Cam Operated Double Jaw Vise

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The document discusses the design, development and fabrication of a cam operated machine vice to improve safety and reduce human effort during machining. It aims to automatically tighten workpieces using a cam mechanism.

A cam operated machine vice can automatically tighten workpieces to avoid overtightening and damage. It allows for monitoring by the operator and uses a lever, cam, and spring mechanism for easy removal and placement of workpieces.

Factors like required quality, availability of materials, production quantities, cost, and space considerations must be evaluated to select the appropriate manufacturing process for a given part.

International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management (IJRESM) Volume-1, Issue-2, February 2018

A Systematic Design, Development and Fabrication

of a Safe Cam Operated Machine Vice
B.Logesh1, R.Vignesh2, J.Pugazhenthi3, N.Vigneshan4, N.Vigneshwaran5
Assistant Professor, Department of mechanical Engineering, Sree Sakthi Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India.
UG Scholars, Mechanical Engineering, Sree Sakthi Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

Abstract—Reduction of human Effort and enhancing safety of manufacturing includes reshaping of materials through
plays a vital role while designing and fabricating the Machine vice forging, welding and cutting, heat treatment processes and
which is used to hold the components during heavy machining sheet metal forming processes etc. The manufacturing process
works. In an ordinary vice the human power requirement is more includes the process planning, quality assurance of materials
to tighten the heavy jobs, but in this machine vice the cam is used
in order to tighten automatically. In Normal machine vice the
and products manufactured even during starting and ending of
human labour involves in turning the handle to hold the manufacturing processes.
component tightly by giving more human effort which eventually Metal cutting or machining is the manufacturing process in
results in damage on work piece due to over tightening of the which the unwanted materials are removed and a required
handle. This may be avoided by involving cam acting machine vice shape of product according to design standards are
in which the work piece is cannot gets damage while clamping manufactures. These wastes are removed in forms of metal
where the operation can be monitored by the operator. An lever chips. The cuttings of materials are done by fracture of
rotate a cam lock movable jaw their using spring type puss back materials through hardened cutting tools. These types of
ram to forward and reverse movement of the vice jaws to remove material fractures are normally done in names of shaping,
the work piece and to hold the work piece. These types of cam
machine vice can be used for all type of machine. In applications
milling, grinding, facing, grinding, chiselling and broaching
such as, Drilling machine, milling machine, shaping machining operations. Orthogonal cutting is the primary principle behind
which provides an effective grip to job during machining all these machining process, even though these tools llok
processes. This cam operated machine vice can be manufactured different from each other basic idea behind it is causing fracture
at optimized cost from small scale industries to larger machining on the material. Accordingly in all processes of machining the
works job shape is finally changed to the required shape according to
the design of product through material fracture. First step in all
Index Terms—Cam Operated, Handling Lever, Machine vice, machining process is to hold the job firmly in a fixture and then
Movable Jaw, Spring type Ram it is exposed to high speed rotating tool to get machined.
During machining process even at higher speeds and applying
heavy loads in process such as forging job has to be safely held
I. INTRODUCTION within the fixture. Commonly used fixtures are Vices, 3 jaw
Cam vice is one of the clamping device that are used to hold and 4 Jaw chucks, etc. Machining operations includes different
the job in rigid condition. Cam vice is operated by eccentric operations for a single job such as drilling, boring grinding,
cam mechanism. There is a cam lever attached with it. The job reaming etc. So that job has to be removed and clamped tightly
is tightly held within the jaws. The job is placed in between the for each operation which makes the human operator tired and
fixed and movable jaws, and then the movable jaw is adjusted also to get fatigue. So that a new fixture called cam operated
accordingly with lead screw rod with help of cam profile vice is used to tight and loosen the jobs easily to the different
attached with it. Job is fixed tightly in the fixture by operating positions even during variety of operations in a same
the cam lever attached to the top of system. component.
These types of cam operated vice can be used to hold the
same size and same size objects that were used in mass III. TYPES OF VISES
production systems. It will results in improvement of Vice generally describes to a bench vice with parallel jaws
productivity, reduction in setting time of job, reduction of moving and fixed with flat, which is usually attached to a
production cost and improved satisfaction of workers with workbench.
reduced fatigue level.  A woodworker's bench vice is generally integrated part
which is attached to the working bench.
 An engineer's bench vice is attached to the top of bench
II. LITERATURE REVIEW with clamped bolts or rivets.
Manufacturing processes are the key production system  hand vices (hand-held),
involved in industries where raw materials are converted to end  Machine vices - drill vices (which lie flat on a drill press
customer required products. The process starts with the design on bed). Vices of the same structured form are used also
stage where the materials are created according to the design on machines such as drilling and grinding.
required. These designs of materials are then converted to
required component through manufacturing processes. Process
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management (IJRESM) Volume-1, Issue-2, February 2018

