Factors Affecting Speed of Industrialized Building System (IBS) Projects in Malaysia

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Factors Affecting Speed of Industrialized Building System (IBS) Projects in


Wa’el Alaghbari1, A. Salim1, M. R. Abdul Kadir2, A. Asonway3

Architecture Department, Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
UPM Serdang 43400, Selangor D. E., Malaysia
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Sana’a University, Yemen

e-mail: [email protected]
Tel. no.: 0060133665530


This study attempts to identify the factors affect the speed of IBS and the probability level to select
either IBS or conventional method. A questionnaire was distributed in order to collect the data. It
consists of 6 main factors namely: high productivity of structural elements, using of moulds, using of
new equipments and technology, workers skills and experience, equipments and mechanical plants
used, and the materials used. The level of importance of the categories was measured and ranked in
terms of relative importance weights. Logit linear analysis was used to choose either using IBS or Non-
IBS (conventional system) in term of speed. In addition, it was used to test and compare the affecting
of different speed factors on the probability to choose the construction methods. The finding of this
study was found that the high productivity of structural elements is the main factor. Using of moulds
factor, and using of new techniques and technology factor were the second important factors affecting
the speed of industrialized building system in construction projects in Malaysia. This paper suggests
possible improvements that could be made in order to reduce the delays and increase the productivity in
the construction building industry.

Keywords: speed, IBS, high productivity, mould, logit linear, Malaysia


Malaysia is presently taking a hard look at IBS as an answer to the housing shortage problem.
The main advantages of using IBS according to a report published by the Malaysian Ministry
for Local Government and Housing (Ministry 1997), are speed of construction, quality, and
economic advantage, all of which are required to meet such a large demand for housing
(Badir, 2002).

Between years 1995 to 2020, Malaysia will need a total of 8,850,554 houses, including
4,964,560 units of new housing to cater for increase in population during this period.
Unfortunately, only 1,382,917 units were constructed in the 6th (1991-1995) and 7th (1996-
2000) Malaysia Plan. In addition, not more than 800,000 units were constructed in the 8th
Malaysia Plan (2000-2005). That is, on average 900,000 units to be built for every 5 years
(Malaysia Plan).


It is clear that unless a drastic change of policy pertaining to population growth is adopted, or
some new solution for this increase housing demand is implemented, the housing problem is
expected to continue for years to come (Chen, 2000). While the problem of housing grows
more acute, Malaysia is struggling to meet its own housing needs by increasing application of
advanced technology. The conventional construction method, due to the slow pace of
construction and higher cost, is not able to meet the demand (Agus, 1997)

There are many types of IBSs existing in Malaysia; formwork, precast load-bearing wall
panel, precast frame, precast floor and hollow core slab, sandwich, block panel, and steel
frame. These IBSs represent most of the IBSs that exit worldwide. Quality, speed of
construction, and cost savings are the main advantages of these systems. These factors are
very important in implementing the Seventh Malaysia plan. The main disadvantages of the
IBSs in Malaysia are that they are highly capital intensive and there is a need for experts at
the construction site for some of them. The main reason to recommend the use of IBSs in
Malaysia is that the raw materials used in the IBSs have to be produced locally in order to
overcome the shortages that are being faced by the IBSs construction industry (Badir, 2002)

IBS has been proposed in many writings as the solution for this increasing housing demand
due to its advantages such as the shorter construction time, saving in labor cost, material
saving, better quality control, immunity to weather changes and the cost factor among the
advantages of IBS. However, there should be given more attention to the improvement of the
advantages of IBS system, especially the shorter construction time. Therefore, the
contribution will be employed to the improving of the speed and cost control advantages

The specific objective of the study is to identify the significant factors affect the speed of
Industrialized Building System (IBS) and the probability of clients choosing between IBS and
conventional method.

Literature Review

The types of construction methods range from a conventional construction method to fully
prefabricated construction method. In general, the construction methods can be classified into
four categories; conventional method, composite method, cast in situ method, and full
prefabricated method.


Conventional Building System

Conventional building system defined as a system of current practice usually using in-situ
concreting with temporary wooden formwork. Andres and Smith (1998) defined that
conventional building system is based on its principal, which the components of the building
are fabricated on site through the processes of timber or plywood formwork installation, steel
reinforcement, and cast in-situ. Conventional buildings are mostly built of reinforced concrete

In the conventional construction method (reinforced concrete frames and brick as infill),
beam, column, wall, and roof are cast in situ using timber formworks while steel
reinforcement is fabricated on site. This method of construction is labour intensive and
involves three separate trades, namely, steel bending, formwork fabrication, and concreting.
Skilled carpenters, plasterers, and brick workers are also involved in this method. The process
can be hampered by bad weather and unfavourable site conditions (Badir, 2002).

