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SmartArt Basics

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3



SmartArt refers to the range of graphics available in Word that you

can use to create diagrams, such as flow charts, process charts,
organisation charts, and the like. Select a SmartArt graphic from the
gallery and then customise it to suit your needs. SmartArt helps
you to create professional-looking diagrams in minutes.

In this session you will:

 gain an understanding of SmartArt

 learn how to insert a SmartArt graphic
 learn how to insert text into a SmartArt graphic
 learn how to add shapes below the active shape
 learn how to add shapes above the active shape
 learn how to add shapes before and after the active
 learn how to add an assistant
 learn how to promote and demote positions in a hierarchy
 learn how to switch a SmartArt graphic from right to left
 learn how to position SmartArt
 learn how to resize SmartArt
 learn how to apply a different layout
 learn how to apply a colour scheme
 learn how to apply a SmartArt style
 learn how to delete shapes from a SmartArt graphic.

© Watsonia Publishing Page 33 SmartArt

Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3

SmartArt allows you to visually communicate so on. By using SmartArt to communicate
your important ideas and information. For information, you can create visually-appealing
example, you can use SmartArt graphics to diagrams that can say so much more than words
depict processes, hierarchies, relationships and alone.

How To Use SmartArt

SmartArt can be a simple flowchart depicting
a process or a complex arrangement of
shapes and lines used to show relationships.
To work with SmartArt, simply select a layout
from the SmartArt gallery that most closely
represents the way you want to structure your
information, and then customise the SmartArt
graphic by adding text and formatting shapes.
The picture to the right is an example of a
SmartArt graphic used to list a range of
complementary fuels. Presented in this way,
dry subject matter suddenly becomes an
interesting read.

The SmartArt Gallery

SmartArt graphics are available from the SmartArt gallery. Click on a category in the left pane to
view a range of layouts for that category in the centre pane. Click on a layout to preview it in the
right pane.

There are eight categories of SmartArt graphics in the SmartArt gallery.

 List: For items without a sequence, such as a list of key objects or concepts.
 Process: For items or steps with a specific sequence and end point.
 Cycle: For steps with a continuing sequence.
 Relationship: To illustrate relationships between things, such as objects and people.
 Matrix: For grid-like diagrams.
 Pyramid: For a hierarchy of items, like the traditional food pyramid.
 Picture: To create picture galleries and collages, for example.
 Office.com: Connect to office.com to view the layouts available to download.

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


To create diagrams using SmartArt graphics, you want convey. Once you insert the graphic, you
you first need to open the SmartArt gallery. You can then insert text and format the shapes as
then select a layout from one of the eight required. Here you will insert an organisation
categories that will best depict the information chart.

Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise

you MUST open the file W843


 Press + to move to the

end of the document, just 4
below the headings
You will insert the SmartArt
graphic here…

 Click on the Insert tab, then

click on SmartArt in the
Illustrations group to open the
Choose a SmartArt Graphic
dialog box

 Click on each category in the

left pane, and then click on
various layouts in the centre 5
pane to preview each layout

 Click on Hierarchy in the left

pane, then click on
Organisation Chart in the
centre pane to select this

 Click on [OK] to insert the

SmartArt graphic
The graphic is contained within
a placeholder, and a [Text]
placeholder is selected, ready
for you to start typing…

 Click outside the placeholder

to deselect the graphic, then
save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert a SmartArt graphic:  Among the numerous organisation chart
1. Click on the Insert tab, then click on layouts available in the SmartArt gallery is a
SmartArt in the Illustrations group Picture and Name Organisation Chart. If
you insert this graphic, you will see picture
2. Click on a category in the left pane placeholders. Click on a picture placeholder
3. Click on a layout, then click on [OK] to open the Insert Picture dialog box, select
the picture, then click on [Insert].

© Watsonia Publishing Page 35 SmartArt

Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3

Text is inserted into text placeholders, which typing, or display and type your text into the Text
contain the text within the corresponding shape. pane. Inserting text into the Text pane is generally
There are two ways to insert text into a SmartArt the quicker method, as you don’t need to move to
graphic: click on the [Text] placeholder and start each shape before you type your text.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file

with this exercise, or open the

file W843 SmartArt_2.docx...

 Click on the SmartArt graphic to

display the placeholder if it is not
already displayed, then click on
the tab on the left edge of the
placeholder to open the Text
The tab will expand to open the
Text pane, where each bullet
point corresponds to a shape in
the graphic...

 Click on the first bullet point and

type Managing Director
The text will also appear in the
corresponding first shape in the 4
chart. Notice also how the text
size adjusts automatically...

