Right To Self Organization Tupas v. NHA, May 4, 1989, Regalado, J. Facts
Right To Self Organization Tupas v. NHA, May 4, 1989, Regalado, J. Facts
Right To Self Organization Tupas v. NHA, May 4, 1989, Regalado, J. Facts
Petitioner (Mario Ortiz) was appointed Resignation is defined as the act of giving up or
Commissioner of COMELEC by then President the act of an officer by which he declines his
Ferdinand E. Marcos “for a term expiring May office and renounces the further right to use it.
17, 1992.” He took his oath of office on July 30,
1985. Requisites a complete and operative act of
Petitioner sent President Corazon C. Aquino a o The officer or employee must show a
letter which reads as follows: “Following the clear intention to relinquish or surrender
example of Honorable Justices of the Supreme his position accompanied by the act of
Court, on the premise that we have now a relinquishment.
revolutionary government, we hereby place our o Resignation implies an expression of the
position at your disposal.” incumbent in some form, express or
implied, of the intention to surrender,
The Freedom Constitution was promulgated renounce and relinquish the office, and
through Proclamation No. 3, Artide III thereof its acceptance by competent and lawful
provides: authority.
o SEC. 1. In the reorganization of the
government, priority shall be given From the foregoing it is evident that petitioner's
to measures to promote economy, "resignation" lacks the element of clear intention
efficiency, and the eradication of to surrender his position.
graft and corruption.
We cannot presume such intention from his “x x x While along with many other
statement in his letter of March 5, 1986 that he legal minds of our country, I have
was placing his position at the disposal of the strong and serious doubts about the
President. He did not categorically state therein legality and constitutionality of her
that he was unconditionally giving up his proclamation as President, I do not
position. It should be remembered that said letter wish to be a factor that will prevent
was actually a response to Proclamation No. 1
the restoration of unity and order in
which President Aquino issued on February
our civil society. It is for this reason
25,1986 when she called on all appointive public
officials to tender their "courtesy resignation" as that I now leave Malacañang Palace,
a "first step to restore confidence in public the seat of the presidency of this
administration. country, for the sake of peace and in
order to begin the healing process of
our nation. I leave the Palace of our
Estrada v. Arroyo, March 2, 2001, Puno, J. people with gratitude for the
Facts: opportunities given to me for
service to our people. I will not
January 20 2001: The day of surrender. At 12:20 shirk from any future challenges
a.m., the first round of negotiations for the that may come ahead in the same
peaceful and orderly transfer of power started at service of our country.”
Malacañang'' Mabini Hall, Office of the
Executive Secretary. Secretary Edgardo Angara, On the same day: He signed the following letter:
Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Ramon “Sir: By virtue of the provisions of Section 11,
Bagatsing, Political Adviser Angelito Banayo, Article VII of the Constitution, I am hereby
Asst. Secretary Boying Remulla, and Atty. transmitting this declaration that I am unable to
Macel Fernandez, head of the Presidential exercise the powers and duties of my office. By
Management Staff, negotiated for the petitioner. operation of law and the Constitution, the Vice-
Respondent Arroyo was represented by now President shall be the Acting President.”
Executive Secretary Renato de Villa, now o 8:30 a.m. on January 20: A copy
Secretary of Finance Alberto Romulo and now of the letter was sent to Speaker
Secretary of Justice Hernando Perez.27 Outside Fuentebella.
the palace, there was a brief encounter at o Same day but 9:00 PM: The
Mendiola between pro and anti-Estrada same letter was sent to Senator
protesters which resulted in stone-throwing and Pimentel
caused minor injuries. The negotiations January 22: The Monday after taking her oath,
consumed all morning until the news broke out respondent Arroyo immediately discharged the
that Chief Justice Davide would administer the powers the duties of the Presidency. On the
oath to respondent Arroyo at high noon at the same day, this Court issued the following
EDSA Shrine. Resolution in Administrative Matter No. 01-1-
05-SC: Acting on the urgent request of Vice
o At about 12:00 noon, Chief President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to be sworn
Justice Davide administered the in as President of the Republic of the
oath to respondent Arroyo as
Philippines, addressed to the Chief Justice and
President of the Philippines.
confirmed by a letter to the Court, dated January
o At 2:30 p.m., petitioner and his
family hurriedly left 20, 2001, which request was treated as an
Malacañang Palace. He issued administrative matter, the court Resolve
the following press statement: unanimously to confirm the authority given by
the twelve (12) members of the Court then
present to the Chief Justice on January 20, 2001 o 3:00 p.m.: General Reyes joined
to administer the oath of office of Vice President the sea of EDSA demonstrators
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as President of the demanding the resignation of
Philippines, at noon of January 20, 2001. x x x the petitioner and dramatically
without prejudice to the disposition of any announced the AFP's
justiciable case that may be filed by a proper withdrawal of support from the
petitioner and their pledge of
support to respondent Arroyo.
