Rbrantley@utsystem - Edu: Revised 3/25/2017

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University Lands

Surface Operations
Field Manual of Required
Operating Procedures
For Oil & Gas Leases

This manual is designed to inform Operators of Oil and Gas Leases on University Lands of required
standard operating procedures. In addition to applicable state and federal regulations, all Rules and
Regulations of the Board of Regents of the University of Texas, the Board for Lease of University
Lands (or successor), and the Texas Railroad Commission, must be followed. Activities not in
accordance with such rules and regulations will be addressed as deemed appropriate by University
Our objective in providing this manual is to establish procedures that will enhance, protect, and
preserve University Lands, as well as permit the production of oil and gas in an efficient manner.
We are dedicated to working with lessees holding Oil and Gas Leases on University land and the
Operators’ cooperation is expected and appreciated.
To coordinate activities on University Lands, please contact the University Lands designated
Field Representative listed at the end of this manual or:

Richard Brantley
Executive Director
University Lands
P. O. Box 553
Midland, Texas 79702
(432) 684-4404
[email protected]



Revised 3/25/2017
University Lands, under the direction of the Office of Business Affairs, of The University of
Texas System is responsible for managing the Permanent University Fund lands and the Trust
Minerals. University Lands is comprised of three divisions: Surface Interests, Mineral Interests,
and Accounting.


The Permanent University Fund (PUF) lands had their beginning in an address by President
Mirabeau B. Lamar to the Third Congress of the Republic of Texas on December 20, 1838.
President Lamar strongly urged the Texas Congress to quickly establish the foundations for a
vast system of education. On January 26, 1839, fifty leagues (approximately 220,000 acres) of
land were set aside from the public domain by the Republic of Texas for the establishment and
endowment of a university.

The State of Texas Constitution of 1876 called for the creation of the University of Texas and
appropriated one million acres of land for the establishment of a Permanent University Fund. An
additional one million acres were added to the PUF in 1883. These lands constitute the bulk of
what is commonly referred to as the University lands or PUF lands. Now totaling approximately
2.1 million acres, most of this land is located in the West Texas counties of Andrews, Crane,
Crockett, Culberson, Dawson, Ector, El Paso, Gaines, Hudspeth, Irion, Loving, Martin, Pecos,
Reagan, Schleicher, Terrell, Upton, Ward, and Winkler.
Table of Contents
(*Please Note pages are for the smaller page format)

Subject Page

I. Responsible Party 1
II. Paperwork, Fees, and Charges for Damages 2
III. Rights-of-Way 2
IV. Location and Drilling Procedures 2
V. Caliche and Other Materials 4
VI. Water 5
VII. Frac Pits
VIII. Completed Well Sites 5
IX. Production Facilities 6
X. Salt Water Disposal 7
XI. Flow Lines 7
XII. Pipelines and Gas Gathering Lines 8
XIII. Plugging and Abandonment Procedures 9
XIV. Lease Surface Maintenance 10
XV. Roads, Cattle Guards, Gates, and Locks 10
XVI. Vehicles 12
XVII. Fire Prevention 12
XVIII. Alcoholic Beverages, Hunting, Fishing 12
XIX. Compliance Enforcement Options 13
XX. Equipment and Best Practices 13
XXI. Miscellaneous 14
XXII. University Lands Contacts 14
Except where specifically noted, the Oil and Gas Operator (Operator) is primarily responsible to
ensure that all requirements in this manual are met and all guidelines are followed. The term
“Operator” as used in this manual includes all working-interest owners in the lease(s). University
Lands strongly encourages all operators to designate a primary point of contact for University Lands
business; communication is best documented through email notifications.
Operators conducting business on University land are responsible for all activities and conduct of
their employees, agents, and guests, as well as the employees and agents of drilling contractors,
service companies, and all others providing services or materials to their lease(s). Damage to
University Lands’ property by an Operator or its agents must be reported immediately to the
University Lands designated Field Representative by email. Repairs or damages due will be
determined based on the most recent University Lands Rate and Damage Schedule. Penalties may
be assessed for failure to report damage or for other non-compliance issues. University Lands
encourages the Operator to read and become familiar with all conditions set forth in this Manual of
Required Operating Procedures, the most recent University Lands Rate and Damage Schedule, the
Rules of the Board for Lease of University Lands (or successor), and the Operator’s Oil and Gas
University land is frequently subject to multiple uses and all Operators must accommodate all other
legal uses by other parties and not interfere in any way beyond the reasonable and necessary
conduct of their operations on their lease(s).
The Operator may be liable for livestock deaths, especially deaths resulting from failure to comply
with the operating procedures outlined in this manual. Livestock have the right-of-way on lease
roads. Livestock killed or injured as a result of oilfield activity are the responsibility of the Operator
and must be immediately reported to the designated Field Representative via email.
All production equipment and related material on an Oil and Gas Lease (except equipment
and materials specifically covered by an easement or surface lease) becomes the liability and
responsibility of the oil and gas lessee when the lease is signed or assigned, regardless of the
date of origin of the production equipment and related material. If surplus or abandoned
equipment or other material was present on the premises prior to leasing, the current oil and
gas lessee is liable for that material. This includes, but is not limited to, abandoned cement
bases and foundations, pump jacks, separators, tanks, surplus pipe, tubing, sucker rods, flow
lines, gathering lines, transformers, power lines and poles, meters and meter housings, drums,
sills, thread protectors, stuffing boxes and swab rubbers, used/old V-Belts, miscellaneous
refuse and trash, etc.