Classification of Industrialized Building System

Building systems may be classified according to: type of sponsorship, method of production,
degree of prefabrication and site mechanization utilized, structural type, materials, weight and
methods of assembling structural elements, application to different building types, flexibility
of design, and their varying permutations. The most significant differences between different
building systems relate to their structural types. These include cross wall construction, storey
height plank construction, framed structures, box-shell construction, composite systems, and
box construction (Leon, 1971). Majzub (1997) presented the typical classifications of
Industrialized Construction and divide these systems fewer than three generic system figures;
frame or post and beam systems, panel system, and box or modular systems.

Warszawski, (1999) mentioned that building systems can be classified in different ways,
depending on the particular interest of their users or producers. A frequent basis for such
classification is the construction technology. In this manner four major groups can be
distinguished; timber, steel, cast in situ concrete, and precast concrete as their main structural.

Advantages and disadvantages of conventional and IBS in Malaysia

In Malaysia the advantages of conventional system as compared to IBS are cost saving and
easy to transport. The higher costs of IBS are due to higher cost of the panels or structures and


higher cost in transportation of the panels or structures. The advantages of IBS compared to
conventional system are labour saving and speed of construction. Therefore, the overall
construction cost can be reduced through labors-saving and speed of construction. (Haron,

The quality, speed of construction, and cost saving are given the main emphases in the
building construction industry in Malaysia. The savings in labor cost and the savings in
material cost are also the major advantages of the Malaysian IBS’s. The control in using
materials, such as steel, sand, and timber, will result in substantial savings on the overall cost
of the project (Badir, 2002).

(Din, 1994) mentioned that the industrialized building generally has the following advantages
in terms of time saving:
• Saving of time and materials involved in the erection of scaffoldings.
• Shorter construction time as a result of well planned and coordinated sequence of
• Not affected by weather condition as building components are manufactured in the
factory, and there is no on-site concreting.

The disadvantages of the conventional system as compared to IBS are shortage of raw
material and difficult in erection. On the other hand, the disadvantages of IBS as compared to
conventional are the need of skilled labour, heavy equipment, and expensive cost of plant /
factory. These factors also contribute to the higher cost of IBS as compared to conventional
system (Haron, 2002).

The benefits and limitations of industrialized building systems (IBS)

Warszawski, (1999) mentioned the benefits of IBS as the following:

1. Saving in manual labor onsite (up to 40-50% of the input in conventional
construction), especially in skilled trades such as formwork, masonry, plastering,
painting, carpentry, tiling, and pipe laying (electrical and water supply).
2. Faster construction process, that is, earlier completion of building projects.
3. Higher quality of components attainable through careful choice of materials, use of
better production tools - in batching and casting – and strict quality control.


Warszawski, (1999) and Alaghbari, (2005) presented that development or selection of and
industrialized system must always consider the following aspects:
1. Physical performance: stability, strength, thermal and acoustic requirements, fire
resistance, maintainability, and insulation.
2. Architectural design: aesthetics, functionality, versatility, and flexibility.
3. Technology: selection of materials, production methods, and connecting, jointing,
and finishing techniques.
4. Management: planning and coordination of production, transportation, and
erection, and quality control.
5. Economics (forecasting of demand): its scope and characteristics and the
selection of the most profitable method and optimal location and size of the
production plant in accordance with this demand.
6. Marketing: advertising, sales engineering and effective contracting for projects.


The questionnaire includes several sections to provide sufficient information for the study. It
was divided into few sections namely, respondent background, company information, project
information, speed factors and so forth. Personal information of the respondent section
includes academic qualification, working experience in construction building projects, job
status and so forth. Subsequently other parts gathered the information on building system and
its different properties. At the end it focused on the factors affecting the speed of IBS and so
forth. Most of the questions were closed type and designed for qualitative information. The
codes were provided beside the questions so that respondent and enumerator could
communicate in a convenient way.

Population and Sampling Size

The sample was restricted to the building system companies. The respondents were
contractors, consultant, Developers, subcontractors, Engineers, and architects who involved in
building system construction projects. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed by post
and 78 samples were collected from the survey. The sample was selected randomly. Simple
Random Sampling procedure employed to choose sample.