Respondent Arroyo appointed members of her The seismic shift of support left
Cabinet as well as ambassadors and special petitioner weak as a president.
envoys. Recognition of respondent Arroyo's According to Secretary Angara,
government by foreign governments swiftly he asked Senator Pimentel to
advise petitioner to consider the
option of "dignified exit or
Issue: resignation." Petitioner did not
disagree but listened intently.
WON Estrada is a President on leave - NO The sky was falling fast on the
Ratio: o 9:30 p.m.: Senator Pimentel
As events approached January 20, we can have repeated to the petitioner the
an authoritative window on the state of mind of urgency of making a graceful
and dignified exit. He gave the
the petitioner. The window is provided in the
proposal a sweetener by saying
"Final Days of Joseph Ejercito Estrada," the that petitioner would be allowed
diary of Executive Secretary Angara serialized to go abroad with enough funds
in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. to support him and his family.
Significantly, the petitioner
The Angara Diary reveals that in the morning of
expressed no objection to the
January 19, petitioner's loyal advisers were
suggestion for a graceful and
worried about the swelling of the crowd at
dignified exit but said he would
EDSA, hence, they decided to create an ad hoc
never leave the country.
committee to handle it. Their worry would
o 10:00 p.m.: Petitioner revealed
to Secretary Angara, "Ed, Angie
o 1:20 p.m.: Petitioner pulled
(Reyes) guaranteed that I would
Secretary Angara into his small
have five days to a week in the
office at the presidential
palace." This is proof that
residence and exclaimed: "Ed,
petitioner had reconciled
seryoso na ito. Kumalas na si
himself to the reality that he had
Angelo (Reyes) (Ed, this is
to resign. His mind was already
serious. Angelo has defected.)"
concerned with the five-day
o 2:30 p.m.: Petitioner decided to
grace period he could stay in the
call for a snap presidential
palace. It was a matter of time.
election and stressed he would
o The pressure continued piling
not be a candidate. The proposal
for a snap election for president
o 1:00 p.m.: Former President
in May where he would not be a
Ramos called up Secretary
candidate is an indicium that
Angara and requested, "Ed,
petitioner had intended to give
magtulungan tayo para
up the presidency even at that
magkaroon tayo ng (let's
cooperate to ensure a) peaceful
and orderly transfer of power."
There was no defiance to the LOA starting 16 November 1999 until 31 July
request. Secretary Angara 2000 (first letter). Respondent also signified his
readily agreed. Again, we note intention to retire from the service on 1 August
that at this stage, the problem 2000.
was already about a peaceful
and orderly transfer of power. On 4 November 1999, respondent filed his
The resignation of the petitioner application for LOA and early retirement.
was implied. Director Hipolito denied the request.
The resignation of the petitioner cannot be 4 days later, respondent again filed an
doubted. It was confirmed by his leaving application for LOA and resignation. Director
Malacañang. In the press release containing Hipolito endorsed the application to Assistant
his final statement, (1) he acknowledged the Secretary Maglaya.
oath-taking of the respondent as President of
the Republic albeit with reservation about its Without waiting for Maglaya’s comment,
legality; (2) he emphasized he was leaving respondent again filed an application for LOA
the Palace, the seat of the presidency, for the but for a shorter period from 16 November 1999
sake of peace and in order to begin the until 14 January 2000 (2nd letter). He also
healing process of our nation. He did not say signified his intention to resign effective at the
he was leaving the Palace due to any kind close of office hours on 14 January 2000.
inability and that he was going to re-assume According to Hipolito, he immediately approved
the presidency as soon as the disability respondents two-fold application and also
disappears: (3) he expressed his gratitude to notified CSC Regional Director Jose T. Soria
the people for the opportunity to serve them.
