Paper 8921
Paper 8921
Paper 8921
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
Abstract: By sending some of the work done on-site to fabrication facilities, modularization, a new
emerging approach, can improve the construction industry. Yet, there are few uses for it in the sector. To
achieve higher degrees of modularization, the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) business
needs new strategies. The goal of this study is to ascertain what modifications to the current EPC
procedures are required to establish the ideal conditions for a wider and more efficient application of
modularization. The success criteria must be understood in order to create such an atmosphere. The
success factors are to be obtained from various reputed journals. With the addition of CSF enablers, a
research team with expertise in this area created a comprehensive list of the most important critical success
Factors. CSF enablers are extra measures that can help.
Pre-fabricated homes or buildings are known as modular buildings. They are made up of numerous, independently
repeated pieces, or "modules." The process of building the modules or parts off-site and bringing them to the
construction site is known as modular construction. In contrast to regular or traditional construction methods, modular
construction has many advantages. With modular construction, we can reduce the risks and produce work of a higher
calibre. Because time and money are interrelated, modular building will lure people in that direction. The well-
established method can boost the construction industry's production and efficiency. The importance and advantages of
modularization have been generally acknowledged since its inception. Benefits include less capital expenditures,
enhanced productivity, better scheduled performance, higher overall quality.
integrity. Despite some setbacks during the construction process, the B2 Tower was completed in 2016 and has since
become a successful model for modular tall building design. Its innovative design and construction methods
demonstrate the potential for modular construction to revolutionize the way tall buildings are built in the future.
According to a 2011 survey (McGraw-Hill 2011), nearly 98% of industry players are expected to be using
modularization by 2013. However, fewer than half (37%) of these companies were using it at high or very high levels.
Early studies has validated that modularization with current trends but that studies has failed to highlight the fact of
modularization and its trend in the existing fields. A sum of few studies has tried hard in finding various factors for
successful implementation of modular construction projects. The critical success factors will give a clear view of the
critical factors that are to be considered by companies for implementing MiC.
participation and communication. The study concludes by offering helpful suggestions for project managers and
decision-makers to enhance the execution of modular building projects. Overall, this study is helpful for construction
professionals and policymakers who are interested in employing modular construction in their projects since it offers
insightful information about the difficulties and potential associated with it.
Construction Industry Council. (2018), describes MiC as an innovative construction method that involves the off-site
fabrication of modular components, which are then transported to the construction site and assembled into a complete
building. MiC offers several advantages over traditional construction methods, including faster construction times,
higher quality, greater safety, and reduced environmental impact.
Freund, Y. P. (1988), describes a five-step process for identifying CSFs that includes defining organizational goals,
identifying the key areas where success is critical, prioritizing these areas based on their impact on achieving the goals,
developing performance indicators for each CSF, and tracking progress toward achieving these indicators.
Gosling, J., Pero, M., Schoenwitz, M., Towill, D., & Cigolini, R. (2016),attempts to offer a thorough definition and
classification of modules in building projects from a global viewpoint. They list different kinds of modules, including
structural, cladding, and services modules, and give examples of each kind. the advantages of employing modular
construction techniques, including faster construction, better quality control, and higher safety. They emphasize the
value of strong stakeholder participation and communication in modular construction projects.
Haas, C. T., & Fagerlund, W. R. (2002),performed preliminary research on off-site fabrication, prefabrication, pre-
assembly, and modularization in the construction industry. The study's objectives were to evaluate the situation of the
construction industry at the time it was conducted, identify potential advantages and disadvantages of employing these
approaches, and determine the best procedures for doing so. To learn more about how these techniques are applied in
building projects, the researchers examined case studies and polled experts in the field. Off-site fabrication and
modularization, according to the study, have the potential to increase project quality, cut down on construction time,
and lower costs, but their uptake in the market has been constrained by a number of obstacles, including a lack of
knowledge, a disjointed supply chain, and resistance to change.
Hofman, E., Voordijk, H., & Halman, J. (2009), examines how supply networks and modular product architecture
can function together in the construction of houses. The authors emphasize how a product's modularity might affect the
supply network's structure and supplier selection. They create a framework that consists of three steps: describing the
product architecture, choosing the best supply network, and configuring the supply network. Their framework allows
supply networks to be matched with modular product architecture.
Hong Kong Buildings Department. (2018), provides information on Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) and its
benefits, as well as regulations and guidelines for MiC projects in Hong Kong. It includes case studies, frequently asked
questions, and a list of accredited MiC suppliers.
Hwang, B.-G., Shan, M., & Looi, K.-Y. (2018a), investigated the primary obstacles and prevention measures for
prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction (PPVC). A comprehensive evaluation of the literature and content
analysis of 96 academic articles and industry reports were used to carry out the investigation. The researchers
discovered 40 mitigation measures that can be used at different stages of the PPVC project, along with 16 limitations.
Three categories—technical, organizational, and institutional—are used to group the restrictions. The four groups of
mitigation techniques include design, manufacture, logistics, and installation. Researchers and practitioners can use the
study's insights to overcome the difficulties in implementing PPVC.
Ismail, F., Yusuwan, N. M., & Baharuddin, H. E. A. (2012), conducted a survey of Malaysian construction industry
professionals and utilized factor analysis to identify the critical project management elements. Top management
support, project team competence, good communication and coordination, procurement methods, and the design and
manufacture of IBS are among the aspects noted. The report offers practical information that construction industry
professionals and policymakers may utilize to enhance the execution of IBS projects.
Kamar, K. A. M., Alshawi, M., & Hamid, Z. A. (2009), The article looks at the critical success factors (CSFs) that
may affect Malaysia's adoption of the Industrialized Building System (IBS). The CSFs were found through a review of
the literature, which was followed by questionnaire surveys and interviews with professionals in the field to confirm
their validity. The study identified six CSFs: supply chain management, design and engineering, government support,
financial incentives, awareness and education, and quality control and assurance.