All paperwork, permit fees, location fees, etc. must be provided to University Lands as
required by the lease, applicable law, the Rules of the Board for Lease of University Lands (or
successor), or regulations under the authority of the foregoing. Penalties may be assessed for
non-compliance. Additionally, all costs of compliance with the requirements outlined in this
manual will be at the Operator’s expense, whether carried out by the Operator, by University Lands,
or by third parties at the request of University Lands (see contact information on p. 14).


Any pipeline, flow line, electric line, or other surface appurtenance that is not entirely on the
Oil and Gas Lease it serves, or which serves more than one Oil and Gas Lease, requires an
easement or surface lease, regardless of Lease ownership. Each Oil and Gas Lease grants certain
rights to the limited use of the surface; however, these rights do not extend beyond the
boundaries of each individual lease, other than ingress and egress to and from the property.
Surface Leases are specific as to what they may be used for and are not general in scope. Any
addition to the permitted use is prohibited without amendment of the Lease. Easements and
Surface Leases are not freely assignable. Written approval to assign is a prerequisite, as is the
payment of an administrative fee. For all easements, surface leases, and other rights-of-way issues,
please contact the University Lands office at (432) 684-4404. Please refer to our website
http://www.utlands.utsystem.edu/forms_procs.aspx to download and electronically submit
applications for commercial leases, easements (pipeline, power line, fiber optic, road), and Salt
Water Disposal (SWD) contracts. NOTE that there are new requirements for GIS data formats
located at the bottom of easement applications. Applications will NOT be processed unless
the required information is received.