(Atty. Soria) (CSC-RO2) of his acceptance of
Without doubt, he was referring to the past
respondents resignation.
opportunity given him to serve the people as
President (4) he assured that he will not 14 January 2000: the DTI-RO2 received
shirk from any future challenge that may Memorandum Order No. 20 issued by
come ahead in the same service of our
Undersecretary Ordoez detailing respondent to
country. Petitioner's reference is to a future
the Office of the Undersecretary for Regional
challenge after occupying the office of the
president which he has given up; and (5) he Operations effective 17 January 2000.
called on his supporters to join him in the 17 January 2000, the DTI-RO2 received
promotion of a constructive national spirit of respondents 2nd letter informing Director
reconciliation and solidarity. Certainly, the
Hipolito that he was reconsidering his earlier
national spirit of reconciliation and
letter of resignation and that he decided to wait
solidarity could not be attained if he did not
give up the presidency. The press release until he could qualify for early retirement.
was petitioner's valedictory, his final act of Issue:
farewell. His presidency is now in the past
tense. WON Singun’s resignation was effective on
January 14- - NO
Republic v. Singun, March 14, 2008, Carpio,
J Resignation implies an expression of the
incumbent in some form, express or implied, of
Facts: the intention to surrender, renounce, and
Respondent Singun wrote Director Hipolito relinquish the office and the acceptance by
signifying his intention to apply for an 8 month competent and lawful authority. To constitute a
complete and operative resignation from public
office, there must be: (a) an intention to Prior to such designation, petitioner was
relinquish a part of the term; (b) an act of designated as Property Inspector and In-Charge
relinquishment; and (c) an acceptance by the of the Supply Office performing the duties and
proper authority. responsibilities of the Supply Officer I
In our jurisdiction, acceptance is necessary for Two years thereafter, the Division
resignation of a public officer to be operative Superintendent of City Schools of San Pablo
and effective. Without acceptance, resignation is City, Milagros Tagle, issued a promotional
nothing and the officer remains in office. appointment to private respondent Leonarda D.
Resignation to be effective must be accepted by de la Paz as Supply Officer I in the DECS
competent authority, either in terms or by Division of San Pablo City. compensation and
something tantamount to an acceptance, such as benefits therefor.
the appointment of the successor. A public
At the time of her appointment, private
officer cannot abandon his office before his
respondent was then holding the position of
resignation is accepted, otherwise the officer is
Clerk II, Division of City Schools of San Pablo
subject to the penal provisions of Article 238 of
City. From August 25, 1976 to September 1983,
the Revised Penal Code. The final or conclusive
she was designated as Assistant to the Supply
act of a resignations acceptance is the notice of
Officer. The Civil Service Regional Office IV
acceptance. The incumbent official would not be
approved her appointment as permanent
in a position to determine the acceptance of his
"provided that there is no pending administrative
resignation unless he had been duly notified
case against the appointee, no pending protest
against the appointment, nor any decision by
There was nothing in the records to show that competent authority that will adversely affect
respondent was duly informed of the acceptance the approval of (the) appointment"
of his resignation. There was no indication that
One month after, petitioner filed a protest with
he received a copy of his 12 November 1999
the DECS Secretary questioning the
application for LOA and resignation as accepted
qualification and competence of private
by Hipolito. Neither was there any indication
respondent for the position of Supply Officer I.
that he received Hipolito’s Memo informing him
of the acceptance of his resignation. His DECS Sec: Revoked appointment of Resp. Dela
resignation was incomplete and inoperative Paz. MR Denied
because he wasn’t notified of the acceptance
Aquino was thus issued a permanent
appointment as Supply Officer I by the DECS
Regional Director Pedro San Vicente effective
October 26, 1987. On the date of effectivity of
Aquino v. CSC and Dela Paz; April 22, 1992; his appointment, petitioner assumed the duties
Medialdea, J. and functions of the position. The said
appointment was approved by the Civil Service
Facts: Regional Office IV
Petitioner Victor A. Aquino, then holding the
Private respondent appealed to public
position of Clerk II, Division of City Schools of
respondent Civil Service Commission (CSC).
San Pablo City, was designated as Officer-in-
Charge of the Division Supply Office by the CSC: Revoked the appointment of petitioner
DECS Regional Director Saturnino R. Magturo Aquino and restoring private respondent de la
in view of the retirement of the Supply Officer I, Paz to her position as Supply Officer I, DECS,
Mr. Jose I. Aviquivil.
Division of San Pablo City under her previously Officer I and received the
approved appointment compensation and benefits of the
said position in accordance with the
Issue: mandate of Section 9 par.(h) of the
Civil Service Law.
WON public respondent Civil Service
o In consonance with the doctrine laid
Commission committed grave abuse of down in Villanueva v. Balallo, that
discretion in revoking the appointment of an appointment is complete when
petitioner Victor A. Aquino as Supply Officer I the last act required of the
in the DECS Division of San Pablo City as it appointing power has been
found private respondent Leonarda de la Paz performed, but later qualified in
better qualified. - NO Favis v. Rupisan, that the acts of the
head of a department or office
Ratio: making the appointment and the
Commissioner of Civil Service
We have consistently applied the doctrine in
acting together, though not
Luego v. CSC in many cases with similar
concurrently, but consecutively, are
factual circumstances, but we see no
necessary to make an appointment
compelling reason to apply the same in the
complete, the permanent
instant case. In the cases cited above, We
appointment extended to private
ruled that the CSC has no authority to
respondent, under the circumstances
revoke an appointment simply because it
of the case, is deemed complete. As
(CSC) believed that another person is better
such, she is entitled to the protection
qualified than the appointee for it would
of the law against unjust removal.
constitute an encroachment on the discretion
solely vested on the appointing authority.
