to the impact on affected individuals,
liabilities linked to discrimination include brand damage,
compensation for loss and significant investments in
management time and focus.

Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership • White paper • 2019 • 13

5 What should a Responsible Innovation
Organisation look like?

Part 5 of this White Paper considers the key features of an organisation that may be given a leadership
role in respect of AI in Australia, which this White Paper refers to as the Responsible Innovation
Organisation. This White Paper sketches some possible components with a view to fostering
discussion. It does not endorse any specific approach.

5.1 Vision, objectives and guiding principles

A Responsible Innovation Organisation would be unlike traditional oversight or compliance bodies in
the Australian regulatory network.

The organisation will have to establish a normative framework for the development and deployment of
AI. This approach would likely draw on international human rights law, such as the rights to a fair trial,
privacy and non-discrimination. Using the human rights framework would enable the body to draw on
established norms that have been accepted as central in any liberal democracy, such as the centrality
of human dignity and personal autonomy, the importance of fairness and the need to carefully balance
legitimate interests, as well as transparency, due process and accountability.

To support its proposal for a centralised body to govern the ethical use of data, the British Academy
and Royal Society, for example, recommended that a body be established with the overarching
objective of promoting ‘human flourishing’ to ‘guide the development of systems of data governance’.
A number of principles were then outlined to support this overarching principle, including the need to
protect individual and collective rights and freedoms.43

It would be important that the Organisation’s approach and governance structure are inclusive. Special
attention should be made to include those who are particularly affected by new technologies, and most
susceptible to the threats associated with them. This would include children and young people; people
with disability; older people; people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and others.

The scope of the Organisation’s work would also need to be considered. The Organisation could focus
on the use of AI in government as well as the private sector, particularly where relying on AI to make
a decision or determination has a consequence for the protection of an individual’s human rights. The
Organisation could provide an authoritative voice across government and industry.

The Organisation could also, for example, examine the deployment of AI, including its foundation:
big data sets. This would involve considering ownership of big data and related concerns about
the concentration of ownership among a small number of private sector entities. If we are to avoid
giving ‘strategic advantage’ to those with data and computing resources, the collection of data and
ownership of datasets will need to be democratic.44

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5 What should a Responsible Innovation Organisation look like?

5.2 Functions and powers 5.3 Partnership with government

and industry
If a Responsible Innovation Organisation were created,
there are a number of powers and functions it could Responsible innovation in AI may require a combination
possess, depending on its core objectives. of guidelines, regulations, and education with active
participation from governments, businesses and industries,
A Responsible Innovation Organisation could have a range
academia, civil society, and other interested stakeholders.49
of both coercive and non-coercive powers, such as:
Each of these stakeholder groups has respective strengths
• powers of inquiry and the ability to secure and roles to play in helping create ethical AI.
evidence, akin to the power of the Australian
For example, government can help set the agenda for public
Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
debate, monitor the safety and fairness of AI applications,
to obtain information, documents and evidence45
and create or adapt regulatory frameworks to protect the
• the ability to develop standards, codes of public.50 Industry can help create best practices for key
practice or regulations for data management aspects of the development of AI systems, such as the
and governance, with the power to monitor and nature of the data used to train AI systems, the analytical
evaluate compliance or power to impose fines for techniques deployed, and how the results of AI are
regulatory breaches, similar to the power of the explained to the people using the AI systems.51 Academia
Australian Privacy Commissioner to apply to a and civil society can help inform and educate the public, as
federal court for an order that an entity be fined well as ensure that proper mechanisms are put in place to
for privacy breaches,46 or the power of the UK safeguard the various and overlapping interests impacted
Information Commissioner’s Office to fine a data by the use of AI.
controller for breaching the right to privacy or
commence criminal prosecution47 A Responsible Innovation Organisation could facilitate this
multi-stakeholder effort, particularly between government
• a certification scheme for the human rights and industry. Such an Organisation could help establish
compliant development of AI, identifying AI a new governance model that addresses the different
products that have reached certain standards, stakeholders’ interlinked dynamics, the transnational and
as recently proposed by the Chief Scientist of societal scope of their impact, and the political dimensions
Australia, Dr Alan Finkel48 of AI technologies.52 It could also bridge the gaps between
• the ability to receive and adjudicate complaints the government and industry players so that the private
from individuals adversely affected by a sector’s insight and influence can be effectively harnessed,
determination or decision using AI or assisted while ensuring that citizens are protected from harm.53
by the use of AI, including the powers to order
remedies and redress
5.4 Timeline: evaluation and monitoring
• a function to advise government on law and policy
development regarding data governance and The long-term success of any Responsible Innovation
government procurement of AI systems Organisation would rest on its ability to interact
• evaluating data sets, promoting open data constructively and productively with industry, civil society
standards and collating data for model training and and government, and to bring these key stakeholders
testing to minimise bias and discrimination into a joined-up conversation. Reporting, evaluation and
monitoring will be integral to the Organisation’s operations
• building a repository of leading practices regarding from the outset.
inclusive stakeholder engagement
• writing and publishing professional codes of ethics At a minimum, the Organisation could provide annual public
for industry, drawing on pre-existing codes of reports through the parliamentary reporting system. Good
practice and ethical standards in other jurisdictions practice in evaluation is that it be periodic, strategic and
and in the international sphere, such as those instructive, measured against clear goals. Given the pace
developed by the Institute for Electrical and of technological development, it may be beneficial for the
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Organisation to report more frequently in order to update
key stakeholders on its progress and respond to feedback
in a timely way.

