OECD HRM Profile - Finland
OECD HRM Profile - Finland
OECD HRM Profile - Finland
Background… Restructuring… Senior Management… Challenges…
Legal Framework… Organisation of HR… Industrial Relations…
Composition… HR Management… Reforms…
Employment in central government under the Central human resources management body: Government centralisation (2008)††
main General Employment Framework (GEF):¹
Office for the Government as Employer 0% 100%
2011: 85 072 employees Central Sub-central
Total employment in the general government Government production costs (2010)†† Type of recruitment system (2010)
sector as a percentage of labour force (2010):† Career Position
0% 100%
22.8% based based
Employee compensation
Finland OECD33
Goods & services used
Fixed capital consumption
Legal Framework
GEF covers all
The GEF covers all central government employees in conditions to open-term contracts. Government
employees: Finland; however, some temporary staff are hired employees receive some funding of pensions and no
GEF includes fixed-term outside the framework. The GEF covers fixed-term guarantees are made in favour of life-long
contracts: contracts which have similar employment employment.
Private law applicable in
public sector:
Staff have the right: Benefits, to which employees are entitled to, are: Firing rules provide:
N/A = Not to Full funding of Partial funding of Some funding of Different guarantees about job Guarantees in favour of
Applicable to strike
unionise social security social security pensions protection / dismissal life-long employment
Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes No
Yes Yes N/A N/A Yes Yes No
Composition of Employment
Central Government Total Labour Force
6.8% 0.3% 11.4% Inside: Finland
Central government employment¹ 40
Outside: OECD28
Total employment under 85 072 35 0.1%
GEF (2011): employees 30 27.4% 9.2% 13.3%
Public Sector Restructuring
Finland is one of 27 OECD countries that reported an anticipated Finland OECD32/33
Anticipated reforms' effect
decrease in public employment levels as a result of planned reforms. Decrease OECD Range
on employment level:
A number of structural measures were implemented in 2009 and Implemented changes in employment
2010, including merging agencies, a major university reform and a levels affecting more than 50% of 30
regionalisation programme. Measures to reduce operational costs ministries/agencies since 2000: 25
feature as part of the fiscal consolidation plan and mostly rely on Discretionary hiring / dismissal 20
staff reductions through productivity measures and rationalisation Change in retirement age
of support services. Redundant civil servants receive an allowance Devolution of authority over other
and have a right to priority redeployment in their own agency; levels of government 10
however there is no right to priority placement in the state sector Contracting out 5
generally. General government sector employment (excluding public Delegation to other public or semi- 0
corporations) as a percentage of the labour force, 22.8% in 2010, is public organisations General Compensation of
well above the OECD average of 15.1%. Compensation of public Reorganisation / restructuring government as a government
percentage of employees as a
employees as a percentage of GDP, 14.4% in 2010, is also above the labour force percentage of GDP
(2010)† (2010)††
OECD average of 11.3%.
Organisation of HR Management
Decentralisation of HR Management Strategic HR Management
Central HRM unit: Office for the Government as Employer Existence of HRM
accountability framework for Yes, but still lacks clear objectives.
Role: Responsible for defining HR policy managers:
Location: Ministry of Finance HRM targets feed
Responsibilities: Provide leadership and guidance No
performance assessments:
Coordinate and supervise HR policy/strategy Regular HRM assessment of
Provide advice on legal framework No
ministries and departments:
Define and control the payroll Framework requires top &
Promote diversity Compliance with HR rules &
middle management to plan
targets for employment and pay
Manage retirement and pension plans, and report on:
excluding legislation. Forward planning use: Yes, with framework design left to
Personnel, budget Budget allocation is set centrally, with some discretion of different organizations.
and pay delegation: latitude for ministries in application. Forward-planning horizon: Data unavailable
Pay systems, bonuses and the distribution of Key aspects explicitly Civil service demographics
posts are managed by ministries and agencies. considered in forward Efficiency savings (for example,
Units/teams are also involved in managing planning: through e-government)
Classification, The post classification system, recruitment,
recruitment and individual contract duration and dismissal
dismissal delegation: following restructure are managed by
ministries and agencies.
Other forms of dismissal and contract duration
for posts are managed by units/teams.
Career management is the responsibility of
ministries and units/teams.
Employment Equal opportunity issues and flexibility in
conditions delegation: working conditions are set centrally, with
ministries responsible for application.
Performance appraisal, the code of conduct
and adjustments to working conditions are
managed by ministries and agencies.
Finland OECD33/31
OECD Range
Finland delegates HRM practices to line ministries makes substantially less use of strategic HRM 1.0
and agencies to a greater extent than the average practices compared to the OECD average. A
OECD country. The central HRM unit is responsible general accountability framework exists for 0.8
for a select range of co-ordination issues and is management, but it covers a narrow range of 0.6
involved in the management of only a few HRM issues. HRM targets are not considered in
issues. Ministries are responsible for the majority performance assessments and regular assessments 0.4
of HRM decisions, with units/teams being involved of ministries’ HRM capacity are not undertaken.