The conclusion of respondent Commission
The situation is different as in the instant
in the questioned decision that private
case, where the CSC revoked the
respondent is more qualified than petitioner
appointment of the successful protestant,
merely supports the validity of the
petitioner herein, principally because the
restoration of private respondent to her
right to security of tenure of the prior
previously approved appointment
appointee, private respondent herein, to the
considering that she meets the prescribed
contested position had already attached
qualification standards required of the
It must be noted that public respondent CSC
position of Supply Officer I and the
did not direct the appointment of a substitute
appropriate civil service eligibility, to wit:
of its choice. It merely restored the
o EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree
appointment of private respondent who was
with training in Supply Management
first appointed to the contested position.
o EXPERIENCE: None required
o ELIGIBILITY: Supply Officer;
The records show that private respondent Career Service (Professional)
was issued a permanent appointment on It is well-settled that once an appointment is
September 19, 1986 as Supply Officer I in issued and the moment the appointee
the DECS Division of San Pablo City assumes a position in the civil service under
effective September 30, 1986. a completed appointment, he acquires a
o On the basis of the of said legal, not merely equitable right (to the
appointment which was approved by position), which is protected not only by
the Civil Service Regional Office statute, but also by the Constitution, and
No. IV, private respondent assumed cannot be taken away from him either by
and performed the duties and revocation of the appointment, or by
functions of the position as Supply removal, except for cause, and with previous
notice and hearing
There is thus reasonable ground for the rule Even on the assumption that the revocation
that the moment the discretionary power of of private respondent's appointment was
appointment has been exercised and the validly exercised by DECS Secretary
appointee assumed the duties and functions Quisumbing, still the appointment extended
of the position, the said appointment cannot to petitioner was tainted with irregularity as
be revoked by the appointing authority on it was issued before the finality of the
the ground merely that the protestant is more decision on the protest in violation of CSC
qualified than the first appointee, subject Resolution No. 83-343 which prohibits the
however to the condition that the first issuance of an appointment to protestant
appointee should possess the minimum (petitioner) if the protest case is not yet
qualifications required by law. finally resolved, since there is no vacancy in
Otherwise, the security of tenure guaranteed the position pending resolution of the protest
by Article IX-B, Section 2 par. (3) of the case.
1987 Constitution would be rendered There can be no appointment to a non-
meaningless if the appointing authority is vacant position.
allowed to flip-flop in exercising its The incumbent must first be legally
discretionary power of appointment. removed or his appointment validly
We have defined the concept of "for cause" terminated. An appointment to an office
in connection with removal of public which is not vacant is null and void ab initio.
officers in the case of De los Santos v.
Mallare, as follows: "It means for reasons
which the law and sound public policy Fabella v. CA, November 27 1997,
recognized as sufficient warrant for removal, Panganiban, J.
that is legal cause, and not merely causes
which the appointing power in the exercise
of discretion may deem sufficient. Secretary Cariño filed administrative cases
It is implied that officers may not be against herein petitioner-appellees, who are
removed at the mere will of those vested teachers of the Mandaluyong High School. At
with the power of removal, or without any the same time, Secretary Cariño ordered
cause. Moreover, the cause must relate to
petitioner-appellee to be placed under preventive
and affect the administration of the office,
and must be restricted to something of a
substantial nature directly affecting the Administrative hearings started. Petitioner-
rights and interests of the public." appellees' counsel objected to the procedure
The ground relied upon by petitioner in his adopted by the committee and demanded that he
protest that he is more qualified than private be furnished a copy of the guidelines adopted by
respondent in terms of education, experience
the committee for the investigation and
and training does not fall within the meaning
of "for cause" contemplated by Article IX- imposition of penalties. As he received no
B, Section 2 par. (3) of the 1987 response from the committee, counsel walked
Constitution which would warrant the out. Later, however, counsel, was able to obtain
revocation, if not removal, of the a copy of the guidelines.