In addition, if a Responsible Innovation Organisation were
established as a pilot, there may be merit in providing a
review in the period following establishment. Reporting at
the 12- and 18-month marks, for example, may allow for a
robust assessment of whether the Organisation is achieving
its objectives.

Finally, how the Organisation interacts with government

and parliament should also be considered as part of the
monitoring and evaluation framework. Government could,
for example, be required to respond to any evaluation
or monitoring reports, to ensure the proposed body is
appropriately equipped to fulfil its mandate.

Consultation questions
6. If Australia had a Responsible
Innovation Organisation:
(a) What should be its overarching
vision and core aims?
(b) What powers and functions
should it have?
(c) How should it be structured?
(d) What internal and external
expertise should it have at its
(e) How should it interact
with other bodies with similar
(f) How should its activities
be resourced? Would it be
jointly funded by government
and industry? How would its
independence be secured?
(g) How should it be evaluated and
monitored? How should it report
its activities?

Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership • White paper • 2019 • 17

6 Consultation questions
For ease of reference, the questions posed in this White Paper are listed below:

1. What should be the main goals of government regulation in the area

of artificial intelligence?
2. Considering how artificial intelligence is currently regulated and
influenced in Australia:
(a) What existing bodies play an important role in this area?
(b) What are the gaps in the current regulatory system?

3. Would there be significant economic and/or social value for Australia

in establishing a Responsible Innovation Organisation?
4. Under what circumstances would a Responsible Innovation
Organisation add value to your organisation directly?
5. How should the business case for a Responsible Innovation
Organisation be measured?
6. If Australia had a Responsible Innovation Organisation:
(a) What should be its overarching vision and core aims?
(b) What powers and functions should it have?
(c) How should it be structured?
(d) What internal and external expertise should it have at its
(e) How should it interact with other bodies with similar
(f) How should its activities be resourced? Would it be jointly funded
by government and industry? How would its independence be
(g) How should it be evaluated and monitored? How should it report
its activities?

7 Consultation process and outcomes

This White Paper supports a collaborative consultation that has been initiated by the Commission and
World Economic Forum.

There are two ways to contribute to the White Paper consultation process. First, written submissions
to the consultation questions in the White Paper can be emailed to [email protected].
Submissions are due by 5pm on 8 March 2019.

This consultation will form part of the inquiry for the Commission’s human rights and technology
project. Details of the Commission’s Project and the consultation, including public submissions
received, are available at

In addition, the Commission and the World Economic Forum plan to consult with relevant experts on
the issues raised in this White Paper.

The White Paper consultation process also aims to benefit from other collaborative approaches taking
place globally. For example, the World Economic Forum and the UK Government have agreed to work
together to identify best practices for the creation and procurement of AI used by the government.54

If the consultation process reveals strong support for a Responsible Innovation Organisation, the
Commission and the World Economic Forum may consider further steps, which could include a
blueprint for action. Drawing on material gleaned from the consultation on the White Paper, this
blueprint could outline the core elements of the Responsible Innovation Organisation and how it could
fit within Australia’s governance and regulatory framework. The blueprint could also consider how an
Australian Responsible Innovation Organisation could fit into the international network of AI governance
being supported by the World Economic Forum.

Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership • White paper • 2019 • 19


1 For example: Robert Pearl, ‘Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: 22 Microsoft, The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in
Separating Reality from Hype,’ Forbes (online), 13 March 2018 <www. Society (Microsoft, 2018) 59. 23 Nicholas Davis, World Economic Forum, Ch. 7: The Future Relationship
Healthcare/#c2d77d21d750>. Between Technology and Inequality, in How Unequal? Insights on
2 Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu and Lauren Kirchner, ‘Machine Inequality (Committee for Economic Development of Australia, April
Bias: There’s Software Used Across The Country to Predict Future 2018).
Criminals. And It’s Biased against Blacks,’ ProPublica (online) 23 May 24 Christian Ehl, ‘Data – the Fuel for Artificial Intelligence’ on Medium
2016 < (14 January 2018) <
in-criminal-sentencing>; Osonde Osoba and William Wesler IV, An artificial-intelligence-ed90bf141372>; see also Bernard Marr, ‘Why
Intelligence in Our Image: The Risks of Bias and Errors in Artificial AI Would Be Nothing Without Big Data,’ Forbes (online), 9 June 2017
Intelligence (RAND Corporation, 2017). <
3 Law and Safety Committee, Parliament of New South Wales, The nothing-without-big-data/#6fe8a7a94f6d>.
Adequacy of Youth Diversionary Programs in New South Wales 25 Justin Sherman, ‘AI Innovation: Security and Privacy Challenges’ on
(Report 2/56, September 2018), 2.108-2.110; Vicki Sentas and Camilla Medium (22 January 2018) <
Pandolfini, Policing Young People in NSW: A Study of the Suspect security-and-privacy-challenges-84c0200b1bae>.
Targeting Management Plan (Youth Justice Coalition NSW, 2017). 26 Virginia Eubanks, Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile,
September 2018. Police, and Punish the Poor (St. Martin’s Press, 2018).
4 Stuart Lauchlan, ‘World Economic Forum 2018 – Why Trust Has to 27 World Economic Forum, How to Prevent Discriminatory Outcomes
Be Valued Higher than Growth in the 4IR,’ on Diginomica Government in Machine Learning (2018) <
(23 January 2018) < white_paper_how_to_prevent_discriminatory_outcomes_in_machine_
world-economic-forum-2018-trust-valued-higher-growth-4ir/>. learning.pdf>.
5 Ibid. 28 Edelman, Edelman Trust Barometer 2018, <
6 Arjun Kharpal, ‘Mark Zuckerberg’s Testimony: Here Are the Key edelmanInsights/2018-edelman-trust-barometer-australia-results>.
Points You Need to Know’, CNBC (online), 11 April 2018 www.cnbc. 29 See, for example, Consumer Policy Research Centre, Submission
com/2018/04/11/facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-testimony-key- 42 to the Australian Human Rights Commission, Human Rights and
points.html>. Technology Issues Paper (2 October 2018).
7 Brian Fung, ‘’We Have to Admit When the Free Market Is Not 30 See, for example, Nicolas Suzor, Kim Weatherall, Angela Daly, Ariadne
Working”: Apple Chief’s Privacy Call’, Sydney Morning Herald (online), Vromen, Monique Mann, Submission 91 to the Australian Human
20 November 2018 < Rights and Technology Issues Paper (October 2018).
we-have-to-admit-when-the-free-market-is-not-working-apple-chief-s- 31 University of Technology, Submission 103 to the Australian Human
privacy-call-20181120-p50h2n.html>. Rights and Technology Issues Paper (October 2018), 95.
8 Digital Forensic Research Lab, ‘We Need 21st Century Responses: 32 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Digital Platforms
Secretary Albright Speaks at #DisinfoWeek’ on Medium (30 June Inquiry Preliminary Report (10 December 2018) <https://www.accc.
2017) <
6b7eed6750a4>. -%20preliminary%20report.pdf>.
9 University of Adelaide, Australian Institute for Machine Learning: 33 HM Treasury, UK Government, Autumn Budget 2018 (2017) [5.3].
Catching the Wave of the Next Industrial Revolution (2017) <www. 34 UK Government, Consultation on the Centre for Data and Innovation (13 June 2018) <
brochure.pdf>. consultation-on-the-centre-for-data-ethics-and-innovation>.
10 Ibid 3. 35 UK Government, World-Leading Expert Demis Hassabis to Advise New
11 Chris Griffith, ‘Australian Bosses Embrace Artificial Intelligence,’ The Government Office for Artificial Intelligence (26 June 2018) <
Australian (online), 30 January 2018 < uk/government/news/world-leading-expert-demis-hassabis-to-advise-
business/technology/australian-bosses-embrace-artificial-intelligence/ new-government-office-for-artificial-intelligence>. The other two
news-story/336a20c3a1df43d21947d57be780e7d1>. organisations are the AI Council and the Office for AI.
12 Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology 36 AlphaBeta, The Automation Advantage (2017) <
Council Committee on Technology, Preparing for the Future of Artificial wp-content/uploads/2017/08/the-automation-advantage.pdf>.
Intelligence (2017) < 37 Mark Purdy and Paul Daugherty, Why Artificial Intelligence Is the
files/whitehouse_files/microsites/ostp/nstc/preparing_for_the_future_ Future of Growth (Accenture, 2016).
of_ai.pdf>. 38 The Commonwealth of Australia, ‘Budget Paper No. 2 – Budget
13 Microsoft, The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Measures’ Budget 2018-19 (8 May 2018) <
Society (Microsoft, 2018). 19/content/bp2/download/bp2_combined.pdf.
14 Australian Human Rights Commission, Human Rights and Technology 39 Mark Purdy and Paul Daugherty, Why Artificial Intelligence Is the
(7 February 2018) < Future of Growth (Accenture, 2016).
and-freedoms/projects/human-rights-and-technology>. 40 AlphaBeta, The Automation Advantage (2017) <http://www.alphabetas.
15 IEEE, Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritising Human Well- com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/the-automation-advantage.pdf.
Being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (IEEE, 2nd ed, 2017) 6. 41 Larry Fink, A Sense of Purpose
16 Nicholas Davis, World Economic Forum, Ch. 7: The Future Relationship investor-relations/larry-fink-ceo-letter>.
Between Technology and Inequality, in How Unequal? Insights on 42 Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Design, Scope,
Inequality (Committee for Economic Development of Australia, April Cost-Benefit Analysis, Contracts Awarded and Implementation
2018). Associated with the Better Management of the Social Welfare System
17 Australian Human Rights Commission, Legislation, <www.humanrights. Initiative Parliament of Australia, <>. business/committees/senate/community_affairs/socialwelfaresystem>.
18 Australian Human Rights Commission, Business and Human Rights, 43 British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Royal
< Society, Data Management and Use: Governance in the 21st Century,
rights>. <>.
19 Microsoft, The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in 44 AI Now, The AI Now Report: The Social and Economic Implications of
Society (Microsoft, 2018) 58. Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Near-Term (2016) <https://
20 Ibid 58-59.>.
21 Nicholas Davis, World Economic Forum, Ch. 7: The Future Relationship 45 The ACCC has compulsory information-gathering powers under s 155
Between Technology and Inequality, in How Unequal? Insights on of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
Inequality (Committee for Economic Development of Australia, April