From these 78 numbers of sampling, only 29 samples (37 %) were contractors, 31 samples
(40 %) were consultants, and 18 samples (23%) were developers and from governments

Ranking the Significant Factors Influence Speed of IBS

The respondents identify variables that they perceived as likely to contribute to factors
influence speed of IBS in construction building projects by responding to a scale from 1 (very
important) to 4 (non-important). The four rating Likert Scale is, 1 = very important, 2=
important, 3 = some or less important, and 4 = non-important. This scale was chosen to avoid
the neutral answers which do not provide answer on very important or non-important with the
statements. Mean score (MS) of each factor was calculated by using the following formula
(Chan and Kumaraswamy, 1996), (Lew, 2002), (Alaghbari, 2005) and (Alaghbari, 2007):

MS =  4 −
∑ ( f × s )  (1 ≤ MS ≤ 4 )
N  ………… (1)
 

Where is;
MS = Mean score
f = frequency of responses to each rating (1 – 4)
s = score given to each factor by the respondents and ranges form 1 to 4.
N = total number of responses concerning that factor (78).

Logit log linear analysis

The logit log linear analysis procedure analyzes the relationship (or response) variables and
independent (or explanatory) variables. The dependent variables are always categorical while
the independent variables can be categorical (factors). The logarithm of the odds of the
dependent variables is expressed as linear combinations of parameters. A multinomial
distribution is automatically assumed.

Limited dependent variable models provide sufficient information about the choice preference.
This study was designed to investigate, based on prevailing situation in the construction world


of Malaysia, which factors influence the speed of IBS. The model provided significant
information to find out the factors significantly related to the preference of building
construction method by the users. The dependent variable of the model was dichotomous. It
was quantitative in nature. It had two values such (1 and zero). When the study considers the
choice of IBS the value was assigned as IBS = (1) or (0) for Conventional Method. There
were different studies conducted using logit model to determine choice preference. Begum
(1998) in her comparative study on awareness credit accessibility used logit model to show
the probability of credit accessibility based on the qualitative information. Log-logit model is
suggested for the qualitative information by Gujarati (1995). As the study was used
qualitative information more than the quantitative information the model for the analysis
would use log form of the logit equation. The dependent variable of the model was the choice
preference of IBS and the independent variables were factors affecting the speed of IBS. The
model was selected because of its ability to deal with a dichotomous dependent variable. The
model can be represented as follows:

Pi = E(Y = 1 | Xi ) =
1 + e −( β0 +β1x1+β2x 2+β3x 3+β4x 4+β5x5)
…….. (2)

Where Pi is a probability to choice IBS that Y = 1, x , x ,....x are independent variables

i 1 2 n
while β1 , β 2 ,......β 5 are coefficients to be estimated corresponding to logistic function. For

ease of exposition, the equation (2) can be rewritten as:

Pi = …….. (3)
1 + e − Zi

Where Z i = β 0 + β 1 x1 + β 2 x 2 + β 3 x 3 + β 4 x 4 + β 5 x5

The equation (2) represents what is known as the (cumulative) logistic distribution function
(Gujarati, 1995). It is easy to verify that as Z i ranges from (-∞) to (+∞,) Pi ranges between 0

and 1 and that Pi is nonlinearly related to Z i (i.e., xi ) . The functional form of the logit model

is as follows:


 P 
Li = ln i  = β 0 + β1x1 + β 2 x 2 + β 3x3 + β 4 x 4 + β 5x5 + µ ………. (4)
 1 − Pi 

In this study Logit linear analysis was employed to find out the significant quantitative
variable of the construction methods and the probability level of choosing between
Industrialized Building System (IBS) and other methods (Non-IBS). The dependent variable
of the model was the construction method (IBS) or (Non-IBS) and the independent variables
were the factors affecting the speed of IBS. These factors are skills and experience, high
productivity of structural elements (in-situ or off-situ), the equipment and mechanical plants
used, using of mould (type, size, and number of unit needs), the material used (type,
availability….) and using of new techniques and technology (computer and robot in design
manufacturing). The functional form of the model was as follows:

Y (Construction Methods) = f (Factors affected the speed of IBS …..n) + e ……


Result and Discussion

Industrialized Building system (IBS) has been proposed due to the shorter construction time,
saving in labor cost, material saving, better quality control, immunity to weather changes and
the cost factor among the advantages of IBS. Shorter construction time offered by IBS seems
to be the panacea for housing demand in Malaysia and it is proven successful in many
countries, (Lian, 2002).