appointment of private respondent. Neither
The teachers filed a an injunctive suit with the
does it fall under the grounds of appeal
contemplated under Section 19 par. (6) of Regional Trial Court in Quezon City, charging
the Civil Service Law (P.D. 807). Therefore, the committee appointed by Secretary Cariño
the protest of petitioner did not adversely with fraud and deceit and praying that it be
affect the approval of the appointment of stopped from further investigating them and
private respondent from rendering any decision in the
administrative case. However, the trial court
denied them a restraining order. representative of the local or, in
its absence, any existing
They then amended their complaint and made it provincial or national teacher’s
one for certiorari and mandamus. They alleged organization and a supervisor of
that the investigating committee was acting with the Division, the last two to be
grave abuse of discretion because its guidelines designated by the Director of
for investigation place the burden of proof on Public Schools. The committee
them by requiring them to prove their innocence shall submit its findings, and
instead of requiring Secretary Cariño and his recommendations to the
staff to adduce evidence to prove the charges Director of Public Schools
against the teachers. within thirty days from the
termination of the hearings:
The trial court rendered a decision declaring that Provided, however, That where
the dismissal of the teachers is not justified, it the school superintendent is the
being arbitrary and violative of the teacher's complainant or an interested
right to due process. Due process must be party, all the members of the
observed in dismissing the teachers because it committee shall be appointed by
the Secretary of Education.”
affects not only their position but also their
means of livelihood.
The foregoing provisions implement the
Issue: Declaration of Policy of the statute; that is, to
promote the “terms of employment and career
WON teachers were denied due process of law - prospects” of schoolteachers.
Ratio: In the present case, the various committees
The legislature enacted a special law, RA 4670 formed by DECS to hear the administrative
known as the Magna Carta for Public School charges against private respondents did not
Teachers, which specifically covers include “a representative of the local or, in its
administrative proceedings involving public absence, any existing provincial or national
school teachers. Section 9 of said law expressly teacher’s organization” as required by Section 9
provides that the committee to hear public of RA 4670.
schoolteachers’ administrative cases should be
composed of the school superintendent of the Accordingly, these committees were deemed to
division as chairman, a representative of the have no competent jurisdiction. Thus, all
local or any existing provincial or national proceedings undertaken by them were
teachers’ organization and a supervisor of the necessarily void. They could not provide any
division. basis for the suspension or dismissal of private
respondents. The inclusion of a representative
Sec. 9. Administrative Charges.
of a teachers’ organization in these committees
– Administrative charges
against a teacher shall be heard was indispensable to ensure an impartial
initially by a committee tribunal. It was this requirement that would
composed of the corresponding have given substance and meaning to the right to
School Superintendent of the be heard. Indeed, in any proceeding, the essence
Division or a duly authorized of procedural due process is embodied in the
representative who would at basic requirement of notice and a real
least have the rank of a division opportunity to be heard. Petitioners’ say: DECS
supervisor, where the teacher complied with Section 9 of RA 4670, because
belongs, as chairman, a
“all the teachers who were members of the Three Petitions for DQ were filed against him on
various committees are members of either the the ground that he had been removed from office
Quezon City Secondary Teachers Federation or
As petitioner won by a landslide margin in the
the Quezon City Elementary Teachers
elections, the resolution paved the way for his
Federation” and are deemed to be the
eventual proclamation as Governor of Cagayan.
representatives of a teachers’ organization as
required by Section 9 of RA 4670. Issue:
WON the condonation doctrine is still in effect -
Aguinaldo v. Santos, August 21, 1992, Nocon,
J. Considering the facts narrated, the
expiration of petitioner's term of office
during which the acts charged were
Petitioner was the duly elected Governor of the allegedly committed, and his subsequent
province of Cagayan, having been elected to reelection, the petition must be dismissed for
said position during the local elections held on the reason that the issue has become
January 17, 1988 academic.
The rule is that a public official can not be
After the December 1989 coup d'etat was removed for administrative misconduct
crushed, respondent Secretary of Local committed during a prior term, since his re-
Government (SILG) Santos sent a telegram and election to office operates as a condonation
a letter, both dated December 4, 1989, to of the officer's previous misconduct to the
petitioner requiring him to show cause why he extent of cutting off the right to remove him
therefor. The foregoing rule, however, finds
should not be suspended or removed from office
no application to criminal cases pending
Mayors of the municipalities of Gattaran, Tuao against petitioner for acts he may have
and Lasam, all in Cagayan, filed complaints for committed during the failed coup.
against petitioner for disloyalty to the Republic
and culpable violation of the Constitution, for Carpio-Morales v. CA and Binay, November
acts the latter committed during the coup 15, 2015, Perlas-Bernabe, J.