in the management of bonuses and career Forward planning is used and left to organisational
development. Overall, delegation has led to discretion. Government wide automatic 0.0
broadly comparable employment frameworks productivity cuts are used and assist in forward Extent of delegation of Utilisation of strategic
HRM practices to line HRM practices in
across central government, but with diverse pay planning of personnel. ministries in central central
scales and conditions within ministries. Finland government (2010)†† government (2010)††
Last updated 21 December 2012
Human Resources Management Country Profiles
HR Management Practice
RECRUITMENT: The recruitment system used in the PERFORMANCE: Finland makes substantially less use of performance assessment
Finnish civil service is substantially more position based in HR decisions compared to the average OECD country, and lies in the lower
than career based. Entry into the civil service is gained region of the range. Assessment is mandatory for almost all employees and takes
through direct application Finland
the form of an annual meeting with the Finland OECD31/33
and interview for a specific OECD33 immediate superior, with some OECD Range
post, with all posts being Position OECD Range organisations also using 360° feedback. A 1.0
published and open to narrow range of criteria is used, focusing 0.8
internal and external 0.8 on outputs, improvement of competencies
recruitment. Measures have and interpersonal skills. Assessment is of 0.6
been taken to increase the 0.6 high importance to remuneration, and
use of external recruitment lesser importance to career advancement 0.4
for management, but and contract renewal. Finland uses much 0.2
decrease it for secretarial 0.2 more performance-related pay (PRP) than
positions and technical the average OECD country, and lies in the 0.0
0.0 Extent of the use of Extent of the use of
support. There are general upper region of the range. RP is used for performance performance-related
Career Type of recruitment
targets to encourage women system used in central most employees in the form of permanent assessments in HR pay in central
government (2010) decisions in central government (2012)^
to apply for management pay increments ranging between 1% and government (2010)††
positions. 50%.
PROMOTIONS: Performance appraisals and qualifications are WORK CONDITIONS: The average yearly working hours in the Finnish
the key determinants of promotion decisions for all grades. All central government, 1 621 hours in 2011, is well below the OECD average
openings are published on a transparent listing accessible of 1 745 hours, and toward the bottom of the range. This is driven by
government wide, and there is some use of assessment centres notably fewer weekly work hours and several more days of annual leave.
to facilitate merit-based selection. Specially directed The average number of sick days taken per employee is 9.9 days per
information sessions and coaching are available for women, year. Recommendations for preventative medical care are given to those
with promotion targets also applying. with high absenteeism. Finland
OECD Range
MOBILITY: Internal mobility has been increasing, along with the 2100
publicity of available positions in the civil service. Staff on
external postings retain the right to return to their post, and
external mobility is promoted through special secondment, as Number of regular working 1900
hours per week: º
well as explicitly being taken into consideration in promotion 1800
decisions and career planning. Employees on external postings Average number of annual 1700
face no costs if they do not return to the public sector. leave days per year: º
Senior Management
Finland uses separate HRM practices for senior civil candidates includes interviews and tests, if necessary. OECD31
servants (SCS) to a slightly greater extent than the The selection criteria for senior management posts in OECD Range
average OECD country. SCS are considered a separate central government were revised in 2011. The minister
group and have a centrally defined skills profile. No and ministry head have influence over the appointment/ 0.8
policies are in place to identify potential leadership early dismissal of all management levels. Cabinet also has
in their careers. SCS are recruited with a more influence over the appointment/dismissal of heads of 0.6
centralised process, and more attention is paid to the department/agency. Of all civil servants, only political
management of their performance and potential advisors to ministers turn over with a change in
conflicts of interest. All senior management positions government. 0.2
are open to external recruitment and assessment of
Use of separate HRM
practices for senior civil
servants in central
government (2010)††
Industrial Relations
Civil service unions are closely involved in industrial relations in employment framework, the code of conduct, the introduction of new
Finland, and receive no public funding. Consultation and agreement management tools and government restructuring are negotiated at
with unions is mandatory regarding remuneration and work central and delegated levels. The right to strike/minimum service rules
conditions, with consultation also mandatory regarding the are negotiated centrally, whereas base salary negotiations are
employment framework, the code of conduct and government delegated to departments. All public employees are granted the right
restructuring. Unions are voluntarily consulted regarding the right to to unionise, and most are guarantee the right to strike, except in times
strike/minimum service. Bonuses, working conditions, the defined by convention.
The General Government Productivity Programme 2005-15 aims to the know-how, motivation and professional well-being of the staff at
increase the productivity and efficiency of the central government and work. The productivity program was subsequently replaced by a new
services through structural and functional reforms, as well as increase program with emphasis on effectiveness and results. A new project on
labour-force competitiveness and know-how. It focuses on: leadership reform of the central government in Finland was launched at the
and management; operational processes; use of IT; and developing beginning of 2012.
A key challenge facing the human resources management of the No further information regarding challenges faced in HRM was
Finnish public sector is the escalating financial burden and critical provided.
workforce capacity issues as a result of an ageing population.
Unless indicated otherwise, all data are sourced from OECD (2010), Survey on Strategic †† OECD (2011), Government at a Glance 2011, OECD Publishing, Paris.
Human Resources Management in Central/Federal Governments, unpublished. ˜ OECD (2012), Restoring Public Finances, 2012 Update, OECD Publishing, Paris.
* Data for Total Labour Force from OECD Labour Force Statistics Database; data for º OECD (2010), Survey on the Compensation of Employees in Central/Federal
Central Government from OECD (2011), Government at a Glance 2011. Governments, unpublished.
† Data from International Labour Organization (ILO) LABORSTA Database and OECD ^ OECD (2012), Rewarding Performance in the Public Sector: Performance-related Pay
National Accounts Statistics. See Methodological Note. in OECD Countries, unpublished.
OECD (2010), Public Governance Reviews – Finland, OECD Publishing, Paris
Further Reading
OECD (2012), Public Sector Compensation in Times of Austerity, OECD Publishing, Paris. OECD (2011), Government at a Glance 2011, OECD Publishing, Paris.
OECD (2011), Public Servants as Partners for Growth: Toward a Stronger, Leaner and OECD (2008), The State of the Public Service, OECD Publishing, Paris.
More Equitable Workforce, OECD Publishing, Paris.