Significant Factors Affecting Speed of Industrialized Building System

Table (I) presents the result of analysis of the items on the respondent’s opinion toward the
significant factors affecting the speed of industrialized building system IBS. The six variables
were ranked according to their order of mean value criterion.

Table (I): Ranking the Factors Affect Speed of IBS

Mean Standard
Items Ranking
Score Deviation
High productivity of structural elements (In-situ or off-situ) 1.53 0.80 1
Moulds (type, shape, size, and number of units needs) 1.68 0.75 2
Using new techniques and technology (computer and robot 1.68 0.80 2
in design manufacturing)


Skill and Experience 1.71 0.79 3

The equipments and mechanical plants used 1.87 0.75 4
The materials used (type, availability…) 1.90 0.80 5

The High productivity of structural elements (In-situ or off-situ) is the most significant factor
that affects the speed of IBS compared with other systems. IBS gives the highest productivity
in the construction industry includes the industrialized process by which components of
building are conceived, planned, fabricated, transported, and erected on site, Junid (1986).

The second significant factor affecting the speed of IBS compared with other system are
“using of moulds” factor and “using of new techniques and technology” factor such us using
computer and robot in design manufacturing. Both of these factors have the same ranking
(second ranking), with the mean value of 1.68. According to Alaghbari, 2005; Koo, 2000;
Omar, 2000; Engletrik, 2000; Trikha, 1999; Karim and Adeep, 1993; Chew, 1986; and Din,
1984 mentioned one of the benefit of industrialized building system IBS is greater speed of
construction than the conventional method may be due to “using of moulds” and “using of
new techniques and technology” factors. Consequently, it will save in labor cost. More than
85% of the respondents agreed that “using of moulds” is very important factor resulting in the
speeding up of IBS, whereas more than 80% of them agreed that IBS is very fast due to the
“using of new techniques and technology” factor.

Meanwhile, “skill and experience” statement was the third significant factor affecting the
speed of IBS system. “The equipments and mechanical plants used” factor was fourth. Even
though for the respondents, both of the questions showed to be very important for the speed of
IBS, but it is not as important as the “High productivity of structural elements” factor, and
“using of moulds” factor, “using new techniques and technology” factor.

Finally, the “materials used” factor is the fifth and last significant factor affecting the speed of
industrialized building system IBS. This shows that this factor is the least important of the
previous ones in affecting the speed of IBS according to the respondents.

Logit Linear Analysis: Respondents Preference for Choosing the IBS

This part analyses the preferences of respondents in choosing between IBS system and non-
IBS system in the construction projects. Logistic regression was used to test these hypotheses
because this is a useful means of both summarizing the results of categorical data analysis and
comparing the effects of different factors on the dependent variable (Kim et al., 1995).


The factors that have association with the reason of choosing IBS in term of speed were
determined. These factors are “skill and experience”, “high productivity of structural elements
(in-situ or off-situ)”, “the equipment and mechanical plants used”, “using of mould”, “the
material used”, and “using of new techniques and technology”. On the assumption that IBS is
known-better compare with non IBS, we expect, with other thing equal, that the mentioned
above variables would be positively correlated to the willingness to take industrialized
building system IBS as the construction method. In the context of voting model, this suggests
a positive relationship between all the variables mentioned above and the probability of a
choosing IBS vote.

The logit estimation results can be used to test the above hypothesis. In the logistic regression
analysis, the construction methods are the dichotomous variable with answers of "IBS " or
"not IBS" to indicate whether or not the construction methods of projects studied give
different results in terms of the reason for choosing the construction methods. The statistical
properties for the maximum likelihood estimator are established for “large” samples
(asymptotically). This means that the asymptotic t statistic has an approximate normal
distribution in “large” sample (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 1998).

After the analysis, it was found that only four variables were found to give a significant effect
choosing the construction methods. These variables are “high productivity of structural
elements”, “using of mould”, “the material used”, and “using of new techniques and

The positive estimated coefficient on “high productivity of structural elements” factor

suggests that an increase in “high productivity of structural elements” factor gives a higher
probability to choose industrialized building system IBS. The null hypothesis test that the
“high productivity of structural elements” factor coefficient is zero against the alternative
hypothesis that the “high productivity of structural elements” coefficient is positive has a t-
statistic with 0.015 probabilities. The calculated test statistic exceeds the critical value of 1%
level and therefore the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative.