Petitioner denied being privy to the planning of Facts:
the coup or actively participating in its
execution, though he admitted that he was Atty. Renato L. Bondal and Nicolas “Ching”
sympathetic to the cause of the rebel soldiers Enciso VI filed a complaint against Junjun and
other Makati City employees for Plunder and
Secretary suspended petitioner from office for Graft and Corruption in connection with the five
sixty (60) days Secretary rendered the (5) phases of the procurement and construction
questioned decision finding petitioner guilty as of the Makati City Hall Parking Building
charged and ordering his removal from office. (Makati Parking Building).
Aguinaldo filed this petition for certiorari and
Ombudsman eventually charged them with six
While this case was pending before this Court, (6) administrative cases for Grave Misconduct,
petitioner filed his certificate of candidacy for Serious Dishonesty, and Conduct Prejudicial to
the position of Governor of Cagayan for the the Best Interest of the Service, and six (6)
1992 Elections
criminal cases 18 for violation of Section 3(e) of o Section 1. Public office is a public
RA 3019, Malversation of Public Funds, and trust. Public officers and employees
Falsification of Public Documents. must at all times be accountable to
the people, serve them with utmost
Junjun filed a petition for certiorari before the responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and
CA seeking to nullify the preventive suspension efficiency and act with patriotism
order. He contends that could not be held and justice, and lead modest lives.
administratively liable for any anomalous o This is reiterated in the Revised
activity attending any of the five (5) phases of Admin Code and in the Code of
the Makati Parking Building project since: Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees.
(a) Phases I and II were undertaken In contrast, Section 66(b) of the LGC states that
before he was elected Mayor of the penalty of suspension shall not exceed the
Makati in 2010; and unexpired term of the elective local official nor
(b) Phases III to V transpired during constitute a bar to his candidacy for as long as
his first term and that his reelection he meets the qualifications
as City Mayor of Makati for a
second term effectively condoned o Nothing therein states that the
his administrative liability therefor, administrative liability therefor is
if any, thus rendering the extinguished by the fact of
administrative cases against him reelection
moot and academic.
Petitioner argues that Resolution is Recall must be pursued by the people, not just
unconstitutional on 2 grounds: by one disgruntled loser in the elections or a
(1) it approved the Petition for Recall albeit small percentage of disenchanted electors.
the same was signed by just 1 person in Otherwise, its purposes as a direct remedy of the
violation of the statutory 25% min. people shall be defeated by the ill motives of a
requirement as to the number of signatures few among them whose selfish resort to recall
supporting any petition for recall; and would destabilize the community and seriously
(2) it scheduled the recall election within 1 disrupt the running of government.
year from the May 12, 1997 Barangay
Ombudsman v. Court of Appeals, July 17,
Issue: 2007, Carpio, J
WON recall was valid - NO Facts:
Ratio: Respondent Melly Magbanua was the Local
Treasury Operations Assistant of the City
Section 69(d), LGC of 1991 expressly provides Treasurers Office in Bacolod City.
that recall of any elective municipal official may
also be validly initiated upon petition of at least COA conducted an examination of
twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of respondent’s cash and account. The
registered voters in the local government unit examination disclosed a shortage of
concerned during the election in which the local P265,450. Upon demand, respondent failed
official sought to be recalled was elected. The to produce the missing amount.
law is plain and unequivocal as to what initiates
recall proceedings: only a petition of at least Respondent alleged that the shortage was
25% of the total number of registered voters, due to the machinations and dishonest acts
may validly initiate recall proceedings. of Cash Clerk I Monina Baja (Baja).
Respondent alleged that Baja, acting as
Law does not state that the petition must be Paymaster, received payroll funds for
signed by at least 25% of the registered voters; distribution to specific offices. In her
rather, the petition must be of or by, at least 25% liquidation report, Baja reflected twice the
of the registered voters, i.e., the petition must be missing amount of P265,450 representing
filed, not by one person only, but by at least certain cash advances.
25% of the total number of registered voters.
Baja was impleaded in the case before the
This is understandable, since the signing of the
Ombudsman Visayas. Baja denied the
petition is statutorily required to be undertaken allegations of respondent.
before the election registrar or his representative,
and in the presence of a represetantive of the Issue:
official sought to be recalled, and in public place
in the municipality. Hence, while the initiatory WON the Office of the Ombudsman has the
recall petition may not yet contain the signatures power to impose directly administrative
of at least 25% of the total number of registered penalties on public officials or employees – YES
voters, the petition must contain the names of at Ratio:
least 25% of the total number of registered
The powers of the Ombudsman are found in penalties and rules provided therein
Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, which states shall be applied.