 Press to move down to the

next bullet point (assistant) and
type Legal Advisor

 Repeat step 3 to add the

following entries:
Administration Manager
Financial Controller
Marketing Director

 Click on close at the top of

the Text pane to close the Text
pane, and then save the

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To insert text into a SmartArt graphic:  To display and hide the Text pane, click on
1. Click on the SmartArt graphic to display the the SmartArt graphic to display the
placeholder, then click on the tab on the placeholder, then click on the Design tab.
left edge of the placeholder Click on Text Pane in the Create
Graphic group.
2. Type the text, using the arrow keys to move
between entries (shapes)

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


Although the range of SmartArt layouts make for add shapes to the existing graphic. You can add
a great start when creating diagrams, it’s likely shapes below the active (source) shape, which
that you’ll need to customise the graphic to meet appear below the active shape as being one level
your needs. One way to customise SmartArt is to down in the hierarchy.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file with

this exercise, or open the file W843


 Click on the text Managing Director

to make the shape active
A dashed blue line will appear
around the shape. You will add a
shape one level below the active

 Click on the Design tab, then click 5

on the drop arrow for Add Shape
in the Create Graphic group
and select Add Shape Below
The shape will be inserted at the
end of the level below. The new
shape will be active and you can
start typing...

 Type Business Development

 Click on the text Financial

Controller to make the shape active 7

 Click on the drop arrow for Add

Shape in the Create Graphic
group and select Add Shape Below

 Type Accountant

 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add a

shape with the text Projects Officer

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To add a shape below:  You can add shapes below by inserting text
1. Click on the source shape to make it active into the Text pane. To do this, open the Text
pane and then click at the end of the bullet
2. Click on the drop arrow for Add Shape point entry for the source shape. Press
in the Create Graphic group to add a shape (bullet point) below it, then
3. Select Add Shape Below press and type the text.

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


When you add a shape above, the shape will source shape (that is, the starting shape that you
appear as one level above the active shape in will add other shapes to) and then add a shape
the hierarchy. So, to add a higher position to an above it. Here you will add the CEO and General
organisation chart, you will click on or select the Manager to the hierarchy.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or open


the file W843


 Click on the text Managing

Director to make the shape
You will add the CEO to the

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on the drop arrow for

Add Shape in the Create

Graphic group and select Add
Shape Above

 Type Chief Executive Officer

 Click on the text

Administration Manager to
make the shape active
You will add the General
Manager to the hierarchy…

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on the drop arrow for
Add Shape in the Create
Graphic group and select Add
Shape Above

 Type General Manager

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To add a shape above:  You can add shapes above by inserting text
1. Click on the source shape to make it active into the Text pane. To do this, open the Text
pane, then click at the beginning of the bullet
2. Click on the drop arrow for Add Shape point entry for the required source shape.
in the Create Graphic group Press to insert a new entry, then press
3. Select Add Shape Above , then press + to promote the
entry (one level up), then type the text.

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


As well as adding shapes to your SmartArt active shape, that is, before or after the active
graphic that appear above and below the active shape. When you add shapes before or after the
shape in the hierarchy, you can also add shapes active shape, the entry will appear on the same
to appear either to the right or the left of the level of the hierarchy as the active shape.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file

with this exercise, or open the

file W843 SmartArt_5.docx...

 Click on the text Business

Development to make the
shape active
You will add the Sales Manager
to the hierarchy…

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on the drop arrow for
Add Shape in the Create
Graphic group and select Add
Shape Before

 Type Sales Manager

 Click on the text Administration

Manager to make the shape
You will add the Office Manager
to the hierarchy, who also
reports to the General 6

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on the drop arrow for
Add Shape in the Create
Graphic group and select Add
Shape After

 Type Office Manager

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To add a shape before or after:  If you’re not satisfied with the position of the
1. Click on the source shape to make it active shape when you Add Shape Before or
After, you can click on Move Up to move
2. Click on the drop arrow for Add Shape
the shape across one position to the left, or
in the Create Graphic group
click on Move Down to move the shape
3. Select Add Shape Before or Add Shape across one position to the right.

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3

An assistant, such as an Executive Assistant, an Executive Assistant as well as other managers
generally reports to the CEO or Managing who report to them. For this reason, Word provides
Director, but is not at the same level as other the Add Assistant tool to help account for these
subordinates. For example, the CEO may have types of positions in the hierarchy.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or open


the file W843


 Click on the text Managing

Director to make the shape
You will add Executive
Assistant to the Managing
Director… 5

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on the drop arrow for
Add Shape in the Create
Graphic group and select Add

 Type Executive Assistant

 Click on the text Sales

Manager to make the shape
You will add Customer Service 6

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on the drop arrow for
Add Shape in the Create
Graphic group and select Add

 Type Customer Service Reps

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To add an assistant:  By default, assistants are placed one level
1. Click on the source shape to make it active below the active shape and appear on the
left of the connecting line. Subordinate
2. Click on the drop arrow for Add Shape
positions appear on the right of the
in the Create Graphic group connecting line.
3. Select Add Assistant