a. The University Lands designated Field Representative must be notified via email prior to
staking wells, loading caliche, constructing or repairing roads, building locations, or performing any
other dirt work.
b. The University Lands designated Field Representative must be notified via email at least
three (3) days before mobilizing a drilling rig on University land.
c. All vehicles, equipment, machinery, etc., must be kept ON LOCATION during drilling and
completion operations. Charges for damages outside of the location will be determined by the
University Lands designated Field Representative.
d. The well pad must be limited to a size not to exceed dimensions provided in the most recent
University Lands Rate and Damage Schedule, unless written permission to deviate from these
dimensions is obtained beforehand from the University Lands designated Field Representative.
Lessee shall not drill a well or install any facilities within three hundred (300) feet of any
residence or barn without the written consent of Lessor.
e. The location of proposed roads and drilling pits must be approved via email by the
University Lands designated Field Representative prior to construction. Drilling pits constructed on
sloping land must be located on the uphill side of the pad, unless an exception is granted via email
by the University Lands designated Field Representative.
f. No trash or other debris will be permitted to collect on the lease, except in containers
specifically designed to temporarily hold trash and debris prior to disposal. No trash or other debris
will be discarded on lease roads or allowed to scatter over the pastureland.
g. Cellars must be immediately enclosed with University Lands approved fencing to prevent
access by livestock or adequately covered per the University Lands designated Field
Representative’s requirements.
h. During drilling and completion operations, adequate livestock fencing must be constructed
on three (3) sides of the reserve pits. After the rig is removed from the location, fencing must be
constructed on the fourth side of the pits. In areas where only cattle are grazed, the fencing material
must be a minimum of four (4)-strand barbed wire. In areas that graze sheep and goats, the fencing
material must be net wire. The fence shall remain in place until pit reclamation begins. Fencing
specifications are subject to change at the discretion of the designated Field Representative.
i. Drilling rigs must be removed from the location no later than ten (10) days after drilling
operations are complete. At University Lands’ discretion, a watchman may be required on location
when the rig is not in operation. The Operator must provide the University Lands designated Field
Representative with the watchman's name and contact information via email. The designated Field
Representative must be notified via email when the drilling rig will be removed from the location.
j. During wet weather, drilling rigs and other heavy equipment must not be moved on or off
University land without the prior written consent of the University Lands designated Field
Representative. Roads damaged by drilling or any other lease activity must be repaired
immediately or as soon as weather conditions permit. All lease roads must be properly maintained
by the Operator at all times. No off-road travel is permitted for any reason related to oilfield
activity, unless written permission is given by the University Lands designated Field
Representative. All vehicles must remain on existing roads at all times. Driving onto pastureland to
avoid mud-holes, pot-holes, speed bumps or for any other reason is expressly prohibited and will
result in a minimum penalty of $3,000 per occurrence.
k. Drilling and work-over pit closure must be accomplished by the “deep burial” method. Pit
construction must be discussed with the University Lands designated Field Representative prior to
construction. Pits must be lined with a minimum 12 mil plastic liner or equivalent. When
operations are complete, pits must be drained and/or dried. The liner must be cut at or below the
mud line and removed from the premises, not buried in the pit. All trash and refuse must be
removed from the pits. The remaining cuttings and the liner below the mud line must be deep
buried. All pits must be backfilled, contoured to grade with a minimum thickness of four (4) feet of
clean soil, and the surface ripped. Pit re-seeding is required by University Lands and procedures
can be found at
Pits must be inspected by the University Lands designated Field Representative before final closure
approval is obtained.


University Lands designated Field Representative must be notified via email before entering any
caliche pit. No pits are to be opened without written permission from designated Field
Representative. All caliche must be paid for unless it is being reclaimed from an old location or
road. Pit walls must be sloped and continuously maintained at a 3:1 grade by anyone utilizing or
removing material from this source. It is the responsibility of the Oil and Gas Operator to ensure
compliance of its contractors.

No water may be used from any source on University land without written permission from University
Lands designated Field Representative and must comply with the University Lands Ground Water
Management Plan. Advance payment for water use is required. The Operator must notify the
University Lands designated Field Representative prior to drilling any water well or using any water
from University land, except when obtained from a commercial facility. All water wells must be
properly identified as described in the Groundwater Management Plan


a. All frac pits that serve two (2) or more leases require a five (5) year surface contract. If the
contract is not renewed at the end of the primary term then the pit must be filled with soil material
and reseeded according to University Lands procedures:

b. Only water less than 3,000 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS) may be stored in the frac pits. No
flow back or produced water may be stored in a frac pit.


a. Pump jack guards must be erected around the perimeter of pumping units or other well head
equipment. The guards must be maintained and kept intact at all times. University Lands approved
fencing must be constructed around gas wells, flowing oil wells, or wells containing submersible pumps
upon request by University Lands.
b. After well completion activities are finalized, all buildings, pipe, tubing, sucker rods, thread
protectors, poly line, connections, fixtures, and surplus equipment of every type not necessary for
the immediate operation of the lease must be removed from the premises. Surplus equipment,
flow lines, and other material not actively being used to produce the lease cannot be stored on
University Lands’ leases and must be removed immediately. All electric utility structures
including, but not limited to, transformers, power lines, and utility poles, which are not in use,
must be removed from the lease, unless covered by an easement. Any equipment that is not
anticipated for use within the next thirty (30) days will be considered stored on the site in
violation of this paragraph and may be subject to penalty.
c. Power line routing must be approved via email by the designated Field Representative prior to
installation. Unless prior approval has been given, all power lines must follow roads and/or run
parallel to section lines. Distribution of all power to equipment on location must be buried and not
laid on the surface. Buried power lines are not permitted except on the well pad.
d. Well sites must be kept free of weeds and trash or debris of any kind.


