I Will Develop My Leadership in Teaching and Learning: California Common Core State Standards For Mathematics

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Teacher Leadership Experiences

 Algebra Foundations 2 Representative: I would attend meetings with other content teachers
throughout the district and report back to my department when we had a professional
development day.

Future Goals

I will develop my leadership in Teaching and Learning

GOAL: Encourage student engagement in mathematics and critical-thinking practices to set-up and solve
real world application problems.
OBJECTIVE: Develop and implement at least one project-based learning assignment each semester
relevant to the topics we are learning. (Short term/Long term)
RATIONALE: Reflects the new approach my school site is heading towards with the California Common
Core State Standards for Mathematics. (California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics).
NBPTS: Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to
TLDM: Domain 4: Facilitates Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning.
TEACHER INQUIRY: I will develop my skills in teaching the necessary problem-solving skills through my
teacher inquiry.

I will develop my leadership in Professional Development

GOAL: Provide appropriate mentoring relationships for teachers as I transition into the Math Coach role.
OBJECTIVE: Serve as the Math Coach to new and veteran teachers at my school site. (Short Term/Long
RATIONALE: There are numerous benefits to becoming a mentor figure on campus; career advancement
and satisfaction (Benefits of Mentoring).
NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.
TLDM: Domain 3: Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement.

I will develop my leadership in Student Assessment

GOAL: Create and use a variety of appropriate assessments to measure student progress and mastery
alongside colleagues teaching the same subjects.
OBJECTIVE: Develop common assessments between colleagues teaching the same subjects to have a
similar way of measuring student progress and mastery. (Long Term)
RATIONALE: Common assessments allows for clear and concise data. (Effective Common Assessments)
NBPTS: Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
TLDM: Domain 5. Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement.

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