3) T-Beams

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Analysis (Investigation or review) of T-Beams and Non-Rectangular Beams

Reinforced concrete floor systems normally consist of slabs and beams are placed
monolithically. As a result, the two parts act together to resist loads. In effect the beams
have extra widths at their tops, called flanges, and the resulting T-shaped beams are
called T-beams. The part of a T-beam below the slab is referred to as the web or stem.
(The beams may be L-shaped if the stem is at the end of a slab)

bf = effective bf = effective
flange width flange width tf = flange

Web or stem
bw bw

Figure 2.1 Effective Flange Width

Section 408.11.2 of the NSCP states that the width of slab effective as a T-beam flange
shall not exceed one fourth the span length of the beam, and the effective overhanging
slab width on each side of the web shall not exceed:
1. Eight times the slab thickness, or
2. One half the clear distances to the next web.

1) span L 
 4 
 
bf  2) bw  16t f 
3) c to c spacing of webs 
 
 

The NSCP through its section 408.11.3 states that for beams with a slab on one side
only, the effective overhanging flange width shall not exceed:
1. One twelfth the span length of the beam,
2. six times the slab thickness, or
3. one half the clear distance to the next web

1) span L 
 12 
 
bf  2) 6t f 
3) c to c spacing of webs 
 
 

Example 2.1
Calculate the bending stresses in the T-Beam section shown in Figure 2.2 if M = 150
kN.m and n= 9.
bf = 900mm

tf = 100mm

d = 600mm
3 – 28mm

bw = 250mm

Figure 2.2 Example 2.1


Assume the Neutral Axis in the flange,

bf = 900mm bf = 900mm

NA x

d = 600mm 600 - x

3 – 28mm

nAs = 9(1847) = 16623 mm2

bw = 250mm
Original Beam Section Transformed Section

Figure 2.3 Neutral Axis at the Flange

1. Locate the position of the neutral axis,

 2
A s  3   28    1847 mm2
4 
 900x   2   16623  600  x 
 
x  36.94x  22164  0
x  131.55 mm > tf = 100mm Therefore, assumption is incorrect!

Assume the Neutral Axis in the Web,
bf = 900mm bf = 900mm

100mm x
bw = 250mm
d = 600mm
600 - x

3 – 28mm

nAs = 9(1847) = 16623 mm2

bw = 250mm
Original Beam Section Transformed Section

Figure 2.3 Neutral Axis at the Web

1. Locate the position of the neutral axis,

650(100)(x  50)  250(x)    16623(600  x)
x 2  652.98x  105790.4  0
x  134.36 mm > tf = 100mm
Therefore, the Neutral Axis is in the web as assumed.

2. Compute the moment of inertia,

900(134.36)3 650(34.36)3
INA    16623(600  134.36)2
3 3
INA  4323.08x106 mm4

3. Compute the Bending stresses,

Mc c 150(10)6 (134.36)
fc    4.66 MPa
INA 4323.08x106
fs Mc s 150(10)6 (600  134.36)
 ; fs  (9)  145.41 MPa
n INA 4323.08x106

Example 2.2
Calculate the bending stresses in the beam section shown in Figure 2.3 if M = 150 kN.m
and n= 8.

150 150 150 150 150 150

150mm 150mm x

575 - x

4 – 32mm
nAs = 8(3216) = 25736 mm2

Original Beam Section Transformed Section

Figure 2.3 Example 2.2

1. Locate the position of the neutral axis, (Assume x > 150mm)

450(x)    150(150)(x  75)  25736(575  x)
x 2  14.38x  58269.78  0
x  234.3 mm > 150mm Ok!

2. Compute the moment of inertia,

150(234.3)3 150(84.3)3
INA  (2)   25736(575  234.3)2
3 3
INA  4303.52x10 mm 4

3. Compute the Bending stresses,

Mc c 150(10)6 (234.3)
fc    8.17 MPa
INA 4303.52x106
fs Mc s 150(10)6 (600  234.3)
 ; fs  (8)  101.97 MPa
n INA 4303.52x106


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