a. Four (4)-strand barbed wire fencing (or net wire in areas adjacent to sheep or goat grazing) must be
installed and maintained around the perimeter of the battery.
b. Corner posts and gate posts must be cemented into the ground at a three (3)- foot depth or greater
c. Gates must be kept closed at all times.
d. University Lands approved firewalls must be designed, constructed, and maintained to contain a
minimum of 110% of the largest tank in the storage facility.
e. Loading areas must include above-ground containment equipment to prevent spillage to the ground
surface and must be kept pumped out. All tanks, drums, etc. must have secondary containment.
f. Below grade containment must be double wall non-metallic construction.
g. Battery sites must be kept free of vegetation, trash, and debris of any kind.
h. A detailed diagram or drawing of the production facility and a list of all associated wells must be
provided to University Lands no later than thirty (30) days after construction is completed. Please
submit the above via email at [email protected]. An updated diagram or drawing must be
provided upon major modifications to the production facility.
i. Surplus equipment, dead flow lines, poly line, connections, fixtures, and other material not actively
being used to produce the lease cannot be stored at the battery and must be removed immediately. All
electrical equipment including, but not limited to, transformers, power lines, and utility poles that are
not in service (unless covered by an easement) must be removed from the lease. Any equipment that is
not anticipated for use within the next thirty (30) days will be considered stored on the site in violation
of this paragraph and may be subject to penalty.
j. Easements and/or surface leases are required for flow lines, power lines, tank batteries, frac pits,
water transfer lines, or any other appurtenances that serve more than one Oil and Gas Lease.


a. Except where permitted by the Oil and Gas Lease, no salt water disposal is allowed on University
land without a Saltwater Disposal Agreement. Such agreements must be negotiated with University
b. Any salt water or other unauthorized fluid discharge on University land must be immediately
reported to the University Lands designated Field Representative via email. Please refer to the Soil
Remediation Guide for clean-up requirements:
http://www.utlands.utsystem.edu/forms/pdfs/Soil_Remediation_Guidance.pdf. Damages
resulting from salt water or other fluid discharge will be assessed per the most recent University Lands
Rate and Damage Schedule.

XI. FLOW LINES (Oil, Gas, Water)

a. All new and replacement flow lines shall be placed within thirty (30) feet of lease roads. Any
deviation must be approved in writing by the University Lands designated Field Representative. Each
flow line must be identified every 1,000 feet with the following:
• Operator Name
• Operator Phone Number
• Block
• Section
• Well Name and Number
Acceptability of surface laid vs. buried lines will be determined on a case –by-case basis, and the layout
of all proposed flow lines must be approved via email by the University Lands designated Field
Representative before beginning construction. All lines greater than four (4) inches must be buried to
a minimum depth of 36 inches (3 feet). PVC piping material is not allowed as construction
b. All flow and water lines must be buried under roads with a minimum twelve (12) inches overburden
in a manner that protects the lines from damage. The line locations must be identified by signs at each
road crossing.
c. All unused flow and water lines, thread protectors, excess connections, fittings, trash, and debris
must be removed from the lease immediately after lines are installed or repaired.


a. The Pipeline Company (Gas or Oil Purchaser/Transporter) must notify the University Lands
designated Field Representative via email within three (3) days of a scheduled pipeline installation,
repair, or replacement. The line must be identified by:
• Operator Name
• Operator Phone Number
• Block
• Section
• Line Identification Number
• University Lands’ Easement Number
b. In the event of an emergency repair or replacement, the University Lands designated Field
Representative must be notified by the pipeline company via email concurrently with the DIG TESS or
One Call notification process.
c. Most major gas pipelines are covered by University Lands easements issued to pipeline companies
and these pipelines are their responsibility. However, it is common for smaller diameter gas lines to be
installed by a pipeline company for the benefit of an Oil and Gas Operator, i.e. to carry produced gas
from a production battery located on an Oil and Gas Lease to a main gas gathering line. If a University
Lands easement has not been issued for a gas gathering line to either the gas gathering company or the
Oil and Gas Operator, removal of the line and related equipment is primarily the responsibility of the
Oil and Gas Operator. Gas gathering lines and related equipment not being used must be removed from
the premises.
d. The owner of the gas gathering lines and related equipment must know the location of these lines
and related equipment, including meter housings, risers, gas lines, gas gathering lines, etc. Except in
emergency situations, ADVANCE notification via email must be given to the University Lands
designated Field Representative of leaks, repairs, replacements, or removal of gas gathering lines, meter
housing, risers, etc. Damages may be due per the most recent University Lands Rate and Damage