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-8921 799
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
Lau, A. K. W. (2011), investigates the critical success factors (CSFs) for managing modular production design based
on six case studies in Hong Kong, China, and Singapore. The study found six key CSFs: (1) technical competency in
design, (2) effective communication and collaboration, (3) adequate planning and management, (4) close supervision
and quality control, (5) teamwork and trust, and (6) experienced workforce. The paper recommends that companies
adopt these factors to ensure successful modular construction.
Li, L., Li, Z., Wu, G., & Li, X. (2018), used a mixed-method approach, including a literature review, expert
interviews, and a questionnaire survey, to collect data from industry professionals in China. They identified 18 CSFs,
grouped into four categories: organizational, project team, technology, and external environment. The authors then used
the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize the CSFs based on their relative importance.
Murtaza, M. B., Fisher, D. J., & Skibniewski, M. J. (1993), In order to assist in the planning and design of modular
building projects, a knowledge-based decision support system was built, as is described in the article. The authors
emphasize how challenging it is to design and manage modular building projects using conventional approaches and
how a knowledge-based approach could help to address these issues.
Mydin, M. A. O., Nawi, M. N. M., Yunos, M. Y. M., &Utaberta, N. (2015), The usage of prefabrication systems in
the Malaysian construction sector is discussed in the article, which also highlights a number of critical success elements
that can help guarantee the deployment of these systems. The authors emphasizes that while prefabrication systems can
provide important advantages in terms of cost reductions, quality control, and time savings, their effective deployment
necessitates careful design and execution.
O’Connor, J. T., O’Brien, W. J., & Choi, J. O. (2014), explains how industrial modularization is used in the
construction sector and highlights key success criteria and enablers for achieving maximum and optimum
modularization. The authors emphasize that, while modularization can result in significant cost, quality, and time
savings, its successful adoption necessitates careful planning and execution.
Osei-Kyei, R., & Chan, A. P. C. (2015),presents a thorough analysis of research from 1990 to 2013 on the key success
determinants for public-private partnership (PPP) projects. The authors point out that PPP projects are becoming more
and more common as a way to offer public infrastructure and services, and that knowing the critical success elements
for these projects is critical for their effective implementation. The writers also noted a number of new issues, such as
the necessity of creative and adaptable contract structures, the significance of stakeholder cooperation and trust, and the
influence of institutional and political elements on PPP project performance.
Pan, W., & Hon, C. K. (2018), explains how modular integrated construction (MIC) can be used to build high-rise
structures. The authors emphasize that, especially for projects with confined sites or limited timetables, MIC can
provide considerable advantages in terms of cost savings, quality control, and time savings. The authors outline the
MIC procedure, which entails building components being manufactured off-site before being assembled on-site. They
also go over the advantages of MIC, such as faster construction, better quality control, and higher safety.
Rashidi, A., & Ibrahim, R. (2017), gives a chronological account of the growth of industrialized building in Malaysia,
highlighting significant turning points and obstacles the sector has had to overcome. The writers also point out the
critical success aspects that have supported the industry's expansion and toughness. The authors go on to list the major
success elements that have helped the sector remain resilient. They include government incentives and support,
successful stakeholder collaboration, the deployment of equipment and technology that is appropriate, and the growth
of a competent workforce.
Shahtaheri, Y., Rausch, C., West, J., Haas, C., & Nahangi, M. (2017), focuses on the problem of risk management
in modular construction, a technique that entails building parts off-site and putting them together on-site. The authors
point out that because prefabricated components must adhere to exact dimensions and geometric standards, modular
construction poses special risks for risk management.
Smith, R. E. (2016), gives a summary of off-site and modular construction techniques, along with the advantages and
drawbacks of each. Off-site and modular construction, according to the author, entails the manufacture of building
components at a factory or other off-site location, followed by assembly on-site. This strategy may provide a number of
benefits, including quicker construction timeframes, better quality control, and less waste.
Triumph Modular Corporation. (2019), discusses the key success factors for implementing volumetric modular
construction projects. The author defines volumetric modular construction as a process where building components,
Copyright to IJARSCT DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-8921 800
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT)
such as complete rooms or sections, are manufactured off-site in a controlled environment and then transported to the
project site for assembly.
Wuni, I. Y., Shen, G. Q. P., & Mahmud, A. T. (2019), The research found that design, production, shipping,
assembly, and site management were the most important risk factors in MIC projects. According to the authors,
managing these risk factors necessitates the adoption of a comprehensive strategy that involves including all relevant
parties, utilizing the right tools and technologies, and setting up efficient communication and coordination structures.
The paper also emphasizes the need for additional study to create risk management plans and tools that are more useful
for MIC projects.
In summary, modular construction is a cutting-edge method of building that has been more well-known in recent years
because of its potential advantages, including enhanced effectiveness, cost savings, and less environmental impact.
Reviewing the literature on modular building and creating a system for assessing its performance were the study's main
goals. The analysis of the literature showed that institutional, commercial, and residential settings have all explored and
used modular building extensively. Faster building periods, better quality control, less waste, and lower prices are all
benefits of modular construction. Modular building can present some difficulties, though, including logistical and
transportation concerns, design restrictions, and potential opposition from traditional construction partners. The future
scope includes (1) Quantitative assessment of the CSFs for specific MiC projects and to Rank the CSFs, (2) To create a
stage–gate framework for the CSFs, (3) To Develop a set of strategies, critical success processes and key performance
indicators for the MiC CSFs, (4) To Develop MiC project success model based on (3)
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