Winload Calculation NSCP
Winload Calculation NSCP
Winload Calculation NSCP
qz= 1.42 Kz
h' = 4.06 m
hT= 9.63 m
Kz = 0.711
qh = 1.01 kPa
G= 0.85
Gcpi= 0.18 or -0.18
P = 0.85 q Cp ± 0.182
Windward Roof
h/L = 0.21 Cp =
Calculation on the Wind Load for MWFRS
based on NSCP 2015 and ASCE7-05
Calculation on the Wind Load for MWFRS
based on NSCP 2015 and ASCE7-05
0.42 0.46
Windload Case A
Calculation on the Wind Load for MWFRS
based on NSCP 2015 and ASCE7-05