46 Section 80W of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) empowers the Privacy
Commissioner to apply to the Federal Court or the Federal Circuit
Court for an order that an entity pay the Commonwealth a pecuniary
penalty where that entity has contravened a civil penalty provision,
such as a serious or repeated interference with privacy.
47 See Information Commissioner’s Office, Taking Action-Data Protection,
48 See Yolandra Redrup, ‘Chief Scientist Alan Finkel Calls for Artificial
Intelligence Regulation,’ The Australian Financial Review (online),
14 November 2017 <
49 Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology
Council Committee on Technology, Preparing for the Future of Artificial
Intelligence (2016) <
the_future_of_ai.pdf. (“AI can be a major driver of economic growth
and social progress, if industry, civil society, government, and the
public work together to support development of the technology, with
thoughtful attention to its potential and to managing its risks.”); see
also Microsoft, The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and Its Role
in Society (Microsoft, 2018) 17.
50 Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology
Council Committee on Technology, Preparing for the Future of Artificial
Intelligence (2016) 39.
51 Ibid.
52 Nima Elmi and Nicholas Davis, How Governance Is Changing in the
4IR (18 January 2018) <
53 Ibid.
54 Prime Minister’s Office and The Rt Hon Theresa May MP, PM’s Speech
at Davos 2018: 25 January (25 January 2018) <

Artificial Intelligence: governance and leadership • White paper • 2019 • 21

Australian Human Rights Commission

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