in part that the Ombudsman shall exercise such (2) In other administrative proceedings,
other powers or performs such functions or the penalty ranging from suspension
duties as may be provided by law. Sections 15, without pay for one year to dismissal
21, and 25 of RA 6770 (the Ombudsman Act of with forfeiture of benefits or a fine
ranging from five thousand pesos
1989), provide:
(P5,000.00) to twice the amount
SEC. 15. Powers, Functions and Duties. malversed, illegally taken or lost, or
― The Office of the Ombudsman shall both at the discretion of the
have the following powers, functions ad Ombudsman, taking into consideration
duties circumstances that mitigate or aggravate
(3) Direct the officer concerned to take the liability of the officer or employee
appropriate action against a public found guilty of the complaint or charges.
officer or employee at fault or who
neglects to perform an act or discharge a
Section 21 of RA 6770 vests in the Ombudsman
duty required by law, and recommend
his removal, suspension, demotion, fine, disciplinary authority over all elective and
censure or prosecution, and ensure appointive officials of the Government, except
compliance therewith; or enforce its impeachable officers, members of Congress, and
disciplinary authority as provided in the Judiciary. And under Section 25 of RA 6770,
Section 21 of this Act: Provided, That the Ombudsman may impose in administrative
the refusal by any officer without just proceedings the penalty ranging from suspension
cause to comply with an order of the without pay for one year to dismissal with
Ombudsman to remove, suspend, forfeiture of benefits or a fine ranging from five
demote, fine, censure, or prosecute an thousand pesos (P5,000.00) to twice the amount
officer or employee who is at fault or malversed, illegally taken or lost, or both at the
who neglects to perform an act or discretion of the Ombudsman x x x.
discharge a duty required by law shall
be a ground for disciplinary action Clearly, under RA 6770 the Ombudsman has the
against said officer. power to impose directly administrative penalty
on public officials or employees. Hence, the CA
SEC. 21. Officials Subject to erred in ruling that petitioner has no power to
Disciplinary Authority; Exceptions. ― impose directly administrative penalties on
The Office of the Ombudsman shall public officials or employees.
have disciplinary authority over all
elective and appointive officials of the
Government and its subdivisions, Marohomsalic v. Cole, February 27, 2008,
instrumentalities and agencies, including Corona, J.
Members of the Cabinet, local
government, government-owned or Facts:
controlled corporations and their
subsidiaries, except over officials who Romulo J. Marohomsalic was a Special Land
may be removed only by impeachment Investigator I of the Provincial Environment
or over Members of Congress, and the Resources Office of the DENR (PENRO-
Judiciary. DENR) in Koronadal City.
According to Reynaldo Cole, Marohomsalic
SEC. 25. Penalties. ― (1) In demanded P15,000 to secure the reversal of the
administrative proceedings under PENRO-DENR decision against him. Cole
Presidential Decree No. 807, the sought the assistance of the NBI to entrap
Marohomsalic. Marohomsalic was caught in accountability in public office. Moreover,
flagrante delicto receiving bribe money of Congress granted the Ombudsman broad powers
P2,700 from Cole. to implement his own actions.
Nalupta, Jr. v. Tapec, March 30, 1993, Nocon, Respondent's claim that the Marc Henry and
J. Joseph Marlou are actually his grandchildren,
being the children of his son Honesto Tapec, Jr.,
Facts: is unbelievable. The entries in the birth
Complainant Mariano R. Nalupta Jr. certificates point to respondent as the father of
(Congressman of 2nd District, Ilocos Norte) these two children.
accuses respondent Honesto G. Tapec
Office of the Court Administrator v. Librada, influence of dangerous drugs, or while
August 22, 1996, Per Curiam they are high. While spreading such
drugs, the drug-pusher is also abetting,
Facts: through his greed and irresponsibility,
the commission of other crimes.”
Respondent Vicente P. Librado is deputy sheriff
of the MTCCin Iligan City. He was charged with
violation of R.A. No. 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Office of the Court Administrator v. Judge
Act) in an information filed with the RTC of Veneracion, June 21, 2000, Martinez, J.
Lanao Del Norte for selling and having in his
possession certain quantities of prohibited drugs Facts:
(shabu and marijuana). He was subsequently Merlinia Santos filed with the Court
found guilty and sentenced to six years of Administrator a sworn letter-complaint against
imprisonment. Rogelio Tria, the “Acting Sheriff IV, Branch 47,
Pursuant to its authority under the Resolution of RTC Manila.
the Court En Banc, the OCA filed this The investigation revealed that Tria was not an
administrative complaint against him and he was employee of the judiciary at the time he acted as
suspended from office. “sheriff.” The record showed that Tria was
Respondent admits that he had been convicted of appointed in 1988 as process server of the RTC,
violation of R.A. No. 6425 and claims that he is Branch 47, Manila. However, he was transferred
now on probation. to the Economic Intelligence and Investigation
Bureau (EIIB), Department of Finance, as an
Issue: Intelligence Officer. He was not thereafter re-
employed in the judiciary.