 Compound slide vices are manufactures with tilting Machining operations will consist of array of vices in order to
arrangement which is more complex. These will allow show the production lines. There are several types of specific
high speed working and setting jobs precisely. vices available to assist these types of great accuracy
 Cross vices are used to adjust in both X and Y axis using machining operations.
the availed lead screws. These can be used if a job consists Hard and soft machine jaws play a vital difference between
of many holes to be drilled using the available drilling other metalworking vice jaws for machining process. The jaws
presses. are precision ground enough to a very flat and smooth surface
 Off-center vices, angle vices, sine vices, are used in order for accuracy. These jaws are depended on mechanical pressure
to hold gauge blocks involving solving triangles with high for gripping and holding of job, instead of a rough surface. An
accuracy angles involved. unskilled operator will often make mistake by over tightening
 Rotary vices, table vices, pin vices and die makers' vices, the handle which leads too deformation dn error in work pieces.
(for holding cylindrical jobs at one end with thin sections) to over-tighten jaws, leading to part deformation and error in
 Jewellery maker’s vices, imparted leg attached vices, and the finished work piece. The jaws themselves come in a variety
other components are attached to a bench but also of hard and soft jaw profiles, for various work needs. One can
supported to the ground so as acting to stable under the purchase machinable soft jaws, and mill the profile of the part
very heavy use imported by a blacksmith's work. into them to speed part set-up and eliminate measurement. This
is most commonly done in gang operations, discussed below.
For rectangular parts being worked at 45 degree angles,
A. Woodworking Vises prismatic hard jaws exist with V grooves cut into them to hold
In woodworking process, in order to avoid the marring on the part. Some vises have a hydraulic or pneumatic screw,
work piece the jaws of vice are made up of wood or plastics making setup not only faster, but more accurate as human error
which does not affect the surface of work. The top jaw edges is reduced.
jaws are covered up with wooden faces in the top of the For holding larger jobs in length wise regular machines vices
movable jaw made up of iron. This jaw contains a dog whole are arranged in parallel order in a bench so that it can be firmly
part to firmly hold a bench dog. Modern metal woodworkers’ holded. These are arranged with help of a dial indicator in order
vices come up with a split nut. These nuts are used where the to get common reference plane for all the vices used.
screw splits up into two parts so that, by means of a hand lever, For multiple parts holding there are many alternatives where
it can be easily removed from the screw and the moveable jaw vice manufactures find different solutions in order to get
can easily fixed into a suitable position required. Finally the optimized productivity.
work can be fixed with the jaws firmly during the machining Modular vices are manufactured accordingly where they are
process without slip. bolted to a grid. This makes a better grip to vice to hold the job.
These come around with two varieties of clamps.
B. Metal Worker’s Vises Tower vices are also stated as vertical vices used in
applications of horizontal machining centres. Is contains one
In process of metalworking, the fixed jaw and movable jaws side with one vice and dual clamping options. These vices cab
are generally made up of hardened steels in order to hold the be used for many operations this one vice can be used without
work firmly. It contains coarse gripers with high accuracy to any special kind of arrangements.
hold the jobs firmly. Movable jaws are made up of soft irons so
that it can be easily replaced with new one, where the fixed IV. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT’S
jaws stay stronger for longer period of time. These were made
stronger to avoid the damages. A. Cam
Metalworking bench vices which are termed as engineers' or A cam is a perfectly shaped part of a rotating wheel or shaft
fitters' vices which are bolted onto the top surface of the bench that strikes a lever at one or more points on its axis of circular
consists a face of the fixed jaws in forward of the front edge of path. The cam is said to be a simple tooth, as is used to deliver
the bench. The bench height should be designed accordingly to the acting pulses of power to a steam hammer
the elbow height of the worker for easier convenience while in Cam acts in such a manner like lever because the hole is not
standing position. located exactly in centre, so that cam is just spinning on its axis.
The nut is used to remove the movable jaw operated by On the other hand, some cams are made with a hole exactly in
means of a screw, which can be again tightened in order to the centre so that designed their sides to be act as cam which
quickly set the suitable position of the job. Fitters prefer to use makes the springs to push back the ram.
the maximum precision availed in from a plain screw vise. The
vice consist of other features such as a small anvil in back of B. Frame Stand
its body to tighten.
Vice screws are generally made up of either of an Acme Frame stand of the cam device is made up of flat rods with
thread form or a buttress thread. These arrangements will welding and sheet metal forming process. The frame stand is
provide a quick-release nut use a buttress thread. used in order to hold the fixed jaw, the lever and moving jaw,
lead screw, and handle with cam arrangements in this device.
C. Metal Working Vises in Machine Shops
C. Lever
In high production machine work to attain higher accuracy
work must be held in the same position, to achieve these CNC The hand lever is used in order to load and unload the cam
arrangements in the cam machine vice. These make the
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management (IJRESM) Volume-1, Issue-2, February 2018

