Rangkaian Susunan Upacara Bendera (Senin) Berbahasa Inggis

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THE MONDAYS OF FLAG CEREMONY, ......................, ................... , 20...


(Upacara bendera hari senin, ......................, ............... 20.......

Siap dimulai)


1. Each squad is prepared

(masing – masing pasukan di istirahatkan)
2. The leader of ceremony takes the place
(pemimpin upacara memasuki lapangan upacara)
3. Salute to the leader of ceremony, led by the leader of right company
(penghormatan kepada pemimpin upacara, dipimpin oleh barisan yang paling kanan)
4. Reporting, by the leader of squads to the leader of ceremony
(laporan, oleh masing- masing pemimpin pasukan kepada pemiimpin upacara)
5. All of the companies are taken a rest
(semua pasukan di istirahatkan)
6. The coach of ceremony comes to the place, the company is prepared
(pembina upacara tiba di tempat, pasukan disiapkan)
7. Salute
8. Report ing
9. Raising the flag
(pengibaran bendera Merah putih)
10. Moment of silent, led by the coach of ceremony
(megheningkan cipta, dipimpin oleh pembina upacara)
11. Reading of undang- undang dasar 1945
(pembacaan UUD 1945)
12. Reading of Pancasila, by the coach of ceremony
(pembacaan teks Pancasila, dipimpin oleh pembina upacara)
13. The speech of the coach of ceremony
(amanat pembina upacara)
14. The company is prepared
(pasukan disiapkan)
15. Singing the Natioanal songs
(menyanyikan lagu wajib Nasiaonal)
16. Reciting prayer
(pembacaan doa)
17. The leader of ceremony reports to the coach ceremony
(laporan pemimpin upacara kepada pembina upacara bahwa upacara telah selesai)
18. Salute
19. The coach of ceremony leaves the place (pembina upacara berkenan meninggalkan lapangan
20. Salute, to the leader of ceremony
(penghormatan kepada pemimpin upacara)
21. The leader of ceremony leaves the place
(pemimpin upacara berkenan meninggalkan lapangan upacara)
(pengumuman- pengumuman)

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