a. Rules and Regulations as stated in the Board for Lease Rules (or successor) and under Natural
Resources Code, Section 89.002(a)(12), an “ ‘inactive well’ means an unplugged well that has had no
reported production, disposal, injection, or other permitted activity for a period of greater than twelve
(12) months:” the rules and regulations for inactive wells must be followed.
b. Prior to abandonment of a well or tank battery, the University Lands designated Field
Representative must be notified via email. After abandonment of a well or tank battery, caliche must be
removed down to the natural grade. Additionally, the restored ground surface must be ripped. Re-
seeding is required by University Lands; the procedures can be found at:
http://www.utlands.utsystem.edu/forms/pdfs/SeedMixturesByCounties20080912.pdf .
c. All abandoned production equipment, flow lines, power poles, transformers, power lines, fencing,
gas meter runs, and all other material related to the lease must be removed from the lease.
d. Lease restoration must be approved by the University Lands designated Field Representative via
e. In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 66.83(d), “personal property, including casing,
equipment, and fixtures remaining on lands covered by the lease more than one (1) year after the
expiration or other termination of the lease shall be considered to be abandoned.” University Lands
may take title to abandoned personal property in any manner and keep or use the proceeds for any
purpose allowed by law. The Operator will be liable to University Lands for the positive difference
between the cost of disposing of abandoned personal property and the proceeds, if any, from the
disposition. However, this provision is at the discretion of University Lands, and it should not be
understood to relieve Operator from any responsibility under this Manual or otherwise.


NOTE: Royalties are due on any lost oil or gas.
a. All facilities are to be identified in accordance with the requirements of Statewide Rule 3, 16 Texas
Administrative Code §3.3 promulgated by the Texas Railroad Commission.
b. Email notification to the University Lands designated Field Representative is required prior to
constructing or repairing roads.
c. Water lines, flow lines, gathering lines, separators, tank batteries, and other storage equipment must
be kept free from leaks. If failures occur, spills must be immediately reported by email to the
University Lands designated Field Representative. Approved action must be taken to remedy the
situation. Royalties are due on any lost oil or gas. Surface and/or environmental damages resulting
from leaks or spills may be due. Remediation is required per Statewide Rule 91, 16 T.A.C §3.91 and at
any time upon request by University Lands.
d. Surplus equipment, tanks, pipe, tubing, sucker rods, flow lines, and all other material not used to
produce the lease may not be stored on University land and must be removed immediately. If storage of
surplus equipment is required by the Operator, a surface lease must be obtained from University Lands.
Any equipment that is not anticipated for use within the next thirty (30) days will be considered stored
on the site and may be assessed penalties for non-compliance.


a. Operator may only use lease roads constructed for purposes of oil and gas exploration and
production. Use of ranch roads, pipeline rights-of-way, etc. is prohibited for oilfield operations.
b. Construction of new roads or alteration of existing roads requires prior written approval from the
University Lands designated Field Representative.
c. Existing and new lease roads must be maintained by the Oil and Gas Operator(s) at all times.
Immediate attention is to be given to mud holes or washouts of roads to preclude the widening or
alteration of roads by driving around the damaged area. Mud holes and washouts are to be filled with
suitable material. Failure to properly maintain roads will result in additional charges for damages per
the most recent University Lands Rate and Damage Schedule. Driving into pastureland to avoid
mud holes, washouts, or speed bumps is expressly prohibited and will result in a minimum
penalty of $3,000 per occurrence.
d. Only University Lands approved cattle guards may be installed, and they must be maintained and
kept clean at all times. Cattle guards are solely the responsibility of the Operator. Cattle guards are
not the responsibility of University Lands or the University Lands grazing lessee. Cattle guards are
allowed by University Lands as a convenience to the Operator; therefore, the Operator is responsible
for all maintenance of cattle guards that provide access to an Oil and Gas Lease.
e. Cattle guards adjacent to public roads are of particular concern to University Lands. There is an
inherent danger of livestock accessing public roads through improperly maintained or non-functional
cattle guards. For this reason, it is important for Operators to evaluate the need for each cattle guard;
those that are not absolutely necessary should be removed. In some situations, it may be appropriate
to close some currently active roads and build new ones to consolidate access through fewer cattle
f. At the request of University Lands, the Operator(s) must install an approved gate with a locking
wheel at any designated cattle guard. The wheel must provide a space for a University Lands lock
and a space for the University Lands grazing lessee’s lock. A locked gate controls unauthorized
access, prevents loss of livestock, and provides safer conditions for the traveling public. All locks
must be clearly labeled by the owners to identify those having access to the lease.
g. Regarding roads, cattle guards, and gates utilized in common by multiple users, Operators will
be jointly and severally liable for all maintenance, repairs, and damages.
h. All activities regarding removal and gating of cattle guards should be coordinated with the
University Lands designated Field Representative. Should Operators wish further clarification please
contact the Associate Director- Surface Interests, Richard Brantley, at (432) 684-4404.