equipment to be operated easily with lever which is attached to of locking. When the cam lever is operated to release the job
the arrangement. from the jaws, movable jaw moves backward to its original
position. The next job is placed in between the jaws, and the
D. Fixed Jaw and moving Jaw same procedure is repeated to hold it in the fixture.
The fixed jaw is stable and mounted with the frame stand of
the equipment. The moving jaw is attached with lead screw
arrangement makes the moving jaw to get moved easily while
operating the handle lever of the mechanism. The jaw is
actually fixed on the frame stand of the equipment.


A. Machine Components


FABRICATION OF CAM VICE" requires the following
components to complete the complete operation of the
 Cam arrangements
 Fixed and movable jaws
 Frame stand Fig. 2. Top View of Fabricated Machine Cam Vice
 Lever
 Spring type puss back ram

Fig. 1. Dimensional Drawing of Cam Vice

Fig. 3. Side View of Fabricated Machine Cam Vice


1) Idle time of the machine is reduced
The cam vice consists of Frame stand with fixed jaw, moving
2) When compared with the mechanical vices, it continues
jaw, lever, lead screw, handle, lever with handle and cam
less time for clamping and unclamping the job
mechanism to be operated. The fixed jaw is fixed on the frame.
The moving jaw is arranged in a parallel axis through the fixed 3) It reduces the clamping time
jaw. The cam arrangement is well placed before the moving 4) Hence, production rate is higher
jaw. The cam arrangement will consist of lever. The lead screw 5) It is also hold irregular components
is perfectly arranged after the arrangement of cam mechanism.
The lead screw arrangement is implicated to adjust the cam VII. FACTORS DECIDING THE CHOICE OF THE MATERIALS
arrangement in the equipment. The main objective of the cam
vice is used to clamp and unclamp the same size job component Factors that determine the choice of materials are listed below.
on it. This vice is used in area of mass production. The A. Properties
specimen is placed between the fixed jaw and moving jaw, and
then the cam lever is operated by manually operated lever. The The material that is selected for manufacturing should be
specimen is perfectly clamped at a predefined stage, and then exactly suits for the proposed application. The various
the lead screw is used to fit the correct area in the cam requirements that have to be accomplished must to be satisfied.
arrangement. A As a result, clamping and unclamping the same It can be weight, surface finish, rigidity, ability to withstand
size of specimens are made easier. environmental attack from chemicals, service life, reliability
After the operations were done on the job, the job is released etc.
from the jaws by operation cam lever opposite to the direction
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management (IJRESM) Volume-1, Issue-2, February 2018

Selections of materials are drastically affected by the pour machines and human involved in manufacturing process. Cost
principle properties of materials. They are as follows, of manufacturing this vice is optimal and can be used for any
 Physical ranges of industrial work from small, medium to large scale
 Mechanical industries. Future research recommendations can also be made
 From manufacturing point of view to hold irregular sizes and shapes to be hold firmly against any
 Chemical manufacturing operations working at any speed and loads.
The various physical properties that are concerned are
melting point, thermal Conductivity, specific heat of element, REFERENCES
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E. Space Consideration
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The main advantage of manufacturing these types of

machine vice is to provide flexibility in holding the jobs of
different size of components. This innovation is more desirable
and economical which enhances the safety standards to

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