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


Microsoft Word allows you to promote and hierarchy, any positions subordinate to it are also
demote positions in the hierarchy. This can save promoted or demoted and move up or down one
you from having to delete and recreate positions. level accordingly in the hierarchy.
When you promote or demote a position in the

Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise you

MUST open the file W843


 Click on the text Projects Officer

The Projects Officer actually reports
to the Accountant…

 Click on the Design tab, then click on

Demote in the Create Graphic
group 4
The connecting line changes to show
the new reporting structure…

 Click on the text Marketing Director

The chart should show that Business
Development and the Sales Manager
report to the Marketing Director…

 Click on Promote
Graphic group
in the Create

This is not right at all! The reporting

structure is all over the place…

Click on Demote or press +
to undo the change
We will try another approach…

 Click on the text Sales Manager,

then click on Demote in the
Create Graphic group
The position now reports to the
Marketing Director…

 Repeat the above step to demote

Business Development, then save
the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To promote or demote positions:  You may not get what you expect when
1. Click on the source shape to make it active, promoting and demoting positions in a
and then: hierarchy, as this exercise has shown.
Sometimes it may just be easier to delete the
 Click on Promote existing position and then recreate it in the
or correct position.
 Click on Demote

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


The Right to Left tool allows you to switch the appear in the graphic. So, whatever appeared on
order of shapes in your SmartArt graphic. This is the left now appears on the right and so on. Note
really the same as flipping or reversing the that you can only flip or reverse the entire graphic,
graphic. This also applies to any arrows that may not parts of the graphic.

Try This Yourself:
Before starting this exercise

you MUST open the file W843


 Click anywhere on the graphic

so that the graphic placeholder
appears if it is not already

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on Right to Left in
the Create Graphic group 3
The chart will be reversed.
This layout is looking much
better, let’s just double-check
that we want to use this

 Click on Right to Left

again to restore the original
The other layout is

 Click on Right to Left

again to reinstate the change

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To switch right to left:  Right to Left is ideally suited for cycle
1. Click on the SmartArt graphic to display the and process diagrams, where it can be used
graphic placeholder to reverse the order of the process.
2. Click on Right to Left in the Create
Graphic group

© Watsonia Publishing Page 42 SmartArt

Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3

When you insert a SmartArt graphic, it will be reposition the graphic to sit exactly where you want
inserted wherever the cursor is located on the it. For example, you may want to centre the graphic
page. However, this may not be its final on the page. You can use the range of Position
destination! It’s fair to say that you’ll want to commands to position your SmartArt precisely.

Try This Yourself:

Before starting this exercise you

MUST open the file W843


 Click on the View tab, then click

on One Page so that you
can see the whole page on-

 Click on the SmartArt graphic

to display the graphic
placeholder and make it active,
and make sure no shapes are

 Click on the Format tab and

click on Position in the
Arrange group to see a gallery
of position options

 Point to each of the options

under With Text Wrapping and
watch as Word moves the
SmartArt around the page in
Live Preview

 Click on Position in Middle

Centre with Square Text
Wrapping to position the
drawing at the middle of the

 Deselect the graphic and save

the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To position SmartArt:  Click and drag on the placeholder to move
1. Click on the SmartArt graphic to activate it the SmartArt to its new position. When you
use the mouse to position SmartArt, it will
2. Click on the Format tab, then click on
override any Position settings that have
Position in the Arrange group been applied.
3. Select a position

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3

By default, SmartArt will automatically resize to However, you may want to increase or decrease
fit the placeholder and vice versa. So, as you add the size of the graphic, and there are a couple of
or delete shapes, for example, the graphic will ways to do this: either drag on a placeholder
adjust its size accordingly to fit the placeholder. handle, or specify the width and height.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous file

with this exercise, or open the file

W843 SmartArt_10.docx...

 Click on the SmartArt graphic to

make it active
You will first turn off any Position
settings, as they override manual
resizing and make resizing 4

 Click on the Format tab, then click

on Position and select In Line
With Text
The graphic is no longer centred,
but we can fix that…

 Move the pointer over the

placeholder handle that appears at
the right edge of the placeholder so
that a double-headed arrow
appears, as shown

 Click and drag to the right, as


 Release the mouse button

The graphic is now centred, and the
placeholder has resized but not the
graphic. Adjusting the height will

 Make sure the SmartArt graphic is

active, click on the Format tab,
then click in Height on the Size
group and type 12, then press
to apply the new height

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To resize SmartArt:  Press while dragging on a placeholder
1. Click in the SmartArt graphic to activate it handle to resize from all four sides at once.
2. Click and drag on a placeholder handle to  As seen in this exercise, increasing the width
resize, or click on the Format tab, then of the placeholder does not necessarily
specify the required Height and Width in the increase the width of the graphic. SmartArt
Size group should be resized proportionately (both
width and height) when dragging.