The maximum speed limit on University land lease roads is thirty (30) mph unless otherwise posted.
The Operator is liable for any damage resulting from excessive speed or unsafe operation.


a. Keep grass and all combustible materials clear from all pumping units and tank batteries.
b. Electric lines running from a power source to the pumping unit must be buried with a minimum
twelve (12) inches of ground cover.
c. The Operator is responsible for all fire damages attributable to their operations and is accountable
for any subsequent damage payments for loss of grazing land and/or fencing.


a. No person may possess or consume alcoholic beverages or any controlled substances while on
University land.
b. Hunting and fishing are not allowed by the Oil and Gas Lease on University land.
c. Firearms or other weapons are not allowed on the Oil and Gas Lease.


Options available to University Lands to assure Operator and Pipeline Company compliance with the
conditions set forth in this University Lands Operations Manual include, but are not limited to:
a. Payments or penalties assessed as per the University Lands Rate and Damage Schedule.
b. As stated in Article 3.38 of the Board for Lease (or successor) Rules, assessment of a penalty in
the greater amount of $750.00 or $25.00 a day will be charged for unresolved violations, if such
violations are not corrected within a thirty (30) day period.
c. Referral to the Attorney General under Texas Education Code, Section 66.46(i): The
construction, maintenance, ownership, or possession of a facility or structure on University land
without a proper easement or lease is a violation of the code and may result in enforcement action
and penalties ($50/day minimum up to $1,000/day maximum) per violation.
d. Referral to the appropriate County Attorney under Texas Health and Safety Code, Section
365.012. This section makes illegal the disposal of litter or solid waste at a place not designated for
such disposal, and imposes penalties ranging from a misdemeanor up to a state jail felony for
e. Lease forfeiture by action of the Board for Lease of University Lands (or successor) or easement
termination by action of the University of Texas Board of Regents.
f. Unauthorized use of the surface of the premises constitutes a trespass and causes injury to the
land. If University Lands is forced to remediate this problem, the responsible party may be assessed
penalties and will be held liable for all expenses reasonably incurred.


For illustrations of University approved installations, please refer to the following website:

a. If any person is observed on University land without an apparent business purpose, please notify the
University Lands designated Field Representative immediately.
b. Damage to any University land by an Operator or its agents must be immediately reported to the
designated Field Representative. Repairs or damages due will be determined by the designated Field
Representative per the most recent University Lands Rate and Damage Schedule.

The following list provides contact information for appropriate University Lands' personnel,
including telephone numbers and areas for which they are responsible.


Nick Alejandro
Cellular: 830-889-4335
Fax: 432-687-1812
Crane, Ector, Pecos, & Terrell Counties
Email: [email protected]

Drew McEachern
Cellular: 432-634-4108
Fax: 432-687-1812
Andrews, Culberson, Dawson, Gaines, Hudspeth, & Martin Counties
Email: [email protected]

Brazos Peacock
Cellular: 432-940-4392
Fax: 432-687-1812
Crockett, Reagan, & Upton Counties
Email: [email protected]

Michael Taylor
Cellular: 432-940-4945
Fax: 432-687-1812
Loving, Ward, Winkler, Culberson, Hudspeth & El Paso Counties
Email: [email protected]

Jeff White
Cellular: 432-556-2564
Fax: 432-687-1812
Crockett, Irion, Reagan & Schleicher Counties
Email: [email protected]


Jim Buice
Midland Office: 432-684-4404
Fax: 432-682-7456
Email: [email protected]


Steven Brite
Cellular: 214-531-2974
Fax: 432-687-1812
Email: [email protected]

Daniel Bryant
Cellular: 432-661-6808
Fax: 432-687-1812
Email: [email protected]


Joe Petersen
Midland Office: 432-684-4404
Fax: 432-687-1812
Email: [email protected]

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