The “using of mould” factor was included to allow for the possibility that because using
mould determine the speed of IBS. The using of mould (formwork system) variable will
increase the opportunity of choosing industrialized building system IBS. The result shows that
the estimated coefficient was positively significant at 10% level. This implies that we reject
null hypothesis state that using of mould does not increase the probability of taking IBS. If the


use of mould were increases then the respondents would like to choose IBS because with the
use of mould the use of IBS will be more advantageous.

Table (II): The Estimate Result of Logit Model of Respondents Preference

Variable Coefficient b/St.Er P Value
Constant 0.176263731 0.89023536 0.197996776 0.84
Skill and Experience 0.442036673 0.38142654 1.158903816 0.367
High productivity of structural
0.914322127 0.34589561 2.643347012 0.0157***
The equipments and mechanical
-0.536415221 0.41788789 -1.283634281 0.199
plants used
Mould (type, size, and number of
0.801829311 0.39162009 2.047467257 0.06948**
units needs)
The material used (type,
-0.889908124 0.3966399 -2.243617256 0.02168**
Using new technique and technology 1.010521489 37107600 2.72322E-08 0.01734***

1. Log–Likelihood Function = –47.82

2. Restricted Log–Likelihood = -51.47
3. Chi squared 7.30
4. Probability 0.29
5. Hosmer-Lemeshow chi-squared 11.47
6. P-value 0.17
(**) Indicates significant at level 5% because t critical value is 1.960.
(***)Indicates significant at level 1%

According to Singh and Huat (2003), the mention of industrialized building systems leads to
thinking of the manufacture of pre-fabricated elements in reinforced concrete and pre-stressed
concrete for industrial, civil and artisan building application. Based on this reason, the
material used was also included in the analysis of logit model. “Material used” factor was
found the significantly positive estimated coefficient on the material used. This implies that
the materials used give a higher probability of choosing IBS vote. The null hypothesis test for
the material used coefficient is (zero) against the alternative hypothesis that the “material
used” coefficient is positive has a t-statistic of 2.48 and therefore, the calculated test statistic
exceeds the critical value and hence the null hypothesis is rejected in favour of the alternative.
This result confirms the development of the IBS especially in Malaysia, since one of the
recent researches concerning IBS is the importance of material site for the IBS system such as
the study by Singh and Huat (2003), Taly (2003), Mukherjee and Arwikar (2003), and Ahmad,
et al. (2003).

“Using of new techniques and technology” is another factor that was found to significantly
increase the probability of choosing the construction method of IBS in Malaysia. This finding
confirms with the study by Warszawski (1999) and Lew, et al. (2003) mentioned that building


system defines as a set of interrelated elements that act together to enable the designated
performance of a building. It may include various procedures including technological and
managerial for the production and assembling of these elements for this purpose. This implies
that using of new technique and technology gives a higher probability of choosing IBS vote.
The null hypothesis test that “using of new technique and technology” coefficient is zero
against the alternative hypothesis that “using of new technique and technology” coefficient is
positive has a t-statistic of 2.48 and therefore, the calculated test statistic exceeds the critical
value and hence the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative.

Other variables included in this logit model analysis are “skill and experience”. However, the
coefficient of those variables was insignificant, as expected. Another variable that included in
the model is “the equipment and mechanical plants used” was also insignificant. This means
that these variables do not enter in the model of respondent’s preferences for choosing
construction method. The estimate results are presented in Table (II).


Moreover, the advantage of Industrialized Building system (IBS) in construction projects in

term of the speed is also being analyzed in this study. Based on the six factors that influence
the speed of IBS methods, the high productivity of structural elements (In-situ or off-situ) is
the most significant factor. Using “Moulds (type, shape, size, and number of units needs)”
and “using new techniques and technology (computer and robot in design manufacturing)” are
also considered significant factors for the speed of IBS. However, “skill and experience”,
“the equipments and mechanical plants used”, “the materials used (type, availability…)” are
not as important as the previous factors.

This finding is further supported by the result of the preferences analyses of choosing between
the use of IBS and non-IBS (conventional system) in the construction projects. Logit model
analysis shows only four variables that give a significant effect on the changes of choice the
construction methods. These variables are “high productivity of structural elements (in-situ or
off-situ)”, “using of mould”, “the material used” and “using new techniques and technology”.
The positive estimated coefficients of those variables imply that an increase in the value of its
variables gives a higher probability to choose IBS.



Based on the findings and discussions of the study, hence the following recommendation is
required: Since high productivity is the major factor that affects the speed of IBS, a research
should be focused on innovation techniques that improve the productivity of building system


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