WON respondent should be dismissed – YES
WON Tria may be assigned by that agency on
There is no doubt that drug-pushing is a crime
detail with the judiciary, upon the request of the
which involves moral turpitude and implies
presiding judge of the court without the
everything which is done contrary to justice,
authority of the Supreme Court – NO
honesty, modesty or good morals including acts
of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private Ratio:
and social duties which a man owes to his
fellowmen or to society in general, contrary to Judge Veneracion failed to observe the
Constitutional and regulatory prescriptions. He
the accepted rule of right and duty between man
has no power to assign on temporary detail his
and man. Indeed, nothing is more depraved than
duly appointed sheriff to the office of the clerk
for anyone to be a merchant of death by selling of court. The authority to detail employees of his
prohibited drugs, an act which, as this Court said branch to the office of the clerk of court is
in one case: vested in the executive judge. Hence, there was
no vacancy even temporarily in the office of
“often breeds other crimes. It is not what
branch sheriff of Branch 47, and the judge can
we might call a contained crime whose
not appoint or designate any person of his choice
consequences are limited to that crime
to act as sheriff. His action showed persistent
alone, like swindling and bigamy. Court
disregard of the rule in the designation of acting
and police records show that a
significant number of murders, rapes,
and similar offenses have been
This act constitutes usurpation of the appointing
committed by persons under the
authority of the SC amounting to grave
misconduct in office. As a member of the bench, Ratio:
Judge Veneracion is conclusively presumed to
know the law and is “expected to keep abreast of Public service requires utmost integrity and
all laws and prevailing jurisprudence” which he strictest discipline. A public servant must
clearly failed to do in this instance. It was not a exhibit at all times the highest sense of
matter of negligence, but a deliberate act of honesty and integrity. The administration of
defiance of the SC’s authority by a lower court justice is a sacred task. The conduct and
judge. behavior of everyone connected with an
office charged with the dispensation of
He persistently disregarded well-known legal justice, from the presiding judge to the
rules in the designation of acting sheriffs. By lowliest clerk, should be circumscribed with
such action, he repeatedly usurped the the heavy burden of responsibility. Their
appointing authority of the Supreme Court. conduct, at all times, must not only be
Thus, it amounts to grave misconduct in office. characterized by propriety and decorum but,
above all else, must be above suspicion.
Indeed, every employee of the judiciary
RTC Makati Movement Against Graft and should be an example of integrity,
Cornuption v. Dumlao, October 4, 1998, uprightness and honesty.
Puno, J. In the case at bench, the particular public
officer concerned is a Branch Clerk of a
Facts: court of justice who is described as an
essential officer in any judicial system,
Respondent Atty. Inocencio E. Dumlao, then
whose office is the hub of activities, both
Branch Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial
adjudicative and administrative and who
Court of Makati, Branch 134, was charged by occupy a position of great importance and
the RTC Makati Movement against Graft & responsibility in the framework of judicial
Corruption for allegedly engaging in usurious administration.
activities, immorality and violation of the Anti- Clerks of Court are, thus, required to be
Graft & Corrupt Practices Act. individuals of competence, honesty and
probity specifically mandated to safeguard
The Office of the Chief Justice received another the integrity of the court and its proceedings,
letter-complaint against Respondent signed by to earn respect therefor, to maintain loyalty
Susan B. Quinto for: Corruption and dereliction thereto and to the judge as the superior
of duty for exacting money from court litigants officer, to maintain the authenticity and
in the pretext that the amounts exacted are his correctness of court records and to uphold
commissioner's fees, yet, he does not prepare his the confidence of the public in the
reports; For operating a lending agency with the administration of justice.
use of the facilities of the court and for exacting No Branch Clerk of Court shall demand
from court employees usurious interest; and for and/or receive commissioner's fees for
criminal negligence in the performance of his reception of evidence ex-parte…The court
duties as Branch Clerk of Court. shall allow the commissioner, other than an
employee of the court, such reasonable
Executive Judge Abad Santos recommended the compensation as the circumstances of the
dismissal of Respondent from service on case warrant
grounds of grave misconduct and dishonesty Courts are not lending institutions. By
prejudicial to the best interest of the service and engaging in lending activities, Respondent
acts unbecoming a court officer. has caused dishonor to courts of justice.