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


Each SmartArt category in the SmartArt gallery You can easily apply a different layout to your
contains a range of layouts that you insert to existing graphic. The shapes and text will reformat
create your diagrams. But if you’re not happy with in line with the selected layout, and changing the
the layout, it doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it! layout will not affect the structure of the diagram.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or open


the file W843


 Click on the SmartArt graphic

to display the graphic
placeholder and make it active

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on More in the
Layouts group to display the
gallery of available layouts
The current layout is outlined
in yellow...

 Point to different layouts to see

the organisation chart
reformatted in Live Preview
The name of each layout will
be displayed in a tool tip... 4

 Click on Hierarchy to apply

this layout

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To apply a different layout:  To view the full range of SmartArt layouts
1. Click on the SmartArt graphic to activate it when choosing a different layout, click on the
graphic to activate it, then click on the
2. Click on the Design tab, then click on More
Design tab, click on More in the Layouts
in the Layouts group
group and select More Layouts. The
3. Click on a layout to apply SmartArt galley will be displayed. Select an
alternative layout, then click on [OK].

© Watsonia Publishing Page 45 SmartArt

Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


Well it seems that you can change pretty much colour schemes that you can apply to your
every other aspect of SmartArt graphics, so of SmartArt to ensure, for example, that the graphic
course there will be options for changing the conforms to the formatting requirements of the
default colour scheme. There are many other document.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or open


the file W843


 Click on the SmartArt graphic

to display the graphic
placeholder and make it active

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on Change Colours
in the SmartArt Styles group
to display a gallery of colour
schemes (or themes)
The current colour theme,
Coloured Fill – Accent 1, is
highlighted in yellow...

 Point to different colour

themes to see the SmartArt
update in Live Preview

 Click on Colourful Range –

Accent Colours 3 to 4 to
apply the colour scheme

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To apply a colour scheme:  You can modify the format of individual
1. Click on the SmartArt graphic to activate it shapes, lines and the text within the graphic.
To do this, click on a shape or line to select it
2. Click on Change Colours in the
(press and click to select multiple
SmartArt Styles group shapes), or select the text, then click on the
3. Click on a colour scheme to apply Format tab and apply formatting as required.

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


And so the range of SmartArt formatting options your SmartArt. Styles differ to layouts in that they
continues! Not only can you change the layout include a range of effects for shapes, such as 3D
and colour scheme of your SmartArt to whatever effects, thereby enhancing the look of your graphic.
suits your fancy, you can also apply styles to

Try This Yourself:

Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or open


the file W843

SmartArt_13.docx... 2

 Click on the SmartArt graphic

to display the graphic
placeholder and make it active

 Click on the Design tab, then

click on More in the
SmartArt Styles group to
display the gallery of styles
Word suggests a range of
styles that best match the
current document…

 Point to different styles to see

the SmartArt Style change in
Live Preview
You may need to wait a
moment for Live Preview to
display the effect, as 3D
effects can be quite memory-

 Click on Intense Effect to

apply this style

 Save the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To apply a SmartArt Style:  You can reset a SmartArt graphic to its
1. Click on the SmartArt graphic to activate it original form (that is, the original layout). This
will remove any formatting, such as styles
2. Click on the Design tab, then click on More
and colour schemes. To do this, activate the
in the SmartArt Styles group graphic, click on the Design tab and then
3. Click on the desired style to apply it click on Reset Graphic .

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Microsoft Word 2010 - Level 3


As well as formatting your SmartArt graphic with When you delete shapes in a SmartArt graphic, the
the seemingly endless range of formatting graphic will adjust accordingly. Any lines
options, you may also need to edit the graphic, connecting to that shape will also be removed.
such as deleting individual shapes or editing text.

Try This Yourself:
Continue using the previous

file with this exercise, or open


the file W843


 Click on the border of the white

(front) box for Legal Advisor
The handles should appear
around the shape but the
cursor should not appear in the

 Press
The shape will be deleted and
the graphic will adjust
accordingly... 4

 Click on the border of the white

(front) box for Office Manager

 Press
You will now edit some
existing text…

 Click on the text Development

(for Business Development),
then press to move to the
end of the text 6

 Press
then type

 Click outside the graphic to

deselect it and view the result

 Save and close the document

For Your Reference… Handy to Know…

To delete a shape from SmartArt:  To delete multiple shapes at once, press
1. Click on the border of the shape to select it and click to select multiple shapes, then
2. Press or press .
 To delete the entire SmartArt graphic,
activate the graphic, make sure no shapes
are selected, then press .

© Watsonia Publishing Page 48 SmartArt

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